HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 433 Adopting TXU Gas Distribution’s ratesTOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 433 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS FINDING, AFTER REASONABLE NOTICE AND HEARING, THAT TXU GAS DISTRIBUTION'S RATES AND CHARGES WITHIN THE TOWN SHOULD BE CHANGED; DETERMINING JUST AND REASONABLE RATES; ADOPTING GENERAL SERVICE RATES INCLUDING RATE CHARGES TO BE CHARGED FOR SALES AND TRANSPORTATION OF NATURAL GAS TO RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS; PROVIDING FOR RECOVERY OF RATE CASE EXPENSES; PRESERVING REGULATORY RIGHTS OF THE TOWN; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake, Texas, acting as a regulatory authority, has previously suspended the effective date of TXU Gas Distribution's ("Company") application to increase rates in the Town in order to study the reasonableness of that application; and WHEREAS, the Town or a consultant retained by the Town evaluated the merits of the Company's application; and WHEREAS, the Town in a reasonably noticed public hearing considered the Company's application; and WHEREAS, the Town has determined that the Company's rates within the Town should be changed and that the Company's application should be granted, in part, and denied, in part. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1: On March 1, 2002, TXU Gas Distribution, a division of TXU Gas Company ("Company") filed with the Governing Body of this municipality a Statement of Intent to Change Residential, Commercial and Industrial Rates charged to consumers within this municipality. Also filed was the Tariff for Gas Service in the North Texas Metroplex Distribution System ("Tariff for Gas Service") and the supporting cost of Service Schedules ("Schedules"). SECTION 2: That the existing rates and charges of TXU Gas Distribution are hereby found, after reasonable notice and hearing, to be unreasonable and shall be changed as hereinafter ordered. The changed rates resulting from this Ordinance are hereby determined to be just and reasonable rates to be observed and in force within the Town. SECTION 3 The Company has agreed to modify the rates proposed in its Statement of Intent and the modified rates are reflected in the revised Tariff for Gas Service attached hereto as Exhibit A. SECTION 4: The maximum general service rates for sales and transportation of natural gas rendered to residential, commercial and industrial consumers within the Town limits of Westlake, Texas by TXU Gas Distribution, a division of TXU Gas Company, a Texas corporation, its successors and assigns, are hereby fixed and approved as set forth in the revised Tariff for Gas Service attached hereto as Exhibit A. The rates reflected in the attached Rate Schedules entitled Residential Service, Commercial Service, Industrial Sales, Industrial Transportation and Industrial Sales & Transportation are found to be reasonable. Nothing contained herein shall limit the right of industrial and transportation customers with competitive options to negotiate rates with the Company that differ from approved tariffs. SECTION 5: All electric generation customers are included as Industrial Transportation customers under the applicable transportation rate schedule. SECTION 6: The Rate Adjustment and Surcharge Provisions set forth in the revised Tariff for Gas Service attached hereto as Exhibit A and entitled Gas Cost Adjustment, and Tax Adjustment, are approved. SECTION 7: The Company shall have the right to collect such reasonable charges as are necessary to conduct its business and to carry out its reasonable rules and regulations. Such miscellaneous service charges are identified in Rate Schedules 9001 through 9008 of the attached revised Tariff for Gas Service. SECTION 8: Cities' rate case expenses are found to be reasonable and shall be reimbursed by the Company. The Company is authorized to recover the rate case expenses reimbursed to Cities and the Company's rate case expenses, up to the amount agreed to, through a per Mcf surcharge as set forth in the Rider entitled Surcharges in the attached revised Tariff for Gas Service. SECTION 9: The aforesaid rate schedules and riders herein approved shall be effective for bills rendered on or after February 1, 2003. SECTION 10: The rates set forth in this Ordinance may be changed and amended by either the Town or Company in any other manner provided by law. Service hereunder is subject to the orders of regulatory bodies having jurisdiction, and to the Company's Rules and Regulations currently on file with the Town. SECTION 11: Unless otherwise noted herein, other than TXU Gas Distribution (a named party), no person or entity has been admitted as a party to the rate proceeding. SECTION 12: It is hereby found and determined that said meeting at which this ordinance was passed was open to the public, as required by Texas law, and that advance public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given. SECTION 13: The Ordinance shall be served on TXU Gas Distribution by U.S. Mail to the Company's authorized representative, Autry Warren, Rates Manager, TXU Business Services, 1601 Bryan Street, Dallas, Texas 75201-3411. SECTION 14: Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be construed now or hereafter in limiting or modifying, in any manner, the right and power of the Town under law to regulate the rates and charges of TXU Gas Distribution. SECTION 15: All ordinances, resolution, or parts thereof, in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of such conflict. Examples of such ordinances or resolutions that are deemed repealed are all ordinances or resolutions concerning Military Rates -N, Cost of Service Adjustments, Plant Investment Cost Adjustments, and Weather Normalization Adjustments. To the extent Public Authority Rates, Commercial Contract Rates or Military Rates -N are in effect in the Town those rates are specifically repealed as they are now a part of the Commercial rates and are calculated in accordance with the revenue requirement for Commercial customers. SECTION 16: The rate schedules included in the Tariff for Gas Service supersede and replace all other tariffed services provided by TXU Gas Distribution except as expressly contained within the Tariff for Gas Service. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 9"` DAY OF DECEMBER 2002. ATTEST: ,.r A- ( -,,� ing Crosswy, Town 'ecretary APPROVE AS TO FORM: L. ton, To Attorney Scott Bradfey, MayorLf Trent Petty, Town M er 12/03/02 10:30 FA.1 512 492 0532 LLOYD GOSSELINK Z014/033 Txu TARIFF FOR GAS 'SERVICE IN THE NORTH TEXAS METROPLEX DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM TXU GAS DISTRIBUTION EXHIBIT A TO ORDINANCE NO, 12/09/02 10:30 FAX 512 472 0532 LLOYD G055ELM Tariff for Gas Service - NT Metro System , Appeaf Cities TXU Gas Distribution IN N .RATE SCHEDULE: index of (Rates 9001 No. 4530 APPLICABLE TO, See list of Applicable Cities Below REVISION_ 0 DATE; PAGE. 1 of 2 INDF- DF RATES A 1.191 OF APf!UQABLt CITI9S RATES: 4631 Residential Service 4632 Commercial Service 4641-4643 Industrial Sales 4644 Industrial Transportation 4651 industrial Sales and Transportation RATE AW.USTMENT PROVi�IONS; OD41 Gas Cost Adjustment SD142 Tax do Franchise Fele Adjustment $043 Surcharge.$ MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE CHARGES: 9001 Connection Charge 9002 Read for Change Charge 9043 Rertumeed Chock Charges 9004 DellnWent Notification Cham 9005 Maid Dine Extension Hate 9408 Excess Flaw Valve Chargee 9007 Certain standby Gas Generators 9008 Temporary Discontinuance of Service Z015/033 AV -2u rAA 019 41L UOJZ LLOYD GOSSELINE Q016/033 Tariff for Gas Smyloe - NT Metres System - Appeal Cities TXU !Gas Distrrbution LIST QF APPLICABLE CITIES: North Toxas Metroplex Distribution System (NT Metro System) Appeal Cities Addison Allen Argyle Arlirsgton Belch Springs Bedford Blue Ridge Carrollton Col leyville Coppell Corinth Corral City Dalworthington Gardens Denton Desoto Double Oak Doncanvilie F-uless Fairview Farmer's Branch Flower Mound Frisco Garland Glenn Heights Grapevine Hickory Creek Highland Village Hurst Hutch;ns Irving Justin Keller Lewisvi II e Lincoln Paris Little EJrn Mansfield McKinney Murphy Northlake Pantego Plano Princeton Richardson Rowlett Sachse Seagoville Southlake The Colony Trophy Club Westlake Wylie 12/0.3/02 10:30 FAX 512 972 0532 LLOYD GOSSELINX Tarts for Lias Service d HT Metro System • Appeal Cities TXU Lias Distribution FATE SCHEDULE! Residential Service No. 4631 APPLIGAt3LE T4: REVISION: 4 DATE: ♦EFFECTIVE DATE, PAGE: 1 OF 1 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE monthly Rate: Subject to aWficabte adjustments, the following rates are the maidmum applicable to residential consumers per meter per month odor any part of a month forwhich gas service is available at the same location. Customr Charge (Minimum 16111) $ B.0000 All Consumption 0 0.8848 Per MW 9 the Service period is 19.55 than 26 days in a month the customer charge is $2857 times the number o` days service„ If the consumption contains a portion of an Mci, a prorate portion of the per Mcf charge will be made_ Bills are due and payable when rendered and must be paid within fifteen days ftDm monthly billing date. OTHER APPLICABLE RATE SCHEDULES Rate Adjustment Provisions: B441 Gas Cyst Adjustment 8042 Tax & Franchise Fee Adjustment 8449 Surcharges Misretlaneous/Senrice Charges: 9401 Connection Charge 9002 Read for Change Charge ' 9009 Returned Check Charges 9004 Delinquent Notification Charge 9405 Main Line Extension Rate 9006 Excess Raw Valve Change 9007 Certain Stand -By Gas Generators 9006 Temporary Discontinuance of Service Charge Z017/033 12/01/02 10:31 FAX 512 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELYK IZ 0181033 Tariff for Gas Service . NT Metro System - Appeal Cities TXU Das Distribution RATE SCHEDULE- Commercial Service No. 4632 APPLICABLE TO; REVISION. 4 DATE; EFFECTIVE PAGE: I OF 1 11 01AMERCIAL SERVICE Monthly Hate; Customer Charge (Minimum Bill) $ 14,0000 First 30 Mcf M 0.9978 Per Incl !Next 320 Mct a 0.0929 Per Md Over $50 Mcf a 0.8214 Per Mof If the service period is less than 28 days in a month the customer charge is $.5000 times the number of days service. if the consumption contains a portion of arl Md, a prorata portion of the per Mcf charge will be made. Bills are due and payable when rendered and must be paid within fifteen days from monthly billing datev OTHER APPLICABLE RATE SCHEDULES Rate Adjustzmnt Provisions; 8041 Gas Cost Adjustment ' 8042 Tax 8 Franchise Fee Adjustment 8043 Surcharges Miseellansou Mervice Charges: 8001 Connection Charge 9W2 Read for Change Chi 9008 Returned Check Charges 9004 Delinquent Notification Charge 9005 Main line Extension Rate 9000 Excess Flow Valve Charge 9007 Certain Stand -By Gas Generators 9008 Temporary Discontinuance of Service Charge 1z/U/OY 10;31 FAX 612 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELINK U019/033 Tariff for Gas Servit* - NT Metro System - Appeal Cities TXU Gas Distribution RATE SCHEDULE, Industrial Sates Nos. 4641 thru 4643 APPLICABLE TO-, FIEVISION, 0 DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE. 1 OF 2 1NDUsTH AiL SALE Monthly F7atez. The following rata schedules are hereby amended or superseded as follows: RaJk-$0h dine fags. 40-N Industrial Rates -N -Texas (Amerxied) 3291 Industrial Rates-NNEMETRO Northeast Metro (Amended) 4111-4113 industrial Sales Corinth / Lincoln Park (Superseded) 4121-4123 Industrial Sales - Nol%t wW Metro / Mid Cities Distribution System (Superseded) 4211-4213 Industrial Sales -l=ast Region Distribution System (Superseded) Subjectto Comparry's limitations on the availability of each rate, CUstoMrshali receive service underit€ choice of one of the following rates in accordance with the rate selected by Customer as provided in the contract In all either respects, the above listed amended rate schedules remain in affect as filed with ft Gies listed in Rate Schedule No, 4630. 100% of the increase in industrial margin is to accrue to the benefit of TXU Gas Distribution_ The above fisted rates are closed to new customers as of the effective date of this rate schedule. Current customers taking service pursuant to this rats schedule will no longer be eligible for this sorvlce uper contract termination. Durrant customers may convert their existing contract to new Fate Schedule No. 4651. When the final contract subject to this rate expires or is termlrrated, this rate schedule will be cancelled. RATE 4641 First 125 Mof or less S 325.00 AK over 125 Mcf a $ 1.940 per Mot RATE 4642 First 804 Mof or less $00,00 All over W Mcg a $ 1.769 Per Mcf RATE 4643 First 1.260 Mcf or less 5 1,450.00 All over 1,250 M& a $ 1.592 per Mcf In all either respects, the above listed amended rate schedules remain in affect as filed with ft Gies listed in Rate Schedule No, 4630. 100% of the increase in industrial margin is to accrue to the benefit of TXU Gas Distribution_ The above fisted rates are closed to new customers as of the effective date of this rate schedule. Current customers taking service pursuant to this rats schedule will no longer be eligible for this sorvlce uper contract termination. Durrant customers may convert their existing contract to new Fate Schedule No. 4651. When the final contract subject to this rate expires or is termlrrated, this rate schedule will be cancelled. 12/03/02 10:31 FAI 512 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELM Tariff for Gas Service m NT Meb-o System - Appeal Cities TXU Gss Distrlbutlon ME RATE SCHEDULE: Industrial Sales Nos_ 4641 thru 4649 APPLICABLE TO: REVISION: 0 DATE: EFFE"VE DATE: PAGE: 2 OF 2 APPLICABLE RATE SCHEDULES: Rate Adjustment ProvWons! 804,2 Tax & Frarpahiss Fee A4ustmerrt 6043 Surcharges Z020/033 12/03/02 10:31 FAX 51.2 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELINK Tariff for Gas Servic* - NT Metro System s Appeal Cities TXU Gas Distribution RATE SCHEDULE: Industrial Tmnappdiction Pilo, 4644 APPLICAR" TO: REVISION., 0 DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: 1 OF 1 INDUSTRIAIR TRANSPORTATION Monthly Rates: The fee For industrial transportation service is $ 0.915 per MMBTU deflvered plus applicable taxes exclusive of the backup fee. The above transportation fees include both the fees incurred to move the gas from the receipt point on the transmission system to the cdty gas and the fee incurred to move :the gas from the city gate to the cuslorner's facll'rty. If the fees frartransportation service on the transmission system change, the above fee will be adjusted to reflect the overall transportation rate charged to Customers_ For Industrial Transportation customers, the quantity of transportation gas received into the CwVanyrs dWnbubon system for the customers account will be reduced by the Companys current iost and unaccounted -for -gas percentage as reflected in the volume factor on Rate Schedule No. 8041, 10091c of the increase in transportation fees incurred to move the gas from the city gate to the aust?orne s facility is to accrue to the benefit of TXU Gas Di&lbuSon, This rate schedule is closed to new customers as of the effective date of this rate schedule. Current customers taking service pursuant to this rate schedule will no longer be eligible for this service upon contrao termination. Current customers may convert their existing contract to new Rate Schedule No. 4651. When the final contract subject to this rate schedule expires or is terminated, Rate Schedule No, 4644 will be cancelled. APPLICABLE RATS SCHF-DULESs Rate Adjustment ProMisions; 8042 Tax & Franchise l=ee Adjustment 8043 Surcharges Z021/033 12/U/02 10:31 FAI 512 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELINK 4022/033 Tariff for Gays Service - WT Metro System . Appeal Cities TXU Gas Distribinioon RATE SCHEDULE: Industrial Sales & Trans station Ne- 4651 APPLICA13LE TO: REMIGN, 0 DA'T'E: FFFECTIYE DATE: PAGE, I OF 2 ItIDUSTHIAL SALES AND TRANSPORTATION Monthly Rates: RATE 4851.3 (SALES) Customer Charge (Minimum Bqf) $200.00 per meter Btu transported per month Rate/MlMl3tu First 1.540 MMS3tu $0.5048 Next 3,WO MMBtu $0.4617 Next 45,000 MMBtu $0.a6C7 over 50,040 MM6tu $0,1404 RATE 4651-T (TRANSPORTATION) Customer Charge (Minimum Bill) `fi200.00 per meter Stu transported per month Rate/MMBtu First 1,500 MMBtu $0.5043 Next $,Soo Maw $0.4617 Next 45,000 MM Btu $0.3667 Over 50,000 MMBtu $0.1404 AvailablIRT. Availability is subject to Texas Utl'tities Corse (TUC) Section 1 D4.043(b). In the absence of TUC Section 104.003(b) rates, the rates shown in this rate schedule are available to industrial customers. Rate 4651-S (Sales) is not available to electric generation customers. Adjustment for Gas Cost: Each industrial custorner recelving sales service under this rate schedule shall pay the Company's cost of gas plus applicable transportation, storage, and other casts incurred to acquire the gas and move it to the city gate on a per MMBtu basis. The above gas cost will be adjusted by multiplying h bythe volume factor referenced in Bate Schedule No. 8D41. Rotention: For Industrial Transportation customers, the quantity of transportation gas received into the Company's distritau601) systema for the custOmer's account Wilt be reduced by the Company's current lost and unaccounted -for -gas percentage as reflected in the volume factor on mate Scheduie No. 8041. "I VJ/VIC lu: �$Z PAJk 01Z 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELINK Tariff for Gas Service - NT Metro System - Appeal Cities TXtf Gas Distribution RATE SCHEDULE: Industrial Sales & Transportation APPLICABLE TO: No_ 4651 REVISION; 0 DATE: EFFECTIVE DATE- PAGE: 2 QF 2 APPLICABLE RATE SCNE L1LES: Rate Adjustment Provisions: 8042 Tax & Franchise Fee Adjustment B043 Surcharges U023/033 14/va/uc iU::32 YAb 512 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELTNK 2024/033 Tardt for tains Service - NT Metra System - Appeal Cities TXU Cas Distribuaion RATE SCHEDULE: Gas Cast Mustment No. OD41 APPUCABLE 'T{7: [EFFECTIVE REVISION. 0 IPAGE:1 DATE: DATE: OF 1 11 GAS COST ADJUSTMENT Each rnonthly bill shall be adjusted for gas cost as tallows: (1) The crty gate rate applicable to current Mng month sales shall be calculated to the nearest W.OD01 per Mcf based upon: (a) A volume factor of 1.0273 determined in establishing the above rate for the distribution system as the ratio of adjusted purchased volumes divided by adjusted sales volumes. Said factor shall be adjusted annually following dsterminatior of the actual last and unaccourded for gas percentage based upon year ended June 30. (b) The city gate rate appik-ableito volzimes Purchased dwing the current calendar month, expressed to the nearest $0.0001 per Mol (shmm below as "CGR") In summary, the gas cost adjustment (GCA) shall be determined to the nearest X0,0001 per Mcf as. follows: GCA =1.0273 x CGH lc, vu,yc 42:04 PAA 01G 47Z 05:11 Li,0YD GOSSELM Z025/M Tariff foe Gas Service - NT Metro System . Appeal Coles TXU Gas Distribution fAPPUCABLE uCHEDUL.E: Tax 8 Fr�awbise Fee Ad usiment No. 8iaa2 TO: REVISION; 0 DATE_ EFFECTIVE DATE: PAGE: 7 OF 1 JAX & FRANCHISE FEE ADJUSTMF IT For customers inside the city limits of an incorporated city, each monthly billing, as adjusled, shall be adjusted for municipal franchise fees (street and alley rental assessments) and the state gross receipts takes irnpesed by Sections 182,021 a 182.025 of the Texas Tax Cede. Mijnicipal franchise flies are determined by each city`s franchise Q4nance, Each cis franchise ordinance will specify the percentage and applicability of franchise fees. Each rnonttrly bill, as adjusted, shall also be adjusted by an amount equivalent to tie proportionate part of any new tax, or any W Increase or decrease, or ;any increase or decrease of any other governmental imposition, rental fee, or charge (except slate, county, city and special district ad valorem taxes and taxes on net Income) levied, assessed or imposed subsequent to September 30, 2001, upon or allocated to the Gornpany"s distribution operations, by any new or amended law, ordinance or contract. Municipal franchise fees (street and alley rental assessments) and the state gross receipts taxes imposed by Sections 182-021 - 102.025 of the Texas Talc Code shall continue to be collected pursuant to individual industrial contracts. 12/03/02 10:32 FAX 512 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELINK Tariff for Gas Service - NT Metro System - Appeal Cities TXU Gas Distribution fEFFU R: Surch es No. 6043 ICABLE TO: REVISION, 0 DATE: CTNE DATE: IMAGE:1 OF 1 SU KARGE Rate Case Expense Surcharge. Rate cue expenses will be recovemd through a surcharge designed for a twelve-month nominal recovery period. The surcharge per Mcf will be Calculated by dividing the rate case expense lo be recovered by the adjusted annual sales volume to residential, cornmer6al, Industrial Sales, and industrtal Transportation customers. other Surebarges: TXU Gas Distribution will recover other surcharges as authorized by the relevant municipality, the Railroad Commission of Texas or the Texas Utilities Coda. e026/033 airu;riuz 1131 l'AA. 512 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELINK Tariff for Gas Service -NT Metra $ystpm • Appeal Cities TXii Gars Diistributivn RATE SCHEDULE: Miscellaneous Service Char es Noy. 5001 thry 5005 APPLICABLE TO: As Referuneed REVISION: 4 EFFECTIVE DATE. As Referenced IPAGE.110FL MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE CHARGES: 9WI Connection Charge The fallowing connection charges apply: heduie BUSlness HoUr5 After Hours (Residentlal & Commercial Ch_ Arae For each reconnection of gas service where service has beers discontinued at the same premises for any reason, for the initial inauguration of service, and Par each inauguration of service when the billable party has changed, with the following exceptions: (a) For a builder who uses gas ternporarily during construction or for display purposes. (b) Whenever gas service has been temporarily interrupted because of system outage or service work done by Company; or (c) For any reason deemed neassaryfor company operations. 8002 Rears Por Change Charge (Rmidential & cummercial) A read for change charge of $12.00 is made when it is MQRSSarY for a, company employee to read the lnster at a currently served location because of a change in the billable party, slow Returned Check Charges (Residential its Commerelso A returned Check handling charge of $18.25 is made for each check returned to the Company for any reason. 9004 Delinquent Notificstion Charge (Residential & Commercial) A charge of S4,75 shall be made for each trip by a Company employee to a customer's residence or place of business when there is an amount awed to the Company that is past due. This charge shall not be made when the trip is required for safety investigations or when gas sen4oe has beer temporarily interrupted because of system outage or senrbe work tone by Company. 9005 Main Line Extension Rata (Residential & Commercial) The charge for extending mains beyond the limit establishad by Franchise for residential, and commercial customers shall be based on the actual cost per foot of the extension. Z 027/433 12/03%02 10:33 FA -1. 512 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELINT Tariff for Gas Service -NT Metro System - Appeal Cities TXU Gras Distribution RATE SCHEDULE: Miscellaneous Service Charges Nos_ 0001 thru 90018 APPLICABLE TO: As Referenced REVI5IOk 0 EFFECTIVE DATE: As Referenced PAGE: 2 OF 2 9w6 Charge for installing and Maintaining an Excess Plow Valve (Residential) A customer may request the installation of an excess "flow valve on a new service line or on a service line being replaced provided that the service line will serve a single residence and operate continuous)y throughout the year at a pressure of not less than 10 psig. The custoiner will pay the actuaf cost incurred to install the excess flow valve. That cost will include the cost of the excess flow valve, the labor cost required to install the excess flow valve, and other associated costs. The estimated total cost to install an excess flow valve is $50.00. This, cost is based on installing the excess flow valve at the sarne time a service Una is installed or replaced. The excess flow valve will be installed on the service line upstream of the customer's meter and as near as practical to the main. A customer requiring maintenance, repair, or replacement of an excess flow valve will bs required to pay the actual cost of locating and repairing or replacing the excess flow valve. The cost to perform this Service will normally range from $200.00 to $2,000.00, depending on the amount of work required. This cost will be determined on an individual project basis, This tariff€ is being filed in accordance with the U.S. Department of Transportation rule requiring the installation of an excess flow valve. if requested by a customer, on new or replaced service lines that operate continuously throughout the year at a pressure of not less than 10 psis and that serve a single residence. The rule further states that the customer will bear all costs of iroWing and maintalrung the excess flaw valve. 9007 Recovery of Connection Costs Associated With Certain Stand -By Gas Generators {Commercial) Commercial customers installing slant -by gas generators to provide service in the everrt of an interruption in electric service in facilities where gas service is not otherwise provided will reimburse TXU Cas Distribution for the actual cost of acquiring and installing the regulator, service line. and rneter required to provide gas service for the stand-by generators. Gas service provided for the stand-by generators will be billed at the applicable commercial rate. 9006 Charge for Terhporary Dis=ntinuence of Service (Residential A Commercial) Whenever service under this rate Schedule has been temporarily disconnected at the request of tyre customer, a charge of $47.00 for residential and $73.75 for commercial plus the appropriate Connection Charge will be made to reestablish such service for that customer at the same :address. ig 028/033 1L/UJ/uz 1U;33 YAA 512 472 0.532 LLOYD GOSSELINTH s3nv¢�lc�a aoisiat7iri�oa..a►ai...:�Npividir�rivir.:no��rov! wwr�—[p451NNNAI��N� yyyy qqqq ii "� �H �w '� �► tvb �n a �w n�. nl 2 fY ' EEE `w asgag gas 2448augugs$agag&2agug gages &sagaganggaaa n 9 7R ik �r o04 o��oepw 4�60���oo ei noo#a$ aaj vio��d'cio4�ed 91 n.� M M� N4 Mew �aR M 33?t C '�. ��� sd di sv 83e�a�rw mdei ¢i pjc—sf er c�gac�c�a ws+im�mk.��a�'cjw�c�; ni ri r -q �rte7 o-1�sw0 �� �'E ' wwa iia Ing id a?1��►�'o #��~un`i x °�waii3 ""�'�u�ri h3 i g r p z� p x� H-0- "A W200 ST�p a�3lc� ®cog U0 n1�C3a 4�L �C]L'l� Sx Z4. C� tJ1 WFF i- �� may, Z029/033 12/03/02 10:.33 FAX 512 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELINK 4030/033 North Texas Metroplex Disulbution Systern For the Test Year Ending September 3D, 2001 Hesideritial Rate Design description Total .� Line 40 (h) {c} {d} �e1 (0 1 Residential Revenue Requirement _ 188,123,404 2 Less Revenue Related Taxes 0 5.0760%% 9,549,215 3 Less Gas Cost. 112,D85,835 4 $66.488,353 5 Less Revenue From Customer Charge 5,049,389 x Fe.50 40,075,112 6 Revenue Required From Consumption Rate 126,4131241 7 8 Residential Block 1 MCF /1/ 11,689,685 9 Residential Block 2 MCF 111 15,243,974 10 ResideMaf Block 3 MCF 11/2.,919,468 11 ti Total Residerial MCF _ 29,853,127 12 13 One Consumption Rate 14 Block 1 Consumption Rate 02245 $0.8848 15 Block 2 Consumption Rate 0,8700 $0.8848 16 Block 3 Consumption Rate 0,8031 $0,W48 17 18 1 Consumption Rate 4.8848 12/03/02 10:33 FAX. 512 472 0532 LLOYD GOSSELINK 11031/033 North Twws Metropiex Distribution Systern For the Test Year Eroding September 30, 2001 Comma ereial Rate Design Description Total Line (a) fib) (c? (d) M 1 Commercial Revenue Requirement 85,412,946 2 Less Revenue Related Taxes 0 5.07GC% 4,335,599 3 Less Cas Cost 64,450,600 4 $20,626,754 5 LM Revenue From Customer Charge 404,008 x 514,00 5,600,112 6 Revenue Required From Consumption date Si L,026 J$42' 7 6 Commercial Black 1 MCF /1/ 4,571,520 9 Commercial Bleck 2 MCF /1/ 9,096,761 10 C�ommercial Bleck 3 MCF /11 2,851,515 11 Total Commercial MCF 10,521,596 12 13 Block 1 Consumption Rate $[7.5578 14 Block 2 Consumption Rate $0.6928 15 Biock 3 Consumption Rata $5.8214 12/03/02 10.34 FAX 512 472 0532 LL. YL uunah?rn Korth Texas Metraplox Dlstrtufw BY06® Fol the ToW Year Errdk* September 80, ZW I industrial fiats Desi9c Dssorittion Total ter' L)ne (a) (b) Indust*1al ROYMU9 Requtrernerd 1c) (d)1 8.031.8E 2 Lam Roue Related T-" 0 6.0760% 407,700 3 Los Gas Goat — 2,1$'2,981 _ 55,481,17$ 4 5 Laos R6++tn s From Cuslomer Charge 9540 X x.00 708,000 B Revenue Rwwlred From C,gr�—Ptw RAtsw ,44� 7� .178_ 7 8 hViL irw BID& 1 3,5[37282 9 induslfrgl Block 2 MCF' 11! 2,`m 10 1r1dasbial Book 3 MCF ti 4,".K2 11 indusirW Bkx* d MQF 111 ___ 2.1401975 12 Trial industrlsl IMCF 1z2ff7 B'i'll Farts Mh1B1u Rale 13 14 Bkk* 1 Consunxpdon Rate x$170 1-527 5 0.5545 18 Block 2 Caasgr*PT l-ka $0.4741 1,VZ7 $ 0.4817 16 9la:k 3 CowtimpWn Bete '5.3768 1,027 $ 9,3667 17 Block A consumption lie $0,14A1 1.027 $ 0.1454 lz/vot uz lv;j4 rAA 014 41A Ua,YL LLVdi1 4�unosLlnn AvMh Taxan Motmpiox t73aiflbudun Symom For die 7aat Year Ending Sopbmbar 30, 2401 1ndw1risl Ram N Aaeign 1 Indushial Aevenua Aequtratner4 - lttdueLdBl Rete N $4.225,288 J 2 3 Lws Revernte Reialed Taxee 0 214,527 4 1r, Gan Cost 1,093."0 2.8986. 2 942,545 5 pmpowd Base Rate Fiaverrte 61,06;x,193 6 7 B 8 Exialli-V Rata SO rig Units flMMA 10 Rate 1 11 Fust 125 Mcr or fess 202-3901) 2r684 1514,88➢ 12 Over 126W 1,5e80 $111,0513 St,267094 13 11,781,978,70 14 Rete 2 15 Fitat Wo Mol or less 905.2680 84 $76,042 1s Over OWMd 1.43+10 31,114 W,617 17 $1ni0,6a8,98 1b fiats 3 19 Fust 1250 Lid or lass 1,742,12(10 36 $62,93F 20 Over 1260 Mcf 1.5740 28,975 Sod 498 21 SPi,614-84 22 ?3 GGA Revenue 1,x93 640 1.6906 E1,048,90B 24 Subtotal S3,8+43,155 25 Gas Cost 1,043,6-00 26906 W_942,546 213 marpinForTransporlatnn Slio0,60E 8.5 $4617,304 27 28 Adjusted Revenue Requirement wtth Trsrlsporlattan $4,575,571 28 30 31 92 23 Proot of RHvsnua arH,e Pronased Rites 34 BS Rata 1 Proposed Rates WIlIng UrAs fbuenue 36 First 12S Md or lees 325,00 2,544 5&23, 800 37 ov6r 125 Md 1.940 801,458 „ 51,555,7.96 3B 8ubtalal $2,382, MAD ss 40 Rate 2 41 Fust 000 F4 er less X70 w 64 567,200 42 Over60o[ufc? 1,7139 31,114040 43 Subtotal 51222401.25 44 45 iRata 3 45 First 1250 Md or Mvs 1450.00 36 $52,200 47 Over 1250 me 1392 20,975 WSAW 48 Subtotal 585,433,32 ae SA ^aubt6181 a] Rates 1, A. and 3 82,589,272 51 GGARevenuo 1,093.640 1.8805 $j,8dS,908 52 &blbw 4,439,180 .53 Awanus Related Texas 07.04 54 Tolal $4,676,554 12103/02 10:27 FA% 512 472 0532 LLUYV GU�ibhLiNYL L vvaluo.) :J .E4Pp� hN 5O, -+kms P1h1�} py'' I� to .?N GPY('i� M$NE V W24ow P�]h� Y IG N iJ 4 +- � !0 W 4 f7i 5yr��ivie��:rit:ririr�riNNhNi,-r�nievrirvtv.'-n r7 �✓, 1y1y .p c� mr�u�'�rm�$1ii- mmom47 t� s m mr�roi+--S M1 r�Nnr1 'DMnennro [V [9 P-1^1` m N SV W m p y* •%-fOIX �Mi Q Of tR� 4] Yf' � �a lam. h -1V r �{ry 11 Pw M1 W FTwrm„na �w w�*'ll yr n�nn” b who AMW� 1V faA AYNTn��r� Bio » nrt rt �d'd'➢"��� �5g }F,'H:R�'�:��e2. +�'. n r'.•Fk:F��te�3�-`�:Il�ty}:iGF�_?2�e��`=a���' p Pc-- b G a—y. r• �' L'laaG- J � � n06YUL �4 r ocoO DCAocGa�-�vy7 Jj A-jooGb p Mr3G044Y 1? 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