HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-21-22 TC BOT Minutes4 T N E T 0 W H O F WESTLAKE MINUTES OF THE JOINT TOWN OF WESTLAKE TOWN COUNCIL AND WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING JUNE 21, 2022 PRESENT: Mayor Sean Kilbride, Council/Board of Trustee Members Carol Langdon, Chandrika Dasgupta, Anna White, and Kim Greaves. ABSENT: Council/Board of Trustee Member David Quint. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager/Superintendent Amanda DeGan, Deputy Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, Assistant Town Manager Troy Meyer, Interim Town Secretary Mary J. Kayser, Academy Attorney Janet Bubert, and Town Attorney, Stan Lowrey. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Kilbride called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF KELLER POLICE OFFICER Keller Police Chief Brad Fortune recognized Traffic Officer Danny Coulson and presented him with a Certificate of Merit. S. CITIZEN/PARENT COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Town Council or Board of Trustees on any matter, whether or not it is posted on the agenda. Individual citizen comments are normally limited to three (3) minutes; however, time limits can be adjusted by the presiding officer. The presiding officer may ask the citizen to hold their comment on an agenda item if the item is posted as a Public Hearing. The Town Council and Board of Trustees cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Town Council and Board of Trustees will receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. There were no speakers. 6. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: Mayor and Council Reports on Items of Community Interest pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0415 the Town Council may report on the following items: (1) expression of thanks, congratulations, or condolences; (2) information about holiday schedules; (3) recognition of individuals; (4) reminders about upcoming Town Council events; (5) information about community events; and (6) announcements involving imminent threat to public health and safety. TC/BOT Agenda — 06/21/2022 Page 1 of 5 Director of Communications Jon Sasser provided an update on upcoming and recent events and activities in Westlake. Town Manager Amanda DeGan made the following recognitions Jarrod Greenwood, Deputy Town Manager, for receiving the Credentialed Manager designation from ICMA, the International City/County Management Association Ginger Awtry, Finance Director, for her 18 years of service to the Town of Westlake and her retirement in July. Mechelle Bryson, Westlake Academy Executive Director, for her 9 years of service and her retirement. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Town Council and/or Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Council/Board Member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the Joint Town Council/Board of Trustees meeting minutes from the 05-23-2022, regular meeting. b.Consider approval of Resolution WA 22-11 Approving the Shared Service Agreement for the Regional Day School for the Deaf. Motion was made by Council Member White and second by Council Member Dasgupta to approve items 7a. and 7b. Motion passed 4-0. Quint absent. 8. REPORTS: Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as presented. (there will be no presentations associated with the report items) There will be no separate discussion unless a Town Council Member requests that report be removed and considered separately There were no reports scheduled. 10. Presentation and Discussion of the 2022 Residential Survey Results Ryan Murray with ETC Institute reviewed the 2022 Residential Survey results. 17. Consideration of Resolution WA 22-10 regarding Academic Employee Pay for SY 22-23. Motion was made by Council Member White and second by Council Member Greaves to approve Resolution WA 22-10 regarding Academic Employee Pay for SY 22-23 with only Exhibit A (6% midpoint increase). Motion passed 3-1 (Langdon abstained, Quint absent) (Per Section 2-36 of the Code of Ordinances, an abstention without a conflict of interest shall be recorded as a "no" vote in the minutes) 16. Presentation and discussion of alternate work schedule. DP Principal Dr. James Owen and MYP Principal Mr. Maxwell Ituah presented the alternate work schedule of a late start on Wednesday's that will allow for teacher collaboration. This item will be brought back as part of the Westlake Academy SY 22-23 Calendar for action TC/60T Agenda — 06/21/2022 Page 2 of 5 by the Board. 12. Consideration of Resolution 22-31, appointing Amy Piukana as Town Secretary for the Town of Westlake Motion was made by Council Member Langdon and second by Council Member Dasgupta to approve Resolution 22-31, appointing Amy Piukana as Town Secretary for the Town of Westlake. Motion passed 4-0. (Quint absent) 13. Consideration of Resolution 22-32, awarding the bid and approving the firm of BrooksWatson & Co., PLLC to perform independent auditing services Motion was made by Council Member Dasgupta and second by Council Member White to approve Resolution 22-32, awarding the bid and approving the firm of BrooksWatson & Co., PLLC to perform independent auditing services. Motion passed 4-0. (Quint absent) 9. Conduct a public hearing and consider Ordinance 948 approving an amendment to the approved site plan for Life Time Fitness, to be located at the southwest corner of Solana Blvd. and Sam School Road, in order to construct pickleball courts on the southern portion of the property including a corresponding reduction in site surface parking Ron Ruthven Planning and Development Director presented the staff report on Life Time Fitness. Megan Eaton Director of Development with Life Time Fitness addressed the Council. Mayor Kilbride opened the public hearing. There being no one wishing to be heard the public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Council Member White and second by Council Member Greaves to approve Ordinance 948 approving an amendment to the approved site plan for Life Time Fitness, to be located at the southwest corner of Solana Blvd. and Sam School Road, in order to construct pickleball courts on the southern portion of the property including a corresponding reduction in site surface parking. Motion passed 4-0. (Quint absent) 11. Presentation and Discussion of the proposed improvements of approximately 11 acres of open space located on Sam School Road Troy Meyer Assistant Town Manager provided the presentation of the proposed improvements to the open space located on Sam School Road. There was consensus to move forward with Phase I to include adding trees and ground cover, irrigation, timber steps, dry creek bed and concrete trails. Mr. Meyer will look at park/playground and creek cleaning as part of the project. This will be brought back to council for action at a later date. 14. Consideration of Resolution 22-33, approving a proposal with Control Specialist Services, LP for the purchase of a pump and motor to replace Pump Number One at the Existing Pump Station Motion was made by Council Member White and second by Council Member Dasgupta to approve Resolution 22-33, approving a proposal with Control Specialist Services, LP for the purchase of a pump and motor to replace Pump Number One at the Existing Pump Station. Motion passed 4-0. (Quint absent). 15. Consider Resolution 22-34 authorizing the Town Manager to enter negotiations with Glen TC/BOT Agenda — 06/21/2022 Page 3 of 5 Partners for architectural Phase I programing design services for campus sports facilities improvements. Motion was made by Council Member Greaves and second by Council Member Dasgupta to approve Resolution 22-34 authorizing the Town Manager to enter negotiations with Glen Partners for architectural Phase I programing design services for campus sports facilities improvements. Motion passed 4-0. (Quint absent). 18. EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no need for an additional executive session. The Town Council will conduct a closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code, annotated, Chapter 551, Subchapter D for the following: a. Section 551. 074(a)(1): Deliberation Regarding Personnel Matters — to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, of a public officer or employee: - Hiring of special legal counsel to review the Entrada PID 19. RECONVENE MEETING — not needed 20. TAKE ANY ACTION, IF NEEDED, FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS —not needed 3. PRE -COUNCIL WORKSHOP: a. Discussion/recap of Fiscal Year 22-23 Budget b. Review of items on 6/21/22 Agenda - did not discuss c. Council Member and Staff Teams to Work on Pending Issues 1. Athletics 2. PID Audit 3. Financial Reports d. Separation of the town manager role from the school leadership and making the school executive director position (Sean Wilson) a direct report to council. Ensure supporting all school staff report to the executive director. Intent is that executive director be empowered to handle all school matters. e. Establishing advisory committees through which residents can assist the council — bring back October/November f. Update and briefing on status of school portable replacement — Troy Meyer provided an update. g. Discussion of hiring management analyst to maximize school potential - hold until later h. Discussion that key employee positions need council approval. Hiring any key management positions such deputy/assistant town manager, chief of accounting, town secretary, fire department head, all department heads. For the school positions just council approval for executive director and principals. Discussion about the Council having input into hiring of key staff members informally. i. Discussion regarding the process of getting updates from Council review committees approved during May 23, 2022, Council meeting Council discussed the above listed items except as noted. 21. COUNCIL RECAP/STAFF DIRECTION. History of stipends, how they are assigned and how much time is put in supporting the activities. TC/BOT Agenda — 06/21/2022 Page 4 of 5 Send out the dollar bill graphic to residents as discussed and tell the story of the value of Westlake and Westlake Academy. Follow up on survey items Park/playground update on the 11 acres on Sam School Road by the Life Time Fitness Separation of Town Manager and Executive Director roles. 22. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: These items have been discussed by Town Council and scheduled to be placed on future Council Agendas allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. Future Agenda Items to be discussed: a. No items are scheduled for this meeting Future Agenda Items Already Discussed and Scheduled: a. Social media policy as it relates to bullying. (Wheat 11/15/21) ➢ Scheduled for Fall 2022 agenda (1124122) b. Social media education policy for K-12. (Wheat 11/15/21) ➢ Scheduled for Fall 2022 agenda (1124122) c. Council discuss and consider requiring developers to post a Development/Performance Bond on large projects moving forward. (White 12/13/21). ➢ Scheduled for August 2022 agenda This item can be removed 23. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business Mayor Kilbride adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m. APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON August 8, 2022. ATTEST: Amy M. Piuk na, Town Secretary Sean Kilbride, Mayor TC/BOT Agenda — 06/21/2022 Page 5 of 5