HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 438 Rezoning acerage in Planned Developments PD 3-8 and PD 3-7 TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANC� NO. 43$ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZQl'lTING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN O�° WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AMENDING APPR�XIlVIA'I'ELl' 39,6 ACRES AS ESTABLISHED IN �RDINANCE NO. 314 {PD NO. 3-S) AND Il`� ORDINANCE NO, 313-01 {PD NO. 3-7) TO PROVIDE FOR AN "O" OFFICE PARK USE, PROVIDING AN EXHIBIT "A" BEING A ZQNING EXHIBIT SHOWING THE AREAS BEiNG R�EZONED; FR4VIDI�i� FQR AN EXHIBIT "S" BEING A LEGAL DESCRIPTION; PROVIDING FOR GE1hiERAL REGU�AT�UNS; PROVIDING FOR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS; PItOVIDING FClR AREA REQUIREMENTS; �'RUVIDING FQR A SEVERABIL�TY CLAU�E; PRQVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFEC'TIVE DATE. WHEREAS, an August �,4, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlal�e, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Plan for the Town; a.nd WHEREAS, on November 13, 1992, the Board of Aldermen of the Tow�n of Westlake, Texas adopted a Comprehensive Zonin� Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on September 15, 1997, based upon the recornrnendations af the Planniilg and Zoning Commissian, the Baard of Aldermen of the Town af Westlake, Texas amended the Zoning Ordinance and tl�e subdivision re�ulations �y adoptii�� a Unif ed Development Cod� for the Town (the "Town"); az�d WHEREAS, on Septernber 14, 1998, the Board of Aldermen adopted Ordinance 314 rezoning an approximate 222.6-acr� tract of land to a Planned Development District known as "PD 3-8" and authorizing affice, office/industrial, and r�tail uses; and WHEREA�, on November 13, 2000, the Board of Aldennen adapted �rdin�nce 313-01 rezoning an approximate 210.4-acre tract of' land to a Planned Develop�ent Distxict known as "PD 3-7" and authorizing office, office carnpus, and public galf course uses; and WHEREAS, an analysis of the Town's codes and regulations has deterrnined that an amendrrr�ent to these c�des and regulatinns �r� required in oz-der to protect the health, safety, and welfare af t�e Tavvn a.�d to comply with �he developrnent �oals for low density residential development; and Page 1 of 7 WHEREAS, on May 15, 20(}3, the Planning and Zoning Commission af the Town has recomm�nded that the Zoning Ordinance as contained in the Unified Development Code be revised in accorda�ice with the procedures and processes established in that code for the Tawn; NOW, THEREFQItE, BE IT QRDAINED BY THE SQARD �F ALDERMEN �F TH� TOWN �F WESTLAKE, TEXAS: That the recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated herein, adopted by the Town and found to be true and correct. SECTI�N 1: General Re�ulations: The property as shotivrt in Exhibits "A" and "B" is h�reby rezoned in aceordance with this ordinance. The general regulatians a�d requirements of the property as shown in Exhibits "A" and "B" shall be identical tc� and consistent with the requirements of the zoning category "4" Office Park, described in Ordinance 314, Town of Westlake Uniform Developrr�ent Code, 11 2oning Exhi�iit A. Any amendment of PD 3-8 for the "O" land use s�all be accompanied hy a zonin� exhibit map drawn to scale that clearly indicates the location of the requested zoning, the land uses planned for the land use, the name of the applicant, the name of the owner, the date of preparation of the zon�ng exhibit, na�-tl� arrow and scale, and ar�y general notes deemed appro�riate. B. The zoning exhibit inap shall be a part of th� zoning amendment and shall be filled with the adopting ardinance. 1,2 Concept P�an,Development Plan, and Site Plans A. This amendment shall not reli�ve the developer of submitting and providing concept plans, deve�opment plans, and site plans as required by the Uniform Development Code. B. The concept plan and the traffic impact analysis, as required by t11e Unified Development Code, shall not be required at the time of zoning approval but shall be required to be provided at the time of site plan approval. 1,3 Allowable Uses A. In addition to the uses allawed in Section 1 of Ar�icle II af the Unified Development Code, the following uses shall be allowed: a. Emerge�cy Ambulance Services Page 2 of 7 b. Verti-stop and Heli-stap e. Heliport d. �lectric, Cable, and Fiber Optic S�vitching Station e. Water and Sewage Pumping Station (belova grade) f. Water and Sewage Pzunpi�g Station (above grade) g. Water, Sewer, Electric, and Gas Meters h. Electric Transformers i. Pri�vate Streets/Alleys/Drives j. LaundrylDry Cleaning {drop/pick) k. Gol�Clubhouse {Puh�ic or Private} l. HealthlSpa Facilities {Private) m. Cafeteria (Private) n. Job Printing, Lithography, P�inting, ar Blueprinting B, In additian to the uses allowed as accessory uses in Section 1 of Article II af the Unified Deveioprnent Code,the following accessory uses s�all be allowed: a. Child Daycare (Pri�vate, 7 or more) b. Restaurant, Cafe, ar Dining Facility c. Parking Structure d. Custom Business Services e. Recreatian Center(Private) f Athletic Courts g. Medical Laboratc+ry h. R&D Laboratory i. Conferencing Center (10,000 sq. ft. or smaller} G In ac�dition to the uses allowed by specific use permit in Section 1 of Article II of the Unified Development Code, the following specific uses shall be allowed: a. Water and Sewage Pumping Stat�on (abave grade) Page 3 of 7 b. Water Storage Tanl�and Pumping System (elevated or ahove grade) c. Athletic Pields D. The individual retail or service uses located as accessory uses shall not �xceed a total of 3,00� square feet E. Temporaiy Construction Office or temporary construction material stprage shall be limited to the period of construction. 1.4 Open Space & Trail System Open Space�, trail systems, and public recreational uses shall be subject to the Open Space plan of�the Town. Compliar�ce with requirements of the �pen Space plan shall be sl�awn on the required concept plan, develapment pla.n, or site plan as required by Section 2.2 of this ordinance. i.5 Thoroughfares Thoroughfares located adjacent to ar within the area of an "O" land use shall be subj�ct ta the Thorou�hfare Plan of the Town. 1.6 Applicable Town Ordinances A. Except ta the e�tent as provided by this ainendment, the "4" land use shall be subject to a�l regulatioans provided in the Uniform Development Cac�.e and otl�er Tawn ordinances as amended. B. Unless otherwise provided in this ardinance, re�ulatians as provided in Ordinance No. 307 Supplemiental Regulations to the PDs shall apply. SECTION_2:_ Development Standards. Land zoned as "0" land use shall be subject to the following development standards: 21 Density The maximum floor area ratio for structures located in t1�e "O" land use shall be 0.45:� far all sites not abuttin� a res;dentially zoned prop�rty located within the corporate limits of the Town or adjoining municipality 2.2 Building Height A. The rr��imum building height for all sites haviizg a 0.45:1 floo� area ratio sllall be five stories or 75 feet, whichever is less. B. The height limits imposed in�this 5ection 2.2—Building Height shall not apply to: Page 4 af 7 a. chimneys and vent staelcs, church spires, elevator shafts, penthouses, cupolas, entry features, skylights, or other architectural features that are not intei�ded �ox occupancy or storage; b. flag poles and similar devices; ar c. heating and air conditioning equipment, solar collectors, and similar equipment, fixtures and device� provi�ed sucl� equipment, fixtures, and devices are screened fro�n view witli a solid wall that is architecturally consistent with the design��'the building to which they are afitached. 2.3 �u�lding Size The minimum building size shall be 3,00� square feet. 2.4 Parking Reyuirements A. The minimum parking requirennents �or u�es located within the "O" land use shall conform to the requirei-nents pro�ided in Artieie f — Parking and Loading Standards of the Unified Development Code. B. Relief frarr� the parking requirements contained in Article 6 — parking and Loading Standards of the Unified D�evelc,prnent Coc�e fc�r developments that constitute a number of structures and inclucle shared parking or scheduled pa�king, s�all be permitted upon approval of a parlcing study that justifies any departuxe froin the regulations of Article b. Said parking study must be reviewed by the Torvn traffic engine�r and approved by tile Board of Aldermen upon recammendatio�by the Planning and Zoning Co�nrriission. C. No parking t�p floor of a parking structure, or floor that is open to the slcy, shall have area lightin� that extends abave the parapet wall of the top floar, or have lighting polcs or structures which exceed the averall height of poles or structures located in parking areas adjaeent ta such parking structure, All parking lat lighting shall have full-shielded cut-off of light and shall not have more than a 250-watt light sou�ce. SECTIQN 3; Area Reauirement: Land zoned as "O" land use shall be subjec� to the follow�ng area requireznents: 3.1 Minimum Lot Siize Tlae minimum lot size for lots in the "O" land use �hall be 100,0i�0 square feet. Hawever, �he lot size may be reduced by sp�cial exception af the Board of Aldermen Page 5 af 7 upon demonstration that said reduction in lot size is consistent with tl�e character and goal for�evelopment of"Q" Office Park land uses. 3.2 Minimum Lot VVidth The minimum Iat width for lots in the "�" land use shall be 200 feet meas�ed at the minirr�um f�ont yard setbac� distance for the "O" land use, with the exception of any area used far public use. 3.3 Front Yard Setback The rninirnum front yaxd setback for lots in the "O" land use shall be 50 feet. 3.4 Rear Yard Setback The minimum rear yard setback�or lots in the "�" land use shall be 50 feet. 3.5 Side Yard Setback The minzmu�r�. side yard setback for lots in the "()" land use shall be 45 feet, with the exception of any area used for public use. 3.6 Maximum Height Slope A. No structure located in the "O" land use shall exceed the height of a line drawn at a slope of 2:1 frpm any public right-af-w�y ar roadway easement. B. No structure located in the "O" Iand use shall exceed the height of a line drawn at a slope of 5:1 from a.�y abutting reside�t;al property line. C. If the grade of the ground rises ar falls from the point of origin of t11e slope line, the maximum'height �hall inerease or decrease by the difference in grade. 3.7 Scenic View Protection No struc�ure may extend beyond the elevation of 785 MSL. In addition, the Board of APdermen rnay require additional sight line illustrations andlar cross-sections through sites having maximum FAR requirements of 0.45:1. Additional restrictions on sites that threaten the view corridors along natural slopes may be applied by the Board. SECTION 4: 5ections, paragraphs, sentences, phxases, clauses ar�d words of this ardinance are severable, and if any �ection, paragraph, sentence, phrase, clause or word in this ordinance or applicat�on thereof �o any persan or circumstance is held invalid ar unconstitutional by a Caurt of competent jurisdiction, such holding sha11 not affect the va�idity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, and the Board of Aldertnen hereby Page 6 of 7 / � �✓ ; _ 6 � � i� �� � J . e � � � � � � % s� ��r� � o . :o. , � , o � � ^ � SITE � : '�n^ / 4 �— � o:�e � � � io � � _ . o �� � —��°� s�:€: �, e �� � �=06° 58' 05" - � ��4' R=3744. 72' � � ���� � `�� �, � e L=955. 42' � � �., 4 • � Q L. C. =N28° 01 ' 29" E ';,�^� � ( , S : :�_ � 455. 1 4 Sg 2�, PD 3-8 � ��-d S'- � B :6 � N 2 7 �' 4 7" ' 43"F \ ; ;^; ' 056', AIL INVES�MENT, LaP. , ; i"s€:� �j� VICINITY MAP ;pe'-p SSc= i _ - �q� %�/ . � j / 0' 100' 7A0' 300' �; � T — 31 � �� / co 69 f " scn�: r' = iaa' ' °' PROPOSED ZONING: "O" P ' `�� � ,� %' ^ OFFICE PARK � :�; �: ` � £ ;�� �; ;, 39.559 Ac. s � � s � , E� „ � � t , r: , `� , � ? a � /o ��.�'} AC. LAND USE SUMMARY ;✓ � (WM Existing PD 3-8) / / � � �; _ -- _— � PD AREA ACRES ir _ __ -- — N85° p7� 2 �� __ __ ^�P EXISTING ZONWG PD 3—� 11.8z 's � f 6 �— � �' EXISTWG ZONING PD 3-8 277± e :^a = � /�� 422^ 24� . (p� PROPOSED ZONING "O" 39.5± ° = = ' ;: �% rowN oF N04° 52' 31 " E s ;��_ ? WESTLAKE , s :,o f � � vo�G i�qzz 21 1 . 29 11.8 t Ac. � s :,. , : ;;E :: (Wiln Existing PD 3-7) � e ;:, a: , -_ _ ,� ' �° :g; , ;' �-- -- N78� �9' Sp„w ^-e' • ,; ,. -'"°�:� , 5��, 3g, \ ^� � N85 4$ 53 W o , „ � AIL INVESTMENT, L / �� ° � �� N87 37 04 W �.- 278, 52' ��� 400. 56' � A ZONING EXHIBTT FOR p =`:,€ % °:� y � PD 3-7 »O» : �.; o o =�: : ?% -�--�_ : _:. � � -- OFFICE PARK ; �:� o , ----- � : � --- --- =:`;;as / --________ A REZONING OF A PORTION OF —'---\ PD 3-7 AND PD 3—S BEING 39.559 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED IN THf WILLIAM HUFF SURVEY, A—fi98 ♦ TOVIN OF WESTLAKE, TARFANT COUNiY, TEXAS PD 3—H �\ OWNER � PLANNER/ENGINEER ^ AIL INVESTMENT. LP. CO!'hY�BYNJBbB � - � 3600 HEPITRGE PBFKWAT, SORE 200 ('y,RTER 8 BURGESS,INC. ^ - � FORT WOPTH, TEXAS ]61Ti >p µqq sippti Z AIL INVESTMENT, L . P. ) teinzza—e000 �a�w�,��a,� ^� W ^z / PROJECT Aq. 011t56.021 pqpryN BY FH APPROVEO BT AH ONTE 5/30/03 PP ND. y d9dY REV. Lbpyritil»i�p003 py C�rter& Burgasa. Inc. 6°""' N3/o3 pGN=9�\�o�\Ot1156\c�v\20NING�20NI�G.SHi � declares that it would have passed s�ch re�naining portions of this ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions sl�all remain in full force and effect. SECTIOl� 5: This ardinance shall be cumulative of all other ordi��ances of the Town affecting the r�gulations af land and zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of those ordinances except in those instances where the provisions of those ordinances are in direct con�lict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTIpN G: It 5ha11 be unlawful for any person to violate any pravision of this ordinanc�, and any persan violating or faiiing to comply with any provision hereof s�all be fined, upon conviction, in an amount not more than Two Thausand Dollars ($ 2,400) and a separate affense shall be deerned committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. SECT�ON 7: This ordinance shall become effecti�e upon its passage by tlle Board of Aldermen. PASSED AND APPRQVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF' THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE,.TEXAS, ON THIS 9t�' DA�i''OF .TUNE 2003. Scott Bradle , Mayor ATTEST: , �. � ��� �' 1 ',� '�� �:� _ —� �' ' �,��.�`�..�.4 ;r— � .�.�... Ging� ssar�vy, Town S��xet�—� 'Trent O. Petty, Toy�M�iager APP12()VED AS TO FORM: : E. � �, �� .._ Fs�,. ,. ,, � '����- �,- ,.�. L�.�S�n oii Lovst"ry,,��v�m At�s�'ney �--��t`� ��..,_.e_.�-.� Pa�e 7 of 7 ���A�, ����RIP`�I�N BE�NG a t�-act �f iand situat�d in th� INilfian� H��F�urvey, Abstr-act N��nb�r�i4�$, Town of Westlake, Tarrant Countjr, Texas, a�d b�ir�g � pc�r#ior� �f#h�t tr�c� of land c�nv�yed t� AIL Ir���rest�rert, L.�., �y deec� r�cordec� in V�alurne 1432fl, �'age 194 and 19� of [Jeed FZe��ards, �ar�a�t Co�n#y, Tex�s and being mor� par#icularly described by mete� ar�d bourrd� as fnllovws; GOMMENClIV+� at a Tex�s departrn�n� of Transpc��takion brass disc, founc� a# the so�thwest corner r�f Tra�t $ af said A1L t�act, irr tl�� �ast right-of-way of lnter�tate �lighway 35W (a variable width righf-af-w�y); 7HENCE with saFd e�st right-of-way the foliowing courses and distaraces; TH�NCE N �4°35'49'"�, 2312.32 f�et vvit�r said east right-af-way; THENCE S 85°07°29"'E, '�8.�5 feet, depart�ng said e�sterly right-caf�way to the POINT OF BEGINNING "fHENCE �E 24°3'f"26"E, 714.96 fe�t; THENC� N 27°�6'47"�, 46.56 �Feet; THENCE with said non-tangent curve to #he right, an arc cfistance �fi�55.42 feet, thraugh a central ar�gi� of 06°58'05", h�ving a radius of 3744.72 feet, the lor�g chord v#whi�h bears N 28°01'24"E, 45�.14 feet; THENCE S 5$°�1'43"E, �731.69 feet; THENCE S 3�°38'16"W, 687.34 feet; �'HENCE N 87°37'04"V�J, �Dp,56 feet; THEfVCE N $5°4�"53"1�11, 278.52 fe�t; THEfJCE N 78°�9'50"W, 577.39 fieet; THENCE N 04°�2'3�"�, 211.29 feet; THENCE N 85°07'29"W, 422.24 feet ta the POIN7 OF �EGINNIIVG and c;ontair�ing �,72�,177 squar�: fe�f Qr 39.559 acr�s o��and rnore or less. 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