HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-28-22 Joint TC BOT Min1 T H E T 0 W N O F WESTLAKE MINUTES OF THE JOINT TOWN OF WESTLAKE TOWN COUNCIL AND WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING FEBRUARY 28, 2022 PRESENT: Mayor/President Laura Wheat and Council/Board of Trustee Members Carol Langdon, Rajiv Trivedi, Chandrika Dasgupta, Alesa Belvedere, and Anna White. ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager/Superintendent Amanda DeGan, Assistant Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, Town Secretary Todd Wood, Executive Director Dr. Mechelle Bryson, and Matthew Butler, Town Attorney RECONVENE MEETING. — Mayor/President Laura Wheat reconvened the Council into Open Session from Executive Session at 6:50 p.m. TAKE ANY ACTION, IF NEEDED, FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS. Motion was made and seconded to defer any action from Executive Session to the next regularly scheduled Town Council meeting. Motion passed 5-0 1. CALL TO ORDER With a quorum of the Town Council Members present, Mayor/President Laura Wheat called the Regular Session of the Westlake Town Council to order 6:52 p.m. on Monday, February 28, 2022, in the Council Chamber of the Westlake Town Hall, 1500 Solana Blvd., Building 7, Suite 7100, Westlake, Texas. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CITIZEN/PARENT COMMENTS: Marcus Novacheck addressed the Council regarding disabled students. TC/BOT Minutes — 3/07/2022 Page 1 of 6 4. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: Jon Sasser, Director of Community Engagement provided the update. Town Council Meeting March 7, March 28, April 4, and April 25, 2022 Cocktails and Conversation March 8, 2022, at Terra Planning and Zoning Meeting March 14, 2022, and April 11, 2022 Spring Break March 14 — 181 2022 Town Hall, Municipal Court, and Westlake Academy Closed for Good Friday April 15, 2022 Gallery Night, April 30, 2022, at the Vaquero Club Town Survey in progress Alliance Development Forum April 4, 2022 Other community interest items S. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Town Council and/or Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Council/Board Member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. Motion was made by Council Member Carol Langdon and seconded by Council Member Anna White to approve Consent Agenda items 5a-5k. Motion passed 5-0. a. Consider approval of the Town Council minutes from the Joint meeting on September 13, 2021. b. Consider approval of the Town Council minutes from the Joint meeting on September 27, 2021. c. Consider approval of the Town Council minutes from the Joint meeting on October 4, 2021. d. Consider approval of the Town Council minutes from the Joint meeting on October 25, 2021. e. Consider approval of the Town Council minutes from the Joint meeting on November 1, 2021. f. Consider approval of the Town Council minutes from the Joint meeting on November 15, 2021. g. Consider approval of Resolution 22-06, authorizing continued participation with the Atmos Cities Steering Committee and authorizing payment of five cents per capita to the Atmos Cities Steering Committee to fund regulatory and related activities related to Atmos Energy Corporation. h. Consider approval of Resolution 22-07, authorizing the Town to enter into Joint Election Agreements with Tarrant and Denton Counties to conduct the General Election to be held on May 7, 2022. i. Consider approval of Resolution 22-08, approving a development and economic development agreement between JW Waterside, LP and Texas Land Management LLC, and The Town of Westlake. j. Consider Approval of Resolution WA 22-02, Amending the 21-22 SY Budget to Allow for the Use of Fund Balance for Retention Pay and Partnering with the Westlake Academy Foundation for an additional funding grant. k. Consider Approval of Resolution 22-09, authorizing the Town Manager to execute a lease with Southwestern Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Texas, to utilize Town owned telecommunications conduit (ductbank) along Ottinger and Dove Roads. TC/BOT Minutes — 3/07/2022 Page 2 of 6 E 6. REPORTS: a. There were no reports At this time Item 10 was brought forward for action at this time. 10. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE 945, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2022; AWARDING THE SALE THEREOF; LEVYING A TAX, AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR AND PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR AGREEMENT; APPROVING THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT; ENACTING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Motion was made by Council Member Carol Langdon and second by Council Member Anna White to approve Ordinance 945, authorizing the issuance of Town of Westlake, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2022, awarding the sale thereof; levying a tax, and providing for the security for and payment of said bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of a paying agent/registrar agreement; approving the official statement; enacting other provisions relating to the subject; and declaring an effective date. Motion passed 5-0 WORKSHOP ITEMS Workshop items are for discussion only. No action may be taken on items listed under this portion of the agenda, other than to provide general direction to staff or to direct staff to place such items on a future agenda for action. 7. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM REQUESTS: Items listed under this section have been approved by Town Council to be placed on the Workshop for further discussion and potential direction to staff. a. Amend the Town Ordinance(s) such that the Executive Director of Westlake Academy is selected by a final approval by the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees. (White 11/15/21) ➢ On hold, date uncertain b. Amend the Town Ordinance(s) such that we require the Superintendent of Westlake Academy hold a minimum level of credentials as noted below. (White 11/15/21): 1. Hold a Master's degree or higher in Education. 2. Be enrolled in or have graduated from a Superintendent Certification Program. ➢ On hold, date uncertain c. Amend the Town Ordinance(s) to separate the positions of Town Manager and Superintendent. (White 11/15/21) ➢ On hold, date uncertain TC/BOT Minutes — 3/07/2022 Page 3 of 6 MUNICIPAL SERVICES 8. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY FACILITIES WHICH INCLUDES THE EXPANSION OF THE SAM & MARGARETTE LEE ARTS AND SCIENCES CENTER AND SPORTS PACKAGE UPGRADES. Troy Meyer, Facilities and Public Works Director provided an update on the facilities analysis to date and presented options for Council consideration and direction. • Facility capacity analysis • Options to add to existing buildings • Options to remove and/or replace older portable with classrooms, storage, and flex space • Arts & Science Expansion and the potential impact on portable buildings • Enrollment numbers for students Sports Package • Updating the Gym and Fieldhouse • Updating sports fields • Funded by donor Funding sources for these projects include the following: • WA capital improvement fund • A&S restricted fund • Opportunity for the Westlake Academy Foundation to create a capital campaign • Private donors • Bond issuance that would require voter approval At this time the Council took a 10-minute break. WESTLAKE ACADEMY No items were scheduled. GOVERNANCE/POLICY ACTION ITEMS Governance/Policy Action Items are items that require formal Town Council action (approving Ordinances, Resolutions, Contracts, Purchases, etc.). MUNICIPAL SERVICES 9. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 22-10, AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH LOGICAL SOLUTIONS, INC. TO UPDATE THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZE THE TOWN MANAGER TO MAKE FUNDING CHANGES NOT TO EXCEED $25,000 ON THIS PROJECT. Motion was made by Council Member Langdon and second by Council Member Trivedi to approve Resolution 22-10, authorizing the Town Manager to execute an agreement with Logical Solutions, Inc. to update the Westlake Academy building automation system and authorize the Town Manager to make funding changes not to exceed $25,000 on this project. Motion passed 5-0. TC/BOT Minutes — 3/07/2022 Page 4 of 6 WESTLAKE ACADEMY NO ITEMS WERE SCHEDULED 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: There was no need for an Executive Session. 12. RECONVENE MEETING. — Not needed 13. TAKE ANY ACTION, IF NEEDED, FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEMS. Not needed 14. COUNCIL RECAP/STAFF DIRECTION. Additional follow up on the Facilities discussion will be brought back in 60 days. Live streaming the meetings will be added back to the future agenda items 15. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: These items have been discussed by Town Council and scheduled to be placed on future Council Agendas allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. Future Agenda Items to be Discussed: a. Discussion of video communication that was published on or about the 171h of February and subsequently viewed by staff and residents and commented on by an academy staff member. What response should Council take to address staff and resident concerns? This will be added to the March 28, 2022, Agenda for discussion. Future Agenda Items Already Discussed and Scheduled: a. Historical Designations for various properties in Westlake. (Mayor Wheat 5/24/20) ➢ Scheduled to be placed on agenda in April (1119122) b. Quarterly HOA Board Meeting Discussions. (Dasgupta 8/23/21) ➢ Scheduled to be placed on agenda in April (1124122) c. Explore finance options regarding building permanent buildings to replace the portables at Westlake Academy: options to build partnerships with Town's biggest stakeholders, so that the expense does not fall entirely on taxpayers. (White 11/15/21) ➢ Scheduled to provide update in February (1124122) d. Discussion regarding governance enrichment as a follow up to our Council retreat on May 24th with Mike Condiff. (Wheat 11/15/21) ➢ Half day governance retreats scheduled to be placed on TC meeting dates in FebruaryApril as necessary (1124122) e. Social media policy as it relates to bullying. (Wheat 11/15/21) ➢ Scheduled to be placed on agenda in Fall of 2022 (1124122) f. Social media education policy for K-12. (Wheat 11/15/21) ➢ Scheduled to be placed on agenda in April (1124122) g. Council discuss and consider live -streaming Council meetings. (White 12/13/21) TC/BOT Minutes — 3/07/2022 Page 5 of 6 ➢ Cooksey Communication Report will be placed on the Agenda as a Standing Item that will include live streaming of Council Meetings, among other items. (1124122) h. Council discuss and consider extending our lease at Solana, as current market conditions make this an attractive option. (White 12/13/21) ➢ Scheduled to be placed on agenda in May (1119122) i. Council discuss and consider amending our Town Ordinances to establish term limits for both Mayor and Council seats. For ex. 4 year or 6 year limits. (White 12/13/21) ➢ Scheduled to be placed on agenda no later than April (1119122) j. Council discuss and consider requiring developers to post a Development/Performance Bond on large projects moving forward. (White 12/13/21). ➢ Scheduled to be placed on agenda in August (1124122) k. Structural safety audit of the portables. (Dasgupta 1/19/22) ➢ Report from staff scheduled to be placed on agenda in February (1119122) I. Community engagement opportunities for Town Boards and Committees. (Dasgupta 1/19/22) ➢ Scheduled to be placed on agenda in April (1124122) m. Review of the Town's Annual budget process. (White 1/19/22). ➢ Scheduled to be placed on agenda in February (1119122) 16. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion passed 5-0. Mayor Wheat adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. APPROVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL ON April 4, 2022. ATTEST: N OF Laura Wheat, Mayor Mary J. 1 TF)(AS TC/BOT Minutes — 3/07/2022 Page 6 of 6