HomeMy WebLinkAboutComprehensive Westlake Academy Charter Documents - 2022 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER INTRODUCTION In 2003, the Town of Westlake was granted an open-enrollment charter(the "Charter") by the Texas Education Agency ("TEA") to operate Westlake Academy Charter School, a Texas public school. Subsequently, the Town of Westlake's open-enrollment charter was renewed by TEA in 2007 and again in 2016 for a ten-year term. School operations are governed by applicable federal and state law, rules adopted by the Texas Commissioner of Education for open-enrollment charter schools, local policies adopted by the charter holder, and the Charter contract. The contract between the Town of Westlake, as the Charter Holder, and TEA recognizes that the terms of the Charter are comprised from numerous sources that accumulate over time and include the following: the original Charter contract and subsequent renewals; applicable law or Administrative rule in effect, amended, enacted, or adopted during the term of the contract; the original Charter Application and subsequent renewal applications; any condition, amendment, modification, revision, or other change to the Charter adopted or ratified by the authorizing entity, including revisions based on contingency responses; and all statements, assurances, commitments, and representations by the Charter Holder in the original Charter Application and Renewal Application, attachments or related documents, to the extent consistent with the other aforementioned terms. There is no single document that exclusively describes the requirements for the operation of Westlake Academy Charter School. The following documents represent a historical collection of information submitted, revised, amended andlor approved by TEA for the operation of Westlake Academy Charter School. To the extent these documents include inconsistent or differing information, the most recent adopted andlor approved document controls. Over time, earlier documents or provisions may be superseded by amendments required or approved by TEA. Local policy, procedures and operations must be consistent with the most current Charter terms approved by TEA. Therefore, the information contained in the Charter document should not be taken out of context or reviewed as the sole source of direction from or authority granted by TEA to the Town of Westlake (as the Charter holder). Information may have changed or been updated as a result of each renewal, as the laws are amended through the legislative process, and new directives are given to Charter schools from the Texas Education Agency. i4 'i ! a WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER DOCUMENTS ' 4 } TAB DOCUMENT 1 Origin�l Application for Open-Enrollment Charter School (7th Generation) 2 Elternal Review of Open-Enrollment Charter School Application 3 Notice of Interview�vith State Board of Education Plaruiing Committee 4 Statements of Impact Submitted to TEA by School Districts 5 Letters of Support &Media re Charter School Application 6 TEA Applieation Review&Contingencies 7 July 2001 - State Board of Education Approval for Westlake Academy 8 General Application of Assurances for Federal Prograrns 9 Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant 2002-2003 Application 10 Contract for Open-Enrollment Charter 2003 11 Application for Expedited and General State Waivers 2007 12 Opei7-Enrollment Charter Contract Renewal Application 2006 13 TEA Legal Review of Renewal Application 14 Charter Contract Renewal 2007 1S Charter Amendment to EYpand Boundaries 2008 16 Charter Amendment Request to Increase Capacity &Statements of Impact 2012 17 Cornpliance Notice for Nepotism, Conflicts of Interest& Criminal History 2012 18 Approval for Amendment to Increase Enrollment Capacity 19 Open-Enrollment CharCer Renewal Notice 2015 20 O�en-Enrollment Charter Renewal Application 2016 21 Contract Renewal for Open-Enrollment Charter 2016 . . g �` � � �feS�°Ic�"kE:' ACc�►dE'/'1"i�l' � �� � � ��� ����I������ ��oao * ' Westlake Acacfer»y � ��� � � �1 L ���������e� . ���� � . � , - w��r������a��y Appticafian far a� Qpen-EnroUment Charf�er Schr�af- S��r�nth Gen�r�tian Cr�versheet, �a+�e 't af� Ctate of Submiss�an: ype: t?p�n Enrol�nnent X Thursda�, Februar� 1S�2909 (chack Oniy On�} "75% Rut�*" S:Qi� P.M.�Ltttl�l Tirne Name of Propo�ed 8chaal. Westlake Acadetny lVCaxirnum Grade E.evets to be senred: K- 12 Es�tFinated 1�`1�ear Enrotlme»t: 400 Maac �»roliment: 800 Name+�f Spon�oring Entity: The Tawn of Westlake,Texas heck e�r�e: 6Q1{c}(3j nonprofit argani�a�ion SBC}E i3istric�: R�git�n�91 X Gavernrnenta! Entity ESG: Regicn 11 College nr Universl�y t3pening C1ate: Fa(i, 20�2 Chalrpers�n of Baard of Sponsoring Entity: Nlr. S�ott Bradtey Chief Executive Q��er of Sponsoring Enti#y: Mr.�cott Bradiey Ghief Executiv�afficee af SChoal: Nir.Ttent Petty App(icant Mailing Address: �Yiifage Circle, Suite 20? - Westiake,TX,76�62 Physr'cal�4ddre�� c�f Pro�ra�s�d Administrati�►e Q�ces(of di#fferent frcarn �bave�a S�ME Contac� F�hane# 817-d��0-0941 �ax# 817-43Q-18't 2 � �� �-� �; � F �� Car�tact Emai! Address: ��� ,=-� - � �. ,.� Llst below the physical address of the main schoaC campus and any prap'os�d sa.teeNite campus: _ , �-, _ Main Carnpu� To b�announced upan receipt of aharter - . Satellite Campus Nat appiicabis ;�: �� , if necessary,attach additional s�ateilite fn#e�rnatian. '� � � WiEI the schooC require alt teac�hers to be certified? Na Witl the sGhaol require that aIM teacher� be degreed with at ieast a bachelar's degr�e?No Wiil the sc�haof aliow an individuaf ta secue as a paid employ�e of the scF�oe�i as well as member of the�overning taaard? No Wii! the schoo! ailow memb�rs of the same family ta senre fln th� goveming �o�rc�? No, as a �aublia entity,this would be illegal. Wrt1 the schoci requi�e the business manag�r to be certified? No, the Board uri41 ccse dtsar�tion�n tFie crosa utitization�f personn+�t. 0��� 3 3511(��/�.S/O1-005 1 West2ake Academy ' Wilf the sc,�aal require the �ccauc�ting andlor twsi�ness offic� p�rsonnet to be dege�d with at least a�acHebr's degr�e? Na,the Bva�d wdlP exerci�e discretrct� irt the cross t�iF�atk>n at emplay�es. �APficatian far an G�pen-Enrollmrer��harter Schoel��eventh Generatianr Ga�ershee� pag�2 of 2 Nas any rr,�rnber of the goveming baard or any p�rofes�iona! perso�to 1�� em�byed b�r the sct�ool- ,_„�,,No �een convicted af a felany? tf YES ta any of thes�ti�re�areas, the appiicar�t r�tust�hre#u11 No �een canvicted of a misdemeanor? diaclosure and list all instances � completefy as required in otfier Yes Been invatvec!in bankruRtcy? por�ana af the application. �tate law forbids sameone convicted of a febny or misdemeanor invclving moral turpitude from s�r►ring $a an afficec or membes o# the gaverning body af an apen- enroll�rtent charter schooi. Has the sponsoring ent�ly ba�n invohred in Yes Litigatian? Na San�tions from a�y state�ulatary sgency? If YES, explain camplebely as reqt�ired i�other portians af t�e appliGation. If the spansaring enfity already hatds cttiar�ers, have these d'►a�ters been timefy and ar.c�rate ie� rep�eting , NJA P�tMS informatian'� Nl�► anr�ua4 aud�? ��Yle� participatin�in reqs�ired an�uat evaluatian? i certify that t have the authorityr as th� Chief Ex�cutive �fficer af the s�onsaNng entity desiy�rtate►d abcve to make� a,ppl�catiat� fc�r a» apen-enroilnner�t ahart�r schao� ! further cettify atl infarmatio� contain�d tn tt�is appi�catian is compl�te and accuratej r�alizing tfiat an�r mi�repr�a�eMatian cauitt resutt in disqualification f�om the charter appiication process or revocatk>n after award. f authocize the T'exas Education A�e�cy tc investigate ttie re¢erences listed in ifiis�applicatlon. ,R�� �2 �.��t �BLUE�INK} Signatu af Ghief Ex ut�we C�►fficer Qf Sponsoring�ntitylDat�e � � '^ ^ Millenn3um Education Consultin Grnu LLC(BLUE INKP nature of ApRticadan reparer 1Na�tl�is person paid7� Yes x Ho ���li� 2 Westlal�e Academy Table Qf Cat�tents page !. Evidence of Eligibitity af Sponsaring Entity 1� A. Statement d�scribing sponsoring entity 12 B. Articees af lncarpQration af spor�soring ertti�y 1� C. Bylaws of sponsc�ring er�tity 13 D. 8�iographicai Affidavits 13 E. Nistory a€sponsoring entit�t 13 tl. Gavernance of the SpQnsoring Er�tity 1� A. Pre�fife af the IFaunding Board andJor lnitial incorporators af tE�e sponscaring entit�r. 15 B. Deseribe the arganizing �roup of initial incorparaEors who are worlcin� together t� appiy for a charter. 15 G. Describe v►rhat role ea�h persan wiil play and why hetshe has chosen ta support the applieatic�n. 16 D, aescribe the following as pertains to the spansc�ring entit�r: 16 1. The officer positions ciesignated 1� 2. The maflner in which t���ers ar� �eleated and r�maved from Offir,e 16 3. The manner in uvhich members �f�the governing bod�r are sefeGted and remove� from c��ce 1T �., T}�e manner in whi�h uacancies an the governing board are filled 17 5. The term for whiah members c�f tFre governin� body served 17 �i. Whether th�t�rms ac�ta b� staggered 17 E. lnclude any pfans far furth�r recruitment of founders or aeganizers of the schoof. 17 �. Explain the mann�r ir�which the �harter schaal will canduct textk�ook s�l�etican. 18 G. School Manag�ment Board �� Q'J��� � 3 Westlake Acaderny 111. Community Support �p A. Provide information Qn the mann�r in wh�ch cornmuni#yr groups are inualved in the charter schc�a} planning p�rocess. 2Q B. Prcavide copy of publication of notic+e of the meeting in a ne�rspaper��gen�ral distributian in the geogra�hiG area, the meeting's r�gistratian icx�, and a synopsis af t�ne public hearin� held ta discuss the prc�po�ed Gharter sGhool plan. 2Q C. Discus�s anv business�rranaements af r�artnershin with existing schools, educati4nal prograr� businesses, or non-prof�t carganizations. �1 D. List five pet�ons who are nat direc#ly involved with the schooE as emplayees or as board memt►ers, who wifl serve as refer�nces for the sponsonng entity. 21 E. Each applicant must pub{ish a prescribed statement in a n�wspap�r af genera! distr�butian the geographic area pro�ased far the schaal. The statement must alsa be mailed to the city council and commissioner's court with jurisdi�tian aver the geagraphic area. 21 � tu. 5chaot C�emogr�phics 22 � A. What are the schaaPs�nrollment prc�jections far the�rst fiv�years? What is the sehc�c�Ps m�xi�-num �nrQliment goal? What grad�s wiif be serveci7 How many students ar� exp��ted to be in each grad� or grc�uping?What will be th�maximum class size allowe�l? �2 B. I�BSGCtbG'�F1G GOEt1ET1UCl��I O!'�Et�1C3fi WE'►E:PE:�f1G 5GI1aC}I WII� EJ£? kJ�ateCl. 22 v. �i�v�iy ifiFaS iiiiS i�:ri.aiOG i S2�E:i'"'cu��ii'c` iri�i� ^v�ii'i�i aiicii�c3ii�vc locations�uitalale ta tt�e n�eds and focus of the schao!? 23 V. Huma�n Resaurce Infarmatian (R�vier+ved by Agen�y) 24 .A. Describ�yaur human resaurces po4ici�s governing safaries, contr�cts, hirsng and dismissal, sick, and o�her leave ar►d b�n�fits. Provid�salary schedules, sample contraets, and copies af palicies an other issues. �4 1. Poliey governing salaries 24 2. Po9icy gov+�rnin� cantracts 24 �. Paiicy governing hirir�g 24 8. Administratvrs 25 1. Pravide a bia�raphical affidavit for each administr�tar of the schaol. 25 ����� � , 4 i I I � V�estlake Aeademy 2. Ex�alain the pawers and duties of each � administrafor. 25 � 3. Who will be the school's � Ghief Ex�cutiv� C7►fficer�' 26 ' 4. Describe the chain Qf command. 26� 5. What�xp�rienc� has th� propos�d GEQ ' had in rnanaging a sehoal and/or business? �6 � 5. VVhat criteria will tt�e founders us�ta Ghoase the schaol's acad�mic and �nancial lead�rs? �7 ; 7. Provide a complete joa descri�ti�n for the I GEQ, sct�aol acaademic direc�or, financial direc#or and athar administrative p�rsannel, 27 � 8. How wi!( administra#ive per�e�nnel be evaluated? 33 9. What wilt ae the sal�ry range and benefrts for � administrative st�#f? �3 C. Facultar and Staff 33 1. Include a descripfion af the quafifications to be required for afl classroom teachers and stafF. 33 2. [�esc�ribe the targeted staff size and the teacher-t�-student ratia. 38 3. Icferrfiiy the p�rapased facc�at}r and staf€it possible. 38 4. Exp[ain the methad that will be used ta evaluate the faculty and staff. 3$ 5. Pravid��ampiete job descriptian� of a(1 chart�r schaof faculty ar�d staff, includ9ng instructiana! and �aan-instru�tional ciuties. 39 D. F�ules c�f Gc�nduct 42 �. Describ� in de#ail.your s�hoal rules sr guidelin�s governing student behavinr. 42 2. Qescribe yaur s�haaPs palicies regaeding student ex�ulsion and suspension. lnclude a descriptic,n of procedures ti�at satis�jr due proc,�ss requirements. 42 3. Qescrib�yaur s�hooPs mandatory student �ttendanc� plan and its fit w�th the cad�afi. canduct and the mission c�f the school. 43 Vl. Business F'lan (R�viewecf by Agency) 4� A. �inancia! Management 4� �, Describe sources and projected amvunts �f start•up 45 2. Provide supporting I�tters af credit and dacum�ntatic�n verifying private saurces o#funds. �5 3. aeveiap a prelirninary startup bud�et covering ��t�� ; J � . Westlake A�ademy . r�nly the planning�nd capital ex�enses necessary befare school opening. Rres�nt a t#�ree-year budg�t cc�v�ring ail projected sourr.es of reve�ue, both pubiic and private and pianned expenses. 45 4. Present a thr�e-year ca�h flow proj�ctian showing monthiy cash in flows from all sources b�r month, including ioans, and ail manthiv cash dis�ersals far a!I t�urnoses. _ _ _. -____ _._, _ _ , , . including laans. Discuss the schaol's prajected cevenues and expenditures ident��d tn#he cash-flow p�rajectian. 45 �. Discus� atty fundraising effarts ta generate capital or to suRpiement the per pupil allocations that are pianned. 45 C. Cliscuss the ways that the sc�h�o1 wiil ac�dress antieipateti gr�wth in 4he area af persannel, facilit}r and equipn�ent�xpenditures, 4� 7_ Pravide a capy af the curreht andlor proposed �usiness p�ocedures handbook the school wil! be using, describe the poticies� proc�ciures, and the farms for the daily business cap�:ratiQn. 46 8. C�iscus the way that th� schoal wiil add�ess any unanticipated expenditures ar las� of revenue and any negative net asset bafances. 4� 9. Prc�vide a cop�of the�urre�t or prop�c��ed mvnthly budget status repart to the Board of.Dir.ectars that will be us�ci. �7 1t�. Descri�e the finaneial a�counting and payr�l! c"a`�vvvuiiaii�� �ji��t�c�i�iv u'�' u.�+�.0 F^.�:i'�" i�c�.. .�.��u��;'n�v capa�ity ta use the state m�ndated financial a�eaunting spst�m in PEiMS. 47 B. Facility Management 47 t. Description af and addres�for the physieaC facility. 47 2. Explaln why this site would be a suitable factlity ft�r the pr�aposed scl�oat. Adciress the n��ss�ty of r�navation to the facility and compliance with applicable building c+o�es. Describe the �e�rices of th�facility. Describe how all Federat, state, and local �af�ty and hea{th r�quirements wil) be m�t. 47 3. Qescriae special use areas of�h�facility. 48 4. Discuss any progress, partnership deveiapm�nts ar future steps tc�wards acquisition of a facilityitand. 48 ������� 6 i I i i � Westlalce AGademy i i �. Attach a capy af a lease agreement, ; deed to �raperEy or purchase agre�ment as applicable. 48 C. Stud�nt Attendance Accountin�. �48 9. Describe your school attendance accQuntinc� ' proc�dures. �t€� ' 2. Attach a schoal cakendar and identify the hours of schaoC operafian, including a description af teach�r/student contac# haurs. 5a 3. Provide a draft af a k�oard poiiey providing fcar tt�e adm�ssion af students eligiGle for a public� educatian grar�t. 5� D. Transpartation and Faod �ervice 50 1. Descrit�e provisi�ns far transportatian for s�udents s�rved C�y the charter school. 5{} 2. Des�rib� provisions for foad servic�, if any, for students served by the charter sch�Ql, including plans far free ar redured Eunch and breakfast programs, �a VN. Geographic 8attncla�ries and Statements of lmpact �Reviewed by Ac�ency} . �1 A. Gecagraphic �aur�daries 51 1. Describe the geographic area �a b�served by the s�ho�l. 51 �. Provide a list of�II districts�nriti�ir�th� geagraphic�! area that may be afifected by the charEer schflal. 51 B. Statements af Irn�act 51 , 1. The spansoring entity rnu�t send a copY of the form in Appendi� IV, to the superintendents of ai1 scF�o�i districts that are (ike!}�ta b� affected by the establishment of the charter schaol, includir�� thos�districts frorn which the charkec sc�aol wiil accept transfers. 51 2. The cha�ter school applicatian must include . a list a�f th�dist�icts to which a Statement of lmpact form ar�d applic�tac�n w��e sent. 52 3. The superintendent may complete the Statem�nt of Impact form and submit it to the TEA by ' t�e cfate af submission of the apptication to the State Board of Educa#ie►n, 5� E�JJ�9 7 Westiake Acad�my Vltl, Statement of N�ed (Scored by Review Gornmittee) • 53 � A. 1tVhy is ther�a need �f this#ype of schoal? ilUhat evidence exists that there is a suffcient demand #or #he educational �arQgram yc�u are proposing? 53 B. Explain why ti�e ch�rter school mad�l is appropri�t�tt� address this need. 5� IY \f�cinr� nf+hn Cnhnnl lCnsti�etirl i�u 1.atirintiul^nriemii+nnt �� ��Tie •�V�V�C Vt Y��A YYi�VV� tVVY�4�� M� •�Yi�v�� YiF����t��V�YV! sw A. De�crib� the tang-range visian of fhe school speci�caliy addressing haw that visican supporks studenfi {earning of th�TEKS. 55 B. In succinct terms, descr�be tF�e educational philosaphy or p�dagogy of the prcaposed schooL �5 C. Discuss the educatir�n�i innovatian that will distinguish this schooi from ather schools, 55 Xo Student Goals: Improvernent and Attainrnent �(Scored by Review Cammlttee} 59 A. What are th�schaal's �cademic gaals for stud�nt learning for the first 5 yeafs? a9 B. What are the measurable sGhool perforrnan�e abjective� for�ach goai list�d above? 59 C. Clearly state hotiv progress wil! be measured reEative t�each of these c�bjective�. 53 D. �learly stat�when and hQw annuai progress in me�ting abjeciive wiii be reportec�ta "tt�e St���, agency, anc�the pubiic. �� XI. Schaal Goals (Scorad by the Review Cammittee} fi3 A. Describe the g�als af tE�� sGhaal as an entity fnr the next five years. 63 B. �ist measurable perfor�mance abjectiv�s for each goa! listed aaove. 63 C. Glearly state how pragress will be measured r�lative Tc�each of these abjeciives. 63 Q. Clearly s#ate when and how annual pragress in meeting objectives will be reported to the S�C?E, a�enGy, and the public. 63 ���1 � s � Westlake Acaderny ; ; � � XII. Educational Rlan (3eared by tlie Fteview Coenmitteej 6� A. Descri�e the education program planned fr�r the schoot. Indicate cl�arly haw thes� areas will be strengthened over t�m�. 65 1. Tell haw the pragram wiil incorparate the required rninirt�um cu►riculum. Describ�the scope and sequence af'tn�cu�riculum. 65 2. Qeseribe any unique eurricu(ar experiences to be c�ffered b�tt�e eharter schoc�}that will enhanc� student success b�yc�nd the rninirnum curriculurn. 6� 3. C}escribe how the pragram will incorporate the TEKS inta the curriculum and addr�ss gaais, otajee#ives, and content in alt subject area� and grade I�ve1�. �6 4. Describe the connections t�etween th�TEKS, classroam instructian and assessing student prog ress. 67 5. Clescrib� haw the prcagrarn wiit prepare students to meet state graduation requirement. 68 6. D�scrib�teaching mEthr�ds to be used. 69 7. Describe the planned assessment c�f mdividual student per�orrnance in the c�re academic are�s. 7Q 8. Describe the methads tc� be us��d#o ider�tifyr the educa#iana! str�nc�ths �nd needs of individual studer�ts. 71 9. C�es�ribe how student evaluafir�n re�ults wiEl be us�d by th�schae�tc� img�roue ins#ru��onal �ra�rams. 72 1�. Describe professional deve4apment apportunities that will be offer�d t�support the mission af the sehoai. 72 B. Special Ne�cts Students/Pragrams 73 1. Qescribe in detail haw your school accommodates students with Sp�cial Educatian needs�. ?3 2. Qescribe how yaur schaol meets the r�eeds af children who qualifjr for ather fecieral prograrns_ 8C1 3. Descri�e how ya�ur schQol meets the needs of chi�dren whc�qualify for eather state programs. 82 4. �escribe how yaur schoc+l identifies and pravides �ducatEonal support for students who a�e i�enti�ed a� being ��it ttS1t 0�t�fO�YPlt1� OUt Qf SGIla01." 84 5. Describe t�e programs affered fflr the charter • school ta support other student activiti�s. 85 ��1��.J. 9 Westlake Academy ' G. Admissians Policy 8F 1. Describe fhe timeline used far admitting students, inciuding the process for the admissic�n lottery far students. 86 2. Explain how th�policy furthers th� mission of th� school in a n�n-discrimin�t�ry fa�hian. 87 Xtll. Governance Structures and Rra�esses (S�cored b�the Review Camrtsitt�el 88 A. V�that steps wil) be taken ta maintain continuityr betweer� the faunding coalitian�' visian and futur�governing baards? 8� B. Describe the roles and responsibiliti�s af the 6oard(s}. 89 C. Describe the proGedures far receiving and respandinc�ta cornptaints fram bo#h parents and employees. 89 Q. What steps will be tal�en to facilifate a productive refatiac�ship betwe�n admini�trators and teachers? 9U E. Discuss#he nature af parentaP and student invalvement in decisian-making rnatters, 90 F. Sp�cify the extent to which any private entity wiil be inuoived in the operatic�n of yaur charter sc�►Qot. 9't Attachnnents 1, � Instrument�lity A- 1 2. Article� ��lncarp4ratior� A� 5 3. �ylaws� A- 13 4. Affidavits A- 18 5. Credit Report A- 37 6. IRS Fifing A- 38 7. Notice af Publication A- 39 8. Attendance Rosters A� 4� 9. . Synapsis of Meeting A- 5{� 10. Business Arrangem�nts A- 53 11. NotiCe af lntent A - 56 ���� a 10 i � � Westlake Aaaderny 12. �t�rificatian �f�lai�ing A- 59 13. Schedu6e c,f Salaries A- 7� � 14. Sample Employmer�t ear�tcact A- 72 1S. Employ�ment F'c�licies A- 7� 16< Administrator'�AfFidavi� A- 74 17. Qrganizati�nal Cha�t A- 78 1$. Saurces of Privat�F'unds A- 8tl 19. �tart-u� Bu�get A- 83 . 2G. Three-year B�udg�t A- �5 21. �ash Flaw F'r�jection A-117 22. Business Manual A-�2'i 23. Budget Status Repott A-"l�2 24. Lease Ag�eerr►ent F+-164 25, Schc�ol C�lendac � -1�� 26. Peg Draft A-1�9 �7. Area Map A-171 28. Verificatian of Impact Staternent Mailing A-173 ���� � 11 Westiake Academy ' t. Evidence of E6igibility caf Spansaring Entity� G. Statement describing spons�aring enf�ty The town of We�tlak� was faunc4ed in 1956 by a handful af oilmen and ranehers ir� ord�r ta prQt�ct themselv�s from �ncroachment by th�* Mid�ities. In 1992 the T�wn adopted a eamprehensive pl�n praviding fcrr future office campuses, limit�d retail, �nd resid�ntial uses compatible with {^hn nroennr�tinn n€4ho ri�rnf .n4rnnc+nhera �..v �...vvvr.c.�.v.� v� a��u �v�ai cau�,va�,r..v�w. � V1l�stEake is he�me to Salana, wMich was designed b�y wor3d famous Mexican architect Rf�ardc� l.egaretto. If is an env�ronrrter�tally sensifive develcaprnent of the t'rpe contemp�ated by#he Westlake pian. Hundreds df acres of native trees and wiEdflowers have been presenred for tt�� enjcayrnent of resident� and vis�t�rs. Ma�ar tenants in Solana include IBM �orporation, Marriott H�tel, . 11tEercedes Bena �redit �orporatic�n, Wells Fargo and Prime Co. Solana afso offers these ter�ant� and surraundit�g communities a full-senrice heafttt and �t#ness ciub, an education cent�r and a ehi[d developrr�ent center. The 19��3 purchase af the 2,000 acre Gircle T Ranch by AlfianGe C}evetop�r�tent�ompar�y is ex�ected to cantribute ta Wesilake's t'crture as a village where commer�ial, retail and residen�iai uses enhanc� rathec than destroy the r�atura) beauty �f the land�cape. As a governrnental entity, the Town of 1Nestlak� faund tha� it w�s in the pubfic int�rest that a non-peaf+t corporatian, the W€�sttake Acad�rny CafporaFic�n, be crea�ed under th� i exas �it�n-Proir�uorpar�iion Hci i� aci on behalf of the Town as it dufy cansti�uted authority and instrumentatity�, within #he meaning c�f ths Intemal Revenue Gade af 1�86, as amencied, for th� pu�pase of providing educational se►vice� ar�d facilities. In iieu ofi 50't c 3 st�tus, see Attachment #"I for the instrumer�tality resolution. H. Articles af[ncorpa�ration of sponsaring entity Far a copy �f the ArticleS c�f Incarparation af the sponsoring entity, see the Town of Westlake, see Attachment#2. ����� I2 i , i � �Vestlake Academ�r � I. 8ylaws of spans�r�ng entify I As a gavernmental entify, Westlal�e does not h�ve Bylaws; however, the ' Bylaws for Westlake Aeademy Gorporation, the iCistt�ume�taPity IS 'ttlClUdE?d it1,AltaChl"r'18nt#3. J. Biographiaal Affidavits far each member of the governinc� Baard af the� sponsoring entity+ For biographicai affidavits far�ach member of the Gaverning Baard of the Tcawn of VllestEak�, see Attachment#4, K, Nista�ry af spar��or�ng ent�ty 3. Fi�ancial h�stary a�the entity Th�town�af Vttestlake i� debt free, and co�sequently has unfettered bonding capacity. Because af the Tawn's exercise af fisca! discipline, th�re has not yet been need to assess an ad uatorerrt tax or #o issu� any debt instrument. Nawever, it may become necessary to i3nance capi��! irrrprovem�nts that wr�ul� be feased by th�Westlake Acaderny. 2. Credit repbrt As � gavernmenta! ee�tity, the Te�wn of VV'es�tlake daes� ne�fi h��rc a credit r�port. Therefare At�aachrrroent#5 is nc�t app(ir�bie. �. Most recent IRS �1�ng As a �ovemmer�tal entity, the Tawn af Westiak� does not fil� with fhe intern�f Ftevenue Servie�; th�refe�re, Attae�rnent #6 is n�t appiicable. �. Discla�ure of any liens As a gc�vemmental entity, the Town af Westlake daes not have any li�ns. S. Litigatinn History Ab�ut 19�2, a develaper whase raquest for a zoning ehar�ge was denied sued the TQwn. The suit, filed in a district caurt in Tarrant County, alieged that th� Town had not b�en aalidly incorporated. ����'`� 13 'Westlake Academy The judgment faund as a matter of law and fact tt�at the Town had • bee�duly and validly incorpor�ted in 1956. Abou# 1992, the trusfee of the Bankruptcy E�fate Qf IVe[san Bunker Hunt sued the Town aileging Ganspirac�r by the Town, its mapvr and its aEdermen tca deny his �Ueged right t4 obtain zoning changes to his liking. The Town, the mayar and thE aldermen won all aspects c�f th� lawsuit except for minar relief granted to the trusfee. In 1997, Ross Perot, Jr.'s Hillwood Develapment CQmpany initiated a scheme to dismantle tt�e `town. Several lawsuits invo(ving the Tawn, its mayor, its aldermen, its offcers and several resid�nts ensued in which, depe�nding on the farm; #hese parties �ecame plaintiff, defendant or crass plaintiffs. All af the lawsuits were res�lved ar setfied ir� favor af the Town, its m�y�r, fihe aldermen, the Tawn's officers and the residents. The Eitigatipn culminated in a iandmark 9-Q decision 6y the T�xas Supreme Court u�aholding the Tawn's position. As a town, Westlake is rautittely invalved in litrgation of civil matters in�luding coc�e of ordinanee viat�fions, land disp�tes and any atk�er matter typical c�f municipal regulatory ob�ectian. 6. Sanctions from any state reg�latory agency :Ther� ar� na s�anctions fr�m ar�y state r�gulatory agen�y. ���f� 14 , � WestIake Academy II. Gnvernance af the Sponsaring Entity i � A. Profile af the Faunding Baard andlor Initiai InGor�oratmrs of the spansorin� entit�t. The �'own of Vitestlake is a c�c�vernrnental �ntity; thus, this is not ap��icat�le. B. Describe the arganizing grou� of ir�itial incarporators who are warking together to apply for a �cf�arter, inc[udin� the names af the c►rgan�zera their backgrounds and experiences, �nd three refcr+�nces for e�ch. A grou� of ir�teresYed individuals who serve �s Aidermen far the Town af Westlake have envisit�ned fc�r same tirne having a s�ht�ol in theis cornmunity. This focus has resu�ted in the cf�veiopment of an �pen enrollment charter schaol in Westlake, Texas. Th� background and experience of each of the Ald�rmen is reflect�d ir� the Biographicaf Affidavits, (�ee,f�ttachm�nt#4). Scatt Bradley Fred Held Dan Redding Lart�r Sparraw Buddy Brc�wn Bilt Frey The follawing individuaEs wifl see+re as references for each dfi th�: Baard members: HQnorable Vicki Truitt �tate F2e�resentatiwe P.O. Bax 291 Q Austin, TX 78768 Cammissioner James P. Carter Caurthc�use on the Square 110 Vllest Hicko�r Qentc�n, TX 7fi201 Wanda Haskins _,� ��� , � 15 Westiake Academy ' � C. Describ�what role each persan will piay� anr�whp he/she ha� chosen ta support th�ap�lication. Each and every member of the or�aniain� groups of initia! incorparatars ha� p�rForrn�d essential roles and duties in the planning and organizing of ti�s pra�posed charter schaol. These roles, although not fimi#ed ta, have ranged from visionarar leadersl�ip ta guidance and direction irt the early stages af pianning it�e sehoa� ta advocacy far the su�cess af the new school. D. Llescrihe the f�rltowing as perEain�ta the sponsorir�g entity: 9. The offcer pasitians designated t�avor Th� res�onsibilities of the Mayor of the gov�rning Board are all inclusive. The Mayor feads fhe members of the Board in setting policy fc�r the operations of the Town of Westlake. The Mayor conduct� Board m�etings so that a!1 parties involved are given a fair c�pporkunity to p�resent their concerns. Mayor Prc�sTern The duties and responsibilities are prescrtbed su�h th�t in the absenc� c�f the Mayar, #he Mayor Prc� Tem of tha Baard shalE perform all duties af the Mayor. Seeretar�r e�fthe B�ard of Aldermer� The Secrefiary of th� Board shall see that �ll no#�ces �r� duly giv�n as rec{uired by law. TY�e Secretary shall act as custodian of the 1�1111MGvrw7 l+�6{�G 1 tG�llll��� 31a��1. VVIFt41�6� O�4L71�.1 {.l,J��i pllU �Ilr V411Vi7 tscards. In gen�ral, the Secretary will pertorm all duties incitfental to the offic� of S�cre#ary, and ath�r duties such th�t may be requir�d by the Board. �!. The manner in which o�cers ar� selscted and remnveci from o�ce . Each c�ffce shall be appoin#ed by the Board for a term af two yeacs and shall continue #o serve until his/h�r successor+s appoir�ted and assumes offic�. E�ch officer is subject#o remaval fram affice (with r�r without cause� at any time by the vote of a hnra-tt�irds majari�}€ vf fh� Directars in office. A vacancy in any offic� sha{I be filled in ths sarne manner as the origina! appointment for #he unexpired term thereaf. d��� � 16 � ; r � � Wese�ake Acade�y 3. The manner i� �n+hich members of the governing he�dy are selected and removed from office i The 8aard af Aldermec� car�sists of six (�} members elected ta two (2a year terms. They are r�maved from office during the election ! process. 4. The mannee in wl�ich vacancies �n the gavern6ng be�ard are • filled � E7e��nding o�t the tirneline of the vacartcy a special etection may be called. . 5. The terrn for uvhich m�mbers af the governing body serve AEdermen are elected to serve a two-year term. . 6. Whether the terms are to ae staggered The terms are staggered �vith three aldermen �eing elected in one year and the other thrae atdermen pasitians being efected the fol(owing year. E. Ir��l�ade any pl�ns f�r further recrvitment of fou�ders �r organizer� of t�ae s���ot: Th� �oard will actively investigat� th�possibility of bringing additianal individuafs to the Bt�ard. �peci�c individuals with a warking knflwledge af charter schools and educational [aw wi�l fae cc�nSidered as well as th�se individuals with strong community ties. AddEtionally, plans wil! be implemented for an ,4dvisory Board, nan-vafing members, which wil[ consis# of Westlake Acaclerny employees, students, and volunteers, representing the diverse community af the schooL Th� fo!lowing carnmittees will be staffed: � Admissions and Community Relatians ■ Complian�e and Evaluatian ■ Curriculum • Financ� �and Fundraising � Marketinq • P��sonnel ���{ � 1? . � ' W�stlake Academy F. Ex�lain the mann�r in which the charter schooi will canduct textbot�k � setectian. � Three empl�yees of V1lestiake Academy will be designated as Textbaok GoordinatarS, one in eleme�tary scF►acal, on� in middle schQol, and on� in h#gh scha�l. These individuais will chair the respective textboak cc�mmittees, comprised of facutty, parent, and camr�unityr representatives. The QirectQ� and Principal will serve as edvisory members of each cammittee. The boaks will be on review for a ten-day periad it�r parent view'tng priar ta presen#atic�n to the Boaed. The committ�es will make their . recommendatians ta tt�e Baard at its regularly sc�eduled February meeting. The public rnay rnake cammerrts an textbooks under cansideratian at this meefiing. � ' ResearcM indicates that mc�re chal�enging boaks—thase thaf�re written at � or just above the student's level — l�ad tc� b�tter reading achiev�ment. � Fteadir�g expert Jsanne S, �hali has found that stude�ts whc� use mare I demanding te>ctbaoks tend to sGore higher an their coll�ge entrance ' exams. Fu�thermore, bocaks used in the first fevv years of schooR seem tn make the gr�atest diffecenc�, W�th tfiis research in rnind, th� teactbaok cammittee wifl focus on challenging boaks fa�all students. G. Schoe�! Management�Qard (if differ�nt frc�m �punsocing entity� Baardj The e�fficer pdsitions designat�d for #t�e �l/estlake Acactert�y . Corpcarati�n are: President The president shall presi�e at aIl meetings af t�e Baard. Th� president Es the chief executiv� officer of the Carporatican and, subje�t to tMe control caf the Board, shalC have general charge and superuision e�f the management of the afFairs of the Corporation. The president shali cause all orders and resalutians of the�aard to �ae put into eff�ct. The presid�nt shali sign and execute all le�al documents ancf instnrments i� the name Qf the Cc�rparation when autharized #a do so by the E�oard, except wF�en the �igning anc� e�ee�ution thereof is del�gat�d by the Board ta� some ather officer or to an agent af the Corporation. The r�sponsibilities of the President af the goveming Board af the charter schoal are a!! inclusiue. The Presid�nt is respc�nsible to th� state and the parents for #he safety and wel( being of all studer►ts and employ�es af t�e scho�l. The F��esicfent le�ds the members of 4#�G� L: is Westlak�Academy � the Baard in setting pcylicy for th� operatior� of the schaol and with the assistance of the �xecutive Dir�ctc�r, sets the manthiy board meeting ag�nda. Th� President conducts Ba�cd meetings sa #h�t aEl p�rties inValved in the sGhool ar� g�ren a fair opportunity ta present their cancerns. Vice-President The�ce-Presid�r�t shall, in the event of the absence or disability of the Pres�den#; discharge the pawers and duties of fhe Presi�ent� and the 1�ice-Rresident shall perfarm such additionat duties as may be assigned from time ta tirr�e b�y the Board. . Se_c_retary . The Secretary of the Board shall see that all notices ar� duly given as required by law. The 8ecretary shall act as custodian of the minutes of th� meetings, its Gorporate Record Baok, and ar�y other records. Ir� general, the Secretary witl perform aH duties incidental to the office pf Se�retary, and other duties such that may be required by the Baard. �t��2r �� Westlake Aeademy 111. Community�upport A. P'rcav�de infonnation an the mar�nsr in whiah carnmunity groups are involved ir�th�r c�arter schQo6 plannin� process. After the Westlake Aldermen meetinc� on Qecember 't 1, letters were sent to individuafs who express�d an interest in being actively involVed in the charter school process. Addikionalfy, a web pag�, design�d to pravide informatic�n to interested individuals, is avawlabfe for concemed citizens t+a n�tify the fQur�ding fathers of their willin�ness to s�rve an ua��iaus cammitte�s. After being publicezed in Iocal n�ws�ape�s, an arganizing eommittee meeting was held an January 9, 2Ctfl1. During this meeting sut�committ�es were established to assist in the charter schoo) plannin� pracess�. The astablis�hed committees were: Curriculum Facilities Parent 1�aiunteer F'ublicity T�chnology 1r�divieivals voiunt�ered to chair �a�i� o# these committees and these ir�di�iduals, in turn, �olicited memb�r� tca serve on their respective cQmmittees. �ommittee meetings wiCi be--�rranged and sched�led by t�e Committes�hair. �. �Ceir!lc1�,s rey�� nf R���2I6�2�lr?!'e r�f !1rit�>a �f�.Fla �?'!p�'�!l�,� !!'� ? �r'!plxrS�ar�c�r af ge�neral distribution in the geagraphic area, th� meeting's registration lag, ar�d a syna�sis of the public hearing held to discuss the praposed chart�r schoa) ptan. The synopsis must icf�ntify �resentersP a summary af their comment�� and a list af questian� frnm participants with respon�es provided b�y the presentersa For the notice of�ublication, see Attachment#7. Far the registratir�n (e�g, see Att�ichment#8. For the synapsis of the meeting, see Attachment#9. ����� 24 Westlake Academy II C. t3iscuss any business arrangements or partnerships with existing I! schac�is, educational prc�grams, bu�inesses, or non-pro�# '' organiz2�tions �include tet#�r frorn each entity represen#ed). fdentify ' individuals who are.affiliated with ar�y of the c►ther arganiaations AND serve on the schoal's board. fdentify individuals who are affiliated with any af thQ other arganizations AND are emplc�yeci by the school. Far resolutions af support betweer� the Town of Westlake and Wesfilake Academy, see Attachment#10. D. List �ve persons wha are nat directly► involved with the schoo� as emplcyees or as board mem5ers, who �vifl serve as references fa� the sponsoring entity. Provide phane numbers, addr�sses, ancf na#ure of experience wlth the sponsoring entity. t�ame Address Cityy State Phane Relatianship Bill Greenwo�d 4 Wyck Hill Ln. UVestlake, �"X 917-�7'�- Resid�nt 76262 9696 Annett�Bush 203 Oak Hilf Trophy Club, TX 817-491- Texas Student 76262 1445 Housin Board Dr. Forrest Watson 1009 Adanis dr. KelEer, TX 76248 817-595- Texas �tudent 0919 Housing Board Qr. Patsy Sharp 41�Qak Naven Keller, 7X 76�4� 817-431� Texas Student 3829 H�using Board Wvrth Blak� 244 C?ak Hili Tropt7y Club, TX 817-491- Texas Student 762H2 1�44� Hausin Baard �. Each a�plicant must publish a prescribec! statem�nt in a newspaper of general distribution in the g�c�graphic area proposed for the school. Yhe statement must also be mailed to the city council and commissianer's court with�urisdic#ion c�ver the yeographic area. Natice af intenfi was published in Tuesday, January 30, 200i. Fa�original ne�tice, see Attachrnent�'!1. Since the Towrt of Westlake is the spansoring entity, notice was not mailed to the city council with jurisdiction over the geographic area. Notice to the individuat membecs o�the cQmmissioner's �ouct was mai[ed an Tuesday, January 3Q! 2001. For verifcation of mailing, see Attachment#12. a���� z1 Vdestlake Academy VI. S�hoal Demographics A, What are the school's enroilment projectians far the first fiv� years? What is the sGhooi's maximum enroilment goa!? What grades will be served? Hoenr many students are eacpected to be in each g�ade ar �rouping?What wil[ be the maximum cia$s sixe altowed? The maximum ciass size allowed will be 25 studer�ts. TIl@ CII�fEG'f SGI1QpI`s maximum enraliment goal is 8(}0. Westlake Academy will aper� in ih� Fatl �Q02 serving �rades 1 through C. Additianaf grade Ievels will be added each year, � The proj�cted �nrallment far the frst five years is r�flected 9n th�#Qllowing : cnart: � 22U2-22U3 2003•20Q4 2004-2QU5 2i}t35-20Q6 �aa -2 0 Kindergarten 60 60 60 64 First 6� 65 65 65 65 Second 65 65 6a 65 65 ' Third 65 65 65 65 65 Fourth 65 65 65 65 65 ifth 65 Ba 65 6� 6� � Sixth 65 65 65 65 6� � S�venth 65 65 C5 6:� � Ei hth 65 65 6� � Ninth G5 65 '1"�►?��! �'-� Eleventh ' Twelfth Total 390 515 5�Q 6�� T1Q B. Descrilae the Ge�mmunity vr regior� where the scht�ol will t�� lacated. `i"he town of Westlake is a smaEl rural community with an approximat� population c�f 25Q. The children of the Westlafce cammunity ar� split be�rnreen thr�e schoal districts: Northwest ISD, Garral! lSD, and Keller I�C1. With the boundaries of #he t�wn lying a(ong the fringes of each of fhe r�spective school distcict�, there is no hape of the tor�rn eve� having a s�chQc�l tvcated ir� its boundaries, The p�urpos�d charter sGhoof woufd � prnvide a keen sense af community and camaraderie among the citizens of WestEake. ! ��a�� �z .� � ; i � � Wesdalce Academy C. Why was this locatian selected�' Are there pther aCternative tc�cations suitabt�ta the needs and facus a�f the schaa�{? ; There has been dennonstrated a keen desire for a rigorous currieulum schaoi in the area; hawevert no one has stepped farth. The Town of ' Westlake has taken the inifiative to brin� a schraa! af choi�e, grQunded in high a�ademics, to tk�e �ifiz�ns af the ar�a. Q�O:':i z� Westlak�Academy . V. Human Resource Inforr�atian (R�viewed by Agency� A. Describe your huma�n rasc�urces palici�s governing salaries, contrac#s, hiring, and dismissal, sick a�d ather leave, and b�nefits. Pravid� salary sGhadul�s, sample contrac#s, and copie� Qf poticies on other issues. 1. Ralicy gaverning salaries V1lestlake Academy wiH hire and rr�aintain high qua(ity s�taff and teachersledueators �y proWiding salary levels cornparabfe with other school programs with the same type of jab re�pQnsibility. Ail n�w-h�re p�sitians, includir�g contractars, will be advertised in the lacal newspaper and other appropriat� media. Job d�scriptians for each pasitian will be in writing. West(ake Academy will pay salaries that are at minimum competitive with other public �chvols. To achiev� and n�aintain salaries that are rnotivational and equitabf�, an individuaPs performan�e and experience tinrill be cQnsidered in the e�tablishment of salarie�. �or�alary schedules, see Attachment#1�. 2o Pa1R�y governin� cc�ntraet� /�fi empfoyeas of Westla#�e A�ademy will rr►aint�in "at wilC" contraat� and wifl be su�aject tra evaluatian based qn crit�ria established by the Board af Trustees. All edueationa! staff urill be awarded 10 rt�anth (207 days� "at will" contracts. The �Qard wi31 d�sign an appeals process ta be fo�lowed in case af confli�ts cancerning ernploy�es based on Texas Warkfarc,e eriteria and �he �>ffice of Givil Rights. 3. Poficy gove�ning hering T� pravide unifo�rta emplayment practice� throughout the arganizatian and ta canforr� to the �i�rmative Actian Polices and Equat Emplayment QpporEunit�', Westlake Academy rrvill adapt a urritten pr�-employment proGass and uni�armly irnplement this process in searching for job ap�lscaints. Westl�ke Academy►wi!! use bath internal and external search meGhanisrns in tt�e employm�nt proce�s. 00�:'� 24 Wesflatfe Academy � Westlake Academy will hire and maintain the appropriate number of emplaye�s to insu�e that students attendinc� the charter sehool r�c�ive maxirnum �ducati�anal and sacial benefits. All prograrrt Rersannelf incEuding �each�rsleduca#ors, must pass a cciminal baekgcound check prior ta beginning work. A�riminal check will �e run thr�augh the Region S�rvice Ger�t�r or� each applicant hired by the pro�ased new s�hQal. Th� F�egic�n Serv�ce Center wi9( alsa canduct cr�minal bacicground checks for�II school valunteers. For a sampl�raantract, se��►ttachment#14. A thorough and camplete �acvitylStaff Nandbook wi1! be compiled far distributian tca ali faculty and stafF. The ha�dboak will be review�d durirrg staff initiatian. Therefar�, AttaGhment #15 is no4 applicable at this time. B. Administrators 1. Provide a biographica� affidavit far each adminis�trator af the sGhvol. Mr. Trent Petty will serve as the Executive airector o� Westlake Academy. His bio�raphical affidavit is in Atta��ment#�f 6. 2, Explain the p�wers and du�ies of eaGl� administrat�►r. Su��fint�nd�nt's tExecutive Dir�etor� pow�rs and duties: e Caordinat�s a pcex�ram of instruction that supparts the p�hil4sophy and goals af the school district ♦ Displays effeetive personal leadersttip attribute� and effective(y delegates authority and responsi�ilitao �► Plans district prcagrams and services ta meet identified ne�ds ♦ PrQvides far personneE practices that pramote higt� qua�ity staffing and jab performance � Enitia#es and pramates an effective emplayee relati�ns program ♦ Direcfs the preparation and expenditure of the district's budget within the distriGt's fiscal capab�lities ♦ Anticipates the disteict`s needs for fa�ilities and materials and establishes an effecti�re system for their us� ♦ Ov�rsees a system of student services and student discipline that is effective and equitaE�le • P�arnotes Aositive community relations throu�h �ffective communication with �nd involv�ment of cammun'rty merrtbers e Seeks oppartunities far co�ntinued prafessiana! growth � ���� � 25 Westiake Academy � a Ntaintains a pasitive and praductive warking relatian�hEp witt� boa rd � Assists in the deveEaprnent of and effecti�e acfministration mf baard po�icy RrinGipal'spawers and du�ies: * Peovide input t� the Bc�ard con�erning cQurse and academic _lS_..`_...� _L iL_ __�___� t}I(��I�l� QT I€1� SGTiClOI o RepQrt of schc�ol progress to the Baard an a monthly �asis r Supenrise th� dev�lopment c�f needecf c�urses af study, insuring that all develo�ed caurses rnet al! course requirements set forth in the T�x�s Essential Knawl�dge and Ski#is ♦ Assist par�nts and gu�rdians and other community mernber� in identifying volunteef oppc��tu�iiies a Respansibfe for the day-tn-d�y (eadershi� c�f Westlake Academ� ♦ Supervise all staff t lmplemertt and rnaintain schaal polic�+ � �nsure that bacleground check� are made far all sehoa!volunteers t Receive suggestion� fram �arents and �uardians with respect to scho�l operatian and school palicy �. Who wi�P t�e th�scttac�l'� Chief Executive Q�cer'� Ntr. Trent �etty 4o D�scribe th+� c9�ain eaf c�mmand. �'^f�!^. af,ny�:":!r�ti�!?a� YhM!'t, �A'v��C�'!:';'lan��t^17. 5. What experience has the propos�d CEC} had in man�ging a s�haot andlar business�' Mr. Petty, who halds a Master's d�gr�e in I�ublic Adtr�ini�tratian, has �7 years o� experi�nae in public sector management, �nanc� and budget. He has �ast baard rnembership an the Grap�vine-Calleyville Education Foundation and senred as Fundraising Chairman for the frst Grapevine-Cc►Ileyvi!#e Edvcation Faundation Campaign. Additionally, Mr. Petty has serve� as GG15Q fnancial consultant during the Tax tncrement Finance analysis with th� City of G�ap�vine, as wal! as cQnsulted for C�rroll ISC}on the sarne topic in a different TtF. Mr. Petty has been Chairman of the �oard of Faith �hristian Schaol during a tirne of se# up �nd establishing permanenf headmast�r ���Q M� 26 � � Westlake Academy leader�hip, currieu�urn stability, enrallment growth and financiat rnilepost pfannit�g. In this ca�acity Mr. Petty has run the �oard � meetings, set the agenda in Goarctination with the Headmaster and rautinely represented the schaol ta parents and city leac3�rs. 6: 9Nhat criteria will the ft�unders use to chaose ttte school's acadernic and financial leade�s? The founders of Westlake Acad�my wili us�the follawing criteria t� choose the schooPs ar..ademic and financial leaders: �ducatian All academic staff will passess a minimum af a bachelar's degree. Teact�ers must be qualified to execute ins#ructional strategies, strategies for stud�nt growth and development, strate�ies for classroam rnanagement and organization, strategies for poliGy implementatian� and possess goad communication skills. AIM financial leaders will possess a bachelar's degree or higher with a ma�ar in business admirtistrati�an, fi�ance ar accounting. Experi�nce All teaching staff wil( provide evidenee of success with experience in the teaching field. AI! financial Eeaders imust hav� a (e�st �ne year's experience in the field crf accountir�g or ftnae�ce. Certification Ai� teaching staff wiif be encauraged to seek Texa� T�ach�r Certificatian durin� employment if they lack cert�cation upan initial employr�nent. 7. Rrvvide a aomplete job description for the GEO, �choc�l a�adennic director�fnanciat dir�ctor and 4th�r administrative personnel. . G�1�r � z7 �t�stlake Academy ' A , .r 7 Rep�orts dir�ct�y ta the Baard c�f Dir�ctors Cc�mp�nsation Range $6Q,�00 -$9�,000 ��. �.." "".�.�_..._ !'►s.__._a.__ "_"s�� f_ _ ___ _ _"___• ._ ___i____ """__'� t._lf ..___at_4__.__1 !� il_�. i ne execut�ve utrec�vr wt�a r�e an equai paru�er anca rur� pariacipan� in u�� teaching-Cearning pPocess.of the WesNake Academy. in general this individual will facilitate and ouersee that implernentation4 hering, t�raining, policy dev�lapment af Westlake Acader»y< �'ttis ir�dividual h2�s the following areas of respansibiCity and duties: Q Establishes wifh the faculty the �oals and atajectiues of the instructionai prc�gram irt accordance with school palicy and in keeping with the stated pt�ilasophy of the scha4l 4 DeveSQps with the statf the missian and school plan nf �cti�n, based on iden#ified visi4n of the schao! � Cammunicates and pramot�s high expectatians for student performance in an enabling, suppvrtive way; provid�s praper recc�gnition of excellence ar�d achiev�mer►t � Assumes respansibility far overafl administration of Staffing Initiati+an and preparati�n trf budget proposal App(icatians Grar�ts Q C�nducts requir�d Training sessians Agency and progr�m development � Mc�nitar� aI1 agency and pragram cornpanents Q Caardinate� and implements wa�rk�t a praf�ssionaE and indep�ndent (evel Q Assurnes #t�e responsibil�ty fsar farmulatian and coordination af feGhnical d�tail and phases af the planni�ng and tMe operatian of all agenGy prQgrams �����. �,8 Westiak�Acadern� 4 R�mains continually cognizant af pragram and proj�ct aptions as reflect�d In the monitoring and evaluation reports 4 Ses�+es as public felatians representative in fostaring a coc�perative relations�hip with fhe community �t Insures a�dCQr prepares required internaUeternal praficiency reparts and sta��stic.ai data within s�ecified #irn�frames C�ualifi�a�ior�s Q Dactaral De�ree in Edu�ation �referred, but Master's Degres is required Q Experience as a schoc�l administrator is pr�ferred � Experienc� deveEoping, e�rganizin� and impiementing Rroject goals and abjectives � Ability to form constructive, mutually beneficial warking felafiionsMip vuith ather ser�ice providers and interested �arties within the camrnunit�+ required C �4�ility to problem �Qlv�, wcark independently, and to provide pasitive leadership to staff and ca-workers �t A�ility #o id�;ntify �nd pian for both sriart and long cang� gaals Q �4b�3ity to provide sound fiscal and personn�) management C Excellent verba! anc� written cornmunicatian skiHs, along with stron� int�rpersvnal skills �L Ak�ility ta understand and complete component needs and ta dayslap and revise praject prc��osals fa �est meet eorn�onent priarities �t�q3l �� Westlal:e Acaderny Reparts to the Chief Executive O�cer Gampensation Range $50,Ot�f3-$80,oaa This individual will funGtior� utniquely as the facilitator vf instruction �nsuring that all instructional staff has suffiCient tra�ning, materials, curriculum, an� supporis neGessary to ensure that the goals and objectives of the schaol are achieved by the students. This individual wilt F�ave the faltowing responsibilitRes and dut���: Q fmplemer�t the visian and mission s#atement of the charter Q Manage the day-to-day affairs of the school focusing on curriculum Q Manage human resources of the s�haQl Q Negatiate and make cc�ntract recommendations ta Executive Directar and Staff Q Provide Professiona( Dev�lapment in ident�ed areas af need 4 Participa#e with the Executi�e Director in personne6 issues regarding hiring and firing Q Partieipate with the Executive Directot in preparing necessary rep�rts � Caardinate substitutes, textbooks, and tither aperations required by the school to provide quality education services Q Assist with student recruitment and r�tention � Coordinate with schaoC and community personnel to bring tog�ther resc�urces of student� QUaI1�ICat14ClS: Q Maste�'s Degree in Education preferred, but Bachelar's degree in Education required Q Experience as a school administrator is prefe�red ����� 3t} i , 'Vvestlake Ac�aemy � AbiEity to problcro salve, work independently, and ta pravide posit�ve i lead�rship to staff and cammt�nity resources ( � Abilit�r to pr�vide sound fisca�and personnei mana�ement ? i � Ability�ta express ideas effectively and deal with peQple#actfully Q Ability to demanstrate suc��ss in working uvith diverse graups i I ( Q+�Q�� 31 Westtake Aaademy ' Campensation Range: $35,t?OQ-$55,QQ0 This individual will haue irnmediate responsebility af th+� schoa!'s accounting practic�s, the marntenance ofi Its fiscal r��ords, and th� �areparation af its �:.. ,.� . ....... ��.�a���,��� ��N���. This ind►viduai wilt have the f�ilowing responsibilities and dutieg: Q Adrrtin�sters and monitors day-to-day activities o€the tausiness cat#ice C De�elops and implements accounting pc�li�ies and procedures Q Setting up and maintaining charts of acec�unts � Perforrns a�Gc�unts payable, aecQunts reGeivable and cas# disbursement duties � Manages tF�� autamated aceounting sys�tem frcrm an aperationaE perspec#ive, including monthly closir�gs, d�ta cc�ntrai, and s�ystems &GGpUfI#IIIC� SU�?�C1['t 4 Exarnin�s a variefi� af fir�ancial st�tement� fc�r corr�plet�ne�s, a�curacy; and conf�rrnance with estabiished procedure QU�IitIC3�tiOt15 � BBA in accounting or BA in accaunting p�us five years of go�ernmental accot�nting exp�rien�e. Q Know(edge af fund accaunting � Non-profit experienc� G Excellent comrnunication/inter�aersona! skilks � Ability to e�cercise diseretion �2 Capable af working independentl� ����x� 32 i Vire$tlake AcademX 8. Na�w w►ilt admini�trat�ve pers�nn�l be eva�luated�' ! ; A11 Administrative persanne! will be evaluated ir� accardanc� with provisio�ts o�f Subchapter BB issued under the Texas Educati�n Gcade, §�1.354 and §39A54, and the commissioner's reccarnmend�d or ' �s#ablished star�dards under the Cade. Westiak�Academy will ac�pt the carnmissioner's recommendations as its methad af evaluatian for administrative personn�l which includes the foliowing damains: ♦ Instructional management ♦ Sct��ol oc�rganizafiian mar�{e + School or c�rganizatior� improvement ♦ P�rsonn�l managem�nt � Management of administratiwe, fiscal and faeiliti�� � Studen#management ♦ School or cammunity relatians o P�ofessi�nal growth and deveiopment + Acad�rnic excelEence indicators and campus perfarmance + School board relations (far school superintendents anly} � A student perfc�rmance domain st�a)I b� included in the appraisat of the Princip�I and tF�e Superintendent 9. 'What wilf !�e the satary range and benefits fu�r admwnistrativ�e staff? The actual s�laries from uvifhin th� ranges witl be se# and � finakized bene�it packa�� will b� established ance the schapl has received its chart�r. � Benefits availak�l� to all administrative staff inc�ude: ♦ Educatoes and ather stafF membe�s wi11 re�eive the same benefits {i,e., sick days, prafessi�nal days, etc� as teachecs emplvyed by the state in a public sehaul t All stafF members will have a ehaice abaut partieipating in #he Teaeher Re#i�ement System ar an alternative retirement system B. Faculty and Staff 1. tnclude a description a�f the qualifications ta ae required fcar all classroom teachers and staff. All teaching staff wifl possess a minimum af a bachelor's degree and will be encauraged to s�ek Texas Teacher's Gertification during emplayrnent. It is anticipated that ail teaching staff wili be ����� 33 Westlake Academy experts in the �ield a# edueation and witl proyide evidence of ; success in the freld af teaehin�. ' Qualifications far nan-tea�hing administrators and staff include possession of the approp�iate ed�catior► andlQr c�rtifications and special knawfedge antf skills in their �articular jab p�sifi�n. Experien� in the field m�y�alsa be r�quired as necessary. ���d�E� 34 ViTestlalee Academy '' , Supervised by the Principa! ' Compensatian Range $35,QOCt -$5�,aao This indi�tiduat wil� have#he following areas of respansibilities and duties: Q Provide guidance to pras�ective families and stud�nts Q Provide guidance#a students on educativn, career, and personal �lans Q Caordinate and sup�nrise the cornpilinc� and maintenance af r�parts, rer.ords, and oth�r required documents Q Caordinate an �ffective informatian and referral process ta help s�tudents utiliz� spe�ia! pragrams and services Q Assist students in course seiectior► ta nneet graduation requirements andlar needs �d Cvmrnunicate with colleges and universities e Assist En coo�dination of ar� at-risk program and Sectia� 5�4 r�ferrals Qualificatians . Q Master's Degfee in Counseling preferred, but Bachelor's Dsgree is re�uired �L Thr�e y�ars work exp�rience in s�tudent related counseiing Q E}ccellent comrn�nicatian �nd arganixational skills Q Know(edge of IDEA and 5Q4 requirement ta meet individual student's needs �C F'revious experience in educat�onaa and achievement testing Q Ability to initiate evaluations and reports ��Q�� 35 ����� Westlake Academy Supervised by Principal � Gampensatian Range �3�,0�0 -$55,Of1Q Consideration given to experien�e and educationat ieve! The #eachers wifl functic�n as an i+nstructionai leader in each af their andividual cMassroomso directing instructi�an for all students, assess�ng abilities and strengths, develo�aing gc�als and learning pro�rams ta rneet the unique need� of each st�sler�� �nd en�a�ri�� �h�4 paa�ents hav� �c���� ta th�ir ct�aldren a�r� the classroom. Thi� individua!'s areas of responsibilities and duties are: � EmpCoy�es apprc�priafie instr�et�onal/learning strateg�es, activitiss, and materials that accommodate al!students`differences, gifts, and tafer�ts � Presents tY�e subject matter according to guidelines established by TEA and Bc�ard af QErectors � Demonstrat�s current knowEedg�, understanding and s{eil! ir� t�aching strategEes and th� learning pre�ce�s � Creates a I�arning environm�nt condu�iue tca leaming � Provides authentic assessment aotiai#ies � Establishes and maintains open lines of communication with studenfis �nd their parent� �Z C�emons�tr�tes interest and initiative in pre�fessicanal improvements � Maintains a prQf�ssional relatianship with all colleagues Q Dernonstrate� behavior that is prof�ssional, ethical and rssponsibfe Q Maintains accurate and c�mp#e#e e�cords Q t?btains a minimum c�f 5�A hours af in-service, tr�ining and me�ting h��r� each y�ar Q���$ 36 ( t � i � W�5i�3�C�,�Cc�C�CITl�+ 1 t i I € Q Accepts respansibility fc�r extcacurricular ac�tiuities as assigned � Q Assists in pubfic relatian develapmer�t oFthe s�chooi $ Attends and participates in alI m�etings t�ualifcations �4 T�A State Gertified pref�rred, �ut �raduate of an accredited institution t�f higher learning required with worle exp�rience in related field � Demonstrates knowledge, underst�nciing, and skill in the subj�ct areas tau�ht Q Sensitivity to the needs of all students Q AbElity to problem sofve and wQrk independentEy �t Exceqent ve�bal and written cammunication skiAs, a�ong with strong interpersor�a( skifls C Ability to exprass ideas effectively and de�R with pe��le tac�fully � F�e�ss�ss s�rong c�rganizational, plar��ing, and facilitatic�st skills � Capable �f st�owing stud�n4s hc�w a�ad�rnics is applied �a aspect of life ����� 37 Westlal:e Academy ' .2. Describe the targ�ted staff size and th�r teacher-to-studen� ra�ia. � ' A Eaw studentlteach�r ratio caf 1:1� will be er�aintained at al1 grad� levels. 3. fdentify the propos�d facuHly ane! staff if possible. With the sxce�tf€�n Qf the pasition c�f 5uperint�ncient! Fx�cutiv� [3irector, all faculty and staff will be n�w hires and eannc�t be ident�fi�d at this 4rrte, 4. Explair� the method that vvill be use�d to evatuate the faculty and staff. The Prafessiartal Devel�prE-ien# and A��raisai Sys�t�m (PDAS}, reGommended b�th� Texas Educatian Gommissian, wif( be used to evaluate teachers. Th� f�DAS appraisa! framewQrk is considered e�pecially appropriate for teachees becaus� the PDAS critaria acl�nawledt�e braad-�ased t�sks that �eacher� routinely �erfarrn that ar� beyond classroom teaching duties. Each tea�her will be appraised each schcaQt y�ar. Qornains c�f the F'DAS for teacher evaluation i�clude: � Active, Sucr.�ssfuf Student Paeticipatian in the Le�rning Rrac�ss � Learner-Centered Instru�tian + �y�l��fic�r� ar�rl FQPc1�ar.k�n St�c�en�Prn�rr�ss • Management af Student DiscipEin�, I�strt�ctional Strategies, Time and M�terials . • Professianaf Gomm�nication • Rrofessional Development • Compliance with Policies, t?p�rating P�acedures and Requirements • improvememt Qf Acadernic C�erfor�nance of All Students ctn the �ampus �nee the stat� irnplements the TexBESS appraisal systern, the schaol administration wiil utilize this system Non-teaching, admEnistrative stafF memb�r� will �e evaluataci i� �ccordance with provisions of Subchapter B� issued tander the Texas Education Gade, §21.345 and §39.054, and the �li�i��i� 38 j i � f Vdestlake Academy ; � � , 3 GQmmissic�ner`s recommended ar established standards under the ' Cade. 5. Prouide c�mplete jab descriptions of ali charter schoQt facult�r anc� staff, including instructionaE and �e�n-instruc#ianal duties. C?ne of the rr�ost impor#ant gaafs of administering fhe charter schaa( will be to pravide le�dership and suppt��t far the instructianal staff. T�e atlmir�istration wilt vaiue and encaurage staff coilaboration and prc�fessianai development, and provide oppqrEunities for teachers ta as�urne ieadership rales. Th� leadership style wifl be canducive for the inclusian of every one in the shared d�cisivn-making pracess, th� empow�rment af teachers and �dministr�tors for the accountability af learning, and the facilitafi�n c�f ail asp�cts af gaveming the schaol. 40�,�Q .1 39 We�tiak�AGaderrzy �upervised by Principal Carnpensa'on E�an�e $30,000 -$45,QQ0 Consideration given for experience and educatianal ievel This in�ividual wiU have th�following resp�nsibilities: Q En#ers�student enrallment data into database �y�tem � Maintair�s student cumulative fles Q Ver�es stucfent enrollmen# farms and da�ument�, recognizes discrepan�ies and takes corrective action �2 Collects data/records requirec! ta maintain system support Q Updates students cumulative faiders with new infarmation 4 F'ra�ess�s graduation dvcuments �nd transcripts �t Assists counselar �wc�t�={ivc�.��it�i�v � Q Experi�nce equivalent#a two years as Registrar or o#her duti�s r�{ated ta. Data controller Attendance seer�#ary Reccard keeperlsecretary �C Familiar with Windows 98/ Microsoft Word and Exeel Q Ability to work Hritt� and without supervi�ion Q A�I�tc� handle multiple#asks Q Det�i1 Qriented with strong organizational skii�� Q�}��� 44 Westlake Academy q� ,y�-�,, � (,� n � ���.�e.��'a��an��� "1��'�, -�r i�� �..ar'1.�i�O���Qn f k e !a s`r"''c ...� T .�; ���,r p �,fr` .M! t + a.t`- ,.: 06.7.,iJf a a ,d a. ti f t y £' t r� �'w � j � �i r' �"��'},'Y Fe � i k . f.�t'�t<R�r�"+S. �-Sy� s�. � r { �-rst� '^+„�„=,�.t i 1-i �. � �?�»�'+z����,,xl� '. t� r f� II�la7 l:"sl�.T�f-r � � 4r i��'F k'� ��! �X 3�p�: � v��2''�*�. .c. ... . ..� ,Ss'� .c.u.�...�..f.r. ,�. .._.?.�t...,..�.,...v.,, .. .�.-,. _,r._.„_ .�,�• m.r_,.. .Lr. >�.1.� Rep�rts directly ta the Executi�e Directt�� . Compensa#ic�n Range $25,�C�4 -$3Q,000 This indiv�dual wilf have the fallowing respc�nsibiliti�s and du�ies: Q Attends training far PEIMS � Respons�b(e for�ata enfry of all PEEMS informafion C Respvnsibfe fc�r re�orts and analysis of PE9tUl5 informatian � Warks with CPA auditing PEIMS inio{mation and provides aH data rteed to properEy audit informaticrn � Handles a!I tasks associ�ted with PEIMS as they are identified � Caflects data and enters al{ information far new and existing students Qu�Bifcations � gachelor's degree preferred, but High Schoal diplam� reqt�ired � Minimurn twa years experi�nce involving data entry wor�, pr�ferably with PEfMS �C Two years experier�ee ir� non-prafrt organizatian or knowledge�bfe of nan- profit organization Q Ability to prc�bl�m solue and work independently Q Type at least 4Q wpm ����� � 41 Westlake Academy . D. Code of Canduct '1. Describe in detait yaur sch�oi rule� ar �uidelines governing student t�ehavior. Westlake Academy's gaa! is �o ensure that atl students haue a safe, t�urturing and challenging enviranrrrent in whieh io leam and grow. Add�tionally, the rules ar� sa designed to inca�rparate the entir� 1� �.. �a..�t��a .�.7 l.� .1�.. LM... ..i ICCIIIItIIy lG4I%I '^ JtUUCIfI� C.QIGC��.tVC{z C1[IU Id4Ully -' Itt LIiC }.JIVI+Gaa VI teaching appropriate schnol-reiated beha�iars. We�tfake Acadeeny will use a commendationtinfraction based system. Instead of anl�r doGumenfing inappropriate behaviar, Westlake Academy wil[ reward and reinfQrce apprQpPiate behavior an a regular basis. Positiv� reinfarceme�t wi1l nQt b� lim�ted to acadernic, but will also include appropriate life skifls su�h as flexibility, cooperatian, and resp�ct for athers. Westlake Acacfemy believes discipline is ana#her o�aportunity to teach chifdren what they r►�ed to know and praetice in order to Iive happy, �rQductive lives. The infraction-Eaased di�cipline system is based an this value. Teaching interactions regardin� inappropriate b�havior will c�nter upan providing stud�nts with rnany oppt�rtunities to cc�rr��t their behauior escalating consec�uences when they do not, and incorporating tF�e students' fami(ies thraughout the process. �, Describe your schoal's policies regarding stucient expulsion anci susper�sian. Inciucfe a clescription oT procedures inai satisfy due process requirements. Westlake Academy will use an infra�tian based discipline systern. This discipline system's aim is to stop inapprapriate �ehavior prior to �tudent eXpulsion or susp�nsion t�y mc�deling, teachirtg and reteaching appropria#e hehavior. The schooE's pnlicies wi(I be disserninated to �II students and parents regarding afFensives that qualify far immediate expulsion, Que process requirements wil( be satisfied tay including famili�s throughout the process �y praviding docurnentatian and by the availability of ir�formal and formal appe�ls procedures. Dangerous, threater�ing, an� other extrem� behaviQr aan iead tc� immeciiate suspensi�an or expulsian. �004 � a2 i i ( � Westlake Acad�my i 3. 4escribe your schc�ol's mandatory student attendance pian � and its fit with the ceade of Gonduct and the mission o�' the � schot�[. � Westlake Acad�my's� philasaphy will b� to provide students with a ', safe, suppartive, and challenging environment so that �tudents wiil hav� a strong desire to come to schoaE on a d�ily basis. Westlake Academy's rnandatory attendance policy will fae in�orp�rated into the student's code of conduct and wi!! further th� mission of the school. Regular and punctual attendanee is ur��equivocafly the single greatest factar in schaol success. C�mpulsary attendan�e nc�w applies tc� alI stud�nts �rho are les� than 18 years caf age {TEC 25.485�. The law requires a stud�nt to a�tend pub6ic school until the student's 18�h �i�hday, unless the student is exemp� from attendance ur�der Section 25.086. Westlake A�ademy wtli uti{i�e a system that tracks �xcused and unexeused absences. if� student is absent due fia illneSs, a par�nt must call the atkendance affice between the haurs of 8:45 A.M. and 9:3a A.M. Additianaliy, a ��te, which includes tFre student's f�fl names, date(s) of a�sen�e, a daytime phc�ne number for verificatian and a t�rief s#atemen# giving th� reasan for the absen�e, must b� submitted within 48 he�urs to the attendan�e clerk. Qnc� a student has miss�d �ve sch�o! day�, a note t4 verify ilin�ss must be provided by a certified physician. Appe�ls tc� this palicy ��n �ae made to the atterrdanc�camrnitt�e. Abs�nces are cansidered excused for th� follawing r�asans: ♦ Illness ♦ Family illness-- immediate family only, subject to apprava! + Death in the fami�y ♦ Religiau� haEiday—mu�t have prior schao! approual ♦ poctor's appQir�tment—must provide dacta�'� note Unexcused absences can be due tr� numarnus re���ns. The fallowing are se�me�xamples of unexcused a�sences: � Vacatian � Babysittin� ♦ t}versl�eping 4 Car tracable f Tra�c delays �0�1�;_t 43 . Wesxlake Academy _ Regardtess of tt�e nature of the absence, the student must make up his or her work. Points wil� be d�ducted due tc� unexcused abse�ces. A student has ane day f�r each da�r mis�ed to cocnpiEte and turn in make-up wark. Vite�xlake Acaderny's philost�phy, mission and student cade a� conduct are based upan the belief tt�at �ducation af young people is salidified by tt�e relatio�ship they develop with schc�ot persr�nneC �nel t{�aie nl�ccm�fno 1A/hafhnr fha ct�erlenf ie I67PY11rin 9 npUt �.w�ev 4��V�i V�GtVJl�iCi�p�• YYilGE�/�r� lilfi e.'�4YV4+�Il tV IV4i�i�lil� N •� �o acadernic skill c�r acquiring improved social skiils, regcriar attendance is essential. �'Q��� 6 44 Vi�estlake Academy VL Bus3nes� Plan (Reviewed t�y Agency►) ,�1. Financiaf Manageme�t 1. DesGribe saurces and prajected amaunf.�af start-up�'unding. 2. Provide supporting letters of credit and documentation verifying private sourc�s of funds. (Include as ATTACHMENT#18) For resolutions from the Town of Westlak�, see Afitact�ment# 18. 3. Develop a pretiminar� startup budget, cover�nc� only the planning and capital expenses nece�sary befare schaat openin� (Attachment 19j. Present a three (3)-�ear budget (Attac�ment 2�� covering a!I pro�eeted �ources of rever�u�, both pul�lic and p�ivate, and planned expenses (B�UQ{aETS MUST B� CQMPLETED aN �TATE-PR(3VIDEQ TEMPLATE IN APPENDIX Vi and fQund at http:/fwww.t�a.state.#ac.us.lschoai.financelauditlbudqetcs,xis.� NOTE: TMe estimate af State Aid (ESAy for budget pur�aoses shauld be based ac� Average Daity Attendance (AQAy. AbA �s equ�t to average daily enroliment multiplied by the percent of at�endanc�. ESA=AC?A X $4�a0. � reaEisti� estir»ate for rat� af attendance far at risk students wauld �ae 85°/a. For th�preliminary startup budget, see Attachment#�9. For the three-year budget, see Attachment#2Q. 4. Rresent a thfee-Xear cash flaw pra�ect3c�n (Attachtnent 21} showing monthly cash in flaws from aif saurce� by mcanth, inctuding la�ns and ail rnonthly cash outgaes f�r a!1 pu�►oses, inGluding laans. Qiscu�s the schoo{'s projected revenues and expenditures id�ntified in the cash•flow prajection. For the three-year cash fl�w, see Attac�hment#21. 5. Discuss any#undraising effQr#s to generate capital r�r to supplement the per pupil altocaGans {AQAj that are� planned. + A yearly eapital fundraising campaign wi11 be conducted in as�ociation with the Parent Teacher C?cgani�a#ionlBoost�r Club fundraising activities. 0��� 7 45 Westl�'ke Academy . The rnission for fundr�asing at Vllestla�e Academy wilf promate internal and e�cternal consti#uencies and ereate a climate with e7ctemal constituencies that will generate maximum finaneiai suppart fcar the new schoai. The develapm�nt function ai the schao! wiU be arganized as follows,ta better fuifill its missian: s �pecial Events � Grant Writing Thraugh a comprehensive pracess of ident�catian, �olicitation and steward�hip, the dev�lopment stafF wi[I secure fin�ncial support for ttte �ropased schoai's prat�rams and pravide oppc�rtu�ities for invalvemertt with the s�choal's averall ieadership, programs, fundraising activities and specia! events. Urtder no eircumstan�es wil) children ever be asked Eo pae�icipate in doar-ta-door fundra�ising activities. AIM Federal, state, and faca[ laws and regulatian regarding fur�draising will be fallowed. 6. Discuss the ways that the schaoi will address ant��ipated growtt� in the ar�as af pers�onnel, facility and equipmen# expenditures. Cncrea�e in enraliment, ttp tca 890 students, witl driv� the growth in ex��ns�s re(ated tc� personnet, #acEtit�€ and equiprnent. AltowaEal� reMated expend�ur�s wil!be guided by the pec pupil funding rate. At any appro�riate tim�, additi4nal funding car� be abtair��d tt�rough cao�erate and p�ivate fundraising, ar even tfta letting af bonds. 7. Rravide a cop� af the current andtar propased business pracedures handboak (Attachment 22� the schoal wiil be using, describe the poticies, procedures, �nd farms for the daily �usiness ap�rat�on. . 0 For a capy of the praposed business procedures handbnak, s�e Attachment#22. �. [?isct�ss the way th�at the s�hoal will address any unantici�ated expenditur�s or loss of rev�nue and any n�gata�r� net asset baia�ces. A� demonstra#ed !ra tk�e prQposed three ye�r budget fiscal responsik�ility is demc�nstrat�d in a surplus of $3�,435 is prcajected far the first yeac, a surplus of $86,3Q3 (curn�lative $12fi,3�8� is projected for the second yea�, and a su�{afus af$51,�70 (cumufative ���4i3 �6 i � I i I Westlake Acaderny � �I ; � . The mission for fundraising at Westfak� Academy will pramote intemal and e7ctemal constituencies and create a climate with extemal cc�nstit�encies� that will generate maximum financial suppart fc�r the new sahoot. The development fun�tion at the schovl wil) be organiaed as follows ta better fuif�li its mission: � Special Evenks • Grant V�riting Through a compre�ensive pracess af identification, solicitation and stev�vardship, the developmer�t staff will secure financial suppart far the proposed schao!'s programs ar�d provide apportunities for involvemertt with the school's overall leadership, p�ograms, fundraising actiuities and special events. Under na circumstances will children ever be asked to participa#e in daor-to-daor fundraising �ctivities. Afl Federal, state, and loca! (aws and regulation regarding fundraising will be fallowed. 6. Discuss the ways that the schoot will address anticipated growtf� in the areas of personnel, faciEi�y and equipment expeaditures. Inereas� in enrallment, up ta 804 students, will drive ti�e growth irr expe�ses related ta personnel, facility and equipment. Allow�ble r�lafed expenditures will �e guided by the per pupil f�tndi�g rate. At any appropria#e time, additinnal fundin� can be abtained thraugh cooperate and private fundraisir�g, or even the letting c►f bonds. 7. Pravide a capy of the currer�t andlor propased busin�ss procedures handbook (Atkachment 22) the schQol will be using, describe the �ali�ies, procedu�es, anr3 forms for the daily business operatian. ( For a copy of the proposed business procedur�s handboak, see Attachment�22. 8. biscuss t}te way that th�schoc��wi�l address any unanfiicipatec3 expe�datures or loss ofi revenue and any negative net asset balances. As demonstrated in the propased three year budget fis�al respansibifity is demanstrated in a surplus of $3�,4�5 is prajected for the first year, a surplus af $86,9Q3 (cumulative $12G,338} is prajected tor the secand year, and a surplus caf$51,87C� (cumu(at�v� ����� � 46 V�estlak�Academy ' $'l78,2Q8� is projecked far the third year. Tlti� fund balance aflows for any Eisca{exiger�cy. ' 9. Provide a ccrpy of th�cur�ent or prv{aosed monthly bud�e# status repc�rt (Atta�hm�nt �3) to the Board of Qirectors that wilt be us�d. For fhe pr�pc�sed manthfy budget status reporf, see l�ttachment �.�� ftis7. 1Q. Etescribe the financial accaunting and payralE accaunting system ta b� �sed and the system`� cap�city to �se the statee mandated financial accounting system in the Pub1iG �ducatian Infc��rmatio►t Management Systern �REiMS�. , West[ake Academy is ir�vestigatir�g a pl�n proposed by the Region SenrEc;e Center, which requires an initiat vutlay of approximately $5,OC10.00, tc� purchase and s�t-up compatibie software that has the capa�ity tc� use th� stat� adapted fi�an�iai acaounting system in PEIMS. Add�tieanally, fhis systern wili eff�ctively aliow the Senrice Center tc� manage the �inanciaf accounting and payroll accaunting system of Westlake Academy. � Anathe� viab�e opti�n i� that many account�ng duti�s wil! be p�rfornfred b}r� clerk sh�red �ith the �"owrn af�`ttestlake. f Wesflake Academy will fatlaw fihe r�quir�d delivery schec�ui� and r�corc� format in �Gcqrd�r�Ce ta the Regian S�rvic� Center specificatiQn. AI( cecards witl �a�* sto��d �n a secur�d enuironmec�t ta insure con��dieneia�i�ty ar recorcis anc�tfies. B. Facility Management 1. Qescri}�fian of and address for the physicai fac�tity, Due fo the sensitiuity af negotiations, the �xact site ot the facifities cannot be divulged untiE such time �nd the charter has been gr�nt�d. 2. ExpEain why� this sita would be a suitable facitily for the prapos�d schoal. Address the necessity of renc�vation ta the faciliiy and compliance witlt applicabie building cades. Describe the service� of the facil�t� including heating, ventitat�on, and lighting, sanitary canditians and water sug�ply. ��fJSii � �a � � 'UVestlake Academy Describe hav�r ati federal, state, and lacal safety and health I requirements will b� nnet Th� sit� will encompass sev�ral acres af land. Constructian on tha . �acii�ti�s wi(1 be�in quicl�y. In the uniikely�vent that canstruction af permanent facilities canna�t be completed by the start af schoof, Fali 2002, an agreernent for interim housing is also kaeing negotiat�i. There wi11 b� more than adequate land far extensive athfetic/pfayground facili#ies. 3. De�ceibe spec�al use areas af the facility, inc(uding pfaygraundlathleEic areas, cafeteria, tabora#ories, general assembly ar�as� etc. The Ic�ng-range �ision af the Baard a# Aldermen is that the �ntire campus of VVestlake Acaderny will be innovatively crass utilized with the Town of Westlake. Through an e�ctensive collaboration the Wesflake Acad�my Library will serve as the town's publiG librar}r, the Westla{c� Academy Auditorium will senr� as the town's civic auditcarium; the Wes#lake Academy playground, gymnasium, and athietic faciiities will serue as the Tawn Qf Westlake's r�creationai facilities; and the Westlake Academy offices will be hou5ed with the Town af Westlak�'s administratic►n. q�. D�sc�tss an�/ progress, parfiership devela�pmen� Qr futur� steps fowards a�cqui�ition caf a facilit�rtla�nd. A� addressed previcausly, th� Town of Westiake is in ongc,ing negotiaticans far the praperty on which to b�ild Westlal�e Acaden'►y. Details of this rtegotiation must remain confidential until such tirr�e as the charte� is granted. 5, Attach a cc�py of a lease agreement, deed t� �rape�kyr or purchas� agreement as ap��icabie{Attachment 24}. A I�ase a�reement with tE�e Town of Westlake wil! b� executed upan the granting vfi the charter. The Town of Westlake"s resolution to pro�ide spa�e and facifities for Westlake Academy is in Attachment#24. C. Student Attendance Accountin� "t. C�escfibe yraur schaal attendanc� accounting procedu�es. The TEA Student Att�ndance Accountir�� Mandbook must be foliowed, (Copies af this handbQok can be obtained ffom ��+.�J.� �8 Westlaic�Academy ' pubii�ations departmen# uf TEA��. lndicat� na�me af camputer program te� be u�ed for student aGcounting purpose� and describe the capacity Qf tt�at pragram ta keep track of�4uden# related cfata requ�red in PE1M�. The charter school attendance accaunting procedures will follow the TEA Stud�nt Att�ndance Accaunting Handbaak with attendance tracked dail� per ciass and recorded using softwar� prouidea iay ur. .�vi�n Anderson, whict� is t�c� t�ase� and eapar�i� oi traci�ing all necessary student relat�d data required in PEiMS. These accc�untin� procedures are curretatiy ir� use as required by th�TEA reguiations. Additicanaliy� V1/estlake Ac�derny will comply with the foll4wing responsibilities: � Ensure that t�e basis used to recard and pracess attend�nce aGcounting data me�ts this standard through arr appraved automated system. 19 TEC §129.21(e) ♦ Adopt an attendance accounting syst�m, b�th m�nual and automated, which includes prc�cedures that ensure the accurate taking, recarding, and r�porting of attendanr,� accounting data. TE� �4�.006 (b} � Report attendance �nd contract hours on the s�udent Ievel fe�r the entire schaoi year thrcrugh the Pubiic Eduratian Enfor�ation N(�nagernenf System (PEfiM�) • �� responsiblr� far t�te sa�ekeeping af ali atte�danc� records and r�parts and �ertify these documents upan submissian ta F'EIMS ♦ Determine how fo praperly stare records ta be r�adily available for audit by th� Schaol Financial Audit Divisian af the Texas Educatian Agency TEC §42.255, 19 TAC §129.21{m} r Cantract wifh a reputable autamated sys#ern or a Regional ESC that will prc�vide error free submissions to PEIMS ♦ Includ� attendanc� accounting in the �nnua! audit to be fBpOtt�d tQ TEda ♦ Maintain records ta reflect th� average daily attendance (ADA} for the atlocation af FSP funds and ot�er f�nds aliocated by the TEfi. 19 TA� §1��.�1(a) ♦ Repart alI el�gibie s�tudents that are entitied to the benefits of the FSP. All eligible attendance will be re�aorted accurding to pravisians establi�hed by the TEA and oniy thas� students who are eligible for speciaf funding wilE be included in the AD�4 r�part. TEC §4�.0�� ����� 49 i � Westlake Academy � � 3 2. Attach a schaol ca�endar (Attachment 25) and identify the haurs Qf schaa! operation* incSuding a descriptic�n crf teacher/student contact hour�. The sG�ool's hours of aperatian will be from 8:3�A.M. to 3;3Q P.M. dail�, These hours pr�vide for a fatio af 1:6.5 hcrurs e�f t�ach�rfstudent cvtttract hc�urs. For a schaol calendar, s�e Attachment#25. 3. Pro�vide a draft c�#a board paiicy (Attachment 26) providing far the admissio�t of studer►ts eligible #ar a publiG education grant {PEG� under Texas Education Cade, Chapter 2S! Suachapter G. D�scrifae how the scha�l will implerreent th� paMicy. fi4r a statemenf of Board pali�y, see AttaGhm�nt#26. �, Trans�ortatian and Foad Servie� 9. Qescrifae pr�avision for transportation for students servec# by ther charter schaol. Pursuant to federal larnr, the schoo! must provide transportation to students eligible far speciai education servic�s as required by fih�ir Individualized Educatian F�lan �IEP). . W�stlake Academy will pravide tra�sportatiar� fe�r student� as mandat�d by feder�! {aw. Sp�cifi�ally, Westlake Academy wii� pravide transportatic�n ia studer�ts eli�ible far special educ�ation services as requir�d by their Individuafiz�d �ducation Plan. 2. D�scribe pravisians far food servi��, if any, far stud�nt� senred t�y the charter schoQi, including p�ans far fr�e or reduced lunch and breakfast pragrams. (If 10°fa of your students qualify far free or reduced lunch, you are required �o provid� a breakfast prQgram far thase sfudents.} Westlak� Academy will follow all applicabl� provisions in praviding fre� and reduced lunches and breakfasts. If 1Q% of the student population quafifies for free ar reduced IunGh, a breakfast pragram will be pravided for them by contracting for these servi�s. �#��5.� sa Westlake Acadetny VII. GeographiG Bac�ndaries and Statements �f ImpaG#(Reviewect by Agency) A. Geographic Boundaries 1. Describe the geographic area tt� be served by the sahoc�t. In�lude a map (ATTAGHMENT 27} showing boumdaries clearly marked. Include a written descriptian that clearly explains the i� L�. �J �.fATl�� T'Y�:.� 1_.� �L^�...� �L l��. :SLiw <iAKs! ip �,7g3 SSf3fY�Gi, i`ii.d i G: 1 iIIS q�;�GTiE7i167I7 (TiiJ5i oE3 �E1+�c:�R��. and definite. Far exampie, descriptions such as "sauthw�st portion trf the Gity" ar "the gr�afer metrapolita�n area" are it7S�Uf�ICtBCt�. AGG@��FlIB d��Ii1t10fIS ;11CIUt'�@ �I1f?St; Itl�ti11�}''1i1� #he area in terms af cEty or countyr limits} street names, and bc�ur�€Iaries af sc�oo! distriat,� or�ip codes. Th� boundaries of W�stlake Academy wiil be Gancurrent with the bc�undaries of the Town of West(ake. The area is baunded on the w�st by Nighway 377', on th� north by Highway 714, t�n the east by the ta�vn of Southlalce anci �n the s�uth by the city c�f Kelle�. The Tarran#laentvn County line runs thraugh the cent�r af the tawn. A map af t�e area is in Attachment#�7. 2. Pravide a list of a11 d�stricts within the geographicat area that may b� aff�cted by #he charter schoc�l, ir�ciuding those distri�t,�fr�om which the charter s�hoal wi11 acc�p�transfer�. Argyle iSC� Keller ISL� �arraii iS� fVort�west i5u Dentan iSD B. Statements af impact 1. The sponsari�ng �ntity must send a ce�py of the form in Appet�dix IV, S�atem�nt of fmpac� tc►the superintendents of atl schoot districts that are likely ta� b� affected by the establishment af tl�e �harte� scha4l, including those districts frorn which t�,e chart�r school will accept transfers. The purpose of the form is ta dacum�nt an� aduerse im�a�fi ar� the affected diatrict or an� patential enroitment �hift that may impede a districYs ability ta cc�mply with a eourt Qrder afFec#ing xh� distnct The farm must be sent to a11 districts in the c�eographic area from which th� school w�ll drarnr students. ����� S1 I Westlake Academy. � � A eopy of the charter schaol appticafion and a lefter fram the ' sponsorrng entity r�usf accort��aarty th� firrm, �ec�uesting th� ' superint�r�dent of the af�ected district to submit the signed ' and carnplet�zd form to the Texas Education Agency. (A ' sarnple letter is also included in Appendix IV of this de�cumen�} The Stater�rent of tmpact farm and the compfeted ap�a�iGatior� (exc�iudfng only Attachrn�nt 28� should be sent tc� all affected distcicts na lat�r fhan the date th+a appBication is subrnitted t� TEA. The Stat�ment of Impact wil) be sent to the following school districts on V�lednesday, �ebruary 14, �pQ1: Argyle 1Sa N�rthwest tSD P. C7. Bax 989 180Q State Hwy. 114 Argyle, TX 76226-Q989 Justin, TX 76247-874L1 Garroll I&D Keller I�D 1201 North Carroil Ave. 3�0 Ketler Parkway Southlake, Texas 76�92-9405 Keller, T�C 78248-3447 Denton ISD P. Q. H�ox 2387 C�er�ton, TX 76�Q�-2387 2. The �ftarter school application must include a tist af ttie districts to which a Sfafetn�rat af lmpac!fo►rm and applicatic�n were sent, Subrnit with your application a cupy af the re#ur� receipt {Attachment 28� from the past affice showing the �ate ther farms were sent to the di�tricts. The return receipt fvrms for th� past ��c� are in Attachmer�t#�8. 3. The superintendent may cQmpfete the Sfatemenf af lmrpact farm and submit it to th� Texas Education Agency by the date af submission af the application fia the State Board af Educatian. Upon �eceipt af each charter schaot applic�t�an, A�ency s#aff will determine whether atl districts trkely to be aftecterd by the establ�shment of the propcsed charter schc�oE received a Statement of fmpact. fl�a�� s� Westlaice Academy ' Vlli. Statement of Need (Sccared bX Review Cammittee� A,. Wf�y is the�re a tt�ed of' this type af sc�ae�i? 1Nha� ew�dence exi��s tt�at th�re i$ a �ufficient demand far the edu�ationaf prc�grarn �ou ar� proposing? After carefu! consideration af the educational goals of this diverse .�:i. tie� Il_._._J _t.._l._J iV�.l t4_ J_'_�.i_..�_.�t L.. {E.i. cvri��"iunny, �n� c►c�aro cs�nc�ua�o Gnda cn� �iUyi���ri aeveiop� uy c��� Internationai 6acaalaureate Qrganization �IB4} wauid �iest maf�h the nesds of this area and, ther�fore, will �e adopted by the West(ake Academy. This prtigrarn, offered throughout the warid, prome�tes academic achievem�nt and r�spor�sibi�citizenship. The InternatiQnal BaceaEaur�ate (16� pragram w�s originap�r developed in Switrerland thirty years aga as a rigoraus cc�urse af study fc�r motivated seeandary studerits. Recently, the Intematic�nal Baccalaureate Organiza#ian (fBC)} develaped and endor�ed a Midelle Years Pragram (MYP), which fulfills and enhanees the mission identified for the Westfake Academy. The I� pec�gram is the perfect program to �e afFered in the backyard of the Alliance Airport c4rridor international communify where rnany internationa! carparations have establish�d their corparate offces. B. Explain why the charter s�chc�o! mc�deE is th� ap�ropriate vehicle t�► addr�ss this n�ed. T`he primary reason why th� charter �choal mod�l is �he ��pre�riate ve�icl�: ta address this ne�d is t� ensur� that ali young pee�ple, regardless of their soaiaecanomic background, have the oppor�unity to participate. While there are severa[ private schoats in the area, the tuition causes the schools ta be cost prohibited to many families. Accc�rding to local parents, the prc�biems fac�d by farnilies wha desire a rigorc�us, intema#iona( language curriculurn are deep and the academic gap is wide< Afthc►ugh there are many, many excellenf t�acher^�, they afe so pulled to address al! the needs of the vari�d instruetional levels found in the classrooms of inclusians. Students and parents are fearful that studer�ts are at great risk for not reaching their true potentia{s--they are lost in the cracks crf today's educational system. A�celerated academic educatian indeed faces a c�uiet crisis as educatianal refc�rm mavemer�ts focus on cosrnetic adminis�ra�tive chan�e rather than t�achers, students and the material to �e iearned. Pare�ts ean join a�r�an�xations, th�y can senre on scha�l commii#�es; they can volunteer endiess hc�urs in their child s�hoal, and stiil the students' needs are not . ��l��b 53 Westlak�Ac,�ti�my met. The �arents are weary. Ghart�r schQals were envisianed ta preGisely meet the needs of these famiiies and their pr�cious children. � , Many schaols, due tc� associated fina�cial benefits, place great �mphasis r�n athletics. aften #he situatiQn accurs where, to accarnmodate coaching staff, academic� became �econdary. We�tlake Aeaderny is car�mitt�d to have indivlduafs in s�p�ciali�ed areas wark in thei� specifi� dornain, i.e., music instructars wifl teach in music related courses; caach�s will be respot�sible fc�r athi�tic activi�ies. Westlake Academy� v�rill guarantee each parent ihat academics will t�ot be camprornised. The Vltestlake Board firmty believ�s a viable acad�mic pragram must be open ta a�f children. Y1►est(ake Academ�r wilE ensuce students, regardfess of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, acar�emic or athleti� ability� will have a Ghace in education. 7h�re is `rndeed a strong need for this type of school and th� charter schoQl modeE witf ensure that its daars are c�p�n to all qualifying GhiEdren. Q�G� � 54 Westlake Academy 1X. lfision af the Schaot (Scored by Review G4mmittee) A. Describe the long-range vision of the schoot specificaliy addressing how that .visian suppc�rts student learning af 4he Texas Essentia! Knawledge and Skilis, Missian Statem�nt tAf....ai�l.� A.....i�...•. . rTi'.arliifAC,r/'{4QUG�1l�f The Westlake A�ad�my wiil provide a rigorou� curriculum that is international in scope with high expectations by sharing the respor�sibility af eduGationat devetopment betw�+�n teach�rs, parer�ts, car�rtirnuniEy! and students. This wiil be achieved k�y providing an inncawativ� appraach to educat�on that fvcu�es r�n �ach student's needs ta devefop a thirst far krtowted��, produce pasitive esteem, encourage gaod citizenship and maximize their individual potentiat. This will �repa�e students for a rapidly changing environment that is global in �cope. The vision of Westlake Academy is ta cr�ate an intemational, inferactive (eaming community campased af families and �ngaged [�arners {inked with a high quality instru�tiana{ team. The schovl will provide a �goraus curricu(um and guidanc� to chal(enge all students tca reach the�r greatest acadernic achi�vemenf. Westl�ke Acaderny will continually reach vu# t€� families whose s�udent�' educatianai needs aee not heing met in mare tradifiional settir�gs. The �choof wil! provide a suppo�tive environment for y�ung people who possess ihe d�s9re io reacn iheir tUlt�Si poient�ai ihrougn a m�re formalized, international study based on � rigorous curriculum, With the ineorparation of the Texas Essential Knowl�dge and Skills ir�#a ever}r aspec# of the care curriculum, each student wi11 be supp�rted by the curriculum in ail areas af in�tru�tiort. E�. tn succdnct terms, describe the educatianal pl�itosophy ar padagag�y of the propased school. The educational philosophy of Westlak� Acaderny centers on unity �af purpc�se wher� a41 stakeh�lders, including c�m�nunity members, parents, students, staff, and administratars, wock collectively on alI aspects of providing each student with an exceptional education, a(I membets of th� sehool communit}r share a dr�am fa�the schooi �nd we�rfc to�ether taward a comrnon set af gaals that will k�enefit al! �tude�ts. Additionally, atI �i`�G��3 SS i , I Westlake Academy I � ; existing knawled�e, gifts and talents are valued, recognized and utilized in � arder for ea�h stt�d�nt ta reach his/her maximurt�t potential, i Westtake Academy's education pian is mor�than the assirnilatian af facts. Praficiene�r in a discipline rneans that an individ�al bec�xm�s a capable practitianer and has� a suffic�ient foundat9on ta pursue advanceci study. The curriculum defines the knnwledc�e, skills, and achiev�ment levels commensurate with proficiency. Th� traditional core eurriculum areas — fanguage arts, math, science, and social studies — remain strongly emphasized, The curricu(urn wil! f�e augrr�ented with music, theatre, art, pl�y�sical educatian, envi�anmental education, and foreign languages. West�ake Academy's emphasis c�n academlcs is balanced by an equal emphasis on creativitl,�. It is not enaugh in a democracy for peaple to sirnplY inquire. It is� also necessary tQ fake the fruits of Qne's inquiry and rnake some#hing of them. A schoal that prafesses to address the �eeds of its students must �nable children tt� �xpress tF�e American tradition of exp�eriment and invention. The curriculum wifl be structured ta link inquiry with inventiarr and creativity, whether i�€s painti�tg, sculpture, photographs, compasitians, th�atre, spealcing, etG. One of fhe tenants af Westlake Academy is that the stctdent`s abiliiy tc► do science and ma#hernatics i� irnproved when they are encQurag�d to develop their artistic sides, E:S�?GCic�Il�l if they do sa in ways that link back to thetr science and mathematic studies. Westtake l�cademy's curricul�rri is desi�e�ad as a comprehensiue pragr�m that allows its graduates to fulfill requiremen#s of vari�us national s�st�rns of education. Et �r�vid�s the inteilectual, s4�ia1, and attitud�r�al perspectiue necessary for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of them in a contemporary, internationaf society. While insisting upon a tharaugh study of the vari�us disciplinesa the int�rrelatedness of th� c�urses wiH be accentuated. 8y emphasizing the dy�narnic �ambinatian of knawiedge skills, experienee �nd Gritical thinking, academic achievemenl, coupled with active and responsible citizenship, is pramQted. An aGcelerated, intemational curriculum and e�ctensive parental involvsment wiil create a leaming �nuironm�nt that will be conduci�e and compatible to each �tudent overcomin� any and all abstacE�s in their educational joum�y that might pia�e the realization of achi�ving their fuil educatiQnal pot�ntial at risk. Darling-Hammand (1996) noted fhat t�aching and education have suff�r�d fram decades of neglect. A lack of standards and sc�aols organized be�ter 0�}G5`3 �6 Wesdake Acad�cny for#he 19t" �entury than the 21St ccntury has �aused a substan�al call far r�form. As Qarling-Hammond argues, °Ghildren can reap the benefits of cuRent knawledge abaut teachine� and learning only �f schools and schoaCs of edue�tion are dramaticaliy redesigned. W�stfak�Academy is making a sincere effart t� redesign �rogram. Gritically needed effc�rts are being irnp(ernented with the schaa!conte�ct ta meet thas�chalienges. Westlake Academy is dedicated to leaving no stud�nt behind. C. Discuss the educafiar�af innovations� that wilt distinguish tt�is sc�Qa[ f�om other scht�al�. The curriculum is designed as a c�mp�ehensive program that allcaws its graduates to fuifil! requirements of various natic�nal systems of educatic�n. (BO is taased on the pattern af na singfe country. It pravides students of different linguistic cultures, and edu�atl�na! backgrounds with th� inte(lectual sacial and attitudina! perspectives necessary for the challenged and appartunities that li� ahe�d of t�em in a contemporary, intemational society. The Middle S�hoal curriculum has the same commitm�nt and rigor t� a holistic view of knowiedge that is faund thrQughout the w�rld in the highly su�cessful high school prcagram. The success of th� high sctroQl prograrn has �ieen demanstrated at �pproximately 20� schools in the United Sta#es and aver ��fl s�nools thraughQut the enrorld, ninety pe�c�nt c►f which are public schocal. Th� IB curriculum sfresses rigorau� academic study and the equall� �rnportant develapment of life slcills, disciplin�s and � sec�se c�f socia! responsib�lity. The intent is that �tudents shou{d learn haw ta fearn, how to analyze, how to reach consiciered canGlusion about p�ople, their farrguag� and literature, their ways in society, and the sc�entifc farces af the e�viranrr7�nt. At the beginning af each new caurse vr topic nf sfiudy, students will be giv�n cleac �lass/course eabjectives and th� methQds by . which they wiil be accessed. 'The !B program is a d�Eiber�te compromis� be�lween the preference far specialization in same cauntries and the �mphasis on breadth aften preferred in a�hers. Th� educatianal aim of the Internationai Baccalaureate flrg�nizatic�n is #a awaken the ir�telligence af stud�nt and teaGh them to relate the conten# caf the classroc�m to the realities af the world outside. By emphasizing the dynarnic combinatian af knawledge, skifts, �xperience and critical th�r�king, the IBfJ promt�tes academic aehievem�nt, coupfed with active and responsible citizenship. 7he prt�rarn addresses the challenge af educating the uvhol� person in preparation for I'rFe, engendering respecf for �L�ti6 � S7 Westlal�e Academy � the physical life af the body and delight in the life of the rnind as it engage� I the warld in a#I its fuilness�nd campkexity, j This pragrarn affers an approach to #eaching and learning tt�at ernb�aces ' yet transcends the faGus vf traditional schvol subjeets. VVhile insisting upon tharaugh study of the various disciplines, the program aeGentuat�:s the interrelatedness af them and �Q adva�tces a holistic view of knawledc�e. This interdis�iplinary perspective asks the stud�nt to consider tSSUG'8�t1G� �CO�?I@CYt5 1�1 th�'IC Wlt�@ SGQ�?h', and to realize that goad sr�futians c�ften d�aw upan insights on� ha� acquired fram many saurces. Put anather way, the program shuns the fragrnentat�on of kne�r�+�ledg� #hat sa aften res�lts when students r�vve frorn bi�log�r to history ta mathematics ta technology as if the class�s had nathing to do with each a#her. Tha educatian of the "whole persen"takes on a special signifcance as we prc�ceed into the twenty-first century; when knowledge ac�ntinues to expand dramaticaQy; when advanced technalagies and gtabal econc�mics have tied togather vastly different eultures; when the warld is bound tt�o efosely far prc�vincial ideologies to guid� political thought; when to exist in a world community requires appreciati�an and understanding of cultural cliversity; ar�d wh�n cooper�iion alorce wifl salve glabal �rcrbtems. It is essential that academic fr�ining �ravides studenfs with the values and apportunities tt�a# enable them to succeed in the r,camp�trtive, moderrt inrarld. Vllestl�k�Rcademy�wil! u�ilize the campus and its f�cilities to c�ff�r summer ae�demic carnps �o area children, lNestlake �kcadem�r stud�nt�, as well as t�os� students ir� surrounding public schools. Th� summer acad�mic �amps will fo�us heavily on the languages ta pr�vide a continuum Qf language irnmersion. Schola�ships will be availat�le, with naminatic�ns for such schalarships comin� from area ISD Su�erintendents. AdditionaEly, ar+ aptiar�a! semester study abraad program will be available far students. This fac�t of the hi�h school pragrarn wauld be inc�rparated inta the IB4 pragram to a11aw the student the ben�f�t af tata! emersion in thei�secand langua�e and culture. Funds for#his activity wilf b� raised by the sfudents during their high schaoi �rears artc{ placed in inferest-bearing �ecoun#s; h�wever, schalarship and financial aid wilt be avaikat�le ta ensure that na student is d�nied oppoetunity nor left behind. Finally. in an effort to pravide a hoiistic approach betwe�n carnmunity and schoat, the Tawn of Westlake will form alliances with sister Gities thrc�ugh�ut Europe. Beginn�ng with yaung p�n pals, ta collaborat�ve resear�h via the Internet, to an extensive ex�hange program, the fabric fc�r strong strategic intemationa! allianee�s will ��woven. ����� Z S8 Westlalce A�ademy X. � Student GQais: Irnprovement and Afitainment(Scored by R+evievm ' Cammitte�� A. Wha� ar�a the s�haol`s academic goals for student tea�rning for the first 5� years? This seetion should convey how the charter �choat adclresses requirements relativ� to the Texas Essential F�nowledg� and Skills. NQl"E. The gaats must [dentify perFarmance s�tandards +i�n4 e�nan* n� nvt•nnri tha Invnl nf Q4e�eion4 rtinrfnrmannn r�n»irnrl ��ntlp.t� �i�R4b ���VVti v vifvva+� ���`s lFtV� �w� via�v�Vi�i ,+iw��vlR�.�i�/vV �V��.t�(vM ....�•�•• th� sta#e accountability system (�.e. TAAS; thee schval may alsa identify goals �or prefpost testing� passing rates, courses pass�d, end-of-caurse exarns, and o#her me2��ures). TAAS gaals shau(d atsa be expressed in terms of TLI (Texas Learner lndex) imprc�vem�nts. Gaals for student performance that are unique to the charter S�hQol shauld also be described. �. What are the rrreasurable schoot perFQrmance objeetives far each goai [iste8 a6t�ve? C. GCearty state houv pragress will be measured relative ta each af these objectir�es. Name a���s�rr►en#in�trurnents tc� �e usad. �, Clearly state wh�m and how annual progre�s in rryeeting +�bjectives will be reported tc�the SBC7E, agency, and the public. ��4��i;, 59 i � Wesllake Academy 3tudent Goals 2Q02- 2003- 2404- 2005- 2E}06- PfO�f4'SS 2QQ3 20Q4 2005 20p8 20Q7 Measurement Academio-Ove�all • Excaed porformanaa sfandpt�s for studont tesming far the frrsf fiva years ♦ Obtsin a sfafus as a stafe exemp/ary schaat ♦ Have a mrnimum caf 50% af high schoa! graduates achieve the �istinguished Achievamenf Progra►tt—Advanced Nigh Sch�of Program as descnbes in TEA Cha ter?4 Studenfs will pass the appropriate TAAS with T(..1 at 70% of 75% of 80% af 65°le af AO% of Spring TAAS 80°/a students students sfudents sfudents students • TEKS inco�porated into Gurriculum � • Pre-test, administered the second week of school,identifies individual areas af weakness • Test taking strategies reviewed prior to fest date Timeline for re ortin : Year-end SBOE report Students will score abave grade level in reading, 70% of 75°l0 of 8Q°/a af �5% of 9Q% af Pre-test and math,language,science,and social studies sfudents students stud�nts students students Post-test Stanfard • Broad 6ased core curricutum utiGzed by a!I Achievement teachers Test af the • Law student teacher ratia irnplemented Gates-Mc�inite • Various teaching styles incarporated into assessmenk test instruction ,��, • Camprehensive reading program offered to a!I � students cn w Timetine far re artin ;Year-�nd SBQE report 60 liJ.,..ai�.f..� A�...J�___' W wuar,a nwuc��iy 75% of 80% of 85% of 90% of 85% of 5emester Studonts will prepare and present their portfolios to a students students students students sfudents update to ��aup of parents,communify members,and(or statf Director • Instruction an preparation of portfolios • Incorporation of portfolios inta assessment praaess • Participatinn by aduits in evaluation process Time line far rapo►ting:Year-end SBQE report � c- Gi f;�Y 6l i I i I � ; � � � � ' Westlake Academy Non-academic 75°faaf 80% of 85% of 90°/a of 95°/n of Attendance Each student will attain a gaod attendance rate students students students students s4udents cards « Galis to parents of aasent students made daily • Ganference with student and parents heid afEer 3 absences per nlne weeks • Conference with student and parents held after 5 absencss per semester Timeline for reporting: 6-week ADA report and year- end SBC)E repart 80°/a of 85% of 9Q% of 95% of 100°!0 of Teacher �ecord Each grade leve) will participate in a cammunity classes classes cfasses classes ctasses sheet project per year • A list of possible projects provided ta each class • Two designated voiunteer parents aiong wilM the teachers coordinate the activity « Two community leaders work with the ciass Timeline for re ortin :Year-end SBqE re ort 8Q%of 85°Jo af 90°fu of 95°l0 of 10Q% of 5tud8►it sign-in Each student will participate in an individual students students students students s#udents sheet communiky sarvice project . A list of possible projects on aampus provided to studants * A list af passibia prajeets in the cammunity pravided to students � • A parent votunteer committea coordinates the � activities �, � 7imeline for re arting:Year-end SB4E re art • f>2 Westlak�Academy XI. School Goais (Scored by Review Cammittee} A. C)esctibe the goal� af the schoal as an enkitar for the next five years. C9rQwth,faGilities develaprnen#, �tc,j. B. Li�t measurable periarmanc� obj�ative�s far each gaal l�gtat� al�ove, G. Clearty state haw progress wil! b� tneasured retativa ta each of these ohjectives. Name assessment instruments ta be used. D. Clearly state when and haw annuaf progre�s in meeting a�jectives wilf be� reported to the SBG1E, agency� and the pulalic. '���Ei� 63 Westiake Acaderny Gaals of the Schoal 1 g�ant Grants Granis Grants Grants Quarkerly repart Apply for financial gra�ts of of ot of of to Dir�ctor $1,afl0 $3,000 $S,OOQ $10,OQQ $25,000 �• Part-fime ar full-time individua!recruited for this position • Grent writer attend instructionat seminar Timeline for re artin :Year-end SBOE report 4 Bus. 8 Bus. 10 Bus. 12 Bus. 15 Bus. Qua�terly repart Devetop partne�ships with cammunity businesses to Director • Meet monthiy with businesses • Establish campus visiks • Parent vafunteer caardinate partnerships Timelins far r�pohing:Year-end SBQE re art 340 A20 5Q0 58Q 65d Yearly ft�crease enrailment students student� students students students enrallmen# repQns • Nold public meetings • Qistribute tiiers • Canduct tours Timeline for re ortin :Year-end SBOE report 7Q% of 75°/a of SR°la of 85% of 9Q°!o of Qua�te�ly rep4rt Parenta!involvement parents parents parents parents parents to Directar � �"� � Offer various hours of involvement �r Csv • Pravidt t�uard sefection af participation activities �J Timeline for reportin :Year-and SBOE re ort G4 Westlake Acaderny Xli. Educational Plan {Scored by Rsrriew Committee) A. t7escribe the educational program planned far th� school. Indicate clearly how f�^ie�e areas wift be strengthened aver time. 1. Te1t how the pragram will incorpc►rate the required minimurn curriculum as pravided by Section 28.OQ2, Texas Eclucatiar� Code. Des�crib� the scot�� and sequence of the curri�ulum a� tielivered by the charter sch4a�t with particular attention ta th� core curciculum, i.e., reading, m�athematics, science and social �tudies. The foundatiQn af the Westlake Acaeferny wiil E�� based on Section 28.402 af the Texas Educatian �ode. 11Vestlake Academy wiil affer all grade levels a foundati4n curricuium that includes Engli�h, (anguage arts� math�matiw, scier�ce and sacial studies, �onsisting af Texas, Unit�d States and warld hisfory, goverr�ment ant! geograph�. 1tVith Section 28.002 as the min�mum curri�ulum guide, a balanced curriculurn designed to meet individual needs of all students wili be implemented. Additianally, Westlake Acade�ny will pravide an enrichrn�nt curriculum that includ�s heaith, phys�ical educ,atian, �ne � a�ts, �conomics, caeeer, technology educatian a�+d appticatior►��nd , languages oth�r than Englist�, Each af th�s� �urricular areas �- � bath faundatian and er�riehment - w111 affer instruction in the essential kn�wl�dg�e and skills at apprapriate leveis. 2. U��cribe any unique curricula�r experiences to be offer�d by % #he charter schaat that w3tl enhance student succes� bey�ond the minimurn curri�utum. One way af understanding the fundamental perspectiue of the � Intern�tiQnai BaGcalaureate C?rganization is ta rememaer the phrase, "and mare." Students are �xpect�d to b� well versed in traditional subj�Gt areas of the curriculum, and mare — they ar� encQuraged to appreciate the traditions af ather p�aple and other places. Students are expected ta hav� a �rm cas�►mar�d af language as a rneans of communicatian, and rnare — they are encauraged to deve(op admiration for the elegance and richn�ss �f � human expression. Abov� all, the hope is that students will acquire j a genuine fov� af I�aming and discipGned hab�t af mind and bady � that will guide their ye,ung adulthc�od and be a sourr.� erf strength and �:njoyrnent thrau�hout the wha(e af th�ir lives. .� � , ��i�'�ii 65 Westtake Acaderny To achieve tF�is end, caur�es wiil be �fifered in larger bloGks af time to imp�ove the delivery af the curriculum. This wi11 alEow for greater depth of stud� and fntec�ration of differer�t discipli�es, a� well as p�aviding the opportunity for �tudents ta be mare ac�ively engaged in their leamirtg. �tudents will be challenged ta make connectinns and discov�r relatianships k�etween what they are studying and current conditians and events occurring locally, natianal{y and around the w4eid, and ho�r it fits into their lives. The educafional program will take advantage af #he location af numerous natianal and international earporations in the area to pravide students wifh the chanc� ta learn about variaus c�r�er paths. Students �nri�E have age �nd in#erest appra�riate opportunities for shadowin�, mentoring, and infernin� w�th empiayees at vari�us levels af the corporations. Corparate experts fram a uariety of fi�lds will be inv�ted ta share thelr expertise with studet�ts �in the classroom. Student� will be expected ta participate in age apprapriate cQmr�unity service both in and autside af sehool. 3. Describe how tk►e program witf inGarporate the Texas Essent9al Knawledge and Skilis (TEKS} into th� currtculum and addres� goals, objectives, and content in all subject areas and grade I�vels. U11estlake Academy's frameworlS for�cadernic�xc�llence wil! ref1eot alignment to the �'EKS. These standards are a living document suk�j�ct tc� c�r�tinuous improvernent. The 1"EKS �nffli serve as the basis fo�the academic program. Core curricuiurr� courses will be off�red which will include the required foundatiQn cucriculum of Er��Gsh lactguage arts with a very strong �m�hasis on reading, mathematics�, science, saeial studies cansisting af Texas, tJnited Sates and warld history, gavemment and geography. The scape and sequence Qf the curriculum wi�1 devela� in a rnanner that uvill �nabf� students to enter�he pragram from a traditianal schoal and any grade Seuel. With the use ef � ua�i�ty af assessment instrurnents, students will b� p�laced at an approReiate entry Pevel without regard tc► age. �tudents al$o wil! have the opportunity ta participate in a varie#y of enriGhment courses and related leaming apportunities in addition ta co�e eourses. Course and iearr�ing appartunities in heatth, physical education, fin� arts, and econamics will be QfFe�ed a�cording to the Texas Educat9on Gade §28.Q02. ����i� 66 Westlake Academy West(ake Academy is comrnitted to ensuring that ali students recenre a chaNenging eurriculum and inst=uctiort bas�ci Qn a cammitment to an acceierated, integrated, care curriculum. The integrafion is d�s�gned to promote ieaming among the individuat disciplines and is based on the following: ♦ Motivateci leaming by making learning reE�vant to ihe siuden'rs iives ♦ Adds c�erence ia vast amaunts af information by making connections among disciplines r Addresses the cuRiculurn by� viewing content as a `means' not an `end' + Acknowledges reading, uvriting, speaking, (istening, viewing, and the use af numbers as enab{ing skilis�within the thinking processes ♦ Promotas the fine arts in afl aspeets c�f learning ♦ Fasters collabaratic�n amc�ng students and teachets. 4. Describe th� connect�an between the TEKS, classroom instruct�ant and assassing student progress. The goals, objectives, and definitians of cantent areas are intended to promote skill development and raise the standards of student achievement. Westlake Academy will embrace a!I the stat�'s goais and objeetives related to �u�-ricutum. Educationa( programs wiil rnirrar and suppart the �#ate's aims through: ♦ �electing te�ctboaks and other instruct�anal materials that are aligned to the TEKS curriculum ♦ Maintaining updated informatican pravided by TEA reiated to the TEFtS curriculum r�quirernents + Requiring curritulurn far ea�h content area and grade level that is consistent with the stat�'s TEKS curriculum + Ensuring rigor in the schao('s curriculum � Art►culating to parents, stud�nts and other� in #F►e cammunit� what students shauld knQw and be ak�le ta d�monstrate at each grade 6eve1 ♦ Providing praf�ssional deve(opment to teachers and athers r�tated to the state's TEKS curriculum (from resources provided by the regic�nal ESC, the Texas Genter for Reading and Language Arts, and other appropriate saurces) ♦ Ensurin� student as�essment measures fhat are aiigned with the TEKS � ���1 �� �7 Westlakc Academy 5. Desaribe how the program witl pr�pare stucEents #a meet state ; graduatian requirements. Afl stude�ts attending Westlake Academy rnust carnpiete at leas� 22 credits to receive a minimum high schaol program diploma. To rec�ive a high schaol diplama, a student must carnplet� the requirements of the minimum high school prograrn, as specified by statutory faw; Ehe recammended ttigh schaol prQgrarn, or the distinguished achievement prograrn, as weli as the tssting requirements far graduation. � Additiartally, thase students eiecting to pa�ticipate in the International Saccalawreate Program must camplete the course sequence and requirements of the internatianal pragrarn, in�ludin� a 4,OUQ ward essay, community setviee and for�ign language. The Diplama Programme is a two-year course af study. The diplama candidate of the IB progratt� i� required to comp�ete six sub�eets, each normalfy studi�d over the period of #wo years; at feast three �nd not more than faur�ubaects must be affer�d at higher level and the otheirs at �tandard lewel. The slx subj�cts must normally b� chosen by selecting one fram eaeh of the six subject groups (First Language, Secand Madem L2�nguage, Individuals and Sacieties, � Experimental Scienc�s, Mathematics, and A�ts and EleGtives}. International baccala�!r�ate diplama holders gain admissi�n ta cal{��es and universities thrc�ughaufi the war{d. These include well- knawn European and Arnerican institutions such as Q�`ord, Yale �nd the Sorbanne, prestigious universities in Latin American and the Asi�tPaci��, and more recentl� es#ablished centers in developing parts af the world. Formal agreerr►ents exist between the IBC? and many minis�ries af educati�n and private in�titutians. Same callege and �niuersities may offer advanced standing or cQurse Crerlit ta students with �trong IB �xaminatron results. The sequenc� af courses established by Westlake A�ademy will ensure that�very student has r�ceived instruction in the area� that stale law requires to be covered in the upcoming 11�' grade exit- level test. Beginning in the 20R2-20Q� s�chaol �rear, the exit-{ev�f iest wil! be administered in the 11�' grade instead of the 10th grade and will assess a braader range and depth of subjects. ln additian tra the above graduation requisements, the S60E r�ow mandates that students pass the 11"' grad� �xi#-lev�l test, along with their courses, ta receive a high school diplama. If studenfis do �GU7i �s Westlake Academy nat pass one or mor� part� af the test the first time taken, the students can take ihat part af the test again whenever it is given. Westlake Academy wiCl eornply witi� a(I s#atut�ry andlor regulalary authority with respect to deterrnining that an individuai student has satisfied the requirernents for gratfuatiQn. Such compliartc� includes, but is not limited ta, Subc�hapter B issued under the Texas Education Gode, §7.1p2, 28A02 28.023, 28.02a, 28.a54, and 3$.C}Q3_ e�e as these c�de sections mav b��rnended in the future. - - - --• - -- - --- --- ----- - -, - - - --- -- ---- ---- 6t Describ� teaching methods to t�e used. Tel1 how th�s pedagogy enhance�student iearning, tn�iude irtforma�on �bout materia[s, strategies, techniques and proc�dures ta be used to meet th� needs of the student papulatian. W�stlak� Aca��my will begin a tradition of supporting children. The peograms will enabl� parents to become active partnera and jointEy res�ponsible far the educ�atian and nurturing of th�ir chiEdren. Par�nts �articipating with a highly qualified instruetiana! team will urcark ta emphasize#he core curricufurn to ertsure each child: ♦ Effectively applies communieatian and quantitativ� skills ♦ Learns ta set gQals, solve �rablems, make respon�ible decisions, and arialyze and app(y r�sult� ♦ C?�manstraYes 4f�� ak�i�ity �� acces�, ev�luat�, synth�size and presenf information usin� a variety af techna4ogies � Exhibits� a variety af ctitical thinking skills as they reiat�io cu�reni and future concerns ♦ Dernanstrates an appreciation and understancfing af cammunity service. lnferdiscipfinary curriculum ptanning and implernentatian wiil encourag� stud�nts to �ee the relevance of and cannectic�ns betwe�n content areas. Subjects are related to on� another, and learning ane subject impl�rnents a�d facilitates another. This program "gives birth ta th� joy in learning'" (Arrnstrong 1998} and awaker�s students" genius arad indEvidc�ality. The curriculum i$ indeed mare interdisciplinaey than in the� traditianal schoal. The teaching is mtaee ccallaborative. The students ar� senred thraugh a variety of optia�s and att�matives rather than the traditional rigid, regimented facus of many schaols. '��U t�_' 65► 1 s Westla.ke Aeademy ?`. Describe the p�lanned assessirnent ofindividual student pet�formance in the core acadernrc areas. Descrit�e the i instFuments ta be used and instcuctiQna! planning that will result fram early assessment of reading in grades K-2, if � aPplicatale. Include the p�racess ta be used fo determine tk�e baseiine of achievement fevels af stud�nts, the results tra be achieved, and the methods uf ineasurement ta be used. Westlake Acaderr�y wi(I utili�e #he fallowing types of assessment instruments: ,, ♦ State Mandated Testing (T�1,AS, RPTE, and End Qf Gourse exarns) ♦ Curriculurn Testing {based c�n the T�I�S) � Standardized Testing (i.e., SAT�) Westlake Academy will use #he Texas Assessment of Academi� Skilfs tTAAS} test ane� end-of-course examinations ta asse�s individual student perfarmanG� in the eare acad�mic areas. Th� goal af TAAS is Ec� measure student prc�gress toward achiev�ng academic excellence. !ts purpose is ta provfde an accurate measure of st�dent achievement in the �r�as ot reading, wrriting, mathematics, socia! studies, and scienc�. Test results are us�d a� a gauge for institution�l accountability, Westlake Acaderrty will use a standaedizec4 group instru€nent, su�h as the T�BE, to d�termine baselir�e data and acadernic grnwt�. Students will be tested upo�n er�trance to the schodl and annua!!y thereafter. The Academy will track mastery of TEKs curricuEurn obj�ctives thraughaut the student's school care�r, Westiake Acaaemy's plan to assess individuaf student perforrnanee in eore academic areas is based upon several guiding peincipfes. • Assessment should senre as an angaing guide throu�h the process af I�aming not simply as a pass/fail measurement � 1`eachers are the managers o€the assessment procedures ♦ Assessment teGhnique� are matched ta the curriculum taught and the instructianal tect�niques used � Assessment te�hniques are tc� be applied consist�ntfy without bias A nine-week evaluatian and assessment systern wi11 be incorparated ta serve mu(tipie needs: ����.� ?Q VJestlake Academy ♦ To darify goais ' ♦ Tc�manitor prbgress ♦ To su�pa�t the improvernent af teachi�g and I�aming ♦ Ta infarrn the pubiic . ♦ To influence educ�tion policy Student assessment is the pracess af m�asuring th� e�kent to which a schaol has improved the qualit�r af student per#ormance. ThA c��e^rsasc nf rh�rfar cr.hnnle urili ha i��ttnaei Ftl'1ML1'f1IEt nn 4hr�!iC ,.... ..�_��,�.�.� ... .....�..... ��..«.� ..... ...... 1....�..... p..e........� ..•' ".�_.. akailit}► to demanstrate pragress taward the student outcomes spe��ed in their charters. W�stlake Academy will utilize multip(�means af as�essing students tc� er�sure the mr�st accurate evaluatit�n. �omponen#s of �uthentic and performance-based assessments in combination with standardized assessments will form #he basis of th� assessrnent process. Westf�k� Academy recogni�es that t�achers� are the key Gvmponents in the asses��ment pracess, and it is th� aim af Wesflake Academy ta provide the instruc�ian team with w�rkabl� tocrls. The base�ine of student achievernent will be ta set standards af student performance based upon student pragress thr�ughaut the year on the central concepts ar�d skiils in the eu�riculum, I � &3. Qe��ribe the method� to �� used t� identify th� ed��atic�r��a� � I strer�gths �nd neec�s af indEvidu�� s�udentso � Westlake Academy will ufiilize muitiple methods to identify the educatianal s�«�i�f�i� �a�sU �ie��ia Gi ir�idivi�i3ai sii.iu�i�i`s, t1s ���Vioiisij� ��s�:fiucu, assessment will be an integra� part of daily Glassroom activities. Whil� testing wil( play a key raie in assessing s#udents` perforrnar�ce teachers wip assess growth toward achi�vement of goals and areas �►f need an a daily basis. Tc�Qi� to b� used will consist �f rr�u6tiple farms of authentic assessment. ♦ Qirect observation af p�rfarmance ♦ Directed smatl group activiiies ♦ Student I�d instructian � Other embedded assessment techniques ��}� �� 71 i { I Westlake Acaderrry 9. Describe how student evaluatian results will be used by tfie schoal to imp�rQv� instructianat programs. � i � f# is essential ta us� an array of different assessment tocals ("multiple rneasures") in the �valuation process. Impc�rtant questions ta b� conside�ed in the sel�ction of assessment taols are: ♦ Are th� objectives rneasur�d the truly important on�s7 ♦ is�the a��essment toa[(s}the most efficient m�ans af determining the aehievemen4 c�t th�desired objectives? � Whaf is the effect of th� �ssessment tool(s}c�n its u�er? + What is the effect of accoun�ability practices an the student? Additic�nalCy, Westlake Academy will affer each family the appartunity ta evaluate the charter schcaal program. These summative assessments will k�e used in the critical decisian-making process. 10. Describe prafessional development opporrunities that will b� offe�ed ta su�part the �r►ission Qf th� schaol. Facuity mernbers v,rill be required to attend w�ekly professional deve(oprnent activities during the first year. Sfaff will evaluate sessians for effectiveness and appiicability. pe�reioprnent activities will be designed ta meet the needs af the stafF as currieulum is deve3vped and a� additi�na! skills are need�d ta serve the students en�olled at the new schoo#. Peogram evalu�tion results wil! provide the basis fQr designing professional devefapment activities for �ucceeding years, The budget provides �or eontractuai resources and supplies for staff deuelapm�nt. Westlake Acad�my will encourage faculty and staff members to make eeeommendatians for future develo�rmer�t activities. Gonsultants will provide initial a�tivities in the following ar�as: � • Devefapm�ntally ap�ropri�te practices � Learning stylesTnstructir�nal strategies ♦ TechnaEc�gy and the integration inta curriculum and instruction � Cantlict r�solutit�nCparent cortf�sences • Curriculum dev�lapment ♦ Auth�ntic assessrnenUportfc�lio development F�rofessional develapment on TEKS wiE( be provided ta teachers by Region 11 Education Service Center. The Center provides workshQps, � consultations, and matefials, and can answer facufty questions. � �l���.� 72 Westlake Academy ' Westlake Acad�my believes that an e�ensive and inclusive staff- ' devetopment program must be implemenfed each �rear. Teaching ' strategies, callaborative teaming, and thoughtful Gurriculum design wiil be ' continually addressed. B. Sp�cial Neads Students/Rrograms 9. Qescribe in detai! hovrr yaur schoo6 aGcarnmodates students with SREGIA�EDUCATIO�t� negds. Addres�#he follawinsa: Chifcf Find As the sta�e'� educatio�al agency, TEA is respansible for ensuring that a Free Appropriate PubliG Education (FAPE) is provide�d ta all students with disabilities rasiding in the state of Texas and that ai[ requirements af @EA, Part B a�e met, pur�uant to 35 CFR, §300.60Q. A FAPE means �p�cial education and related services that are �ravided at public expense under pubic supervision and which me�t the state standards, wh�ch include the requirements of IDEA, Part B; incfud� preschaal, e��mentary, and secandary school education; and which a�e provided in confc�rmity with an individual's �ducat�an plan pursuant tc�2Q USC, §1401 (a)(18). In g�neral, lacal sehoal districts in Texas have the direct responsibility of providing FA�E to s�ud�nts with disabilities who th� sGhools are obligated to senre unde� Texas Education Code, §25tQQ. TEA is responsibfe far ensuring that schoQls camply v+aith ali s�ate and federal r�quirem�r�ts �c�nceming the provisian af FAPE. Withir� this genera! responsibility fia assure FAPE, TEA spec�eally ass�ures iiiC�ai �fsrviG v}::�v� ��1:a�e E's vi.���1i�a7�� ikye�+i��+�s•.c..c• Q� v.�r��v�jrd iW.ci�ew�i�i� ��*�is�:� .�, schaol's jurisdiction will be ider�tified, locat�d, and eva�luated in accardance with [DEA and its implementing regulatian. To meet this respansibility, TEA requires Schoois tt� estabEish policies and praeedures to identif�r, locate, and �valuate stud�nts with disabilities residin� within their jurisdictians. A�tivities clone pursuant to t�ese palices and pracedures are comrnanly refer�ed to as "child find° activitie� because schoals actively searc�h tar students with disabilities residing w�thin their �urisdictian. !n accordanc..� with the rules and respan�ibilities identfied, and with any and all TEA rules and/or re�ulatians, Westiake Acaderny will adopt and implement policies and praetices thaf affirmatively seek aut, identify, laeate and evatuate chiidren with disabifities e�rolled in the charter schaot - or contacting tt�e charter school regarding enrollment. JGG"�'i� 73 i ii 3 I ;� Westlak�Academy � � i � Canfidentialitv 1 r Westlake Academy will adhere to alE state canfidentia(ity requirements, inc(�ding, but not limited ta, the followin�: Student Recards — student records are confdential and ' protected from unauthcarized inspectipn e�r use. A cumulative recvrd wiil be maintained far each student �eginning when he/she enters th� schoo! untiE the student withdraws. By law, both p�rents, whether marri�cf, s�parated, ar divorced, have aecess to the records af a student whe� is under 1$ or a depen�ent for tax purposes. A parent whose rights have be�n legaily terminated wiN be denied access to the record� if the schaol is Rravided a �opy of the cou�t order terminating these rights. Parents of a student who is a rninor, or of a student wha is a dependent far tax purpose�, and schoal afficials with legitimate educatian interests ar�th� t�nly p�rst�ns who have general access to a student's reGards. "Schao! officials with legitirt�ate educational interest�" includ� any employee, agent, or Tr�stee o� the charter schc�al, or caoperative of which the charter schaol is a rnember, or facilities with which the charter schaol cantracts far tF�e placement af studen#s wi#h disabilities. Parents Qf mieror students enrof(ed in Westiake Ac�ademy may inspect their stut�en#'s records antf request a carre�tian if the rec�rds are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the studenYs privacy or other rigl�ts. If th� schaQl reft,ses the request to amend the recards, the requestor has the right to a h�aring. Afthough imprpperCy recorded, grades may be chal{enged; parents and the students are nat allawed ta cantest a student`s grade in a coUrse thre�ugh this proeess. Parents or the student has the right to �le a compliant with the U. �. Department of Educatian if the� believe the school 9s ncrt in cvmpliance with the law regarding student reGr�rds. The school will maintain a recard af disclosure af personaHy identi�iable information and make this avaifable for the parent'� inspectic�n. Same items of informa#ian are directory in nature and may �ae released to anyQne, withaut consent, unle�s the parent abjects to its releas�e in writing within ten (10) schoA! da}�s af��r the issuanc,� of�uch notice. With �espect to sp�cial education students, the abil`rty to share information befween parties involved in special �ducatian services and loeal education agencies (LEA"S} is Q���� � 74 Westlake Academy . vitaily impartant to impr4ve efficiency and ta minimize ' duplication af efforts. To accamplish this sharing, the �araposed schoal aampuses will develap and use a standard consent form. Procedural safequards Westlake Academy's HandboQk of Policies and Pracedur�s (to oe deveiopedj wiii Tta9iy address RrAcedurai saTegua�os for students, parer�ts, and ali other schQ�l siakehalders. Westiake Academy wiil adhere to sif required pracedural safeguards requi�ed tay the state inGluding, but nvt limited to, thase described b�low: In accc�rdance with the requirements of 34 Code of Federal Regulatians (CfR), §30fl.504 ar�d §3Q.5Q5, tF�e scMaol will give a written notice that includes a fuft explanation af all prc�cedural safeguards ta the pare�ts a reasanable ti�e before the school conducts an assessrnent for special educatian senrices. Th� Expfanatian af Rights and Procedurat Safeguards of a P�rent wvith a Child with Qisabilities in Sr..t�aa1 will be prQvid�d to each parent exptaini�g the fi�}1t8 as outlined ir� f�d�ral and state law. C��tifi�d stal`f wiil review this docurnent with p�rents and addi#iasta) infarm�tion will b� made availabl� upan request in the parents' native language �n writing or thrvugh an interpreter. Westlake Academy will provide informatian far parents for the following purposes: ■ Upan initial referral for evafua#ion � U�on each notificatian af an admission, review, and dismissal cammiftee (ARD) ■ Upon each reevaluation = URon a schovt district`s request far a "due pracess hearing"abouf their child • When any informativn that specificafly identifes ihe student is na longer need�d NQtice of Admiss�an, RevEew and Dismissa) (ARD) ( Committee Meetinqs , Pae�nts/legal guardians will be given notice of any and a11 ARQ rn�etings early enaugh ta ensure that they will have the , ����e� � 75 � � Westlake Aeademy opportunity to attend. Unless the parentfiegal guardian agrees otherwise, at I�ast ten days natiee will be given. Assessrnent of children ta deYerrnine eliq�„ibilfir • Sfudents with disabilities are students with eduGatianal disabilities {physit;al disability, mental r�tardation, emation2�1 disturbanc�, leami�g disabilit�r, speeah impairrr�ent, autism, traumatic b�ai� inj�ry, deaflblind, or rnultipl�disaE�ilities�; and students with an audifory impairment at visual impai�n�nt, whase disatailities are sa l�miting� as to ensure the provi�ions af s�pecial services i�t place af, or in acidition tv, instruction in the regular cPassroom. Ta be eligible to receive spec�al �ducation services, a stud�nt musf have been determined to F►ave one ar more of the areas of disabifities Gsted in the f�dera( regulation or in state law Qr in both. Specified criteria in the state and fed�ral regulations wiil be used in determining wh�ther a student'� canditions meet the�ligibilit�r requirements. When a student is suspecied of having a disak�ility, the assessment process wiit be initiated. Written notice and cansent must �e given and received. An evaluation by qualified personnel will then a� c�nducted. If indicated, a eomprehensive inciividuai ass�essment wil( be performed. . t�nce e{igibility has b�en deterrnined, the parents andfor aduit studenfi v�ifl be invited ta participate in a�ARD meeting ta review the results and ta deuelop an lndividua! Educatian Pian, Develapment and #m�alementatia�n af th� Endividual Educatie�n Rlan,�lEP� Westlake Academy will us� the f+ollowing guidelines for deve#opment and implementatian af a student's IEP: Tim�line The Gomprehensiv� lndividual Assessm�nt and a written repatt wil� be formulated wifhin 6Q ealendar days of the date of �he initiation of th� referral to special educatian. Th�AFtD committee shall rnake its deeision regafding students referred far the first time within 3Q calendae da�rs fram the date of th� ����� 76 w �uii� Westlake Academy ' completion af the written assessmertt report. If the 30th day occu�s during the summer whe� sch�al is not in session, the ARD comrnittee sha�i have untit the ' first day af ctasses in the fa11 ta h�ve made the IEP � decisions and #he placement, unless the assessment indicated the student wif( need extended y�ar services during th� summer. Far students already placed in specia( eduGation, the ARD cnmmittee shall rn�Pt at fPa�t ann�lallv tn review . ._ ._ __......_.___ ------ .--___ __ .____ _....---•. -- -- ----- each student's prograrn and recommer�d appropriate senrices based uRa� the s�tuder�t's individual n�eds, daGum�nted in a newly d�v�loped IEP. The comrnittee must meet within the same month, or prior ta the rnonth, in which the previaus annu�l ARd meeting was held. Function The ARQ committee shail perf�rm fh� follawing functions: � Review a[I d�ta frorn the cornprehensiue asseSsment, � incfudirtg infarmatfon frarn parents, schaod personr�ei, c�r other sources +� Ensure that nationa) arigin minQrity stude�ts (c�� lir�guistically different students) are nczt assigned to special education on the basis of criteria, which were developed solely based on cc�mmar�d af the Engtish language a� Ensure that students ar� na� piac.ed in speciai educatian if the only deficiencies identifiect �re aireciiy att�ibuiaoie to a oit�ereni cuiturai lifes�yie ar�o nat.having the adsquate educatianal opportunities f Establish the eligi�ifity far specia! education services + Identify the cantent areas in wh�ch the studenYs disability significantly interferes with the studenYs ability to meet regular academic mastery �evel standards {determine educational needs) Doeumentatian Eacfi �EP fnust incfude: ♦ informat'ron, in additian to the requirements af 34 �ode af FedEr�l Regulations (C�R}, §30Q.346, and R'art 300, Ap�endix C, including (1� infarmatir�n to ailow far determining the student's eli�ibility for parkicipation in e�racurricular activities; and (2} a �tatement addressing nanexempt3on, ��(,��y� 77 i i I Westlake Academy madification/arcommodation, or exemptian from some or all af the basic skiNs assessment � instruments, as appropriate � Madifcationsfaccommadations of regular classrc�am procedur�s which are �rovided far studer�ts by th� charter scha�l as specifed in the student's I EP will be pravid�d during the testing process and g�als ar�d abjectiv�s wilP be specified �1`extended year services are includ�d in th� IEP � For students with visual impairm�nts, the IEP will alsa rn�et#he requir�ments of TE�, §3a.�02 (e} l.�ast restrictive enviranment CLFtE} placement In providing programs, services, and activities, West{ake Aeademy wili first use thase resaurces made available ta all students. Wh�n apprc�priate, �tud�r�ts receiuing special educatian serviees shafl: � Remain in the general educatic�n program with special education �upport s�nrices, supplementary aids, or ather special arrangem�nts, if need�d � Be educated to the maximurn extent appropriate with students who are not receiving special edue�tian SBCVfGGS • E3e prcavided apportunities �a partici�ate in schoal activities on fhe same basis as students who are not receiving sp�cia! education�ervices � Be offered an oppcartunity for interactian an a r�gul�r basis with s4udents who aee nat reeeivin� special education serrrices Transition pla�nning Th� ARCt camm.itke� has th� autharity to dismiss students fram speaial educativn services when the ARD committee agrees that there is� not lortger an educationa( need for t�e services. No student can be dismiss�d from special eduGation without assessmeni that sup�ata�ts the decision tQ dismi$s, if parents request dismissal based an the fact that they are providing the needed senrices privately, update assessm�nt, document requesf, update the !EP if n�eded, and mafee a statement that the district is prepared to provide FAPE. State that the parent is choosing dismissal. The student can re-enter the speeial educatian p�agrarn as long as tha eligibility data is current. If data is more than one year o(d, updated assessment may be required ���� = 78 W�stlakG Academy ' • Aft dismissats frarn seivi�cesfprograrns shoutd be ' document�d on the ARD repo�t ♦ In addition,. ARD may recommend mavernent to I�ss restrictive arrangements: � When s�uch rnauement Ghanges fhe instruc�ionai ari-angement, the Natic� of � Chang� af Plac�ment should be sent to the Rar�nt, unless the parent is in attendanc� at 1he dDf'1 �rthc�ro¢i�ll nntinn M�c hoen riien��ecGC� {!IG r11�Y/4 ��II4�V i��� ��M�IW I�ii�i YVVII YtVVMYVVM • UVh�n a more restrictive placernent is eonsider�d, the ARD commitEe� shall ensur� that cu�rent assessment is campleted and carefully re�r�ewed • �'he ARD cammittee rnust document reasons for any change in pla�ement ar ser�ices � Graduation alsa constitutes change in placement and Notice shaufd be sent, if parent Es not in attendancc at #he ARD f The ARD comrnittee shal! dismiss �tudents fr�m hornebound services�. A dactor"s relea�e statement is necessary for the studerrt to return to schoal. Ce�tified persannel for the provision of services to children with�ecial needs All specia( education personn�l Shal6 be certified, endors�d, ar licensed in the area or areas �f assignment in accardance with provisions refatinc� tQ t�a�her �ertification. If a staff inember do�s have the skills and knowCedge needed far the assignment, Vliestlalce Academy will make praviaions ior the person to aec�uire ihe nec�ssary st�ills and knowf�dge. S�nrices to exr�elled stud�nts The prinGipal or designee is responsible far tracking th� numb�r df days at emergeney removal, susper�si�n, or in-schoo! suspension for the purpase�f ARD action within the requir�d nurrrber of days, Updated records an discip3ine reparts f�r special education sfudent shall be kept. These reeords will include: ♦ The infraction ♦ The cansequenc� ♦ The number nf days aut of placement - �����' 7� i I Westlake Academy I Shot�-terrn removals t�talic�g less than 1(? days in a schaol year do ; nat res�lt in a chang� of piacement and an ARD i� not requored. i Short-term rernovals totaling rnare than 10 days in a schaol ye�r' requires the fo(lowing. ♦ ARD meeting is convened nat later tha� 10 schaol days aftsr the�tudent is �rst remaved far more than 20•days in ' a �chaal year(or when the 11�`day is assigned). ♦ ARD cammitt�e canducts/plans a functianal behaviar assessment {�'BA} and, as sac�e� as passible after the FBA is cornpleted, dev�lops a behaviQr intervention plan (BIF�} ta address the nec�assary behauiar(s), if the FBA and �IP are not already in pla�e ♦ If the student currently has a BlP, and ARD comrnitEee meets to �eview it and its irnpEementation ♦ If subsequent short-term remcavals occur (after the first 10 day rernoval during the schaol year}, memb�rs of the ARD commltkee review the BIP and it� itt�plementation ta determine if madificatians are necessary ♦ If one or mare mem�ers of the ARa committee believ� that modifrcatiQns are needed, an ARD meeting is held tc� madify th� 61P and its implementatian ♦ For any days of removal Qf a student for rnore than 10 days in a schac�l year, th� student is p�c�vided with the nec�ssary services ta progress appropriately in the generaf cur�iculum and toward achievin� his/her IEP g�als. � U11hen expel�ing a student, the Notic,� of Change ofi Pfacement farm (to cornpfy with procedural safeguards required in federal law}will be sent to the parents ♦ If the current IEP rMannat be implemented while the student is on �xpuisian, then the IEP shauEd be reuised during this tim� in suGh a rnanner that it can be implemented, Whenever possible, the IEP that was in plaee shauld t�e implemented. Document justificatio�n for any chang� in the IER is required. 2. Describe how yo�r schoal meets the needs of chi(dr�n wh� � qualify €or other federat prQgrarns such as: 1. Titl� I Rart A— Improuing Basic PrQgrams C►��rated by Lacal Education Agencies Title I ParE G—Migrank Education Title i Part D, Subpart 2— Locaf Agency Programs far PreventEon and Intervention Programs for Children and Yauth YVha Are Neglected, De{inquent, ar At-Risk of Dropping C�ut U�083 sa Wesdake Academy Title I1 Part B — Dwight D. Eisenhower Pfvfessio�al Qevelopmen4 Pro�ram ' Titie 1V—Safe and Drug-Free Schoois and Communities Program Title VI - Innovative Education Prvgram Strategies Title VI Class-Size Reduction Rragram Se�tion 5Q4� � . Westlake Academy will canduct a needs assessment and develop 7 v1�7ft fA♦ fhn nnne���vl.��erl ��an nf hn4h e�.�4a .�r�e�l F.,.7.....1 1'��nr1n ...� Fr�w�� w� i��� w�wvua.+ca���a uvr,r v� `.rvae� atatG q114 lGUGIQI Iun��. Such a plan shall be deterrnined in consultatiran with a task force, including, but not limited to, parents of participants, teachers, the Principal ar a#her administratars, and community members. The plan shall include: e How students shall be identifi�d � Planned services and a�t'svities � A pian for aynual evaluatian (performance objectiUes) • Recard-keeping procedure The Board will adopt a com�rehensive pian thaf utilizes al1 avaiEable resourGes to provi�e pr�grams that utilize skills and 1�nowietige and promates acad�mic achievement. Tit�e I Part A In compliance with Tit1e 1 Pa►� A reg�ufation, th� schoo! sh�ll conuene an annual public meeting for parents of�hildren efigib(e#or Title 1 Part A�ssistanee. . Ser+rice will be provided thraugh the 6asic educatian program and will be supplementaE to th� basic serviees provided by the Foundation School funding. Supplemental services may �nGlude 'additi�nal parent training, after schao► enrichment activities, supplemental learning materia�s, teahnology enrichment� etc. Title 1 Part� -141iaran#Educadon Rrogram This area c�f focus fae the Migrant Education Program {MEP) seeks to ensure that migrant students and their families Mave their needs for educatianal and suppart services met, and are able to access alt services for which they are eiigible from entry in the MEP's early chiidhood progfam far three year alds throu�h transitian inta post S�condary educatian or employmenY. When migrant students are ident+fied, Westiake Acaderny will ulilize the Internet-bas�d new Generation System (CVGS), which is an L1�1/��! $1 Westlake Acadeiuy • innovative cfata trar�sfer syster�r. NGS communicates edueatior�a! and healtka data on migrant �tudants ta educators thraughout the nation. The NGS system wili enhance the process of educating rn�gTant students as well as be an interstate infarmation netwt��c far Mi�eant Education. Title 1 Part G► West�ake Academp does not anticipate being eligible for funding und�r T'ttie I Part D. Titles I1. IV, and VI Westlake A�ademy wili enter into shar�d serviee agreements(SSA) with tha RegiQn Senrice G�nter during the first year for Tities U, IV, and Vl. Title VI (Classroorn Reducti4n� will be examined at the end of the first year to determine if �here is a need for this funding. At the conelusion c�f the fir�t year, seroices provided by the ESG will be evaluated to determine impact of the program. If pasitive resu�ts are indicated, th�n Westlake Academy will continue to Gpntract with the E�C far their services. �ectior� 504 �4ny sfiudent who has a physica( ar m�ntal irnpairment that sut�staritially lirnits one or mare majar Eif�aetiv'rties wili �e evaluated fr�c placement in this program. An IEP wiN be formulated for � Section 504 student. 3. D�scribe how your sahaal meats the needs af�hildren wha qualify for other state p�ogram� such as: 8ilinguallEnglish as a S�cond Languag� (ESL�, State Campensatory Educaticn, Dyslexia, and G�fted and Tatented. BilinquaUEnqlish as a Secand Lanquage tESL} Students !f a �tudent ir�dicates a home language ather than English, the schocal will administer a mastery test ta assure that the student cart camp�ehend the material in the educational pra�rams. An int�rpreter will be avaiiabCe to schoal staff to interpret ARD's testing and translate farms for parents. ��}��� 82 West�akc Acaderny ' Ta be prepared to effectiuely and fu11y� implemeni the ESL progr�m, ', We�tlake Academy u�ill initiate the foifQwing process ta insure ' camp(ianc�`. � ♦ Review ali perrr�anent record foldet�s for students to ensure that each folde�cantains a signed and dated home language survey ♦ Jain the ESU6ilingual Co-op offered by the Regian Service C�nter � SEnd a facuiiy mem�er io iraining �ri�red �y ir�� Kegion �enrice Center relating to administering tfie aral langua�etwriting proficien�cy test � Meet with the BilinguaEfE�L. Co-op to design int�roention servic,�s fa�r the stud�nts iden#ifed or� the surv�y untl certificatian ar�d t�st pratocals�an be obtained ♦ Design an individual leaming prescription to acG�mmodate the �ducation needs af LEP students Stat� C+�mpensatory Education State Compensatory Edu�atian as defined in SectiQn 42.152 (�� is a program designed to improve and �nhance the regular�ducatian program for students in at-r•isk situations. The purpose of state campensatory education is to increase the achievement and reduc� the dr�pout rate of ide�tified students in at-risk situatic►ns. In accardanc� with �he requirement af th� TEC §11.252, Westlak� Academy will develap a schaoi improve�er�t plar�. Thi� p1ar� will identify measurable schaol p�rfarmance objectives for all student populations, strate�ies tv impr�ve student performance, recourse aliocatians, staff responsible far ensuring the accomplishment of �ach strategy, timelines far ongoing manitoring of the implementation of each strategy and th�Formative evaivatior� crite�ia for determining periodically whethee strategi�s are resuEting ir� the intended student performanGe. Quslexia W�stEake Academy will have procedures far identifying a stud�rtt �nrith dyslexia ar a related dis�crrder. Pracedures will be implemented in accord with the SBC7E approved strategies fQr sc�eening and techniques for teeating dyslexia and rels#ed disorders describeri in "Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorder," a set of flexible guidelines avai(able ta lacal schQols. Screening far dy�lexia students will only be accom�lished by �L�486 s� Westlake Academy individuals/praSessianal who are trained ta ass�ss students far dyslexia and reEat�d diSarders. 1Nestfake Academy wiil either purchase a reading program or develop its or,vn reading program for students with dyslexia and related disQrders. Teachers wha �creen and treat these students wil) be� trained in instruc#iana! strategies that utilize individualized, intensive, muiti-s�nsor, phonetic methads and a variety of writing and spelling GQmpar��nts. . Gift�d and Talented Westlake Acaderny will develop writt�n p�ilicies on �tudent identification af gifted and talented and su�h palicies wiI! be disserninated tct parents, Th� policies will incluefe: ♦ Provisions for ongaing screening and selectiar� of stud�nts who perform or show pot�ntial rtor performing at a remarkably high lev�l of accomplishrnent ir� the areas defined in the TEC §29.129 s Assessment measures eollected from multiple sourc�s �ccording ta each area defined in the Texas State Plan far the Educatian af Gifted/Talented Students � Data and proc�dures des�gned #a ensure that students fram aU pop�lations enralled in the s�choo! have access tQ a�sessrnent and, if ident��d, services#c�r the gifted/taCent�d program 4 Pravisians for fnal selectican of students tsa b� rnade �y a commifitee of af feast three educafars from the peopased school who have received training in the nature af r�eed �f gifted students e Prov'rsians regarding furioughs, reassessment, exiting af sfiudents frar� program services, transfer students, and appeals of the sGhaaf's d�cisions rec�arding program placement. 4. Describ� F►aw yaur schcaal identifies and provides educatianal suppart for students wM� are identified as being "at risk af droppin� out af schoc�l'" as defined in TEC §29.081(d� (see App�ndix i). Westlake Academy will eonduct a folder review at the beginning �f the schaol ��ar ta determine eligibility for this program based an the factars identified in TEC §�9.Q81. To addre�s th� needs of studer�ts in at-risk situatic��s that may lead to education fai(ur�,V+iestlake Academ�r will: k���� 84 VJestlakc Academy ' • Impiement strategies, including ongoing teacher and staff develapment and develapment af appropriateiy rigarous ' curriculum, that will help raise expectations far a!1 students ' • Provicfe students and #heir parents or guardians with early information about coilege opinions, required c�urses, and financial aid � Provide stud�nts and thear parents ar guardians with informatian and other age-ap�ro�ria4e aervices tQ incr�ase early career aria��nesS s Rramote strategies, including how ta help with homework, that increase parental involvement in preparing students ta succeed in the rniddle and high school years ♦ Promot� strategies that increase parentai knowledg� and involvement i�their student's career chc�ice and preparations. � ♦ Ensure that all students hav� access to rigorous academic caurs�work that meets state �tandards e Proma#e equa! access to educatian and educational exrellence through concerted partnerst�Pp efforts on t�eha�f of 1ow-ineQme � students � � Provide intensive, individualized and coordinated support tQ � students that i�clUde mentarin�, counseling, and tutoring � • Estat�lish strong partnerships that involve long-term commitmeni a�d a meaningfu! role for each partner in improving student readiness for career training or post-secondary ed�tGation ( � lclen#ify and implement effiec#ive �ractices tha4 inelude careful e�aluatian ta enable continuous improuement in students' academic and non-academic perf�rmance ♦ Ascertain and document the appropriate documentation needed +� !G'���?fi�' 2,^. uMG�� �:w��"'# �:":� f��:�� r^��lu�� C�i�� o�W�� (sexual, physical, or psychalagical abuse) ta the app�opriate agency according ta Texas law. 5. Describe the program� offered for the charter schoot tv suppart other student activities (athtetics, publications, cluhs, and organizations}. De�cribe whet9�er any agreements have been entered inta Qr plans develaped with other public or private agencies for the provispan af student activities. 1�lestlake Acad�my believes that extca-curricular pragrams� are an integral part of a well-rounded education. Students� wi11 be given numerous op�ortunities in which ta showGase their abit�ies in extracuRicular activities. An eactracurricular activity is defined as an activity spo�sared by the t�niversit}r IntersGholastic League (UIL), the Westlake Academy Board, or an organizatian sancti��ed by resatutic�n of the Westlake Baard. �����s ss Westlake Acadcmy I � Parents and stud�nts will be p�avided opportur�iti�s to of��r input as to the ' i mosf desired programs. AGtivities wiN range fiom fine arts (orchestra, ' � ahorus, drama, visual artsj, athletics (goif, tennis, volleyb�ii, track and ' fi�id}, and clubs (math and scie�tce, fanguage, chess, journalism, and itechnology}. j C. Admissions Ra►licy ( � 4. Desc�ribe the tirne[ine used for admitting students, incl�ding the ' pracess for the ad�nission lattsrlr for sttrdents: i j Westlake Academy will admit s#udents regacdiess of sex, nationai ar'�gin, ethnicity, religian, disa�ility, aGademic or athletic a�ality, ar the distri�t the chiid wc�uld p�h8t1N1&�' attend in acccardance with TEA regulations. AppcQpriate accornmadatian� far students with special n�eds will be m�de. Westlake Acaderny wilt comply with the individuals with Dis�bilities Education A�t(IDEA� and related regulation� and legislatian. Westlake Academy will utilize a '"first co€ne, first served" enroliment �olicy. Upon being granted the charter, public rneetings wil! be held ta infc�rrn �aarents of tha schoal chaiee. Availability of application packets will b� disseminated via area news�aapers, eable, T.1f., fliers, and ward of mouth. C?nce the student applicafian is cornplet�d, it wili be return�c!ta Westlak� A�aderny via U. S. mail alang with required documentatiQn: ♦ Birth certifiGate s Sociai security card e Most recent report card � Up-ta-date Immunization r�cord • TAAS ar standardi��d tests results ♦ E�say o�portf�lio The applicatian is numEaered and parents are not�ed to set up a Pre- Admission conf�rence. Afte� the Pre-Admission canference is canducted, the parents are asked ta sign a letter of intent far the student to attend Westlake Academy. Finally� the parents are natified of student'� enrallment status. Thraugh the inferview prace�s, Westlake Academy will ensur� that �II families are aware of the schaofi's paGcies� pracedures, and phiiosophies �egarding student a�hievement and schoQl gavemance befare Jt��18;t �6 Westlakc Academy ' enroEirn�nt occurs. To assist the families, parents v�ril( be provided ' infarmation regafding transfernng their student(s} into Westlake Acaciemy. . ' All pof��tiat students in the ide�tified geographical boundaries will be accepted inta th� schaol onc�e the interviewing p�ocess has t��en compieted and the commitment tt�rms have been signed. Si6linhs nf Westfak� Araclprnv stut3ents will rPr.c�i�e fir�t nrinritv in the ----.••a_ _.. .___.._...._ ^ ------•-.r _____---- --... .___.�_ ...�. �.••-••-r - -.._ year af their initial appliPatian. All nan-geagra�hical� out-of-boundary, qualified applicatir�ns af�er the interview process, wil! b� given a waitin� (ist num�er to ensure the "first corne" is the'Yrst served.° Westlake Academy will exclude from admissian any student who has a dacurnented histary af criminal offense, juvenile cc�urt adjudication, or dis�cipline pro�iems under TEG, Ch�►pter 37., Subchapte�A. 2. Explain haw these policies further the mission af the schoal in a non-disc�iminatary fashian. Westfake Academy is carnmitted to ensuring equity in education and obtair�ine� and maintaining a diversified student and s#aff population. Westlake Academ�'s rnissi�n is based upon helping children rea�h their fullest potentiafs while enhanci�g the international cfimate c�f th� entire carnmunity. These �dmissicans palieie� are stud�nfi-centered with the aim of reaching mare children in need �f this �niqu� program i�ya��ii�s� �ai ii'��i�Ua�kc��oiir�ici: ♦ The policy pffering services on a °first Gome, first served` basis ssrves West(ake Academ�'s missioe� of equally respeeting the rights of atl peopte in its service area � The po(icy of offering a lottery system once the schoQl has reaehed its capacity� Pikewise, seNes the mission of resp�cting and tre�ting people f�irly and o�ening the school ta students from diverse family eieeumstances ♦ Th� policy of exctuding �tudents who hav� a daeumented history of criminal affense, juvenile court adjudicatian, or discipline prQblems suppQ�ts the school's missi�n of expecting all students ta follow schQol behaviaral guidelines. �OC���� s� � I i Westlake Academy X!!1. Governance Structures and Prc�cesses (Sc+�red bk f�evi�w Committeej I � A. What steps wili be taken #a maintair� cantinui#y between the foundiag� coalitian`s vision and future gaverning boa�ds? Due to the faci tha# the founding cQaCition wiif be the ft�ture �oveming board, maintaining continuity af the fctunder's vision will not be an issue. Trie Board of Dire�tor's� terms a# oif�ce are staggered which wilt ensur� that the new community 1�aders will be able ta contrilaute and that there will a� continuit�r Q# the founding caalitian's vision as described in the app(ication. To �nsur� cc>nsistency the Northwest Regional Educational l.aboratory suc�gested th� faliowing guideiines. Rales and Responsibiiities af the Baard • Qetermine and uphold the schaoi`s missian and visian • Select the Executive Qirector ■ Support the Qirector and review his ar her performance � Ensure effective organizationa! planning ■ Ensure adequate �esources • Manage resaurces effectiveEy ■ Determine and monitor the carganization's prograrns and servi�es • Er�hance the cargani�a#ion's public imag� ■ Se�ve as a a��art of appeals • Ass�ss �f� own perfoemanc.� and recruit new m�mtaers Tra�ts and characteristics af a goad bvard mernber ■ A board member$hould have three of these in any combinatian: � Industry willingness to cQmmifi tt��e #ime and energy ta the warfc that needs to b�dor�� • Intellect — inte[figent people who understand educatian� inciud'rng the"big p9cture°af educatic�n • F�cpertise — individuals witF� exper'rer�c� in real e�state, law, or ather skiEled praGtitianers � Affluence — ind�viduals or carporations can cantribute fund� as well as in-kind donations (NQTE: This characteristic alane is na reason to include sorneon�on the board� • Influence—politica[, social, econamic ■ Leadership—prov�n skills in mare than one setEing 4 Tirr'�e — available time and wilMingn�ss to commit that time to the board ��Y��i QQ Westlake Academy B. Describe the rales and responsibilities af the board(sj. if the governance structure includes more than on�e board, e.g., a schaot board that i� separate f�om th� board of tha sponsoring entity, articulate th� responsibilities assigned ta each of the bcards. Remain cognizant of the fact, that t}�e sponsoring entity is ultimately respansible for the schoQt`s compliarace with the �harter. The Board of Trustees is aware #hat upon granting of the charter that they ..;II ha � �+74.I.i 4... r.,i+�.�... ��.h...�,! r..-.t:.�.. i. +L...4 +h�. «.��c�inn nf Y11111 ue �c�E:rvi�oivie �vi aetu��y a4�evve �.+u�wy� c:i��ui ii�� u�at u�e i���.�.a■u�� �+� the school is upheid and governing the schoal in a�cordance with its bylaws, charter, and state and federal statutes. The Board will immediately es#ablish and appoint the foliowing cammittees tv ef�eGtiv�ly address charter schoa! related issues: ■ School district and Regional Service Center Relations ■ Curriculum ■ Public informatian The central theme caf governance wi11 be based on the Accelerated Schaol Model where parents, leamers, cammunity members, and �oard Members, along with the schoal staff, have decision-making power in the I�aming activities, management and gavernance of the sc�►ool. This governancetar�anizafional refarm model was dev�loped by Dr. Henry M. l.evin, of Gornell University. Th� most powerFul aspect of th�e4ccelerated �ci�rsol (t��dei as a gvveming Mode! is that of shared decision-makinq with all stakeholders. C. Describe the proced�ares for receiving and resRonding ta complaints frorn both parents and empiayees. The policies will b� provided in bath th� Student and Faculty/Staff Handboak. Ra�ents If a par�nt has a complaint about an incid�nt in the classraom, he/she should first attempt to resolv� the situation by s�peaking with the teacher. If an amicatale resolution cannot be reached, the parent should set an ap�aointment to speak with the Principal. If satisfactian is stif[ r+Qt achieved, the parent may s�t a meeting with the Direeic�r. The next level of complaint resolution is fo pr�sent the situatian to the Board of Tcustees a�t the next regularMy scheduled meeting and request action. If the parent is still not satisfied, he/she may cantact t�e Charter Schools Divisian of the Texas Education Agency andCar the State Board of Education. ���l9Z s� ; ; i Westlake Acadcmy Ernralovee If an emplc�yee has a compfaint about anything occurring at the �chool ar regarding hislher ernployment, he/she shouid first ap�ea! to resolve the situatian by speaking with the Rrineipai. if sat�sfaction is nat achieved, the empfoyee may set a meeting with the Directof. The next levet for Gomplaint resalution is to present the situatian to the Board of Tfustees at the ne� regular4y scheduled meeting and request action. If the employee is still not satisfied, he/she may cantact the Charter Schoals Division af th� T�xas Education Agency and/or the Stat� Board of Education. D. What steps wi{I be taken to facilitate a productive relationship between administrators and teachers? Westlake Acad�my will be cammitted ta p�aviding a pleasant and safe work environrnent. Salaries wi31 be paid commensura#e with the related responsiailities, Westlake Academy will provide teachersfstaff with elear and exact job descriptions, which specify job requir�ments. Teacher� will be advised periodicaNy as to their level of pertormance and developmental needs. Qpportur�ities for in-service and other training will be provided ta encaurage professit�nal growth. The administration will invite all staff members to report and discuss potential work-related prob{ems, ideas, and improvement, and any actic�ns contrary #o poiicy of � regula� basis thr�ugh fhe use of formal and informal staff meetings, Lines af two-way cammunication wilt remain op�n at all times. �i-monfhly facuffy meetings and weekly� updates will ensure that each employ�e is a valuable and integral part �f the school. The leadershi� style wilf �e ane canducive to collabaration betw�en all stakeFroiders at Wes#iake Academy. Greative, ouf-af-the-box thinking will be encaura�ed. A reco�r�itivn program to promote faciiitation af ideas will be implemented. i E. Discuss the nature of parental and studerit involvement in decision- making matters. The goverrtance struGture of Westlake Academy will consist af fhe Board of Qirectors. The Board will pravide guid�nce an managernent and an the integrit� of the �ducational programs cansistent with Westlake Academy's � vision and goals. The president and vice-president of the Parents Glub will serve as adv�sary membe� ot the Baard af Directors. These individuals, wha will - be elecked by their Reers� will represent the families' interest. The Parent ����� 9Q Wcstlakc Academy ' Glub officers will be responsibie �vr brirtging ta the Board's attention those issues, cancerns and questinns expressed by the parenUstud�nt ' commu�ity related tp the instru�tion and education of their children. Westlake Acaderny will pr�vide parents and students with the opportunity tQ be active members in the decision-making process. The Parent Club will avaii families with the opporturtity to pa�ticipate, and the Student Cauncil will pravide the sarn� far students of all grade leuels. A campus leaciers�hip #eam wilt also be implemented. The team wil!cansist af: ♦ Three faeulty repre�entatives — on� from the efementary schoc>f, �ne from tf�� m9ddte sch�oE, and ane fr�m the high school ♦ Three parent representatives — ane from the �iementary school, one firom the middle schaol, and ane from the hig9� schaol ♦ Th�ee student� — ane from the elementary schaal, ane frc�m the middle schaol, and one frorn the high schoal � Two community representatives ♦ The feadecship team meeting will be attended b�r the Principal and Executive Di�ector Fa �pecify the extent to which any private entit� will b� involved in tf�� o�a�ration af you� charter �chool. ldenti€yr any m�mber� af ttee governing bc+ard or officers of th� charter schoo� whca are a�fiated with th� ent�ty. Th�re are na private �ntit�es Invalved in th� caperatian af Westlake �4caderny. ����� �1 i i . . � I . �.ttachments � �9���a � Attachment 1 501 C 3 As a gove�nmental ent�tyr a dacurnent of instrurnentality wiU be utili�ed, Correspondence from Mary Perry, of the TEA Charter Schapl Division, verifies the �se of such instrumentality. The Tawn af Westlake's resolutian authori�ing such instrumentalit�r is irtcluded. � ����� r� . � i , � Page i of D1ann Rozeli-RE:Ghmrter�ppllcat�a� ( ; From: "i�er�'y,INary"<hfPCrry(@��.Stdb�.tX.tss> Ta; "'pisnn R,�zeIP°<Rotell�mefs.coe.urrt.edu> a�e.: oz.rosr�oot�;so a�► Sulajact� RE:Chartcr application Ytru do ntx need to fndude kltews d reob�r�rta�datlon. Poua�vinp�t►tie respor�se au�c l rcoeivaa rroe+cbules Mandr,'7FA�barr�r ts�2•+s3�9rzo)�Faout your n�w�auestlon- `m rqC tarn�Mar kGth ktters d Irmtrvr+entautY.Du[2 asaume hnm tlke de�iptlae dut theY irc wtrat munbd�alkles use ta daumrnt Chx thry art nx�e�car�pt u lt�sCrurt�er+blttleS af the StuOl. !oertstNY d(t ncR think tAat WwWlr�i thrt Ytstead af a 5t?If�)(3}IS a pr�t�ism;4WMnmmtal rntlties ore one d tl�t typeS d attttks eaiQlt�it�a be cl�rter hdtivs+xs0et 22.IQ3. Yar'n rphi thak mtach Cf 5ect7oR t of tht aAP1luNon(`Evldtnee d tkg1A#qy af sRa�5ain4 endiY�ts R��td an ri'ie ide,oF m nanpraFit CnrFor+tlort. &rt i Gink tiurt�municlp+l�ty wadQ juA l+iva to P�+da whaLrver rarxs c�st to q�e descrfpt�on. fw e�mplq theY mu5t have bV-t�ws or sarr�e eQuMknt tFpcvmdtt tlast tlefSraes tM dudes af municlWi al'hons. Md theY to�kl P�v�ds do4nrt�inl attSdavits of tlx aldarnes�.The�+v�wid not reaily need a oedk rcpart a raast DZS ff�nq. Tm ttat sut Ma`r hdptuM tfirt Is. Pkne teli Dlann Ce feei tret roo caN rt►c If thcy hs+�e rtnrt�c quatkns. --t?rigir�!Nlessage--, From: diarm Razeli(maUta:Ettszeii�Caets.coe.urrt.edu] Sent;Frkiay,Febntdry D2�20Q1 1:53 FM To:m�perey�itmait.tea.st�te.Uc.us Subj�Charter appikation MrrY,i nevRr he�nf badc from you or kq�i repa�dinq th!5Q1c3,Gut an ta odw areas ot the appf�otlan. 5tice tlu GeneraUm 6 appGCa[ian is maat Spetlflc!n re+jord�to ettnCirr+e�s,arn!tQ beMeve that kaers d'reecvnmc+dedon erc rwt W Oe k�rSuoed7 TtuN�s tar ya�rc ftetlbatic. D:aan �����4 �ile�f/C:\WINQ(�W5\TEMP"\GW�OQOI�,MTM Q2/OSj2401Q•'Z TQWN C�►F WEST�.AtCE �'LES�LUTIUN Nf?.O1-4S A RESOLUTION ORDERING TI� GREATION QF A NflM'ROFIT CURFt)RATION PITRSUANT TCl THE TEXAS N4N-��'tQFIT C4RPOitATIUN AG`T, AF�'RQVING ARTICLES OF INC4RPU�RATION AND B�FLAWS FUR, AND APPQINTING T�iE INITIAL DIRECTQRS OF, TFiE CORP'ORATION, � AP"POINTING CERTAIN CQNSULT.r�NTS, AND RESQL'�"II+IG RELAT�D MA"T"I`EItS WHEREAS, this Board af Aldernraen(thG"Board"�, as thc governing bad�of the Town of Westlake,Texas {the "Town")� hereby find that it is in the public interest that a non-pcofit corparation (the "Carparation;") �e created under the Texas Naz�•Profit Car�oratac�n Aet(the"Act") to aet an l�ehalf of the Tawn as its duly eons�tituud au�harily and instcumentality, within the meaning af thc Internal Revenue Code of 19$6, as amer�ded,faz che purpose af providing educacional s�rviGes and facitities; WHEREAS, the Act emp�wcrs, among othcr things� the Gorpc�ratian to acquire a chartcr, pursuant to Chapter 1�, Subchaptcr p of the Education Gode (tha "Educatian Code"), prc►vidc eduGarion serv�ces, and acquitG, finanee, and operate educatianal faeilzties and faciliti�s reIated thareto, as corttcrnplated by thG �ducatiar� Code andlor other law; WHEREAS,it is the sntent of this Board th�t the Corpozation shal! have�a�l pawers autharizcd ur�der the A�t and athrr law to enabla it to appiy for and olatain a chartcr under thc Educatir�n Codc and grovidt educ$tion scrviccs and acquire, finance, and operatc cducatianal faGilities and faeilities related therata, as contempla.tGd by the �ducation Codc,the Aet,and/or otla�r Iaw; � - WHEREAS, the Act authorizes th� Corporation to issue revenue bonds ("Bands"} ar�dlor to ent�r inta other obligat�ons ("Obligatians"� that, arnang aEher thitzgs, wiil facilitate graviding educatian scrvices and faciyitias aiad facilicies related thereta; WHEREAS,ne�Bonds or Qbligations of thc Gor�oratian will�onstitute ab�ligations (whcther special,gen�ral,or moral}af th�Town; WHEREAS, the Act pravides that the direct�rs af ti�e Corporat�on are ta be a�apc,inted by th�Baard; WHEREAS, tbc Articles of Incorp�ratian (thc "Aiticl�s") of t�k,e CQrparatiQn shail provide th�t no modification of the Articles or fhe Bylaws (the "Qylaws") of thc Corporation shalt t$ke effeGt urFlcss apgcaved by this Board; ����� �� 3 i + i I i � � WHEREAS,this�3oard intends��by th� adogtion af this Rcsolution, ta takc aIl actian �I ncccssary ta order the creadon �f thc Cacgoration rvith all af thc corgorate gowan and ' autliority granted undar thc Act and ather law; ' WHER�AS,,th��an.cetiag at which this �.esalutzon has l�ean aQnsidered �ras open ta the public as rcq�tircd by law, and public notice af the tirne, place, and subjoct of the ' meating has been given itt accordance with Cha�►ter SS1,Government Gode; NQW, THEREFC)RE,BE IT RESQLVED BY TI� BC1A�U C1F ALDERMEN C3F ; THE T4WN QF V�ESTL.AICE,TEXAS: SEC�QN 2. T�io findings aad declaratians ce>ntained in the prcaml�le of this Resolution arG bereby incarpt�ratcd as part ofthis Resolution. �ECTION 2.ThiS Boa�d hereby finds az�d deternunos that it is in thC best interest of the Tovrn and its inhabitants that thc Cc�rporation, ta bc narrtGd as spccificd in thG artic�es,be�created pursuant to the Act to act on behalf of tho Town as its duly cazistituttd authQrity and instrumer�tatity fox th� puzposes and with the gowers and autharity prescrib�cd b�r the Act and othcs law. SECTIOtd 3.This Board hcreby orders the creation af thc Corparation and aggroves the Asticles in substas�tially the foc�zn attached ta this R.esolutian as an e�tYiibit,and hereby authorius the incarporators taf the Corporation {as identified in such Articles)to filc the Ar'ticies with the Sccrecary of State in ac�ardance with Iaw.In thc�vent that tb�nsme for thc Carpor�tian sp�cifted in thG Articles is not available, th� inccargoratars aze hereby authorized ta changc the Cvrporation's nazx�e in th�Articles withaut the fw�her appravat af�he Town. SECTIfJN 4.Tlus Board hereby appoints the persans identified in the Articles t� serve as thc inidal Board of Dir�ctors of the Carporation. - SECTII�N 5: This Board hereby appcaves the inftial Bylaws nf tlle Gorporation in substantiat�y thG farm attach�d to this Resa[utit�n as Exhibit A. SECT`(C?N 6: It is intanded that the CarpQratian bc a ciuly canstituted autbarity and instrumentality af thc Town within thc mcaning of regulations andfar revenue rulin$s af the Treasury L7epaztmeat andfor the Int�rnal Revenue Servi�e of the Unitcd StatGs prornulgated undcr Se�tion 115 af the Internal RevenuG Code of 1986. SECTIC}N '7: With respcct to the Tawn and its instrumentalities, tl�e Board af Ald�rmen Mereby appaints Larry Williamson as financial advisoz, Thamas Allen Moan as fu:anca cour:set, and Jerilcens & Gilctuist� P.�. as specia! fzr�ancG cau�sel. SECTIt�N S: That this Resolution shall bccomo effectiva ugon; the date of its F��$G• � ���J� �—� PASSED.ANT.�APPRQVED ON THIS t2�DAY�F FEBRUARY,20Q1. ' k Arr`EST: s�ott$� cy,Maya�'� - c" �,,,.-/ . ing Crasswy, Secretary Trent Petryty,To anag,er APPROVED AS T4 F . � ; � ,�. ,,-..;...✓"�, L. S n L .A rney �JJI �r�r � -�tt I 1 1 � i . TQWN QF WF.STLA�CE RESOLUTIQN Nt�. OI-0G � A RES[?LUTION QRDERING THE G�ttEATTQN OF A Nt,�NT'R4FTT ' CC?R�"4RATION PURSUANT T4 THE TEXAS NdN-FRClFIT CCfRPORATIUN ACT, APFROYING ARTICLF.S OF INCQRPORATIQN AND BYLAWS FQR, � A1V�L1 APPOINTING THE INTT'IAL DIRECTt�I2S OF, THE CURPQRATTUN, APFQII�I'TING CERTAIN C4NSULTAN'TS, A� RESQLVING RELATED MATTERfi WH�REAS,this Boazd of AJdermen(tht"�aard"�,as the governing badX of thc Tawn af Wcstlake,Texas (tho "Town"�.hereby find that it is in th� put�lic interost that a non-prO�Ft corpora:iarn (the "Corpc�ratian") be creattd tiu�der the Texas Noa-Pro�it � Corporatian Act(thc"Act")to act an b�half of thc Tawn as its dul� cosistituted authority �nd instrumantality, wittun thc meanSttg of the Intcrnal Revenue Code of 1986, as amend�d,for the gurpFos�af grQvidic�g civic facilitics; Wf�REAS,the Act arngc�wers,among aihcr thin�s, the Corgaradan to ac�quiz'e, fuianec, �p�eratc, and lease facilirirs ("Civic Fa�il'aties") that will cc�nuribute ta tha ccono�ic devclogmcnt, civic imgrouement, and educatianal. euln.u�al, and ceCreaCional enhancement af the T4wn; V!VF€�REAS, it is the intent oP this Baazd that �.he Carporation shatl tzavc all pawcrs authorized uneEer ttae AGt and Qthc�law ta en�bte it to acquire, �taan�e, ap�ratt, and 2ease Cavic Facilities; WHEREA$, the Act sutharizes the Go�aration ta is$ue revenue bonds• ("Bonds") andlor to enter znta trther ohligations("Obli�atiQns"� that, among�ther things, wiA facilitate groviding Civic�'acilitie�; W�iEREAS, na Bonds Qr Qbiigations of the Corparatiou witl constitut� abligatirans �whether spe�ial, general, dr moral) af the Tawn. W�EREAS, the Act providc� itaat thc dirGctors of thc Carparatic�n are to be apgainted by the P�aard; WHEREAS, thc Articics of Incorgoratian (the �A21tG�CS"} af the Cargaration shall provide that no modification af the Articles ar the Bylaws (th� "Bylaws"') of the Corpora.ticrn shat!takc cffect ufiless appcaved by this Board; WI�REAS,�this Board intcods, by the adoption of this Resolutian, ta take ai1 actiou necassary to ard�r the creatioa af thc Gorparadan with all of the corporate gowers and autria�rity granted vndcr the Aet and ether law; WHEREAS� che meeting at wfYich this Resatutian has been cottsidered waS ��}.��i �-� k� apen ta�the public as rcquired by law,and public notice af the timc,plac�, afld subjcct af ' the mecting b,as been given in ac.�orciaflct with Chapt�r 551,Gavernment Cocic; NE�W, THEER.EFQRE, �E IT RESQL'4'ED BY T8� BOARD QF ALDEI�;NiT.N O�' TFI�TOWN UF WESTLAi�E,TEXAS: SEC'[7G►N�1, The fmdiags and declaratians contained in the preamble af this Ri►enl�tti....s«r k�.�1... i.,nn....,.mt�ri o�.�.a.t nftl.ie�acnlf.finn a�v✓vauuv�a aatir uvawv� �.uw��rvaccrw w.a�uay va �taa�r a�r.ay.aarava�. SEGT,�QI�T�.This Board}aer�by finds and daternunes that it is in tha best intGrest o�`tho Tawu and iis inhabitants that tht �arporation, ta b� named as specifrcd in it►e .4zticles, bc created pursuant to thc Act to a�t on behalf of the Town as its duly con�tituted authority and snstrumenta�ity for thc pwposes and wit�z thc �wers and authariry grescrib�d by sbt Aet and other law. SEC"I'tUN 3. Thzs Board horeby orders thG creatian of th� Gor�azation snd approves thc Artielas in substantislly tho form atl�hed ta this Resalutioa as an exhibit, and hereby authori�es tho incarporators af thc Corpazatian(a�identificd in such Articles} to filc tha Articles with th� Secretary of State in accordaneC with law. In thc ev�nt that the name for the Carparadon speci�i�d in the Articles is not avail�bk,the incorparators are hereby�uthariz�ec� ta change the Gc�rpc�ratian's name in the ArtiGles without the furt}ier approval af thc Town. SECTICJr1�4. This Board harcby appoints the persons idenufied in the Articies to s�rve�s the ini#aal Bsa�rd af Directors af the Corporation. SECT[E?N 5: This�aazd hereby aggmves the initial Bylaws of the�or�aratian in suastantially th� form attactaed to this Resolution as Exhibit A. SECTT�N 5: It i�in�endGd that thc Corgoration be a dnly constituted authozity and instrum�nt�iity of tl�e TQwn witlun the zneaning of regulations and/or r�venue rulings of the Treasux� L�e�rtment andlor the Cntema! Rcvenue Service of the United Stace� Fromulgated under Sectian 215 of the [nternat Revenuc Cade af I98�. SEC7Tt7 1�7-. Wirh r�.sgect ta the Tawn and its instrurner�talities, the Board af Aldermen hcre6y agpaints Larry Williamsc�n as fi.ngncia! advis,ar,T�omas Allen Mc�an as fuzan�e Gaunsal, and ,Tcnkcns &, Gilchrist, P.C. as special fu�arj:cc coun�ct. SECT'1C7N 8: That this Resalution shall become effecdve upan the datt of its passage. PASSED AN�1 APFROVED QN THIS 12�"DAY 4�F�BRUARY,2oai. J���2 � '"'iC i � i I ^'�a�"�-.—.� A`T`I:EST: Scoti an►�lcy,MaYor ,�--------�.., ���,,.�.--` �. � ing cros�wy, s�ct�.taty TT�cat Pa�y,TO �a � APPRtJVEa AS TO F . � . �r � � L. n A tney �a�� �� A-'�d i Atta�hment 2 Articles af Incarporatian ��i {1� �' � 3 I � � EXtiIHIT ".�t" � . Decprnbcr !3, I95G � FEELD NOTES G1F FR�PQSED INGQRPQRA2I+7tK � QF THE T'OWTT C1F' �Y�S�'LA2CE ' 11Y TIa,RRANT ANA DEt(TO1V CQUNTTES. TLY.AS - Tract Na. I ' _ 1.99 Squsre .hSile�r � Situ�ted in tha Gouneita of Tarrant and Daralon, 5tatc of Texaa. being o traet of lwnd aut oC the tcllowing Survoys: J. �ad• A-792R R. Eada R.393, J, GItt�Ort h-h43, J. Sacoa A-l565, J. Sutton A-tl�s4� C. t.�Saditn ,A-l3Z�, W, H. Pea A-tJ45, J, Henry A»528. W. N�gdtia A-19S8, Hra�.ot G. %1v1, Throop A�1S16, Hro.'''of C. - I�art A-2Q03, V�". H. �2arttn A-1068, M. l-tunt A-7a8, G. D. HendritkE A-6�U, .Tesae�Gib�on A-592i Vltri. .Fiu`ft R,-&d8, BEGIi�INI�iG in Dent�n County at ttic intarreccion af the west liac of R. �sd• Survcy A-343 witY� the oo�th line at Dalla� SEse�rt�a'atre�t lesving the town ol Rosnokel •aid gaiat beiag the rnaet narthcrly aorthweut carner of che herein deacribed tract; 7HE1`ICE aa�t foltawing along ths �outh linc a£ Da.ilae Strcct eroenid'g 5tate Fiighway Na, 21d at 1lQ4' and Continu►ng an a diatance af 9625' to a point (or cornct ii�che J. Sutton Survay A-1154; THENCE narth and ezoasin� Cou�ty Road x, d"x�wqre ot ?00 �aet to a point for cornGr in the J, Lad4 Survey .h-39Z; THENCC ca"et G60 feet ta a point for ccrn�r ia thn east liae ol caid £sde S�rvey; TFIENCE aauth �rith the caet Iinc n# �ade Survey and thc J. Sutton Survcy A-1 l54 a disi�nc� af � 160o rcct ro i ��oint for corncr; T'HENG`r` souchbuakcrly and at aIi kirr�e� 6f1Q feet frarn and par�l[e2 to thc nareheaac liae of Saxta Nighway Na. 114 ta a polnt far cornar t�a the eaat Fine of the J, Glcnn Turner 1a9.1& acrc tract in th� C. Medl€a Survey; THENC� aoucb u�1t1: said Turner'r ca�t lina ��40 f4'CE t0 PGlRt �62" corncr; TFIENCE aouchoaatcrly and ail timGa 2Q0 fcet fzom and paraitel ta the nartheast iinc e di�tancc af 2b00 fect La a poine far carner ii, the esat linr ai the Ir�ne Na+bitt 4 acre trsc# in the W, H< � Pea Survey A-1 i45; T}iEAtCF aouchwcoteriy wSth eaid Neabitt tract a dis- t�nct caf �Oa tetf to a pp`tnt fo: ¢eraGr Sa th� northaaat line of Statee Hi�hw�y No. d 14; Tl�lEKCE �outhe�i+cerly wlth northcart line of �aid highwxy a dietancc q50 feet ta a potat £er eorner; THENGE aautts eraRQing said highway ta a polnt tox corntr in ihe couihwent 1lne cf h{�liway and Lhe tnteraection ot tbc_ : • northwcet coraes af the �arl E, Eilia 26,8 xcce traet in the W, H. Aea Survcy A-1145; THENGE •autheaaterly wiih the sau4hvreut linr ot raid high. • ' way arid croasin�the L�cntan-Tarrant Gaunty lina :nd cOn4lnuin� on to a � paint for corner at tbc lntcrceccton ot �authwewt ltne af highway with wcat ilna af Caunty Road No. 3[�88 in TarraoT f`ou,n;y; Tfi�NCE aaueh wieh wc�t I Iine of �uid county road a diFtai�c¢ of 145Q feGk to a poi�t tar tar�er; �'NENCE • i � wc�t a dietaiice of 80Q fdet to a point tar corner; X'HEIVGL narch a dt�cance of ; 2200 Jfaet to a poJat for eorner in tF,r aorsb�ine af F�r�. of C. M. Throap $ur- ; vny A«2516; THE6JGE wc�t �xith narth line of �..ld Throag Survay ca a po{nt i tor cornax, �aid poins boing the nerthe�at carn�s at the Eart E, Elii• 35-3 acre tt�ct, 2'iIENC£ routh �rith tht aaQt ttne a!esid Eltt� cruc[and catt . �cra ltns at aohn n. McGuire 20.86 acrc and 83.47atraeE• ta s point tur corncr in thc aarth linc Ca�:tity Road Na, 3Q8b, aaid point alec bctag she eouthe,:ut c�rner oi eafd hicCiuis•e 83.47 acre traet; THENGE eapkerty and foitowin� thc narth 2ine od aaid caunty r�ad ta s. polnc ,tor cerncr� �aid poi�:t bcing , � '��i Yl� c� . r-r � . Faqc 2 EzAibit "A" ,in thc Gm�c linc af Firs, at C. M. Thraop SurYey A-IS10; THENGE •outh ' and.czoraip� �sici county.road and fatlowiag the wee4 lino of Gau�t� Aoad Na. 3�ki8 a dfr•tanca o[ 63Q feet ta ♦ point for cornar; TFIENCE we�t n dtnta�►ca at 2Q0 feat ta a gvins far cornex; TliEhtCE aorth and at ail timrs 2QU t�ax lrcm �nd paraticl to the weet ti.nc af caunty xoad No. 3C►B6 to a polnt far carner in the �auth line of Gaunty It,nncl Na. 3080; THLNGE wcrt snd rorthwesterly lollawina the �nuth linc of �aid cownty road ta a paint Far corncr at ita fnteracetion with the r.a�t l[r►e ot the A. M. Taca i l.3� scse tzaet in thc Hra. af C. M. Thr�aop Survey A-151Q; THLT`NG� south with aaae !{ne ot ratd Tac� 11,32 acro trsct ta a point tpz corner; •aid p�int bci.n= thc �outh¢aat corner of •a.id Txte tzact and ia thc south line ot uid Thraep Survcy; TIiENCE wc�t with the routk► line at �xid Tate tract a�d Throop Survoy ta a point tor aarner in, � the weet li�e ctf CountX Ra:d No, 3035; 7HENC� •outh snd •outhwest fafia.r- iny �aid wect line o£county raad ta s petnt for carner, •a1d paint being tho ■pueheaet corncr of the E, H. l�ccder �a3.64 acra traci in the W. H. ,Martir� Survey A�QbB; TF3ENCT weet 4vith eauth lint ot •aid Reeder tract a diatanrc of 2aTS fcot to a paint dnr sarncr; safd palnt bcfna the �outhw¢at carr,rr af satd Reeder tract and in the �rest line at W. Ii. Marti� Survey A-2068; THENG�narth �,rith thc weat lint uf •aid Mnrtin Survey xnd iLeeclex tr+et to a gaint for +eorner, raid pairt btiaq st the eoutfienae corncr at cne 2,�. Hunt 5nrvcy A-?58; SHENG� wcet with tha •outh linc , of waid M. Hunt Survey to a palnt for rorner; caid point b�ie� the eauth- wresC car�cr al eair7 fiune Survcy; THENGE nortb witb �toat linc of r�id Hvrst Survey tc a pofnt dos corncr, uaid pc#nt bcing 200,Eeet Mauth oi eouth fine of Counky Road No. 4Ql30; THEhiGE: wcos and at alI ttmce 20Q lret aauth ot und pazsliet to the aouth �fne ofi �aid County Road Na. 408U to a pair�t tor eorner, •aid paint bcin� �00 ft¢t ca�t ot eart line of , Gau»ty Road No, 4041; 'r}IENGE eautb andat nll ttmce aU0 (eet e�at at n»d garallcl to said ¢ast linc ot said Caunk� RaYd No. 4D�1 ta a pofni £or corncr; �a�d potr� bcii�g tn t1ie.routlx lfne ot cho H. 3. Thrasher �4Q acrt taact in the G. II. Yiendricke 9urvay A-6S0; TH�NG� weoc with eouth line flF e;.id ?mraahae tract a df�tanco pf 3fl0 fcct co a point far cnznex. •aid pal�kt boing in,tt�¢ c:�'t lina af County RoAd No. R�Q41; TtiENGE aauth wiLti eamt lina ot oaid eounty road A dieksnct af 66R fcc4 tu r►goint for caxner; THENGE ea�t R t�iQtiflCC pf 3QQ fcet to n pofnt for ,._:ner: TE.Tt_NPK" eR�th ..^� �!! :i:±a__ ?�32 €�ct ca_t �t�E�� r-'_rgjjwi tn shc c��t line o[ County Road No. 40<i aAdietanre at 6G0 fa¢t to a point tor cornar, oaid gaint b�in� in thc routh li�C at�, E3. HcndYick� SurvcY ' A-680; 1'EIENC� weat wieh esld �auth line of Hcndrieka Survey and croos- � fn� Gauaty kz.o:d No. 4041 to a potnt tor casncr, said goint bcing ia the went line ot oa[d cau�ty raad; Tlik:tJCE.nortl� with thc we�t lina ot aaid - � ta�nty road to a pofet far cari�er. eaid potnt bcing !he �outhas�t cozner of che J. A. Mrdford 20 acre tract aut of thc G, B. Hendricks Survcy% THENCE wo�t wxth soulh line af sald Med[ard Lr�at a di�tance oC 200 fcct ta a point tvr coraer; TFfENC� ncrCh and at aI2 ttmci ZOQ feet wcat � at and pacxllel to weat line at Gou»ty Raad Ne, �041 to a po[nt for corn�x, �ald palat beioC in xk�a south linc ot County Aoad Na, 4090, THENCE wt�t with soaCh liaa af axid couaty road to a patat l�ar �ornes�, •rid point t�efq� 6dQ teat trom ehe east li�e al Gaunty ftoa�d No, d057, 1'taENGE oouth a � • dS�tanct ot 1300 frp! Lo a point far coxncr, �aid paint brtR� in tf+e •ouih ltae cl iha W. T. SharpleR� 40�trxr trart in thc .7easo Gib�ax� Survey q•5q2; THENCE �vcst with the •outh lir�a of oaid Sbarplaa� tract ta a point far cara4r, oatd goint btin� in thc c'a�t Eine ot Caunty Rc+ad No. 4057; T3�1�NCE bauth witb the east line c�i �n'ss! eount� ra�d to �paint for cornec, faid polat bctn�thc narthwcat corner at tha h�tar�i� Nfoad 6 acre tract ta thc JG�ae Gi6eoa SurvcX R-59T.; '1^H�EN�E exRC wFth north]inr nt IIaid Ylood . ��� �i6 . , r�-$ ! � Pagt d . � Erhihie �'q'" • I tract s dint�r�cc ot ZDO fcct ta a rioint foz corncr; THSNGE so�tL aad st all tirne� 2d0 feat fram and psra11e1 ta the �art line at C.uunty Road' N�a. 4Q57 to �i gRiat tax coracr. �aid point being in tbe souch liae cf thc Mrrgic Waad 6 scrr tract; TFi�1VCE weat v.ith the south iine of ssid ' Mar�ie Wqad tr�ct and croa�ing oaid Gouaty Rdad i�ta. 9059 to a point fo= e�reer, caid paint bein� tn the wett l�ae at •aid cownt� raad; T'}i�NCE , noreh with the weaf lint of �aid County roxd t� a poiot[az carner, ■zid point bein� the •outheaac carner a!the N. C. Winxerbauer 4Q acre essst ia tha Jesae Gihson Survey; THEIdC,E w��t with aouth tine vf aaid 1Yfntezbauer trac! a diatxn,te ot 2130 feet; THE2QCE r►atth to a ppiat for coraer, �aid paint bein� 'sn t}aa north line af said tYirterbauex trsCt; TF[ENGE aa�t with north tfne ot aaid �Yintezbauer tract to a poiat tar curner, rafd point baing thc c�vrthcaet cmrner of aaid 1Yiadasbauer trsct and ia ths ` west liae ot County Road tvp, 9C57; THENCE north with the we�t line at o�id caunty rond te a paiat far corner. Qaid paine bein� thc, �o�thea•t cornez of the J, Glenn Tur»er 4Q acre traet ia the Jeota Gibsoa Survcy A-592; TIiENGE wett �Yith t6c �outh linc at taid Turncr 4d scrt tract to a poiut lor carncx, raid ppint bein� ihe ra�tbwe�t corner'ot aa�.id Turner iR acre tract and in ihe eaat line of the J. Glenn Tur�or Bi.� i1[rG tCACt� THENCE �outl+wit� thr eAat line oL �aid 81.3 scre tract a distance af 290 taei ta a poini tar e�rnar; TFt,�NCE WCtL WltfF?ti C1YC PYPYOi7`'Y.ttpG OE LZtC rauth lime ttf thc I. Gienn Turner 98.�acrec tract in tke Wm. liutf Survey A•6:6 and cantinuipw with aouch line ai �aid Eract to a poinx !or carncr. •sid poiat bcing 4Ua feet eant af ths east line af County Roa�d Na, 4Q60; THE2�+CE eauth ar�c; at xIl tirnea 4Q0 icet from and yarailel to the ea�t � tinc of said rounty road to a paint for cosaer. asid paiqt being in the couth iin� of the Gunnel� i0 acrr tract in th� 11Tm. Huft Survey; TH£f2CE � weet with •outh Itne of said C+"unne2c traet a diEtanec o(400 feet to : paint far cazucr, esid point bcir►g !he bauthwe�c corner af said 9Q acrc tra�t xnd in th� eaet line ❑f Caurity Ftoad'No. �06Q; THENGE north with cast line al aaid eau�ty raad And the weet tfne ot raid Gu,rxnc2� tratY ta a paint for eorncr, raid point I�eing LQO faet fram coutk lius of the J. Glenn Turner 96,6 aerc traCt; THEi�IGE eaet aad 20d feet north ot snd paraJlel to ibe cauth Yina bt •aid 7'urnes Prxct aDd aa easi pralongatian of satd �outh I3ne to a poine for cozner, said point bein� 200 fett vre�t af che , ca�t line af J, Gle�x� T+usAer $#, 3 acre txact in the Je�ae Gibaon Survey A•S92; THENCE exot 240 ttet narth ot and at aI! Limc� parailel to thc couth liae af the J. Gloan Turner 4Q acre trsct to a poini for CQTAGF� �aTd : pnint bc(n� ;n thc wes# linc af CounEy Road I�a. 4057; Tki�NCE north and narthwest with the west line of •a[d county saad ta a potat Eos corncr, �aid _ point boing in the nertb litse Af the Je�ae Gibwn Survcy A-592; T!i'�NGE �+rest with t6e north Yine ot �aid Gtbson Surv�y a disiance o[70Q fret to a paint Eor carncr, THENCE north snd.cras�tng tha J. Bicoa Survey A-1565 xnd ehe Tarrant-Dpntaa Gevnty 2ine to s point for cotner, •aid paint t:ein� 1h tFlt h0l��1 Ijlft Of LAt Frank Wri�ht 2 acre tract in tue R, Eads S�r�ey A•343; 'I'f�iE�tCE cast vrith tb� nart6 liae a( aaid Wri�ht Exact a di�taete af 30p feet ta a point for cornes, �aid point being the ' Nnrthea�t Caraar ot eaid Wrtgk►t tr:ct aad in the weat liae ot County - , Road to RoanoMe, TtiENCE �arthwest and northweitesl?totlorrinC the wrat Iint ind toutt►tirie at said cquafy i'oad to i point for corher, �aid . poiax being 3S0 teee east af and at righi an�Ies to tha wett line at R. • Ead� 5urvey; THENCE •Quthwec4erly a distance ot 150 leet to a pa[nt for cornsX; TFtENCE narthaestts2y 350 Itet fram �nd x� a2t ttmei paraitel to the wouih.rc�t line of count� raad to Raanake to x goint tor corncr, �aid potnt bcing fn tha wt�t line af tht J. Dacon Survty A-I565; TfiENCE narth ��l �� . . �- �1 Page 4 ' Exhibit ��A" ' wFth t�ec wc�i lia:o of onl�I J, 23�ron Survcy an� tht cantcr 11ne oi a county so�d to a paint tos corner, �ald pa;nt bring thc northwe�t cornar oI tha J. Glcna Turncr 6,5 acrc tract !ii th• J. Llacon Survoy; THEIdGE ca�t with noxth line et oaid 6,5 acra tract ta an inner cornar ai sald tract, raid cornsr bofng in the Cast 3inc of J. 9acon S�rvcy; X'H�NC£ aouth with '' aaet lina ot Mald Iiacpn Survay to a point !or eornes, eaEd poir;t boin� thc aouthcact eoraer ai •aid 6.5 acre tzact and in tbe northea�t i:ne af eeuet� soad leavia�r Roanokr: 1'FtENCE aauti�e�at crat and south with thernarkheayl, narth and eaet Iiae of county soad artd crQayinQ il�e Danton-Tsrr::�t Gou»ty linc ta a patnt far eorner. •atd potnt being ln tlxe ea�t li�r.of Gounty Rc+�ci lVo, 4Q57 and ehe Narthwest corncr �f ihe R. L!, c�rr��,c�r 20 tcre triei ir, tl:a ?coe� Gibsoa Survey A-54Z; TkFENGE caat u•iti�Noril�linr. o! ould Carpantcr trsct • diotancc of 300 fcet to a point fos cnzi�cs; TIiENC� ao��th and ut a!1 tlme� 3p0 lcet trorn and paral�tl to tlac c.:nt 1lnc oi County Raad Noe 4457 to a � polr�t tot corncr, aa3d poir�t bcinw in thc eouth line at eaid Gcrpcntcr tract; TH�NGE weat with eouth linc ot �atd Garpenter tract ta a point for corner, a�id pain4 ueSng the •outhweat corncr o[ •aid Garpcnter tract aad Ln the eaat liae of County Raad Pto, 49S?; TH£NCE aouth with ea�t line of oai� cauoty road and ecniinuing on w �paint tor corner, naid paint bcin� in the eouthe�Gt corrier at the R. A. Ga►rptnecr 20 stre trxct; 7H�7�tCE eaei wit3t eouth line of eaid Garpceter traet aed continuing on wiCh th� ncrth�ine of coanty rord No. �408Q to ;poir+t for earner, �aid point being 7b0 fcct fro�r the raushcaet cerner nt the A. H. Wiide Land !n the G. 8. }Icndrick Survr.y A-690; Ti�ENGE �otth and parallel to thc . eaat line ai •aid WLIdc Traet a dfat�nce af JOQO teet to a point lor eorner,�tic�c4r.,7 said po3nt bcing in the eaet line of said lYiida traat; TIiEiVCE �ouch with i:a��c��� CRpt line af Aatd Vlilde tract a diatance af 10�0 feest to a point tar eorner, eaid point bcinr thu eoutheaet corncs od eaid Wilde trnct and t�the narth line of County Iinad Na. 405�; TPIENCE notheaet and cast wiih thc narth lin�s oi auid county raad ta s point fvr cosner, said point k�cing 1200 lo��t weet oi cns�t linc of GouuRy Road tVo. 4QxG; T1iEtVC� ssorth a clisYanCc at [6QD l��t tc a polnc!or corncr; THLNCE csot and croes3nII naid county soscl at t200 temt and caatinuing on to a point fa; coraar, aaid point hafng 200 lect eutE Of tl�e es�t 1lne o! �aid Cannty rasd; T�iENC� south and at all time� ZDO teet trorn and parailel to tbe es�t line ot yatd aaunty road to a goins fos eorncr. �ald point being ln thc aauth ttnc o1 the M, L. Ra6ert� 40 acra tract in tho Nra. ot G. bS. � 1'hsoog Svrvey Mi514; TIiEI�ICE we�rt wtlk oouth linc at aaid Robert� tr�.ct a dietance o[ 2Q7 teet to ■ pcint for carner, eafd po;ni belo� thc pouthwcet - carner of oatd Robcrte Czact ar►d in ths ea�t lin� pt Gounty Road No. 4026; THENCE south�rtth thc eaot linc ot said county raad and ihe cant with ' t�aa nozEL liaaa et Ceuney Road No. aOSQ ta m poi�t 1or eorcecr; THENGE Dauth .rltb eaat llae p[ said caunty raad tv x pvt►u to: corner, •afd point bcla� Yhe riTorthweot cornes af eha Jaha McCufre Land; I'HENGE ea�t wtsh the norch ilne af ehe aaid McCuire trnct to +� polnt for corner, �afd pQtnt bein� the ao¢thcneo aorner pl t}rc B, A. 2wald 13Q-1/3 acrc tract; THEIVCE narth wlth tlw caet lina ot naicl 2waicl tract to a poic►t for casnar.' � aald paint bcits�;�SOq (cet from ch� north 11ue o[ tIra. at G. M. Threop • 5krvay, '�'HENCE �rQei sad 4D0 teat south ot ard parai3e2 to the norLh Iin¢c oi oaid Tbsaap Survey to a paint fdr eorncr, aaid point being a.eouth prolangattOn,of tl�e eaat liae ot the A, G Hnnth lsnd ia the W. H, Fea • Survey A.114S; Tf{ENCE norih to a point far cornes� •aid potiat beinp tho �os+tht$st corrroa�o!raid Heath tract ind in the nouth line ol W. N. ' ��.� G�3 �- ro . ��s� s EXti:c�ie ���,�� ' Pea 8urvcy, TFiENGF wc�t with aauth linc ot ostd W« t�i. Pca Survc�r a diatante ctt 600 tcet to a point [or cornes; THENGE north b00 fect weat at and parultal to tha aast lina pf A. !C. Heath tract ta a pclat fer . corner, a>pd paint btih� in tl,c •ourhwcot linc ot Srata Mi�hway No, i 14; 1'FiSNC� northvrnat with the aautlawcct linc ot sald hi�,hivay ta a point far earncr, e:►id point haing the north caat corner of tha 8. K. Heath 4 acre tsact in the W. H, Pea Survoy; THENC£ south with eaat itne o[ oafd Hcath tract to a point for cornor io!hc touthcact �pr�tr af satd kract: T�iENCE weat with Qau4t�ltnc at �aid trsct and c�ntinwzng scro�a county ro�d ta a poinc fpr corntr; THENC� oouth �:fth wctt liae o! •sid caunty ra�d ea a poini fos cas�tcr, oaid point bc[ng tn thc GPStxttCSBC coraer at clae M�x Gahen 63.43 acre tract in tha C. Mcdlin Survey A-H�3; ?HENICE wcac with aouth lina o! caid Gohen tract and continuln� along tlie the ruusb l3ne a! tha J. Glt»r� Turnar 153.5�acre tract to a Foint far corner in ►hc oouth►�cat caantr ot thc aaid Turncr tr�ct and thc C. Mcdlin ruXvey; '2'1-tENGE �orth with tt�q wcot line al eaid Tuzaer traet and Madlin •urvay ta a }�oint toz carncr, caid ro9nt be'sn� in thc aauthFrcef lie�c oY . St*ce liighway t3o. 1 F:; THEIwC� northwcee with the aouti►weat line af eaid hi�h�nny to a pofnt fa�r corncr, •aid point bein� 2,Q6 fecR, eauth and measurc�2 parpendlc�ar Irarn the aauth Jin<ot tauacy zaad ir,auing Roanol<e; TFt�NCE we�t and at all timc■ 20Q lect f:arn and �a�rallel to the rauth lina o( anid road to a point foz corucr, �:�id poiat being in the �.^cat lina of ihc R. Ea�l• Survcy A-393; TH�NGE north with the wrrt • ilne at cpid Eads rurvcy ta titic poi�wt o( beginning� and eavertr�� a lract pf land tpntainin�{ 1.99 squarc mi1eG. � � �il��a . . � . � t � .. � � r� Q �-'1 �'.,,f � � '� A•fY• f" . , O�tid3 JT. �!'' �..s h..f � _ _ '�.yz�r.sci.a..a..+.s�a..,...." � �-� "�ii`��. � �.�.����W.�� � � � ' ��� '�t, ':;...•.:.:. _•��xP�.sy-a�+r�"'1 —� • �`�i;�+:...� .�. �-rr�.--•_•.-�.- I ;�� � S ::.�!•r''R v'• �"t I t t � '.� "�7"w.W.G K�£t ' .-.v...j . is•��.��:��.."a� w;,,:� i.�]k v.�x—.arv.sr—_ - 6 �•� '?.: 'L.__ -- - ,.�_ :,-__;, ;•, 4 � . , . . �r;::. . , w tpoa a.iutrow Y�`;�'':�:�Fipr.wd``�, ... .. � ntwsr , 'y a.,y�i ✓wSx ' �Cr .)�•iiiP.{ . �, � iatl ru,arr . ' . 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Ex�tigiT ��g�. � � .... �� ' ..".�.. ..,..,:. iu{A P 6F i � � i . � �.:kaa E . � ���arrs oF iNG�3RPOfiATtOhi .. .... �.0 a e T� 4 K�' TF'X A S .--- r---- --_._ ..._..� Attachment� ey-Laws As a governmeniat en#'�ty the Tawn of WestCaf�e daes not h�ve 6ylaws_ The By-Laws for the instrumentality of the Wesflake Academy Corporation are ir�cluded. ����1 A� - 1 "�E BYLAWS of ' WESTLAKE ACADEMY�C}RPORATION ARTICL.E I PQWERS AI�IT)QPERATIQNS fI�I GENERAL SE�TIt)N 1.1. Powars af Corraoration. Tho Wcsdakc Acadcmy Garp,oratian (the "Garporatian") shall }18YG 8�I af th� pawcrs and authQcity granted eo non-prafit corporations under the '�'exas Nan-Pro�t Carporation Act, TEX.REV.CI�. STAT.ANN.Art. 1396(Ycrnon 1�97�,as amcndtd(tht"Act"}, SEC'ITCIN t.2. Rtcords. The Corporatian shaft i:eep completc corporate and financial rccards ar�d minutes of the proceedings of its haard of directors(ihe"Baard"� and of committees(if any}of tho Baard in accordance with applicable law, The records and minutes shall bt rnade avaitablc far inspectican at all reasanable times by any member of the Bc�ard(eny mamtaer,s"D'urectQr")or by tht I:�imctor's autl�orized agcnt ar by any authorized representativc of the Towa of 4V`asttak�(tl�e "Town"). SECTIQN ].3. ReRulations. The Carporation,by aetian af the Baard, may promulgat�reguiatiops (the "Regutatians"}�avcrning tho Corpc�ration's operasion. ThG Rcgntations shall not conflict with,arid sha.�l be subject ta,thCSt?B�'�8�Y5 211tI t111C Cp�{70t8hOT�rS ATIICICS O�IACQ�lOCd21QA�t�tE"Articles"}. SECTIUN S.4. Staffing Punctians. Stsff functians af tha Corporation may bc performcd by emplayees of tk►c Tawn, undcr the direction of tho Town Managcr, subjeci to payment by tha Corparation of tho act�al casts of the staff functions ta be perfarmr.d,as from iime to time may be bil�ed ta tho Gorpocation by thc Town. The Carporation shail pay thc bills upcan reccipt(or as pramptly thcreafrcr as practicatale} from any of its tunds availabfc for such payment, ARTICLE TI ao.�n o�r�r�c��oxs S�CT'ION �.I. Mana�ement af Ccrrporatioa. The Board is respansible for tht rnanagement af the � [`n_mc,rat���t: S�CTTON 2.2. Number, ApUainUn�ntLTorm,Disquatifications, and Rcrnc�val of I)itectprs. Thc �nard shall consist af scven Diractors. The Uirect�ss constitutin$the initi$I Haard are those specified in th� ; ArticFes. Snb$cr�uent L?irtctors(incfuding Directors fiiling vacancies)shatt be appointGd by the gove�'raing ' body af the Town. The terrn of each Director iS twa years, prouided thst a L7irector shall cantinuG to � Scrve uhtil his/t�er succassot is appainted and assam�s affic�. Any Dir�ctoc may be removed at any timt f �with a�without cause}by the govcrning bac3y of thc Tcrwn. SE�TIC�1*f 2.3, Mo�t'snRs of Dirt-ctors. (a) Thc Board may hotd its mzetings at arty plac.c designated (from tirna ta timc) by tt�o Bosrd. tn thc absenee of any designation, meetings shall be hcld at thc principa!afficc af ihe Corporation. Ragular meatings of ihe Bt�ard shall ba held at such times and plgccs as desigriattd by resolution of thc Baard. A specia! maeting of tbe aaard �hall be hcld whancve�r calf�d by the psesident or the szer�tary of the Gorporatian Qr by the Board�t thc time and placc specifiod by tha authority calling th� special rnoeting. Unlass otharwise indicatai in the nvtice af a specia!moeting.any matter that may bt actr.d ugon bX the Baard at a regula�r me,�ting may bc aeted upc,n at a speciaS m�Gting. {ba Faccept as athcrwise pravided by law,noticc ta Direetors vf a rcgu{ar moeting is not r�qui►rd. Notica of the time and glace af each spccial mecting shat! be given to each Director(cither by prrsonal delivrry. tlniud �tates mail,tclephone,or telccopy)not latar than twa hours iri advance crfthe mceting. Notice of BXLAWS—I'agc t �Q 1 �� • f� • 4 � ( � 4 i any Baard me�tin$ta persons other than I7ircctars shall b=givtn if and to tho oxtent requiru#by l�w. (c� Attendanu af a Dire�tar at a meeting shal! constitute a waivar by thc L7irector of any not�ct of� rnectzng,unless the Directar atttnds the meeting far th�exprtss purpasz of objecting to the transaction of any busincss an the grounds that the meeting is not lawfully calied or convcrned. A waiver of a noticc in , writing, signad by an�+ persc►n entitttd to naticc (whtthtr beforc ar after the tirne for giving the natice} ' shall bc dc�rned to be the equivaiont ta the�iving of naticc. SECTION 2.4. uorum. A rnajarity af the nucnber af Airectors fixcd by thes�bylaws as eonstituting tha , Boacd shall coastitute a quarurrt for tt7e transactirig af tht business 4f th� Gorporation. Thc act of a msjarity of tht Direetars present at a meeting at which a quorum is in attendance shalt constin►te the ae[ of t�t Baard exctpt as othcrwise requirec�t�y law or by these Bylaws or thc Articks. SE�'fIC}N 2.5. Qrder of'�usiness. The Baard shall consider the matters bcfbrt it in such order as the Boazd may deterrniaG. SECTION 2.�. Cammittees. Ttxc Board,by resalution adopted by a majority of the Directors in affice, ma�r dcsignata anc c�r more eomrnittees that, ta thc exterst pravidtd in tho resolution, sha!! havG ihc authorit}� of thc Baard in the management of thc Carporatian. Each commitkoc shatl eonsist of twa ar marc DireGtors. Committees that do not have the autharity af the Hasrd in thc managern�nt af the Carporatian may bc designated by res�lutian of the Baard or by the prasident of tha Corporatian, and mernbershi�an any aammittee ne�d noc be limited to DirGctars. SEG'I IQN 2.? Compensatian of llirectors. Dir�etors are not entitled to roceivc any componsatiQn fsx chcir secvices as Uircctors,except foe reirnburse�nent of their aetual expanses incurred in the gerformance af their offiaial duties. AR'I'��LE III ; OaFFlCERB � S�+�T'IC}N 3.1. Qffiee Titics. The officers of thc Carpcaracion shall be a president, a vicc president, a seer�tary, a xreasurer, and such atkaer o�e�rs as tha B�ard tnay from time to timo appoint. The sam� person may hold more than one o�FicG,o�eccpt that thG presidc�nt shatl nat hald tha o�ce of seereuuy. SECTICIN 32. Appcaintment, Term, Removat, VacancY af Offices. Each offtc�f shatt be ap�raintad by ihe Baard for a tenm of twa years and si�all cantinue to servc until hislher successar is appointed and assumes offce. Each Qf�iccr is subj�ct ta removal from offico(with ar withaut cause}ax any time by the vote of a Cwo-thirds majonty ofthe Directors in�ffice. A vacancy in any office shall be filied in the same rnannar as tFu original appointmGnt fac tbe unexpired term ihereof. sEeTTON�.� �r�s�a�r. The presid�nt shall prGsidc at alf mcetings af thc Board. The prGSident is the chief executiva oft`jeGr of thc Gorporatioz► and, subjGct to thc ccrntrol of tht Board, shall hav� genGral cherge and supervisipn af thc rnanagcment of the affaizs of the Gorporation. The president shall cause ell � arders and resolutions of the Boaard ta be put into cf�cct. Thc presidont shall sign and executc atl legal � dacumants and instniments in the name of the Corporation when authari2ed to do so by tl�a Baard,except � when the signing and ex�cufi�n thereof is dalegatcd by the P�oard ta some othcr officer or tp an agent af tbo�orporatian. 5EC'I'ZON 3.4. VSee-Presrdent. The vice-pres�dent sha!!, in the event of thG atrs�net ot�disability of the presicicnt, diSGharge tt►e pawers and dutics af the presidtnt� and tha vice-president shal! ptrform such additional duties as xnay bc assignad fram time to t►mc by the Baa.rd. BYI.AWS—Page 2 �a�}� �3 A- 1 ±� SECTt4N 3.5, SGeretary, The sr,�retaEy shall hav� chargo of the records and correspamdencG of tha Corparatian under the d"►rcction af the president. Th� sccratary is resgorisible for the giving of notica of meetin�s af the Baard,and thc secretary shaIl attend the Board meetings and shall take and k+tep rninutes of.and record all votes cast at,tht mcetings. Tha secretary sttalt disGharg�such athar dutres as ma�bt assignod from tirne ta timt by thc president or the Baard. � SECTION 3.6. Trtasuret. (a� To the extent not othetwise provided in any resolution of thc Baard reIating to thG issaartct of bonds or other obligations of the Corporatiean or to instrumcr�ts autharized by f{.s L2nead 4n ,:Ar �:`..f1.. iC.. �i..,a.� eL.nil ke ��{,�....�..A�t...C..it al,,. F.....in ...� n ...s:� ���4 Yv�iiY �V�iu�lV�r�4MYA�lJ 4i�r1ViV1* itlH Y4SlaL�bl J��YI! �Il��'Le YIV 44aLllU' lJl W�i 4�V AY{�MP YIiV�IYiYY/iL�Y�I of the Corporation and shatl doposit them to the crcdit Qf the COmD(flEI4t1 in such banks or othar depositorits as the�oard may designata. (b� Thc treasurer shall keep proptr baaks of account and ather rccards showing at all timGs the amount of the funds and oiher properry btlonging to tht Corporation asld of all reGeipts and disbursements pf the Carpc�ration. Tht treasurer shall,under tht direction r�f the Board,disburse all money and sign all checks and other instrurncnts drawn on ar gayabic out af the funds af thc CorporatiQn and shali aiso mbke such transfcrs and ather dispoSitions af the securities of the Corgoration as may be ordered by tht Board. (c} Thc treasurer sha1J also discharge such additional duties as may be assigned frc�rn timc ta time by the $aard. The cr�asurer shal!give bond only if rcquired to do so by ti�G$oard. "Tl�e ireasurer shall render to thG prosid�ni and to the Directoss an account of all transactr'ons of the ireasaret and af Ihe �nar�cial condition af thc Corporation upan r�quest. SEC'�'IC1N 3.7. Camnensatian af O�cers: Officers are not entitled to receive any compcnsation for their services as o�cGrs� except for reimbursemcnt af thcir a�tuat axpenses incurred 1JD tFIG �CTfO['tTt8I1CC �� their afficiat duties; provided that,the secretary shall be campensated for sarvices rendered. ARIZCGE TV MISCEL,LA.NE�US F'R�1VIS10�1�:S SEC"I74N 4.1. Time f�r TskinR Effect. These Bylaws shait take tf1`ect upian thcir adop4ion by the �oartl. S�CTIC)N 4.2. Rcsi�nation. AnX �irectar or any affieer of the Corparetion may rtsign ai any tame. A resignation shall bt mgde by written iastrument�nd shalt taka�ffeat ai thc time specified therein or,if na timG is sa Specifi�d, at the timc afits receipt by tha presidcnt or tho sacretary af the Corporation. The ac�ept.�nce of a resignatian is not necessary to make it effective u�less expressly so provided in the i instrument of rasignatian. SECTION 4.3. Fiscat Year. Tht fisca!year of the Corparatian shaIl be tha annual period determincd bX I resatution af the Hc�ard, SECTIC3N d.4. Sea1. The a�cia!sea!af tt�e Gorporatian shall bc as determined by the Board. Thc saal shall not be necessary ta the proper cxecution by the afficccs af the Carporation af any documertt �r inswment unless utherwise specified by the aoard. SECTtC7N 4.5. Sp�cial Repuirements. The Corporation shatI compty with the fotlowing specitt� requirGmentS: (a) The Corporation sha�l maiatsin iss boaks and rr�eords separate and apart from any othcr Icga1 ontity. (b) Tht Cor�or$tian shall nat cam�nSngle its assets with thc assots af any other lega6 entity. BYLAWS—Paga 3 ��� �� 4 - 1 !r, (c) Tha Carp�ratian shs11 maintain financial rccords separate fram any ocher legal cmtity. ' (d} 1fie Corparation shall maintain sn"arm-le�,gth"rclatianship with all athcr tegal er�tities axcept as it ' athen�vise r�qaired by lav►�. ' (e} Thc Carparation shal!pay the salarics of its awn emptayees. S�G'I"ION 4,6. Arnendments. Thesc Bylaws may b� amended at any timt, and from tamc ta time,by resalution of the Board,which arncndment sh�11 not talee effect until appraved by tht gcaverning body of the Town. S�CT'T4N 4.7. Interpretatian. 'X"l�esc Bylaws shatl be iiberatIy consWed to effect the purpas�s ofthe Corpcxation. lf any part of thesc Bylaws is ruled invalid by a eourt of carr�petant jurisdiction, the remainder of tt�csc Bylaws shall rcrnain isr effect ta zhe fullest �xtGnt possibyG undGr the agplicatio�n af such ruling. ReferGnces in tk�cse Bylaws to th� singular number shali 'tnciude tht plUral and vice versa (un(css thc context otherwist requires}. � � i � i � �'��.�5 a�r�.a.ws-P��4 - A- 1'l Attachment 4 A�davfts �'�I � r� .•, _ ta► i - �. , i TEXAa EDI�CATfC1N AGEN+�Y � QPEN-ENRt?LLMENT CFEARTER SGHQt�l.APPUCJ4N'f i BtOGRA9HiCAl.AFFlDAYIT ; . {MUST 8E TYPED and t+iQTARtZEaj i �fiet�t s11 that apply: � ', � �Member a!the goveming baard af th��spa�saring entit�* ' . . ❑Member of the managing boaM far the c�art�schoot . it should be�nders#oad Ohat a k�caatd memk�e�'s resignatir�n is not etfactive un�f a ' respiacement is duly arppointad bp the board and a board rnernber may be personafiy liatfle for any aaticans taken by the kaaard. � (�SchQo�admiriistratar Full Name af S so�ing EnMy and Nsmc of Proposcd Charter Schad: 'IY�F OF � !n c�surec#ia�n�itt�tt�e abtn�e-r�med organxzatiar�and charter sehotst application, ! he�ewitt�make representations and supply infQrma�on aboui mysetf as hereinalter set forth. �Attach adtlendum cx separate sheet tf space hereon is insufSicierzt to answer any questions iutly.) � ��FV'S�7f�GiA�w1. Y,•i�dr VR r�4l���Z�V..�`M� • . 1. �u�Name{Instiats Not Acseeptablej: ��' �� ��'� 2. tiave ever had our name ehan ed'� tf es, ive reason far ttre change: b.tu4aiden Name (if femaie} c.4ther names used at any t�rne �r�.�i.t�rs73 3 y �a�1 art ��,pg« g�,�I t�� �ts S'.���C� ` 3. 5aciat 8ecucity Nurnb�r. ���� 4, pate and Ptace of Birth: 5. Business Address: 1256 Main Str�et, Ste.252, 5outhlatte, T�xas �6092 8t�siness Teiephcrne: {8I7') 442-5523 . 6. l.isi yaur rasici�nces ioE tl�e iast ten(10)yeats staeGng witkY your currer�t adr�ress, ��9;' �ar�s a�:� cmr ANQ s��,r� �?.cc�,�,� 67 RFA 701-01-OtM+t � S�iS-A511 Q03.� 7 Qrt4 �. Educatian:Dates�Names,�ocatiarts and Degre�es C011e�@ 1�,9`�aa�a Cn11��(�; iQ(;1 Tc�aS `f'Pr'h �SniyprSi � fRA� ' Graduate 3tudies 1 Q�'+d �s.�+�,t��-r, r.�tt,�i�st flni�rr,j���'i'i�� � __ 1476�g�'�rn Me�hodist Ur►�rsity (,j,�j�j„ in Ta�eationl Qti'�eers ' 8. Li�t Membership in Prafessional Sac+e�es and Assoaations: T�� �� ��iation; Ameriaan Aaz P.ssociation; � g, � e e ou. Texas r o�moatiafl 1 b.I�st camplete ernptoysrtent record (up to and ir�ctuding present jQbs,pasitic�ns� directora#es or otficerships}for the past twenty{2t))years: � DAT�S EMPLCIYER ADDRESS TITtE _ S'FF. �LT A 1 t,P'cesent empioye�may be contected; Yes No (Cirde Qnej Former employers may t�e corrtaacled; Yes No (Circte Qne) 1�,a} Nave you�Ver beer�in a pasipan which required a fidelity bond?yF�. _ _ If any claims were made c�n the bond, give det�ils: NONE b) Have you ever been denied an individuat or pasiti�.sc�ecfule fidetity band, ar ' had a bpnd cancef{ed ar revaked? �o tf ye�, g'rve detaits: 1�.List any proiessional. accu�aationat car wcationa►ticenses issued by any pub�lic or gavemmenta{Gcensing agency ar reguiatory auiharily wt►ich you presentiy hafd ar have held ir►the past. (State date licertse w�s issued,issuer af license,date terminat�d,reasc,ns for ierrrtina�on):nc;t,�,a,�� _ Tp,�,,,��,r No_ 0_8�tic�r�. a�ia..�(j 96�.- L3nit�d States District e�caurt for ,the Northern District; 12/23/1965 - t7r►ited States CacNurt af Appe� 11/f}b11972 tTrrited States Su�reme Court; 21/19/1975 United States Tax Caurt 'i 4.Uuring the 3a�t ten ('1 D}years.have you ever t�en refuseci a profes�ional, occupationaf or wcationa! tic:�nse by any puEalic or govemmenta3 tice�sing agency or reg�latory e�tt►ority� or h2ts such license he�d!ay yat�ev�r been su�pended or �evt�ked?,_y�,! !t yes, give detaiis: 68 RF°A 701-01-0Q4 SA►S-�11 ���� � ..�Q � 15.Wiq you ar rnembers a#ycwr immediate famity b�empJayed t►y(directfy or through contrect)t�r receive remuneratian firom it�e prp�osed chaRert school? � If yes, give details: 16.Naue you ev�r been adjudg�d bankrupYt N�* �` �� �BTT B 't?.Have you ever been conv��ted or had a sentence irnposed or suspended ar had pronamcemenr of a sentence suspended or been pardaned far cor�victican of or pleaded g�ilty ar notca contendere ta any information or indictment charging any felany,ar charging a febny or misdemeanor inyolv�ing mosa!turpitude,ar have yas been the sub�eat of any d�ciptsnary pr�c�ed�ngs af any fede�aJ c,r state regulatory agency? ,vn If�res,give detaiis: 18.Have ycau ever Eaeen an offi�r,d'►rectar,trustee,�nvestmertt cornrreittee m�mber,key employee.or croMrolling stackFaaoider af any bt�siness,which�while y�u aoGupied any s�uch position or capacity with resped ta iti l;t�came ins�ohrent ar was piaced undec supervisiar�or in teceivership, rehabiiixaGor►, I�quidation or canservaiorship?�,�� �B�T � �9.Are you now, ar have you been,witl�in ttte past iive years, a plaintiff ar de�endant in ar�y lawsuit? YES . It sa, please fumisM details: 5� �THIT C �ated and sigr�ed ihis 13th day ai ��BRtr�RY ' 2(��,^,_._. at SOUTf'�.�&F�E� TF�AS I hereby c�rtity under penalty of perjury thai t arn acting an my awn beh�lf, and that the forec�c,ing stateenents are trve and cotTect ta the t�esf of my��,,,vv�cige a beCiei. State Qf '� (Siynatue�at A�ant) Ct�unty af j Persanaily a�peared tae€ar�me the abo�e namec! � )��.�f"��ea� personally knovm ta me,who, being dufy swam,deposes and says that h��xecuted the atac�ve instrument and that the staternenis and answers cantained therein are tru� and Gosrect ta tfie best af histher knc�vuSSed�e and bei�e#. Subscribed and swom ta befor�me this 13t __daX of FEHRUAF�Y 24 O1 (No�ary Public) SEAL � My commiss�n expires_.��(�.�. ��� " �tr oohr�;x��xt�s -��* FrwN�br21,2oq1 � '"�'c'"-'—'� s� �A 7ai.�i-oaa� D�I � �as-Aszx ,�-�1 EXHIBIT A . Employment R�cord ' � Scott Bradley 1994 to Present Mayor,Tawn of V1�estlake, 3 Village Circie� Ste.2Q7. WesUake. Texas 76202 Titie: Mayor 1988 to Present Bradley 8� Bradley, P.G., 1256 Main Street, Ste.25�, Sc►uthlake, Texas 16Q92 Titie: Pre��dent 1986 -- 198� Baker 8� McKenzie,4500 Trarnmell Crow Center, 2401 Rass Avenue� Dalias, Texas 75201-2916 Title: F"artner 1974 — 1986 Jenkens 8� Gilchrist, 1445 Ross Avenue, Ste. 3�OQ, Dailas,Texas ?5202 T'rtle: F�artner ��d � EJ A'��x J � �CMIB�IT B � 3 � 1 (n F�bruary �t985, my wife Kelly Race Beadley and t, dGa Paig�brc�otce Llevetopment � Campany, purchasect 24Q acres near Raanake�Texas,whid�t we developed into a residential subdivesian. W� borrowed almost $6 rniilian from Seguin Savings Associatian (SSAy to fund the acquisition and development costs. SSA tian tors law, nt Qf lion; fdt ber the unty af ent. the (ng t t t fl�1 I 2 I �4•21�► � tXN11311 4 ; �Qt2� � �~�g� i I I . � TEXAS EDUGATIC?N AGE�IGI� � . QPEN-ENROLLMEN7 CHAAI'ER SC.�lC?OL.APPUCANT SIOGFiAPHICAL A��'IDAYR (MUS7 BE TYPEt�and NOTARI�EDj Chtck alJ that appty: �Member of!he goveming board of the sponsorin� entity i ❑Mem�er of the mgnaging board for tt�charter schoai � It shouid be understood that a board me�nbar's res�gnatian is nrat efi�ct�ve untit a replacement is duty appainted by the boatd and a board member may be personaEiy liable for any sctiar�s tak�n by the baard. ❑ Schoal administrato� Ful! N�me af Spansoring Entity and Name o1 Propc►sed Cha�ter Schoo4: Tovca of Neatlake Westlake Academp _ —�� in cpnn��tion with the above-named organizatioh and charter schoc>I application,l herewith rnake representatians and suppiy iniom�atian sbaut myself as hereinatter set torth. (Att�ch addenefum ot separate sheei it space hereort i�s ir�sulficient it�answer any questions fufly.� !F�4t�lS1'�ER!S "1V0" 013 "NG1NE", SU STATE.. � t. Full Name (initials Not Acceptabie): m�'�'-t� re'�'ee Bro�rn II 2. }-iav� you ever had your name changed?r'� If yes, give reast�n for the change; . � b.Maiden Name (if female} �.Qt#�er name5 used at any tim� 3. St�iaE Security hfumt�er. 4. Qate anc� Ptace ai Birth: _ 5. Business Address�: �2 0(} C�en�:on F?wv. u'a ta uga, "'x. 7 F I4� 8usiness Te(ephane: $i I-�3 a-��n� _ 6. List yaur residenc�s far the las2 ten(10j years starting with�rroue current address. 9�'+�9� QA7ES ADDRESS CtTY'ANp STA ZIP C 19 Q- tareser.t� ��IZ3 67 R�'A 7Q1-0]-tiQ�4 SA8-A51 t t�-�22 ! b 7. �ducatian. Dates. Names, Lc>ccations and pegrees ' Cailege � Graduate 5tudies • Other� �'.°A schc�al af Aeronauts.cs, ".eac am ie , t. �:prt , _x. Comerc�al Pi ot5 Dec��ee ' .�rcra t an a��erp an egree 8. t�st Membershi�in Professiana�Societies and Asscaciations: ��r�r an for town of �t,es lake 9. C�-Chairman af ecanomic� devel.o�ment ��ard � 1fi�k Lisi camplete empiayment recard (up to and inetuding present aoE�s,pQsitions, � directarates or o#ic�rships) foe the past twenty(2t}} years: . DAT-�.5,� EMPLC�YER A�f3QRESS T1T� 1nT#��.o gre�ent Bra�•ms 1�.uto a p�"b'�'t5'��entan .Fc�°y�auga, '.^x. 7Fleg roa ��ray or � :x. 7 11.Pr�sent employer may be cc�ntacted: Ye-� Na (Circle Qne} �� Forrn�r empioyers may be c�n4acte�: ,�Na_s.-� No {Circie �3ne� 12.a� F-f�ve you �ver be+�n in�pc�sition which required �fidelity bond'� �c li ar�y claim�were made on lhe bond, give detaifs: b� Nave yau er�er been denied an indiv�duai ar positian schadule fidelity bond, af had e bond eancelied or revvked7 *�a if yes, give detaiis: 13,uat any professionaf. occupational or vacational licenses issued by any pubMiG ar governmenta! licensing agency ar regu(atary autharity which yau presently hald or . • have held in tha pasf. (5tate date license was issued, issuer af lic�ns�,date terminated, reasons for terminatianj: A/p 11-1E-89 Federal F,vistian �.dministratian Airplane Sin le & P�ultien ine lanc'. E Centerline '.!"�rust &Instrument F: amm�rcia� Dated 03-1�-88 by Fe era2 P.viation P.dministrat2an 14,Quring th�last ten (1Q}yea�s,have yQu �ver t�een refused a professianal� . occupakianat ar vocatior�at lic�nse by any pubCtc o�ctcver�nrne�tat licensEn�agency or r��ulat�rry euthoriry,or has such ficense held by you ever been s��p�nded ar reuoked? l�o tf yes, give detaiis: ����� b8 RFA 7U1-01-004 SA5-A511 �'�� r r i v 3 x . § � � i 15.Wiil you or members of yo�r immediate famity be emplayed ay (directly ar through cor�tract) or receive remuneration lrom the proRvsed charter schoo!? n�n If yes, give detaits: 16.Have you ever been adjudg�d ba�kruRt? �'+� 17, Hav� you ever been convicted or had a senisnce imposed or suspendetf or had pronouncement of a sentence suspended or been pardan�d for conviction af or pleaded guilty or nolo ca�tendere to any iniorrr�ation or indictment charging any fetany, or charging a fetony or misdemeanor invoiving thorai turpitude,or have you been ihe s�bject af any disciplir,ary praceedings of any federal or staie regulatflry agency? t�o . !f yes, give details: 18.Have you ever been an officer,di�ecto�,#rustee, investment cornmittee inember, key employee.or controlling stockholder oi any business, Which, while yau occupied any $uch pasition or capacity with res�asct to�#, became insolvent or�nras placed under NQ supervisian or in receivership,rehabiiitaiion,liquidation ar conservatdrship� 19.Ate yoU now, ar have you been,within the p�st five years, a plaintiff or defendant fi any laws�it? =��' . lf so, please furnish details: LSateci and signed this`.�.,.�day af �`1'���, , , 2Q.�..,_P ag �1 1 hereby certify under penalty o#perjury that! am acting on my owsl behatf, and t#�at the iorQgoing�taternents are irue and correcY to ihe best e�f rny kr o e qn aiief. �� .cas. ,! {Signature of Affiantj State of�.s�2,�'p,d�_,,,_,,,_ County of �...��',�,A�`a'-' Persa�ally appeared befare me fhe above named 1 personalhy known to me, who, being dul�swam, de�ases and says that he/she executed the abaue instrument and thai the siatemerit&and answ�rs eantained lherein are true and correct to the best of hi5/her knowledge and belief. Subsc ' ed and swom to befofe me th�s ��. day of , �o['. I �. (Notary Publicj {SEAL} f,�ly commission expires �f�� t GlNGFR GROSSI'V1'' l �i.Y j' h}ots7 Po+b'�e �„/1,�.+...* StATE OF 7E}(AS �� "'�" �`✓� Ny Comm.Exp.02J72J20bi � ����� 6� u��,nr-oa-ooaA�'`'"� sAs-As1i TEXAS EDUCATIQN AGENCY OPEN-ENAOL.LM�NT CHAR7ER SCHOQL APPtJGANT '' BtO�RAPNICAl.AFFlDAYIT (MUST BE TYPED and NOTARI�ED} Check alt that aPP�Y x[]Member af the goveming bvarc���th�sponsoring enti�/ ❑ Memb�r of the managing b�ard for the charter schoal t4 c+1�n.�W 1'.n �.nrlarrf^nrl fh'9 n E'fA'sri nae,e..M.nr�e� ...ue+innni�nw ic nn4 n$fnnFn<a ��n.i:l e !\+'i��VVI4 M�i 4J��aM�v�yvr� ��u� revulV��tcf�iVG�'! v 1�"iw'1i4�\fv��v���wi 1��/t�+���w^Lls{� u11tN� rcplacerrxent is duty appointed by the baard aeid a baard member may be p�ersonally liabie for any actions taken by the board. ❑Schcaof administrator Euli Name af S�pans�aeing Entity and Harne ot PreFosed ChaMtr Sch+�►ol: Tac�ns of iJesClakt uestlake Academy In connectian wi#h the at�ve-named oe��ntz.atian and charter sehoot appCicastian,l herewitt�rnake representations anc3 supply information a�out mysett as he�einafter set for#h. (Attach adde�dum or separate sheet if spac�hereon is insutticient to�nswer any questions tuliy.) � IF ANSWER IS "NO" QI� "I�IQN�`�SO STATE. 1. Full Name (initials Not Acceptable}: Francis wi.tiiam �°rev� Jr, 2, Have }��u euer h�d your name changed?�Q It yes, give reastan for the cl'�nge: i� �� � � � � .______. - — -�.-,- ti,Maid�n Nam� (ii fema�e}_._____..__-- -- --i c.Oth�r names us�d at�ny�me Bi1.1 fi,�,�v _ _ ! { 3. Social Securit�Number, � 4. Qate and Ptae� at 8irth: S_ �t1SIRLSS f1{�CjP65S: N �USIt1tSS�E�i?�tf'10f1E'; � 6. Li�t yaur residenc�s foE the last ten(1Qj yeat�s starting with your�urtent addr�ss� �iving: � DAT AUDRESS CITY APJQ STAT� �P ca�� ' Q y �estl:sk-E��x—?67�2---- ��l�G�b 6? l�"A 74�-02-OQ�! �.� SAS-A511 7. Education: Qates, Name�, l.cr�tions and Qegrees Collegel�SQ-2954 wtstminster Gallege New Wikmingtona .6A - BBA Graduate St�dies � C?thers ���on [Jniversity - Erie, FA Manageacent Course Mich gan taCe Unzversity E. Lansing, t�iic . Engineering arvar niversity as on, ar e zng 8. L9st Membership in Professit�t►ai Sc«cieties and A��ocistions: �vane � , 9. 10. List complete ernp}oyment record(up ta and inciudin� present jobs,pasitions, directoPat�s or officerships)for the past twenty(20) years: . DATES EMPLOYEA ADDF?�SS TITL� 1485-1987 General Telephar�e Ca. of I1. Bloominatan, IL. State VF' - General Manmqer 1981-1385 GTE Telephane dpexntions ti Stamfard, CTfZrvina,TX Asst. Vp Hu,si�ess �elatic I1979-14BZ C,eneral Telephone Ca. of KY I.exi,nqtan, KY VF Revenue Requirements 197'7-1979 Ger,era2 Te2ephone Ca. of 5outhwest Texarkana, T}t Area Operations Manager ]. '73-1'37 General Telepk�ane Ca of SOuthwest SanANgela, TX �qsiness Ftelmts.ons Director 11. PtEsent empioyer rr�ay be contac4ed: Yes No (Circl� One) t�fA �armer employers may be cc�niacted: es Np (Gircle C}ne} 12.a} Have yqu ever been in a positiqn which required a fidetity bond? Na If any ctaims++vere made on tt�e bond, give details: D} Have you ever been denieci an individua!ar pasition schedule fide(ity t�ond,or had a band cancelled ar revak�i7 ,�� If yes, give details: 7�. list any p�oiessianal, occupational or vocation�! licenses issued by any publ'se or gav�ernm�ntal licensing agency or regufatcrry autnarity which you presently ho4d or hav� h��d in the past. cState date iicen�e was issued. issuer oi license, date t@fYf11113t6tj, CB8SOf1'S�0�t@frt'1tf"18�IW1�:_ nnP 14. �uring the last ten (1�j y�ars, have you ever be�n refused a prafessional, � Qccupational or vocational lic�nse by any pubfic ar governmenta(licensirig agency Qr regulatary suiharity, ar has such license held by yau ever been suspended or reuaked7� If yes� give details: �Q� � � 68 RFA 7U1-01-Op4 SAS-Asii �- .2 IQ 15.Will you or members of your immediate family be emptayed by{direGtly or through ' cantract}or receive remuneration from the proposed charter schaot? N° If ye�, gn+e detaits: 16. Have you ever been adjudged bankrupt? fit., K 7 [.l��re vn�� nvear hr?on nnn�iMe�ri nr har{a cs+ntc�nra IPri[1t1CP('I AP Ci ISnPPff"�R!"I A!I1�fI �.. ..ca� �.... ..,.... ....,.... ..,..�..e.�..... ... ..�...�- ...,.�......�� ,.. .r��« _' �__r_..�« ... •--- pronouncement at a sentenc�suspend�d e�r been pardoned for conviction ot or pteaded guiiry or nalo c�ntendere to arty irttarrr�ation or indictment charging any � felany, or charging a felany ar misdemea�or i�volving moral turpitude, ar have yau �reen the su�bject of any disciplinary proceedings ai any federak or state r�gulatory agency? It yes, ��ve detaits: 18.Have you evec been an offieer,director,trustee, investmsni ec�mmittee member. key employee, or contrallir►g stoGkhoider ot ar�y business, whi�h,while ycau occupied any StlCh E7Q5lt�DR Qf Cc�pBCtI�`h+l2h f6Sj?@G'i tQ tt, became insolvent or was placed u�der supervisi�n or in receivership, rehab�litation, liquidation ar canservatarship? Np, 19,Are y�u nc�w, ar have you been,within the p�st five years, a ptaintr� or defetxlant in � any lawsuit? uo • !f sa, pt�ase furnish cfetails; Dated and signed this__.�A2___day o�__���.� , 2�t 4 4 , at � I hereby certify under penalty Qf perjury that I am aceing on my�wn bet�atf, and that th� � far�goi�g �tatements are true and carrect to the best af my qwled�e a e� , �"� � �l' ._ - ��„�- ^� : f t . ( � (Si�nature af Affiiant) � ���' ; State af_„r,,� t-� Gounty o� ,�,�,�„�.,� Persanally appeared betore me the above named pec�sonally known t� m�, whca� being dufy sworn, deposes and says that he/she executqd the abave instrum�rt and that 1he statements and answers Gantained tt�erein are true and carcect tc►the bes�t oi hislher knowledge and belief. - S scribed and sw�m to before me tt�is .� �- day of , 20 0[ . (Motary Pu�Cie) � ^ My cc�mrrii�siott expires � � 2 '' �„ Gi(YGER CRQSSWY �w Nc�rY PubliG t j,\!yr/ ST+1TE QF 1EXAS "}t^�-' � t�1y Canm.Exp•07J2?12DIMf �- v�tl �(� 69� RFA 701-01•004��r� SAS•ASI� •l TE�AS EDtlCATlON AGENCY OPEN-ENR4LLt►dENT GHAATER SGHOOL APPLtCANT 61QGRAPHICAL AFFIDAViT (MU�T BE TYPE�►and Nt3TARtZE'D} �heck all that app��►: �Membe�of tfie gaverning bc�ard Qf the sponsaring entity ❑M�mber of the managing aaard for tfie charter schooi it should be undes'sto0d that a board m�mber's r�sigr+ation is rrat efieCiive untif a replacemeni is duly appanted by the board and a baard member may be �aeirsanally tiable far any aCtians taken by the board. Q S�t adminis#ratar Fu11 Nam�ct Spcnsvring Entity and tJarr►� Qf Praposed Gharter Schacaf: 2'oua of ues�28ke uest�ake Academ1► in can�ection with the abc�ve-named organrzatien and c�srteP schoo!appl�cation,l herewilh enake represenlations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set torth. (Attach addendurn ar separate sheet il space herean is insufficient to ansvver any questioRs f�ity.� IF ANSWEf� l a "NQ" QR"NQNE",SO S7ATE 1. Ful1 Name ({nitials Not Acceptable': �'red Ehzman xeid � 2. �4ave yaca�uer had yaur name changed?�fi yes� give reasar� far trie Ghange: _,��___,�I � b.Maiden hlame (if temaVe} c.Other names used at any time 3. Sociai SeGurity Nurnb�r: I 4. Date and PJace of Birth; 5: Business Address: �tired Business Telephone; 6, List your r�sidences!or the last ten {1Clj Xears starting with your cca�rent address, giving: DATES ' GI't"Y At+tD STA'rE IP GQd -�-- .� !�s=,«t�ti., —___----...-- - - , xeatae -��� ����� 67 RFA 7l11-Q1�4a4R .Z- - t�a n e G'�9 � P , — � _ --------- ___.�.r___ __ .� � ' 7'. Education: Dates, Irlames, Locatic�ns and Degrees ' Caiteg� ' Graduat� Studies (3th8tS 1�56-1.45? USAFI Courses - Retaxl Prinaip3e 6 Fractices 8. List Membership in Professianal SaGi�ties and Assaciatians�: Memher Keller Lions Club 9, 10. List compiete empioyment recard (up ta and inciuding present jo�a�, pos9tians, dire�torates or�tFicership�}far trie past twenty.(2C}}yea�s: , DATES EMPL.OY�F ADDRESS TITL�E 1�6I 194 l i d 1-�� H�rflvarr. 1�ra�iRv.,r � [�n 9401 Man1P avp. P�al'iac� TAY.aG � 11. Present empicayer may be contacted: Yes No (Gircle CJne} Former empioyers may be contacted_ Y�s� t�lei (Gircle Onej �2.s} Mave you ev�r been in a positian which required a ticieiity bcand? ga !f any clairns were made ora the ttand, give det�ils: b} Have you ever t�een denied an indiuidual or position saheduie fideliiy bond,or had a bond cancelied or re�aked? �a !f yes, give details: 13, List any protess►anat. Qccupationaf or vocationa(ticenses i�sued by any pubti�er gavemmental licens'sng agency ar regulatory authoriry which you presentty hoid or • have held in the �ast. (5tate date tic�nse was iSsuedr issuer of lieense, date , terrninated*reasans far terrnination): 74,During the last ten {1t?j yea�s, Mav� you ever been tefused a p�rofessional. � occupaCronal or v�cational license t►y any public ar govemmental licensing age�cy or regulatary authority,or has stx:h licen�e held by you ever been sus�ended or revoked?_,�._._ if y�s, give detaits: " ��13�.► �a ttFA �oz.ax..00� SAS-AS12 A' ,�--Q i i i i , - ' I 15.Will ycau or rnernbers of yaur imrnediate family be empioyed by(directty o�thraugh contr�ct}ar ��ceive remuneration fr�rn the proposed charter sck�a�at? N� )f yes, give detaifs: � 16. Nave you ever beerr adjudged bankrupt? +�� �7. Have yc�u ever been conuicted or had$sentence impased c�r suspended or had p�rc�nouncernent af a sentence suspended or been pardaned for aanvictian of ar pteadetl guilty ar t►olo contendere to any inforrnation or indi�tment chargin�any � felony. or charging a telany or misdemeanor involving morai tur�itude,or have yau been ihe subject ot any discipiinary procesdir��s of any federal ar state reguletory �C�t'nCy'? No If yes� 9ive details: 18.Have you ever been an offic�r, director,trusi�e,irnestm�nt Gommittee member, key empkryee�ar contralling stcc�kholder ot any t�usiness,whiCh.while yau c�ccupied any such pQsiiion or c,�pac.ity with respeci to it, became in�c+lvent or wa�placed under supervi5ion ar in receivership, rehabilitatian� liquidaiian ar cons�cvatarship'? HQ 19.Are ya�r now, or have you been,withfr�tMe past five years, a plaint'rft or deie�d�nt in any lawsuit? y�� . !f so,please fumish detailssuits ttiat have been resolved �ated and signed this�,day oi_ �a _ , 1 _ �—�..1 t 2o C9� , at p h�reay cerlify under penafty of perjury that t am acting on my awn behatfi. d that the tprec�oing statements a�e true and eorr�ct to Bhe best of rny knvwled d b lief. � (Signature vf Affiant} Staie ot �t�a�.�-i�-, • Gounty a# --r-�t--�-V-Q �.., �� Persanai(y appeared b�fare me the abaue named personally kna�vn ta me,who, lae;ng duly sworn, deposes and say� that hefshe executed the above instrument and That the state►nenis and answer�contained therein are true and Garrect ta ihe best of his/her knowtedge and belie�. Subseribed and swom tt�be#ore me this � day oi c�r�t�s�.�� _ .20,�,�,__- {Notary PublicJ (SEAL) M�commtssion exp�res`�_�� �'"7 � "�"" ��-�;�.�-�-�-, ��� ��r� ����� �� �A�ai�o�-aaa . w7�J�A�7����� (� � � TEXA5 ED�UCATlON AGENGY � OP�N•ENR04LMENT GHAli'T�A SGNOdL APPUCANT $IQGRAPHIGAL,F1�FIt�AViTi' (MU�T �E TYPED and Na?ARtZED� Check ali that apply: . Memb�r cf the govern�ng bc�arrt crf tfte spor�arin�entity Member af the managing bQard for the r,harter sct�ool !t shou}d be understc+od that a bczard mernber's resignation is not effective unt�a repf�cement is dul�appainted by the board and� board member may be personaNy liabie tor any actitans taken by the b�a�d. ❑5e�hoot aciminisYratar Fu1d Nanne ot Sparasarl�rg�niity and 1�ame o# Proposed Charier Scfaot�l: Tutr�t of �testlake ucstlake Academy _._...__..,__ - !n connect►on with itse above-named argan��tion and charter schoQl appii�ation. ( he�ewith mak� repres�ntations �nd suppiy inio�rnation about rnysetf as he�ei�afte�set forth. �Attac�add�ndum n�separate sheet i� space heredn �s iflsufficient to answer any questic�ns fully.) iF AN�vW�FI iS"NO" Q�I"NONE":SO STATE. 1. �ull Name (fnitiats Not Accepiabfe): �. � � � 2. Nav� you ever had your name ct�anged? No !i yes,give reason for ihe ct�ange: � i ( b.Maiden Name {if fernale} � C..�,.+�aF.^.�i,^.Y.'�,E,l���.�.t u.^.��:C^� � `�, w�C1Gt3�.S@CUflt�(NUi"T1�[:_ • ` 4. G�c�lt�$nt! PI�C� C?t �I!'21'3: 5. 8usinesS AciciresS: ao3S Aspen LAne westlake�, �rx T6262 Business T�lephone; " ��� 6. Li�t your residences tor ihe lasi ten (tt})years starting with you�current address. givin�: bAT' S ADDRESS CIT(AfVD STATE IP C)C) 9'3 � pre��rst -1Q/99 5/92 - �/94 . � ��� �� •. �� x�r►�oz.a�x.aw �an aEr� Q� i I I 7. �ducatlon; Dates, Names,t�ocatians and Degrees � Co116��e university oE 111inois - CHampaign. 211inaise MAA 198] � Graduate Stuci'res Other� B. l.3st Membership in Prafessio�►a1 Scbci�tie�and,Assoclations; 9. 10.List compl�te empfqyment record(up to a�d inC(uci�ng p�esent jobs, �rcrsitiorzs, directorates Qr effi�erships�for the past twenry.(2C?}years: . , �}A7�S EMR�.C)YER AC?C�R�S$ TITLE 12/67 - B/DO GTE Presiden�t w'halesale MArkets 11.�resent emplayer rnay be contacted: Yes Na (Circle Qnej ..:`�, Former emplayers may be contacted: .Yes; No (Ciccle Q�e) 72.�} Have yau ev�r beer�in�position which requir�d �fidelity t�ond7 N� If any claims were made qn tfie Eaand,give detaifs; b) Nave you ever been denied an i�dividual or position schedule f�del3ty bond,or had a t�and�ancetted or revaked? N° It yes, 9ive details: �3.Lisi any protessional, accupational ar u��tiona! licenses issued by any pubiic ar ' govemmentat liCensing agency or regulat�ry authority whic� you presently hotd or � �aave hetd in the past. (Siate date ticense vra� issued, issuer of license, daie tetmfnated,reasons tor terrninafionl; �O"� 74.During the�ast 2en (1a)years, have you ever been refused a prc�fessianal, � occupationa!c>t vc�cafiona!license by any public Qr govemrnental IiGensing agencX or regulatory autharity,or Fras such licens� held by yau ever been suspended or revoked?�g tf�es4 g+v�e detaits. ` ��� ��5 � �s �A �a�-oi-aaa � SAS-A512 A - '3,; .�� p . ♦ 15.Will you or members o!yQuf imrnediate tamily be employed by (directly or through ' cor�tcacta cr receive remuneration from the propased charter school? No ' Ei yes, give details: , 16. Nave you ever taeen adjudged bankruRt? �� i7' ti-lava vn�� c�vor hppn rnnvictPci nr Mae� a eon9a�nr±a>imnner�ri nr�i►s[�pnriorl nr haei .. . ..�.. J�� �.�. ��_... ��.."____ _" "__ ���...�. ,.� .. .r__�� _• ___r-.._.�� ... ..�.� pronouncement of a sentence suspended or been pardoned tor co�vietian of ar pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to�ny infocrnatiart c�r indictment�harging any fefony, or char�ing a feiony or rnisdemeanor invohring rnoral turpitude�or have you been ihe subject of any disciplinary proceedings af any tederal ar state regulatary agency? r�o If yes. qrve deteifs: 18. Haue yatr ever been an afficer, director, trustae, invesiment committee rnember, key employee, or controiling stackhalder of any business, which, whiJe you accupisd any such position or capacity with respect to it, became insolvent or was placed under supervision or in receivership, rehabilitatian, liquidatian or canservatorship? �o 19.Are you now, or have you been,within the past five years, a plaintiif ar dete�dani in any tawsuit? �, . If So, please 4umi5h detaits: C�ated ar►d signed this ��-. day vf , 24 �1 1 , at i hereby certify under penalty of perjury ihat 1 arn acting an m�awn beha nd ihat the fc�regaing staternenis ar�true and corre�t ta the bes4 af my'�r� `lo,,y+�#�dge.��,d-be��� � • ��,.�t� -- . �v `- Signatu ,o� A�iant} State Ctf % County of .,_. ��� , Personapk appeared before rne the abave named personally knavun to me, who, being dufy swam, deposes and says t hefs e executed the above instrurnent and that the statemerrts and answers cor►tained Iherein are inse and carrect to the best ot hislher knawied�e and belief. Sub ribed and swom to befare me this .� � day of �.�1.��'tL,t,i.4,�� ,� , 20�.,,,—. () (Notary Pubiic} �, * ° G�NG R CRO SWY �y GQ�mission expPres �, «`,f�y J 5711 £�F TaCAS � /� � ���,,,. "^�'` My Comrn f�.�'1l22�2QQ1 ��- l'J"�'�""- �'" UUl �'# �s �A�o�•ai��oa� sA�-ASI1 t�-3 ii r L . � t� w f �M� MY������l7 !?Y��V� I� � OPEN-�NRULLMENT CMARTER SGHQOL AP'PLlCAN'1' � ;I 8�it�GRItPHICAI.AFFIDAYI'�` � (MUST BE lYPED e�td NOTARM�ED} ; Check ati that a�Rty: Q Member of the gov�min� boar+d oE the spansc►ring entity ❑ Member of tfie manac,�'ag baard far the c�at�e�schoat !t sk�auld b�e urtiderstoad that a tsoard member"s resignati�n is not effeGtive un1�a repiaaement is dufy appainteti by the baard and$baard memt�ee ma�r be personatly liable for eny actions taken by tt�e bnard. • [] Sctwol administuataf Futt Narr�of Spansaring Entity and Name e�t l�roposed Charitr Sc�►a�t: Sns,rn_�xf_.1n�est��,g,,� We��1a}ce Aeademv In connErciion with the a�o`+e-named ofganization and charter sci�or�1 appiication,l herewith make representations and suPPty inforrnatian about rnyseiT as hereina�t�r set forth. {Attat�-adderxiurn or separate sheet if space he�ean is ins�ufficient ta �nswer any questions fully.} IF ANSW�R IS "NU" f)R"N�NE",SQ STATE. � 1. Full Name (initiats Nat Accep;able)o �°nala xc'�ert rceddinq 2 Have you ever had yaur name changed? N° If yes. give reasor�tar th� chang�: b.Maidett Name(i#femate} cAther narne� used aC any tim� 3. Ss�aa�Secur�ty Numbe�� , 4. Date and Ptace af Birtfi: 5, Business Address: N!A 6usiness TelephQne: 6. �is6 yaur residences for the last ten (10}years staning with yaur current address, �M��:� . pRT _ A�'�"� a�s�rr�.�;��e�62 �CClt] Present 6T itFA 9Q1-U1-Qa4 � SA�-A51� ���r3a► o _ ?, � � ?, Educatic�n: Dates.t�am�s,l.crc�atians and De��rees Colle�g@�nsas State University, Kansas: - BA Elect�ical �nc�ineering/Business Admin G�t�t�uate Studies ' Others 8. List Mernbership irr Praiessiona!Sacieties and Associatians: ��� ' 9. 10. l.ist eornpiete employmerri rec�rd (up to and induding preseni jabs, positians, dif�ctorate�ar officerships)tar th�past twenty(24} years: DATES EMP�.QYER__ ADEaRESS TIT�E 1961-1 91 IBM Corp vario�xa various Engin�ering 6 Sales Mnqmt. 1991-1994 IBM Ce�r� F�. Warth, 2X Marketing Consultant Cuzren �r Retxre 11. Present emptoye�may t►e cantacted; Yes No (Circle 4n�� �a/a Former employers may be contacteci: Yes No (Circl�Qne} ` 12.a} Have y�u ev��been in a pasitian r�vt�ich requirsd a iid�lity bcmd? �� !f any claims were made on the bond, gi�e detaiis: b} Have yo�ever Gee�d�nied an indivit3ua!ar pr,sition schedute fidelity b,ot�d�ar �� had a band canceitecf or revaked? �,in ; ff yes. 9iv�details: � ; 13. List any professional. ac.�upatiortat ar vc�catitanal ticettses issued by any pubiie or govemmenial licensing agency or regulatory autharity which you psesently hald or h�ve heid in the �aast. (State date tiae�se was issued�is�u�r of tiaense�date terminaled, reasons tor termins4onj• 3.9T5 F�edssal Aviation Ac3ca.i�istxa �an i o s ex �. .� a e - 14,puring the iast ten (1t])years.have you ever been refused a professianal, o�c;eupational a�r vocationai license by any pu�lic or gavemrnenta! ticensing agency or regulatar��thariry, vr has such lic�n�held by you euer be�n suspended or , revr�ked'f' tf yes. 9ive cietaits: �s xF,��oi-ox-cxra SAS-A51� � �1}�a�i t�- �.� 4 'i a � . • y � t 5.'4""vi�yc�u or members of yw,rE irnrnediete famify be emptQyed by(d"a��ctly or thrauqh �ontrad}t�r r�rve remuneratian frarr►th�prvpQs�charter s�hoat7 �Q � If yes, give d�tails: i � '16. Hav�yau ever been �djudged bankrupt? �o �17. Ha�,re yc�u ever been conv�cted pr had a sentence imposed or suspended ar had pranauncernent af a sentence�usp�nded or been pardoned far canvicct��on af ar pleaded guilty or nolo contendere tQ any intornnation or indictment chargiru�any fel�y,or c�arging a fefany or miscfemeanor invaiving maral turpitucie.4f h8M�k3 ytW be�n the su��ect ot any dis�iptinary�+roceedings oi any tederai+�c state regukatary a9�►� - �.s� - If yes,give de2ails: 18. Have you ever been an o�car,rii�ector,trustee, investment corrtm�ttee merrrbber, key er�loye�e,pr controtling stackhatde�oi any tausines�s, wiiich.while yrc�u occu�iati a�y �uch position or capac'rty with respect to h,b�c�►me+nsahrer�t ar was ptaced under supervisiar�or irt rec�ivership, rehabi!"�tatian� tiquidation ar cc�nservatorshipF �a 19�.Are yau r�ow� or haVe you been,within the past five years,a plainti�ar defer�da�rrt in any iawsuit? Ye�. If so.piease tumish details: �'�afntiff Reddinq ��. Town of Westlak�� Defendant F�illwoc� ccrp. us. Sca�tt Sradlet Etal, Plaint Cauratersui� to abave Dated and signed this day of � , 20 , at 1 t�ereby certify under penalty of perjury th$t 1 am aciing on my o p t the foreg�in� &tatements are true and ct�rreci g�the best of my kna f e�. ' � (�ignatur�!�of A�f't�nt} Stat� of_ � ��,c� � Caurtty ot"�'�„�;-�~�,,,�._ Personally appearecs befare me the abave named � persona►ty knawn to rne.who,befnq duty swom.deposes and s�ays ihat t�lshe exec,�uted the aborre instrument and that the statements and answers cantained therein are true artd�ro�rect to the t>est c+f hishfer kn�wledge anr�belief. Sub�d and �vuom to befare me this 'aLs� day of � 2Q��. (Notaty Pubtic) {SEALj My cornmissiort ex�rires,��� rw.rn ��-����� �+� tOfq L t10RAic ` �����-� �' Idy GQNW56,10N p�"�S ` ��� f 9 RFA 701-01-t104 SAS-A511 �?t}.� ? ? t�- 3b Attachment� Credit Repart As a gavernmental enttty the Towrn of Westlake doe rtot h�ve a credi#reporE. Q��. �� f�►' �•.+' � i i � � � i j ' i AttaChmen�T Newspaper Notice 9�Pub#ic Hearing As a gouernments{ entity, th�Town o�Westiake is required ta post nc�tice of all public hearings. T�ese notices are attached. ����� A- �� Pown af VNestlak0.Ttacas htt�Jlwww.wcstiake•tx.orgl � � �y. � �. �_, ' �E,S��,�CE t�vhere's �sres�Ta,ke ���C°me to the aniine home af the Town of .....�.....�.r�� Westlake, Texas. ,j'�e�'��r���� � Ntws for tht Tovvn's resid�nts: .. �vrsi�aice 5ti�grade si�denis are encouragcci io partzcipau ire uzc .�9'eadline h'ez� ` `�`��°j��y National Paster Gontest.The nacianal fisst place winner vrill rGceive a$IOQQ savings bond and other rewards at thc National Awards Weekend in Nebraska City,Nebraska. CliGk hcr�for more information on thc cantest. Ara►�nd iYesflaJ�c�e There�I� h�c a metti�g af tho Wast�ske Aeademy argani�at9ana! . tcarn on Tuesday,Januar}�23,20Q1,at 7:00 p.m. in eh�South Diziing �r��l�Q,�yy��p,v�- Roam an Campus Cir�le.Everyone is invited to attend. '1'he section ofUo�+e Road betwecn Pcaxson Laz�e and Pracinct Linc T*1��,�rQ���'�' Raad will be closal for approximatcly four months,We arc in the „�� prpc�ss af rebuilding all af our sv�ets begiru�ing with this sectian. Wt are sorry far any incanvonienGe this nnay cause.Tbe timing is not M, �eTi�2,�A,�e»d�s � �c best but cautd not be helpad. B�aware that thera ar�gcople w�rking in Westlake whv are after 1GVC��`Iak'�'.F:��.�StvX�'`� your mQney. See Headline News at the lefi f4r m�re in�'armation. ��11r��`S�'.�is?�7�e'L� � There are r�ew pici�sres of the Fidelity Invcstznents campus construction pragress under thc Virhxat Town Tour tab on thc left. . � S�'l'G1l ThlSSI�'' � Traphy �lub w Westlake I}epartment of Public Safety For anyonc who would likt to assist in palice, fire and emergency .risore t�eb�Gi��fc:s. �,eaica! services o�ratiQr�s,a DPS Au�l�ary is t>cing fozmed.Cait David�rown at 81�-431-2879 if yau are interestcd in thc auxiliary. And far thase of you wishing more articipatian,thc DPS is looking far vc�luzat�er firc fightors. Call the�TO�?tA�C�t2I}/WGStISICC�l�t ChiG� at 81?-43U-191!,ext.2U4 if you would like to learn more about this. Do you havc a hagh schac�l student Iootcing foz a �h ' eotlege schalarship? �exas Student Housin ortaoration may hsvG an answcr far you. Plcas�explorc this site and lcarn about Westlake,its past,prosent, ��� �� -� t=�►.s`�C � �Fry 01f24t�QQt 3:Oi FT �.v�.��.�.,�� __ � ►�,� �, ������ , 71ur�d�y,Fe6�viry1,YCiI Oi001,�e0�%u Mm x ldhaew�s«� Ult � ....... ilA. � (���ic��als keep fingers c�ras�ed in charterPschool bic� � .�. ..w By).t��o�a,� '. State cammittee revicwing ariginal 18 facilities ���`���'�`"1t°"a ' °'� F"f r•"" Nbs4.Me aKcia�r�naer,�sd Iw lu� �ero4ry wme chwm w�6s�wnMkc �pceWo�i4}o.eop'�!rw yy1 � Tcwa NRel�b w wieudr rr�pin� ya.r du��Fs corre worldspylY fa iu own will lurc��bai. 1h�`ppcep peuv�c wc or hw.u/Nem� Ae awepM�f�Suu bcyrdef EdY¢�lion duitc��,cRool b apen in 7002 w�id 100 la �Jditian, thc prm if la6byaig here Itiktf."t�4.Ptlry NiA."1W'ts aol aoc+mNue'�rc�iew of 11 ofy4W chwur Hudaiu. ��,a'wa�kp�Niirs yud�cdAiq fw s �y.qw�c p�wGiou u the tepat�.TM� uhval�71wfd�y ud itidy. Ch�.itr uAods orc�uNicly tw�dcd a�aaariun�oo xw iMitcr uhcul�.A only Aios rrt danY upqort b P�A6�� Bd�he w�m ww't ba cher.dn�o��ht �ckaoh�kN re freed f�um a crmbcr of ttMt k�uluira wnnillcc�appt�cie�cd awcatpium ov¢.7Le wncepl n��ad: Kbook up for�aww�l.In fu�.�hcy'll 6e �«u�i�ie�u(w endi�and p6lic aAoulr in I�x Dccan6er poinud mn nu�wruua ara," . . � bopMij�ww tchooil ran'1 m�ke Ihe cui. i�ada b encow��c i�vwvalive cdu��, pabl�ms wi�h chu�d�rhaois. NeptetenUlirtl ryem 8r Mate'�fin1� "W�wo�id Nka a A�re�cfiwu,xid 1ion�1�ppo�chea "We ia wateAa{i�,.�a++�e•u toeny- ie enuee�,eewrs,.�o.�a iu igvf,ma � wt�c�kr k'��new une or vee�h�l's bem IIW the w�a,whicM li��iq opcn�en�oli. a.�"�p�inu U�c moraqtium,�aid Town wiN Ne wmmM�e in wly lnuuy wd b!i!O 0Yi AOdll(IRikp�O�RlftMC�O menl�hutenb 12R.huibfill. Mm+�a Tmm Pcny."We'tt�6h1 in U�e pe,,•Weul�k�M�yo�Swu 8ndley uid. Town luda�sw wumin�on the�bi; m{ddle af i�." �kea�et T01VN.2N. � . Town hopes f or charter schoal Co��loucd k�m h�e iN. T207,}y6 defici�u iU fin+aciA .olfia. Wummb,h4.Cul6erboq uiA. "N�au will{�tu M W�pofnl tlY[IC`IvtC�IIII OI 11LIIN b i9f. MMy fSI10pI�IIIVC bPCll iMf la+r V�utrcraab re`dn�ro fwe rathcta<ihitvrsd4s+idDeE�4 u eaq�in a eancu piaFlam in�ietevirrpocen,"M�id.•'So CuPoauon. • 7 m Educnion M�Ib 1AlIf[AYfpf.U6t KA40I�� Me'M'ryetr.i�I/we.' Agcncr+pokciwomu� 196,OOQ dtlkit wu ct<ucd Yp. 1�'t y io IAe torns�itla lu k� -Wnm d,e chrea .choob �ad k G opaMi�a in dH 6bck, eids.�W a ro:.�AM.d�ool�wu , we�c�ppie.ed in i993,deT ps�e Me Culbauw �+id. MWher feU W w�ke b�wnaclww�� iuu�d+duna ihr wu yoodfw uMal'�Aeficit�oul�sd(�oma�y. `i►iW it Me fiiM raad�f�s.. f rc pe�r4'Mt.Cwlbnw�wid. pop�pAiul cna, eew+k,"FI�.CrWyao�wd."A� "M U�e cad,lhe qasw in pl�cs is "Mutl a(lhem wat�blt b m. �.i1A tvaylMM�q'oci�ted wi�h w unew a aa iurcw tlare eM+- a.sr a Ur bwrd u b wAw�he �hi�paw.�w}Min{o newe" uRs.. Nobkin wca."�6e�aid. 1��Ar aeytimc,WkMl�ka olli Wo6lemt nn�cA hom 1Ne�u. bM&ook�,t tauWWq x{d eak ai1 tlay re�ANie�po�i diu.fin+ncW 9wc�bnt.kfl�l�s MillcmiwnE�ratia�CootuMie` Iiw1K a�a InwlCKiun Mu edlaiion. Gmuµ whkh wu hMW w MeID '1�'��pW�ppomniry,�l M..CuNKwaeaid. Wexlak�wi�h iu cAwu��tad Ihi�tituwateWyfw�clurte "Ait oi�hem MQ wTeiM1in� ppliwio4uida�eoflltple4ai niqol,"�Idam�n 8yddr&wt . minpf�hMllKr�edcdN6N('u[d w�carlu u ■ Nrvn� f�wncid eaid.'Sui(+�{�l�nuppatiwitT bcfwc d�'cvuld[a���a b.<YiwR vK tluketl." (cMwcd,"�M�.CrlOauo�qid. Mr.6�oalu Wn in AuYi��Ait T1aA'wviMfnY+ '� Sanr peo6kmi wae mo�o sa- week u p�n of�no�h«wntu-� 6r nxAd� ��ws.tha MsdicM Cenla Qwtet mn.bW Iw Iook Uu appaanMy n�waron��nJ ar J 4960: Sd�ad iR Ilow�nn �«adcd � lo vi�i���Wtc��hattr school ra�.1461. Straic�ic Plannibg Session FagG 1 af 1 ' Tl��'Vl'� t"JF WESTLAI�:�, TE�;AS �;; � � r�o�r�c� aF rr�o���o�v�, �E��� ���� TU T� CITIZENS QF THE T[7�WN OF WEST'LAKE, TE�S: Notice is hercby given that th�re will be an inf'ormationa3 meecing at 7;Q0 p,m,nn Wednesdny,Janasry �.�,2Q01 in ihe Marriott HotGl, 5 Village Circle,in the Town of Wesda�e,Texas.The agenda is as r_e� �uiivwa. 1. Meeting called ta order. 2. Discuss cr�ating a Chart�r School in thc Tawn. 3. Adjaumrnent CEF�TIF'IGATIQN I certify that tha abcl�ve natice was posted an th�front aoar af the Towa Ha1l of the Town Qf We�akc, 3 Village Circle,Suiu 2Q7,Wcstlakc,Taxas,on Friday,Jazauary 12,�091 at 5:00 p.m., und�r thc Ope� Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of thc Te�ca�Gavernment�ac�e. _�...�_o..._.__.� U Ginger Crasswy,Town Sccretary ��}� �� C�►• '41� http;/'/wwvw.westlake-tx.org/agtndas1wa011701.htrn 02tQ9t2001 i 4 Stre�te�ic Plannin$ Scssion �age 1 of 1 ;� . , ;� , TQ'��I'� t�F �E��'�AI�:E, `��.�►AS :�' �. �C�TIGE QF INFC}RMA.TTQ�N.�I. MEETIhTG ��,,�,;;� � TC} T�.iE GITIZENS Ok"TSE TC1WN t}F WESTLAI�, TEXAS: Noticx is bcreby gvcu that thcre wiil bc an informatianat meeting at?:00 F.m.oa Tuosday,J�nusry 23,ZU01 iu the South I7ining Roozn,C.a�npus Circle,in th�'Tawu of Westlakc,Teacas.fihe agcnda is as foliowst 1. Meeting catled ta order. 2< I?iscuss creating a��art�r Schaoi in the T�wwa, 3. Adjo�u�ruz�ent C'ER'1'I�CATIQN I aort%fy that t}a�alwvc notice was gasted on thc froat daor af the Town Hall of the Town�f Westlake, 3 Villagc Circic,Suite 20?,Westlake,Tcxas,an Friday,lanuary l�, 2001 at S:OQ p.m.,und�r tho Qpen Ivic�tuigs Act,Chaptet 551 of the Texas f,arovcrnrnent�ade. �.4� � Caringer Crasswy,Tovwti Secretary ����� httn.//vti^ww.westlake-tx.or�+Jaztendas/waQ l 230 l.htrn Q2/09/2001�'�� Strategic Planning Scssion Page 1 af 1 TC��'�'I\T t�F '�'t�'ESTLA�:�� TE�S �`�� ,. , � � Nt�TICE QF STRATEGIC FLA1���G �ESSIQN TO THE CITI2EN� C;lF THE TU�'4'N QF�'�'ESTLAKE, T"EXAS: Notice is hereby give�a that thero will bc a Svategic Pl�rming Meeting at 7;OQ p.m,on Te�esday, January 9,2QQ1 in Suite 207, 3 Village Circle,in the Towra of'tNestlake,Tc�s.The agenda is as fallows: t. I�rSeeting called ta order. 2. Dixeuss crcating a Charter Sch�ol in thc Town. 3. Adjourcunent cEUT�cAr�arr I ccrtify that the abave notice was pastad on the front daoz af the Town Hall ofthe Town of Wcstlake,3 Villag�Circic, 5uiu 20�,Westlake,Tcxas,on Friday,Januar�r 5,2001 at 1:OQ p.m.,ur►dtc thc Ugen M�etin�s Act,Chapter 551 of the Texas Gc�vcrnanent Gode. 1 ! �.�.�ra�.�."_ � ��. Ginger Crosswy,Town Secretary . ��.� �� �m,=t�www.wectiakG-�.or¢/ae�ndas/waQi490l.him 01J09/2QO1R`�''� - Attachrnent 8 Rublic Hearing Registeatic�n Log ��� �� fl- �1� T�'�stlake �4caderny Inform�tionai Meetang January 23, 2041 - 7:OQPI1't ' Please pr-int yQur name and th�e other requ�sted infarmatfon if yQu desire ta be added ta the mailin; lis# Qf people interested in the �reation of Westfake,9eademy. Name Address Phone � ��x # E-maii . � .��.� � �, r �'���.�.�.� �= `� ��� _ � ��; �. �� � � � --��� �� ���,�-�� -� . . : � -�- � � �,,� �"�-v�'' � ►��t ��.,�...�. � c.��.�--5�-�" ��� �::� �� �` t �. 7���.. � , , u. ;� � • � � ( i_.. G► +I t 14 7 / �^ �e�,t��eC'�,.- ���� e,� ��� �' � A- '�1 � x f 3 1 E ] � I West'lake�9ca�errry Informationai Meetin� Janua�-y 17, '001 - 7:OQPN1 ' P}ease print your narne and the otber requested information i�y'au desire to be added to the maiiin� ti�t �f geopie interested in the creation of �esttake Academy. Name �Address �'hone # Fax# E-maii ._...r t � C�l��v� ��r��4��. r , � ...--r "Yc?.�/��-CL ���f—i 1"eti::� _ti.. -�—�_ `/}�."ii.[.h:'Y'1 ....1.� ��� k� � -- � ,\l c�f''�'`f"� `a.,ti.J�-t?..�'C:' t_�4 dA'�� �T� �„•��S•."'i� ^ '': ��:t �, — V.:7!'!p �R ��✓.�_i�'�E`e^�.°J'.: �'.✓f i./Y`,Y�.'.+.t E�Gf� j r� .■ ��� y r ( �'' s— Fi /� . .t F+. � � �r � � .r: ,� . 4,- , _ . • ,� • i>�n_.-..; l",- _..-.� ,l:.�/. j`-tX.�-� " � C�J . ;•� . �. `• i� � , � P•�.c. '� � • • �.. ✓. .� '��f:f�, i"' P� �;� /�:�.r� �� �.7t(�'f.'"T�� �-T:� 2�t 7 �::�. ..-;`�.�,,� �r�: ��'f!��r�(�c?o?.'" �Q ��.�:�► � t ' . �o2n�•� � � �-� � }.���,, r .� . � � � J � � . v�i �J • PI' ''`#$ ��si�'ake �cc�dem� Informa�ional N�eetin� January-�,• 2Q0� - 7:QQPM �yl r F�eas� print youf rrarrre �nd the vthcr requested 2�r�'vrm:rtian if var� desire t� be added ta t4�� n�ailin� tis# of pea�ate intereste,d in the cre�tinn af Westfake Acudexrry. Name Address Pf�a�ae � F�� # E-mail ;��,�,-�,� , ,,.,,, �� , [.'3/�� 4-�:1�� I' � ! ���'��i�f�Gt�L G G�/" if 1`���1�v" � i`.` t l /� n` . 't� . �., ` . f����,/ �,^1�y�(,-j ?��`�.1�d�r ��j����.�M+/ 4'�,�+�,1 ,x W ',l�-T,(��� � w�,�,� ��.. Ch � ��fi�T ��4'' \ �%� f �� ��CY'Cl«-t� �•`.,;�7, C� ( '�7 ` f/`��' ' iP Y c� ' r 1'�.c.�..i� � ��t,c. ` � i t� . ������ r� ��`��°� L�s"-�.n..l�fA 1 4��.l i�f'1.�— F�t"c>\V�4�- �'G''_}-µ+- �_ � -�' �ce� 1 f y 1'�t r�,�r�. (� :�-c r��J�c��,� c.�:;x� r�c�,��r�-r' ����� �t��'�.4 � � �� f�. � ������.� G �cc���i� �� � C�C�c.�-�E� `�������� i:u��h �t��.���� I?�?��.� ��'���.. � L�j�, �.� ...� M��� - - .� � c���5h..i �I3 C �r 2. r eZaN��G�c� �- `��6� ;e� , , , V^ .�i � � � C�» '�`� • ��- '� C`�.. ; v !- <_ ;' ��r��.`'�' . (���� ��-"'� - - ,�7 � �� I C�..�G�aa� ,.�,_—, .; � 1 Y �tr�e t(4 4`,��'.�f� _ � i , � �� � �':r`C;�C,7t��l �� � ���f,�Z �' �(�,('fY�i r��i �iY"� [—— lY1�i L. `�"�I� i .� _ .t.1 �r i , j . � � �estlal�e Aead�my � � Informat�onal I�eeting� � .������y,�-�, �aa� - �:oo�n� �j Pl�ase print yaur narn� and tbe other request��d anforrnatian if�Qu desire to be added to th� mai#ing list c�f people interested in the cz°�atian af J�esila�e�lsQde»r� Name Address .�'hor�e# ��x # �-mail , �.-.���e �c�.�d�- �ta. ��,� ��t� �El,� -�t�z�� � � �.���c c� f�.��' ���L��'��_ � � � o �, G�,�s� ���rs�.0 �a1aa .�t� �a'�s� 1 ' I��{` _� �� � � � � �- � �� ���, ��s ��� �,�e •�"�''`�,.°�r .?�.�'cs:�a �``,�..�.� �y � --�—�— � /^�� ,r�c � Cv f'r,°�,.''✓7�.t f/ .�P'. , �.f 1.1 C��. C./�11 c:-� �,� � .�. /C1 r3 �' �'c`o�C...�»» r.. 1 ....%�'"1Ct ra►-� �A.�c�� �� � ��� � �jA � �/f �4� �/o��Q , - �`/ �t G;� �` t �r".5' C�f r��l�' `T�° 7;603 , �::'' ,f� (,,,o C�4m4tt...S �ac.K �,r. .�. \�u C..l � 1 �i-t '��� �� u r.�,_ .�r..x tca i � , ; � ; � � � ' i � � Attacnmer�t 9 Synopsis af Meeting ��� �� �a- 5C'� S t i 7 � Synap�is of Meeting ' "; Infarrnatianal public Mearings w�re candu�ted an January 9, 20Q1 ' ?:00 p.m. Tawn Ha{I Solana W�stia�Ce,T�C January 'i 6, 20Q1 7:Ot� �a.m. Salana Marriot i Wes�t(�ke, T�C � January 22, 2C1d9 ; 7:OQ p.m. tBM Cafeteria Westiake,TX Th� presentatian, at each informationat rr��eting, was conduct�d by three members af the Mii(ennium Edcacation Cansulting Graup. Each presentation was an e�ctensive c��ecuiew of the charter scnool canc.�pt which �nciuded: History raf charter�chc�ois in the United �tates and in Texas. Hisfoty ofi Westlak�A�ademp A�}�?�tGaflOEl PfOGC:SS Pr�pc�sed curricutum Financing af the charter s�hoa! After the hour and half presentation, time was made available for a period Qf qu�stions and �nswers. Q. tf i �vork nn a chaeker committee, will my chitd be guaranteed a place in the�ct�aol? A. No, an �pen-enroltm�nt eharter accepts students on a ftrst came. fitst setved taasis. Q. - ttVilt students with speciat need� be aecammadated? A. Absolutely, an open-eneopment charter schaof is a pubtic�chool and daes nat discrirninat� r►n any basis. Q. Is ther+�tuition? a. No, as ather publi�schaols, there is not cost assaciated with attending an oper� enroilment�harter schaol. ��: .`�i : c�_ �' 1 j ' Q. U'Vili the s�tuder►ts wear unifarms� ' A. This is a decision to be�rnade by the Baard and cammittee rnemt�ers. ' Q. Where wilE the school be housed? A, The City Manger Fs currenEly in negatiations for the propert�r, As sootl as the lown is at liberty to r�lea�e this infacmation, it will be rnade avaiiable to the public. � ��, �� e�_ J; �. , I , t � , � i AttaGhmant 1Q 8usiness Arrangements The frnancial cammitment af the Town of We�ttake i� r�fleGted �n th� instrumental'rty resolution att�ched. �;}� 53 a_ � .'� A R�SQLUTIQN�RDERING TH�CREA77CJN f�F A NQNPR4FIT CaRI'CtRA'I"�C7N FURSUANT Ta TI�TEXAS NC��1-PROFTT Ga�QRATiON AGT,AFPRt�VTNG ARTICLES 4F INCaRPURATIQN AND BYLAWS FC?R,A1�IU APA�TN'I ING'IHE IMTiAL DIRECT'ORS l?F,Tl--�CQRFt}R4TIQN,APFQINTING GERTA�IV CONSUL7ANTS,AND RES4LUTNG RELATEt3 MATTERS . W'HEREAS,tt�ia Board of Aldermtn(tho'Board"),as thc governing body of th�Town af Westlakc, Tcxas(the"Tawn"},hereby find tlnat it is in the public inierest that a non•prafit corgoratian(the "CarporatiQn"��7C CTCBttd ander the T`ex�s Non-Profrt Carperrstic�n Acr(the"AcE"}to act on behalf af the 7own as iis duly canstituted autharity and instrumentality,witk�in the meaning af tht ln�ertaal R�uenue ' Code csf I�86,as amendeci,far the purposa a�'praviding edueational serr�ices and facilities; � Wf-�ERE.AS�the Act empt�wers,among other things,tlao Corporation to aaquire a charter,parsuarit to Ct►apter 22,Svbchapter D afiJ�G Educatian Cqd�(#ht"�ducation Gode"),provide Gducaeion services,and acquire,financ�,and caperaia oducational�acilities and facilities ralated thereto,as coz�templatcd by the Educatian Cqd�andlor other law; W�-IER.EAS,it is the intent of this Baard that the Corporatican shall hawe aEl�►awers autharixed undar cho Aet and atfi�er law tc�enabie it to appiy for and pbtain a eharter under the�dncation Code and pra�ida edncation sCrvic�s and acquirc�financo,and ogcrate cducatianal facilities and facifitics related thereto,as cantennplated by the Educatian Cadc,the Act,and/or other law; • �-IEREAS,the Act autharizes the Corporation to issue.rever�ue bonds("$onds")andlar ta enter into other obiigatians("4bligations")that,among ot�rer things,witt facilitate providing educatiaca services and facilities and facitities related thereto; W��'{EAS,no�ands or Glbligations of the CorparatiQn wtt�constitute obligations(whethec special, general,or moral)af the Town; VJJ-iEREAS,the Act provides that the direciqrs of the Garporation are ta 6e appc�'tnted by thc$oard; WI-iE�S,the Articics of Incorporatian(thc"Artic{es")of ihe Corporatian shalt provide that no modificatian af the Articles ar the Bylaws(the"�ylaws"}af the Carporatiac�shall take effect unfess approved by this$aard; VJHEREAS�this Baarci intends,by the adoptir�n af tttis Resalutioa,to take alt acfion necGssary ta ordcr the ercation af the Corporation with all af tt�c co►�aoraCc powecs and authority grantcd under the Act and other taw; WHEREAS,the meeting at which this Rtsolution has been considertd was apen to the public as required by law,and public notiee vftha tirnc,place,ancf subject af ihe meeting ha$beert givtrt in accordsneo wiih Chapter 551,Guvemm�nt Codo; NQW,TTHEEREFORE,BE IT RESaLV�D BY T�-iE E�OA.RTa OF ALDERMEN OF THE TQWN OF WESTLAKE.'TF.XAS: SECTIt7N I. The findings anc3 dGclaratians tantained ia ihc preamb3e of t3,is Resotution are hereby irccorpocated as part of tbis Resolution. �U � J�� �nr�uz�oo��t _ � . � � i � SECT'�QN 2, This$aard hereby finds and determir►ts that it is in the best intcrest af th�Town and its inhabitants that the Corporation,ta bc named as specified in the Articles,be created pursuant to the Act to act on k�ehatf of the Tawn as its duty c�nsti�ted aat3�arity and insrrura�er�ta�ity far she purposn,s and wirh the pawats aEnd autharity prescribed by the Act and othcr taw. SEC"Z'IQN 3, T'his$o�rd hereb�arders the creation�f the Corgpra�ion and approves ihe Articies in SU�}5I$11j18I�y'CI'I��dTR1 3iS8CI�Gt�t0 t�ii5 RCS4IU�101�1S e1T1 CX�llt7ll,and hereby authori�es the incoaporatars af thc Carporatian f as identi�ed in such Articlts)ta�le th�Anicles with ihe Secretary af StaY�ir�accordance with law, ln the event t}�at the name for the Ct�rporation specified in tlse Artieles is not availabie,t�ae �ncorporators ars�ereby authoriud tQ change the Corporatian's name in the Articies without the further approval of the Tov�m. I SECTI4N 4. 7'his Board hereby a�points the persans identifi�d in the ArticSes ta seree as the initiat memt�r�s af the board caf direccors of t�sc�orporation. SECT7�N 5. 'This Board hereby appraves the iRitial Byt�ws�f the GQrparatian in suhsiantially th�form attscheci ta xhis Resolution as an e�chibit� S�C'["It�N 6. lt is intended that the Gorporation�a a duty�constitvted authority and inszrurnentaliry o�'tha 7'awn withzn the rrteaning af segulations andtor ravenae rttlings of Ihe Treasury Ueparttnent and�ar the Internal Revenue S�rvice c�f tt�e United Statcs promuigated under SeGtian 1 I S of�the Inter�at Revenue Cadt af 19$6. SECTIt]N 7. With respect ta the Tov++n and its instrurnentalities,the Board of Aldermen hercby appoints I.,arrk Wiliiamson as financial advisor,Thamas A11en Maan as�nance caunsel, and 3enkeras&C.xitci�rist, P.C,as sp�ecial financs co�nsel. SECT'I�IN 8. 'I'his F�esalution shali t�.fce effect im�nedi$tety upQn its adoption. �� .�J�J TAI�p 1!3'Qr1Q07 rl .a. .... .�.. pASSEL�AA1T3,AP'P1�pVED O1�I THIS 12'�DAY 41�FE3�RLTARY,2Q�f11. ' _ , ATIE.ST: Soott$ IG�►i MaYoX -~ , ,��..""` �.,-'` � � � ` g Crosswy,' Secrctary Tre,nt Petty,Ta anag�r AFPRI�'VEp AS Tf}F . ,C � ` ,� ,�,.,�,.�;,,,,,.-t � L. S �z A sney � ��i J� �l-�"�-�. � � � 3 i . � i� ! ' i � At#achment 11 Natice af Intent As Appears in Lc�cal Newspape� �€1� �� ra . �b � PUBLiSH�R"S AFFiDAViT !salernnly swear that a true and Gorrect copy ot the Notice af lntent to Apply for Gpen Enrallment Gharter was puP�ished in TH�1KEL.t.ER G1T1ZE'N,$n�ewspape� having generai cieculation in the counties of Ctenton and '�arrant, and that the dates that said issue5 ot the newspaper bore in whic�s�ch notice was published were January 30,20Q1. A copy ai the notics as p�bl+slhed,clip�sed�rom the r�evuspaper is attached hereto. � . � Qt.�r'Y� ' Fam Nolie, C�assiiied Ad Mar�a�er � TFiE STATE OF TEXAS § § GQUN'fY QF TARRANT § SWORN TO AND SUBSGRIBED B�FClRE M� Pam Nolte this 6th day of�el�ruary.2Qf��, ta�ertif}t whic� witness my hand and seai of otiice. � Notary Publi�,State of Texcas Printed fVsme a!Nutaty My cornmission e�ires MN.t1A C�I�CRAY NOtA�t1'Pl19L1C Sms otTo il�j,t �(� P1` rj� r� ! � ! �Yii�q�L:�S rr.� �,�4 �' ,yy I �` . . . . . � . �^w�..��:"uFi•,E J.:` �IC}:�`��� C�F��IT�i�'I' 'T'�J ��'.P'��'�'Q� t � � ,. C1PE�1`�=�N . R'I' hR ��C�Cl:- ��° � ��. �:�::. .:,:.. �.���(}L�NIENT �HA E � ((� i �v�'y���l�a �; "�`' ���v ���- t� '2 .�.F�M1��..e.r � �•� �..t�.nr.•t"':..F::"-.R1w{jr.�� . . y;.^f 9'.�..�i'�'�a��ti .�t'''{`-1 t .:�' ; t _'V'S+'�.�.. .+�r+e��y'�rv! i,j'�y^a�,y; �i y �� 'j�� L'�"�`'��� ..i��[, :' �Town of�Testlak� xs�p�`�yi�i��fher�tate B�ar�eif�"dt���a�t�n� :.: : . ��r� approval xc���ip��ate a� r�pe�re�ro���i�t��harte�t���iar�l��'�i ��; . X} �,��. ...A � 7. .� �,;� �. �•.,,, 9 N�, •'�lt � i�:�„M i yy. �schao1"� t�.��ae �Yoeated�-u� 'Vu"estlak�, T'��h Ghaiter�sch��3�'�`�re:;�ul�li���" �i.. . . .r � � . . '.. � . .. .. , . - �.� 's��oals establzsh�r� b�° non�ro�i� argaruzat�ozis�, institutiari�' a€�Yia�er� v ,:x: i p�.�;� r.° �.,��:-, ��edu�ation or govei�mental'en�titi�es:;These:scliQols ar,e g�bi�c�3�:;fi,ir�ded�- . ;r-. : K: . ... : ,. � .ry.= .. .. : ;: � ;. .. , 4 and are �free frQm rnar�y stace regu�a:tzons that apFI,� tt� c��� pu�l��.,: Hschao7s T'h� falliawing descngt�v�� �n�'Qrmat�o�- ���ux ���.pr1�,��;s�ira q•T K'f' � � .e t �.�t+�' ` ' t t. � � < c� . { _1 ... r` r.: s�hQQ1�i��ei���ar��t�de� f�r th� �aenefit�.�th� communzt�+'�t��r����-`''�h�� �s�hool wc�uld�be�c�at��'�� �'o ec!" � _ _ �,.,_ ti." t:" '�n.'. a i P�. s� -G. ��'+�� �� "��n st,,��7N".a r.r� !�;v� r�-4R -+r�..�._Y��,�� . a�, r .r..x_ � .. a t�. .�� .rn.��w., : y j .., , `4 . ,� . : , � ..'r�r �.t �..; - . . . . l� f } . . �b . . .. . '�h C ..�:r r n_. � � �c ., �r- . /•fi���'�v'; t Name:caf x�� spansanr�g enUi�+span�Qnr�g-che�cha�tc�'�� �3«i��r�. � � I F ,; , K K �jr r,*�s�. �,.:. . . 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LQ Qr r +Y . c F.s . .�.wa�,� � �C: •y�r ., ti»—�- rt � �--�-�;s �n'j,ta'^``�5'."�"�"��f"�'!�,s�?,�.?i�fe�.'�'�"�++� tr:�,i'vr' ;ir.r.r .'^����.a�,�^�+.-�,a*�ee.,,,,y� ,r ,h, •s r'4��. b..efr �. �': �..^.� ..�` .�-.�.hhfe�'`i <Y�L::,'�..�h�sti:f±.�' 'C':� +�+5 '�• - attachment 12 Verification af Maifing Notice was not mailed to the Town of Westiak� since they a�e the spc�nsori�g entity Nc►tice was sent tc�*�ch mernber of the Tarrant Gounty and Denton Country Cornmis�ioner`s Gourt. ��� �i� A- 5�i i � i ii i � I � � � � " SENDER: ' � a tomp�u aw�u�+nCtor s ra sadido�w cen,ices. !atso wisn#o receive!he foUaw- � con+d•�r�s 3.+a.nd�n. �n9 services(tor an extra taey: ' � o�nt Y��n�me�+C advrees an tlx ure w �ws�at aue rorm ao�nr+�+�can mwn th+s 1.(]Addrts5ee'S Flddress � � o httarh u�brm W C�R fRuil M 1ht ma{�iep.Or an tht bid�if ap0a doee na �p O W�M!'RatrM17 �•Q AQ6ifICt@d D911vq1'y ' tt a�Fk��Gvoehd'an tho rraeDyce below as�anlrae number.� � 0���sc�iP[wiN t�ww W wwrn thR arup¢wsa ds�wwtd IvW 6he m54 g T� 3.Artlde ACdressetl to: 48.Attide Ntxnbar / / r Y � � ,�r� �t� ( ¢ � � �C...�+��Y" 4b.Service 7ype , �� / � � ,f ���� �t ❑Req�stered �e�tlfied � �� �� �-;G��r� 1�4�-� ❑Expre6s Mait Q Insured � �s c ❑Rs�um p�cppi Wr Merclapncfse ❑COO �' s . "` """''"'"e��.� ��j�� 1.Dato cN Delivery � ' 0 r 5.R2oe ed By'(Prirs ) 8.AtJdressee's Addt@ss(Gbtly il requeseeo'arso' � ea 15 paid) � r p 6.Si t e(AtEd 6e d'Agen > : d � PS Farm 3871,Oscemtaee te94 +ueses.os.e.r�azy poar�esdc Rotum Raceipt . � � . w. � � , . • ., . � r1 r � .P � ��� t �� s� �`` � r� � � m Cu6f�rtl Fei ��a. �- �/ �A Ra�urn FMte�l Pae %' � ,� �O tEnOoreenvntF�qw^et! � �� ' �+. . � fi�lriCtfO QMi�'tA'Fe! �� K � �, ����, k1 �t��. Q TotN Panpe!�F..s �'j ,�, . G S WCSpNn�Y�F yN +�(FN Ptint,�y1 fW tOeY+bltO Ui'��i R' —2C„t?. ......1�',f"*.".'� 4:. . /� sa»r nb.:w eo,{� �� �......�.�P.`....:11lr-!?r-_ a°tr ..��� _.....1.�.`.1L },C_. ... o rxi.�* �' v�( , � t ��i �� d� � Iw'P\ � 7Q99 3�ti�D Ob]�8 4377 b23� °oo SfF1Q�R: �atsow�s�torece�++eme�onow- � �n� � m D fo G Cample�le Nemt t xd7w 21a addµonal Nnices. 1119 S0fv1C95(fEX M llClfd�BB�: t�D,��� C �� � . t4 Cort�A�Ita�tu 3.48.�nd 6G. r '�r� � 13 � � t]P+N your rame erd a0dep sxt Snr rs>ers�W Ihk torm eotha�vro can retum p+s B t'Q :bg�� o � � } nrdroyo�. t.Q Addressee's Address � C�'' � .c $ �3 � i�� m tl.trtsd+A�if bnn M the Nwx d�A.ma�oco.w m ina Oack I!opacu doof�wl � ��� . .� 3 S y�' . F�,,,,p. �.Ct ResiriCted Uetivery �`6:'a-+`-� z ^ �� , � Ct Nh68 Wel�r R�ced�l'N�ttl'on 7M ma?p1eC�t�ebw IM ertids nanber. 6 � ; 4; ` T �3 $ R � j ❑Shb Retutn ReoNpi+A{q shax W rMoen Ihs�ticle was�wred and the dak! e '" �8 a �" �� m � u _ � eec,re�t. � ;'^S`� � -- „ $ a.An�de nddre to: 4a_ARiCIe Ntmberf a � �'�� r� n � �t3 J?�1 r C�NII/�C{ie� �b.Senrice rype i7� �� -- � � ;}'� � /^ m � t, r f}��yn�fl Regisiered ,�Certiliad � ,,� :� �j jf��• �i��v��'-'t 3 4� �2 Ezpress Ma'rt C11nSutad = �� �� + �I "t 1 ,� ' �,U�vC�/ O Run�rnHecelPifwaneahanalsa �COO $ � ���}) � a C� :� i � '���a/1. } 7.Dato o DelivEN t� �; _. ._ , u � ! o' � Lr A �';�- ; � �1'�N�Qly � • 5. Hred 8y: I e) B.Addressee's Address(Chrly it reqvasfed errd c .� � QQ�� 'L !ee is psld) � T 9C ',J� � 6.SSBnsture jAdrfressea or Agentj 1- �""Q'+. �" —- � �l = � Q�j PS Fnvm 3$11,December 1894 io2�xs�c-BA22a Cfnmestic Reiian Fieceipt , �5�� �� • . ... .... ..--.�..��.�.•. - -i;., 7D99 34Df] 001d 'i377 �Z7D y � :� � g 3ENDER: i e�sa�sn co rece►�e me rdiow• � �] n a Goer�e�eHwns�ar,e�ror 2�or�6tia�Mser,kes, ing servicea(tor an eztra tee): (..,� "`.�; o � '4..,'�\- � o Ca+nObH INms 3.�s.e�d rtE. � +� :� ��,M. � �3 �� ' ' � �a�fA voVr Mm+uq searss on it�e rc�eru a�nh forr�,m ihet+.e can re�e,m u.e v � � n �.d� �•d Addte3see's Address -� �;�-��� p �� �� � � � o�nacr+e�i rom,ba,e n«�rt a e�e�ac�e�e.«an a,a n�wuun.oe aoes no� p.Q ResirlcMed @elMen� � � � 3 F I�w�'Aatwn R�coipr na4�+ssMa'on me meup�ece ne�aw itre ar�cu mYnoec y tre �' « �= a� R � ll. � d Fhe Refttm RecaiPl yN rl'+ow ro wlxrn dr aTiW was CaNvered Md Ihe deb @ " � _ _ • s � p 6e9verad. � _ �` � ^ _ '� 3.ANde Addressed to: ¢a•� e � ¢ ' • ' ,, �" � a �Q��rL� �; 'G`� + � • � 4b.ServicreSyp6 f � � t�7 �) ( � � � O Reg�ete�ed ,.�Cenified a � �`- � � � ` , 0 � �Y � c � � : • � 1 ( � ' (U���f � � p Er.press MaM Q Insut�d � fl '��� ' �.E,t 1 'S"� �rT. Q Retum Recelpllor Marct�e+KMse ❑COD � � � : 7c� � a'�Q,` * '��!7���(�-i �'t "7,(��3'7 T.Date al Da1�ry `��� u x 4.... �.A s f f j > �f; ;�' � �"�' �� � 5.R �'I'fPr�nR f+1Ame) e.A�dd�ess�'s Addrees 1C�'+�y /eq +�� � � � � � 1 o ;� � �� D 5 6.s 1u e !r i-� i Z �� � � � �O ` ' �,'Y� v poem 67i�Dacen+bsr t99s :o2ses-so•a-ozzs pomesnc Retwn Fteca9pl ¢ x�. �' . . .. 7099 34EIp 0018 R377 6256 t !'��� �� � SENDER: Ialxowfshtoreceive�helqiow- �?rj�i � � '�9 � . m O��pi¢H Y�nn 1 p�ya 2 bv�ApMp�N�micec. Ing 88MIC@S(IOf Rf1 @Xt(8 fBe�: KM ��giUa �*� � : A� g ComN�aM✓ml.4e.Md16. �` N �Q 5 P �; nPM�you�entlatld�r�mqarwenedxia�umaltutrvcan�etumN�s � _ �,�; n � f • o ra�amya�. i.O qddressee'a Address .i i�-.xy q « �j .�$ � S l � � n��ihkla+�am�kawolY»mMY�.a.aonfMexwN�pwadoatnd Y.QResiikledDeiivery . ��c�i } py^ ,y < - �y oWAle•lklwnl7KYJ�lfFkQuesreU'onlnemUpsoebMowlnesiMaen��. r�„ai �t i �yi �S � '� ^ U � o��arn�k.o.ip,�uwwww�mm�n.entrlewnde�v.r�auamoabe � r�$' x ;��,'�p de '� i v 3.Artida Addres4ed io: 4e.A�Ide Nump� . a . _ .�p W � �" N '' e . � ��/i� -�./��p�,� /J atr.5ervtcaT�� � ° 1 $ �} 4 u � ,`' j� � O Regislered �Ser!lfled v' �� � � .,,, �(1 [�� lZQ.i�'i�( �i dEzpressMa�f OinBured � ���` • g ��i a f� �/,�-^' 1[' C7 RewmNacdpitwMerciwnluee �C6D O.'t-1.�i � -' -- �� ��r�/J�p,,{. / � /J Q�� 7.Date d qeGvery � ` � :e 1 R ,�pVJM,�r x C � fJJc�`I� �. , i', ; � 3� 'p 5 ---- Y. PM e /ee h pakt) ° : p � s'... N � � p �`,�"��� U! o B.57 aitJ � ,� J r . > r � � � N�3��� PS Fntm 3 1��Q�emqet 1891 imssa�s9�8�ox2� l?ai�slta Relum fleC01p1 fUll ]tiUU uubu i,,. � u� � � � . -.. S'� "�,(�3' o - � SENDER: t eiso wlcn to recelve the raiow• '-�.�Sr.g : � }. � « ocn�b.ma�.�dorxw�.dd+u�use�ke.. ingseiWces(taenexiralee�: '�� u o Con,p�«.�.rro a.u..�,a�a. y�ja' g �$ �� ;' n o�a�tta.nsme.ra.�«rnsrmaws.afMslam�oitrai�cen�amnw� u ''1 C�,� � 4� � £�. cxaloyou t.p Addresseak Addre9s �C � � � oAn.d�Wiiamax,.bv`xdlh.m�Maqc��aenx»n.ckxuux.aonrwt 5 2.p Resldclad Deqvery .�•,�4' � �� "" � u nw��Ns�umnec�pps�ws»e'onNwm+webw4aowiha n�a.�o.�. � �, � ��'_i' s" f . �, � arn.wa°��a.w�w,�•raw�o»�,�rtNWddwud�wered�rNu�edeia � Mee �1 �,,�� � 3.AHido AAdieagedio: 4a. rlc a mher 6� � * ���� � �� r� � �- ��?n d`�/,�j�0�1�' 4b.Servlce TyPo � � k a -.I d � / o R�+:�a�aa �nui� � i � /f� f,(�'�! '�'�P f j� �r�� [}Exprees MgR U Insur�l f�j C)RetumaxepllorMeroner�dbe pCQQ � � r T{} `'� / C � b . ` � p i(.~ u cJ/�'��0 Jt�s� !tP 2�(r 7.Oe�B oi ve�`�,/ � � o � � � �i Q�� N..1 `� ' GK !'� i. U! Sfedflnd- i0 �.. `,V; ; yC � � 8, Ived By:( f Nnrne � 8.Addreesaa's Add�ess(Urdy e4� � � i � � � � ( !oa(s Psid� � G'? ,.... � c-^' � �.�� R�Qy 5� ^.��aturo( assee a Apantt �" `�'t�V v w � ` ps Forcn 3911,paeemY�pt t994 �ornn uo.auxza Qomeslk Refwn Hece�p} � SENDEA: i a�so wish ta reeeive the ta��ow- :o ❑cor«w+ss n.ms i andra 2 for��wnai,er�ces. ;ing services(fox an extra fee}: m� cama�Q a�s a.+a,a�,a aa. ❑Prvu yaz narne ar,a aeoress rn um revarse ar�nir rorm eo mat we wn reaum�nis I d °s' os'atoyew. t.CI Addressee'sAddre�.s U m p Anadti thn tonn ta thc hora af th�maitpiopp,o�a'�the Wc�it s{�p¢p8q� m �, '�'. [)Restricted Deiiwsry y r Q W�tt'R�um Receipt Aaqws�rd'o�q,r m�iip�betow the artidc numpar. p Ttw Retum qatx�pt wai fhaw la v�'rom O+e artiae wes tlativenrc and tne dnta ,4 o dn+�.��r,e• m u � 3,Artitla pddrtssed ta: � � 4e.AR{cle Number`^� ? � tt� � Q� ��,,���'�j ,�`E aa,service rype m � J h -c/ O Re�istered Certitied � 7�� �✓.(,�1���{,?('� ❑ExpreSs Mail ��nSur�d � F �+�' � ,.-y"' ❑Retum Recaipt for Merchandtse L COS3 0 � �.,.� ���'�c ��,• 7�, �`!�� 7.DateatDalivery a a y, 5.Received 6y; t Nam 6•Addressee's Adtlress(C?n!y rf rec�uesfed and m tee is peid) � Q6.Signature(Arlrnessea ar�4r�antj tl � " Ps�om,3811,Ctecember`i94�c� taas9s-aa-a�za3 4omestic Retum Rece+pt . i r, 'r� '� �� . • «r s f• utir !� rt ��r. ♦.�.• _ di � e-a �� �" Pe��ye ��._.� �� �1 � ''' a � cc�cii�oo Fac ( � � 2 � tA f1r�u.n RK+WC Fos �`�¢'� ' �� � � IEnlMcemant Pnqui�YCt ��f �, �"�`••+ .� � Aa����M 08�Ntr�•Fpe �` � IEI'WOne'nlnl fleCuu4tli „�t �'1� t r CI Setal Pontage 6 F�es � '�• ( Q � Rkip�tnl`J NdR#(T�Pi:C P/ty!'GPB:/)ri� G!C:�nl�!llp�.b�•(�lailtl�J m fi .E-�f ._.....�f.�!'-`.'?.....r..71..,.. ,...,�'f.�'`.I,_,r. .......................... Q. Strwt.Apt.N4.;orPQ 5�ND. a' ....._.._..�G�L° L`'"..�.�.�.�_C�"_�p..�:�. --.. • -�• �----..�.. � �(y. f�IE.�N��(s � M1 �i ��r �`� ' ii � � t � SENDER: i alsa wisti ta receive tfie tallow- a a c«r�w�+e itwra���ar 2 ror sadnio�ss�wces. ing service5(iQr an extra 6eea: @ �arol►ta ilems 3.4a,and 4b. p II Pnm yau iwme ana atlartss on the rawnt ot this kHm w ftMi"�aain ratum Mia � , `a G,roHI y�, t,[}Addressee's AddreSs a � G�ar ueie rom,�a asa ham et me rnailwecm.a on me baac u epace das na 2.Q Restrieted Delivery � � �Writ�e'Raium A�c�ipr f{ecH.�satad'cn tne msupiece oetow me artiCe rxanbar. C Q 7M R��um Recsipi wtll s�w�r+to whom Itw ahide was d�ermd arxi ma dptt a - Q dolNertQ. � 9 3.Adkle dresserl ua; aa.Artic�e Number � Q a / �J �.,�.__ 4 , E,-✓ `� ./G'�'t• °`�3��� 4b.Service Type �—� � � l/C/ � CI Registered �ertlfied � � ' ��� �' I7 Enpress Mail O ti�P� ,—�, ' � i / ❑Aetum Fieceipt}o+Merchandiae ❑COR � O ` �� ��', f���t�� 7_Date af pelivery o � 5.Rece+ved By:(Pnr+t Nams 8-Addressee'5 Address tCktly iF req�esiaa'and q � fee fS p9�f1) � a8.$igr.at ressee o�Age�f) • ' T • p F5 Form 3$11,C1 iosse°�..�� Domestic Rewm R�caipt � 1 ^I � Y' " �i "l ' • ,. �r. r u'i fSd !V . � � PoS��e s � �N STq , � Cen�l�e9 Fes f�a �Q Po_,,C„.Qr . Returr kece�p�foa Q�{-�6� � +a (Endo�'.tment Faw.uedl � C'• . � pes�riciea De6�eR�F4c � � � � (Endorxmeni ReGvirtO} � � G7 Total Pwiapr 6 Fees I� �, ''� .{'� N���' Q ? Aewpnen tT o/f�oase F H J l�o be rerno/rmo madert m . �..✓.._' •F�� .,. C'....t'.t..�:t?+?�........�... ._..... sy�r,.�iG+.Na" Po .Ac. J � ��.. c� ._If�G7----- •-.....e�i_Z�+.�t._..Q.c�.................. � CA}�.State.ZfA.,� -' � �.-�t � � , �� .,,, ,,,. ��� b� � - �� O � SENC?�R: I also wian to rec��Ye the fWiaw- M a Ganc�•n.na�a+,dror 2 fa adaniw,r e.rv±re,_ ing services(tor an e�Rre ieej. ` ComtANQ Rama 9.�e,en0�1b, � O Ppnt Your n�n»ar4 atl4�is vn aw rovone d Uig fam so ih�n we ran rwwum thip Ui y c+n7 fo you. 1. (�pddressae's/{ddrcss `� - m R Mxri Yus iartn Io tnt honf W Nw rnnilW�ca.or on tfK back'rP s�tlo�t not � � p.my�. � C]Reatnci�d Delfvery � O W m+'Aaum Receipt R�qu�and"c,n tlw msip�ca bok�w she u0ae nimC�r. � p The Retwn F1eGsipf r,iu show ro�hwn 7ie a�tid.wu dNiv�rs0�md tM Wxr o. C Mliv�r�tl. � 3.Arltcia Addressed tp: 4s.Attide tVumber J • t 1 � t � c ! � �,� l� y (�.1 GC t'�"` �' Ab.Ssrviee Type � a / ������ Q Regi�lered '�CerGiigd � �tY k.' E-- ' O Expreaa Meli ❑insured � ( L�Rnum Receipt�ar MRrenarEausa ❑COO � ` �.. ���'� r. ��?t�'� .Date of Deinrery ' -- -------------- ----- -------�`-------�---�----------�_ Q ---- --------------------------------- �. 5. eceived B .( arne .Addressee's Address( y if reque�tetl prrd a ee is p�tl) � 4 6.Sigr�atuce(Addressae or AgarX) ; ?" ------ M PS Fonn 8811,Qecemtaer.t994 �a2sos-9c�8-a22� Damestic Retum Reeaipt . i �,. i ` ^ �r . t . ,. �,. � ., , � � ti a � P°�,�` s aS� AUv^ � c«nn.a�.r ` '� � � Rpum A�c�qar Fp � C j� � � c� � fE,+cfWse�w+c p�q�y! .7 f� R�1 N�rc � L7i Mand�O DN�.wy Fec ���� } Q fEnqo+aem�nr RpuwUt � TotAl Poscagi d F�n �," � �����O � � AstiA�t�Nane("r%er.at Pnr+t Ck�rt�•�RG Ot Comprecw Cy mMun ...._�_��'.t'i--..l,t�.�f.:f:�.f�`r.�" ....,..... ........ CI" � t.j 1G SUe�L qpr.Na:or W BGr Nc. ..... ..,���...•• a" ....� � ./.)_..�e�..�...`7f.�l�..1.:'.`,�..�....sr:��....... O G�� rat�.�tP.t� ) —T ([•��' •.............. ,� F' l.tJ t! ' r �`•7�i . .� � � �'�.i f�u . A � tc,� �, SENDER: k aiso wish ta eeceive rhe foftow• of ❑Corndeae lums t anqrp�z aor aduitiawl�emces. ittg seroices(Ior en extra fee): a� Gati�plelo Mrms 9,q.�nd�b, p FMM your tume ud a4W1sF a�fhc re�ree W t�tis Iqnn s0�hm wa een eetum tlria � ctm io yov. 1, C7�ddressee's Address � � a NtaW+Rvs tam to tl+e nnnt o4�hq m:ritp�nce�or an rhar oad�i1 snam doa:nw pertna. �•Cl Restricted Oe(ivery N aG Wme'Hatum F+earpr Rey�x�u•o�the ma+Wiaca Gnla.*v�e anide nurrwar. C Q'�e Fetun Rsu^rip1+RiB stww 4o wNon+tihe anitle wAs deli.eted and t!w 4ste � . C4 dN�vereO. u ' � 3.Anicle AddresseC to: 4a_Articip Numtrer/ ) '� ` f �/ t.���,l c � �a f�'���� �C�t �f�fl�X��,y+� 4�.Service Type �-� y��r d r � �� �Regi�tered �ertitied � ��� �d,�� Gc./�af�� 'f' � p F.acpreSs Mafi Qlnsllrecf � � � �� r�� CI As�um Reee�p�ta MeccnanCise [1 GC}D ? ' �O/' �� l`t " ° � � !P 7.pate flf Del�very � a. 6.Fteceivcd 8y:(Prrn arrre) 8..addressce`s.xtGdeess tOntY tl requasrect arrd � ee is paicl,t � � 6.Signature jAcY�Jressep or RgentJ s� n PS Korm 3811,December t '�, �at5ss-sro•e�arts t7amescc Return f�acerpt • . r. t �� � yy r !. ♦ i i . .r. ♦. a 0 n� .� ' S` Poe4aQr�= (� �� � � Cenif.,p�� � ��" !` t� ��r ���� � � Rtturn peC@ya�Ft� ' .7 �c � � i0 lFntlorsemer�f Aequere�yl Q ReStricted Deb�ery f� Q +� � �• �y IEndo�aemMt atquaetli �' � G3 Tn�M Poctpgc 6 PaK ��.� �•t N�� f9 .�" RteipivnlY N�mt(Pt� P�.n�C �t t �Ar tWnnkl•K Ay ma�Nr m . ..,?�!�D..f,".�!-'l.._. .1�.�+.. . Y.'��.+..f..��?�.x!..................... �, s+� ,/T�[yv�:w s���Ncj, ((� _.{�.^' ,�//j L7 G:•��.Zr�:a•�_...!':5!,.�/�Ylt.`".`.dr...J,.��.(' '' �'b r f k./y,� h �`�• �'�'�� �., .,� �Ob'�� � �- �►b � S�hlDER: �atso w�s#�ta rece�.re the tol�ow� a o cnmp+orr a•ma�ar,ma z tar,�i,wr,�seN+c.s. ing sen�ices(tar an e�ctra iae): o Cm�pie�e rtemc 3.aa.arM�b. � p pmt�raur nsme ertq etltlrtne on ma reverse of Uvs tonn ao Uiat we can rv�um this S � curd b you. '7.O Addressee's Addrass �o o Anxn trus rorm ro me trorn m tne meiipiace,a on cne beaK it saace oo.s nca I o.nrr. f�.p F1e&tricted Delivery rm � O W Me"A�tw»Recbpt Ae�,�esled`Qn tM maitpieee t�iow fhe a+tid�number. t} D T1'�t ReRvn RCCeiD�wi!xtww to wtarn Ibe a�dt,io was ANrcare6 and ihe tli�e .g- � p tlW�vwad. m u � 3.Ar1iGe Addre�sed to: 4a.ArTicle Nurnber ; � � / r 16��i.� ! p �rY/�`,/��(f� ��L.��`1.��� 4b.Service TYPe o u / `� � � /}� O Ftegistered �ertilied � f� � GC/',�r�f�v'r� `��r��'" ❑Exqress Mail CI�nsured � a t y,� ❑Reium Pece�p�ror Me�ctiandise ❑CCJ� a �r � w ��o"i,.�G k� f 4' �° ,�j,,�f 7.Qate af tkefivery--- o �- �' d l a 5,Receiv By_(Prtn;N me) „ B.Addressee's Address(Qnly il,equasted and � (ee is paid) r t- 6 6.Signat e ddrass[ie orAgent) � a PS Fom�3811,Decemh�r 1994 �azses�aae�azaa Oamestic RQtum Raceipt • a �r, r� � � .. �1�� • �� � � � R� ;a� f M� � � .. � � � M1 P��a9F ;= c�d�� .Cenifwd Fae � � 1 �� �,�,�F. 4N aN�rn aecc+a,Fee �,,�"tie —{ +rCM tEnDontrtyn{FtGursE! Z " e�i '� � p RashKced OelivKy P4! � � O ��(f�i � tEnoo+swrw�+�Re�v�rea� Z ,� G7 7o1n1 Posuqe 1[Fren � ,� . J I �`rFa�k�,.rQ � a .S AlCi�iMt4 �mt(P7M%f Frn'{7��rH•1!!G bC CCNiC[l!C Or�VTrFPPa JT7 e ' /_ . j'.J / ��"+ /'t ,f�t,G�1 lV--I'�'L......................... ..................... _..... _ ........_ .... �, $ns� �t.Ab.,G Oc NG . �- �...f.1�....tr1.__.�r.c.�.`"�._........�-�._...._�.�r:........._.� p G�ry.Srare.�F--� � �'' ✓7 � 2+ .� ..�� ��1�� '� ' Y.7� t i � . � � � c.. a SEt�1D�R: 4 also wi5h to r0ceive tha tolipw- v a a ccrr�ptsu�eme�aruYor z tor adontana�:ervfces. ing services(for an enira fee}. � Conwlste nema 3�+r.anu+b. � p Pmr}vur nRme ar�7 acJCWas an the+ewe+s�at mia brm so ihaf�+e can renun gtis 4 . E ce�diovau. �� 1.❑Addressee's Acldress O Anach tt�s iam�o Ox hom u17+r maiipiaa�ru on the badr il sPaca duu nol �4 u m �, 2.p Fte9lriCted DWIYCry �+i Y Q W Ate'A�na++AocaiAr A�9uasi+rd'an tha maApiec�botaw It+e anidc roimCu. � � d The Re[um Rtc�ipt,w1�7ipw ta�x�rtt 1hP dnM.ie uab deltlyrptl and the tlala rl O a�elirmed _ u � 3.Artide Add�essed ta: 4a.Article Numtaes �-`� � 'ffi _�_.�,,.�� � g ��..�^"�"`"L, � 4b.BerviCe T'ype � v � f , � [1 Registerad �eriilied � � l �(i �� f� � Cl Express rtitait Q Insured � A /� ❑Rerum Retsipt Far Mcrchantlfsa Q GUD � � t` �d vll���� �`� �C(����,e T.�aze ai Qelivery Q � ' � � �.Receired Sy:(P�� ma.i / 8.Addfessee's Address(Only it requested arw' c w .ir�..�� e is p2rd} p � a a � �a ` lewrn RecBipt ! • ' ,y�„_ `,, � �� � �. 1 k� 1 f Y 1 . ♦• � � � � � Fasuge .� L �.�.�A S . � can�lHa Fac � � �cS� � Rtlwtt Re4eiP�Pet � � {Enaeusem�ni iuwuwcd} � � /�'.{,�f; � �y Ftst�ctaC 4Mr�ery Fve �i� � IfMuaemr.n�RUQ�nreC, � y�c fJ Ta��l Yos2�{F+6 Pe�i � �� �1� �y � .'9' ,AraF� Y Na++t!l�A9.Ye PnAI Gte��H�s�tC DF cOnta�`ntl Cr rruefrr� � �� f.�.??.�?..�"......t1..�k.�.�',1'`�..-f�. .. ..N:e'1"`„� '..�.. . .. . �, S , �.Nc.-or k0 Box t�a. y .....�.............. ... �- ,��'�' ...'--.�.... �e�'f ��'�-•�(O-•-•�-•.. � `n:�-....__..�«. ......... ..... .. _...._.._..... ��---- ,zrF-o � ) t r`' f"i}<—�- W D P ' t � :,. J J.l l�.7 � ' �� � SENDER: f afsa wish ta receive 4he toUaw- � ia o Canwa+n.ms i.rwkr 2 tw ad6uor�..r,as. ing scrviees(far an eactra leej: � � CorRpleie�amt 8.4�.ai+6 4b. ' a�. D Plktl y01r M��M1 iAMdS[On RM�l�Mfii Ot M1B k7�'i0 tllii�v!CaYt Mu�if IhL O . ? CiR�10}'OY. �.���@SSBt�S��Q4$ +p ' * C!Atkidl�ht 1QfM(0 ih6 FfO+:S Of tIW l71L1PMC�.Of Ot1�ht WCk it fpiC4 dM4 I109 «� �t 2.(�Restricted Delivsry � � � o WMr'N�aum F�c�+W Roqwrsted'on iht my�ip�bMow ehe anida nunt»r, � p �Gadiversd. ���Wt�w t4 vA1Wn Uw irfidP wsc dMNe�ed and d'�!d�ale ,¢ ; � 8.Arode Addressect to: 4a.ArUGe N�xnber + � � � �,./ /Yir1 l.-�)'"�'G f"'� � 5 : o Ad,Service TYP� a / _/r ❑Ragistered ,�eAified ¢ ' //� ��!/!�O��`}''� �y"` ""�'�`(�- ❑Express Maii O Insurpd m � I / Q Retum Reee;pi tor MeKtW n0i4! ❑CQD � • �}.%�-�F�'�1'�t r t � ��J'tit!( ?,Q$IC f�aQI1V@ �� � � � ���'(,� > � 5, e�'wed 9y: nn1 lY d.Addressee's AdOress(On(y if requosted and c . �, ' tee is!�!d) � ; a 6�rg►iature(Add esssr or.Agonq t � b � PS Form 3811,December�994 sa!�es-sse-oxxa �orneatic Retum F�eceipt ' • . -,. �, w � � •• •R LM � , �� t �• S� a .-4 � � Pwl�qo � m cenl6wFe. '�J� '4�! . °- � � s�, � Rtrium Fiecaipt Fep ( V '� �(� � b (Enqaruym�nt!'irq�,y� f �} � . . G R�cu�ttW Dtiiv�ry F�e ` G1 tfnGOrs�mee�t R�pur�W (fD � �\ ,��t' � �� C � 'toW Po�yep�i F�y � . °'� (�� �--- Ql N M S Rscioien�a-�-�_—"' �f�'16aq t 1( bR tW+40tcqC A/•rny/er) m ............. !.�'�t_...���"'T'�'�.pr' u- su.oc qac n�c.:or no'Bo..'r..... ...................... . ........... ....._ ..--- ......._. � a �;. 11.'�'?..uJ'_....!:.4.!��" �r-��'t � r�`irrt.�tv«� -,...�....................�--�..r•— `` �e�n . '*`"A'� �'�.?p�' ...._....... � ;R� � V V b • � �A - tc'Ct Attacnrnent 13 S�hedule of Salaries �� 1 je A - r1C? - Propased Salary Scheduie ' Chief Executive f��cer �GO,aoa -$9Q,000 Principal �O,Q00 -$80,�Od Business Manager 35,4g0 —$55,OUQ Teaoher 35,p�Q -$55,040 Academic Cavnselor 35,000—$55,OOQ REIMS C1erk 2�,t}(?Ci -$�t8,Q00 �� i �� A - �'"t i J� I I :� i 1 � ! d S !i x 4 A�ChRlf;tlt '�4 Sampte Em�Ec�yment Cc�ntract The Board is in tf�e pracess af workang with lawyers to prepare various emplayrnent cantracts. � �w r 1.� p - h �. � Attachment 15 Emplayment Pvlicies A detailed and tharaugh Faculty/Staff handboak is in the process of being compiled. 0'J . �r � �� i � .�j I � , i { Attachment 16 Administratar's A�davit i,�:�� "I;� � - "t "� �tP .�' __ TEXAS ELIUCATI4N A�ENCY C?PEN-ENRQLL.MENT CHAR7ER SCHOOl.APPLICANT ' BtOGiRAPNtGAL.AFF1DAYtF (MUST B�T1fPED$r�d NQTARI2ED� Che+�k aR that appiy. , � Mern�er of the gave�ning board of the spansaring entity Q M�rnber of the managing t�c�erd for itie charter schoa! tt shouid ae undeestcsod that a t�aard member's resignatian is not eff�cfiv�, until a replacerneni is duty appointed by the board and a board rt�errzber may b� pexsonally 1iable for any actior�s taken by the b4ard. ❑Sc�oot administrator Fu91 Name of Sponscring EnYity and Nam� at Pro�+ased Ghart+�r S�har�ai: � Towc ef iJe�tlake '�estlak� Academv dn ccmnecticrr�wixh ttte abuve-rtamed organEzatian ant!d�arter schoc}1 a�Zplir,.a�or�r 1 herewrlth make representations and supply informaGan about myself as hereinaitee�et forth. {Attac�addendum�r separate stlaet i# space herean i�insuffident to answer any questions fu��Y-� !� AN�WER tS "NQ" O'R "NQNE",SCt STATE. 1. Ful!Nam�(lnii9als Not Ac�epiabtej: p� � ��tr.,yr �. Hav�you ever h�d your name�hang�d? uo if ye�,g�u� rea�ran far k��chatsge: � t►. c.Qtner names used at any time 3. Sociat Security Number, 4. Date and Place of 8itth: 5. Business AddresS; � V�llage Cirel� Suite 207 westlnke 2x 76262 8usir�ess Te�epnone: ���a3p-a857 6. l.ist yaur residences tar the last ten (i 0}years starting with your cusret�t address, giving: D� AD19RE CCt�' AND 5TA IP pzesent 9 - 9 9 ... � ��� M�l� p- � � 67 RFA ?Q3 A1-Qa4 ' fiA.�",-ASIt � � t r. 7. Education: Qates. Names,L�tions and tlegrees COliege- m�xas Tech University - MFA City t�tanagement �.986 Uns.versiCy o Texas o The 8ermxar� as n - R o itaca cience Graduate Studies Others 8. I.ist Memt�er�hi� in Profession�l SacietieS and Assc�ciations: A� ��fl� f��o����_„ l�_T^-,�.K �� < <,� 'r.�..�.a.. /�.� . � �•F .� �ru ..i. �n-� 9, . �'( a �t 1 � r � 4 10. Lisi complet�ert�pioyment recard{u�ta and including present jobs,positions, directarates or office�shipsa iQr tt►e past twenty.{20) years, . C7ATES __EMP'�fJYER ADQRESS TI?tLE _ ' 1998 - Present Petty & �ssaciates, Inc. K��.Ier, TX Press.de�—" 1997 -1999 .? CMPA,Inc Grapevine, resz en 1992 - 1997 City o gragevxne Grapev�.ne, i y r� �� - CiCy a grapevine agevine, s s - z y a u c , 19.Pr���nt empioyer may t�e cQnta�ted: �s No (Circle One} FoRner�cnpinyers m�y be cantacte€!: e hJo (�ircle�ne} 1�.a) Have you eveP been in a pasitian which eequired a fidelity bond? �n _ If any claims were made an the bond,give detaiis: b) Have you eur�r been deni�d an individuai o�pasitian schedu4e fideltty bond,Q� had a bond cancelSed c►r revak�cci?,�o _ _ _ tf yes, give detaits: 13.List any professionak, occupatiana!or vocatianal licer�ses issued by any public ar governmenta!IiGensing agency as�regulatory aulhority which �u presently holri or have held in the pasi. (5tate date ficense was issued. issuer oi ticense,date terminaled, reasons for t�mnination): 14,auring th�fast t�n (1 q)years, have you ever been refused a professianat, � Qccupatioriai or vocaiio�a!l�ce»se by atxy pubtiG or govemmental iicensin�agency or regulatory autharity, or has such license heid by yau ever been suspended or revoked?�ao if yss, give details: ' � a 6$ I�A?41-01-�44 SAS-A511 ��° �b �� ' 15.Wil(you ac members of your immediate tarnily be employed by (directty rar ihraugh coniract}Qr�eceiv�remuneratian trom the proposed chaMer schaoi?� fi yes, give detaiis: 16, Have yau ever been ad�ud�ed bankrupt? N� #?.Have yau ever been canvicted or had a sentence imposed or suspended ar had p�anouncement Qf a se�l�nce suapanded ar besn pardon�d fpr convictic�n of or pleadec! gvilty ar nal�caniendere ta any information oe indictment charging any fetofiy, or charging a fefon}!or misd�meanar involving mar�{turpitude�or have yau been the su�boeCt ot sny discipiina�y proceedings of any federai c�r state reguiatory age�cy? if yes, give details: 18.Have ye�u �ver been an cfficet,dire�tt�C,trustee, ir�vestmer�i ce�mm{ttee member, key etnployee, vr ct�ntro!lit�g stt�ckhalder�f any busine$5,which,whit�yau caccupi�d any such posiiian or eapacity with eespeGt to it, becaene insotvent Qr was placed under supervisiQn or in receivership, rehabilitation, liquidation or conservatarshi�a? �to 19.Are you now, or have you�ie�n, within the past five years, a plaintifi or defendant in any iawsuitiNO . !f so, please furnish detaiis: Qat�d and si�ned �his�,'�____eiay caf � f � 2Ci �; , St � 1 hereby ce�tify under p�enalty af perjury that I ar� aciing an my own beriatf, and that the foregoing staternents are tru� and carreci ta the best of my kn� and t�elie�, _ � (Signature of � nt) State of T�dh ' �aunty of 'f'r, .-�,--� Peesanally appeared b�fare me the above named T'r- � `�i personatly known to me, whn, bei�g duly swrom, deppses ar�d says that hetsh executed the abave instrument and ihat the statements and answers contained therein are tnae and carrect to the bGst of hislher know4edge and b�lief. Subscribed and swarn ta befor�me this '�� day of � � , 2Q G t . (Notar�r Pt►bEicj (S�AL} My carnmissiori e�yaires � tLiRt L ti0f�+ '-� AtY C�Qt�I F ; ��� ��� ��� � ' 4QRS L 1i0RAlt ; Aht COAN .�'�10H�E%!�� �� t �f .J � 69 R�A 7U1-Ol-OOw4 SAS-ASI1 _� r� I ,� � i li Attachrnent 1"7 Qrganizational Ghart �:�i �� c� - r18 � . ill�es�lake A�adetr�y t�►r�anizatit�n�l �hart t�Vestlake Academy Boara of Trustees Exec�utive Uire�+ctar P'rincipal �usine� Manag�r Teacher� Staff �E��� Clerk Counselar ��� �� ��� � � 't I � � E E i s `E � � :� . � Attachment 18 Letters of Cred�t 1 F�rivate Sources of�unds The attach�d instrurnentality res�futi�n reflects �nancial cc►mmitment fram the 7own af West(ake. ��1$i �. _ c�r-� A RES4LUTI4N ORDERING'F'I-�CR�A7ION OF A NON�'l�QFIT GORl'ORATTQN PURSUANT TQ T'HE TEXA�NON-PRQFtT CQ2ZF'ORATION AGT,AP�ROVING ' ARTiCLES OF INCORPt}RATIQN AND BYLAWS F4R,AAID APPOINTING THE �7I7IAL DSR�CTORS�F,�CORPt?RATtC1N,APPQTN'IT'NG C�,�t7AIN CQNSCJ�.T'ANTS,AND RESQLVING RELA.TED MATT�RS WHEREAS,this Baard of Aldermen{thc RiBaard"},as ihe�overning bady of the Town of West�ake, 'Texas(the"7'awn"),hereby fnd that it is in the pu�ilic interest thai a nan-prvfit corporation(ihe "Corparatian")be c�eated under the Texas No�n-Prafit Cor�soration Act fthG"Act"}ta act an bebalf of the Tawn as its ciuly constituted authority and instrumentalitX,within t#�e meaning of the Intern�l Revenuo Cade af 1986,as amended,for the purpose af praviding educational services and facilities; WT-iEREAS,the Act empowers,arnang other things,the CotpOration t0 acquirC a af7arter,pursuant to Chapter Y 2,5ubchapter p of the Educatian Code(the"Education Code"�,prqvide�ducatia�services,and acquir�,fsnance,and operate educational faGilities and faciiities related th�reta,as cr�niempLated by the Educacian Code and/or other law; W��ER.�AS, it is the irrtent af ihis Board that tha Corporatiorr shalt have sll pQwers autharizcd under the Act and c�iher taw tQ enable it to apply for and ot�tain a charter s�nder the Educatian Code atad provide educatian servicas and acquirc,finance,and operate educational facilities and facilities related ihercto,as conternplated by the�ducation Gode,the Act,andfor othtr law; '�VHER�AS,the Act authorizes the Carporatinn ta issue ccvenue bonds("Bonds")and/or to erster into athcr obligatians("dbligaticans")that,amdng actaer things,wit!facilitate providing educatian services and . facititie�and facititias reIated thereto; WI�REAS,no Bonds or 41�Iigations af the Ccsrparatian will aonstitute abligatiQns(wheth�r speGial, � genera�,ar morala a�'th�Tav�; I V�iEREAS,the Act provides that the dirGctoC;of the Cacporatian ar�to be appointed by tht Board; V41'HE.RE�AS,thc.Articles af Incarporatian(tha"Arciclas"}of the Corparation shatl pravide chaE no � mo+dification of the Articles or the$yl�ws(tt�e`Bylaws"'�of the Carporation shall ixk�eff�ct unless apprcavcd by this�aard, WHER.fiAS*this Board intends,by the adoption of this Resotution,ta takt,all actian nccessary to order the creatiun af the Corporation with a!1 of the corporate pc�wcrs and autharity granted under thc Act anci other l�w; WHEREAS,ihe mceting at which this Resolution has been considercd was optn ta tlta public as required by law,and public nbticc af ihe timc,gtace,and subjcct of the mcating has been�iven in�ccord$r►ct with ChapEer SS 1,Gavemment Gad�; N4W,TI�iEREFQRE,BE IT RESQLVEE?BY THE BQARL�OF ALDERI,�"N QF T�-iE TaWN QF WESTL.AIC�,TEXAS: SECTICJ2� 1. The findin�s and decfaracions�antained in the pr�amble of this Resolution�re hcreby incorpnrated as part of shis ResoJutian. �'�.� �» TAM 1l2Qf2001 r6 .l� �• $ 1 SEeT74N�. This Board hereby fiads ancf d�termines that it is in the best intere�r o�ihe Town and its inhabitants that the Corporation,to be named as specified in tha Articles, be cr�ated pursuant ta the Act to act on behalf of tf�t Town as its duly constituced authotity a�d instrumentaJity for the purgases and with the powers and authority prescrib�d by the Act and othcr taw. SECTIpN 3. This Board hereby orders th�creat�oR of the Corporation and approves the Articles in substantia(Iy the form attached to th�s Reso}utian as an e�ibit,arad hereby authorizes the incor}�aratars of the Corporatian(as identified in such Articles}to file the Articles with the Secretary of 5tate in accordance uvith , law. In the eveni that 4he name fqr the Gorporation specified in#he Articies is not available,the 'sncorporators are hereby authorizec#to change the Corporatian's name in the Articl�s without the further approval of the Tawn. 5EC7ION 4. 7�is Board hereby appoints the persans identified in the Articles to serve as the initiat mernbers of the board of directors of the Goegc�ratian. SECT[C}N 5. 'I�Yiis Board hereby approues the initiat Bylaws af the Corporatian in&utastantially the forrn attached to this Resolutiart as an etchibit. SEG77QN 6. lt is irstended that the Corporatsott b�a duly conssiluted auihority and instrvmentality of thc Town within th�meaning of regutaEians andlor revenue ruiings atthe Tr�asury Department anci/or the Intemai Revenue Serviae of the United States promulgated under Section I 15 ofthe Internal Revenue Gode af 19$6. 5ECT70N 7. With respect to the Tav�m ana its instrurr�entalities,the Board af Alderrrien her�by appainits Larry Williamso�t as finanGia(advisor,1`hamas Alten Moon as�nance caunsel,and]enkers�&Gilciarist, P,C. as special fat�ance caunsel. SECTIC)N S. 'This Resolution shall take effect irnrnediately npon its adoptio�n. � ��� �3 7AM 1/20l2W1 v1 �A � PASSED AN�AP'�'RC?VED C11�I THICu 12�L�AY CfF FEBRi�ARY'y 2001. AT'TEST: Sco�=� ey,Ma�+ax��� � �-_- +"'�`�� �S ��Y� Secrctary Trcai Petty,To � er APPRf�VED AS Td F . � � : ��,,, L. n L A rncp �� r r v j � '� R-�z�. Attachment 1� Sta�t-up Budget ��� $5 �- �� Rage 1 Startup �tudget for Westlake Acad�my 20�1-20�2 Charter Schaal Budget Categories Tempararily Object Uniestracted Restricted Tatat Code Net Assets Net A�sets N�t Assets at Heginning af Year $0 Estimated Revenues: Lacai Sources 570Q $'t50,000 State SOurC�s �$QQ $d Federat Saurc�s 5900 �+a C�tt�er Sources 7900 �� TotaE Estirnated Rerrgnues �0 �C! 15 , Est3ntated Expense�: Payroi!�osis 6100 ; $1Q4,QQ0 Praf�ssiona!and Contracted Se�'vic�s f2At3 � �50,Q00 Supplies at�d Materiais 6300 i $� Other C7perating�asts 640C} E �D Debt Expense 6540 ; $t} Ta�ta! Estimated �xpenses $Q $0 $154,Q0� Gains 1950 $4 Losses 895p SO Ghange In Net Asset� $0 �0 �0 Net Assets at�nd of Ysar $0 �0 $D . r ( r, � 7exas �ducatian Agency June 9� rs . c'��. � ; , s � � i ; � � ;� . `��r Attachr��nt 20 Thre�-year 8uclget ��.i �r A - 4t �' CharkeC Schaol Vilestlake Academy Page i For the Fiscat Year Ended Augu�t 31, Year 1 Charter Scltoak Bndget Gat�ego+�ies- Temporarily Qbjec# Unrestr�cted Restricted Tatal Code Net/ks.sets tJ.�f Assets Net Assels at�eginning af Y�a�r $Q � Estimated Revenues: � LQeal Sources 57QQ �t4�,000 � State Sc�urces 58� �1,613,935 � Federal6ource� 59C�Q S4q,f1Cl0 ; C}ther Sources �0 I Totat�stimat�ed Revenues �Q �0 $1,?93,935 � Estima�ec! E�cpense�. Payrall CasLs 61pQ i $1,130,OdQ P�a�ssional artd�Contracted Set>eice: 62Qt1 f� 5�412,t1Q0 SvppN+es and Mat�ri�Es 63Qt? f �180,500 Qttrer C1p�rating Costs 64t?D � �32,Q00 C3eb{Eacpens� 6500 ; �Q 'fot�t Estimated Expense� �Q �Q �i,754,500 Gains 795EI 539,435 Lost�es 893Q SO Cbange in Net Ass�e�s �Q $Q �39,4�5 Net Assets a!End af Year _ �0.— -- -�t�_-- _ ___ �39 43 a _ . � ' Tsxas Educaticm Agency Junc 99 1 of V) A• r�,1.�. :i - - � � � 3 � 1 � ( i Chatfier School Vt►estiake Academy � page 2 � Frar tt�e Fisca! Year�nded Ae�gust 3'!, l"`ear 1 � Gharte�Schoot Budg�t Categotie� (Cont�nued) Tempararif�r Function E'�bject Unrestricted Restricted Tatal Code Code h2et Assets I�et Assets ! i i ' Instruction 11 ! Pa�rotl Gasts 6.1 QQ ! $945,Q00 � Professionat and C.o�►trac#ed Serv�.e. 62C34 �. �1d,OQQ ,' �u�plies and Mat�tiaFs� 63t�Q r $12Q,f�QO � 4ther Clperating Gosts 64C7Q $�p,Qt?0 � Debt E�cpense 6500 ! $0 � Tc�tat instructian �Li �0 $9,{?95,QQt} Snstructiona! Resources ancE 12 Media Ser�tices � �axFa�cos� s�c�a �a�.aao� FcaFessics�aE and-�stracled Servi�e: 62tKi F'c4�0a0 Sup{�ties�nd M�3eri� 6300 �Q�f�30 fJther t�perating Casts 6400 � �1,OOQ Debt E�ense 65Q0 � �Q Total.Instructianal ResaurGes and. $Q ffi0 �70,Oq0 M�dia Services Gurricutum Qevelaprnent and!nslructFonai S�fE 13 . De�reiapment Paytfltt Gosts 8tQ0 ; �Q Profes,sian�t-ac+d Ct�f►t�a�ted Se�v+Ge: 62aQ ; $15,OOa Supplies and M�ttetiats f�3f30 ° �3.{�QU Qt�'ter Qper�tir►g Costs' 6400 ;' $6,U0�! Qek��t E�c�aens� 65�14� € �Q i'cta!Cutricutc�m.actdtrtsxrttcSiana!StafE. $� �C1 S24,QQt} G�ve#opment �'�� �.� Tr,�as EduGation Agawy Jurte 99 2 af Yt � � $`'"t Charter Schoa! Westlake A�ademy Page 3 Ftrr th� Fisca!Year E�tded A�gust 31, Y�ar 1 �ksarber Scf�a�at Bcr�get�ategorfes (Gcrntit�screct} Tempararily Functicn Object Unrestricted Restricted Tota( Code Cod� Net Assets� Net Assets In�tructianai l.ead�rship: 21 PaXrot1 Costs 8100 ��td,ODQ Rfafes�ic�a!ancL�Co�stract�d Ser�ri�e: £��OQ $6,000 �up�aties and Matet�ials fi3t�'? ' �1.5ff0 Uttter{�perat3ng CostS 64t1D � $�,Qt?0 De�t lnterest 65Q0 , �C1 T'crta! InstructionaE t,�a�er�f�dp .$0 $� 528,50f2 Sehoal leadecstts�: 2� Payrall�osts �1�Q ;. �85.QOQ P�af�ssio�al aric#�Gc��a�t�d�a�: 62t}Q- F �3rQE�t� �rr�ftes ar�h�l�terigfs �r3(X1� � �4,QQ0 C?ther Qperatin� ��sfs 64Qd ' �:3,t��(S Lebt Ir�terest 6�C�G � ��1 'Ca�tal Schca�!E.eac�ership $Lt � $0 $96,OQ0 Guiclance,Counseling and Evaluatia�r� �enrices 3t Pa3rroli Costs �1QQ ; �55,OOQ P�o#essiaaa�ar�d�Ca�tracted Sefvice: 62pQ I �4kat30 Suppiics and Mater'rals 63CCT� ; s�'42,OC30 bt�er C}perating Costs 6404 �+1,QQ(3 Debi-t�tecesi 6500 ! SO Tatat Guidaace,�c�unseiing and. �0 $0 �72,040 Eus�ttatitrn Services �J :� `�� Tex�s Educatian AgPacic .iuc�e 99 3 at l�t A- $$, :h�rtE*r Scttt�ot westlake Aeademy Page 4 Fcx tt�e FisGaE Yeac E�ded A�gust 3'f, Year 1 Charter Schoci Budget Categcaries�Carz�inoed} Temporarity Funetion Qb�eet Unrestricted Restrieted T�tal Gode Codc. Net Assets f�iet�ssets S�oceal Warlc Servi�; 32 Payrestl Gost� 69�Q. �t� P�afessior►at as�d Co�#r�c,ted Ser�rice: 6�fI0• SO Snp�fies atrr�Maleriafs 634t3 :GQ Qther Qperating Costs. 64QQ $Q i ������SF�s 6J4V E � Tatat Social Worlc Servi�s $p �Q �p 4ealth Sentices; 33 Pay�o�t�asts BttTo �,Q 6'tofessianat�ntS Contrac#ed Service: 6�Qd �20,�Qt) Supplie�and Materials 63Q0 $Q Qther Qper�tin�Gosts 640C1 �+{� Delat Expens� �5t1�}_ $t3 Total�iealth Ser�cices. $Q �tl $2Q,4QL� Studen4 Transpartatian �4 Pay�rvtt.Cosis 6.1Qq �(} Rro#eessional ae�d Contracted Service: . 6200 $Q �ctpplies artc!M�tetiats B3�Of� � S4� Qther O�erating.Costs 64dq � �Q a��;�Fer►� s�aa �o Tabl SWdeniTranspo�atio� $0 �Q �0 �}@.f � 1 TexaS�uc�ttaa Apency �lune 99 �4 qf Vi � ' $� Gharter Sch4o1 WesUake Academy Page� For ttte Fiscal.Year Ended August 3'!, Year 1 � � Charter'Schaol Budget Gategc�ti�s{Gontinu�tl� Temporarily �'unciian ab�,eet Unrestricted itestricbed Tatat Code Ccxi� Net Asse�s F�leEAssets Faod Services: 35 Pa�ratl Costs 61QQ E �Q Professi�ona4 and Co�tracied Secvic�s 62tU4 � �1*i�,OC10 Su�ltcs and Materiais 6304 � �Q Dther Caperating Costs 640Q �(l Debi�pense 65DU � S�4 T�affii Focd Senri�es �p $0 �140,OOQ GacumcularlExtraeurricular 36 Activities: Payro(1 Crzsts 8100 � $0 Pra�'e�sional anc��.ontracted S�ruices� f200 � ��} S�.spp�i�s a�d Ma#etia�s f34KD 5Q Other Q�aerating Casts 5�Q4 � 50 � Debt�aense 65DQ = �E} Tc�tal CacurricularlExtracuer�culaar 3Il $p �0 ACt�vities: Gen�ral Administr�inn: 41 Pa�rroil Gosts 610A ( 50 Prafes�iuc�aR�rl.Gor�traciet�Servic�: �2Q0. � $30,QQ4 � Sttppl�s astd Mater�al� 63Q4 f �tl � 4ther Qperating Costs 640G1 { S4 Gebt F�settsa &5QQ � $0 Total Generat Aclxnisris�ratioe� S+L� � $0 $3t�,00(7 i i � ��� �� � } TexBs Educatian Agerrclr June 99 5 of VC A - 1 C�C� ;hart�r Schoa! W�s�ake Academy Page 6 Fo�tk�e Fiscaf Year Ended,�.ugust 31, Year 1 Chart�r Schoo!Qudg¢t�Cafieg�orfes(Ganrtirlu�etF} Temporari(y Function C�bject Unrest�cted Restricted 1'ota! Code Gode Net Assets Ne.i Assets Ftant Maintanance and Op�rra tivns: 51 Payrol!Go&ts 6100 � ��1 Pfofess'�ottat and Gor�#rac;ted Service: 6200 � $150,QQ0 �app}its artd Matetisls �i3UQ . � $A CC�t►er Ope�atrc�Casts � 6�4�kt S,0 Debt F�cperue �54Q � �t? � 'fntat Pl�nt Main�nanr,e $Q �0 $�45Q,OOt1 and Qperations ,ecurit�r ared Mvnitarir�g 52 Serreices: P�yrol1 Casts 640Q � SO f'rofessic�nal and Cantract�d�Se�i�e: £�200 t $15,pQ4 Serpp4ies arrtd [dfateeials 63tt0 �C► t)ther C7perating�os1s fi4flD ; �t� Debt Ex�nse 65C►p 4 �fl Total Securityr axud Morutnrislg $� �Q $9�,OQQ Services: L7ats� PraGessing Services: 53 Payrot�Gosis �t4Q St� Prafess�rwl arid Gar�t►acted Ser�ice: �2D0 • �15,OQt� Sztpp#ies aryd Materriisls 83tK1 �0 Other C}perating.Casts 6400 �0 Debf Expehs� . fi�00 g $0 Torat G►ata Pmceasing Servi�es SO $� �15,Q00 ��i �� Tex$s Educafion Agency June 98 B of YI p - t C�t Chartef �chooi Westiake Acaderny Page 7 ' For the Fiscal Year End�d August 31, Year 1 ' (:harter Schaol E�udg�t Categories(Continuedj Tert7porarily Function abject Lfnrestricted Restricted Tatal Gode CQde Net Assets Net A�sets Corr►munity Servxccs: 61 Payrail Cosis 61 Qa j $Q Q�o#essionaf and Cani�aeled S�enrir„�: 6204 ; �L1 S�ppiies and Matetiais 63f74 i $0 tJther Qperating Gos2s 64Q0 E $0 Debt Expertse 65D0 �0 Tota�Community Services �4 �0 SO Fund Rai�ing: 81 Payrall Costs �100 ( $0 Praf�ssi�r►al and.Gonteac�ted Senrice:. �a2�}Q ' SQ S�pp�ies�ted Mai�iaf�s 630C} ° �4 4ther dp�eating Casts 64t?a ' S4 Detat F�cpense 6�00 S� Totai fund Raising �Q �0 $0 ��� �� 7exas Edueatian Agency June 98 7 af VI - A- � C► �» ;j __ ; i i ':h�rt�t�Scttaol We�ttake Acadeeny Page i � �or the �s�caE lf�ar End�d Ae�gc�st�t, �'�ar Z i Charter Schaol Bud�ei Cate�flries Tempera�ly Ob}ect Unrestri�ted Restricted Total Cade �let Asset� NetAsset� Net Asset�at Beginning of Year �39,435 �stimated Revenues: Locai Sources ��1Q,O�Q State 8aurces $2,�l2t1,3{?3 Federal SauGces. $4tt,Ot}t� Qther Sourcea �0 'iatal.Estimated R�venues $Q $0 $2,67Q,903 �stimated Expenses: PayroU Costs StCtfl $'1,710,Ott0 Prof�ss,iar+at and Contracfed 5erv'rce; 62QQ� $59�,Ut�} Suppiie� attd Mi�teriats 63C1Q � �20�,OOa tJther Ctp�rating'Gosts 6400 i �74,Q00 pebt E�cpense FSt�U � �C1 Tot�l £sSirna�e:d �xpens�s �,0 $0 52,584,OQC} Gains Z95Q �86,903 �.oss�s 8950 �0 Ghatnge u1 NetA�sset� �Q �►Q $�86,9U3 Net Assets at End of Year $0 $0 $126,338 Q� ' ra� v 7euas Educ�tiaa Agertcy Junc 99 9 of VI A - 1Q3 Charter School Westlake Academy �'�9e� Far th� Fiscal Yeac End.ed Ac�gust.31, � Year Z ' Charter 5choo!Eudgei�ategoriss�Cantinued Temparu�iy Functian 4bjecY Unrestritted Restricted ficta! Code Gsad� Net Assefs. Net Assets Instructior� 1? Paytoll Costs �tQO : $f,5?T,OpQ Pfofessio�al and Gor�tcacted Setvice: 624{1. i $30,400 Stt�plies arxi Materiai& 6304 S12Q,Q44 C�U76�C��JEf2�ICig COStS �(}Q ��,�}�� flebt Exper�se 650Q � �� Tatai lnstructio� �0 $0 $1,?12,OQ0 tnstructional Resources and 12 Media S�rvices Payroll Cost� �1Q0 ; �27,0f3� Professit�nna3 and Gofltrac9ed Service: fs�p� i $6,OQ0 �ta�ap�aes and Ntatetials 63Q0 ; �6Q,Q00 Q2herOpera�ingCasts 8404 � $1,OOQ i i�ebt E.�cpense �SQQ , $0 TCta! tnst�uGtic�nal Resources araci S�Q $a �94,Q00 � Medi� Services CurricraEum C}eveiopmen! and Instru�tianai Staff 13 t�vctcgment Payrc�ll Gt�Sts 61OQ � �Q Professianal and Gontraded Servicc�: 62Q0 $2fl,000 Supplies artd Materrafs fi�QO ; $3,OOQ Other Qperating Casts 640p �2�,OC� Debt�ense 6500 � �Q Tata1 Curriculwn and instr�ctianal Staff $0 $� b46,t]04 D�v�iopment ��?: �u" Texas Education Agency Jurre 9S 9 of YI t� _ t C� �t ! ! a E 1 i � I :harter Schoca�4 Wes�lake Academy Fage 3 For the �scat Year Encied Auc�ust 31, Year 2 f Gharte�5ahool Budget Cabegories{Cc�ntinued� � 7empvrarily Fur►crian Qb�eat Unrestricted Re�,tricted 'fa#al ('n,ia f`neia Ale�t acca4C Nost�acF+te tnstruetianal Leadership; 21 Fayrotl Ccrsts 6�00 � �21,OOa Pro�ass�r�rraJ arrdCarizzzactac�.Ser3ricet 62a� ; �6,Qfl0 Sup�plies attd Materials 63t3(� � S2.OQt� • Other C?p�raiing Costs 6400 ; �1,OOQ Debt inter�st 6a0Q �Q � Tata! lnstrutts"onal Leaciershlp SQ $� �3Q.Q40 SGhooi LesdePshifx: Z3 Payroil,GasLs 8t04 � �88,DOQ Prafessionat and.Gonfr.acted Servac�.. 62Q0 ! �4,UUa �upplies�anti PJ�ateriaFs 63t10 ' $S,O�Q C�th�er Up�ecating Cr�sts 640t) �3,000 pebt inierest ��40 i �a ro�c �ct,�o� �.���e��,i� sa �o ��s�,000 Guidance� Gounseling and �vaE�ation Services 31 s P�yra11 Costs 61aQ ( $57,Q00 Professiotta!and Gt��tcacted SeNice, 62Qta� � 9'i6,QQQ Sup�plies artd lv�attriials 634� R 518,40Q Other�perating Costs 6�00 ? S't,000 Qebt Inter�st 65Q0 j �Cl Tota1 Gu�d�wce,Counseling and �o �0. �82,O�t4 Evaivation Servlces -� Texaa Educ�Uan A,genc�r June 98 t0 of VI �� , `` � a. t t�5 Ct�arter Sct�ool Westlake Acaderny Page 4 For th� Fiscst Year Er�ded August 31, Y'ear�2 ' Gharter Sct�C�a!Budget L:,abegocies(Gontinued� ' temporarily Functiort f�bjeet Unrestricted Restrictect Tatal Cacie Cade tJet Assets PIe�-As�et� Sociai Wnck Serveces: 32 Payraf!Gos#s 61.OQ �0 t�fafessiona!and Carura�teti.Serwir�:. 62�L1. � �a Suppifes �tnd Materia}s F3t?f? ; $�l Other Qperating Casts 64qQ ; �Q Debt Ex�aense 6500 = �0 Totat Sacia!Vtifork Seruiocs $Q �d $Ct Health Services: 33 Fayratl Casts 6tC�f? �Q Professionai and CorttraciecY Service; �2QLI $3Q,t1Q4 Sup�lies and Mate�i�ts 63Qb �t} Qther Qperatirtg Costs 64t�U �� t'�bt Expe�s,e fi5Q�0 $0 Totaf Heattn Sesviees �� $4 $30,Q00 Stude�t Transportation �4 Payrr�ll Costs 6100 ! $0 Praf��siana!a�d.Gontcactect�ervice: 6200 i SO Supp(ias and Ma#er�als f 33(}Q �Cl om�-o���ng cssts s� � �o c��t���►se s�Qa ; �a Torat Student TranspoRation �Q �4 �+t} {�� i °t� ;fexas Education Aaeacy June 88 t1 oL VI �p► - \ C� 3 i _"_..._..._._.._.__ . �i I � I{ 7 Gharter School Wes�tiak�Academy Page S For the FiscaF Ye� End��4+agust �1� YeaE 2 C�ar'ter Schoc�f Budget�abegdries(Gontirrued} Temporariiy Funcl�or� ab�ect UnrestrrGt�d Restri�tec! Tatal Code Gade Net Assets [�det.4ssets FaQd Seroice�: 35 Payrall Cost� 61 QO � SO Pfafessional and Gontcacted Seruice:. fi2Q0 � $214,Q40 SupPfies artaC Maferia�a fi30t3 I SQ Qthert?peratirtg Cos#s 64QtT ; �(� [7ebt F.acp�r�,se 65Q4 ; �f3 Tatat Foad Serv�ces $Q $0 �21a,000 CocurriculadExtracurricular 36 ACtI V Ft1�S: P8}frall CQStS 81 Qd $0 Prdfession�t and Coretcact�d Senrice: 620t3 $Q Suppdie5 srrci h+R�ferisEs 63�Of} 5� tather�Jperating Gasts 6�Wt? �p �,��:��$e s�o� � �a Tata!Gacurrialitari�.xtracurricular �0 �{� $0 Activities: General/�►dministrattQn: 41 Payresli Costs 6100 � �0 Prot'essbnat and Conuacted Service. 6200 ; � �4Q,f}00 Snppfies anct Mataria4s 6300 ! $D Gther Qperaking Cost� 64Q0 � �€� DebtExpense 6500 � �0 Tvtat Generai Adrr�i�nistratian �0 �t? �O,OUO 0�� �;� Tdxes�ducat.ion Agancy June 99 12 af VI .�► . e�-�ra Gharter Schaal West#ake Academy P'a9e fi ' Fac tMe �scai Yea� Ended Auqust 3'f,� Ye:�r 2� Cha�ier S�hao!Bud�et Gategc�ries i�ontine�eci? TemRararity Function C�bject U�If4S�l'1C16d Restricted Tot�l Goti� . Ca�e ttilpt_�sss� . 1�t,a.tA�;�eL� P'1aM MaintenanGe and Opera tiot�s; a 1 Payrali Costs 69Up � SO �fa���x;a���ont�aa��se���e: r,2a� ' ��aa,00a supp#;gs a�,d Mater►a�s � 68aa � s�4 Other f?perating �osts fi4b{� � SQ Debt Exp�r�se �Q ; �0 7nta1 P1ant Main�enance $Q $Q �2�,QQ0 attd Q�era�ions Security ar►d Manitoring 52 Services: Payroll Costs 61Q0 i �Q Pfafessiar�ai ar�d Cartfa-�tect Seruice� 62DQ t �Ct�,Ct00 Su�rpli�s and M�a�t�ats 63t?t} � �� Cyttt�r Qper�tirrg�o�ts fi40a ; �Q i Debt FXpense 6500 ; SO ; Toffii Securit,y.and Monit�cin� �t� S�t� �2Q,40Q Servites- Data Praaessing Services: 53 PaXroII Gost� 6100 ( a0 Pro�essic�a)and�ofttcacled Service: 620Q i �2Q,OQ0 Scrtppfies and Material$ 6300 � S�E} C7ther C7psrating Costs 6400 t �0 Debt Ea�per�se 65�Q t �0 Tata{ Data Proce�ing Senrices �0 SU $20,OQ0 ��tiu� Teacas Educaticm� ,lune 99 1�cf Vt ' A. 1.C}4� Chatt�l°$e�1001 Wcatiake Aaaderny Page 7 For the Fisc.ai Year Ended�0.us�ust 31, 1'ear 2 _ Cha�ter Schoel Buc}get Cabegcries(Conxinuerf}� Tem�aorarity �ur�ction C7bject Unrestricted Restrict�d Tata( Cacie Gocte �dei Asse# t�t�t As�efS Ccsmmunity Serveces� &1 PayrallGasis 6�00 - $t? Praf�ssional a�c�d Ct�ntracteci.Ssncice� 6200 $� Srtppl�es and A+4aterka�s 63t}Q� $� Other Gperating Cost� 6400 ' $Q L�ebt Expense 650q ; �p 1'crtaF Comcnunity Serv�c+� . �D �0 $Q Furtd €�aising; 8� E�a�rcotE C�sts 6404 ; �p Pfa#essior�a!and�c}ntFactec���nri-c,e� �20p $0 Scpp�rties a;�cf P�I�ien�l� �3�J ; g�{? Oth�r Operat�ng Ccssts 644C� � $Q L?�k�t fi�c�aense 85L�0 ; $0 T�#ae �►��d Raisi�-ig 3�Lt �t� SO � ; � �1�'��'I Texas Education AQenGy June 39 t4 ot il( r^� _ 1 r°ti� ':harter Schoo# West�ake Academy Page� ' r"ut•the FisGat Year Ertded A,�gyst 31, Yeat 3 Charte�SchoQl Budget Gategories Temporarily C�bje.ct LincesiriGted Restricbesi Total Gode Net Assets Net Assets t�et Assets at Beginr�ing of Yesr �12fi,338 j E�timated Revenues: ' L�cal Sources $2�U,Q40 State Sources �3,227,87t? Federal Svurr� �4Q,Q00 ' Other Seu�ces SQ Total �stimated kcvenues $4 $D ��,547,£370 �stimated Expenses: PayroN Casts 6tOQ � $2,3a�,QOQ Prafess�at arrcf Go�tracted:�n�sc,�; 62p0 = $753,8C1Q Suppii�s and Materiats 63pfl i ��9,St)q C�ther Qperatin�Costs &�aQ 1 �96,t�t�0 bebt Eacpen�e 6500 ; �G Toq� �stirnrnated Exp�nses �� 50 �3,496,U00 Gai�s 795Q 551,670 �osses 895d $U Change in NetAssets �0 $b $51,870 Net Asse3s at End Qf Year $Q $Q �178,�08 ��?�� 'Te�tas EduC�t'ipr►A�3nCy JuFse 99 15 Ot Vl 'R- 1 � ti.."?. Chart�t'Schoal --- Westt�ke�cadem� t�age� Fext the Fisca� Y�ar Ended Aagust 31, Year 3 Charter Schoat Budget Categaries (Cantin�ed} Temporarily Function pbject llnrestricted Restricbeti T4t�l Gode Gvde NetA.sseCs Net�sset� Instruction 1'! , Payral!Costs fit00 � �2,145,000 ProfessionaE ar�d.Co�tracied S�ruice:- 62C1�. i �O,OQQ Suppfi�s and Materiafs 6"�fJO S18f},000 Ott�er Operatirtg C�sts fi4QQ � 575,Q00 t?�bt Ex�ense . 65DQ� ! �a Totallnstructitin $0 $D �2,440,000 Instructionat R�saur�es and 12 l9@tlia SeNtC@S Payroll Casts . 610U ; �3(},t�'►Q PFO�BS�#Gfi�O St1Q C4flftc'1C�Bd SEPVIG�: �t}� �$,fl�� SuppFi+�s a�d Materfals 630f} �75,t100 Cithef t�per�ting Casts �400 � �2,Q0(3 Debt F�cp�nse 65Qp � 5t� Tata! lnstructianat Resaurces and $E3 $Q $'i 15,Q00 Medisi Services CurriGulunn Uevelopm�rtt and Instructional Staff i3 t?eveloprnent Payral�CQsts 61{}Q 1 �Q Professic�n�l andConfracted 5er�ice; 62{10 � i �20,QOCt Snp�ali�a artd M�lerials fi3L�0 j S4,Q00 bther Qperati�►g Costs f4bd ! �t4,00E} Debt E.�ense 6500 ; �D Tata!Curricutum and Instr�ctior�al Sta�f $�4 34 �38,�Q [7evelopment �� .. ^ u ;�.-' ,� Texas EducaUon Agency June 99 16 t�[Yl .-x_ � � � Charter SchOol Westiake Academy Page 3 �ar the Fiscal Year Ended August 3'!; 1F�ar_3 ' Charter Sck�a�l Budget Ca;e�gofieS{Cantinued} _____ 7ennporarily �unctiun C�b�ect Unrestricted Restricted' Tata! Gode �ade Net Asaets Ne#Asse� Instructianal.Leader�hip: �1 Pa�rrali �asts 6100 � �22,40Q Prafessionatac�dCo�ttractsd.Secuice: 820G1. ` �7,500 S�rpplies and Materiais f 3Q0 i �2,5C10 C7therOperaiing Costs 64QQ 1 �1,L1b0 Debt fnterest 6500 �Q �'a�C I�►struciior�al Leadership �0 �► �33,C?Ct� Schaof Geactership; �3 Payroil Ga�ts 61pp ; �92,t�10 Rrafessionak and.Cantracted Servic.e. 620Q ; �S,OOa Supplies antf Malerials 6300 ` �6,DE3b �ther Operating Cos�s 64QC? '�3,090 Qebt tntecest 6�Q0 �D To�at Scho�f Leacfers�sfp �Q �Q �10f,00Q GuidaneeA Gounseling and � EvaMuatio�t Ssruic,es 3'� Payroll Co�ts 6140 $66,DOQ Prafessianat and Cantracted Se�vice;. 6?.C)Q S�B,Ltda Suppfies arrd M�tetials f340 S24,D� OtherC�peraGn�Costs 6�40Q �1,000 Det�t Interest Fi�pQ � 50 'fata!Czuidance.GaunseEing and �Q $Q $99,C?flQ Eva�e,atiora Se�vices �'�'�G Texas F.���tL^^q&e� June 39 . tZ'ot.Vt l�t- 1 1 ;�.. i a � i i! � 'i � �harter �chaol Westlake Academy Pa�e A � �or th��iscal V'ear-Ended A�gust 39, Year 3 + __ �hart��Sc�ac�l Budget Gat,�$aries(Cantinued} TemporariEy Function abject Unrest�icted R�stricted Tatai Gud� Cocf� tJ�x Ass�ets Nei.4ssets 5aciad INodc.s�eruir�es; 32 Payrpi!Costs 6140 i �0 Professioo7a!and Cantracted Service: 62QQ $0 �tpp4i�s and Matc�riaEs 6300 ' � C',�er t�p�rating Cc�sts F40Q �Q Debt Expense 65Q0 ! �0 7atai Secial Work Services �.0 �0 gp Heatth Serviaes: 3� Payrott Costs 61t70 $0 fi'rofea�ionaE and Gc�ntracted Ssnfic�: 6��� $�t?,000 auppties anti Mate�ials B3C�} �t� t,ther Operaeing Cost� 64Q4 �CF �t ��e� ��aa $a 7ota1 Nealth Setvices $Q $0 $40,OOQ Studer�t Transp�rtation 34 6�ay�roil Costs 6100 ; �0 P�otessiucia!and Contracted Secvice; 6200 s �0 Sr�ppiies anc!Materials 6�f}0 � �Q Qther t�perating Ca�ts fi400 ; �0 Debi F_x�ense 65Q0 � 3t� Tc�ta!�tudent Transportatian �a $0 �Q �p��}� Tex,�s Edttcation A�ency June 99 18 af VI [�,_ l � �, Charter Schaol Wes�ake Academy Page 5 Fcu!hE Fiscal Year Ended August 3°!, Year 3 ' ' Charier Srhoo! Budget Gategories(Continued) Ternporariiy Function Qbjecf Unrestricbed Restricted Total Code Ca�de. I�feL lxssets UtetAs��ets Foeui Services� 35 PayroU Casis 6104 i SO Protessionat and Cor�tracted Service: fi2Q0 � �28Q,000 � Sttpp}ies aarrtd Materisls 630t3 i $Q OUter 4perating Gos4s b40Q ' $(? De.bt Ex�r�ss 65t1Q � SO Totai.Eoad Services �p $0. $28ti,QQO. �ocurricularlExtracurricular 36 Activities: . Paymrt costs �1 ap ; s0 PFafessiarEal and Car►tr�cted�rvic�: 62t�0 t �0 Suppl�s and Materrahs 630[F ; $a Qlher Qperating Gasts 64D0 � �(1 Det�P Exp.ense 65DL1 Sd� Tatat Gacur.ricularlExtracurricutar $0 �Q $0 Activifrc�s: General Administrxtian: 41 � Payroll Costs 6tQQ � �p Pfofessianal anci Cdntracied Service: 62Q0 � $45,000 Sup�iies anrf Materials 63Q0 �` $t� C�ther C7perating Costs 6400 I $D Debi Exper►se 85Q0. � $0 Tota{G�ner�Adm+nistratio� $4 �0 $45,000 ���f�b Texas Eduaa�a�P�ency June 99 19 ot Vl ea_ t t �..! 1 � � i{ t i{ Ghart�r Schaol Westtake Academy Pagg 6 � For ttte �iscat Y�ar�nded�gust 31� Year 3 . � eha+�r schoct Budget Categaries(Goettinc►ed} Ternpcsrarily Fun�tian t�bject UnrestriGted Restricted Totaf Code Coc4e Net Assats NeiAssets Piant Maint+�nance and t}perations: �1 Payrail Costs f1t� � $(3 Pccfessi�na! and Cawacted Servic.e: C2D0 � S25Q,QOQ Suppfi�rs and Matetials 63�Q4 = $4 Qther C�eratirtg Costs 6400 �i $C1 s C7etsi�xpen�e 65t)0 i � Totat Plant Maiatenance �a $0 �25�t},QQO and Qperatian� yecucity and Manita�np �� �rvices: Paytoii Costs 61QQ � 30 Professaonal�nd�a�t�sct�d 5ervic�: 62tk� } $25.t?C�0 Supplies and Mat�riais 63b0 � �0 �ther C3p�rating Casts . 6�OQ � �0 Debt Expense 6�OQ �tl �'otai Security and Monitoring �0 $0 �25,lJOt? Senrices: pata Rracessir+g �rvices; 53 Fayrali Casts 6'lp0 SO P�ofessianal and Contracted Se�vice: �2Qt7 �25,000 St�p�fies artd Meterials 6300 SO Other Qperating�osts 640d SO L�et�i E�pense 65pQ k �0 Total Qara Pr.a�r�xin�SerYic�es -:�0 �t? �25,C?00 ����� T�s Educat�an Agency June�8 �0 0�VI pt- 1 1 !� Charter SC�ooR Westfake Acaderrty Page 7 '' For t�e Fscal Year Ended August 31; Year 3 Cha.rier Schoal�udget Categori�s(Continued' Tempora ri1y IFunctic�n (�bject Unrestrieted Restricted Tertal Gode. Gade NetAsseLs ������ Camrttunity Services: f t Payt�o�l GostS £��OQ ; $0 Professional artd.Coatracteci.Sexvice. 624Q i �a Scrp�4ies and Materia�s fi304 � �Q Other C�Rerating Costs 64t�E1 � �C� Debt Expense 6S{)0 ; �0 Totaf Gommuaa3ty Services 3�0 �0 5Q Fund f�aising: 81 Payroll Gosts 61Q0 �� Prrx€essi€�r►aC and Gas�Rracteci Se�vor,,�; 620Q � �Q S�sp�res and Mate�afs �30C� ' �D t�ther ap�rating Gosts 644a $� l�ebt F�cpense 850Q j $0 1"ota! Fund Raising $£M $t} $0 ����f� rear�s Education Ageney June s9 21 af Vt Ck- t 11n l � t 3 Attachment 2'i Cash-flaw ����}� .-, _ � � "t Ceeh Fhw Pto�ediai YJrnFA1F0pt Yr t Fa�Itw ii�cal Yeu�ndaf Auptrst 31ct, 2002 Nanbd(7un�rBd�od YJeatlskeM,.derfry CaMripu�on Atar4�heE�h T�I�ghwie ,�9F7)2718tOR -w�wewa .ne o.� a r �I.. e .�w' ,we �us a e.n„c. ui �wi ua000 �saao uaoa m �s uoeo >>e �iaona isnco ___ _.___. ---.._____. __._ ---_..___.. Fw. e � � tiz�ue ciai +e s�•ue �a ua �•ue �z�+u �s�,in �i�ue fxa i�e tin tbt FW�ti �0000 —"_ —__'__— __"__ .._......._. .._._._._.._. .._._..___. —_.. lnw ia��n�n�a i�ee una�u tpo to ._ ue�f�e.......______!»���a.----��So��e. .---1J?9,1!i.._. ue nw t�e._._� s�i.i ua �six��i4_ �a .anouyw�._. ..... _..... ..... .. . ... . .__... _.... .__.. .... . ..... _... a cu�+er 5411Bi 7 p S9��t Gf 1 9 FI f6Y 9N IEI 1W{81 19/1ET M 167 {107 V�7G? s..�.� ��� � eiuo eroo � 7 ce�oo erro seroo rou �ap � uaoo � R�rA IIWYMa Q000 tEa00 fl000 71IOOD t3 ifi0flo 3 tIW IE /�000 ]Ofq )dM 1QW Mcp t�T t!7 fi6� 5/07l0 1 7�I 1 7 i1 l00 � T ._..____._ . .____.._. ._._....._"_ "_"..._."_.._ '"_""""'.... _..__"_"__..__"__._""_ __'__.._.._._.... . _"_—_ .._____ .._...._ ..__._ .._._...... ....._. __—"__.__ WO I70 Nf1000 6000 1150pU f11�00 f�0000 ,Y, il.bOp f,__S,._�W � t50C .. . . _____ _______'_ . .____.___. .__...._._.'_.. .. ._.__'"' ' ...___"._._... . __""_"_' ""_'_"____. ..._'_____'"' _—'___ _______ .._____ _ ._ TnvY t Ofrr SOQ 500 itlM _17.StN! ._..��j�50o 600 f4'AO 160o tt604 1 _— —' _ '— ---_'—_'—'__""_-- _'"_'"_______"_—____ '_____ " __ _''-- _'_"_""'__"'""'"_ hY�dp�l�M kY�n�f b tam� W C1Mt (MMy wwi•a Emdrn�nl FuNN�, . &AY'G^.lW �edOMrrCp�M fo1M F�M � � fi9),11T ��_, {�}d,11} t lti 1S/f1} it,_S��j.).) t�5iLi7 11�I11T t119Eti ft�llfl S�GJt17 i107411 t3�g1! � .. _..�._ ___._. � ....._ ____.._.... __._..__.. ....._...._..__ .._..... ...... ....... ._.__ ..___ ...__ . . ....._.. �y �tN�t N �°°�a""`» F- Cn►MAaw�le G��OWOwt �w.� �rM�lonM1 /R7 i YI uroat ��siese N96 fi2�69 2W iM f)88 [tOT]I SIB.iJI �f01lE iy a�HrWt fs21l1 1 17 FOEN �.. fSl��Ti {16ZOS l]Il7Q ......}T0.861 ......570.19R ...-� {iEati...... �)}f.. . E�90P� ...t3�175 �1 1 � . Geah FWvr Projedron Wakstroei Yr 2 Fot IM Flccd Yeer ErWad Auputl 71st, 200� N1me d GhaHtr 8<hndl Watl�w.Aeri.�r ConleqPMOn MerMdW�fi iBlaphaM (8T11���9�OR . rub.n iYNn � S�pf Otf MaY Vee JIR �D AHr Ap Nry Jun ,fut Aup , e.p eN.�. c..Rwoew. leW��urp� !600 7 5pp fN1000 UtSW 7 tI 9A0 it2103 i22500 &N�Su�sa� i Ta} i20t I�! t � yp� /1 / I I� t t 7�T 3 1 t� t0i i� Z01 7�1 )OI 7�P 1 T�7 t76t �t iM�tNBoue�a �0 team 7a.i n.a� . t � ia��Et c e. . �i}��s u�z.t ix.i�x u���.: nx� � x�x�x xnr x� i r�� izoti �� GtM QuPat 1'�vtn1 ti 60� l�� i�}ypp 1� SOp Is SOp i�SW Si� 590 i11)ypp 1f�2500 i1260p f� :Ap 1� 600 WMi a Wd��Wn�l ��W� ]DOM tt0000 it6000 16000 1t0900 IQOQp 1U000 ftpppu f0U9.t A (IZ,OOp tl �1 RM� UMSM� 1!� fTxWU ti}OOp 1 1 I/�J {I� 1 ap0 Sf OCq 1SMD 5��0 f�dNf i6fOn OIMf,gM`Atn tT,l�/ 1 f lre'!1 F17A11 t11M111 1ref� f11e1� �571� ss� s 8upp!r t)5000 {3 OW 15 ]0007 ISWU IY5 iQ t306 �+� 4150U SOD ID 1enM�(W�r �__ s5Utl0. U(qG lSo00 SOCo 5906 i OOa bJ0 (fWG 5000 )7500 f) W F1ipGD PN+�WM M�G I�hnN kr LOpn � rA Otl+u Fl��ndiy FlvN�ucf .�_ � Eplpmrt, finRrR, e�eoo..t.m rd O�w Gp�M �_ � toW Cn� Q (wi .� m7�t� �aaa� s: t� au �ae� zoras+ izao�� �zessa. irne�� �»e�� � N M E:�u� �� m.awn�rl C�M�.Maws N: C1�110UpeH y, IwMfMM1h N OV9 i110� fl1 SE.OB t� fB�pE f/6lPd II9,�U6 FflWD i176W 7Z79110 f�)�S V e r Carh Fian P�ojeciion NbrksAaet Yr J Fa lhe Fistei Yeer E�deQ August 31et, 20nn NVMNCiMAarSthod NY4a�NAad�my Con4GPenm u�rvtnA�e�n � "..........___ ............_. lolephon� IPti/i]SP100 11rMNwEm S�pt Oa1 Nw Mc hn F�b M�r Apr MtY h^ ✓� ��0 � 8� fl�l��n Ce�1 aw 4xY� ...770000 f1Q 30000 ib 30006 1}GO:V _ 1 .�UIqV ._._.�300W 9� .___�j¢§,y�P.._,.r.�Z00,i0P �MAYOY azue,pea--------i�aev_uo f BB69 i0BD89 {] 4 t6E 9 tlld9Bi 15C B ---------._— �---____. ....._------------ __..—----___— ---- ------ --- ----- — � . . ibrYSwrts� {�0000 __.__'" Lun� Ta�lPml • 3}�6IIP 1 DY f9�6BEB 2 BJ@ i2RE DlY09 �! @ 36 ee 4 f] Y0F C���ONpo�x P� fAi dQ 1 7 ip9 I1PBZ30 �,1,,,90�SQ f1Lj9,}50 fi6�1S0 ....fIW.25F. .f1➢0.7A 5lpdJ50 319@)50 �06�56 ......_.__..__..._..._ . .__—__.-_ _.__. ___. . ____. __ —_ .___ ___ _... SwvkAt PmN1YmU 6� S �t !i3 tt 15 1 Ei5 1it75 tt2e76 12875 S B15 til�6 515006 I5500R 2 OPO P�M 0 5 �SOLO �tl00 1?700Q SIIIX10 150M f15D00 IiOWP f50W f OOtl f7 OD6 OIMr 7fMf�u� f51/0} 711L7 )t 1 T ti�6t I]t 16t {J11lT ilt 16T f.li IC7 1'Ai t l�Ot �16) f tG1 nn .�l:S i iwaoo �x .._._-__.__.12�ao.._ esonoo �zaoo ___.. s�..00a_..._._.. sio.000.,_,,,_ t�aona a�ooao __ ,c�esoa, i�av���Oewr... ._._ ......... ..._.... ...... .. .... _... ........ ..... ........ ...... ... ..... ... .. E y60 6 IAO I95W }0 W 29500 00 f457Q tOSOP � t/6 Phr.y�M n8 H�.nqbrlP�a W dl�w r�,.�,�tm l4rtM��d E7�p^ML iu��err. Hu�etq�.t�M r,eaewrap�M ta.i c•.n an o.� �sae�r__}Zx�u� wr t9078t szwdex..._----fag�,Lu� 4ua'+o aza�r9� ___.__:zeirez .ss� :��ev ._........qnr i h. w,,,, e,e... � � �n.nwnc.rl N e..eNnow�ee G�n ON�a� � twIMMOMh i30 12�M1�.1 �IItQT il 7 �M] i1,i91 110tY7 !?�181__ 11B.1Yi f9707I FST0T1 F111,97I 0 {ES�IO 16160} S4TlOt 191001 iWl fP1]pS ii1D592 i110]99 {1�70M 11/005G i1BJ1]0 r170.a0R � 1 Attachment�? Business Pracedures Handtaool� �(1��3 p�_ ti '�3..t �usir� ��s ������ ���������� �����.� o���� �Q .. r a 2. ; . J i3 . . 1 ����� �� �������� t���� J � . .. .,. • TAHLE C)F CQNTENTS Sectian A ' 1. PURCHASING Purchasing Autharity Purchase(�rderstPurchase Requisition Ordcr Complction Back C?rders Charge Purchases Rec�ipts Payment Policy II. REQUEST F'OR REIMBURSEMEN'T Guidelines �ection B I. EMPLOYEE TRAVEL Authori2ati,�n Trave!Arrangement�s Trave�Exp�nses Travcl Reimbursemeart II. STUDENT TRA'VEL Meals SeCtian C I. �I�EI7 ASSET3 Guideliaes II. INVENT�RY Guidetines ���� � .-. s �tt! 3 3i 3 ;i i ; j� SCCtIOri I} I. �QtJTFMI�"NF itEPAIR Guideluaes TL WC}RK ORDER S Guideti.ues S�ction E £. �'AYRt?LL FRf7CEIaURE3 Check Issuanre Payroll Cycles Enrollment Deduc�qon C6anges 4V'-4 Infocmation II. SUFP�,E1viENTAL PAY/C}'�rERTIME £�auidctincs Seetion F I. LEAVES ,4T@ ABSEh�C�S Prc-appraved NQt pre-approved I�, VACATION REGLILATIC�21S Sc�eduirs Regulations Vscation Requests ����� I �C A- 1?r.� Section G ' I. MISCELLANE�US Mail Prc�cessing Faxing Supplies Iusuraace Famis Darnaged ar Lost Frogerty Injury�Reporting Hcating/Cootizzg Req�ests ���� � �a_ ! �1� { i 1 '!� � i , �J�����1� � . I. PURC��A�ING II. R.E�QMLTEST FC�R �Il'v�t�RSEMEI`��' � ��� � � �— c�..� Section A - ' I. PURCHASFNG ' Purchasin�Authoritv The employee inust have verbaI or written approvat of tfle Superintendent,busintss manager,or campus principa�befose purchasing or chargzng supplies or msterials. Furchase requisition proceduses as o�atlined in t�xis�aziu�}wil�be fot�o�.ved foa all Distzici purchases. Students ase not allnwed tc,purchast or cF�arge items for t3se Dis�tric� p l���i� �l.a�� lT�S� £Qli„�OIl� All purchases fas which the Districi as respansibl�vuill be mad�through the fcaIl�wing pxocess: 1. Payments will be made thraugh the busincss offiGe by purchas�arder(Eac�ubit�}oa7E�, 2. Submit ncquests far supplies or matezaals an requisiuon fozms(Exhibit A)ta tbe campu� prir,c'rpai ar sugervasor. These forms arc avaitable at each campus ar t��rough the buszness afficc. Af�er appraval,the reguisitian is to be farwasded to t�xe busiaess off"ice for authorizatiort and processing. �. Requisi�ons must b�fill�d aut comple��ly and m�ast be coded f�r budgatary accot,x�t dastributinn. Signati.u�s of the emptauee and carnpus princigal or su�ervisor must appear at the t+attom af th� form. Infarmation caacerning whettter the gurchase flrdtr c�requisiti€��is ta be m�ailed,faxed,vr retumcd to the emplQyee for phane orderi.n�shouid also be includedo �td�r CQrn�r�,�tL The ycllow capy of the requisacian v�rill be retizmed to tbe employee with the purchase arder number recorded at the top. This cQpy should tae retained by the emglcayee�tastil the arder is coaiplete. CM compltcion of the order the yetlow copy, wiih�I packing sIigs attached artd thc completian dat�noied,wi.11 be �arwarded ta the bu�iness affice for payment pro�essing. �ack Ord�rs Sufficient Bm�needs to be allowed for delivery of sugplies or materials witben the schooi��ar. The esz��,3ayee is resgonsible for notify7ng the vendor concernang back arders or reQrdcring. t'�h�E�Pi�rchasts 1 C�t���'}:� � �• � �Q 'i E i � ; j l � >3` iI Per'sodiGally it is neeessary to charge sup�fies or m�terials at loea�businesses. \ier�aal agprova! _ from the campus principal or sup�rvisoe must be obtained prior ta any char�e purchases being made, $ cein s � ' It is thc responsibility of the emplayee ta forward reccipts far alI ehaz�e purchases to tt�e business offiGe wishia 3 days. P'avme�nt Policv Payment proeedures will be as fQllov�s: 1. Ve�dors vvill be gaid fQr goods gurchased by tt�r I)issza�t a�ily after the business af�ice �as received a proper invaice,aIl perc�ent re�eigts,and the yellow capy of��purchas� requisitian from tt�e emgloyee wzth the ozder carnpietisrn date noted. 2. All paym�uts will be agpraved by ttYe Superintend�nt and/ar b�siness manager. 3. Al7 paymtnis will be s�bm�tted to thc Board far�agpro�a]at the regular raeeti�g ar�the second Tuesday of each ma�th_ Cl�e�ks wiil be issued�the next da?'- II. REQUE5T F�R.R.E°.�UR.SSE;h�2�T D'astrict gurchases made�y az��m�sl�y�e with persan�l �,anc�s can be�eian.baars�d thr��t�h the fallowin�proCess: l. Ret.aiu�l receipty. 2. Q�tain a reisnbe�rs�ment of expenditures fonn(Exhibit C}fror.n the business office. 3. Cvxng]et��nd reaZar�a th�reimbursement of expendatures forna to the business�#�icc for agproval alang with z21 receipts. The request will noc b�pracessed withaut valid receipts. �. T�e request wi11 be pro�ccrsse�d for payment durir�g the next accounts payable cyGie. r 2 ����i �. t "� Ca �������.J'� � I. E1`MPLC.�YEE TRAVEL II. ST�JDEI�IT T'R.A.VEL � O�r��� ,a - t °� Section� I. EMPLOYEE TRAV`EI. At�t orization �istrict emgloyees must obtain verbal,approva!from the S�uperintendent,camp�principal, ar superviscrr�efar�tra�el arran�exneuts are made. Travej�gements Lmpioyees may requesi the business afl�Ge to make�rawel arrangements. Ali necessary ir�formatioa concerning the trip �rill be submitted ta the business office with arngle time for arrangements to�re mad�. Travel arrangemer�ts rnay a.tso tae rnade by tile eznpXayee. A Grcdit card nwnber caa be abta�ined from the busincss aff�ce for usc when making arr�ngemer��ts. 'Ibc mc�st economica�mcans shauId altiva}rs bc taken into considerstion when ma�cing any arrangements for which the District wi11 be res�oz�ible. A�rangements for travel by schaol vehicle are ta�ie made by e-mailing tTje maintenance d�parnneut. Except ixz emergency situations,requessEss should be made at le�3 days psior tea the tzip. ravel .� Ernpla�e�s ssaay request cash far trav�l exgens�s. Cash acPvarzce proc�d���e as follat�s: 1. 4btain a c�sh advance request form(Exh�`bit D) from the business t�ffice. 2. Carnpleted form will be returned ta the b�zsiness office raa Iater tf�an 3 days pri�c ta�seed�d casFi advance. 3. Qbtain a cash aavance verifieatinn fcir�(Exhibit E)a€ter r�turning frcirrz trip. 4. Carr,�leted form will�e r�turued ta the busin�ss o�ice aSon�wittz all receigts aud a,ny cash remaining within 5 d�ys�poa rezurnin� firom trig. Ftecei�ts must equai th�a2uount of money sgenC. District credit cards ean be issued to emplayees when eash is nat preferced, Receigts fr�r sueh expersses and credit cards vv�ll t�e t�uned in ta the business office wi�fun 3 days upoa retu�xiing from trip. �-avel Re�mb;�seme_n_t . , ��J�`�� a es _ t `�r t Trave�expens�s paid for by su emplayee with personat fiuids can t�reimbursed by fol2vwing these grc�cedures: l. Retain ail receipts. 2. Obtain a reimhursement of expenses fo�n(Exhibit C)frozn the business offcG. 3. Campteted form alang with valid receipts�ttached wili be returned to th�business oi�'iGe �rrithin S days upan returning&om tng. Th�fQrm wilt nat be pracess�cE without receipts. 4. The reimburscment will be processed for gayment during the next accaunts payabte cycle, tI. S'I`tJ'DEN'T TRAV�L � Reeou2me�.ded student meal prices aze$6.SQ at the distnct level,�B.OQ at th�regionat lcvel,anc3 �1 Q.OQ at the srtate level far e�ch meal incfuding tig. Meals for ovemight trips may avera�G this� amaunt� Employees raust obtain a purchasc order(Exhibit B) from tbc busines,�affic�far student meals far which tkie District is responsible. Requcsts must bc made at least� days priar ta trig. Employees will be responsiblc for se�cctiag places to eat and determining if thc establishment will accept a purchase order for gaymen�. REceipts for student m;eals will b�e forwarded tc�tbe busaness office withiFa 3 days upan r�turning from trip. All other qt�estians cancer�.ing studaBt traveE are addr�ss�d i�z t�it Tra�el scction. q �}���� c�_ l �2. ��ti✓��4.,�1. � � �. FI��.E.I� A�SETS II. �7`��I'�TC�R.'S� � 0���� . �.4�� Sectian C I. �'I�ED ASSETS A fixed asset is an item purchased by thc District and will remain fsxed in one lacatian. T`bese are items that will have a lifetime use of at Ieast S yaars and value af SSQO.a4 or naare. SuGh items aze desks,chairs,tables,camputeis,etc. All fixed assets gurchased hy the Disvict are assigned an inventory nurab�rr for tracing Purposes. A black adhesive backed stick�r,with thG assigncd inventory numher indicated on it�is affix�d te the itern aficr paymeat has bcGn rnada In cascs u�taen it is nat possible far thc adhesive styc�er to be affixed ta the itcm,the assi�ned inventary numk�r will be wxitte�on the itern with a permanent anark�r,and kept on file by th�fixed assets�ec'orciinatar. II. . INVENTQRY When an it�rn is maved from one location to anothez,an iaventory re�eipt�transfez recard form (Exhibit F�will b�carnpleted by thc Emplo�+ce and retumed ta th�fi�ctd assets coord'►nator. If an item is darnaged beynnd repair or last,aa inveatery removal form(Exhibit G�will be c�mpleted b�th�ernp�ayce and retum�d alang vr�th the adhes�ve sticker,when ava.itablc,to thc fiaced assets coc�rdiaator. Au annual inventory of school property wii2 b�eoQducted each sprin�and Dist��ct�rngloyees are respc��nsibl�far verifyin� and aecounting far all fuced asscts assigned ta the empiayee, 5 � C1J2o �, _,-�. } i 1 � � I 'i E �E�TIC�I�I � � r. ���I��ENT P:EF� I�. W C�� C}�DER� ����� c�-e'�� Scction I� I. EQUTPI�fENT REFAIRS ' AlI emplayecs must have verbat or written approval of the �up�rintendent, business tnanager,or campu�grincip�l before any equipment is schoduled far repair. EctapiQye�s will be responsible for selecting a vendor to repair the equigmant and deternuning if the vcndor will$ccegt a purchase order fcar paymeat. The most economical me�ns should always be taken intn cansideration when makang cegais arraz�gements for�vlzich tht District will be re5pau��bi�. li. WOR.I�l'�RDERS Wark Qrder procedures will be as fotlo�: 1. Submit a work order request(Eachibit H� to the Superintendent. These forn�s are avai�able at each c�unpus ar through the adrnixxisvratzan office. ,4fter prioritiz�izrg,the rcquest wi�l be forwarded to the ma2ntenar�ce superti7sor by the Su�rintendeai. �, Qn Gompletion of th�job,ttae wark ordcr, with the cornpletian date not�d,will t� fozwardcd to cbc Superintend�nt by the maintenance supervisor fos f�al approval. 3. The wark ordex wit2 b�#'on�uded tc�t�►c employec i.ni�atin�the,uark order by th� Sugerac�tendent far signatuse of approv�I. 4. The wark arder shauld be resubr�aitted until the vvork is satisfactary. � �}���c� t�- 1"'.�to i !t .} 6 � � � 9 I � i E . i S�E�TI�I� E �. �A�.��,�, ��.c������s II. �UPPL�I�E2�TT.�...L P'A�''/C��R"I`� U���S �1-t"�' Section E I. PAYROLL PROCEDURES (�„heck I�nce Fayrol!checks will be issued an the 2Sth af eac�month. Should this day fall an a weekend ar cturing a schaol holid8y,ehecks will be issued ou Friday or the last day of schoat before th� � hatiday. Payroll eheeks will be issued early only wheu an employee will be out af town on tho s�heduled pay date. V'erbal �pproval will b�given by the Superintendent and/or business manag�r, p,�rr�►1_t Cy_cles The annual pay cycles wiI!be as follaws: Frofcssionat Personal 12-rnonth emgloyc�s 3uly 1-June 3Q l 1•monih esnployees August l�-July 31 1 Q�-month emglayees Sept. 1-Augvst 31 Seeretarics, Clerics,Aides I2-mc�nth emgloye� 3vly 1-3un�30 t 1-mantie empl�yee.s August t-duty 31 1 U-month ernployaos Sept. 1-Augvst�I Maintenance and Food Service 12-manth ernplo�ees Sept 1-August 31 9-month employees Sept� 1•May 31 F.n�QJ Imtnt Enrallment for payroll deduetians occurs during teacher inservice in Aug�. D�duction ChanQts Payroll deductiau change pracedures will be as follaws: t. 4btain a payrotl deduction change forrn (F.actzibii I�from the bustness Qffice. 2. Cornplcte and retzun the payroI�deducsian c3�ange form to the busin�ss office by tt�ic fu�st of � ����� A-t'?�f the rnonth. This is neccssary in order for th��h�n�e ta be effectivc for the Gwrcnt pay geriad. Deductic�n c}�aitges for the Wi.nk.ter County Credit Union sh�c�ld be handfed d'arcetty thrau�h that ' institut�oa. �.mj 1Lv_'G.�.`�`.�4IlL1r3 i n Employees wilI cauzplete a�ew V41-4 during feachez ir,,s�rvice in August each ycar. 1`his infa�natian�nay be ugdated�needed elt�g t�e year by��btaining a new'V►r-4&om the busine�s office, The new for�s mzast be submirtte�ta ttze b�ines�offic�b}�the 15th d�y of the mQnth in order far ihe chaflge e4 be effect�ve far the ciure�t pa�g�ri�d. II. SIJFPLEMENT�,L PAYIQ'VERTIhRE �1�mental PayLE}vertim� Supplemer�tal pay andiar ovenirrie prc>ccdures wj1l be as foi�ows: 1. �btain a supplemcntal pay reque�t form oz time card(Exhibit J& K)fram th�business office. 2. Camplete and rett�rsz the supgJ�anental pay request forrn ar time cazd ta tbe b�zsFness af�ice. The tequ�st will not be proccssed withcaut the signature of eh�ca�p�ts pri.ncipal or sup�rvisc7r. 3. All requests for suFplemental pay and/or av�rtime astust be submitted ta the lausiness sffic� by the I Sth day af the cr�onth in arder to receive pa}rment during th�c�xrrent F�Y P��ad. � Should ttiis day fall nn a weekend,the emplayee wiil have ur�til naon on the f4tlowi.�ag Iv1e�r�day to s�xbmit the rec�uesf. � . � ��23.� t�- � �Lr��l�..�`1 r � I. LEAVES A,ND ABSENCE� I�. VAGATIt�I�]` I��irtTL�A.T�{�1�15 JQ�3� A - �`�C t Z t � � � � f i� $ecilCtn F t. LEAVES ANT?A�SENCES Fre-appraved absence prae�dt�res will be as fallorvs: 1. Qbtain a pre-approve�persanal ie�vc request fcarrn(E�1ait L)from th� administratic�n office,camp�s grincipal,ar supervisor. 2. �omplete and return the pre-approved ptrsona!leave request form to th�car�npus principat or sugervisor at least� days pri4s to date c�f request far apgroval. 3. Qnce approued, submit the pre-appraved personal leave request farm ta the Superintendent for final approval. Frt>cedures far absences not pr�-�gprc�v�d will be as fol[ows: 1. Notifu the casngus prin�ipal ar sup�rvisor t�y?:00 a.m.on the day af a�set�ce scs that atzangements for a subsatut�can b�made,if necessary. 2, Qbtain ark absence from duty fotzn(Exhibit M}from the administratian c�f�'ice, cazngus pri,naipal or supervisor u�o�returning to work. 3. Coznpiete and returci:the absenee frc�m draty form imm�diat�iy i4 th�c�p�principa[c�x supervi sar for apgr�vai. 4. Qnce approved,submit tt�e absence&om duty farux to the Superintendent for f�a.l ap�pmval. II. VACATIQN REGULATIOAFS V��rian Sched��ej All ernplo}�ees in pasitiorz�sequiria�� 12 months of s�rvice ger y�ar,who have o�e e�r marc�+e,�rs af senrice�vvi'th the District,shal!}�e eligible for a paid vacatic�n. "Ihe vaeati�n sch�ule e�ili bc as�'ollaws: Y�ars�f Service Vacatian I-S 2 weeks 6-1 a 3 weeks 11-l 9 4 weeks 2d or rnore S weeks � tJl1��..�J C1--1'�+L t ��Ln.Rs Ia ioris Vacatian regutatians will bo€�s f4tlaws. ' i. Vacation days are earaed Juty l to June 30. 2. T�n carr�yover days arG pern�itted each year. All other vacation days nat t�.tcen by June 3Q ; will iac losz. 3. Vacation sGba3ules must ltiave prior appraval and be piacett on the calendar�that adequate staff is available ta agerate th�District. Q, A formal rcquest for vacatian must be subrnitt�d tQ the Superintendent andlar supervisor c�n a District request far vacation forr.�. c�ti n Requ�sts Vacation request procedures will be as foilaws. i. Obtain a request for vaeation farm(�xhibit N}fram the aduninistratian office ar supervi�r. Z. Campietc and returr►the r�quest for vacatian farm to tile sugervisor far apgn�wa3. 3. Eanee appmv�d,su�rnit the request far vacativn farm to the Sugen`mtenxi�t�e fe�x finai. approval. A rccard of aceru�d leave bet�efit�w�i� k�e kept in th�adzninzs�tian ofFicc. Gtu�rer�t leavG �JaI�CCS W1II�C ICpd1't$CI C3C}2 II1O11L�'i OI7�PI1jJ��Q�CC'S C�iCCIC SEll�. It is the re�xa�sihi}ity af tbe i employee tc�verify these balances each month for accuracy. � I , ����� . 1{� Q,-1'�l: ��t✓ 1 ��1 r V I � I. MISCELL.�.��TEC}LTS i t�0�35 �a-.�� Sectian G I. Mt�CELLANEQUS I�1�1°�. -as�.�� All parcels ta be mailcd must be sepasated inta local and out of town stacks and delivered to the administration affice by 2:30 p.m< each da}�far psocessing. Farcels deliuered after that time will be mailed the fallowi.ng day. E.a�ii� Atl items ta be faxed are the responsibility of tht emgloyee. EmFloy�es may use the fax maehinG in the adminis�atios�o#�ice during re�ular o#�ce hours. Students will not b� aIiQw�d to fa�c itesas for the District or its employees. � ��� Miscellaneous suppiics such as chalk, pe�s,penciks, fiIe£olders,cage,etc.,can be obYain�d throug2s tht administratian officc. jn.�s �nce F�� Ia�s-ur-�ce claim foa-zr�.s cau be obtairxxeci throu�h the�a€:siness Q�ice. ��Ecslsr L�t� - In the event of b�rgiary, vanda2ismr or any activiiy ihat results in ciamaged ar last District prQperty,empiayees shall r�part the incident ta the campus Fziz�cipal ar supervisc►r, 'I'he prF.ncipal or supervisar shall natify the ga�i�e and the Superintendent's office. The Superintencien#an;dlor �tLi$221�'S5 TYlai13��%S�'lall Y1Oti{� L�'f�F,�YSt�Ct's insuranc�claims handler of the da.-nage ar loss. ��1�. �i't�t1� M employee injured on the aob shall natif�the caanpas prineipal ar supervisar hy the ead of the work day. Ti�e injury shaEl be repcarted to the br�iness man�.ger witb.in 3 days for the purpase af ccampleting warkers' comgezvsation reports. The business manager will camplete and sign ih� report azid a capy of the repart will t�provided to the ernplayee_ �n injury ua[caz�sidcred minor by the camgus grincipal or sugervisor shauld be refened immediately ta a daetc�r or medical faeility. An emptoyee absent frorn work due ta an an the�ob injury,and receivisig wt�rkers'carnpcnsaCion 11 =�°����� t�•�+�t• !� r w 1 i; 3 � ; a f€ " � ben�fits, must have weekly cantact wic�a the campus principal ar sup�rvisor ur�l�ss other '' arrar�gements art made. Heati g _ o in�,R�uests Periodieally it is necessary fox th�heating or caoti.ng s�stcm to be extended t�eyond normnal schQal haurs. Extended hour h�ating or caoIing�equest grocedures will b�e as f�llaws: 1. C}btain a requ�st for extended haurs heat%ngfcc�c�ling form(E�ch.ibit O� from thc Suzsetint�ndent's s�ccetary in the adrainis�ratian o�iee. 2. Completed form�xritI be returned to the Superintendent°s seeretary mo later zhan 3 days priar to date af request. Incomplete fornis will be returned. I2 ���,� ;( rA-`�� ��I�� �ITS ����� �,-�y� ; � - -- -- � �I , � ? , , � � EXHIHITS � A. FtEQLTISTT'I�I� B. PURCHASE ORDER G. REIMHURSEMENT t�F EXPENnITCFRES D. eASH AI7VANCE�Et�UEST E. �ASH ADVANCE�VERIFICATIQN �. INVENTtJRY RECEIYTfIRANSFER RECORI? �. ��raRY x�av��, H. WQRK ORUER REQUEST I. FAYRCILL UEDUCTIt7�N CHANGE J. SLJPPLEI�'�I'AL FAY REQT.TEST I�. TfME CAR� T�. PERS(�NAL LEAVE R.�QUEST M. ABS�TTCE FRQM DUT'Y REPORT N, R�QtTEST FUR VACA'l IaN Q� REQUEST FC)R EXTF1�'DET?�OURS �'��3� c�-��� - - • r � • • s'�� �� • � • •1! � � �� � '.�� . • '. ,�• i ,.� •��i ' • '• � ♦• � s •r - � • r • • r� ��.. -• •' � ',��' 'w ri�� � i � MM• ' � �t` �II. . I .. . :..'.'�� • '�� �i •' ���L:L:I 111��� -���� -�� _-�.� ��� �_��- -�� ���� �, ��-_, -1 ��-� � -��� --�_ ���� -��, -��, _� -� �-��- ��-� ���._ �i��� .. . �.. ' ��' -�����. ���� . .������ �,�� ���-. ��-,�.. . . . . ., �� ���-� ��,■ -� -,; ���� ��, -,�. ��, -�.. .. �,�' _-- �� ��. � � - a -� • � ■� •�. '�r?� : i• •" Ir'1`� � : '• i' ' •! ' •••�"�� • k � ♦ . �- ��� r +' �• ; • i r� I � � ! � � •�' . � . .. ��-. .. . ��' ' ��,. ' �. "_ - •• . . • � Y�.Liiii� �� � � �� t • 1� ► ♦ f. r ■ � ■ �. f1F •i • '■ � � � • •�• • r a ai . . {,. . . . � . ��ii�Y:+:7 si:�riniilYiiJii�.'���� �'��� �� - ��� •. . ��:�!� •1�.� +�������...+_ts����� .����������5�� ■-■-��---■-�� ��■���.��■��■ .�■-���_�-- . �-■�■�����1�.�� ■���■�����--- ■-■-■- ���. -��■�--�■.-,-� . -■-■-■__-�_� - i■���■■����r��■��■�� ��������������� . EXHIBZT C ' _ REIMBURSEMENT dF E7CPENp1TUR�S NAME: DATE: j�EAL RE:IM�tJRS� E2�►T EMPt,QYEE MEALS S STC.�DENT MEALS � TC}TAL M�AL.REII�2B UR"Elvf�.'NZ' � k.EGISTR.P�,TIt)N FEE S P.a�cr?�r�, T�t,�re. s sv���,��s s ��s s 14r!'ISCEI�LA:�d"EOUS � TOTAL Q'�"�-ff:R REIMBURSE?�fENT S T�TAL REINtBURSEMENT I7UE S REASON�4R EXPENL�ITLTitL EMPL4YEE SiGMATURE BUSFt�i£S5 GF�'10E APPRCIVAL $������ �_r �� j -- 3 � a g ! �XHISIT D � � l l � • IE - CASH ADVANC� ftEQUEST PAY TtJ: ACT1�'ITY: PLACE: DEPARTIIR.�: RETtJR2�: MEeL� EMFLO'�EE ME�►LS @ S I O.LiQ=S_ S'I�.TDENT MEALS (a�,S f.�0=S (�,a � 8,04=S ���a.o�-s zc���t.�v�e� ��v�s-r�Q�.��.s � �?IkiE�B A_ ��.�..���_��T� REGISTRATIQN�'�'E � PAR�TNC,�,TAXI,ETC. S t�sc��t�ar�au� � TUTA�I.QTHER ADVA.NCE R.EQUESTS S TC1►TAL CASH AY31�`ANCE REQLI�STED S_ Sl�iI3ATURE t3f EMFCOYEE BUSIN�SS QFFIC�APPRQVAl. ��,��� A- te:i EXHI�IT � ' � CASN ADVANCE �'ERIF[CA�'i�N NA1v!£: � DATE: ' MFAL F���I f � EMPLQYEE MEALS S STUDENT MEALS � TQ?A,L, MEAL EXPENDINRES S S2T13F.,�?�.£R� ���sr�►nar�F� � PAItKING,TAXi�E?'G. S MISCELLANEOUS � 5 TC1T,r�L C►THEFt EXF�NDITUFtES � CASH A,L�VANCE RECEIVEL) � TOTAL EXP�NDTTURES S TtTTAL CASH RETIFRNEI? � 7OTAL S DiFFER.ENC$DLT�TQ ENiPLOY`�E � EMPLCIYEE SIGNATURE BUSINESS C}FFICE APFRQVAL ����4 r. _ , �� s r ii � S C � � j i; INVEM'QRY RECEIPTlTRANSFER RECORQ� , R�turn to Adm11t1lt��tlon C1t11c� Fix�d A�swl• Caordin�i�r t1ATE: � oUANMY NAME 6 MAKE dF raW�MlMT NiYlNfORY f t�RfAl! MODlL ! LOCATWN ! .�' . c� �11' � �,y t\i X ' � � I TNANIF�M �� "F110M" AR�A "T0� ANEA � ,kUtHOMTA710N: tiONA7URl: P,,,,,,„ AlONATUII/: _�,_ y M EXHIBZT G - i�vvErrzo�Y tt�t�ovA� MATERIALS AND EQUII�MEN7'ST(7L�N, D�STRC7YED, DAMAGEI�,flR LQST # C?F NAME AND STQLEN DESTROYEt� DAMAGED PUfi�CH. ITEMS D£SCRIPTIC?N FRIC�& OFITEM YEAA APPR.QVAI.; E1�1FL�YE�SIGNANR� DATE SUPER�ISCtR SICiNAnJRE DATE FLX�D ASSET Cf70R.L>tNATOR DATE ��c�6 �.,�� E?CHIBIT � ";; 'i `i - wVQRK �RDER REQ�..3�ST BUILDtNG& RQ�OM Nf�. DATE WQRK NEEi�Et�AS F(�I.LC}WS: ' REP'4RTE,I�BY: APPRQVAT..; SUPERINTENL�ENT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISC3R EMFG4YEE J��� 7 I c. _o �s; �xxraxT z . FAYRt�LL QEDUCTEQN CH,ANGE �'�RM NAME: DATE: Pf�ase s�op the follawing payroll dcductions effGcsive tt�is pa��txriod. GQMPANY AMOUNT cor��Arr� �a�mrr i I CQrMPATIY AMOUNT CQMPANY A1�1tJUNT �QMPANY AMUCTI�i'I` EMPLCIY'EE 81GNATUKE PRINT NAME SC?GIAL SECURITY ARIMBER BUSINESS O�FICE AFPRC?�AL ���Q$ c�..4 e�a_ EXHIBIT J � SUPFLE�MENTAL FAY REQtJEST DATE REASQN FC?R REQUEST � EMFL4YF�StGNATUR� SUPERV�SQft SSGNANRE ���� � +�.. . ��► � EXHIBIT � MXM� ANQ lOC��4 �CC. MtiYlitR dR lYlM,O7tr ' wtCK �'u , Mflt^I. TUC',I. WE . TMURS. F . s�t. sOt'AL ' � i[aINMIM �M ' 4N M�t IN �; IM «a tM IN IM Ka4A� '�'�.. • auY ovt our ou4 our � ouT our . � i I � J«*tl.lfr t1�k�+qNsr�s�+�wr• f.r+i w�++*�!�i!i�Ya�w�siwi. •.�rt ��,ir � w�� '�"` �Gl EXHIBIT L � P�RSONAL LEAVE REQUEST NA�E CAMPL`S DATE OF REQUESTEI7 LEA1�E � REAS4N FlJR ABSENC�� �'LUYEE SIGI�tATCJRE DA'E`E �P]l�t�Vr�L.: CAF�YFUS P�tlhiCig'.�T. C3�Z SUF�'V"ISC}�t ; SU�'ERiN"t�l'v'DENT � NAME 4F SLBSTTTUTE(s) ��r� i .-. . ee EXHIBIT M � ASSENC� FRQM DUT`Y REPQRI" �MPG(7�'EE NAME CAMPUS c,au��a� �,Bs�rrc�: �a�cs�a�.�a�s�c�: TR7M�3�R OF I�AYS A.BSENT: EMPL.QYEE SIGNAT1JFtE STATE P .R4QN,�j� .FAY - �l.g�, ;tTA SICK L 'AYE I�AYS t�Y0NDI8CRETIQNARY PEkS�NAL ILLNESS DISCRETTC}NARY ILLI�tESS QR C?EATI� I�I I?vfl`�I}tAT"E FA��fTL.1' FAMIt,.Y`EM�,RG�NC�t' NA1"tJ�AL'DiSA�"T�R ZQTAL aAYS TOTAL DA1�S t- �rK.t fi v - �►Y',� SICIC LEA.VE P'ERSQNAL LEAVE U'f'E�ER TQTAL �AY`S NAME QF SUBSTITUTE(s}: DATES: DATES: SIGNATURE OF SUP�,R"'�SQR ;3J��� � �--1�v t 3 ; .. 7 j �xxraz� N � 3 � � 4 � - REQUEST�OR YACAT}ON ���f 1 rcquest that my ��acation time be approved for th� following dates: I understar,d tt�t vacation time inay not be takcn untit it is earncd and anly t0 days are cumu�st�ve fro�n�tar t�yesr. � i I , I EMPLf�YEE SIGNATU�tE DATE ' CAMFL,�S APPR�YAY.: Stl�''ERTNTENDENT 4FC.SUPER�'ISC��2 D�A'I'� � • �}�f5;i A- t� f Attachment 23 Morrtftly sud�et status l��port ����-� ���� � :i � I _-__._._ ...._......__'_`__..... � � � � � � Wesflake Academy i V�estlake TeYas } � � Combi�n�d Stat�ment af Rer�eaue, Eagenditures � and G6anges in Fund �alaace For Nlonth Ended Sept�mber,Z40Q Geuex�►1 Qperatitsg�u�nds Go4e pescription Amended�udget Actual Yariance Percetttage Rev¢t'rnes: 57Gt0 toCat,ttttetmedi9te ar�d Ot�t-o1�Staie � - S - � - O.OG% 58CK1 Statez Program Ravenues . . _ O.OQ°k � 59C�}�edecai Program Rev�enues - - - Q.00°k Fotaf Revenues $ $ � Q.04% EarpanaUlvr�:s: f t �rt.�a't �' - � - S - {1.L1Q°16 12 lnsh'uciiDn ResourCes 8�MediB$etviC�e& - - - 0.00°�6 13 Cuniculiun�Instructianal Statf Devebpr - _ - O.Q4°h 27 tnstn�etioria(Leaciership . _ . 0.00`f6 23 Sc�toof Lee�dershiP - - - q.0a% 31 Guidarot�b Co+xzsellie�gg Se�vices - - - O.W% 32 Attend�nca - - - Q.QQ96 J3 FieaNti Se+'vices _ . o p.tK3% 34 F'cptl TransRortatipt� _ _ _ 4.OQ% 35 Fppcf 5etvlcaerS _ _ _ q.ppg� 36 �ir�Cx�rriwlBir,Ac�i�tties - - - O.OGt°,�m 41 Ge�ersl Administr�tion - - - p.QO% 61 MBirtte�at�ce&C1�►etatiDns - - - U.00°/a 52 Se�,'�Se�viCns _ . _ 0.00% 53 Qata�'rar,ca&fng SaMCe - - Q.Q�09f� 61 Camcn�ur�tyt Seruiaes _ . . Q.t�Q°.� 71 Gebt Se.fviae - - - O.tIQ95 81 Fac�l'ities Acquis�iort 8 Cor�trucdon - - - q.W96 rorarFxQe„d�,ra� s x � o,oa� �thar SaurceslUsaa: Qtt�e�Sou'c�ss S - � - S - O.OQ% Otttiet Uscs O.00r94 rd�r orn�sourre�� s s s o.00� F�wess(Defiaencyj of Revernies&Utttier Saurcxs Qv��endrtur�s S Clther Uses S - S - Estue�ated Baehxvrig Fw,a salance S � - F.stfmateti Endlr►g Furtd 8sfatece S S r.......�.� , ���':;�a Gls 7lf�:TMs lC4FY /ryo t d t IY�IMwe Mw�M1A M�.�Mie�a B�M,76YDM�M�w� Q� tt�� � � � � � � � ' I i F E� �- 6 �CG? � . w�stlake Academy ' C�aarter Schoo;s �,� ' This�antract i� executed between the Texas State Board t�f Educatiort (the"Board"} and VVestiake Academy ("Charter Hoider"} for an Qpen-enroiimen4 charter to aperate a T�xas public schoa(. Gen�rai !. Iaefnitions. As used in this cc�ntract: "Charter" me�ns the o��n-enrollment Gh�rter, as provided by Subcha�ter D, . Chapte� 12,Texas Educatian Cade (1��C�, granted by thss contraat. "Charter Hc�lder" means the sponsoring �ntity id�r�tified in the char�er appiicatiort. "Charter sahcaol" means ihe capen-enrQltment charfer s�haof. CE�arter Halder agreas to operate as provided in this contract. T1-�e ch�rter school is a Texas publie schoai and a charter schoal within the meaning of 24 U.S.C. §8466. "Agency"means the Texas Education Agency. 2. The Charzer. This cantract a ants to Charter E�ialdec an c�p�r�-eru�Qtla��ent ch�rter �r�cler Subchagter D,CMapter 12, TEC. The terms af the cha:ter include: (a) chis contract; (t3) apptieable law; (c}R�quest far ApFlication�?41-Ot-404p(d�any conditzan,arnendrn.ent, modification,revisian ar o�her change to the charter adapted or raTified by the Board;(e) atl seacements, assurances, camrniements and repres�ncatians made by Charter Hoider in its appiication for charter,attachments or related dacuments,to the extent consistenl with (a? tttrou�tt (d); azzd (� assurattce by Charter Holc3er, evidenced by �xecu�ian of this cont�-act, that na false information was submiued ta the Agency or the Board b}r Charter Holder,its agents or empt4yees in supgoR af its application for charter, 3. Aut4tnritv Granted by Charter. The charter autharizes�h2rter I-�oider to operace a�harter schooE suhjeet tc� the terms of �ie charcer. Aetian 'tnconsistene with the terrn,s �f t�te charter shall constit�te a��ateri�� vivlatit�n c�P ctze et�arter. 4. Alienatiorx cf Charrer. The charter may nat be assi�ned, encumbered, pledged or ir+ any v✓ay alienated far the benefit of cr�ditars or otherwise. Gharter Halder rnay nat delegaee, assign, subcontract or otherwise alienate an� af its rights or responsibitities under the charter. Any attempt to dv so shall be nult and vo`rd and af no farc�or effecr, provided, �owever, ehat Charter Holder may eantraGt at fair market value for services z�ecessary ta carry out policies adapted by Charter Holder or the�tiverning hady of the charter schaal. Charter Holder rnay not engage or modify the teczns of che engagement of a private managernenE eompany witbout approval b}r the goard in aecardance with�aragraph 7 of this cantract. J�t�S� ; ; ';,� , . 1 � ' '�� ,� 5, Term pf Ghartec. Tl�e charter shall be in effect fram the date af execution throu�h August l,2446,uniess eenewed ar temtinated. 6. Ren wal of ChArter. Qn tim�ly apQlic�tion by Charter Holdcr in a manncr prescribed by the Board,the charter maX be renewed for an additionaI peripd determined by the Boazd. The charter may be renewed anly by wricten amendment ap�roved by vote af the Board and gr�perly executed by its chair. 7. Revisian Uv A�,reemenc. The tern�ts of the charter may be revised with the cQnsene of Chaner Holder by written amendrnent apprpved by vote di the Board. �ar purposes of this garagraph, th� terms af the charter inciude, amang other pravisions, specifications concerning the schaol's govemance structure,eharacteristics of the educatianal groaram to be offer�d, and th� location, eype �nd nvmber of facilities at which Che school will aperate.The commissioner of education("the caminissioner")may revise [he char[�r an a�grovisional Eiasis during an interim between Board nneetings; however, such action shall expire unitss ratified by the Board at its next regulaz meeiing. Nothing in this paragr�ph limits the authority of the Board or ehe c�mrnissioner to act in accordance with ather provisions of this contract. Students �. Upen Enroilment. Admission and enrc�tjrnent of students shall be open to any person wh4 resides within che g�ographic bot�ndaxies stated in the charter and wha is eligibie far admission based an lawful criteria identified in the charter. Total enrollment shall nat exceed the maximum number of students appraved by che State Board of 6ducation. The charter schoot's adm'rssian policy shal� prohibit discriminaEion ou the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicaty, religion, disability, acadernic or athleti.c abiliry, or the dis�iet the student would otherwise a[tend. Students who reside outside tta� geographi� boundaries stated in the chartor shall not be admitted to tf�e charter schaol until all eligible applicants who reside uvithin th� boundaries hav�been enralled. Students will be admitted on the basis of a lottery if more students applx for admission thau can be aGcammodated. 9, P_ublic Educacion Grant Students. Charter Hc�lder shall adapt an expresS policy groviding for the adinission of,and shall admit under such policy, students eligible far a gublic education grant, including those students wha reside outside the geographic area id�ntified in the charter application,under Sabchapter G,Chapter 29,T�C. 10. �3on-discriminacion. The charter school shall not d'zscriminate against any s[udene or emplQyee an the basis af race,creed, sex, national origin,relig'jon,d3sability or need for special education services. 1 t. Non-eeligia�s instruction and affilia�ic�n. The eharter school shall not condacY re[igious instruction. The charter school, the sponsa�.ng entity, aad any entity that owns or cantrols the sponsoring entitiy in whale or in part (including by khe gower to sele�t '�.�`�.:.5 s Westlaka Academy 2 af 9 1/25/20(}2 of�cars or directars) shall be nansectarian in its pcagrams, admissions policies, ' emptoymenc�aracti�es,and all ocher aperatians. 12. Children wieh Disabilities. The charter schoa! is a"local educationAl agency"as defined F�y federat law. Chartec Hoider mus€ comply� with the Individuals with Disabitities Edueation Act{ID�A},20 U.S.G. §14Q1,et seq., �nd implementing regulations; Section 504 af the Rehabilitation Act af 1�7�("Section SQ4"),2�U.S.C.§794,and implementing regulations; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.,S.C. §I?13I-12165, and imglementing regulations; Chagter 29, T`EC, and imptementing rules; and che many court cases app�ying these laws. Por example: (a) Child Find. Charter Holder must adopt and implement policies and practiees tMae afft►znativeiy seek out,identify, locate,and evaluate children with disabilides enrnlIed in [he Gharter schaol or contacting the charter �chool regarding enrollm�ent, and must develap and implement a practicaI nx;thod to detertnine which ehildren with disabiiiti�s are currently receiving needed special edueation And related servic�s. For each eGgitale child, Charter Holder must develop� and aff�r an individualized educatian plan appropriate to the needs af that student. (b} Free Appropriate Pubtic Education. Charter Hoider must prouide a free appropriate , public education ta ali ctti,ldren including ehildren with disabilities otherwise eligible to enroll in�he charter school. Tf the pragram,staff or facitities of the charter schaol are aot cagable of ine�ting the needs of a panicular child, Charter Holder znus[ imglement chan��& necessary ro accornmodate the Child at the charter schooI. If rcasonable � accommodations would be insufficient ta enable the Ghild to benefit fram the charter sehool's prograrat, Charter Hoider must, at its own expense. piace the ctuld at an apprapriate schaai. (c) Services ta Expetled Students. Charter Holder must cantinue ta pravide a free apgropriate pubtic educatian to a chifd with disabiliEies even after expelling or suspcnding the chiid for valid disciplinary reasans. This abligation to serve the child continues until the end af the schooi year. (d} Monitorine. T'he ct�arCer school's implementation of th� law� governing education of children with disabilities will be monitored for �omplianc� by the United States Department of Educatian� Office of Special Education Programs; the United States Department af Educ�tion, Office of Civii Rights; the Texas Education Ageney; and others. This monitoring activity includes responding to complaints, random on-site inspections and ather investigations by th� �nforcing agencies. and will result in carrective accions imposed on Charter Holder l�y these ag�ncies for al[ discrepaneies found, The chartar school shall also be monitored for effectiveness and compliance ia implement`tng all applicabte federal programs. (e} �}ue Pracess Hearin�;s. The charier schoat's implerraentatioa af the iaws governing educazion of chiidren with disabi3ities wiIj, in addition, be subj�ct to court supervisian via li�igativn against Charter HQlder beought b,� individuals affected t�y the actions of the charter schooi. The Gost af this litigation can be substantial. � ��� � Westlalce Academy 3 of 9 1/25/20Q2 'i Notice: These are only a few of the charter school's fegal responsibilities in this ar�a, inciuded here for illustradue purpases on1y. 13. Stvd�nt Performance and Accountabitit . CE�arter HoIder staafl saeisfy Su�rchapters B,�, D, and G of Chapter 39 of the TEC, and related Ageney rules, as we1J as the studant performance accountabiiity Criteria stated in its application for eharcer. Charter Holder sha11 annually provide in a rnar,ner and form defined by the cammissioner a written evflluation af the charter school's eompliance with the statements, assurances, camrnitments and representatians made by Charter Holder in its applieatian for a charter, attachments,and related documents. 14. Criminal Histor,y. Charter HoIder shall t�ke prompt and appropriate measures if Charter ' Hotder or the eharter schoalr or any of their employees ar agents, obtains infarrnation that an emplayee or volunteer of the Gharter schoot or an employee, offic�r, or board member caf a management company cor►tracting with the charrer schoai has a reported criminal histary that bear5 directly on the duties and respansibilities at tha emplayee, volunteer, or management company at tl�e school. Charter Holder further r�epresents that the Board and the Agency shall b� notifed immediately of such infarnlatian and the measures takeu. IS. Reporting Child Abuse or Ne l�ect. Charter Hold�r shall adopt and dissem�inate to a71 charter school staff and valunteers a policy governing chiId atause reports reguired by Chapter 261,Texas Family Cocie. 'Fhe pnlicy shail require that ernployees,voluntsers ar agents af Charter Holder ar the charter schaol report child abuse or neglect direciEy to an apgrapriate entity iisted in Chapter 261,Texas Family Code. 16. Notice to District. Chaner Hoider shall notify the schovl district in which the studeat zesides within Chree buszness days �f any acciaas expelling or withdrawing a studerat fram the chaner schoQl. 17. Schaol Year. Charcer HoIder shall adogt a schaol year with fzxed beg�nning and eading dates. Financial Managment 18. Fiscal Year. Charter Holder shall a�opt a fiscal year beginning Segtember 1 and ending August 31. 19. FinanciaE Accountin . Unless atherwise natified by ihe Agency, Charter Holder shall c�mply fnlly with generally accepted accaunting princigtes ("GAt�P"}and tt►e Fi�aneial Accauntability System Resource Guide, Bull�tin 679 or its successor ("Sulletin b79"� published by the Agency in the management and aperation af the charter schooL Charter Hotder shall also cornply vuich the standards for financial management systems outlined in 34 CFR§ $C1.ZQ 2Q. Federal Withhoidine IZCquirement�. Failure to compiy with Internal Revenue Sei'vice withholding regulations shaIl constitute a materiat violation af the charter. �;��u j Westlake Academy 4 Q�9 1/23t20Q2 21. Workers' Carnpensatican. �harter Haider shall exrend workers' cornpensatian bene�ts to ' charter schoc�l emptayees tay(i)t�ecoming a self-insurer; ('?}providing insurance under a workers'eoa�pensadon 'rnsurance poticy;or(3�entecin�into an agreement wich other ' en�iries prauiding for self-insuranee. ' 22. Annuat Audit. Charter Halder shalt at its own expense have tne financial and g�agrammatic aperations of the chacter schoo( audited annually by a eertifaed public accouqtant holding a perniit feom the Texas S[ate Baard of�'ublic Accountancy. Cha�tes Holder shall file a cogy af the annual audit repart,approved t�y Chareer Halder, with the Agenc� not Iater than the 12Ck�' day after the end af the fiscal year for which th� a�dit was cnade. The audit must cornply with Generally Accepted 4uditing Standacds and must include aa audit of the aecuracy of the fscal infarmation provided by thc charter schoat tfu�ough PEIIvIS. Financial s�aternen[s in the audAc must camply with Governmen€ Auditing Stanc3ards and the C)ffice af I1�Yanagemen[and Budget Circular A-1"a3. 23. Attenc3ance Aceountin�. Ta the extent required by the commissioner, Charter Halder shail cornpty with the "Stude.nt Attendance Accauncing Handbook" pubfished by the Agency; pravided, however, that Gharter Holder sti�ll repart attendanGe data to the A�ency at six-week in[ervais or as directed by the Agency. �4. �oundatian Schoa! Program. I3istribution of funds ta the charter schaol under Scctian I2.106, TEC, is contingent upon Charter Holder's c�mpliance with �he terms of th� charter. Charter Hoider is ineli�ibie �a receive Foundacion Scho�t Frogram funds prior �a execution af this contract by the $oard. Within 3Q days af receiving notiee af overatlaca�ion and reauest for refund under S�ction 42.258, TEC, Gharter Halder sha11 transmit ta the Agency an arnaunt e�,ual to the requested reFuad. If Char�er HoJder iails to make the requested eefund, che Agency m;av recov�r the overadlacation by any zneans pem�iued by law, including t�ut ncat lirniced t� the procwss s�t farth in S�ctian �2.25$, `TEC 25. Tuitian and Fee�. Charter Holder shall not aharge tuition and shall nat charge a fee exeept that it may chzrge a fee tisted in Subsection 11.1 S8(a�,TEC. 26. Assees of Gharter, Charter Ho[der shail not apply, hold, credit, cransfer ar otE�crurise mak� use of funds, assees ar resQurces of the charter schaa( for any purpose other than dperatioa of th�charter schoc7l dcscribed in chC charter. 27. Ir�debtedn�ss pf.Chart�r. CEtarter HO1dEC Shail not incur a deht, secure an abli�ation, extend crediG, or o�herwise make use c�f the eredit or assets af the charter schaaC far any p�rpose ather�han aperacion of the charcer schouP described in the Ghac�er. 28. ��t�rested Transaccions. All fia3ner"al uansac�i�ns between che charter schooi and (a) Charter Hoider; (b) an officer, direccor, ar employee of Charcer Hold�r ar af the charter schoat; or(c) a person �r entity havin� paniai or complete canuot over Chazter Holder or the charter schc�o! shall be segarately and clearly retleeted in the accounting,auditang, budgeting, repcarting, and reccard keepzng s}rstems of the chaster �chaai. Ch�rteC HQlder shail not txansfer at�}r asset of ehe charter ar incur any debt except in retum far goc�s ar services provided for the benefst of the charcec school at fair market vaiue. ��y�tiu Westlake Aeademy 5 af 9 1/2S/2002 29. Nan-Charter Activities. Charter Hafder shail keap separate and disiinct accaunting, auditing, budgeting, reparting, and record keeping syStems foc the rnana�ement and aperation of the eharter schaol. Any business activities af C6arter Holder not c3irectty related ta the management and operatipn of the charter schc>o! sha11 be kept in separate and distinct aceounting, auditing,,hudgeting,repc�rting,and record keeping systems fram those reflec[ing aCtivities under the eharter. Any comrningling af chatter and nan-�harter business in these systenas shatl be�material violation�f the charter. Gavernance and Operations 3Q. Nan-Profrt Status. Charter Ko3der shalt take and refrain frorn all acts necessary ta be and remain in �ooci standing as an arganization exempt fram taxation under Sectian Sbl(C)(3�, Internal Revenue Cade. If Charter Hotdez is ineorpvtated, it shail in addition comply with all applicai�le laws gaveming its carparate status. Fatlure to comply with this paragraph is a material vialatian af the charter, and the Board may act on the violation evep if the Lnternal Revenue Service, Secretary of State, or other b4dy with jurisdictian has failed ta act. 3I. Records Retention and Mana�ement. Charter Holder shali img3ernent a records management system t{�at canfarms to the system required af scht�l districts under the Local Government Records Act, Sectian 201.b�I, et seq., Local Govemznent Coda, and rules adopted thereunder; provided, hpweu�r, that records subject to audit shall be retained and available for andit for a periad af nat less than five(5}yaars fram the latter af the date af�errninaeion or rene4val af the charter. 32. P�FMS tte,porting. Gharter Ho3der shali report tiYnety and accurace inforenat�a�r� eo the Public Educatian Information Management System (PEIM�), as required by the comtn'sssaoner. 33. Conflict of Interest. Charter Holder shail camply with any ap�licable prohibition, restriction ar requirement re3ating to canflicts of interest or fiduciary duties. If an o�cer ar board member af Charter Halder or of the charter school has a substantial intarest, within the meaning of Chapter 17t, Loeal Government Code, in a dransactian, such interest shall be disclosed in gublic session at a duty called meeting of the governiug bocty priar to an�action on the transaction. 34. L}rselosure of Carn�ai�n C' n,�i�[ions. Charter Halder shall adopt poticies thai will ensure compliance with the disclasur� requirernents of State Board of Educa[ion Qperating Rule 4.3 or ics successor. 3S. Indemnification. Chacter Holder shatl hold ttie Board and Agency harmles� from and shail indemnify �he Board and Agency against any and aIl clairns, demands, and+causes of accion of whatever kind or nature asserted by arcy third party and occurring o�r in any way inGedent to,ari.sing ou[of, ar in eonneetion with wrongfu�act5 of C6arter Holder,its agents,ernploy�es,and subcontractors. '�'`�' ti �.}u: �- Westla}ce Acaderny 6 of 9 1/25f20Q2 36. �ailare to Qperate. Charter Hoidar sha[i operate the et�arter schoal for the futl schaot ' t�rrn as described in the charter application in eaGh yeas of the chartec contract. Ch�rtec ', Holder may nat suspend operation foc longer than 21 days withouc a revisian to its ' eharter, adopted by the Bo�rd, statin�t6at the charcer schaal is darrnant and setting forth the date on which ope.rations shatl resume and any apgticAbEe conditians. Charter Holder may not suspend aperatioc� of the schaai for a period of more chan three days without rnailing written notice to tha parent ar guardian of each student and to the A;ency at least t4 days in advance af the suspensian. Suspensian of operations in violation af this paragraph shall c�nstieute abandonment of this contract and Qf the charter. 37. Charrer School Facili�v, Charter Fioider sha]I have and maineain thrQugho�t the term of the charter a lease agreement, Eitle or ocher legal insu-ument n anting to Charter Holdez- the ri�;ht ta oceupy and use one or more faciiities sui�able for use as che charter school faeilitie� described by the charter. Ducing any geriad of darmancy granted by the Baard, chis requizernertt may be waived by the I3oard. Facitities occupied and used as charter schaoi faeilities shal( cannply with att agpii�able laws, including, but not limited to, the Texas ArChitecfural $am�rs Act, Article �102, Vernon's Texas Czvii StatUtes. The charter schoot shall not change location af its instrt�cti�nat faciiities or actrninistrative affices from those listed in[he charter applicatian ar in a s�tas�quent charter amendment avi[hout pr�Qr approval Baard. 1�7hen ap�roved by the Boaxd far a new laeatibn for an instructionai facility, the charter Holder sha31, prior[� commeacin�schaol aperations at thac loaeation, submit to t(te Charter Schoals L�ivisian a certiftcate 4f nccupancX or equivalent certificate Por use af th� facitity at the new locatiaa as a pub[iG schaal, as required in the charter app[icatiqn, 38, Access by the Handicapn�d. Faczlities occupied and used by charcer schools shatl eompty witft the Amwricarks with I�isabilires Act (ADA} and th� Americans ruit� DisabiliY�s Act Acc�ssibility GuidelirteS; 28 �F� Part 35 (NandiscrizxiinaGiar� an the Basis of Bisabitity in State and Loeai Government Services); the �7niform Federai ; Accessibility S�anctards requir�d by the federdl ArchitecEural Barciees Ac[ of 2968, as arn�nded; �nd other ap�?icahle federal requirements. In addicion,the charter�older sha�l ^equire the faciliey eo comply with the'Fexas Ace�ssibility Stand�rds(TAS}of the Texas � i Architectural Barriers Act, P�-ticle 92QI,'I'exas Civil Statutes,gromulgated by the Texa.s Department af Licensing and Regu2ation. The charter Htilder shall i� responsible for i conducting insgectiQns to�nsure campliance with ihese sp�cifications. ; t Enfar�ernent 39. A�ency Inv�st�atians. The Commissioner may in his sonnd dis�ret�ac�direcE the Agency , to c�nduct iAvestigations of the eharter schoo!m determine camptiance with the cerms af the charter or as authorized in tiie Texas Educacion Gode or other law. Charter HoJder, its emgtoyees and agenes shall fufiy cooper�te w'rth such inv�stigacians, F'ailvre ta timely eampiy with reas�nable requests for access to sites, personnel,docurnents ar things is a material via[ation of the charter. 'J��°��: Westlake Academy 7 af� 1/25/2002 4�. Comrnisszoner Auiharity. Th� coccunissianer in his sale dis�retion may take any actian autharixed by Section 39.131, T'EC , Chapeer 29, TEC, or Chapter A2. TEC r�iat[ng ta the charter sehoo2. Such actian is not"adverse actian"as used in tht`s contract. Charter Holder, its employees and agents shali fully caogerate with sueh aec'►ans. Failure to tirnety eornply with any actiaa authorized by Section 39.131,TEC or Chagiee 29,TEC is a material viaiatiaza af the charter. ' 41. Adverse Action. The Board in its sote discretian may madify, ptace on probation, revoke or deny timely renewal af the charter far cause ("adverse action"). EaGh of the follawing shatl be cause k'or adv�rse action on the�.harter: (a) any material violation of ttie terrns of th� charter listed in paragraphs 2, 3, ar�d 2�,{b) failuze tv satisfy generally acce�ted accounting standards of fiseal management; or (c} failure to comply with an appiicabie iaw e�r rule. This Agreement 42. Eneir� Agreement. T'his conEract, includirsg atf xeferenced attachments and terms incorporated by reference, concains the entize agr�ement af the parcies. A.11 priar representatians, understandings and discussions are merged into, superSed�d by and cancelcd by this cantract. 43. Severabilitv. If any grovision of chis contract is deternuned by a cou�t oc Qther tribunal tq b� unenforceable or invalid far any reason, the renZaznder of the contract shatl remain in full farc�.and affect, sa as to give efEect to che intent af the garties ta the extent valid and enfarcea�t�. 44. Canditions o�Contract. Execution of this eantraet by the Baard is canditianed an full and timely compliance by Chas[er Hoider with: (aa ehe terms, �equired assuranees and canditions of Request for Apglication #701-QI-QC}4; (b) apglicabte law; and (c� aIl Cornrnitments aud re�resentations made in Charter Hoider's appiication and any supporcing docurnent� (co t�e extent such co►x�miunents and representatians ar� consistent with the t�rms af this contract}. 45. Nd Wazver of Breach. No assent, exgress or irnglied, to any breach of any af the covenants or agrecments her�in shall waiv�any succeeding or other breaeh. 46. 'Venu�. Any suit arising under this canuac[shat]be braught in Travis County,Texas. A.?. Gc�v�rning Law, In any�uiz�-ising under this contract,Texas law shall appCy. 4&. Auc ri . $y executing this cantract, Chartar Hotder r�presents that ie is an "eligibCe �ntity" within the meaning a�f S�ction 12.1a1 (a), TEC. Chaner Holder shall immediately nocify the Hanrd af any legal chan�e ia it,s status, which wauid disquaZify it frorn halding the charter,of any violation af ihe terms and condiEicrns af this conuact,or af any change in the chief aperating officer of the Charter Holder. Charter Hold�r futther represents that the person signing this conCracE has l�en praperly delegated authority ta d€�so. �}���� Westlake Academy 8 af 9 1/2S/2002 Entered inta this,_,,,d�y of,Tanuaty�Q(}2. ; Texas State Baaed of Education �harter Holder '' .��v��M,�L.�'��>�c Y ��r�r�:'.c. Z�„�at By Grace Shore,Chairman (signatureld� • Scott Bradley Chairpersan,Gaverning Board of Charter Holder ��-------'�--:` ���--�r� . �'� Z (si�natureldate} ' '�rent Petf}r Chief Qperating()fficer of Charter Schoai ��� �i Westlake Acadern� 9 of 9 1/25/20Q2 . 3 . , ti`="" ' i �� � A�? � � : � }f En[er�d inta this�day af 7artuary 2t7�2. � 'r�xas State Baard Qf Educatioa ('.harEer Holder �� ---�-�--���"��.���5� �,,,�»�„r ^� �& o;�. __..�.. By Grace Shore,Chairrnan (signature/cta • Scokt�radley C6airpersaz�,Gav�rning Board of Gh�cter Holdez �~"`� .___.� �._ � -------£�`�� � (sFgnaturetdate} Trent i�etty Chief E�perating Officer of Charter�choal I � i i i �����i� Westtake Acadcmy �a�g 1(25/�OQ2 aoi BtYt**�#���*i#S�t���� ss� T� REPaRT *�r ���; *�as�sm�s�ss:s�*xsx�x TRA?�`SMI3SION OK T�/Rg NQ I378 ', � C4NNECTION TEL 981743Q1&12 SUBADDRESS GQNNECTION iQ ST. TIME Q2/19 I2:3� USAGE T 0�'25 PGS. SEN3' i REStJLT QK 'En.tere�into ttaia.._.ciay of lanuar�'2bQ2. C(sa�rer�Iolde� . Texas State�Qa�d af F.rlucati������.� ..-- ,� o�. �°'`` y (sig�attuclda �y Grace Shvre,��airs�'an �.c.�tt Brad1eY Chairpe.zso�t,Ga�sBg�a2�rrd Of Gha�r�Ioldex ��-�"'--;��,�____-�'.���.. , . ��gn�u.efdsze} irent'�'estY t;�tief C}pera�ing C)�'icer of Ckxatter S��oat :)J`' �iu � rl It � � i` � � � � 1 Attachrnertt 24 Lease Agreement . A lease agreement for facilities will be executed upon grantin� af the charter arrd the completion of the facilities. The Tawn of Westlake'� cammitment to �ra�riding facilities for Westlake Academy is reflect�d in the instrumentaiity resolutior�. c�J�� �, ��f�� A RESOLU?IQl*�dRDERING T�-�E CREATI4N C�F A NqNPRC�FIT CORPORATTON ' PURSUANT TO THE TEXAS NQN-PRQFtT COR.POR.ATION ACT,AI'PROVING , ARTICLES QF iNGQRPQRA'I�ON AND BYLAWS FC)R,AI�1D APP�I.NTlNCr Tf� INI77AI..DIREGTC3RS QF,THE CC�ItPORATIf�N,AFPt)�N'7ING CERTAfr] C�NSULTANTS,AND RES4LVING RELATED MATTERS WHEREAS,this Board of Aldermen(ih�"B�ard"),as the governing body of the Town of Westiake, Texas(the"Town"},hereby find that it is in the public interest that a non-profit corparation(the "Carporation")be created under the Te�:as Non-Frpfit Carp�ration Act{the"Act")ta�at an behalf of�the Town as its du!y canstituted authority ana instrumentality,within the rneaning of ihe Internal Revenue Code af 1486,as amended, for the purpose af praviding educational services and facilities; WHERE.�S, the Act empowers, amang�ther things,the Corparatian i�acquire a charter,pursuant to Chaptar 12, Subchapter p of the Education�;ocia(the"Edueation Cnde"),provide education s�rviccs,�nd acquir�, finance,and operate educational facilities and faeilities rela#ed thereta,as conternpla4ed by the Education Code andlor other l�w; WHEREAS, it is th�intant of this Board that the CorporatiQn shafl have all powers�uthorized under the Act and other law to tnable it to apgly for and obtain a chareer undea tha Ed�acation Cade and provid� ec3ucatian sarv;ces and acquire,fnance,and operate sducational facilities and facflities re3ated thereto,�s contenaplated by thz Education Codt,the Act�andtor other law; WHEREAS,the Act authorizes the Corporation to issue revenne bonds('Bonds")andlor ta eflter it�ta other obiigations("C3btigatipns")that,among oeher ihings,will faciIitate providing edtacation servic�s asid faciiities and facilities retated tF�erero; V�3EREAS,na Bonds or C}bligaci4ns of the�orporation will canstituce a�ligations(�hether s�e�i�i, general,ar moraP}of tt�e Tou�+n; �t✓'HEREAS,the Aet provides that the directaa-s of the Corporatian are to be appointed by ihe$o�.a�d; WHTR�AS,the Arcicl�s of lncazporation(ihe"Articl�s")of the Corporation shall pravide that na modificatinn of the Articies or the 33y1awrs(the"$ylaws")of the Corparatian shall take effect unt�ss appmved by this Board; WI-iEkEAS,this BQard intends,by the adaption af this Resotution,to take alt aation necessary to acder the creation af the Carporation with all af the corgarate powers and authority granted under the Act and other ;aw; W���.5,the rneeting at which this Rescslution has been eonssdered was open ta the public as required by Law,and pu$tic notice of the time,place, and suaject of the rneeting has been given in accordance with Chapter SSI,Government Code; NOW,THEREF�RE,BE TT RESOLVEL�BY THE BC)ARD OF ALDERIv1E�'QF THE TC�WN aF WESIZAKE,'I'�XAS: S�CTION 1. The findings and declarations cantained in the preamble af this R�soIutian are hereby incorporated as parc af titis Resolution. t��� �.�;� V p w 7ATvj�I2(Yal)03 Vl ��1�5 � � _ i � � � . ; SEGTIQN 2. This Board hereby finds and d�tenmines that it is in the best interest of t4�e Town and its inhabitants that the��rparation,to be named as specified in the Articics,be created pursuant to the A�t tca aet an behatf afthe Town as it�duly constituted autharity and instrumentafity far the purposas and with the pawers and authority prescribed by th�Act and other iaw. SECTI4N 3. This Board hereby orders the creatian af the Corporation and approves the Articles in substar�tially thc form at#ached to this Resolutian as an�achibit,and hercby authorizes thc incarporacars of the CorporatiQn(as iden[ified in such Ariieles)ta file the Ariicles with the Secretary of State in accordance witJt law, ln the event that the name far the CorJrc+ractan speeified in the Artzcles is not available,the incorporators are hereby auth4rized ta change the Cor�acatian's name in the Articles euithout the furth�r approval af the Town. S�CTIQN 4. This Board heraby appoints the persans identified in the Articies to serv�as the initial members of the boarc!of directors of the Corpoc-atian. i SECTiON S. This Baard hereby approves the initial$ylaws of the Gorporation in substantiaEly the form � attactaed to this ResaJution as an exhibit. SEC7IUN 6. It is intended that thc Corporation bc a duly cattstituted anihority and instrumentality of ihe Tawn�uithin the meaning of reguiations and/or revenue►vlings of the Treasury Degartm�nt andlor the lnternal Revenut Sarvice af the United Statcs promu3gated under 8ectiart 1 I S of the Internal R.evenue Cocie af l'�86. SE�7TQN 7. �r'ith respeet to the Town and its instrurnentalities,the$aard of A}dermea htreby appoirzts Larry VJillittmsan as fir�ancial�dvisor,Tharnas Allen 1vlaon as financ�e4unsel,and�enkens&Gilchrisc, P.C<as specia! finance caunset. - 5�GTiON 8. 'I�is R�soluttan st�all take effece imanediately upon zu adogtion. ����`� TAM i/Yot2ODt vl C9e�.A Ln�a ��ss��n��tav�orr�s za�'raA�oF���x.�,zaai. ' —��-� .� ?.T]CEST: Scott B cy,I��ayor / a, ��,e �� u �`I C�t F�,�t4 PS a�������F � ! i �� � � �L � ��,j# �y� OU�7 � � ����� , ;i � Attachment 25 Schaai Calendar ��� l � • rtt�.��.,"'f . 'West�a�e 1�.cademy 2d02-2403 S�hool �ul�ndar ' ugusi . e ruary 03 S M T W T F S Reponin Periods eginlFe+d Days Taught S M T W T F 5 eport�ng Pen SI] ! - 9R?I Z9 � s a � � 9 io i � . s a 7 � �s ta u u �s ia �7 eportmg �ied / - il v �o �� tx �3 i+ u il 19 26 21 22 SS 2� 16 f7 li 19 24 21 L' ts ta za �a 2o so aE epoKm� en t— 0 � 24 u m �r � eponing 1/ - f4 3 eportuig eno Seplem er Q2 cporcing enod 41 3- SR MarC SMTWTFS o ys aug t SMTWTFS � s io �i �a �� �a : � , s e r c IS !6 IY li !9 20 21 9 10 11 1Z 13 li 1S 22 23 2F SS 2b 29 2E 16 17 IA 19 26 11 ?3 �Q � Haliday O Dacc �' �' � 76 �� � � y0 SI a r ay eplembcr ,20�2 an g�v�ng nve , r�smt� emDer —Jmuary E}cta er U2 Apr� 03 5 M T tRf T F S �"' '"g a"uary ` 3 S tN T W T F S prtng rz h 1 —..t,2403 a � e v �o i� tz 6 t � v io ti 41 �s �< �! ta i� ia �s aster n i� « iy �a n it t9 � xl 33 23 34 2! 16 A ' =0 3i � 2} 2� 2S 26 � 27 18 29 }6 ]1 XT Y6 Z9 �0 Pdovem e�02 May i S M7 WT F S S MT WT F S a a s e i s � Staff DcveYapmcnt L7 e s 6 � 6 9 �o to it ,3 �3 ta �s ie ,o er 4. e6ruary 1 . D3 �� �x i3 �a t3 �� t� i �� wa iv m zi n xa �� iy u si u �a �� � �+ uz� a� ze � w zszaz7sExvao �� i Bad W<achcr Malre Up days i pn 1, 3 sy . Decem er 0 � ___ _ )une S M 7 W T F 5 �`cachcr Work Da 5 h4 7 W T E a s v m �r r. �� �� Au$ust(k, Auguu . OZ � s �o �i iz �3 t1 ts 1e �7 �a s4 20 ]� �s ts t� �> >g 20 21 u za za u :e xt xe U$� . v'Y xx n as zs za n u �9 Yo a� �m is w l.egend 5 MjT�W T Fa S i �tgin Att�ndartcr Reporting Auiod j S M Z 1yM 7' F S ; End Attendar+ee RopoRing l�eriad J S 4 T ! 4 16 lt }jOjidgy[j 6 T i 4 10 11 i2 17 13 1� IS 16 l7 it '; l] 1� f3 t� 17 lt IF 19 20 17 22 23 7� 23 i Sta.ft lhvelopment d 2D 2! 12 ZF 2� 2} 26 y6 n ;,e zs �o �� I Sad Wca[her Make Up days � � 24 �y ai Te•rcher Work Days s ��� �� �t� i .y' 3 Attachment 26 PEG Draft - Peg Qraft Westlake Acad�my wiEl adhere to the guidelines for the admission af students ' eligible for a public education grant (PEG� as set forth in the Texas Educaticm Gode. , Under th�guidelines set forth in the Pubic Education grant program a parent of a student enrr�lled in any Qf Fhe districts listed may make appfication ta attend Westlake Academy durin� the schoal year. The charter sc�oal ar public�chool chasen by a student's parents under this statue is entitted to accept or reject the applicatir�n for tne student to attend schnof in the cha�ter schoof, but may not use criteria fhat discrirninates art #he basis of a student's race, ethnicity, �G�dE�rt�i�aChiBVBmEnt, ath{etic �bilities, language proficiency, sex or sociaecanomi�status. Westlake Acaderriy reserv�s the right to reject students based on criteria described within the char#er applicatian. A student�nroli�d in a schqal idsRtifred under the PEG program has the right to requ�st a transfer to anothe�schaol in hismer current district or in a charter school. S#ucients seeking reenrallment in Westlake Academy shail follow the same procedures far enrallment as other applicants and will be considered on a first-cartte, first-served basis. Whe� the capacity for the faciiity has been met, students wtil b� piaced an a waiting (ist and a (attery will t�e conducted far future openings. ; I i i � . ��? d.. ... ,�..� i � '� AttaGhment 27 Area Map �,i�� f::a �-ti-�� ___ i i I i � '" � i �_ y ��� � � •, „ r' „�r��� �' � ,,� � - � �- { . �+ • ' '�f� ' ������ Y�' i •- 1� .1 I� . �' . ._' _ � . . � ' • _ ,�",.�✓, ��tC"'�[. ,� �r_ Q r � __ , • � .� ��.�„_.�'��i� � + � �. "= � �i(1t�til! • �"" . '�'� `�1��� � �' � '�'� � � �1: .� � �` 1: .r rrs�� ��.�iwwi� J �, J� ���IIYQI�� � � ,% i ' +�I �;Ulit11� �r' . ��� �� �.ai�.�.�aw�� '��-"nG.� � .:.��.._ ,' ,rt�1r• ' t t _l ..,...,�, � : .--�.. :..,�._ 1 ,,� _,. _ ,. / mtmn ; .� � _ ! � arrya G � r �.:.+r�++ ~ � ihA��� ���•-1^ i/�tl�� J �} " i�::rs �_� �,�►,�a-!i�iri �'�i���t���' i'��'����. ��=��I[Si��� � ��.~-r'a�s���S �!�►. � •s i„' ..... _ � ..w�qy���rmMq�����'�"'�{� ,�� i � �f �y� ltl��ll wr= ` I ��� l��p��1Ail��t�ar�s{f��i�� � '� ' �IM�:a.��.�...,�.:.::�►�i..; �,�.rr i rw. �y�.�w- `l1 ` ��' ���.��/��s4�� Oi����r: :• r• I o � f!�':w�iw ..� r ��'I� ���.����� w r�+(�Y��M'� ` � ..�w*`).■�� ���'`w � � ��_i� ; �.-�.. �,,��� ... � _ �� � �i+�:�(wn ��au.•t�n^�,' � ! � � ..� ,�� ��n�r.��,l � ..!Z....—..� �r.,� � i � :� �� �YY�1��'r i�.�M1'ti`I�l• t � `��1� a�►(ii�l, � � /. o-�n�u����� �ill �,f1M�#iN~���� I �L �.�:5==����=. �'I1nR��i�l� � .���� U�NIIII�iI•,«:,� ��••a��i+nai�� i �.� . :�"r'» �s�r�sts»ar1 �„�\ y .��.:,w.:n�s: ��u� �,� . j � " '�4�. �,`i�rr�� ��sr•.^ r ,�� � :% �ti.. ��:l� ;,u�"�_'� *. � �:.;•. ,R:'�1�i' . •_ ` � ��" �-=�"'='eii�'�%`.. � � .� _ "�: � �:::. ��i���� �� �� '.�`'r. .�q "yl.:mlrnt .. �t����i' � �� �� ����Y`"�w�� �������;������ �..,,� ,w;•+� .-�.nui,rr�1��� � �"�,�i;��'"S�i�'�lf�''7 a�r�r ..,.. .+ ��� y+��•,�.�� � '+SaR��'��� ,1a � Y� .� �~i T� � J� �� `�� ..�l� « .��' }I I�`�: `:. �f , . !( �•T iliIll.III ��� �,,, `�•„�'+: ' ;i i "``-..,� .. �,...�s_' w�.� � ..-_ ....., w�a�� 1,:�, :�-, ,, ' C C _�- i � 7 � 1 1 i � . i . j I 1 Attachment 2E Returr► Receipts Far Statement c�f tmpact �U:.. f f '!��t!"i"' W�STLA�E F�bruary 14,2401 L.,t--� � �� � Keller ISD � `s....l� 3 SO K�Iler Parkway . Ke�1er,Texas 76248-3447 Dear Supecintcndent aad Presidern af the Baard ofTruste�e.s: This is to inform yau that tlie Town of W'estlake intends to submit an agplication to the State Hoazd af Education for consideration for agpmval caf sti apen enrollrnant charter school. As part of the application process, entities apglying for appraval are reqe�ed to notif�r a�r districts tbat sre lilcel�tv be affect�d by the cstablis�iment or amenc�m�nt of an apen-enrollmcnt charter schooL Sp�cificaity, ttxe guit�etines approved by the State Board of Educatiun requzze t�at ihe enclosed frorn, entitkd Statcment ofImpaet,and copy of the applicatioa far the proposed open-er�rallmeni charter schaul be sent to eaeh district that may be affected. L7forn�atie�n is rex�uuec� if the progos�d apen-enroilment charter may adv�rrsely� impact a ciistrice financial�y, ar ift3�prapased charter may impacE the student enrollxne�af a district in a �anr�that sm�ars the district's ab�rty t�ex�mply�rrth a ce►uri ardes. 'I�c�nckescd form �y b� coinpleted b� aray dYstrict that may be affected� s��n�d by the distsict's board president anci superittttndeffi, and s�ed ta th� Texas Education Agency, Documeat Ce,ntra3 Cenier,koam 6-10$, 17�1 North Gongress Avenue,Austi4 TX 78701. It shauld i�e receivcd na later than Aprit 20,2QQ1 fc�r tfx i�ifor�m�tiou to bc a9nsidered by the State Baaxd of�ducation. It is re�uested that�ou re�ricw th�enclos+ed application,and cora�alete the Stato Qf Impact fortn, aad submit it to the Texas Educatic�n Agency. If�+ou ha.ve questions ahout the prncess for appmual of ogen-enrol�uent charter sct�oLs, gkase conta�t the Iai�+ision of Char��er Schools at(S 12)463-9575. if yau t�ave questians abaut the enclos�d appIication for approval of an open-eQraltment chazter schvoi affecting yaur schaol district, please con#act Trent Petty at 8 2 7-434f-{t�4 t. Since.cely, �� 1 Scatt Br�diey Mayor +�u:w�!�.� 3 Village Ci�Cle � Suite �07 Solana � Westlake, Texas 7f262 NEetro; 817 430-U941 • �ax: 817 430-1$�.2 • www.westlake•tx,org �- 1 �'3 i � � �� �L � � � � � � Statement of Im�ct � � C� n-Enroilmenf Ch�rrter�chat>I � . ; � gutgc►se of't6is form: T1te spoa�soring entity entered below is submitting an applicatic,n ta the 5tate$oard of Eciucation for apgroval to ogerate or amend an apen-enrollmeirt chart�r sehool. The name and lacatian d£ the propc�sed charter school is prc�vid�d: Westlakc Academ�t #3 Vzllage�ircle Suite 207 Westlalce,TX?62fi2 Z�ac,cordance with Te�s Edue�tion Code,Section I2.11 Q(d}(2},this farm must l�provided ta eny schot�l district likely to be affected by the ogen er�roilment charter sclioof. That school disirict may then submit this fc�rm to the State Board af Fclueation infarmazion relating ta any fiaancial diff"icuhy tbat a fass in eru'oilznEeent znay have on the distr�ct,information pc-rt�iczing to ar►y impact on student enrollrnent t}iat m�y irnpair a districi's abilit�to cc�m�ply with a cc�urt order affecting the district,aud any aiher i�fom�atitrn it wishes to share with thc b�ard_ Far more detailed inforrz�azzan ah�out the praposed charter,cantact the sp�nsaring entity indicated abaue. Note: u�der Texas Education tlade 12.106,an ap�raved apen-enrollinent ch�rter school is entit{cd to ttb� distributiou of tt�available�schoal fund fvr a student aitending the cbarter schr�al to which cbe disbrict in w4�ich the student resid�s�would be entitled This woulc3 include any benefits ac�d any tran�p�aartatian atl�tment for wbich ttae szudent is eligible�nder Chapter 42. An appraved 4pen-cnrallment charter is a1so� entitkd to a pc�rtion of the tax z�v�z�ue callec�ted by tbe schoal disi�ict for maurten�zn�e and csperation as provic�cd in Te�s Eduu:atiart�ode �2.]U7. Instrnctious� Submit tEie completed forrn sigz�d by the distric�sup�erintenden�anci bc�ard gzesident ta; The Te�s Educatian�4.gency Diuesion ofChart�r Schools ]7t�I North Con�s.s Avenue . Austin,T?C 787U1 '�`be farnr shoufd be received by t6e agency 1�y Aprit 2U,24U1 farcuoside�tiaa by tbe Stato Board ot` Education with xespeet to approvai ofthe pmpased open-enroiimeot ch,arker schooF. �'or Ynf'armatioa abaut the proc�dures far approvat of apen-enraltment ehArter schaols,please contact Division�sf Chartcr Sch�ou�s at (�12)463»9575. t��:: (J ' � - 1�3� �� �� � M . Statement ar Imp��t � Fur Ch$rtcr Apptication ; Name of Pmpased Charter SohoQl: Westla�e Academy Cbec1C tl�e appropriate respanse below: The proposed open enrailment eharter schoaf is nat expected to advea�sely impact the schaol district to a significant degree The�aragased open-�entollmerrt charter schboi(amendment}is expected ta unpact the schoal disirick irt th�following zx�an;crer: (I}escr�'be the i.�tpact in the space below arsdlor attach any sapporting dacumeutation.) {Diszrict Name) (Caumy-District Identifieation Number� {District Addz�ss} (Signature of Board President) (Print Baard President°s Name) (Signature of Superintendent) (Print Superi,ntcndcm's 2+�ame) {Uate) (Phoae Num�aer) ��`� �Q �1 � 1� 3b . � • r. r� • � ' � + �/ '� � '� � :l I. ♦ /. � � t'`- � � � � � x - �,,'�;.. � 1 � P � /-^^..._• :,.� Lfi Paz�aqe 3 � '' - O ouWe 5 ;,% , '�t Gi �„---^�: O Grwrn F /( �\ , � Can�a faa .. � ee �:j ���„'"� 4 d7 r'.�� Pa�maiAc , _�;.;� POCq*Wx., ' ACIHtn HGCl�pt FdR ! ��^ ��.�S; 't `-�: T►,l Rewm H�� �r � tietq` � � {�vor,ament aayuuedk '? •�; ', , ... 1 . p LEnwra.emnnt � / : • f Q ' .. � Rearicmd aenvery Fea L---_{ .,`,\�� /_l��'1 � P�Mclid CkM'rtry Fae I � . . ea �r+ rt � (En�.iramnent RqCwr�a �-„--�'�`i- C� IEaieo�setnmt fWGuuadl� `�, Y�^f � �� ���.� J ! p TbW Poataqe d FKs � � � I" Tau6�Wtiagp�Fsta � ���.^:•. i „a . 3 _ � _ . Sent io ��"�y �,o�� ✓' �.�% `{' t S -;�---..._....�.. .._:��_..---��-.... .--�-�---�-.......,.....__.. �-�' . ���_ s« ao,.�.� axN ��y ...l.l.� � ,e �a r� r� ax'��---------------�-------��-�..��........------------�•I � -�-----�-�- � t�.���?. �';..�t�... ! �- .. _. �' ?����.���`��._�.`��r-�-c�1_.�:_u�:-=-1-�-L .--... .._ ,t 'GM...hra p - --� --...... � '��c t�-�a,�C`Fe � -t`-`T f�f�"-!z�' �T 11� � .—' ��-;,.. T • �b�.�T���Uc. , , ., , -, ,: , * �• „� , . . i '�'� �� i .`� .. r a k I • m r� Q m � cra � .. I Q 4as�ag� S � .� .. C�3 Postn4e S � ' y :.. m %��%�--�t r�� � Cered�W F5a ,�i'~—'�`'� . Cat:lf.8d F�¢ •�./ � ! P� -:, , !7J Aelum Receipl Fee ��-`JJJ c�-� `, „,) RNturn F1eC�S41t FeB 4i�� � ,�;,%�j Q {EntlOtsRMntRqq�ved� .�C �t �`�" f I � �TTDprSe�'�M�tf-0�QUlrotlf .^t:1�� .r�.� . J i�� C7 ��t '\. J � Res4�Crod�eivaiy Fqe � ';-'1,'r�-'' ; �. Q �E^tl°rJ°^�e^t FiaQwaN ��;.1 .:'J U,! G3 IErrio1samml itaw'vetli , ,-'�\ f' ,�. � Yoty pqrtayo A Peae �^'' .,�~ 'J%� t.�,. Tatat Porbp�8 Few � , ,"'�—�"^ �,,is � a'e �1 . c7 � � A . ,.� seru rc ��+�— � �`""��� � Senr ro y�.!�&:.�. 7 � �` �?`:'6_t. ............. . ......... ....,.....................,..............., Q� '-----•—;by Ala:w p.!?.!?i..._.�._.._..�._........e......._............:..�__..... � �.an /v-a�.ar�('Sreox�'�?�„��?��Etl�. Srreet.�: �' �ear 1tn. ���� � .�.xr.'...i�.�r�Lu'r• f� '°'f .............. � �statn.X�k�.:i_" �!Y...------•K .......................�.__,..... � �'t��r°re.s� � . ��� �( ! � k �.�►,i� � ,�F� ��. • �3�3 7 � t'S�..1��;. �` � ` � .,, . -� �� f � � ' �. • ' • ••t i'� P1.i m � .. : � � , . Q Watape 5 �.,--�.:-.,.., � �� - ca C6rti}ia4 Fsa /1 ' - . _� ftJ Helum Recaipt Fee ,f`•H���`f�~,�`~•.;.' . f7 (EfWwSBmMI RCqutNtl) . ,� 1.�;f q �'1:::�:�� I•- � Asctric.leJOelivaryFa� ' yf �„'7:` � F,M+ 'i Q (Enqoracmant 14aw+��1 '. � / O q� � �+ 7ata!Pasmqe 8 F�eS /f `� � � ` � ���� l !•• .��f e31 Senr Ta �^ �� �- � ------•--�.��� �" � J __..._._ � r p SueN.iaat.� Box ......................—� -------------------• � --a��,,-�;�.,�..p -1Z-�.��...1............... •-• .......... �v.° U � �� e a 7'�z%�a'f����. A _ �"13c OPEt�-ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL . APPLICATION EVALUATiON G�/��,� 1 '��1 � G�C_ Please rate each section Name o# Applicant of the applicatian as indicated. Statement of need � Need far the school How does the charter school madei address need? Award 0-5 points. Vision of the schooi The long range vision of the school / � The educationai philosophy nr pedagogy of the proposed schoa( Award 0-15 points. The educational innovatians that wili distinguish this school frorn others ��If �"�i /�i�� ,� . / � ��� RECE11lED A.PR p 3 2��i Goals for the students Academic goals for student learning Measurabfe objectives for each academic goal � Methods for measuring progress Timeline for reporting progress Award 0-15 points. � �� ,� , Evaluation, page 1 of 4 Goals far the schoot --� Goals for schoal as an entity Measurable objectives for each goal Award 0-5 points. Educationai program to be offered Curriculum meets state minimum course offerings Unique experiences offered to enhance student success beyond the minimum curriculum TEKS cavered in curriculum � Appropriate graduation requirements or program �n in early grades to lead to graduation ��y Pedagagy that enhances student learning Awar 0-70 points. Methods to assess strengths and needs of students Use of evaluation to improve ins#ruction dmissions process and timeline Professional development opportunities relevant to mission /f/G/G�,�,r�/ ��.` n��1� I h'�S �Gf'�'h � � � � / / C,� �i 0�'�° Student Assessment �� Individual assessment in core areas � �j tJse of assessment data in pr�grams Assessment af individual learning goals Award 0-15 points, Use of assessment data to improve programs � Evafuation, page 2 of 4 , i i ' € � s E � � Special Needs Students/Programs = Speciai education � Titte programs and Section 504 Bilingual/ESL State compensatory education Dysfexia Awar Q-20 points. Gifted and talented "At Risk° Student activities � �. �j, �� �j`"�� l/�"�,,�G'�=�L*�J . / Goverance Structures and Processes Continuity in the future Board roles and responsibilities �7 Z Complaint management procedures G Baard role in administratar/teacher refationships Award 0-25 points. Parent and student roles in decision making � G�� ����- ��,�. /�v ���'�" � � OVERALL RATINGS ALL SEGTIONS OF THE APPLICATI4N ARE TO BE CONSIDERED. 1. Clarity (of ideas and of ianguage} ='� �� � p. M segments into the whole) �v :rall application and concept) Award 0-30 points. � G•0� + �t• 1'� f u, �� { �•05 � i� .j 3 �- �• 1� } ! �� I � � ' TOTAL POINTS AWARDED ���2 } (Maximum points possible is Z00.) �•30 + 1 �35 '� Evaluation, page 3 of 4 OPEN-ENRC�LLMENT CHARTER SCHODL APPLICATIQN EVALUATiON i �� � � �Li-�IS FL- �. �'f��) E.�'�1 Ptease rate each section Name of Appiicant of the appiication as indicated. .����l�P��Fit C�1� fl��C� Need for the school _�_____ How does the charter schooi model address need? Award 0-5 points. R;��E� ��D _s��;� . �` �' c'U(,%,i Vision of the school ; � The long range vision of the school � � The educationai philosophy or pedagogy of the proposed school Award 0-15 points. 3 The educational innovations that wiii distinguish this school from others f�oafs for the students Academic goals for student learning Measurable objectives for each academic goal � Methods for measuring progress Timeline for reporting progress Award 0-75 points. Evaluation, page 1 of 4 ; j a # ; , Gaals for the schooi Goals for school as an entity � Measurable objectives for each goal Award 0-5 points. � Educational program to be offered b Curriculum meets state minimurn course offerings � Unique experiences offered to enhance student success beyond the minimum curricu(um � TEKS covered in curriculum g Appropriate graduation requirements or program / t/�', in early grades to lead to graduation `���" th Pedagogy that enhances student learning Award 0-70 points. � Methods to assess strengths and needs of students y Use of evaluation to improve instruction � Admissions process and timeline b Professionai development opportunities relevant to mission Student Assessrnent individuai assessment in core areas Use of assessment data in programs � Assessment of individual learning goals Award 0-15 points. Use of assessment data to improve programs Evaluation, page 2 af 4 Special Needs Students/Programs ' Speciai educatian Tit{e programs and Section 5C4 Bilingual/ESL State compensatory education � ' Dysiexia Award 0-20 points. Gifted and talented "At Risk" Student activities Goverance Struc#ures and Processes Continuity in the future Board roles and responsibilities Camplaint management procedures �� Board rale in administratorlteacher relationships Award 0-25 points. � Parent and student ro(es in decision making OVERALL RATINGS ALL SECTIONS OF THE APPLICATION ARE TO BE CONSIDERED. 1. Clarity (of ideas and of language) � ,� / 2. Intearation (of segments into the wholej �_ 0• m y (of overall application and concept) Award 0-30 points. leteness �•��3 t J°Ot3 T ii•U3 + tJ•ii1 + 1��('�t U � ii'OU � 0• �i 5 { TOTAL POINTS AWARDED t Zr) q, �`; ,� (Maximum points possible is 200.) ;�•22 + 1 •Z 1 � Evaluation, page 3 of 4 i I � OPEN-ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHOOL � APPLICATION EVALUATION 6,�ES`I'I�-1KE ACEIDE�IY p��ase rate each section Name of Appticant of the application as indicated. , Statement of need Need far the school G How does the charter school modef address need? Award 0-5 points. Unclear as to exactly what is the IB Pro�ram i� and the needs it addresses. Vision of the school The long range vision of the schooi 1� The educational philosophy or pedagogy of the proposed schooi Award 0-15 points. The educational innovations that will distinguish this school from others The educational phil.osaghy of the proposea program suppor_ts_ the long range visian of the school. R����v� .���, � p �J y �Qn1 Goals for the students Academic goals for student lea�ning Measurable objectives for each academic goai 15 Methods for measuring pragress Timefine for reporting progress Award 0-15 points. Measurable objecti.ves, methods ror measuring progress and tir�elines ior Leporting progress clearly addressed the academic goals �or student learning. Evaluation, page 1 of 4 Goals for the schooi Goals for school as an entity U ' MeasurabEe objectives for each goal Award 0-5 points. ' Objectives Eor school goals ���ere not written in ' measurable teL-rns. Educational program to be affered Curriculum meets state minimum course offerings Unique experiences offered to enhance student success beyond the minirnum curriculum TEKS covered in curriculum Appropriate graduation requirements or program in early grades to lead to graduation F'S Pedagogy that enhances student learning Award 0-70 points. Methods to assess strengths and needs of students Use of evaluation to improve instruction Admissions process and timeline Professionai development opportunities relevant to mission Tne educational program oifered wi1l provide a challenging curriculum 4a'nich will be aligned to the TE�S anci rneet state graduation requirements. Student Assessment Individual assessment in core areas Use of assessment data in programs �-5 Assessment of individual learning goals Award 0-15 points. Use of assessment data to improve programs Assessment results will be used to chart student progress anti to ensure that student needs are being met. , Evaluation, page 2 of 4 i a � i � Special fVeeds Students/Programs Special education � Title programs and Section 504 ; Bilingual/E5L 2� State compensatory education Dyslexia Award 0-20 points. Gifted and talented "At Risk° ' Student activities Arovisions for special neecis students have been addressed. Goverance Structures and Processes Continuity in the future Board roles and responsibilities Complaint management procedures 20 Board role in administrator/teacher relationships Award 0-25 points. Parent and student roles in decision making Board responsibilities are well defined. Decision making inclucles staff, parents and students. OVERALL RATINGS ALL SECTIONS OF THE APPLICATION ARE TO BE CONSIDERED. 1. Clarity (af ideas and of language) 30 2. Integration (af segments into the whole) . ;�. niaa�itv tof overall application and concept) Award 0-30 points. U • %� :eness �;• �I 5 i ci• 15 + 0-b5 + u• 15 �- G•iJ T U°�`� �� TOTAL POINTS AWARDED 130 (j•�i; + (Maximum points possible is 200.) .� a�� � Evaluation, page 3 of 4 �1fl1'-15-2��1 11�14 ESC REGION XIII 512 919 5205 P.�6 OPEN-ENROLLMENT CHARTER SCHODL �,�PL:C�T1C9�1 ��Pv�•LU�,T�f3AI e �/� /✓ C ��� Piease rate each section �L/ 1� � Name of Appilcant � cf the application a� Indicated. �L7�lC�1C/1L�r�t t7i�'ccu � Need fior the school How does the charter schaai modei address need-� �ward G-� poinf�. Vision af the sehool The long range vision of the school � O The educatian$I philosophy er p�dag�gy of the propased school Award 0•1 S paints. 7he educationaf innovatians that will distinguish this scho�i frarri others Goals fo�the studeats , Acadernic gaals for student learning Measurable objectives for each acsdemic goai Methods for measuring progress � Tim�line far repdrting progr�ss Award 0-15 points. GE���O R� Evaluation, paga 1 af 4 �L{G1 OS/18/Ol WED 14:24 [TX/RX NO 6956] �•1AY-15-20�1 11� 14 ESC REGI�N XIII S12 919 52�5 P.07 � C�t/ �S T� �.�� GL��� ' ! ��"� i � � ; i � Ga�is tor the schoo! " �e�als far school as an entity � � Maasurable ot�jectiv�s far each goal Aw►�rd 0-5 pain�ks. Educatfona! program te be offered Gurriculum meets state minimum course offerings Unique experiences offered to enhance student sucoess beyond the minimum curriculum • TEKS cavered in curriculum Apprapriate graduation requirements or program f in ear(y grades to 4ead to graduation , b4 Pedagogy that enhances student learning Award 0-70 po9nt$. Methads to assess st�engths and needs of students Use of evaluation to improve instruction Admissions prdcess and timeline Professionai development opportunities retevant to mission . Student Assessment � Individual assessment in core areas , � Use of assessment data in programs Assessrnent af individual fearning goals Aw�rd 0-15 paln#s. Use of assessment date ta improve programs Evaluatian, page 2 of 4 05116/O1 WED 14:24 [TX/RX NO 6956] ^1AY-15-c0�1 11�15 ESC REGION XIII 512 919 5Z�5 P.�B ' C.��„� �-- � � � ^ '�c �� �. *rr.�' l � ' �� Speeial N�eds Students/Programs Special education Title pragtams and Sectian 504 Bilinguai/ESL � � , State compensatory education Dyslexia �ward 0�20 polnts. Gifted and talented "At �iisk" Studeni activities Goverance Structures and Prveesses Continuity in the fvttar� Board roles and respansibilities � � Camplaint management procedures Board role in administrator/teacher reiationships Award 0-25 polnts. Parent and student roles in docisian making C?YERALL RA7iNGS '" ' �+ECTIONS O�TH�APPLICATION ARE TO BE CONSfDERED. Glarity(of ideas and of language) �•�` } Integration (of segments into the whcle) � � Quality (of omar�l! ��ptic�tion�nd con�ept� Av�ar�C�30 p��n��. v• 1 t7 + CQmpleteness II U°f)iS i- u�!15 -'t i) •�i� i- ��• 1� + u �!4 �- (�° �I 5 + � � c a ��'� � TO�'AL POINTS AWARDEt� 1 f + ,. U� (Maxlmum polnts possible is 2�O.j ( °��� � . Evaluativn, page 3 of 4 05116/O1 WED 14:29 [TX/RX NO 6956] MAY-15-c0�1 11�15 ESC REGION XIII 512 919 5205 P.09 � � i r � � � �� �/ - � ��. Reviewer/tiate Evaluation, page 4 of 4 TOTAL P.09 05/16/O1 � WED 14:24 [TX/RX NO 6956] TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY � 17(il NorthCon��ressA��e.�kAustin,Texas7870t-I�9d*5121=46;-973d7ti FAX:�121a63 r)S3A�r i�ttp:ll«��vn=.te.istate.tx.us Jim Nelson Conu�iissioner of GducaCion May 18,2001 Trent Petty Westlake Academy 3 Village Circle,Suite 207 Westlake,TX 76262 Dear Mr. Petty: I am pleased to inform you that your applioation for a charter school received the necessary average of 150 points or higher when evaluated by external reviewers. Therefore,you are scheduled for an interview with the Planning Gommittee of the State Board of Education on Thursday,June 28,2001,at 10:30 A.M.in Room 1-1 Q4 of the William B.Travis Bui(ding, 1701 N. Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701. Be prepared to give a 10-minute overview of your application and to answer questions related ta your application. It is important for your overview to be no longer than 10 minutes in order to allow time for committee members to ask questions. An overhead projector and screen will be provided. Mrs.Strickland,chairman of the Planning Committee,has requested that each applicant provide tabhed notebooks for the committee to use during the interview. While this was not a requirement contained in the RFA,the tabbed natebaoks will be very helpful to the committee as it reviews your application. Please bring to the interview seven copies of your camplete application. These copies should be in three-ring binders sa that you can provide one to each of the five planning committee members,one to me,and one to another TEA staff inember. The appiication shauld be arranged as follows: Coversheef TAB 1 —information Reviewed by Agency and Considered in averall Ratings Items 1-7 as indicafed in the application TAB 2—Statement of Need TAB 3—Vision of the School TAB 4—Student Goals TAB 5—Schoof Goais TAB 6—Educational Plan TAB 7—Governance Sfructures and Processes TAB 8—Attachmen#s Attachmenfs 1-28 as indicated in the application The copies should be duplicates of those previously submitted. The application already on file is your official application, and although we are sending with this letter the scores sheets for the application from the e�ernai reviewers, no changes to the filed copy can be made without direction from the Planning Committee. You will receive notes from TEA internal reviewers at the end of your interview. The SB�E Planning plans to consider applications on July 12, and the fuil board plans to vote on new charters on July i 3. Aithough there are no presenfations from applicants at the Ju(y meetings,yau are expected to attend these meetings to answer any questions from board members, Should you have any questions, please call Linda Freeman or Mary Perry at 512-463-9575. Sincerely, !� / cc-u-� ��x`Q,_._J Susan Barnes ` Managing Director, Divisian of Charter Schools Enc�osures Prep�zrirzg Cliil��reri, Prof�rzo�ing Excellence �. ��. . .` � , �- �tatea�ent of Irrtpact For Cha�-ter�.pp[�ca�ior► Name of Proposed Charter School: Westlake Academy Check the appropriate response beiow: y The proposed open enrollment charter school is nat expected to adversely impact the school district to a significant degree The proposed open-enrollment charter school(amendment} is expected to impact the schooi district in the following masuier: � (Describe the impaet in the space below and/or attach any supporting documentation.) ..--������ �� � ��� I � �� � J (District Name) (County-District Identification IVumber) � ��� � , C...O C c-t�-� �-e vl. �'Zj�z��_� � � ��� (District Addxess) �� � � �� C:�Lv� ,J c:;u,�r�S ' nature of Board President) (Print I3aard President's Name) ( '7 � Cti � C� �, .�J� �l� (Signat of Superinten ent) (Print Superintendent's Name � � :' �._�- -,- ... - �'-�� -� �3�`7 - �I.s ( (Date} � ' (Phone Number) ,-, ,,. . . �� -i; ... _ _ _� �_;:; _ C`:�.. . _ , �1;�Qf1�0 1�:00A ?.015 _._._ QB/21./d1 '1'HU 10:57 NAC 51Y 4B3 Ai32 TE; CHAIt"1'£k2 SCHUOLS I�]U14 �'.�, � I ?' Tt ���t h �.!'.?�tRk�.��1W�iY���i.a+, _' � � d } �'��' s �...�.;= '' �fQt���M,�'�t,�`i"����s�`#1it01�'� � j : . r � :s: _.:,:�.:........_ Na.me vZ P��poscd Charter S�han1: �V�stfak�A�cade,nny. �:��eck ihe appro�riaTc t't.'sp�onse below: • The�oposed apen cnrolJ.rncnt ch�rtcr school i�not ex�ect�d to advcrsely impact the schoal district tv�•igniticant dege� X �'liee propo�d�pen-enraElrt�nt chartcr sehonl(amendmentj is ex��cctetl!i�impa.ct the school d�s��c��n�ro�rowuag rr�.�nncx: {Describe the impact in the�p�u:.�bclow andlor attach any suppartxaxg d�cun�entatian.) S�'E ATTA�HEL7. R��-'"y„.• � �E�Et�IE�I Keller I5D z�o-SQ� (District Na�ae) (�crunt�-District Idantification Nunnbcr) 35U Ke12er Parkway� Kel ler., 'I�:`k2s 7b24t3 � (llistrict Adtiress� �" _ _..�. .... _ _� Jaa Irvznp Signaturc of$ d Pxesident) ;i'ru►i I3aa�d Fres,idesrt's Name) 1 Ch�cles K. Sra�err�r (Signxture of 5upecintc�entl (Print Superintendent's��rYue} 6118101 (8Z7)337-7506 (Date) (Phonc l�iumbez) i 01�00/@�c 12:OOH ?.C'�1B c[Si2ti01 THI) t0:S7 PaX 51� 4(SJ 9752 �t�F.a cNp�R SCHUU�S �015 _ ,�.,_— i'�"" � r t n-p"`� o t �y M - - A t7Rir�C� OF TM� $UwY_fY(NTrNDL"Ni �r S�GM�Ot_� �. �'� -' � K�L1.. �aFt IAIDEP�lVi7� l�6'T' ��M4C� L, C� fSTi� ICT S R ! C (� h�� 4 6 I i'� ^, ��.: 3�50 KC�L�R PARKWAY IC[c.�BR.Taxws 76248 PHDNE: S1?".�r��•7�$QO FAX; 317•337-?3S8d �TAT�,MENT QF IMPAGT 6C�11er iS4 does r�c�t support trte gran±ing �` a Charter tv the Westlake Academy. The V+Jestlake Academy wi1( n�ve a signific�nt negati�e impact an the K�iler lndepend�nt 9chool �istri�t. 7he im�act in�ludes, but is nat limited to, an impao# on t1�� financiai r�sources, fiscai stability, bond ratings, contr�cluai obiig�tions, irtFrastr�ct�re, prograrn �esign, and e�tim�ting far all �lannet� activiti�s of ih� Kelier lndependent Schoot ais.rict. Keller ISD is committed tc� becoming onE c�f the top schoaf distric�s in the stat�. Th� KeE�er Schoal District encompasses nine eities. Gurrer+tly, there are 27 students wha live in Westlake that are att�nding Keller ISD school�, 3 wh4 �iJ'8 gttendirlg CarfAll tSt3 sct�oots. and D students atte�ding Northwest I�p �aols. The Town af tNestlake daes not l�tava a student popuiatian to suppcxt � Charter Schaol in iis community. W�stlake Acadamy has the potentiat c�f divertir�g a numb�r of fCeller ISb's quality students. � The KeI►er Ind�pend�,nt School District of�ers students who reside in �Vestlake the opportunity ta att�nd Texas Education Agency �xemplary elementary, intermediate, middl� and high sd,oais. The al�rnen��ry �s weN as �ha high schaol that Wesklake students attertd have b�er� t�ecagnixed as a �lational Blue f2ibbon Schoal by the U.S. D+apanrn�nt af Edwcation. The SAT scores for KiSD studenis�re arnorig the highest in the a�ea. Evety t��Cher in the lfeller 111dependene Schpol Distrfct is tr�ln�d in the thitty(30j hoUr , glfked and t��ented train�ng 'equired by the TexaS Educatiort Agertcy. This kt8in:ng affotd5 �li studer�ts the oppoRunity to �art�ak� of a curriculum, which i� enh�artc�d fot their ne�ds. Recent survey ra�ults indicate that parenis give }iigh marks to thte instructsonal strategi�s o#f�red thrau�h tho git'ted artd t�lent�d tr�ining. � KeEl6r students may pa�ticipate in a wariery vf prograrn�whicts enh�nce Isarning: mic(d�e � schovi studeolts may �Qmpete yeariy in the auk�Talen! search far autstan�ir�g middle schvol students; high school siudenis partiaipat� yearly in t}�te Academic L7ec�thlan Competition. Both high scfiyo�l teams have plar„�d in the top �0 in the state large scliavl cornpetition over the Imst three years. � �1/O@f00 1�:�OH P.Q17 ' OB!2I101 '1'HU 1O1G8 FAX b12 483 �79'L TEA CR�RTFY2 SGHUU4$ �JO1��~ Keller is presentiy planning a Fir��Arts Magnet High School that wil4 serve students in '' th�Westlake�re�. ' A Ketler Il�dGp��C1fN'tt SCh001 d4StflCt t1i�h SCh00) student may tak� advantage af a ' strong Advance�l Placement program in math, 1ang�age arts, sGience, and sociai studi�s wt�icn can gamer as much as 12 ho�rs af�afle�ge credit per subject. In adc�itian, students may �nrall in Dual �nraliment ci�sses �n langu�ge arts, which wili garner as much as three college cr�dits. Through these progrgms, students can graduate with cnaugh callege credit to �e granted sopriomore status. ir� fact, the 1999 Keller High Schnol Vale�ictorian graduated with over 4D hc�.,rs of �a11Gge credit prior tQ entering Texas/��M klnive�sity, KlSD hosts an eiementary UIL me�et En whicti surrounding d'+stricts' Schools �nd KISD �lementary scrioo! �tudents parliapatQ. Sludents in elements�ry grades have opportunitics ta be sctive in Odyss�y of tne Mind ar Dastinatian Imao�inatfon corn�etikiort. lntarmediate and second�ry students may participate in a variety of ar„ademi�and fine arts UfL cornpetition. r � , f , ' ± - -• ' - r'� `) ; , . � . � \. m . ��., ; i . I .-:� � � . . : .� .. . . .. I�I - Statement;af.impact �'` ''� ! '�,�-t`; I� _ _ :' �pe�i Enroll�e���hai`ter°�chool .. � � . II � Pu rpose of��is fo�-m: .The sponsoring entity entered belo�v is submitting an application to the State Board ' of Education for approval to operate or amend an open-enrollmenf charter school. The i�ame and location of the praposed charter school is provided: �Iestlake Academy #3 t�illage Circle Suite 207 Westlake, TX 7b262 In accardance with Texas Education Code, Section 12.110{d){2),this form must be provided to any school district likely to be affected by the open-enrollment chartez school. That schooi district �ay then submit this form to the State Board of Eclucation infazmation zelating to atzy financiai difficulty that a loss in enrollment may have on the district, uiformation pertainuig to ar�y irnpact€in student enrollment that may impair a district's ability to comply with a�ourt order affecting the district,and any other infornaatio� zt wishes to share with the board. For more cletailed infarznation about the proposed charter, cantact the sporisoring entity indicated above. . IVote: under Texas Education Code 12.106,an approved open-enrollment charter school is entitled to the distribufion ofthe available school fund for a student attending the charter school to which the dis�rict in wluch the student resides would be entitled. This would�nclude any benefits and any transpartation allotment for which the student is eligible under Chapter 42: An approved open-enrollment charter is also �ntrtled to a gortion of the�ax revenue collected by the school district for ma.ultenance and operatian as pravided in Texas Education Code 12.107. Instrucgions: Subrnit the completed forzn signed by the district superintendent and board president ta: The Texas Education Agency ,.Division of Charter Schools 1701 North Congress A.venue Austul,TX 78701 '�i��d.t.'«��.. ����deo! pe�+ 5usea.e��,�r��s C,�l-��-�� The for� sho�ld b� a-eceived by fhe age�acy by z� ' , @�°fma°consideration t�y the�t�te�oa�d of Educat�ors dvifh respect to appraval ofthe proposed o�en enrollment charter schoaL �'or inforination abaut the procedures for a�nroval of o�en-enrollment charter schoois,please contact Division af Charter Schools at (S 12)463-9575. . .a:..� - - '��� j 7 __. � � Statemenf of�napact ' ' � � , ' -� ��,� � f`�t,� _ ',�_:.�or�k�a�er:Agi�lica�ioii`, 4 ' ', Name e�fPropased Charter School: Westlake Academy ' Check the appropri.ate response below: . ' The praposed open enrollment charter school is not expected to adversely unpact the school district to a s b�ficant degree _� Tlae praposed open-enroltment charter school(asnendrnent) is ex�ected ta unpact the school district in the following maiiuer: � (Describe the impact in the space below andlor attach any supporting dacumentation.} See Attached Statement. N�rthwP�fi`1n�p�ndPnh �cha�l Di�rict �._,,_5��7_�91 1 (District Name) (�ounty-District Tdentificataan Number) 1800 S ate Hw 114 Justin TX 76247 (District Address) +� � � Dannv Simpson �Si , o Boar President} (Pri.nt Board President's Name) / Keith Sockwell (S2 ' e of Superintendent) (Print Superintendent's Name) Mav 22. 2001 817-215-0030 (Date) (I'hone I�Tumber} i --— - — � Tearmvork � � �� � �� �J� Pride Independent School Districk Excell�nce I i i � STATEMEN"i'OF IYIPACT Nortllwest ISD does not support the grantin�of a Charter to the �Vestlake Academy.The W'estlake Academy will have a si�nificai�t negative impact on the Northwest Independent School Uistrict. The impact includes, but is not limited to, an impact on the financial resources, fiscal stability, bond ratings, contraetual obli�ations, infrastructure, program desian, accurate forecastin�, and estimatin6 for all plan��ed activities of the Northwest ISD. � y Northwest iSD is committed to becomintr one of the top school districts in the state.The To�vn of Westlake is located in thz�ee schoal districts,Northwest ISD,Carroll [SD, and Keiler ISD:Currently,there are no students who live in Westlake evho are attendin�Noi-�hwest ISD schools, and only t�venty-si� . students �vho are attending Keller ISD schools and three tivho are attending Carroll ISD schools. The Town of_Westlake does not have a student population to support a Charter School in its communiry. Westlake Academy has the potential of diverting a number of Northwest ISD's quality students due to its proximiry to the Town of Trophy Club,tlle laraest community in the Northwest ISD and the (ocation of ttivo Northwest ISD TEA EYemplary and t�vo RecoQnized schoofs. Northwest ISD reached Chapter 41 stattis in 2000 and passed a�182 million bond election in February 2001.The loss of students will have a definite impact on the district's financiat resources, pragram desi�n, and accurate enro(lment forecasting. Since Northwest ISD is a Chapter 4 i district,the loss of students will reduce the distcict's Weigt3ted Averaae Daily Attendance(WADA).The district's recapture pa}�ment�vill atso increase as a result of the loss in WADA. Financia3ly, the district will lose a portion of the available school fund. If one-third of the projected 400-student enrollment for Westlake Academy is from Northwest 1SD,the district wil( pay$684,300 in Kecapture Tax and will lose$32,984 from the Available School Fwid.The district has the potentiaf uf losing$6.� million in operatin�funds over the ne�t�ve years(See attachment A-1). As enrollment i7�creases for the Westlake Academy,North�vest ISD, a rapidly�ro�ving Chapter 41 district,will be foreed to evaluate a variety of budget scenarios,all of tivhich may restllt in the reductioil af teaching positions, staff, programs and essential services to its students. This�vill adversely affect the district's goal to provide a quality education pro�ram. In Westlake Academy's application, it implies that there is a need for a school that offers a rigorous cur►-iculu�il. The North�vest ISD Board�f Trustees�`vision is for the NISD to become a top scho�l district in the state. Based upon TEA evaluative data,student performance, staff evaluation,and community input, the district is well underway to achievin�this goal. North���est ISD offers a rigorous curric�ilum �vith siYteen (16)Advanced Placement courses, Pre-AP courses,advanced technoio�y and college concurrent credit courses. Northtivest ISD is committed to offerinb its students a quality and chalienging educational prob am. Losing any of the district's top students would be e�tremety detrimental. The district emphasizes that there is not a necessity to create a Charter Sclaool iil this area. In supp�rt of its position, the district requests the State Board of Education to note the opposition submitted by CarrolI ISD and Kelier [SD,the other affected districts by the Westiake Academy application.Therefore,the North�vest Independent School Qistrict rec�uests the open enrollment charter school application for Westlake Academy be denied. o r t h r�e s� Teamwork • Pride Independent School District Exceilence DATE: April 17, 2001 TO: Keith Sockwell, Superintendent of Schools FROM: Jon Graswich, Assistant Superintendent for Finance�--� RE: Five-Year Financial Forecast- Charter School Impact � The Pive-1'ear Financial Forecast reflects the potential impact opening a charter school would have upon the District. This fc�recast is based an one-third of the projected 400 student el�rollment for Westlake Academy is fromNorthwest ISD the first year. A projected lass of 267 students from Northwest ISB is estimated for each year thereafter. �h�s�te�-Schoo�Img�acte T'he Revenue Prajection Summary projects a potential$6.5 million loss in operating funds aver the nea�t five years. � The Available School Fund is set on an annual basis by the State Board of Educafion (SBOE). This amount is not subject to Chapter 41 recapture, At the Septernber, 2000, rneeting the SBOE set the 2000 -2001 rate at$248 per capita. This current rate was carried farward in the projection. � CHAR'�'E1Z 5��3�OI.I19�IPAC'I' CI-iAPTER 41 I�Cr�PT'UItE �D EiVAILA.�I,E 5���(70L F'I.1I�dD Chapter 4� Avaiiable Schoo�Year ffZeca�ture'T�ac School Fux�d '�`otal�arflp�et • 2001-02 $ 684,300 $ 32,984 � 717,284 • 20Q2-03 $ 1,394,912 '� $ 66,216 $ 1,461,128 � 2003-44 $ 1,399,084 $ 66,216 $ 1,465,300 • 2004-OS $ 1,398,676 $ 66,216 $ 1,4b4,892 . 200S-Ob $ I,400,693 $ b6,216 $ I,466,909 1800 State Hwy t 14,Justin,TX 76247-8700 (817)215-0025 (817)Z 15-0170 FAX 1 t �I'HE �EIVA.TE C�F TI-�E �T�TE OF �EXAS .;. . ,�. _t ;: �� � -;. P.O.HOX 12068 � ���=" yY?'�' '.>2�"j'jl Committees: CAPITOI BUILDING \\ ""`-;�:.�`�- � - AUSTIN,7EXAS 78711 `��� . EDt1CATI0N S,CHAIR . 512/463•0109 FAX:512/A63-0923 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES TDD:t•800-735•2989 SENATOR JANE NELSOle1 � pISTRfGT OPFICE . 940 PARKER SQUARE,SUITE 200 � � - � � ' FIOWER MOUND,TEXAS 75028 , � 972I724•0066 - ' FAX 972�724-0750 � ' E•MAII:jane.neison�senate.sia+e.�.us ����' y �D ���1 � � ���' February $,2001 Texas Education Agency Division of Gharter Schools 1701 N. Congress Ave. Austin,TX 78701 To whom it may concern: Please give your utmost consideration to the Tawn of Westlake's application for a charter school. E1s a strong supporter of charter schools, I am encouraged by preliminary plans for the Westlake Academy, a proposed multi-aged, seif-paced learning institution with a particular facus on international business and foreign language. Students interested in pursuing this career path would have a unique opportunity to gain experience through relationships the town has forged with intemational corporations located in and around Westlake. This charter request is unique in that the applicant is a municipality. In my view this would be desirable arrangement because municipalities are already subjeet to public acc�untability and have access to reliable financial support.Alsa�coristruction and maintenance costs could be shared between the schoal and the town. Alliance Corridor would be a wonderful home to a charter school. I hope you wiil strongiy consider the Town of ti�lestlake's application. Ve truly yours, Sen or Jane Nelson FROM � BILL F�X N0. : Jun. 22 2001 a3:01PM P1 Mr. �C t�rs. �Nilliar�► A. Spi�s g Wo�ci{ands Ct. �rophy Club, Tx �6262 Jur�e �2, 2801 � TEA Ch�rter 5cho�l �ivisior� A�astir�, �"x D�ar M1�terrib�r�: . �e w��aid like t� add c�ur s�pp�rt to oth�rs for the g�r�p�sed ���r� enrellm�nt c�arter sch�ol in W�stlak�:, Tx. 1Ne hav� lav�d in �rophy Club tac9jacent t� Westlake) f�r �hirteen year� a�d have a 10-year old �on. 1�e have seen the �rea� gro�nr �oer�mer�ially, b�L th�re ar� s�il! few �haices for oc�r ehildrea�'s �.�ad�rr�ic r�e�ds. �e �irould like to se� ch� oppmrtunity caf�h�iee th�L thi� proposed ch�,r��r s�hcacs{ ��u6c1 c�ffer the far�ilies o��his �rea. Thank yau fc�r yaur ��nsid�ration. 5ineereiy, �' t�t�l,z-�. `� [7iae�e [�eier 5pies, CPA � 1 � � -�illi�.�n A. Spie� ,_,� 06/22/O1 F'RI 15:00 [T�/R� 1V0 7169� .. J•h4U(9 . F�3t-��t �J.Yr`d - - - - �'Ft;; h:�7. . £�1�-4^c-��SI �-z- JU�,, �:� �o�x ii.e��v� Pa .I��' �. .�,If� � ��Cf9 ���� �°�� � � � � �'��.:�.i,..�. �� '760�� ��?��2�,�b�6� ' .la�a�� ���', �00't °�E�, Ch���� ���to�! g�tsl�� ,��stln9 T�xa� T� a�hae� �t �y ��nt+� � 1 �m e���6�s� !ao �upptsrt of�h� �i� �f �s�[�ic�, T�a�� �ra�vin� � �etr �pplic�t��n r �ae ���n tn��i{a�s��tt Chart�r �ei�aal �pp���r�dm � o ppe��� �� �h� �!� �'�1����wie� ae�ef �+�luott��t �ffi � �I�r�ta��g ��d Z�a�lr�p C�rttr�ei�i�n��: 1 F��v� t�� ��1de9� ehtl�r�r� •n��roul� 1��� to ��nd th�� t� thl� �h�ek�r S�ho�l< '�°h� Cl�y wlll en�Ent�l� t}t� W��h��t st��ad�rd� a�ed ar�s�� �he pr�p�� el�a�p �eod ov�r��ti�ht. gt �� �mp��tant t�r t�s� ���a��s c��t I��r� ��a �ll�}c� t� �e�v� � i�' ���O�T�a� ��t�nd � ����t�it� ��ho�l. ,�� I� �t�r�ds �t a ��t�1ti�#'a t�fo�e�� Bivret�� ar� e�ifle��� �mae�� �t tiak�r�v��ald ga �o d r��at �� o!� f� !h � �8t�er��� �choot �I�����p ��If�� I�D� C� 9i a��, �aod �ior��,���$ t�D. $ s�ho�l h�l p��rd �h�°1����6# ��rp�°� tn a eot�et�t8�fty •ra�i ���lak� L� �I�st�g tt�i� 1lnk fi��eQ� iC�d�. Rl���� �p�r��� �aar pll�at� m . �rm��� ���d�� _ � �-� �a � OB/26/O1 TUE 13:54 [Tx/Rx NO 7187] Tuesday,January 16,2t}01,TIIE FCELLER CITIZEN, t�.:�..;.:.� � . . �. .� .:�5� � �Cl � � ��� � �. '�i�� , . • . , .. . . �#: . �a� `Y �:1���� �i� � ._� � � � ����� �� � 1 ���r�. . '�'`Board of Educati�n c�ar�anit�ee t� revie�v charters fror� 1� oldest schoals . ��'i� .. ' . . . . . � . ���By�S7CEVE PASCHAL - : accept students from Westlake first, wbuld have gone to the cransferring t�`,, , ��After a public meeting last Tuesday ,ehen open its doors to students primar-`:student's district,t11e money will only �af;which more than a doien peopla ily in the Ke[ler;Northwest and Car- cover the cost of educating the stu- r;:�i:ti: • • ;votced their.suppoit for the'plan, .roll, schooI districts. He added that: cient.Maney�for facilities and to run " Ni'.3...�.... . Wesdake is proceeding with its appli- � there are plans to start an International' the schooI,would have to come from cation.Eocreafeacharcerschootwithin Bacealaureate program with college;-, private�and corporate donations, he �its boundaries. ' • based curr'icutum and emphasis�on�':`said.Under sta[e law,charter schooIs �.>,� .: . ���sDespite a lack of assurances that the . foreign lano ages.International Bac- .•.may not charge tuicion. state will grant.its application, in , calaureate programs, .Bra.dley °�;:.Last Tuesday, about 25 people -°"��'�•-�`" ' � attended a_ineetina at Westlal:e City -December Westlake s board of alder- explained,require students to be pra;_;;y.; . � , . :. f...::.:::.. . . :inan authorized Town Manager Trent ficienc.in�three'languages,'including,�tHall to supporta plan to operi a charter �:Pefty su6rnit an application to the state". English That would help lure�oversees`�'school..If ihe state approves che char- to start a K-12 school.Ho'vrever,sup- businesses to Wesilake,he said.. � .:�.ier,�Vesdakeplans.to open the'school porters have riot_determined if enough .� `By opening a charter school,West=�'_in,the fall of 20Q2.However, until a ;parentsin WestIake andnearby school Iake hopes to become even more�� permanent schaol is built,the school� d'asfricts wilI,send their children to the attractive to international corpora- "inay have to lease space or purchase' C.��:. : . ':school to justify its existence. That tions,"Bradley explained.`.`A charter ';an.existing building..In addition, the :'decision must be made be£ore the Fet�. school wouId allow ezecutives work- _`schobi cnay not cover ail grades K-12 ��:15 filing'deadline for new charters. . _ing in the United Scates for�a coupie af;;:in its first year. .. � �-::In addition,there aze no assurances, years to.bring their families to.Texas :�:,:Lase week;the Scate Board of Edu- thesEatewillgrantWesdake'srequest. without worrying about�interrupting"==�cation's.Committee on Ylanning � :'The state has already granteri the max- tt�eir children's education"�-:. : :`.anriounced that it would meet w'cth °�:M.;..,. . imum of 120 open-enrollment etiarters . .�F�nother reason.the town..wants ro,_�.officials from Texas' 18 oldest charter �and ihe oniy way�Yestlake's applica- : open its own school;Bradley sa�d ;is_ schools to determina whethec or not ro on can be approved is if the state rais-. because of the town°s location on ttie� renew their charters.The first-gener- � es thelimitor if an existing school sur= outskirts of three school districts..�.ation ctiarters viere approved to oper- .:�:°: - . ::renders its charter. .. • :While studants from Wasdake attend �'ate as public schools in 1995 and they �':�,`;Wesdake is not a place,historical- 'school iri either the Keller,Northwest� �,must seekrenewal of their charter this ;ly,where people are easily deterred," or Carroli dis�ict's,because of the tow':'.year if they wish to continue to oper- . . . � :�said Petty.°`dur strategy is to do what- . number of students coming frQm the:: a[e. • f. �"ever'ii[akes to get thaC schoolbuilC...' . [ovin of 250 residents,none of the dis= ::�.::_.,. .... � . . , �:I don't care if we inheri[soineone� trict's is likely.to.build'a school' in � ;else's oId charter or if we're granted a ' � ,new one:' Westlake. � . . ' � - � _ � . There is also the probtem of fund- �:.,'ivlayor Scott Bradley said the pro- • �ng� Bradley pointed ouc. While che� � posed Westlake Ac�ademy_would ' school would receive state money that � ' � �` . , . : � � '�ri. ..�,:�, .r " . . , �'I�esday,�Deccr�bei�12;�OQO%www:stnr-telegram, . ..i:. :� �.� ,L. , . . , �i . � �. �. ��stl �� . �� �.�vo���s�:��. a. .�1 � �� ��: � � a.��� �c � � � . ._ . :. ,.. .. . . ..... . ��1 . . . . . . .Y . � ��Jostt Sa�i�n . . , :.��,�� ���a1,s ��.�..��� � day night to start. an appIication for the s�r-T��e�swr�wrt�r� • � A� academy, making,Westlake the �rst Texas � 4V�ST�AdC�---I�o'nday�was`a'day of.� � � � ° �� � towri to a 1 foc a'ch<�iter school.' � IC� � . ��. � 5���. ���I�a.�.a, � PP Y ts in:tFus�ny,Yown,.capped by a un�ni� �_ , �, r � �� Bzadtey said the school boundaczes��or . us:vofe to creat��vh�t would•be the only.��.�:."�'• � � . ihe;academy wduid most likely minor tl�e � � iter school i.n I�tortheast Tanaiit Caunty:, ����r����-� �1��� • . town limits, and Wesdake residenis wovtd stlake Academ . �� . , • . � � , � f ���. � .�.• ' � Y . _ . . . , get first preference for enrollment. . ?arlier Nionday; officials bundled�in'. of coi�imuriity,".Mayor Scatt �radley said. • Plans cati for 40Q students, possibly . ;rcoats turned. a shovel'of d'zrt and�: "It's�tiuly.an exciting plaee:And throw on , increasing to.1,Ob0, Town.Manager Trent nched.a-$1,6�zsifllion r�medy-for the�:•:top of that dve don't have�any property tax,• Petty s�id. Classes �vould b� offer�d from Ierground maze of utility Tiiies. � �.. .und ie's really unasual:' ' kindergarten througt� 12th�rade. . � `We're really i�y7n�to be a'different kind � ,�''The Boaid bf AldeYxnen vote�i,5-O,�Ivlon- ' (More on WESTLAKE on Page 7B) � r . . . " . • , . , ' � � � . , On 1VIonday znorning, afficials broxe Petty.s�ud. � �S'�� � gcound far a duct bank�that is designed to cope, The duct bank is IG,500.feet of piastic pipe . - , �� • � �. . . tivith steep populatiori,growth expected zn with smaller pipes inside. Westl�tke wili lay `• Westlake: According to,soine estimates;.the �em underg'round and install.manholes along ' ' �, ' . ." ' rrom I'age 1B �own could.iricrease tc�5,000 people•fram Z50 t11e �vay. �Vhen a tefecommunications compa-, rVesttake•alsb�wants to start an International �'�'itlun l0 years.�: .... . ' � �,..;.:: . ny wants to lay new line, warkers can feed it � Those people wi11 need new services; znto the duct bank. That means no more dig- �calaureate�prograiri; v�ihich„zs .o£ten�:'�,hich means new electric lines,.gas lines, �ng or outages from severed lines,Petty said. cnbed�as..the ffiostacadeinica.11y challeng-. .��aterliries and telecommunications �viring, . .As far as.anyone knows Westlake is the in'the�world:Students"wonld need eo knovv '. Petiy'said. � . �e lan a es to duate:. �' only.town to try duct banks,.he said. � � 8 b� �• � , . All the Iines'create chaos �ui�derground, ' «�is is a precedent-setting sotution for a Ianner's;-want•the�,school.to be,prestigious;..,,,especially where they need service, he said. problem we think is going to.plague m�ny -ugh to attract intematioiial�businesses: �.�:` "�.;Utility,comganies are constantly cutting,each `Ie will,;no ques6on;�raise:property.values,";�;:other's:lines, cauising service outages�and trlf- . cides for years,"Bradley said: , � ty;�'s'azd::".Yi�ii�'simply�;rai'se��hb b"ar for�': fic jains.. � ' . . ' � ' °'. ' '; Joslt Shntfer,(Si�fiHS-3957 1'yOYI�FlT011II�lt" �� �,,;� 5 � • 66WC thiT1�C„WC'VC �Ot £l;reinedy.for�ttiat,", � jslinfJ'rr(Dstnr-lefegrnur.enni ,�.I, � i �� . ���.��j��l'ii'll'; �. . � �'i`�{a,1:1,�j�����1�'V�'�.�hS'1�7�1l�i7t�S!• I��1 rrt 1�ti�:,1S�'i�1 I,t?iil{1��.���! (',1��.. ��I :'ti�. I ��1�. , ° ,. �'i1:' .' _ ' �' '1 'i.� t�ill' .� ' . �1{ ��� r I� ��'i• .i� _ _ _�_ .._,_.::'_--...._� �—_=-----:_.._- -: • � , ; • � .stai-telegram,com 1 Wcdnesday,January 10,2QOI, ���STLAKE � � � . ', �. S � ��� �o� �r� �,r s� �� . . . IY�Josii.�t��e�FfrYt, ' Eventually, Westlake would . l�orthwest district would bring " • - s�-T�i�g�s�arrwriu� �ike the charter school to have'an $5,440. , � ��i►�S'TL�;KE' -- �Westlake International JBaccalauceate pro- . ��.Several things complicate - � . 'hopes to open�zts charter school . gram, a ri.gorous.caurse that Wesclake's plans.� . . j�n fall 2002,'offering a rigarous requires a 4,000-wozd'thesis for ' , ,`For one, the state has already �ct�iriculum witlz 13 students to a : graduation. � ' handed out 120�open enrollment • , . class.' - . , ' .But it�vrould take two years of�� charters, the maximum allo�ved . � 'p � At the same�time, tlie town is proven'success to apply for that by law. Granting Westlake a , � rushing to'fn'ish its application sort of.grogram, said John chacter wouEd require a change �to the:state by the Feb. IS dead- Bcooks, an education consultant in.state_law or for a current � � �Iine. � � � " to tha town; school to Iase fts chartec . 'I'hat application will probably Petty said Westlake,Academy �rooks said that will not be a ; lack a permanent.location for t6e. wouId most IikeIy tiave to.'start in ,major hurdle. Some schools etre. school building, Town Manager� a tempor�ry buiIdi.ng. �expected to lose thcir charters , � Trent Petty said:I3ut he forecases About.a dozen parents attend- �when they come up for renewal. � .suceess. � ed the Tuesday night meeting Also,at least one educatar has , ; "We are�not�easily deterred and voiced their support far the said that Westlake will have to � ;peaple,"Petty said. "Wesflait�'is school. . take speciai-education students . (not a place,,•hisforically, where . .,�Westlake is'sezved by Carroil,. .alang.with the gifted and talent- ,. �we've been easily deterred."' Keller and Northwest school iiis- -ed; complicating it$ plans to ' �n Decemiber, �Westlake tricts. IIut,it contributes'too few c3ter fo the acadennic�lly . announced,plans for Westlake. students far any of those districts �.advanced. • Acaderiiy, a.400-student charter to build a schoo2 in Westlake. _. Bnt consuItants. said,that . schoa� that`wouid offer classes ' !� chartez school would .incozning students would be told from kindergarteii to 12th gcade. zeceive state money based on iis : that the curriculum would�be � - Town resident� would be given students'former school distiicts.`;;challenging, geihaps znvolving � • ,fust chance'at enroltment. JFor example, a student from the '.thzee hours of homewozk a night.' - ' _ _ ._ , i -� s: - � � � � �-�r �r� s� �� : � WES'IZ.AKE—'tlie rown a(WcsBake is "Westlake Academy wilt be digible to . (orming a de9elopment committce to rtxcive that portion of the funds that � found a chartcr schoot foc the tovm,with woutd be usad for oper�tional expenses thc goal oE having the first students in by the schooi district which the student . ' the dassroom by nczt September.The would nonnally attend,"Pctty added. ' commiltee,to be composed of\VesUake� 'll�o district would keep the portioa ef i(s : . .citizens,ii xhedu?ed to begin woric in taz base used for othu ezpenses. ' . _. � Ienuary,according to Trent Petty,town ' "Ihis is realty a good deal for tht managec school di'stricts,"Pctty claimed.'1'hey , Tl;e Septemlxr targct date is biud on get tn keep much oF the taz money and Wcsdake txing gcanted a charter by the don'i have to educate the smdent" . . S�ate oC Texac and on finding a suitable Portions of Westla}:e lie in three dif- location for Ihe schaot,Petty said feront uhool districts—Northwest, If either of ihese wnditions cannot be Cartotl and Ketler.Fetty'said that Carrol� • � • - met,the school probabty would not be has so far becn cordia!but uncommitted .' ' able ta opcn unUl,September 2002.. ' but f}u�t NoRhwest has shown some _ 'the first probleen,attai�ing a charter opposition to the idea.Keller hu not yet from the state,will likely be decided 6cen briefed on t�e new school. ' eariy in the ycar."Ihe slate is limited to Also,chartcr schoots do not fiava to the number of charurs it can grant cach mect state requirett:tnts for teacher cerd• year and applicauons already are in place fication. for more than the mazimum 120 "I would anucipatc thaz most oE the allowed. teachers wi11 be staee certified,but we As to a location for the school,tem- aren't limited to that,"Pe[ry saicL`Na , porary quarters coutd likely�be Found in can hring in experts in variousTields w � existing buildings in.Wesclake,6ut a per- suppiemcnt the teaching staff." manent home would take donalions from He added that,in order to attracY top � individuals or wrpoeations.A perm�nent teachets,ihe uhool wilt have to provido homa foc the school is probably several above average pay a�d beneFits,possbly. , years away,eveo if jt obtains a charter including admission for the leachets' this year. .. children. • State education afticials are watching� Wfthout a largc tax base and wiehout the effon with some.intens4 Peay�� �c.a6ility to charge tuidon,the school since this will be the first municipally will,to a degret,depend on private gifts operated chafter uhool in the state. � and private fund-taising aceivides.One . "Charter schools are dcsigned to provide possibitity,Petty noted,is for an ezisfing an cducapon'altemadvc for students organ'uafion flr company to build the ' whose paren�s iul they are not getung school's faciliry and lease it to the town. • an adequate educauon in�heir present ' Size oE the smdent body also is stil!tn school,"Petty said. be detetmined,but Petty said he daubted . hiost existing charter schools in Tezas it would ever be more than about 800 havc bccn orgnnized and operatcd by and probabty woutd begin with 400 oc ' pamn�s.Petty saicl that Wcsdake's fewer smdents. involvement woutd bring a degree of sta• "'Ihat's another of the ques�ons thc biliry and credi6ility to the ncw uhooi, committce wi11 have tn answer when it • which has bcen named The Wesdake meeu,"Petty added."But with an antici- , Academy., , patr�4,000 houschotds in the town, Among the questions still to be about 800 students would be the most answered is the area in which the schoo! we could ezpect" • ' ' wil!operate.It probabiy will be onty the One of the inival goals oE the school ' town ot Wesdake,Pttty said This is will be to offer the Intcmational �mpo�tant because the school wil!be cli- Baccalaurea�e degnx,a high-xhool . gi61e for state funding and alt students levei program which is accepted fa living in iu designatcd arra will have the entrance by most universities around tha . right to attcnd. . worldf¢ Smdents tmm olher areas can apply "Public uhools by Iaw have to try to for admission,6ut it will not be guaran• be everything to everybody,"Petty said. �: � "Charter uhoots can tocus on a mt�re ' As a public school,'Ihe Wesdake •narrow educaUonal cutriculum,deaigned pcadeicty wllt txi eligble for limitd for a specific student popula4oa Ple . state 6nancial suppoR,but it will not be anticipate this will help attract intema- a61e to chargc tuiGon. 6ana1 businesses to WCstlake." `,��;� �;L:�. ��,� ��.�, ��:������;��r�. �. -�.��..�,���-:�' �' C��' ��`����.�1�� - �,,��-:-���-� �_ �� - ✓ �: � `�Te:�as senators are e:itir�charter schcois." . eonsiderin5 �t faulty fi`c For the ne:ct t�.vo years, "'ex.is cities, counties and unitiersities � for �sChfl01 p�'og�'�m. would have e_cclusive power eo "., There is real danger in the end- issue open-enrollment charters " of-session fever that �rips Austin and would be �iven some ove:- . ever.y t�vo years. Difficult deci- si;ht responsibilities over the � ,'.'sions on important issues get scnools that they start. "delayed until the last days before If compromise is essential here ,the LegislaCure adjourns, and the — and it is required•endlessly in resulting pressure to take action the process of passing pubiic law can result in bad law — perhaps public universities That's what's happening in die could be allo�ved to start charter � effort to bring order to Tesas' schools. These institutions at chaotie e:cperiment �vith charter l.east have a track record in the ;�--schools. field of education. � A Senate biil, drafted in But counties and cities? The i response to a House-approved, le�ions of governing boards rep- '•; two-year moratorium on new resented in these two categories � ch'azters, tvould instead give have no educational espertise. y charter-granting power to the Texas taspayers have no reason to ' state's universities, counties and trust their judgment as to which ^ cities. � charter applicants should be � So instead of the State Board entrusted with tax money, = of.Education deciding which There's a feeling among some � charter applicants �vill get tas- legislators that local government i payer money, that decision would officials can be trusted to make � be,made by any of the governing the right decisions in this area. ; boards of more than 30 gublic Call it blind faith. f universities, 254 counties o:1,186 In the bill approved by a Sen- ' incorporated municipalities in ate committee last week, there is a the state. • not even a requirement that the � • That is not a good idea. propased "governmental entity + . The House Committee on Pub- char#er schools" be in the same ? lic Education got.this ball rolling county or city as the governing a last December with a scathing body that approves them, nor is � report on problems in the charter there any requirement that objec- ; school program.that the Legisla- tions be given a proper indepen-. ; ture started in 1995..The report dent hearing before a charter is � cited repeated exainples of char- gr'anted. ' ;, ter schoals closing suddenly, Less than.two �veeks are lefi a owing thousands of dolCars to the bef�re the Legislature's scheduled � state and leaving hundreds of stu- Niay 28 adjournment:The charter `' _ �ients to fmd new schools virtual- school prograrn in TeYas is stiil �..�ly avernight. . broken, and strong measures are � The committee delivered.30 still needed to make it right. : 'rerommendations far charter But bad law would only open � �: school program improvements . the door to inore problems. Giv- and said the Texas Education ing cities and counties the author- � Agency should be given, the iry to grant charters would be bad � '`�resources to adequately supervise law -`�'charter schools. It recommended a moratoriurn on A� ; ' .°z�e�,v ' charters G' °�-�YJhile the prob- '' �t z3^' _...._. ,...,..,...� � �`-` �, , � ����'� �-lems are brought �� i � ., ,��.s, , � •under control. ;, 4 ;� "`:��� ,:� � - � The Senate bzll : � y�,� . 1-' incorporates �� "inany of the sug- � ` "�gested improve- �� :� "� � �, i�" �:.. "'ments. But some , � ;+� �owerful state �; ' `-'officials, includ- "" � �„_ d , "ing Gov. .Rick `Perry,object to a - moratorium. SO TheAssociatedPresslHnwtvCnni,Ucr the idea was born The Texas Senate, presided over by Acting Texas Lt •;�to allow what the Gov. Bili flatliff,is cons;dering a bill that would give char : S�enate bill calis ter-granting powers to the stafe's universities, countie� "��vernmentai �n�ir.itias �a.IlcLs Nlorr�tt� �et,Js J`��^°� , �,..,,,���.,�,,,>��ti����„;�y�•«s- itself,but wh�t if it somedaY � m thatpolicy?Whatifitsellsits ����� .�� � s ���� �,.�� .� ����� �� ������� � �nnp��nies,Cor cxample"��lliat ainlenance organizatinn then �ay your medical bills for c�n- ��use you purchase too many Ii�1cxas,Svhere,our current president Ihot teachers have either a diploma or a rules:'lie added,"They wanted to elimi- success stories,[3ut thero is nu cvidcn� es each week'? has assured us,no child is left behind,a ciefln record. But it does hefp expl�in note the requirernent�hat kids have im- tfiat tLey can be mass-produccd.�\nyl;� �g wrang wilh a little infonna- significmrt num6er do seem to tiave becn why only about tt fiIlh of t6e students muniialions." talk of��ccntudnhility se�ms tu cui�ic w it nqiy not siucty the produet leftholdingl(teUag, p�ssedtl7estate'sbasicachievementtests Ttie staie tlouse of Repres'enfatives screcching lial(. Only n I�audlid uf Ili �vhich items are seliing nnd ('urrently in Ilouston,educa�ion ex- in20U0. I�as passed a bill ellling for a t�vo-ye,ir schoo�s h�rve had their lirensc;r��ukr� y are oi�r vitnl siatistics need- perts are watching in a kind of an-e as tl�e Geurge Rr I3ush has iakeu the cl�arler mantoriwn on ncw cliarter schools�nd� (A uumber,ho���ever,II;lVC f�Ci'.11�IIUIfCfC ng prices to force customers s[ate educational bureaucracy stntggles schooi messnge to Washington wiflt l�im, host of addifional re�ulaiions,Uut Gov. ivhen ,chnol lenders eitlicr ran nut r. with a cardjust su a company ,:. �.,�,_._. to come to grips w6ile Tex�s is IcR t�>dig itsell'uut of the Rick'Perry doesn't w,mt to do anylhing money ur lled tawn.)This��rrk,die i;c matiun on ou is n bit,�vefl, '"'%�` y =,•rfa� � with Prep�red Ta- hole lhal U�e presidenPs entl�usi�sm for tUat miglit bc secn as a repudiation of the pnblicnn-doniinaled state Seu;�tc rrjrrtr� There is somelhing �vrong ;C�/;" �`,� ble, n very Inrge publicly financed nonpuUlic schools ere- movement. a rnotion tht�t ch�rter schuols I7e require� i secks tu penalize customers �,.�� ,,,�\��', and Cnnneially ated Uack liome.\Kore tlian 200 ch�nter "IIe doesn't 6clieve tliere shonid be a to get an"accephible"acudrmic rvuhia witli its lan. �•�'�� p � �a.,. sliai.y cliarler scl�po(s were nutliorized in the past fe�v moratorium an cliarfer scliools,"snid ihe tiim to get coutiiiued tinaneing. ::is that we are losing uur pri- ,�„T school lhat np- years.aIl oflitem recciving stnte stipends govemor's spokcs�coman, lCalliy Walt. `I'ha govcrnor's spul;es�voiu;u� ,:�i� �vithout our knowledgc ;ind pears ro be edu- of abou�$5,000 a child under n syslem "Ile ihinks thcy provide a necessary n-Ir. Petry U�ought �hat eharier srhoul e�ve don't care to protect it. �:•�`'�' cating children tliat w�is supposed to enCourage experi- choice for peoplc�vhose kids are in fail- "�vere se1 up so Ihey could b�!i cz allwi> ;ident assured me tllat if 1 felt m�der conditions mentation by imposing virtunliy no st;m- ing schools." st.ite regul;dinns,and he duz,u'�hr.lie�, ealing my personal inCorma- `'`___� ` that very ciosely dards.'Phe legislators presumably envi- There are, in T�ct, very few 7'exas Texas slioutd be pu(ting�hcm iui,lrr di� �ard without giving my name GQI(, resembte a dis;is- sioi�ed scl�ools pioneering new methods public schools thnt are f;iiling as spectao- requiremcnts public sehool,are undrr." h�it option isn't written any- c�L('�� �ter relief eenter.A ofteacliing reading,tvriting and eomput- utarly ns Ilte charter schools.'Che s(ate The argument—nuidc by tlic�uvcr cation fom�.Tn fict,tl�c fonn � local 'TV station er skifis.Wliat`lexas laxpayzrs now are ti�s a system of r.�tiug public schools o�i nor atid the senators���ho np��u,c•d s�niuE driver's(icense uiimber and recen(ly ran pictures of Icids crammed in- snbsi<lizing,anwng mflny oll�cr imtovn- factors like dropout rates and test scures, �ichievement sumdards---is th�ii a rlr,u s.'1'hey�v;mt everytliing. to a clmrch,where severat classes were tions,�re a g}nnnastics school and an ice and last summer a quarter of the charter ter schuul Ihat is siruggling �4id�dill'i e�villing to give up,U�e more mm�ing simultaneously ns the students skating schoot,in which acnAemics in- sciiuols got!he bottnm-nf=ihe-Uarret rat- cult-to-teach students frnm poar Limi(ic witling lo taike. Gventunlly, slept,talked or sat on the flnor so they lringe only a very fetv hours each day, ing. shnuldn't bc lield to thc s,�nic,r.md:u�l il�ing lefl,no privacy,notlting enutd usc the pews;ts tables. nnd tl�e paren�s are charged an extra$90 In t 999-2000,80 percent of the cl�i]- as schools in tha puhlic ,qst�m. 13:i,4 already kno�vn, 'Che school's administration never re- a weel:so their kids can le�rn to do ihe dren in puUlic schaols passecf Ilie'lexus during the carnpaign,that�c;u 6uuu-n u: ieckout coimtcr question of ally hns respomied to charges tl�,it a siz- death spir�l. academic acLievement te,(s -- scores "the bigotry of soli expcceiiious,".�u� i,about as personal as[wa�it abte slice of the stafl'is composect ofcoir "I tried to get a lot of proteelions in tlmt led some cynies t�qnestion w6ether my reeollce�ion is ihal Mr.Rusli d::l iniie victed felons and di�t some faculty lhe beginniog," said siate Rep. Scott the tesis renlly were all Ui�t tough. I3ut ly ivns��gainsl it. memben haven't grodnated (eom high Ftoch6erg,D-tfouston,an ear(y clmrter only:l7percentofthccharterschnnll:ids Rlc r.s o fire-lnxcr rvriler school, let alone college. Actually, ihe scfioo(nctvoc�le."'Phe govcrnur's poti- passed. CJail Cullins�ri'ii�.i f,r�l�r rl�a-Y�n;. u'r/xon. slate's charter sclwol latv doesit't require tion basical(y was Ih�t we shoutd hnve no Therc art:, uf course, charter school Timcs. ;�___.— -�����T��OE�U �� �.� �.���.���.1 �.�c».� �1���.�}�..J.�, ? (G�O, Pq,eTIALltl�IY� v C+NLt57' ORE.Ap��.�7:., — ��E,,. ��'hcre is ii wri(len,"'17ion shalt not clone hu- Gr�iited,fl�ere are dangers in hnman cloning. lifc ihnn�vc;u•e�vhen wc ccinceitic aud b�:.�r rl�il- '— � � � '-�� mans..,?I3y what sianclard is cloning hum�n bein�;s Tlic whole iden n�ay turn oul to he;�busl,Procluc- dran or tivhen w�nse aetvanced��an�:thrnp�•. a .���� � immoral or unetliical'? ing only maitbrnied inCants.!f su..i h�tn tvuulil he Onr crealor is�he makcr ui nior;�l I,nr;.II'r I��d h` �.o� Peop(e continue to sTy Oiere are mural and elh- necessory.IIut unfif�ve tind out,ouQmvin�scien- cliooses[0 711�611I Illll�lilll L'IUIl111L� it u,� v;uu't �'�, � ir�'' 6 � .,. � ,�� � � � y ' ` iail questions,but ihey don't delinentc ihem.(f a Iilic rescarch wnidd be usiug Ihc snme medic�c�l happen. �, rriajority of people in�democracy vote to outlaw re�soning Ihat nuitured ilie Dark Ages.So f:�r,on- Millions ofpotcnti;illy�idup(ahlu Amrrir;u�ba- ��� "� 3 �` `-��y� t� -- ��, some(Iting,ihey don't necd ty govcnunent-funded researc}t is prevented by Uies arc heing lnst to ahnrtion.Cuupl�,ycainw� �✓; , ' • a moral ex lanation; Ihe lativ. �%,.'1�, .� ' � �; - �1 �„�' . ?+��` R Y for chi(dn+n are spcnding smali iiiiiwir;i<�ue���l� ,_ i �. ���cr ,In it A nli �,.�..� 'rl,...� ....�I�,.,....�I,.,n��.i..�., ..,.t,'1..�l ....... . I��'ORMATIOI�' SII�IET I`�IZ ES7.'A��LIS�-IIVIENT OF'1�E�'V CHAI�TER SCI-IO�L WL+;S'�LA�+ !-��[��EM�' DATE PI20PC1S�I)FOI�(}PE��I�Cgc Fall, 2002 OPIEIV t�a°75°Io AT�IZISK: OPEN �'�6'or �OI�iV�RSIC)I�: NEW NEW CI-�AR'�'EI$SCHOC3L NAii�: WESTLAKE ACADEMY COUNTY: TARRANT 1VIAILING A�DItESS: 3 VILLA.GE CIRCLE, SUITE 207,WESTLAKE,TX 76262 SIT�AI�D�SSe SAME CO1�TA�T PERSC)1�1a TRENT PETTY TELEP]EIONE IiTLTMSEIt. 817-430-0941 FAX NUM]BER: 817-43Q-1812 Mt�.XIIVILTIVI G-�I�ES SE�t'VET): K-12 • Il�AXIlV�T1VI ENRC�LY.l�NT: 8Q0 CO�ORAT� C�IA�t'I'E�t N�.TMBER Fl[��1VI SEC�TAR'Y OF STATE: NOT IN APPLICATION I�tINE-I3IGI� FN�PI,OY]ER IT)I�JI�BER�'ktOl�t II�: NOT IN APPLICATION PLANS FOR FIRST FIVE YEARS OF OPERATIOIVS AS I1��CATEI�II�d ��IAP'I`E�t AI'PI,ICAT�ONa . ,�� - . 'YEr�R 1 �Al�2 I''Et�It 3 YEr�.i�4 YEAYYS I�T� �F S�'I'E� � . m . _ G�I�ES 1-6 K-7 K-� �-9 �-14 �1�OLL1V��iT 400 (390) 515 580 645 710 P��t�SE 1�t0'TE P�GE EI� �1V APPLI�A"�"I01�t E1Z�TF€�I'��I�I� t�I� IIV�yCt�TEI): P. 22 TEXAS ED�ICAT'ION AGEIVC�' '' Dfvision of School Fina�ncaaI Audits , NIEll�OI�A1V�lIJM ' 'I'o: Mary Perry,Manager I�ivision of Charter Schools ' From: Ramon Medina, Senior Audit Manager Charter School Audits Section Date: June 9,2001 Sasbject: Charter Application for Westlake Academy Auditors reviewed the Application for an Open-Enrollment Charter Schoal for Westlake Academy and noted the following: Statement describin�sponsorin�;entity,pa�e 12 ^ 1. The applicant stated "As a governmental entity, the Town of Westlake found that it was in the public interest that a non-profit corporation,the'T�Jestlak�_A.eademy�or�ora�zo�;be created u�Ider the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act to act on behalf of the Town as it duly constituted authority and instrunnentality, within ehe meaning of the Internal Revenue Cade of 1986, as amended, for tlle purpose of providing educational services and facilities." However, the applicant identified the sponsoring entity as the Town of VJestlake, Texas on the coversheet. The applicant should clearly identify the entity that applied for the charter? Student attendance(excused and unexcused absences),paQe 43 2. For official attendance accounting and Foundation School Program (FSP} funding purpases, auditors will use the requirements discussed in the Student Attendance Accountin�Handbook and other applicable state and federal regulations to determine if a student was present or absent and, consequently, if ehe charter school was entitled to FSP funds. ��z,'�+ v1��E'�.��"'���"�"1-��t��r���.�°3��p��vy' Should you have any questions,I may be contacted at 3-9131. v � ���� ti � z r� � .. �� �i,' , .�`�'����4 �,���� �,�� _� �, �_ � �� �, � � �. ���,. ti < � � �� ,�f 14��,�'� � 1 v ^ � k��: �N � {: w .� ��+fi w � �� RY K �' <_y�;,, ' ���� A��������.�z��S . ,T .., ��������� �, �. �, ���i,,.�rv�s..�� sE �s t ..,_ �t Special Education Westlake JJ f:j.�.. . . � GEi�ERAT'P�N 7 CHART'�R SCHOOL APPL[CAT'IQN RE1/IEVV �leas� li�t and explain any issues that n�ed clarification in the intervievv process. �SSUE�S} �; , i� , REQUIR�D CiD1�T1NG�C�C(1�$, , , c �, �t s� .F r ,fl1VFa�o,I\IYffi�to�f � 'Y`��` ;,�Gd�l�,��47. Chiid Find Any reference or assurance to follow NOTE 34 C�R 300.925 � App(ication cited the state's 34 CFR 300.125 obligation to Child Find. Applicant's primary responsibility(including referral The charter school is systems)is to idenfify, locate,and evaluate all defined as a local education children with disabilities. agency,therefore,a system of child find is fhe responsibility of fhe charter schooi INFORMATlON REQUESTED NONE Confidentiality INFORMATION REQUESTED NONE Procedural INFORMATION REQUESTED Safeguards NONE Prior notice INFQRMRTION REQUESTED by agency;content of notice NONE Observation Any reference or assurance to follo�v INFORMATIOIV REQUESTED „��..';'\ (assessmenU 34 CFR 300.531-300.543, TEC 29.004, and ,,�:;° ., evaluatian) 99 TAC 89,?045, 89.1040 � Evaluation procedures o Inifial evaluation a Determinafion of needed i�< ' 34 CFR 300.531 — . Evafuation procedures evaluation data °�� 300.543; e Determination of needed evaluation data TEC 29.004; � • Reevaluation ��� `�" Determination of eligibility . Additional team members `�� �ti'.� 19 TAC 89.1015; o Procedures for determini�g eligibility . Observation 89.1040 &placement � e Reevaluation Written report e Additional team members � Criteria for determining the existence of specific learning disabilifies m Observation • Written report Development& Any reference ot�assurance to follow INFORMATiOiV REQIlESTED impiementation of 34 CFR 300.342-350;and 19 TAC 89.1050, the(EP 89.1055 When IEPs must be in • When IEPs must be in effect e effecf 34 CFR 300.342- . !EP/ARD meetings . IEP/ARD team 30Q.350; A IEP/ARD team . Content of the IEP 6/26/2001 � 1 Special Education Westlake . , , 19 TAC 89.1050; o Parent participation e Agency responsibilities for 89.1055 • Development,review,and revision transition services ' of the IEP(fAC 89.1054} a I�P accountability • Contenf of the(EP • Agency responsibilities for fransition services • {EP accounfiability • Least Restrictive Any reference or assurance to faliow NOTE Environment 34 CFR 300.55Q-553 ➢ The Student Service (LFtE)Placement • General LRE requirements • All piacements are made on an individuaf IIVFORMATION REQUESTED 34 CFR 300.550- basis 553 . Continuum of aiternative placements(special . Continuum of alternative educafion continuum) placements(special • Placements . education continuum) ■ Annual placement decisions are deterrnined by an ARD committee . Nonacademic settings Transitional Any reference orassurance fo foliow NOT'E Planning 34 CFR 300.29, TEC 29.099;TRC 89.911Q and ➢ The response is too vague fhe Transition MOU ta determine charter 34 CFR 300.29, knowledge of special TEC 29.011; education procedures. 19 TAC 89.1110; Transition MOU INFORMATION REQUESTED Any reference or assurance to follow a 34 CFR 300.29, TEC 29.011;TAC 89.1110,and the Transition MOU Cerfified Any reference or assurance to foltow NOTE Persannel 34 CFR 300.23, 300.136, TAG 89.1131, and ➢ The response is too vague SBEC certifrcation guidelines to determine charter 34 CFR 30Q.23, knowledge of special 300.136; s Qualified Personnel education procedures. 19 TAC 89.11.31; • Professionals SBEC guidelines . Paraprofessionals {(VFORMATION REQUESTED • Personnel standards . Qualified Personnel ,,,� o Professionais • Paraprofessionals s Personnel standards Services 4o INFORMATION REQUESTED Expelled Students NONE 6l26/2001 2 Special Education Westlake ' Please list arod explain any areas of concern that n�ed to be raised before the !, S�ate F�oard �f Educatian. i I . .;.. .` .�C��l�ERN s . , ,;; .. : ,. AS�StIRhNC�s ,F��C�`UESTEt}. .,_; ; Charter could be at-risk for potential: Will the proposed ci�arter submit docurnentation of knowledge ' . Due process hearings in the specific contingencies requested above(third column— • FAPE vioiations CONTINGENCIES PENDING)? • Compliance issues f� 6/26/2001 3 �. . , ' , 7`�'Generation Charter App. E2evicw Legal Scrvices Divisie>n , Chartes Nloody ' VVESTLAKE�EIAR'TER SCI-IOOL ' �vidence of�oatprofit Status: N/A. The charter holder will be the Town of Westlake. ' Governmental entities are eligible to hold charters pursuant to TEC § 12.101(a}(4). , Westlake has established a nonprofit corporation to act on its behalf in estabtishin� and ' operating the Westlake Academy (Resotutions, Attachment 1). The exemption of th'rs corporation from federal incame tax is a separate question,� but whether it is exempt or not, the State Board of Educatian still has statutory authority under the Education Code to grant a charter to the Town of Westlake. From TEA's standpoint, the nonprofiC corporation will occupy basically the position of a school management board, with ultiznate accountability for compliance with the charter resting with the Town of Westlake. The resolutions provide that n�bonds or obligations of the nonprofit corporation constitute obligations of the Town of Westlake (Attachment 1). If the corporation has authority under the Texas Non-Protit Corporation Act to issue revenue bonds that by their terms are payable onXy from revenues a['the school, and that do not otherwise bind the Town of Westlake, the exercise of that authority presents no problem for TEA. However, the applicant should recognize that nothing in the Resolutions.wilI keep the charter holder (Town of Westlake) frozn being obligated for ordinary debts of its charter school. The cantract for charter, which will need to be signed by the Mayor on behalf af the Town of Westlake and not just by the board chair and CEO of the Westlake Academy Corparation, provides in part: "Charterholder may not delegate, assign, subcontract or otherwise alienate any of its rights or responsibilities under the charter." Therefore,for example: � If an attendance audit reveals that Foundation Schoal Program(FSP} funds have been ovezpaid to the school, and TEA needs to reclaim funds, the amount of the overpayment will be an obl'zgation of the Town of Westlake; ➢ When the school contracts for educational materials or services, those debts , will be obligations of the Town of Westlake; r If the school fails ta make the proper contributions to the Teacher Retirement System(TRS) for its employees, and TRS places a warrant hold on payments of state money to the charter holder, that warrant hald would include any amounts payable to the Town of Westlake, including FSP funds paid by TEA. The Town of Westlake will tie�the payee for FSP funds from TEA. Public I\Iotaeea OK(Attachments 7-9, 11-12). Facilit�es: The exact location and nature of the proposed facilities are not described. The application says that facilities will be"innovatively cross-utilized"between the Westlake Academy and the Town of Westlake(p. 48). Does this mean that existing � As an instrurnentality of the Town of Westlake,the corporation should be cxempt from federal taxation under I.R.C. § t 15 as Iong as it is serving an"essential governmental function." See, e.g., Rev. Rul.77- 261;PLR 2U0022028. i ; a D 8 . � 7`h Generation Charter App. Rcview Lcgal Services Division � Cllartes Moody ; ` I TOwN oF WESTt,AtcE—p. 2 i i municipal facilities will be nnade available to the school, or does it mean that school I facilities constructed with state funds will be used more generally for municipal � purposes? Note that newiy enacted TEC § 12.128 provides that property purchased or , leased with state funds "may be used only for a purpose for which a school district may ' use school district property." The reason for raising the questzon is that although the , ' application says that"[t]he Town of Westlake's resolution to provide space and facilities for Westlake Academy is in Attachment 24" (p. 48), in fact Attachment 24 authorizes the creation of a nonprofit corporation to issue revenue bonds that will help provide educational facilities "and facilities related thereto," but specifies that no such bonds or obiigations will be obligations of the Town of Westlake. Geog�-ap�ic �oundaries: OK(p. 51 & Attachment 27). �mpac�St�ternent< OK (pp. 51-52 & Attachment 28). Adrrussionse The application describes a first-come, first-served system (pp. 86-87). Instead, to be consistent with federal guidelines and the charter contract, the school should designate an application period, and at the end of that period canduct a lottery of all applicants in any grade level for which applieations exceed available space. Siblings of Westlake Academy students may be exeznpted from the lottery according to federal guidelines. Gover�xar�ce Structure> (pp. 15-19, 89-91 &Attachrnents 2-3). We received 6ylaws but not articles of incorporation for the Westlake Acadenny Corporation. Also, the application on pages 18-19 describes ehe officer positions of the Westiake Academy � Corporation but does not answer the other application prompts concerning the -- corporation's board of directors (the manner in which they are selected and removed from office, how vacancies on the board are filled, ete.). The bylaws included as Attachment 3 answer these questions to some extent. f� YUL�30-01 0Z73T PM TOWN OF WESTLpKE 81T 4301812 P.O� r I Contin;encies i WEBTLAKE � � � 6 July:QD 1 . Texas Educatian Agcncy Soard ChaNcr&nhool Division Ms,Susan Barna Vie Fa�aimife S 11-463-9732 Rc: The WcstinkG Aesdqtyy Chocter Schoal,Grncrsticn 1 Appiication t�ca�Ms.Samea tnd Mrntbers of 1hc State Board of Education: During thc Westtake AcadernY Clwrtor School,Generalton 1 Applicatian Hearing an,lune 28,2401,thc liaerd askcd quastions enJ m�ule suggesttons eonoernln�thc Town'g apptication. Pleose acteyt the followlag inforn�ation to aetisfy die eommenes snd cn�cem�r�lsed by the Board Admission Policy: The Town was notifed that in order to roeeive Federel funds,the opplication procesa woutd have eo be n lottery. 7fic tewn wili eamply wlt3�ali Seete attd Faderal gicidalinea thnr will Allow us �o aeccss thc Fcderal fundn aftd n111 comply with Stato taw. Curcicufum:The applieatipn etatas t}�at the Watkaka Acndemy would be en lnt�matinnal Beoealaurqte (l8)cucricutum�how�ver,4s mcmbers of the BoaM patnted aut,the A�a+rrty nnu�1 be 1a existeoee tor thrcc ycan 6cfore it csn implement that program. lt ia thc intention of thc Academy to put in place the currieulum eomponcnts�hat will Iead to baleg cestif�d in�he tntcmationel Haaoalaureate progr�m end ths Academy em6races efie id��of u�ing wdve�aee Placement tAP)cutriculum to luidee that threa years. Moreovcr.thc Acadomy x�i11 strongly eonsidcr using she AP on a continuing bosis avcn nttor the J8 Cuniculum is put into place. Teecher Quelifications:The 8uard wanted clarification on the issue of taachars beia�required to have bschelor drgre�s and cartifications. The Town agreed thet nll teachers would have at lcast n eachelar'� dcgrce.Certifiemtlon wi1)�So also requirsd in al1 cnses unless uniquc c�cpe�ientip!(esming spcciat short-term conditions dictetc ot.5rrvvisc. Length of Sehool Days:7'I�e Westlake Academy wfll otTer a sei,00l dsy eornmensurare with curriculum crrtifCration d�msnds.a�e of awdeRt,s and elective apponur�hies.ln na cascs will the sshool dpy ba shorter tlian tfie aeighbaring iSD's in any grade. we appreciate the opporsuniry to clarify these questlons on tha application and l�k forwaro to ons�vering quea�ivns afyou o�cha Heaqd leter thes wcek. Sincnr►:ly. �---�-?��'"'��--�'' C Trerit Petty. 'Town Mnn3 3 Village Circle • Suite 207 Salana •Westlake, Texas 76282 Metro:817-430-0941 • Fax:817-430-18t2 • www.westlaka-bc.org 07/14/O1 TUE 19:J5 (TX/RX �i0 72321 ' Cantingencies CUn�lay 1?,?Dt)Q, th�St�te Qoarci oi'L•dtication(SBUG)adupted cl�an��rs W Pulic}�-4.3, . Disc:lu�ure of Campaigr►Cantributi�ms and Gifts. 1`hCst cham�rs r�yuire rxpandcd reportin�s trom ti�ost�vho��ish to entec into a cunuact,grant,or chartcr��•ith d�e S00C. A�ontinuin;duty to rc,�wn�cists aFter the brant,ehartcr,or contr�rt is issueci. . NITIAL REPOR"T OF BE`E�[TS OR CANtPAtGN CQNTRIBG'TIOZS COV'FERRFD ON I�fEMBERS OF OR CA:��tD�TES FOR THE STATE BOARD OF ED[:CATIO` �or the ptriQd�I�y 1?,2000,to the pcesert Individual makin�repart: �re^�"' p• ���'�"�-� EmptoyerorComp�nyrepresentec3: "'r[�vu.� .� �,.��`��.,, Position: y��.., tl��,.c� ,,r-- Scrvices ren�ered to SBOE or contract,gr�nt,or charcer issue by SBOE; ���E Transa�noII i. _.__�___w__�___.___._______._.___...-_----...�......___�_...._�._..___ DATE: A;410L'�f'T: ' NAME OF PERSQN(S)RECEIVI?rG B�EFIT QR CO*fTRIBUT[ON: DETAILED DESCRiPTICN DE EXPENDITURE: ------------------------------------------�------ ----------------------------------------------------- Transaction Z. DATE: i`� r�►:�iOUVT: NAIvtE OF PERSON(5)RECEIti;T\G B6�iEFIT(3R COl�?RIBL'TIO:r`; DETAtLED DESCRlPTt '�F EKPENDINRE: ;' , / , / ' �:_.......... ..... ..__.___..._._�..._.____ Trans�ctioo 3. DATE: - p;1qpU1�IT; NAIyiE OF PERSON(S)REC�NING BE��FEFIT OR CQ?�'TRIDL'TI4N: / � DETAILED pESCR.IPTIaIv OF�XPENDTfURE: P.�7'3 y !_� � i=i t�1 H T I i=: �: i i '�,�' E �: �� H E E T . I+ � T E : r�� �� ',�' — ��i '� — � 1 �1 ;_ : :� � F' r�1 T �;i : . � F H ,�; � . i •_� 1 � � r, L� t� �� � ;�.; � �: ►_� t�1 : Ti=� �lal�� �� F ��aE :=� i' L � f�:: E FH ,�; � : �, i � � ± � 1 � �. � '� F' H �� EL; ��aE �: E � Et�IT � . �� I taE1L !� I� I t•ai� TH I � �: �;� 'ti` E �: L: HE � T :�� tt»sioi Vf)�i 2n:•�1 (TC�R.0 ��� e:inni C�iu��'i NOV—OS—O 1 0t�2�2 PM TQWN OF b1ESTLAKE J i� io`O 1 B f 2 F•.�a t i �. Coatingencies ' �ESTLAKE ACADEMY . racstait:.:, T�.��5�[:TT��� s�:�g� ,. �:i�•,� `t' , �Ia:�•I�cr�n� lla:1'•`�y(��C::C �1�4�'1\Y ;).\':li '17:� ni�ision oi Chlrtcr Schoal� i 1/5/0� r;x��situ.R �;;r;.�:.�ii.t:r�,:c:ai��c:c.�:±�.cc:n•::c.t. �i 2-4G3-91i38 $ .::��.r..;��:r:�e :�>.,;::cs i:::•�.s�.a;:�v����;•.:t 3:3-:G3-�'3� C::�r:ec:esponsc �� YtYI'S 91J'�'.4t�a._.�C�nurt C:h:�ccr::11�pli�dc�n:1ut'it Kcspor.�r ; i I ❑L'RCil:ti'I' G I'L31(HI:Vlltw �.1'Llf.1tli<:U\7UF.�:'� G PI.:::\`I:�::P;.1' Q 7:.1'..\�i�.l2t��.11.:i Wlli�,Pt1A1X!V'i:� `tiif�'� I b�:u�e you a::�Ur.)oFss::3co��k>have c:sc�eac�:i�ia�:u:via p1:o.^.e ConversaC�ni 1{c::is tac G^a: v�:�usn,ai��cc3,::c. � \ti'ouE�i po»plcase gs••e mc s call anc ic::ze k^.ow+c:�at;'r.e^c.�r stcp is:t:teqeest�:g��Ze cxtcf:cie.^.t�r apa»ing tli�t wc diseussad eulic:i,�the y�ca:. I bclicvc tknt ttvs le:ce::s:tx last iter..yoa r.cc:i F ur.,us be;ure issutnti t;7r charcec wnaact. I:J�ere is a^.sc�.:ng fisthe:,�uase,a.o not hcsiu�.e to cau a:r. 'l':�:�n'R}uu:oc yvur lulp in�his m:►ttc:. . .. . ��. .. �'.. 4�. �.a..-• r-� c . ' . • _ - ��� e . . �r�,, . .�-�--- . . . _ _ . - _�..�-�-- .�—r r. ' ..�. ' �:� _ : :rLi .,_,.. . ,�_'� � . �- - . � �— ��'."�:`»._--- . . ." . . p) vt1.1.11t:It t:litt:t.l:�SU17'[i��2G"• � � ' . WIi�TIAKIi, '{'I.XAS '6262 1':!t�NIS e17.�,1n.U9s1 Y.\X !7'•4�U-lN1� t�%n:,int Hn� ,�n:•�s ��r�•ux �n f�:s��,� ?���"' I N�7'J-�S-dl� Oa:Z'< PM TQWN OF WESTtAF:E S1T �i3t7lo13 F'.�:1.: � . � . i . [ Conting�ncies ' . i �ESTLAKE � � o�tohC;�.�, 2oot `1s. Mary Pcrry. Nlanager Di�isior.of Chartez Schools Tex�s E•.iucacion Agency t�0 i `'onh Con�ress Avenu� Austin.Texas 78701-1494 Drar f�fs. Pcrry: In Responsc to the!v!wnor:u�dum to you frorn thc Charter School Audits Scc:ior datc�l J�.:rc�,2�41,conc�:ni�g dtc Chancr Appl:csticr for VVcstl�.�Cc Aca�cmy,The Tow�r:U` 1Ncs,lake wisnes to responc!to the coneerns pointzd o�t in t5t foilowing manncc: FS:�:�ycE tt�vlEw; � St::tc:mc�.�c��,scribingscZansor:n�entitv.�agc 12 'Chr'l�own of Wcstlakc appli�d Cor and received the chaner. For arganiz�tianal purnoscs, ' the Town elected to create a new division, much like any ochzr eity dcpar;mer�t by or�a�lizing and appointing �he "Westlakc Academy" as described in Attachmcne Ri. R�solacion OI.OS of t1;c a�+plicativn. Ta eliminate any doubt as to the Tow�n's intcntiorts �zd oroartizing structur:., thc Boa.*d of Aldermen ap�ainted themselves acting in thr�r clected ca{�acity and responsibility to ths Tewn of Westlal:e as the Direccors of the Acadamy. Furthermore, ttiey appointcd thc Town Manager, aeting in his capacicy �,5 Towr. Managcr, as thc Exccutive Dircctor; and the Nlayor as Chainnan of tEic Bour�! ui U,rectors. 3y� crc:�cia� ch� "l�Ycstiake Academy"and scructurir:g the organizauon undcr thr cocur�i of tlic clectcd Board of Aldermen a�d the Town Manager, tltr Board insurcd the Ta�vn's nbility ta scll bonds identified foc the sehool, as w�ll as provide perrnanent owncrs�ip. ina�:ag��mcnt and control of d�c schoot by trc Town. i �dca! attcr�dance(e�,cuscd aqd unexcused absences),pa�e 43 '1'he School �eknawl�dges th�t we will be gov�rned by the Student At:endance Accounting!Land600k and other appficabie state and fedc:al rcgulations i7 dctrr.ninine i� a studcnt is present or ahsct�t and, consec�uentty, if the chartc: school is cnteticd te Foundution School Pragrnrn Cund9. 3 Vil;age Cir�le • Suite 2Q7 Solana� Wesikake, Texas 76262 Mei�o: 817-430-0941 • Fax: 817-430•1812 • www.westiake-tx.org llin5�a1 ��c)� •_n�2a �'t:C:tt.0 �u,ssr6� �nn: i . � N�\'��JD—�dl t�:s:.i� MM TOWN QF WESTLAKE ^oi� 4Fr4�1812 F'. h�: Condngencies � ' SPECIAI. EDL'C�,rto:v �V1E�V; ' � • Ch::� ct.tv «�.stlak� :S,cadrmy acccp,s the resrcr.sibili:v ta i;np;emr.^.t a systz-n oi Chi14 Fi�c a: � cl�a��tcr school / )ocai educa�ion a�ency Uf thc Sezic as st3ced o:, ,age 73 a!' uur :1�Tp�iC��lior.. i 011fl(�tfli'alitx �iU Sl2iOS't:i.ttialY �YaS C@qU6SGCG�. r Proctdural Saf4rzuards `o inf�nnation was requcsted. . Pr:or notice bv aQencv: cayte::;af r.otica ho infum;atiou was requested. � Ohscrvation lasscssmcnt,'cvaluation) 3�CFR:00.531-300.5�3; TEC 29.004: I 9 TAC:89.i 0 I S;8'},1040 Wcstlake Acadetny wiil providc for the Evaluatioa-Procedures, Ueterminatiun ol' hecded Evalustlop pata, Reevaluation, Addltiongi Team lltemhers, Observa�lun. and Written Reperts in compliarca with 3�CFR 30�).531•3U0.5��3; T�C ?9.004; 19 & TAC 89.1O1S; 89.1040. When the prof�ssional stafCis hircd a�:d can pat�ticipate in the development procoss of these pracedures. Tl�e rules o!' th� Tex�s Education �+g�ncy and Federal Rtg�ta:ions (as i!lustruted in :he Sidc by Sici� clocun:ertt produce� by :he Special Education Rivision of t5e Texas Education • Agen�y dated Au�sc 20(11)will bc fol:ou•cd. i nevetopn�ent and Gnple;nentationQf the I�F Wrstlake Acadcmy wiil designate tltiat IEPs must be in effect at lcust within 9U ciays of iRitiai refertat. Thc Individual Edttcation Plans w:!1 be prepared by t1:L ARJ meetittg, v��hich must occur uo later than 90 days from the mit�ai refcrral. Tl:c Admission Keview & Dismissal committees sre to r��et onco n year and wichin �JU d�ys of che initial ref�'Tral. The content of fEPs, Our cesponsibitity for Trans�tion Se:vices, and t�e secountabilicy Cor IEPs; will be desi�r.uted as thc profcssional staCf is hired and can y�articipatt in the d��elopment pro�ess of th�se ptocedur�s. Thc rules al'tttc'i'exas �ducation Agcncy and Fec:e:a1 Rcgu:adons {as illustrated in thc 5ice by Side document produccd by the Spec�al Education Div:sion nf the Texas�Education Agc�cy datcd August?001;wi1( be foltowed. � Lcast Restrictiva Environmer.t(LRE}Placemenc 1��07:Q1 5�Oti ?1!:'j.i � �C��Z� �0 6.S�fi� 'j11!!.' I 1 WUti�-^k�S"�]1 k73:�3 PM TOWN OF W$5T6,AKE S17 daMJlSli F•. i•,.a ( � Contingencies � s . I . . i 1 �T�:C C.^.S;�1J1'vl:Tll Qi 81�C:llat:ti'C `�7j3C�^.:i:4.^.�S Wil: liSC !iS 3 �c:;l��C: �fiC i.:�CS Ci «�i_�T.'..'.: , �Jucation �ctsncy and Fode;a? Rcg:�la�ions (a; illus�:at�d ir. t�c S;c� Ey S�ar , �ocurnetrt produzed hy C'nc Spacial �:i.:cation Division of t�c Texas EJuc�;�c;� .age�tcy daicd August 2�O1}(pa�cs i4')—l��}. Gcnc:ally, a�l LR.:s w•iIl bc mad:ui: an individual basis, using th� totat continuum af se:vices dis�ussed aho�c. Placemems u4i11 bc made annuatly by t}tc ARD committec. Students will ba ti��.;, flpportunitics in r.er.acadenit sz:tin�zs to oc maii�st:�ar.:�� �'ith ro�:i,?nr scuden:s. • Transitianal Plattr.ing V4'estiake Acadency wi?I fotlow ;4 CFR 3Q0.29, TEC 29.�1 l: T.�C 59.1'l iq, a,:J thc T,-ansition MC7L', T1is i+ siipula:ed in the S;de by Side d�ccrnent prod��cC�.: o}• :1:� Special Education bivision of the Texas �ds�catian A,gcacy dated Au�.+st 2flA1, on pa�cs 23—3�. � Ce�ificd P��:sonnal Wcstt3ke Academy will foilow 3.4 CFR 300.23, 3b0,136, TAC 34.t l3 l and SBcC cenification guid�lines where appropriat�ly applieC to Chartzr�Sc:�ocls. Th� r��os o: thc 7cxas Education Agsncy and Feder�l Regulations (as il?us:rs:ed in the Si�c by Side document prnduced by the Special Educatiort Division of tyc T�xas Education Ag.ncy dattd August?OQ1)(pag�s t� •� I8) will b� °ollawcu. :- Services ica Ex�elted Studer►ts �+o iniorn�ation was requcstc�, LEG4L REti'IEtiV: i �vidence oi�fonprofit Status 'I'hc t�tuyor will sign tI;c contract Cor cha�ter and t4�e?own of�i�esilakc wilt bc ultimaceiy respansible for atl legat ob(igations of the school. :� Public Notice !�o int"nrsnation was reqvesteci , r Fpcilitics Sc3t� funds will not be used to cvnstruct the Acadccay. Hy cieatlno the "We511ekc :�cadcmy" anc� s.rucsuring the organizution under the canccol af the aZected Board of .�l�ler;ncn and tht Totiv� Manager, she �c�r�t insurcd .he Tcwn's abilicy to sel! bor.ds �cicntiPtod fur thc schoot, as wef! as pxovide permancnt ownecship, mana�cment ar.�' ! ! li i �)�� V�i. . _+1 , .'S ii t �.:� •i:�.•i i _. . � NQ1r�4`�'J—A1 0$:�4 PM TOWN OF W85T�..A}:6 B3T 4001812 P_�}� Condnpencies cor.iro' or tiic schaol by th¢ Town. Areas such as a library, pert'ormi�g arts ccr.te;. rcc:e�tiLr,ai ar�;.s, as.d s�rvice �zir.:ehancs facitities will se�•e bot� tl�c ?ou, _r.4 the School. Tnc obli�ac:on to pay tae bonds ofi witl rest witl� tlic Tou•n ai�1�'estlakc. r �ea 7aphic �oundar:es ho iizfarnlation was rccucstcd, i Impact Stateritcrt i�o infon:7ation was rcquestt-3 �► Admissions Siudcnt frorn outside lhe Acadetny's bo�r.dsr.zs as established in thv char;er, �ti;li bc subject eo an appti�acion proeess. co be cansiscent with federal guidetines and the ehan:r con�ract. The Acade:ny will designate an applicalion periad, and at the end of that p�rod it wilt candtict a tottery of all applicants in any grade leve! For which applicutions excee�! avail�bi� �paee. 5ib)iags of Wcstlakc Acadcrr.y stude�ts, cltildren af esnployecs an� Chsrtcr Schnai Faunders wilt ha exernpted E'rom the lottery. Y Gover:iance Structure: Art:cles of Jncotporativn fer the Westlake Academy Corperatiaa are attached �o :h:s lctttr, and will serve to �nswer the manner ir. which V1%es,taks Academy Cerporation's Boasd of�irectots is se;ected and rernove� Fom of�ce, 4�ow thc �acancies on :he baar�.i are fiIlcci,ccc. f hope �hat this witl scrve tu ad�ress each of the questions pointe� out by tl�c A�cr.cy Int�rnai Rcvicw Tcarn. !f thcre is edditionaE infocmation nc;.dee, I wil; oc g3ad ca provsd:: it. ��'c a��rcciate the o��{�ortunity to crea;e an environmcat that challens�es studs^t, ed�,caiars and our comnzuni:y. �Ve are building a truly greac Acadc:i:y which atl 7"�xas may be proud of. � Sincerely, _ � � , �� ;` ..__..._ '.._� Trcnt P�tty ' ' . / C�U;�Yestlake Ac�demy � iown ivIanager,Fown oC Westlake IIiQ�:i)� til�r� •_��:'L's f'!'.C'ItS �t1 fi:sr�il .a�'�' �i�'Y—U`-'+—U1 a3�:�s F`tn TOWN OF WESTL.aK.E S1: 43h11::1� F�. :e�� I Contingencies �I (� D � � � �xrlcLEs oF t�coxPORarzoti V � ' x � �; � w�:�;�.�:;: ,��:��tii,: ��':.:hc�sacer�i�c�r,arsral perso.^,s.af;hz as:ef eighte�r.{18}y;ars or,�orc,�csir.g aa br;:�:i uf aa�as di�ectcd by the Tawn of Westfake,Trxas{tne"Tow�n"),as the incorpor�tars of a nonprul::cocgoration(t�:t"Corporatio�")oreatcd undrr si:e Texas Yon•P:otit Garporalivn Ac:, '['�X.R�v. CIv,STAT.AN?�.�;;. 13g6(Ve:r,on :997),as amr^ded{thc"Taxas\an-Pru:it C:orparatiun A�t"),do hertby adop:the fo;fowzng Ar;ic:cs af lnco:potauon for thc co:paratiur. !"Cor�orati�n"): :\RT[GLE I � The na-;e af t};e Carporation is"1�l'z;c;ake Acadcm;." Aft1'1CLE IE I'nr t'urora:io.^.is a naaproc;!carporat�or,c.eatcd ur.der t�r Tcxas\ornProf:t Car�ora;ion 1�:. �RTiCLl:IIT 1^te duratior. of cl:e Ccr�ora'ion is pr:Ft;�a!(s�:;�c::o dissa4ution aecordirg to:ati�•as provi�cci i^the�c Ari�:cs of Incocpor,itioo}. :�Z7iCLc.N �'he pu:pos�of t'r.e Cor�orsc�on is ca acc on bel:a3:ai tne Tawn as i:s d�ly const€a:ced sc:;sunc.• ac:d ir,s�u;1e;:at:ty ar.d,ic cor.ne�t:a:t GZe�ewicr,to cxe:cise ail powers a_z�aethos:ty grantz•.�.. undc;tre Texas\an-Pru::t Ca:-poration A�ct ard ot6e;appticabie taw, �ItrICLH v T!�c Ca:poras;vn shali havc no mcrnbers ar,d is a nans�ack car,soracior. ARTICLE Vj Thc:sueetaddress of Ehe initiai registcred office of tye Cc:�ora:ion is 3 Village Circle,5uitc?G�. West:oke,Texas 762G2,aad;hc na:;�e af thc initial reg;stered ageat xt that adcsess is 5eor Ara�'Icy. AR1'ICLE VII Ai!powe:s and authority of tAc Corporsron ahal:6e vested in a board of dire�tors(:he"Boar.+"), subject tu:icrtil�tions irnpased by taw or o�herwise,cAch rnember of whiah shall'se appoinced b� resoi�t:on uf thr go�er,zing body af thr Tow=t.Thr number at di;cc:ars and their tar�5 0:ot";ic:e shall 'oc fucd by r}:�byiaws aFthc Co:�poraiion cons:s:e:�t with the Texas Non-Profi:Corpora:io^ Act.Tne direcmrs shall se:ve wi�hou:compensation,excapt t!�at t��ev shall be e7title�to reimh�;semeat for the actuat exper.ses they incur in cic performar.ce of theic ofFcial d�ti�s. 1 Ll:pS/01 �111\ 3�1:"_:s !"�.C%ItC �t] 6:i'iii t ::sn•; i�.;,. __ va ._ � ...-. . �� � va+.r� ur wca�lr+n� :al � rmMJabld F•..�7 Contingencies _ �� �� ARTICLE VIII a: c:o^- eo.^.s:�ra:.i. ' : � 'i'�:^;.-::z:ci .:e � �g;;;•;r.;.:a �aa:�s::at!�c s�x.Ti;:,�s�e.ti4�c:,a.R:�s �,� a4:i:,.ssr�o:;.�;e�niUai d:racturs, arC asVfollu�s: • � 1 Na:r+c of Initial Dircctor i Attdrtss I 1 i Scott Flradlcy � � 1p Paige9rooke[.ane s� __L - � WesUake.TX%b262 �3� � Fred i-ic}d � d t05 Aspnn Lane ��� , Westlake,TY 7�362 i 3� Don Redding I S9Z3 Jancc Goun � �r ` Wesclake.Tt%fi362 . ' 4 j Lar,y Sparrow � 4035 Aspea Lane � ti West4akr,T:{i6Z62 � • 5 � F3uddy Hrown j 13298 Thornton Drive � � � West:2kc,7'X 76Z62 ,G 1ii11 frey 5924 Jancs Cour. � � wesctake,TX�6262 f�-►� -� . - RRTICLE L�C ;'he r;;;pcc::ve c:a�es a-�s:rr::ac��;;e.;�es�i the iacorpora:o:s,-�c':of'wrtoc.�:a�c:t,xcr.ei i:�c Stata ui Texas ar.c at lcast 1� years o:agc,are as follows: � Narne of lncorpc�rator Addrtss �1 � Scot:Bradley ' 1Q Paigebrooke Lar,e � I Wes:take,TX 75ZG2 ' 3 ! rrec�ile:d I 4I0$Asper.Lar.o � , � Westlake,TX 76Z62 C' ri�nn Radding I 5�25 Jar.et C��r �� , Wastlake,TX i62G2 ' d � Larry Spnrrow � 403�Aspe��$sc �„ i Westlake.TX 76262 � � i�13uddy Brown ;3298't�on:on Dr.'�e i Wostlakc,TX 76262 G � BiU rrey { 59?4 lanet Coen t �„ ( Westlake,TX 762G2 ARTICI..�X �n February 1?,2Q01 t?�t govcr.�ing body of tkc i ow7 duly adopced a resoli:tior ordcr�ng tY.c crcacion af che Co�soratian,nuthorizing the Ca.•parar'on to act on beha:Pof the Town as�is duly cunstituted auth�rity artd instrume:�taliry,and aporoving the forrn of these,�rtidcs of tnco;'PpCa;ion. 2 l l/OS�Ol HU� ��):',:1 IT.0 t{,C �tt 5:tyii I �?•:�'�" .�,.. . .�� _ . �.... ...� � .. �vr... ...r wcs ��r��.c o i �' yad 1:91 d h''.�n:� Contingencies � � G � . � � p � ARTICLE XI ' ,::sc.�;;;a:es 4i L^.cu�n-s'�ar�ar.�`e-:::_�y:a•.�s a::::�C4_YCfatiOP,:1:5v�C al'1:Cl;cc3�-or..::r.�,c to uc�c by e m:tjo:ity vale of tlie t.^.ti-c mr:::aers���o oi»�e Board wish:rte a�prova:cf tht bovcrning boc:y of the Tow�t. �teit5es t�e Cororat;or.'a i.itiat bylaws r.or any a:r:�c;Jmc�t tnercai s�ai1 sakc cFfcct uacil ao�royed by th�gove�ning bodv of the Town. .4R7'ICL�7{li �c�dividend,sl;al; be peid'oy the Corporacion ar,d no pert of i�s earnings sk:al�be�is�ibatt�:u c� ir.�re tu[he oenellt of'thC C��Cpotation's dtrecto:s or oFice:s or ta any private persor.,i�rm, c�:;uratio:S,G;3S30Cl3tUJR CXG.'pi ip►easartao;e amounts foc secvtC05 L:flG�C!23. �.RTIGLE XIfI '1'a;he cxtcnt penr,itted�y 1uw,the governir.�;bady ot"G�c Town,ia iss discrccior, and witho�c ar.y uc:ior,by the Soa;d,may at any ti�e cl;ar,gc th�smen.ire,organizarion,prpg;actZs,or sc;rv�:ies�t t4;Carporatior.or.^.;ay diss��?rc ,:�a Cor�crat:oa, li:he Eaa,-�dete::r.ia�s;;;a:t'r.e CorYcra:i��n's pur�oses rave been substantiaily accorr,piis�scd,aad atl oi�he Corpora:ior.'s deb,a ar.d el:ims havC bcea sa;isficd,or satis:aciier.tharaof has beel provi�e�for,tl:s Board shall,�par.apyr�val by c:he gaverain�hady af�he'ro�vn,dissa!ve thc Cor�soration. A.ay dissaiction of the Corpocati��n � sneil hc subjec:ta any li:nitarions on chr impairs;ient oFcor.uacts�rescr.bed by thc respcc;i��� const::utEens and other appliu�ble law of:f;e L'ni;e�5tates o:A:nerica an�thc Statc af Tcxa�.E� the Coraorntion is dissoived whe�;c hes.of is e�titled to,ar.y interest i�any f�nds or otier propc,�y oC any kind;real,p�rsuna:,or mixed),L�,e inceres:s�ail aoc be war.sferred to priYa:e o��ncrsF.ip�«�sha1;bt aar:sfrr�ed and deii�e:ed to ihe Town(aftcr satisiactian or provisior.tor - sat�s�ac;ion of:he Corpor�c�or.'s dcbis and ciaims has oee^mada), ARTICLE XIV Re�artllcss ot'ar.y othcr�rovisions o;thcse e+�rticles of Incorporstion or:i�,e laws of tl:c S�atr uf Z"axas, it:c Car��oratiort sha:1 nc>t: (1)?crr�it any pnr:of the net eamings of 4►�e Corpor9:ior.to:r.�re to tl:c btr,c:�t of a�y pr�vaic cndi��idunl(excepc chnc rensor�abie car.�pc:�sation may bc�aid for persor.al str�•ices:ender�d:c�or tiuv the Conqration affeceing one or more of ics purposr5); (2)�evote morc than an insul�startial part of its a�tiviries to atcemptin�to influer,ce lcgislatiur. by propaganda or otherw7se;or t3)parcizipate in,or in;ervere rn(including the publicatioa or disaibution af statem�rts),any �alitical campai},�on be?�elf o!'a�y cundidatt far public office. (N W!'INF:SS WHEREOi",K•e have cxccuced these Mticics of Incor�oratiun an�F�s 1Zth day of f�cbru�try,2001. � 11;��iai Hc�� �.p:?1 t�'xrsiY ��) fi�ytil ����u5 t T r a n s m i s S I o n R e p o r 'C Contingencies PAte/TtmO 11-29-Ot; 9:27An.1 �oc�i �G 6�2. 463 8298 - LOCt I NCm@ T6A I.EG+- SERV 1 CES COmpalt/ L090 F.�X REPLY TO 8�2-4iS-3bB2 Th i s dc�cument wa � � onf i rmed. ( rc�duced s�rnp l e and deta i I � �ae I ow? , Document Size LGt 'ter -S rauearsu,,k,er. :x;No.�,ea,,,n.. s.+eL�Lt. �aw-x x;�: �� FAX� � ��//���_ Ma�Nta(?i}vM�lakta+wSw[ � ��� 7a `",,,� �� lnw:QOL�t1,rW�enara ��e�3�er�� yG�i��... � � ru,reaa�c �lf-"�7b-f�l.Z r+wc n•nw�arw ee n.e�oa n�»anva Rex�u+,� q va.� �.�„«,� a �wa�wr a �.-�a ���E� : •� . ; Tctai PagaS Scannea . 3 Tora� Papes confirmed . 3 NO. OOC R@OeOLB 5:.7:�On SL8Y2 "'�mg pUr'9ti0�'1 POOaa MOtl@ CqmTentG CiHSUICS � 3� Bt8t7a30�6i2 +i-29-O+: 3=2•3�M .•2t" g/ 9 f:.0 � CP 96G0 Naioq _ E.^.= ErrO� COffeCt AE: Reev�1U CD: �O� Igtl dY '0T•0=� 1v'6: R0061�'9 :O M� � �DO. EC: b3rrl�qCESL SRncJ MP: haulr.r-Fp� i GG: ac� l �rp a aeTO.e FI : Power �n:8�rupLiOn Cp: Como�etsJ AM: Rece�ve t0 Mernori OR: GacumOn= �eR.Ov�Dd TM: Tnrmir8ted oy uSo� H3: MUSL SC9f� r1P: HOs� Pr nt F0= �cr�gd 6uLp��L W7� Wa�t�np Tran�i2r ' MOiSC F8% HA; NOSL R@CS�vH FM: FO�WdYG M81iG01� DOC. W5: wO�S�n9 SQ�1d Texas Education Agency t'�Ot North Congress, Suite 3-t38, Austin T'X T3�01 r Contingencies F�� Date: !/l �-�_ Number oEpagrs inc uding tover shccG � To: ^�,r,,. From: O[rlce o!Lega�l Servicrs 6w�v��4.y,���rz ,.�/��r��'��C ��� � c� u/�sr�� Phoae: Fax ptiona: gn"'�30—f�z Phoae: (S 12j 4b3-9720 CC: �'ax phoae: (S 12)d7S•3662 RE:HttRKS: [] Urgent �r your review [) Repty ASAP � Please caaiment `�.: �,J�src.�E ,�c�M�� ; . , �'anting�rtcies � I '�' � � � �� c�. � ��� �.r��� �.� �.t._:,��� � ,. �._.�.___._ __ ______...��___. ___ 17Ut^ior[ftiCu���rr;=�:lve.2 Au>tin 'I'�t:t,'t;i(11-1l�)-� >3!'t4t5?�4`"?�I r t:�?:��i?i�6;115;3 * http�rftit;tiu•.te,�.titate.t.l.u, � .�tt7l �rC�Spn � Cf�r,n�ti.,ivacr iu(�i.ic.eiwa �. �GV�f,'1�3�('��, ��Q"{ �J�('. TfBfl?�2tt� ���.��`lC������ To�tlr M�r,ager, 1'awn cf�Nest;a;ce 3 �il(age Gircle, Suiie 207 Westlake, TX r"62f�2 Fax(817} 430-1�12 Re l.ega; Can:neencies far b�lest;ake Academy bear Puir. Pet:y: 1 have �eviewe� Tf�� information that yau su�mitted �c�ar�ssing ;he I�ga�c�ontin�er�cies ef w�7ich yau were �r�viously infarmed. Tn�ugi� the irfarmatinn refl�cts thaE yau have resaived rrttas: of the cc��;tinaencies, f"e�e are sever�l t�atiers t�at must �e correcr�:�- 1'aur lett�r states fh�� the '�`owr� af Y`Jes?l��.e �vil[ b� res�onsit�ie ��r t�~� i�ga� o�iigatic�ns � of the ehart�r scf�ct�1, inciuciing t��o�ligafi�n Co p�y af��ny r�venue �onds �hat are soit�. i h� tr�r�e �e�ruary �2, �OG1 e�s�(ufions in �„iachr�ent:� 1 �nd 2Fx, haavev�r, e�n#l�et�uith t�ese s�at�menfs in t�at !���y states �s�allows: "�'N�R�F,S, no Bands or C?l�Iig�Eions a� the Cc�r�oration G^ri;i constifu;e oblig�tiuns (wh�thee special, ger�er�i, or �mnr�(} af t.�� To�x�." It u�auld seerr� that for-nal aclion by �d�te �aar�i �f�id�r�nen �s ne�d�c1 ?� �:larifv � t�e issua cf th� 7oavn oF`�!�a5:lake's respansi�ai;iEy for �he oblig�tions o* fh� c�r�crati�r and t�he scl^��el. le� adciitian, you �rav�ci�ff a co�y o` Wes;lak� Aeademy's Ar;ic(es of Inc�rparatior� that ccnsists oi t;�e�e. �ac�s ��,t cioes not inulude a��y sic�natu�es it �ppeaes thak ?he lasf paga of;he dacum�ni is missing. �I�aue pravicle the etnissinc� p�ge so �haf we will nave � ce�mple;e dacument �i,�afly, Hause QiE( 6, wt;ich �ecam� �ffec�ive o�� Se�ternber 1, 2t?01, adJ��� requirernen,s thaf a'.I ch���ters cranted: (I} prahibit c+iscrimin�ti�n in �emissi�ns basecl an artisGc ability an� (2) specffy the mafiner in wni^� a school v�riit distribute t� parents in�ormati�n rela:ec� �� thA q;�aiific�ticns�f each prafessional ernplQye�. (See T�xas Eaucation Code s�ctior 12.111(6), �`h�!-�?. Accordingiy, you neect to amend your app!icatian by praviding an apprapriate non-discrin�ination st�tement and a statement r�ga�ding how you wili inform parent,of each prafessional em�loye�'s quali ications. Once ti�ese matt�rs are resoC�d�d, I wi(i n�tify ;he Ghar-Eer �chc,ol D'r��isican that al( Eena� contir7gencies hav� taeen carr2cted_ Please contact me at {5a2} 475-34�2 if you ha�d� ar�y questions. 1'rca��c�ri�r�� C�1�ilc:trt�rtt Prutt�nti�t�� E:xce�(ft�ttz:e � Contingencies Sincerely, - i�'���'"" ... �?������� C Margaret E.Baker Seniar Counsel Divisian nf Lega!Ser�ices c: Mary Perry Ertha Patrick i �,�tl[tT2�Ct]C1CS ��L�-2.� .����r���l � V���� � ..,.��'� I?Ot\arth�on�r�sslvc.kAu.�iLt.Teru�iS%Ul-[49•��,�5121463-973afE'AX;St2/46?.q83A�6ttp:ltwwv._tecstote.tx.us * , .\� � SIil1 lVc:�St)(1 � �`-�� �,.u? � � � � Commissioner of E�lucatian � i ' ��.d T � � � i �qV8i71�C'f��u, �OQ� �n���� suhooEs (Vlr. Tr�nt PettY �{EA FAGSIMfL� Town Manager, Ta,rrr of U�J�,tlake 3 Village CirclE, Suit�207 `rtiestlak�,T� 76262 "ax (81?}43Q-1812 R�: Legal Gontingenc�es for�;�tes�lak�Academy Dear Nfr. PCtty� I ha��e revie��ued the infcrmatit�n that you su�mitted ac�dress�ng the le��� eortinge�cies or which ya.� were previousiy infarmed. Thougf� the in�ormatic�r: refleefs tha€ you have reso!v�d rnost of the contingercies, th�r� ar�several mattcrs t�at must be correGted. Yaur ietter sfat�es tl�afi t��e To�vn af WeaYlake;rrif4 bp respransio(�. ;`�r Yhe leaai ablie��tians of th� cn�r�er sch�ol, ir7cfudinc� the obli�a:ian :a �,�y of��ny r:v�nu� banas thai aee s�fd. Ti�� t"tre� �ebru�ry 'i2, 2Q01 re�olutiai�ss in Attac�ments 1 and �'4, ttc�v�e�rar, c�nfiic��vith these stateenencs in th�:th�y st�tes Gs folfov��s: "V`JNEFtEAS, na 3anas �r C�bliCatians �f the Carp�rat'san w�il canstitut? cbligatians (wi^�et�iEr ,�pec�al, gen�rai, �r mQra1} �f tr,e To��rn." I�wc�uid se�m tha: �ormai acfion by the Eic�r�f of r�lderrr7�n is r�e�dAd t� clarify Ff?B i$Sll� pf f�'1G TOWtl p� �BSi�df{L'�S C@S�p(iS4�tl�It� f4f �h@ Of?�}�3fltaClS t2� f�� CC)F�OfaflOtl BEI� thE'SC.'lOOI. I� adcfitton, you pr�vid�ci a e��y c�f 1Nestlake F,cademy's �r�icles ofi Incarpar�tien thaf consista a; tl�r�� pag�s but ctoeu not inciude any signatures. ft a�pears th�t the fast page af the Coeum�nE is missing. �f�as� pravide tl�e missing pag� sa tha�W�e w�ilf have a complete clacumert. Finaily, Hause Bill 6, �anich becarne eff�ctive on Septerr�be; 1, ��p1, ad��d requiremen±s tha; al( charters �ranfied: (1; prohibif discrimination in adrr:issions bas�d on artistic a�aii�ty and f2} sp�cify th� manner in which a scf�oo( wiEE dstribute to ��rents information re(ated to tt;e yuaCifications af each professional ernpl�yee. (See Texas Educ�tion Ca�e s�eti�n 12111(�}, (1i}}. Accarelingfy, yau need to amend yaur applieation by nrouiding an appropriat� nan-discrimination s,a�ement anc a st�tzm�nt reg�rding how you will infom^ parer,ts oi eael� pr�fessic�nai en�:pioyee's qualificatiar�s. �nca thase m�Cters Ure eesolveel, I wiff notify the Charter Sc�ool Diuision that afi I��a! cantingencies I�av� l�een ca:rected. Please contact n�e at (512) 475-:432 if yau have any questiars. I'r����c�rirr�{ Ch�l���ert, 1't�arrtrati��r�= Exeef.er�rce i i � . Contingencies � Since�ely, - V�����F'" . ; �������� ' Macgaret E. Baker ' Seniar Counsel Qivision of Lega1 Services c: Mary Perry✓ Ertha Patrick . , . - - - --� � � ' '• ' IMPORT�1NT MESSAGE�,, i � � . ' � _ , . • . Foa t°.�' ! , • : . . .:. •; � � • . • .. : -. . . . . . . � � �a.nn. ? . . _ . . . 't1M�P.M. . , . . �'� .�.. . • , , . . . ; • '. ; • .. � � - ' . : , . .. " .. , �. -- `•,'. . . , • ... , ... PHONE�`� ����" `r �eaGr� � : ' • . • ,�;.;.: AG364CCSOC� NWA88A DREI�ON � ' . ' • . c]FAX I , . . a nnoei� . . . , � ��� �� ��� {'�htQNF.Il P�EASE CfW. ; f • ' —�__��. ._._ - }--�! ; . . 1 CAME TO SEE YOU � � wnl cAu.aGaro ' � • . ' E � . ;WANTS 70 6EE`r�U � i RUSH � REfURtvEO YdUR CAi.I WfLL FAX Ti7 YQU � . .. • MES G � • � � . StGNED � � '1nA5 �ROqM 40d6 � � . � lJfHOIN U.S.A i S i ( • � . . � i i � ( : , Contingencies _ •:-,,� ,�;w,�. j �ESTLAHE � - �:?-� '-'`- . . -. , � :.... �r.J �% �. `�, � Margaret Baker :.:.L:+:.._ __. . : ... ..,�` Senior Counsei ' Texas Educarion Agency bivision of[.egal Services 1701 Iv.Cortgress Ave. Austin,Tcxas 78701 Drcembcr!0,2001 Dear Ms.Baktr Thank you fo�the time you have sgent ravicwing the Westlake Academy Charter School application. I appreciate your paaence and diligence as we seek to aas�ver all the questions and cocrect any ecrors or oversights s�iil existing in our applieation. I am giad io pcovide the follo�ing rosponse concerning the issues discussed in your tetter and more specifically in our telephone con�ersation. In order to atcempt to cl�rify the oeustanding issues,I am refetsing direcdy co a Texas Educatian Aeeacy, Di�zsion of Srhool Financiat Audits Memorandum sen�to Mary Petry,V[anaser of the Division of Charter Schools by Itamoa Medina,Senior Audit Manager,Chaner School Audits Section on lunr 9,2001. The memorandum noted the fotlowing under su�heading Satement Descn'bin� oons rin�t&�litv.�age 12: 1. The applicant stated"As a goveroment entity,Tha Tawn of�Vesdake found that it w�as in the public interest that a non-profit corporadon,'fhe Westlake Academy Corporation,bc crsated under che Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act to act on behalf of the Town ss its dufy consatuted authority and insrtumentality,within the cneaaing of ttu Interaal Revaaue Cude of 1986,as amended,for the putpose oPproviding edueational services and facilitits." However,the appticant idcntified the sponsoring entiry as thc Town of Wcstlake,Texas on the coti•ersheet.'T'he applicant should clearly idon�ify the eaticy ehat apptied for the chacter" AN5WER The spansoting eudty for the chaner schoot application u The Towa of VJestiake. The idea,the vision,the plsnning and implementacion of the Westlakc Acadcmy are alI d'uecc resulrs of Ihc Board of Alderman of the Town of Wesdake directing the sraff to hice�he consulants,retain the lawyers and submit the application for d�e Westlake Academy. Sauctucally,the Town received input fcom lcgal staff,our consultants and T�A concezning che creatioA of the non-proft corporation to aperate and manage the schaol.This entity is thc Westlake Academy Cocporation (see application Section I,part G,p.12),which was created as an is�suvmeatality of the Tawv of Wrs�alca As the resoluaon indicates,the Town maiauains 100%responsbility,owne�ship aad convol of slic Westtake Academy through its insaumentaliry,the Wesclake Academy Corporatian. Acrordingly,Tb�We�dakt�gad,,,e ,my_Cor�oration muat he�he ch�ner neld r. lt is the Tou7i s intent to issue de6t,build,own and opncace rhe jacilities wlnch house tbe Westlake Academy, The Town of Wesclake will then Iease that portion of thc facilities used by the school to the WtsQake Academy Corporation o0 opernte the school in accordance with the application.We belie��e this arrangement rr�kes the best use of tax nvenues by iocusing them on tcaching,curriculum and opec�tion rather than dabt service. The Wesdake Academy Corpomdon,like any non-profic corporation created undcr Chapter 12, Subchapter p of the Edueation Cade,is authotized to issue debt. Wiaile it i�not contemplated 3 Village Circle • Suite 207 Solana•Westlake,Texas 76262 Metro:81?'-430-0941 • Fax:817-430-1812 • www.westlake-tx.org Conungencies that the Ca�soratioa will ever have to issuc debt,�he fact remains that if it did,then tke .� Corgocation would be responsible for issuing aad supporting that debt,not the Town of Westlalce. The sepacation of diese entities would not only be practically necessary for municipai financc ' pucposes but 1cgaUy�cessary for a Type A Gencral Law City.Therefore,as stated in the application and cited in your]ctter,no Bonds or Oblig�tioms of rhe Corporation will constitute obtigaaons of�he Town. The Town of Westiake will jointly use tht Yrestlakc Academy facilities. All udministrntive functions of tbe Town and the Acaderny wilt be housed under one roof in the facilities built by the Tow�n of Westiake. The unified management and contro(of the scizool and che Town are one of the uniquc feamres that wc believe wili lead to a rtto�e efficient and effecti��e organization strueture for the school. The vision for die school is foc many of the sanu ctassraoms tkwt house children during t6e day be availabie for adulc continuing education progcanu and corporate craining at night These classes and uses woutd be offered and maintained by the Town af Watlake as owner of the facility. Appropriate proportioning of expriues and sep:.raaun oi Funcis ixn�re��dic Tow�n otR'ratiake aa:: the Wesdake Academy Corparation unll be strictly maintaitted and accouncrd for as requircd by municipal G.4.4P and standard municipal fmancial rrponing and disclosure. The structure of the Westlake Acadcmy Corporation as descr�bed in the Resolution clearly dcmv�svates che Town's comtnitrpent co oversee aad govern the WnsUske Academy. Specific steps taken by the Town to iliustrate this cocsuni�nent to TEA and the Boatd of Educadon inctude the Town owning,supervising and eonaoUing the facitities;che Town appoinced the Town Maaager as CEO of the Schaol and the Mayor as Chair.n�n of the Board;s►nd finally,the Town appointed each of the elected Atderman to fill atl uhool board posirions. This ocganizacion structure shnuld clearly demons�ate the conaol and accounrabitity requirod by the Legislature, insuucced by the 5tate Board of Educadon and sought by TEA. The W�stlake Aca�_�_ Corporauan will o rate th hool com letel .It is full actatow�ec'7 ea�aad underst t P o er ot de Cu araaon,ma not and wi not delegaCe,assig�, su corttract or orfierwise alie�+ate crnY af fts riehts or res�o»si i iJtes un er e c ar er. — ..� „ This provision is fuUy understood and agceed to. 1 apologize fot any confusion[hac cnay have resulted from substquent commemications regazding the Town's rolt in t}�tnanagcment aad daily operatioa of the schoot You also citcd thc nccd to amend che applicadon to provide apptopriate non-discrimination statement and a statemcat regarding how we wtill inforrn parents oE each professioaal employea's qualificntions.These amendmencs have been made and are attachcd for your review.Whila we are moce lhaa hsppy to illustrate onr r_nn-rlis�r±myu��n.ac+?6cy,I fr,d it curiotis that'fEA wo�+id add.*his:eq�.iirtrn•�nt when the!-gislan:re passed it ajter•dic application deadline had already passea. Is this a retrascrive reqoiremenr?1f so,we wi11 be happy to car.sgly,or iFit�vill be simpler,we can send the statement without having to nec�ssarily amend the application.I will await your direcrion one-way ar the o�her. lf you havc any further qucsaons,ptcau do not hesitatc to call nu ai(817)430-4857. We appreciate yota help and parience as wt continue towacd building a uniquc and very speciai school that will open a new dooc to excellence in Pubtic Educabon for the Sca�e of Texas. Sincerely, .��^ � Trent O.Pttty Town Managu Contingencies WestIake Acadeiny wiA prohibit discriminaaon in admissioas based on artisdc ability and we will infami the parenu of the qualificatioas of the professional emplayces ihat teach chtir cFuldren. This information will tx disseminated ip a brochure that wi1)bc published each year that gives a brief vita of the stttft'of the • schoal. There will be cuQent records about each tcacher's qualiGcationq,whieh will be readily avaifable in the office and ttu'oughout the yeAr for pareats to vicw whenever they wish. Vl+ith reg,nrd to the non-ciiscrimination statement, we assert thac in its enrollment procedures Westlake Academy wilt not discriminate on the busis of aRistic or athletic abiliry. ' , Contingencies 7tb Grnr�•alion Ch�uter App.Rc�i�w Lcaal Scrvicw Di�ision Charles Mcxrdy ' WFSTT.AKE CFIARTF.R SCHOOL '~ Evidence of vanprofit Status: K/A. The charter holder wiU be the Town of Wesclake. Governmental entities are eligible to hold chacters pu�suant to T6C§ 12.101(a�(4). West[ake has est�tblished a nonprofit corporation to act on its treh�clf in establishing and operating the Westlake Academy(Resolutions,Auachment I}. The exernption of chis coiporation from federa) income tax is a sepurute question,� but whether i[is exempt or not,the Siate Board of Education still has statutory authority under the Education Code ta grant a charter to the Town of Wes[lake. From?EA's standpoint, the nongro�t corpor�tion wilt occupy basically the position of a school managernent board,with ulcimate accauntability for compliance with the charter resting with the Town of Westlalce. The resolutions arovide that no bonds or obliaations of the nonprofit co ration c nstitute lia ' e� Attac ment . t e carporatian has authority under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act taissue revenue bonds that by their terms are payable onfy from revenues of the school,and thaz do not ocherwise bind che Town of Westlake,the exereise of that authority presents no problem far TEA. Hawever,the appSicant should recognize that nothing in the Resolutions wili keep the charier holder(Tawn of Westlake)from beinb obli�ated For ocdinary debts vf its charter schoot. The contract for charter,which will need to be signed by the Mayor on behalf of the Town of West)ake and not just by the board chnir�nd CEO oF the WestlaEce Academy Corporation.provides in part: "Chanerholder may nat delegate,assion, subcontract or otherwise alienate any of its rights or responsibilities under the charter." Therefore,for example: i If an attendance audit raveals that Foundacion Schoo! Prograin(FS'P)funds have been overpaid to the school,and TEA needs to reclaim funds,the amount of the overpayment wilI be an obligation of the Town vf Westtaice; r When the school contracts far educational materiuls or services,those debts wiil he obligations of the Town of Westiake; > If the schoal fails to make the proper contributions co the Teacher Retirement System{TR5)for its employees,and TRS places a warrant hold on payments of state money ta the charcer ho[der,that warrant hold would inc{ude any amounts payabte to the Towr of Westlake,inciuding FSP funds paid by TEA. The Town of Westlake wilt be the payee for F5P funds from TEA. Publie Notice: OK(Attuchments 7-9, 11-12). ,� ��rt r��!_ � Facitities: The exact locatioa and nacure of the proQosed facilities are not described. r" ="•� �''`"'' The appiication says thlt facelities witl be"innavatively cross-utilized"between the .;;.� � ,;..::��,• Wes[lake Acadcmy and the Town of Westiake(p.48). Does[his mean ch�t existing ���, � As an instrumzntality of�he'fowo uF Wes�take,the cocpora►ion shouid bc exemvt from frderal taxation undct I.R.C.§ 11S as long�it is�:rving an"csscotiai�avcrnmental fw�ction:' See,e.g.,Rev.Rul.77- 2b t:PLR 20Q022028. , ` ' ��f � .• •:•� �•;t:a,S !1;•`�fi�� Ek+ � '::"•(�.C.r ,-�q;�c V�e.c'•• • f•;r ���Gi�-• ��� � �:r. —�.'r.4 r �r S �,'L;'� .r�� . • �. 7`"Gencration Cbarccr App.Rcvicw Contingencies Lcgat Scrr•ices Ai�•i>ion Chari�Mrn,�y Towrn}oF Wesn.AxE—p.2 •�� municipal facilities will be made avaitable to the schooi,or does it mean that school farilicies coastn�cted with state funds wil) be used mor�generatly t'or municipal purgoses? Note chat newly enacted TEC§ 12.128 provides that groperty purchased or leused with state funds"mAy be used only for a putpose for which a school district may use schoal district property." The reason for raising the question is that although the appiication says chat"[t]he Town of�Vestlake's resolution to provide space and facilities for Westlake Academy is in Attachment 24"(p.48),in fact Attachment 24 authorizes the creatian of a nonprofit corparation to issue revenue bonds that wifl heip provide educational facilities"and facilities related thereto,"but specifies that no such bands or obli�ations_wilt be obli�ations of the Town of Westtake. .. Geographic Boundaries: dK(p. 51 & Atcuchment 27). Impact Statement: OK(pp.S 1-52&Actachment 28). Admissions: The applica�ion describes a firs[-come,fin;c-served system(pp.88-87). Instead,co be consistent wich fede�al guidelines and the charter contract,the school should designate an application period,and at the end of lhat�eriod conduct a lottery of a[l applicants in any orade level for which applications exceed available space. Siblings of Westlake Academy students may he exempted from the lottery according to federai guicfelines. Governance StrucEure: (pp. 1 S-I9,89-91 &Actachments 2-3). V4'e reeeived bylaws hut not articles of incorgoration for Ehe Westlake Academy Corporation. Also,the applicatinn on pages 18-l9 describes the o�cer positions of the Westiake Academy Cor�oration but does not answer the other apptication prompts concerning the corporation's board of directors(the manner in which they are selected and remaved from office,how vacancies on the board are�lled,etc.). The bylaws included as Attachment 3 answer these questions to so�ne extent. ' T r a n s m i s s i o n R e p o r t �Oq�nS�ncies ' oateir�me +- a-o2: 10: 134M , �ocBl iD 5t2 •63 a2gB � �oeai hame TEn �EGni SEaviCES Company �Oyo FAX REPL�' TO 5t2-4�S-3662 Tn i s docum�nt Was conf i rmed. ( reduced sam{a I e and deta i I s be I ow) Document Size Letter -S TF.K/1S EQUCAl'IQN AGENCY ntiaan or�.,a.Me,�. .. �ro,ko.v�aa,c�a..�w�,awoa s-�7o AwWy7aat T8Tp1 �% ���,. NtCftbfrOfPdOpNqYdAfQCO�MeM� To: �-.,�•�� /tom:llary{a�vt E Bakar � ....IlJle/A/ -.�L�' Foc (6�7SaEE2 �,�/ .G�.S7�.tti' 7M: (312J�0.16T20 F.� 6/7-�J.3t}-��12 Td.: R•?�L'E'�TL►w.E�C'ApF.M/ � cmnaenunpp.Mnttce � 'T1+i�t�os4nilu ir++ioatHWn�nd Its�coamporytnp Oooytw�ta may oontu�n ' �onndasuu�Mo�.con w�u�wm�aa ur wa.naa roar.��..�o. attorney�ctHnt prM�sg�. TM Mdorm�uan u Inunaod oay tbr ene use ot • H•Indivklu�Wn w mtlty nameQ aAerr. 11 you:n rot tlw�rttawod � no1P�� 7�1 Df� MriUry IIOCMO CMt Nry ditalulluf; eCPY�D. ( Q![MOutlm.ar lM bMJqp W'ery�etloo dt roWaa nn tM ow�b�d tl+ia f�arr�atl0eiltMtdtt�Iprol�IblW.Vyouhswraaairudfhli4an�mla�tonh wsw�olws unmea+atrM�wWy w qr catiee tr�ahorn unto wnno•Ibr tho re6,m alMoaaaumenia TOCd� P8995 ScOnatBtl . 3 rnce: �apea COnf�rrnrq _ J � NO. DOC P@mU CC 5Ltl C I::n SLBt�: T�T�r OUfJL�G^ PQae5 "AOGB Cqrt1'RCf1C5 GgSU�C5 + 'S7i 8+d+743016'2 �- 3-O:: �C: l3�M� t '�o" 3� 3� EC �,c� ��9GC NOSCS . EC: Error Correct PE� FP.S6�U Pp: Po� ee by Remore hI.6= Cteao��o i0 MB� �oox EC'.: r3rq�pc.�s' s,:nC IAP: Mult�-Poi � GG= Po� ; �np � Gamete Pi : Oawa♦ int8���nt.On Cp: COrtfO�bied R4R: F@CwivO t0 Ni9mo�y CQ' DOCYT.Qp� C.CTpOQC `.{AC 7QrT�naLOtl CY JS@f NSI NCSC SCBn MP: F-OSt Pr,nt Fp: RorceC Oot���t wT: wa�:in0 Tr'nnS+er ' MC6L FatX MR: FOS: R6Ctl�vd FU: FO�WO�C M211149% Doc. ws: wa�t�n?� SQI�d Contingencies � � TEXAS EDUCATfON AGENCY � Division of�ega! Services 17Q1 North Congress Avenue,Suite 2-150 Aust)n�Texas 78701 Faasimile 7ransmissian Sheet Oate: --�,��� � Number af pages including cover sheet.,,� To: �,��,(f'T��� Frarn: MargaretE. 6aker �-�A` �� � Senia�Caunsel _ lU� ��_. Fax: (S12)475-3662 1�it/�7�' ��T��Cc Tel.: (�12j 463-s��o Fax: ��7� ���'"��f� Tel. Remarks: �� 1��.5�'u� �i�i�/ Confidentialitv Notice This facsimile transmission and its accompanying documents may cantain confldentiat information that is protected by state andlor federa! law or attorney-client privilege. The information is intended oniy for the use of the individuatioh or entity nam�d above. if you are nat the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure� copying, ciistribution� or the taking or any action i» reliance on the cor�tents of this informatian is 5trictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediatety notify us by coliect telephane cal! to arrange for the return of the documents. i �ry.-{� IR'. ' � ti �4YItE8I��tiC2�S -.�.�..� ���� � �..1 ���1.�� ��l�i �� i701 tiur�iiCon�re;sA�•a.� AuStia.Texas7$7Gl-la4�a�r S(�I463-`:>13�t* PAX�SI"214f�3-9833fc http:llt+�v�u.tca.state.[s.us _ �`'-�-� (r� C��`��� ��'^ �t; i I �1 Jtm I�els�>n � �,;{,- If! j;l' Comrn�tiSion�rzz;Fdu�nttan t ���, .���� ��k�- ii� �� t��I`�, `�r `' �.�-� .�r3t1Udl�j�, �.(�J.fi� �� �L_..�____�...w----- __._----- � 4, i 4 �f�t}i��� v'Gi��}U1� Mr. Trent Petiy `—'��-��"���y�__- �IE� F�tGSl�filLE Town Mana�er, Tc�K�n of West(�ke 3 Vi;(ace Circle, Suite 2Q7 Westiake. TX 7626� F�x (817} 430-1�12 �G: LeGal C�ntin�aencies fer�Vest�ake F,cademy Dear Tv!r. PeE�y: ! have revievved yaur letter d�;�d Decernber 1 a, 2001, regarding ,he I�gal conting�ncies of which you were previ�iasly inforrnecl. There �re ri�ro matters t€�a; must be addressed ta res�lv� �{I legal cortingencies. First, sfatements in yaur letter refiect that you are conf�sed �be�ut the meaning of kh� terms "sponsonng �ntity,� and "chart�r holder° and �bouf the rofes of tlfe Tav�rri oi Nl�stl�ke a,�d the Westlake fi�cad�rny Cor�oratio�. L�ath "spor�scring �ntity„ a�ci "charter halC��" refer to the�ntity that is eligib{� ta ree�iv� � cl�ra,��r un�)er 7'�x�s Education �.:ode Chapter �f2, Subchapter D {i.�., � �ou�rnrr�ent�l an�ity c1r a 5G9(c)(3) nenprafif c:,rperationj. �`he application far ch�rt�r sGhoc�l th2t was ap{�roved L�y #h� St�te Baard o�' �ducation listed the Ta4vn of 1nlesfla�� as the sprnsa:ino enti*y �or the proposed cha�.er. Thus, t�7e Towri ai 1a'�(estlake, 116� fhP. Westlake Acailemy Corpor�tion, Uril( be tt�� ert¢ity that ho(cis the e�7arter, or the c:��ar�ter halder. ��am TEA's star�dpc�i��t, ihe Westiake Acaderny Corparatian is essentiafly a managing schooi board. AcrorCi;-�gly, the st�temen".s in ye�4ir letier th�t the V�1�stlake Academy Gorporatia;� °must �e fhe ch�rter h�ider" �;�d "�Jrill ap�rate `-.he schaoi comp`eiely' ��e ine.orrec't. Ti�e Town of�Nestlake 4vii� �e the ch�Rer t�ot�ier anci vri!? be ulfsmat�ly r�s�ansib(� fc�r the nr��ra:ic�n of tne el�art�r sU�7coi. The ch�rter co�tr�Gf•�hich will be er�t�red inta with ti�� Town of Wesflake wiil prcvicte in �;art thdt tre Tavrn of Westlake, a� the cna�ter hr�;der, �rnay not delegate, assign, subcor��ract oe �;tr�erwsse afienaie any of its rights ar resnarlsibilities u�,d�r the charter." Please �cknativl�dge that f�u understand th� above-described issue. Secc�nd, p(ease provide Ehe rrtissing p�c�e frum the Arti::les af IncarpYration fo; thz VGfestiak� A.cader�y Gc�rperation. Qnce these m;�tters ar� r�salvEd, i tivi!! riatify tf» Cha��ter SchooE C�ivision that afl I�g21 confing�ne e5 haue b��n correc:ed. Please cantact me at (�?2} 475-3432 ir you ha�r� any adclitional questicrs. Tnank yiou f�r�{our cooperati�n. I�re�ctrirr�C;ktilc�rerz, 1'rorrzoGir�r���keel��r�ice • Contingencies Sincerely, - �����' ��x�� . Margaret E. Baker Senior Caunsel Division of Legai Services c: Mary Perry� Ertha Patrick JAN-1��02 02:49 Pn TOWN OF WESTLAKE B1T 4301612 P.01 � Contingencies � � rowr►orwasstalce � 3 VillAge Cirale,Ste.207 _ Westlelce,TX 7G?G2 . , � 'J ,�" �� . ` 8 i 7-430-0941 j ; � �r • E � .� . '�� ,� .�c w• �� � . . . . . , f.acsi��le ��s��it�a.� ,a: F�: From� Oatc. Re: I'3aea: • • • . . . .-I_^_�. . . CC• --� _... __ .. �. : ❑U�erit,� O ForRovicw Q PMascCamntau O Plcasa Repiy O►'ta+se FtAeytl . - . -�;,�+:; � , •,• . . .��1,Z'i,�.:, • •w'r �':'��• .....�_� t � . �� �"� �. L � �� �.��� ��� a�> �,�2 '•:^�.n:.j!;���7�.�;���.;�t._9'��'�d�'��'�1i ��i+.Cf^���T�P�Y.A•�'(•4•?�r;n' r..�a i.`,': ` _•:•• ... r��•: ;:���:i:"}�`�? �,,. f,y�:� s' !.: I .i � . `�: .� C � �i��'11�f)'}, �;���iR'��.}': • � . • . • • . . • . . • . • • • • ''� , � : � � 4 � t ' i >�tti;y` �i �.i`f:r� . . . . . ' v�3 •• A ' ' a�''�41:• �' }ti��..',�t�•+i ����' ;il.'�i �����',^��.�q���5.....r�I�za...k.� ���.. � �y1�- C � �'�..v �.�'�R3�i✓ v. � l�'•L�� :���,�r�;'!;�� JAN-SS-@2 02:SQ P» TOWN OF WESTLAKE 917 �S0i612 P.02 I Contingencies � I . - � j ..r r�.�-- . Fnd d orporaror Ca . ' Daa ia�.1n rporetor —.— f' G�1 G�{th .a ' Spanvw,tecorporator �� � , 'f� •`r `� t � � Ruddy Brown,lnccxparat��r . ---��—.—�� , � ri! Colporator ___. �_,�� c � Scott At�dt incorpo�ntur" � - /��rr� !`��rc����- J �3 .�. . �'����3�-�'�� �''� �' �� � � ���" .,�,��. � aRTICL3:S OE I13CUR!'OkATlQN-P�e 4 i i � JAN-i3-iBZ' pzp•s= DM 70WN OF WESTi_AKE 61T 43�I812 P.03 � Contingencies I �,,, � . STA'f$OFTEXAS � ' , �UU,1'IY OF'fARRA:V7' � !'���d���Sn°d.a Ncit:uy Public af tho State of Te�as,r.ertify rtiat an chis 12°i�y of Eebruary. 2001.pasonatty aPP�ui bcforc mc SC07T BRhDLF,Y,FttED fiELD��0�;R�ADl�IG,LARRY SFAR�pW,$UDllY BRpWAt.and B1L(.pRFY who�b�;ing by mr lltsr duly xworn,sevoralty deelared tbst d�cy urc th�p����,�y signed tfio forcgoing documcnl as in�;orpp�tOrs and thei thc slat�otent� t)te�nein enntaincd a�u huc. M W t'ITv�g tiy2.p„�U�,I l,ave Aerounto set my hand and seat che Jate ufd yNar at,ovc writtrn. Nocary Pubiic,State o r�c.0 (SCAL) Giagec CrosS�ry _.._. ��y Commission�x�iros:_ �--y�L.2.f� .� ��. ac s.�,er � '� GiAGER GA05:1WY ,• ,. ��'�` �YP,TYQ�T��S F�. 54 },��j;71LT1.E5:7.Dyi?12(� s Alt'i't��,C:S AF 1NC0�}+f)RATtON_PaQe 5 � Conwsgen�� Tr� nsmission Repart oetei�+me i-�8-o2; a:�eaM �ocei iD St2••�B3 B290 ' �oeo� rre�e T6<, L6C.4t. SEAviC6S Comua�y Lo90 Fnx REP�v TO 6�2-476-3862 Th f s dc�cument was canf i rmed_ ireduced samp l e and deta i i s k�e I ow) Document Sf ze �etter�-S TE.XA3 E�UCATIQN AQENCY oMaloa olt.�t Owk.s ' 17Q/NaT�ConyrarArw�lt.SuibZ•�i0 Au�ilM Taas 78701 ��__.�� NunBvdpvQ�alnoWdtrpeowr�h�at3 ro: ,/��lG�`.1�_� s�am:etsrp�rat e,ee�w .. 8ure.cowve� . Fsc (61�A6-8862 Ti; (S1�tDl4M0 Fac R/7��30/B2 Tr.: 0.�1VCXt+�tl6Af/10lJ�!( � 7SiR t�pknlla trtt�rYa�fO�nMC�doaim4ib m�'eG7nar7 ' :� o0ftllGntld UdO�rtaWn tha!Y proEmted by s�aY utdror Ta0�rr1 O�W o► ��Y�Wlsnt prMNp�. 1fYi ledotte�tbe M t�NeMMO my tar tM W af � fR.1rtdMCwtlon a awty n�mW�w�. N pou w not SM 4u�ndai � reoi��'L 7roo w h�rot� ndtfi«7 tl�at �M CMebw+�. ooPyYW� d40ibution.or Ea to1Yq ar any aetlon In edl�no�on No aoatcMa at tha �. MRo�v�etlon u ati�ioty prontWna.It ya,Issv�noWvd bW tranmMalon In . M*a.IN��es tmm�dtaiety eobty w hy mtEeet EolMhon�w4 b arta+qe fer th�nwm d ttw dxwnanls. TOt81 P�9C5 SCannaGl . 3 TOLOI Pd401 COnfifM@tl • 3 ND. GOG �AmOtB S.O:�O� 3^.9�t '�(�e OUrnCiOn PypOt NOOB GOKmpnL3 R03��t9 � 856 9t8�T330t8t2 •-i5'G2: : f6PM t•2a" �/ 3 EC CO 9600 NOLBR . 8C� E�ror Co�rect Rc: Pase�cY Pp: pa� �ad cy aemoco M8: Aaae,ve ce Ma� ibox BC: Br09CC05t S@�1p 41�: MV1L�-pOil Pd; P011inp a Rdmotb Pt: POWit iAtO/fvPt�On CP: COmp10i¢O PM: F0C0.v0 LO Menery 6a: aocu�ent C10RiOVBd T.lt: T6�It11A8t¢d 6y vap� N$: N08C SCOn HP� �+OSC Pr�rt FQ: FO�C9q O•liput MiT: Waltinp T'A!�"�40� H� Nq4t F0z Hp� �^09t ii@CC�vQ RM: POrwOrd Mp� IOOx OOG. WS: WAIC1110 SC�Itl � C�ntingencies - TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY �� Division af Legai Services � 1701 Narth Congress Avenue,Suite 2•�50 Austin,Texas 78701 Facsirni(e 7ransrr�,ission Sheet Date: � Number of pages including cover sheet � To: , /� � ��iE`f%� �rom: Margaret E. Baker Senior Counse! Fax: (512) 475-3662 Tel.: (512}463-972U �ax: ��7�'�,��/Sf2 Tet. � Remarks: `��W�s-r�,aKE Ac�y _ --T- Confidentiality Natice This facsimite transmissivn and its accompanying documents may contain confidential information that is protected by state andlor federal law or attorney-alient privilege. The information is intended only for the use of the individuation or entity named above. if you are nat the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disciosure, copying, distribution, or the taking or any action in reliance on the contents of this informatiort Is strictty prohibited. If you have received this transmission in errar, ptease immediately notify us by callsct telephone cafl ta a�range for the return af the documents. ' JAN-19-82 12:39 PM TOWN pF WES7LQK6 01T 4302612 p.0� Contingencies .' - , .. .� W�g LAHE .. . �.� ,. . ,. �, :� �. ,. . . , , . . ....�+. . � .� •. ... � • . ..w.i5 MIIf(�itCt(:.BY{(CT Sai{or Cuunscl Divisum nf!rgal Serviers 17Q I!Y.C VRgrcnc Ave. Austin.'I'tY�Tg74I•l4!?4 I�nuary 1C.3002 I?car�is,t3ukcr: 1 apprcc:iate wwr kRrr ufla�tiiuiy 3.20U2 canvcying thc ouucauding cnnAitiuns���uce:plc�r dk Town of 1Mcctiaic'R�cgul contingencics. F�o your ie�n�clionx,�n Y�ciull'uf rhe 7'uwn of W�eL•kc ancl�he t3outi uf��dcruasn,1 WJ+It 60 CO4�Cy OL'� undcr�rala�ling tidt ihc Tu..n M Wptlakc will hold t6r Chartcr awudrd hy tht Svte U�Ja�d of r.Qucytiv[1• !Jwva vcriCal that tko miising paga ftun►tbc hrlu:Irs af inw�r�liv��far thc WcstLvke rc•rdtn'ry t'nrrnr�oun hsi bcrp praac)rd in yvu. In adelitinn.I received a u:lephunc voia m�.�Sage ftvm M�.l�:ard�a I'altiCl:At]'!A 1Citing ns tlu11$t l'F4 r'taff has�leared wtraiecer a�:cuunting cvu[inErncie�may havic exiated. '1'he T�wn pf Wui(akr iR camu��y ia ibc arcfiitcctursl:tcla:tion phy�r of thc pr4jeet,lt is�ur wederatandong th•rt uate tlx ir,�al c�rcin�rnnca have bcen addrec�cd tu TF.A�s satista�Kion�e we may C:�prcc our C�uncr .omr,�c4 Pkasr nut�ly us aa s�+an ss pvt�ehk iC M•e uC tun���aed sboUT thc tuXt ttep ui lhe proces<<o i6u� m:�rny rc�rx•dpany prohl�mv inu��rllatcly. Sinren�iy `� �_._r.:,.rT_._••__ 1 '1'tdat h�yf '1'nwn M�na�cr 3 Village Circle • 5uite 2Q7 Solana•Westlake,Texas 762b2 Metro:81�-q30•fl94i • Fax:617-430-1812 • www•westtake-ix.o�9 P.02 ContingenCies � � TOM � T I � Ct� '� E � � HEET l� �iTE : ,� � hl - 1 � - � � 1 � : � � P' h� T +� ; Ft� �' � : 1 � 1 � �# �' 5 � � � � F � � � : T � Wh� � F I� E � TL � I� E F �t � #t : � 1 �' �# � � 1 � 1 � � P' � �GE � WE � E � EhIT � I h� �CL �J � I h� G TH I � �C � � EI� � HEET � OS/13!O1 JiON 10:29 Fr11 51�' 483 9r32 TE,� CH9RTER SCHOOLS �j002 *� -- ^���, TE�AS �DUCA'I'ION �G�NC'Y ��� `t�,�;��- -- 17Q1 iti�rth CemgresSAve.�c Austin.Telas 73'0(-1n'9d�i l2!463-9�±�1�e-FA:i:S 1J�46�-97;38�r http//����v�+•.tea.st�:ic,tx.��, Jitr� iVelson Commissioner of Educ^uor NOTIF��AT[(�N OF STATE BQA�2D O�+`EDtiCATI�l1'AC7E'IO� TO: Trent Petty Westlake Academy FROM: Dr. Susan Barnes, Assistaiit Comrnissioner Charter Schools Division RE: July 2001 SC�te Bpard of Education Action DATI+1: Au�t:st 9, Z001 t�t the re�ular nteetit�g��f the State fsoa.d of Lci.ucation on July l�, 200';, the board appratired awu�di�i�an open-enrullment charter school to the sponsoring entity far Westlake Academy. Fiiia! approval will be eontin�enc upon i7ieeting ail conclitians enumerated and�ddz•essing all deiiciencies. Please feel free to call(5 t2)4G3-9575 or iax (512)463-9737_if you have questions. The agency staff looks forwlyd to workina��ith you. � Prepnr-ino Cjzil�t•en, Pr-omoti�T;�Excellerice 08!13!U1 1fON 10�28 FAX 512 463 9732 TEA CH.1RTEf2 SCHOOLS (�j001 Texa� Edu�at�on .�gency �HAI�TER �CHUOL� DIVl�1C�(� Wifliam B. Travis Buiiding 1701 N. Congress Avenue A�stin, TX 78701-1494 (512) 463-9575 FAX: (512) 463-9732 DATE: August 13, 2001 T�: Mary Midget FAX: 817-43a-1812 P3ge{s): 2 (including cover sheet} FROM: Mary Perry, Charter Schools Division, TEA --------------------..�__p_____�_____�------------------------------------------------------ MESSAGE: " . ... v. vv. �v..� a�...i�. a.a�� vl�.c�anvo�.vi JuIiVVL 1V V.11\lii'.R�7 �/, Ut{��/uU:� Westlake Academv bisnicd(ns[itution Name Counry-L7istrict iVo. T�XA,S�,CtUCATiON ACENCY ptvi�ion ofContract�and Graats Adminlseratiou �f.g�e,�al�ppiicatinn of Assuranees for Fedrxyl Praerams Administered by che U.S•�ep�rtment of EducaHon � AuEhoci�v for Dzta Callection: 2b USC Stttion 12iZe. Pfanned CJse oP Dara� Yhe requft'rmonts established in L�niCtd St9.te5 Cod�AnnOtatCd,Ti[L Z0,Educg7on, Chspter 31,Subch$pter IlI,5ection 1232(e)stipuIatC+hat"Each lotal education agtncy which participates in an ap;,licable program undec which feden,l fw�ds are madc avaitabis to such agency through a S[ate agency sha[1 st.bmik�o suCh agenCy or board,a generat applicatipn containi.ag the assurance5 Set fOttf'�in subsactioa(b)of tl:is sectior,."'I'he apptivation shall cavcr t1,�participation by thc?ocal ndumrion agency;n alt fcdcmi pro�ra�:tis administe�ed by the U.S.Dcperemenc of�ducarion. ;nstruetions This genecal oppiieution will be i�effecc forthe durt�cn of participation in fedm�i pro�am�unci( sueh time as the requirements change. The superintendent or odtar ac.rthorixed oftZcer musr si�t the:erti�cation and return to thc address betow. Faymant for iedarally funded applica:icns and contracts raru2ot be madc by chis Agency untii�he gtner�i application is reeoived, �or furthcr information,COntBCL tlle Divi�ion 6fContrBicts and Gr�tts Admini�+-aaan at(512)463-4269_ C�ctificatiQ�- !,che unde�ign,cd authorized of�icia!for the above•nnmod tocal educaeional agency,in accordanco with ZO USC Secdon 1232e,hereby applj�for partieipaac�n in fedcraliy ftinded edacarion pro�ams, . ( � [c�ztify that the locai educational agancy will adhere co the ess:�no�stflxed on pa�e 2 of dus form. 7' ed�tame of Aurhorized Officiat Date Telephone Signatare(must be ari�;inal) Trent Pett 8]7 - ' TypedTitleofAuthurize�Ofii�ial 8j30/0] 430-094 � ' ; Chief Executive Officer Retum origtnal to: � .. Texas Eclucstion Agrncy Williarn$.Travis Bidg. Attentian: Cynthia Hcmandez Divisian ofCh�rter Schoois 170I NoRh Congress Ausrin,Texas'7g701 17F/GA-00!t�00 .os�:jq/'LU�Il zi:lo r�:�a 5i2a:st3s�s1 :�cH��?L TC� C:�REERS �1��2�0�)� � �, '��c��� ����A.T�t�rs .��-��+c� (7Q(�;�rth C{m��reia�va.*Austin,Texas 7&701-1�94*'S1^_•J46�•S'7j4*FAl:;$1��4fi3-4$��it uttp i/wv�w•,tea.�tatc.tx,us , CHART�R SCHOOL L7IV IS�ON Jirn Nelsan Conmi�siu�rer ot'Eduwfloii I)ATE: August 15, ?�al TO: Gene�ation 7 Sc�lools RE: General AppiicatiQn of Assur�.nces fox Federal Prograa�Zs The GefteYal�pplicatiart ofAssurances for Fe��ral P�•ngrG7nTs fQruz is be?n; fa��ed to you. Please campiete�Zd reharn th� form. Althaugh you are asked for y�ur couuty-d�st�-ic�nu�nber in the righfi carn.er of t11e fomn, it is understaod fhat�Tau have not yet received a contract or been issued a county- di�trict nu,rz�bex. A��ncy staff will add the cou�ty-clistrict nutnber to t�e form oi�ce :t is assign�d. l�is fomi is siQn.ificant because you aa�� zz�e�i.gible foi• an3�fedezal manies including the Tit1e ?�stai t-u� funds wit�lout theses assur�s�ces. The conttact will be issu�d when all contix�,�enGi�s��.re cle�,red. If yc�u have que�tions regarding tl�ze conti.rx�encies, pi�as�advzse�rtha Patrick at(512 j 936-2b44. It is im�e�ative �hat t�.�e form cor�faz�t a� ��iginal �ignatur�. Ti herefore, yau inust mail the document to the adc�ress belocv. Texas Educ�tior�Agency V�Tilliam B. Travis �ldg, Att�ntior_: C�rzxl�i.a S�et�na�zdez T�ivisi4n af+�l�art�r Schc�Is 17t?X Nor'r.lz Con�ress Austin, Texas 7�3�U1 ,; Fre�c�ring Chrtdre�z, Pranzotirzg Excetlence U�:JU�yUUl 11:11 1^:�1 �1'Ly:31}b'L�1 5t,'tii)UL '!'iJ c;;u{�;r;.t(� t�LjtllJ9;'UU4 5e�ti0p x�?2Q,United$tateg C'ode,TiUv 20,Educatinn ASSLTRP�NC�S Aisurance is hereby g'sven tt►aC �. [he local educa�ional agency will administer eacC�pro�am covered by the applicat�on in accordance w�th ail applicable s+tah;tes,regulations,program p;asis,and appIicstidrs; Z. tna control of funds prvvided co the 1aca1 edueationai agency imdEr each program,and ticte c❑praperYy�acquired with those funds,will be in a guhlic a�cncy and a publie agency will adrniRisterthose funds acid property; 3. the lnee1 educntional agency wiG usc fcsoal consrai arld futtd a�causstins propadures that vuilE ansurs proper e{isbursement of,and accouating fo�,Fedcral funds paid to thzt agency undar each progtam; 4. t�c Incal c:ducational agancy witl m�1ce reports co the Te.+cas Education A$eney or State Board af Education and te che Secret�y of Ed�icatian as may raasanably be nenessary to enable the Texas Educztion Agency or Stete B�ard ef Edaeacion and th�Seoretary of Edu�stion ta perfotm their duties at+d ihe local educational�gency will maintain such eecords,including the recurds reyuired unde�section t232f�`oPrhis title,and provide access ta thosz records,as the Tcx2s Education Agen�y or State Board oi Fdueation or the Sac�etary of�ducation dcem �ecaSS�iy to AerEqrrn their duriOS; 5. the tacat educazior,al agancy wit:provide reasonab[e npportunires for the garticipa�ion by teac:hers,parents,and other interes�ed�a�encies,organi2ations,and'uldividualS in the plaz�ning,f�r and operation ef�ach program; 6, any apptication,eva(uation,periodic program plan or rnport relatin�to each program wilt bc madc roadily available w pa��nts und Qther members of the general public; ;`. in the c�e of any project invciving cansiructian- (A) tha projecz is noe i�onsistent with ovcralt 5t��e plans f�:r�ne construction o�schoo(facitities,and (8) in devedoping plans far�consevction,due considera:ion wiil bt�iven to excellence of architecture and d.s;ga artd to complianee with s�sedards prescribed by the Seoretary of�ciucation uc:der section 79�of . Title�9 in order to ensurc tha�faoilities coastrvcted with the use of Federal f�nd�aze aceessible to and usabl�by tndividuals with disabiticies; &. �he iocal educati�nat agency has adopted effective procedwes f4r a;,quiring ar,d disse�nin�ting to ceschers and adminisuatars partic�par,'ng in each program signiticant infocmatioa from educatioaal rssearch,deznonstrarions, . and similar projeots,and foc adoptirt�,where npprooriate,promising aducational practzceg developed through such projecrs;��d 9, none of tht funds tx��nded under a�iv:walicaUte urus�azu wifl be used to acoaire eouiornent(inciudans r ' computcr�o�tw+rirc)in 3n,y instsnce In which such acquisition resL�s ir�diCeci z"mancial 6enefit tp any � org�eaizacioa repr�.ser.+.eir�g cho intcrests of tne�urchasing cntity or its emplpyees ar an}'affiliate vf s�.�ch an argani�tion. , '��ection 1232r,United$��tes CoQe,Title Zil,E�tucation REC4?RDS Each reCipient �f Feder3! funds under any applicable pr��:azn through �ny grant suhgran:, cooperativa agreement, loan,o�tistilc:�irrEn�ern�nt shpl)lCecp itCbCdS whi�h ful;y disclose the amaur:t and�posi[ion by the r�cipi�nt of ihase funds, ard the cotal cost C`�':e activir�r For which th�� ion�is are used,the shar�of diat cost ' proYided fiom otyer scurccs, ar:d suo�t od�er zecords a, wil( fatilita.e an effective financiul or programmatic audit. oF;�A-ao 1 xoo � For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments andlar annotations made Standard Application Systern(SAS) Counry-District No. on this{page)have been confirmed with Public Chal'te[SChools Statt-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 ' XI by telephone/FAX on Region by of TEA. SCHEDULE#1--General Information NOGA IDlPro'ect No. Assi ned b TEA 1.Charter Holder. 2.Charter Schooi: 3.Applicant Contact Person: 4.Purpose of Application: (Name,Address,City,State,Zip} (Name,Address,City,State,Zip) (Name,Title,Address[iF different]): Application Town of Westiake Westlake Academy #3 Viliage Circle #3 Village Circle Trent Petty Suite 207 Solana Suite 2Q7 Solana ❑ Amendment No. Westfake,TX 76262 Westiake,TX 76262 Phone ( 817) 43Q-0941 FAX ( 817 ) 430-1812 RFA 701-02-Q38 E-Mai( t ett westlake-tx.or 5. To be completed only for Campus or Program Charters: The foilowing have been inciuded in the application: ❑ Copy of minutes verifying ❑ Sta4ement of assurance signed by the superintendent of the O This box is checked to confirm that approval of campus charter district and stating that the campus charfer is in compiiance the campus charter is designated by locai school board. with Texas Education Code,Subchapter C. as a charter in Texas Education Agency organizational database, AskTED. 6. Use of the Standard Application System: This system provides a series of standard schedules to be used as formats by applicants who apply for funds administered by the Texas Education Agency. If additional clarification is needed,piease call Esther Murguia Garcia-463-9575. 7. Program Authority:P.L.103-382.Title X,Part c,Public Charter Schoois 8. Pro�ect Be innin Date:Februa 1,2003 Pro ect Endin Date: Juf 31,20Q3 9. Index to this Application:An X has been piaced in the New Application column to indicate each schedule that must be submitted as a part of the appiication.The applicant must place an X in this column for each additionai schedule submiEted to complete fhe application.For amendments,the a licant must (ace an X in the Amendment A lication column ne�R to the schedule s bein submitted as art of the amendment. Sc New Amend Sch New Amend.Appiic. h Schedule Name Applic. Appiic_ No. Schedule Name Applic. No. 1 General Information X X 4A Pro ram Abstract X 2 Certification for Shared Services N/A N/A 46 Program Description X Arran emenfs 3 Bud et Summa X X 4C Pro ram Evaluation R uirements X 3A Pur ose of Amendment N!A X 4D E uitable Access and Partici ation X Su ort Schedules for— 4E (Other Program Schedules) 3B Pa roll Costs 6100 X 3C Professional and Contracted Services 6200 X 3D Supplies and Materials 6300 X 5A (Other Supplemental 5chedules NiA N/A S eci 3E Other O eratin Costs 6400 X 6A Provisions and Assurances X 3F Qebt Service 6500 N/A N/A 6B Debarment and Suspension X Cerfification 3G Ca ifal Outla 6600 6C Lobb in Certification X Exclusive of 6619 and 6629} 6D Disclosure of Lobb 'n Activities 3H Building Purchase,Construction or N!A N/A 6E Special Provisions and Assurances X tm rovements 6629 Certification and Incorporation 10.1 hereby certify that the information contained in this application is, to the besf of my knowledge, correct and that the local education agency named above has authorized me as its representative to oaligate this agency. I further certify fhat any ensuing program and activity wiil be conducted in accordance with all applicabie Federal and State laws and regufations, application guidelines and insfructions, the Provisions and Assurances, Debarment and Suspension, Iobbying requirements, Special Provisio�s and Assurances, and the schedules attached as applicable. It is understood by the appiicant that this application constitutes an offer and,if accepted by Agency or renegotiated to acceptance,will farm a binding agreement. Typed Name of Authorized Official of the Telephone Number Date Signed Charter Hoider ( 817 j 430-0941 Trent Pett Title of Authorized Official of the Charter Holder President Original Authorized Signature (blue ink preferred) Three sets of the application with an original signafure on each set must be received by 5:00 p.m.,November 21,2002 in: Texas Education Agency William B.Travis Bldg. Document Control Center,Room 6-108 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin,Texas 78701-1494 TEA DOGUMENT CQNTRQL NO. � ` � (-� ����� 1 SAS-A527 �'"� /V � / For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATiON AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System(SAS) county Dis�rict No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schoois Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 amendment No. by telephone/FAX on SCHEDULE#3—Budget Summary b of TEA. Program Authority: P L 103-382 Titie X Part C Public Charte�Schoois Fund Code: 258 Project Period: February 1,2003,through July 31,2003 Line No. Class/Object Description Schedule C/Object Budgeted Expenditures Number Code ' $17,500 01 Pa roli Costs 36 6100 18,200 02 Professional and Contracted Services 3C 6200 56,800 03 Supplies and Materials 3D 6300 7,500 04 Other O eratin Costs 3E 6400 05 Debt Service 3F 6500 06 Ca itai Outlay—(Exciusive of 6619 and 6629) 3G 6800 07 Buildin Purchase, Construction or Im rovements 3H 6629 $100,000 08 Total Direct Costs Sum of fines 1-7 09 indirect Costs °/a $100,000 10 Total Costs ,. � .„ .�.,� For TEA Use�nly TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments andlor annotations made Standard Application System(SAS) counry-�isvict No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by ielephonelFAX on SUPPORT SCHEDULE#3B—Payroll Costs 6100 /+mendment No. by of TEA. Estimated Line Description of Payroll Costs Number of Percent of Time Total Payroil No. (Include gross salaries,wages,and benefits) Posi6ons Charged to Costs._ Grant 5 100% •, 5,000 01 Classroom Teachers, (representing grades 1-6). Initiai (for'/Months) Cadre of experienced instructors to work with Head in - early curriculum design. The requested amount reflects the average pay rate of teachers in the surrounding disiricts(Northwest Carroll and Kel/er)with Annual salary averages greater fhan$35,000 for first year instrucfors. 1 100% 11,000 �1��;=�� 02 ;Staff Administrative Assistant/Secreta for 4 Months 03 04 05 06 07 Substitutes for Charter School Personnel 08 (6112) (Explain purpose:} _._. -_--- ' Extra-Dut�,Pav/Beyond Normal Work' �2 �oo°ia i,5oo � °� Hours�s1�9�s:�z�� (Exp�ain pUrpose:�_-. ., .�. New teachers will tie asked to attend a PYP Workshop held by TEA in Carrotlton,TX in July,not during contract day. • • $17,500 10 TOTAL COSTS For federally-funded projects, charges to payroll must be documented according to the requirements in OMB Circular A-87. Refer to the SAS instructions for Schedule#3B for a summary of these requirements. � � c} 4 t'� ♦r n�r For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard Application System (SAS) counry�istrict No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up G�ant Schooi Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SUPPORT SCHEDULE#3C-- /�mendment No. by ofTEA. Professional and Contracted Services 6200 Line No. Description of Expense items AMOUNTS Contracted Services provided by ESC{6230) (Specify t e s of services): $8,000 01 Professional Development,Training Services, Financial and Accounting Setup (PEIMS), Technology Integration ? ' + Professional/Consulting Services(6210): (Inciude travel costs for consuitants and 02 materials provided by consultants in the budgeted amount. Travel costs inciude reasonable airfare, lodging, meals, mileage not to exceed 35 cents per mile, etc. Attach separate page if more space is needed.) : :� $7,000 � - A. Consultant A Topic: � � - - International Baccalaureate Educational Implementation , (Enter the total B. Consultant B Topic: � amount fof Educational Technologv Implementation - pt'OfeSS1011aU C. Consultant C Topic: � COnSultlflg Financial Accountinq and Business Setup. N�T for audit purposes. ' ,,� ; ', services. It is nat necessary to D. Consultant D Topic: break out costs E. Consultant E Topic: i;` � by individual consultant.) F. Consultant F Topic: 03 Contracted maintenance and repair of equipment purchased with grant funds(6240} 1,500 04 Utilities(6250), including telephone, FAX charges, and telecommunication services. Also includes water, electricity, and gas for heating/cooling for grant activities conducted before school, after school, or durin the summer �5 Rental or lease of eauipment or buildina soace(6260� (specify type and purpose): Attach a co of the lease a reement if buildin s ace is re uested. Printing. School informational material including applications, parent information, and � ,_t 1,700 os student handbook. � �-1;-����''�f'..;: .'. o� oa Tuition Services(6220) (Explain purpose:} 09 10 TOTAL COSTS $18,200 All contracted services must be provideti by persons not employed by the applicant. The applicant shall not use or pay any consultant if the services could have been rendered by applicanYs employees."Honorariums°are not allowable expenditures. See instructions. � (Y a n ♦rn� For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made 5tandard Application System (SAS) County Distr;ct No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on __ SUPPORT SCHEDULE#3D-- Amendment No. by of TEA. Supplies and Materials 6300 Line No. Descri tton of Ex nse Items aMouNTs $36,000 01 General supplies and materials (6390), including consumable teaching and office supplies; workbooks; audio-visual aids, such as filmstrips, VCR tapes, CD-Rom disks, diskettes, computer tapes, and software; " " and supplies for technology , 12,000 02 Textbooks and other readinq materials (6320) (includes textbooks and r.J''�Y;'� magazines, periodicals, newspap,ecs.and-r.efer.ence books placed in the . . classroom or in an office i`.�, not placed in the library`) (s►,ascnRtior,s to .' periodicals/magazines must be in the i�ame ofthe orqanization and not in-the na'me of an �'� individual) ._.._..�___.�__--....__---.._._�-- 03 Testing materials (6330) (does not include scoring of tests) 5,300 04 Computer hardware (not capitalized) (List hardware requested and the estimated quantity. Attach an additional page if necessary.) An amendment is required if the use/purpose of the hardware changes, if ''�'4 - _=�= ;'_ the estimated quantity increases by more than 20 percent, or if a new ���=�% �'� �- � item is requested. _ ' ��`i �.., " � , Administrative Computer Workstation including printer, scanner, and monitor. (2} ��:�" Network server for Student Administration Software(1) � ___.� 05 Other equipment not capitalized (List equipment requested and the estimated quantity. Attach an additional page if necessary.) An 3,soo amendment is required if the use/purpose of the equipment changes, if the estimated quantity increases by more than 20 percent, or if a new item is requested. Overhead projector(1). LCD data projector for group meetings(1) 06 Supplies/materials for maintenance and/or operations (6310), including gasoline/fuel for transportation, janitorial suppiies, building maintenance supplies, and supplies for upkeep of equipment 07 08 $56,800 09 TOTAL COSTS All costs include shipping and handling costs. � „ .� . �.,-, For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard AppliCation System (SAS) counry oisvict No. on this(page)have been confirtned with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant SchoolYear2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SUPPORT SCHEDULE#3E— Amendment No. by of TEA. Other Operating Costs 640p Line No. Descri tion of Ex ense Items AMOUNTS 01 Travel Costs for Empioyees. Students, and Non-Emplovees (6410), �6,400 inCludii1g: (Enter the total amount a. In-State Travel, WhICh includes lowest available airfare;actual cost for lodging not requested for travel. Do not to exceed$80/day(not including tax}and meals not to exceed$30/day or local policy, split out the costs among whichever is less; and mileage not to exceed 35 cents per mile or local policv,whichever sub-items.) is less. b. Out-ot-State Travel, WhICh includes lowest available airfare;actual cost of �:.�''---�, lodging and meals not to exceed maximum allowable federal govemment rates for the locale or local policy,whichever is less;and reimbursement for mileage not to exceed 35 .-' �.._; cents per mile or local aolicv,whichever is less. f< < _ �. conference/Workshop/Seminar Reqistration Fees .`__________ _____ , ,�.,,�_ f;,�'. `� ��.,:-- �°,�, (The PYP Workshop in Julv which all Teachers witl be requested to attend costs$385 per ��'��..�. `V`�-"% `,, participant) _ W°t�= �`5��, 02 Membership Dues (6499) in Professional Organizations �membersnip must ,,�' ! � ""', 50o y��`<` be ,�;-' `e�; in the name of the grantee organization and not in the name of an individual). '�, R"� �-� ;c'i 03 AwardsJlncentives for Participation �sass> (r,om�r,ai�n cost�. ider,t��v tvaes of awards/incentives to be provided: � EduCatiOrt�l Field Trips (6494)(includes transportation costs, entrance fees, etc.} Identify destination(s)and obiective(s): o� Reimbursement of tuition (6499) and fees for staff completing university/college courses directly related to grant � Insurance (6420). tdenti�v puraose: 07 Classified Advertisinq �6499) �soo In Teacher's'ournals and local news a rs to announce o en Teachin ositions. O8 09 Food Costs (not provided by the district food service program) (sas9>. Refer to instructions for allowable food costs. �coiain ourpose: �o Stipends to Non-ernplovees�sa�s�. �oia�n pu�Rose: 11 TOTAL COSTS $7,500 � n �n arn�r For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments and/or annotations made Standard AppliCation System (SAS) County Disvict No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Un Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SCHEDULE#4A-- Amendment No. Program Abstract hy ofTEA. (Inciuding Needs and Objectives) Primary Target Population and Number to be Served: Number of Staff 17 Number of Campuses 1 Number of Students by Grade Level: (indicate#s on chart) GRADE LEVEL PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL 32 32 32 32 32 32 192 TOTAL: 192 1. Use of FundslBudget Narrative: Describe in narrative bullet form how grant funds will be used to plan(post award), design, and implement the charter school. Be sure to describe the use of funds for each item requested in the budget Schedules#3—3G as described in Part I,of the RFA. Provide the rational for using the funds(Attach additional pages as needed and number pages 9a,9b, etc.) The Town of Westlake,the Charter Holder,is committed to the success of Westlake Academy and has secured appropriate local funds to support the design,construction of a pw�ose huilt facility and much of the initial FF&E for the Academy during 2002. While the Charter Holder will continue to contrib�te local funds to the project to ensure success,funding from this gant will permit an extended planning,design,staffdevelopment and program set-up phase in the first hatf of 2003 and will allow local funds to be used for desired enhancements to the FF&E budget. It is the Town's intention to fimd payroll via grant funds for only this startup period;these positions are permanent,and will be funded on an on-going basis out of general funds. • [3B.01]Payroll for Classroom Teachers: A Cadre ofteachers will work closely with the Head/Principal for two intensive weeks during the months prior to school opening to plan for the implementation of the IBO Primary Years Program and design the instructional Unit Planners to Ge i�sed in the program. This Cadre will work with[he balance of the teachers in further preparation prior to the opening of school,and will mentor as the PYP is implemented throughout the school year. • [3B.02]Payroll for Staff: An Administrative Assistant/Secretary will be hired to assist the 1-tead/Principal in a variety of areas inc(uding collecting,collating and filing arcountability documentation. • [3F3.09)Extra-Duty Yay:All teachers will be asked to attend a PYP Workshop in Juty held during non-contract days. • [3C.01,02.C]Professional and Contract Services:The Region XI ESC and other appropriate consultants will help plan and design an efficient business o�ce framework including the selection of and stai�'development for the Financial Accounting and PEIMS systeros as required by this Grant. Region XI ESC�vill provide staff development to ensure all Teachers have a thorough understanding of the TEKS,and to ensure that staff have proper training on the Pinancial Accountability(PEIMS)System. • [3C.01,02.BJ Professional and Contract Services:Should in-house skills be insufticient,Region XI ESC andlor other professional consulting services will help WesNake Academy plan and design the educational technolo�y model to be utilized in the classroom and throughout the school. • [3C.Q2.A]Professional and Contract Services:Funds may be used to bring certifred IBO trainer(s)to West(ake Academy for on-site PYY training to meet the requirements ofthe International Baccalaureate Organizafion for Primary Years Program(PYP)certification. • [3C.04]Utilities:A budget has been provided for telephone expenses and operational utilities expenses associated with the grant period. • [3C.06]Printing:Materials to inform pazents and students of the West(ake Academy educational program,and to provide for applications to the program aze anticipated. • [3D.01,02]Genera(Supplies and Materials. To meet the grant reyuirement for a Financial Accountability System,software and appropriate modules will be obtained through the Region XI�SC. Grant monics wi11 also be used to purchase key cl�.ssroom supplies,books and media appropriate for the implementation of the Pl'F'. • (3D.04,OS]Computer hardware and Other equipment:Workstations for the Head/Principal and Secretary and a nerivork servcr for Studcnt Administration soflware are ne�;essary to establish proper accountability for the School,and overhead and LCD projectors will be used for group meetings. • [3E.01,02,07]A budget has been established to accoriunodate travel for training az�d planning,and membership in an internationat school organiTation,and ror the advertisement of open Teaching positions in appropriate publications. 2. Include a description of how these start-up funds will be used in conjunction with other federal programs funds. • No additional federal program funds are anticipated during the Grant Period. 3. Include a descriptian of how the authorizing public chartering agency will provide for continued operation of the public charter school once the federal grant has expired. "Che ongoi►�g viabi(ity of Westlake Academy Charter School in ensured by the stability and the administrative and physica(resources of the chartcr holder,The Town of Westlal:e,Texas. Many existing and planned Town resources can effectively serve both the Town and the Academy specifically. The operational leverage achieved by synergies in Town/Academy facilities and administration will create an environment where AI�A based State funding(available starting in September,2�03)will be sufficient to fund the bulk ofthe Westlake Academy operating budget. Additional,local funds will be wntributed as necessar to insure ro'ect success. . .� n �� � rnn For TEA Use Only TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjustments andlor annotations mad� Standard Application System(SAS) Counry District No. on this(page)have been confirmed with Public Charter Schools Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephone/FAX on SCHEDULE#id8-- Amendment No. Program Description- by of TEA. Program Requirements The following requirements were addressed by the appiicant in the charter approved by SBOE. Incorporated by reference is the charter and any amendments approved by the SBOE, which include the following federal requirements. Federal Reauirements 1. a description of the educational program to be implemented by the charter, including a. how the program will enable all students to meet challenging state student performance standards; b. the grade levels or ages of children to be served, and c. the curriculum and instructional practices to be used; 2. a description of how the charter will be managed; 3. a description of the objectives of the charter and the methods by which the charter will determine its progress toward achieving those objectives; 4. a description of the administrative relationship between the charter and the authorizing public chartering agency (i.e., the local board of trustees); 5. a description of how parents and other members of the community will be involved in the design and implementation of the charter; 6. a description of how students in the community will be informed about the charter and given an equal opportunity to attend the public charter school, No response to this schedule is required; however, it must be included, unaltered, in the grant application. Charter schools are reminded ta follaw the appropriate procedures for arnending the charter approved by the SBOE. Incorporated by reference for campus and program charters are the requirements in TEC 12, Subchapter C. n ti�� �onn For TEA Use O�Iy TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY 220810 Adjusiments and/or annotations made Standard AppliCatiOn System (SAS) County-District No. on this{page)have been confirmed wfth Public Charter Schopls Start-Up Grant School Year 2002-2003 by telephonelFAX on SCHEDULE#4C Program Evaluation Requirements Amendment No. by of TEA. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO SUBMIT A FINAL EVALUATION REPORT WITHIN THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE ENDING DATE OF THE GRANT. This schedule must be completed as part of the grant application. 1. Specifically, how will the grant funds be used to pian, design, and implement the charter schooi? The Westlake Academy has selected to follow programs of instruction defined by the International Bacca(aureate(hganization(IBO). 7�he Primary Years Progamme(PYP),Middle Years Progam(MYP)and the Diploma Years Programme(DYP)provide a philosophical framework for instruction, yet leave speciYic scope and sequence decisions to ihe local educators. Westlal:e Academy will open fall 2003 grades 1-6 imp(ementing the Primary Yeazs Program. Every et�ort will be marle to hire teachers with PYP experience,but as this program is relatively new,we anticipate many teachers will require appropriate training to become f'amiliar�vith this model. Funds received from this grant will provide(PayrolQ for advertising open positions[3E.07J,planning and program design by a Cadre of carefiillv selected teachers[3B.01]during the months preceding opening of Westlake Academy,fall 2003. Planning and design efTort is instrumental to successful impfementation ofthe PYP in the classroom and the eventual success measured by the TAKS later in the school year. The Secretary[3B.02J will assemble informational materials for the program to be professionally printed for distrihu[ion[3C.06]. The PYP model also relies on every teacher's involvement as part of grade-leve(teams involved in unit and lesson planning for the school year. Funds from this gant will provide certified tB0 PYP staffdevelopment(contracted service[3C.02.A1,and travel to workshons)to insure that the Westlake Academy can properly implement the PYP model,and to satisfy certitication requirements of the]BO. Where staff must attend workshops on non- contract days.extra-dutv oav[3b.09]wilt be paid Westlake is committed to implementing a program where educational technology is infused in the learning pracess. Funds from this�ant wil]provide design assistance(ESC X[and/or Qrofessional services)in refining the technolo�y im�lementation plan[3C.02.B],and will provide end-user staff development in the proper implementation of selected technologies. In addition to the educationat program,gant monies have been budgeted for contracted services to help plan and desip.r�operationat maiel for the business office and Financial Accountabilitv Svstems[3C.01,02.C]. The Region XI�SC will provide the act�al computer software[3C.01�for the in- house aecountability system and will also provide staff development to ensure successful accpwitability(PEIMS)reporting as the program is implemented. A budget has been established for any utilitv costs[3C.04](including long distance telephone charges and telecommunication services,and potentia(ly water,electricity,and gas for grant activities conducted before school,after school,or duri�g the summer. A budget for supplies and materials[3D.01] and classroom books/readin�materials[3D.02J has been established to allow the I{ead/Principal and teachers to se(ect additional tcaching resources to augment textbWks provided by TEA,and significant classroom resources provided by loca!funds. Computer workstations and a nehvork server[3D.04]will be necessary to implement Student Administration software at the Aeademy,and an overhead proiector and LCD data vroiector �3D.05]will allow presentations in group planning meetings. A budget has becn cstablishcd to accommodate travel for traininQ and vlannina, [3E.01),and membership in an international school organization[3e.02J. 2. Specifically, what impact will the charter school start-up grant have on the implementation and operation of the charter school? The Charter School Start-up Grant will have a very signific:ant impact on the implementaiion and operation of Westlake Academy as it will fund payroll expenses,professional services,and key supplies and materials during the critical period of progrvn planning prior to the availability of State funding. The Town of Westlake,the Charter Holder,is committed to the suc;c:ess of Westlake Academy and has secured appropriate local funds to support the design,wnstruction of a purpose built facility and the initial FF&E for the Academy during 2002. While the Charter Holder will wntinue to contribute local funds to the project to ensure success,funding from this grant will perrnit an extended planning,design,staff development and progra�n set-up phase in the first half of 2003 and wil(allow local funds to Ue used for desired ent�ancements to the FF&E budget. The following two (2) questions must be answered to fulfill the requirements of the Program Evaluation Report. The Program Evaluation Report is due within thirty (30)days after the ending date of the grant period: It is agreed that the Final Program Evaluation Report witl be submitted within 30 days after the ending date of this grant. L Specifically,how were the grant funds be used to plan,desig�,and impiement the charter? 2. Specifically,what impact did the charter school start-up grant have on the implementation and operation of the charter school? h n �n e vnn TEXAS EDUCATION AGEN�Y 1701 North Congress Ave.*Austin,Texas 78701-1494*512l463-9734*FAX:512/463-9838�k http:l/www.teastate.uc.us ' December 3, 2003 Scott Bradley Town of Westiake 3 Village Circle,Ste 207 Westiake, TX 76262 Dear Mr. Bradley: Enclosed is a signed cantract for the Westiake Acaderny Charter Schoo(. This one is for your school files, and the other original has been placed in your�fes at the Texas Education Agency. I look forward to working with you and your school. Sincerely, � G/�rC'vC.C. Ertha Patrick, Division Manager Division of Charter Schools GC: Trent Petty Enclosure Fulfilling the Promise for All Texas Children .y . . . . . . . ,. . . . . �. . . ���,. `' "?CONTRACT FOR OPEN-ENROLLMENT CHARTER ' This contract is executed between the Texas State Board of Education (the "Board") and Town of Westiake ("Charter Holder") for a Seventh Generation open-en�oliment charter to operate Westlake Academy Charter School, a Texas public school. General 1. Definitions. As used in this contract: "Gharter" means the Seventh Generation open- enrollment charter, as provided by, Chapter 12, Subchapter D, Texas Education Code, granted by this contract. "Charter Holder" means the spansoring entity identi�ed in the charter application and the entity to which a charter is granted by this contract. "Charter school" means the Seventh Generation open-enrollment charter school, The charter school is part of the public school system of Texas and is a charter school within the meaning of 20 U.S.C. § 8066. "Agency" means the Texas Education Agency "Commissione�' rneans the Commissioner of Education. 2. The Charter. This contract grants to Charter Holder a Seventh Generation open- enrollment charter under Texas Education Code Chapter 12, Subchapter D. The terms of the charter include: (a) this contract; (b) applicable law; (c) Request for Application RFA 701-01-004 (d) any condition, amendment, modification, revision or other change to the cha�ter adopted or ratified by the Board or the Commissioner; (e) all statements, assurances, commitments and representations made by Charter Holder in its application for charter, attachments or related docurnents, to the extent consistent with the aforementioned (a) through (d); and (fl assurance by Charter Nolder, evidenced by execution of this contract, that no false information was submitted to the Agency or the Board by Charter Holder, its agents, or its employees in support of its application for charter. Action inconsistent with the terms of the charter shall constitute a material violation of the charter. 3. Term of Charter. The charter shall be in effect from the date of executian through �unless renewed or terminated. The grant of this charter does not create an e '�tl `�t; a renewal of the charter. The charter may be renewed for an additional ' d�Ge e �a� d by the Commissioner. J 4. � evi�bn A reement. The terms of the charter may be revised with the consent of ro harter Hol ;,�� y written amendment approved by the Commissioner. � � � `�' � � (� [� 0 1'�n �.� ; `' v o �v�- �`r----- � � u� ' N L� i i, S�� _ g ��^,3 � rh�,ar' C`,.�,.+rl� i I . ( . I Students ( 5. Open-enroilment. Admission and enroliment of students shall be open to any person who resides within the geographic boundaries stated in the charter appiication and who ' is eligible for admissian based on lawful criteria identified in the cha�ter application. Total enrollment shall not exceed the maximum number of students set out in the charter applicatian. The charter schoo!'s admission policy shall prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic, artistic, or athletic ability, or the district the student would otherwise attend. 6. Non-religious Instructidn and Affiliation. The charter school shall not co�duct religious instruction. The charter school, the sponsoring entity, and any entity that owns or controls the sponsoring entity in whole or in part (including by the power to select officers or directors) shall be nonsectarian in its programs, policies, employment practices, and all other operations. 7. Children with Disabilities. The charter school is a "local educational agency" as defined by federal law. Charter Holder must comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. § 1401, et seq., and implementing regulations; 5ection 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), 29 U.S.C. § 794, and implementing regulations; Title !I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA}, 42 U.S.C. §§ 12131- 12165, and implementing regulations; Chapter 29, Texas Education Code, and implementing rufes; and court cases applying these laws. Among the charter school's legal responsibilities in this area are the following: (a) Child Find. Charter Holder must adopt and implement policies and practices thet a�rmatively seek out, identify, locate, and evaluate children with disabilities enrolled in the charter schaol or who contact the charter school regarding enrollment. (b) Free Appropriate Public Education. Charter Holder must provide a free appropriate public education to a(I children including children with disabiiities atherwise eligible to enroll in the charter school. If the program, staff, or facilities af the charter school are not capable of ineeting the needs of a particular child, Charter Holder must implement changes necessary to accommodate the child at the charter school. If reasonable accomrnodations would be insu�cient to enable the child to benefit from the charter school's program, Charter Holder must,at its own expense, place the child at an appropriate school. (c) Services to Expelled Students. Charter Holder must continue to provide a free apprapriate public education to a child with disabilities even after expelling or suspending the child for valid disciplinary reasons. (d) Monitoring. The charter school's implementation of the laws education of children with disabilities will be monitored for campliance by the United States Department of Education, .OfFice of Special Education Prograrns; the United States Department of Education, O�ce of Civil Rights; the Agency; and others. (e) Due Process Hearings. The cha�ter school's imp(ementation of the laws goveming educatian of children with disabilities will also be subject to scrutiny by 2 the courts if litigation against Charter Holder is brought by individuais affected by the actions of the charter school. 8. Student Performance and Accountability. Charter Holder shall satisfy Chapter 39, ' Subchapters B, C, D, and G of the Texas Education Code, and related Agency rules, as well as the student pertormance accountability criteria stated in its application for charter. . Financial Management 9. Fede�al Withholding Requirements. Failure to comply with lnternal Revenue Service withholding regulations shall constitute a material vialation of the charter. 10. Workers' Compensation. Charter Holder sha(I extend workers' compensation bene�ts ta charter school employees by(1) becoming a self-insu�er; {2) providing insurance under a workers' compensation insurance policy; or(3)entering into an agreement with other entities providing for self-insurance. Governance and Operations 11. Indemnification. Charter Holder shall hold the Board and Agency harmless from and shall indemnify the Board and Agency against any and all claims, demands, and causes of action of whatever kind or nature asserted by any third party and occurring or in any way incident to, arising out of, or in connection with wrongful acts of Charter Holder, its agents, employees, and subcantractors. This Agreement 12. Entire Agreement. This contract, including all referenced attachments and terms incorporated by reference, contains the entire agreement of tfi�� parties. All prior representations, understandings, and discussions are superseded by this contract. 13. Severability. If any provision of this contract is determined by a court or other tribunal to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remainder of the contract shalt remain in full force and effect, so as to give effect to the intent of the parties to the ext�nt valid and enforceable. 14. Conditions of Contract. Execution of this contract by the Board is conditioned on full and timely compliance by Charter Holder with: (a} the terms, required assurances, and conditions of Request for Application RFA 701-Q1-00�; (b) applicable law; and (c) all commitments and representations made in Charter Holder's application and any supporting documents (to the extent such commitments and representations are consistent with the terms af this contract). 15. No Waiver of Breach. No assent, express or implied, to any breach of any of the covenants or agreements herein shal) waive any succeeding or other breach. 16. Venue. Any suit arising under this contract shall be brought in Travis County, Texas. 17. Gaverning Law. In any suit arising under this contract, Texas taw shall apply. 3 ; � - ; � i � I ( 18. Laws and Rules Appiicabie. By executing this contract, the undersigned � representatives of Charter Holder represent that they have read and understand the i rules adopted by the Board and the Commissioner pursuant to Texas Education Code i Chapter 12, Subchapter D and that they have had fuli opportunity to consult with their � own legal counsel concerning said rules prior to executing this agreement. The undersigned representatives further understand and agree that: (a) the terms of this ' contract, and of the Seventh Generation open-enrollment charter created by this ' contract, include all applicable state and federal laws, including a11 applicable rules and regulations; (b) the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to state and federal law may be adapted, amended or repealed from time to time; and (c) all such changes to the rules and regulations applicable to Charter Holder shall become an essential part of this contract and of the open-enrollment charter created by this contract, as of the effective date provided in the rule or regulatian. 19. Eligibility and Authority. By executing this contract, Charter Holder represents that it is an "eligible entity" within the meaning af Section 12.101 (a), Texas Education Code. Charter Holder shall immediate(y notify the Commissioner of any legal change in its status, which would disqualify it from holding the charter, of any violation of the terms and conditions of this contract, ar of any change in the chief operating officer of the Charter Holder. Charter Holder further represents that the person signing this contract has been properly delegated authority to do so. Entered into t�+�'�day o r 2003. T State Board duc tion: Town of Westlake: 9xo3 G raldine Miller, Ch ir a e Scott Br dley, Chair Date Westlake Academy Charter School: .y-L"-�='-- � c( �� L� � Trent Petty,.. Date Chief Operating Officer a ��XA� EDllCATION AGEPdCY STATE WAIVERS APPLlC,4TION FO(2 EXPEDITED AN[�GEfVEF2AL STAI'El�AlVERS General BnsYructions. For Expedited Waivers, piease complete Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4. For General State Waivers, please compiete Sections 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. Balded items in Section 2 and Sectian 3 must be com lefed. Please direct uestions ta the State Waiver Unit at 512 463-9630 or www.tea.state.bc.ustwaivers. SECTION 1. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR AL.I.WAIVERS. District Name: Westlake Academy Gounty/District iVo. 220-810 Address: 2600 C?ttinger Road Telephane No. 817 -4�- 75,�7 City, State, Zip W estlake, Texas 76262 Fax No. {$�)-�- 7�,� Contact Person: Darc McFarlane Tele hone No. 817 -49Q- 5757 SECTION 2. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALL WAIVERS, i � Superintendent: Barbara Brizuela ��� Typed Name � nature Board President: Scotfi Sradle�r ' Typed Name Signature Date Board Approva : /'r� q�,h,. 0?�7 Board Vote—�or A ainst Abstain Absent SECTfON 3. P�EASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALL WAIVERS. Comments of appropriate 5ite-Based Decision IViaking Committee: SBDEVI Carmmittee Chair erson Si nature SECTION 4. EXPE417ED WAIVERS. PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. ❑ Staff Develapment Waiver, pursuant to Texas Education Code(TEC) §25.081. This waiver allows the district or charter school to train staff on various educational strategies designed to improve student performance in lieu of a maximum of three days of student instruction. Please state the number of days requested. Piease check the years requested: ❑2006-2007 ❑2007-2008 ❑2008-2009 ❑ ReadinglEngiish Language Arts; P�9athematics; Science; and/or Social Studies Staff�eveiopment Waiver, pursuant to TEC §25.081. This waiver ailows the district or charter school to conduct additional staff training for reading/engiish language arts, rnathematics, science, or social studies strategies aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills in lieu �f a maximurn of two days of student instruction. Please check no more than iwo subject areas for only one day each: ❑ Reading/English Language Arts! ❑ Mathematics, ❑Science_ ❑ Social Studies._ Please check the years requested: ❑2006-2007 ❑2QQ7-2008 ❑2008-2009 ❑ �taff Development through Par�icipation in Eligible Confierences VVaiver, pursuant to TEC §25.08'i. This waiver allows the district or charter school to send staff to eligible conferences for staff development to improve student performance in lieu of one day of student instructian. Please check the years requested: ❑20Q6-2007 ❑2007-2008 p2d08-2009 ❑ Early Releas�Waiver, pursuant to TEC§25.082. This waiver allows the district or charter schaol to conduct school for less than seven (7) hours for a total of six(6) days of student instruction to provide additional training in educational methodologies and/or to provide time to meet the needs of students and local communifiies. Please state the number of days requested. Please check the years requested: ❑2006-2007 �20n7-2008 ❑2008-2009 ❑ Modified ScheduteCTAf4S Testing Days V1/aiver, pursuant to TEC §25.082. This waiver allows the district or cha�ter schaol ta modify the schedule af classes on TAKS testing days during the current school year Yo � reduce interru tions during testing periods. This waiver is approved yearly. CqD-106R07 SECTION 4. EXPEDITEQ WAIVERS. ' ❑ Textboo6cs for Photoj��rnalism, Astroesomy, (AP) Environmental Science, as�d (AP} Human Geography, pursuant to TEC §7.056. This waiver altows the distric# ar charter schoal reimbursement for the , p�rchase of non-state adopted textbooks used in Phatojournalism, Astronomy, {AP) Environmental Science, and (AP) Numan Geography courses for which no textbooks were adopted by the state. Reimbursement is equa!to the sCate maximum casf or the cost of the textbook, whichever is lower. Piease check the years requested: ❑2006-20Q7 ❑2007-2008 ❑20Q8-2009 ❑'Textbooks under Proclamation 2001 and F'roclamation 2QQ2 in Business Educafian,7echnaiogy Education/fndustrial Technology Education,Trade and Industriai Education, Languages �fher Than English,and Fine Arts, pursuant to TEC§7.056. This waiver allows the district or charter school reimbursement for the purchase of non-state adopted te�ctbook used in Business Education, Technology Education/industrial Technology Education, Trade and lndustrial Education, Languages Other Than English, and Fine Arts courses for which no textbooks were adopted by the state. Reimbursemen#is equat to the state maximum cost or the cost in the textbook, whicheuer is lower. Please check the years requested: 02006-2007 ❑2007-20D8 ❑2008-2009 ❑ �oreigr� Exchange Studerat Waiver, pursuant ta TEC §25.001(e). This waiver ailows the district to limit the number of foreign exchange students to_(state number af students) per disfrict, The waiver will be issued if it is deterrnined that admission of a foreign exchange student wili(check all that apply}: ❑ (1) create a financiai or staffing hardship for the district; ❑ (2} diminish the district's ability to pravide high quality educational services far the district's domestic students; or p (3) require domestic sfudents to compete with foreign exchange students for educafional resources. Please check the ears re uested: ❑2006-2Q07 __ ❑2007-2D08 ❑2008-2009 SECTION 5. GENERAL WAIVER. Disciplinary Alternative Eclucation Prograens, pursuant to TEC 37.008{g). This waiver ailaws the district to use more than 18°l0 of the district's SCE allotment ta provide basic services for disciplinary alternative education pragrams established under Section 37.008. The school district is required to state the reason for needing t� exceed the 18%limit and to report the number of students in each grade{evel, by demographic subgroup, not making satisfactory progress under the state's assessment system. This waiver is granted for one year and the waiver must be renewed in writing prior to the start of the school year through the Texas Education Agency waiver o�ce for each subsequent year, in accordance with TEA policies and deadlines far filing. Please state the totai percentage of the district's 5CE aliotment thaf is being requested to provide basic services at the DAEP. SECTION 6. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR GENERAL WAIVERS. Please check one: ❑Course Requirement ❑Pregnancy Related Services�n-Campus CEHI ❑Disciplinary Alternative Education Campus ❑Study of Electronic Courses �Other Specify Extension of deadiine for Charfer Amendment — SEG710N 7. COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR ALl WAIVERS OTHER THAN EXPEDITED WAIVERS. PLEASE USE SEPARATE PAGE. 1. Give a brief narrative description of the requested waiver, , 2. Does the district ar campus plan refiect the need for this waiver? )f yes, whaf is the specific objective impacted by the waiver? 3. Cite the Texas Education Code or the Texas Administration Code that the district or campus wishes to waive? 4. Describe the pian to be implementEd, if the waiver is granted. 5. How will granting this waiver help achieve the district or campus's objective? 6. P(ease expiain how the school district or campus will evaluate the impact of the waiver towards meeting the disfrict or campus's goai. 7. Please specify the schaol years for which the waiver is requested, to a maximurn of three years. �2006-2�07 �2007-2008 �92008-2009 qll appiications should be mailed or faxed. The fax n�amber is(51 Z}�475-36fi6. State Waiver Unit Texas Education Agency 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin,TX 78701-1494 CDD-106R07 OPEN-ENROLLIVIENT CHARTER CONTRACT RENEWA�, APPLICAT�ON . Section I. Current Iqformation in Charter Schoot Tracki�g System Charter Holder Namc: Town of West(ake Charter School Name: WGSTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTLR SCllOOL Charter School County/Ui9trict�7: 220-5 I O Gcnerution: �7 �tuximum ApprovcJ Enrollmcnt; 800 Gradcv Appravcd; K,1,2,3,4,`•,6,7,$,9,10,1 1,12 Campuses: ��os i aon i 1VESTLAKE ACqllEMY 26U0 Ottinger Road Wcs�lakc,TX 76362 Gradc Lcvcfs Currently Served: K�,01,02,03,04,OS,D6,07,08 Ceographical IIoundary: ~ Thc vriginal charter upplication and amendment hiseory reflects tl�at the foliowing district(s)comprise ihe chaner schooPs g�ographic boundar}': ARGYLLISD CARROLLISD DGNTONISD KEC,L�.Ct 1SU NQR'1'I�WEti'I'ISD i,.�_,- i---_.._—';. . .. . . ` __ ; c �---,. I 'r._ —. _...._... . . .._ ., � �:.. w '� �1�f�a ,_ C � !�_�._ . _..._..� �I�;f�, , ,�<. ��_� . , aoo�� Sectian II. Supe�rintendent and Board Chair Con�act Information T1�e scilaol superinteadent andlor tlie charter ho{der boacd c4�aic will be contacted by a�ency staff if there are issues to be ' resolved in any of the sectioits. Sa erintendent Cont�et Infarmation: S��erii�teilcie��t's Name: Barbaca �rizuefa, Head of Se�ool � 'I'cle l�one Number: 817•49Q-5757 FaY Nwnber: 817,49�-5758 E-maii Address� bbrizuela�westlakeacademy.�r�; T_._; Cl�arte�•ETolde�•8<�ard Chaii•Contact Informatioi�: Charter Holder Qoard CI1flIC'S N�1171G: Scott Bradle Teiephs�►�eNumber; $17-337-55b5 Fax NumE�er: 817-337-5334 I;-titi2il Address; Intet�tu�irally l.efi Bl.ank t�n�n� 5 i ( i � Section iII. Covernance Structure and Procet�ures � I � �'�, Before comp(etin�;tl�e following items,please review TEC, �'12.111 and I9 T�IC 1�1�0,1033(cj(61(C'l(i) and also releva+it � ', portions of I9 T�iC,�,¢'100.1101-100.11.59; khese laws and rules are avaifab(e on the on-line resource pa�e. I ', ; ' A, ln tlie table belo�v, please fill in tl�z infonnation requested concc;rnin�;the members of the g���ernin�; body of the charter ' holder. Pfease note the following: ■ 7he ca/irf�tn cascerning con�pens•atir�n rc�quir�.s!he chtrrter holder tr�reporl the/otaJ untount o�u�rnua/compen,sutivtt thui euc�h bocrrcr'rrtember receives,fronr the ehcrrler ho(cler or char-tc�r school for uny��urpose(i.�:.,salary,eontract work,ete.). ■ A "r•c�lative tirith���!he lhlyd clegrt�c���f c�of�sangu�nrt�'OY pffli711�/, ��rerers!n a hoarcl naeii�ber'.s.ry�ou.s•��, or Ihe bourd trrenaher'.s UY�l1.S'OY y14'P,5POl6SL' ,S:jJQYL'Y7C5, Cy!l1GfYL�Yf, grarrcichildrer+. ,S1�J�IY1�T.5',it,Tl'L]tlC�pUl'L'F7/S,greut-gra�xl/�crr�nLs, Y/1('CC'S, ne�heti+�.s, uerrtGs�. tnrc'lc,s, undgreat-grar�dchilctren. — ___----__._.- —, Amount af Relativei s}Within the Third Degree ot Compensation, Consanguirtity ar Affinity(see deTinition Charter Holder Board Per Year, Received abova)A(sc�Serving on the Governinb E�ody Member's Name Office Held fram Charter �>FCharter Fiolder Hulder or -- Charter School � Rrlation to Board Membec Yes/No {use the space provided be(ow to list additianal refatives) Scott Bradley Board Chair $0 No -- - --- ----- -< Fred Held goard Member �0 No ---�- _..__ --....__...--- —._.__ _---- — ---__._ 'l'ruitt Brnwn I1 Board Member $Q No -- ----- --- � � Frai�cis Frey Board Member $0 No •• -- •i ; D�naid Reddin� Board Member $4 No Larty Corson Board Member $4 I�p ----- ; C'lick Here $ Click Her ----- - � CEick 1-iere $ Click Here ---- Click H�re � Click Her — ------- � Click F[ere $ Click Her — Click Here $ Click Here — I U.se the e�reu crbnve if adclilivfra!�puce is rzeeded. I ����� E� B. If any charter holder board member has a relative within the third degree af consanguinity or affinity(see definition in subsection A)who is receiving or will receive any compensation from the charter holder or the cl�arter schooi for any ' purpose, please fi II in thc information requested in the table befow. Charter Holder[3oard Relative's Empl�yment Position or Basis Relative's Name Member's lYame for Compensatian C. If the charter holder�;overning body has created a secondary governing body,commonly l.nu�vn as a"governing body of the charter scllool"or"charter sdlool baard,"to perforn� some of ics duties with respect to tl�e charter school,please f'ill i�i the inforcnativa requested in the l�ble be(ow, � Relative(s) Within rhe Third Degree of Charter School E3oard Consanguinity or Affi��ity(see definition in Member's Nxme Offce Held subsection A)Also 5erving on Governing Body of Ctiarter School ----- ' _,....� � __ - ------ � � — -- - ---- I � � -- ---- � ����� � 7 D. If any charter schoo! board me�nber has a relative within the ihird degree of consanguinity or affinity(see ciefinitioil in ' subsection A) wiio is receivin�;or will receive any compensation from the charter holder or chaner sehool for anv ' purpose,piease fill in the ii�fonnatian requested i�i the table below. + ' ___ _ -- — —. l Charter Schao! Board Member's 1Vame Relative's Name Relative's Employment Position or i( Sasis for C'ompensation -— -— — - ----- � U.re the fir�x belrn��r�'crdclitiorrcrl s�ace is rieeded E. If a se�a�ate goveri�ing body of ti}e char[er schoczl exists, please describe the roles and respc•�nsibilities that the governin�; body of the charter holder Eias delegated to the governing body of the charter school. If there is only�ne�,overning body, no response is required. Type I3elow: F: Submit, • as Attaehment 1,the cl�arter holder�s organizationaf chart that illustrates all af the ch�rter holder's operations, i��c(uding tl�e charter schooi's organizational�trticture;and • as Att�chment 2, a biographical aftidavit for each member of the�avernir�g body Uf�he charter holt�ir aftd of Che governin�;body of the charter schoal, ifapplicable. The hio�,rraphical uffrclavit rnus�be c��rnpleted online,p��inred und nolurizerJ. TI7e online vei�,t•ion of the hiogruphicul affrdnvit i.s available on the on-line resource page, ���n5 s Section 1V. Instructional 1+acilities '' 19 TAC,SS'100.l.512 reqz�rre,s, amor��other�hings, /{7QI G CI7GYIL'Y{lOIC7�CY C°o�r�x�lv with uJ!slute und l��cul luws und ordinance.s upplicuble!o the occupution and use r�f the faci(itie,s i!r�ccupies•, incla�di�a�any.speciaZ.sta�lc�crrcls up��licubCe to 1he instrucli«�a r�f' pu6lic school,s�ir.rdent.s in tyte fuc�lrtics. Submit, • as Attachment 3,a certificate of occupancy or equivalent certificate for each srte used as a�� instruetional faciiiCy;and • as Attachment 4, a com�leted Instructional Facilities Form(s) for eacl} site that is operated under the charter. Tha r7nlnre ��er,sion of the Instruclionu!Fucilitie,s Form(,$) r,s/nculed nn the cm-line resource per,s,=e, Intentiot�ally Left I31u»k ���� � 9 i � � a i Section V. Teacher Quali�cations ; T'lle requirements for certain teachers cl�an�ed in 2002 with the p�ssage of the No Cllild Lett B�liind Act{NCLB), The NCLI3 � req�ires charter school teachers assigned to teach core academic subjeet areas(i.e., En�lish,reading or language arts, mathematics,science.toreign la�lguages,civics and g�ver�lment,ecanomics,arts,history,and geogsaphy)ta be"4�i�l�ly qtialitied." To be"hi�lily qualified,"a teacher assigned to teach a core academic subject area must haid a bachelor's degree ai7d demonstrate compeCency in each area of assignment. (ror more iz3fonnation about required teacher qualifications, p(ease sec the publications of the NC"LB Bulletir7,available via the o��-line reso�irce page). Charter school teachers assign�d to teacll subjects that are not considered eore academic suhject areas under the NCLB �rii�st meet the state law requirement of a I�ibh school diploma. Furthennore,state law and rule requ�re charter school teachers assig»ed to teach special education,bilingual education,and Fs�glisls as a tieco»d langua�e t�� he certified. Ma��y cttarter schools reyuire their teachers to have additional qualitications beyond the mir�imum r�quirements of federal and/or state law. A. In tl7c space below, please set forth the qualifications that the charter school requires fi�r teachers assigned to teacli core academ�c subject areas (i.e.. F,nglish.reading or language arts, matliematics,science, fc�rei�n lan�uages,civics and ���vernment, economics,arts. history,and geograpl�y). Type[3elow: Afl teaching staff wil[possess a minimum of a bacltelor's desree and will be encouraged to seek I z�as"1'eachers's Certification dw�ing employment. Those teachers assign4d to teach core academic subject areas will bz exp�;ct�d ta have a university degree ,in that subjeet area or possess a teaehin�certificate to teach that sub,ject. � B. [n the space below,please set forth the q�ialifications t4�at the c4�arter school requires for teachers assi�,ned to teach subjects tl�at are not considered core academic subject areas under the NCL�. Type Below: All teachin�staff will possess a minimum of a bache(or's degree and wiU be encouraged to seek Texas Teachers Certification durin��employment. ����� � 10 . C, In the spaee below, please set fQrth the qualifcati�ns that tlie charter schaol requires for teachers assi�ned co teach ' special education. Type t3elow: Teachers assi�ned tc�teach Special Education must hold degrees and certiticaYion for SpeCial Educatioa. p. In the space below,please sec fo�th the qualii7e;�tioils thnt the charter school requires for tcs�ch�;r�assigned to teacll bilingual edncation and/or English as a second language, Type Below: "i'eachers assigned to teach bilisihuai and/or ESL must have the necessary certitication co do so. Irnenlronally 1,�f't I31unk ����� ll Section VI. Compliance with Complaint Procedures The charter holder board chair must si�n below to acknowledge that; (1} the governing body(ies)and school officers are aware that 14 TAC,�100.1033(c)(6�(Cj(i) states that the governing body of a eharter holder shall not delegate final authority to hear or decide employee grievances,cihzen complaints,or parental concerns; and (2) tlte goveniing body of the charter ho(der is in compiiance with the above requirement. --`G��l� -�- ---- -------------------- ...._�Chl�2�___�6�---��-'-�p6--�---------------- -�"__" Signature of Charter Hol Board Chair Uate (»7u.st.ciK�t in blue iri Irrtenlionally Left,Blank �� n� 4 12 —REVIS�D DURING CONfINGENCY PROCESS. `� Section VII. Admissians ro�►c� � A. Speeify the period during which appiications for admission are accepted. TEC, SS12.11?, re��uir�e,s lhul u charter.cclannl ' estahlish cr reusvnuhle uppliearion decr�lline fiyr the.subn�cssic�r��f u��pliculion,s Ji�r udmis:5�ion. Beginning of Periud End of Period f � oi7�oin��. I/3 t (yic�n�h;lla�) (M onthi Day} E3. If t1�e school admits st ents by lottery when the number of admissions ap}�(ications eeivc;d exceeds the nutnbcr of avaiiable spaces,describ the procedures followed in conductin�the lottery. '1'ype Below: See attacheci p�be for Lottery P cedure C. If the school utilizes a lottery when over bscribed,are any cat ories of applicants exempted from the lottery? Check one: � Yes ❑No ❑Not applicable(because lotteries are not utiliz d} I1'"Yes"was indicaced in C above.state the categor� s fapplicants that are exempted. Type Selow: -Residents oi�thc'1'own of Westlake Academy ^ -Siblings of present Westlake Academy students -Children of F.mployees -Chi{dren and Grandchildren ofFoundcrs U, lf the school utilizcs a lottery when o ersubscribed.specify the approx� ate date on which a I��ttery will be conducted. �ppraximate Date of'Lotter uziio % (R4onth/l)a�j E. lfthe school does not u ' ize a lattery when oversubscribed, but rather filis the availa e p�sitic�ns in the order in which applications were rece' ed bef�re the expiration nf the app(icatinn dead{ine(i.e., a"firs come. firsl-served"adrnission �rocess), describe tii�manner in whicfi the schaol notifies the coinmunity of the opportu� 'ty to apply for admission. !EC', ,�512.117. reyarires�crhur��er schooi thut u.se,c u fir�st-corr�e,,fir.sl-served admissinn process ti� eri uversubscrrbed tn puhli.sh cr no�ice ir�u rtew,s�c er�of�eneral circululion r����luter-thun the.sei�crrth day before Ihe applic ron cfeadline. Type r3eloH: � :" ��� �� 13 � i i � � 06/05A2007 09_09 � 8174985�58 G � APPROYED DURING C4NTlNG�NCYPRaC�SS � ��� � I Secti.o�n Vu. Ad�nission�s Poliry '' A, Sptcif�tlie period during w6ich applications for admission arc accepted. TEC, ,§31.1I7. requires tlya►.a charter gchool ' establr,sh a reaso�able applica�lion decrdline,for the submisstor��f ap�alica�tions for admissivn. Beginnzng o.f.Period End 4f Peraod �a�ai ��si (Mon�h/Day) (MonrhlDay) H. If the scl�ool admil9 students by lottery wben thc nu�nber of admissions applicakions c�caived exCceds the number of gvaiiable 9paaes,doscxibe Che procedttt�s followed in conduGting the Iottery. Type 13alaw: A public loaery,advortiscd in lacaf newspapers,is hetd in i=ebruary each year. A21 namey arc draw�at rAndnm and posStions ue filcd in the orQcr drawn. The remaining names aro placcd on thc wait list in the ordcr drawn. C_ If the schoal utiliz�Es a lottezy when oversubacribed,are any categories Qf appliaants exempted from the lottery? Check one: ��G9 , ��� ❑Not apgticabic(because lotterios arc nat uti{i��ed) If"Yeq"was ind.rcated in G a6ave,state the catego�ics of appiicants that are excmpted. Type Bclow: ReYuming studcnts,s�blings,sons/daughtery of foundets,shall be exempt fram thc lottery. D, Tf th.e school utilizes a lottery when av�ersubscribtd,specify the approximaxe date on whicf�a lottery wi1(be conducted. Appra�rXnate�7ate of Lottery ortto (Month/Day) E• tFihe schoa!does noi ut%lize a 1pttery when oversubscrib�d, but rather fjis t.he�vaii$ble gos'rtions in thc order in which appiications were recaived befot�e tlye expir�tion of the apgtication deadtine(i,o,,a"first-co�ne,.first-served"admissron procEss},desoribe the mal�ner in whiclt tha school nOtifies tho commuttity of tho opportunity to apply fo.t admiSsion, �',EC, ,�IZ,1 I7,requires a cJrcnret�.seh�ol thc�l uses ct,�rst�enme,,frrst-sen�ed c�dmrssinn process when oversubscribed 10 publi,sh a notice irx a trewspaper ofgeneral elrculc�tiorr not laler lhara llre seventh day hefi�re the apptication deadline. Typc BC�O'N: �l►F1� � 13 Lottery Proeedure ' A public lottery advertised in local newspapers was hetd for all grade:: beFore the first class yeay. All family names were embossed on balls which were placed in a hopper, Names were drawn at random until all batls were withdrawn, Positions�cere filled in the arder drawn. As positions tilled,the remaining names were placed in orcicr on the wait list. Applicants applyin�;thereafter were pl�ced at the ead of the wait lisc oi� <<`'f rst come-first served" basis. Followirsg the first year,the lottery has been conducted only for Ki�ldergarten, utilizi»g the same m�tt►od. �Q� �. � Page 13 cont. -REVISED DURJNG CC?NTlNGENCYPROCESS, - ����� � ' F. Uescribe the information that an applicant must provide in order�o ne cons�aerea ror aomusivn. nppncunr,�rrtuy nut hE ; ', re��uirec![o p+•�rvicic cupie,s of�run,scriptJ'OY OIfICi'CIC(ICjC'1771C PL'CUY(�S'2�Y1/JI pf1CyY IJ7C'y ure nf/��recl admr,r�sion and u��c�enrollir�s,T. ' Furlhe,•jnore, n,sla�cler7t muv no1 he prec/udedfr-onr enro/li�rg clue tn!he churter,schno/'s fuilr�rc�tn receri�e irtfor�taatio�z � ' required�/hr et�ro//n�e�it frvm lhe.ctZ�dent'.sl�ur•enl or�;arcrrdicrn or previotts•schr�ol. See TL'C', yS�2�.002. i Type Belo�v: � The waiting lis lottery application is the same appiicarion t.har we use f'or enrol[ment;however oniy the top two sections are I required fot the a lication process.Irttormation required: name,SS#,aee, grade level, birth date,sex, c�istrict student is zoned for and guar ' n contact. ' 'w \ � , \ .� � C. The charter holder certifies' �at the non-diserirnination statement required by TEC,§l2.1 I i(a i(G) is inted in the schoi�i"s admission policy. TEC, �72.1 1(6) req7ais�es that a charlc�r.schoo!',s�ucfmissionS170I7Cy lf7Cltre�c�u nt erne��!thaf thc�school wil!nnt dfscrir�rir�crte i�7 uc(missi r,s bused ofi ge�ncler, ttpllortul c�rr�,rlF1, c�th7ricity, religiorr, disuhi 'y. Ucu�lentre. urli,s�ic, c»� athletic ahilily, or�he di.s�trict�he�i�ld woulct othef��vi.se�lttef�d. ��' Check one: ' �Yes ❑ i�o H. Does the admissions policy either require r permit the school ta exclude f m admission all students with documented histories of a criminal offense, a juvenile co t adjudication, or disciplii�e roblems undE;r'i'E:C' Chapter 37, Subchapter A as auth�rized by TEC, § [2.�1 l(a)(5)? Check one: f �Yes(The school�xcludes such students or re erves the righ o exclude such studerrts frc�m admissions.) ❑No(The school does not deny admission to suc�students aseci on their documente:d histories of misconduct,) \ ,, � I. Subrnit. � • as Attachment 5,a current copy af the admissions licy tha incorporates the information pro��ided in the above ansHers to questions A through H and any other relevant i onnat�on; • as AYtachment G,a blank copy�f'the current 1 issions applica 'on (i.e., the infoc•mation r�q�.iested when the sti�dent first seeks admission);and . as Attaehment 7,a hlank copy vf tl�e curre enrollment form(s){i. ,the informatio» required once an applica�lt has been offer�d admission and is registerin�for e ollment). f rr �`� ,� ;; r / i'� Intenti�nully Left B1c�nk � j' � j ' \ � C��{} �.3 l4 04/65I2007 09:50 8174905758 6 ' , APPRQVED DURING CONTINGENCYPROCESS ■ ■ �. Deseribe the information tha.t an applicant must provido in ordor to be considered for admissic�n_ �(pplieantc nray rrat he r¢qucred ro provide cop�es of I�atr,s��rept,s ar nther academic recards until afrpr the��are�ffered admLc.sinn and are e�rolii�g. ,�urthermnre, a student mav nvt he precluded,frarrR enrolling due ro the charrer scl�ool`s',fail�.�sa xp reesive informnrinn ' requ�red for enrollmereJ.rrnm the student's parent or grrardirna ar,preveous sclhont Ses T.�C, �15.002. Type Below� Tho waiting list/lortery appliaation requires the student to pr�vide us with thc dato of applicationy grade level,datc of t�irth; fuli name,guardian and concact name and residential schooE district�nd school. ' G. The charter holder ccrtifies that the non-discrimination Statemenl•required by TEC, §12.i l i{axb) is printed in thc sehool'S admissi4n poliey_TEC,,�72.111(6)regurres ID�cr!a chartc�r sclu�ol:s admis.siorrs policy rnclude a statement that the schon! will no�discrirninatc ��t adm�csiorrs based on gender, ►rati8haf Orc�,*iy,etlmlcity, reltgrorr, drsahility, ucademic, arlrst�c, or athletic abi?'ity. ar th�c�i,srrret the chi7d wnuld otherwrse attend, Cb�cc#�one: (gf�Yes ❑No H. Does the adm.issionc policy either requiee or pennit the schoot to exclude from actmissi.on atl student,5 with dacumented histories�f a criminal of�'ense, a juvenile tourt adjudicatiol�, or digcipline pmblems undcr '�'EC Chapter 37, Subehapter/1 as authorixed by 1'EC,§ 12.111(s)(6)? C.heck onec � Yes(The school excludes sueh student,4 qr reserves the right to exclude such students from�dmissions.) ❑No(The scltool does not deny admission to such students based on their doaimcnted histories af misconduct,) 1_ Submit, • as A#tschment 5, a current copy of the adrnissiqns policy that incprporates the infarmati�n provided in the abqve answers to qu�stians A through H and any other televant infotmation; • as Attat�nate�nt 6,a blank o�py af the current admissions applicntian {i.e,,the information requested wlten tho student first steks admiSSion}; and • as Atta�chr�+ent?,a blank cppy of the curteni enrollment form(s)(i.e_,the inftxmation requircd oncc an applicanl has been offered admission and is registermg for enrollment}, Inxentional�y Left Blo�k ��� �. � 14 Section VIII. Special Edueatian Assurances ' The charter hoider certities that it has policies and procedures in place that ensure implementation of all federat la��s and ' regulations, Texas laws, State Board of Education (SBOE) and cammissioner rules reIated to students with disabilities and ' further certifes that any future amendments to the laws,regulations, and rules will be incorporated and implemented. ' ----����---- ---------------- ----------------- ----Jt.�N�---_`Z__��__:�+�fa(x-------------------- : Si�nature of Charter Holde oard Chair p�t� (mu.ct,sigtt in hhre in ) Intentianally Left�31ank ����,� � 15 Secfion IX. Bilingual Educatian/ESL, Secfian SOd, and Dyslexia Assurances ?'F,C, Chupter 29, Su6cha�ter 13, TEC�'12.10=�(hi(21(G), and 19 TAC,�,ySb'9.1201-.126�require charter schools to identify limited ' En�;lish proficient students based on state criteria and ta provide an appropriate 6ilingual education or English as a second ' language pro�ram conducted by teachers certitied for such courses. ' A.The chacter holder eerti�es that it has policies and procedures in piaee that ensure that it compl'ses with tl�e legal and regulatory requirements concerriin�identifying and providinb appropriate educational services to limited En�lish proticient students. Check one: �f Yes ❑No Section 504 oFthe Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. ,�79a, prohibits discrimination on the l�asis of disability in any�rogram receiving federal financial assistance. A recipient that operates a public education pr��gram or��ctivity shafl provide a free, appropriate public education to�ualired individuals. B.The charter holder�ertities that it has policies and procedures in placc thaE ensure that i�complies��ith the Se�;af and re�ulatory reqiurements concerning identifying and providint;appropriate educational services to students protected by Section 504. Check one: � Yes ❑ No 7�C�'3b'.1J03, 7EC¢12.104(bj(2�!K), 19 TAC¢7;/.28 and Section 504 of the ftehabilitakion Aci,of'1973, 29 CI.S.C'. ,ys?9:1, require charter schools to identify students with ciyslexia or related disorders and to provide appropriaCe e;ducationa! services. C.The charter holder ceRifies that it has policies and procedures in place that ensure that it complies�k•ith the legal and re�u)atory requirernents concernin�identifyin�and providing appropriate educational services to students with dyslexia or related disorders. Check one: �Yes ❑ No 1 the u�tdersi�ned hereby certify that the inforrnation eontained in this document is,to the best af my knowledge, correct a«d t[tat the governing body of the charter holder I�as autluarized me to provide these assurai7ces. ,�uN�--26,� 2oa,,�-- ------- ------- - - ---------- --- - - ------ ----._-�____-_ -------------------- Signature of Cliarter Hold Board Chair C)ate (mz�st srgn ir�.blue ink� t�r��, � 6 16 � � ii 7 I i I Sect�an X. Certificate af Acknowledgement i "1'his secti�n rec�uires at least a majority of the governiiz�body oi'the charter holder to certify that it has had a»opporkunit�•t�� ' review tlie completed renewa(application and has authorized,during an open meeting,submission of the application to the con�missioner for c�nsideration of renewal of the ci7arter. CER'I�1FIC,A7'E QF ACKNUWLEUG�MENT The undersi�iied rnembers of the governin�body of the charter hofder hereby acki�owVedge that tl�ey have had an o�aportunity tc� review the completed renewal application and iiave�7Uf�l0i'ILl'.C� I(S SUI�l111SS1Oi1,(�UCltl�111 OPe11 111E:Ct1I1�,TO Ille COfT11711SS1011C1'�OI' consideration of the renewal of the charter: *�1embE�rs ure to si�n t1�e acln7oia�ICQ��E,'i77BlT!(�t{Yl114,r uti o��e�n meetirir;; therc>fore, tlre datc j��.r�Ic�each signuture shvt�/d be tlre same Typed 1�Iame Signature Dafe�` (type name next to correspond'uZ�signature) (must sign in blue ink) Sc�tt Dradle _ ,��II,1�—i�E+ 2��2-- Pred Held - '"? � — _�• - 1'�.,. _�l��r�,!�- ��."L�r���, Truitt Bro��n lt --���`t.,.�, �" ' . . �.... r<< ,��. t_�__�T. '�.:j. 5,��.. r.l .` r' j Francis Frey � ' � - „��,-p� -_ _����_._ __--- Donald Reddin � Larry Corso« - - __---- � ___._;...__... __� N.B. Donald Redding is aut of town for an extended tirne and Larry Coi•son had ta excuse himself frorn the meeting early to catch a plane,therefore ihey were unable to si�n thz fertifcate of Acknowledgement. We will have bath of these Baard mernbers si�n anather copy when they return to tawn and we wi)I forward it to you at that time. �'�� r7 17 ' : Dr. �hirley J. Neeley Commissioner ot�Educatian Dr. Ernest Larnora Associate Commissioner For Support Services& Scho�l Finance M�ry Perry Director,Division of Charter Schools For fiirther information cantact Manica Sena-Martinez at: Division of Charter Schools T�exas Education Agency 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, TeYas 7R701 (512)463-9575 {512)463-9732 f'ax Or visit our website. http:/iwww,tea.state.tx.tts/charter �i(��.� $ 18 a � i � � :i A tt�.c h�r�e nt 1 �t�� � � Westlake Academy Board af ' Trustees Head of School Services Shared with the Tawn of Westlake Administrative Town Manager Assistant to Head of ' School � School SecreCary Finance Vtanager Facilities Manager � Numan Resources� Special Services(School Counsetor, Special Education) Outsourced Specialists (Occupational, Speech Therapist; (.�ia���ostic ian; PYP(Elernentary) MYP(Midd(e School} Diploma(High School} Cootdinator Goordinator Coordinator PYP classc•oom teachers MYY classroom teaehers Diplorrta teachers and and speciaiists and speeialists specialists {����� Attachment 1 � � � � � ,, � � or�r��� 'TEXAS EDLICATION AGENCY ' RENEWAL APPLICANT �IQGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT ' (Mast complete this verion,print,notarize, and submit it wifh your CYeneruUon 7�Lenewal Applicat�on ) ' Cfieck ali tha!appty: Q Member of tlie goveming board of the charter holder ❑Member of the governing board of thc charter school(if a separate secondary bo�rd exists} F�it iVame of Charter Holder(i.e.,nnnprofit a�rporatiort,institution oP higher e�ucaClon,or gavernmental eRtily} Town of Westlake,Texas Fyil!Name of Charter School Westlake Academy � � In connection with the above-named organization anci charter school renewal appticacion,I make representations and supply information about tnyself as hereinafter setforth. {Attacll atklenduin or separate sheet if space liereon is i��sufficient to answer any questions fully.) IF AIVSWER IS "NO"C1R"NONE",SC)STATE. i. Full Nan�e(Initials Not Acceptable}:�cott Floyd Bradley ^�� 2. Have you ever hnd yaur na���e cha+�ged or used anat�er name? Q Yes {��:�u If yes,give reason for the change: Did not like given name ��� Maiden Na�ne(if female): .��1 pther na�nes used at a��y time; �eS�n Floyd 8radley(given name} 3. If in addition to being a charter holder or charter school board member,you serve or are e�t�pfoyed as ul"af�icer of an open-enrottment charter school"as the term is defit�ed in TE�" §12,1012{6),state your school officer position: None 4. If you expect to receive any cnrnpensation for any purpose from tl�e cllarter hulder,tl�e charter school,or a management company c>f'the charter schcr�l,provide the irif�xmat.'ton requested below: rlmount of annual campensation$ �•�. � Reason for compensation: N/A Attachment 2A �Q �2 2 5. C'urrent.Employer: Bradley Luce Bradley, RLLP Occupation: Attorney 6. List alt previous experience with charter schools. Include open-erirollment schaols uzcU�r carnpus orprogram charters; DATES GHARTELZ SC.'HOOL ADDRESS TITLE From Founding to current date: President of the Board of Directors of Westiake Academy 26�0 Ottinger Road Westlake,Texas 762fi2 7. List all previovs experience with any eharter school management campany: DATF,S MANAGEMENT CO. ADDRES� TI'Tt,E N one 8. Is any relativewitlain tlae third degree of`consanguinity(i.e.,your parent,grandpa��ent,great- grandparent,cttild,�randchild,great•grandchitd,sibling,aunt,uncle,niece,n�.ph�w)or witl�in tlae tl�ird degree oPaffinity(i.e., your spouse or your spouse's parenl,grarniparent, great•grandparent, child grandchild,great-grandehild, sibling,aunl,vncle,niece,nephew} also a member of the charter holder governing body or�harter school goveming l:�ocly? �Yes ,�+ No If yes,give details: NIA 9. Wi1(a��y relative(s)within ihe third degree of consanguinity or�nity(see defrnitiorts in Qalestion 7 nbove)be employed by or receive any compensation or remuneration from the charter hplder orthe charter schooE? QYes QNe If yes,give details; N/A Attachment 2B ���� � 10. Have ou ever be conv'sded of a misdemeanar involving moral tvrpiwde or any felony? ' �Yes �No Ifyes,give dctaits: �� Lhted and signed this�_day of f�/`}y _, 20 p(> I herby cern;fy underpenaliy of perjwy thc�I am aciing on my own behcrlf, �d th�xt the foregoing stq�ements are frue and cornect to the E�esl vf my knowledge cvd laelief. sp�_ (Sign ure of tac�t VERIFICATiON State of 'T��S Countyof��[�R Qn this day,��.��,,��Fy (name of�ant)appeared before me the undersigned notary public and deposed Lhat hel�e executed the above insUument and that lhe statements and answers oontained lherein are tr=ae and co�rect to the bes[of hisfier•knawledge and beiief. Subsrribed and swom to before me this /f TN day of /�,4y ,ZO G'6 ���va� JF.�1N OWp I ELL ��'`x,u,,�,'�� Notary AubNc (N ary Public) � * State of Texa s �"'��'� n�+{�'I.) �.�6-is-2pp9 My comrnission expires �n 1 b _ 40�2q Atia�hment 2C TEXAS�DUCATION AGENCY RENEWAL APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT (Musl cumplete this verion,print,notarize,and submit it with your Generation 7 R�newal Applicat�on ) Checit all that apply: ' ✓�]Member of ihe governing board of the charter hotder ❑Member of the goveming board of the charter sehaol (if a separate secondary board exists) ' T�ll Name oi Ctiart�r Hoider (i.e.,nonproCt c,orporat�on,institufi�on ot hig�er��ucation;or governmental enUty} Town of Westlake,Texas —� FuillVame ot Charter Schaol Westlake Academy � In connect�on with tlze above-rtarned orgartization and charter school renewal appl�car.ion,I rnalce representations a�1d supply information aboot rnyself as hereinafter set forth, (Attadi addandum or separatc sheet if spacc hereon is insufficienE to answer any questiais fully.) IF ANSWF.R IS "NO"OR"[VOt�TE",SO STATE. 1. Fu11 Name(initialsNot Acceptable): Donald Robert Redding � 2. Have you ever had your na�ne changed or used another name? �Yes ��230 If yes,give reason for the change: Maiden Name (if female}: �� pther na�nes used at any time: 3. If in addition to being a charter holder or charter school board mernber,you serve or are employed as an"officer of an open-enrol(rnent charter school"as the term is defined in'I'EC �� 12.1O12(6},stake your school officer positian�. None 4. It you expect to receive any compensation for an�purpose from the charter ho(dcr, the charter schaol,or a management company of the charter schaol,provide the ir�forrnation requested below; Amount of annual compensat.ion� 0.00 Reason for compensation� N!A Attachment 2D ���?5 ' 5, C,'urrent Employer: Retired �ccupation: 6, List all pre�ious exgerience with charter schools, Indude opett�eneoilment schools and/or campus or program charters: DATES CHEIRTER SCHQOL A.DI}�SS TITLE Nane 7, List ail previous experience with any c}iarter school mdnagement company: DATES MANAGERriEN'I'CO, ADDRESS 'ITTLE N one 8. Is any relative within the third degree of consanguinity(i.e,, your parent,gra���Jp�•ent,great- grandparent,child,grandchild,geat-grar�dchild,sibling,aunt, uncle,niece, n��phe,�v1 or within the third degree of affinity(i.e.,your spouse or your spouse's parent,gran�iparent, great-grandparent, ehild grandchild,great-grandclvld,sibling,aunt,uncle,niece,nephew} also a member of the charter halder goveming body or charter school governing bndy�? �Yes �No If yes,�ive dctails: N(A 9. Witl any relati�e(s)within Ihe third degree of consanguinity or�nity(see c�C�r:iti�ns in Q»estion 7 above)be emPloyed by or secei�ve asiy compensat�on ar remuneration from the chart�r holder orthe charter school? QYes �+ No If yes,gi�e details: N!A Attachn�ent 2E �Q�� � MAy-15-2006(MON) 15� 38 CITy QF SKRG�Ay (FAX?907 963 �151 P. �03/003 Ii, �5I15/Z06� 16:23 8174306967 TOWN �C W�S7LAKE PAGG 04 ' 1Q. HavE u ev�'be convidcd ofa misdemem�or imofvirag motet GtltpitudC Ot arly f�Ion�? �yes �o : �f' es, ivc dctails: lkr�d and�t�,mes!rJris /�cla}+oj ��'�,��/ �a �� : Ih�rby cerlrj'y underP�Y aJ°l�'h�"Y tl�at 1'am a�'fic ng on my owr+6eha1J,mad rilat rh¢fn�'-•, .sfalern�enl.rare trne arid cw�ct lo the 6Gst af rrry la�oraledg8 w;�d faelirf ,, 1 (Slgn re of aar� � Vr"I�IFICA'I�OZ+1 Statt of_��.,�„'--,` ��a�' �/b Chi�his day� . CT (nAmG of�ant)appoacd bcfa�e ma thG e�r�dsrsignad�atary gublir�d de{�o6ed .hc/S{t��ycewtcd thc above is�tr�tim¢tst 3�td thaCehe statcsnrnts arid en�w�ts contaiaed tt�crein are true and carred t4 tho b�st of hislhrs kr,o�vledge :atdbclid subs4ib�d�nd swarn tv bcfvra ma this ��dzy of �Q��,�j, � � ��YI''itbl'1c) (S�A,LJ My cdmrdissiott atpires�-�,7._,,J~� �``�\``����ARAl��f���'ir�. •?,`�� Q.`� d� � F �a a a � � = � z J 4 � 1 a Q�� r ti � � ���r�i���r STA'������`� �Itt tltllltll�� t'10�?, 7 Attachn�ent 2F TEXAS �DtiCATION AGENCY RENEW"AL APPLICANT BIOGRAPHICAL AFFIDAVIT ' (Must complete this ve:rion,print,notarize, and subn�it it wittt your Generation 7 Renewal Appiication ) Che.ck all that apply: Q Mernber of Ehe governing board of'the charter holder ❑Member of the�oveming board of thc charter schoo({if a separate secondary board exists� ��11 IVame of Cfiarter Holder(i.e.,nonproCit corporat5on,institation of higtter e�iucation,oC overnmentai entity) Town of Westlake,Texas �� Ilall Narne o[Charter School Westfake Academy �� In cor�nection with the above-named organization and charter school renewal appiication,I make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach addendum or separate sheet if spacc hereon is insuf�'icient to answer any questions fully.j IF ANSWER IS ""NO" OR"NONF.",SO STATE. 1. Fu(1 Name(Initials Not Acceptable);Francis Wiiliam Frey �� 2. Have you ever had your name dlartged or used anotY�er name? �Yes ��Nc� If yes,give re�5on for the change: �� Maiden Name(if female):��-~ Otller names used at a��y time: 3. If in addition to being a ctta�ter ttolder or charter schooE board member,you se�ve or are employed as an"officer of an open-ern�ollment charte��schoo!" as the terrn is defined in TEC §12.1012(6),state your school officer position: None 4. If you expect to receive any compensation for any purpose from the charter holder,the charter scfioa(,or a management company of the charter schaal,provide the infoemation requested be(ow: Arnount o�'a�inual compensation$ O.DO_� Reason for comgensatiori: N(A Attachrnent 2G ����$ i � ; 5. CUrrent Ernpioyer� Retired ' Occupation: 6. List all previous experience with cl�iarter schools. Include open-enrollment schonls and/or camgus or program charters: DA'T�S CHARTER SCFI40L ADDRESS TTTLE Nane ' 7. List all previous cxperience vvith a��y charter schaol management coinpany: DATES MA�IAGEMENT CO. ADI?RESS 'I'!T'LE N one 8. Is any retative within the thiird degree of consanguinity(i.e_,your Qarent,grandparenl�gxeat- grandparent, child,grandchild,great-grandchild, siblin�,aunt>uncle,niece,ns,�phew)or within the third degree of af�inity(i.e.,your spouse or your spouse's parent>grantlparent, great-grandparent, child,grandchild,great-grandchild,sibling,aunt,uncle,uie�e,nephew) also amember of the charter hotder goveming body or charter school governing hody? �Yes QNo If yes,give dctails: hfla 9. Wilt ar�y relative(s)w�thin the third degree of consanguiuity or�nity(see dE�f�nrtrons in Qrresrion 7 above)be employed by or receive any compe�nsation or remuneration from the charter holder or the cltarter school? �Yes �No If yes,give details: NIA � Attachment 2H ���� � 10. Have ou e�er been convicted of a misdemeanor involving morat tuipiWde or any felony2 �Yes �No Ifycs,give details: Dtrted artd signed�"his oZoZ l20(day of____,��_��' _, Z�O�_, f herhy cert�urtder penrrlty ajperjury th�I arn acting on my own 6ehalf, cr+rd thal the foregoing statements m�e true and correct ia the be�i of my knowJedge and beiief. � (Sig r �ant) VERIFICA7TON. State af 7G~sc.Gt S county af `�'ty-alc.�" On t1»s day,_ �k� �� (namc of affiani)appeared befae me the undersigned notary public and dep sed tha[helshe exea�ted the above inswment and lhat the statements artd answers conta�ned therein are true and correct to the best o�his/her knowiedge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to befac me this���=e day of__ 2O Q l4 !!�--__.__> �1µrrr� JEAN qWINNEIt � Notary Publ� , „ otary Pubiic) State ot Texas ��OF'� hAY COM��te-2o08 My cammissio�expires j(o AtCachment 2I �1���3 0 1 t } � � � � TEXAS EDUCATIONAGEIVCY � REI�TEWAL APPLIC�NT ; BIQC;RAPHICAL AFFU7AVTT ` (Must oomplete this verian,print,notariae,and submit if with your Generation 7 Renewal Applfcatinn ) ' Cfieck ail that apply: [✓,]Member of the go�reming board of khe cha�ter holdes ❑Member of the gaveming board of the charter school{if a separate secondary ba��rd exists} : F`ull Name of eharler Holder(i.e.,nonproCt turporat�an,inst�tut�on of higher e�iucation,or governmental e,ntity) Town otWestlake,Texas � F�II Name of Charter School Westlake Academy In connection with the above-named organization and charter schoat renewal applicaCion,T make re�cesentations and supply information about myself as heceinafter set fort�l. (Attach addenducn or separate shcet if space hereon is insufficient ta answer any questions fully.} IF�tVSWER IS "NO" QR"NOLrtE",SO STATE. 1. Full Name(Initials Not Acceptable}:Truitt Delee Brown II �_� 2. Have you ever had your name changed o�used another nanze? Q Yes QTo I�yes,give reas�n for the rhange� Maiden Name(if female): Other names used ac any time: ^�� 3. If in addition to hei�ig a eharter holder or cllacter�hool board member,you serve cx are employed as an"officer of an open-enro(Itnent charter schoof"as the ternt is clefined in TEG § i?.I012(6},state your school officer position: None 4. If you expect ta receive any compensation for any purpose from the charter holder,the charter schooi, or a management company of'the charter sehool,provide the information reqveMed below: Amount of annual compensation� �•00 � Reason for compensation: N/A Attach�nent 2J a�(}3.� S. C:urrentEn�ployer: A11 Out Daors Occupation_ Fishing 6. List al!previous experience with cha�ter schoc�is. Include oper�-enrol�ment school�andlor cacnpus or program charters; DATES CEIARTER SCHOOL ADDRESS TITI.E N one 7. List all previous experience witli any cl�arter school mariagement company: DATES MANAGEMENT CO. ADDRESS Ti'17,8 Nane i 8. Is any relative within the third degree of consanguiniCy(i.e,,your parent,grandpa��enl,great- grandparent,child,gra��dci�ild,great-grandct�ild,sibiing,aunt,uncfe,niece,ntphew)or within rhe third degree of ai�'inity(i.e.,your spouse or your spouse's parent,graniip;u�ent, great-grandparent, chil�,grandchild,great-grandchild, sibling,aunt,uncfe,nie;ce,nephew) also a member at'the charter halder govenning body or charter school goveming t�ody? QYes QNo If yes,gi�e details: N!A 9. WiII any relative(s j within the tl�ird degree cf consanguinity or affinity{see dE�fi,aitions in Q�a�stior� 7 ahove)be employed by or receive a��y compe�isation or remuneration fram the charter holder or thc charter school^ �}Yes QNo If yes,gi�e details: N/A Attachment 2K 0(�(��� li � I �0. Have ou ever bee onviQed oP a misdemeanor invoivin moral tu itude or an felon ' g � Y Y'? (�Yes Jo ' If yes,give details: LUied and signed this�_da?'o.f_�Z C�-� ,Z��(, _ , I herfiy cert�rrnder p�enafiy of perjury that I am acttn n my own behalf, cmd that the foregoing .statemerys are true and corr�ct to the best of my knmuledge and belref. t..� (Signature o Affianl} J VEItTFICATION State of !Q�Q 5 County of�qrrg�� On t��is day,�u�}��,�Ypae.�:�� (n�ne of aff'ian�)appeared befae me the un@ersigned natary public and deposed►hat he/she executed the above instrument and thak the st.aiemerits anc!answers contained therein are true and conect to the best of his/he�'knowledge and belief. Svbscribcd and swom to befae me this 22N¢ da of ,�0 G7 kz Y �� �tiMYp�, JEAN DWiiVMELL � t� Natary Publfc �` state a Texae otary Pubiic) �'OjFOF� P,OB-18-� S �� My commission expires na��� Attaehment 2L TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY ' RENEWAL AI'PI,ICANT ' BIqGKAPHIt:AL AFFmt�,VIT (Nlust�omplete this verlon,print,notarize,and subm3t it with your G�eratian 7 Renewal Application ) ('heck all thaL appIy: Q Member of the goveming baard of the charter holder ❑M�,�cnber of the goveming board of the charter school(if a separate secandary b�arc!exists) F`�tl Name of Cfiarter Holder (i.e.,nonprot�t cnrporat�on,institution of higher education,or overnmental entity) To�ron of Westlake,Texas _ � I'vll i�ame af�harter Schaol Westlake Academy _ ^ ~ In connection+,vith the above-nanaed or�anization a��d charter school renewal applrcal.ion,I make representations and supply information about myself as hereinafter set forth. (Attach addendum or seperate�heet if space hereQn is insufftcient to answer any questions fully.) IF ANSVV�:R IS "NC�" �R"iVONE", Sd STATF.,. 1. Fuil Narne(InitialsNot Acceptable):�red Ehrman Held �� Z, Have you ever had your name changed or used another name? �Yes Q No If yes,give reason for the change: ��� 1�4aiden Name(if female}; � Other na�nes used at any time; � 3. If in addition to being a charter holder or charter school board member,you seRre or are employed as an"officer of an open-enro(Iment charter schoal"as the terrn is de�ned in TEC § 12.1012(6},statc your school officer position: None 4. If yau expect r.o receive any compensarion for any purpose from tl�e charterholtler,t��e charter school,or a management company of the charter schoa[,pravide the inforrnation requested below; Amount of a�inuat compensation� 0.00 � Reason for compensation: NIA �}Q�.�i� Attachment 2M 5. Current Employer: fietired Occupatian: 6. Iast all previous�xperience witt� charter schools. Ir�clude open-enrollment schools andlor ca�npus or progr-ain charters: DATES GHARTER SCHVOL ADDRES� TITLE N one �. List all previous experience with any charter school rnanagement eompany: DA"TES MANAGEMENT`C0. ADDRESS TTTLE None � S. Is any relative within the third degree of consanguinity(i.e.,your parent,granciparent,great- grandparent,d�ild,grand�ild,g�eat-grandchild,sibling,aunt,uncle,niece,nc.phc.v�;)or within the third deg,�-ee of affinity(i.e,your spouse or your spouse's parent,g.�andpue��t, great-grandparent, child,grandchild,great-grandePiild,sibling,aunt,uncle,nie:ce,nc�Piew) alsa a member af the charter holder goveming body or c�iarter schoot governing body? QYes �No If yes,give details: N/A 4. Will any relati�e(s}within the third degree of consanguinity or af�inity(see dE�ftnitions in Question 7 above)be employed by or receive a�iy compensation or remuneration from the charter holder�r the ehart.er sehoal? �Yes �Nca If yes,give details: N!A Attachment 2N ('���� � 10. Have ou ever been convicted of a misdcmeanar invotving maral turpiUide or any felony� ' (�Yes �to ' If yes,give details; r�r�d�d.���ea rh�s__z��r of_ , 'a.�_� �herby certi,fy under penc�lty oJperjruy thal I acting o»my own 6eha1J, cmd fh��!he Jongaing statemer�s are irsae a�nd corr�c#to tfie besf af my knowtedge ar�d belief. � - � " ��� ��. (Signature of Afftant) �ERTFICATTON Statc of �yC Q S councyof ��.rr �' Ocs this day, �t�,�• �.�_ (name of affiant�appeared before me the undersigned notary public and deposed t}iat helshe execvted the above inswmeni and ihat fhe sialements and answecs conta�ned therein are true and co�rect[o the best of hislk�er kno�v3edge and belicf. Sabsrribed and sworn to before me this��c3�ay of_ , 2D D �o �tiµ�YPu� JEAN DWINNELL �� (/1! Notary Pubi� ��� * * stste ot Te�a (Notary Public}� ���o�� �CO��.�}��&� My commission expires (r � - �t►a�s Attachment 2C? TTXAS EI?UCATIONAGENCX RENEWAL AP'PLICAM' ' BIOGRAI'I-IlCAL A� �IDAVIT (Must complete this verion,print,notarize, and submit ii with your Generation 7 Renewal Applicaf3on ) Check all ihat apply: Q Mem6er of the goveming board of Ehe charter holder , ❑Member af tlze goveming board of the charter school(if a scparate secandary board exists) F�ll Name ot Charter Holder(i.e.,nonpro�t aorporat�on,insfitution ot higher cxiucation,or , go�ernmental entity) Town of Westlake,Texas `_� F1u11 Name ol'Cfiarter School West4ake Academy `�� . In connection with the above-named orgsnization and charter school renewal applica�ion,I make representations and supply infonnation about mysel�as hereinatter set farth. (Attach acldendum or separar.e sheet if space hereon is insuf6cient to answer any quest.ions fully.) IF A[�FS'WER i5 "NO" OR"NONE",SO STAT�. l. Full Nars�e(In'stialsNot Ac�eptable):Lawrence Alan Corson � 2. Have you ever had yoiu name cha��ged or used anot�ier name? �Yes !,�'ru If yes,give rea.�on for tf�e change: � Maiden Name{if femalej: _,.� �ther na�nes used at any tiane: ��� 3. If in addition to being a charter hofder or charter schooE board member, you serve or are employed as an`bfficer of a�1 open-enrollment charter school" as thc term is defined in TEC § I2.1012(6),state your school officer position: 4. If you expect tn receive any compensation for any purpose from the charten c�,(der,Ihe charter school.or a management company af Ihe charter school,provide the itiformation requested below: Amount of a�7nual compensatinn$ 0.00 Reason for compensation: �d��� Attachment 2P 5. Current Emplayer: Hunt Realty Corporation Occupation; Reai Estata 6. List all previaus experience with charter schools. Inclnde open.enrQllment schoc�ls and�or campus or program chartecs: DATES CIIARTER SCHOOL ADDRESS � TITLE f�lA 7. List all pr'evious exgerience with any charter school management c4mpany: T�ATES MANAGEMEN'I C0. A.DpRESS TITLE N IA -- 8. Is any relative within tFie fhird degree of consanguinity ti.e.,your parent,gr�r�dparent,gredt- gsandpare�it,child,grandchild,great•grandchild,sibling,aunt,uncle,niece,nc,�h�.ywl ar within the third degree of afPinity(i.e.,your spouse or your spovse's parent,gran��pare��t, great-grandparent, child,grandchild,great-grandchild, sibling,aunt,uncle,niece,nephew) aisa a member of t�he charter holder goveming b�,dy or charter schoo]governin�bod� �Yes �No If yes,give details: 9. W ill any relative(s)within the third degree of consanguinity or�uity(see dc�f„eitions in Quest#on 7 crbave)be empioyed by or receive any compensation or remunerat�on from the charter holder or the charter school? i�Yes QNo If yt�,give details: ���,�� Attachrne�zt ZQ 10. Have ou ever been convicted of a misdemeanor invQlving n�oral turpitude or any felany? ' �Yes �No ', If yes,give details: L�tad and signed this�to�d¢y of �v r'�e_ , 2� oG , . I het'by certtfy under penolty af perj�uy ihc�t�am acfing ara my awn behalf, �cmd thai the,foregorng staleme»ts are true aracf cor»eci to;he best of�rry knowledge avtd belief, �� lJ-�^^'�^�-�� +�'�-�--- — (Signature of�ant) VERIFICATI ON State of���$ Caunty of ��k,�tf On this day, ���n�,��/l�r�o,-1 (name of at�'iant}appeared before me the uridersigned nntary pubiic and depased that he�'she executed the above instrument arail t�aat the state�ue��ts and ans,vers c�antaitied therein are true and correct to the best of hislher knor�=ledge and belief. Subsrribed and swom to before me this�day of;_���„ ,20 ��(�j ��PRYPu� JEAN OWINNELL ��LG��.fFl��� * � * r�orery Puenc otary Publicj �te�t4� G l� o ��0F1�� ��1'"G01411�A.FxP.o6-te-2009 My corrunission expires �-- �--__ QO�l,�9 Attachment 2R t�ach ment oo�� � �\\� a:, '=' ;.,.;�e,:�' /'�± ' �',�`� .r�'..:�: �:,�� •, ���- ,;.;,-''��.'F.��-•.?• _� �� .+.w,� .� y �1 '+�':�,�:��!�+ :.��.. . .�/�� ':'s.:.•• :...,y�, �, '.t�'�'.' '`' �� t � 's �•i!;: ;�.��.. .�;.•i- •e �''w�i-�,;Z.�:,;�k►', '���'sa. +'r ��:"� ' 4�,;�",. � +� ..� '`Z�:�.I'"r� "a ;:;'� ~ 's�a 1�.'�►�;,;'\�• �:� �••�►`:��,w �►.,� . �. r�1.a' �e.a r 1 ♦•G�� �� �i.i `o,`�� ♦� fi. I' ,�:, i,•� 5�♦ 'a' l' �..r �. ... .�., y ' qq. '�_, �' ♦'�, �v�u:��•..'Yrr%�4 ./"' ,.f'• iowt�� �:.(•� �',.� .�i;� ! �'ti -, l- �'.'�� v.i}tw" �+� . \. �I.:+%� i� �•�- Y. .� :i�,;?a ^�. �•�:'� � ': � ,,�y ,�/ �ia._. t/� /'o �\'Qti..� \ i'� '�,�' ♦ � f i-a��/���� + ` �`��l=�-..1I"�/;r 1,��4�,. 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':'� � � � � �n "� ;�1� �e '� � ,'~"':` � _ �� r� � � �.y''�ti�:`• '�/' ��t� �i/. �,v .N�:`.�f� . � `itrt��i [�` .;..F�;t:i�l ": �` � ♦ • • � (1,:��:�ar '`} � �i � }}�' � _ � � � 1I E: � �� - � ���Ii � :� �'it��!1f�� ' � ��i `�'�� 1 'rT a\.�.=,._�, � ;Y �`f 1f j�-��'i i i{ i �����R�-;'.- �L������.'"e�T j�/.t3' .f/'�/ .:s ��t 1. �,..,�..:,. � •1 �i��,.�`�`.."����tt ;�(T.v*,y': �� �� �1 � -'`J'!J E��� �.tl , •` ��'';-- ��.; i..r �:,,, r'j��,��,;�e�� i�;' !. i�'--=�,.,��,. ,t��y'_-�-� �L���,' ..�,�+ �al� � s �>.���� „�`, .i�� .�3 •� _ •��.r.�r-;^,�.,,�. •. �, �' ssi � .� '�n •�Y� . ;+�yl"'�r. ��'M� ,j ir.t3_�.. �•.�f.� �1�� �fy';'.•�. � �i. ,� � 1 .�"f�.'� �i ♦=�. � �' � i r 11 i1 �'•J� \ jr� _ i.� �i_ y�.. �e ��: w ♦:.a�-...re,..� f �i.�_ .��. • r!� '�. �i�i �,..� � �� ����••!ri+' :•.`,����. ^I"' 'j�:- ~}':.'•~►►� �.� .'� s ♦. �`"�., �..,��4''''� � J .�i�d ,:"^. .e' `_ :��:_,�y,�. f.�/!1��y�'�»� � .�.;:.�V.�y.. � A hi� ��`' �� �:,�' -,v. • t`�: ` 1•'�, '�;: ,'�.i'?' '�.. `; F'I � y? - `�u1G.' `.'�;���":��� .�i. J .�r� 'wf' :.`'� '� � ffi �'` � tir � -.` �;,,`� .- i A ttach m.�n� 4 oa��� i i i � z � f � � Ins�ructional Facilities Farm I Must campiete this version, print, and submit it with your Gen. 7 Renewal Application Please provide the following information concerning the local agency that issues cer�ifiicates of occupancy, or their equivalent, in the jurisdiction in which each campuses is iocated. Please attach ane forrn per campus. Camp«s Name: Westiake a�ademy �_ �_ Nine-Digit Campus Number: 2208�4aa� (g digit number,withaut dash,es;� Add►"�s5 of CampUs; 2600 Ottinger Rd.,Westlake,Texas 76262 _ `�� Name of Lacai Agency: �'own of westiake � Name of Contact Person at Local Agency: �im rayio�-suiiain9 inspector~� Telephone Na. for Contact Persan at Local Agency: 817 - aso - �7�a AddCE:Ss Of LOCaI Ag@r1Cy� 2650 OEtinger Rd.,Westlake,Texas 76262 � _�_�.— .` __ _,.._._� List any other pertinent information. � I i i � � 00043 Attach���ent 4 At tachm ent � �oo� � �EV/SEI�pURING CONTINGENCYPRpCE5S, — .�.nMrsszo�r �� ���1■ '1'he ��r'esr.iake .1cac3emj- is an open-cnrollment Charter School o�erating undez a Chaxtei 7�v7rdcc3 to the'I'own of�C'estlakc b4�the Texas 5tate Board of I:ducation,with oti�crsight bj� Che"I'c:�as}��ducation.lgenc�t-(7'I i_'�),C:harter Schonl I)i�-isic�c�. .�n o�en-enrollmenr Charter Scho�l maj-noc denG�adtttission to a student based on scz,natiz�nal ori�;*in,ethnicity-,celi�,ri�n, dislbiliry,academic abzlit�•, azustic abilit�-,athletic abitin�,or based on the schoat dlstrict that the child wc�utd othet-�vise attend. '1'he w�ca�ei�n�• is cotnmitted to obrainin�; and mliixtaining a di�-ecsified s[udent and s.ff populai_ion.\� ti DeFnitions: ` ''�` Iaitial Primary Geographic Boundary Pamily is a f�inil} tl�at resided �'esdakc aucl whc>se Student u as czltolleil.isi ���estl;ike _-�cadcrnr on )unc �"', '_004 c�r t•as enr�iled in I�indcrgarten on\Ia}�3��,30i);i' , Lottery tneans a publiclt-posted ani�,publiclt coi�ducted random d �ving from narnes of yiialified Transfec Students desiring ac'h�issiozx to the��i'estlake_�c detn�•. ♦ � C.ottery Applrcation Dead]ine is the last�, oF)�nuarr� n[ �c: calendar ye�r of desired entn. � � Ptimary Geo�raphic $oundary Studenx means a c 'd �f school a�e: (a) living with his/her ��arent or lcgal �,n�ardi�n u>ho is a residettr �ti'estlake, or (l�) whose j?arent or �rrind�arent is listed in die �I�]�,.� Charter _1���licat' as a Tounder �i Ufficer of rLe �,�'esti�tke :\cadem�-, or (c} whose parent ur lc�;tl iardi is cmplored b�• the '1"oan of �l%csdake or the��'estlake:l.cademj•. In oxder tn be cc�nsidezed a Pzunax�• Geo aphic 13�undan- 'tude;zzt, paicnts c>r legal gu�xdians �vich whon� the studcnt xesides m st reside iu�'�'estlakc ha��e on File u-ith rhC Town oE��;'escIakc �n appra�>ed residenu� Builc�ing Permit prior ta epccmber 1" of the school �•ea� in which adinission is soti r. Elil;ibilin• for studeiits a itted under this pro�•ision �;•ill be «tithdrawn if, ui t opi�uon oE the CTU, thcre is o satisfacton• demonsrratlon oF inte�t to lire in R'cs ake b} Seprcmber 1"of thc l=ollc�«•ing 1•c. r. Sib[ins means the brother or si er of n student cnrolled �n �C'cstlake .\cadc •. 'Chis deftniti�n includes ad��ted hro lers ancl/c�r sistrrs, and chiidreu resicling in the •ame houschold��iti� theu parcr,t(5)r le�al�azdian(s). f � Transfer 5tiident means a }- child <>f schnol agc that daes no� mect t6e deYinitzon oF Primar}•Gco�taphic Bou dary Steidenr. �:ic'��tctnl�c�,_^QOS '.1E�nl.?0()'S 5 �0045 AttachmenY 5� �ZEVISEfl DURING CON7tNGENCY PROCESS. — ' „. ��1��■ Waitin� List me<u�s a ]ist of a}�plic�3nts desi�in�admission when spacc betotnes availabic. \�r'aitang List aPplicants are admi�teci in the ozdcr the)��pPcar. F,li ' ili : ' ',(l eli�,�blc Ptzmary Geographic Boundary Students and initial Primary Geographic Souniiary Family students �vill bc admitted ta the schooL 't'hc burclen for �ro�-ing eligilailin•rests w•ith t�r Eamil��of the a�pliclnt for ad�nissi�n.I,eg�l�-erificntio�r'aF residencp ma�• be required at �n�• timc. Fnr eligibilin� purposc�, residenc�• ot the ck?ifd of di�rorced parents i� c<msideced co tie that of th� sole mana�;ing cons�n•acor <>r r c joint rnana�in� conscz-�•atoc�rith whom the smcJcnt li�-es :or thc majorin�of the schoo] eek. � Transfet Stu ts are cli�zble foL adtnission bas�d on a��ailable s acc.Ttansfee Students ma�� be admitte aFr.er all ehgible Primary Geogtaphic B ndary Students, Initial Pzianary Geo�;raph' Boundary Family students, and Sib ' gs of students enrollcd in C4'esdakc;�elciem}',are dmitted. I F more Ttansfer Sttzden��k enrc�llinent than spacc is available, then a LotterS-�urill determinc adnussion ordee;r�f' the Tcansfet Siudents. ?�o Lottci}-w:U be conducrcd foi�anr�;r1dc that lias 1��'aiuyr`g List.Transfer Students desirin� adinission af�er rlic l.,otten lias'6�e�n conditcted u-i11 U�placed at the bottom of the\�;-aieing List and rraat�be�dn�ittcd as s�ace bccomes a�ailable;� "7'he_�cadem5• reserves the tight tca dcs�ti �denissidn t<> an�� studc;rit re�rdlcss of zesidenc�-. lY.esrlakc_���dem�•wi11 nc>t cnroll am• stii�lent�v�io has been subject to csr>ulsion or wlio is awaiezng cspt�lsio��Erom an}�edt.e�tional ins�t,jtuu<>n. ,� _�dmission rules mat� be chariged or modi�t'ed a�1n�• cin�e br the 13oard of Directors of the �C'estlake_�cadcrnF-,or as ma} be rcquired'�}'appli b(t la�t�s,nilcs or re�ulations. Appiic�tion Procedures: \II parents t�ishuit; to cnroll thcir �tudents zn the \l'c, �ke .\cadein`- must completc an -�PP�c:�[ion for F.nrollmenC. :\pp�catic.�ns are a�-;ulab]e a d�e �t'estlake .Lcadetn�•, ?C(10 Ottin�cr Road,��'estllke,"1'esas,�detween the h<xFrs oE 9 a.m. nd 3 p.m.,1lonc�a`� thCough rridag =\pClications should b�'�icked u� i❑ pers��n and retu_ ed iti person. Parents of ensolled snidenCs rnust complq4e a ne�r• npplicluon form each ��ca in oxcler Co assure that scho�l files are accurate anp� �a� to date. Falsificarion of inforrna.�on Prc�vided on the a(��lication fortn is grounds�or i�nmcdiate and permancne retn�c•al from e school, f i "I�he .\cademr ma�•re.yue�t a pre-admission intcn�ie�v ro ensure that a11 famili • are aw�re of the schooPs policics,pr�cedures�nd r�hilosoPht'.` i _\ clays rostcr will be��7UIJIA:�I7CCj b4' llarch 1" oFeaeli tie,�r. .\n applicant appearin� the r��ster�vill I�c adniitt�id unles� he/she f iilti tc�meet elit,��ilitc requiremen[s on Che date clas, s Ucgin.' / \ / '�crtcmbce,2Qr�i ' \��rtl.'_Q0� $ Q�Q�� Attachment SB i i I I � I �tEVlSED DtlR(NG CONTlNGENCY PROCESS. — ����iii■■■■� ■ � Admission Order: i I FIR5T ADMITTED � Primary Geographic Boondary Students and Initial Primary Geographic Baundary Family Students ', SECOND�taM1TTED BASED ON AVA(LABLE SPACE Siblings ofstudents enrolled in Westlake Academy. TH1RD ADMITTED QASED ON AVAJL,ABLE SPACE � "Transfer Students � , No shident ���il be admitced anless the Westlake Academy has r eived a completed application. Ap ications must be resubmitted each year to nabEe the Westlake Academy to inaint 'n accurate and current informatio�.` Sihfin�s �T \ The Siblin� oF�n enrollcd•,stucient mati�Uc admitted a:: s ,ce bccomes 1�•ailxble accoicling co thc order in �i-hich the fiist continuc�ush•-ciirolled si ag was ;ulmiCtecl to the ��'estlake :l�adem��. Year to Year Admission Once ❑diniCted to the school, an eli�iUte studen automar_icall� yualifies Eor enrollment in subse9iient }-ears without bcing subject to a r�ttcry'• If, l�o«ever, a student lea�-es thc scho<�l, rhen th�t student anusr cea�pl}•and w�' bc ino�-ed eo the bottom of the�'aitin�List. ��'est'�alce_�cademj•«•111 tlot enroLl an�•shide k��-ho ha� been subject to Gxpulsion or who is awaitiaig es}�ultii<.>r� fsorn titl} SCh00�. .`� � It"a Primall•<Teographic I3<�und:tn St ent(or the arcncs c�r�;�7aidians�c�ith�rhom he/shc resides),�cho is not a member uE an nitial Priciar� L o�,�raPhic 13oundar�� Fainil�, xemo��es his,/her ecsidct2cj fcom \K'estlak , thci: that st�eclent ncs•ertlielcss w•ill bc eli�tble fi�r �'+�co111nettt if�n rhe date thc se denc�• is remo�-cd, Che s dcnt ��r at lcasl <>ne oE his/hcr Siblin�has com�leted at least 'e acadernic�e.tis in Gl'esdal.�.\cae3cmt�. ;1 stiident of a Town oE�X•' sd.ikr or�,\'esd;�ke .\caden�l'cmplo�•ee eli�iblc for,,ear-to-year admission so Ic�ng as his er pazent or guasdian rcmains emplo�•ed b}- e To�vn oE�t'cstlake oc 1C`estlake Ac�demy- .� student of� Town af��'estt�ke or �.k'estllke . cadetnc empla��ee �ti'hose em�lo�ment r rminites befare CI]C C211�J�)SCC Ili1S CnY71p1CCL'(j F1Y(;C(7 tinuous}�e�rs o[� sec-�-ice �c;ll no ios�ei be eli�,�Ule For admission anc3 �rill be tnoe ed to the ottom of ti�e �1'aiting 1.ist. ,� f� E�ccpr as pro�ided abo�-e,� srsdez�t wil] be allo�red to remait3 in thc school �nit' an tfle cnd of the spiucsr�r zn�chich his/her�are.nts'<�r�uardian's resi�lctufi nr em�la�inenc(as ctic ca�e m�y b�is terminatect. � �:��r�r,�oo; ;� � l ���� � Attachrnent SC 72EV(SED DUR/NG CONTINGENCYPROCESS, `— '�'� �■��■r�■ lf ttic<i or inore sil�lin�>, tie f��r an a��il:�blc �<>sincnl 17; �irrue nE their- position� �n nc� ' �t,-aitinc;list,ciac ordcr�>f admission«•tll bc dcr,ernuncd I�s�T,t>rrer�. � `� \ �..� �. � 0048 Attachrnent SD i � 04I05/2007 09;50 8174905758 WEST�AKE ACADEMY PAGE 07 APPR�VEp DURlNG CONTING�NCY PROCESS " , �������■ � Westlake Academy C}�arter A�plication Resub.m,iss�on ' In response ta the adxni5sions poli.cy in Attachizzent S plcase sce tbe revised Admissions P�licy below. ' Adm�ission��oiic�v A��lications frozn new students are accepted from December 1.`t t�a,xough 3anu�ary 31'�. A lottery is held in February to dct�rmine t6�e i.z�-com�ng Kindergaz�ten class ax�d the order :For t}ae waiting list far all oth..ex grades. If the number of eligiblc applxcaz�t9 does not exceed the number of vacasicies,then all applicants wk�o ti.u�nely applied are offered admission. I.f,ther�are rnore eligiblc applica�.ts than available spaces in a class,then a n.ame is drawn for cach�vacar�cy that exists,and each applicant�hnse name is dtawn is off�red admission. The remaining narnes are then dxawn and placcd on a waiting lisi in the order they were dra's�. ��a vacancy ariSes before the commencement of the sehaal yeaz or duzing tbe scha�l year, the individual on th�waiting list�irith the lowest number assi,gnrnet�t will be off�red adrrussion axtd tk�en removed frorn.the waatang list. Current.ly en..rolled student5 receive a Notice of lntettt to Returta fozxz�the�xst weeic of .Tan�ary. "This forna asks students to stete whet�er they intend to return the following schoal year and to i.dentify if ar�y of their siblimgs wish to attend the sc�aool the fol.lowin.g ycar. This farm must be returned by Januatry 31`�. Curz�ontly enrolled students expr�ss�ng a d�sise to retum are autvmatically en�olled for tl�e fallowi�g school yeaz upon tirn�ly receipt n.f.th�Notice of Intent to Return form. Vacamcies in eacl�c1aSs are t.hen, decermin�d,2�nd the siblings of zctuzni�a,g stude.nts are given priocity ir�admission. Applicarats are nat z�equir,ed tp pro�ide copies of transcripts ar othez acadezmic records pr�oz to enxollznEnt. in addition, a student w�ll nQt be preclnd�d fxozm.e�ar.ol.li.ng due to Westlake Acadez�cty Ch,arter Schc,ol.'s failure to receive tk�e information required for enTcsllment fYnm the student's pa�rrnt andlar previaus schoot_ Westl.ake Academy Charter Schoal daes not discriminat�in ad�issions based on gezzder, national origin, ethnicity,r�li�ion, disability, acadc�ic,artistic_or atlaletic ability or the district the ehild would athe�wise attexld. West�lake Academy will not�nroll any student witb daeu.r�ented}xistozacs ofa cri,munaZ affense,juve,nile �purt adjudication,or discipline problerns under TEC Chaptet 37, Subchaptez A. d0��g Attachment � aoasa � --�EVtSED DURlNG CONTINGENCYPRaCESS. � ' Westlake Acade�������■ ' Student Application PLF.ASE TYPl�OR 1'RINT � � ' Grado l.evei Scpt,l, swa�nc so��s�s«u�cy# _ _ App,nace ! /2006 2006 First Middle Last Neme - Neme Name Dete of Hirth Mo /Day /Year Age �' Sex M / F Place of H' , (City,State,Country) '�.� �' Primary[.anguage �`'�, Additianal Languages ' School student is zoned to attend eccording ta ��� Las�School Attanded addness � Primary Guardian(s) (with whan smctem Li.w) Relationship Street Address City,5tate , 'I'X Zip Country � Day Phont Evening o e CeiVPager E-mait Address ' Fax � • e . � . � CJthcr Guardian Relationship , Strect Address �' ' City.Stat� Zip Country � Day Phant ,.�� Evening Phone CeIl/Pager E-mail Address �� / f' Fax • � . • � Conta�t � (Relative/Neigh46r) Ret�onship Str�ot P�drcss ` �iry,state --- � ,�'�{ zip Cauntry � Day Phone Evening Phone Cell/Pager E•mail Addres9 . pa�c Attachment 6A a4/05/2067 09:56 8174985758 WESTLAKE ACADEMY PAGE 08 , APPROVED DURtNG CON7INGENCYPROCESS J ■��� �■ f � ` M Westlake Academy Stud�nt �A�plic�#ion ��, �� - ,,{��,,�{j� .'�:�.�.....' �h�/��7��Cil@II ...�r �....y ,.�.. �. � .i.: �.. ..r.:.. „ . . ...;. i.; . .. � . . .Mo IDar h4�� .�,��Q'�.b'✓� �.. ��'d�".�. ,'.Mo 1L1rY 1Y.v ��.. . . ,, . i. . . : � �. � ' . � : :„:.. , . . . ... :'oa't. _w, s. i.� xao� . . ,.:, �, .,. ,;.,, ;,, .. .,,.. ..;. . ... � .. , ,.........:,. _.... •.. �ii�t n,iaai• ,it�vt ' ,._ .,. ..,,. . . . ' � : . : ,'�i+fartrd ; � �Nxrirb . N�m6 :Schooi'dk1rktahCtlr►�t:. 9dtda rUfdan�l�. ` - -�- , .2CrIWtl'!b at�nG �Xb�ftld�dilhikld',' , ...::..,. . ° ,:�...,:,:;:,� ,,.. ::..., ...� ;;;li�!k�; i4'�Ed�rddrws �iiiJ�a'- . . . . .. ,�; .Pe�iby a6amion(�j ,�. tt�6U�itiMip.',�':`�:� , ,..,,.. �.. I �UViidM��htitlsntLve . . .. . ' ...._ ..-- � srr.,�Rd"e.,,,;'. __ _ -- ----- . ..., , , ,. .,.. .:.......:.:... : , ,.�. , �,...., . . ,.;'�,� ,.., . ,,. � .. n ;c«,n+rv. _ �. °h.�'i�b`m� � ,. ,...,, _�. . ,.... , - -....... .. ..�. ..,. .. , ,.�.. . , ... .. , . .. , ,. .''... . ., .., � , , .;., � ,'��'. �,.�: . , .. r,•�r ... `�' �r,lrn;:••:�. ` rD P�one �V�enin �f�idtr►':1.;,.�;,: , � ¢qir:"� , ..._ ._ ....._...,----- • ----- �y:I r,i�;!.� ''?L,i��.°a�.: ,'11^ ;::: �� v .. , . �. . ... � .. ..:... ,,.. � . . ;;,..i. .[;4:�.:i . .. � ,; • •.:�....^�.....,,.-.� . : : ,�,�,,_,�i�1r U9Kllpn „Izi��iio6�lYNip ' ,.. �- .,. ,...... . m -- ._ .. � ; :.;�;:�;;.::�,.. �lrie'1" i!Nli� _._... __. . , ...-- � , .,. . i. i:,rt:r'�ri;:;`iii;� • �' .. .:'i:�.: �1:. ., '' " _ ' '.''•,... ' . '_G�,State � .2J �, Gc�Jn�' _ ;i;� ;�i,,'i�. 1"ii!;'�1�" bd�id �,,, ..,'i�wrtihtp PRtNtb� . LY(NPn er. "�..i.`i.. �.,n .........,.,i:�':.Ip'•.: ;i� - �����,�"'c`�lil:p.i.?r.;�� �A' . �:'�iirilHik�lll�}l5� F1k':� r s . ' �Mv R1FY IYou ' . ' ' '.r.�.�:'; � . d9Y�':�.:�•IIC�7[i'F���VBd AcGb 1od'� ' �, ....... _ . . . GI'qdo�O�IMSod�Yse N9 `''`'°'rj};;; ',�JdttlG ' EY1tY�?d'Kt �.....:�rp.,. .;,;�,.:,:� ., :�..�.�...� ,....,..,,�:.;....� ..,...,;.o-,,.,��.:�,�:•.�. ....�.:� . �.W. .........�,,.._,_ .�...____..,.. . •:� ��Y Y No 91tilllitjp:�qhWsq�Y!':'..n;. . ,.. ;,,.,.,,,..: ,: �. _.... . . : nl'..el�d�lka! _............._ . :i. :,;hall�llilS` � � ....�,..,. . �. , . .. .....,. . . ----......_._�..,...._.. .._....._..� r.. -' . _ �'� ��. � ,... _ _�. ... . ....----._.��_� oao�� i i i i Westiake Academy Student Applica#ion � (Page 2) i .��9?i����'�k."r.�=M3,�'��.y $A�i�'�ni'o.�c,��'3v°.?l;�'�!i� ,�9����"��, Rt,�:�:�",. Previous Schools Aftended District School Ciry/ST Yrs Attended Grades Were you ever Attended retained?Ifso, what Grade _ ..__..,,. : _ __ __._ . _.,�._...._. . . �ti��':F�.'�:t e��`:';��`��r��;µf��%'��,.'�` ,. ,��'�`�:;n f/We understand that Westlake Academy,as a"school of choice",is designed ro provide an alternative learning Initiai to Accept environment separate from other schoo(s or school districts. I understand ihat Wesdake Academy provides a creafive but challengino educationai environment desi�ned for students who are willin.�to become serlous leanrers. 1/We understand that by enrolling my child in Westlake Academy(am a�reein�to abide by and su��port the Initial to Accept Westlake Academy cammunity,procedures and policies. UWe understand that Westlake Academy reserves the ri�ht to dismiss my child from the schooE for reasons listed and Initial to Accept explained in ihe Code of Conduct. I/We understand th�t Westlake Aeademy reserves the right to send my child home for a variety of reasc�ns,inciuding Initia!to Accepl but not limited to: failing to be in an appropriaEe school uniform and or E'ailing to act in accordance with the schopPs code of conduct. Absences due to being sent home are unexcused,rneanine students are not guaranteed credit for missed assi�nments and the absences count toward the State's 90%Attendance Rule. 1/We understand that I am a valued rnember of the WestlaRe Academy cammunity and that my active participation [nitial to Accept and involvement is openly encouraged and expected. (Please note that choasing Westlake Academy means a commi[ment on our art to the Westlake Academ Communit .) I/We understand that i am e�pected to suppon the reasonable and professional decisions of the Westlake Academy Initial ta Accept faculty,staPFand administration. If[have a grievance or cpmplaint,1 understand that(am expected to follow the school's rotocol for resoivin it,and 1 will tr to resolve thin s in a timel ,friendl and�vo erative manner. I/We understand that Westlake Academy is an open-enrollment charter school and may not deny admission to a lnitial to Accept student based on sex,national origin,ethnicity,religion,disability,academic ability,artistic abiliry,athletic ability,or based on the school district chat the child would otherwise attend. 1/We understand that Westlake Academy is a school of choice. Therefore,1 know that I am under no obligation to Initial to Accept keep my child enroiled at 1�'esttahe Academy if 1 am dissatisfied with services, policies or procedures provided b�• the school. ���`"�?�r.�,`��c�' 4 �:�.�'.,��3��.��`.�.,`t,`'�,��`��������'�. ��l��,=...`.. Does Student have a documented history of criminal oFfense,a juvenile court adjudication or discip(ine problems under Subchapter A,Chapter 37 of the Texas Public�ducation Code, yes � NO Relating so Discipline; Law and Order, including bat not limited io suspension from school, school reassi nment,or an other school reiated or feeai disci lina action? By signin�this enrollment form,you affirm that the information provided on this form is true aad correct. Fatse information provided on this enrollment foRn can result in Signature of Legai Guardian Iiead of Schoot Approval dismissai frorn Westlake Acadeniy. Date � Date Attachment 6B Westlake Academy - . Home Language Survey PLEAS6 TYP�OR PR1NT . � . • . . R . � ' Student SoCial Security� _ - App.Date / /2a�( Grade Gevel SepG 1,2006 First Middle Last Name Name tVame : What Language is spoken in W�at Language does the 5tc�der�t the Home Most of the Time4 . Spcaic Most of the Time2 By signing you a�rm that thc information provided on this Corm is true and correct. Signature of Ltgal Guardian ' Dete D0�54 Attachmeni 6C i ; i Westiake Academy � Student Records Release ; � PLEAS�E TYPE OR PRlM' � � s � Studcnt Saial Security Y � First Middte Last Namo Name Namc T�o Whom It May Concern: � My child,identi�ed above, has submitted an enrollrnent application to The Westlake Academy Charter School for the schoal year . By signing this forrn, I give the parental consent necessary for (Previous School pisuict)to Supply copies of the following infornnatia� related ta my child: . ■ All discipline Records � ■ All TAAS,ITSBS and any other similar other test scores • Tha student's transcript • The studenfs report cards ■ The studenfs shot records • Any psychulogica! educationa[assessment ■ Any ernotional educational assessmeni ■ Any comprehensive individual assessments � Any special education evaluations or assessments ■ Any individual education plans � Any behavior management ptan Thank you for yaur assistance. � Signature of Legal Guardien Uate Recipient:Plcase scndthis daumentation at your Attn: Westlake Academy Registrar earliest convonience to the following schflol address: �600 Ottinger Rd. West�ake,Texas 7b262 817.490.5757 For Olfice Use Only: Date application recv'd by Date application entered by Date faxed for schoot records by � C�O J J Attachment 6D � � Atta Chm�e t ����� EI`1R L L �� ENT : �' �ET F R Y R � �l � U E D 1`�TT T �i'�est a A e ca em. Y Please return a copy of the following with your registration packet: IMMUNIZATION RECORDS� BIRTH CERTIFICATE STUDENT'S SOCIAL SECUIt1TY CARD PARENT bRIV£R'S LICENSE (We can make copies of these items at the school.) � T {� Dn� '1 Attachment 7A Westlake Academy Student Records Release PLGiSG T}PGOR PRl.�1'T ' � . � � R � � � ' Student Social Security# Firsi Middle Last Name Name Name To Whom It May Concern: My child, identified above, has submitted an enrollment application ta 7'he Westlake Academ� Charter School for the school year . By signing this form, I give the parental eo�nsent necessary for (Previou�s Schc�oi District) t0 SuPply copies of the following information related to my chitd: ■ All discipline Records • A13 TAAS, ITSBS and any other simitar other test scores • The student's transcript � ■ The student's report cards • The stud�nt's shot recards ■ Any psychological educational assessrnent ■ Any emotional educatior�al assessment ■ Any comprehensive individual assessments ■ Any special education evaluations or assessments ■ Any individual education plans ■ Any behavior management plan Thank yau for your assistance. Signature of Legai Guardian L7ate Recipicnt; Please send this documentation at your Attn: VYestlake Academy Registrdr earliest convenience to the following school address: 2600 Clttinger Rd. Westlake,Texas 76262 817.494,5757 For Of�ce Use Only: Date application recv'd by Date application entered by Date faxed for school records by (�{��}�$ Attachment 7B i i i I i Westlake Academy Stt�dent Applicatipn ( PLEASE 7?P6 DR PWNT I s - �'. � :z.. Smdent Saciai Security� � - App.Date � �20�� Grade Level Sep� i, 2006 First Middle Last Name Name Namo Date of Birth Mo /Day /Year Agc Scx M / F P1acc of Birth (City,State,Country) Primary Languegt Additional Languages School student is zoned lo attond according to Last Schaol Attended address �.. � � � �:'. Primary Guardian(s) Relationship (With V1'hqm Studera Liraj Strett AddreSS City,Statc � 'j"}� Zip Country Day Phone Evening Phone Ce1L'Pager E-mail Addrcss Fax � s � � .v • t '�'„> Other Guardian Rclationship Street Addrcss " City, State � Zip Country Day Phone Evening Phone CeEi/pager E-mail Address Fax � t � : i i . K �. . • Contact Rclationship {Relative/Neighbor) . Street Address City, State � � Zip Country Day Phone Evening Phone CefClPager E-mail Address Fax Attachment 7C ����� Westlake Academy ' Student Applicatian ; +�f i i �C 11 ! : .... ' • i #i!,,?' ', >�-:. Previous 5chools Attended ' pistrict School Ciry!ST Yrs Attended Grades Were you ever Attended retained?Ifso, what Grade , � � ,`:r. I/We understand that Westlake Academy,as a"schnol oFchoice",is designed to provide an altemafive learning lnitial to Accept enviranment separate from other schoois or school districts. i understand that Westlake Academy provides a creative but challen in educational environment desi ned for students who are willin ta become serlous learners. I/We understand thai by enroJling tny child in Westlake Academy 1 am agreeing To abide by an0 sa��port the lnitial ta Acrept Westlake Acadcmy community,procedures and policies. I/We understand that Westlake Aeademy reserves the righi to dismiss my child from the school for reaso�s listed and Initial to Accept � expiained in the Code aFConduct. tr We understand that Westiake Academy reserves the right to send my child home for a variety of r�:asons, including Initial to Accept but not limited to:failing to be in an appropriate schoo!uniform and or Failing to act in accordartce with the schoo]'s code of conduct. Absenees due to being sent home are unexcused,meaning students are not guaranteed credit for missed as5ienments and the absences count toward the State'5 90%Attendance Rule. 1/We understand that I arn a valued member af the Wesilake Academy communiry and that my active participation [nitial to Accept and involvement is openly encouraged and expected. (Please note that choosing Westlake Academy means a commitment on our art to the Westleke Academ Communi ,.) I/We understand that 1 am expected to support the reasonable and professional decisions of the Westiake Academy Initial to Aceepc faeulty,stafFand adrninistration. If t have a grievance oreomplairtt,[undecstand that 1 am expected ta follow the schoa['sprotoco!for resolving it,and�wil!iry to resolve things in a ttrnely,friendly and cooperative manner. 1/We understand that Wesilake Academy is an open-enrollment charter schovl and may not deny admission to a Initial to Accept student based on sex,national origin,ethnicity,religion,disabiliry,academic ability,artisiic ability,atttletic ability,or based on the school district that the child would otherwise attend. I/We understand that Westlake Academy is a schooi of choice. Therefore,[know that I am under n�a obligation to Initial to Accept keep my child enro[led at Westlake Academy if I am dissatisfied with services,policies or procedures p�ovided by the schoo4. � ,}�: Does Student have a docurnented history of criminal offense,a juvenile court adjudication or discipline problems under Subchapter A,Chapter 37 of the Texas Pubiic Education Code, yes t No Relating ta Discipline;Law and Order, inctuding but not limiied to suspension from school, school reassi nment,or an other school retated or le�al disci lina aciion? Sy signing this enraliment form,you af4irm that the informatiort provided on ihis Porm is true and carrect. �alse information provided on this enroilment forrn can result in Signature of Legal Guardian C.E.O..4pproval dismissal from Westlake Academy. Date Date QOt�60 . . Attachment 7D Westlake Academy Home Language Survey PLEASE T7'AE OR PR1NT ' � ' : t � • � r ' # Student Social Security# - _ App.Date / 12006 Grade Level Sept. 1,2006 Firsi Middle Last Name Name Name What Langua�e is spoken in What Language does the Student the Home Most of the Time? Speak Mast of the 7'ime? 8y signing you af3irm that the information provided on this forrn is true and correct. 5ignature of Le�al Guardian Date 4QQ��. Attachment 7� GRADE Dear Parent/Gua�rdian: E-mail and Fax sre becoming an increasin�+ly poputar and effecti��e�ray for p��cnts to carnmnnicate��ith ' schoot personnel. For�'our con�•enience, 11'estlake Academy has pubtished tht school Fax nurnher and the �-rnail address on the scfiool'� �reb site at a-+�tiv,��•estlakeacademr.ore. Ho�•eser, in ordcr fo campty ' ��-ith federa[ regul�tipns regardin; the cnnfidentialit� of personall�• identifiable student recorcls, parents ►nust sign the cansent form beiow betore�schaal crnplo?'ce can correspand��ia E-mail or Fax�egardinb a , student's 6eha�•ior, acsdemic progres�, disahilih� and/or medical condition. Althou;h Ihe risk of obseri�ation by an outside pat-ty may he minimal,iht district must ha�•e ihis signed consent form in ordcr to pa1-ticipate in these t}'�es of E-maiJ and�'ai rorrecpondences. Thani:��ou fRr rour assi5lance. WESTLAKE ACADEJ�'iY � � ParentallCuardian ' E-m1i3/Fax Consent Farm I, give I do not gi�'e(pfease eircte ane) ' (full narne ofparenUguardian) permission �or the folioti�•ing student information a6out my childlren: to be sent to me clectronicail��by the statCof«'estlake Aeadem��. Please check those that are Permi55ihie 10 E-mail or�ax: scstJemic progresslrrades beha�•ior medica! condilionhlisabi]ity other(spccify belo���) I understand that Ihe iransn�itt�t of tliis tit�terial rnay not be a�•ailable by entircly �ccure methods and may be c��abte a[ obsei,•ation, iniercepliort, or monitaring by ot�iers. Furthermare,l understand the school cannot euarantee the recorcls���ill be recei��ed onl1� by the requester at the E-rnail address pra�•ided. I request the student in(o�-mation aUout mychiid t�e sent to the fopo��'inn: E-mail acJdress (ptease print CLEARLl� Faa # ParenUGuardian 5irnaturc_ Date Sirncd • This Cnncent is�'atid throuah the end of the scho0)rear unlecs otherwise naled, c ���U� Attachment 7F NOTICE Yhoto�raph/Video/Sound Release 06-07 Westlake Academy, Westlake Academy Foundation, and its representatives ("�'.A.") on oceasion take photographs of students and sehoof evcnts for use in print anc� electronic publications, i.e., yearbo�k, promotional materials, brochures, videos, school web-site, ' newsletters, etc. This serves as notice of W.A's intent to do so and as a release to W.A, of permissi�n t� use such images as it c�eems �t. However, if you should object to the use of y�ur child's photograph or namc. in any medium,you have the right to withhold its re[ease by returnin�; the ce�mpleted fc�rm belm�- to the School Oftice. Barbara Brizuel�i Head of`School PhutographNideolSound Release �orm 0 T hereby grant V��estlake Academy, Westlake Academy Foundation, a�ad tlieir respective representatives permission to publish the ima�e/name(s) of my child(rrr�}, C} i refuse to have the image/name(s)of my child(ren)pubiishec�. Pareai/Ciliardian: Date: [printed name] "��� Name of child: Grade: Name of child: ___ Grade: Name of ckzild: Grade: Namc of chilc3: Grade: Address: City: Siate li --- p---- Phone: E-mail: [ParentiGuardian Si�n.iture] This consent is valic� throu�h the end ot the school ve�tr unless otherw+sc noted 00063 Attachment 7G �:-�istory of Chickenpox Illness Student: ' Date of Birth: This is to verify tl�at the student named above had chickenpox iliness on or abou� and does not need the varicella vaccine. Parer�t signatuxe: . Date: �Oa6q Attachment 7H Westlake Academy 2604 Ottinger Raad Wesclake, Texas 76262 Child's Name: Date: Grade: SFECIAL SERVICES PORM (if nane,ptease mark through, sign,and retum) � My ehild has zcceived the following services: Resource Speech Oiher Special Education Services ___ Counseling ESL Bilinguai Title 1 Dyslexia Chapter l Pre1K Early Childhaod Other specify: I give my permission to have my child placed in the appropriate Speciat Education class prior to the Transfer ARll,as verif�d by che student's previous school. Pareni Signature; Date; TO BE FII.LED TN BY TNE ADMZNISTRATTON Verification of Special �ducation services: Date: Person contacted: Pasition: �Iigibl� for: Subject or subjects and time: Aitachment 7I � WESTLAK�ACADEMY E7HNICITY FORM ' Student Record lnforsnation Student Narne: Westlake Acaderny is required by state law to register our sludents���ith their ethrricity indicated. Please circle the appropriate ethnic cate�ory for��our student. Tharilc you. White, not of Hispanic Origin Asi�n or Paci�c lslander Hispanic Native AmericaNAlaskan Nati��e African Arnerican,not of Hrspanic�ri�in ����� Aitachment 7J Westlake Academy Enrottment Record PARFNTS: pLEAS�PRINT IN P�TICIL AND C�MPLETE BOTH SIDES Student Namc; Last Narne Fitst MI Nicknamc , Ger►eration Code(Jr,,It,11I etc.); Sex; Grade: _ __ Social Securify #: {Office Onty;Pierns sltemau I�p): Copy of$S card provid�d?Y^ N � Copy of Bi�h Certificate?Y,�, N � Copyaf Immunizations7 Y� N _._, Date of8irth: 8irihplac�: Ciry Sute Cc��uwy Horrae Phonc #: ❑ UNt,ISTED • Circic tht grades yaur chld has attsnded in the United States PK3 P1C4 K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SO 1 I 12 Student res9des with: O Father D Mother O t,egat D Guardian 0 Oth�r: ,_,.., f-3ame addnss; City: 2ip Code: �� Father/Guardians Narnc: Lcgal Guardia rY.� N .___. Employcr: Work Phone: Pager#: Cell Phone#: O�hor#: Mother!Guardians Namr. L�gal Guardia�. nY� N ,,,�,, Employcr: Work Phone: Pagex #: Cell Phone�; Other#: �� Schaol District student isroned for: School student is zoncd fa-: Last school attendr.ci: Date: Grades:___�_ Address: Phone�� City State Zip (OPtic� p nly: Lasc reportcard/Withdra��^at rcccived: Date rtcords rrtquestcd:�.��� __? AttaChment 7K Name of siblings in famiiy: School Attending Any person who knowingly falsifies infocmation on a form required for the enrollrnent of a�student in the Westlake Acaderny commits an offensa und�r section 37.10 ofthe Texas Penai Code,which offense is a class A misdemeanor unless the person's intent is to defraud or harm another,in which event tho oflensc is a felony of the th ird degree. My signature beEow confirms that I ha��e read and understand the abo��e information and accept the responsibiliry for any false information concerning the enrollment ofthe student, Parent/Guardian Signature: r, aoos$ � Attachment 7L WESTLAKE A C A D E M Y STATE OF TEXAS § § AFFIDAVIT QF SCHOOL VOLUNTEER COUNTY OF TARRANT § Before me, the undersigned notary, on this day personally appeared _ , a person whose identity is proved to me through (describe the identifying document). After I administered an oath to him and upon his aath he said: 1. My name is , I arri over 18 years of age, of sound mind, and capable of making this affidavit. The identifying document listed above is correct and authentic. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct. 2. I have voluntarily authorized a check of my criminal bac;kground history by the Town of Westlake and the Westlake Academy. 3. I authorize the Town of Westlake and the Westlake Academy to terminate my status as a volunteer at any time and with or without cause. 4. 1 agree to save, indemnify, release, and hold harmless the Town of Westlake and The Westlake Acad�my, their officers, employ�es, representatives, agents, and attorneys from and against any and all loss, claim, causes of action, including any loss or claim of Idss for bodily injury or death. It is the intent and agreement of the affiant that this indemnity include acts, damages, or loss caused by the negligence, or alfeged negligence. 5. I do not now and 1 have not at any time, either as an adult or as a juvenile, be�n charged, investigated, convicted, terminated, forced to resign, treated for, institutionalized, sued, settled a claim before suit, lost a state license, been refused a volunteer posi#ion, violated a court order, had a repo►t of child abuse or neglect made and substantiated against me, or have any pending criminal charges against me in this or any ofiher jurisdiction due to any conduct, matter, or thing (irrespective of formal name thereof} constituting, relating to, or involving (whether under crimina! or civil law of any jurisdiction) a minor, juvenile, child, lewdness, indecency, a felony, obscenity, pornography, sexua! assault, r�pe, or incest. aoos � Attachment 7M Signed: ' Print Name: Date SW4RN T� AND SUBSCRIB�D befoce me, the undersigned notary, on this day of Notary Pubfic in and for the Staie of Texas Address: Driver's Licensc: Number and �tat�; Date of 13 i rth: � 5S#: -- _,_ N:18oyle-Lowry\West Lakelwl-affidvitlwl-affidavit-school�alunteer-smpip fnrm,doc 0007� " Attachxnent 7N Page 8 WE�TLAKE A C A O E M Y Volur�teer Pragram Confidentia(ity Staternent 1 understand and agree that in the performance of my duties as a ��olunteer in the 1Vestlake Academy Volunteer Program, 1 must hold in strictesi confidence any obsecvations ( may rnake or iiear regarding students, students' families, school staff or school bus;ness, I understand that intentional or in��oluntary vio)ation of confidentiatity may result in discipfinary a�Ction including terrnination by the Westlake Academy Volunteer Program and/or le�al actian by others {i.e., students, families of students, schoa! staff,school administratian, etc.) Vol�nteer Signature Date Please Print Your Name �QQ7� Attachment 70 AGREEMENT �JF SUPP�RT Parent /Guardian �s a �iarent/guart�ian of a child attendin�Westlakc Academy,l agree to support the school in carn•ing out policies and procedures as indicated in the Parent /Srudent Handbook. T reco$nizc that Westlake Academy is a public Charter Schoc,l and I ha�•e �-vluntaxily chosen to enroll. Student Name � In return fot supporring thc school policies and procedures,I e�pect thc fac:ulh•and staff of Westlakc Acad��ny to pro�•ide rn}'chiid u-ith the ripe of educsdon stated and implied in the Parerat/Studcnt Handbook. I�`arne af Aarent/ Guardi:�n ^ Relationship to Scudent �, �igraature ofParent j Guardian Da te Student 1 am a�t•are �hat Westlake Acaderny is a school oFchoice. .�fter tall:ing u-ith m`� parents/guardians,l hati-e chvsen to attend Westlake Academy. .-�s a snadent at'C�estlake Acadtmy,l agree to accept responsibility for follo�t•ing the policies andproccdures as descnbcd in the Paxent/Student Handbook. Student's Sigrsarure: Dat� ����� Attachment 7P _ l�EViSED LEGAL REVlEOI� C�F RENEVI/!�L e4ppLICATIOIV Charter School: Westlake Academy Charter Schooi Charter Holder: Town of Wesfilake AREAS CORRECT801VS REQUtRE� COMMENTS 2JG/Q7 Correcfions 3/21/07 REVIEWE� Admissions • The schoal should not have a year- � The revised application period (June 1 • Will be replaced with: Application Policy round application periad ("A" on p. 13). to Jan. 31) is atypical. Typically, period will begin on December 1Sr • The lottery process must be summarized application periods for the next school and end on January 31 St. in response ta "B'" on p. 13 instead of year are held in the spring and the a Lottery will be held, as stated, in � referring to another page. The "Lottery lottery is heid shortiy thereafter. Please February. Procedure" attachment is not explain the reason for the proposed m There was a misunderstanding on aur necessary. application period. part in tifling out the form and we wi!! • Some of the categories listed in • I am concerned about the application correct it: returning students, siblings, response to "C"c�n p, 13 are not period and the iottery date. See above sons/daughters/grandchiidren of P�r���srf�le��'Charter Sct�ools rt�ay c�nty �� comment. founders, shall be exempt from the give.priority fio returnitlg students,the " • The revised response to"C" reflects that lottery. sibtings of returnirig students, and a no categories wiil be except from the • We understood that we could not smail percentage of#he chiidren of the lottery; however,the revised admissions seek an amendment untii#he charter schaal's:original founders, policy refiects that both returning was renewed.Thus our practice • The lottery date in "D" on p. 13 will likely stuclents and their siblings are exempt. during this year was to not accept need to be revised when the In addi#ion, your originai charter reflects applications from people outside the application period is revised. that siblings of enrolled students will be ISDs identified in the original charter. • The schooi should not require applicants given priority in admission. We realize that there was a change in ta disclose their gender at the • See above comments concerning personnei in regards to who was admissions stage ("F" on p. 14). dates, handling our renewal process, but • The current charfier does not had we had this clarified before the adequately describe the schooi's • Corrected. �ebruary 1St deadline, we wouid have transfer boundary. Furfhermore, the submitted an amendment to include school is currentiy oniy permitted to • The response reflects that the charter Lewisville ISD, Grapevine-Colleyville serve students from Argyle, Carroii, nolder wiil seek an amendment to ISD, Birdville ISD and Narfh Richmond Dentan, Keller, and Northwest lSDs. if establish a transfer boundary and will Hil3s ISD. To further cfarify the primary the school wants to accept transfer not admit students from autside of its boundary for the Academy, small students frorn other districts,the school designated geographic boundary until portions of Carrofl, Kefler and must fiie an amendment request approval is granted. Please provide Northwest ISDs lie within rhe identifying the addifionai districts. information concerning the amendment geographical boundaries of the Town � request. The charter holder states that of Westlake. Argyle and Denton had the Charter SchooE Tracking System been identif+ed as surrounding districts incorrectly interprets its geographic from which Wesfilake Academy would boundaries. In addition to statin that acce t a lications, once ail the geographic boundary for the schoo! students within the geographical wiil be the boundaries of the Town of boundaries of the Town of Westlake • The admissions policy in Attachment 5 is Westlake,the originaf charter also were admitted.Thus Argyle, Denton extremely confusing and needs to be refiects that the ISDs within such area and parts of Carroil, Keller and simpiified. Furthermore,fihe �olicy are Argyle, Carroll, Denton, Keller, and Northwest have always been vvithin con#ains elements that are not No�thwest. If other ISDs are also within our transfer boundaries. permissible such as: the boundaries of the Town of Westlake, o denying admissian to any please identify those districts, student regardless of residence o changing the admission ruies absent a charter amendment • The revised policy is much improved; o conducting pre-admission however, I have concerns about the interviews foiiowing: o giving priority to employees' o the application period children o the lottery date • See attached sample policy. o the discrepancy regarding whether returning students and siblings are exempt from the lottery o why the application period is June 1 -Jan.31 and#he lottery is � The "Student Application" in held in Feb.when returning Attachment 6 requires information that students have until March to should not be required at the return the "Notice of Intent to admissions stage (e.g„ gender, place of Return"form. Why would the • Application period: December 15r_ birth, primary language, and whether lottery be held when you hctven't January 31� the applicant was previously retained). determined how many available • Lottery date: mid-February The school needs to have an admissions spaces exist? • Returning students wiil have to file ( application that is separate from the o The ianguage concerning the "Notice of Intent to Return" by enrollment packet. The admissions exclusion of students who have January 31St, appfication shoulci only require basic been expeiled or awaiting • Exciusion of students who have been information such as name, address, expulsion `"from any educational expel►ed or awaiting expulsion will be date of birth, parent contact institution" is too broad. You may revised to read: with documented information, etc. deny admission to students with histories of a criminal offense,juvenile documented histories of a criminai courP adjudicafion, or disciplir�e offense,juvenile court adjudication, pt�oblems under TEC Ghapter 37, or discipline problems under TEC Subchapter A. Chapter 37, Subchapter A. � The revised admissians application was . Copy attached. nofi attached along with the rest of the fax. Please rovide a co _ ; i � I I i I �,� TEXAS EI�LTCATION AG:�,NC� i -- � 1701 Norkh C.ongress A�e.*Austin,'texns 75701-1494*512/463-9734*FAX:,5i2/463-9838*http:llwww.tea,state.tx.us � � Chatter Renewal November 27, 2007 Scott F. Bradley, Chair Tawn of lNestlake One Paigebrooke Ln Westlake, TX 76262 Re: Charter Renewal for Westlake Academy Charter Schooi (CDN 2�?0810) Dear Scott F. Sradley: I am pleased to inform you #hat the charter renewal is approved for VVestlake Academy Charter School with a cantract ending date of Juiv 31, 2016. After renewal, the charter contract shall consist of the foliowing: • the representations and assurances made by the charter holder in the original request for application under the standard application system; • the original contract for charter, as signed by the charter holder and the State 8oard of Education; • any cnndition, amendment, modification, revision, or other change to the charter approved by the State Board of Education or the commissione��of education; • the final r�newal application, on file with the Division of Charter Schools, including any revisions required by the agency and any amendments to the charter made through the renevral appfcGtio,~�; and • all statements, assurances, commitments and representatic�r�s made by the charter holder in its application for charter renewal and its attachment�> or related documents, ta the extent that these documents are consistent with those liste��above. Note that this contract is contingent upon iegislative authorization and that the contract and the funding under state and federal law may be modified or even terrninated by future legislative aci. Furthermore, state and federa! laws and rules may periodicall� be adopted, amended, or repealed and afl such changes applicable to the charter holder or its charter school(s) may modify this contract, as of the effective date provided in the law or rulE;, Nothing in this contract shal! be construed to entitle the charter hold�r to any privilege or benefit, incEuding any funding, but in accordance with state and federal laws in effect and as they may in the future be amended. A contract term that cor�flicts with any state or federal law or rule is superseded by the law or rule to the extent that the law or rule conflicts with the contr�+et term. Scott F. Bradley, Chair Town vf W esttake ' Page 2 To acknowledge acceptance of this renewed contract, the chair of the charter holder board must sign belaw and return the entire ariginal dacument t�a: ' Texas Education Agency Division of Charter Schools William B.Travis Building, Room 5-1Q7 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 787Q1-1494 The charter holder shouid keep a copy of the document for its files. f'lease contact the Division of Charter Schools at {512) 463-9575 with any questions. Sincerely, �o�� s� Robert Scott Commissioner of Education cc: Barbara Brizuela, Superintendent rs h!r"�� 3 �:��.;�� I the undersigned hereby certify that the governing body of the charter holder has accepted and agreed to the charter renewal agreement for Westlake Academy Ch��rter Schqo! as outlined in the foregoing letter and has authorized me to sign beiow. Agreed and Accepted: .�.G�'� � ' � -�� 1�B � '7 Scott F. Bra ey Date Chair, Town of Westlake c�-iART�R��vr��t�rvt��r�r�ar�tr�sx�oa� ° Texas Education Agency °Charter Schools Division •Phone(512)463-9575 •Fax(512)463-9732 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V+Testlake Academy 220-810 IVame of Charter School County-d9istrict l�umber All amendment requests must be made in or attached to a written resolution adopted by the goven�ing body of the charter holder and ' signed Uy the members voting in favor. In addition,all amendment requests should include the text and page number,or a photocopy,of ' the current charter language to be changed,and the text proposed as the new charter lauguage. Expansion amendments,numbers 1-4,must be subinitted by February 1 of the year preceding the school year dunng which the amendment would become effective. ❑ 1,Add Grade Levels(Fxpansion Amendment)-Requested effective date: ° Currentiy approo•ed gradz levels: ° Requested new grade leveis: At�ach the written board resoltrtion as described at tlte top of the page; Attach an education plan for each new grade level tn be servecl,� Attach evrdence that itnpact state;nent,r have been sent to school districts and charter•schools within the geographic houndary oi the r�equesting school. ❑ 2.Add a Site(Expansion:�mendment)-Requested effective date: a IVew Address(if available): a ts the proposed campus within the currently approved geographic boundary? �No �Yes If not,see request below to Change Geographic Boundary. � If the amendment is approved,is a campus number requested?Q No � Yes � If the amendment is approved,should a campus name different from the charter name be used? �No � Yes • If the amendment is approved,should mail be sent to the canipus?�No �Yes Atraclt t1�e lvrittet�board r•esolartion as described at tlae top of the page;Attach evidence that irr:pact staternents have been sent to school diszr-icts and charter schools withir�the geographic bouncla�y of the requesting school;Attach a r.ertificate of ocez�pancy,or egz�ivalent certifrcate, ap�ropriaze for tlte proposed zrse o/�the faciliry at the rretiv site;If the specific locatior�is nat idn,ntified at the time of the a�a�esvdr7tent reqttesz, lhis infor•rnatiofz shall be s:rbnritted prior to conanzencing arry operations at that site. � 3.�hange Geographic Boundary(Expansion Amendment)-Requested effective date:�s soon as apnraved a School districts and charter schools in currently approved boundary:_See Attached a Proposed new school districts and charter schools: 5ee Attached Attach the wrrtter7 board resolutiora, wilh tlre required language(see insrnrctions), crs described at the top of the page;Attach evidence thnt im�act staternents have been serzt to school districts a�ad charter scltools withrn the geographic boarndary of the regt�esting school; Attacl�ar7othe��slTeet of paper ta describe the reqzrest, if necessa�y. ❑ 4.�ncrease 1��aximum Enrollment(�xpansion Amendment)-Requested effective date: 6 Currently approved maximurn ezirollment: ° Requested new total maxitnunr eru-ollment: Attach a board resolutior7 with rlae requir•ed tanguage(see inst�-z{ctions); The amend�7�ent will not be consrder�ed b�tl lze commissioner �rithoz�t the avpro�iute board ree�olutio�a. 1Vote tlznt the resolulion r•eqtrired for-this n�oe ofamendment is diffcrent f•om that userl for �ther-h.pe,r o�'amendme�:ts Attach evidence that nsrpact state�nef�ts have heera sent to school districis and char•tet•sclaools within tJae geographic bouisdaiy of the reqa�estif�g schooL � �.Relocate Campus or Site-Reyuested effective date: ' p County District Number: m Current Address; ° Proposed Address(if availabie); ti Is the proposed relocation within the currently approved geographic boundary? � No �Yes Tf not,sce request above to Change Geographic Boundary. � If the amendmei�t is approved,should mail be sent to the campus?Q No Q Yes �Ittach the tivi-itte�z board r�es�/a�tion as descr•ibed at the top of the page;Note tlaal the proposed site must be withirz tlae curi�ently approved geograplzic boarncla��t�.If it is i2ot,you naar.st also submit an anzendmerrt request to extend the geographic bounda�y. ❑ 6.Other Amendment to Charter-Requested effective date: Description; Attacl�a��othe�sheez of�ape�-to descrihe tl�e reqarest, if necessar}%. ! � % f. '(�. � ���'�' _817-440-5757 817-490-5762 Signature of C�arter School CEO Phone Number Fax Number , 13arbara Brirue(a 1/14;08 Printed Name of Charter School CEO Date C:harter°Arnendanent Requ�st Forr�-t Addendutn #3 Change Geographac Boandary(Expansion A►nendment)—Requested effective date: il14/08 • School district and eharter schools in current3y approved baundary_Birdviile,Carroll.Grapevine- Collevvil(e.Ke(ler Lewisville Northwest a Proposed ne�v school district and charler schools: HEB. Decatur Paradise Bo,yd Weatherfords Krum, Ponder, Denton Little Eim Ar��le Frisco Carrollton Grand Prairie DuncanvilleL Lake Dallas. Sprin�town Azle Coppell Irvin Arl'angton Fort Worth Eagie Mountain Saginaw H�ghland Park Carland McKinn� _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Westlake Academy Charter Amendment Request Current Charter (with approved revision dated August 15, 2007) reads: �eetaon I Cover P'a�e Geogt�aphical�oundary: The ariginal cl�arter applicatian and amendment history reflects that the following district(s} comprise the charter school's geographic boundary: Birdville ISD Carroll ISD Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Keller ISD Lewisville ISD Northwest ISD Requested araienciment woulcl reaei: Caeo�raphacal �oundar�; The original charter application and amendment history reflects that the following district(s) compr'rse the charter scF�ool's geographic boundary: Argyle ISD Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Ar(ington ISD HEB ISD Azle ISD Highland Park ISD Birdville ISD Irving ISD Boyd ISD Keller ISD Carroll ISD Krum ISD Carrolleon ISD Lake Dallas ISD Coppell ISD Lewisville ISD Decatur ISD LiCtle Elm ISD Denton ISD McKinney ISD Duncanville ISD Northwest ISD Eagle IVlountain-Saginaw ISD Paradise ISD Fort Worth ISD Ponder ISD Frisco ISD SpringCown ISD Garland ISD Weatherford ISD Grand Prairie ISD _ _ WES'I`LAKE ACf1DEMY ' MEMO TO: Board of Trustees, Westlake Academy FROM: Barbara Brizuela, Head of School DATE: January 7, 2008 SUBJECT: Meeting on January 14, 2008 I1 Ell�I: Consider a resolution to approve an application for an expansion amendment to the Westlake Academy Charter that would add additional geographic boundaries for transfer students. REC OI�MENl3A'I'I�I�iS: Staff recommends approval. �r�C'iCGR(3ITI\iD: In revie�ving the TEA approved boundaries for students of Westlake Academy, the schoal districts in which our students reside and in comparison t�other charter school's approved boundaries the staff feels that it would be in our best interest to increase the number of school districts from which the Academy can accept transfer students. The approval of this Resolution will allow the Academy to apply for an expansion amendment which would allow the school to accept transfer students for enrollment from a wider expanse of locations. The approval of this amendment is in the best interest of the Academy, its present and future students and staff inembers. This amendment would allow a more diverse location for Academy and Town staff. In our research we discavered that many charter schools include a great number of ISDs in Cheir transfer boundaries, e.g. North Hills has over 60; Arlington over 40; Honors over 100. Our present expansion would bri�lg Westlake Academy's total to 31. School districts that would be requested for inclusion in the transfer student baur►daries are: HER, Decatur, Paradise, Boyd, VVeatherford, Krum, Ponder, Denton, Little Eim, Argyle, Frisco, Carrollton, Grand Prairie, Duncanville, Lake Dallas, Springtowrl, Azle, Coppell, Irving, Arlington, Fort Worth, Eagle IVlountain-Saginaw, Highland Park, Garland, McKinney. These are in addition Birdville, C�rroll, Grapevine-Colleyvrlle, Keller, Lewisviile and Northwest which are already approved districts. _ _ _ _ L1pon approvat of this Resolution, the school will submit a Charter Expansion '� Amendmeni Applicatian to Che Texas Education Agency. The deadline for this �I application is February ls`, �0��. 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Board 1Viernbers V ing in avor of solution 08-04: � ._�r. _._. ____..._.,_ Pete Steger , _.__._...._ . I�evin Maynard �'..'���r :' _' �°� �f � � � Bob Timmerman � . Don Redding -r A�T��Chri�e���t�', _ `- � � �--� --� . : � � ��T �,>v� ��� � � � �,* � -� �--'�+� � r.�.... ��� ���� �� � � i....�f '�• ��-�� � — 4 y � r _ rd � !_..., �� �,�..�..,? �..,� � �*,.._. �``� � �r_�_� � � °i �.., � °� � _ —T — � _ - — ___ _ � isl `���rtfi( =_�r.. A:.� �z� ,�r a . ,,., ."�ii�� ! ; �, `.!_ . �- � , ("., , _..tl, i . .��f .... i .F.t�. ��li�}*.:t� ��!}�� � �E.?f1]f�tif�SCs:SEIa:; !��?i'{� ��. ?(�O� 13,telr,tt�,E [3rif��e1<< ��`z ti:z�iik�:E.` r'�Cit��Ct41ti'�'f1ill[4C.`'_>C�1Lt?' ��(>(�ti t}[ti�;t',4r i�,ei �t�`estlal,c."I:Y 1E�?�', t)�•r�E• \9k. 13�i�ucl,f: I�i�c;:a.�rt�riti�,��icrGi�t� I��i�; ,t(7R�,t���Z.i t(tc<i�n�nt'<'r,ECFt� ��i^cp�kc:st (il=i1-t13�) tr,� a�ft! ti4r,� ���II�,�,in�.; sti�crc�l �listrict:, tv tI7� :i��t�rELr's s>��x�E��tpfti;: [ao�rt}�IE�:-}� I�r��sz7 �1�E7i��a x��4��E�ti;r;?�rc(�nc; �viil iat ttc�cE�t�,`tf: f lttt`at-I.;�,�I�_ss-C�c�EI�����'; i`+�k. !)cc;tti�t' !`�I). f'.��;ti�is� dS(�. E1Zr���! (�[.}. 11`catlr�i�icr�-ci lSI:I. E�rr�En f`�[�, f'�,�t�{cr� (`�l�. (.i�t�t:�Fi (5;.). [,ittf� f�li,� ISE�. ,1r�t��!c I�E�.. Fri_,ccs !�(�i ��<:rroilE�?t���F,ta��t,c:rs [3a'an�c�l� (Sf_), t=_ir:��1�E C'k�tiri; f`�I:}. la.ntc���t�r;((� 151�, !_G�I:� .)u!lt�s 15(?.S�a��;E�;.:?t>��=t� E`a!)_ ,�'�r(�� I:>(7. C�'������,�°!( (`;f:�}. l��s�ir�rr� I�C}. r::�lin,�tc�i�� IS1�. {���'t G��;��:tl� E5(}.. I� ts�,l�. 1t�•5n;:i�za�,�. E��� i t�_�l�,f,��icS i'arS, f'i(.�. Clttrfansl t4(�_ :attri `�fc{�i�1���:�� fSl��°1'i<rc�i,��• l�Er��� .. '_'t3f)�i_ ({`.�s,i� [��e�c� ��n1 t�ti �,��c»t�. E71�a�:.•� cc���r;tct t{t: t�i�is�t:<<r c>�'t��E<<ktt�r ��l��r;��f :��,�Ei7�i�ii�>I �:iti�.�;� til ;�I �j -�t;,;��)_;:``+. �ir1c:�4i'�.1ti�. �� ������.,�%,.�,� 1���'/t(�1�,� :1';f(1 �`C;'t'ti'. i.�it'�,:C�tt;' t_'i:,�t�s�.��' �;�hc��.�! ��citt�if��i�:�r.Ft;t.,-: Schoo! Districts in the Approved Geographic Boundaries Main Telephone USPS Delivery ISD Superintendant Address City State Zip Code Plumber Confirmation Receipt#'s Argyle ISD Dr.Telena Wright 800 Eagle Drive Argyle Texas 76226 �940)464-7241 03110820000154375067 Arlington 15D Jerry McCullough 1203 W. Pioneer Pkwy Arlington Texas 76Q13 (6f32)867-4611 0311D820000164375074 Azle ISD Dr. Ray Lea 300 Roe St Azle Texas 76020 (8'L7)444-3235 03110820000164375098 Birdville ISD Darreil G. Brown, Ph.D. 6125 East Belknap Street Haltom City Texas 76117 {817)547-5700 0311082QQ00164375104 Carrollton-Farmers Branch !SD Dr. Bobby C. Burns 1445 N. Perry Rd. Carrollton Texas 750Q6 (972}968-62�0 03110820000164375111 Coppell ISD Dr.leff Turner 200 S. Denton Tap Cflppell Texas 75019 (214}446-6000 03110820000164375128 Decatur ISD Ro6ert Totivnsend SO1[ast Collins Decatur Texas 76234 (940)393-7100 0311082000�1G4375135 Denton ISD Dr. Ray Braswell 1307 N.Locust Denton Texas 76201 (940)369-OOQO 03110820000164375142 Duncanville ISD Dr.Alfred L. Ray 802 South Main Street Duncanville Texas 75137 (9?2)708-2000 03110820000164375159 Eagle Mountain-Saginaw!SD Jirn Chadwell Ed.D. 1200 Old Decatur Road Fort Worth Texas 76179 (8:17)232-0880 03110820000164375166 Fart Worth ISD Walter Dansby 10�N University Dr. Forth Worth Texas 76107 (S:17)871-20�0 03120820000164375173 Frisco ISD Rick Reedy 5525 Ohio Dr. Frisco Texas 75035 {459}633-6000 03110820fl00164375180 Garland ISD Curtis Culwell,Ed.D. 502 S.Jupiter Garland Texas 75042 (972}494-8201 03110820000164375197 Grand Prairie ISD Qr.Susan Simpson Z502 South Belt line Road Grand Prarie Texas 75052 (9,72)264-6141 03110820000164375203 Grapevine-Colleyvi4le ISD Dr. Robin Ryan 3051!ra E_Woods Avenue Grapevine Texas 76051 (8:L7)488-9588 03110820000164375210 Nighland Park ISD Dr. Qawson Orr 7015 Westcfiester Drive Dallas Texas 75205 (2:14)780-3�02 03110820000164375227 H-E-B ISD Dr. Gene Buinger 1849 Central Dr. Bedford Texas 76d22 (8:17)283-4461 03110820000164375234 lrving ISD Dana Bedden, Ed.D. 2021 Wesi Airport Freeway Irving Texas 75062 (9;72)600-5001 03110820000164375241 Keller ISD lames Veitenheimer 350 Keller Parkway Keller Texas 76248 (8:17)744-1000 03110820000164375258 Krum ISD Mike Davis 120�Bobcat Blvd. Krum Texas 76249 (9�0)482-6000 031108200001643�5265 Lake Dallas ISD Gayle Stinson P.O. 8ox 548 Lake Dallas Texas 75065 (9t�0}497-4039 0311.082�(lQ(J154375272 Lewisville ISD Dr.Stephen F.UVaddell 1800 Timber Creek Road Flower Mound Texas 75028 (4fi9}723-5200 03110820000164375289 Little Elm ISD Lynne Leuthard PD Box 6Q00 Little Elm Texas 75068 (972)292-1847 0311082�000164375296 McKinney ISD Dr.1.D. Kennedy One Uuvall Street McKinney Texas 75069 (469)742-4000 0311082Q000164375302 Northwest ISD Karen G.Rue 2001 Texan Dr. :ustin Texas 76247 (8:17j 215-0000 03110820000164375319 Paradise ISD Monty Chapman 338 School House Road Paradise Texas 76073 (9<�0)969-2501 03110820000164375326 Ponder ISD Bruce Yeager 440 West Bailey Street Ponder Texas 76259 (940)479-8200 031108200001643753333 Southlake-Carroll ISD David Faltys 3051 Dove Road Grapevine Texas 76051 (8:17)949-8222 03110820000164375340 Springtown ISD Mike Kelley 301 East 5th Street Springtown Texas 76082 (8'17)220-7243 03110820000164375357 Weatherford ISD Dr.Jeffrey Hanks 1100 Longhnrn Drive WPatherford Texas 76086 {$1.7) 598-2808 03110820000164375364 Westlake Academy Charter School Charter Amendment Request Form-MAXIMUM ENROLLMENT INCREASE Texas Education Agency•Division of Charter 5chool Administratian•Phone(512)Q63-9575•Fax(57.2)463-9732 WestlakF Ar..ademy ;."0-n10 Name of Charter School County-District Number Requested effective date: Ji1Y � _This should be July 1 unless specific circ,umstances warrant the request of a different date. Current maximum enrollment a�� Requested maxim�im enroilment 1,450 If the 2mendment is approved,what sites wilf be impacted by the increase in enrollment? Our single campus locateci i.n Westlake, 'Pexas, If the amendment is approved,what is the minir�uin number of instructional hours per day to be provided students at the sites impactetl by the inctease in enrullrnenl? � hoiars MaKirnum Enrollment Expansion Amendment Request Checklist The foilowin�must be submitted in the order listed below with an expansion amendment request for an increase ii;maximum enrollment: '�l. Charter Amendment Reques[Form-MAXIMUM ENROLLMENT INCftEASE (if multiple amendment requests are being made,include all request forrns toge;her,� X 2. Charter holder hoard resolution /�written resalution adopted by the goveming body of the charter holder and;igned by thc mcmbcrs voting in favor af amending the r.harter must he tubmitt�ri. A ryiinri�m of the memhprs must have voted in favor of amending thv r.hartvr.Inrhid�printNd narne5 as weil as signatures o(the board inembers.The names should�natch information on ihe rnost recent Annual Governanre Reportin,Farms submitted to TEA,Otherwise,dacurnentation expiaining any differences must be included. The board resolution for a maximum c:�nrollrnent increase must indude a special board resolution tha(includes a statemen[that the boaiii has coniidered a husiness plan coritairiing the following elernents: � • a statement discussingdie need'or an;ncrease in the maximum enrollment; • a statement discussin�che turrent and projected financial condition o!the charter holder and/or the charter school; • an iinaudited stat�ment a(financial position for th�±current fisc.al year • an unauditetl statement of activities for the currr:�nt fiscal year; • an unaudited statement o(cash flows for the r.urrent fiscal year, • a pro fon��a budget that intludes the cc�s(5 of operating the charter school,including the implementation of the expansion amendment; • a statement or sr.hedule that identifles the assumptions usetl[o calculate the charter school's estimated Foundation Schooi Progr;�m revenues; + a statement discussing the use of debt instruments to finar.ce part or ali o(the charter school's incremental costs; • a statement discussing the incremental cost of acquiring additional facilities,furnihn e,and eyuipment to accommodate[he antici�ated increase ir.student enrol!ment;and • a slatement discuising�he incremental cost o(additional on site pe�sonnel and identi(ying the additional number of full-time eyuivalents that will be employed. The business�lan must be submitted toTLA witnin five hus ness days if requested (I(rnuitiple amend�rrerrt requests Ure being made,inciude ali board�esolutions together.J �3. A I�st,in alphataetical order,of ihe school districts i�[he approved geographic boundary that may be impacted should the commissioner approve thr- �mrn�lment rPryiips! X 4. Evidence,in alphabetical order by district,that Impact s[atements have been sent to each schoc�l district th�t may be affected t�y the expansion. �S, Comp�iance information as requircd 1)Texas AdministrativeCode§100.1035 to include thc followine: • Documentatir�n[hat indentifies 2 board mernber's substantial interest in a business entity or in real property that relates Co any r.harter business; • Documentatiun board members'aostentions from votirg in cases of potential conFlicts of interest; • Dowments,other than Annual Governance Repo�ting Fonr�s,identifying famiiy members within the third degree of r,on>anguinity or affinity who serve as ooard members and/or eriployees ar:d/or contractors of the charter hoidHr or char[er school;and • Documentation that hoard members or employees wl•ose uirninal histaiy checks revealed them ineligibie�o serve were removed from Service as i,required by Texas Education Code§12.120; pR • A signed statement attesting that within the las!three years there have been no instances of nepotism,confiicts of interest,or revela[ions in crirninal history checks that deemed any board meinber or employee inPligihie to serve. As the C[Of superintendent of the charter school,I understand that an expansion amendment is not a righ4 or entitlement and that in determining if a change in the contract for charter is appropriate,the commissionerof education will raview and consider specific issues i�cluding,but not limited to, charter performance data(e.g,,acco�mtahility ratings,FIRST ratings,accreditatlon statuses,and underiying data�and compliance.i also understand that prior to nppraving an expa�sion amendmenY request,>taff[n the fallowing divisions and program areas will be consulted to determine if any potential problems or concerns exist with the charter holder or charter school:Performance Reporting,Charter School Administration,Child Nutrition,Financial Audits,Grants Administration,Legal Services,PEIMS Data Repprting,Program Monitoring and Interventions,NCLB and lOEA Programs,Student Assessment,Governance and Waivers,General Inquiries,and Compfaints. i further understond that incompiete submissions will not be processed and that there will 6e a delay in processing submissions that are not submitted in the correct order. , �t���' Yj i.�� y��-y'-��' 817 490 5%;;G rbrynter•��.,e:,Y.lake-rx.org � � �� �'��1 "��_� �ign ture of Cl�artrr cho C�Q/SupPnntendent Fnone Number Email Address T'noiria.. E. Brymer G:i-23-2012 Printed Name of Charter School CLO/Superintendent �ate �'�E�'AL,�TC� ACr�I�i�1T'�' ItE�(��.I.17'I()�l�I�. 1�-11.'s i �, 1t1�S�Lfl�`Y'1�9N �t� '1'�1L; 1��.1AI�3 C�H' `1'�ZUS`i'L;l+�S C}l�' ���'1'�.���.�+; �.CAi)E.I�i�' APP'R[li/Yl�d� APd P.t�I�]`d[�i4��E1�1"I' T� 1N�RE�lS� '['FIE �l��Il9�di;1�1 S`I'�.;H��1�`I' CN�8�LI1:��E;�T FC�R 1�i�ES'�'C..A6C��C�A�E[�H1', i�1/EIEI2�AS, the Board of Tt�istees of t��estlake ��cademy desu�es to increase the maximum enrollment at Wcstlaicc Acacierr�y to 1;45f1 students; and �lI��I��.�, t.l�e ��ui-rei.t ch<:i�ter grantecl to �ltestlalce �ea.d�;�ny by the �tate B�aid o��- Eciuc��ti�i� liinits the�ixaximuin enrollment tc� RO(}stu�leizts;�iid VV���:I2�A�, Title ly Texas Ad�t�inistrative C'�de 5eetioti 1t�U.1033 allows the tern�s of an open-enxc:�lln�ient ch�la•ter to be revise�l ��i�7� lhe cc�nsent c7I� the c}iarfer �lolder by tivritlen amcrtciinent a}�proved by t�iu comi�2ission�r of cduc�ti�n; anci ��%3�IE�2El��S,the Ro�iz�d oi'Trust.ees o�f'Westlalce Aca�lezi�y h��; reviewed a��d considereel a busine.ss �alan that it�c(udes the foll�i�ving colnpot�ients: e ti.sT.ater��e�t ciiscussing the��eed l:�ir r�il increase in the maxiil��un enrolln�ent; � a �Y.ateiYient cli5c«ssin�ihe current and projectecl ti�ianc:iz�� cwa�ditie��� oCthe charter holdet•and%oi'the charter school; s aii un�uditetl stafement of fiziarieial �rositi���i foe tlte current �fis�al yeac; � an�tt�auditcd slatement ofactivitie� tc�r th� cuilel�t ii5cctl year; � an unatrclit.ed staferrient.oE�cash flows fc�r the eurrez�t tisc�al y�ar; m a pro I<.�rma budget ttiat. i��clu�lay t11e cosEs of o��eratin� the ehartez� scliool, iracluding�hi:irn�ie�laet�thti�n ol�the expansion air�4�ldment; � a �tatement or scheciu(e that identilies ihe assumptions used to calculate tlie chartur school's estii�nated Foutjdation Sehaal Pro�racn rcveziues; • a stat.e�x�ez�t c�ise.ussizl� the use of'del�t instruments tc� fin��.z�ce ��aii: c1r all c>F the chaz-ter school's iz�creix�ental cc�sts; � a state�nellt disc.ussii�� Ylte it�ei•ementat cast� of acql�irrng add.itiotlal facilitfes, fiirniture, and e.qui}�ment to accc�n�tnodate the anticipatcd increase in stucient CI1I'O��Tl7CI1f; c�l"1C� � a st��i,c.tn<.nt cli5cusyiii� ihe incre�ricsrital cusL of additional on sile pers��rizzc.l arlc� ide��f.ifyin�; the additioza�l nun.lber of fuli-tin�e ec�ui��alei�lt:s t.ha.t �rill be eixlployed; and �1�$�i2�1��, the E3oard ��f"Truste�s ���f WesClalce ,�cademy has detei7��inu1 tha': WeStl�il« Ac,adeix�y n�eets all eligibility eriteria for ap�ra���l of an expa��sion aiilendi�lezlt; and 1�1�FIEAiE.��, the B��az�d o�PTrusteus tinds th��i.t tlle passage of tl�is Resol�ition i5 i�� t�i.�b�st interest of Westlalfe�lcademy. 17dA Rcsoli�tion I:'-q3 I'aga 1 oi'2 �t�'���T�T�IZF�(A�.�, �;E,1`�' �➢+�����,�'I:l� �3�'"�I'i-#F; F3t��41�12 (���`�'�C1;��9'l�;f;�; �)(�`TIlE � ��`�5'T�JAI�i+, t�����+:�,t�','1I:�r�S; �;�;C`I'l(�P�` 1: '��l�i��it all m�tters state�:I in th�rccit��ls�ibove��r�.i�e�-eh�� tound to b� trt�e and u�rrect�iid �re il�eor�joeltcd hereir�t�yxe:terezl�e<��i(�copie�i in thcu-entirety. `�Ef�"P[+L)t�i 2: Th.e.. B�>ar�l ut� 'Truste�s of thG G�.%estl�ce gc;ad�;iny� he,rehy <ip�r��ves an amciiciinent to th�. w'e5tlal<c�rlcade�n��ch�3i�t�r t� ilie�•ease maxitnL�m enr<�Il�n�;71! ro 1,4�0 st;�derlts, snl�jF�ci tc� �:i�7��r��v:�i1 hi�the'I�exas Cc�nvuissioner o�Educati<7rt. 5�'.(;�'��C� ;3; 1f�tny E�oz�tior� �,f this P.e�«Cutit�n sl��a.11, f�r �i���r r�;asola, l�c clec,l€��-ed invt�lic) Y�y a»y �;ourt of camr�ctent j�ari5cliction, sucli invxli�ii.ty st�ail noC t�Pt�ct. the rcmailzi��€; �r�visions herec�fi�and CIIc I3«a�r�l hereby �lctc�i-��ninc4 th<3i it wt�tilr.i ha�•e 1do�ted thi� Res�luti�iri ivith��:�t tl�e itl��alid �>ro�-isioFl. �E�"�'��I�I 4� Tha� this ec;��h�tion �1�<311 bca�n�ie e(�tective f'ro�l� and aft�cr its d�tt�. of pa.�sa�;e. i'A����[7 A.l�� ,�.�3'.f�(?'�/��'l� i�'Y '�'FII: �3���.l�.� C�k' `I`��t[l�'T�:�.� ��' `'��:51'L,�[�� ��F�L��[�I�', �ti. C.�YE��k'�'I�',Io �C.'I��C��, C�� �I �1E. ��1'_h.I'� t)� ��'��'.:�c`��, �I�t '� ���+; 9t(1 ����1` (��+.X��I;r�l2�' 2412, �_j� �. �' — ,�,�,��_�-.r.,�.�c��- __ :.��,�:_�,�`•� L�ur� Whcat, P�•esicl�nl ��� �..� ��-",.=� ,.-�--- ��--k._e.:�.��.._. <_- _ �, ------= ___. -------- �f _ _s-- � � ";`--v-- � ;��" j .�_.._ _ , ����" '�`�.�. �,. , . � 1�_ _ _ _ --- _--- - �, ,A . r f.'�'� � ��� �% � i ( `"' F` : J �. ! ` t �'y"�'�.-^^" '�.,..�.�.�»....-e. , ��, � + � r � _ �. _ : `. ✓ ,5. _____ '- ...,.._.z. A7'"t'I:S'I': �E_.�-� �.�L.�X.A�� �'';.� _ �_ ..�_ . _ --- r Kell}� F�tl���t��1't�s, T�o�rri �ecrc:tar�� 'i'l.�oine�s L:. BipYt"�e . ' �pe�-i�i �ncle�Yt � 'l� ,1I}PRC?VF;[) AS `l'U I�{)R�rt: , t ° - �= � � � �� t.� .,, t ,. `'' -����iv� ti � � 'f� �� . — re_,_ —___._ __.. Jar��t�i. Blilaer�l, S�;lloc�l Attorncy ����A rZi:solurinn 1�-03 Ptigc 7 of`' iI 9 Statement of Impact � AMENDMENT � ii ¥ � Westlake Academy 22Q-$1 o Gharter School County-District# � � The charter school above plans to submit the fallowing amendment or amendments to its open-enrollment charter for ' consideration by the commissianer of education: ❑ 1. Expand grade leveis served Gurrently approved grade levels: Requested change: � 2. Increase maximum enrollment Currently approved maximum enrollment: 800 Requested change: 1,450 ❑ 3.Add a campus Proposed new address, if availabie: If the campus address has nat yet been secured, the school districts within the currently approved geographic baundary are listed here: � 4. Expand geographic boundary The proposed new school districts/area to include are listed here: Uistrict 5taff: C;heck the appropriate response be/ow: ' ❑ The proposed change for the open-enrollment charter schoal is not expected to impact the school district to a significant degree. ❑ The proposed change for the open-enroliment charter schaol is.expected to have a major impact on the school district in the following manner: District Name County-District# District Address Phone Number Signature of Board President Signature of Superintendent Print Board President's Name Print Superintendent's Name Date Received by District r,,'**ti' � ��. • . • , �� ' , 'k,�M��,..�+� Westl�ke Academy January 11, 2012 Argyle ISD Dr.Telena Wright 800 Eagle Drive Argyle,Texas 76226 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# -220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, � `�„,�a �,�� �°,�.°'�'���'t.,.� fr�`�� , �,�'�i�...,9�,,P��,,+ Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Otting�er Roacl •Westlake,'Cexas 76262 NIeuu: 817-�90-5757 • F�as: 817-�90-5758 •ww��.wes�lakea�aciemy.org i I �,.M"�r"' i � � ( � • I I � i � ', � �is.�,.�'� Westlake Acndemy ' January 11, 2012 Arlington ISD Jerry McCullough 1203 W. Pioneer Pkwy Arlington,Texas 76013 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part af the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, ,� �,,,�a �f���,..'��,�,�.�..,� �',,. , ,�..��'.�-^��' Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ocriiiger Road �WesClake,Te�;as 76262 D9eu-o: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 817--�90-5758 •ww�n�.westlakeacademy.org ..y'"'y, I. �� . • "R� ��.� +.�,a�r Westl�ke Academy January 11, 2012 Azle ISD Dr. Ray Lea 300 Roe St Azle,Texas 76020 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schoals are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district`s baard president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, i.y�� r., ��';���.��s��.,� ��, �.:���'•,�-F"�:� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body ?600 J�1 OtCiilger Road •�NesClake,Te�as 7H262 Metro: 87.7--�90-5757 • [ax: 817-�90-5758 �www.westlakeacademy.org I 4 ���� � ♦ � � � € , 4 � r 1 �� ,�� I itc'_ Westlalze Academy � lanuary 11, 2012 Birdville ISD Darrell G. Brown, Ph.D. 6125 East Belknap Street Haltom City,Texas 76117 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board ofTrustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schoals are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned ta the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, ,�i�4, 4'�"' ,� �y f���� �� �P ,�✓e!s°1G.�"'Jr'4.,.f F1� �r ��.a�`�...e+f�wJ��s*� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road �bYestlake,1'exas 76262 Metro; 817-490-5757 • Fax: �"L7-�490-�i 58 +ww��.wes�lakeacadenry.org ,�-++�, �. . ' • � . .� "k�.���,..� Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Dr. Bobby C. Burns 1445 N. Perry Rd. Carrollton,Texas 75006 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part af the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court arder. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent,and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, l��;�•�.����:��4...� �''�;� ,���...4�.�„�..��:.� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2G00 JT Ottinger IZoad •Westlake,Texas 76262 Nletro: �17-49O-5757 • Fax: 817--490-�758 •www°.wes�lakeacaQemy.org ; i ,,,�-'*y► i � � I. ♦ I � I i I � ' i � � �� { "������� Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Coppell ISD Dr. Jeff Turner 200 S. Denton Tap Coppell, Texas 75019 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment pracess, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enroliment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned ta the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �. � r'��..�����,�r�f �,� ,��..�'�„..�,�,`°=�`�' Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JI'0[tinger Road • Westlake,Te�as 76262 NIeir��: �17-�90-5757 • Fax: 817-�90-�75� �ww��.wes�lakeacaQemy.org „�„'"'�'. ' �, �. ' . • � ' � ' � ' �«r,,��"� ' Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Decatur ISD Robert Townsend 501 East Collins Decatur,Texas 76234 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment pracess,charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change rnay adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enroliment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, t�,���-„'��,.,r'°Y'�4f�..,.1 �,^`wy�� ,��,fL..a+'�y����,r+A s�� s�. Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2H00 JT OtCinger Itoad •V��estiake,'Texas 762Ci2 Meu�o; �:L7-�90-5757 • Fax: 8:L7--490-575� •ww��.we��l<Q<eacaclemy.org i i �„''...,,.,,� � ,�t�• �` . � � �♦ "k,����,�,..� Westl�ke Academy January 11, 2012 Denton ISD Dr. Ray Braswell 1307 N. Locust Denton,Texas 76201 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board ofTrustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westiake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required tn notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned ta the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �� °Y��.,.� � � ,. ��..����r��...f �.fi�, �:�r�..A�����.^� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600,JT Ot�inger Road•\Nestlake,Text�is 76262 D�Ieu�o; 817-�90-5757 • Fax: 817-�90-5755 •www�.west(akeacademy.org ����� ' � , , ♦ ' ����'� Westl�ke Academy January 11, 2012 Duncanville ISD Dr.Alfred L. Ray 8Q2 South Main Street Duncanville, Texas 75137 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# -220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process,charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Piease review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, ��.,.�� ��� � � ��;�,�<�'.��.�.� � �..��„�'���" Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JI�Oceinger Roacl •�n�estlake,Texas 76262 b4e�ru: 817-49U-5757 • Fax: 817--�90-5755 •ww�n�.wes�lakeacaQeil�y.org i i ��+�}_�,, i � � I , � � � � �, ''k,�,�,���,,•"� ' Westilake Academy January 11, 2012 Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Jim Chadwell Ed.D. 1200 Old Decatur Road Fort Worth,Texas 76179 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part af the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, � ,�' `.,,�' ,. ����..���4�� �� r ,��.�� ��� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600,JT O[tinger Roaci •WesClake,l'exas 76262 T�ie�ru: 817-490-5757 • F<ix: 817-�90-5758 •www,we�tiakeacademy.org .�*''�y' ' � � tT • , ' � ♦ �..,.,,r�`-'''r Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Fort Worth ISD Walter Dansby 100 N University Dr. Forth Worth,Texas 76107 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board ofTrustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendrnent request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �'.����,..�`�,�`..,� 1��r� ,��..8�s��'?�„,�,"'�:;� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 J1'Ottinger Road • WesClake,Teaas 76262 NIe�ro; 817-490-5757 • Fax: 417--+�)0-5758 •ww�n�,w��tiakeacaclemy.org �� �. � � � . � 'k,�M��,,,.� Westlake Academy lanuary 11, 2012 Frisco ISD Rick Reedy 5515 Ohio Dr. Frisco,Texas 75035 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# -220-810 26001T Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �� ,°°•? �.,.�F � �.� ��'��'�.�..,.� ��, � ��'�....���.�,-^�':� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT O�Linger Road•W�stlake,Teaas 76262 Metr�; �17-490-5757 • Fas: 817-�90-5758 •ww�r.westlakeacademy.org �„'"-ti'+'.a,� • • ' ♦ nt���'�� ' Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Garland ISD Curtis Culwell, Ed.D. 501 S. Jupiter Garland,Texas 75042 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board ofTrustees: This is to inform you that the following charter schoal intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schonls are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested ifthe proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enciosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned ta the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �� �� �,�„�r6..sK...���2.r'�4.../ GF�i.,� �".w���w.m95�."�� r` Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT'Occinger�toad •Westlake,'1'exas 76262 Nleu-u: �17-490-5757 • Fa�: 817-+90-5758 •ww��.wes�lake<i�acleniy.org i I I �„'"'y.� 1u. • . � � i '�t � ♦ i , 'k����..� Westlake Ac�demy ' January 11, 2012 Grand Prairie ISD Dr. Susan Simpson 2602 South Belt Line Road Grand Prarie,Texas 75052 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board ofTrustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westiake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schoals are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �.. �� °` ��' �;�����,��,.� �� ,�A�...��„�„�,r`°��;�' Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT O�cinger Ro�id •���eselake,'Texas 76262 D�e�ro; 817-490-5757 • Faz: 817--F90-575� •ww�v��.w�estlakeacademy,org .�''.ti''-�`k.. • . • .� ' •vt����.,,,d Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Dr. Robin Ryan 3051 Ira E. Woods Avenue Grapevine,Texas 76051 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, � � , � ��'-•�..+�-���...-% �'�� ,,��'...�j�„�;,.��;�.� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT 0[ti�lgcr IZoad •Weselake,Texas 76262 Me�ro: 817-490-5757 •rax: 817-�90-5758 •wwv��.wes�lakeacademy.org ���� ��� . . . ���� Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Highland Park ISD Dr. Dawson Orr 7015 Westchester Drive Dallas,Texas 75205 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter Schaol CD#-220-81Q 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, ��� � �"$ �. � � �.,��...��,��.�� �� ��...���,�a�"`�" Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road •�1�estiake,Te�;as 76262 Nieu�o: 8:L7-490-5757 • I'ax: 817--F90-5758 •www�.�v�s�lakeacademy.org �-�'��," . . . �,��,�..ar ' Westl�ke Academy January 11, 2012 H-E-B ISD Dr. Gene Buinger 1849 Central Dr. Bedford,Texas 76022 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement af Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent,and returned ta the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �� �„�����-' Lr��a�� ,�''��..f�..�'.���' ��" Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottiilger Road •V��esClake,`I'e�as 76262 NIe�ro: 817-�9U-5757 • 1�'ax: 817--+90-5758 •�vww.westlakeacademy.org ,,,,,-+*ti. ��^' �`�v. . � ♦ "rt,����,.,� Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Irving ISD Dana Bedden, Ed.D. 2621 West Airport Freeway Irving,Texas 75062 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School ca#-22o-s10 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed farm may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enciosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, ,�ll..r `°. F, �`�,�`�'�``��d�.v� (�°'4� �,�'�..���..,�,r�^�l Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottiilger Road�Westlake,Texas 762C,2 Me�ro; 8 t7-490-5757 • �ax: 817--490-5 i 58 �www�.wes�lakeacadenry.org ..y'"'-ti"�� ' � ' � • � ' ♦ 'rC,����„� Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Keller ISD Veitenheimer,James 350 Keller Parkway Keller,Texas 76248 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform yau that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process,charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �. �� ``���=�' �° � ��'�.�����4.�; ,�, . ,����,��..��"i �. Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road •Westlake,Texas 7f,262 D�Ieu-o: 81.7-�190-5757 • Cax: 87.7--+9U-5758 •www�.we��lakeacaciemy.org �•r*�''w'�'�. .� I, . • � �1 'k,����,�..�t Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Krum ISD Mike Davis 1200 Bobcat Blvd. Krum, Texas 76249 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process,charter schoals are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �..� �.,� � , ��`.a��',,,��.,,r �., e ,�r�...��,�.,�e Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT O[cinger Road •VYcstiake,Texas 76262 IvIeu-o: �17-490-5757 • Fax; 87.7--490-575g •ww��.4ves�lakeacad��iiy.org ..*a''�,,,. ,�• I "'�,�'. . . . ' �..«;,.�.�-"'� Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Lake Dallas ISD Gayle Stinson P.O. Box 548 Lake Dallas,Texas 75065 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#- 220-81Q 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment pracess, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, � �,'.>���,�,,,..r �� ,�'��..a�� ..,�°' � Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JTOrcingerRoad •Westlake,'1e�as 76262 Meu-o: 817-�90-5757 • Fax: 4ll-�90-5758 •ww��.wes�lake�icademy.org ,�,-a*ti.. • � . s . ♦ ����� Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Lewisville ISD Dr. Stephen F. Waddell 1800 Timber Creek Road Flower Mound,Texas 75028 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board ofTrustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �� °`:°�' � ,, ���������� � �..������� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottingcr Ttoaci •1Nestlake,Teaas 7f 262 D4etru: �17-4y0-57�7 • Fax: 8ll-�90-5758 �www°.westlakeacademy.org „�,,'"i"r� ' • � ' .� • , , �� ' �.,�„�-"'� Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Little Elm ISD Lynne Leuthard PO Box 6000 Little Elm,Texas 75068 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# -220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process,charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent,and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, i..� ti.,,v� ��`��;�.����-� �„ .. �'��..���,�?;�;.�'"�,.� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2Ca00 JT Ottinger xoad •Wcstlake,"rexas 7H262 Me�ru: 817-490-5757 • Fax: 8ll--�90-5758 •ww�=.vve�tlakeacacl�my.org ����. . • ' �� 'k����.� Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 McKinney ISD Dr.J.D. Kennedy One Duvall Street McKinney,Texas 75069 � Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 Rs part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court arder. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and natify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �. `�<,��' �� ,, �,�°��'���'�..1' �, , ,�..R ���� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road •Westlake,Te�as 76262 A�Ie�ro; 817-490-5757 • Pax: 817-�90-5758 •4vww�.w°e��lakeacademy.org �• �� � � . �� � ' "k,����..a� Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 Northwest ISD I<aren G. Rue 2001 Texa n D r. Justin,Texas 76247 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner af education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested ifthe proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, k� ,`����+='� �� � � . � ��.r'�,,.�.'��f�..,.% fr"l, ,�,r�.:���,�„'„.'��,� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Ottinger Road •Wes�lake,Texas 7Ci262 D�Ieu�o: 817-�90-5757 • Fa�: 817-�90-�758 •ww��.�ves�lakeacademy.org ..Y'","�'�. . • ��;�.��� Westlake Academy lanuary 11, 2012 Paradise ISD Monty Chapman 338 School House Road Paradise,Texas 76073 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board ofTrustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent ta each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �_. �' � �,,..��� ��..���d�a�.m„� ��, , �r�..���,�.,.��,�" Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 J"I'Otcinger Road •Westlake,'1'eaas 76262 ` Nle�ru: 817-�90-5757 � Fas: 817-�90-575� •ww����.wes�lakeacaQemy.org .++i.,' �1�`"� �-�„�. • � � � ' ��,.��� Westlake Academy January 11, 2012 PonderlSD Bruce Yeager 400 West Bailey Street Ponder,Texas 76259 Dear Superintendent and President af the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change rnay adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Cangress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, ,��.. � ���"�d � � �.�,�,...�����,.� .�, t ,�,�..�,����" Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Otciilger Road •\��estlake,Te�as 76262 Nle�ro: �17-490-5757 • Fax: 817--�90-5i�8 •www�.w�es�lakeacademy.org i i � � .,,a'',.. i ' —� � `�"k. I V i � I � i , i �����.,+� I Westlake Academy �� January 11, 2012 Southla ke-Carrol I ISD David Faltys 3051 Dove Road Grapevine,Texas 76051 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, ����..��-��.e.� �,��, ��..����,��i Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT 0[tinger Ro�d • �Nestlake,Te�as 762H2 D4etro: 817-490-5757 • Pax: &ll--+90-5758 •ww��,w�s�l<<keacaQemy.org ���"�. . . . , .� . '�k���.� Westlake Academy ' January 11, 2012 Springtown ISD Mike Kelley 301 East 5th Street Springtown,Texas 76082 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD# -220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue,Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district wiil be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �^ � l,•:��`7 �• .������--'� C�'�:. .�„w��A�.�,� ,� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 J"T Ottinger Road •VVestlake,Texas 76262 Me�ro: 817-�90-5757 • Taix: 817--490-5 i 5S •www�.westlakeacademy.urg ,�•**,».~� I �. � ' I . . � � • '� I ���.�� � Westl�ke Academy ', January 11, 2012 Weatherford ISD Dr.Jeffrey Hanks 1100 Longhorn Drive Weatherford, Texas 76086 Dear Superintendent and President of the Board of Trustees: This is to inform you that the following charter school intends to submit an amendment request to the commissioner of education: Westlake Academy Charter School CD#-220-810 2600 JT Ottinger Road, Westlake,Texas 76262 As part of the amendment process, charter schools are required to notify any districts that are likely to be affected by the change. The enclosed Statement of Impact form indicates the type of amendment request being made. Specifically,Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact farm be sent to each district that may be affected. Information is requested if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed change may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district's ability to comply with a court order. The enclosed form may be completed by any district that may be affected, signed by the district's board president and superintendent, and returned to the Texas Education Agency, Charter Schools Division, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin,Texas 78701-1494. Please review the enclosed form and notify the Texas Education Agency if your district will be impacted by the request. Sincerely, �����r� '�,��' � � l�f.��..����.,�..� ���',� , ,���..��.,�.��,� Chair of the Charter Holder Governing Body 2600 JT Oainger Road •�Nestlake,Texas 76262 M��ru: 817-490-5757 � Fax: 817--+90-5758 •www�.wel�lakeacademy.org ����� • �,k � ' .� +�....,,_,�-�'" ' Westlake �c�demy 2G00,J"C O�tiilger Road •Westlake,Texas 76262 bletru; �17-=k90-5757 • F�ix: 87J--490-5758 �ww�n�.we��lakeacademy.org i ISD Superintendant Address City Argyle ISD Dr.Telena Wright 800 Eagle Drive Argyle Arlington ISD lerry McCullough 1203 W. Pioneer Pkwy Arlington , Azle 15D Dr. Ray Lea 300 Roe St Azle ' Birdville ISD Darrell G. Brown, Ph.D. 6125 East Belknap Street Haltom City ' Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Dr. Bobby C. Burns 1445 N. Perry Rd. Carrollton Coppell ISD Dr.Jeff Turner 20Q S. Denton Tap Coppell Decatur ISD RobertTownsend 501 East Collins Decatur Denton ISD Dr. Ray Braswell 1307 N. Locust Denton Duncanville 15D Dr.Alfred L. Ray 802 South Main Street Duncanville Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Jim Chadwel) Ed.D. 1200 Old Decatur Road Fort Worth Fort Worth ISD Walter Dansby 100 N University Dr. Forth Worth Frisco ISD Rick Reedy 5515 Ohio Dr. Frisco Garland ISD Curtis Culwell, Ed.D. 501 S.lupiter Garland Grand Prairie ISD Dr. Susan Simpson 2602 South Belt Line Road Grand Prarie Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Dr. Robin Ryan 3051 Ira E.Woods Avenue Grapevine Highland Park ISD Dr. Dawson Orr 7015 Westchester Drive Dallas H-E-B ISD Dr. Gene Buinger 1849 Central Dr. Bedford Irving ISD Dana Bedden, Ed.D. 2621 West Airport Freeway Irving Keller ISD lames Veitenheimer 350 Keller Parkway Keller Krum ISD Mike Davis 1200 Bobcat Blvd. Krum Lake Dallas ISD Gayle Stinson P.O. Box 548 Lake Dallas Lewisviile ISD Dr. Stephen F. Waddell 1800 Timber Creek Road Flower Mound Little Elm ISD Lynne Leuthard PO Box 6000 Little Elm McKinney ISD Dr.J.D. Kennedy One Duvall Street McKinney Northwest ISD Karen G. Rue 2001 Texan Dr. Justin Paradise ISD Monty Chapman 338 School House Road Paradise Ponder ISD Bruce Yeager 400 West Bailey Street Ponder Southlake-Carroll ISD David Faltys 3051 Dove Road Grapevine Springtown ISD Mike Kelley 301 East 5th Street Springtown Weatherford ISD Dr.Jeffrey Hanks 1100 Longhorn Drive Weatherford State Zip Code Main Telephone# Texas 76226 940-464-7241 ' Texas 76013 682-867-4611 Texas 76020 817-444-3235 Texas 76117 817-547-5700 ' Texas 75006 972-968-6100 ' Texas 75019 214-496-6000 Texas 76234 940-393-710Q Texas 76201940-369-0000 Texas 75137 972-708-2000 Texas 76179 817-23Z-0880 Texas 76107 817-871-2000 Texas 75035 469-633-6000 Texas 75042 (972)494-8201 Texas 75052 972.264.6141 Texas 76051 817-488-9588 Texas 75205 (214) 780-3002 Texas 76022 817.283.4461 Texas 75062 972-600-5001 Texas 76Z48 817.744.1000 Texas 76249 940-482-6000 Texas 75065 (940)497-4039 Texas 75028 (469) 713-5200 Texas 75068 972-292-1847 Texas 75069 469.742.4000 Texas 76247 817-215-0000 Texas 76073 940-969-2501 Texas 76Z59 940-479-8200 Texas 76051817-949-8222 Texas 76082 817-220-7243 Texas 76086 817-598-2808 _�:�>��. a"�--s'�� �, f� � 4y � ��, � � � � � � � �t ; r� �„R�����.�,' �'4festialte 1�lcadcl�lt� January 13, 2C�12 Tex�s Edu�atie�n�1�eney Charter Schools Division 1701 North Con�ress Auenue Austin,Texas 7�701-149�- Cornrr�ission�r Scott: We have ane instance af a secondary princi�al wha is Uvita7in tF�e firsl de�ree of a{fii�ity with a primary schaal teacher. Qtherwise, ��le�se acce�t this (etter as a statement attestin�that,vvithin tl�e last three years,tl�e Westlake Acaderny Boarcl of Treastees €ias had na instances of nepotism,conflicts of interest, or re�.rela�ians in crir��inal history checks that deemed any baard memf�er ar emp{oye� ineiigik�le to serv�. Sineerely, r,�,.t , __.� , ����.,,: �r �,�.,:�..��-.� "` , :�. ;, `.;��,�;��„ ��� ��..;��.� � Cl�air of the Charter Halder Governi«g BQdy Superintencier�t � ,f , State of Texas County of T�rrant gE�QE"@ fYlE, _c�., xt,r.�__�y`Si����,,a �i � I.i��c,��� .} ij� ��t•,=c: , Of1 ��1t5 C�c��! �lE.'f5Qf1����j a���eared , kna�vn ta rne (ar proved to me on the oath of _.__ .._ Q�. throuah (description of identity car� a�•other doeum�nt}to be the person whase name is subscrib�d to the �oregoin�instr��r��ent and acl���awledgec{ te�rz�e that� he exec�,tecl the same forthe pur�aases ancl consideratiot�tl�erein ex�r�essed. Giuen under�ny hand ant3 seaf of�ffice ti�is = ` : _' rJay af ` � ,.:��-. (Year�. F���1�-' ; ltrrg}'tf.,! IiELL4 EGY��I}`.�'` � �; ""�'' - ,C G�!A'�taSiGti E{P�PeS t� � K � t ?�4t ry . 4 � L � ���''tS s < _ l-'t 'v €�€ -2��"�.�� ,__ ��� ;=-_ �_ (Personalizefi���T�'� �.,.'�zx J��_ ' Notary Public's Si�i�ati�re �{;i_itF a��rit.titi rcr Eto.,�! • ,�a�c�1.3R��. I��z.E�?a�,"�;? '=lcttr� �s!;' �;{}��7ii • t.=„': �;I i�4�1t)-S;SS e t,�tvc•�.�3�l�kcii�t.:taclCtll'.'.u�:-', � ;<t� - CDN: 2.20-810 .. ,. P ..... S�°L'lP` L f �V�a'�V'��-,y hr �����,''S�S�' ��'� �� ",s�y'�F�`�;`'+�i:t ��a.it���'e� ��'a J �4�+f r3""Y�"9((�X± �Iry�,v'i('al.'T..��'b�'M�'�� �('i�C4�+('4y"'sj9 �tsT.t'�;���q��� �'+"'�'� . "f.�.�` r�dsy��in:�II��^_.�'��?r.,���.��i�;;�'�`�a��L�w��'`���,�.��dA���e;,n'��:b{;��~���',�`,J3'3�4#I-�.��..�t2.57�`��:G&?���.���4Tn`�"��''�w��ba+F'�r's�� �. June 5, 2012 Mr. Thomas E. Brymer , Wes#lake Academy Charter Schooi 2600 Ottinger Road Westlake, Texas 76262 Dear Mr. Brymer: The commissioner has �pproved the fal{owing amendment request: m (008,1211)W�S7L,AKE ACAL7�MY CHARTER SCHQOL ta increase the maximum enrollment from 8Q0 ta 1,4�0, effective July 1, 2Q12. if you have any c{Eaestinns, con�act Nina G. Gonzalez in the C�ivisian of Ci�arter Schaol Administratian by pi�an�at(512) 463-9575 nr by email at nina.qonzalez a tea.state.tx.us. Sincerely, :;� �1 �, �1 �, ' .. . :7���\..it�. }i . , �; f Mary Perry, [�irectar Chartvr Sc"caE Ad�;,,istr�fi;a^ - �,� �. _� Texas[ducation 6igenc;y `.�'C�' � �r��:-�Ct� ����.`�..w,."`3'Ss+`,r,,�:lb.�',���3'�}�1, r���' � �'��' ':� ,.i. � • �>`�'�� � .�;:.�> ,e �:f:�,,,1. }' :.i°1j,V 4. .. .: . . .•_ �i�°-� � ' Michael Williams Comn7issioner December 1, 2Q15 Mrs. Laura Wheat, Board Chair TOWN OF WESTLAKE 3 Village Circie Suite 2Q2 Westlake, TX 76262 RE: WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER SCH(�QL(22081Q) 2015 Open-Enrollment Charter Renewal Notice - Discretionary Dear Mrs. Wheat: The Division of Charter School Administration is contacting you in regards to WESTLAKE ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOOL charter contract renewal. The renewal of a charter is a matter of consideration taken up by the commissianer of education at the end of a charter term. Charters are granted initially for a five-year term. At the end of the initial five-year term and every ten-year renewal term thereafter, charters are required to submit a renewal petition. Subsequent terms of a charter renewal are for a period of ten years from the original renewal date. If approved, this charter renewal will expire on July 31, 2026. Texas Education Code (TEC} §12.1141 provides three distinct designations for the consideratian of the renewal of a chai�ter. After the review of student performance data, financial performance data, and other criteria relating to the operation of the charter, the agency shall assign the renewal designatian of the charter to reflect one of the following: expedited consideration, discretionary consideration, or mandatory expirafion of a charter. The purpos� of this lefter is to notify you of your current charter contract expiration date of July 31, 2016 and the charter's discretionary renewal designation. Enclosed please find the spring 2016 Open-Enrollment Charter Renewal Petition and associated resources. A coversheet, entitled OPEN-ENROLLMENT CHARTER PETITION COVERSHEET (Attachment A), is to be used as the petition coversheet as instructed in Sectian I of the petition. Completed petitions must be received by the agency no later than Tuesday, January 5, 2Q16. To complete the petition, please type your answers in the corresponding fields and print the petition for signature and mailing ta the Texas Education Agency. Specific instructions for completing the petition can be found on Page 5 of the document. Before a discretionary renewal decision can be issued by the commissioner of education, the petition must receive clearance from the follawing areas of the agency: Charter School Administratian, Child Nutrition, Complaints, Educator Sfandards and Certification, Enforcement Spring 2016 Qpen-Enrollment Charter Renewal Petition Notice - Discretionary Page 2 of 2 Coordination and Governance, Financial Accountability and Reporting, General Inquiries, Grants Administration, Legal Services, NCLB and IDEA Programs, PEIMS Data Reporting, Performance Reporting, Program Monitoring and Interventions, and Student Assessment. The charter must also have a status of Accredited as defined in 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §97.1 Q55. Provided the charter holder submits its renewal petition by Tuesday. January 5, 2016, charters qualifying for the discretionary renewal process wifl be natified of their status by April 4, 2Q16.The accountability dafa used to determine that the cnarter meets the discretionary criteria is enc�osed (Attachment B). If you disagree with the renewal designation under which you wil( be renewed, you may request a designation assessment by sending a written request to: Brandon Spenrath, Program Specialist Charter School Administratian Texas Education Agency 1701 North Congress Ave. Austin, Texas 78701 Fax (512) 936-9281 brandon.spenrath�a.tea.texas.qov The agency must receive your request for a designation assessment no later than Tuesday, December 8, 2015 in which you must identify the designation change you are requesting, the reasons for your request, and the documentation to supporc your request. Approved renewal designation changes will be communicated on or before December 22, 2015. If your request for designation assessment is not received before the deadline, the agency will proceed with the discretionary determination of your 2Q16 Open-Enrollment Charter Renewal Petition without further review. If you have questians regarding the renewal petition process, please contact the Division af Charter School Administratian at (512} 463-9575. Sincerely, �� / �,�,��� �' Heather Mauze, Director Division of Charter Schaol Administration cc: Mr. Brymer, Superintendent Enclosures Attachment A Attachment B � �� � ; � � I Texas rclucaiionAc�ency �� '�F `��� ���`' l��� - ' ,� ��: � ' � • , , , "---� .=`: __._�_ _. .�+r�_t�,�„.�. �' n.. t,��<«�,, _ _ . . Michael Williat�s I Coe�����ission��� December 1,2015 Mrs.Laura Wheat TOWN OF WESTLAKE 3 Village Circle Suite 202 � Westlake,TX 76262 Mrs.Wheat: I emailed the euclose�l 2016 Open-Enrollment Charter Renewal notification letter to you and Mr.8rymer on"1'uesday, I December 1,2015.This hardcopy is for your records. In addition,the 201G renewai petition,petitiau cuvef sheet,an�l respective accountability data used to determine your renewal designation(expedited,discretionary,or mandatory expiration)were included in the email.These documents are not being mailed to you in hardcopy but are available electronicaliy should you need them. ff you did not receive the aforementioned email,please call or email me using the contact information below so that 1 may forward the appropriate documents ta you for completion by the petition due date of January 5,2016. Sincerely, __ �� � �--, � ��-- � �---J� ; Brandon Spenrath Bra ndon.Spenrath Ca�tea.texas.gov 512.463.4047 � � � t�P��1 -ENRQL�MENT �HA I�TE R RE N E�IV.�4L Cc�ntract end date: �1uly 3l, �t�16 P�fiition due date; .lanuary 5, 2016 Tex�s Educatio��Ag�ncy � � z��,.�g- -g,C a `�:� "� e3' �� � � • w � `� � � . [xplanation af ftenewal Process.....................................................................................................................................�I Appiic�kion InsFructians.....................................................................................................................................................................5 SeSectpdDe€initians.....................�..........,......,,..............,............,.......,..........................,....................,..,........................6 Applic�tion Secfior�s: S�ctinn L Caversheet(Attachment A)..................................................................................................................7 'fhis is a printeaut of euerent charker holder information from thc TEA Diuisic�n af Ch�rter Scf7oc�(Adrninistration datab�se,the C5TS,and must be attact�ed as the�pplication cavershc�et(�ttachment A}. SectionIL CUntact Infarmatian.............................................................................................................................8 R��uires thc� charCer ht�lder Eo provide the currenE cantack inFarmation For Che sup�riritendent, tl�e ckaart�r holder boarci ehair,and th�person�vfia preE�ared th�a��aiicatic�n. S�ctian Ili.Website Postings...........................................................�...............,................,.........,..,,...........,.....,,,...�J Requir�s th� charter hofder to �rrdvide the hom�p�ge w�b address where the r�ames aF the memk�ers of the �;e�v�rr�ir7� bady are listed; the weEa �dciress wher� the superintend€�nt`s salary is posted; anel w�b address �vhcrc� the ch�rCer fin�ncial staterrtents are cantinucaus(y �osE�d a� rec�uired k�y loca{ Gc�uPrnment Cac1e §140,(�C16. Sectian IV.(?r�aniz�tiona(Char�s.............._.........................,...................................................,............,.............. 1(� R�quires the charter holder ta �rovid� the or�anizatir�na! chart af the chart�r sci7Qol as w�ll �s a etiart showin�otkaer entitfes and prc�gr�rns man�g€:d by the cl�arker f��older. This section requires tt�� suE�mission af attachn�ents 1 ar�d 2. SectfonV.Adrnissian Poli�.y................................................................................a..................................,....,....... 17. R�quires the ch�rter hafder to provide d�tails cancernfr��thG cf�arter sciloo!`s admission �olicy and practfces. fr�additic�n, this secCian rec{uires the sui�mission of�ttachm�nts 3,4,and 5, Section VI. Speciai E:ducation�ssu�ances........................................................................................................... 14 Rc�quires thE�charter halder tc� certify ti7at it has pc�licic�s ane� �araeeciures ir� place that ensurc� imple�mc:ntatic�n af al(Fcad�ra(f�ws and re�ulatie�ns,�1'exas laws,State B�aar�i oF Eclt�eation rules, ai7d commission�r rulcs r�l�ted t� stuclents witl� disabilitie�, and further assur�s tliat any future arT7endments ta thE re�;ukatior�s, I�ws, and r�aic�s wiil bc€r�cc�rporatecl and implem�nted.This sectian n7ust be signed by the ct��rter holder laaard ch�ir. Sectiai�VII.Servin�Stuclents at Resic�er�tial Facilities Assurancc�s...................................................................... 1S 'this s�r:tian is requir�el only when tk�e charter ed��cat�s students�t� residential facifity. R�quir�s the chart�r halcEer Ca certify that it f��s Eaoliei�s aE�d�roc�dur�s ir� pl�ce tl�at�nsurc�im�alemnntatic�n a(all feder�E laws�nd re�ulations, �E�exas f�ws, StatE 13c��rd oF Educatic��i rules, and ec��rimissi�nrr rtiales eelateci tQ eharter scf�c�af� servin€; stuci�nts at r�sic�entia! facilities and fitrtfier certific=s that �ny futur� amerzdmcnts tc� lhe f�ws, re�;ulatioi�s, �nc� ru(es wiEl be ir�carparated ��r7d implernc�nted. If r�c�uirrd, this sectian must k�e� signc�cf by the charl�r hoEder baarcl chair, S€�cti�r7 V41l. Bifinb��<�I/ESt.,Scction 5Q4,and t�ysiexi�Asscaranc�xs...................................................................... 17 R�qui��c�s kFtc eh�rter haidc�r to eerts`fy th�E it �as polici�s and procedures in plaee ensuri�� th�t it compli�s with the le�al and regulat�ry requir�ments cor7e�rr�ing idP��tiFyin� ar�d pr�vidin� ��ppra��€iat� e�iueatie�n sf�rvices tt� lir��ited �ngfi�h �rroficier�t seucients, st�der�ts prqtectc�cl by Sectior� 5(l4 �f the R�F��kailit�tion Act af �1973, anci ste�denks with dy.,lexi� or rel�teci disorders, T(�is sEctian rnusk bc ccrm��IctGci ancf sign��d (ay th� eharter halder board chair. .Y'�".. r� f: 4 :+" �• � � . � � �. Sectian IX.Fin�;erprintin�and Criminal Recc��ct Check Assur�nce....................................................................18 R�yuires the eharter hold�r to certify that ik is in compliance with TEC §12.120, and canfirms that no individual is seruing in ar�y capacity ff f��� ar she has t�een canviekc�d of a rniselem�anor inv�lvin� rnoral turpit�ade; a feleany; an ofFe��se fisted ir7 T�C §37.007(a�; �r an afferts� listed in Ar�icl� 62.401(5} �ode of CriminaE Rrocedures; t�nless Ehe inctividuaf is eligible tt� b�emplayed in a positicrn in a schaol district under TEC§12.12C}(a-1�. 5ecEion X.Certific�te af Ackrrawled��}nic>nt.....................................................................................................19 R���uir�s at least a rnajority af the gcaverning bady of the ch�rrter hafeier Io eertify that it h7as l�ad an apporttinity ta reuiew the compl€�ted r�newal applieation and has authorixeei, durin�; a4� apen meekin�, subn�ission af the app(i�atie�n to th� commissinner €af education for consideration oF the renewal of the eharter. Texas Education Agen�y C�ntact Infarmation .........................a.......................................,.�.....,....�...,,.,,......... 2Q RenewalPrc�cess flaHchart.............................................................................................................................21 Attachments Required af Applicant: Charter Schc�ol Qr��nizatian�(Chart(At4<ichment I} Charter Ftolder Qrganizational Chaet(Att�chrner�t 2j �1cEmissian Palicy(Afit��hment 3� , Admisaiar�A�plic�tion(Attachrzzer�t 4) Enr�llment Fc�rr�t(�ttar.hm�nt S� ��tY1=�"�s F1:e��Y�"i: � �.� � ' �.�.:s..� - -= �' �` � ��-�..�t.za� i;, s� �di: �d9 �v+a�;.a�.� `w'= ..s.�ei:�.:-.a.s..S..,.=' .�'.t'�_ �. �a-r „� _r�..,�2�'�da,6��� ���� Y ��P yi � � �/ tl� � � � � N7 �7,���,.d�4'�''.�. P� W 19 Texc�s Adr»inistrative Code(7AC)§1CT0.2Q3.1 contains addikiqnai informatican abaut ct}art�r ren�wal. The eenewaC process is sep�rate frc�m the charter arr��nciment prc�cess. Si�nificant chartges fram the ariginaE charter shau(d nc�t be mad�in the rer�ewal applicatian unless�ch�rtcr amenciment has been previcaus{y approued. As authorizec! in Texas Ecfuccrtian Gade("F�CJ§12.1.1�1, th� commi5sion�r's proeedi�res �c�r r�nEwa! musk include three distinct prc�cesses:expedik�cl r�newal,discretionary ren�wal,and ex�airatian. Ctefinitians of th�three rFnewaf proc�sses; ��.,�.��~�-€� ��� r._.= ��"�~-��;;� � $ E .,, --_ , .a,� � � •, �. �,�� . , t(in the,preceding�ears: •Ni�hest or second hi�hest acad�mic perForn�ance ratin� � •Satisfaetory or f�i�her financial rating; and •Na carnpus has been assi�ned the law�st ratin�ar such a car���aus has been cic�sed �-:. . _ _ . . . . . . '�.f'°t^ .-;Pakt+� 'z�et°� r°v ,..'.,e..A�r s....tt au; .v: �,. . r_,. . . �y.'., _ _ . . . � Gonsideration among,_athers of: � �€ •Academic Ratin�;s 2Q1(2-�C�11,�£}}}-�C}12, 2C}12•20 L3, a013-2013, 2U14-�C11`'3(no ratin�s issuecl in�Q11-2t?].a} • FinanCiai Ratings 20i(?-2Q11, 2011-2Q12, 2022-2Q13, 2013-2014, 2Q14�201�'r /` • Perfrzrmance Framework{T�C¢I,�.I181} `r ">r< ..:.>� � . .0 '�r...3s.+r:. '� . , �kf- �L. „ ,. . � .4, ' ,�: . . . _=x• _ .... .. . . . .... ... �- �t . . .,, ..:.t -»-. ,,. , .: � _ . -� . �.. , . . . . .-., . ,., _' .t',� �, ., , .. � . � . If_far any_3 qf�,he 5_pr�ceding schoal�ears: •Lowest acad�mic performanc�rating � •Lawer than satis��ctory financiai rating � *The charter was assigned any combinatior�of ratirtgs,ar �A campils f��s k�een rassigned the Eawest perFormanee ratin�for thp 3 preceding schoal years anc!has not E7e�n closed The due date for charters to subrrtit lt�e completed ren�wal ap�lic�tia«to the Tex�s Eci��cation�igcncy(TEA}is Tuesday,.lanuar�,.�Q1E�. Yc�u m�y r�*c��Eest an assessn�er�t af ll�e renewai elesi�natian ascribed t�yaur ch�et�r�bove(it�dicated with check mark� t�y sending a writtcan request ta: Brancion S�+enrakh,Prograrn Speci�list Charter Schac�i Aclministration�Texas�duc�tion�l�ency 17Q1 Nc�rth Cangress Ave. Aust�n,T�x�s 787pI Fax(512}936-4281 k�rar�d�r�.sperieath(�?Ec�a.Cexas.�;av 1'he rec}k�est must t�e: reeeivec� no lat��r tE�an Tu�sd_a,y,,Reeember_8, 2Q15. Yczur request must idc�nkify wh�t d�sign�tic�n you�r�r�questing,tt�e r�asons for yr�ur r€�c�«est,�r�d doc�rnentaki�n ta suppart y�ur request.If we tic�not receive your �equ�st before the d���d(in��,final actio�will k��taken wi[�7auE furth�r r�view. ;� rr. , . . t. � . • .. e: w .. _ _. _ , . . . �- � __ �� _ , , 1� � m ,,, � � ��t'��.�'���.� � The renewal�pplication contains t�n seetions to be complet�d electronica!!y, printcd intc�h�rdeapy Form for required signatures anci d�tes,anc�submitted on or iaefore the due clate ta the Uivision c�f CP�arter Schoc�l Administrakian. 1. Deadfin�:Th�completed application must be�return�d by mail tra th�Divi�ian of Cl�arter Sef�csai administratic�n by, Tuesday,lanuar r�5, 2Q16 2.Ty�ing Requirement:Ali oF th�respanses to the 7�rplicaCio�7 s�etions,with th�exe�ption oF signakures and dak�s af signatures,must be ty�aed. 3.Printing Requirement:Th��pplicakic�n rnu�e k�e prir�ted nn on�-sid�c!i3 1/2"x 21"whit�paper. 4.Signature Requirement:Wf�ere si�natures ar�d ciates of si�;natures are requirecl,they rnust be in blue ink. 5.5ubrrtission of Qrigina)Document and Qne C�py:The complE�ted and ur�baur�d (rubber bands or clips are acce�at�l�le} orig�n�l r�nswal�pplic�kian,including fillable farms a�d attar_hments,and cane additional copy rnust k�e submitted as fc�llows: Texas Education Agertcy Divisian of Charter Schoa) AdministratEon 1701 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 fT- .a- e• � i'f1 ".a� � o :A A � � � S � f'(ease eeview TEC�.22�20.22 anci Z9 7'�i�'¢1Q0.20f11 for �fefinitians of terms which are available at the eciucatior�laws and_rt,i�s pa�e. l.isted b�fc�w are selectec!terms and definitions: •Charcer holder-the entity ta which a charter is�ranted ur�der TEe,Chapter XZ • Chart�erschoof-a 7exas public scha�i c�per�ted by a charter halder under ein of�en-enrcalim�nt cl�art�r�ranted by the �amR�issioner pursuant to Tf�,§2�.1f71 � �averning body af a charter haider-th� bcaard oF directors, board af trustees, ar okher gaverr�ing bocfy of a ctrart�r ht�fder • Gave�ning bocfy of a charterschoat-the board af directors, board af krustees, or otner gQvernin� body of arr open- �nrollment charter schc�ol,the term in�ludes the governing body of a ehart�r holder if that bnrly acts as tl�e goverr�inf; bocty of the al�er�-enrollmer�t�hart€r schc�ol + Monagement cornpany- a person or entity, other than a charter hnldcr, th�t provides manag€�rnenY servic�s far�n apen-enrallment eharker scl�aol • Officer of a claarter schaal- the principal, direcknr, or other chieF op�rating affic�r of an a�en•E>t�rollrr�ent charter schac�l; an assistant �rincipa{ ar assistant directc�r c�f as� o��en-enrnlfinent ct�arter school; car a persan eharg�c� with mana�;i�g the finances of�n open-enroqment chartcr school � Bourd chair or chnirper�on-�en�r�lly ehe F�c��rd�r�sid�nt e�r presiding officer of the�avc�rning k�aard , " E�.`�'�T•�.�`�`+� .b� .� :�7eI: s �R_ � -�. _--� . ::. :�„�. , .t:P�;��� ..:�'a'Lr�� �� � . ,,x,_ , ,.. ,..�,. �,;��...�«�.�� -�r; -.w,�._ !�.—�� ��,ts�� - ....x..�.�:-<a.:��`�i��3€� - , .. . . .._. � _ _.. .. . . � . .� �, ATTACHMENT A:QPEN-ENRC)LI.MENT CNARTER CONTRAGT RENEWAL Er�tailed to you w�s a dacumer�t entit[cad ATTACHMENT A_RENEWAL CC7VE�t5HEET whict� wif( serve as the cav�rsheet when the applicatian is compieted and subn�ikted. IE includGs current ir�formation (k�aseti an Qctaber 2Q15 snepshat data}in the Charter Schoc�l Tracking;System.Verify the accuracy of the infflrrnation nn the ce�_v�rsheet and,i€updates to the infarmatie�n are needed, create a separate sheet d�tailing ynt�r cc�rreetic�rrs and Iak�eC the sheet "U�date to Data Prc�vid€:d by T"E�°,and inelud�it in the renewal packet irnrncdiake[y Falfc�wing the preprinted caversheet. "{'he ec�v�r�t�cet and eorr�ct'rans documenE {i(applic�bl�} shouCd be prinled ar�d included in the ap�iication just b�fare pa�;�8 when submikting. SAMPLF CC7VERSHFET .���ac;c.t�rr.� �PEN-ENROLLMENT CNARTER CONTRACT REDlEWAL GQVERSHEET Current tr+formatlon in Chartae Scheof Trackin�Systum (hmtrr N�duer rPamc; e<,t tharts�Trh<rNJnc Ch.«t<r'.thoolf7nrnt, Et¢;t.�cad^.�n�. , Cban<rRhoaCuuqrt/Dis�rkte; .??.Q.:� Gan¢eat{�ro; G! tdb«uuu�n Apn�4'+ed Eerai%menr. 7v^.il „�anctdPu+ove9: Pll.iKs.x.;.F.33.!.,u,1.E,9tAli.t2 cai�i�s<.: f. .... ...._._.. _......,_ _..,_..... ........ .._ ...__. ...... ...'__..__ —__ . # 3 1.3->:}:�ti] �Je,SAtn�1*�i�t. 2779`.Ct1Ui)L aU ;ni,�tur,t�:r�.�x tit!..s f,<a3s tnve's C�erent+y:>tved [^xt.iE,7,`,)4,5.�.7,8,9,I0..t.t2 ._.__.__.._. _ ._._. ....... ______._.__'. __._. ..._ ... .._. 4�a St d�Yhu d1 84u�+d.��y: th^rHe�Hla:cPY4[tet S„[t,KaStqn dhll dYien�t»e�*t hiztCeY tCi{(SA th"•S�S t�'.:�.y:'.(�.+Ii:tHt(S�GGfn$#iFP thn���ry;iCP ;zRrAisZcOp�epRit RtunC�� .u,qiRt.O 4frtm.(}4 4yhC.ti}£R SD ti:�l.tl+.t115Q arz�dfrY.A fOteiEit>p 1.�@A�ItI6i) :^r7t3F,G-iT::,1 ckQrhkiG't�/1tiRtRRlpLNtt��'-L tiAnlO!lD�;+) RfeY�f./311�in :SU�'AY�ND::dP�}„ ._e>.r,1c:o 44htYJPh.t��nSn M3Geor,w,n,SD iur.r�ivat6�:p _ ,:�: t�{StG�SCs 4�tA3GaSitSD tVE*tttt�4 :i:t� ifA'.Y��L4 BAt4`SH'.) 4•::,�:ANiSltt:if} rnt'aai�ra:e+.o [zV�t.csr�i:n 4Uv��,w���:p tt���-[�'s+ 'eli4�:l':(S iEfi'#[i1il6:S.s Pt�.HQitFA O �i,rir�u-r�SG�,LL1*aRu�'SL il �'i;7L "�o a e�'�'.�1F:� i .e` 4 Attachment A OPEN-ENROLLMENT GHARTER CUNTRAGT RENEWAL PETITIQN Section f. Current Information in Charter Schaol TraGking System Gharter Nofder Name: T�WN C}F WESTLAKE Char�er SGhoof Narne: WESTLAK� ACADEMY CHARTER SCHOQL Missian/Vision: The Westlake Academy wilf provide a rigorc�us curriculurn that is international in scop� with hiyh expectations by sharing the responsibility of educatian�l develapment between teach�r�, parents, community, and students. T�his wiil be achi�ved by providing �n innavative appraach fo educati�rt that t'acuses on each sf�adent's needs ta develap a thirst for knowledge, praduc� positive esteem, encaurage gca�d citiz�nship �nd maximize their individual potential. TMis wilf �r��are sfudents for a rapidly changing environment that is global in scope. Charter Sc�ool County/District#: 22C�-8�0 Generation: 07 Maximum Appraved Enroilm�nt: 1,45Q Grad�s Approved: K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 CampusesfAdditicanal Sites: 111 .____.�..� azas�000� -___,_ WEST�AKE AGADEMY 26Q0 J T QT'1'INGER Rt7 WESTLAKE, TX 78262 Grade L�vefs Currently�erved: KG,01,02,03,d4,Q5,06,07,Q8,09,10,11,12 —__.�__.__�.�_.m..__.._.� __ 22Q810001-Site2 -------�9.��_.____.m_�_v WESTLAK�ACADE:MY 82&f-farwae�d F�ci Hurst,TX 7F�Q64 Grade Levels Currently Served; KG,01,Q2,03,04,05,06,07,0&,09,1�,11,12 Geagraphical Boundary: The originai charter applicakion and amendment history r�ffecks th�t the folfowing district(s)compris� the cf�arter schoaf's geographic baundary: ARLINGTQN ISD DUNC�INVILLE ISD LAKE QALLAS ISQ AZLE ISD EAGLE MT-SFlGINAW ISD 1EW15ViLLE ISE� BIRDVILLF ISD Ft�RT WQRTH I�� Ll1�T�E ELM fSD BOYD ISQ FRISCU ISq MCKINN�Y ISD CARF�OLL fSD GARC_AND !SQ NQRT!-IWGST !SD GfaRROLLT(�N-FARM�C�S GRAND PR�ACRIE[SD PAF2AC�ISE ISD E3F�ANCM ISD HURST-EULESS-BED�t7RfJ ISD PONUER ISQ CQF�t�ELL !SD IRVING ISC� SPRINGTOWN l5D �ECA�'UR ISD KELLER ISD W�ATHERf ORl7!SD DENT(JN ISD KRUM !SQ f��Cc�G�iCti�ItC� UpdatE to I7�C� Providefl l�y`!'FA IJE�ciate #1 — W�stlalce�icadei�y ►�o l��lgc�r t�oiels G�r�y sc:l�c�o[ related l�u�in�ss nr activities aC°Site 2" (�°ZF3 f-larwood Et�ad ElursC,TX 76Q54). Plcase u�date our campuses�additic�n�l sites ta inclicaCe t��is cha�tge. U��ciate #2 — F'�r�ca�nmunieatic�n witli the Co�i>»�issic�►�er af Ec�uc��tian c�n �lpril 18, 2Q0�, West[ake ticaclemy's�eographical bour�dary chan�;Ed to alsa include tl►•�;yke ESD ar�d E��Ii�;�llanci f'a��k fSD. �lf�l�liti�t�e�lly, fxra��cvi►�c=-Cfallc�yville ISl.? wzs listccj in c��tr oei�inal charter buC is not listecl car� �}�e cover si�cet. � . _._. . .. �. � . vw � � Attachment A .� � T��.�s �����.�rla�� A��N�� . 170t Narth Goagrca�Avc,*Auadn�'tbltaa 7&7Q1-l444*5t21443-473��h FAX':5I1J463�48J8*http;llwww,tna,sto4o.Uc,u� August 7,20U�? Walver(D#2450�' �' Ms. Bar�aaca Brizu�la, H�ad of Schaal Westlake Academy � 26Q0 C)tttnger Raad ,r._.�,` Westfake,Texes 76262 � �"' � O�ar Ms.Brizuela: • � t,� ` � l.received.yvur correspondence dat�cl .Iune 25, 2�07, pertaining to the denial of your waiver " . � req�est. AfteC careful revisw of this Indfvidual cas�, � would tike ta inform you th�t your r�qu�st .� ` fof a�wafver has been granted. Ir� sdditic�n, yaur r�quest to change your ge�graphfc baundari�s � � � to•incEude on{y� the schaaE diatricfs of Btrdvf(le, GaRaq, G�pevine-Gaf(eyviile, Kelier, Lewisvilfe, and Norfttwest has alsa been grant�d by the Chief Deputy Commissioner. This amendrnent i� , effecEive august 15,2U07. Sinoera ,4drain a $on, Ed.D. ' Assaci Cammisstoner Cc: Rabert Scott Judith Oe la Garta • Mary Perry Jim D�vis ACtach�r�ent A 14"l�;�"1"I.AKE? :t�t'f�t)F:I�11�' f�F�:�;�)LC.��I'[(}i� tiO. (tK-(!� � �1. Ilf�:4t?Ll'TI(};� C)F `t'[�tE�. I3E)11,E2[.} <)F �!'Ett'ti"[�F�;t?S C}F' ��'1�;4"('l,.11�1: .aC',�t.�E�:!��1�` :�E'�!"t�1E)It[1:[;A(; :1,`r` ��;XI':�.��if�M` :1.�•tE:�ti1�.?:�iE�:�'t' '1'O `€�Iti�: ���'1�:�'E�t..:iE�t�; �1C:111)E?�tit�' C'l�I1�0lt't`t?!t '['f7 t�+Ct�C�A�E: `I`1-tl�: f:t�:(lC�12:11'i1��' 13t)1��1);�ltl' f''t)t2 'I�Rr�NSE'[�:[2 �'F t�t)ri.�'!:`�. \�'i#I?ftl���<�'�. tl�� Eif���r�l caf"1'rust�es c3�sires tc� ex}�ar�cf tl�� �tc:��r�ipl�i� �3re,t (�r<�n�E �vhi�:h it ��ili <�c����t �;tt�cfc�tt tr,tit�:li��•.;: ft�tcf 1ti`tii:�:1�::'l5. �►t�� E3��ar�i ��E� E�rustv��4 fif�r�, tE�.tt tl-�c �a�;sa�c• t>(�tl�is f��s�7lt�tit��� is i« thc� I,�;,t ii�ter�:�;t t�f tE�c :���.ic��i��i��. ,Af)1�', `��l�I.E�:ItE�_I�U}tf�:, l�i�: t'�!� i��:Sf�[.,�'E�'I) f�1' `FfIF�i Fifl:i.l�t) C)�� "C��t!_:�.t't:1�'� (�)F ���[���i�I�I.:�KT� ;�lC��,��k)[°:1.�l�": �l__C��_I`ff,)'.�.!_, �fi�l�ti�t tlt� 13kt,�t'<i e�i' �1�rtf;tCc�; c�f' �\''c•stlttku :l�'��cl<�rtit� l��t'cl��� u�lca�it� tltc ,-�E�E�li�atiz:�t� [c>r- C'h�krtzsr :Anl�:�icir7��nt au:i�l7e�i l7c�r��t«. :Arti�.Yu V(1. `�c�;uc��7 ,1 t�e���r.�t�lur I�it��un�i�u�i�s. ['a�-��ftr:s��l� '. tci ;tcJ�l tl��< i��,llu4ti���.� srl��vl eli�ti�ict, f�r���n tti�l�i�.l� u�.�nsfGr :;E�tcfcE7ts ��iIC i��: :�cc����tc�i: E f{��(�, C)cc,�tc�r. ��'�traiclitic. F3�.��z:1. �t'�.atl���s•ft�c��. hrtu��. E'��i�cl�-r, Ehntui;. L.ittfc l�.Ett�. :�F���ti:.. i��ri;t�ct. t'ui-r�rallti5��. C�r<f��ci I'r��srie. t7uE�c���E��il1�. l.�,k� C}�ill:�s. `ipriE�s?t���4�1. ,•1�.1e. �`o��>�cH. 1r;ir��t. ;lrlin�-�(��n. l���rt Y1'c�rth. F�tt�le �l�it�iit�tit�-�t���i�t;3�,�.�. [Iif�Eil<�r�c[ P�tr�. C;,�rla«k!. '��1cKi�zn���. 5f:(;rl:it)\.�. E hirt €l�i� IZ�:sc,►t�tic�E� sl�r�ff h�ruf�tc Lt�f�ccti��< t.�rt,tt th�� �f,�tc ��I� its ���ttss���c� l�ui �t?�ttii�ti?rt�t �tE:�«�� ,i�,��srt�i��ii l?}� th� �1�1•:,-��. f':i`��(-.f) ;�\1:) �l!'I'!ZOG'€:1�.� O'� �I�E I[`� 1-k`�` (��,���' E)f .1:�1lt;.-1(:`f'. 'ttt}� �—.. a . �;t_.���'�-.� � -�'�x*-��'�.-�1�.,�. _ . ____... ._ _. ����[t i�r-u.(i��. ("Gc,tii�ItE�t ,A t� i f�`i�E�: r F� �• P �� - - �"� ., � � �"` ,6 .�;' t r'`f,�s'R'''�;',�,�•i ;,t/��y� 1,,L��. �-. _ r-��. ._..,. ,,,�._...,�__ _..—-__. .. - --— ___ _ ..._ _ ' j �-.y �e- t�.f �__.,.,_. __._.__ .. � 2 �kiti� `�€ittc:r. ScLi�c�ttz►'ti }�,;th�ir.� 13t�izuel.i. 4#c�,tc� c�f S�hax�.�l � � r :A�.,�.�1�C)�,�;;1_) .���; l�G�)�"I`{)[��1: r . '`,^ } � � �i��� % �' ��'� .; ..... r . . .a` ..^� /X s`w.�� ,"' �' ,,,,• y'' � • �+ , .�._ .� .,. . . .,,l.�. _.....f� .. . . l.. `�t,t�z��tE1_1,.�.,tti�Y��.ln`�u! :�ytt�iE7�•e - _..___ Attacttin�ent A Wesrlakc l�c.aclemy Ch��rter Amendment Ret�uest Curr�nt Charter (witlt ap�roved revision dateci A«gust 15, 2E1Q7) reads: Section I Cover Pa�c Cre��raphical �3�untlary: 'I'he c�rigina[ charter applicatic>n ancl amendrnenr hisr4ry reflecE�s th�t the fe�llowin� discric�(�} cc�rn�rise the cheir€er schoal's geqgra�hic boc�ndary: Birdville I�D C�rra11 ISD Gr�p�.vine-C'c�[feyvil2�; ISI� Kelter IST> L�wisv�llc 1S,i� Nc�rittwc4t ISD I2cqucste<� .tmenr�rt�crlt wuuld read: Gcogi•a4�hical Bou�idary: Tf�e���ri�ir���l c:harter a��licaCic�n and amendm�nt hisCc�r,y ��efleets t1�at tlie fe�licawi�3� cli�tt�ict(s) ecar��prise tt��e c;hart�r sr.t��ol's gerrgr��ahic bc�iir�dary: 11,rgyle ISI� C�rapevine-Cc�fleyvillo ISI� tl,rlin�tc�n ISI) H�I3 ISD �1r.lc ISI� I-IigE�lanci Par•k ISI) �iirdvill� IS1� [rvir�� ISD �oy�l rsn K�a��:r �st} c��-z�«lt �st� t���►n ��� �arrc�lltc�n I�Ia L,ake Dall��s ISD Cap�acil ISI�} Lewisvitle ISI� Uecatur ISL7 Litlle Elm I�SI:) t�eritae� ZSD McKit7ney ISI� �uncar�ville ISI) Nortl�west FSD �:a�;lc Mountaira-Sa�;irza�v ISI) Paradise ISI� �`art Wc�rth [SI� Fc�nctGr ISt.� Iirisca ISD S��rir�gtowr� ISI) Garianc! ISD VVeatherfc�rc! ISt} Granei I'rair�e ISD Attachment� . -, T'�� � s :� r� t� ����r� tc� r� .A � � � �.� � �:(l� �iiql�i�+qt�!�t`ur�ti.1�':�li>Ilii. �(\n. i5�{f('�-�'L� rr l)7J.ei�{.t5-'r?.� �. �,�'�:����.�(t.�_��;i?-;� * �ill�?,I�v_tc'n.ii�l.>t:ifi:`.fl.it� �Zt��?L`Ct �it'tH( �,'C)illiTititittitic'f !�(7i`I) �$. .��)�!� 13�telazt��,� l3ri���el�� \+4'estlF��:c� Acr�<ic��t��C`htirte��Sch��c�[ `�f>[}O(��ttiR�;;r.r itEl 4'�tstl,�€�G.'I�.A' 7(`>2(i2 1)��rtr f�i�s. l3riit��l��� `I'l�r cctnu�rissiai�rr h�Es r�p��re�ti�c�! t1�e tiEncncltt�ic�►t rrctu�st (t?�i 1-O$) tc>�Ectd tlic 1'c�llc����ir�u srlu7t>I districts Cc� tlrc�:litu�lcr'� �;cut;r,i��hic t�c���ntl,�E�}• I�rc,iu �ti�hicft t��<u7sli�r sEu�lei�ts �t�ilf l��Gt�cc�>led: I i�nst-liulcs�-E3ccllf,rci IS1�), i)ct�;�tur l�O. N�tE<iclisw IS1), f�ic}���1 lSl). 1��c<�tlrerli�rcf ISC), [�ruEE� ES€). I'tn�tic€� 1�1�7. I}��Uun iSl). I.iltic !•:i�7� I�il.). ��r��le I�!}, C°ri;c�; 15!), C;�erolltui�-I�.u�itMc��s 13��tincl� 1`z�?. Eie<utcl I'r<Eiri�� ES[}. OtrRiezu�ti�iCic I�I�, l.afi� U.till.�s 1�I). �iE>i�i��t;lc�ti��t� [�!), riilc� l�I�. CaE���cfl iS[). Ir���ir�� [Sl�. riclin�tr�ie ISO, E�c,E�t 11%t,rth (�1), I:a�le ;�1t-�;<i��irr�rG�� (Sl�?, f ligl�land i'ark ISI),�;z�t�la�ifl [4f). aEitf �'�(ef;iiu�e�� (S1�)cf(�c�ti��r.lurre 1,?O(}�. (f`vc>�� h�ar���: ��R�����u�sUoi�s, �7lc�rtit �����t�irt tl�e C�)i�ti5ic�ii z>I'C'I���rt�r SGE�acal firfrriini�t�-,iEie�n �it (713}�ICi;-�)�7�. Sit���r�l�, _���� �'�` �} �l.iri• ('�.�rr���. I?ir�cic�r• C'h.Ertrr 4cltu�tl :�cliniGEi,tra�ifat� }��s� � 4 'r�.e+ 'm � � � ' � � �� ¢d � :.a _,�, .-„; 'r ' +�..s..ute+n..«_:x , �. -vw.G.. ..,,�. , •mes:� � :e�a.. � +iw��2.a -� � , , ., �_. . �.__- .. ;�. "•ao4t-r35.+��«w: The persans listed below will �e cantacfed t�y a�ency staf� if khere �r� issues to fa� resc�lved in �n� a� the renewal applicatior� s�r.tions. Not� that any cankact i��fc�rmatian, includin� emz3il �ddresses, provided with the renewal a�plieation wiil E�e�auE�fic infc,rmation. .._ . . .__ _ . .�.�.a_..� _,�._�;,-<.,�-�„�.,..,..�<�T-,._„ �-J,.�� .�-...-..,-.��-..,.�.,�-..:,..,x.,..>..,._,,.�---- t Superintc�ndent`s Name: 'Thamas�rymer _._____ _. _e._,�._ ,_______�_� Tefephone Nur7�ber: st7-a3Q-o9��1 ext 57zo Fax Nurnk�er: 817-430-1812 F-mail Addr�s�: 'T'�rymert�westlake-tx,arg � ���__�___.—__ �_ _ � , . ; __ _ . __ _ _ _ __ ; �aard Chair's Narne: 1.�ura Wh��t Telephc�n� NtamE�er: �t7-43o-o9�t Fax Number; �t7-�k34-ts12 F-mail Addfess: t,Wheat(�westlake tx.org � .�—>--g-�; —.-� , � a - , , ,— - . _., �� : � _ . �„>,.,�,,.` ���r.�� �Onk�Ct Nar7te: Jennifer Furnish � T�I�pl�c�n� Nt.�mtaer: 8t7-�i�1Q-5762 � Fax Nurnkaer: IIt7-�39Q_S75$ __��___--_.___�.----- -- � E••tTt�il AdCleesS: JF�Frnishfsilwestiakeacademy.arg . �..::�-�—�,.-��_,,,-��..�._.�.--_-,.:<-� ,., _..b,.� . +r:.ff-...pe �^F�-�.'A""��+m�".=xe'-rvs'@(T�1�iwg�a+c+'fl."�;nr"++"w°T�S$: . . .±rr.^' .. .. rtq . ���� , € i .. . .__...._ ...... ..............___......_..�_.w e..._.... .... ., __..._..._- ......... __... _.... ........ .... ... ._.... . ....... ...i Web Ac�c3res�: htt�:Clwww.wesCl�keacacien�y.orgl ::x�a`��..��E•1'.t���C-i►�'�+l�d.���a+a������a .;.-:_ ;. ; ��-��.� �. ..r, ,�S:C ;;b,r._��.�::: i - • - ' � • In accord�r�ce with tf�� rec�uirements of TE`C§12.1�11, 3n open-enrolimenc charter schaal shall list th�* na►nes Qf tP7� members of th� �c�verning lacady �n the hnme pa�e c�f the schc�c�l`s internet website. Pravide the exact interr��t URL address where the nar��cs of the members af Yhe�c�verning bady ar�fisted. _�_.w __ htip://wwtu.westiakeacaderny,arg/appslpac�eslirulex.jsC��«R�C_IC}-31612U&typ� d&p�iEC._J13=86i3St3 In aecc�rdance with tE�e rec�uirements oF TE� §12.136, an a��n-errral(mer�t ch��ter schoal shall past the salary c�f the schoof"s superintenderit ar �Ef� on the school`s internet v�rebsite. Provide the ex_act iriternet URl addr�ss where the superintendent's salary is posted. F'IPase see ftttac P�ment Ei directfy t�ehirid t(7is p�c�c _ __ ______ _______---_______ .__ _.._ ___._ ____ ____ __ _ ___ __ _ _-- _ -- _ __ __— _— __.� in accarcl�nc.��with Laccrl 6overr�meni Cade§140.Q06,�n c�pen-enrull�t�c r�t charter schoal shalf past eontinuously an the school`s internet weE�siEe the annuaf fin�nci�ls e�f the school. Provicl�the�xact internet URl adciress where tf7e annual firiaiicial statem�nts af the char�ter schaal are contir�uausly�asted. 17tt�:liwww.+rrestlakeacademy.argl�p�slpf��es/index.ls�?tY�ae=d&��RFC_ID=316t20&pREC__lt�=86&tOf� . . e Attachment C D�scember 9, 2015 Questian r��arding-TEC subsection 1.2.�,36 J�nnifer �urnish, Stud�r�t Services �idministrator far Westlake Academy, spoke with Mr. Brandan Spenratt� re�;arding the pUsting af che Su�aerintendent`s s�fary. The superintendent for the Acac}emy daes nat receive any rrionetary compensatio�� for his duties in this �a�sition. 7he Charter is held by tl�� Town of Westiake and in his capacity as th�Tow�7 Mana�er, he a(so sc�rv�s as tf�e super'rntendent For the sci�ool. Per Ehe eonversation witf� Mr. S�aenrath, h� advEsed tl��t we w�uld not need ta post tti� superinteridenE's salary an the wc�bsite as fon� as ncane of his compensatior7 is paid via state funding anc! his compens�tion is nat dependent on his dukies as the su�erintenr�ent, taut rather his duties as the Tawn Manager. �;�� �t �^` �z�"4 � �k i"#7rt� '�. f 5.,.� _. ` .:, �e_ .�,� .'�,:. �ati -n ,. v�`_ i_ �� ; � ���'�I ������' ��� ��� ! �'�`�����`` �� a ���� 4, Submit, as Attachm�nt 1, the organizatianal chart for the charker srhoal that s�ecifies the admiriistrative positions includin�the kitk�and name af the inclividual currently in each pe�sieion. SubrniY, as Attachm�nt 2, a chart th��� ider7tifies all oth�r entities under thp direction �f the charlen c��lcfer.This would inciucle�f7titi�s and(c�r pr�grams that khc chartr�r f�older�overns/n7ar��rges iii additic�n ta the chart�r sehaal. If th�only entity und�r the dir�ctior7 a(th�chart�r halcier is the charter sct�ioQi,submit this attacf�mer7t as�n explanahic�n c�f such a sc�naria. Submit each��tt�chment behind this pa�;e af t��e applicaeic�n. r+, ..- - ,. e; a ..- e . Attachrr�ent 1 � , ,� � �, � �-'� �r� ; �t- . Y i,``� r � � � ; _ __ _ _ $_ � S � A6vicoey 0dards � . , , , . � Co[t7mittees � ; � : . . , <, , . �. • � � -_ , __..��____----� To�vn Texas Stucicnt I +�ttorney Npu3in6 I .'..ia ', �`�i:,. , . . . �,t'}Y ,�,ik n, F.dd�a��., s�B�T«4ii<. _ � [t.{''t It�"' €'..'!t ____ I � ,.�{�, .�tt;:,:���..y� �....._,.._....J �.�.� e � "t�f t:.i , x ... .. +_.. �. Court � . Town 5�cJBti�ty � . _ ._ . .. _.... . � � ridmini;tratnr In[ern . ; �� � nsst Pnnc(pa1 t - Athiekic Llirectoe PorE Pinta � . � De�aty Clcrk � E"t5m€r�tn7iCtitit�ns � tlerk � 5[udent5etvices � t�7arsha! � Ct�mmatiicatic;r� , �dtuiltl5t1�F0f � � tip,,cialict � . �'�Fdti!EEi@S MJiFf4ttl�1�CP� Admtiti5trative 1 Park„&ReCr�:ad�tn Staff p<nt 7irpe � . Caurt Clerkx � � fire CE�ief Nurse M � 4VA�Pici�nic�Jn P�rt TBim C3erk Cnu�t 1�i1�C . . 3(irutCnbnt5 '. PYP fxfMeti3ty i ' . . . PnnCipBl ��.. fHanning�i Hu�r�arr�t�s�i��rces f)iveloprnenk/ ��vp � t f tF,ttrnt�gt�2er Dui!dinp ta�s�ec¢ctr CcUrdi��ator ° � F�;,uanxec6u f'nmary 7Sfi f;eneraNzt i.iQ Pt Wr�flghlCr C6tisructlot � f�a�ameolks � y . Pritita[y . .. _... . Put,�li�h't�rk5 Ceaehers � InfqfsnatkOn � � � 7cci�rtipfogV �� flnance 6ttrari�n � ' Tecl�nlcian �ATCE�}itKl�I[i �fi`rtc}iN�P$tiY7E[' Ctu��dir�.etc�r . .. . ; �� . � . E:xecUtive�ir�ctor - . MtYR€>rirtCip;�i : �._.a,.._,_,_ -.. .- 44'.n.FatmdJtivr� � Rollee S�'rvic25 � r_'ustome�SeEvice � (eanoac�.yt�hn�ir�c '"""` � I2eprc�u:ntJtive htYP — . e;;iv af k+�4�«�� Caoreilnatnr A,si,tanf At6demit SUperli>oi Cean rM1YP Tc�chcrs Mtzaic�{�at -- --� Ae;ldr�nss. liF'izrttlCl�i�t �,,.e+''�'Y'`"+� 4oartlinatpr {� �� �/l�ir�i�J�C3��� �i1�t.�"..1 `€ {C''ti t��' � Vi ".pp�a �t � �i�� �r.=��iici�l5, �3�C i El�c�te�ci ar7cE t�pp.��nti�:e; �xhit�it Pf ;�eu�, re,ene�s � .- � � �lL`"Ne3Y���11{�,t�kS1Dt"t,"ei'`Ifi �4et�,5$3eiF�W�t�� C44r.gP. � tounsCiar �'�� � �`;��r.� ����/���' �i���'���'��� "��:-n�n.�ri �`,sl�lic S:r+rice�i�,ai i,�?esr}c�nsive�ar�ci F;c�f�s�icineil,vrl�ilc i}al�{nc:i,�s �f(icienc;r,Cf�erEiv�r�ess and�Inancial�t��.�ar��F�ip Attachme�t� #° �.y° + �t;�� �f;� ��+�;��p `� i�. ' _-,_� E + � € � = Advtsory Lioards � Commi4t�es j � � � � u ,f, � , . ,,, , _ __ _ _ �,___� �,... ». ... ..,.. _ __ r f Town Texa9 Stufl�nt � Attc�tney ' Hausln� .,,M,, �_�;.. �.-ci:r . , . �T�f' :la r -, ,en�a,a . `s'.! "�'�'� �:��'�����t -.W_� . - .. , { t+t� "+;r(�„t,i� t �=.;�r . �Sf�, .c) ,�_r��tF.�X,.�,«:; � ... . ... . . �. . Co�,rt _ Int�rn Tnwn S��retary A r 1r n i�2 i 5 t r a t U r �� �� � � I�SSt f'rtrtefpai( � Att7teklc Uireett�r � ta�putY Clcrk —"' C«mmur�ic�rtion; Pert Fime Clcrk � Student Servi:;t>s tdarshal f�rmn�i�n«catiKzrr . . . ' Adn?inlitraYnr �� SpktCidlist . . ��t:�fitieys Maintenanee2' ndrn�n;str�tivu P»rt'rme {I�ark;4({ecrpatior� �tall fa�art Cterks � � � Fire Chic!f Nursa � � WATetHnician Part Tir��c Cl�ri: _, ftiuR luct�p 3 tleuten,�nt�t � PYP F'finiktCy � Principal � � Pla��ning& � � HurbBn R�gour[e9 . [)evelo(lment� � PYP � F f FE{it{�figtltBe � $��j�{jr17�I[f5(?8f[OY COtTtdfO2tRf t! Naramedtcs � l Frimary HRGeneralist . ; 1.54PT4uefighter . Epunselor . . PJl7nlCdiC5 � , Pt�falir_Works Primnry .. .. _ . . ' TCaehers Inforrnatiort � � Tc^thnolo�Y _.— Finar�ce ttbcari,�n � � Teci�Ncian WA T�:chnician Cv�[orrii�rr 5e�vicF� . . . . . [UerdlndtJr � � ' ExE+caEive S�IF�Ctor ' tvtVf�F�rinCipFd ��- _ 1.2r.A,!Oundd4i0n VUlie�SerYces �uspamer Serviee �� {ro�vact�:f t!i u tkr f2gptrC�Pntliive� � MYP � CF[yolKaitrr) � - COt?ldindtot � � Asxistint Academtc � 5upervisor � Dean f.SYE'TeaeFiers Municipal Afadentic DR Rrin�i��al �'�,,,a*-..-�.�. ,�� �^ �{Y{)f(11f?Jf.Of .,t � t:.:'i`��3�'4����� 4.�i�t.����Ct��� t� {e a Dip!oma � � � i���r�,C�fii_�sFzl�, Boeh Eir cteti�r�c;r�ppainteei, Cx{�ibit Rcspect, r�a�r,��s 5c��,�arclsh;ip,Vision,�n�4�I'rans�ax�rEnc�l } } coucge Cauns�lar �'�� ;�.-'� ��i"�IfC� ��.`C�����iC� r �"r•..,,K-+'*''� F�tE3��l���YilICE'tr1Ei� IS F'�ic:S(�Qf{5iYE:dllf�f''Ct1�P,SSt6113E�Y^1�ltt�'�7ii�i�rClii;�, Effiei�ney,Eff��ti�reness and Fir��nei��l St_��;F�r�si�ip ! � • � ' � Piease l��aware that any chan�e to the t�rms af an open-enrollmerit Gharter that r�lates to tk�e f�llc�wing subj�cts: • gr�de levels, • maxirnureti enrollment, •geogra�hie boundaries, " ap�roved eampus(es}� • appraved sites, • C@�QCBiiC}ti Q�C�iIYl�US, • charter holder name, • cf7arCer sci7oc�l(distriet) name, • charter campus n�me, • charter halcier governar7ce, • articles of incarporatian, • carporate bylaw�, • rnana�em�nt eon��aany, • admissian policy,or • the cc#ueatipr�af pro�rarn af the scE�ooi r�quires the commissiQr»r o�educatiar�'s ap�roval nf an�it�enrtr���i��. (See§2C�0.1033(f�J'Cy�aes af an�endments,13 TAC Chapter.1 t70.) A.Specify the p�rir�d during which app(icatior�s for ac�r��issian ar�accepted. TE�, §12.127, rer�urres thatn charterschnol es�crt�tish a reasonat�te a�aE>lir.atic�n deadtine�or the suimission Qjctppficc��iorts for adfnissie,r�. �e�inni�tg�f Perl�d (Month/Day} Enc!of P�riod (Mar�th/DaY} 1211 � � t/:31____�-- ----. .... ._..� B. If the scf�ocal adr�}its sEucients by lottery wt�en the nurrlE�er aF admissians a�7piications receiv�d�xceeds Et�e number of available sp�ces, desceiEae the pracetiures fcafiowecl in canductin�tl�e lottery. [� lottery not utilized If there are more eligible a�plica�its th�n avail�Fai��paces ir�a gr�ac�e,�admissic�n shall first k��oF(ere�i to elic�ible apFalicants residing withir�th�prim�iry qec�c�r�phic hounclary,�ft�r eansideratinn r�f aIM e�lic�ible�pplicants frtxrn E�rirnary gc��yr�pf�ir„ t�r��ancfary,t;�e Aeaderny rnay adndt eHgible trar�s(er�p�licanes resiclir�c�withi��secnndary c�ec�c�r�rpi�ie ba�n�fary. IFtE7i n��mber of applieants�ram this bQunrl�ary€�xceecls av�ilat�fe sp�ce,all eliqible tra��sPer appliez�r�ts wil!be�laeed in th�Ic�tt�ry. A r�arne w1El krc>drawn far��eh v�cancy tft7t ex�ses,��nd each clrawn a���lica��t�n�ill bP c�€Fered�dmi�slons.Th�re���a�r�ir�g n��T�es�nr111 he d r�wE7 ane��alaced ar1 a w�itir�g list fcar���ch�r�d�IeveE in th�>orefer ti�e:y arE e�rawn. C.!f tf�e schcaol t�tilir�s a ►ottery wf�er�oversut�scrif�ed, arn any cate�Qries caf applicants exempted from the lottery'? (:Yes f Nc� f'Nat applicable(t�e��ause Cot[eri�s�re nc�c uti(ixed} If"Yes"was indicatFcl ir��afaove,sEate tk�e eategories af appli��rits tt�at are exemptecl. �le�se se�tI�R atCact�r��er�t Baarcl�c,Iicy iN�a. 1,02-page 2}far�ietails rec�ardirig each grot��: t.tiie chilrJren af ti��:Towt�c�f W�stlakr em�la��es{with percenta�e IiE��ieatic�€�s} 2.the chilcir�n�f the Faunclers of W�stla�e f�cacl�sny twith percentaye Gtnieat�ions) 3.siblin�s oF admitteci c�r returrring stucients . .. s � ' � � '� � � �„� � .�. � . �,.� �..:: ,:�,..,. < ��..._.r - . . , D, If the schos�l utilizes a laktery when over�ub�crib�d, specify the appraximat� d�tc� �n which � lottery will b� cc�nduct�d. Appraxirnate Dat�Qf Lottery(Morith�Dr�y} � D?118 � E. Ef th� schc�al daes nat utiHze � lottery when aversubscribeci, but rather �ills th� availaf�le positions in the order in which appli��eians w�re r�ce(v�d befor� the expiration of th� a��lication deaclline (i.�,, a "first-come, first-serv�ci" admissian �rocess�, describe the mann�r in w{�ich th� schao! natifies the eammunity af th� ppportunity to apply for admissic�n. TE� §1?„1.77, requires a cf�arter schaol thae uses a frrst-cc�rnc�, jirst-serUed admissiur� process when oversu(�sr.ribPd ta pubtish rr nvtrce in c� ncGvsF3a�aer of e�cncr��l circulatian r�ot tat�er tfir�n tf�� seventir day befc�re the ap�tice�tra�clerrriline. NA f.IF tF��school h�s�sc��r�t�proc�ss Far re-enrolinient, s��te the process anc!the timelfr�e to be useei. Ir�tent to r� nrtrcail is sc.nc out to al!families in fate f=ebruarylearly March. ftec�istration ta{<es pla�e in f�itgust. Far re-enrolln�ent, f�miliFs cc�m�l�te E�art c�E the enrollmenz prncess anEine and ti�en have several d�3ys to attend rec�isEration tivherR Yhey ean rneet witi�a WesClake sta�€nternber Eca cor��lete the rec�istration process. G.State tii�praced��res fc�r proc�ssing applirakians r��eiv�d once the a��slicatian c�eadline has�assed. Applications for����rticip�iCian in the IotFery�t�e acce��teei fror�i C1�cer��iF7er t thrc�ugh Jan���ry�1 �ach year. if�n applice�tion is com�leted after th�deadline oflar�uary 3t,tt��stude�7t wiil be placed aC the b�tro«�of the wait list th�C is establish�d�or°�i7e chilci's grade ie�F�Earc��ry ir�the tlate c�rder ehe aF�plicati�n is re�eiv�d. H. [�escribe the information th�t an�p�liGant must pravide in arder ta t�e eonsidered for admissi�n.Appllcar�ts n�ay nat b� rc��rirr�d kcr prr�v�de co�ies c�f rranscripts ar a�her acadernlc reeorcis ur�ti( afr�r they are of�ered ac/rr�rssic��r and c�re enrUllr`rtc�. FurCficrmorcF cr stuclent m�,y ra�e b� pr��ttldect�fre�rn enroiling cit�e to the charter set�c�ot's faiture to rPcrive informatian req�rired far enro(trne�Tt frorn the student's parent or gur�rdian or previaus schoof.See TEG; §,�5.Q02. Applicants r��ust pravide:current gracle level,name,date of birth,s�hooC district to which student is zQned,guardian infarn�ation,�ahysica!acldre.ss,emaii address,and proaf of resiclency. fir���E�plic�nt seeking aclmissic�n b��sed an a gr�ndparent's after scl7uol care musc submit additional�oatme��t�tion rec�ardinc� the amount of after schnol care. �i+Yl�d�.�1���.1�.�S�J!'4A � . •+ '.t' B . ..' � °o-��d� A � ', ,� f � „ ,�3 ��� ����. ip ��-.- .. . .. _�� .u.,. . . -�:�.K^ �` _. �_.,, m . 4,.� .._ . i�..:�._..v�. ,°lf . -�..� . ..;�?�..{, �. -.� � . I. Th� cl7art�n c��ldE�r cerEifi�s ttr�t thc� nan-discrirnin�tion statement ret�uired by TEC, g17.1�1 (�J(S) i� printed in the schoUl's aderiission �e�lf�y. TEC, �Z2,11.1 (a)jSj requires that cr charter s�hool's acimtssrorr poficy include a staferrtenE Chnt Ctte set�oof wilt not discrfrninate in crclrr�issions ba.sed on g�rxder, natianat arigin, et�hnicity, r�figic�n, ctisability� ncademic, artistie, or c�thletre nf�ility, ar the district the chifd would otherwise atten�i. C Yes C`Na 1. Does thE �dr�ission policy eitl�er r�quire or pern�it the seh�ol to exelude from acimis�ion al( students with cJ�cumented hist�rics of a crimin�l affer�se, a juvcr�ile court adjudication, or clisciplin� prc�bicros und�r TEC Cf�a�t�r 37, Subcl��pter A as authanzed by TEe§Z2.21:t (a)(S)(�3)? fr'Yes(Thc sehQ«I�xclud�s such stud�nks nr res�rves tf�e right to ex�lude su�h students frQm�dmissic�ns.) (�Nc�(The schc�oi dpes r�ot dt�ny admission tc�sucft studer�ts based c�n their document�d histr�ries oF misconduct.� Submit • A current co�y af tlie �drrrission pc�licy that iE�corparates the information prc�videc� ir� th� �t�cave ar�swers ta t�uesYions A tFiraugh Fi and any oth�r rel�vank inform��i�n(Attachment 3�; • A blank capy �f 1hc current adrnissio�� applicakic�r�, i.e., tf�e inforrnatior� requ�st�c� when the sttidcnt first se�ks admission (Attachrn�nt 4j;anct • A blank copy af the currenl cnrallment forrt7(s}, i,�., tf�e infc�rmaYinn requir�d oncc� an applicant has 6een off�red ��imissic�n �nd is re�;isterin�for er�ro(Im�r�t(Attaehment 5j `��'irL�.�Y�F�:�`: �•'u� +�:;i- `L�i.y>�<<,�.�;;�.Ez�eb�-�: ��. .�._' _.,. ,�:�`°���'T��1■{ F .. .. ._ ,:� ,-.:...:,: . ,.:..:, . -..;: �.:,,. ,t..�,., a, . . . . . Attachm�r�t 3 _._._.._.r___.___�_�.�_��.__�.�._.�.��._��._�____— - TOWN OF WES7LAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD UF TRUSTEES POLICY Palicv No. 1.02; Date Baard Adopted: May 4, 20Q9 Date Board Am�nded: Jun� 1, 2015 Effective Date: June 1, 2415; cantingent upan TEA appraval RolicV CateqarY: ;���EI�rE;.3.xif���:; Policv Name: V`�f���l�si;� d���tc�s3r��� ,��c(rnis�i�r�;� €'�lic;y Palicv Goal: Gommunicatian/Transpareney of student and par�nt requir�ments for admissian into Westlake Academy; Engagement of sfakehoiders and #iscal stewardship Palicy Desc�iption: Applicatians fram n�vv students are accepted frarn December 1 st thraugh January 31 S�. Currently enro(led students receive a lVatice nf lntent fo Rcturn form th� first week of January� This form asks stud�nts t� state whether they intend to return to Westlake Academy the foliawing schoal year and to id�ntify any si�lings wha wish to attend Westlake Academy the foliawing year. This form must be returned by January 31s� Currently-enralled students, admitted aft�r August 1,�Q15, expressing a desire to return and who continue to reside within an a�proved geographicaf bo�andary are autaniatically enralled for the follawing schoof year upon timely reGeipt of the lVatice of Irrtenf to Ret�lrr7 farm, subject to the follawing Eimifations: (1) a currer�tly-enrolled student who originally abfained admissipn ta the Acaderny based on the studenYs residency in th� primary geographic boundary; and {2} a currently�enrolled student wha obtains admission as the child of a full-time Town of Westlak� err�ployee retains the right to r�- enrolfinent only if th� student's parent continues to be �mploy�d by the Town �f Westlake on a ful!-time basis. Vacancies in each class are then d�fermined. If the number af eligible applicants does nof exceed the number �f vacancies, then ali eligible applieanfs who timeiy �pplied wi!( be offered admission. !f there are more �(igible applicants than available spaces in a class, then admission shall first be offer�d to eligib(e appiicants residing within the geographic boundarie� of the T�wn o€Westlak� (primary geagraphic boundary}. After consideration of all eligible applicants from the primary geographic boundary, Westlake Academy may admit eligible transfer applicants residing witt�in the secondary geographic bcaundary. ff the number of eligible transfer applicatians exceeds the number of vaeancies, the admiss►on af transfee applicants from the secondary bo�tndary shall be determined by lott�cy, except that the fallawing applicants are �xerrtpt fram the lottery and rrtay be giver� priority in admission, subject ta the limitations id�ntified. Ex�rnpt transfer applicants will be adrriitted in the foliawing arder: (1) the ehildren af T�wn of WestlaKe employ�es, so lang as the total number of students adrnitted under this exemption as the children of emplayees assigned to municipal duties canstitutes anly a small percentage of #he total schooE �«rollment and the number of students admitfed as the children of employees as�igned tc� Westlake Academy canstifiutes or�ly a srr�al( percentage of the total schaal enrollment; and (2} tP1e children of �our�dees af We�sflak� Academy, sa IQng �s tf�e total number af sfud�nts admitt�d under this exception constitutes only a smafl percentage af the tofal school enrollment; ar�d {3) siblings of admitted or returning students. All efigibl� transfer appficants will be placed in the lott�ry. A n�m� wil! be drawn for each vaeancy that exists, and each applicant whose narne is clr�wn will b� offered admission. The remaining n�mes wi!( be drawn and placed on a waiting list f�r eaeh grade leve! in tf�e ord�r they are drawn. if a vacan�y arises, the individual an the waiting list witE� the low�st number assignment will be offered admissian. Appficants ar� nat required ta pravide copies of transcripts or other academic records prior to enrollment. !n additian, a student will not be precluded from enr�lling due to W�stlake Academy Charter School"s failure to receive the inf4rmation required for enrollment fram the student's parent andlor previous sehooE. Westlak� Academy Charter School daes not c�is�riminate in admissions based on gender, natianal origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, acaclemic, artistic, ar athletic ability c�r the district th� chifd would otherwise attend. I?tI(I12C)I i 5crecn Shot 201� 12-I(��tt R.Oa.12 A�+Lpng Att3CfifTt�fiY 4 � � . �, � . � _ � �, ...+ _ �_ � ;....°.E �. _�S ; ; . , ._` , : " 6�t'<ikltEt?ri . - _.���'�a �,'; i-„�. E.' 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C)i�'�(i"€ t S,`; t��...`� iQ.k ��;v` �i�r)E. , 1?iE:�l. .;t`� �..., _elrs...�i�. : ( .{fi;;,i �I �l.'t�+�.:i� �I.i� ��i�;i_� �.r ��-t. I:t, ....... �'�- �:3�? t;31'.a� � is�?� �ii .-t... r�,;,�3�iC.`;8'Ill'?i't (. :t �.Y[i.f:`t3l. .�tlJ,�:-.�T��� ��s'lt::, .,x(tz� x.;l�'iltE Ca�, , f)4 t'£', i�: ;�a�;:;tf• i35:;`.i1 �;;t:)'�'.!. ' 4 ? ' �il!:. � . �i; � ..C': Pt��i s; �. .-.F . ?ii Il,. .-�� z�!1E ��.�; C,�16 :�'�t,� �d���.-.� ',� . 'i��.,i il .'.r` :l ;,L !E< ! ;4� . :�.� ,� ',`(_ t. _. , . , . . , _ . . t�:�._, ` � _,� ' i ,�_ ,�ti , . : . . . ,> (F ,.. *�ec�uirc:cl ., ..:�' I.'.-.�... 'R, i",it,�tr'�l`-!�'�'. :"� .. . i i I �'�� .u,R �!=`� .�I�:'� E _, t': _ .'�-` .�'t��F - i c'_ .`� .a �_��... , . ._ l'.�,/r' �t YP.S ti�Q __ _ ___ __ ____ . , ' � Gontir�ut�� ` . _ ";`:' C:�i�?�7�::...i Irtq�s:lhiiai l.�aogle�cum/irt2ii lfttlQlt�jnbt�s115123c381343d4Q_��?prcijcctor�-�t !!! 12t1t);2Q!� tiarcai Shat 201 i-t2-EU at S.U�.d011hi.pn�; �ittachmertt� :�: ,.. �..,, ���:_ ., . �;<_ �;i .. ,.'f , � , a • .Sali; ., ��..��,::t .- t�?{; �?�(1i,S�� ` ��7�T����..)(� �3°`,��. {��.�i��l.:�+li�.ai t . :tl� , �..�"a�.I��_:. _ � ., '.�Il 1' Y;:I�i` ; i .. i,`��� rf_!(.i'�.«' .'��) E_ • ,_�';. . _':�� '��: °.3_ .."t'...�i s ''�'� � {� l�" 'r ,'�i.i, "t" ::ii < . �=Back CAntinue�� �:�'�`� - -� _�,�� t ..a : _ t;r�:==�'.�, . ,_�. htlps:tlniaiLgan�lc,e�nnfirr=iiiful4N�int�o�t I S I Se3�(�:13d•iU3e'?prujeett�r.-J it I Attachment 4 I ..•w'"~•� f� � ��� I� x ' Y -� 4 ,� 7; ��,€. Y � °.�7.- ' t ? J� I �� ���G' � I Westlake Academy Student Applicatian ,�,�A,�,T ¢�,,��;�, for 2015-16 SGhoal Year ,;,!}s ..4;1:19�1at'l�f�4Fto�2. ���f ���t�: —— ',.-17i� Appli�atipn Mo/[JAj+NCAf �rade Levei � Date nf Mo toay/Yeor CJate as of Se�t.1,20t5 E3�rth Fi�s Mi(1tfle .Fv i�.� l.a9t Nam Nam� Namc .cho�i district stu ent i.. � ,r,hon; stuclent is "�'�""�'_�.______ .�. zancci ta attend z�necl ko attend accArttinc� to adcires ac;e.ardinp tp addr�ss t,l.. ., wt.�..id�-�. ). 11.'�If: _ Pnmary Guardir�n (s) R�(ati9nshi� {With Whom 5tudent I_iv�s Strcet Address City, Stat Zip (�iy Phorte Cell Phone Ernaii address Fax r�y.(:,�kf[e��t:jir �� ,.,�,la 3t..��•.l3 '-� � ? t�:[��. .��£niAt�t:tl;z,;�. Othar Guardian �Relaki�nship . �___ 5freet 1�ddress City,Stak. Lip Day Pha�e Ceil Phane Err��d add['ess Fax '�1�� ;#{;_ ¢ _ :i�, Mo lDay /Year Date ApplicatEon fte�eived Ac;cepted by Grade vc:nfied Ye�,.� Na,___._ --- �..----__-_ __ _---__ . _--__ _.,_, Notes �ntetecf i�t Gom�uEer vf�s________._�+9_._M��_. --- -- `�Sibl�n�s enrol(ed ��---_����������� &t Westlake � Acadamy �W���Ww CEO oP Westiake Academy X NQTES: Westlak� Residcnts wili bQ notlfted when approval prceess is complete In order to receive reglstradon matarlals. Your chiid must be 5 by Sept�mber 1st ta enruii In Kinderc�artan at WestEakQ Academy. Attaehment S �`""�.�''� � � { � �► ► { t � } e, t ��� ,,.�f�� ....,.,,. Enrallment Checklist Cam�i�te St�ps 1. and 2 ���io�•tra R�gistr�tion W��k "C��i� w�ll help sp���d u� the process �t regi�tir�tinn, Step 1: Y (.1�7d�te all sttxclenl at�ci ��arent cantact i��for�n�ticri� in ti7c P�t�eri�Pc�rt�il; �atease f�liaw cii�•ections iz� t1�e �r��il Co set u�r<�ccc�ss. St��� 2: a F'i�int out fc�rrl�s fc�r e�tch inciiviclual st�.icierlC G�ncl cc�n��lcat�.�. e> Enr�llment F��ri�� c� }�FFtf'�1 Natice c� fZesicCeracy �ffid6�vit(We�tl�il�e Resici€�nts C�nIY) a Mc�dieal Fo��tn �'c�r th� Sel����l Nc�l�s� c� '1'f`.� EChnicity Fc�rm c� ��It�rr�c Gar��ua�;e SG�rv�y o F'arlcit��Stieker•horti� (fc�r hi�;h sch�al ctr�iv�r•s� � I�rir�C ouC�i s�t�aP f�t«�ily f�r-ms�nc! cc?m�let�. �> Il�aci ���-��t��e��t r��ac1 i�ls«i-aiicc waiver o F3ac}c to Sehr�c�l SEI�a�7ly �'�� Fort�� �optic�n<ii� c� V�[��i�tf�c�r ForE�s (it�is recc�ri�r��c�r�ciecl to Ilavc t�n�= ��c�zx���l��tcc�r��tf�� st�rrt�f Clle scllc��!y�ar ��r�etzcll pare►�it� c� 1-IOC �H�Ixse �f eoi11�1��r�� clor�atiot� ar�d vc71u►�teer farr�� � Gatl��r�rrll sti��artiri�;c�acurncants ��P-registraCion vet-iFic���ic�n. �:� A ec�}�y c�f yaG���II) witl�yc�ui�c��rre►tt E�cic�i�ess ■ If y�lt r-ecently Il�c�veci,yr�t�r il) �t�ttsi�e u�����e�� Eie�c�r� it c�r� b��ecep�cd as �r�c��fof�resiclencc. NQ INGC}MF�I,I�`I'E �a<�per•warlrwilf 1�e ��c�ptccl. If`�Il cic�ci,t�n���t�3tiatl is 11oC s�ib►tiitteci priot-C« tl�e fiz•st d�y c�Fs�I�ca�aE, �tucl�nts will «C�t Ea� ���rn�titt:ecl tc� st4�r•e. c7 �1 co�y c�f a eua•r�nt Ltti(ity E�iIE wit�z yaur ct�rretit acir(r���. ■ 7"Fie cc�r��bir�aCic�t���F1D fi►�cl tFtility k�iil is t�sec�as ��►�ooFc�fre�id�ztcy thatyQtit- fanaily lives il� �t� �i�pi��v�cl ��rit��ary oi•f>�c��nclec3 bf�tinciary t.o G�ttet�ci Virestl�k� Acacl�my.�I1 farnilies���•e r�c�ui�•�c� tQ prc�vide this at re�isCi-�tion. a Stucients [�oct�ments that ar� t�ec�uirecl • Ct��°rent ir���muni�a�ian r�cord. AEtaehment 5 • I3i►-th Ccrtifi���te (It a child is �indc�E• t}le a�e ot 11 an Gfticill birtk� e�r�iEicate znc�st be ��res�nteci �it th� ti�t�e c�f enrolEn�aent, a c��y will be rnacfe €ar your stucler�t's perm�3nent reec�rds� • Cc���y of Chcir sc�cial sect�rity c�tr•�� c� 1�'c�r stucicnts Gracles 8-12, ��leas� provieie a c�py c�F tE�eir trar�scri�t ar�cf (�st repc�rC e�i•d. � I)G NO`I'fc�rgct Clle checicbQcalc, E��II tr�estl�tice tle�id�my T'ees (�tthletie fees,af�ter schoul activities, scfzc��1 s�fp��lies, i-PE�ci iiisiyr�tr�c�,eCc� n�a�he ��aic� wittt c�ne cE�ecl<ti�is ycar. St�p 3: �- Nlan t� �ittencl eegistratior�� clays f1���;ust 4��,, 5��,, anci C��, 1� Cie sure ea k��-il��;�t1I �ape�-war•ic arlcl payr2�ent�no il�e��rt��aiete pacicets wil! be c�xc��Ecc�. Sp�cial Enrallment ftems ;w !f enrolinlctlt is due t�a Gr�t►7cip�trerlt's aFter scht�cal c�irc�, we will nc�ed �� r�ew Gr��ndp��rerlt tlff'i�lE�vit su�mittc�i, �1�n�wiEl� a cc���y of tf1� Grz�nciE�ar�nr's ID ancl utilily bilE. � 1('yo�i currcntly Ic�ise a E�r•operCy it� Wcstl�ilce,� c��rrent leas���gr-ecm�nt m��st he rc�eeived shc�wing the prUperty is leased thi•��u�;h the end �f kl�e sch�ol yeG3r•. r E�amiEies cincl�r a La��ildin��e►•�nit exem�atiota will r�eed tf� provide a cfa�y c�Ftheir cttrr�►�t r�sid�ncy utility E�ill G�nd r���tching �ahoto ID fis��roc�f thcy [iv� in F��� a�E>r�vec�ext�rtded i�r�unclar�y. ' ➢ f�`Qe a��y other spcci��l circu��istariccs plG��se contaet tl�e Registrar directly. Attachrn�n�S «�,.�:,,,,:,1�` F�t `4% �� ��i jr� — �t �`�.l �` ��! � ���`�F� ��.4�.:'R .s+„t "i���.5l�,�rrA ��Ilt'(7��TT1GI1� �'t,�T'�I1 St«d�r�t Nar71e; _--.__--.--- --____ ___� __ ____ . _.__._______�G2�aeie:----- --Ft�r 2(��x5-20�1Ca sctt�ac7l yc�3�- I,��sc, �'irsC Scliool i)istrict/Sciit�c�l [n#�ornis�kion Sc}�ac�l [)istricG��ucient is zc�ne�l ft�r►��s�d an t�otne���dr•ess<<t�cl �;r��de�«�•2Fl1ati2O16 schoal ye�tr. (Sl} N11ME;. V4'li�t car�ip«s in ti�e CS[?wo�tici y���r st��cienC�tktenc� fc�i-tl��2O1.5-2(?1G set�r�c�E ye����? Gt�ME�CIS N�IM[;: Wh<�t schc�ra! �iid ya��r stuc�er�t att�r��i Iast y�ar Far th� 20�IA-2t�15 s�E�nc�l yeaz'� E;�1(��IE'U� N�1Mt;:�__._...�..__..._,�_�.___..___..,. __._ _,_ New Kind��r�ar�c�r� SCudcrlts Ieave blanle, unlf��s tl�ey at:tc�z�d Kit�tier�art�n in t}�e ��eevic��zs ye<tr. [:mai1 j t;i�ccrc�n'►c Cc�rrespo��denc�Cc�nse�zt (} Yes, 1 waulcf IiE�e Ca comm�inic�ke vi<� �he c�n�ail �cldress ( ��rovic(ec# in Fa��en� F'€�rC�►l. {� Nr�, 1 Gn�r�t�[��( nc�C lilce tc�ec����►t7�l��icat��vi� tt�c em��il��efclress [ ��rc�uicleci i►� Ch� !'�rc�r�t 1'c�rC�l. Agrec���e��t c�f'Sti���ort: �} Yes, I �i�rc�c�as a p�renC/�iEtlrclia�r �F�� chilci�ttl�ndii��WcsClake�eZe�3c�tiy tra z�E�icl�*f�y rul�as, {7��licics,��nd ��niFc�rti� sl.:ti�darcls as c�utlincd in tt��I'ar�nt Stuc(ent Ff��ndbc�alc. (} Ne}, [d� i�c�t�grce as r� ��a��cnt/�u��rdi�i�� oE'a eE�ilci��ttE�ri�lin�;VV�stl�kc�1e�elerity t����t�ict�t�y rt�1c��,��oEfci�s,�3►�t�ur7ifor«i star�cia��ds as r���t(ineci in the ['arenC Student F(ancikao�alt. �I'�cl�i�ot4��y t1�i•eEm�ttt of Sti����ar•t; {� Yc�s, t havc�rc�it! aG��i a�rc.e as a E�ttE�c►�t/�if��relirtn «f a c,hilci ritteGidin�;W�,tE�lce lieac(ct��y e« l}�� tcehnc�Ia�y a�ree�nent. t� Ne�� C d�� not�i�;►•ee��s� p�lrcr�t/€;ci�t�°ciia�r� af a cEtilei aClc�E�cli►�g W�stIG�I�e/�cad��ttly tc�tllc� lE�chtiioin�;y a�re��n�i�t. Attachment S [Pac) [risu�-��nee. {} Yes, ! k��tve�p��d ir�tt�Ck�E�I('r�d irisur�nce artci h�tve ��es�d t:he cu�xditic�ns zuaci teF��7�s. i hav� s��E�rnitted payment fc�►�insura�ice,<�rnl u�idG�rSt�ir�c! Chat irist�rance is not vf�li�! until thc p<ayrncrit is rc�civc�i. (� Nu, ( do n«t w�►�k IPac� insueanee ancl e�ce��t Fe�fl f�inar�ci��1 r�sponsit�ility For any c�asts eissc�ciat�d with d��n�a�e oe I�as� �af Ct�r. [F�ad. Vcatunte�r F�rc�graE�i Cc��ifidentiality SC�teEt�ertt. (� Ye�, I a�;►•ee tc�al�ide by�ill Wc�stl�kc AcadEt7�y Co�iPidetttiali�y rt�les as c�utEi«ec� iri tl�e ��,recr�ietlt tioe��mer7[. (} i�<,a, I dca not agree ta �bicl�by alE VVesel�lce t�e�elemy Coizficl�nti�lily rfttes as c>ut(ineci i�� th� �greetttc�t�t�Iocun��rtk, [ I�ave read ar�d t`GVtGW�t� WI�Il III� CIIII(� all i►tfo��malion cot�tained a�� this enrollment fa�-m, and agre� to abide t�y it. P�ren�Signature Date 5x�ec°tal Servicrs C�uestit�nnaire: My Cf�ifd filiS Ri:CE:(1/F[) �he FaClowi«�;services: Q I�}�slexia 4 Sp�ecE� (� Ftc�sc�itrce {� C)Chcr Speeial Edt�cfition �ervices (� (:o����isc�lii��; (} t.:S i. � I:3ilii��u��l Q TitiG 1 {} (;t��t�t.e�' �I � i0� {} {'t�e-[</t�fl�-ly Chilcih�ad 5pecial Sc�rvic�s Q (}t h e r_ �____.____..__��_� Parent Si�nature i�atc Attachrnent 5 `!Velcome ta Westlake Academy TxConnect application! Here yau will have access to current schoat-related � infarmation aaaut yaur sfiudents, including registration paperwark and duri�g the school year attendance. Step i: At this point you have set up your username and passuvard. You ma�y have entered the ** for each af your sxudents. If you see each student listed ta the left than you are ready ta select the Button. Step 2: Setect th� Edit Sfiudent Settings Button, here you wilf select to have the Registratian Key sent ta your email to cQmplefie the initiai set up. Please pay attention to the er�tai� that the Key is being sent ta.* Step 3: Qnce yau have entered the RegistratiQn l4ey, an the main page you will see a new button under your student"s names. , thi� is were you � will access yaur Fall Registratian Forms. Rlease do so for each student. **If you do nat see their names listed please go to MY ACCt�UNT to enter Porta) IDs, setect the button to add each student. *Attentian Hotmail users: At this time same f�milies are not receiving the Registration Key email, even though is states it has been sent. We are eurrently working on the issue. Attachm�nt 5 S`I'UI)[;N'I' Nt1Mt;____..__..__ ____ ___ GRADIs________.__�__t1Ct1l)k:Mlt:YGtiR 20�.5-2tllk'� �_,. ..�� �� ��� P } �t x �, r; . �... �-�� WES'('I,t�KC 11Cf1Qf�MY F�MII.� �DUCtI'I`(C�N�1L R1CiFf`I'S 1lNi� f�[�tIV11GY,�C`I'��ER�'A� SIE�[�l1�T[�(�E P�1GF; S'I`U�T:N`I' ��Ii��;C'I'C�1tY (NE'C}RMA°I'E(?�I-I1C:GISL�ITIVE CIFI��`�'E (�F(i. 26.C�1:3� Westl�lc�Aeademy���-ovicic�s tc�tl7e�aarent of�acl�stu�lenl at lhe b��i��nir��of e��f1 schaol ye�r: (1) A w�-itr�« ����lri�artti<an caF tli�E�r��visio�is c�f���e I<<�nlily Fclt�catieanal Ctigk�ts and I�z�ivaey Act of 297F1 (2� C1.S.S.Sec. �_2���),�•e�;s:1E•ding t�h�r�le�����f t{ir�ectc�ry iz�f«r•matic�n��t��>tit th�stuclent ar�cl �2) Writl�E�natice�t�the ri�ht of tt�e �arenC ta t�k�ject t«tkie rekease r�f dirc�cto�-y infni�mation abaut t11e stucicE7t E�ncte�•tllc I�aniily 1:cic�cational Ri�llts t�l�c( Pi�iv�cy�ct c�f 1974 (ZEJ U.S.C.Sec. 1�32g). NOTICF, Accoe•dir�g to st�te�i1��i F�cleral l�w, cert���in infot•�Tlation about�clistrict seucients is ca��siclE�rc�i"direc;tory il�faer►tati��zi"anrl will l7e releaser�tt�a►iyc�ric wlle� t'c�lEe�ws t11e praee:dttres far��ec�uestiry�;Ch�i«farr�tatiQt�� ui�les� eli�.��rrrertt��►�€,��arclian ol�j�cts tc�tM��rel�fise c�f th�.�c[it�ectary inFQrrt�ation. Ifye�i�c!o r�at want W��;Ciaice Ac;adec��y Co discfc7se clirect�ry irifar��t�cic�n frorr�yoREr ciliici's e�iucation recc�rc�s�rithr�uty�ur prit�r written eor�s�Eit,yo« n��lst►�atify t}7e distr•ict i►� wr-it�iri�;Uvitt�in�Qdziys.Wescl��lce,flc�ci�rny�riccau��a�es paF•exits ro �ise tl�is Fc�r�z�t f«1�tt�e wi•itt�n �:�a►isent n�atifieatio►a. W�stl�ticc llc�ic�et�ly l��ls cicsi�;ra7te�l Glte f��ll��avi���i�it'��r��lation as"ctirectory informatiort": � ituclent's nam�,�t3dz•ess,tel�phone(isti«g,emai(adc(ress,phQt�grapFi,ciatc and �lace o€t�Irtti. • St«�ierlt`s majUr ficld c�f stttdy,de�rees,ht�nc�rs,�wt�rds,clat�s�f a�tendancc,�racle level, r�lost ��cce��t�cixoal p►•eviocEsly atten�le�f,�<a�°tici�aatian iil offici�lly G•e�c�gni�ect�ctivit�ies an�i spot-ts,wei�hl aFid hei�tit (if��i��c�iti�cr t�f a►1 a�flletic tear���,<�znd et�►•c�!lrncnt st��t�is. ���ar�nr i�allow�cf t�s r��ar�tfieie c�E�j�cti�ans tv the rele��se c�f all in�c�r►T�4iCion c�r�e���e ar mar•e s��cc:ific eate�;c�ries of the cEirectoty inf��rt��atian. � Westlake 11cacler�ky flas 3tty p�rmissit��r� to ttse dirccCc���y ir�f���rt»�Cion for sclzoc�I-rcla�ed cc��t�n���nick�tio►is��nci pi�blic�ty ONI.Y. 1 unclerstaricl this niay inclucle thc usc n�ctirectary int�o�-rn�tic�n t��e;yeat-t�c��lt, nE�wsl�tt��r��,Vrf�stlalce�1c�d�my we�t3sitc:,vicieas, l�[(�C,WAAC,TUwri csf 1��1�esClak�,W�stlalce.�cadcttXy�(�c��t«ciati�ri,�t�.� � Westka(ce�e,�de���y shc�t�ld I�OT��elc�a4e rity�;I�ild's sCucient direGt�aty informatian for ANY reaseYn. E�sxam��le: It y�« ch€�cl<tt�is l�ox:y«Ear st�Gc��nt's name will NO'I"�zp��ax�i►�schraai p�ibEi��tio�is i�r lc�c€tl newspa�rers if l�c�/she ti�vins an�aw��r�l. NO`I'f:: IEy«u ctter:kc this bcrx,yi�«r stu�ie;nt wilf r�aE t�� i►lcludec� in t}�e schQ«!y�.arbo�k. P�r�nt Si�zlat��rea.__.___w____ _�____ -___.-- ---._��_— _._,,�_ , ______w_ Parcnl�ft�rlZc� (f'I��zs� F'rint��:_ _ Attac:hment S ,V_ Texas Eciucation�Agency .^� __. Texas PubEic Schoal StudentlStaff Ethnicity and Raee Data Questionnaire Tfte Unitecl States Departrsient Qf Eciucafior� (USDE} �eyuires a(I state and local educafion institutions ta cattect data on ethnicity and race for studenfs and staff. This in�orma#ic�n is used far state and federal acGo«ntability reporting a�wetl as far repe�rting to fhe Office af CiviE Ri��hfs {QCR)at�d the Equal Employment appartunity Commission (EEUC}, School district staff and parents ar guardian� of studen4s enrollin� in schaoE are requested ta provide this informatic�n, If you decfine tc� pravide khis informatian, please be aware that Che USDE requires school distr'scts to use ot�server idenfificatian as a (ast resc�rt for ca(lecting tihe data for federal reportinc�. Piease ans�nrer bc�th parts of the foltowing questions an the student's ar staff inemher`s ethnicity and race. Unlfed States Federaf Register(79 �R aq866} Part 1..„EthnicltY_: Is the person HispaniclLatino? (Choose onty one) [.� H9spanic/Latino -A person af Guban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South ar�:,entraE American, or ath�r Spanish culfur�: ar arigin, �egardless of race. (� Nat HispanicP�atino F'art 2. Race: What is fhe person's race? (Chaose one ormore) �] American tncliart or Alaska Native-A persar� having arigins in any of the ari�ir�al peopl�s of Narfh�nd SQufh America (including Centraf Americaa, and wha mainfi�zins a tribal affifiatian or cammunity attar,hment. [.] Asian -A p�fspn having arigins in any of fhe aric�inal�eoples af the�ar I�ast, Southeast Asia,or the indian subconti���r�t incl�iciing, for�xampEe, Cambociia, China, Iridia, Jap�n, Karea, Malaysia,Pakisfan, the Phifippine Islands, 'fh�iland, ar�d Vietnam. ❑ Bl�ack or African Am�rican -A pessan having oric�ins in �ny af fhe black.racial groups of Africa, ❑ Native Hawaiian ar OtP�cr PacifiG Islai�►d�r-f�persan having �rigin� in any af the original peopf�s of Nawaii,Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific lslands. ❑ White -A�ersc�n having origins in any af the original peoples of Eurape, th� Middle East, e�r North Africa. Stud�r�t/Sta�f Name (pleas�print}__._.___. EF'arent/Guardian}/(Staft} Sign�ture' 5tudenUStafF Id�ntification Numt�er � Date -�� a � 'l"cxas�ducutiaif Agcncy—Marclt 2014 Attachment 5 � -r.�-'�v.<4� , f� ��l l�� x�� i� `I ,� � 1 �� �' ���, � � ,,�� M��.,,;,. vvcs�rc,AK�'ACA1.)EMI' E�f}M� [.�1NGUAGk Sll�VEY `CCl F�E CQMFIsETED BY PAR�NT Qii GUAR[�IA1� (C1R STt1[�CNT I�GftADES 9-12}: Thc sC�tt� c��'°Ccx�s rec�uir�s tl�at the fc�liQv�in� intc�z-mati�i� fc�r each �tucl�rit �hr�t eni-olls fo�- C��e E`irst ti�ne iz1 `I'ex�is puE�Eic se��oc�ls. `I'I�is inf«r►i�ati�i� shall 1�e le���t i►� eZel� st�xciet�t'� ��rm�i�ent r��cf>rci (�U[cic�z�. TEX�1S C:DUCA`C1C�N �GE�NCY, BIC,[NGU�1L �C�(1CA'i'[ON I�t�:f�U[REMEsN't' F'LE;.t1Sl: f'[ZIN'f'C}kZ'I'YPE S�'U[)E�:N`t"S()(:1l11.SEi(:U[tl`I'Y # f�Cllzl, LE�E;�i_. N/lMt: G{2111�F; Ll;VfsL�tS OE�SEPT 1, 2Q15.._._.�_._a---- ----�._,..__ __. Wl-1�1`t' LANC�U�I.C�C: IS SP(�K[:N 1N '1'i�l[; f(OMfs ivt(�ST OI��`I'l�{I�:'�i'tMf;? WFltt"C l,t1N(.�1.1�1C;t: I)O�4 TEIG �`I'Efl)f:N`C�P[�,A1< MC}S'['C}t�Tf�lf�i`I`It�9t:? �Y SIGfVINC; �'0[t l�F[�IRM'I'kl�l'['"1'It�; INE�C)ltM�i'E'(C�N P[2E1VIE���.1) (�N `(`ICIS F'C�[tM IS'F'1ZUF:�NE) t:()1t ft Es(;'t'. __ __._--- _...._. _.._____ -------- _.._ __.�____.______. _--- S(�;N�1'E'Ctf�.l fJT' t�E Gt�l.Ca[!A[2l�[ftN ��i C F�. Attachm�nt 5 2f715-"LU]6 Grade WESTI.A�CC ACAC)�MY F.MCRGENCY INP(]kMliTCON CQR TEi SCNQQL HE�LT[�i C:LINIC SeucienC's Le�;al i,asc Name Studeat`�Le�sl t�irs[N�une SCucle�rt's L,e�al Cv�idclle Namc (�7/1� l3irtttdG�te EMERGGNfY CON"t'F�f"CS.TF1F PAR(iN't'tN1L(.}3fs'Cf1[.Lt:I�1�'[ItS'1'.ff a pc�teent c�nnot hc reachecl,enter�;ency cantacl's will be cralled. Nlaasc;eiate ttaat�:ont�cts sltouEc��te iaeal,as Chey t�i�y t�eed tt�pic!<u��your cCiild in ca�e oF illness. f��3rc��nk U�iia�c_�(s),._ __ F[o��ie Nh�>ne(. } bia«�'s i?<+ytirne I'hone:( )_.--------- - I.?�tci`s U�yCiri�e t'i���nc: ( ) _ ._._..,.._� � M��n's C�=1(: ; )� i�ad's Gell lattt�ne:(_� _ ___ _.___ E:me�-�;eney ConEact Nar1t�: _ _ [te{�tic�nshi�tc�Stud�nt:_ _�. f[t�m�E'tit�ne:(�� __ f,ePl t'h�kne: (_--�._--- --�� I)�ct�r's Name:— -- --�oetur'�E'hone:(_ ..._ l _. MF'f�lCA1.E�F.Lf'.AS(�:AlJ'I'F{OIt!'I.A"I'i(�N _ _ __. __. __ [n<<is�aP��cicferzt ar scnous illncs5,!rec�ue�se Che sch��hl Ct�cont�icc me.If the scfi�ol is u�sable tc�reacli�ne,I her�by authari�e che person(s�listed as e€�iergeney Cc�nt�iets ant!l��cCor ta he nocified at I�.he fich��ol's disr,eetion and tia auChcrrl�e�Chc��namecl cloctor fenterge;ney�lt�Cke�r Cn render suelt ks�c�tn�ent��s�tia��b�dcaerncei necrssary in an emer�ency,fa�Nic tte�i[h ot'saic{c;{�ilcL(C it is iml��ssihle;;ot th�tic:hc�ol�:a�o�itact the pi7ysiciarr,the sel�o�rl€n.�y m��!<c whakever�arr�n�entenes ttceessary with Cl�e intrdical prcrFessi�n,il(s�availablc to�ive�all rieeessarp Cre<�eir�eni to rtiy child,I Fi�rther assiinle ehe c•esp�>�isif�ility E�uf•E}ayuitnt of a�iy�r�fe5sic�r�al ert�crg�ric.y scrvices requir��d. FiMGRGF.NC�Pi�It`fiNi�t P_[Nt�C)RMATIf)N �Allcrgies,Disal�ililics,Mzclicatiotis�y f.isk all allergies: �— -- --- CteG3ctit�ns:_ ___�_____�___.___----_...____.____.__.__�._� _.._.....LL_ tlas y<�ur cl�iid useci ein EiE'f•PGN far any oE lhese rxns?�.�_e_.(f ycs,he�w ic�ng su7ec it w�is nceetis�iry?._- -____.___..._..�__._ ...,____._ NLB�iSt's C3}2IAfG AT L[:f�S'P ONE i.P!-P[iN IN'I'(�NtJRSii'S Uf•'PICCi[[�YC)UR f.E[[L17 REiQtJ[(tI�S C)NEi i�(�tt SI�:Vt�,EtE:ItEi�1C'('(()N List any heaith conciitions�r cancerns(itt�litdc scizares,asthma,dia�ietes,freq��e»t heaciacl�es,cte,�: E2ecc�m�����tcfc�!tecatmc�tt at scE�croi fai•�t�ovc hc�rlCh condit�ians: -------- —--�-- -- � ---- ----- _.__.. _ _ _._ _ ___ _...__ ___..___ _.__.._..____._�__------ t(st�.�denk tivill need�E�i«hal�r fo�-resc��c ar nl�iin�cnance c�f asthm��plca���e«d ie C«Nu�se's�tfice List eurr��it tnedie�tini�s(inclu�lc non-prescri�ciati�nd herE�al�; hilS'I'nE�Y OF CHI(:EtI.N ('(JX ILLNESS: _.._ k{as y�tEr chilci Ei�.t�i thG chicl<en p«x ilin�ss an�l c{oes riot ireed titc Varicc!(�V�cK'i��e?._.. _ .___.,..__(ln t�r ataGltit wh�C tlatc"?._ -__.__..__ {�las your child N(lT'had t;�c chicicenpr�x iHness but E(�S l3EiE:N vaccin�3Cnd with th��Va��iccll�t��iccitte?_ _ __, ..__�_._._ _�_,..�_. Tha�staEf af WeskEake Acad��Eriy has��iy permisstan tc�admi�iisCcr Che Coilowie7�rttecticakions as nceded far tPae temporaE-y r•clic€c�f���C�ropriate �ym�yt:oms tiar t�hc��e studen�s�g�s five ai�cl alder.Please note that NC3 f�11:i)fCATIr)N bl1(LL[3FS GfVGN Wt`CF(C�UT WRIT"t'FN f'E�,RM[SSIC)IV.lfyou�v��nt: youe cE�Elci t�er receive*m����lir.ri�ions tivtth�u[.j pf1<ute call ea€h tin�c:,Cilis fariti MUS`C be signed attd rett�cnec3. P[�_3se eirele yes c�r rin fe�r carf� �ztcc(ie�ti�n,__�Et__C[,f_tCl ['E_f l:ftf_fc>r ali a_�provc tt L�rlow YC;S NO fteetaEuin�a��he��('Cyle«cti} YI:S t�`Q tintif�iotic'Capical Uintn�enl (Nec�s��c�rin� YE;S NC� Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrir�) YI;S NO 'IbpieaE�7ra!Anc�sttictic YES NO Na��roxin Socfium (f�levc�) �`lsS NO I'epto[3istt�o! Y�:S NC) l7ecnai�;estant [Suc#af�ecl Pi�;) YES NO `t'utns Yk;S [�0 I�ipheE�tiyelr�n�irl��13Gnacfry!) Y}:S NCI Cnugl�Dr���s YFS f�CJ I-tydrneortiscrne anei-itc°h crez�rtt YCiS Nf) Lt�r��tadine (Clarit[n) (3y my sigE��lture helt�w,[cc���serit Ya��ticl�ive autt7ori•r,aCio�� Fc�l�all�reas d�tailec�al�nve o�i be(�alf c�f m}s di�fct 4�nc1 th��t.all i�tfor�t7atin��provi�fect rihove is correct. Narent/Guardizin Si;;naturc:_.._. __. ._ _-•-- ------- t)�t�:. �! � � � � � � � � � 'fhe charl�r Molc�er certifies it has palicies and pracedures in pl�ee khat ensure im�lementatian of all federal laws and r��ulatior�s, fiexas laws, State Board of �ducation (580Ej and commissioner c�f education rufes r�lated t� studer�ts with disabilities and furkher certiEies any �uture �rnei�dments to the laws, regul�tio��s, �nd ri�les wifl be inearporateci and implerY�ented. ... r ���'"�„� . _� �Ll,!!���'-��'� ��..�.�..._� SigitatG�re af Cl7arter F�older Qaara Chair �� Q�te (Mtrse sic�n In bfue ink) l,aura Wh�;at Printed Na��e of Cl�art�r HoEder Qoard Chafr������ a`ti'���:9�?��t:t'o��t����.�TrT-.�`�.�.a..�'��sF��$�,�,.-.�..��i✓,,t+��:��`���t�,A:s.��.,,��"--.�, �.�=r,.���'. �:�-.��:'",a�$:����i�' � A l� � � � � � � � r .Mr j dU � � a^=i'.T.....:..-.�' . _ . . If the charter schaot is not currently approved to s�rve students at resiclential facilities, do not provide a sign�tur� and indicake N/A on the si�nature line. If o��erating� chart�r sch�ol carn�us an the site af a r�side.ntial facility(RF) ar servin�sCucients residin�in dr receivin�s�rviGes frc�m an Rf=, the cl�arter holder e,hair certifies E�y si�nir7�the assuranc�that: Cornptianee with Specia!Education Requirements:TI�e chartc:r hoiclr�r ass�res that it will cQrr�ply with ail of khe requirements For th� �rovisic�n af€tducatic�nal servic�s to s�uder�ts with disabilities �s mand�ted k�y the lndivicluals witf� Disabilitips Education f�ct, �s amended, the T�xt�s Educatic�n �oc1e, ancl fec�cral ar�d stat� speciaC educatian re�ulations. The cf�arter holcler ackn�,v,ri�cl�es Chat stat� ar�d federal special �dta��tie�r� requirernents require, arnon� other tf�in�s, it pravide a Eree and apprepriate �ublic education (F,�PEj in th� fs�st restei�tiv� environment (lR�j ta studerits with disabilities resicling in RFs. Th� �har�ter holcfer furt�ier assirr�s th�t it will �ravid�.�, e�r seck t�h� provision oF, a FAPF tc� stuclents with �fis�biiities, whicri m�y r�qc�ire it tc� contract witf� a��tside s�evicG prc�viders ar anakher Iraca( educational ape��cy to prc�vidc� n�cessary snrvices and su��aorts to students with disr�bilitiEs. �eographic Baundaries: The charten c��lrl�r �ssures that it will aee�pt students �.vho resid� in the sehaol distri�t(s} that ar�� within eaet7 campus's g�c�grapt�ic boundar+es re�ardl�ss of kh� presence c�r �bsence of a clisability ar adrr�issior� to car parlicip�tion in an �f=prc�gram. Admissions Criteria:The ch�rter holder assures th�t its adrr�issior7s crite�ia will nat be basrd on the presenee 4r the al�sence c�f 4� clisability;ar an �ender; n�tional ori�in; ethnieity; religic�n; faeadernic; artistic �r athletie at�ility; or thp hc�me districk the rhild woufd c�therwis�aEtend. Sehao!Choice:Thc charter hotdr�r assures that �arenCs/le��i puardians{or�dult stucientsj will be advised tt7at they may chc�as� to�*r�rc�ll th�cir child in eith�r th�charEer sct�ool or th�local�ublic scf�c�ol distrsct and th.�t the electeci ehoice wfll k�e documentec� in writir7g and fi(eci f�r pE�r�aases af review ar audit by tMe 1'exas�ciuca[ion��ency(TEA},an c�xternal auditar,�r an4Ch�r entity, Residentia/ Facititie.s ll/Tarlftaring (FiFMf System. "fh� chart�r 17olti�r assures that it ur7derstaricls tiiat, pursuant to 19 (TACf §97.ICJ72, there is a s��dfic systerrt far rr��r�itnrin� sch��E districts and charter schc��ls servsng students with c�isabi(ities wl�io reside in R�s. '1'I�e chark�r f�older further assures tt�at. it ur�tlerst�ncis it wlfl b� rcc�uirec4 to r��ac�rt data relaCPd t� studPnts witl� cfisabilities resi�iin� in RFs in TF.A's dat� e.callectian syster� kr7own as RF 'fr�rcker ar�c! it may be subject te� RFM inte�v�ntic�r� ��ctivitie:and or�-site visits 6�rs�d upan a r€�vi�w af th�daka reparted an a rand�am seleckiQn or other me�ns c�Fselectian. Training: The ch�arter hold�r assures thaE al! F�ersonnei ir�volved with scrv€f7�; st�itien�s witt�i disal�tNti�s residi��� in a RF �nci personne( invr�lved with re�c�rting ciaka in RF Teacker will r�c�ive trainin� on the RFM syst�m. Rl�ase cc�ritact yo��r regian�) Fdueatic�nal Servic�C�nt��r for�nFarm�tiar�re��rclir7�tfie rec�uired RFM sy�t��m tr�ir�in�. , _ ��.. , ., ._ � r. . ,�zt'k� ;,�c��s����S,il��i. �.a- e g• ' $: �.t�`�a+i�"�y�,�-t--� ��"�� �°i�,S�'`, ���� _r;'x� �.-r ::;� �: �i.T.L.(��L�"��! � A � � � � � � � � rt � � � � "" � ~ � The chart�r holder assures this ciocument has b�en �hared with, and und�rstood k�y, the RF board and that the R� board has acknQwl�cl�;ec! its ��nderstandit�g o( all federal faws arid r�gul��tians, Texas laws, StatP f�c�ard t�f Ed�fc�tior� (SE�C�E) and camrnissian��of educatic�n rul�s r�lat�d ta�hartcr sehac�ls s�rvin��tud�nts�t r�sidential f�cilities and further certifies that�ny Fc�tur��mendrnents to tEi�laws, re�ulations,�r7d r�rles will lae i��eorEaarated�nd implemerlted. �'!/'`� , _. _ ��.� _ _. ___����.__- Siynattir�Qf Charter Ftc�lder E�aard Chair � "Date (Mcrst srgn in btue rnk) i.aura Wheat Frinted Name of Charter Molcler Baard Chaie� , , r , �. _ . `viF�.�kYf�n�L11�t�.���L►A�da� ���t���I'�a��;ar_i a���i......t. ..'. .�._._..,, .,.;.-�.a.U.,_ _..._.._ .._�,....�E._..�.. .�...._�_._�..�..�...�_���,�f�.:l^.L�'S�.?�A.. Ji.,? � s� s � .� A i � '� ,� ! � �, , ., � � (excr�F_d«catrc�n Ccr<!e, Cha�ter 1J, Suf�chcr�ter 8, TEC§1�.104(b1(�J(GJ, and 1� T�C§§83.121�2-8J.1265 rec�uire charter sehaols ta identify limited English proficier7t stuclrnks k�ased Qn state criteria and to pravide an appropriate bilin�ual edueation ar Fnglish as a second langua��p�o�ram conducteci by Ceachers certif►ed for sueh cc�urs�s, A. The cf�arter f�older certifi�s iC h�s E7�licies and �eaeedur�s iri place t� ensure it camplies wit�i the le�a€ ar�ci re�ulatory r�quirements cc�r�cc�rning ict�nti(ying ar�d providin�a�pr�a��riate educational services ta limited En�lish pr��ficient stucients. C:Yes �`Nc, Secti�n 5C}4 of the ReI�aE�ilitatioi� Act of 1.973, Z9 C1.5.C. �73�J, �rohihiks discriminatinn on the b�rsis af disab�lity ir� any �ra�r�r€m re��ivin� fnrler�! fin�ncial assistance. A reciE�ient that aperates a �aublic educ�trori pra�rat7� Qr activity shall pravicie a Eree, appr�priate public education to qu�lified individuals. B. Tr�7e charker h�ider certi�ies it ha� p�lici�s af7d proeedur�s ir� pl�ce Ca en�ure it cc�mplies wit� Yhe le��l �nd rE��ulatnry requirert�ents concerning icientifyin�ancf prc�vidir��apprc�priatie educaliana)serviGes ko students�arotect�d by S�ction 5t1�. (s Yes �`IVO lexns£tlt�cat/c�rt Cotte§38.Q03, TEG§12.104(6)(�f(K�, �S� 1AG§T4.2&ae�d S�ctian SD4 e�f kE�e�tehE3bilitatia��Act of 1973, 2�U.S.C. §`19�, require charter schc�c�ls [o identify studenls witl� dyslexi�i or� refated disorders and Cc� provid� ap�arc�priate educakic�nal SP(VICP.4. G The charter 17o(der ce�kifies it h�s �zoEicies and ��rc�cetiures iri �lace to ensurc it corr�piics witl� tf�e leg�rl and re�ulatory requirem�nks conterr�in� ider�tifyin� a�d ��ravi�llr7�; �p�rt�priate educatianal seevic�s kc� stud�nts with ciyslexia ar relatGd disarders. (+`Yes ('Na I further certify that any future�rnenciments ta the faws,regulatians,ar�c� rules Uril(bc incar�c�ratEd a��c�impl�mented. .— �����������L`� _--- �'�_.f�:.��./��.�',_.wu_.__�_...._..m.,.���__ �G��� Sic���at�ir-e c�F�hart�r F{e�ld�r�o�,rcl Chair C7ate (Mtrst sign ir�Gtu�inkJ Laur�Wheat - -.._._,�__..-------------_______________._._ Printe�d Name of Charter Mofder Boarc�Ct7air ., ., .._ �.� .F .� , . ,... __ �,: r<;�'�'�nL��t�.�inLi�.=i:taxl�� t,�t�s��'�. °�•,�'��e. �' - - _. __ " - = '�L�.�t.i�z�r'�li� � e� � � � � � E ' � • � w ,� � i� O T.�44 .. Tl�e cP7arter t�o(der c�rtifies it is iri compfiance witf� TEC§1�,12C1, and ccanfirms kh�t no ir�divid�aal is serving in any capacity if he or she has beer� cc�nvicted of a misdeme�nor involvin� mural turpitudc; a f�lany; arx otfense listed in TEC .4.�7.CIQ7(cz); ar ar� offer�se listeci in Article 6�.�1Q�(5j�ode af Crirninr�!F'racedures; unless tlte inciiviclual is eli�,ible tc�b�ernpl�y�d in a p�sition in � school disfrict und�r TEC§2Z.x2C1(a-1 j. �idclitianally, tf7e chart�r h�rlder cc�nfirrns alI curr�nt fin�;er�rinting and erirninal recor€i eheclts ar� avaiiable far al! ern�alay�es, ineluding ccantr��ct empCaye�s; vol�inteers who indicated in writin�their intention to scrue; board mert�bc�r�; ane� offi�c±rs of the chart�r halcler wha are nc�t on thc bo�rd, in carnplianeP Nrikh T��E'§�.12.1�i.S4,2Z.(J�33,2-?.2.0835. � �� ���fP.t�`� G��Z��u-�-"__��__._6 l�,�i�.— �ignature oF Char-�er Halder Board ChaiF Date (Musr si�n in blue ink) _.�,_ ,��.�.�..��_ .�.. t aura Wh�at � __. ___ --- --- ----- ------ Pri�iCed Narn�of Charter tiolder Bo�ref Chair ��.C�f�;f��_P-���►_.�' �.. �e i 4 :.: . . .� � �, � .� � ,. � � .� l"��is s�ctian requires at I�ast a maj�rity of the gaverning k�ody af the cl�arter E�a(d�r tn c�rtify it has had an opportunity ta review the com�fetcd renewal appfication and has autharized, during an open meetir�g, submission af the applicatian to the commissioner af�ducatic�n f�r cansider�tian af renewal of the charter. CFRT{FIC;AT�9F ACKNQW(.EDGFMENT' Thc�und�arsi�r��d mc�rnk�Ers e�fi the�av�rning ba�iy af the chart��r holder t�cr�t�y�cknowl�d�e that tf�ey�t�ve had an opp�rtunity tc�review the c�rnpleted renewal a�FaHcation and have authc�rited its submission, during�rn aprn rneetir�,t�the cammissiQner of edtacatian fc�r cc�nsider�tio�caf the renewal af the charter: Typed Nart�e Signature Date" {TYpe n�me next to carrespor�cling sig�at�rra} (Must sign in blu�ink}) �laur�Wheat ,�C,� ����� � _�.l� ��f� __._._ _..____�__.___.� __,..... _ �,._ _�_ _ AI�sGi B�lueelere _ � : _--- - __ __ _ __ ------ -_-- __-��_r��-�:__ ___ _��������-���.-� --- , . - . � Mich�e(E3arrett - � �l�� __._,... . _ .__ _ ._ _ _ ��. �,_.. ___,_ __ . '__ -- - -- � T.— ,._.,.,.._�_._._�_._._._.v___� --_..... f ! Way�ie Stolt�nb�rg ..� � ���-L,� '� _ � �.�_ ------__ ..- . [�aroi Larjc�dc�n � — _�.. .__._. ,,.�..��,m m �_._._ . ---�--__ -I �.�,�.�� -��,�tt. �.-_ ._�.� -� _--_---__�.n ... _-----_ �, _ Rick Renhatk � �`f,.,���� .� : � ,�,�...y,�� �,t,�. m.. ...e..._ �;� _�._-------- .._ ... Thamas Qrym�r � � � ' _ _ _. _......_.. .__ __ ------- �-- ----_— ___ __ _. __ __ _.._. . . ----—J _,. _ .._ _. __. _..,..____ _.._ _. ... _._. .. .. __---.. . --_- -- -�__._.-�..�.____�..�.�__._..______.._�._.� e.,_r..K,_ _._m _. -_�_._�. _.__w . . ___._.__ __r�_ ..M..,_m __ _�._�_�_._...__�� _ . .�_� ___,_�._ � ._._ _ _ *li�ierrzb�rs are�a sir�n tlre aeknowled�e���er�t clurinc�nn a/�en rneeting;[herefare, tl�e d�te r�exf t�r ecrch sl�n�rture r�ust reftect tF�c= cfc�te�F the meeting. :t�e�{.,�.�i�l.����.��i '�xl�t�� e e�f��+�tl�. _ __ . . � ; ..,�$.�°����� Ei `�,t� , �'�G> � m � � � �` � e i s ��!t�.��j._ �� _ .. ,e, Mich��el VtEilli�n�s Commis�ianer of Ecluc�tion Lizzette C.Gonzalez R�ynolds Chief Deputy Gommissianer MicMael 6erry Depuky Cammissioner, PQlicy and Rrograms s�fly P�rCr�d�;� Assaciat�Cammissioner,Accr�ditatic�n anci School Irnprovement , Heath�r Mauze Dir�ctar, C�ivision of Chart�r Schcaol�1�iminiskration For further information contact tt7e Division of Ch�rter Schacal Administratian �t: Texas Education A�ency 1701 Nc�rih Can�ress Avenue Austir�,Texas 787G1. (51�}�t�i3-�375 (512}4Ei3-�732 fax Err�ail -Charter5cl�oQls(�tc�.te,xas.�c�v Or visit tt�e w�bsit�: t�ttp://tc��,trxx,s.��v/"�cax�s_Schools/Ch��rrter_SchoQls/Charter_Schools/ �_,:'x'.3;�1.Yf1;.ti��+t'R'i.a<1�1:t�'.�€.£:i$�� . �.°�,�A.4.t�'�5,�,`r�0.�li �'4 n��:-r��_.:ri ,.� t ,�« e.� .�•.'�.�f„�, ,}--,.�':, Y._�fl� '� '���:��J.: � 4,�et;�id:;si �a �=� � � ..: .,� (. ..f.^i a'er. 5. y�,e . 4 ea --_--..__._.._-__----- __-____.___.; __�—�.--;a =� 26t60pen•Enroifmsnt Charter Rer.ewat Flowchart � � G,..v:, ..�5 .ur:.M�{ R t.V�i:' " %` _ a �sM,�., ,, .�r, �k9 Frc�a tha9�`�H E 5 ' Px.e«. . •c n s�.,�y Cte•.e, y. .. %.x.n.,n �� Evi..i t �rY � s r�- �.<.� Aurnuiaatn ." -Uv+a � i a '�u'g r. t. � LYa� m s�e .. �� . &c-»st+�Den�ex . . .. .^.s .< �Fp r, ,. Aesesament Deet�ian . . � !�?�n5�.^P.w Oe#.re, � .^.i4'��f 5 .. it.+-t�er�� �� � ,.� ih..a� ; .• �x.s+,v.x .. Iu � �, 't�:.Se•E �� ' ...._= .. t<...�r<.>J..:�� � . 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' ;.. ��� X 1 f ; Attachment B WESTLAKE AGAQEMY GHARTER SCHQQL (22a810� Ratings Year Accountability Ratings Charter FIRST Ratir�3 Aacreditatio«Status 2Q14-2015 M�rt 9ta�dard Pass Gr,r�R��asea Met Stanciard 1 2013-2414 Mat Standard Superiar Achievement ACCREDtTER C_,.aru;�uu�s Met Stanctard 1 2012-2Q13 Mot Standard 5tybstandard Achievement ACGREQfTEQ CasrtE�u:,,es Met St�tndard 1 2411-2012 No Ratings Issued Superior Achievcmer�t Nn Statusas issued P�:��m�>ti:;���;� �ic�Ratirrbs issucd 1 2Q10-2011 Exomptary Standard AchievGm�snt ACGREDiTED C,��anEiuse�-� �xemF�lary 1 2005-20't0 Exemplary Standart!AchiQvamer�f ACCREDfTED �:�rnF7ur;��c. Exemplary 1 Friday,Novemher O6,2U15 Generation 07 CDN 220810 � �' CONTRACT , , . ,' :.� t1. ', �` ' �:�;�� � FOR RENEWAL ,S ,r r �� � � �� , � OF �; ��� ��`i ^� � , , ,,_ \ ,� ;; OPEN-ENROLLMENT CHAR7'ER THIS AGREEMENT,made this 5 day of July,2016,is executed between the Texas Education Agency (the "Agency"), the authority, and Town of Westlake ("Charter Holder") to operate Westlake Academy Charter School, a Generation 07 Open-Enrollnnent Charter School. THE PURPOSE of this anreement is to renew terms and conditions between the Agency and the Charter Holder. Whereby tlle following terms shall enable the Commissioner of Education (the "Commissioner"), as veSted agent, to maintain an active cammitment to the award and regulation of high-quality charter schools within the state of Texas. To such end, the Agency and Charter Holder, for the consideration hereunder named, agree as follows: GENERAL Article I. Definitions, as used in this contract: "Charter"shall mean the Open-Enrolltnent Charter as granted by the State Board of Education, and renewed by this contract under the authority of the Commissioner. "Chai�ter Application" shall mean all information proposed and approved by the State Board of Education in response to the oribinal Request for Application. "Charter Holder" shall refer to the sponsoring entity identified in the Charter Application and any entity to which a charter is renewed by this contract. � "Charter School"shall mean the Open-Em•ollment Charter School governed by Charter Holder and identified by the six digit County District Number(CDN) 220810. The Charter School is part of the public school system of Texas and shall operate as a "Charter School" within the meaning of 20 U.S.C. § 8066. "Request for Application" shatl refer to all documents approved and published as SAS A511. "Renewal Term" shall refer to the number of years granted by the Commissioner to renew operations under the Charter. 1 of 7 Generation 07 CDN 220810 Article II. The Charter. This cantract hereby renews the Charter to «Charter Holder» under ' Subchapter-D, Chapter 12, 7EC. The terms of the Charter shall include: (a)this renewal contract; ' (b) the original contract for charter, as signed by the Charter Holder and the State Bourd of Education;(c)applicable law or Administrative rule in effect,amended,enacted or adopted during ' the term of the contract; (d)Request for Application; (e)any condition,amendment,modification, revision,or other change to the Charter adopted or rati�ed by the authorizing entity,including any prior renewal documents with revisior�s based on contingency responses; (� �nal renewal application received 'zn spring 2015, including any arnendrnents to the Charter rnade through the renewal applieation; and (g) all statements, assurances, commitments and representations made by Charter Holder in the original Charter Application and Renewal Application, attachments or related documents,to the extent consistent with the aforennentioned(a)through (�. Article III. Material Violation(s). Upon any and all determinations of material violation(s), the contxact for the charter shall be subject to revocation under TEC §12.115(a}. Actions that may constitute a material violation are, but not limited to, speci�c references hereunder. Additional illustrative examples include the failure to procure valid: (a) certificate(s) af occupancy; (b)fingerprinting; and (c) criminal background checks. Charter Holder affirn�s its understaz�diiag that the Charter School be in compliance with TAC §100.1032 concerning the majority of its student population being in state-tested grade levels throughout the entire Renewal Term. Unless Chartex Holder submits and subsequently receives Comrnissioner approval to waive this threshold. Article IV. Term of Charter. The Renewal Term for the Charter shall be for a period of ten (10) years beginning August 1, 2016. The Charter shall automatically expire on July 3l,2026,unless otherwise subject to forfeiture for failure to meet criteria under TEC §12.141 or revocation. A failure to perform under this Article shall constitute a material violation. Article V. Renewal(s) of Term. This Agreement does not vest Charter Holder with a right of automatic renewal.AlI requests for renewal shall be determined by a timely application in the form prescribed by the Commissioner, with subsequent determination by the Commissioner. The Charter shall not be renewed on or before July 31, 2426. No Renewal of Term shall exceed ten (10}years. Article VI. Alienation of Charter. The Charter may not be assigned, encumbered,pledged or in any way alienated for the benefit of creditors or otherwise. Charter Holder may not delegate, assign,subcontract or otherwise alienate any of its rights or responsibilities under the Charter.Any attempt to do so shall be null and void and hold no force or effect. Breach under this section shall constitute a material violation. Article VII. Revision by Agreement. The terms of the Charter may be revised with the consent of Charter Holder by written amendment approved by the Commissioner. 2of7 Generation 07 CDN 220810 STUDENTS Article VIII. �pen-Enrollment. Admission and enrollment shall be open to any person(s) who resides within the approved geographic boundary stated in charter application and who is eligible for admission based on lawful criteria as identified in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved amendments to the Charter.Total enrollment shall not exceed the maxzmum number of students approved in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved amendments to the Charter. Article IX. Non-Discrimination. The Charter School's educatianal program shall comply with TEC §12.111(a)(5). Article X. Children with Disabilities.A charter school is a"local educational agency"as defined by federal law. Charter Holder must comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as amended by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, 20 U.S.C. §1401, et seq., and implementing regulations; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504),29 U.S.C. §794,and implementing regulations;Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 U.5.C. §§ 12131-12165, and implementing regulations; Chapter 29, Texas Education Code,and implementing rules;and court cases applying these laws. Article XI. Non-Religious Instruction and Af�liation. Charter School shall not conduct religious instruction or religious activities. Charter Holder and Charter School shall be nansectarian in their programs,policies, employznent practices, and ali other operations. Artiele XII. Educational Program. Continued authority to operate under the Charter during the Renewal Term is contingent upon all approved campns(s) actively providing the specific educational program(s) as proposed in the Charter Application. Any and all changes to the proposed educational program(s)and(or)specific demographic population(s)without approval of the Commissioner shall constitufie a material violation. Article XIII. Student Performance and Accountability. Charter Holder shall satisfy Chapter 39, Subchapters B, C, E, F, G, and J of the Texas Education Code, and related Administrative rules, as well as the student performance accountabiliry criteria stated in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved am.endments to the Charter. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Article XIV. Financial Management and Accountability. Charter Holder shall satisfy (a) Chapter 39 Subchapter D; and (b) Chapter 12, Sections 12.104, 12.106, 12.107 and 12.111 of the Texas Education Code, and (c) related Administrative rules regarding financial management accountability. Article XV. Annual Audit. Charter Holder shall at its own expense have the financial and programmatic operations of the Charter School independently audited annually by a certified public accountant holding a valid permit from the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. Charter Holder shall file a copy of the annual audit report, approved by Charter Holder, with the Ageney not later than the 150`h day after the end of the fiscal year for which the audit was made. 3 of 7 Generation 07 CDN 220810 ' The audit must comply with Generally Accepted Auditrng Standards and znust include an atYdit of the accuracy of the fiscal information provided by the Charter School through PEIMS. Financial ' statements in the audit must comply with Government Auditing Standards and the Offrce of ' Management and Budget Circular-A-133. Article XVI. Retarn of Property and Funds. It is understood that in accardance with TEC §§12.128 and 12.107, a charter holder that ceases to operate for any reason, including revocation or expiration/non-renewal, shall return to the state all public property and public funds upon cessation of operation. This includes any and all property purchased or leased with state funds under TEC §12.106 and all unspent funds held in trust for the benefit of the students pursuant to TEC §12.l Ob and 12.107. Article XVII. Indebtedness of Charter. Charter Holder shall not incur a debt, secure an obligation, extend credit, or otherwise make use of the credit or assets of the Charter School for any purpose other than operations as approved in the Charter. Artiele XVIII. Non-Charter Activities. Charter Holder shall keep separate and distinct accounting, audits, budgeting, reporting, and record keeping systems for the management and operation of the Charter Sehool. Any business activities of Charter Holder not directly related to the management and operation of the charter school shall be kept in separate and distinct accouuting, auditing, budgeting, reporting, and record keeping systems from those reflecting activities under the Charter. Failure to perform under this article shall constitute a material violation. GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONS Article XIX. Organizational Mission. Charter Holder shall govern and operate in strict accordance with the proposed organizational mission as presented in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved amendments to the Charter. Artiele XX. Non-Profit Status. Charter Holder shall take and refrain from all acts necessary to maintain good standing as an organization exempt from taxation under 501(c)(3),Internal Revenue Code. If Charter Holder is incorporated, it shall comply with all applicable laws gaverning its corporate status.Failure to perform under this article shall constitute a material violation. Articic XXI. Records Retention and Management. Charter Holder shall implement a records management system that conforms to the system required of school districts under the Local Government Records Act, Seetron 201.401 et ,seq., Local Government Code, and rules adopted thereunder; provided, however, that records subject to audit shali be retained and available for audit for a period of not less than five(S)years from the latter of the date of termination or renewal of the Charter. Charter Holder shall maintain all student records. A charter holder that ceases to operate for any reason, including revocation or expiration/non-renewal, shall return to the state all student and staff records within 30 days af closure, per TEC 12.1052 (d), in the rnanner specified by the commissioner to a custodian designated by the commissioner. 4 of 7 Generation 07 CDN 22081� Article XXII. Failure to Operate. Charter Holder shall operate the Charter School for the full school term as proposed in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved amendments to the Charter for each year authorized by this Agreement. Charter Holder may not suspend operation for longer than twenty-ane (21) days without a revision to the Charter, adopted by the Charter Holder Board, and approved by the Commissioner prior ta the suspension of operations, stating that the Charter School is dormant and setting forth the date an which operations shall resume and any applicable conditions. Failure to comply under this article shall constitute a material violation. Article XXiII. Charter School Facility.Charter Holder shall possess and maintain,for the entire Term of Charter: (a) lease agreement(s); or (b) lawful title; or (c} other legal instrurnent granting a lawful right of occupancy and use. All facilities and(or)other real property procured by Charter Holder must be of suitahle use as proposed in the Charter Application and all applicable and approved amendments to the Charter. The term `facility', under this Article, sha(1 constitute any of the following: as deftned in Chapter 1 DQ, Texas Administrative Code (a) campus; and (b)facility; and (c) site that is procured by state and(or) federal funding. Charter Holder affirms that it shall govern and maintain operations in all facilities tlu•oughout the entire Renewal Term. The term `operations', under this Article, shall constitute an open facility that is currently serving lawfully enrolted students. Without prior approval by the Coznznissioner, failure to comply under this article shall constitute a material violation. Article XXIV. Indemnification. Charter Holder shall hold the Agency harmless from and shall indemnify the Agency against any and all claims, demands, and causes of action of whatever kind of nafiure asserted by any third-party and occurring or in any way incident to, arising out of, or in connection with any acts of Charter Holder, its agents, employees, and subcontractors in performance of this Agreetnent. THIS AGREEMENT Article XXV. Entire Agreement. This contract, including all referenced attachments and terms incorporated by reference, contains the entire agreement of the parties. All prior representations, understandings, and discussions are superseded by this contract. Artiele XXVI. Severability. If any provision af this contract is determined by a court or other tribunal to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force and effect, so as to give effect to the intent of the parties to the extent valid and enforceable. Article XXVII. Conditions of Contract. Execution of this contract by the Commissioner is conditioned on full and timely compliance by Charter Holder with: (a) the terms, xequired assurances, and conditions of RFA; (b) applicable law; and (c) all commitments and 5 of 7 Generation 07 CDN 220810 ' representations made in the original Charter Application, approved amendments, and Renewal Application, and any supporting documents (to the extent such commihnents and representations are consistent with the ternas of this contxact). ' By executing this contract, the Charter Holder represents that it understands that the Cliarter Holder, including any and alI governance, at whatever level whether appointed or elected, e�nployees, agents, and volunteers shall fully cooperate with every Texas Education Agency investigatian andlor sanction deemed necessary by the Commissioner based on authority and responsibility vested by state or federal law. Agency staff may conduct confidential interviews af Cllarter School persoivnel and contractors outside the presence of representatives of the Charter School's administration and Board, and that failure to timely reply with reasonable requests for access to site, personnel, documents, or other materials andlor items shall constitute a material violation. Article XXVIII. No Waiver of Breach. No assent, express or implied, to any breach of any of the covenants or agreements herein shall waive any succeeding or other breacll. Article XXIX. Governing Law. In any suit arising under this contract,Texas law shall apply. Article XXX. Laws and Rules Applicable. By executing this contract, the undersigned representatives of Charter Holder represent that they have read and understand the rules adopted by the Commissioner pursuant to Texas Education Code Chapter 12, Subchapter D and that they have had full opportunity to consult with their awn legal counsel concerning said rules prior to executing this Agreement. The undexsigned representatives further understand and agree tlzat: (a)this contract is contingent upon legislative autl�orization and the contract and the funding under it may be modified or even terminated by future legislative act;(b)the terms of this contract, and of the Renewed Open-Enrollment Charter created by this contract, include all applicable state and federal laws and all applicable rules and regulations; (c} state and federal laws, rules, and regulations may be adopted, amended or repealed from time to time; (d) all such changes to state and federal laws, rules, and regulations applicable ta Charter Holder or to its Charter School may modify this contract, as of the effective date provided in the law, rule, or regulation; and(e)a contract term that conflicts with any state or federal law,rule, or regulation is superseded by the law, rule, or regulation to the extent that the law, rule, or regulation conflicts with the contract term. Notwithstanding the granting of this renewal, it is understood by the parties, that the Charter continues to be subject to future actions by the Commissioner including,but not limited to, possible revocation under TEC 12.115(c). Artiele XXXI. Eligibility and Authorily. By executing this contract, Charter Holdex represents that it is an "eligible entity" within the meaning of Section 12.101(a), Texas Education Code, and it is understood by all parties that if the Charter Holder loses its 501(c)(3)tax exempt status at any time through action of the Internal Revenue Service for any reason or any other action which renders the Charter Holder no longer an "eligible entity" within the meaning of TEC §12.101(a), the charter contract shall be rendered null and void, and it shall automatically return without any 6of7 Generation 07 CDN 220810 further action havin�to be taken by the Commissioner. Subsequent reinstatement of the 501(c)(3) tax exempt status does not reinstate the Charter. The Charter Holder shall immediately notify the Commissioner of any legal change in its status, which would disqualify it from holding the Charter, of any violation of the terins and conditions of this contract, or of any change in the Chief Operating Officer of the Charter Holder. Charter Holder further represents that the person signing this contract has been properly delegated authority to do so. Entered into this 5 day of Julv, 2016 Commissioner of Education: Town of WestIake: � � �/5/2016 �' Lf✓ � ; � ����� Mike Morath Date Lau a Wheat, Chair " Date �u , /�`-,"Z4/� Thomas Brym , Date Superintendentl ef Operating Officer 7 of 7