HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 463 Establishing the Prima Facie Speed LimitsTOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 463 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 462 ESTABLISHING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 545.356 OF THE TEXAS TRANSPORTATION CODE UPON STATE HIGHWAY NO. 114 OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT ALLOWED BY LAW FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, Section 545.356 of the Texas Transportation Code, provides that whenever the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen shall determine upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that any prima facie speed therein set forth is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist upon any part of a street or highway within the Town, taking into consideration the width and condition of the pavement and other circumstances on such portion of said street or highway, as well as the usual traffic thereon, the Board of Aldermen may determine and declare a reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit thereat or thereon by the passage of an ordinance, which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected along that part of the street or highway; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: All matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: Upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation heretofore made as authorized by the provisions of Section 545.356 of the Texas Transportation Code, the following prima facie speed limits hereafter indicated for vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe; and such speed limits are hereby fixed as the rate of speed indicated for vehicles traveling upon the named streets and highways, or parts thereof, described as follows: A. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: 1. That from and after the date of the passage of this speed zone ordinance, no motor vehicle shall be operated along and upon the main lanes and frontage road lanes of State Highway No. 114 within the corporate limits of the Town of Westlake in excess of the speeds now set forth in the following limits: • 65 miles per hour, as authorized by Texas Transportation Commission Minute Order Number 109750, passed on July 29, 2004, beginning at Mile Point 1.828, approximately located at the Westlake/Southlake city limits; thence continuing along SH 114 in a westerly direction for a distance of 1.214 miles, to Mile Point 13.626, approximately located west of the Denton/Tarrant County Line; and • 55 miles per hour, beginning at Mile Point 13.626; thence continuing along SH 114 in a westerly direction for a distance of 0.200 miles, to Mile Point 13.426, the length of which incorporates the transition from the main lanes to the frontage road west of Precinct Line Road; and • 60 miles per hour, beginning at Mile Point 12.887; thence continuing along SH 114 in a westerly direction for a distance of 1.100 miles, to Mile Point 11.787, the length of which incorporates the main lanes between Precinct Line Road and Trophy Lake Road; and • 60 miles per hour, beginning at Mile Point 11.860; thence continuing along SH 114 in an easterly direction for a distance of 0.975 miles, to Mile Point 12.835, the length of which incorporates the main lanes between Trophy Lake Road and Precinct Line Road; and • 65 miles per hour, as authorized by Texas Transportation Commission Minute Order Number 109750, passed on July 29, 2004, beginning at Mile Point 13.420, located east of Precinct Line Road; thence continuing along SH 114 in an easterly direction for a distance of 1.420 miles, to Mile Point 1.828, approximately located at the Westlake/Southlake city limits; and • 50 miles per hour, beginning at Mile Point 1.365, located approximately at Kirkwood Boulevard; thence continuing along SH 114 Frontage Road in a westerly direction for a distance of 0.951 miles, to Mile Point 13.426, located approximately where the main lanes merge onto the frontage road east of Precinct Line Road; and • 55 miles per hour, beginning at Mile Point 13.426; thence continuing along SH 114 Frontage Road in a westerly direction for a distance of 0.236 miles, to Mile Point 13.190, approximately located just east of Precinct Line Road; and • 50 miles per hour, beginning at Mile Point 13.190, approximately located just east of Precinct Line Road; thence continuing along SH 114 Frontage Road in a westerly direction for a distance of 2.176 miles to Mile Point 11.014, approximately located at the intersection with SH 114 Business. • 50 miles per hour, beginning at Mile Point 11.014; thence continuing along SH 114 Frontage Road in an easterly direction for a distance of 2.176 miles, to Mile Point 13.140, approximately located just east of Precinct Line Road; and • 55 miles per hour, beginning at Mile Point 13.190, approximately located just east of Precinct Line Road; thence continuing along SH 114 Frontage Road in an easterly direction for a distance of 0.230 miles to Mile Point 13.420, approximately located at the merge with the main lanes. SECTION 2: The Town Manager, upon approval by the Board of Aldermen, is hereby authorized to cause to be erected appropriate signs indicating such speed zones. SECTION 4: Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not to exceed the maximum amount allowed by law. SECTION 5: If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the Town Board of Aldermen hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portions of the Ordinance despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23 d day of August, 2004. ATTEST: atnge Crosswy, Tow Secretary APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: Lanton y To Attorney Scott Bradley, Mayor Trent O. Petty, To Vlanager L �> , THE STATE OF TEXAS ) } COUNTY OF TARRANT ) PUBLISHER of the Alliance Regional Newspapers of Haslet, Texas,la newspaper of general circulation which has been published in Denton County and Tarrant County regularly and continuously for a period of one year prior to the first day of publication of this notice, solemnly swear that the notice hereto attached was published in the Alliance Regional Newspapers, on the following dates, to -wit: December 24, 2004 Town of Westlake Ordinance No. 462-467 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me on the A0 l day of to certify which witness my hand and official seal. (v ,r NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS My Commission Expires: � : IN-HOME CHILDCARE The NOTICE OFPUBLICHEARING TOWN OF WESTLAKE' Meadowlands Justin: Monday -Friday bam -bpm NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ORDINANCE NO. 462 Call Sue 940-648-1724 or ALL INTERESTED PERSONS, 940.390-2588 Full -Time & THAT: AN ORDINANCE ALTERING Part -Time Rates Available The City of Haslet, Texas pro- THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED UM _ poses to institute annexation ITS FOR VEHICLES UNDER '•s .�^ proceedings to enlarge THE PROVISIONS OF SEC- ' and extend the boundary limits TION 545.356 OF THE TEXAS TRANSPORTATION CODED. of said city ri include the fol- UPON STATE HIGHWAY NO. Jawing described territory, to 14 OR PARTS THEREOF, wit: TJt2Master's Touch th 24.832 sera pact WITHIN THE CORPORATE r loos in LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF School of Music Q ^ the M.E.P. & P.R.R. Survey, WESTLAKE, AS SET OUT IN Abstract No. 1130, situated in THIS ORDINANCE; PROVID- Lessons in: e Tarrant County, Texas and !NG A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; Piano -Voice -Guitar being a portion of that tract AND PROVIDING A PENALTY' conveyed to the Lacy Boggess OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED Woodwind Instruments < # Trust by deed recorded in THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT String Iustrumenis a Volume 15056, Page 445 of ALLOWED BY LAW FOR THE the Deed Records of Tarrant VIOLATION OF THIS ORDI- Show Choir County, Texas (DRTCT) and a NANCE. Kindergarten Keyboard & a portion of that some tract of Pre-school ProgramsTOWN OF WESTLAKE land conveyed to Sharon Ann Available ' McCulloch by deed recorded ORDINANCE NO. 463 Degreed Teachers in Volume 5403, Page 763 Now accepting teacher in Vol and beingmore AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 462 applications. Leave Message ppaarticularly described as fol ESTABLISHING THE PRIMA , iows FACIE SPEED LIMITS FOR $17488-6903 1 BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVI- www.themastetstouchschool.cotnl ` Cell pin found, said iron pin being SIONS OF SECTION 545.356817-253-9342 to a southwest corner of said OF THE TEXAS TRANSPORTA- Boggess and McCulloch tract, TION CODE UPON STATE 4vtvv✓.3hehOmemd.COm said iron pin being the north HIGHWAY NO. i i 4 OR west corner of Lot 24, Block 4 PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE of Ashmore Farms, Phase 2, CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE asya3¢z o f an addition to the Qv of TOWN OF WESTLAKE, AS l�tts ado or ore Haslet, Tarrant County, Texas SET OUT IN'TH15 ORD,-' v y p 3ursa�v � + as MANCE; PROVIDING A`SEV- recorded in Cabinet A, Slide ERABILITY CLAUSE; AND torr artier o e PROVIDING A PENALTY OF At ATA 2 5138 of the Plat Records of I Tarrant County,Texas FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE �i1 Tit i 3e 9 group MAXIMUM AMOUNT s^prpu3aad Fa an ' (PRTCT), said iron pin bein Y on the east line of a tract ay ALLOWED BY LAW FOR THE mk ti t chbr and IN-HOME VIOLATION OF THIS ORDI- Tr k11 L4y`1 i# &to3ie. O land conveyed to Fort Worth NANCE. .190 APPLIANCE REPAIR Denton Traction Company by -, _0 tip iea_ Quality Services f deed recorded in Volume 450, TOWN OF WESTLAKE bra &X 3,00 for 4 ses- You Can Trust! M Page 462 DRDCT; ORDINANCE NO. 464 , t t4 tatati l! aitats are Evenin s & Weekends i THENCE N 16°00'00" E along the west line of said AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Available. Vii( noau4tss aN s6 times. V Boggess and McCulloch tract ORDINANCE 415 OF THE Call 817-937-6196 or and TOWN OF WESTLAKE, i trt'ttsr Topi3y Gttsb alongg the east line of said Fort TEXAS, APPOINTING THE �BJ I -`&T -orMetro e i 242-0156 N Worfh Denton Traction TOWN MARSHAL; PROVID- For more iiiformatiori. Company tract, a distance of ING FOR THE DUTIES AND R $25 sea�,ce tree for customers 6G+ h! 1020.00 set to a capped 5/8" QUALIFICATIONS OF THE `T he iron pin found, said iron pin TOWN MARSHAL; PROVID of being the northwest corner of ING FOR THE DUTIES AND The Chimney 9 said Bog ess and McCulloch QUALIFICATIONS OF ANY 21 g DULY APPOINTED DEPUTIES tract, soil iron pin being the TO THE TOWN MARSHAL;es southwest corner of a tract of PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY TF land conveyed to Willie H. CLAUSE; PROVIDING A'SAV- D0TON I' c i SF (NGS CiAU5E; AND PROVID- Flower aF P OUI6C1 Eastwood and wife Edna E. Bc Eastwood by deed recorded in ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ffLWAN3 Pit Volume T735, Page 72 DRTCT; j Or3iipirlp M THENCE N 89-36'00- E, TOWN OF WESTLAKE Slivllrl aSty along the north line of said ORDINANCE NO. 465 3i%iaTit: G]F Q Boggess and McCulloch tract cis Los Pc and AN ORDINANCE OF THE LOW COSTRe the south line of said Eastwood TOWN OF WESTLAKE, Spay / Neuter DyerVents Sc 511 to a distance of 734.12 feet TEXAS, AMENDING ORDI- to a point; NANCE NO. 406 AND ORDI- Immunization tion Bir Nest Removal M: THENCE S 13°14'02" E, NANCE NO. 446 BY ESTAB- PPcD 6iD departing the north line of said LISH!NG A NEW WATER AND Mor Boggess and McCulloch tract WASTEWATER RATE SCHED- and the south Zine of said ULE AND A NEW WATER TAP PONDER 214-284-8107 Eastwood tract, a distance of FEE SCHEDULE; PROVIDING 4i 9.45 fear to a pint, said A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; VETERINARY p PROVIDING A SAVINGS fig+ INC.ppooint CLAUSE; PROVIDING A HOSPITAL, I E the point of curvature of PENALTY CLAUSE; AND a circular curve to the right PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE Large & Shall Animal CUSTO having a radius of 1484.79 DATE, feet, a central angle of :: Medicine & Surgery 13°05'02" and being subtend- TOWN OF WESTLAKE SOLAR ed by a chord which bears S ORDINANCE NO. 466 ' P 06°41'31" E, 338.33 feet; THENCE along said curve to AN ORDINANCE OF THE www.pondervethospital.com the right, a distance of 339.06 TOWN OF WESTLAKE,------- feet to a point; TEXAS, AMENDING THE — 8 sY'r THENCE S 00°09'00" E tan- COMPREHENSIVE ZONING pljFPiES FOR SAtE!' gent to said curve, a o'istance ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN g OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, BY Beagles, mini & requiar t ' M of 577.92 feet to a point on a Bassetts, mini Co4ers, Authorized F'°B lotl south line of said Bess and GRANTING A SPECIAL USE ooggg PERMIT FOR PRIVATE Australian Shepherd, Golden ealt C M McCulloch tract, said point WATER WELL, LOCATED AT Retrievers, labs, Miles, Specializing in the Fh also being on a north line of 2224 KING FISHER DRIVE; Pekinese, Schnauzers, Pours, Alliance Corridor W said Ashmore Farms, Phase 2; PROVIDING FOR A SEVER- Mini Dachshunds, Boston 2` ABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING Terriers & Pugs. Check or Hi THENCE N 18°08'58" W, FOR A PENALTY OF A FINE Credit Cards 940-872-1833 817.847.0684 Q, along a southwesterly line of NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM For a FREE estimate Q said Boggess and McCulloch OF TWO THOUSAND ( 81 tract and along a north line of ($2,000.00) DOLLARS PRO - said Ashmore Farms Phase 2, VIDING FOR INJUNCTIVE i r a distance of 131.36 feet to a RELIEF; AND PROVIDING FOR _ 1/2" iron pin found; AN EFFECTIVE DATE. LEASING NOW! THENCE N 79°12'32" W, Hall's Boat & Mini yw Lit along a south line of said TOWN OF WESTLAKE AI It 9 Boggess and McCulloch tract ORDINANCE NO. 467 Storage M and 2585 Lonesome Dove Rd C, AN ORDINANCE OF THE Grapevine FF along r north line of said TOWN OF WESTLAKE, 1 o in. Ashmore Perms, Phase 2, a TEXAS; AMENDING THE UNI- 81 %'4i 6 7877 BC distance of 131.36 feet to a FIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, 0 the ARTICLE !V PERMISSIBLE Handyman Services Moulding,ChairRaiing, Painting, Tree Services (cleanup & haulmg) round.A1414111 ; Use Not, Bone pas,n 214-364-5040 i ist Too :or You I rite Job Handyman Right <ILLE lTorda5le an.com -4 3-4232 insured N HANDYMAN xi I�iidt3epati' Remodeling, ntry, Flooring ery reasons ie =d please call + Home Inspections 7-320-6782Repairs jor credit cards oto job too small IVERHEAD Steel Garage aid door istmas Special David Cournoyer Openers & 817-337-4664 able. (leave msg) (cell) yourpersorialhindyman.com IS Servicing Southaake & Feller; ,itchens and Electrical, Windows, GOOD SAMARITAN HANDYMAN >r Paint, Home Repairs, Remodeling, xk, Texture, Painting, Carpentry, 3, Some Faux Flooring,Wali/ceiling repair (MATES Miscellaneous. Veryreasonable -ed rates, if interested please call ranteed! Randy. Cell. 817-320-6782 or 9787 817-750-1155 We accept ail major credit cards 1114 11N %I ;xterior "HOLIDAY PE IAIlr I texture, FAUX TECHNIQUES �I texture. aster, faux e Color Wa5i185 11 David at a Venetian Piaster Ls or 817- Erving NE • Tissue Paper Canty for 5 Stucco Application years. e Antitluing/Distressing 'ed• Cabinets DVERIAMFX ® Base Pointing ,e Sell! t Us help co?ar ttet ured ceilings. (y¢¢fi&j & 1i�t:}Y)m ble .e r the ;area. yxperienced ( ! ) 319-0445 -as !t pays. 317-9517 or : ( ; n F4_7.`<' /ju Point of Beginning and con. t _ ` FARRIER SERVICE e9 9 . USES. SECTION 14. WIND ."" .a �� . I f RS:t d Mau Fnr SIA