HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 461 Adopting the 2003 International Codes as amendedTOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 461 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ADOPTING THE 2003 INTERNATIIONAL BUILDING, ENERGY CONSERVATION, FIRE, FUEL GAS, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, AND RESIDENTIAL CODE AND THE 2002 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, AS THESE CODES ARE AMENDED; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake, Texas is a general law Town acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to the Texas Constitution, and the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, deems it necessary to adopt the said editions of the International Codes and the said edition of the National Electrical Code to provide for the safety of the citizens of Westlake; and WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of the Westlake Emergency Services, the Town Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, is of the opinion that it is in the best interests of the Town and its citizens that the amendments to the International Codes and the National Electrical Code should be approved and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION I : THAT, the above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in their entirety. SECTION 2: THAT, Ordinance No 367 which adopted the Uniform Building Code is hereby repealed in its entirety. The Town of Westlake hereby adopts the 2003 Edition of the International Building Code, including amendments as attached. SECTION 3: THAT, the Town of Westlake hereby adopts the 2003 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code, including amendments as attached. SECTION 4: THAT, Ordinance No. 332 and 376 which adopted the Uniform Fire Code is hereby repealed in its entirety. The Town of Westlake hereby adopts the 2003 Edition of the International Fire Code, including amendments as attached. SECTION 5: THAT, the Town of Westlake hereby adopts the 2003 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code, including amendments as attached. SECTION 6: THAT, Ordinance No. 367 which adopted the Uniform Mechanical Code is hereby repealed in its entirety. The Town of Westlake hereby adopts the 2003 Edition of the International Mechanical Code, including amendments as attached. SECTION 7: THAT, Ordinance No. 256 which adopted the Uniform Plumbing Code is hereby repealed in its entirety. The Town of Westlake hereby adopts the 2003 Edition of the International Plumbing Code, including amendments as attached. SECTION 8: THAT, Ordinance No. 419 which adopted the International Residential Code, 2000 edition, is hereby repealed in its entirety. The Town of Westlake hereby adopts the 2003 Edition of the International Residential Code, including amendments as attached. SECTION 9: THAT, Ordinance No. 367 which adopted the National Electrical Code, 1999 edition, is hereby repealed in its entirety. The Town of Westlake hereby adopts the 2002 Edition of the National Electrical Code, including amendments as attached. SECTION 10: PENALTY. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for all violations involving zoning, fire safety or public health and sanitation, including dumping or refuse, and shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500) for all other violations of this ordinance. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 11: CUMULATIVE CLAUSE. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the Town of Westlake, Texas, except where provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of another ordinance, in which event the conflicting provisions of the other ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 12: SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town Board of Aldermen that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance, since they would have been enacted by the TOWN Board of Aldermen without the incorporation in this ordinance of the unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 13: SAVINGS CLAUSE. All rights and remedies of the Town of Westlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of the Code of Ordinances, Town of Westlake, Texas, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting such code which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 14: PUBLICATION. The Town Secretary of the Town of Westlake is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Westlake, the caption, penalty clause, publication clause and effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 15: EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 14T' DAY OF JUNE 2004. ATTEST: J 10' U`ing6 Crosswy, ToSecretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: L. Stanton ( y,fToe Attorney Scott Bradley, Mayor _.w Trent Petty, Town Mager Recommended Amendments to the 2003 International Building Code North Central Texas Council of Governments region The following sections, paragraphs, and sentences of the 2003 International Building Code are hereby amended as follows. **Section 101.2, exception No. 2: Delete exception number 2. (Reason: The exception references the International Existing Building Code which is not recommended for local adoption. Chapter 34 "Existing Structures" of this code adequately addresses existing structures that exist in the Town of Westlake.) **Section 101.4; change to read as follows: 101.4 Referenced codes. The other codes listed in Sections 101.4.1 through 101.4.7 and referenced elsewhere in this code, when specifically adopted, shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extend of each such reference. Whenever amendments have been adopted to the referenced codes and standards, each reference to said code and standard shall be considered to reference the amendments as well. Any reference to NFPA 70 or the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted. (Reason: Legal wording to recognize locally adopted codes and amendments adopted with referenced codes.) **Section 109.3.5, delete. (Reason: Lath or gypsum board inspections are not normally performed in this area.) **Section 202; add a new definition to read as follows: HIGH-RISE BUILDING. Buildings having floors used for human occupancy located more than 35 feet or three stories above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. (Reason: To define high-rise, as it influences sprinkler requirement thresholds based on the fire fighting capabilities of a jurisdiction.) **Section 302.1.1; change to read: Section 302.1.1 Incidental use areas. Spaces which are incidental to the main occupancy shall be separated or protected, or both, in accordance with Table 302.1.1. Areas that are incidental to the main occupancy shall be classified in accordance with the main occupancy of the portion of the building in which the incidental use area is located. Exception: Incidental use areas within and serving a dwelling unit are not required to comply with this section. (Reason: To eliminate conflict between Section 302.3 exception 5 and Section 302.1 .1) **Table 302.1.1; change to read. Table 302.1.1 Incidental Use Areas. In the column labeled "Separation", the allowance of separation wall in lieu of automatic sprinkler systems is in direct conflict with the amendments to the International Fire Code and therefore the word "or" is to be replaced with the word "and". For paint shops, not classified as Group H, located in occupancies other than Group F, these areas shall comply with the provisions of the International Fire Code as amended and the comments in the separation sections shall reference such. (Reason: Allowance compatibility and compliance with the amendments to the International Fire Code and the standards established by the Town of Westlake. Separations have not been allowed to supplement, reduce, or replace automatic fire sprinkler systems in the Town for many years.) **Section 302.2.1; amend to read as follows: {15' sentence to remain unchanged}. Assembly areas that are accessory to Group E occupancies are exempt from the separation requirements of Table 302.3.2 and are considered Group E occupancies only for the application of Table 503. {Last sentence to remain unchanged) (Reason: The committee determined that the existing requirements for Group A occupancies should apply to assembly occupancies in schools.) **Section 303.1; amend to read as follows: Section 303.1 Assembly Group A. {Is' three sentences to remain unchanged}. Assembly areas that are accessory to Group E occupancies are exempt from the separation requirements of Table 302.3.2 and are considered Group E occupancies only for the application of Table 503. {Last sentence to remain unchanged) (Reason: The committee determined that the existing requirements for Group A occupancies should apply to assembly occupancies in schools.) **Section 304.1; add the following to the list of occupancies: 304.1 Business Group B. Add the following facility / business occupancy: Fire stations Police stations with detention facilities for 5 or less (Reason: Recommendations based on local practice.) **Section 403.1; change to read as follows: 403.1 Applicability. The provisions of this section shall apply to buildings having any occupied floors located more than 35 feet (10 668 mm) or three stories above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. (Reason: Amendment is compatible with the International Fire Code definition) **Section 403. 1, exception #3; change to read as follows: 3. Buildings with an occupancy in Group A-5 in accordance with Section 303.1 when used for open air seating; however, this exception does not apply to accessory uses including but not limited to sky boxes, restaurants and similarly enclosed areas. (Reason: Amendment is compatible with the International Fire Code definition) **Section 403.2, exception #2; add the following: Exception 2. Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: Alternative automatic fire -extinguishing systems complying with Section 904 shall be installed as appropriate with the application or service in the space or area in conjunction with the construction requirements. (Reason: To provide adequate fire protection to enclosed areas.) **Section 406.1.4; add item #4 to read as follows: 4. A separation is not required between a Group R-2 and U carport provided that the carport is entirely open on all sides and that the distance between the two is at least 10 feet (3048 mm). (Reason: Reflects regional practice.) **Section 406.6.1; add a second paragraph to read as follows: Section 406.6.1 General: This occupancy shall include garages involved in servicing of motor vehicles for items such as lube changes, inspections, windshield repair or replacement, shocks, minor part replacement and other such non -major repair. When the repair garage is only involved in such minor repair, it need not comply with Section 406.6.2. (Reason: Correction to distinguish that service work is a repair garage as well to correspond with definition in the International Fire Code). 'Section (F] 410.6; delete exception in subsection (F]410.6; [F]410.6 Automatic sprinkler system. Delete exceptions #1 and #2. (Reason: Exception allows the deletion of an automatic sprinkler system under stage due to size of space under the stage. This is not consistent with other provisions and with the International Fire Code amendments). **Section 411.2; delete exception in subsection [F]411.4; [F]411.4 Automatic sprinkler system. Delete exception. (Reason: Exception allows the deletion of an automatic sprinkler system for a temporary special amusement building less than 1,000 square feet. This is not consistent with other provisions and with the International Fire Code amendments). **Section 506.2.2; add a sentence to read as follows: 506.2.2 Open space limits. In order to be considered as accessible, if not in direct contact with a street or fire lane, a minimum 10 -foot wide pathway from the street or approved fire lane must be provided. (See International Fire Code Section 503.1.1 for hose lay measurement pathway requirements.) (Reason: To define what is considered accessible. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 503.1.1.) **Table 602; amended to read as follows; Table 602; Fire -resistance Rating Requirement for Exterior Walls Based on Fire Separation Distance; footnote b is amended; Table 602 footnote b is amended by the addition of the following sentence: b. Group R-3 and Group U when used as accessory to Group R-3, as applicable in 101.2 shall be required to have a fire -resistance rating where fire separation distance is 3 feet or more. Group R-2 and Group U carport, as applicable in 406.1.4, exception 4 shall be required to have a fire - resistance rating where fire separation distance is 10 feet or less. **Section 705.11; change the exception to read as follows: Exception: For other than hazardous exhaust ducts, penetrations by ducts and air transfer openings of ... {remainder of exception unchanged). (Reason: To distinguish that hazardous exhaust ducts are a special case to be treated differently.) ***Section 707.2; change exception number 7 as follows: {7, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 unchanged} 7.4 Is separated from floor openings ... {remainder of exception unchanged} (Reason: To be consistent with regionally accepted practices.) **Section 716.5.2, add exception 94 to read as follows: Section 716.5.2 Fire barriers. Add exception #4. 4. In the duct penetration of the separation between the private garage and its residence when constructed in accordance with Section 406.1.4, exception #2. (Reason: To exclude specific penetration from fire damper requirements.) **Section 902.1; under "Standpipe, Types of definition amend "Manual dry" by adding a sentence to read as follows: Manual Dry. Add the following sentence to the end of the definition: The system must be supervised as specified in Section 905.9. (Reason: To conform to consistent standards of safety. Corresponds to International Building Code 905.2 amendment. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 902.1.) **Section 903.2, change to read as follows. 903.2 Where required. Exception is amended to read as follows by adding the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: Exception is changed to read as amended by adding the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: ... Alternative automatic fire -extinguishing systems complying with Section 904 shall be installed as appropriate with the application or service in the space or area in conjunction with the construction requirements. (Reason: To provide adequate fire protection to enclosed areas. With the allowable omission of an automatic sprinkler system due to the use or equipment in the space or area, an alternative automatic protection system is installed to add the protection other than structural components which are typically breached and are not monitored. This exception was also deleted from Section 403.2.) **Section 903.2.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.1 Group A. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group A occupancies as provided in this section. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems. All exceptions to this relating to area requirements and other exceptions are deleted). **Section 903.2.1.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.1.1.Group A-1. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.1 Group A.) **Section 903.2.1.2; change to read as follows: 903.2.1.2.Group A-2. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.1 Group A.) **Section 903.2.1.3; change to read as follows: 903.2.1.3.Group A-3. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.1 Group A.) **Section 903.2.1.4; change to read as follows: 903.2.1.4.Group A-4. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.1 Group A.) **Section 903.2.1.5; change to read as follows: 903.2.1.5.Group A-5. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.1 Group A.) **Section 903.2.2; change to read as follows: 903.2.2 Group E. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group E occupancies as provided in this section. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.2 Group E.) **Section 903.2.3; change to read as follows: 903.2.3 Group F-1. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group F occupancies as provided in this section. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.2 Group F.) **Section 903.2.3.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.3.1.Woodworking operations. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.3 Group F-1.) **Section 903.2.6; change to read as follows: 903.2.6 Group M. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group M occupancies as provided in this section. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.6 Group M). **Section 903.2.6.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.6.1.Group High -piled storage. An automatic sprinkler system shall be required in all high - piled storage. All other requirements in Chapter 23 in all buildings of Group M where storage of merchandise is in high -piled or rack storage arrays shall comply. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended Section 903 Group M). Section 903.2.7 of the Code now requires all R Occupancies to be fire sprinklered. **Section 903.2.7; change to read as follows: 903.2.7 Group R. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group R. Exceptions: Group R-3: Detached single family occupied buildings and portions thereof used as Group R-3 shall be provided throughout will an automatic sprinkler system when the building totals 6,000 sq. ft. or more. (Reason: This allows for the continuation of the Town's sprinkler requirements with the amendment of the total square feet changing to regional and local practices based on those Towns and Cities adopting the 2003 International Fire Code. By specifying detached single family occupied buildings, town homes which are typically single family attached and two-family attached homes used as Group R-3 will be required to have automatic sprinkler systems installed regardless of size). **Section 903.2.8; change to read as follows: 903.2.8 Group S-1. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group S-1 occupancies as provided in this section. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.8 Group S-1). **Section 903.2.8.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.8.1.Repair garages. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.8 Group S-1). **Section 903.2.8.2; change to read as follows: 903.2.8.2.Bulk storage of tires. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.8 Group S-1). 903.2.8.3 Self-service storage facility. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout all self-service storage facilities. Exception: One-story self-service storage facilities that have no interior corridors, with a one- hour fire barrier separation wall installed between every storage compartment. (Reason: Consistent with unamended International Building Code. Section 903.2.10.2 is now in the Code.) **Section 903.2.9; change to read as follows: 903.2.9. Exception. The exception is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.9 Group S-2). **Section 903.2.9.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.9.1.Commercial parking garages. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings used for storage of commercial trucks or buses. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.9 Group S-2). **Section 903.2.10; change to read as follows: 903.2.10 All occupancies including Groups R-3 and U were required. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in the locations set forth in Sections 903.2.10.1 through 903.2.10.3. Exception: Group R-3 and Group U is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof to be protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.10). **Section 903.2.10.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.10.1 Stories and basements without openings. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in every story or basement of all buildings. All other portions of this paragraph are deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.10.1). **Section 903.2.10.3; amend to read as follows: 903.2.10.3 Buildings more than 35 feet or over three (3) stories in height. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout buildings with a floor level located, other than penthouses in compliance with Section 1509 of the International Building Code, 35 feet (10 668 mm) or three stories above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Exceptions are deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof to be protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.10.3. This also complies with the high-rise definition and requirements). ** Section 903.2.10, add 903.2.10.4, and 903.2.10.5.- 903.2.10.4 High -Piled Combustible Storage. For any building with a clear height exceeding 12 feet (4572 mm), see Chapter 23 of the International Fire Code to determine if those provisions apply. 903.2.10.5 Spray Booths and Rooms. New and existing spray booths and spraying rooms shall be protected by an approved automatic fire -extinguishing system. (Reason: Reflect local practices. Note: COG exception, #2. Type A-5, buildings was deleted due to local requirements). **Section 903.; change to read as follows: 903. Exempt locations. When approved by the code official, automatic sprinklers shall not be required in the following rooms or areas where such ... {bulk of section unchanged} .. . because it is damp, of fire -resistance -rated construction or contains electrical equipment. 1. Any room where the application of water, or flame and water, constitutes a serious life or fire hazard. 2. Any room or space where sprinklers are considered undesirable because of the nature of the contents, when approved by the code official. 3. Generator and transformer rooms, under the direct control of a public utility, separated from the remainder of the building by walls and floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies having a fire -resistance rating of not less than 2 hours. 4. Spaces or areas in telecommunications buildings ... 2 hours. 5. In rooms or areas that are of noncombustible construction with wholly noncombustible contents. In those locations listed in this section where automatic sprinkler systems are omitted, the area or location shall be protected by an approved fire protection system as listed in Section 904, Alternative Automatic Fire -Extinguishing Systems, of this code. (Reason: Gives more discretion to code official. Protects locations where fire risks are poorly addressed.) **Section 903.3.5; add a second paragraph to read as follows: Water supply as required for such systems shall be provided in conformance with the supply requirements of the respective standards; however, every fire protection system shall be designed with a 10 psi safety factor. ...The remaining portion of the paragraph remains unchanged. (Reason: To define uniform safety factor. This is the same standard that the Town of Westlake and Reed Engineering utilizes in automatic sprinkler system design criteria). **Section 903.3.7; change to read as follows: 903.3.7 Fire department connections. The location of fire department connections shall be approved by the code official. (Reason: Allows consistency with the amend in the International Fire Code.) **Section 903.4; amended by deleting exceptions 91, 2, and 3; add a second paragraph after the exceptions to read as follows: [F] 903.4 Sprinkler system monitoring and alarms. Delete exceptions #1, 2, and 3; renumber the remaining exceptions. Add the following paragraph to the end of the section. Sprinkler and standpipe system water -flow detectors shall be provided for each floor tap to the sprinkler system and shall cause an alarm upon detection of water flow for more than 45 seconds. All control valves in the sprinkler and standpipe systems except for fire department hose connection valves shall be electrically supervised to initiate a supervisory signal at the central station upon tampering. (Reason: To avoid significant water losses. Consistent with amendment to International Fire Code 905.9.) **Section 905.2, change to read as follows: 905.2 Installation standards. Standpipe system shall be installed in accordance with this section and NFPA 14. Manual dry standpipe systems shall be supervised with a minimum of 10 psig and a maximum of 40 psig air pressure with a high/low alarm. (Reason: To define manual dry standpipe supervision requirements.) **Section 905.3.2; amend to read as follows; delete exceptions #1 and 2 [F] 905.3.2 Group A. Class I automatic wet standpipes shall be provided in sprinklered Group A buildings having an occupant load exceeding 1,000 persons. Delete exceptions #1 and 2. (Reason: Reflects local practice). **Section 905.4, change item #5 to read as follows: 5. Where the roof has a slope less than four units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33.3 -percent slope), each standpipe shall be provided with a two-way hose connection located either .. . {remainder of paragraph unchanged} ... (Reason: Clarity. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 905.4.) **Section 905.9; add a second paragraph after the exceptions to read as follows: Sprinkler and standpipe system water -flow detectors shall be provided for each floor tap to the sprinkler system and shall cause an alarm upon detection of water flow for more than 45 seconds. All control valves in the sprinkler and standpipe systems except for fire department hose connection valves shall be electrically supervised to initiate a supervisory signal at the central station upon tampering. (Reason: To avoid significant water losses. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 905.9.) **Add Section 907.1.3 to read as follows: 907.1.3 Design Standards. All alarm systems new or replacement serving 50 or more alarm actuating devices shall be addressable fire detection systems. Alarm systems serving more than 75 smoke detectors or more than 200 total alarm activating devices shall be analog intelligent addressable fire detection systems. Exception: Existing systems need not comply unless the total building remodel or expansion initiated after the effective date of this code, as adopted, exceeds 30% of the building. When cumulative building remodel or expansion exceeds 50% of the building must comply within 18 months of permit application. (Reason: Consistent with local practice. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 907.1.3.) ** Section 907.2.3; change to read as follows: 907.2.3 Group E. A manual fire alarm system shall be installed in Group E educational occupancies. When automatic sprinkler systems or smoke detectors are installed, such systems or detectors shall be connected to the building fire alarm system. An approved smoke detection system shall be installed in Group E day care occupancies. Unless separated by a minimum of 100' open space, all buildings, whether portable buildings or the main building, will be considered one building for alarm occupant load consideration and interconnection of alarm systems. (Reason: To distinguish educational from day care occupancy minimum protection requirements. Further, to define threshold at which portable buildings are considered a separate building for the purposes of alarm systems. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 907.2.3.) ** Section 907.2.3; change exception #1 and add exception #1.; added to read as follows: 1. Group E educational and day care occupancies with an occupant load of less than 50 when provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system. 1.1 Residential In -Home day care with not more than 12 children may use interconnected single station detectors in all habitable rooms. (For care of more than five children 2 1/2 or less years of age, see Section 907.2.6.) (Reason: Consistent with Texas State laws concerning day care facility requirements. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 907.2.3.) **Section 907.2.12; change to read as follows: 907.2.12 High-rise buildings. Buildings having any floor used for human occupancy located 35 feet (10 668 mm) or three stories above the lowest level (balance unchanged) (Reason: To correct definition of high-rise jurisdictions. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 907.2.12.) **Section 907.2.12, exception #3; change to read as follows: 3. Buildings with an occupancy in Group A-5 in accordance with Section 303.1, when used for open air seating; however, this exception does not apply to accessory uses including but not limited to sky boxes, restaurants and similarly enclosed areas. (Reason: To indicate that enclosed areas within open air seating type occupancies are not excepted from automatic fire alarm system requirements. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 907.2.12.) **Section 907.3; add a second paragraph to read as follows: Manual alarm actuating devices shall be an approved double action type. (Reason: Consistent with local requirements. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 907.4.) **Add Section 907.5.1 to read as follows: 907.5.1 Installation. All fire alarm systems shall be installed in such a manner that the failure of any single alarm -actuating or alarm -indicating device will not interfere with the normal operation of any other such devices. All systems shall be Class "A" wired with a minimum of six feet separation between supply and return loops. IDC — Class "A" style — D — SLC Class "A" Style 6 — notification Class "B" Style Y. (Reason: To provide uniformity in system specifications and guidance to design engineers. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 907.6.1.) **Section 907.8.2;. change to read as follows: 907.8.2 High-rise buildings. In buildings that have any floor located more than 35 feet (10 668 mm) or three stories above the ... (remainder of section unchanged}. (Reason: Allows consistency with the International Fire Code and previous amendments.) **Section 911; add subsection 911.2; 911.2 Emergency Radio Communications. In all buildings in which the type of construction or the distance from an operational emergency services antenna or dispatch site does not provide adequate frequency or signal strength as determined by the jurisdiction having authority, the building owner shall be responsible for providing equipment, installation, and maintenance of said equipment in a manner to strengthen the radio signal. The radio signal shall meet minimum input / output strengths according to the emergency radio system's provider and system manager. (Reason: Assures that emergency communications is available, functional, and provided in all occupancies and buildings.) **Section 1008.1.3.4; change to read as follows 1008.1.3.4 Access -controlled egress doors. The entrance doors in a means of egress in buildings with an occupancy in Group A, B, E, M, R-1 or R-2 and entrance doors to tenant spaces in occupancies in Groups A, B, E, M, R-1 or R-2 are permitted to be equipped with an approved entrance and egress access control system which shall be installed in accordance with all of the following criteria: 1. A sensor shall be provided on the egress side arranged to detect an occupant approaching the doors. The doors shall be arranged to unlock by a signal from or loss of power to the sensor. 2. Loss of power to that part of the access control system which locks the doors shall automatically unlock the doors. 3. The doors shall be arranged to unlock from a manual unlocking device located 40 inches to 48 inches (1016 mm to1219 mm) vertically above the floor and within 5 feet (1524 mm) of the secured doors. Ready access shall be provided to the manual unlocking device and the device shall be clearly identified by a sign that reads "PUSH TO EXIT". When operated, the manual unlocking device shall result in direct interruption of power to the lock — independent of the access control system electronics — and the doors shall remain unlocked for a minimum of 30 seconds. 4. Activation of the building fire alarm system, if provided, shall automatically unlock the doors, and the doors shall remain unlocked until the fire alarm system has been reset. 5. Activation of the building automatic sprinkler or fire detection system, if provided, shall automatically unlock the doors. The doors shall remain unlocked until the fire alarm system has been reset. 6. Entrance doors in buildings with an occupancy in Group A, B, E or M shall not be secured from the egress side during periods that the building is open to the general public. 7. If a full building smoke detection system is not provided, approved smoke detectors shall be provided on both the access and egress sides of doors and in a location approved by the authority having jurisdiction of NFPA 72. Actuation of a smoke detector shall automatically unlock the door. (Reason: To increase safety by preventing smoke from causing a malfunction in the motion sensor release mechanism while at the same time obscuring the manual release button and thereby potentially trapping people in an exit corridor of a burning building. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 1008.1.3.4) **Section 1016.1; add an exception #5 to read as follows: 5. In Group B office buildings, corridor walls and ceilings need not be of fire -resistive construction within office spaces of a single tenant when the space is equipped with an approved automatic smoke -detection system within the corridor. The actuation of any detector shall activate alarms audible in all areas served by the corridor. The smoke -detection system shall be connected to the building's fire alarm system where such a system is provided. (Reason: To reduce redundant requirements in a single tenant situation. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fire Code 1004.3.2.1.) **Section 1019.1.8; change to read as follows 1019.1.8 Smokeproof enclosures.. In buildings required to comply with Section 403 or 405, each of the exits of a building that serves stories where any floor surface is located more than 35 feet (10 668 mm) or three stories above the lowest level of fire ... {remainder of section unchanged} (Reason: Allow consistency with amends to the International Fire Code and previous amends to this code.) **Section 1101.2; add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Buildings regulated under State Law and built in accordance with State certified plans, including any variances or waivers granted by the State, shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of this Chapter. (Reason: To accommodate buildings regulated under Texas State law.) **Section 1109.2.1; change to read as follows: 1109.2.1 Unisex toilet and bathing rooms. In assembly and mercantile occupancies, an accessible unisex toilet room shall be provided where an aggregate of six or more male or female water closets is provided. In buildings of mixed occupancy, only those water closets .. . {remainder of section unchanged). (Reason: Amendment is necessary to coincide with amendments in International Building Code Chapter 29.) **Section 1210.2, exception #2; change to read as follows: 2. Toilet rooms that are not accessible to the public and which have not more than one water closet; provided that walls around urinals comply with the minimum surrounding material specified by Section 419.3 of the International Plumbing Code. (Reason: Recognize the minimum wall material requirements of the International Plumbing Code. Consistent with regional amendment to International Plumbing Code 419.3.) **Section 1403.3; change to read as follows; delete all exceptions: 1403.3 Vapor retarder. In all framed walls, floors and roof/ceilings comprising elements of the building thermal envelope, a vapor retarder, when installed, shall be installed in a manner so as to not trap moisture. Vapor retarders shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E 96. Delete all exceptions. (Reason: Vapor barriers installed in this region perform best if the vapor barrier is installed in a position opposite that of position required in northern climates in the nation. However, no vapor barrier at all is preferable in this region.) **Table 1505.1; replace footnotes b and c with the following: b. All individual replacement shingles or shakes shall be in compliance with the rating required by this table. c. Non -classified roof coverings shall be permitted on buildings of U occupancies having not more than 120 sq.ft. of projected roof area. When exceeding 120 sq.ft of projected roof area, buildings of U occupancies may use non -rated non-combustible roof coverings. (Reason: Conforms to local practice affording increased fire protection.) **Section 1505.7; delete. (Reason: Conforms to local practice.) **Add Section 2308.2.3 to read as follows: 2308.2.3 Application to engineered design. When accepted by the Building Official, any portion of this section is permitted to apply to buildings that are otherwise outside the limitations of this section provided that: 1. The resulting design will comply with the requirements specified in Chapter 16; 2. The load limitations of various elements of this section are not exceeded; and 3. The portions of this section which will apply are identified by an engineer in the construction documents. (Reason: Allows engineer to reference Section 2308 for designs for wood structures like four story apartment buildings; eliminates excessive engineering.) **Section 2901.1; add a sentence to read as follows: The provisions of this Chapter are meant to work in coordination with the provisions of Chapter 4 of the International Plumbing Code. Should any conflicts arise between the two chapters, the Building Official shall determine which provision applies. (Reason: Gives building official discretion.) ** Section 2902.1, 2902.1.1 and 2902.1.2; change to read as follows and add sub sections: 2902.1 Minimum number of fixtures. Plumbing fixtures shall be provided for the type of occupancy and in the minimum number as follows: 1. Assembly Occupancies: At least one drinking fountain shall be provided at each floor level in an approved location. Exception: A drinking fountain need not be provided in a drinking or dining establishment. 2. Groups A, B, F, H, I, M and S Occupancies: Buildings or portions thereof where persons are employed shall be provided with at least one water closet for each sex except as provided for in Section 2902.2. 3. Group E Occupancies: Shall be provided with fixtures as shown in Table 2902.1. 4. Group R Occupancies: Shall be provided with fixtures as shown in Table 2902.1. It is recommended, but not required, that the minimum number of fixtures provided also comply with the number shown in Table 2902.1. Types of occupancies not shown in Table 2902.1 shall be considered individually by the code official. The number of occupants shall be determined by this code. Occupancy classification shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 3. 2902.1.1 Unisex toilet and bath fixtures. Fixtures located within unisex toilet and bathing rooms complying with Chapter 11 are permitted to be included in determining the minimum required number of fixtures for assembly and mercantile occupancies. 2902.2 Finish material. Finish materials shall comply with Section 1210. (Reason: Consistent with regional amendments made to International Plumbing Code Sections 403.1, 403.1.2 and 404.2.) Recommended Amendments to the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code North Central Texas Council of Governments region The following sections, paragraphs, and sentences of the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code are hereby amended as follows: **Add the following section: Alternative compliance. A building certified by a national, state, or local accredited energy efficiency program and determined by the Energy Systems Laboratory to be in compliance with the energy efficiency requirements of this section may, at the option of the Code Official, be considered in compliance. The United States Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star Program certification of energy code equivalency shall be considered in compliance. (Reason: This amendment is added to allow alternative compliance in accordance with Texas HB 1365, 78" Legislature.) **Section 302.1; Replace blank Table 302.1 Exterior Design Conditions with the following: CONDITION VALUE Winter a, design dry-bulb °F) 99.6% 17 Summera, design dry-bulb (°F) (0.4%) 100 Summer a, design wet -bulb °F 0.4% 78 Degree days heating 2407 Degree days cooling 2603 Climate zone ` 58 **Delete note "a" and replace with the following: a. These values are from ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals for Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport 99.6% Winter DB, 0.4% Summer DB, and 0.4% Summer WB; and from Local Climatological Data for Dallas -Ft. Worth published by the National Climatic Data Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. These values are for the purpose of providing a uniform basis of requirements for North Central Texas. This will not preclude licensed professionals from submitting design analyses based on site measurements or published data more specific to the building site. Adjustments shall be permitted to reflect local climates which differ from the tabulated values, or local weather experience determined by the code official. (Reason: One of the references in note "a" is in error. The 1997 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals no longer publishes the design temperature tables in the format assumed by this reference. The main purpose of this change, however, is to provide typical design data for the NCTCOG region for ease of reference within this code.) **Section 502.1.1; delete exception #2 and substitute the following: 2. Buildings located in Climate Zones 5b. (Reason: The region is located in Climate Zone 5b by amendment. Eliminating vapor retarders in hot and humid climate zones is consistent with the recommendation of most building scientists.) **Section 502.1.5; add the following exceptions: Exceptions: 1. Any glazing facing within 45 degrees of true north, 2. Any glazing facing within 45 degrees of true south which is shaded along its full width by a permanent overhang with a projection factor of 0.3 or greater. 3. Any fenestration with permanently attached screens where the screens have a rated shading coefficient of .6 or less. (Reason: This will allow north facing windows, which do not receive direct solar radiation, to be exempt from the minimum SHGC requirement; provides a simple way for south facing windows to effectively achieve summer shade and still receive some solar heat benefit in winter; and specifically allows use of solar screens to achieve the shading effect.) **Section 502.2; Replace blank Table 502.2 Heating & Cooling Criteria with the following: Table 602.2a,9 HEATING AND COOLING CRITERIA Element Mode Type A-1 Residential Buildings U. Type A-2 Residential Buildings U, Walls Heating or cooling 0.15 0.22 Roof/ceiling Heating or cooling 0.03 0.03 Floors over unheated spaces Heating or cooling 0.05 0.05 Heated slab on grade Heating R -value = 6 R -value = 6 Unheated slab on rade Heating R -value = 0 R -value = 0 Basement wall Heating or cooling U -factor = 0.15 U -factor = 0.15 Crawls ace wall Heating or cooling U -factor = 0.15 U -factor = 0.15 **Delete Note "a" and replace with the following: a. The above values have been determined for all counties in the North Central Texas Council of Governments region. **Add Note "g": g. These requirements apply only to the boundaries of conditioned space. Air conditioning equipment and ductwork is recommended, but not required, to be located within the conditioned space in North Central Texas zones. **Delete Figures 502.2(1-6) (Reason: This change unifies the requirements for all counties within the North Central Texas COG. Reference to the graphs is no longer needed when the values have been specified.) **Section 502.2; Add note to Fig 502.2(7): All counties within the North Central Texas Council of Governments region are designated as within the area of very heavy termite infestation probability for purpose of uniform interpretation of this requirement. (Reason: This allows for uniform interpretation of the map throughout the area of the COG.) **Section 502.2.2; add a second paragraph as follows: A building demonstrating envelope compliance at least 10% better than code may utilize R6 duct insulation in both supply and return air ducts in lieu of the insulation required by Table 503.3.3.3. (Reason: The use of R6 duct insulation in lieu of R8 for supply duct insulation and R4 for return duct insulation in structures — all other factors being equal — only makes a difference of 2% in performance compliance. Use of R6 in a structure that is 10% better than code will still be 8% above code. This tradeoff may be used with any SEER rating of equipment.) **Section 502.2.4; Delete prescriptive Tables 502.2.4(1-9) and substitute the following: **Replace Tables 502.2.4 (1-6) with: Table 502.2.4(1) Prescriptive Building Envelope Requirements, Type A-1 Residential Buildings, Based on Window Area as a Percent of Gross Exterior Wall Area % Maximum Minimum Glazing Minimum Ceiling Exterior Glazing Glazing U -factor Ceiling R -value Exterior wall R -value Floor R -value Basement wall R -value Slab perimeter R -value and depth Crawl space wall R -value <8% 0.70 R-26 R-11 R-11 R-5 R-0 R-6 <12% 0.65 R-26 R-13 R-11 R-5 R-0 R-5 <15% `' - 0.60 R-30 R-13 R-19 R-6 R-0 R-7 <18% 0.52 R-30 R-13 R-19 R-6 R-0 R-7 <20% `' (: 0.50 R-38 R-13 R-19 R-6 R-0 R-7 <25% 0.46 R-38 R-16 R-19 R-6 R-0 R-7 **Replace Tables 502.2.4 (7-9) with: Table 502.2.4(2) Prescriptive Building Envelope Requirements, Type A-2 Residential Buildings, Based on Window Area as a Percent of Gross Exterior Wall Area % Maximum Minimum Glazing Glazing Ceiling Exterior Floor Basement Slab Crawl U -factor R -value wall R -value wall perimeter space R -value R -value R -value wall and R -value depth <20% 0.55 R-30 R-13 R-11 R-5 R-0 R-5 <25% 0.55 R-30 R-13 R-11 R-5 R-0 R-5 <30% :' 0.47 R-38 R-13 R-19 R-7 R-0 R-8 (Reason: This change a) reduces the number of tables to be referenced; b) unifies envelope prescriptive requirements across all areas within the COG, requiring the more restrictive values of zones 5b or 6b; and c) eliminates slab edge insulation requirement.) **Table 503.3.3.1 MINIMUM PIPE INSULATION. Amend footnote "a" to read as follows: a. For piping lengths in excess of five (5) feet exposed to outdoor air, increase the insulation thickness by 0.5 inch. (Reason: No performance data available, REM/Rate scoring procedures do not consider refrigerant piping insulation. This amendment will provide uniform approach and eliminate the requirement of policies by the various jurisdictions.) **Table 503.3.3.3; add footnote "e" as follows: e. See Section 502.2.2 (Reason: To provide reference to duct R -value tradeoff.) "Section 503.; change first sentence to read as follows: 503. Sealing required. All joints, longitudinal and transverse seams, and connections in ductwork, shall be made substantially airtight by means of welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives), mastic - plus -embedded -fabric systems or tapes or other approved closure systems. (Remainder to remain unchanged) (Reason: Provides the building official the ability to consider new technology) **Section 602.1.6; delete last sentence of exception. (Reason: Slab edge insulation is not recommended in this region. Deleting the last sentence of the exception allows the use of the simplified prescriptive method of compliance.) "Section 602.2 Maximum solar heat gain coefficient for fenestration products. Add the following exceptions: Exceptions: 1. Any glazing facing within 45 degrees of true north, 2. Any glazing facing within 45 degrees of true south which is shaded along its full width by a permanent overhang with a projection factor of 0.3 or greater. 3. Any fenestration with attached screens where the screens have a rated shading coefficient of .6 or less. (Reason: This exception has been previously granted in Chapter 5 but did not apply to the simplified approach. The logic for the exception is the same) ** Section 802.2; Replace blank tables 802.2 (1-4) with the completed tables provided on the following four pages. Delete tables 802.2 (5-37). (Reason: This change provides a unified set of prescriptive requirements for all areas within the NCTCOG area based upon the most restrictive zone's requirements (5b or 61b). The deleted tables are not necessary after tables 1-4 are completed, and eliminates data irrelevant to the NCTCOG region.) TABLE 802.2(1) BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS WINDOW AND GLAZED DOOR AREA 10 PERCENT OR LESS OF ABOVE -GRADE WALL AREA ELEMENT CONDITIONIVALUE Skylights (U -factor) 1 Slab or below -grade wall(R-value) R-0 Windows and glass doors PF < 0.25 0.25 < PF < 0.50 PF > 0.50 SHGC U -factor Any An Any An Any An Roof assemblies (R -value) All -wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Metal purlin with thermal block Metal purlin without thermal block Insulation between framing Continuous insulation R-19 R-16 R-25 R-17 NA R-16 R-25 R-17 X R-17 Floors over outdoor air or unconditioned space (R -value) All -wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Insulation between framing Continuous insulation R-11 R-6 R-11 R-6 NA R-6 Above- rade walls (R-linsulaotion Metal framing Wood framing Framed R -value cavil R-11 R-11 R -value continuous R-0 R-0 CMU, > 8 in., with integralR-value cavil R-0 R-0 R-valuecontinuous R-0 R-0 Other masonry walls R -value cavil NA R-0 R-0 R -value continuous R-0 R-0 R-0 TABLE 802.2(2) BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS WINDOW AND GLAZED DOOR AREA OVER 10 PERCENT BUT NOT GREATER THAN 25 PERCENT OF ABOVE -GRADE WALL AREA ELEMENT CONDITION/VALUE Skylights (U -factor) 1 Slab or below -grade wall(R-value) R-0 Windows and glass doors PF < 0.25 0.25 < PF < 0.50 PF > 0.50 SHGC U -factor 0.6 An 0.7 An Any An Roof assemblies (R -value) All -wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Metal purlin with thermal block Metal purlin without thermal block Insulation between Continuous insulation framing R-25 R-19 R-25 R-20 NA R-19 R-30 R-20 X R-20 Floors over outdoor air or unconditioned space (R -value) All -wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Insulation between Continuous insulation framing R-11 R-6 R-11 R-6 NA R-6 Above -grade walls (R -value) No framing Metal framing Wood framing Framed R -value cavity NA R-11 R-11 R -value continuous NA R-0 R-0 CMU, > 8 in., with integral insulation R -value cavity NA R-11 R-11 R -value continuous R-5 R-0 R-0 Other masonry walls R -value cavity NA R-11 R-11 R -value continuous R-5 R-0 R-0 TABLE 802.2(3) BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS WINDOW AND GLAZED DOOR AREA OVER 25 PERCENT BUT NOT GREATER THAN 40 PERCENT OF ABOVE -GRADE WALL AREA ELEMENT CONDITION/VALUE Skylights(U-factor) 1 Slab or below -grade wall (R -value) R-0 Windows and glass doors PF < 0.25 0.25<PF<0.50 PF > 0.50 SHGC U -factor 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.7 Roof assemblies (R -value) All -wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Metal purlin with thermal block Metal purlin without thermal block Insulation between framing Continuous insulation R-25 R-19 R-25 R-20 NA R-19 R-30 R-20 X R-20 Floors over outdoor air or unconditioned space (R -value) All -wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Insulation between framing Continuous insulation R-11 R-6 R-11 R-6 NA R-6 Above -grade walls (R -value) No framing Metal framing Wood framing Framed R -value cavity NA R-11 R-11 R -value continuous NA R-0 R-0 CMU, > 8 in., with inte ral insulation R -value cavity NA R-11 R-11 R -value continuous R-5 R-0 R-0 Other masonry walls R -value cavity NA R-11 R-11 R -value continuous R-5 R-0 R-0 TABLE 802.2(4) BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS WINDOW AND GLAZED DOOR AREA OVER 40 PERCENT BUT NOT GREATER THAN 50 PERCENT OF ABOVE -GRADE WALL AREA ELEMENT CONDITION/VALUE Skylights (U -factor) 1 Slab or below -grade wall(R-value) R-0 Windows and glass doors PF < 0.25 0.25<PF<0.50 PF > 0.50 SHGC U -factor 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.7 Roof assemblies (R -value) All -wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Metal purlin with thermal block Metal purlin without thermal block Insulation between Continuous insulation framing R-25 R-19 R-25 R-20 NA R-19 R-30 R-20 R-38 R-20 Floors over outdoor air or unconditioned space (R -value) All -wood joist/truss Metal joist/truss Concrete slab or deck Insulation between Continuous insulation framing R-11 R-6 R-11 R-6 NA R-6 Above -grade walls (R -value) No framing Metal framing Wood framing Framed R -value cavity NA R-13 R-11 R -value continuous NA R-3 R-0 CMU, > 8 in., with integral insulation R -value cavity NA, NA R-11 R-11 R -value continuous R-5 R-0 R-0 Other masonry walls R -value cavity NA R-11 R-11 R -value continuous R-5 R-0 R-0 ""Add footnote "e" to SHGC column heading in Tables 802.2 (2), 802.2 (3) and 802.2 (4) to read as follows: e. Minimum SHGC requirements do not apply to glazing as follows: 1. Any glazing facing within 45 degrees of true north. 2. Any glazing facing within 45 degrees of true south which is shaded along its full width by a permanent overhang with a projection factor of 0.30 or greater. 3. Any glazing with permanent attached screens where the screens have a rated shading coefficient of 0.60 or less. (Reason: This exception has been previously granted in Chapter 5. The logic for the exception is the same.) "Section 805.2.1 Interior Lighting Controls; add a third sentence to read. Large spaces shall have a separate switch or control for each 2500 square feet of floor area. (Reason: This change is consistent with energy conservation measures in the 4th public review ASHRAE 90.1 - 1999, Space Control. This "zoning" is especially relevant for after-hours employees in office spaces.) **Delete Figures 902.1 (1-43, 45-51). (Reason: There is no need to reference the maps of other states.) ** Chapter 10; Replace referenced standard as follows: ASHRAE/IES -- 99 Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except Low -Rise Residential Buildings -- 1999 Edition Chapter 10 — Referenced Standards: Under the heading ASHRAE and IESNA, change the Standard Reference Number from 90.1-2001 to 90.1-1999. (Reason: This amendment is consistent with the Texas Building Energy Performance Standards.) AND, Recommended Amendments to the 2003 International Fire Code North Central Texas Council of Governments region **Section 102.4; change to read as follows 102.4 Application of other codes. The design and construction of new structures shall comply with this code, and other codes as applicable. Repairs, alterations and additions to existing structures shall comply with this code and the International Building Code. (Reason: Clarification of requirements and that the IFC also applies to new residential construction and the International Existing Building Code is not recommended for adoption.) **Section 102.6; change to read as follows: 102.6 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 45 and such codes, when specifically adopted, and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between the provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. Whenever amendments have been adopted to the referenced codes and standards, each reference to said code and standard shall be considered to reference the amendments as well. Any reference to NFPA 70 or the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted. (Reason: Legal wording to recognize locally adopted codes and amendments adopted with referenced codes.) **Section 202; add a new definition to read as follows High-rise buildings. Buildings having floors used for human occupancy located more than 35 feet or three stories above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with an automatic fire alarm system and an emergency voicelalarm communications system in accordance with this code. (Reason: To provide a definition that does not exist in the code and to comply with local standards.) **Section 202; amend definition as follows: FIRE WATCH. A temporary measure intended to ensure continuous and systematic surveillance of a building or portion thereof by one or more qualified individuals or standby personnel when required by the fire code official, for the purposes of identifying and controlling fire hazards, detecting early signs of unwanted fire, raising an alarm of fire and notifying the fire department. (Reason: Include terminology amending the code and definition of who can perform a fire watch). **Section 202; add definitions as follows: SELF-SERVICE STORAGE FACILITY. Real property designed and used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage spaces to customers for the purpose of storing and removing personal property on a self-service basis. STANDBY PERSONNEL. Qualified fire service personnel, approved by the official having jurisdiction. When utilized, the number required shall be as directed by the official having jurisdiction. Charges for utilization shall be as normally calculated by the jurisdiction. (Reason: To provide definitions that do not exist in the code.) "Section 307.2; change to read as follows: 307.2 Permit required. A permit shall be obtained from the code official in accordance with Section 105.6 prior to kindling a fire for recognized silvicultural or range or wildlife management practices, prevention or control of disease or pests, or open burning. Application for such approval shall only be presented by and permits issued to the owner of the land upon which the fire is to be kindled. Examples of state or local law, or regulations referenced elsewhere in this section may include but not be limited to the following: 1. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality guidelines and/or restrictions. 2. State, County or Local temporary or permanent bans on open burning. 3. Local written policies as established by the Code Official. **Section 307.3; change to read as follows: 307.3 Location. The location for open burning shall not be less than 300 feet (91 440 mm) from any structure, and provisions shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading to within 300 feet (91 440 mm) of any structure. (exceptions unchanged) **Add Section 307.3.3 to read as follows: 307.3.3 Trench Burns. Trench burns shall be conducted in air curtain trenches and in accordance with Section 307.2. **Section 307.4; change to read as follows: 307.4 Attendance. Open burning, trench burns, bonfires or recreational fires shall be constantly attended until the ... (remainder of section unchanged). (Reason: Amendments to 307.2, 307.3, 307.3.3 and 307.4 better explain current requirements and recognize that jurisdictions have local established policies that best fit their environments.) **Section308.3.1; change to read as follows: 308.3.1Open-flame cooking devices. Charcoal burners and other open -flame cooking devices shall not be operated or located on combustible balconies or within 10 feet (3 048 mm) of combustible construction. Exceptions: 1. One- and two-family dwellings. 2. Where buildings, balconies and decks are protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. (Reason: To better explain protection options.) **Section308.3. 1. 1; change to read as follows: 308.3.1.lLiquefied-petroleum-gas-fueled cooking devices. When permitted as listed in the exceptions of Section308.3.1, LP -gas burners having a LP -gas container with a water capacity greater than 2.5 pounds (1.14 kg) [nominal 1 pound (0.454 kg) LP -gas capacity] shall not be located on combustible balconies or within 10 feet (3048 mm) of combustible construction. Exception: One- and two-family dwellings, and other residential occupancies when those residential occupancies are in compliance with Section308.3.1, exception #2, may have containers with a water capacity not greater than 20 pounds (9.08 kg) [nominal 1 pound (0.454 kg) LP -gas capacity]. (Reason: Clarification and defines container size residences are allowed.) "Section 403.1 changed to read as follows: Add standby personnel after fire watch Also see chapter 901.7, 1404.5, 2604.2 and 2404.20 **Section 403.2, exception #2; add the following: Exception 2. Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: Alternative automatic fire -extinguishing systems complying with Section 904 shall be installed as appropriate with the application or service in the space or area in conjunction with the construction requirements (Reason: To provide adequate fire protection to enclosed areas.) **Section 405.1; change to read as follows: 405.1 General. Emergency evacuation drills complying with the provisions of this section shall be conducted in the occupancies listed in Table 405.2 or when required by the fire code official. Drills shall be designed in cooperation with the local authorities. (Reason: To correct the discrepancy between general and specific requirements). **Table 405.2 is amended to add the following: Table 405.2 - Add a new group "all others listed in 404.2 shall be annual." (Reason: Over sight a plan is required by a Frequency is not specified in table 405.2) **Section 408.5.4 Drill Frequency is amended to read as follows: Drills are not required to comply with the time requirements of Section 405.4 (Reason: Due to the turn over in staff, twelve drills per year are necessary for procedural familiarity. This will be in line with Table 405.2) **Section 503.1.1; add the following sentence to the first paragraph: Except for single- or two-family residences, the path of measurement shall be along a minimum of a ten feet (10') wide unobstructed pathway around the external walls of the structure. (Reason: Recognizes that the hose lay provision can only be measured along a pathway that is wide enough for emergency operational access.) **Section 503.2.1; change to read as follows: 503.2.1 Dimensions. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet (7315mm), except for approved security gates in accordance with Section 503.6, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 14 feet (4267 mm). Exceptions: 1. Vertical clearance may be reduced, provided such reduction does not impair access by fire apparatus and approved signs are installed and maintained indicating the established vertical clearance when approved. 2. Residential roads that are not intended or function as arterial, main, or through access roads may be reduced to an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (6096 mm) when serving single family detached occupancies. (Reason: Recognizes the recommend standards for the region and allows for current installations not in compliance to remain in effect and allows for local needs.) **Section 503.2.2; change to read as follows: 503.2.2 Authority. The code official shall have the authority to require an increase in the minimum access widths and vertical clearances where they are inadequate for fire or rescue operations. (Reason: Amendments to 503.2.1 and 503.2.2 recognize that the equipment now used in fire fighting is increasing in size. The code already recognizes that larger dimensions may be required under Section 503.2.2. The amendments are to standardize the dimensions for this area. With the increase in fire apparatus size, this will allow for the passage of two fire apparatus during a fire or EMS emergency.) **Section 503.3; change to read as follows: 503.3 Marking. Approved striping or, when allowed by the code official, signs, or both, or other approved notices shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof. Signs or notices and striping shall be maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired when necessary to provide adequate visibility. (1) Striping — Fire apparatus access roads shall be marked by painted lines of red traffic paint six inches (6") in width to show the boundaries of the lane. The words "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" or "FIRE LANE NO PARKING" shall appear in four inch (4") white letters at 25 feet intervals on the red border markings along both sides of the fire lanes. Where a curb is available, the stripping shall be on the vertical face of the curb. (2) Signs — shall read "NO PARKING FIRE LANE" or "FIRE LANE NO PARKING" and shall be 12" wide and 18" high. Signs shall be painted on a white background with letters and borders in red, using not less than 2" lettering. Signs shall be permanently affixed to a stationary post and the bottom of the sign shall be six feet, six inches (66") above finished grade. Signs shall be spaced not more than fifty feet (50') apart. Signs may be installed on permanent buildings or walls or as approved by the code official having jurisdiction. (3) In -laid fire lane identification systems — In -laid fire lane identification systems may be approved by the code official having jurisdiction. Approved in -laid fire lane identification systems will be enforced under this code as with other provisions of this code by the code official. (Reason: Establishes a standard method of marking and complies with local requirements.) **Section 503.4; change to read as follows: 503.4 Obstruction of fire apparatus access roads. Fire apparatus access roads shall not be obstructed in any manner, including the parking of vehicles. The minimum widths and clearances established in Section 503.2.1 and any area marked as a fire lane as described in Section 503.3 shall be maintained at all times. (Reason: As originally worded, it implied that vehicles could be parked in the marked fire lane and not be in violation if the minimum width is still maintained. Current accepted enforcement practice is to require all marked fire lane to be maintained clear and unobstructed.) **Section 508.5.1; change to read as follows: 508.5.1 Where required. Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 300 feet (91.5 mm) for non-residential or 500 feet 152.5 mm) for residential occupancies from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Exceptions are deleted. (Reason: Provides consistency with the amendments in the code and with local and regional practices. Exceptions are deleted due to information contained in the exceptions is added into the main text of the amended subsection and the Town of Westlake does not allow for variances in the code due to the use of automatic sprinkler systems). **Section 704.1; change to read as follows: 704.1 Enclosure. Interior vertical shafts, including but not limited to stairways, elevator hoistways, service and utility shafts, that connect two or more stories of a building shall be enclosed or protected in accordance with the codes in effect at the time of construction but, regardless of when constructed, not less than as specified in Table 704.1. When openings are required to be ... {remainder of section unchanged). (Reason: Provides standard minimum protection retroactively, but clarifies that this section is not to be used to reduce higher protection levels that were required when originally constructed.) ** Section 803.3.2 and Section 803.4.2; add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Corridors protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 shall be limited to 50 percent of the wall area. (Reason: This change allows an increase in wall coverage due to the presence of sprinklers.) **Section 804.1.1; add a second exception to read as follows: Exceptions: 1. {existing exception unchanged) 2. Trees shall not be prohibited inside private dwelling units of Group R-2 Occupancies. (Reason: Eliminates rule for private dwelling space.) **Section 901.7; change to read as follows: 901.7 Systems out of service. Where a required fire protection system is out of service or in the event of an excessive number of accidental activations, the fire department and the code official shall be notified immediately and, where required by the code official, the building shall either be evacuated or standby personnel shall be provided for all occupants left unprotected by the shut down until the fire protection system has been returned to service. Where utilized, standby personnel shall be provided with at least one approved means for notification of the fire department and their only duty shall be to perform constant patrols of the protected premises and keep watch for fires. (Reason: Gives code official having jurisdiction more discretion. Requires adoption of definition amendment in Section 202.) This is now defined in the code. "Section 902.1; under "Standpipe, Types of definition, amend "Manual dry" by adding a sentence to read as follows: The system must be supervised as specified in Section 905.2. (Reason: Corresponds with Section 905.2 recommended amendment.) "Section 903.2, change to read as follows: Subsection 903.1.2 Residential systems is added and reads as follows: 903.1.2 Residential systems. Unless specifically allowed by this code or the International Building Code, residential sprinkler systems installed in accordance with NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R shall not be recognized for the purposes of exceptions or reductions, commonly referred to as "trade-offs", permitted by other requirements of this code. In addition, residential sprinkler systems installed in accordance with NFPA 13R must include attic sprinkler protection to be recognized for the purposes of such trade-offs permitted by other requirements of this code. In addition, residential sprinkler systems shall be installed in the garage portion of the occupancy when such area is attached to the living or occupied portion of the structure by a common wall. Such installation shall be so designed to extinguish or hinder the spread of fire into the living or occupied areas of the structure. (Reason: Because 13R system trade-offs allowed in the International Codes compromise 13R intent of life safety, attic sprinklers regain some protection by minimizing likelihood of residential fire spreading through the attic space.) *Section 903.2, change to read as follows: 903.2 Where required. Exception is changed to read as amended by adding the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: ... Alternative automatic fire -extinguishing systems complying with Section 904 shall be installed as appropriate with the application or service in the space or area in conjunction with the construction requirements. (Reason: With the allowable omission of an automatic sprinkler system due to the use or equipment in the space or area, an alternative automatic protection system is installed to add the protection other than structural components which are typically breached and are not monitored). "Section 903.2.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.1 Group A. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group A occupancies as provided in this section. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems. All exceptions to this relating to area requirements and other exceptions are deleted). **Section 903.2.1.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.1.1.Group A-1. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.1 Group A.) **Section 903.2.1.2; change to read as follows: 903.2.1.2.Group A-2. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.1 Group A.) **Section 903.2.1.3; change to read as follows: 903.2.1.3.Group A-3. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.1 Group A.) **Section 903.2.1.4; change to read as follows: 903.2.1.4.Group A-4. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.1 Group A.) **Section 903.2.1.5; change to read as follows: 903.2.1.5.Group A-5. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.1 Group A.) **Section 903.2.2; change to read as follows: 903.2.2 Group E. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group E occupancies as provided in this section. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.2 Group E.) **Section 903.2.3; change to read as follows: 903.2.3 Group F-1. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group F occupancies as provided in this section. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.2 Group E.) **Section 903.2.3.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.3.1.Woodworking operations. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.3 Group F-1.) **Section 903.2.6; change to read as follows: 903.2.6 Group M. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group M occupancies as provided in this section. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.6 Group M). **Section 903.2.6.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.6.1.Group High -piled storage. An automatic sprinkler system shall be required in all high -piled storage. All other requirements in Chapter 23 in all buildings of Group M where storage of merchandise is in high -piled or rack storage arrays shall comply. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.1 Group A.) SECTION 903.2.7 OF THE CODE NOW REQUIRES ALL R OCCUPANCIES TO BE FIRE SPRINKLERED. 'Section 903.2.7; change to read as follows: 903.2.7 Group R. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group R. Exceptions: 1. Group R-3: Detached single family occupied buildings and portions thereof used as Group R- 3 shall be provided throughout will an automatic sprinkler system when the building totals 6,000 sq. ft. or more. 2. Group R: Attached and enclosed parking areas shall be protected by automatic sprinkler systems. (Reason: This allows for the continuation of the Town's sprinkler requirements with the amendment of the total square feet changing to regional and local practices based on those Towns and Cities adopting the 2003 IFC. By specifying detached single family occupied buildings, town homes which are typically single family attached and two-family attached homes used as Group R-3 will be required to have automatic sprinkler systems installed regardless of size). **Section 903.2.8; change to read as follows: 903.2.8 Group S-1. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings and portions thereof used as Group S-1 occupancies as provided in this section. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.8 Group S-1). "*Section 903.2.8.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.8.1.Repair garages. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.8 Group S-1). *Section 903.2.8.2; change to read as follows: 903.2.8.2.Bulk storage of tires. This subsection is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.8 Group S-1). 903.2.8.3 Self-service storage facility. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout all self-service storage facilities. Exception: One-story self-service storage facilities that have no interior corridors, with a one-hour fire barrier separation wall installed between every storage compartment. (Reason: Consistent with International Building Code, Section 903.2.10.2 is now in the Code.) "*Section 903.2.9; change to read as follows: 903.2.9.Exception. The exception is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.9 Group S-2). "*Section 903.2.9.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.9.1.Commercial parking garages. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout buildings used for storage of commercial trucks or buses. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.9 Group S-2). "*Section 903.2.10; change to read as follows: 903.2.10 All occupancies including Groups R-3 and U were required. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in the locations set forth in Sections 903.2.10.1 through 903.2.10.3. Exception: Group R-3 and Group U is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof to be protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.10). "*Section 903.2.10.1; change to read as follows: 903.2.10.1 Stories and basements without openings. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in every story or basement of all buildings. All other portions of this paragraph is deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof of this classification are protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.10.1). **Add Sections and 903.2.10.3 to read as follows: 903.2.10.3 Buildings more than 35 feet or over three (3) stories in height. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout buildings with a floor level located, other than penthouses in compliance with Section 1509 of the International Building Code, 35 feet (10 668 mm) or three stories above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Exceptions are deleted. (Reason: The Town of Westlake requires all building and portions thereof to be protected by automatic sprinkler systems and this is provided in the amended section 903.2.10.3. This also complies with the high-rise definition and requirements). **Section 903.2.10; add 903.2.10.4, 903.2.10.5 and 903.2.10.6 as follows_ 903.2.10.4 High -Piled Combustible Storage. For any building with a clear height exceeding 12 feet (4572 mm), see Chapter 23 to determine if those provisions apply. 903.2.10.5 Spray Booths and Rooms. New and existing spray booths and spraying rooms shall be protected by an approved automatic fire -extinguishing system. 903.2.10.6 Buildings Over 5,000 sq.ft. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout all buildings. For the purpose of this provision, fire walls shall not define separate buildings. Exceptions: 1. Open parking garages in compliance with Section 406.3 of the International Building Code with an area over 5,000 sq.ft. (Reason: Reflect local practices. Note: COG exception, #2. Type A-5, buildings was deleted due to local requirements). **Section 903.; change to read as follows: 903. Exempt locations. When approved by the code official, automatic sprinklers shall not be required in the following rooms or areas where such ... {bulk of section unchanged} ... because itis damp, of fire -resistance -rated construction or contains electrical equipment. 1. Any room where the application of water, or flame and water, constitutes a serious life or fire hazard. 2. Any room or space where sprinklers are considered undesirable because of the nature of the contents, when approved by the code official. 3. Generator and transformer rooms, under the direct control of a public utility, separated from the remainder of the building by walls and floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assemblies having a fire - resistance rating of not less than 2 hours. 4. Spaces or areas in telecommunications buildings ... 2 hours. 5. In rooms or areas that are of noncombustible construction with wholly noncombustible contents. In those locations listed in this section where automatic sprinkler systems are omitted, the area or location shall be protected by an approved fire protection system as listed in Section 904, Alternative Automatic Fire -Extinguishing Systems, of this code. (Reason: Gives more discretion to code official. Protects locations where fire risks are poorly addressed.) **Section 903.3.1.2; change to read as follows: 903.3.1.2 NFPA 13R sprinkler systems. Where allowed in buildings of Group R, up to and including four stories in height, automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13R. However, for the purposes of exceptions or reductions permitted by other requirements of this code, see Section 903.1.2. (Reason: Editorial to be included with recommended amendment to 903.1.2.) **Section 903.3.5; add a second paragraph to read as follows: Water supply as required for such systems shall be provided in conformance with the supply requirements of the respective standards; however, every fire protection system shall be designed with a 10 psi safety factor. (Reason: To define uniform safety factor. This is the same standard that the Town of Westlake and Reed Engineering utilizes in automatic sprinkler system design criteria). **Section 903.4;Delete the exceptions #1, 2, and 3; renumbering the remaining exceptions; add a second paragraph after the exceptions to read as follows: Sprinkler and standpipe system water -flow detectors shall be provided for each floor tap to the sprinkler system and shall cause an alarm upon detection of water flow for more than 45 seconds. All control valves in the sprinkler and standpipe systems except for fire department hose connection valves shall be electrically supervised to initiate a supervisory signal at the central station upon tampering. (Reason: To avoid significant water losses. Consistent with amendment to IFC 905.9.) **Add Section 903.6.2 to read as follows: 903.6.2 Spray booths and rooms. New and existing spray booths and spray rooms shall be protected by an approved automatic fire -extinguishing system in accordance with Section 1504. (Reason: Consistent with amendment to IFC 1504.) **Section 905.2; change to read as follows: 905.2 Installation standards. Standpipe system shall be installed in accordance with this section and NFPA 14. Manual dry standpipe systems shall be supervised with a minimum of 10 psig and a maximum of 40 psig air pressure with a high/low alarm. (Reason: To define manual dry standpipe supervision requirements.) **Section 905.3.2; delete exceptions #1 and 2. (Reason: Reflects local practice). **Section 905.4, item #5; change to read as follows: 5. Where the roof has a slope less than four units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33.3 -percent slope), each standpipe shall be provided with a two-way hose connection located either ... {remainder of paragraph unchanged} ... (Reason: Clarity.) **Section 905.9; add a second paragraph after the exceptions to read as follows: Sprinkler and standpipe system water -flow detectors shall be provided for each floor tap to the sprinkler system and shall cause an alarm upon detection of water flow for more than 45 seconds. All control valves in the sprinkler and standpipe systems except for fire department hose connection valves shall be electrically supervised to initiate a supervisory signal at the central station upon tampering. (Reason: To avoid significant water losses. Consistent with amendment to IFC 903.4.) **Add Section 907.1.3 to read as follows: 907.1.3 Design Standards. All alarm systems new or replacement serving 50 or more alarm actuating devices shall be addressable fire detection systems. Alarm systems serving more than 75 smoke detectors or more than 200 total alarm activating devices shall be analog intelligent addressable fire detection systems. Exception: Existing systems need not comply unless the total building remodel or expansion initiated after the effective date of this code, as adopted, exceeds 30% of the building. When cumulative building remodel or expansion exceeds 50% of the building must comply within 18 months of permit application. (Reason: Consistent with local practice.) **Section 907.2.3; change to read as follows: 907.2.3 Group E. A manual fire alarm system shall be installed in Group E -Educational occupancies. When automatic sprinkler systems or smoke detectors are installed, such systems or detectors shall be connected to the building fire alarm system. An approved smoke detection system shall be installed in Group E day care occupancies. Unless separated by a minimum of 100' open space, all buildings, whether portable buildings or the main building, will be considered one building for alarm occupant load consideration and interconnection of alarm systems. (Reason: To distinguish educational from day care occupancy minimum protection requirements. Further, to define threshold at which portable buildings are considered a separate building for the purposes of alarm systems.) **Section 907.2.3; change exception #1 and add exception #1.1 to read as follows: 1. Group E - Educational and day care occupancies with an occupant load of less than 50 when provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system. 1.1. Residential In -Home day care with not more than 12 children may use interconnected single station detectors in all habitable rooms. (For care of more than five children 2 1/2 or less years of age, see Section 907.2.6.) (Reason: Consistent with Texas State laws concerning day care facility requirements.) **Section 907.2.12; change to read as follows: 907.2.12 High-rise buildings. Buildings having floors used for human occupancy located 35 feet (10 668 mm) or three stories above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with an automatic fire alarm system and an emergency voice/alarm communications system in accordance with Section 907.2.12.2. (Reason: To correct definition of high-rise based on local requirements). **Section 907.2.12, exception #3; change to read as follows: 3. Buildings with an occupancy in Group A-5 in accordance with Section 303.1 of the International Building Code when used for open air seating; however, this exception does not apply to accessory uses including but not limited to sky boxes, restaurants and similarly enclosed areas. (Reason: To indicate that enclosed areas within open air seating type occupancies are not excepted from automatic fire alarm system requirements.) **Section 907.4; add a second paragraph to read as follows: Manual alarm actuating devices shall be an approved double action type. (Reason: Consistent with local requirements.) ** Add Section 907.6.1 to read as follows: 907.6.1 Installation. All fire alarm systems shall be installed in such a manner that the failure of any single alarm -actuating or alarm -indicating device will not interfere with the normal operation of any other such devices. All systems shall be Class "A" wired with a minimum of six feet separation between supply and return loops. IDC — Class "A" style — D — SLC Class "A" Style 6 — notification Class "B" Style Y. (Reason: To provide uniformity in system specifications and guidance to design engineers.) **Section 907.9.2; change to read as follows: 907.9.2 High-rise buildings. In buildings that have floors located 35 feet (10 668 mm) or three stories above the ... (remainder of section unchanged). (Reason: Correct definition of high-rise for the Town of Westlake requirements). **Section 1008.1.3.4 Add new section 7 to read as follows: 1008.1.3.4 Access -controlled egress doors/Electronic locking devices 7. If a full building smoke detection system is not provided, approved smoke detectors shall be provided on both the access and egress sides of doors and in a location approved by the authority having jurisdiction in accordance with NFPA 72. Actuation of a smoke detector shall automatically unlock the door. (Reason: Consistent with regional amendments). **Section 1016.1; add an exception #5 to read as follows: 5. In Group B office buildings, corridor walls and ceilings need not be of fire -resistive construction within office spaces of a single tenant when the space is equipped with an approved automatic smoke - detection system within the corridor. The actuation of any detector shall activate alarms audible in all areas served by the corridor. The smoke -detection system shall be connected to the building's fire alarm system where such a system is provided. (Reason: Consistent with regional amendment to IBC 1016.1.) **Section 1019.1.8; change to read as follows: 1005.3.2.5 Smokeproof enclosures. In buildings required to comply with the high-rise provisions of the International Building Code or the provisions for underground buildings in the International Building Code, each of the exits of a building that serves stories where the floor surface is located 35 feet (10 668 mm) or three stories above the lowest level of fire ... (remainder of section unchanged). (Reason: Correct definition of high-rise for Option B jurisdictions.) "*Section 1504.6; change to read as follows: 1504.6 Fire Protection. New and existing spray booths and spray rooms shall be protected by an approved automatic fire -extinguishing system ... (remainder of section unchanged} ... (Reason: Consistent protection in all spray booths.) "Section 2302; add a second paragraph to the definition of "High -Piled Combustible Storage" to read as follows: Any building exceeding 5,000 sq.ft. that has a clear height in excess of 12 feet, making it possible to be used for storage in excess of 12 feet, shall be considered to be high -piled storage and shall comply with the provisions of this section. When a specific product cannot be identified, a fire protection system shall be installed as for Class IV commodities, to the maximum pile height. (Reason: To provide protection for worst-case scenario in flexible or unknown situations.) "*Table 2306.2; change to read as follows: Table 2306.2 General Fire Protection and Life Safety Requirements. Under "All Storage Areas" — All comments under columns titled "Automatic fire -extinguishing system (see section 2306.4)", "Fire detection system (see Section 2306.5)", and "Smoke and heat removal (see Section 2306.7) were "Not Required" is list is to be amended to read "Yes'. (Reason: To provide protection consistent with the amendments based upon the Town of Westlake requirements and regional practices) "Section 2404.20; change to read as follows: 2404.20 Standby personnel/Crowd managers. When, in the opinion of the code official, it is essential for public safety in a place of assembly or any other place where people congregate, because of the number of persons, or the nature of the performance, exhibition, display, contest or activity, the owner, agent or lessee shall employ standby personnel to remain on duty during the times such places are open to the public, or when such activity is being conducted. Before each performance or the start of such activity, standby personnel shall keep diligent watch for fires during the time such place is open to the public or such activity is being conducted and take prompt measures as directed by the Fire Chief. Such duties may include, but not be limited to, extinguishment of fires that occur and assist in the evacuation of the public from the structure. There shall be trained crowd managers or crowd manager supervisors at a ratio of one crowd manager/supervisor for every 250 occupants, as approved. (Reason: Gives Fire Chief more discretion. Requires adoption of definition recommendations in Section 202.) "Section 3301.1.3; change to read as follows: 3301.1.3 Fireworks. The possession, manufacture, storage, sale, handling and use of fireworks are prohibited. Exceptions: 1. Only when approved for fireworks displays, storage and handling of fireworks as provided in Section 3304 and 3308. 2. The use of fireworks for approved display as permitted in Section 3308. (Reason: Restricts to approved displays, which is consistent with local practice). "Section 3302 changed by an addition to the last sentence for the definition of fireworks to read as follows: FIREWORKS. Any composition of device for the purpose of producing a visible or an audible effect for entertainment purposes by combustion, deflagration, detonation, and/or activated by ignition with a match or other heat producing device that meets the definition of 1 AG fireworks or 1.3G fireworks as set forth herein. (Reason: Increased safety from fireworks related injuries.) "Section 3403.6; add a sentence to read as follows: An approved method of secondary containment shall be provided for underground tank and piping systems. "'Section 3404.2.11.5; add a sentence to read as follows: An approved method of secondary containment shall be provided for underground tank and piping systems. (Reason: Increased protection in response to underground leak problems and rehabilitation difficulty in underground applications.) 'Section 3404.; change to read as follows: 3404. Leak detection. Underground storage tank systems ... (bulk of provision unchanged} ... and installed in accordance with NFPA 30 and as specified in Section 3404. (Reason: Reference to Section 3404. amendment.) "'Add Section 3404. to read as follows: 3404. Dry sumps. Approved sampling tubes of a minimum 6 inches in diameter shall be installed in the backfill material of each underground flammable or combustible liquid storage tank. The tubes shall extend from a point 12 inches below the average grade of the excavation to ground level and shall be provided with suitable surface access caps. Each tank site shall provide a sampling sump at the corners of the excavation with a minimum of 4 sumps. Sampling tubes shall be placed in the product line excavation within 10 feet of the tank excavation and one every 50 feet routed along product lines towards the dispensers, a minimum of two are required. (Reason: Provides an economical means of checking potential leaks at each tank site.) "Add Sections 3406.5.4.5 and 3406. through 3406. to read as follows: 3406.5.4.5 Commercial, industrial, governmental or manufacturing. Dispensing of Class II and III motor vehicle fuel from tank vehicles into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles located at commercial, industrial, governmental or manufacturing establishments is allowed where permitted, provided such dispensing operations are conducted in accordance with Sections 3406. through 3406. 3406. Site requirements 1. Dispensing may occur at sites that have been permitted to conduct mobile fueling. 2. A detailed site plan shall be submitted with each application for a permit. The site plan must indicate: a. all buildings, structures, and appurtenances on site and their use or function; b. all uses adjacent to the property lines of the site; c. the locations of all storm drain openings, adjacent waterways or wetlands, d. information regarding slope, natural drainage, curbing, impounding and how a spill will be retained upon the site property, and, e. The scale of the site plan. 3. The Code Official is authorized to impose limits upon: the times and/or days during which mobile fueling operations are allowed to take place and specific locations on a site where fueling is permitted. 4. Mobile fueling operations shall be conducted in areas not generally accessible to the public. 5. Mobile fueling shall not take place within 15 feet (4.572 m) of buildings, property lines, or combustible storage. 3406. Refueling Operator Requirements. 1. The owner of a mobile fueling operations shall provide to the jurisdiction a written response plan which demonstrates readiness to respond to a fuel spill, carry out appropriate mitigation measures, and to indicate its process to properly dispose of contaminated materials when circumstances require. 2. The tank vehicle shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 385 and Local, State and Federal requirements. The tank vehicle's specific functions shall include that of supplying fuel to motor vehicle fuel tanks. The vehicle and all its equipment shall be maintained in good repair. 3. Signs prohibiting smoking or open flames within 25 feet (7.62 m) of the tank vehicle or the point of fueling shall be prominently posted on 3 sides of the vehicle including the back and both sides. 4. A fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 403C shall be provided on the vehicle with signage clearly indicating its location. 5. The dispensing nozzles and hoses shall be of an approved and listed type. 6. The dispensing hose shall not be extended from the reel more than 100 feet (30.48m) in length. 7. Absorbent materials, non -water absorbent pads, a 10 foot (3.048 m) long containment boom, an approved container with lid, and a non-metallic shovel shall be provided to mitigate a minimum 5 - gallon fuel spill. 8. Tanker vehicles shall be equipped with a fuel limit switch such as a count -back switch, limiting the amount of a single fueling operation to a maximum of 500 gallons (1893 L) between resettings of the limit switch. Exception: Tankers utilizing remote emergency shut-off device capability where the operator constantly carries the shut-off device which, when activated, immediately causes flow of fuel from the tanker to cease. 9. Persons responsible for dispensing operations shall be trained in the appropriate mitigating actions in the event of a fire, leak, or spill. Training records shall be maintained by the dispensing company and shall be made available to the Code Official upon request. 10. Operators of tank vehicles used for mobile fueling operations shall have in their possession at all times an emergency communications device to notify the proper authorities in the event of an emergency. 3406. Operational Requirements 1. The tank vehicle dispensing equipment shall be constantly attended and operated only by designated personnel who are trained to handle and dispense motor fuels. 2. Prior to beginning dispensing operations, precautions shall be taken to assure ignition sources are not present. 3. The engines of vehicles being fueled shall be shut off during dispensing operations. 4. Nighttime fueling operations shall only take place in adequately lighted areas. 5. The tank vehicle shall be positioned with respect to vehicles being fueled so as to preclude traffic from driving over the delivery hose and between the tank vehicle and the motor vehicle being fueled. 6. During fueling operations, tank vehicle brakes shall be set, chock blocks shall be in place and warning lights shall be in operation. 7. Motor vehicle fuel tanks shall not be topped off. 8. The dispensing hose shall be properly placed on an approved reel or in an approved compartment prior to moving the tank vehicle. 9. The Code Official and other appropriate authorities shall be notified when a reportable spill or unauthorized discharge occurs. (Reason: Provides clarity and organization of the site, operation and use requirements.) **Add Section 3803.2.1.8 to read as follows: 3803.2.1.8 Jewelry Repair, Dental Labs and Similar Occupancies. Where natural gas service is not available, portable LP -Gas containers are allowed to be used to supply approved torch assemblies or similar appliances. Such containers shall not exceed 20 -pound (9.0 kg) water capacity. Aggregate capacity shall not exceed 60 -pound (27.2 kg) water capacity. Each device shall be separated from other containers by a distance of not less than 20 feet. (Reason: To provide a consistent and reasonable means of regulating the use of portable LP -Gas containers in these situations.) **Section 3804.2; add an exception #2 to read as follows: Exceptions: 1. {existing exception unchanged} 2. Except as permitted in 307.5 and 3804.3.2, LP -gas containers are not permitted in residential areas. (Reason: To provide a consistent and reasonable means of regulating the use of portable LP -Gas containers. References regional amendment to IFC 3804.3.2.) **Add Section 3804.3.2 to read as follows: 3804.3.2 Spas, Pool Heaters and other listed devices. Where natural gas service is not available, LP - Gas containers are allowed to be used to supply spa and pool heaters or other listed devices. Such containers shall not exceed 250 -gallon water capacity. See Table 3804.3 for location of containers. (Reason: Allows for an alternate fuel source.) **Appendix C; change to read: Table C105.1 NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF FIRE HYDRANTS: In column titled "AVERAGE SPACING BETWEEN HYDRANTS, ab` change the maximum distance to read 500 feet for residential areas and 300 feet for non-residential locations. In the column titled "MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM ANY POINT ON STREET OR ROAD FRONTAGE TO A HYDRANT ° " change to read 150 feet in all entries in this column. (Reason: meets current requirements for the Town of Westlake and follows regional practice). **Appendix D; change to read: Table D103.4 REQUIREMENTS FOR DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS: In column titled "LENGTH (feet)" change "501-750" to read "501-600", and change "Over 750" to read "Over 600". In column titled "WIDTH (feet)" change 20 to read 24 in both entries in this column. In column titled 'TURNAROUNDS REQUIRED" change "120 -foot Hammerhead, 60 -foot "Y", or 96 -foot - diameter cul-de-sac in accordance with Figure D103.1" to read "120 -foot Hammerhead, 60 -foot "Y", or 100 -foot -diameter cul-de-sac in accordance with Figure D103.1". Drawings in shown in Figure D103.1 "DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD TURNAROUNDS' shall be amended to reflect above changes. (Reason: compatibility with Town of Westlake requirements, code as amended, and local practice). "Appendix D; change to read: D103.6.1 Road 20 to 26 feet in width. Change subsection to read — D103.6.1 Road 24 to 26 feet in width. Fire apparatus access roads 24 to 26 feet wide (7315 to 7925 mm) shall be posted on both sides as a fire lane. (Reason: Consistent with regional amendments). "Appendix D; change to read: D104.2 Buildings exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Delete Exception. (Reason: Consistent with local and regional amendments and practices). "*Appendix D; change to read: Section D106 Multiple -family Residential Developments. This subsection shall be amended to read "All multiple -family residential projects shall be equipped throughout with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads." All other portions of this subsection are deleted. (Reason: Consistent with Town of Westlake requirements and with regional practices). "Appendix D; change to read. Section D107 One- or Two-family Residential Developments. D107.1 One- or two-family dwelling residential developments. This subsection shall be amended to read "All one- or two-family residential developments shall be equipped throughout with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads." Exception 1 is deleted. (Reason: Consistent with Town of Westlake requirements and with regional practices). Recommended Amendments to the 2003 International Fuel Gas Code North Central Texas Council of Governments region The following sections, paragraphs, and sentences of the 2003 International Fuel Gas Code are hereby amended as follows: **Section 101.2 11 {Local amendments to Section 101.2 maybe necessary to correspond with the State Plumbing Licensing Law.} **Section 102.2; add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Existing dwelling units shall comply with Section 621.2. (Reason: Previous code provisions made unvented heater provisions retroactive except as provided for in local amendment. This amendment and amendment to International Fuel Gas Code 621.2 better clarify what the code already states: existing systems may stay unless considered unsafe.) **Section 102.8; change to read as follows: 102.8 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced herein shall be those that are listed in Chapter 8 and such codes, when specifically adopted, and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. Whenever amendments have been adopted to the referenced codes and standards, each reference to said code and standard shall be considered to reference the amendments as well. Any reference to NFPA 70 or the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted. (Reason: Legal wording to recognize locally adopted codes and amendments adopted with referenced codes.) **Section 304.10; change to read as follows: 304.10 Louvers and grilles. The required size of openings ... {bulk of paragraph unchanged} ... to provide the free area specified. Where the design and free area are not known, it shall be assumed that wood louvers will have 25 -percent free area and metal louvers and grilles will have 50 -percent free area. {Remainder of section unchanged.) (Reason: This is the generally accepted practice in the region.) **Section 304.11; change Exception 8 to read as follows: 304.11 Combustion air ducts. (Bulk of section unchanged.} 8. Combustion air intake openings located on the exterior of a building shall have the lowest side of such openings located not less than 12 inches (305 mm) vertically from the adjoining grade level or the manufacturer's recommendation, whichever is more stringent. (Reason: To recognize the manufacturer's installation requirements.) **Section 305.5; delete. (Reason: This provision does not reflect standard practice in this area. Consistent with regional amendment to International Mechanic Code 304.6.) **Section 305.7; change to read as follows: 305.7 Clearances from grade. Equipment and appliances installed at grade level shall be supported on a level concrete slab or other approved material extending a minimum of 3 inches (76 mm) above adjoining grade or shall be suspended a minimum of 6 inches (152 mm) above adjoining grade. (Reason: Consistent with current local practice. Consistent with regional amendment to International Mechanic Code 304.9.) **Section 306.3; change to read as follows: 306.3 Appliances in attics. Attics containing appliances requiring access shall be provided ... {bulk of paragraph unchanged} ... from the opening to the equipment. The passageway shall have continuous unobstructed solid flooring not less than 30 inches (762 mm) wide. A level service space not less than 30 inches (762 mm) deep and 30 inches (762 mm) wide shall be present at the front or service side of the equipment. The clear access opening dimensions shall be a minimum of 20 inches by 30 inches (508 mm by 762 mm), or larger where such dimensions are not large enough to allow removal of the largest appliance. As a minimum, access to the attic space shall be provided by one of the following: 1. A permanent stair. 2. A pull down stair. 3. An access door from an upper floor level. Exception: The passageway and level service space are not required where the appliance is capable of being serviced and removed through the required opening. (Reason: To provide a safe means of accessibility. Consistent with regional amendment to International Mechanic Code 306.3.) **Section 306.5; change to read as follows: 306.5 Equipment and appliances on roofs or elevated structures. Where equipment and appliances requiring access are installed on roofs or elevated structures at an aggregate height exceeding 16 feet (4877 mm), such access shall be provided by a permanent approved means of access permanent exterior ladders providing roof access need not extend closer than 8 feet (2438 mm) to the finish grade orfloor level below and shall extend to the equipment and appliance's level service space. Such access shall ... fbulk of section to read the same}... on roofs having a slope greater than 4 units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33 -percent slope). A receptacle outlet shall be provided at or near the equipment and appliance location in accordance with the Electrical Code. (Reason: To assure safe access to roof appliances. Consistent with International Mechanic Code amendments.) **Add Section 306.5.1.1 to read as follows: 306.5.1.1 Catwalk. On roofs having slopes greater than 4 units vertical in 12 units horizontal, a catwalk at least 16 inches in width with substantial cleats spaced not more than 16 inches apart shall be provided from the roof access to the working platform at the appliance. (Reason: To assure safe access to roof appliances. Consistent with International Mechanic Code amendments.) **Add Section 306.7 to read as follows: 306.7 Water heaters above ground or floor. When the attic, roof, mezzanine or platform in which a water heater is installed is more than eight (8) feet (2438 mm) above the ground or floor level, it shall be made accessible by a stairway or permanent ladder fastened to the building. 306.7.1. Whenever the mezzanine or platform is not adequately lighted or access to a receptacle outlet is not obtainable from the main level, lighting and a receptacle outlet shall be provided in accordance with Section 306.3.1. (Reason: To provide safe access to water heaters. Consistent with regional amendments to International Plumbing Code 502.5 and International Mechanic Code 306.7.) **Section 401.5; add a second paragraph to read as follows: Both ends of each section of medium pressure corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) shall identify its operating gas pressure with an approved tag. The tags are to be composed of aluminum or stainless steel and the following wording shall be stamped into the tag: "WARNING 1/2 to 5 psi gas pressure Do Not Remove" (Reason: To protect homeowners and plumbers.) **Section 402.3; add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) shall be a minimum of 1/2". (Reason: Pipe less than 1/2" has a history in this region of causing whistling.) **Section 404.6; change to read as follows: 404.6 Piping in solid floors. Piping in solid floors shall be laid in channels in the floor and covered in a manner that will allow access to the piping with a minimum amount of damage to the building. Where such piping is subject to exposure to excessive moisture or corrosive substances, the piping shall be protected in an approved manner. As an alternative to installation in channels, the piping shall be installed in accordance with Section 404.11 (Reason: Referencing Section 404.11 provides CSST piping with outside venting.) **Section 404.9; change to read as follows: 404.9 Minimum burial depth. Underground piping systems shall be installed a minimum depth of 18 inches (458 mm) below grade. (Reason: To provide increased protection to piping systems.) **Section 406.4; change to read as follows: 406.4 Test pressure measurement. Test pressure shall be measured with a monometer or with a pressure - measuring device designed and calibrated to read, record, or indicate a pressure loss caused by leakage during the pressure test period. The source of pressure shall be isolated before the pressure tests are made. For tests requiring a pressure of 3 psig, mechanical gauges shall utilize a dial with a minimum diameter of three and one half inches (3'/i'), a set hand, 1/10 pound incrementation and pressure range not to exceed 6 psi for tests requiring a pressure of 3 psig. For tests requiring a pressure of 10 psig, mechanical gauges shall utilize a dial with a minimum diameter of three and one-half inches (3 Y'), a set hand, a minimum of 2/10 pound incrementation and a pressure range not to exceed 20 psi. (Reason: To require the use of more accurate diaphragm gauges. Spring gauges do not provide accurate measurement below approximately 17 psig.) **Section 406.4.1; change to read as follows: 406.4.1 Test pressure. The test pressure to be used shall be not less than 3 psig (20 kPa gauge), or at the discretion of the Code Official, the piping and valves may be tested at a pressure of at least six (6) inches (152 mm) of mercury, measured with a manometer or slope gauge. For welded piping, and for piping carrying gas at pressures in excess of fourteen (14) inches water column pressure (3.48 kPa) and less than 56 inches of water column pressure (13.92 kPa), the test pressure shall not be less than ten (10) pounds per square inch (40.4 kPa). For piping carrying gas at a pressure that exceed 56 inches of water column (13.92 kPa), the test pressure shall be not less than one and one-half times the proposed maximum working pressure. (Reason: To provide for lesser pressures to coordinate with the use of more accurate diaphragm gauges.) **Section 406.4.2; change to read as follows: 406.4.2 Test duration. Test duration shall be held for a length of time satisfactory to the Code Official, but in no case for less than fifteen (15) minutes. For welded piping, and for piping carrying gas at pressures in excess of fourteen (14) inches water column pressure (3.48 kPa), the test duration shall be held for a length of time satisfactory to the Code Official, but in no case for less than thirty (30) minutes. (Reason: To comply with accepted regional practices.) **Add Section 409.1.4 to read as follows: 409.1.4 Valves in CSST installations. Shutoff valves installed with corrugated stainless steel (CSST) piping systems shall be supported with an approved termination fitting, or equivalent support, suitable for the size of the valves, of adequate strength and quality, and located at intervals so as to prevent or damp out excessive vibration but in no case greater than 12 -inches from the center of the valve. Supports shall be installed so as not to interfere with the free expansion and contraction of the system's piping, fittings, and valves between anchors. All valves and supports shall be designed and installed so they will not be disengaged by movement of the supporting piping. (Reason: To provide proper security to CSST valves. These standards were established in this region in 1999 when CSST was an emerging technology.) **Section 410.1; add a second paragraph and exception to read as follows: Access to regulators shall comply with the requirements for access to appliances as specified in Section 306. Exception: A passageway or level service space is not required when the regulator is capable of being serviced and removed through the required attic opening. (Reason: To require adequate access to regulators.) **Section 614.6; add a sentence to read as follows: The size of duct shall not be reduced along its developed length nor at the point of termination. (Reason: To clarify the size requirement. Consistent with regional amendment to International Mechanic Code 504.6.) "*Section 614.6.1; change to read as follows: 614.6.1 Maximum length. The maximum length of a clothes dryer exhaust duct shall not exceed 25 feet (7620 mm) from the dryer location to the outlet terminal with not more than two bends. When extra bends are installed, the maximum length of the duct shall be reduced 2.5 feet (762 mm) for each 45 -degree (0.79 rad) bend and 5 feet (1524 mm) for each 90 -degree (1.6 rad) bend that occur after the first two bends, measuring in the direction of airflow. {Exception is unchanged) (Reason: To make more consistent with regional practice. Dryer technology has improved to the point where they should be capable of handling this. Consistent with regional amendment to International Mechanic Code 504.6.1.) *"Section 621.2; change to read as follows: 621.2 Prohibited use. One or more unvented room heaters shall not be used as the sole source of comfort heating in a dwelling unit. Exception: Existing approved unvented heaters may continue to be used in dwelling units, in accordance with the code provisions in effect when installed, when approved by the Code Official unless an unsafe condition is determined to exist as described in Section 108.7. (Reason: Gives code official discretion.) ""Section 624.1.1; change to read as follows: 624.1.1 Installation requirements. The requirements for water heaters relative to access, sizing, relief valves, drain pans and scald protection shall be in accordance with the International Plumbing Code. (Reason: To clarify installation requirements. Also corresponds with amendments regarding water heater access.) END Recommended Amendments to the 2003 International Mechanical Code North Central Texas Council of Governments region The following sections, paragraphs, and sentences of the 2003 International Mechanical Code are hereby amended as follows: **Section 102.8; change to read as follows: 102.8 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced herein shall be those that are listed in Chapter 15 and such codes, when specifically adopted, and standards shall be considered partof the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and the referenced standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. Whenever amendments have been adopted to the referenced codes and standards, each reference to said code and standard shall be considered to reference the amendments as well. Any reference to NFPA 70 or the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted. (Reason: Legal wording to recognize locally adopted codes and amendments adopted with referenced codes.) **Section 302.3; change to read as follows: 302.3 Cutting, notching and boring in wood framing. When permitted by the International Building Code, the cutting, notching and boring of wood framing members shall comply with Sections 302.3.1 through 302.3.4. (Reason: Reference International Building Code and its restrictions.) **Section 304.6; delete. (Reason: This provision does not reflect standard practice in this area. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fuel Gas Code 305.5.) **Section 304.9; change to read as follows: 304.9 Clearances from grade. Equipment and appliances installed at grade level shall be supported on a level concrete slab or other approved material extending above adjoining grade a minimum of 3 inches (76 mm) or shall be suspended a minimum of 6 inches (152 mm) above adjoining grade. (Reason: Consistent with current local practice. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fuel Gas Code 305.7.) **Section 306.3; change to read as follows: 306.3 Appliances in attics. Attics containing appliances requiring access shall be provided ... {bulk of paragraph unchanged} ... from the opening to the equipment. The passageway shall have continuous unobstructed solid flooring not less than 30 inches (762 mm) wide. A level service space not less than 30 inches (762 mm) deep and 30 inches (762 mm) wide shall be present at the front or service side of the equipment. The clear access opening dimensions shall be a minimum of 20 inches by 30 inches (508 mm by 762 mm), or larger where such dimensions are not large enough to allow removal of the largest appliance. As a minimum, access to the attic space shall be provided by one of the following: 1. A permanent stair. 2. A pull down stair. 3. An access door from an upper floor level. Exception: The passageway and level service space are not required where the appliance is capable of being serviced and removed through the required opening. (Reason: To provide a safe means of accessibility to appliances in attics. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fuel Gas Code 306.3.) **Section 306.5; change to read as follows: 306.5 Equipment and appliances on roofs or elevated structures. Where equipment and appliances requiring access are installed on roofs or elevated structures at an aggregate height exceeding 16 feet (4877 mm), such access shall be provided by a permanent approved means of access, permanent exterior ladders providing roof access need not extend closer than 8 feet (2438 mm) to the finish grade orfloor level below and shall extend to the equipment and appliance's level service space. Such access shall ... {bulk of section to read the same}... on roofs having a slope greater than 4 units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33 -percent slope). A receptacle outlet shall be provided at or near the equipment and appliance location in accordance with the Electrical Code. (Reason: To assure safe access to roof appliances. To provide access to electricity for maintenance of equipment. Consistent with International Fuel Gas Code amendments.) **Add Section 306.6.1 to read as follows: 306.6.1 Catwalk. On roofs having slopes greater than 4 units vertical in 12 units horizontal, a catwalk at least 16 inches in width with substantial cleats spaced not more than 16 inches apart shall be provided from the roof access to the working platform at the appliance. (Reason: To assure safe access to roof appliances. Consistent with International Fuel Gas Code amendments.) **Add Section 306.7 to read as follows: 306.7 Water heaters above ground or floor. When the mezzanine or platform in which a water heater is installed is more than eight (8) feet (2438 mm) above the ground or floor level, it shall be made accessible by a stairway or permanent ladder fastened to the building. 306.7.1 Whenever the mezzanine or platform is not adequately lighted or access to a receptacle outlet is not obtainable from the main level, lighting and a receptacle outlet shall be provided in accordance with Section 306.3.1. (Reason: To provide safe access to water heaters and to provide lighting and receptacle for maintenance of equipment. Consistent with regional amendments to International Fuel Gas Code 306.7 and International Plumbing Code 502.5.) **Section 307.2.1; modify second sentence to read as follows: 307.2.1 Condensate disposal. Condensate from all cooling coils and evaporators shall be conveyed from the drain pan outlet to an approved place of disposal. Condensate shall not discharge into a street, alley, sidewalk, rooftop, or other areas so as to cause a nuisance. (Reason: Greater specificity in prohibited locations for condensate discharge. Consistent with regional amendment to International Plumbing Code 314.2.1.) **Section 307.2.2; change to read as follows: 307.2.2 Drain pipe materials and sizes. Components of the condensate disposal system shall be cast iron, galvanized steel, copper, cross-linked polyethylene, polybutylene, polyethylene, ABS, CPVC or PVC pipe or tubing. All components shall be selected for the pressure, temperature, and exposure rating of the installation. (Remainder unchanged} (Reason: To require UV protection.) **Section 307.2.3; add item #4 to read as follows: 4. Discharge, as noted, shall be to a conspicuous point of disposal to alert occupants in the event of a stoppage of the drain. However, the conspicuous point shall not create a hazard such as dripping over a walking surface or other areas so as to create a nuisance. (Reason: To alert occupants to a condition needing corrective action.) **Section 401.5; add a second exception to read as follows: Exceptions: 1. {existing exception unchanged} 2. Toilet room exhaust ducts may terminate in a warehouse or shop area when infiltration of outside air is present. (Reason: Provide a more reasonable alternative in areas where a large volume of outside air is present.) **Section 403.2; add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Where the design professional demonstrates that an engineered ventilation system is designed in accordance with ASHRAE 62, the minimum required rate of outdoor air shall be permitted to be as specified in such engineered system design. (Reason: Recognize the most commonly used standard as an alternate design method.) **Section 403.2.1; add an item #4 to read as follows: 4. Toilet rooms within private dwellings that contain only a water closet, lavatory or combination thereof may be ventilated with an approved mechanical recirculating fan or similar device designed to remove odors from the air. (Reason: Consistent with common local practice. Consistent with regional amendment to International Residential Code R303.3.) **Table 403.3, footnote g: change to read as follows: g. Transfer air permitted in accordance with Section 403.2.2. Toilet rooms within private dwellings that contain only a water closet, lavatory or combination thereof may be ventilated with an approved mechanical recirculating fan or similar device designed to remove odors from the air. (Reason: Consistent with common local practice.) **Section 501.2; add a third exception to read as follows: Exceptions: 1. {existing exception unchanged) 2. {existing exception unchanged) 3. Toilet room exhaust ducts may terminate in a warehouse or shop area when infiltration of outside air is present. (Reason: Provide a more reasonable alternative in areas where a large volume of outside air is present.) "Section 504.6; add a sentence to read as follows: The size of duct shall not be reduced along its developed length nor at the point of termination. (Reason: To clarify size requirement. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fuel Gas Code 614.6.) "Section 504.6.1; change to read as follows: 504.6.1 Maximum length. The maximum length of a clothes dryer exhaust duct shall not exceed 25 feet (7620 mm) from the dryer location to the outlet terminal with not more than two bends. When extra bends are installed, the maximum length of the duct shall be reduced 2.5 feet (762 mm) for each 45 -degree (0.79 rad) bend and 5 feet (1524 mm) for each 90 -degree (1.6 rad) bend that occur after the first two bends, measuring in the direction of airflow. The maximum length of the exhaust duct does not include the transition duct. (Exception is unchanged} (Reason: To make more consistent with regional practice. Dryer technology has improved to the point where they should be capable of handling this. Consistent with regional amendment to International Fuel Gas Code 614.6.1.) "Section 506.3.10; change to read as follows: 506.3.10 Grease duct enclosure. A grease duct serving a Type I hood that penetrates a ceiling, wall orfloor shall be enclosed ...(bulk of paragraph unchanged)... through the use of weather -protected openings. Clearance from the duct to the interior surface of enclosures of combustible construction shall be not less than 18 inches (457 mm). Clearance from the duct to the interior surface of enclosures of noncombustible construction or gypsum wallboard attached to noncombustible structures shall be not less than 3 inches (76 mm) or more than 12 inches (305 mm). The duct enclosure shall serve a single grease exhaust duct system and shall not contain any other ducts, piping, wiring or systems. Delete second exception (Reason: Consistent with common local practice.) "Section 607.2.2; change to read as follows: 607.2.2 Hazardous exhaust ducts. Hazardous exhaust duct systems shall extend directly to the exterior of the building and shall not extend into or through ducts and plenums. Penetration of structural elements shall conform to this section and the International Building Code except that fire dampers are not required at penetration of fire -resistance -rated assemblies. (Reason: To clarify requirements.) "Section 607.5.1; change to read as follows: 607.5.1 Fire Walls. Ducts and transfer openings permitted in fire walls in accordance with Section 705.11 of the International Building Code shall be protected with approved fire dampers installed in accordance with their listing. Hazardous exhaust ducts shall not penetrate fire walls. (Reason: For clarification.) Recommended Amendments to the 2003 International Plumbing Code North Central Texas Council of Governments region The following sections, paragraphs, and sentences of the 2003 International Plumbing Code are hereby amended as follows: **Table of Contents, Chapter 7, Section 714; change to read as follows: Section 714 Engineered Drainage Design ................... 62 (Reason: Editorial change to make compatible with amendment to Section 714. 1.) **Section 101.2; change exceptions 1 and 2 as follows: 101.2 Scope (Paragraph unchanged) Exceptions: 1. Detached one and two- family dwellings ... (unchanged) ... International Residential Code as adopted. 2. Plumbing systems in existing buildings ... (unchanged) ... International Existing Building Code or the provisions for existing buildings in the International Building Code as adopted. (Reason: Recognize amendments to the IRC and IEBC alternates.) **Section 102.8; change to read as follows: 102.8 Referenced codes and standards. The codes and standards referenced in this code shall be those that are listed in Chapter 13 and such codes, when specifically adopted, and standards shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Where the requirements of reference standards or manufacturer's installation instructions do not conform to minimum provisions of this code, the provisions of this code shall apply. Whenever amendments have been adopted to the referenced codes and standards, each reference to said code and standard shall be considered to reference the amendments as well. Any reference to NFPA 70 or the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted. (Reason: Legal wording to recognize locally adopted codes and amendments adopted with referenced codes.) **Sections 106.6.2 and 106.6.3; change to read as follows: 106.6.2 Fee schedule. The fees for all plumbing work shall be as adopted by resolution of the governing body of the jurisdiction. 106.6.3 Fee Refunds. The code official shall establish a policy for authorizing the refunding of fees. (Delete balance of section) (Reason: This calls to attention of local jurisdictions considering adoption that they need a fee schedule and a refund policy.) "*Section 109; Delete entire section and insert the following: SECTION 109 MEANS OF APPEAL 109.1 Application for appeal. Any person shall have the right to appeal a decision of the code official to the board of appeals established by ordinance. The board shall be governed by the enabling ordinance. (Reason: Most jurisdictions already have an ordinance establishing and governing an appeals board for this code. This also calls to the attention of jurisdictions not having such a board that it needs to be established.) "Section 305.6.1; change to read as follows: 305.6.1 Sewer depth. Building sewers shall be a minimum of 12 inches (304 mm) below grade. (Reason: Provides sewer depth that is common in this region. Deleted reference to private sewage disposal because a private sewage disposal code is not typically adopted in this region.) "Section 305.9; change to read as follows: 305.9 Protection of components of plumbing system. Components of a plumbing system installed within 3 feet along alleyways, driveways, parking garages or other locations in a manner in which they would be exposed to damage shall be recessed into the wall or otherwise protected in an approved manner. (Reason: Provide a common cutoff point to designate a general separation distance at which plumbing systems should be safe for consistency in enforcement.) "Section 310.4; delete. (Reason: Enforcement of privacy walls and doors, and the maintenance thereof, should not be a code issue. It is an owner courtesy issue.) "Sections 312.9.1 and 312.9.2; change to read as follows: 312.9.1 Inspections. Annual inspections shall be made of all backflow prevention assemblies and air gaps to determine whether they are operable. In the absence of local provisions, the owner is responsible to ensure that testing is performed. 312.9.2 Testing. Reduced pressure principle backflow preventer assemblies, double check -valve assemblies, pressure vacuum breaker assemblies, reduced pressure detector fire protection backflow prevention assemblies, hose connection backflow preventers, and spill -proof vacuum breakers shall be tested at the time of installation, immediately after repairs or relocation and at least annually. The testing procedure shall be performed in accordance with applicable local provisions. In the absence of local provisions, the owner is responsible to ensure that testing is done in accordance with one of the following standards: {list of standards unchanged) (Reason: Recognize TCEQ or other local testing procedures that must be adhered to. To place responsibility of testing on the owner.) "Section 314.2.1; modify second sentence to read as follows: 314.2.1 Condensate disposal. Condensate from all cooling coils and evaporators shall be conveyed from the drain pan outlet to an approved place of disposal. Condensate shall not discharge into a street, alley, sidewalk, rooftop, or other areas so as to cause a nuisance. (Reason: Greater specificity in prohibited locations for condensate discharge. Consistent with regional amendment to International Mechanic Code 307.2.1.) **Section 401.1; add a sentence to read as follows: The provisions of this Chapter are meant to work in coordination with the provisions of the Building Code. Should any conflicts arise between the two chapters, the Code Official shall determine which provision applies. (Reason: Gives discretion to Code Official in case of code conflict.) **Section 403.1; change to read as follows: 403.1 Minimum number of fixtures. Plumbing fixtures shall be provided for the type of occupancy and in the minimum number as follows: 1. Assembly Occupancies: At least one drinking fountain shall be provided at each floor level in an approved location. Exception: A drinking fountain need not be provided in a drinking or dining establishment. 2. Groups A, B, F, H, I, M and S Occupancies: Buildings or portions thereof where persons are employed shall be provided with at least one water closet for each sex except as provided for in Section 403.2. 3. Group E Occupancies: Shall be provided with fixtures as shown in Table 403.1. 4. Group R Occupancies: Shall be provided with fixtures as shown in Table 403.1. It is recommended, but not required, that the minimum number of fixtures provided also comply with the number shown in Table 403.1. Types of occupancies not shown in Table 403.1 shall be considered individually by the code official. The number of occupants shall be determined by the International Building Code. Occupancy classification shall be determined in accordance with the International Building Code. **Add Section 403.1.2 to read as follows: 403.1.2 Finish material. Finish materials shall comply with Section 1209 of the International Building Code. (Reason: Table 403.1 is made optional. Gives minimum requirements in body of code. Consistent with regional amendments to International Building Code Section 2902.) **Section 405.6; delete. (Reason: Texas State regulations cover plumbing in mental health centers. Consistent with regional amendment to International Plumbing Code 1002. 10.) **Section 409.2; change to read as follows: 409.2 Water connection. The water supply to a commercial dishwashing machine shall be protected against backflow by an air gap or backflow preventer in accordance with Section 608. (Reason: Domestic dishwashing machines would be difficult to enforce and should already come equipped with backflow preventers. Consistent with regional amendments in International Plumbing Code Section 608.) **Section 410.1; change to read as follows: 410.1 Approval. Drinking fountains shall conform to ASME A112.19.1, ASME A112.19.2 or ASME A112.19.9, and water coolers shall conform to ARI 1010. Exception: A drinking fountain need not be provided in a drinking or dining establishment. (Reason: Coincide with amendments made to International Plumbing Code 403.1 and international Building Code 2902. 1.) **Section 412.4; change to read as follows: 412.4 Required location. Floor drains shall be installed in the following areas. 1. In public coin-operated laundries and in the central washing facilities of multiple family dwellings, the rooms containing the automatic clothes washers shall be provided with floor drains located to readily drain the entire floor area. 2. Commercial kitchens. (In lieu of floor drains in commercial kitchens, the code official may accept floor sinks.) (Reason: To make more compatible with local health code practices.) **Section 413.4; change to read as follows 413.4 Water supply required. All food waste grinders shall be provided with a supply of cold water. The water supply shall be protected against backflow by an air gap or with the installation of a backflow preventer in accordance with Section 608. (Reason: Consistent with local practice and regulations. Consistentwith regional amendments in International Plumbing Code Section 608.) **Section 417.5; change to read as follows: 417.5 Shower floors or receptors. Floor surfaces shall be constructed of impervious, noncorrosive, nonabsorbent and waterproof materials. Thresholds shall be a minimum of 2 inches (51 mm) and a maximum of 9 inches (229 mm), measured from top of the drain to top of threshold or dam. Thresholds shall be of sufficient width to accommodate a minimum twenty-two (22) inch (559 mm) door. Exception: Showers designed to comply with ICC/ANSI Al 17.1 (Reason: To provide more specific requirements.) **Section 417.5.2; change to read as follows: 417.5.2 Shower lining. Floors under shower compartments, except where prefabricated receptors have been provided, shall be lined and made water tight utilizing material complying with Sections 417.5.2.1 through 417.5.2.4. Such liners shall turn up on all sides at least 3 inches (51 mm) above the finished threshold level and shall extend outward over the threshold and fastened to the outside of the threshold jamb. Liners shall be recessed and fastened to an approved backing ... {remainder of section unchanged} .... (Reason: Consistent with local practice.) **Add Section 417.7 to read as follows: 417.7 Test for shower receptors. Shower receptors shall be tested forwater tightness by filling with water to the level of the rough threshold. The drain shall be plugged in a manner so that both sides of pans shall be subjected to the test at the point where it is clamped to the drain. (Reason: To clarify that a water test is required for a shower receptor.) **Section 419.3; change to read as follows 419.3 Surrounding material. Wall and floor space to a point 2 feet (610 mm) in front of a urinal lip and 4 feet (1219 mm) above the floor and at least 2 feet (610 mm) to each side of the urinal shall be waterproofed with a smooth, readily cleanable, hard, nonabsorbent material. (Reason: Match unamended International Building Code 1209.) **Section 502.3; change to read as follows: 502.3 Water heaters installed in attics. Attics containing a water heater shall be provided ... {bulk of paragraph unchanged} ... side of the water heater. The clear access opening dimensions shall be a minimum of 20 inches by 30 inches (508 mm by 762 mm), or larger where such dimensions are not large enough to allow removal of the water heater. (Reason: To ensure adequate access.) **Add Section 502.5 to read as follows: 502.5 Water heaters above ground or floor. When the attic, roof, mezzanine or platform in which a water heater is installed is more than eight (8) feet (2438 mm) above the ground or floor level, it shall be made accessible by a stairway or permanent ladder fastened to the building. 502.5.1 Whenever the mezzanine or platform is not adequately lighted or access to a receptacle outlet is not obtainable from the main level, lighting and a receptacle outlet shall be provided in accordance with Section 502.5.1. (Reason: To provide safe access to water heaters and to provide lighting and receptacle for maintenance of equipment. Consistent with regional amendments to International Fuel Gas Code 306.7 and International Mechanic Code 306.7. Note reference to amendment above.) **Section 504.6.1; change to read as follows 504.6.1 Discharge. The relief valve shall discharge through full size piping to a safe place of disposal such as a floor drain, outside the building, or an indirect waste receptor. The discharge pipe shall not have any trapped sections. When the drain pipe run is exposed, in an area outside of the room where the water heater is located, in a manner that would make it subject to damage, the drain shall have a visible air gap or air gap fitting located in the same room as the water heater. The discharge shall be installed in a manner that does not cause personal injury to occupants in the immediate area or structural damage to the building. The end of the discharge pipe shall not be threaded. The discharge pipe shall not discharge into the pan required in Section 504.7. When discharging outside the building, the point of discharge shall be with the end of the pipe not more than two (2) feet (610 mm) nor less than six (6) inches (152 mm) above the ground or the floor level of the area receiving the discharge and pointing downward. (Reason: To provide a higher degree of safety.) **Add Section 604.4.1 to read as follows: 604.4.1 State maximum flow rate. Where the State mandated maximum flow rate is more restrictive than those of this section, the State flow rate shall take precedence. (Reason: To recognize State standards.) **Tables 605.4 and 605.5; delete "Polybutylene (PB) plastic pipe and tubing". (Reason: Polybutylene pipe is not allowed for use in this region.) **Section 606.1; delete items #4 and #5. (Reason: The code is too restrictive as written.) **Section 606.2; items #1 and 2 change to read as follows: 1. On the fixture supply to each plumbing fixture. Exception: Tub and shower valves. 2. On the water supply pipe to each sillcock when subject to freezing (Reason: To provide shut-off valves to every fixture.) **Section 608.1; change to read as follows: 608.1 General. A potable water supply system shall be designed, installed and maintained in such a manner so as to prevent contamination from nonpotable liquids, solids or gases being introduced into the potable water supply through cross -connections or any other piping connections to the system. Back flow preventer applications shall conform to applicable local regulations, Table 608.1, and as specifically stated in Sections 608.2 through 608.16.9. (Reason: To recognize local requirements.) **Section 608.16.5; change to read as follows: 608.16.5 Lawn Irrigation Systems. The potable water supply system to lawn irrigation systems shall be protected by against backflow by an atmospheric -type vacuum breaker, a pressure type vacuum breaker, a double-check assembly or a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer ... {remainder of section unchanged). (Reason: To recognize regional practices.) **Section 608.17; change to read as follows 608.17 Protection of individual water supplies. An individual water supply shall be located and constructed so as to be safeguarded against contamination in accordance with applicable local regulations. In the absence of other local regulations, installation shall be in accordance with Sections 608.17.1 through 608.17.8. (Reason: To allow local requirements to govern.) **Add Section 712.4 to read as follows: 712.4 Dual Pump System. All sumps shall be automatically discharged and, when in any "public use" occupancy where the sump serves more than 10 fixture units, shall be provided with dual pumps or ejectors arranged to function independently in case of overload or mechanical failure. For storm drainage sumps and pumping systems, see Section 1113. (Reason: To address dual pump system. To provide reference for storm drainage systems.) **Section 714, 714.1; change to read as follows: SECTION 714 ENGINEERED DRAINAGE DESIGN 714.1 Design of drainage system. The sizing requirements for plumbing drainage systems shall be determined by approved design methods. (Reason: Code was too restrictive.) **Section 802.4; add a sentence to read as follows: No standpipe shall be installed below the ground. (Reason: To make systems less susceptible to improper modifications.) **Section 904.1; changed to read as follows: 904.1 Roof extension. All open vent pipes that extend through a roof shall be terminated at least six (6) inches (152 mm) above the roof, except that where a roof is to be used for any purpose other than weather protection, the vent extensions shall be run at least 7 feet (2134 mm) above the roof. (Reason: To provide regional guideline on standard installation method for this area.) **Section 912.1; change to read as follows: 912.1 Type of fixture. A combination drain and vent system shall not serve fixtures other than floor drains, standpipes, and indirect waste receptors. Combination drain and vent systems shall not receive the discharge from a food waste grinder or clinical sink. (Reason: To prevent trap siphoning of sinks and lavatories.) **Section 912.2; change to read as follows: 912.2 Installation. The only vertical pipe of a combination drain and vent system shall be the connection between the fixture drain of a standpipe, and the horizontal combination drain and vent pipe. The maximum vertical distance shall be 8 feet (2438 mm). (Reason: To prevent trap siphoning of sinks and lavatories.) **Section 1002.10; delete. (Reason: Texas State regulations cover plumbing in mental health centers. Consistent with regional amendment to International Plumbing Code 405.6.) **Section 1003 {Until the Health and Water Departments of the area can coordinate a uniform grease trap section, each city will have to modify this section individually.) **Section 1101.8; change to read as follows: 1101.8 Cleanouts required. Cleanouts shall be installed in the building storm drainage system ... {remainder of section unchanged)... (Reason: To specify that cleanouts are only required in the building.) **Section 1106.1; change to read as follows: 1106.1 General. The size of the vertical conductors and leader, building storm drains, building storm sewers, and any horizontal branches of such drains or sewers shall be based on six (6) inches per hour rainfall rate (Reason: Specify the roof drain size normally used in the area.) **Section 1107.3; change to read as follows: 1107.3 Sizing of secondary drains. Secondary (emergency) roof drain system shall be sized in accordance with Section 1106. Scuppers shall be sized to prevent the depth of ponding water ... (remainder of section unchanged).... (Reason: Specify that overflow drainage is to be the same size as the normal roof drains.) **Section 1202.1; delete Exception 2. (Reason: State law already specifies that vacuum systems must comply with NFPA 99C.) END Recommended Amendments to the 2003 International Residential Code North Central Texas Council of Governments region The following sections, paragraphs, and sentences of the 2003 International Residential Code are hereby amended as follows: "Section R102.4; change to read as follows: R102.4 Referenced codes and standards. The codes, when specifically adopted, and standards referenced in this code shall be considered part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference. Whenever amendments have been adopted to the referenced codes and standards, each reference to said code and standard shall be considered to reference the amendments as well. Any reference made to NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, or the ICC Electrical Code shall mean the Electrical Code as adopted. Where differences occur between provisions of this code and referenced codes and standards, the provisions of this code shall apply. Exception: Where enforcement ...{remainder of exception unchanged.).... (Reason: Legal wording to recognize locally adopted codes and amendments adopted with referenced codes.) "Section R105.2, item #1; change as follows: 1. One-story detached accessory structures, provided the floor area does not exceed 120 square feet (11.15 m2). (Reason: Change corresponds to unamended International Building Code Section 105.2.) "Section R202; change definition of "Townhouse" to read as follows: TOWNHOUSE. A single-family dwelling unit constructed in a group of attached units separated by property lines in which each unit extends from foundation to roof and with open space on at least two sides. (Reason: Consistent with terminology commonly used in this region.) "Section R202; add definition of "Naturally durable wood" as follows: NATURALLY DURABLE WOOD. The heartwood of the following species with the exception that an occasional piece with corner sapwood is permitted if 90 percent or more of the width of each side on which it occurs is heartwood. Decay resistant. Redwood, cedars, black locust and black walnut. Termite resistant. Redwood and Eastern red cedar. (Reason: To provide a definition that does not appear in the code.) "Table R301.2(1); fill in as follows: GROUND SNOW LOAD WIND SPEED'- (mph) SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGOW-5 5 Ib/ft 90 (3 -sec- ust)/75 fastest mile A SUBJECT TO DAMAGE FROM Weatherin a Frost line de th Termite` moderate 6" ver heav WINTER DESIGN ICE SHIELD UNDER- FLOOD AIR FREEZING MEAN ANNUAL TEMPre LAYMENT REQUIRED"- HAZARDS INDEX'= TEMP" 22`F No local code 69`F 64.9`F For SI: 1 pound per square foot = 0.0479 kN/m.02, 1 mile per hour = 1.609 km/h. a. No revisions. b. No revisions. c. No revisions. d. No further revisions. e. No further revisions. f. No further revisions. g. No further revisions. h. No further revisions. i. No further revisions. j. No further revisions. (Reason: To promote regional uniformity. The portion of the table dealing with decay is deleted because the decay protection provisions in R319 and R320 are uniformly applicable.) "Figure R301.2(7); delete and renumber figures as needed. (Reason: Corresponds with the amendment to Table R301.2(1).) *'"Section R302.1; add a second exception as follows: Exceptions: 1. Tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar structures exempted from permits by Section R105.2 are not required to provide wall protection based on location on the lot. Projections beyond the exterior wall shall not extend over the lot line. 2. Open metal carport structures may be constructed within zero (0) feet of the property line without fire -resistive or opening protection when the location of such is approved as required by other adopted ordinances. (Reason: Refers to other ordinances, such as zoning ordinances.) ""Section R303.3, exception; change to read as follows: Exception: The glazed areas shall not be required where artificial light and a mechanical ventilation system, complying with one of the following, are provided. The minimum ventilation rates shall be 50 cfm (23.6 Lis) for intermittent ventilation or 20 cfm (9.4 L/s) for continuous ventilation. Ventilation air from the space shall be exhausted directly to the outside. 2. Bathrooms that contain only a water closet, lavatory or combination thereof may be ventilated with an approved mechanical recirculating fan or similar device designed to remove odors from the air. (Reason: Consistent with common local practice.) **Section R303.8; change to read as follows: R303.8 Required heating. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a minimum room temperature of 68°F (20°C) at a point 3 feet (914 mm) above the floor and 2 feet (610 mm) from exterior walls in all habitable rooms at the design temperature. {Remainder of section unchanged) (Reason: Specifies requirement for this area.) **Section R311.2.2; change to read as follows: R311.2.2 Under stair protection. Enclosed accessible space under stairs shall have walls, under stair surface and any soffits protected on the enclosed side with 5/8 -inch (15.8 mm) fire -rated gypsum board or one-hour fire -resistive construction. (Reason: Represents the standard protection method used in this area.) **Section R313; add a section to read as follows: R313.2.1 Carbon Monoxide Detectors. Carbon Monoxide Detectors shall be installed in all Group R occupancies per manufacturer's specifications. Install at least one (1) Underwriter's Laboratories listed detector with an audible warning signal near the sleeping areas and outside individual bedrooms. (Reason: Provide protection from carbon monoxide poisoning due to various source located in Group R occupancies. This is especially criteria for multi -family occupancies and areas where living spaces are located over parking areas or fuel gas supplied appliances are utilized). **Section R317.1; add a second exception to read as follows: Exceptions: 1. {existing exception unchanged) 2. Two-family dwelling units that are also divided by a property line through the structure shall be separated as required for townhouses. (Reason: Provide guidance for a common construction method in this area. Correlates with amendment to International Residential Code Section R202 Townhouse definition.) **Section R318; delete. (Reason: Vapor barriers are not recommended in this region.) **Sections R319 and R320; change to read as follows: Revise Section R319.1 to read as follows: R319.1 Location required. Protection from decay shall be provided in the following locations by the use of naturally durable wood or wood that is pressure preservatively treated in accordance with AWPA C1, C2, C3, C4, C9, C15, C18, C22, C23, C24, C28, C31, C33, P1, P2, and P3. 1. No revision. 2. No revision. 3. No revision. 4. No revision. 5. No revision. 6. No revision. 7. No revision. R319.1.1 Field treatment. Field cut ends, notches and drilled holes of pressure preservatively treated wood shall be retreated in the field in accordance with AWPA M4. Renumber existing sections R319.1.1 (Ground contact) through R319.1.4 (Wood columns). Delete Section R320.1 and substitute the following: R320.1 Subterranean termite control. In areas favorable to termite damage as established by Table R 301.2 (1), methods of protection shall be by one of the following or any combination of these methods. R 320.1.1 Pressure preservatively treated or naturally durable wood shall be provided as per HUD standards. Pressure perservatively treated wood shall be treated in accordance with the standards cited in R 319.1. R 320.1.1.1 Quality Mark. Lumber and plywood required to be pressure preservatively treated in accordance with R324.1 shall bear the quality mark of an approved inspection agency which maintains continuing supervision, testing, and inspection over the quality of the product and which has been approved by an accreditation body which complies with the requirements of the American Lumber Standards Committee treated wood program. 8320.1.1.2 Field treatment. Field cut ends, notches and drilled holes of pressure preservatively treated wood shall be retreated in the field in accordance with AWPA M4. Revise sections R320.2 through R320.4 as follows: R320.1.2 Pesticide treatment. The concentrations, rate of application and treatment methods of the termiticide shall be consistent with the termiticide label. Pesticide treatment shall be provided using methods approved by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Texas Structural Pest Control Board. R320.1.3 Physical Barriers. Physical barriers shall be installed as recognized by Texas Structural Pest Control Board. R320.2 Foam plastic protection. {Remainder of section unchanged.) (Reason: To make the International Residential Code decay protection requirements consistent with the International Building Code and consistent with similar provisions that were contained in the Uniform Building Code. Reference is added in R320 for treating of field cuts in compliance with AWPA M4. This is consistent with the requirements in R319. However, in practice almost all preservatively treated wood in the local area is southern pine and Section 6 of M4 says that field treatment of softwood species such as southern pine isn't necessary to provide a good service life. The revisions to R320 are intended to make the section read better and to provide guidance in proper methods of termite protection.) *`Section R323.1; change to read as follows: R323.1 General. Buildings and structures, when permitted to be constructed in flood hazard areas ... fbulk of section unchanged) ... shall be designed and constructed as required in accordance with the provisions contained in this section or by other local provisions as applicable. (Reason: Recognize other local provisions.) "Section R324; add section R324 Automatic Sprinkler Systems - Group R. Occupancies in Group R shall comply with the automatic sprinkler system requirements applicable to this occupancy groups as stated in the 2003 International Fire Code and amendments. (Reason: The code does not reference any Group R automatic fire sprinkler systems. This amendment corrects that issue and brings this code into agreement with the Town of Westlake standards and the International Fire Code as amended). *Section R602.10.5; add the following exception and figure Exception: Vertical wall segments in the first of one- or first of two-story buildings next to garage openings shall be permitted to have a 6:1 height -to -width ratio (with height being measured from top of header to sill plate) when constructed in accordance with the following provisions. Each panel shall have a length of not less than 16 inches (406 mm) and a height of not more than 10 feet (3048 mm). Each panel shall be sheathed on one face with a single layer of 3/8 -inch -minimum -thickness (9.5 mm) wood structural panel sheathing nailed with 8d common or galvanized box nails in accordance with Figure R602.10.5(2). The wood structural panel sheathing shall extend up over the solid sawn or glued - laminated header and shall be nailed in accordance with Figure R602.10.5(2). The header shall extend between the inside faces of the first full-length outer studs of each panel. The clear span of the header between the inner studs of each panel shall be not less than six feet (1829 mm) and not more than 18 feet (5486 mm) in length. A strap with an uplift capacity of not less than 1000 pounds (454 kg) shall fasten the header to the side of the inner studs opposite the sheathing. Two anchor bolts shall be installed in accordance with Section R403.1.6, and plate washers shall be a minimum of 2 inches by 2 inches by 3/16 inch (51 mm by 51 mm by 4.88 mm) thick and shall be used on each bolt. This exception is only permitted in Seismic Design Categories A -C. Figure R602.10.5(2) GARAGE DOOR BRACED WALL PANEL FOR USE WITH CONTINUOUSLY SHEATHED WALLS zi L: a - "' RUN, X X 17L23` N ET HEADER `"•-� MN-rd)2Uet Y1 FASTEN SFFEATHINC TO HEACER WITH BD COMMON OR I ADJANL'ED BOXNAULS Vis' ORIGVAK '+lz .. ...................Cb '17315 3 N`- TYP. � FASTEN TOP PLATE TO HEADER WITH TW O *� N' ROWAI h. S OF *5D SINVER NLS AT3" O.C. TYP, W MIN, THICINIESS WOOD STRUCTURALPANELSHEATHIN@ 'WQ LB STRAP OPPOSITE SHEATHING �•i' (Reason: To provide an alternate means of compliance.) **Section R703.7.4.1; add a second paragraph to read as follows: For 31% square feet (0.302 m2) of wall area, the following dimensions shall be adhered to. 1. When ties are placed on studs 16 in (407 mm) o.c., they shall be spaced no further apart than 29 in (737 mm) vertically starting approximately 15 in (381 mm) from the foundation. 2. When ties are placed on studs 24 in (610 mm) o.c., they shall be spaced no further apart than 19 in (483 mm) vertically starting approximately 10 in (254 mm) from the foundation. (Reason: Provide easy to install and inspect dimensions for clarity.) **Add Section R902.3 to read as follows: R902.3 Minimum Roof Class. All roof coverings shall be a minimum Class C. All individual replacement shingles or shakes shall be a minimum Class C. Exception: Non -classified roof coverings shall be permitted on buildings of U occupancies having not more than 120 sq.ft. of projected roof area. When exceeding 120 sq.ft. of projected roof area, buildings of U occupancies may use non -rated non-combustible coverings. (Reason: Consistent with local practice.) **Section R907.1; add a sentence to read as follows: MN-rd)2Uet Y1 FASTEN SFFEATHINC TO HEACER WITH BD COMMON OR I ADJANL'ED BOXNAULS Vis' ORIGVAK '+lz ' PATTEHNASSHOHN ANDS"OC, IN,ALL MN.="�`"m H@+.rBT k ' FRAMING(STUDS, BLOCWNO,AND SILLS)TYP, FRANNNG N`- TYP. WIDTH BASED ON B 1 HEIGHDT&WIDTH RATIO FOR "2 HEIGHT, MKWTDTH=2Q'. FORW ` HE10HT MIN. INIDTH = W, ETC. j Fr r I` ff FOR APANELSPME(IF NEEDED), PANEL ` A N'(?fix7 EDGES SHALLBE BLOCKED. AND OCCUR W (THIN: 7' OF MD -HEIGHT. ONE RC`0V OF TYMr AL CORNER DETtVL TYP,SHEATHlNC-TO�FFIAMINGNAILINGIS ;y PER FIGURE RBQ2, *Z REOUHtEO. L If V41BUX1400 IS USED, THE 2XA S MUST BE NAILED TOaETHER WITH S 16D SEE SECTION PAM, 4,6 SINKERS k p t i (Reason: To provide an alternate means of compliance.) **Section R703.7.4.1; add a second paragraph to read as follows: For 31% square feet (0.302 m2) of wall area, the following dimensions shall be adhered to. 1. When ties are placed on studs 16 in (407 mm) o.c., they shall be spaced no further apart than 29 in (737 mm) vertically starting approximately 15 in (381 mm) from the foundation. 2. When ties are placed on studs 24 in (610 mm) o.c., they shall be spaced no further apart than 19 in (483 mm) vertically starting approximately 10 in (254 mm) from the foundation. (Reason: Provide easy to install and inspect dimensions for clarity.) **Add Section R902.3 to read as follows: R902.3 Minimum Roof Class. All roof coverings shall be a minimum Class C. All individual replacement shingles or shakes shall be a minimum Class C. Exception: Non -classified roof coverings shall be permitted on buildings of U occupancies having not more than 120 sq.ft. of projected roof area. When exceeding 120 sq.ft. of projected roof area, buildings of U occupancies may use non -rated non-combustible coverings. (Reason: Consistent with local practice.) **Section R907.1; add a sentence to read as follows: All individual replacement shingles or shakes shall comply with Section R902.3. (Reason: Consistent with local practice. Correlates with regional amendment to R902.3.) **Section N1101.2; amend as follows: N1101.2.1 Compliance. Compliance with this chapter shall be demonstrated by meeting either one of the following: 1. Meeting the requirements of this chapter for buildings with a glazing area that does not exceed 15 percent of the gross area of exterior walls; or 2. Meeting the requirements of this chapter for buildings with a glazing area that is greater than 15 percent but not exceeding 20 percent of the gross area of exterior walls and air conditioning equipment rated 12 SEER or higher, 3. Meeting the requirements of this chapter for buildings with a glazing area that is greater than 20 percent but not exceeding 25 percent of the gross area of exterior walls and air conditioning equipment rated 14 SEER or higher; or 4. Meeting the requirements of the International Energy Conservation Code for residential buildings, detached one- and two-family dwellings. (Remainder of section unchanged) (Reason: This amendment would increase the number of builders who could use this "simplified prescriptive" approach of the International Residential Code. It accommodates particularly the move -up and luxury homes with large glazing areas. The trade-off with air-conditioning is an option under the systems analysis or REScheck approach, and is brought into this format for convenience only. Other International Energy Conservation Code trade-offs would also remain available. The intent is to maintain compatibility with the International Energy Conservation Code. The intent would include adjustment of this provision at such future date that the minimum federal equipment standards are raised to achieve equivalent increases in energy savings.) **Add Section N1101.3.4 to read as follows: N1101.3.4 Exterior basement or slab insulation. When susceptibility to termite damage is classified as "very heavy" according to Table R301.2(1), designs employing basement or slab exterior insulation capable of harboring termites shall not be utilized. (Reason: Usage of exterior insulation provides access for termites. This amendment does not preclude the use of insulating coatings that do not provide termite access or shelter). **Section N1102.1; amend as follows: N1102.1 Thermal performance criteria. The minimum required insulation R -value or the area -weighted average maximum required fenestration U -factor (other than opaque doors which are governed by Section N1102.1.3) for each element in the building thermal envelope (fenestration, roof/ceiling, opaque wall, floor, slab edge, crawl space wall and basement wall) shall be in accordance with the criteria in Table N1102.1. Detached one -and -two family dwellings with greater than 25 -percent glazing area; townhouses with greater than 25 -percent glazing area, shall determine compliance using the building envelope requirements of Chapters 4 or 5 of the International Energy Conservation Code. (Reason: This amendment is compatible with the amendment to Section N1101.2.1, which increases the allowable glazing area and effectively increases the number of builders who can use the "simplified prescriptive" approach of the International Residential Code). **Replace Table N1102.1 with: TABLE N1102.1 SIMPLIFIED PRESCRIPTIVE BUILDING ENVELOPE THERMAL COMPONENT CRITERIA MINIMUM REQUIRED THERMAL PERFORMANCE (U -FACTOR AND R -VALUE) a. Crawl space insulation is only required for structures with uninsulated floors. Use of this table is limited to projects where the cathedral ceiling area is limited to one third or less of the total ceiling area. (Reason: This amendment is compatible with the previous amendments increasing the number of builders who could use the "simplified prescriptive" approach of the International Residential Code and incorporates the Home Builder Association prescriptive package proposal. The addition of "Ceiling Joist/Roof Rafter Assembly" requirements protect such assemblies from the damage likely to occur if greater amounts of insulation were attempted in such assemblies). **Section N1102.1.6; delete last sentence of exception. (Reason: Slab edge insulation is not recommended in this region. Deleting the last sentence of the exception allows the use of the simplified prescriptive method of compliance). **Section N1102.2; amend as follows: N1102.2 Maximum solar heat gain coefficient for fenestration products. The area -weighted -average solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) for glazed fenestration installed in locations with 3,500 or fewer heating degree days shall not exceed 0.40. Exceptions 1. Any glazing facing within 45 degrees of true north; 2. Any glazing facing within 45 degrees of true south which permanent overhang with a projection factor of 0.3 or greater. 3. Any fenestration with permanently attached screens where coefficient of .6 or less. is shaded along its full width by a the screens have a rated shading (Reason: This will allow north facing windows, which do not receive direct solar radiation, to be exempt from the minimum SHGC requirement; provides a simple way for south facing windows to effectively achieve summer shade and still receive some solar heat benefit in winter; and specifically allows use of solar screens to achieve the shading effect). **Table N1103.5; amend as follows: Cooling Systems MINIMUM INSULATION R -VALUE [(heft F)/Btu] MAXIMUM Ceilings Ceiling inchesb Chilled water, refrigerant or brine 40-55 .5 Below 40 GLAZING open to Joist/Roof Walls Floors Basement Slab Crawl U -FACTOR Attic Rafter Walls perimeter space [Btu/(hr-ft'. F)] Spa a Assembl walls 0.65 R-38 R-22 R-13 R-19 R-0 R-0 R -7a a. Crawl space insulation is only required for structures with uninsulated floors. Use of this table is limited to projects where the cathedral ceiling area is limited to one third or less of the total ceiling area. (Reason: This amendment is compatible with the previous amendments increasing the number of builders who could use the "simplified prescriptive" approach of the International Residential Code and incorporates the Home Builder Association prescriptive package proposal. The addition of "Ceiling Joist/Roof Rafter Assembly" requirements protect such assemblies from the damage likely to occur if greater amounts of insulation were attempted in such assemblies). **Section N1102.1.6; delete last sentence of exception. (Reason: Slab edge insulation is not recommended in this region. Deleting the last sentence of the exception allows the use of the simplified prescriptive method of compliance). **Section N1102.2; amend as follows: N1102.2 Maximum solar heat gain coefficient for fenestration products. The area -weighted -average solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) for glazed fenestration installed in locations with 3,500 or fewer heating degree days shall not exceed 0.40. Exceptions 1. Any glazing facing within 45 degrees of true north; 2. Any glazing facing within 45 degrees of true south which permanent overhang with a projection factor of 0.3 or greater. 3. Any fenestration with permanently attached screens where coefficient of .6 or less. is shaded along its full width by a the screens have a rated shading (Reason: This will allow north facing windows, which do not receive direct solar radiation, to be exempt from the minimum SHGC requirement; provides a simple way for south facing windows to effectively achieve summer shade and still receive some solar heat benefit in winter; and specifically allows use of solar screens to achieve the shading effect). **Table N1103.5; amend as follows: Cooling Systems FLUID TEMP RANGE (°F) INSULATION THICKNESS inchesb Chilled water, refrigerant or brine 40-55 .5 Below 40 1.25 (Remainder of table unchanged.) Amend footnote "b" to read as follows: b. For piping lengths in excess of five (5) feet (1,524 mm) exposed to outdoor air, increase thickness by 0.5 inch (13 mm). (Reason: No performance data is available. REM/Rate scoring procedures do not consider refrigerant piping insulation. This amendment will provide a uniform approach and eliminate the requirement of policies by the various jurisdictions). `Section 1141305.1.3; change to read as follows: M1305.1.3 Appliances in attics. Attics containing appliances requiring access shall be provided ... ;bulk of paragraph unchanged) ... from the opening to the appliance. The passageway shall have continuous unobstructed solid flooring not less than 30 inches (762 mm) wide. A level service space not less than 30 inches (762 mm) deep and 30 inches (762 mm) wide shall be present at the front or service side of the equipment. The clear access opening dimensions shall be a minimum of 20 inches by 30 inches (508 mm by 762 mm), or larger where such dimensions are not large enough to allow removal of the largest appliance. As a minimum, access to the attic space shall be provided by one of the following: 1. A permanent stair. 2. A pull down stair. 3. An access door from an upper floor level. Exception: The passageway and level service space are not required where the appliance is capable of being serviced and removed through the required opening. (Reason: To provide a safe means of accessibility to appliances in attics. Consistent with regional amendments to International Mechanic Code 306.3 and International Fuel Gas Code 306.3). "Section M1305.1.3.1; add a sentence to read as follows: Low voltage wiring of 50 Volts or less shall be installed in a manner to prevent physical damage. (Reason: To call attention to the need for care while installing lighting wiring in attic). "Section M1305.1.4.1; change to read as follows: M1305.1.4.1 Ground clearance. Appliances supported from the ground shall be level and firmly supported on a concrete slab or other approved material extending above the adjoining ground a minimum of 3 inches (76 mm). Appliances suspended from the floor shall have a clearance of not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the ground. (Reason: Consistent with current local practice). 'Section M1305.1.4.3; add a sentence to read as follows: Low voltage wiring of 50 Volts or less shall be installed in a manner to prevent physical damage. (Reason: To require thermostat wires to be protected from damage). "Section M1307.3.1; delete. (Reason: This provision does not reflect standard practice in this area). "*Section M1501.2; delete and replace with the following M1501.2 Exhaust duct size. The minimum diameter of the exhaust duct shall be as recommended by the manufacturer, shall be at least the diameter of the appliance outlet and shall be a minimum nominal size of 4 inches (102 mm) in diameter. The size of duct shall not be reduced along its developed length nor at the point of termination. (Reason: To clarify the size requirement). "Section M1501.3; change to read as follows: M1501.3 Length limitation. The maximum length of a clothes dryer exhaust duct shall not exceed 25 feet (7620 mm) from the dryer location to the wall or roof termination with not more than two bends. When extra bends are installed, the maximum length of the duct shall be reduced 2.5 feet (762 mm) for each 45 -degree (0.79 rad) bend and 5 feet (1524 mm) for each 90 -degree (1.6 rad) bend that occur after the first two bends, measuring in the direction of airflow. The maximum length of the exhaust duct does not include the transition duct. {Exception is unchanged) (Reason: To make more consistent with regional practice. Dryer technology has improved to the point where they should be capable of handling this). "*Section M2005.2; change to read as follows: M2005.2 Prohibited locations. Fuel -fired water heaters shall not be installed in a room used as a storage closet. Water heaters located in a bedroom or bathroom shall be installed in a sealed enclosure so that combustion air will not be taken from the living space. Access to such enclosure may be from the bedroom or bathroom when through a solid door, weather-stripped in accordance with the exterior door air leakage requirements of the International Energy Conservation Code and equipped with an approved self-closing device. Direct -vent water heaters are not required to be installed within an enclosure. (Reason: Corresponds with the provisions of International Fuel Gas Code Section 303, exception #5). "*Section G2408.3; delete. (Reason: This provision does not reflect standard practice in this area). "Section G2412.5; add a second paragraph to read as follows: Both ends of each section of medium pressure gas piping shall identify its operating gas pressure with an approved tag. The tags are to be composed of aluminum or stainless steel and the following wording shall be stamped into the tag: "WARNING 1/2 to 5 psi gas pressure Do Not Remove" (Reason: To protect homeowners and plumbers). "Section G2413.3; add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) shall be a minimum of 1/2" (Reason: Pipe less than 1/2" has a history in this region of causing whistling). `"Section G2415.6; change to read as follows G2415.6 (404.6) Piping in solid floors. Piping in solid floors shall be laid in channels in the floor and covered in a manner what will allow access to the piping with a minimum amount of damage to the building. Where such piping is subject to exposure to excessive moisture or corrosive substances, the piping shall be protected in an approved manner. As an alternative to installation in channels, the piping shall be installed in accordance with Section G2415.11 (404.11 (Reason: Referencing Section G2415.11 provides CSST piping with outside venting). "Section G2415.9; change to read as follows: G2415.9 (404.9) Minimum burial depth. Underground piping systems shall be installed a minimum depth of 18 inches (458 mm) below grade. (Reason: To provide increased protection to piping systems). "Section G2415.9.1; delete. (Reason: Individual lines should also be buried to 18 inches). "Section G2417.1; change to read as follows: G2417.1 (406.1) General. Prior to acceptance and initial operation, all piping installations shall be inspected and pressure tested to determine that the materials, design, fabrication, and installation practices comply with the requirements of this code. The permit holder shall make the applicable tests prescribed in Sections 2417.1.1 through 2417.7.4 to determine compliance with the provisions of this code. The permit holder shall give reasonable advance notice to the code official when the piping system is ready for testing. The equipment, material, power and labor necessary for the inspections and test shall be furnished by the permit holder and the permit holder shall be responsible for determining that the work will withstand the test pressure prescribed in the following tests. (Reason: To utilize language used in the International Plumbing Code regarding who is responsible for testing procedures). "Section G2417.4; change to read as follows: G2417.4 (406.4) Test pressure measurement. Test pressure shall be measured with a monometer or with a pressure -measuring device designed and calibrated to read, record, or indicate a pressure loss caused by leakage during the pressure test period. The source of pressure shall be isolated before the pressure tests are made. For tests requiring a pressure of 3 psig,-mechanical gauges shall utilize a dial with a minimum diameter of three and one half inches (3'/s"), a set hand, 1/10 pound incrementation and pressure range not to exceed 6 psi for tests requiring a pressure of 3 psig. For tests requiring a pressure of 10 psig, mechanical gauges shall utilize a dial with a minimum diameter of three and one-half inches (3 Y"), a set hand, a minimum of 2/10 pound incrementation and a pressure range not to exceed 20 psi. (Reason: To require the use of more accurate diaphragm gauges. Spring gauges do not provide accurate measurement below approximately 17 psig). "Section G2417.4.1; change to read as follows: G2417.4.1 (406.4.1) Test pressure. The test pressure to be used shall be not less than 3 psig (20 kPa gauge), or at the discretion of the Code Official, the piping and valves may be tested at a pressure of at least six (6) inches (152 mm) of mercury, measured with a manometer or slope gauge. For welded piping, and for piping carrying gas at pressures in excess of fourteen (14) inches water column pressure (3.48 kPa) and less than 56 inches of water column pressure (13.92 kPa), the test pressure shall not be less than ten (10) pounds per square inch (40.4 kPa). For piping carrying gas at a pressure thaqt exceed 56 inches of water column (13.92 kPa), the test pressure shall be not less than one and one-half times the proposed maximum working pressure. (Reason: To provide for lesser pressures to coordinate with the use of more accurate diaphragm gauges). **Section G2417.4.2; change to read as follows: G2417.4.2 (406.4.2) Test duration. Test duration shall be held for a length of time satisfactory to the Code Official, but in no case for less than fifteen (15) minutes. For welded piping, and for piping carrying gas at pressures in excess of fourteen (14) inches water column pressure (3.48 kPa), the test duration shall be held for a length of time satisfactory to the Code Official, but in no case for less than thirty (30) minutes. (Reason: To comply with accepted regional practices). **Add Section G2420.1.4 to read as follows: G2420.1.4 Valves in CSST installations. Shutoff valves installed with corrugated stainless steel (CSST) piping systems shall be supported with an approved termination fitting, or equivalent support, suitable for the size of the valves, of adequate strength and quality, and located at intervals so as to prevent or damp out excessive vibration but in no case greater than 12 -inches from the center of the valve. Supports shall be installed so as not to interfere with the free expansion and contraction of the system's piping, fittings, and valves between anchors. All valves and supports shall be designed and installed so they will not be disengaged by movement of the supporting piping. (Reason: To provide proper security to CSST valves. These standards were established in this region in 1999 when CSST was an emerging technology). **Section G2421.1; add a second paragraph and exception to read as follows: Access to regulators shall comply with the requirements for access to appliances as specified in Section M1305. Exception: A passageway or level service space is not required when the regulator is capable of being serviced and removed through the required attic opening. (Reason: To require adequate access to regulators). **Section G2439.5; add a sentence to read as follows: The size of duct shall not be reduced along its developed length nor at the point of termination. (Reason: To clarify the size requirement). **Section G2439.5.1; change to read as follows: G2439.5.1 (614.6.1) Maximum length. The maximum length of a clothes dryer exhaust duct shall not exceed 25 feet (7620 mm) from the dryer location to the outlet terminal with not more than two bends. When extra bends are installed, the maximum length of the duct shall be reduced 2 1/2 feet (762 mm) for each 45 -degree (0.79 rad) bend and 5 feet (1524 mm) for each 90 -degree (1.6 rad) bend that occur after the first two bends, measuring in the direction of airflow. (Exception is unchanged) (Reason: To make more consistent with regional practice. Dryer technology has improved to the point where they should be capable of handling this). **Section G2445.2; change to read as follows: G2445.2 (621.2) Prohibited use. One or more unvented room heaters shall not be used as the sole source of comfort heating in a dwelling unit. Exception: Existing approved unvented heaters may continue to be used in dwelling units, in accordance with the code provisions in effect when installed, when approved by the Code Official unless an unsafe condition is determined to exist as described in International Fuel Gas Code Section 108.7. (Reason: Gives code official discretion). **Section G2448.1.1; change to read as follows: G2448.1.1 (624.1.1) Installation requirements. The requirements for water heaters relative to access, sizing, relief valves, drain pans and scald protection shall be in accordance with this code. (Reason: To clarify installation requirements. Also corresponds with amendments regarding water heater access). **Section P2503.5.1, item 1; add a second paragraph to read as follows: Shower receptors shall be tested for water tightness by filling with water to the level of the rough threshold. The drain shall be plugged in a manner so that both sides of pans shall be subjected to the test at the point where it is clamped to the drain. (Reason: To clarify that a water test is required for a shower receptor). **Section P2503.7.2; change to read as follows: P2503.7.2 Testing. Reduced pressure principle ... {bulk of section unchanged) ... at the time of installation, immediately after repairs or relocation and at regular intervals as required by applicable state or local provisions. (Reason: Recognize TECQ or other local testing procedures that must be adhered to). **Section P2603.2.1; change to read as follows: P2603.2.1 Protection against physical damage. In concealed locations ... (bulk of section unchanged)... Protective shield plates shall be a minimum of .062 -inch -thick (1.6 mm) steel and shall cover the area of the pipe where the member is notched or bored. (Reason: To remain consistent with common local practice). **Section P2603.6.1; delete and replace with the following: P2603.6.1 Sewer depth. Building sewers shall be a minimum of 12 inches (304 mm) below grade. (Reason: Provides sewer depth that is common in this region). **Section P2709.1; add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Showers designed to comply with ICC/ANSI Al 17.1. (Reason: To provide more specific requirements). **Section P2801.6; add an exception as follows: Exception: Elevation of the ignition source is not required for water heaters that are listed as flammable vapor resistant and for installation without elevation. (Reason: To coordinate with Section 2408.2 of the IRC, which recognizes this exception). "*Section P2902.4.3; changed to read as follows: P2902.4.3 Lawn Irrigation Systems. The potable water supply system to lawn irrigation systems shall be protected by against backflow by an atmospheric -type vacuum breaker, a pressure type vacuum breaker, a double-check assembly or a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer ... {remainder of section unchanged}. (Reason: To provide clarity). **Table P2904.4.1 & P2904.5; delete "Polybutylene (PB) plastic pipe and tubing". "Sections P2904.5.1 and P2904.14; delete reference to "PB" plastic pipe. (Reason: Polybutylene pipe is not allowed for use in this region). **Section P3005.2.6; changed to read as follows: P3005.2.6 Upper terminal. Each horizontal drain shall be provided with a cleanout at its upper terminal. Exception: Cleanouts may be omitted on a horizontal drain less that five (5) feet (1524 mm) in length unless such line is serving sinks or urinals. (Reason: To eliminate the requirement for excessive cleanouts). *"Section P3103.1; change to read as follows: P3103.1 Roof extension. All open vent pipes which extend through a roof shall be terminated at least six (6) inches (152 mm) above the roof except that ... {remainder of section unchanged}. (Reason: To provide regional guideline on standard installation method for this area). **Sections P3105.2; change to read as follows: P3105.2 Fixture drains. The total fall in a fixture drain due to pipe slope shall not exceed one pipe diameter, nor shall the vent pipe connection to a fixture drain, except for water closets, be below the weir of the trap. (Reason: To provide regional guideline on standard installation method for this area). **Section 3105.3 and Figure P3105.3; delete. (Reason: S -trap issues). **Section P3111; delete. (Reason: A combination waste and vent system is not approved for use in residential construction) **Section P3112.2; delete and replace with the following: P3112.2 Installation. Traps for island sinks and similar equipment shall be roughed in above the floor and may be vented by extending the vent as high as possible, but not less than the drainboard height and then returning it downward and connecting it to the horizontal sink drain immediately downstream from the vertical fixture drain. The return vent shall be connected to the horizontal drain through a wye-branch fitting and shall, in addition, be provided with a foot vent taken off the vertical fixture vent by means of a wye-branch immediately below the floor and extending to the nearest partition and then through the roof to the open air or may be connected to other vents at a point not less than six (6) inches (152 mm) above the flood level rim of the fixtures served. Drainage fittings shall be used on all parts of the vent below the floor level and a minimum slope of one-quarter (1/4) inch per foot (20.9 mm/m) back to the drain shall be maintained. The return bend used under the drainboard shall be a one (1) piece fitting or an assembly of a forty-five (45) degree (0.79 radius), a ninety (90) degree (1.6 radius) and a forty-five (45) degree (0.79 radius) elbow in the order named. Pipe sizing shall be as elsewhere required in this Code. The island sink drain, upstream of the return vent, shall serve no other fixtures. An accessible cleanout shall be installed in the vertical portion of the foot vent. (Reason: To clarify the installation of island venting and to provide a regional guideline on a standard installation method for this region). **Chapters 33 through 42; delete. Replace with the electrical code as adopted END Recommended Amendments to the 2002 National Electrical Code North Central Texas Council of Governments Region "Section 230.2(A) add a sixth special condition. 230.2 Number of Services. A building or other structure served shall be supplied by only one service unless permitted in 230.2(A) through (D). For the purpose ... (text unchanged)... shall be considered to be supplying one service. (A) Special Conditions. Additional services shall be permitted to supply the following: (1) Fire Pumps (6) In supplying electrical service to multifamily dwellings, two or more laterals or overhead service drops shall be permitted to a building when both of the following conditions are met: a. The building has six or more individual gang meters and all meters are grouped at the same location. b. Each lateral or overhead service drop originates from the same point of service. REASON FOR CHANGE: This is currently the accepted installation practice of the region. No noteworthy complaints have surfaced. It is more reasonable than the current NEC requirements. It allows more than six disconnects grouped at one location, without having to divide the structure into multiple buildings by using area separation walls. This also allows designers more flexibility in the placement of electrical meters and main service disconnects. 'Section 230.71(A) add an exception. 230.71 Maximum Number of Disconnects. (A) General. The service disconnecting means for each service permitted by 230.2, or for each set of service -entrance conductors permitted by 230.40, Exception Nos. 1, 3, 4, or 5, shall consist of not more than six switches or sets of circuit breakers, mounted in a single enclosure, in a group of separate enclosures, or in or on a switchboard. There shall be no more than six sets of disconnects per service grouped in any one location. For the purpose ... {text unchanged)... shall not be considered a service disconnecting means. Exception: Multi -occupant Buildings. Individual service disconnecting means is limited to six for each occupant. The number of individual disconnects at one location may exceed six. REASON FOR CHANGE: The same reasoning as for multi -family dwellings in Section 230-2 here being applied to multi -occupant buildings. "Section 250.52 add a paragraph. 250.52 Grounding Electrodes. (A) Electrodes Permitted for Grounding. Where a metal underground water pipe, as described in item (1), is not present, a method of grounding as specified in (2) through (4) below shall be used. REASON FOR CHANGE: Sometimes metal underground water pipe is not available for use as a grounding electrode system. Therefore, to provide a more positive approach for grounding electrical premise systems for safety, a method as specified in 250.52(A)(2), (3), and (4) shall be used. This will eliminate the need to depend solely on a driven rod, plate, or pipe as specified in Section 250-52(A)(5) and (6). **Section 300.11(A)(1) change to read as follows: 300.11 Securing and Supporting. (A) Secured in Place. (1) Fire -Rated Assemblies. Wiring located within the cavity of a fire -rated floor -ceiling or roof - ceiling assembly shall not be secured to, or supported by, the ceiling assembly, including the ceiling support wires - unless tested as part of a fire -rated assembly. An independent means of secure support... (text unchanged)... are part of the fire -rated design. (delete exception) REASON FOR CHANGE: If luminaries were intended to be covered, it could have been conveyed in a different manner than to introduce them in the exception. Based upon the International Building Code (IBC), the recommendations by the Ceilings & Interior Systems Construction Association (CISCA) to separately support luminaries is not mandated. **Section 300.11(A)(2) change to read as follows 300.11 Securing and Supporting. (A) Secured in Place. (2) Non -Fire -Rated Assemblies. Wiring located within the cavity of a non -fire -rated floor -ceiling or roof -ceiling assembly shall not be secured to, or supported by, the ceiling assembly, including the ceiling support wires - unless authorized by, and installed in accordance with, the ceiling system manufacturer's instructions. An independent means of secure support shall be provided. (delete existing exception) Add exception: From the last point of independent support or base for connections within an accessible ceiling to luminaire(s) (lighting fixture(s)) or equipment, branch circuit or fixture whip wiring shall be allowed to be supported by the ceiling support wires. REASON FOR CHANGE: Delete existing exception - Based upon the IBC, the recommendations by CISCA to separately support luminaries is not mandated. Add exception - To allow for a reasonable manner in which cables and conduits may be secured up off suspended ceilings of the removable panel type. **Section 310.15(8)(6) change to read as follows: 310.16 Ampacities for Conductors Rated 0-2000 Volts. (B) Tables. (6) 120/240 -Volt, 3 -Wire, Single -Phase Dwelling Services and Feeders. For dwelling units, conductors, as listed in Table 310.15(6)(6), shall be ... (text unchanged)... provided the requirements of 215.2, 220.22, and 230.42 are met. This Section shall not be used in conjunction with 220.30. REASON FOR CHANGE: To provide a more reasonable margin of safety for dwelling service and feeder conductor allowable ampacities. **Section 334.10 change to read as follows: 334.10. Uses Permitted. Type NM, Type NMC, and Type NMS cables shall be permitted to be used in the following: (1) One- and two-family dwellings. (2) In any multifamily dwelling not exceeding three floors above grade. Exception: An additional level shall be permitted in multifamily dwellings where the entire structure is protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system. (3) Other structures not exceeding 3 stories in height. Note: In paragraph 2 and 3 above: For the purpose of this article, the first floor of a building shall be that floor that has 50 percent or more of the exterior wall surface area level with or above finished grade. One additional level that is the first level and not designed for human habitation and used only for vehicle parking, storage, or similar use shall be permitted. REASON FOR CHANGE: Historically NM cable has been limited to a 3 -story or less wiring method since 1975. The allowance to increase the use of NM cable to buildings in the 3-6 story range in the 2002 NEC has come about as a result of an appeal action by the Multi -National Housing Council to the NFPA Standards Council and not as a result of the normal code revision action through NEC Code -Making Panel 7, the NEC Technical Committee, and the positive vote of the NFPA membership at the NFPA Annual Meeting. In that the NCTCOG Electrical Advisory Board believes that the current language in the NEC Section 334.10 may again be revised in the 2005 NEC edition, due to the need for basic consistency of regulations, and due to the fact that there is no evidence that the current installation allowances for NM cable do not adequately serve the needs of the local electrical industry and citizens alike, the NCTCOG Electrical Advisory Board believes the use of NM cable in the area served by the NCTCOG would best be benefited by the installation rules as recommended over the past 3 NEC code cycles. **Section 334.12 add another use not permitted, (11): 334.12 Uses Not Permitted. (A) Types NM, NMC, and NMS. Types NM, NMC, and NMS cables shall not be used as follows (1) As open runs... (text unchanged) (11) In non-residential metal frame structures. REASON FOR CHANGE: Limiting the use of NM cable in non-residential metal frame construction is suggested due to the inherent problems with soft jacketed wiring methods in buildings that utilized mainly metal stud and other metal frame construction with sharp edges of unknown proportion. It is believed that the potential safety issues against the use of allowing a soft jacketed wiring method in such construction far outweighed any positive benefits. **Section 500.8(A)(1) change to read as follows: 500.8 Equipment. (A) Approval for Class and Properties. (1) Equipment shall be identified ... (text unchanged} ... the maximum surface temperatures specified in 503.1. FPN: Luminaries (lighting fixtures) and other heat -producing apparatus... (text unchanged)... see Exception No. 3 to 500.8(8). REASON FOR CHANGE: "Identified" is already defined in Chapter 1. **Section 600.21 (E) change to read as follows: 600.21 Ballasts, Transformers, and Electronic Power Supplies. (E) Attic and Soffit Locations. Ballasts, transformers, and electronic power supplies shall be permitted to be located in attics and soffits, provided there is an access door at least 900 mm by 600 mm (3 ft by 2 ft) and a passageway of at least 900 mm (3 ft) high by 600 mm (2 ft) wide with a suitable permanent walkway at least 600 mm (2 ft) wide extending from the point of entry to each component. REASON FOR CHANGE: To allow a more reasonable and safer width for the required walkway and to make the requirement consistent with the International Mechanical Code (IMC). END