HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 448 Approve an Special Use Permit for a water well at 1730 JT Ottinger RoadTOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 448 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, BY GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE WATER WELL, LOCATED AT 1730 J.T. OTTINGER ROAD; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOLLARS; PROVIDING FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake's Board of Aldermen finds and determines, on the basis of facts presented on the application for a Special Use Permit and at the public hearings on same, the following: 1. That the proposed use is consistent with the existing uses of adjacent and nearby property; 2. That the proposed use is not inconsistent with: (a) the reasonably foreseeable uses of adjacent and nearby property anticipated to be in place upon expiration of the term of the Special Use Permit; and (b) the use of the property contemplated by the Town's Comprehensive Plan, as in effect on the date of granting of said permit; 3. That the proposed use will not impair development of adjacent and nearby property in accordance with said Comprehensive Plan; 4. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the Town's Thoroughfare Plan and traffic patterns, as in effect at the time of granting of said permit, and as contemplated by the Town's Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Westlake and the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen, in compliance with the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake and State Law with reference to the granting of Special Use Permits under the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding hearings and affording a full and fair process to all property owners generally, and to the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake is of the opinion that said change in zoning use should be made, subject to the conditions set out herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS; SECTION 1. That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake, Texas, be, and the same is hereby amended, by amending the Zoning Map of the Town of Westlake so as to grant a Special Use Permit, for a private water well, located within the property at 1730 J.T. Ottinger Road owned by Kenny and Becky Rogers. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purpose provided in the Unified Development Code and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake as herein amended by the granting of a Special Use Permit and approval of an associated location plan for private water well and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4: That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this o rdinance s hall b e subject t o t he s ame p enalty as p rovided for in the C omprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake, and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. SECTION 5: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this ordinance shall be judged invalid or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any portion thereof other than that portion so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 6: In addition to and accumulative of all other penalties, the Town shall have the right to seek injunctive relief for any and all violations of this ordinance. SECTION 7: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 22nd DAY OF MARCH 2004. ATTEST: �. - A Gi6ger rosswy, Town S&cretary APPROVED -TO RM: L. Stanton LGNKY, lrirywn Attorney Scott Bradley,'Mayor Trent O. Petty, To anagen 7 PUBLISHER of the Alliance Regional Newspapers of Haslet, Texas, a new4paper of general circulation which has been published in Denton County and Tarrant County regularly and continuously for a period of one year prior to the first day of publication of this notice, solemnly swear that the notice hereto attached was published in the Alliance Regional Newspapers, on the following dates, to -wit: IPublisher A SUBS BEIM AND SWORIJ, TO before me on t Cday of to certify*ch witness =dand official seal. C '--�TARY PUBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS S.� ip My Commission Expire . El p A0_ LAURA LAG�M R 114,C)TAPY PUIMM"" f6k&§ ana av, f om R2 Residential fo LR -PD Note: Bids received atter the deadline will not be considered. Local Retail -Planned Hwy 82 between Whitesboro Development also known as TOWN OF WESTLAKE 205 N. Highway 156, Haslet, ORDINANCE NO. 448 TX. All interested parties and AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, citizens will be given an op or- AMENDING THE COMPRE`IEN- tunity. to be heard at these meetings. For further informa- SNE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, tion contact the office of the TEXAS, BYGRANTING ASPECIAL City Secretary, City of Haslet, USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE 105 Main Street, Haslet, Texas WATER WELL, LOCATED AT 1730 76052 (817-439-5931 ext. 5). Dated this ' 19th date J.T. `OTi1NGER ROAD; PROVID- of. March 2004 - ING FOR A SEVFRABIUTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A a PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO A2Z, Joyce Moler, auctioneer, EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO NOTICE TO BIDDERS THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOL INVITATION TO BID LAPS; PROVIDING FOR ll\UUNC- A -Z! Fri -Sat -Sun, Starting Sam TIVE RELIEF, AND PROVIDING The City of Roanoke Parks FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' and Recreation Department: is currently accepting sealed pro- TOWN OF WESTLAKE posals for the lown 'mamte ORDINANCE NO '149 .nonce contract parks in the AN ORDINANCE OF THE City, Roanoke. The scope . TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. a and specifications can be e 431 IN iTS ENTIRETY, AMENDING obtaworkined 000nokd from the City of Roanoke Pants and Recreation INE COMPREHENSIVE FEE AND Department S. TX S. Walnut MUNICIPAL USE SCHEDULE AS Street, Roanoke, T for. ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE' NO. call s call(1491-6 91-6060. 379, TO AMEND THE RESIDEN- Proposal be at1c Proposals will be accepted until PAL LOT DEVELOPMENT FEE; 2:00pm on March 31 st2004 PEPEAUNG ALL rRUOSiONS O at Roanoke City Hall, 08 S i ORDINANCES IN CONFUCi Oak Street. -IERFOATli PROVIDING A SEVER- TheCity of Roanoke ABILITY CLAUSE, PROVIDING A reserves the right to reject SAVINGS CLAUSE, AND PROVD- and/or all proposals and to ING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE accept any proposal or combi- TOWN' OF WESTLAKE ' nation of proposals deemed CORDINNANCE NO. 450 most advantageous to the City of Roanoke and to waive any AN ORDINANCE OF THE informalities in bidding. TOWN OF WESTIAtE, TEXAS, AM8'4DINGTf-ECOMPREHQ,,lSNE v st tf ¢ x PLAN FOR THE TOWN TOADS A NEW LAND USE MAP, PROMD- Order 200/4- 0311 ING FOR A SEVEP.ABILRY CIAUSE Establishing Rules and Penalties PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS Relating to Intetfer'ng wi h District CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN Metes, Lines, or O her Property FFFECENE DALE. `! HEREAS, Trophy Club """'ecipal Utility Dnstrid No. i I OWN1 OF WESTLAKE and Trophy Club Municipal Utility OPOINANCE NO. 451 Dish ict No. 2, doing business as A DIE A HAD T ud:�- Club Master Dish ict, here- INE `-OMAREHENSMt ZONING infer referred to as the "District," CrONANCE OF THE TOWN OF maintains and operates a water 'AEMAKE,TEXAS TOREZONE AN m;d sewer system serving the inhabitants within the District; and AP✓ ROximATH.Y 348 ACRE TRACT OF LAND GENERALLY LU--AiFL) IN V 71EREAS, the Board of Directors of the District has determined that MIXm{1SE "�' PLANNED DEI�A foshoulg rules and r uld-MALL, OPME1,ff DISTRICT ESTABUSH'ED IN lions urns should adopted and and ORDINANCE 310 TO A>REWL ns ed to 'insure he proper ENTERTAINMENT REIAL, maimcrfor maintenance and operation of OFFICE AND MALL REIAiE) USE, me water and sewer system of the PROVIDING EXHIBITS SHCWNG District, THE AREAS BEING REZONED AND f`�}e.{ T!-iEREFf3RE, IT IS IiEREBY. .ALEGAL DESCRIPTION, I�Ki ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF FOR A CONCEPT PLAN, PROMD- �71f,>CTrU4;S t7F THE DISTRICT ING FOR GENERAL REGULATIONS, PROViDW- FOR DEvaoPMNT ztson 1. Wolfed* wiPlr Dist 2te s t nes or 06rvar Pro er '. AREA REQUIREMENTS ; PROVIDING r+ raj I, person commits an o riseGFFICUsL FOR THE AMB�D ABVF Ch THE aaainst the rules and regulations, ZONING MAP. PROVID- of the District if, without the effec- FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE five consent of the District, said PROVIDING FOP, ASAVINGS CLAUSE, PROVIDING FOR A person: i. Intentionally or knowingly PENALTY CLAUSE AND DECIAR- can ioges or destroys the tangi- ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. . property of he District or any TOWN OF WESTLAKE I n of such grope ly- or ORDINANCE NO. 452 �i. Intentionally or knowingly - AN ORDNANCE AMENDING i:arttpers wish the tangible prop- THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING eiyof the District and causes ORDINANCE OF THE TCMM OF pecuniary loss or substantial WE-11AKE,TEX4S TOREZONEAN inconvenience to the District, its A,PPROXIMATH.Y 154 -ACRE TRACT customers, its inhabitants, or any OF LAND GENERALLY LIXATID IN other third person; or DEYTONCCNJNiY,TEXAS FROM A iii. ' Intentionally or knowingly 'PD"PLAMEDDEV8.OPMMENVTDIS- interferes with the proper opera- TRICT AUTHORIZING OFFICE, tion of any tangible property of HViERTAINMENT/OFFICE, RETAI, °* MEX. RF_"STAURANT.. - -� MOM & POP OPERATION.. Hwy 82 between Whitesboro Macintosh Performa Computer $ MAKER full upgraded with lots of LOW COST ""*ITALIAN RESTAURANT.. so are, color monitor, key- he printer. Great for Spay f ir NEAR COLLEGE REAL OPPORTUNITY kids,or first computer Immunization old corn, over 30+ cookie jars (some nice old 5.7L V8 350 engine $4800. Program JIM Q 817-371-2826 primitives, advertising, finni-Beige w/beige interior. dailey resources, inc 940-648-8466/817-239-2653 PONDER .VETERINARY before auction day! auto, pearl white, 91 k, 21, on A2Z, Joyce Moler, auctioneer, rebuilt motor. Tint, alarm & HOSPITAL, INC. Garage Sale -Everything from 940-612-3833. Large & Small Animal A -Z! Fri -Sat -Sun, Starting Sam 96 E150 Customized Van Medigine & Surgery 617 Bobbi 0., Keller, TX ` ORDINANCE NO. 453 ) 479-2782 Neighborhood Garagge Sale Cross Timberhill,'Southlake, off Peytonville. Multi -family. www.ponderVethospitaLCOm Sat, March 27th, 8am to ? Oak Tree Estates, Southlake 1709 to S. Carroll Dat on Car Neighborhood Garage Sale,, Sat, April 3rd, 8am 1 pm 6NOINERAIN RJ's Pet Sitting Service cxquisde Coc nti -, Pre China Cabinet, carved fruit At At home care for all your. pets - 25 years experience with basket pediment. $1500 obo. domestic & equine care. 817-305-0013 o Walking o Tum out time Piano For Sale 5F Baby Grand Piano. ° Feeding o Blanket horses ° Mid4rdief -.Pick up paper. Howard/Baldwin built byKAVIA ®.Clean stalls m. Water plants Color, medium Brown Walnut. Allpets all year long including Beautiful condition. holidays! Free consultation. Tuned regularly. Call Debra 9,40-300-7694 Call 817-337-0172 $5950 Pink/White Magic Moon Crib D — $500.00 817-431-0282 Hwy 82 between Whitesboro Macintosh Performa Computer _ full upgraded with lots of ssons With Lonna 6 D m so are, color monitor, key- he printer. Great for Yoice Inst uc on for allboard, [piano Call 817-491-3601 kids,or first computer Haslet 817-439-1548 old corn, over 30+ cookie jars (some nice old $150obo 817-431-9283 Cash fo: rekle, will buy old (ores, fishing reels, takle boxes &rods. Call James at $17-528-3633 Atec Casey Softball Pitching Machine, speed to 90 mph. $1250.817-854-0442 or 817-966-1437 M misfortune is your good deal! Fride, electric W/D, Craftsman riding lawnmower, gas trimmer, best offers! 940-479-2091 ANTIQUE/COLLECTIBLE AUCTION Manch 27, 10:00 a.m. - I mite North on EM 678 from D — AUiHIC)RIZING, CSE 115E AND Hwy 82 between Whitesboro M ffi-OUSE CfVEIC MMB fi; ARO- _ and Gainesville at the flashing Roanoke Mom has 2 openings 6 D m lights at Oakridge. W_ FOR A CONCEPT PAN PRIOR Call 817-491-3601 Rare 1893CC Morgan Dollar, coins, Shawnee 95 Ckevy 3.5 ton pickup 116K miles, only one owner old corn, over 30+ cookie jars (some nice old 5.7L V8 350 engine $4800. McCoys), salts & peppers, Auto/tilt/cruise/air/single cab. primitives, advertising, finni-Beige w/beige interior. ture, lots of nice glassware and 940-648-8466/817-239-2653 small antiquities. More arriving g5 Mit 3000 GT before auction day! auto, pearl white, 91 k, 21, on A2Z, Joyce Moler, auctioneer, rebuilt motor. Tint, alarm & TX 13419. 903-463-3795 or more. Excellent condition 940-612-3833. $8900. 281-376-8162 www.auctionsbya2z.com 96 E150 Customized Van NO BUYERS PREMIUM s ycrrma the District, or EMERfANMENi/RETAIL AND VISA & MC ACCEPTED Exc. condition, 93K, $5850. iv. intentionally or knowingly MAIL USE AS ESTABLISHED IN PD 817-636-2726 diverts or prevents the free pas- IORDINANCE NO. 311 TO APD`,! 99 Pontiac Grand Am Dns}rict, or, muses any flow of water from the water lines of the district to bypass a meter; or v. Intentionally or knowingly supplies water to other. persons or families or allows them to take water, except for use on the premises or for emergency needs. (b) As used in these rules and regulations, "tangible property of the District' specifically includes, but is not necessarily limited to, water lines, sewer lines, storm drainge lines, pumps, motors, fences, buildings, signs, or equipment owned by the District and meters upon the water lines or sewer lines, regardless of whether such meters are owned PLWN®CfVELCWMENT DISIRKT D — AUiHIC)RIZING, CSE 115E AND M ffi-OUSE CfVEIC MMB fi; ARO- NDN' 6X1 -KBITS $FOWNG THE Roanoke Mom has 2 openings AREAS BEING REZONED, PROViD-. Ages 3 & up. Refs availablear W_ FOR A CONCEPT PAN PRIOR Call 817-491-3601 TO ISSUANCEOFABUILDING PER- Mti AND A LEGAL DESCRIPTION' PROVIDING FOR GENERAL RLGU Nanny in Southlake needs P/T y LATIONS; PROVIDING FOR DEVa- work, weekends, overnights, & evenings. Some P/T days. CEMENT STANDARDS; PROVID NG FOR AREAREMENTS. Southlake area, good refer - PROVIDING FOR THE AMEND- ences. Please call Sally Butler MENT OF TFE OFFICIAL. ZONING 817-750-0703, MAP; PROVIDING FOR A SEVER- ABRITYCIAUSE;PROVIDING FOR A Temporary Sitters Unlimited SAVINGS CLAUSE; ; PROVIDING Presides deperda6le/.q e ienc6! siii, s FOR A PEI KTY C7AlASE AND an a temporary as e eo'ed basis. sitters DECLARING AN EffECi1VE DATE' CPR certified & screen.d hru coons. TOWN OF WESTLAKE s ycrrma ORDINANCE NO. 453 dArgel nfamci Cc�Arr�Fa famae usratrr-fir AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 817-577-9324 V6 4dr 47K miles $4600. Body& interior exc. condition little hail damage. 817-.488- 6985 or 817-938-9685 2001 Mustang GT -Immaculate, leather, 5spd, tinted windows; all power, loaded. Contact: 817.313-5589/817-491-8670 Dodge Dakota pickup. Top Sl ape'Whits*Manual* 91 K - $4,500. Call 817-431-9283 after 6 p.m. Saturn Station Wagon 71 K Excellent Shape (good car for family needing second vehicle) Call 817-431-9283 after 6 p.m. $4,900. 9 ® Horne Repair ® Plumbing/Electrical ® Home Inspection Repairs< • No job too small David Cournoyer 817-337-4664 yourpersonalhandyman.com servicing Southlake &.Keller t/ Honey Do's [ •globs Around the House Not Getting Done • Jobs dust Too Large For You To Do I "T"o Get The Job Done Right" STEVE MLLE www. theaBordable handyman.com 7-589-4232 j Sonded8lnsured Tile & Grout Cleaning Tired of and fy/dirty file orq�u z Let us mriew them ka its original beady! We dean, sea), repair & regrouf. Rec ulk & regrout suis, showers, ki diem floxs & more. Adrian's Carpet & Tile 817-913-5579 GENIZERNM Call John 817-457-1402 . or 817-683-4531 L„L TYPES OF CNCRETE WOR} ® Decorative Concrete ® Etched Acid Stain $ Stamp Concrete Texture Overlays ® Slabs ® Driveways ® Patios ® Parking Lots ® Replacements ® Commercial & Residential Bonded & Insured .a�a..,saawxaexaxx Conmercial All types of iumbing beads . FREE ES' Sfrit"s Corzrt _9L as&t, i Tile, Decks, Fences M_ _ & Whole Hot Call Today for a i Office - 817 http./www. eggebraau