HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 484 Granting a Special Use Permit for a private water well at 2205 Vaquero Estates BoulevardTOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 484 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, BY GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE WATER WELL, LOCATED AT 2205 VAQUERO ESTATES BOULEVARD; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOLLARS; PROVIDING FOR INJUNCTIVE RELIEF; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake's Board of Aldermen finds and determines, on the basis of facts presented on the application for a Special Use Permit and at the public hearings on same, the following: 1. That the proposed use is consistent with the existing uses of adjacent and nearby property; 2. That the proposed use is not inconsistent with: (a) the reasonably foreseeable uses of adjacent and nearby property anticipated to be in place upon expiration of the term of the Special Use Permit; and (b) the use of the property contemplated by the Town's Comprehensive Plan, as in effect on the date of granting of said permit; That the proposed use will not impair development of adjacent and nearby property in accordance with said Comprehensive Plan; 4. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the Town's Thoroughfare Plan and traffic patterns, as in effect at the time of granting of said permit, and as contemplated by the Town's Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Westlake and the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen, in compliance with the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake and State Law with reference to the granting of Special Use Permits under the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding hearings and affording a full and fair process to all property owners generally, and to the persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake is of the opinion that said change in zoning use should be made, subject to the conditions set out herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2; That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake, Texas, be, and the same is hereby amended, by amending the Zoning Map of the Town of Westlake so as to grant a Special Use Permit, for a private water well, located within the property at 2205 Vaquero Estates Boulevard owned by Scott Simmons. SECTION 3: That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purpose provided in the Unified Development Code and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake as herein amended by the granting of a Special Use Permit and approval of an associated location plan for private water well and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4: That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Westlake, and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. SECTION 5: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this ordinance shall be judged invalid or unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any portion thereof other than that portion so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 6: In addition to and accumulative of all other penalties, the Town shall have the right to seek injunctive relief for any and all violations of this ordinance. SECTION 7: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 12th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2005. ATTEST: (Jt� can Dwinnell, Town Secretary L. -Stanton Fred Held, Mayor Pro Tem Trent O. Petty, To anager PUBLISHER of the Alliance Regional Newspapers of Haslet, Texas, a new/paper of general circulation which has been published in Denton County and Tarrant County regularly and continuously 4:<« ©<k of one year prior to the first day of publication of this notice, solemnly swear that the notice hereto attached was published in the Alliance Regional Newspapers, on the following dates, to -wit: Qeneral Manager ..... .. ,w. - �. -' abbe iVofiees PubTie Nofices Public Nofices drag, Public Notices P r. turkey, quail, Greenwood- 2 A GreatW®I pt�all vidin for eenalT a ui ��� �� ¢ �A} F�F ri ;r Co., 630AC Spaces, Restful Restaurant w� afioability pro- n publication as HENSIVE ZONING 760 Oaks $4000 -obo g p y q red by law, and ORDINANCE OF SHas ep / wooded pas- (817) 246.2159, FF&1817 319-6434 for violations hereof; it is so ordained. THE TOWN OF Notice is hereby (817) 946-8205 Quail Lse. 600ac. providing a savings Diane `Rasor WESTLAKE TEX- given that applica- fern iuntin ,stands Cla Co. Jan -Feb clause; providing or City Secretary AS BY GRANTING tion has been made mise ; SEE LOTS of Deer y 940- 23-6875 $350 bow $600 gun $3K 817-988-9538 publication; and A SPECIAL USE to the Comptroller of 76021 - E 0-423-6364 providing an effec- The following Ordi- PERMIT FOR A the Currency,Dal- Dr: BIG 2 bucks 2 days Est. Upscale West tive date. nances were a - o Uvalde p PRIVATE WATER las, Texas; for con- SALE Fri ac Comanche FW Salon 817-822- Any person found proved by the Board WELL, LOCATED sent to mere First Sod 'bow hunt- Video 830-563-2658 •1740 ' guilty of violating an of Aldermen of the g 76022 - 9 t`J g Y AT 3060 DOVE Financial Bank, erset t of deer/turkey 2 Deer (eases, A da HUNT, of the provisions of Town of Westlake at ROAD; 'PROVIDING National As§oc!a- Cir: Su wkend !ease Young Co. 2 hunters Get Your Limit, this Ordinance shall their regular meeting FOR A SEVER- tion, Southlake, per gaily $175 per & 6 be fined not more on Monday, Sep- ABILITY CLAUSE; Texas, into The First Sale! E {817) 296 2491 ; )r wkend $250 hunters 940-549- than $2,000.00 for tember 12, 2005. PROVIDING FOR A National Bank of items, boo un trailer avail 7351 Found. `Pantego ar- each and every vi PENALTY OF ` A Brid e ort, South- enware& 17-7139 ea pretty gray/white olation. And each TOWN OF g only Sam Shell Station cat 817-261-4462` FINE NOT TO EX lake, Texas. It is Lease, Com- 2000sf Retail day that a violation WESTLAKE CEED THE SUM OF contemplated that 76034 - 1 he `Co., beau- 50-60K Gal 30-40K Legal/ is permitted to exits ORDINANCE" TWO THOUSAND the resultant bank Ln: Mapsc< lake, M/H inside 6428 hwy Public ATotaces shall constitute a NO. 483 ($2,000.00) DOL- he First National 8-4 kid le N/C, 6 gun 377 (214)893-4267 separate offense. AN ORDINANCE LABS; PROVIDING Bank of Bridgeport) furn.,toys,a Azle area. Dove & Y This Ordinance shall OF THE BOARD OF FOR INJUNCTIVE will change its name 76034: - 2 can also hunt Quail hunts. Start- Ordinance N609 5- 'be in full force and ALDERMEN OF RELIEF; AND to First Financial wick Ln THE TOWN OF $3600, 254 in 05 effect from and after PROVIDING FOR Bank, National As= Sale, Fri 8 396-5360 Sept 1. ?917)925- An Ordinance add- its passage WESTLAKE, TEX- AN EFFECTIVE sociation, but will 12, bab 8305 ing Appendix C,"Ap- (Setember6,2005) AS AMENDING DATE. continue to operate clothes, xas, white tail provedd Plant List,' an publication as SECTION 80 under the charter of etc. unts. 120-150 Deer, Turkey, Hogs to the City of Haslet required by law, and SCHOOL ZONES) Notice is hereby The First 'National 76034 3 spots remain in Foard CO,.Bow Code of Ordinances; it is so ordained. F CHAPTER 90 given that applica- Bank of Bridgeport. deer -white tail $100/day,R!fl .$200/ Diane Rasor TRAFFIC AND VE tion has been made Shad creel providing that this it : is further con- yy people, $2500 day. 2day minimum. Ordinance shall be City Secretary HCILES, AS CODI to the Comptroller of templated that the leyville. Mo 903-815-7133 FLED IN THE TOWN the Currency, Dal- main office of The Fn &Sat , cumulative of all Cit of Haslet is Quail LeaseGREENWOODY OF WESTLAKE las, Texas to form 17, 8-4 � ordinances; provid Ordinance No. 0901- First National Bank _ 693-2729 Garden of Peace Lot Ing a severability 45 CODE OF ORDI- First Financial In of Bridgeport in 76034 -p50z ING A PRO PENID-ALTY Sootert Bank, N• A.s, Southwill beeomethe main &tSata8-5 < t retired ac- 59 Double plot clause; providing a An Ordinance iNG ';A 'PENALTY Southlake, Texas, tant or busi- $16,000 (972) 620- savings clause; amendingArticle CLAUSE; PROVID- for the. 'purpose of office of the resultant asst to Inde- 7989 providing for a 12;05, "Stop Inter- I'NG A CUMULA- organizng an as- bank, The branch 76051 - College: int oil opera Bio Buck Tro- ,penalty or violations sections" of the TIVEE CLAUSE; sociation to College: H 'T or FT Wil( h Hunt, af- hereof; acid pro,id- Haslet Ci' Code to partici- offices of the above items, so p in an effect date. ry PROVIDING A pate in a business named batiks will opportunity. fordable, 1 g provide for a four- SEVERABILITY combination with continue too operate. tiques: Fri -534-2375 hour S. `DFW Any person found way stop intersec- CLAUSE; PROVID- another financial This notice is pub-' Sept 16 &t 214-534-7056 guilty of violating any tion at Ashmore ING A SAVINGS institution. lished pursuant to 12 76092 31.. DUCK Club of the provisions of Place and Briarwood CLAUSE; AUTHO- Notice is also hereby USC 1828 (c) and Circle: Sat' 30 lakes & BUYING this ordinance shall Lane; providing that RIZING PUBLICA given that applica- 12 ' CFR 5. This ip Multi Fai wetlands (1- be fined not more this ordinance shall 2 hrs from C Y TiON; AND PRO tion has been made Toys, You Metro than $2000.00 for be cumulative of all notice will appear Limited each and eve vi- VIDING FOR AN to the Comptroller of three times ata -` clothes +mi arshi 214-697-6200 rY ordinances; provid- EFFECTIVE DATE. the Currency, Dal- p p {940) olation. And each ing a severability las, Texas, for con- proximately; two 760e i43 Bow Hunting (Jive day that a violation clause; providing for TOWN OF sent to consolidate week intervals over Movi illzed Trans nard CO, $150 day, is permitted to exist a penalty for viola a _30 -day period rage c day min shall constitute ' a p Y WESTLAKE The First National beginning -S5 and rage 2 Tari, heavy 8174312875 tions hereof; :pro- ORDINANCE Bank of 'Bridgeport, bei 12, 2005 and 8-2 lent haulm separate offense. [ding a savin s g T ending October 12, 9� g 9 NO. 484 Bridge exas, g 76i 07 - sand, flat bed, Moore's at Ari, i This Ordinance shall clause; providing for AN ORDINANCE with First Financial services & space, $3900 obo in full force and publication; and 2005 Washin tc p OF THE TOWN OF Interim Bank, N. A., Any person desiring racegS trucks. {214) 817 834 9900, 306- effect from and after providing an effec- WESTLAKE, TEX Southlake, Texas. to comment on this 60-6307 9363 its passage tive date. AS AMENDING it is contemplated 1oving.:an (September6,2005) An person, firm or p application may do collectibles Sa i year Old Hunt: Dove, Teal,Y. p , . THE CO!�PING that the main office g an publication as corporation who vi- so n co submitting collectibles ;tela!/residen- Lodging, Throck- � HENSIVE ZONING of First Financial required by law, and ola es, disobeys, written comments imbing com morton Co. 940-422- it is so ordained. y ORDINANCE OF �nterim'Bank, N. A., within 30 days of the 76107 - 41 Some owner 4817 omits, neglects or THE TOWN OF will continue as the date of the first shin Est, ng avail. 214 Diane Rasor . refuses to comply WESTLAKE, TEX- main office of the Sat gg 17 on Cowb®g(S City Secretary with or who resist publication of this g 87 season TICF�ETS AS BY GRANTING resulting bank which notice to: Licensingfurn, hhg, 25-35 Yard Line City of Haslet the enforcement of A SPECIAL • USE would bear the title mise. a t i a n w f d e Ordinance No 0904- an of the rovisions Manager, Office e Y p PERMIT FOR A and the. charter of IS. Agency {817) 477-3204 05 of this Ordinance PRIVATE WATER The First National Comptroller of the: Saddl 98: seks 4 Deer LEASES An Ordinance shall be fined not WELL, LOCATED Bank of Bridgeport. Currency, 1500 Saddle Tia ntre reneursLincoln Plaza, 500 9 17. lam 1 p 42.300 ac. Palo amending Article XI more than $500 for AT 2205 VAQUERO The former main n satellite of- Pinto Co. (817) 988- "District Regulation" each offense. Each ESTATES BOULE- office of The First North 1600,Akard Street, items 372-263-5300 8453. of the Zoning Ordi- day that a violation VARD; PROVIDING National bank of Suite 1600, Dallas, 4C357 obs Jesus nance b adding is permitted to exist Texas 75201. The sAo� t t Y Bob White quail for Y g p FOR A SEVER- Bridgeport in public file is avail - Section 11 270 of shall constitute a ABILITY CLAUSE; Bridgeport, Texas, 3 family lease write: sale fiite coed $3ea the Haslet Cit Code separate offense. able for inspection y Decatur 817-980- Y P PROVIDING FOR located at 909 in that office during Sat Only A. P.O. Box 5891 to provide a district This Ordinance shall PENALTY OF A Stevens Street, regular business' 76109 - 32C 1, Dallas descri tion for OT be in full force and g Stadium di Day Hunting Wild ®1d ip (• ) FINE NOT TO EX- Bridgeport, Texas hours. Written re own District; effect from and after CEED THE SUM OF 76426, and its q Yard Sales! Hogs/Aoudad. providing that this its passage assts for il copy of TEXAS. Leake TX, p g p g TWO THOUSAND branch offices will the public file on the :TAIL/QUAIL 817-991-9090 Ordinance shall be (Se tember6,2005) ($2,000.00 DOL- continue to o state I. 76109 :cies, $15K. cumulative of ° all andp ublication as ) p app :cation should Hildrin p LABS; PROVIDING as branches of the be sent to the Ii- Near Deer/Quail 4 plots, Bluebonnet ordinances; provid- required bylaw, and FOR INJUNCTIVE resulting "bank. ( it is so ordained. g censing manager. r &' s. Call Jeff Hi is, Meditation ing a severability RELIEF; AND This notice is pub The First National Fri & Sat •378-6311 section, 817-268- clause; providing for City Secretary PROVIDING FOR lished pursuant to 12 Bank of Bridgeport 3339 a penalty for viola- Diane Rasor AN EFFECTIVE USC 1828 c -and Huge Over: B e r -Lease Wanted Small Deer tions hereof; pro- Cit of Haslet DATE. 12 CFR 5.) This Southlake, Texas Merchandis 4acs in Palo vidin a savin s Y First Financial Bank, ers hardu Ito Crit . U Lease (817) 447- g Ordinance No 0903- notice will appear National Association doorknobs, Up 6025 clause; providing c r 05 TOWN OF three times ata mirrors, w 3- guns ublication; and WESTLAKE o- Southlake, Texas a p An Ordinance re- proximately two- cabinet 664-5142 Day Dove providing ea. an effec- ppealing Ordinance ORDINANCE week Intervals over garage sates clothes, M. 0701-05 and NO. 485 a . 30 -day period luntin 15mi Leases 30min W & An person found AN ORDINANCE beginning Se tem "carseat, gift: 9 � p amending Article. XI g• g p 4bilene, not S of FTW 817-309- guilty of violating any "District Regulation" OF THE TOWN OF ber 12, 2005 and Garage Sale - lots 76114 - 11: ice 9-1, $50/ 3814 of the provisions of of the Zoning Ordi- WESTLAKE, TEX- ending October 12, of Harley . Davidson tevens: We arge group Huntingg Lease. Ar- this ordinance shall nance by adding AS AMENDING 2005. clothes,!eather jack- Village. its 325-280- cher Co. 125 ac. be fined not more Section 11 [260] of THE COMPRE- Any person desiring ets, shirts, boots, Community 9202 940-564-2049 after than $2000.00 for the Haslet City Code HENSIVE ZONING to comment on this helmets, motorcy Hurricane rel Comanche 7pm• each and every vi- to provide a district ORDINANCE OF application may do cies, other assorted Sat. 50 ver un i see �ffi®e® a olation. And each description for THE TOWN OF so by submitting clothes, appliances, 76116 - 300 D.p st���a�=� ®� day that a violation Cpp WESTLAKE, TEX- written comments household items, do lyo uckS SUNFLOWER FIELDS ) Corridor nn nv `nnnrrcnel .._,_.._ .. .. ac ncrm,4fer1 to n..,..a . _ _, _. -