HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 483 Amending Chapter 90 Regarding School Zone timesTOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 483 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AMENDING SECTION 80 (SCHOOL ZONES) OF CHAPTER 90 -TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES, AS CODIFIED, IN THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A CUMULATIVE CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake, Texas is a general law Town acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant to the Texas Constitution, and the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Town Of Westlake Board of Aldermen in Westlake, Texas, deem it necessary to adopt the said ordinance pertaining to the safety of the public by regulating traffic speeds during school hours; and WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of the Westlake Department of Public Safety, the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen of the town of Westlake, Texas, is of the opinion that it is in the best interests of the town and its citizens that the amendment to the Code of Ordinances for the Town of Westlake should be approved and adopted; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That, the above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in their entirety. SECTION 2: That, as codified in Chapter 90 -Traffic and 'Vehicles, Section 80 - School Zones of the Town of Westlake Code of Ordinances is hereby amended. Such amendment shall pertain to the posted times only with all other provisions of the ordinance remaining in effect. SECTION 3: That, the posted times as listed in Chapter 90 -Traffic and Vehicles, Section 80 -School Zones be amended to read: 7:30 a.m. — 8:30 a.m. 2:15 p.m. — 4:15 p.m. SECTION 4: PENALTY. Any person, firm, or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for all violations. SECTION 5: CUMULATIVE CLAUSE. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the Town of Westlake, Texas, except where provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of another ordinance, in which event the conflicting provisions of the other ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 6: SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town Of Westlake Board of Aldermen that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance, since they would have been enacted by the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen without the incorporation in this ordinance of the unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 7: SAVINGS CLAUSE. All rights and remedies of the Town of Westlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of the Code of Ordinances, Town of Westlake, Texas, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting such code which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts.. SECTION 8: PUBLICATION. The Town Secretary of the Town of Westlake is hereby directed to publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Westlake, the caption, penalty clause, publication clause and the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 9: EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th DAY of SEPTEMBER, 2005. EST: 'an Dwinnell, Town Secretary APPROV AS EG L FORM: L. Stanton L r o orney Fred Held, Mayor Pro Tem Trent O. Petty, To eager PUBLISHER of the Alliance Regional Newspapers f Haslet, Texas, a nqwspaper of general circulation which has been published in Denton County and Tarrant County regularly and continuously for a period of one year prior to the first day of publication of this notice, solemnly swear that the notice hereto attached was published in the Alliance Regional Newspapers, on the following dates, to -wit: ,,,General Manager SU on thd�3 day of 11S�CR �IBED AND %OR� TO be ore me to cert fy which witness my rd and official seal. ant oil opera- IT Bio Buck Trc or FT Will ,opportunity. p7% Hunt, al turkey, quail, Greenwood- 2 ,r Co., 630ACsF aces, Restful DUCK Club Oaks $4000 obo wooded pas- 817� 24672159; M7 COWBOYS 946-8205 iuntiny, stands "SEE LOTS of Deer" 940-423-6875 $350 bow $600 gun 0-423-6364 2 bucks 2 days Uvalde ac Comanche Dod bow hunt- Video 830-563-2658 I of deer/turkey 2 Deer leases, wkend lease Young Co. 2 hunters wily $175 per & 6 2 it wkend $250 hunters 940 -549 - un trailer avail 7351 17-7139 Shell St tion 2000sf Retail Lease, Com- he Co., beau- 50-60K Gal 30-40K lake, M/H inside, 6428 hwy le N/C, 6 oun 377.1(214)893-4267 Azle area. Dove & or ducks, Of can also hunt Quailhunts. Start - $3600, 254 396-5360 . ?. Sept 1.1 7)925- n81 8305 _ �xas, white tail — Deer Turkey, Hogs unts. 120-150 3 spots remain in F6ard Co., Bow deer -white tail $100/day,Rifle$200/ people, $2500 day. 2day minimum. Dallas 903-815-7183 ic Quail Lease GREENWOOD 2-693-2729 Garden of Peace Lot 59 Double plot it retired ac- tant or busi- $16,000 (972) 620- -378-6311 7989 ant oil opera- IT Bio Buck Trc or FT Will ,opportunity. p7% Hunt, al viding for a penal for violations hereoT; fordable, 1 _ 534-2375 hour S. DFW 214-534-7056 DUCK Club BUYING 30 lakes & wetlands (1- COWBOYS 2 hrs from Metro Limited ership (940) 214-697-6200 Bow Hunting Me nard CO, $150 50 day i43 - ilized Trans- ion, heavyda mil M4312875 ient haulin91 Moore's, at Arl sand, flat bed, services & space, $3900 �b( trucks. (214) 817 834-9900, 306 60-6307 9363 year Old Hunt: Dove., Teal, .rcial/residen- Lodging, Throck , imbing com- morton o.940-422 Some owner 4817 ng avail. 214- 87 season TIC cowbo ETS 25-35 Yard Line a t i o n w i d e IS. Agency (81 7) 477-3204 THE TOWN OF 4 Deer LEASES- ntrepreneurs I satellite of- 42-300 ac. Palc Pinto Co. (817) 988- 372-263-5300 8453 - obey Jesus Bob White quail foi a human be- lease write: sale flite cond $3ea A. P.O. Box5891 Decatur 817-980- Dallas Day Hunting Wild Hogs/Aoudad. Leake TX, TEXAS. :TAIL/QUAIL acres, $15K. 81 � 991-9090 4 plots, Bluebonnet I Deer/Quail 's. Call Jeff Hills, Meditation -378-6311 section, 817-268- 3339 3er-Lea-se Wanted Small Deer 4acs in Palo ito C�nty. Up Lease (817) 447- 6-4guns 6025 a 76109 - 32( Stadium di Day Dove Leases 30min W & 664-5142 hinting 15mi not S of FTW 817-309- ice 9-1: $50/ 3814 Hunting Lease. Ar - arge group its 325-280- cher Co. 125 ac. 9202 940-564-2049 after 7pm. . Comanche nlee photo at St.rAdP!X...m 50 g per un 1 a, o ucks SUNFLOWER FIELDS �_,___ _ A Great Restaurant 2pptp:yi, E h..p. dist. Well Est 'a' FF&1817-319-6434 Quail Lse. 600ac Clay Co. Jan -Fel $3K 817-988-9538 Est. Upscale Wes FW Salon 817-822 1740' A day HUNT, Get Your Limit, (817) 296-2491 Found. Pantego ar ea Prettv ciraw/whitE Legal/ I City of Haslet Ordinance No 0905- 05 An Ordinance add- ing ApTendix C, "Ap- prove Plant List" to the City of Haslei Code of Ordinances - providing that this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all ordinances; provid- . .V�Iaullny se; providin9a a MS -111j, pult-1l. iuuilu way stop intersec- gui ty of violating any tion at Ashmore of the provisions of Place and Briarwood this ordinance shall Lane; providing that be fined not more this ordinance shall than $2000.00 for be cumulative of all each and every vi- ordinances; provid- olation. And each ing a severability day that a violation clause; providing for is permitted to exist a penalty for viola - shall constitute ' a tions hereof; pro - separate offense. viding a savings This Ordinance shall clause; providing or in full force and publication; and effect from and after providing an effec- (Se ffec- ssae tive d (September6,pa2( )TAny ny pate. erson, firm or and publication as corporation who vi - required by law, and olates, disobeys, it is so ordained. omits, neglects or Diane Rasor . refuses to c City Secretary with or who= City of Haslet the enforcement of Ordinance No 0904- any of the provisions 05 of this Ordinance An Ordinance shall be fined not amending Article XI more than $500 for "District Regulation" each offense. Each of the Zoning Ordi- day that a violation nance by addingis permitted to exist Section 11 f2'70] of shall constitute a the Haslet City Code separate offense. to provide a district This Ordinance shall description for (OT) be in full force and Old Vwn District; effect from and after providing that this its passage Ordinance shall be 'S te ber6, 0 cumulative of all an publication as ordinances; provid- required bylaw, I and ing a severability it is so ordained. clause; providing for City Secretary a penalty for viola- Diane Rasor tions hereof; pro- City of Haslet viding a savings Ordinance No 0903- c clause; providing or o5 publication; and An Ordinance re - providing an effec-ealin Ordinance Live date. M. 8701-05 and Any personfound amending Article XI gfuilty of violating any "District Regulation" of thefovisions of of the Zoning Ordi- this ordinance shall nance by adding be fined not more Section 11 f260] of than $2000.00 for the Haslet City Code each and every vi- to provide a district olation. And each description for day that a violation {COD) Corridor is ­_iff­4 +_ ­;_+ __ _ _. . 6.f, I Pubil"Nbfices Ell I HENSIVE ZON! ORDINANCE THE TOWN AS BY GRA A SPECIAL PERMIT FC PRIVATE V WELL, LOC AT 3060 IPENALTY OF FINE NOT TO E CEEDTHE SUM ( --- — ------ Notice is heret aiven thnt nnnfic,., FOR INJUNCTIVE will ch RELIEF; AND to F! PROVIDING FOR Bank, AN EFFECTIVE sociat DATE. contin Notice is herebunder y The I given that applica- Bank tion has been made it ':'is to the Comptroller of teml, the Currency, Dal- main las, Texas to form First r First Financial In of 8 terim.Bank, N. A., Southl CLAUSE; PROVID- ��irefi_ ability clause; pro- and publication a viding for a penal for violations hereoT; required by law, ani it is so ordained. providing a savings Diane Rasor clause, Prov:ding for City Secretary publication; and an( providing an effec- The following Ordi tive date. nances were ap r. An son found Pf proved by the Boan u it O gf jolat ngany of Aldermen of th( 0 the prov si i ons of Town of Westlake a this Or Ordinance shall their regular eetim m be fined not more on Monday, Seli than $2,000.00 for tember 12, 2005. each and every vi- of First Financial olation. And each TOWN OF day that a violation WESTLAKE is permitted to exits ORDIPSIAP14U shall constitute a NO. 483 separate offense. AN ORDINANCE This Ordinance shall OF THE BOARD OF be in full force and ALDERMEN Of effect from and after THE TOWN OF its passage WESTLAKE, TEX, (Se tember6, 2005) AS AMENDINC- an SECTION EIC req (SCHOOL ZONES: it is so ordained. Diane Rasor OF CHAPTER 90 - TRAFFIC AND VE- !C�rly Secretary HCILES, AS CODI- Currency, 1600 Li ncoln Plaza, 500 FIED IN THE TOWN City of Haslet OF WESTLAKE Ordinance'No. 0901- CODE OF ORDI- 05 NANCES; PROVID- An Ordinance ING A PENALTY -111j, pult-1l. iuuilu way stop intersec- gui ty of violating any tion at Ashmore of the provisions of Place and Briarwood this ordinance shall Lane; providing that be fined not more this ordinance shall than $2000.00 for be cumulative of all each and every vi- ordinances; provid- olation. And each ing a severability day that a violation clause; providing for is permitted to exist a penalty for viola - shall constitute ' a tions hereof; pro - separate offense. viding a savings This Ordinance shall clause; providing or in full force and publication; and effect from and after providing an effec- (Se ffec- ssae tive d (September6,pa2( )TAny ny pate. erson, firm or and publication as corporation who vi - required by law, and olates, disobeys, it is so ordained. omits, neglects or Diane Rasor . refuses to c City Secretary with or who= City of Haslet the enforcement of Ordinance No 0904- any of the provisions 05 of this Ordinance An Ordinance shall be fined not amending Article XI more than $500 for "District Regulation" each offense. Each of the Zoning Ordi- day that a violation nance by addingis permitted to exist Section 11 f2'70] of shall constitute a the Haslet City Code separate offense. to provide a district This Ordinance shall description for (OT) be in full force and Old Vwn District; effect from and after providing that this its passage Ordinance shall be 'S te ber6, 0 cumulative of all an publication as ordinances; provid- required bylaw, I and ing a severability it is so ordained. clause; providing for City Secretary a penalty for viola- Diane Rasor tions hereof; pro- City of Haslet viding a savings Ordinance No 0903- c clause; providing or o5 publication; and An Ordinance re - providing an effec-ealin Ordinance Live date. M. 8701-05 and Any personfound amending Article XI gfuilty of violating any "District Regulation" of thefovisions of of the Zoning Ordi- this ordinance shall nance by adding be fined not more Section 11 f260] of than $2000.00 for the Haslet City Code each and every vi- to provide a district olation. And each description for day that a violation {COD) Corridor is ­_iff­4 +_ ­;_+ __ _ _. . 6.f, I Pubil"Nbfices Ell I HENSIVE ZON! ORDINANCE THE TOWN AS BY GRA A SPECIAL PERMIT FC PRIVATE V WELL, LOC AT 3060 IPENALTY OF FINE NOT TO E CEEDTHE SUM ( --- — ------ Notice is heret aiven thnt nnnfic,., FOR INJUNCTIVE will ch RELIEF; AND to F! PROVIDING FOR Bank, AN EFFECTIVE sociat DATE. contin Notice is herebunder y The I given that applica- Bank tion has been made it ':'is to the Comptroller of teml, the Currency, Dal- main las, Texas to form First r First Financial In of 8 terim.Bank, N. A., Southl CLAUSE; PROVID- for ING A CUMULA- orc TIVEE CLAUSE; six PROVIDING A pal SEVERABILITY cor CLAUSE; PROVID- an( ING A SAVINGS ins CLAUSE; AUTHO- No RIZING PUBLICA- giv, TION; AND PRO- tior VIDING FOR AN to t ier financie ution. IN V UI I I jC nal Bank )port in Texas the main EFFECTIVE DATE. .11-11- -1 the 'b-urriancy, Dal- las, Texas, for con- Lfirey times ai ap- proximately two- week intervals ­­-- , =- 7609 Gate TOWN OF sent to consolidate over a 30 -day period Movi WESTLAKE ORDINANCE The First National Bank of Bridaeport, beginning Septem- ber 12, 2005 and rage Ic 8-2 NO. 484 AN ORDINANCE Bridgeport Texas, with First 'Financial ending October 12, 76107 - OF THE TOWN OF Interim Bank N. A., 2005. Any person desiring Washingt( S WESTLAKE, TEX- AS AMENDING Southlake, Texas. It is contem plated to comment, on this race: 17,18,8:an THE COMPRE- that the main office application may. do so by submitting Moving, Sa HENSIVE ZONING of First Financial written comments collectibles 7,6,107 - 41 ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF Interim Bank, N. A., will continue the within 30 days of the WESTLAKE, TEX- as main office the date of the first Shing: EstE Sat AS BY GRANTING of resulting bank publication of this 9-17 on furn, which notice to: Licensing hhg, A SPECIAL -USE would bear the title Manager, Office of misc. PERMIT FOR A and the charter of Comptroller of the 76108 - PRIVATE WATER WELL, LOCATED The First National Bank of Bridgeport. Currency, 1600 Li ncoln Plaza, 500 Saddle Tr,: 9-17. lam AT 2205 VAQUERO The former main North Akard Street, items. ESTATES BOULE- VARD; PROVIDING office of The First National bank Of Suite 1600, Dallas, Texas 701 FOR A SEVER- Bridgeport n 75 201. The public file is avail- .. . . . . . . ABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A Bridgeport, Texas, located at 909 able for inspection in that office during 3 family i Sat On y 76109 - 32( Stadium di PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EX- Stevens Street, Bridgeport, Texas regular business hours. Written re- CEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND 76426, and its branch ests for a copy of Yard Sales! ($2,000.00) DOL- offices will continue to operate the public file on the application should 76109 Hildrin LARS; PROVIDING FOR INJUNCTIVE as branches of the resulting bank. be, sent to the ear RELIEF; AND This notice is pub- censimanager. The First National fir & PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE lished pursuant to 12 USC 18 28 (c) and Bankfridgeport Bn Fri & Sal Huge Ove DATE. 12 CFR 5. This Southlo , Texas ake First Financial Bank, Merchandis ers hard] TOWN OF notice will appear three times at ap- National Association Southlake, Texas doorknobs, WESTLAKE ORDINANCE proximately two - nt �rvals over mirrors, cabinet clothes, NO. 485 a , 30 -day period AN ORDINANCE beginning Septem- carseat, gift 76114 - 11! OF THE TOWN OF bar 12, 2005 and Garage Sale -lots WESTLAKE, TEX- ending October 12, of Harley Davidson Levens: WE AS AMENDING 2005. clothes,leather.jack- Village. THE COMPRE- Any person desiring ets, shirts, boots' Community HENSIVE ZONING to comment on this helmets, motorcy- Hurricane rel ORDINANCE OF application maydo cies, other assorted Sat. THE TOWN OF so by submittingclothes, appliances, -�6-116 household items, 30C WESTLAKE, TEX- An -1 ­.­­ written comments ­­­ -- — 1.1 r` I, --I,, do ffU'S", r r,— v ,v will become the main �� - �a�., e AE PENALTY Southlake, Texas, IS US; PROVID- for the purpose of office of the resultant 76051 407 W noon. �, .r ING A CUMULA- organizing an as- bank. The branch College: ,Household Est ii5 ��' E sociation to partici- offices of the above- items, Some S t � � ie TiVEE CLAUS ; named banks will tiques. Fn & a , to plovIDING A pate in a business ir- SEVERABILITY combination with continue to operate. Sept 16 & 16 ;c- CLAUSE; PROViD- another financial This notice is pub- 76092 319 Blanco 4°4°4°a�o+�®om® )re ING A SAVINGS institution. lished pursuant to 122 Circle: Sat Only 7a- od CLAUSE; AUTHO- Notice is also hereby, USC 1828 {c} and 1p Multi Family Sale TOWN OF iat RIZING PUBLICA- given that :applica 12 CFR 5. This Toys Youth turn, WESTLAKE ,ail TION; AND PRO- tion has been made noticewill appear clothes+much more ail VIDING FOR AN to the Comptroller of three times at ap- 76092 -809 is now accepting id- EFFECTIVE DATE. the Currency, Dai- proximately two- Gateshead: applications for a Ilit), las, Texas, for con- week intervals over Movin /Ga qualified for TOWN OF sent to consolidate a 30 -day period rage Sale! Sat )la- WESTLAKE The First _ National beginning Septem g6-2 Full -Time )ro- ORDINANCE Bank of Bridgeport, ber 12, 2005 and 76107 - 1500 Warrant officer rips NO. 484 Bridgeport, I_exas, ending October 12, for AN ORDINANCE with First Financial 2005.' Washington Ter- All 'applicants must and OF THE TOWN OF Interim Bank, N. A:, Any person desiring 17 race: 'a e3tpm be experienced and fec- WESTLAKE, TEX- Southlake, Texas. to comment on this Moving. Sale, ciths TCLEOSE certified AS AMENDING It is contemplated application may dg collectibles Sale, &aces we offer a competi- i or THE COMPRE- that the main office so written submitting five salary and i vi- HENSIVE ZONING of First Financial within 30 days of the -7 107 - 4125 Per- benefits package eys, ORDINANCE OF Interim Bank, N. A., h shingg Estate sale or THE TOWN OF will continue as the date of t e first Sat 9-17 only 8am-? Send resume and p Turn, f thishhg, clothes, cover letter to: npty WESTLAKE, TEX main office of the notice Licensing humanresources@ esist AS BY GRANTING would resultingbankLich ff mise. it of A SPECIAL • USE would bear the title Manager, Office o ;ions PERMIT FOR A and the charter of Comptroller of the 76108 - 9829 Pack westtake-tx.org ante PRIVATE `WATER The First National Currency, 1600 'Saddle Tr.: . B & R 26W lake X not WELL, LOCATED Bank of Bridgeport. ri gepo n Narcth Akard Plaza, ems lam 12 Baby 6262 Westlake TX for AT 2205 VAQUERO The t Suite 1600, Dallas, 2010 7 matt; EOE ach ESTATES BOULE- office of The First sAe, anon VARD; PROVIDING National bank Of Texas 75201. The exile file is avail- 3 tamp Sate, exist FOR A SEVER- Bridgeport p �' ° ° e ° ° e a ABILITY CLAUSE; Bridgeport, Texas, able for inspection' Sat flny - 7am°°°0®°°°° in that office during76109 - 3200 ;Block . ;e. PROVIDING FORA located at 909 regular busines, Stadium dr: Multi shall PENALTY OF A Stevens Street, hours. Written re- A progressive oil and FINE NOT TO EX- Bridgeport, Texas Yard Sales! Sat -3. field service com- after GEED THE SUM OF 76426, and its qnests for a copy of sage TWO THOUSAND branch offices will the' public file on the, 76109 - 4205 pant' needs.. Driver X005} ($2,000.00} DOL- continue to operate application should H{Idring Dr E Operators with a n as LABS; PROVIDING as branches of the be sent to the Ii (Near South Glass A CDL la and FOR INJUNCTIVE resulting bank. censingg manager. Dr & Helen}: cense. We are a id. RELIEF; AND This notice .is pub Bank FofstBrldgeport Huge Oveast ked with iagfull range of PROVIDING FOR lished pursuantt 12 AN EFFECTIVE 12 CGFRB 5C} This Post Finkanc al Bank, M ershhardwarbd,!� able to passua pre- - DATE. notice will appear National Association doorknobs, doors, employment drug 1903- T®WN OF three times at ap- Southlake, ;Texas mirrors, windows, screen. Unlock Your re- WESTLAKE proximately two- cabinet knobs, Potential Key Ener- - week intervals over Garage Sates clothes, baby gy Pressure Pump- ianc- ORDINANCE a k inter period carseat, giftware ing services! 705 Cass - and NO. 485 Weatherford, Chico ;le d AN ORDINANCE beginning Septem- Garage Sale - lots 76114 - 115 Cass- Texas 940-644 ation" OF THE TOWN OF ber 12, 2005 ' and of Harley Davidson tevens: Wes Christ 5977 Contact: Steve Ord! WESTLAKE, `TEX ending October 12, clothes,leather lack Village. Houston or Jimmy riding AS AMENDING 2005. arson desiring ets, shirts, boots, Community Church Loven. 301 of THE COMPRE- Any p helmets, motorcyI Hurricane relief sale. Auto unloading Code HENSIVE >ZONING to comment on this Iles, other assorted Sat. ORDINANCE OF application may do clothes, 'a piiances, 76116 - 3005 Lare contractor looking listif®r THE TOWN OF so by submitting household items, do for dependable, en - furniture. Cash only, Dr: Sat -Sun, 8a -4p ergetic workers. rridor WESTLAKE, TEX- written comments Sept. 24 & 25. 8 am Toa Much To List! 6 da work week tricts; AS BY GRANTING within 30 days of the S 6 pm 305 Berry h outsi a in all this A SPECIAL USE date of the first Drive at FM 156, weather conditions. i!1 be PERMIT FOR A publication of this 76116 30 ri San- Must not be afraid f all PRIVATE WATER notice to: Licensing Haslet. to Fe l ri: Fri &Sat of heights & in nova- WELL, LOCATED Manager, Office of Yard sale. 320 Until Noon ability AT 31 WYCK HILL Comptroller of the 76116 - 4212 Fairfax GREAT physical ng for LANE; PROVIDING Currency, Sheri, Roanoke. • Thur thru Sat. 8am- condition. 7a.m.-1 .m. 9/17 and Spm.Misc. Must have valid TX viola- FOR A SEVER- Lincoln Plaza, 500 /is Half -off Sunday.DL. Pass drug test pro- ABILITY CLAUSE; North Akard _Street, s 76116 - 6305 K1a- & back ground ivmgs PROVIDING FOR A Suite 1600, Dallas, No ebs6.011 math Rd: Covered ng for PENALTY OF A Texas 75201. The Patio Saler 7:30-4 check. M A S S I V E Apply in person, and FINE NOT TQ EX- public file is avail USED Fri &Sat, $17 738 1001 Railhead Dr. effec- CEED THE SUM OF able for inspection 3468 Fort ft Worth, TX, TWO THOUSAND in that office during Office Furni- 76117 4712 Ira St: 76177,orMonday found ($2,000.00} DOL- regular business tura Fri SatBam-4pms day, 8A.M. Noon. igany LABS; PROVIDING hours. Written re- &Supplies ins of FOR INJUNCTIVE quests for a copy of Selling Entire in- collectibles& more Small business to - RELIEF; AND the ppublic file on the ventory, Fri Sun, 76120 1423 Gated in Keller is Shall PROVIDING FOR application should Sept 16-18, 3200 E. Palmnold E.: Moving hiring a facility/ more AN EFFECTIVE be sent to the Ii- Randoll Mill Rd. Sale 9-17 lam -4. property coordina- 0 for censing manavi-ger. :rt' or DATE' First Financia! in Arlin ton turn, mise. tor. Good computer each 817 635-2000 76120 - 613 Cross skills, great fun station TOWN OF terim Bank, N. A. Ridge Cir: Fri -Sat personality, good WESTLAKE Southlake, Texas 76013 2721 8am Lots of Ev- grammar and spell- exist ORDINANCE The First National Norwood skills and at- ate a Bank at Bridgeport Ln:Furn, cloth- erything! egntion to detail are Ise. NO. 486, a�, books, 76133 - 4621 Cin e shall AN ORDINANCE Bridgeport, Texas misc,�Sat, 8-2 a must. Previous OF THE TOWN OF namon Hill: Huge experience is a plus. and, WESTLAKE, TEX 76016 ;- 5409 'Oak Garage Sale at. 817-337-5507 ext,. d after AS AMENDING Sell the shut off our Branch: Large ga- .see the shirt off your 113 ;ssage rage sale Fri. only back s1�-390-7aaa 2005) THE COMPRE- back! 817-390-444