HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 477 Annexing 4.487 acres of excess right-of-way on Highways 377 & 170ORDINANCE NO. 477 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS ANNEXING APPROXIMATELY 4.487 ACRES OF THE WILLIAM HUFF SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 648, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, INTO THE TOWN LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 43.026 OF THE TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake purchased approximately 4.487 acres of the William Huff Survey, Abstract No. 648, Tarrant County, Texas, from the State of Texas, as more particularly shown on attached Exhibit "A", (hereinafter the "Property"); and WHEREAS, as the owner of the Property, the Town of Westlake, Texas desires to have the Property ar iexed into the Town for full municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, the Property is contiguous to the current Town Limits of the TOWN OF WESTLAKE, Texas; and WHEREAS, Section 43.026 authorizes a municipality to annex property it owns; and WHEREAS, all of the provisions of Section 43.026 of the Texas Local Government Code have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: Section 1. That all of the above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance in their entirety. Section 2. That the Property shown on attached Exhibit "A" is hereby annexed into the Town Limits of the Town of Westlake, Texas, for full municipal purposes. Section 3. That the terms and provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be severable and that if the validity of any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be declared invalid or unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of any other section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its date of passage. 1 PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, ON THIS 175 day of S. ttn f„ 12005. APPROVED: Scott Bradley, Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: Qlb,t- Je Dwinnell, Town Secretary APPROVED AS ORM: 1 L. §tanton lLo<n Attorney H.ABoyle-Lowry\West LakeAwl-ordinances\wl-ord annex 4.487 ac westlake.doc TOWN OF WESTLAKE 2650 OTTINGER RD ROANOKE TX 76262 Submitter: TOWN OF WESTLAKE SUZANNE HENDERSON TARRANT COUNTY CLERK TARRANT COUNTY COURTHOUSE 100 WEST WEATHERFORD FORT WORTH, TX 76196-0401 DO NOT DESTROY WARNING - THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD. Filed For Registration: 07/07/2005 09:59 AM Instrument #: D205193495 D205193495 OPR 3 PGS $16.00 ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE, RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. . JUII. U. LVVJ 7. IJnlyi 61 all am auv as auc 14rvwv 1. c ED DEED WITHOUT NVARRANTY-TARRA$4T COUNTY TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS COUNOF TARRAIN TY. § . 2005 JUN -2 PM 2.51 SUZANNE rc"tiDERSON COUNTY CLERK BY THE STATE OF TEXAS, acting through the Texas Transportation Commission and on behalf of the Texas Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, pursuant to Minute Order 109999 passed by the Texas Transportation Commission on February 24, 2005, as shown by the official minutes of the Texas Transportation Commission, in consideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SIX THOUSAND AND NO!l00 DOLLARS (i 146,000.00) to Grantor in hand paid by the TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, hereinafter referred to as Grantee, whether one or more, the receipt and sufficiency of which Is hereby acknowledged and confessed and for which no lien is retained, either express or implied, has this day Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey unto Grantee all of Grantor's rights, title and interest in and to that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Tarrant County, Texas, said land being more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof, SAVE AND EXCEPT, however, there is excepted and reserved herefrom all of Grantor's rights, titles and interests, if any, in and to all of the ori, gas, sulphur and other minerals, of every land and character, in, on, under and that may be produced from fire property descri din Exhibit A, but Grantor waives all rights of ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of explo'arg, developing, mining or drilling for same. Access to the highway facility from the land will not be permitted as shown on Exhibit A. Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, this Deed Without Warranty is made subject to the continued rights of existing u0ities, if any, as provided by law, and ray required adjustment will be at no cost to Grantor. In addition, this conveyance is subject to all matters of public record and to all easements, leases, agreements or licenses, or other interests which affect the property, and to any matter which would be disclosed by title examination, survey, investigation or inquiry, including but not limited to the rights of parties in possession. . BY THE ACCEPTANCE OF THIS DEED, GRANTEE ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT GRANTEE HAS THOROUGHLY INSPECTED AND EXAMINED THE PROPERTY TO THE EXTENT DEEMED NECESSARY By THE GRANTEE IN ORDER TO ENABLE THE GRANTEE TO EVALUATE ' THE PURCHASE OF THE PROPERTY. GRANTEE REPRESENTS THAT GRANTEE IS RELYING.. SOLELY ON GRAN'TEE'S OWN EXPERTISE AND THAT OF ITS CONSULTANTS, AND THAT GRANTEE HAS CONDUCTED SUCH INSPECTIONS AND INVESTIGATIONS OF THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LiDWM TO, THE PHYSICAL AND ENVIROICNIENTAL CONDITIONS THEREOF, AND IS RELYING UPON SAME, AND HEREBY ASSUMES THE RISK OF ANY ADVERSE MATIETt% LgCLUDINNG, BUT NOT LBUTED TO, ADVERSE PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONWNTAL CONDITIONS THAT MAY NOT HAVE BEEN REVEALED BY GRANTEE'S INSPECTIONS AND 12WESTIGATIONS. GRANTEE FURTHER ACKNOiVLEDGES AND AGREES THAT GRANTEE IS ACQUIRING THE PROPERTY ON AN "AS IS, WHERE IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS" BASIS, . WITHOUT REPRESENTATIONS, 'WARRANTIES OR COVENANTS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF ANY KIND OR NATURE. GRANTEE HEREBY WAIVES AND RELINQUISHES ALL RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES ARISING OUT OF, OR WITH RESPECT OR IN RELATION TO, ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR COVENANTS, WHETHER EXPRESS OR V uu. V. L'VVJ ].Univ .. ... ...... I.... IMPLIED. WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN MADE OR GIVEN, OR *VkUCH MAY HAVE BEEN DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN MADE OR GIVEN, BY GRANTOR GRANTEE HEREBY ASSUMES ALL RISK AND LIABILITY (AND AGREES THAT GRANTOR SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES) RESULTING OR ARISING FROM GRANTEE'S USE, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, OR OPERATION OF THE PROPERTY. WITHOUT LE TI'ING THE GENERAL PROVISIONS ABOVE, IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT GRANTOR IS NOT MAKIt\'G AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES OR REPREsri- A ion OF ANY MD OR CHARACTER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO (a) MATTERS OF TITLE; (b) ZONING; (e) TAX CONSEQUENCES; (d) PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS; (e) AVAILABILITY OF ACCESS, INGRESS OR EGRESS; (0 OPERATING HISTORY OR PROJECTIONS; (g) VALUATION; (h) AVAILABILITY AND ADEQUACY OF UTILITIES; (i) GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS; 0) GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS OR ANY OTHER MATTER OR THING RELATING TO OR AFFECTING THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION: (1) THE VALUE, CONDITION, 11'IERC114N TABILITY, MARKETABILITY, PROFITABILITY, SUITABILITY, OR FITNESS OF THE PROPERTY FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE; (2) THE MANNER OR QUALITY OF THE CONSTRUCTION OR MATERIALS, IF ANY, INCORPORATED INTO ANY OF THE PROPERTY; AND (3) THE MANNER, QUALITY, STATE OF REPAIR OR LACK OF REPAIR OF THE PROPERTY. GRANTEE FURTHER EXPRESSLY ACKNONNUDGES AND AGREES THAT GRANTOR IS NOT REPRESEMING OR NVARRAMI NG THAT ANYTHING CAN. OR WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH GRAN-ME'S OR GRAT"TOR'S EFFORTS WITH REGARD TO THE PLANNING, PLATTING OR ZONING PROCESSOF ANY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES, BOARDS .OR ENTITIES. GRANTEE FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT GRANTOR HAS* NOT WARR4NTED, AND DOES NOT HEREBY WARRANT, THAT THE PROPERTY NOW OR IN THE FUTURE WILL MEET OR COMPLY NVITH THE REQUIRUMENTS OF ANY SAFETY CODE, ELN'VMON0 ,NZENTAL LAW OR REGULATION OF ANY STATE OR FTPERAL AUTHORITY OR JURISDICTION. This Deed Without Warranty is expressly made by Grantor and accepted by Grantee without any warranty of title of any kind, oral or written, express or implied, whether existing by common law or by statute or any other manner. Grantee expressly agrees that the implied covenants set forth in Section 5.023 of the Texas Property Code are not applicable to this Deed Without Warranty. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deson'bed premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in, any wise belonging unto said Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever, subject to the reservations and exceptions described herein. Jun. G. RU9 y:IgRIVI grdndm dnu ubavrluk- ,� recmrnrn� v iVpF12£f1T T hnve caused the Seal of the State to be affixed. Executed thisth—dni"of .2605. t •s Williams Secretary of State 3 Recommended for Approval: Michael W. Bebrem, P.S. E.eecutive Director Approved: Greg Abbott Attomey General JUfl. G. LVV7 7•I't MY] 6l anam cuu as av�io.�a - ---- ESO3IBTf A TRACT 21-03 .. PAGE l OF 3 MY 16,200.4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING a 4.487 acre tract of land situated in the W. Huff Survey, Abstract No. 648, Tarrant County, Texas, being a portion of a 5.74 acre tract of land, and a portion of a 2.60 acre tract of land of old US Highway 377 (a 110 foot right-of-way), conveyed by deed to the State of Texas, as recorded in Volume 1412, Page 261 and Volume 1412, Page 265, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Said 4.487 acres being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: 13EGDWG at a found Texas Department of Transportation brass cap in concrete for comer, said point being the intersection of the. south right-of-way line of State Highway 170 (a variable width R.O.W.) and the existing east right-of-way line of said old U. S. Highway 377, located at Station 1247+12.36, 278.76 feet Might of State Highway 170 new centerline, and .being a northwest comer of a tract of land conveyed by deed to Al Investments, L.P., as recorded in Volume 13588, Page 0189, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; TRICE South 24°26'06" West, along the common line of said existing east right-of- way line and the west line of said AIL Investments tract, for a distance of 1524.91 fee; to a found TexasDepartment of Transportation brass cap in concrete for comer, said point being at the southerly comer of said AIL Investments tract, and being the intersection of the existing east tight -of= -way line of said old U.S. Highway 377 and the existing west right-of-way line of new U.S. Highway. 377 (a 150 foot R.O.W.); THENCE South 35°56'01" West, leaving said intersection and common line, for a distance of 260.02 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod for comer, said point being the point of curvature of a curve to the left, having a delta of 05041'22", a radius of 3,894.72 feet, a tangent length of 193.53 feet and a cbord bearing and distance of South 33°05'20" West, 386.58 feet; THENCE southwesterly, along the arc of said curve to the left; for a distance of 386.74 feet to a set 1/2 inch iron rod for comer, said point berg in the common line of the existing west right-of-way line of said old U.S. Highway 377 and the west line of a Texas & Pacific Railroad right-of-way (a 100 foot R0. W.); THENCE North 24°26'06" East, along said common line, for a distance of 2,096.36 feet to a set 112 inch iron rod for comer, said point being the intersection of the existing west PAGE 2 OF 3 JAW adakel MEGAL5UMAL DESCR MON 4487 u.doc Jun. S. 2M 9:IhAM graham ana assucidces right-of-way line of said old U.S. highway 377 and the south rignt-of-way lint ui aa,u State WSbway 170, said point being the beginning of the "Control of Access Line" TM North 83039'01" Past, leaving said existing west right-of-way line and along the south. light -of -way Be.of said State highway 170 for z. distance of. 128-04 feet to the end of the wControl of Access Line", .and the PONT OF BEGINNING and CONT INiNG 195,439 square feet of 4.487 acres of land, more or less. r:\W,4,kO7MWAtSH.eGAL DFSCPJP'noN 4AS7 ac.doc Jun. B. 2UUh— 9:I9W--granam ana associa(es STATE M1UMWAY IN I.me.f�E •late •.a.v.l 72ASr DO 1250+00 _ ' 1 M. 1R' no. rrl IX` r, ore uo \ POINT OF Ja BEGINNING p is 27636• W. •.1. rul• (•, STA, 12-7412.31 ••Is elr SH 170 I t e'I..F`yrl STATE DIST. COUNtY ' 100' TEXTS S PACIFIC MiLROAD 1100• R,O.N,1 BASIS FOR DIWECTIDHA CONTFC. Is SASCO an CITY OF WUTLAIL° SPS NNUAp1TATION 6 NOTE. ACCESS IS PROHIBITED ACFOSS 'CONTROL OF ACCESS LIWE'. 17560. PS. 0769 AIL INVESTMENTS L.P. VOL, 13598 PG. 0169 O•R.T.C.T, y Q TEXAS HEALTH SYSTEM 11 YV .13664 PG. 0525 D.P.T.t.T. ! U.S. HWY. 377 [nn 0 150 300 SOO SCALE: 1'=300' c -I 6 35'56'01' H y.05'41'22' 260.02' R=3994.72' T-193.53' Lo386.74' c5 -S 33'05'20' W �\ LC'366.58' Grum Associatesrnc Casj-TM e s FLAM2s SOO SIX FLAGS DRIVE. SUITE 500 ARLINGTDN, TEXAS 75011 (617) 640-5533 J EXHIBIT.A Ja TRACT 21-03 p is TEXAS DEPT. OF TRANS TRANSPORTATION 195, 439 SOFT./4.487 AC. CHARLES F. STAFA X 05064�Y STATE DIST. COUNtY E� sT U - +Mos FTH . TARRANT -y-IG-d cOHT. SECT. JOa Waa lT 10. ASANOD`EO .. ypiTIDN OF J J PUBLISHER of the Alliance Regional Newspapers of Southlake, Texas, a n6wspaper of general circulation which has been published in Denton County and Tarrant County regularly and continuously for a period of one year prior to the first day of publication of this notice, solemnly swear that the notice hereto attached was published in the Alliance Regional Newspapers, on the following dates, to -wit: SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me on the day of T1 t11'__ S to certi which witness hand and official seal. "J NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS TARAHUTCHINS f My COMMISSION EXPIRES My Commission Expires: hL�/ f APFUL 6, 2009 F CLUt a-c�vsaxae era rv�.�cema .. .. t,,,•,1.•••••.••••,• �—�� �6-i1�I1�1E3 I? i�CCartn etas IineTt:O ets214-707- during w is . the APPROXIMATELY as only! y CONSTRUCTION 76018-141 Buy-SeII.Business 5134 or 972-709- public may submit a OF SWIMMING 56:8647 ACRES OF Q-2 yourbusinessbro- 9800 petition with any POOLS; AND THE JESSE GIB, Valley Dr; t Rangers kers Rangers * Corr objections to the ADOPTING A NEW SON SURVEY, Furn, elect com 972-395-7220 certs project(s). Please ORDINANCE ES_ ABSTRACT NO. etc COL® 592, TARRANT At/ ES - UNIQUE DELI NEED COWBOYS contact Sharon TABLISHING REG COUNTY, TEXAS, PLAY Buy>Sell 817 797-5622 i-lu ert concernin Haslet high ggrowth anppuestions, 682 ULATIONS GOV- GENERALLY EX- NOW, 817 263.9442 area.Est.10 rs Take Over store Y q { ERNING THE TENDING SOUTH R. Buy tickets on 831-4603. CONSTRUCTION_ line Great cus Omer inside Hulen ,Mali. AND EAST OF THE iIgWl encorettckets.com base & Excel for Only $35K 214-293Wr - Gase No. 30986 OF SWIMMING INTERSECTION OF OWN A GREAT convenient Store 3331 Dept. No. III POOLS; PROVID- DOVE ROAD AND freezer";"° HUNTING RANCH817-233 1058 Day & Season IN THE THIRD JU- ING FOR THE IN- OTTINGER ROAD, crystal, etc: Excellent Deer, ANNUAL Deer Dove Leases 30min DICIAL DISTRICT CORPORATION OF INTO THE ' TOWN 1 2A 9 4, P Turkey, Quail, ' Ise, Sterling W & S of FTW 817- COURT IN AND PREMISES; SET- LIMITS OF THE 112A Doves &Hogs. City, 9000 ac, 309-3814 FOR THE COUNTY TING FORTH DEF TOWN OF 'WEST 7602 1100 AC &640 $1500/ gun, 7 Laurel Land 2plots OF CHURCHILL, INITIONS; PRO- LAKE, TEXAS, $A9� Wool AC spots avail, water/ sale 54% below STATE OF NEVA- VIDING `FOR AP- PURSUANT TO Fum. tanks/creeks, ti elec/ elect, David value (817)244- DA. PLICABILITY AND SECTION 43.024 Men, water, 2 1/ 2hr NW- 817-829-74875647 NOTICE OF PROHIBITIVE OF ' THE 'TEXAS & petite ck HEARING CONDUCT; PRO- LOCAL GOVERN dies 5112 ( D 940) 367-6912 QUAIL LEASE In the Matter of,The VIDING `FOR EX- MENT CODE; Cash! No i Bob's & Blues Parental, R' ht, as C E P T I O N S ; CONFIRMING AND & Sat 8-3 I can facilitate ev- Briscoe Co. 6600 1 thank you St Jude to RAOUEL L. ADOPTING NEW RATIFYING THE erythin so that you ac $1.50 ac 8 gun P K. PROVISIONS FOR St H 32 g y ` ROBINSON PRIOR ANNEX= St Househ can have an ex- limit Jan -Feb 817- Bluebonnet Hills A Minor Child. THE CONSTRUC- ATIONS OF THE change student. We 229-4263; 817-605 flee, A1C, F g 1087 Wisdom Garden TO: WESLEY TION OF SWIM- AREA UNDER OR, 4 need to hurry be- 2 tots $3700 obo CHRISTOPHER DING POOLS; D!NANGES 237, 76021 cause they will be Auto repair 8 BAY 817-354-1244 ROBINSON, the PROVIDING FOR 253, AND 289; wood: - arriving at the end service center great natural father of the APPEAL; PROVID- PROVIDING FOR A wood: Cc of Au ust. Call me loc. Well e ui ed 1973 Blazer, deer above-named minor ING A CUMULA Harwood & 12g q pp lease special! SEVERABILITY V E R A B I L I T Y take care of O w n/ F i n a n c e 1 child. TIVE REPEALER CLAUSE; AND &Brown the rest. Ellen Ad- w/good credit. 214 $14992411) 910 YOU ARE HEREBY CLAUSE; PROVID- Non : Proi PROVIDING AN ams 877-238-8720 681-8500 NOTIFIED that there Ili A SAVINGS EFFECTIVE DATE.' Furn., Economically ESTAB COOKIE 3 Car Washes has been filed in the CLAUSE; PROVID- comm.. jeiA cheap we beat Route in Arlington/ Self_Servtce Prime above -entitled Court ING A' SEVER- ppay case f3 g o Locations N� Tarrant Garage Sa16s p001CS, CO an nee on Irvin Grand Prairie. co. 214-893-4267 a Petition praying for ABILITY CLAUSE; Y P g PROVIDING A glass, Cl( any airline any Mother's & Arch- Pa scashforowner- the Termination of around the way y your parental rights PENALTY NOT TO Estate sale; Friday, more. Sat.. package ° Y finance mortgages over the above -EXCEED THE SUM /z4, Saturday, /z5 76036 -10 - world. 50% off last 817-5.04-8266 (817) 247_ named minor child, OF TWO THOU- Between Justin and minute deals. Call us 24HR' Ln: Sat 4i G Sears Travel. 905- Mobile NO- A father's day treat and that the Petition .SAND DOLLARS Ponder off .156, fol- Day ,M®vi 617-7736 #25735 817966- has been set for ($2,000.40)) FOR low signs. 76036 - 1 tary 8250 hearingbefore this EACH OFFENSE SW LLANO in the DFW Court in ' the AND A SEPARATE Estate sale; must Dr.: Thur CO. Deer/Tur- Metroplex SweetLight Touch sell almost new niture, bat key!ease, first Area 817-845-3464 25735 817-423- Churchill County OFFENSE SHALL Thomasville furni- computer Courthouse on the BE DEEMED class new 2-2 1939 COMMITTED EACH tura formlidinning much mor( Pawn Shop in 2nd day of August, room, bedroom, 1iv- house, BenbrookTX on Total Relaxation 2005 at 9:00 a.m. at 'DAY DURING OR 760: i30 +ac up to >� JoeMT8235 377- ON WHICH A V!O Ing room, family girr: Hwy 377 S, which time and place room and a break - 3 hunters Very profitable 0716 you are required to LATION' OCCURS B r; $7500 (512) yy fast nook. Call for 499-8349 business. 817-249- Bluebonnet Hills 1 be present if you OR CONTINUES; { M 4909 Plot $1800; obo desire to oppose the PROVIDING FOR directions for Trophy June 24,2! ppClub address 817- Texas Panhandle 817 791-7536 Petition. PUBLICATION- 76040 - DEER LEASE Shaved Ice { ) DATED this 1 day 637-7112. noak CT: E S t a n d s 17-937- PROVIDING FOR Exc. mule deer Kathyy of June, 2005. ENGROSSMENT Garage Sale 8AM. $very ping 0872 $55/hour June 24-25, 8-2 House ful white tail GLORIA VENTU- AND ENROLL- Every thing #42819 MENT; AND PRO 1nsu1. deer : RACC9 King size bed right. you need to start. p Clerk of the Court VIDING AN EF blinds & feed- 4 rnd tri to Hawaii frame, designer 76040 ers Deers have been 817-339-7482 $400 ea good iii! Dec By: Jennifer Rohring FECTIVE DATE OF infant & toddler fed for 5 yrs. (806) 3 Guns Available 15th (817)980-6034 Deputy ClerkJUNE 25, 2005. clothing, toys & tinggton: 659.2144 an S.W TX Lse, NRH Beautysalon TOWN OF W T- much more. Sale,` too!: Deer, Public Notice more, Sat Antique clock BIZ fully eqt 817 740- Northwest ISD in f- .: Flower mound, Turky, Mouslon vitas representa .ORDINANC !NO,-- Bentleywood * 76051 -1E 26 yrs. Huge in- 1955 v6 yrs $1200/gun 817-220 �+ 477 - subdivision Haven. R 6014 LiQrt lYS Irla LO$5 tives of private Hort; - toys treadr Antiques clocks, $100mo 5 -596 3333 profit schools to a' AN ORDINANCE Y parts & repair ESTAB 2 FULL line consultation meet- OF THE TOWN OF 76001 - 6400 Viking fern Tobacco stores for Deli & store 4 sale WESTLAKE, TEX- Trail: Huge multi- 760 equipment. ing on June 27, 2005 pp sale. Will split. NW Cali 817-843 8000 AS ANNEXING family garage sale, Har $250K 817-731- p regarding your bake thinqs cloth - 1552 of Legall school's participa- APPROXIMATELY Y F Jun in furn., Tri 8:-3: " 9 Ft.Worth817-705- public IOlotaces tion in the following 4.487 ACRES OF g 5: EFAREri a 4906 federally funded THE WILLIAM sale, kids 76001 - 820 Arlington Bread English Setter adult NOTICE' programs for the HUFF SURVEY, Elbe Dr: (S toys, tool Route. mafle wht w/tan & 2005-06 school ABSTRACT NO. A r I i n g t o n) mise. Hurry won't last. brown spots. N Ari illOva Springs year.'.' CO TARRANT Antiques, 76053 - t Ask for John H ud- area on 5-31.,Tues Private Club * Title 1, Part A: COUNTY, TEXAS, childrens toys & son Ln:' gins' g aid its ®ffi�ers, g INTO THE TOWN night REWARD! Improvin Academic Clothes, furniture & hshol, tt 817-999 0626 (817) 261-0976 ��� aCd� Achievement ofi LIMITS OF THE camping. hshold, et black &silver male 100% Disadvantaged Stu- TOWN OF WEST NATURAL 76063 German Shepherd, LiC#da�yPi�reai® dents Basic Pro- LAKE, TEXAS, 76009 - 3Fri Wear A Patch .Lose 'PURSUANT TO CR 206: Fri- Hampton Weight Call Myron dent, Erik Lind® grams Sun 7am. shaved, missing g Y P Title 1, Part D: SECTION 43.026 Sun, wood cook June 11, between 940--231-6510 or spy- V. Presi- Delingwent Children 'OF THE TEXAS stove, ex cond, ics, fern, Watauga .& South- Wi(6am 214-478- dent aria Tonya Title 11, Part A: LCOAL GOVERN- $1200, Yamaha p! 760 lake, reward, call 5268 817.371-5006 or Electrical Contractor Lindsey-SeCre- Professional .Dave!- 'MENT CODE; ano $1250 obo, new y Nuc 817-371-6966 'selling" 10 yrs 'etor tart', located at opment for Teach PROVIDING FOR A saddle $275, call 1st BK 714 Avondale® ers, 'Principals, and SEVERABILITY (817) 790-5104 7-4 New strip center business. Serious Others CLAUSE; AND cloths mi: bldg. great loc. @ Inquiries only 817- Haslet d=, e Title 11, Fart D: °,PROVIDING FOR rid76012-1608e DR: North AN EFFECTIVE rid e DR: In- Eques - Berry St. & 1-35 244-2288 Haslet, `'T are Enhancing 'Educe- si�e,furn, Equestriai Retail, resturant, C -Stare/ Dry / Lotto. filing for re. tion Through Tech- DATE Fam, Sat school, office, salon, Branded as/diesel nolo'y TOWN OF ``NEST= microwave, Crafts g 99ea1 ®f its I men 76063-3 medical, etc. 11,130 Car Wash, Kitchen/ + Tit e 111, Part A: =1-A�E sf - 15,000 sf. 817 Truck Rental private club Languageinstruc- ;ORDINANCE NO. 8-4 tools, stuff. Fri -Sat & Sat 7vi t 903-4056 817-919-420,- permit and tion for Limited En- 7 `" inounceanaents Announceme tts z Legal/ Lega11 Legal/ Garage Sales Garage Sales h., w..r....,, .„ .. _... Public Notices Public N®Ekes Public Notices x,.. ," A+ Doves 2 BEAUTIFUL plots 4 76010 - 124 76063 �3 En Best fields in TXI below mrkt value beverage call- glish' Proficient Afi �:ORDI,NANCE � Mill Greek Dr; chanted Ct: Sat. 8- �L Guaranteed! 1.5-2.5 Blue Bonnet Hills age permit. Title IV, Part A:' OP T11E TOWN OF Multi fain 12 Offc furn & hrs W of Metra817-577-9678; ;281 Safe and Drug-Free' WESTLAKE, TEX- sale!Fri & Sat egpmnt,ping gong Private Parties-, 1936 ' PUBLIC HEARING Schools and Com AS ANNEXING 8-5 Holiday decor & table, basketbafl clott Companies-Day/ ; Galveston beach ECONOMIC DE- munities APPROXIMATELY lighted trees, beanie goal, teen clothes, & 'clott Season. 903-564- $900 wk 972-670- U' E L O P M E N T Title U: Innovative` 2.03 ACRES OF babies & teeny more. tool: 4565 4416 CORP. 413 OF THE Programs and Pa THE WILLIAM beany babies, wet furni an elsdreamfish. TOWN OF TROPHY rental Choice HUFF SURVEY, suits & tank, toys, h- 76071 - 1691 Rog- 'dinir Host for High g CLUB, TEXAS The meeting' will be ABSTRACT NO. hold & kitch items & ers Rd (Newark) mise School com On the 8t1h day of held at 5:00 pm on 648 TARRANT furn Huge Multi-Family, -_— Foreign Exchange PRIVATE, PER- August 2005, at 6:30 June 27, 2005 at the COUNTY, TEXAS, antiques Thur-Sat 8- 761' student needed. SONAL p.m. there will be a Northwest ISD Ad INTO THE TOWN 7$016 - 3615 Bent- 5 leigt For more 011485 817-282- ublic hearing of the ministration Build LIMITS OF THE field Place; Sat only Gari information 7313 �conomic Develop ing, 2001 Texan' TOWN ' OF WEST- Sam-? furn, clothes *.76103 - 2220 & item call S ]via at meet Cor oration 46 Drive, Justin TX LAKE, TEXAS, & Mise 2201 Crestview y Moore 1 space p Dr: Five Family 817455-6307 of the Town of 76247. For addi- PURSUANT TO i masonic sec- Trophy Club, Texas, tional information SECTION 43.026 76016 - 5402 Holly Sale Triple Residual income tion$1750 817-338- p Y Trl: Sat. 7-1, 82 Garage Full, Fri-Sat, at the Munlci al please call 817-215 OF THE TEXAS Create resid'income dwo 4300 p Malibu, furn., tools, 8-6 in prestigious in Utility District Build- 0033. LOCAL; GOVERN- 7.30 GAlveston 8\5 - in 100 Municipal MENT CODE; camping, 3 family 76107- 1708 in dustry. Earn bonus g, TOWN OF TROPHY sale 8\12, sleeps 2, & comm. + a car beach, $675 817- Drive, Trophy Club, CLUB, TEXAS PROVIDING FOR to Clover Lane ca I'e incentive prg. Texas, 76262, fior ORDINANCE N®. S E V E;R A B I LI TY 76017 - 1018 Palos Hine tiara e 7611 457-9384 the ur ose of CLAUSE; PROVID- 1-888-593-3152 purpose p Verdes Blvd: Ga Sa ei W 2005-15 Ledc Mt. Olivet 2 or 4 considering the ex- !NG FOR AN EF 8 ge Sale Sat, 6-25, furniture, and ACtive Partner spaces Good penditure of funds AN ORDINANCE FE1111 .DATE. 8 1 benefiting. St. more... Sat Only 9- Sat 18 yr co seeks for the fiscal ear OF THE TOWN OF TOUt7N :,OF WEST- Simon's Episcopal, 4 &&h' She herd 817-282- Sales p TROPHY CLUB, 7050 2005-2005 bu get. LAKE Church Mgr & $50K for`ex TEXAS REPEAL- 76107'- pansion & inven#o 4 Rangers vs Red- There is a sixty-day ING ORDINANCE ORDINANCE iNO' 300 vir inla SA'.' r , Theo, 817-656- sox Jug 4, sect 29 period that begins 479 �?� 76017 5300 g y July " NO. 95 12, AN PI: Sat onl , 8 June 22, 2005, the AN , ORDINANCE �pt.E Lookout Tr; Y 4510 $75ea ' 817=829- ORDINANCE ES- '4 furn date of ,he first `OF"THE TOWN OF Sat:: 7-11 Smoothie King HEB 5848 public notice of the TABLISHING REG- WESTLAKE, TEX- home access, Huge Sale! Smooth & Associ WANTED S.W.Air- p ULATIONS GOV Item Lesdon line Tickets .W Air- duripng e ro! ect(h), ERNING THE APPROXIMATELY Cash onlyl &mise 756107 - 3412 W5th 761" ateBu -Sell-Business 5134 or 972-709- CONSTRUCTION 76018 - 1415 Forest y Y on: Buy public may submit a .56.8647 ACRES OF Sat onl ,furn, bib ,; a ou Sell- es ines 9800 y OF SWIMMING I� y kers petition with any THE JESSE GIB- Valley-Dr;,Fri &Sat pro audio; much tool; POOLS AND Furn elect decor, Rangers *Con- objections to the SON SURVEY more. So coin 972-395-7220project(s) ro ect s . Please ADOPTING A NEW ABSTRACT NO Certs p 1 {) etc 76109 - 3636 W. ORDINANCE ES- 761' UNIQUE DELI NEED`COWBOYS contact Sharon TABLISHING REG- 592, TARRANT f1 2e! Semina Dr': Huge Buy/Sell 817 797-5622 Hu ert concerning COUNTY, TEXAS ryry Rio Haslet high;growth pp ULATIONS GOV OrfAff festa#e Yard:Sale, Sat. 82 dark area.Est.10yrs Take Over store any questions, (682) ERNING THE GENERALLY EX S !el ,t low; 76109 - 3700 Sta- _ Great customer inside Hulen 'Mall. 831-4603. TENDING SOUTH dium Dr, Ret. CONSTRUCTION lea fat; base & Excel for Only $35K 214-293- Case No. 30986 OF SWIMMING AND EAST OF THE Imps tfrir Teacher Sale, 3rd 761: convenient store 3331 INTERSECTION OF Rid Dept. No. III POOLS; PROVID- DOVE 'ROAD AND crystal, -.c. is,. grd &men's clothes, 5. 5 817.233-1058 Day & Season IN THE THIRD JU- ING' FOR THE IN OTTINGER ROAD, crystal, etc. Jun 24 cash Sat 8-3 ANNUAL Deer Dove Leases 30min DICIAL DISTRICT CORPORATION OF & 25, 9 4, Mapsco INTO THE TOWN 76109 - 3716 1 Ise, Sterling W & S of FTW 817- COURT IN AND PREMISES; SET- LIMITS OF THE 112.0 Overton Park W: Sat 761` Cityy, 9000 ac, 309-3814 FOR THE COUNTY TING FORTH DEF- TOWN OF WEST- 76021- 1745 tied $1500/ 'gun, 7 Laurel Land 2 lots OF CHURCHILL, INITIONS; PRO- LAKE, TEXAS, Woodhill Ct: only, 7-3, books, 8-2 p ��a� toys, clothes, kitch- spots avail, water/ sale 54% below STATE OF NEVA- VIDING FOR AP PURSUANT TO Furn., mise. Sorn elect, David value (817)244- DA. PLICABILITY AND SECTION 43.024 Mens, ladies en Items, mise — 817-829-7487 5647 NOTICE OF PROHIBITIVE OF THE TEXAS &'petite clothes, Ia- Overt - 4833 Overton QUAIL LEASE HEARING CONDUCT; PRO LOCAL' GOVERN- dies 5'/2 shoes. Oon Woods Dr: Bob's & Blues In the Matter of The VIDING FOR EX MENT ' CODE; Cash! No early! Fri Sat 8-3. Parental, Rigghts as C E P T 1 O N 8 Half Off After 2PM. Briscoe Co. 6600 1 thank you St Jude to RAQUEL L. CONFIRMING AND &Sat 8-3 tool. ac $1.50 ac 8 gun P.K. ADOPTING NEW RATIFYING THE 76021 - 3257 Pearl 76110-2230GIenco h-ho limit Jan-Feb 817 ROBINSON PROVISIONS FOR PRIOR ANNEX- St Household, Of- Ter: Qltyy Office & e> 229-4263; 817-605-' Bluebonnet Hills A Minor Child. THE CONSTRUC-, ATIONS OF THE Furn, Tables, Hshld Wisdom Garden TO: WESLEY TION OF SWIM flee, AIC, Fri-Sat 8 1087 2 lots $3700 obo CHRISTOPHER MING POOLS; AREA UNDER ` 37, 4 Items from 4 farm- Auto repair 8 BAY 253,DINES 237, p 817.-354-1244 ROBINSONROBlNSON, the PROVIDING' FOR 253, AND 289; 76021 - 508 Har- Sat June 25. Til service center great 1973 Blazer, deer natural father of the APPEAL; PROVID- PROVIDING FOR A wood: Corner of noon loc. Well equipped above-named minor ING A CUMULA Harwood over O w n/ F i n a n c e lease special! child. TIVE REPEALER S E V E;R A B I Ll TY &grown Trail 76114 - 1613 Hill- furn, w/good credit. 214 $1499 (817) 910- YOU ARE HEREBY CLAUSE; PROMO- CLAUSE; AND Non -Profit or •; side dr: Fri-Sat8aml dots 681-8500 2411 PROVIDING AN Toys, NOTIFIED thatthere ING A SAVINGS EFFECTIVE DATE. Furn., monitors, 761f clths 0 -6x, 'fabric, ESTAB COOKIE 3 Car Washes has been filed in the CLAUSE; PROVID- comm. jewelry dis Car Route in Arlington/ Self-Service Prime furn, `elect. guitar & g Locations N� Tarrant above entitled Court ING A SEVER Garage Sales pay cases, toys, more pub Irving Grand Prairie. Co. 214-893-4267 a Petition praying for ABILITY CLAUSE; x books, collectibles, con; Mother's &' Arch Pays cashforowner- the Termination of PROVIDING A' glass, clothes & 76114 - 5513 'Black men way your parental rights PENALTY NOT TO Estate sale; Friday, more. Sat.-Sun. 9-4 Oak Ln.: River Oaks. bldg Y finance mortgages over the above- EXCEED THE SUM 6/24, Saturday, 6m. Garage Sale Sat. & Fion 817-5.04-8266 (817) 247-6486 76036 -1012 Crystal named minor child, OF ` TWO THOU Between Justin' and Ln: Sat only,One Sun. Sam-8pm 1 bf 24HR A father's da treat and that the Petition SAND DOLLARS Ponder off 156, fol- Sno, Mobile No Day Moving Sala 76114 - 5705 Pop #25735 8 7966- has been set for $2,000.00) FOR low signs. ken: Multi-Family' 697; g 76036 - 1416 Hall in ythe DFW 8250 hearing before this AACH OFFENSE _ c�,o Mofrnnlov SwPafi irvht Tn��.+F, C`-wife"$' n ��� BIll Po fl Ct=Dnon-a-c ES$a$B ca,A• -sect n. • TL.... n_.