HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 05-24-21 MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting May 24, 2021 Board Members in Attendance: Debbie Kraska, Meghan Dori-, Rob Anderson, Sean Shope, Mike Colby, Christine Ross, Wendy Greenwood and Ahu Sieg Others in Attendance: Todd Wood, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:30AM at Town Hall of the Town of Westlake. II. Motion to approve minutes of April 19, 2021 meeting by D. Kraska, second by R. Anderson. Motion carried. III. Financial Report • S. Shope presented financial report as of April 30, 2021. Notable activity over the last month included total revenue of $177,726.98, due primarily to Gallery Night proceeds. GN auction revenue was $109,458.16 and Gallery Night sponsor revenue was $45,652.39. • Total Assets of the Foundation stand at $3,121,819.00 as of end of last month. • Blacksmith Fund is continues to track approx. $25K behind year -over -year comparisons. • Gallery Night expenses came in approximately $6K lower than budgeted. Also noteworthy is that our Vaquero Club credit has now been exhausted. • Motion to approve financials by M. Colby, second by M. Dori-. Motion carried. IV. Marketing Committee • W. Greenwood reviewed recent Marketing activities, which are wrapping up for the year-end. • S. Myers stated that the committee is focusing on promoting "gifts in action" around campus, Gallery Night sponsor gifts and Baja Initiative #2 gift cards. • June Board retreat will focus mainly on BAF marketing efforts for the new school year. V. Development • Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Sieg reported that BAP is currently at $ 1.012m pledged, 7 1 % parent participation with 57% new families donating. o Discussed methods to increase participation and efficiency of fundraising. o Difference between cost of educating a student at WA and dollars received from the state of Texas is approximately $6K. Reviewed ways of communicating importance of BAF to our families and community. • Gallery Night o C. Ross and S. Myers reviewed net GN unrestricted net revenue of event was $198,183, which is an increase over last year. • Baja o C. Ross asked Board to consider possible dates for Baja 2021, location options and possibility of concert theme again. VI. Grants Review S. Myers presented grant for PYP Spanish Submarino books, which was approved for entire amount of $342 by S. Myers and C. Ross. S. Myers presented grant for "Secondary Extended Day Program". Motion to approve up to amount requested of $13,485 by M. Colby, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried and grant approved. S. Myers presented grant for "Chromebooks Pilot Test" in the amount of $35,000. Questions asked included who will use these resources, why the need, and security of Chromebooks. Motion to decline grant until more information is supplied by grant requestor by R. Anderson, second by A. Sieg. Motion carried and grant declined. Motion to roll over Grant overage dollars to next school year by M. Colby, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried, and all unspent 2020-21 discretionary grant funds will be available for the 2021-22 school year. VII. President's Report • C. Ross discussed need for Board retreat in June. Discussed potential dates, and email will be sent to Board to secure meeting date/time. VIII. Executive Director's Report • S. Myers reported that she and C. Ross will be presenting WAF year -in -review report at Board of Trustees meeting in June. Other Business • None M. Colby moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by R. Anderson. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:02AM. Next Meeting: Monday, August 16, 2021 at 8:30 AM, at Town of Westlake office Westlake Academy Foundation Financial Analysis of Current Month Activity July 31, 2021 Revenue over/(under) Exp $ (7,579.01) (2,046.12) 00 Administrative 2,924,83 30 Gallery Night 25.52 31 External Grants - 32 Blacksmith (29,620.38) 34 Westlake Baja 21,137,14 35 Endowment Fund 00 Administrative $ (2,046.12) 37.66 Revenues (2,083.78) Expenses 30 Gallery Night $ 2,924.63 2,924.83 Revenues - Expenses 31 External Grants $ 25.52 25.52 Revenues 32 Blacksmith $ - Interest Earned $ 37.66 Dues & Subscriptions (20.25) Hospitality Items (436.95) Office Supplies (39.99) Postage & Shipping (550.00) Print & Copy Expense (365.00) Promotions & Marketing (100.00) BAF Credit Card Fees (67.59) BAF Postage & Shipping (504.00) TOTAL $ (2,046.12) Interest Earned $ 24.83 Sponsors 2,500.00 Tickets 150.00 GN Fund -An -Item 250.00 TOTAL $ 2,924.83 Interest Earned $ 25.52 TOTAL $ 25.52 5,689.20 Revenues Blacksmith Donors $ 5,689.20 (5,689.20) Grants to Academy BAF Grants to Academy (5,689.20) TOTAL $ - 34 Westlake Baja $ (29,620.38) 12.77 Revenues Interest Earned $ 12.77 (29,633.15) Expenses Staff Appreciation Gift Cards (29,633.15) TOTAL $ (29,620.38) 35 Endowment Fund $ 21,137.14 22,221.89 Net Wealth Mgmt Main Securities Income $ 2,405.27 2,986.33 Net Wealth Mgmt Quinn Market Value Adjustment 23,604.34 801.39 Net Wealth Mgmt Bradley Bank/Advisor Fees (4,872.47) (4,872,47) Bank/Advisor Fees TOTAL $ 21,137.14 8 ASSETS Westlake Academy Foundation Statement of Financial Position July 31, 2021 Administrative Cash 6938 $ 276,398 Gallery Night Cash 6938 182,234 Other - Undesignated - FFBank Cash 458,632 Blacksmith Cash 6938 - Westlake Baja Cash 6938 93,771 Other - Designated - FFBank Cash 93,771 External Grants Cash 6938 187,359 Other - Restricted - FFBank Cash 187,359 Endowment/Cash 35.02 General Cash 6938 - Endowment/Cash 35.03 Bradley Cash 6938 - Endowment/Cash 35.05 Quinn Cash 6938 - Endowment - Designated - FFBank Cash - Endowment/Investments 35.10 General Wealth Manage 2,054,111 Endowment/investments 35.11 Quinn Wealth Manage 275,991 Endowment/Investments 35.12 Bradley Wealth Manage 74,429 Endowment - Designated - Wealth Management Investments 2,404,531 Endowment/Cash 35.10 General Wealth Management 30,746 Endowment/Cash 35.11 Quinn Wealth Management 1,639 Endowment/Cash 35.12 Bradley Wealth Management 597 Endowment - Designated - Wealth Management 32,981 TOTAL ASSETS $ 3,177,274 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities: Expense Payable - AD Teacher Grants $ 41,670 Expense Payable - GN Gallery Night FAI 14,424 Expense Payable - EG External Grants 49,000 Expense Payable - WB Westlake Baja FAI 45,254 Expense Payable - EF Bradley/Quinn Fund Grants 7,498 Total Liabilities 157,845 Net Assets: 3,019,429 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 3,177,274 2 Westlake Academy Foundation Statement of Activities July 31, 2021 FY 19/20 FY 19/20 FY 20121 FY 20/21 Jul-21 Description Audited YTD Actuals Annual YTD Actuals Actuals Budget REVENUES (does not Include 39999) 00 Administration $ 2,044 $ 2,023 $ 85,000 $ 10,405 $ 38 30 Gallery Night 196,178 196,131 275,000 244,641 2,675 30 Gallery Night Fund -An -Item 31,311 31,311 - 15.100 250 External Grants 22,027 22,000 10.000 267 26 32 Blacksmith Donors 1.031,311 1,007,989 1,030,000 975,648 5,689 34 Westlake Baja 62,224 27,660 - 180 13 34 Westlake Baja FAI Legacy Teacher Fund 313,217 300,717 350,000 56,510 - Total Revenues 1,658,313 1,587,831 1,750,000 1,302,751 8,690 EXPENSES (does not include 46521/47900147901/49999) 00 Administration 00 Administration VIP Party 30 Gallery Night 31 External Grants 34 Westlake Baja Net Expenses NET REVENUES O((7iVERI(UNDER) EXPENSES 46.658 19 67,958 - 41,961 156,596 $ 1,501,717 $ 35,653 19 73,358 - 9,933 118,963 1,468,868 62,147 - 80,000 - - 142,147 $ 1,607,853 $ 40,296 - 74,808 - 1,335 116,440 1,186,312 2,084 - - 2,084 $ 6,606 ,yy TRANSFERS IN (Operating 39999) 34 00 Transfer into WB34 from AD00 $ 121,801 $ $ $ $ 00 30 Transfer into AD00 from GN30 102,373 00 34 Transfer into AD00 from WB34 88,580 01 35 Transfer into First Financial from EF 35 - - 7,828 35 30 Transfer into EF35 from GN30 - 20.000 - 20 02 Transfer into EF10 from EF02 1,634,198 1,576,006 - 800 35 35 Transfer into EF11 from EF05' 224,642 224,642 2,596 35 35 Transfer into EF12 from EF03 ' 63,290 62.490 - 2,500 Total Operating Transfers In 2,234,684 1,863,138 20,000 13,725 TRANSFERS OUT (Operating 49999) 00 34 AD00 transfer out to WB34 $ 121,801 $ - $ $ - $ 30 00 GN30 transfer out to AD00 102,373 - 34 00 WB34 transfer out to AD00 88,580 - 35 00 EF02 transfer out to EF10 1,576,006 1,576.006 35 00 EF05 transfer out to FF 224,642 224,642 35 00 EF03 transfer out to FF 62,490 62,490 - 35 00 EF10 transfer out 33,089 - - 35 00 EF11 transfer out 7,925 35 00 EF12 transfer out ' 5,800 Total Operating Transfers Out 2,208,981 1,863,138 - 13,725 TRANSFERS OUT (10% of Gross Event Revenues) 30 35 GN30 Transfer out to EF35 19,613 - 20,000 - 34 35 WB34 Transfer out to EF35 6,290 - Total Event Transfers Out 25,903 - 20,000 - TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT $ 2,234,884 $ 1,863,138 $ 20,000 $ 13,725 $ NET TRANSFERS IN OVER(UNDER) TRANSFERS OUT - - - - ' Transfers from FY 2019-2020 Westlake Academy Foundation Statement of Activities July 31, 2021 FY 19/20 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 20/21 Jul-21 Description Annual Audited YTD Actuals Budget YTD Actuals Actuals Net Revenues Over/(Under) Expenses Net Transfers In Over/(Under) Transfers Out FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR GRANTS & CONTRIBUTIONS $ 1.501,717 $ 1,468.868 $ 1,770,000 $ 1,186,312 $ 6,606 - - 162,147 - - 1,501,717 1,468,868 1,607,853 1,186,312 6,606 GRANTS/CONTRIBUTIONS to the ACADEMY 00 00 Admin Teacher Grants $ 51.614 $ 51,614 $ 75,000 $ 41,670 $ 30 00 Fund -An -Item Gallery Night 32,145 395 - 14,424 31 00 External Donor Gifts 17.113 41,058 49,000 34 12 WB FAI: Teacher Projects- Innovative - - - 4,500 35 03 Endowment Bradley Travel Grant 2.500 2,500 2,500 - 35 05 Endowment Quinn Teacher Grants 702 (236) 11,000 7,498 Total Operating Grants to Academy 104,074 95,331 88,500 117,091 34 08 WB FAI:Teacher of the Year Awards 26,020 26,020 22,000 25,439 - 34 09 WB FAI: Staff Appreciation (gift cards) 109,429 109,429 102,500 109,430 29,633 34 10 WB FAI: Athletic/Club Stipends 72,314 70,695 50,000 15,315 - 34 11 WB FAI: Int'I IB Travel & Training - 11,746 - - - 32 00 Contributions from Blacksmith 1,031,311 1,007,975 1,030,000 975,648 5,689 34 00 Fund -An -Item Baja 4,802 4,447 - - - 30 00 GN Grant to Academy (AIR Stipends) 5,400 - 2,700 35 11 EF Grant to Academy 4,626 - - - - Total Other Grants & Contributions 1,253,902 1,230,313 1,204,500 1,128,532 35,322 BUDGETED CASH COLLECTIONS LESS OUTFLOWS $ 143,741 $ 143,224 $ 314,853 $ (59,311) $ (28,716) 35 Revenues 160,080 1,950,312 427,064 26,010 35 Expenses 14,903 1,883,211 17,887 4,872 NET ENDOWMENT FUNDS 145,177 67,101 409,178 21,137 �4YuGit-�A'` Total Revenues 4,053,278 5,401,281 1,770,000 1,743,541 34.700 Total Expenses 3.764,360 5,190.955 1,366,647 1,393,672 42,279 NET REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES 288,918 210,326 403,353 349,868 (7,579) Net Assets Beginning 2,380,643 2,380,644 2,669,561 2,669.561 2,669.561 Net Assets Ending $ 2,669,561 $ 2,590,970 $ 3,072,914 $ 3,019,429 $ 2,661,982 4 Westlake Academy Foundation BAJA Statement of Activities July 31, 2021 Description FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20121 July 2021 p YTD Actuals YTD Actuals YTD Actuals Actuals t"•,L7-i�V,�Ff�d� jai ��tlBh, �g'',.Y ��V+{I{k'++. REVENUES 00 Donations-WB Fund -an -Item 08 Teacher of the Year 09 Staff Appreciation Gifts 10 Athletic & Club Stipends 11 Int'I IB Travel & Training 12 Teacher Projects -Innovative Total Revenues EXPENSES 00 WB34 Grants to Academy O8 Teacher of the Year 09 Staff Appreciation Gifts 10 Athletic & Club Stipends 11 Int'I IB Travel & Training 12 Teacher Projects -Innovative Total Expenses $ 143,240 $ - $ - $ - - 39,500 14,867 - - 129,000 30,707 - - 81,817 10,937 - - 32,075 - - 30,825 - $ 143,240 $ 313,217 $ 56,510 $ $ 95,863 $ - $ - $ - 26,020 25,439 - 109,429 109,430 29,633 72,314 15,315 - 182 4,802 4,500 - $ 96,046 $ 212,565 $ 154,684 $ 29,633 Total Revenues $ 143,240 $ 313,217 $ 56,510 $ - Total Expenses 96,046 212,565 154,684 29,633 REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENSES $ 47,194 $ 100,652 $ (98,174) $ (29,633) Total Combined Balance over/(under) $ 49,672 5 Westlake Academy Foundation BAJA Statement by Project July 31, 2021 Revenue/ Initiatives--> 1 2 3 4 5 (Expense) Teacher Ath 8 Int'IIB Teacher of the Club Travel 8 Projects- Description LTF A rec Gifts Year pp Stipends j Training Innovative TOTAL (Year 1) * " ` * ` * Restricted Funds " ,y.7 �+��i•; t ,,7,, (fir FY 2018/19 ACTIVITY Donations-WB FAI Secondary Lit Coord Stipend (inception) LTF Bonus 11/14/18 FY 2018/19 Remaining Balance FY 2019/20 ACTIVITY Donations-WB FAI Secondary Lit Coord Stipend Gift Card Purchase Fall/Wntr Ath/Club Stipends 1/24/20 Fall/Wntr Ath/Club Stipends 2/7/20 IB Global Conf Registrations Teacher of the Year Awards 5/27/20 EOY Grant True -Up IB Global Conf Registrations Refund FY 2019/20 Remaining Balance FY 2020/21 ACTIVITY TR FY19 Balance to Initiative 2 (Staff Appr) Donations-WB FAI Gift Card Purchase Accrue Sec Lit Coordinator Stipend Accrue Athletic/Club Stipends Accrue Teacher of the Year Stipends FY 2020/21 Remaining Balance TOTALTEACHER LEGACY FUND $ 143,240 $ - $ (182) - (95,863) - 47,194 - - 39,500 129,000 81,817 32,075 30,825 - - - - (4,802) - (109,429) - - - - (49,554) - - - - (3,887) - - - - (11,746) (26,020) - (18,873) - - - - 11,746 - 13,480 19,571 9,503 32,075 26,023 (47,194) - 47,194 - 14,867 30,707 10,937 - (109,430) - - (15,315) (25,439) - (47,194) (10,573) (31,529) (4,378) $ 143,240 (182) 95,863 47.194 313,217 (4,802) (109,429) (49,554) (3,887) (11,746) (26,020) (18,873) 11,746 100,652 56,510 (109,430) (4,500) (4,500) - (15,315) 25,439 - (4,500) (98,174) 2.907 $ (11.958) $ 5.125 $ 32,075 $ 21,523 1 $ 49.672 6 WESTLAKE ACADEMY FY 2020-2021 LOCAL GRANT SUMMARY Condensed Version as of August 14, 2021 Grant Description of Grant Grant Brd Apvd Total Eended xp xp Remaining Award Source Awarded Date ToDate Balance Status WAF (AD00) Current Year Teacher Grants ,..._............._...... ... ....... .... _............ _..._..........__.._, ... ...... _................. . ....... ._... .............._........... ... _.__......._ ......... .... .._,.,....... _........ ..... _... ._..... ..._...... .. _._.. ...... _.......... 484 (20) ........_..._.............._.........._...._............__........_....._..-_........._.................................._. Technology Apps $ 11,300.00 ... ...... -... ..... ...... _...... _......... 09/21/20 .................. _.........._._._......._.... $ 5,416.30 .... ... _.......... _..._...._..._...__._.._ $ 5,883,70 ..... _ .._........ --......__..__,......................_.. Roll -Over ............ 484 (22) ...._....._........ ...... ......._.._..._............. _... .__......._.............. ..... ,...... ,..,....... _............... ....,_.._...,_......... Angst Film Digital Screening ........ ... ... ...... _. 950.00 ..... ....... .......... ............ ........ ._.... ,... 10/19/20 .... .... ......... .... ...... _...... _........ ... 950.00 ...... ...... ........... _........ _............. _.... - ......... _.... ....... _.... _..._.._.__ CLOSED ._._.._._.............. _.....,_. __...._.... _.._........__...._............ 484 (23) _........ _....__.._,....__.._._.-....-_,._...,..._......... _... _.-....... Water Bottle Filling Stations _._....... 22,375.00 __..... ........... .._,...._._._.,............ 11/19/20 _..... ..... ..... ... 22,375.00 ..... ........ .... ..... _..__...._... _.... .... - ......... ...... _..._........... _._ CLOSED _—_........._.._.._..___. 484 (25) ... .............. _._.._..._..I._......_ ____....__._..._._..... _,_..................._... Appreciation Project: COVID Response Team 5,000.00 .... ..............,,._.._.......__.......... ......,...... 02/08/21 ................... _...._....... 818.41 ,..-.............. _........ ..... .......... _.... 4,181,59 .._......_.._... _...... __..._._.--- ---------------- _ _._..._.._...._......__.._._......_.__..._._.. 484 (28) _..-...._..............._...,...-_..-....._._........... ,...... PYP PE Team Building Event -- 293,00 - ---- -- 04/22/21 - ------- 293.00 - -------- - - - ------ CLOSED ---- --- - 484 (30) --------------- ------------------- - - PYP Spanish Submarino Books 342,00 05/15/21 327.00 15.00 CLOSED Sub -Total: WA Foundation -Teacher Grants $ 40,260.00 $ 30,179.71 $ 10,080.29 WAF (AD00) Prior Year Teacher Grant Roll-Overs ..._- .�._..._............_._..... ,,._._..___,___.-..__._._.__.._,..._..__......,...„._ ...___.._..,_ „.... 484 76 ._�AD-Performing &Fine Arts Program ._._.__.__._...__...._..........._$ ( ) 970.00 36,. 12/17/18 $ 36,766.33 $ 203.67 Sub -Total: WA Foundation-PY Teacher Grants $ 36,970.00 $ 36,766.33 $ 203.67 WAF (GN30) Gallery Night FAI (multi-yeao ..484 (63)^ GN-Fund-An-Item 2018 (PYP Science Lab),.__....._..—.._..._ __,..___...____...__._..,._,...._...___..._.___._,.._..._......___,_......_._..,,....,__-..-_........_......_._.._..._.._., $ 20,000.00 02/12/18 $ 18,176.30 $ 1,823.70 ,__._.. 484 (29) GN-Fund-An-Item 2021 (Instant Impact Items) $ 12,600.00 04/22/21 $ 4.294.63 $ 8,305.37 Sub -Total: WA Foundation -Gallery Night FAI $ 32,600.00 $ 22,470.93 $ 10,129.07 WAF (WB34) Westlake Baja FAI (multi -year) .._._....._.._..._.._._....... _. ....... ..._.._,,.._..._........_..........__....._... ....... .......... .. ..... ..__..,..._....__........_._.., ._,.._......___ _...__. _.._ ...__....,.....,...._,_......_.... _. _.._...__..__.__.._...._...__..._..__..._._.._... _......... _._ 484 (74) Baja Fund -An -Item 2019 (Sec Lit Coord) ._._.._......_..____....... $ 9,479.38 __.._.._..._....,........,.._ .._ 08/08119 ..-..__...,,,...__..._...._-_.. 5 9,414.21 ........ ......-_ $ 65.17 CLOSED _...._ _.___ ___._..._......_..__. _.._-- _.. __........,._........_. 484 (97) Baja Fund -An -Item 2020 (Teacher of the Year) _.._....__,_....... .......... 54,367.00 ..... _.... .._...,_.., ....,.._. .....___,.. 11/11/19 ....___...._.............. 51,812.76 _...... _.._._.._... 2,554.24 ... .... ._ — -- 484 (99) Baja Fund -An -Item 2020 (Athletic/Club Stipends) 92,754.00 11/11/19 87,628.81 5,125.19 484 (100) Baja Fund -An -Item 2020 (Int'I Trvl/Trng & Projects) 53,420.62 11/11/19 - 53,420.62 Sub -Total: WA Foundation -Westlake Baja FAI $ 210,021.00 $ 148,855.78 $ 61,165.22 WAF (EF35.03) Endowment Funds: BRADLEY _._.— .. .-..... _ _ _,.__..,_.........._......._ _ .-_....._._....._..._......... __............. ... 497 Bradley: Travel Grant ... _...... ._........... ... ....._..._..__ $ .... _......... ...,_.... ... _........ ...... _... ....... ..... ....._.,, .__,.. $ ..... ._.._._. $ Sub -Total: WA Foundation -Endowment Bradley $ $ $ WAF (EF35.05) Endowment Funds: QUINN (multi -year) ..$ ._.._..._._....... .... ........_..........____........ _.... .... __............ .._.............. .. 484(85) ..... ..... -._.__......._._.._..._..._......_ Foreign Language Input Books 2,500.00 ILT 5/28/19$ 2,499.87 $ 0_....1_.3._ D CLOSED 484 (90) Celebrating the Learner Profile in Action: Tchr/Stdnt 1,000.00 ILT 8/19/19 143,48 856.52 CLOSED Recognition Program 484 (21) Portable Microphones 400.00 _ _....,,.__....,...._... _ ILT 10/26/20 ,...._,._..._._._-.._.__.,...... 251.93 _..._,.............__ 148.07 CLOSED 484 (24) _......,........ _......... ..... _ . _—__ This Is Language.com Licenses _ ._._ 1.593.00 ._....,, ._ _.._.... _, ILT 211/21 ......__...... .._... ..__.. 1,593.00 _..._ .......-........_.... _ _......__._ - .._. _.._...___ CLOSED —.__....._.___._.. 484 (26) Grade 3 Technology Stylus Pens _..._.._.........__-. 3,150.00 ILT2/24/21 3,146.85 3.15 CLOSED 484 (27) MyFace Wonder Project Presentation 1,000.00 ILT 3/1/21 1,000.00 CLOSED Sub -Total: WA Foundation -Endowment Quinn $ 9,643.00 $ 8,635.13 $ 1,007.87 TOTAL GRANTS FUNDED BY WAF $ 329,494.00 $ 246,907.88 $ 82,586.12 WESTLAKE ACADEMY FY 2020-2021 LOCAL GRANT SUMMARY Condensed Version as of August 14, 2021 Grant Description of Grant _T Grant Brd Apvd Total Expended Remaining Award Source Awarded Date Balance Status To -Date WAF (EG31) .... _....... ,._......._..._- Multi -Year RESTRICTED Donor -Designated _..._.,.___ Gifts 484 37 ( ) ... ..... ............. _........ __..._._..._.._.._.._._._....._............ ...... _.._.........__.._......._.._ Donation: After -School Dyslexia Tutoring etf 4/16I20 incl GK,G3 math/reading initiatives .............._...................._..._..__..................................._..,......-......_............................_........_.._.........._..._.._... $ 15,000.00 10/16/17 $ 13,197.89 $ 1,802.11 _ .._.._._.._.._..,_........ 484 (43) _,.._ Donation: Angel Funds (Class of 2024) _...._._._.__........_.._.._._.._ _.._.._....._-....__._...__._._......... _..._._._,._....._.....,..._. 1,675.00 10/11/17 550.00 1,125.00 484 (47) ....... Donation: Library Grant .... _-......_...._......._...._...._.._.__.._..... _..........,_._.......... _ ...... ..,_.._.._. 12.520.00 ............. .... -.._ ........ .._._....._._..._._..............___ 10/16/17 ........ ­.._....._.._.-._.... _... .._....... ... __......... _._._,_..... 12,520.00 ._._._............ _._... __... ... 484 55 _ ( ) ......._.._ _ ......_.. Donation......Student.Travel Awards .... ........_._.___.._,.._-.._.__._....._..__.._..._......__.......................... .............._....._.............-......._....._...._.._..._............__......._......,_._..........._...._ 10.000.00 01/15/16 2,761.00 ._...._..,_. __ ...._ 7,239.00 _.,....._,_........ ._..,,,. 484 (81) ____....__...._...._._.._...� Donation: PYP (Davidson) Science Lab .._...._..._....... N.___.._..._..... ... .... ......... ._.._.. __._.......__..-__...._ ........... I ... ...... ,....._..,.._....__ 5,000,00 .---..._....___.._.._.....__._........ ...........,_..._..,_..._...._.......,.. . 11/26/18 ........ ..... .....-.._.__.. ...._._...._-_..............._...._.__..........._....._.. 699.58 .. 4,300.42 _.-..... _...... ....... _.._........ . 484 (84) Donation: Drumline Program ...__.._....._____._.___.._._...._._._._..._..._...._._._.._.__._..-...._.._.._._.._._._...-----._.__........__._._.... 10.000.00 ...... .._..._.__...... ..._...... 08/21/19 .... ............. ..__..----.._._....._.__ 6,164.72 3,835.28 484 (93) Donation: Theatre Program _._._...___.M__...._..._..._._.....-._.__..__.._ 11.000.00 .... _._...__......_.....__._.__._._.____.._.,._...._.. 10/18/19 1.020.56 ......... _.__.__..--_._..._...__.... 9,979.44 .. 484 (94) Donation: PYP Literacy Program 6,000.00 ....... ....._..._... .... 10/22/19 __._.__.._...__ - ..... ....... _.�__..__..—__....._._..._.__._.. 6.000.00 Sub -Total: Donor -Designated Grants $ 71,195.00 $ 24,393.75 $ 46,801.25 TOTAL GRANTS THROUGH WA FOUNDATION $ 400,689.00 $ 271,301.63 1 $ 129,387.37 WESTLAKE ACADEMY FY 2020-2021 LOCAL GRANT SUMMARY as of August 14, 2021 Grans Original Grant CY Grant Award Brd Apvd CV Grant Total Amount Total Total Total Expended Romaining Award Source Description of Grant Awarded (if multi-yr) Date Accrual Received YTD Ezpandad Expended All Years Balance Status Prior Years FY 20121 WAF (AD00) Current Year Teacher Grants 484 (20) Technology Apps 5 11,300.00 $ - 0912120 5 11.300.00 $ 5 - S 5.416.30 $ 5,416.30 S 5.883.70 Rall-Over __.._..... ... ... _....___.__...._.— 484 (22) Angst Film Digital Screening 950.00 - 1011920 950.00 - — 950.00 — ---_ 950.00 — - -- - CLOSED 484 (23) Waler B0111, Filling Sheilons 22,375.00 ----_ 11119120 22,375.00 ^-' � . 22,375.00 Y 22,J75,00 - CLOSED 484 (25) Appreciation Project; COVID Response Team 5,000.00 _ 0210e21 _ 5.000.00 - 816.41 818.41 4.181.59 .------ ________ 484 (28) PYP PE Team Building Event 293.00 - _..�... ._... .... 042221 293.00 - - 293.00 293.00 - CLOSED 484 30 PYP Spanish Submarino Books 342.00 05/t521 342,00 - 327.00 327,00 15.00 CLOSED Sub -Total: WA Foundation -Teacher Grants $ 40,260.00 $ - $ 40,260.00 S - S S 30,179.71 S 30,179.71 S 10.080.29 WAF (AD00) Prior Year Teacher Grant Roll-Overs 484 (78j AD -Performing 8 Fine Arts Program 5 3fi,970.00 5 - 12/17/18 S 1,409.67 S 35,560.33 $ 35,560.33 5 1,206.00 $ 36,766.33 $ 203,67 Sub -Total: WA Foundation-PY Teacher Grants $ 36,970.00 S - 5 1.409.67 S 35,660.33 $ 35,560.33 $ 1,206.00 $ 36,766,33 $ 203.17 WAF (GN30) Gallery Night FAI Imuui-yeed 484 (6J) GN-Fund-An-Item 2016 (PYP Science Lab) $ 20,000.00 5 - 02/12118 5 1.823.70 5 18,176.30 5 18.176.30 5 - 5 18,170.30 S 1.823.70 J 484 (29) GN-Fund-An-Item 2021 (inslan( Impact Items) $ 12,600.00 5 - 0412221 S 12.600.00 1 $ - 5 - $ 4,294.63 5 4,294.63 S 8.305.37 1 Sub -Total: WA Foundation-Gallary Night FAI S 32,600.00 $ - S 14,423.70 1 $ 18.176.30 S 19,176.30 1 $ 4,294.63 $ 22,470.93 1 $ 10,129.07 WAF (WB34) Westlake Baja FAI (muui-year) 484 (74) Baja Fund -An -Item 2019 (Sec Lit Coord) S 4.979.38 $ 4,500.00 n6/aa118 4,500.00 _.... ._— .................. 5 4.979.38 _..... _..____..._ $ 4.979.38 _._____..._......___ 5 4,434.83 _.____—._......_...._....._ 3 9.414.21 $ 65.17 _—..___—_. CLOSED ____._.._.... 484 (97j Baja Fund -An -Item 2020 (Teacher of the Year) 39,500.00 14,867.00 11/11/19 25.439.28 26.020.07 26,020.07 25.792.69 51.812.76 2.554.24 484 (99) Baja Fund -An -Item 2020 (Athletic/Club Stipends) 81,817.00 10.937.00 11111119 15,314.96 72,313.85 72,313.05 15,314,96 87,628.81 5,125.19 484 (100) Ba)a Fund-An-llem 2020 (inl'I Trvt7Trng 8 Projects) 53.420.62 - 11111/19 - - - - 53.420.62 Sub -Total: WA Foundation -Westlake Baja FAI 13 179,717.00 S 30,304.00 S 45,254.24 1 $ 103,313.30 S 103,313.30 1 $ 45,542.48 1 $ 148,855.76 S 61,165.22 WAF (EF35.03) Endowment Funds: BRADLEY 497 Bradley: Travel Grant - Sub -Total: WA Foundation -Endowment Bradley $ - $ - S - $ - S - S S - WAF (EF35.05) Endowment Funds: QUINN (muui-year) 484 (85) Foreign Language Input Books 5 2,500.00 S - ILT WWII 498.04 S 2,001.96 Y $ 2,001.96 S 407.91 5 2,499.87 5 0.13 CLOSED 484 (90) Celebrating the Learner Profile In Action: Tchr/Sldnl 1,000.00 ' ILT 8119119 856.52 143.46 143.48 143.48 856.52 CLOSED Recognition Program 484 (21) Portable Microphones 400.00 - ILT 102620 400.00 - - 251.93 251.93 148.07 CLOSED 484 (24) This Is Language.com Licenses 1,593.00 - ILT 2112t 1.503.00 - - 1,593.00 1.593.00 - CLOSED 484 (26) Grade 3 Technology Stylus Pens 3,150.00 IL 7 224/21 3.150.00 - 3,146.8 4!.!S.l CLOSED 484 (27) MyFaco Wander Projocl Presentation 1,000.00 - ILT 311121 1.000.00 - - 1'000.00 1,000.00 - CLOSED Sub -Total: WA Foundation -Endowment Quinn S 9,643.00 $ - S 7.497.66 $ 2,146.44 $ 2,14S.44 $ 6,489.69 $ 6,635.13 $ 1,007.67 WESTLAKE ACADEMY FY 2020-2021 LOCAL GRANT SUMMARY as of August 14, 2021 Grant Description o/ Grant Original Grant CY Grant Award Brd Apvd CY Grant Total Amount Total Total Total Expanded Remaining Award Source Expanded Expended Awarded (if mulli-yr) Dale Accrual Race ived YTD Prior Year. FY 20/21 All Years Balance Status TOTAL GRANTS FUNDED BY WAF $ 299,190.00 $ 30,304.00 $ 108,845.17 $ 159,195.37 $ 159,195.37 $ 87,712.51 $246,907.88 $ 82,586.12 WAF (EG31) Multi -Year RESTRICTED Donor -Designated Gifts 484 (37) Danallon: After -School Dyslexia Tutoring ell 41161201nc1 GK.G3 malh/reading Wtlallves $ 15.000.00 $ AR - 10/16/17 $ 2.618.19 S 12,381.81 S 12.381.81 S 816.08 $ 13.197.89 $ 1,802.11 484 (43) 484 (47) 484 (55) Donation: Angel Funds (Class of 2024) Donation: Library Grant Donation: Student Travel Awards 1,675.00 2.500.00 10,000.00 10,020.00 - 10/11117 10/1W17 01/15/18 1,125.00 12,520.00 7.239.00 550.00 - 2,761.00 550.00 2,761.00 - - 550.00 - 2,761.00 1,125.00 12,520.00 7,239.00 484 (81) Donation: PYP (Davidson) Science Lab _ 5,000.00 - 11/26/18 4,300.42 699.58 699.58 699.58 4.300.42 484 (64) Donation: Drumfne Program 10,000.00 08/21119 5.217.68 4.782.32 4,782.32 1,382.40 6.164.72 3,835.28 484 (93) Donation: Theatre Program 1,000.00 10.000.00 10/18/19 9,979.44 1,020.56 1.020.11 1,020.56 9,979.44 484 (94) Donation: PYP Literacy Program 6,000.00 - 10/22/19 6,000.00 - 6,000.00 Sub -Total: Donor-Designaled Grants $ 51,175.00 $ 20,020.00 $ 48.999.73 $ 22,195.27 $ 22,195.27 $ 2,198.48 $ 24,393.75 $ 46,801.25 TOTAL GRANTS THROUGH WA FOUNDATION $ 350,365,00 $ 50,324.00 1 1 $ 157,844.90 1 $ 151,390.64 1 $ 181,390.64 $ $9,910.99 1 $ 271,3D1.63 $ 129,J87.77 Slml ar Position July 2021 Westlake Academy Foundation BUDGET �� kl << ,�, �� FY End f `'' Beginning Balance FY21-22 = $xxx,xxx (r� i�i+ August 31, 2022 Revenues 39501 Gallery Night Sponsors 100,000 Auction (admissions, live, silent, purchases) 100,000 GN Fund an Item 39501 Total Gallery Night 75,000 275,000 39508 Baja - Fund 100 Sponsors - Baja Fund an Item 350,000 Sales (admissions, ball drop) - 39508 Total Baja - Fund 100 39502 Blacksmith 1,030,000 External Grants 39504 Capital Campaign 39505 Endowment (via transfer from 10% GN proceeds) otal Revenues Expenses 41110 Administration Hospitality 3,000 Marketing Services 10,000 Alumni Gift 3,000 Website/ Social Media 500 Donor Management Software 4,260 Postage & Shipping 4,000 Print and Copy 4,000 Promotions & Marketing/Merchandise 10,000 Credit Card Fees 5,000 Audit and 990 9,800 STW Financial Annual Lease 2,352 Office Supplies 3,500 Giving Day fees 2,735 41110 Total Administration Gallery Night Event Cost Baja Event Cost Baja Initiative #2 (gift cards 4x per year) Total Expenses Less Transfers Blacksmith Transfer 1,030,000 Fund an item Baja Transfer (22K TOY, 50K Stipends) 72,000 Fund an item GN Transfer 75,000 Baja Endowment Transfer (10% of Gross Event Revenue) - Gallery Night Endowment Transfer (10% of Gross Event Revenue) 20,000 Total Transfers otal Expenses + Transfers Funds Available for Grants Endowment = Bradley, Quinn & WAF Travel awards 13,500 Discretionary FY 21-22 Teacher Grants 75,000 Total Grants from Revenue Budgeted FY21 Cash Collections Less Outflows 350,000 1,030,000 10,000 20,000 1,685,000 62,147 80,000 xx,xxx 102,500 244,647 1.197.000 1.441.647 243,353 1 88,500 154.853