HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-16-21 P&Z Min P&Z Minutes - 8/16/2021 Page 1 of 5 MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING August 16, 2021 PRESENT: Commission Chairman Tim Brittan, Commissioners Michelle Lee, Kim Morris, Sharon Sanden, Ken Kraska, and Diane Prager. ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Assistant Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, Director of Planning & Development Ron Ruthven, Town Attorney Matthew Butler, Building Official Pat Cooke, and Development Coordinator Nick Ford . Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER Commission Chairman Tim Brittan called the regular session to order at 5:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CITIZENS COMMENTS Mr. Peter Michelsen addressed the commission. He expressed concerns regarding the approval process of site plans by staff, rather than approvals by the Town Council. His concern was that there would be a lower quality of development at the Entrada Develo pment and the residential repository would not be a good it for Westlake. Town Attorney Matthew Butler responded regarding the steps in the approval process, noting that the current procedure allows for any uncertainties to be finally decided by the Town Council. 4. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD JUNE 14, 2021. P&Z Minutes - 8/16/2021 Page 2 of 5 MOTION: Commission Chairman Brittan asked for a motion to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes from the June 14, 2021 meeting. Commissioner Lee made a motion to approve the minutes, with the modification that Commissioner Kraska was not present. Commissioner Sanden seconded t he motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 5. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 703 APPROVING THE PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS “WESTLAKE ENTRADA”, LOCATED NORTH OF SOLANA BLVD., EAST OF DAVIS BLVD., AND SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114. Director of Planning and Development Ron Ruthven presented this item. He began by stating The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to table this item and continue the public hearing on March 8 and April 12, 2021, respectively. The item was tabled to allow the applicant to more time to provide a development plan amendment that accounts for the removal of the amphitheater, a site plan amendment that accounts for the entire portion of Block C and addition al details concerning the proposed residential repository. At the May 17, 2021, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, after providing a presentation to the Commission, the applicant verbally requested to withdraw the requests, after which the Vice-Chair of the Commission reported that requests were withdrawn, and the cases were closed. Mr. Ruthven explained that this item would involve several steps by the applicant to gain approval of their previous requests and address the previously concerns of the Commission. He then stated that the amendments to the Entrada zoning regulations requested by Centurion American were in conjunction with the development plan that has been requested. This item also contained staff proposed amendments to the Entrada zoning regulations which were responsive to the applicant’s request. Mr. Ruthven then explained that Centurion American is requesting amendments to the Entrada zoning regulations contained in Ordinance 703 to add a new and currently unlisted, land use. Ordinance 703 contains the comprehensive Planned Development District (PD) zoning and development regulations for the Entrada development, which is wholly contained within the PD1-2 zoning district. The proposed new use would be called a “Residential Repository”, which would allow for climate-controlled, indoor self-storage units that would include a mix of personalized, custom units where car, art and other collections could be stored and viewed, and would also allow for compartmentalized, prefabricated self-sto rage units similar to other typical indoor self-storage facilities. In conjunction with these amendments, staff proposed amendments to the Entrada zoning regulations that would remove the legislative approval requirement for site plans and site plan amend ments, as well as provid ing for automatic expiration provisions for approved site plans where no building permit has been issued within two-years from the date of approval. Finally, staff recommends amending the parking requirements in the development to be limited to the amount of off-street surface parking . This recommendation would not exceed more than 30% of the total parking required within the development. Mr. Ruthven then noted that these amendments along with the proposed development plan amendments are proposed in conjunction with an amendment to the development agreement and economic development agreement s for Entrada. P&Z Minutes - 8/16/2021 Page 3 of 5 Commissioner Brittan opened the Public Hearing . No one addressed the Commission. Commissioner Brittan closed the Public Hearing. MOTION: Commission Brittan asked for a motion to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes from the June 14, 2021 meeting. Commissioner Kraska made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion. The Motion carried by a vote o f 5 -0.Planning and Zoning Commission voted to approve the recommendation of the proposed amendments to Ordinance 703 approving the PD-1 zoning district, by a (5 -0) vo te. 6. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCES 720 AND 918 APPROVING AND AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS “WESTLAKE ENTRADA”, LOCATED NORTH OF SOLANA BLVD., EAST OF DAVIS BLVD., AND SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114. Director of Planning and Development Ron Ruthven presented this item. As mentioned on the agenda memo for the zoning amendments, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to table this item and continue the public hearing on March 8 and April 12, 2021, respectively. The item was tabled to allow the applicant to more time to provide a development plan amendment that accounts for the removal of the amphitheater, a site plan amendment that accounts for the entire portion of Block C and additional details concerning the proposed residential repository. At the May 17, 2021, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, after providing a presentation to the Commission, the applicant verbally requested to withdraw the requests, after which the Vice-Chair of the Commission reported that requests were withdrawn, and the cases were closed. Mr. Ruthven then explained that this item would involve several steps on the part of the applicant to gain approval of their previous requests and address the previously noted concerns of the Commission. He noted that the original development plan for Entrada was approved by Ordinance 720 and was subsequently amended by Ordinances 830 and 918, as t he purpose of the development plan is to serve as the guiding master plan for the development while also serving as the regulatory control plan for the entire development. The Entrada zoning regulations also require the site plans to be consistent with the approved development plan. Unlike a concept plan, the development plan is scaled, contains more detail such as exact roadway locations and lot boundaries, and serves to act as a high -level site plan for the entire development. The purpose of this item is to consider and discuss requested changes to the Entrada development plan. The proposed major changes to the amenity core of the development include removing the amphitheater, adding a hotel along SH 114, adding retail and a residential repository to the remainder of Block C. Given the removal of the amphitheater, Block B, the former gas pad site, would contain a new retail/events area, office buildings along the west wall of the parking garage, and a hotel. Block K, containing the plaza mayor, would include mixed -use on all three sides rather than a mix of hotel and condos as currently planned. P&Z Minutes - 8/16/2021 Page 4 of 5 Commissioner Brittan opened the Public Hearing . No one addressed the Commission. Commissioner Brittan closed the Public Hearing. MOTION: Commission Chairman Brittan then asked for a motion to approve recommendations to amending Ordinances 720 and 918, per staff recommendations. Commissioner Lee made a motion to approve the site evaluation based on staff recommendations. Commissioner Kraska seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 7. CONDUCT HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 760 APPROVING THE DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS “WESTLAKE ENTRADA”, LOCATED NORTH OF SOLANA BLVD., EAST OF DAVIS BLVD., AND SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114. Director of Planning and Development Ron Ruthven presented this item. He stated that staff was proposing a minor amendment to the Entrada design guidelines regarding signage. The Entrada design guidelines, approved by the Town Council on December 14, 2015 by Ordinance 760, which currently permits internally illuminated plastic channel letters on a case-by-case basis. Existing examples of this type of sign in Entrada can be found on the front façades of the CVS Pharmacy and the façade of the Sendera Title building. Staff is proposing the elimination of plastic internally illuminated channel letters from the design guidelines. These types of types of signs are pervasive in most suburban retail developments across the nation and are not consistent with the rustic Catalonian design theme of Entrada, particularly in multi-tenant situations where more than one business is in a single building. The proposed changes by staff were as detailed as follows (shown in mark-up format): Ordinance 760, Exhibit B – Entrada Design Guidelines, Page 64, Signage – Materials: Letters “Letters: Channel letters, pierced or laser cut metal displaying lettering, number or logos. Acceptable materials are brass, bronze, copper, or ferrous metal. Plastic is allowed upon review and approval of proposed design. Acceptable metal finishes include oil rubbed, dark bronze, black iron or a shop applied natural patina finish. Internally lit or back lit plastic channel letters may be allowed on a case by case basis. Colors and design to be approved by the Town or their designee.” Mr. Ruthven explained that in situations where plastic, back-lit channel letters, or something similar, are deemed integral to the building design by the proposed developer, a waiver may be granted by the Town Council as part of the site plan approval process. Commissioner Brittan opened the Public Hearing . No one addressed the Commission. Commissioner Brittan closed the Public Hearing. P&Z Minutes - 8/16/2021 Page 5 of 5 MOTION: Commission Chairman Brittan then asked for a motion to approve recommendations to amending Ordinance 760, per staff recommendations. Commissioner Kraska made a motion to approve the site evaluation based on staff recommendations and urged staff to explore options pertaining to legal non-conforming signs. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commissioners, Commissioner Brittan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn carried by a vote of 5-0. Chairman Brittan adjourned the meeting at 6:05 p.m. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ON SEPTEMBER 20, 2021. ________________________________ ATTEST: Chairman , Tim Brittan _____________________________________ Todd Wood, Town Secretary