HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-16-21 P&Z Agenda Packet TOWN OF WESTLAKE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA 1500 SOLANA BLVD, BUILDING 7, SUITE 7100, COUNCIL CHAMBER WESTLAKE, TX 76262 T H r r o w N n r W ESTLAKE AUGUST 16, 2021 5:00 P.M. MEETING In accordance with Order of the Office of the Governor issued March 16, 2020 and March 19, 2020, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Westlake will meet at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 16, 2021. In order to advance the public health goal of promoting "social distancing" to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), there will be limited public access to the physical location described above. A limit of thirty (30) seats will be available to the public on a first-come, first-serve basis. A recording of this meeting will be made and will be available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. �ision Statement An oasis of natural beauty that maintains our open spaces in balance with distinctive deve%pment, trails, and quality of life amenities amidst an ever expanding urban landscape. Reaular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Planning & Zoning Commission on any matter, whether or not it is posted on the agenda. Individual citizen comments are normally limited to three (3) minutes; however, time limits can be adjusted by the presiding officer. The presiding officer may ask the citizen to hold their comments on any agenda item if the item is posted as a Public Hearing. The Planning & Zoning Commission cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. 4. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD JUNE 14, 2021. 5. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 703 APPROVING THE PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS "WESTLAKE ENTRADA", LOCATED NORTH OF SOLANA BLVD., EAST OF DAVIS BLVD., AND SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114. 6. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCES 720 AND 918 APPROVING AND AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE PD1-2 ZONING P&Z Agenda-08/16/21 Page 1 of 2 DISTRICT, KNOWN AS "WESTLAKE ENTRADA", LOCATED NORTH OF SOLANA BLVD., EAST OF DAVIS BLVD., AND SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114. 7. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 760 APPROVING THE DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS ��WESTLAKE ENTRADA", LOCATED NORTH OF SOLANA BLVD., EAST OF DAVIS BLVD., AND SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114. 8. AD70URNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 1500 Solana Blvd., Bldg. 7, Ste. 7100, Westlake, Texas, 76262, August 13, 2021, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. ��� T dd Wood, Town cretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5711 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. P&Z Agenda—08/16/21 Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning Com m ission Item # 2 — Pledge of Allegiance United States P/edae 'I pledqe allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indi�isible, with liberty and justice for a//. „ Texas PledAe "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to the, Texas, one state under God, one and indi�isible. " Planning and Zoning Commission Item #3 — Citizen Comments CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Planning & Zoning Commission on any matter, whether or not it is posted on the agenda. Individual citizen comments are normally limited to three (3) minutes; however, time limits can be adjusted by the presiding officer. The presiding officer may ask the citizen to hold their comments on any agenda item if the item is posted as a Public Hearing. The Planning & Zoning Commission cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Planning and Zoning Commission Item #4 DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON )UNE 14, 2021. i H E T U W H 0 F WESTLAKE MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING 7une 14, 2021 PRESENT: Commissioners Michelle Lee, Brad Swearingen, Sharon Sanden, and Diane Prager. ABSENT: Commission Chairman Tim Brittan and Commissioner Kim Morris. OTHERS PRESENT: Assistant Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, Director of Planning & Development Ron Ruthven, Town Secretary Todd Wood, Director of Planning and Development Ron Ruthven, Building Official Pat Cooke, Development Coordinator Nick Ford, and Town Attorney Matthew Butler. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Micelle Lee called the regular session to order at 5:02 p.m. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS No one addressed the Commission. 3. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE PRELIMINARY SITE EVALUATION FOR SPENCER RANCH (NOW CALLED WESTLAKE RANCH), LOCATED IN THE PD7 ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PEARSON LANE AND ASPEN LANE. Director of Planning and Development Ron Ruthven presented this item. He stated that this zoning amendment was approved last month by both the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council for"Westlake Ranch", formerly known as"Spencer Ranch", which was P&Z Minutes 6/14/21 Page 1 of 2 approved by ordinance 828. He then stated that a preliminary site evaluation was being brought forth with an amendment. The developers have taken the approved concept development plan that was approved in 2019 and modified the site development plan based on the approved zoning development plan. Director Ruthven then noted that this was once referred to as a Preliminary Plat, and the Final Plat is filed with the County. Commissioner Lee confirmed that the preliminary site evaluation was previously approved by the Town Council. Director Ruthven confirmed that it was conformed. Commissioner Lee then asked if the other Commissioners has any questions. Commissioner Swearingen and Commissioner Prager indicated that they had no issues with what was being presented. Commissioner Lee opened the Public Hearing at 5:08 p.m. No one addressed the Commission. Commissioner Lee closed the Public Hearing at 5:08 p.m. MOTION: Commissioner Lee then asked for a motion to approve the preliminary site plan evaluation. Swearingen made a motion to approve the site evaluation based on staff recommendations. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 4. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commissioners, Commissioner Lee asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION: Commissioner Swearingen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Prager seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. Chairman Brittan adjourned the meeting at 5:14 p.m. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ON AUGUST 16, 2021. ATTEST: Chairman, Tim Brittan Todd Wood, Town Secretary P&Z Minutes 6/14/21 Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning Commission Item #5 CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 703 APPROVING THE PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS ��WESTLAKE ENTRADA", LOCATED NORTH OF SOLANA BLVD., EAST OF DAVIS BLVD., AND SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114. WESTLAKE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION T H E T a w N 0 F TYPE OF ACTION W E S T L A K E Regular Meeting - Action Item Monday, August 16, 2021 ToP�c: Conduct a public hearing and consider recommendation of proposed amendments to Ordinance 703 approving the PD 1-2 zoning district, known as "Westlake Entrada", located north of Solana Blvd., east of Davis Blvd., and south of State Highway 114. S'rAFF CoNTAC'r: Ron Ruthven, Planning and Development Director Strategic Alignment � � � � � . , . . , : ' • � � High Quality Planning, Design & Planned/Responsible Citizen, Student& Development-We are a desirable well preserve Desirability Development Stakeholder Planned, high-quality community that &Quality of Life is distinguished by exemplary design standards. � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) NOTE: The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to table this item and continue the public hearing on March 8 and April 12, 2021, respectively. The item was tabled to allow the applicant to more time to provide a development plan amendment that accounts for the removal of the amphitheater, a site plan amendment that accounts for the entire portion of Block C and additional details concerning the proposed residential repository. At the May 17, 2021,Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, after providing a presentation to the Commission, the applicant verbally requested to withdraw the requests, after which the Vice-Chair of the Commission reported that requests were withdrawn, and the cases were closed. Therefore, this item involves several steps on the part of the applicant to gain approval of their previous requests and address the previously noted concerns of the Commission. Page 1 of 5 In conjunction with amendments to the Entrada zoning regulations and development plan requested by Centurion American on this agenda, this item also contains staff proposed amendments to the Entrada zoning regulations responsive to the applicant's request. Centurion American is requesting amendments to the Entrada zoning regulations contained in Ordinance 703 to add a new, and currently unlisted, land use. Ordinance 703 contains the comprehensive Planned Development District (PD) zoning and development regulations for the Entrada development, which is wholly contained within the PD1-2 zoning district. The proposed new use would be called a "Residential Repository", which would allow for climate-controlled, indoor self-storage units that would include a mix of personalized, custom units where car, art and other collections could be stored and viewed, and would also allow for compartmentalized, prefabricated self-storage units similar to other typical indoor self-storage facilities. In conjunction with these amendments, staff is proposing amendments to the Entrada zoning regulations that would remove the legislative approval requirement for site plans and site plan amendments and would also provide for automatic expiration provisions for approved site plans where no building permit has been issued within two-years from the date of approval. Lastly, staff proposes amending the parking requirements in the development limit the amount of off-street surface parking to not more than 30% of the total parking required in the development. These amendments along with the amendments proposed to the development plan are proposed in conjunction with an amendment to the development agreement and the economic development agreement for Entrada. The amendments to these agreements will be explained in the agenda memo that describes the development plan amendments. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS The following is a detailed breakdown of the proposed amendments to Ordinance 703: Article II—Uses, Land Use Schedule—Permitted Uses, Commercial Uses Under the Commercial Uses section of Article II—Uses,given the request by Centurion American, the following use is proposed: NEW USE: "Residential Repository" [subject to the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP).] The addition of the definition of a "Residential Repository"proposed in Ordinance 703 is shown below. Article I—General Provisions, Section 3 —General Definitions Staff proposes the following definition of a "Residential Repository" as follows: Residential Repository—A retail service establishment, operating under a single Certificate of Occupancy, providing enclosed storage units primarily to residential customers within a single, enclosed and climate-controlled structure with each unit having individual access. Prohibited activities include utilization of any unit as a residence or short-term residential accommodation, industrial manufacturing, and any other use that may pose a nuisance and/or threat to public health and safety or other-wise constitute illegal activity under local, State and Federal law. Page 2 of 5 Further conditions and restrictions, including but not limited to licensing requirements, may be placed upon a Residential Repository within the ordinance that approves the Specific Use Permit." The Residential Repository use, if approved, is proposed to be included in a new building to be constructed on a portion of Block C in Entrada. If the land use amendment is approved, the Residential Repository SUP and site plan on this agenda may then be considered by the Commission and Council. Article I—General Provisions—Section 5.3 PD Site Plans Staff proposes amendments to the site plan requirements in the Entrada zoning regulations as shown in the following markup: A PD site plan is mandatory and is the final step of the PD development process. The purposes of a PD site plan are to ensure that the development of individual building lots,parcels, or tracts within the PD district are consistent with the approved�����-��*�'��� ���-'development plan, '� and to ensure that the standards applicable within the PD district are met for each such lot,parcel, or tract. A PD site plan shall continue to be valid for a period of two years after it is approved per the provisions of this ordinance .. ; however, if�a buildina peNrnit for all structures shown on the a�proved site�lan is not issued bv the Town within the two-vear period afte� a�roval, the site plan shall automaticallv ex�ire and shall terminate. ���a, ,;�� ��� �'�,�„� �, ��� ��*�� ��,�a � �� �„ � �� p'� �;*� r��,�. If a PD site plan terminates, development of the land covered by the terminated plan cannot occur until a new PD site plan has been approved foN the land as provided by this article. : Legislative approval of a site plan shall not be required exce�t as provided herein and��� *'-� �"��� ; �;f� r'�,��: r;,�,.�„ �,��;�„ , �;,a.,,�.;,.> >�,����. � shall only requiNe administrative approval by the Town Manager or designee. In reviewing said site plans, the Town Manager or designee may, in any instance, defeN the consideration and approval of said site plan to the Town Council upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Likewise, in the event that a site plan is denied by the Town Manager or designee, then the applicant may appeal said decision to the Town Council upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. ��-g � , A�tll site plan� submissions shall othe�wise meet the requirements of this ordinance and other pertinent Town regulations. T�� ''� ������* *'�' �° Page 3 of 5 All site �lans shall be consistent with the a�proved develo�rnent�lan, as arnended, and shall adhere to the a�proved Entrada desi�guidelines, as amended. Variances to the regulations contained in this PD ordinance and its subsequent a�nend�nents, may onlv be approved by the Town Council via a Site Plan approval if the Site Plan approval process adheres to the same notification and public hearing process that a zoning change is required to adhere to by State law. " The purpose and justification of the proposed amendments is as follows: • Given the current stage in the life cycle of the Entrada development, the approved zoning regulations, development plan and design guidelines provide a detailed roadmap for proper development of Entrada. Provided the site plan adheres to these guidelines, only administrative approval is needed. Thus, the site plan approval process may be more efficient provided the site plan complies with all development requirements. • Any variances or deviations from the guidelines noted above will trigger a legislative approval requirement. • Coupled with the terms and conditions of the development and economic development agreements as amended, further assurance of fidelity to the development provisions approved by the Town Council is provided such that only administrative approval is needed from this point forward. Article III—Develoument Standards— Section 15.3 Parking Standards Given that much of the commercial core remains to be developed, staff recommends parking regulation amendments such that surface parking is kept to a minimum. This is proposed to minimize suburban style development encroachment in Entrada and promote the European aesthetic of the development. Given this, staff researched automobile parking in Europe to determine a "European" standard ratio. According to a 2013 study by the European Parking Association, 70% of all automobile parking spaces in Europe are contained within structured parking. Therefore, staff proposed the following amendments: "Section 15.3 Where possible, pgarking shall � be located in str~uctured garages or along streets as approved by the Town. However, o�f-street surface�arkin� lots mav be constructed provided all Town requirements are met. Not more than 30% o�parking provided in the develo�ment shall be allowed in off street surface lots. Exce�tions include shared�arkin�, as authorized bv this ordinance, that is provided in an adiacent, o�'f-site development outside o�' Entrada. " SUMMARY The applicant is requesting to amend the Entrada zoning regulations contained in Ordinance 703 to add the use of a Residential Repository. Staff also recommends amendments relative to site plan approvals and parking requirements. ALTERNATIVE P&Z ACTIONS The Planning & Zoning Commission has the following options when considering this item: Page 4 of 5 • Recommend approval as submitted • Recommend approval with modifications or additional condition(s) • Recommend approval with staff recommendations • Any combination of the above • Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose • Recommend denial TOWN COUNCIL ACTION If the Planning & Zoning Commission acts and makes a recommendation for approval/denial on this agenda item, then it will be scheduled for Town Council action on August 23, 2021. Page 5 of 5 Planning and Zoning Commission Item #6 CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCES 720 AND 918 APPROVING AND AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS ��WESTLAKE ENTRADA", LOCATED NORTH OF SOLANA BLVD., EAST OF DAVIS BLVD., AND SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114. WESTLAKE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION T H E T a w N 0 F TYPE OF ACTION W E S T L A K E Regular Meeting - Action Item Monday, August 16, 2021 ToP�c: Conduct a public hearing and consider recommendation of proposed amendments to Ordinances 720 and 918 approving and amending the development plan for the PD1-2 zoning district, known as "Westlake Entrada", located north of Solana Blvd., east of Davis Blvd., and south of State Highway 114. STAFF CONTACT: Ron Ruthven, Planning and Development Director Strategic Alignment � � i � � . � . .: . ' • � � High Quality Planning, Design & Planned/Responsible Citizen, Student& Development-We are a desirable well preserve Desirability Development Stakeholder planned, high-quality community that &Quality of Life is distinguished by exemplary design standards. � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) As mentioned on the agenda memo for the zoning amendments, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to table this item and continue the public hearing on March 8 and April 12, 2021, respectively. The item was tabled to allow the applicant to more time to provide a development plan amendment that accounts for the removal of the amphitheater, a site plan amendment that accounts for the entire portion of Block C and additional details concerning the proposed residential repository. At the May 17, 2021,Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, after providing a presentation to the Commission,the applicant verbally requested to withdraw the requests, after which the Vice-Chair of the Commission reported that requests were withdrawn, and the cases were closed. Therefore, this item involves several steps on the part of the applicant to gain approval of their previous requests and address the previously noted concerns of the Commission. Page 1 of 6 The purpose of this item is to consider and discuss requested changes to the Entrada development plan. The proposed major changes to the amenity core of the development include removing the amphitheater, adding a hotel along SH 114, adding retail and a residential repository to the remainder of Block C. Given the removal of the amphitheater, Block B, the former gas pad site, would contain a new retail/events area, office buildings along the west wall of the parking garage, and a hotel. Block K, containing the plaza mayor, would include mixed-use on all three sides rather than a mix of hotel and condos as currently planned. DEVELOPMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRADA The original development plan for Entrada was approved by Ordinance 720, and was subsequently amended by Ordinance 830 and 918. The purpose of the development plan is to serve as the guiding master plan for the development while also serving as the regulatory control plan for the entire development. The Entrada zoning regulations also require the site plans to be consistent with the approved development plan. Unlike a concept plan, the development plan is scaled, contains more detail such as exact roadway locations and lot boundaries, and serves to act as a high-level site plan for the entire development. PROPOSED MAJOR AMENDMENTS The following includes the detail of each proposed development plan amendment: Block C—Includin�Amphitheater Site The current approved development plan shows as follows for this area: ��. '•� �'- �\. '�srqre � �\"!^'\ \. "\ ---=,,_ \.\ � o� AMPHIiHFAfER\� ��ry ��, - � ��BL KC / ��� — � �1 r ' i \ � � - -- O " � � / _ �`_ O i ____ T'qRRA(�'�IV ARI � RESTAUR/aNi �� . I Lm r •=�.a .,,.P"..: �///�9C\\\ � The proposed amendment shows as follows (further detail shown on site plan amendment): Page 2 of 6 �_ ``a ��>:-:. '� a� �ti ' � �.r.� � �.. �RESI6E L ��. 1RESP051 RY �� � _ ` y� •� `',r,''�!: ��;�,... . \ ',� � '.�(;;r r �.._.. ��^-, �� � <<�(/,`,r1 ,,6LU4k`P.!/d- - � �t,� � 'qi � � ���'1 �`�,. '�� �ll;�r � � - 1JV'��,.•�� � -� � � � z. �- � i ��-_' - -- ARi � . z ' i:.,..._ . . , The amended plan shows the residential repository, a hotel and retail buildings that mirror the restaurant row with the amphitheater removed. The residential repository will require the approval of a separate SUP, which will be considered on a future agenda. Block B—Gas Well Pad Site The current approved development plan shows as follows for this area: ��,; �-�"PR��� � ��., , ,; OFFICE - v �� � � ELOGIC B ` t- �GASPRD � � � `,' ' ��✓�'� ' f ! ��� �� � P� /-/ The proposed amendment shows as follows (further detail shown on site plan amendment): �� � � �' ,��_ � �•� �\ -- � , � ��� ���3� E- y / . A y HOTEL , �,}{� � ; \�`��� C' ''�'1. i BLOCK§��� ' , \ 11 �~`` '� l ti�� � �y ' � �._ � � � � � �� . y� � �� � � ���� ; � " � �`• ,���y;� � '�i�� ��; �.. , � �\RFXAII/EVE�7S. �� - 1V � AREA �_ . �... ;� '4,:��4,� ' / �_� � ..,.. � .�� � �/� !�/ / Page 3 of 6 The proposed change includes a retail/events area that would replace the amphitheater, a detached retail building, a hotel and offices along the west side of the parking garage interspersed with surface parking. Block K—Plaza Mavor site The current approved development plan shows as follows for this area: �/ �-L` � � \ . MI D \ ``� SE ! flAIAMAYOl�. y � P BLOCR R � ' ! �.• ���,_�'� � � ' ; ,' � �r � �'� .ti � �� � �� �. � 1 '��e \ �.::� ;':,:�\ � a � ��.�_.������.. � � / , � ' ��'�'-'���� � ��� � � �'.��� PD1-R PO � USF \ BLOCK D The proposed amendment shows as follows (further detail shown on site plan amendment): J � � � �: y\\ � ,-P LAZA�M0.Y0 BIOQK K ;.'.�. '..'.� ..\ .:. \ ' ���� j� ,,����/ �� MIXE�USE 'MIXE�i1�E � � � � �w �% � �� PD 1-2 Fr � � „� ; . �.�.,�� . � BIOCK� y. �+- The proposed change removes the two hotels and creates mixed-use on all three sides. Changes to the plaza design are also shown on the plan. The mixed-use category allows for ground floor commercial retail uses and condominiums on the upper floors. However, condominiums can only be approved through the approval of a Specific Use Permit(SUP). Thus, the mixed-use category on the development plan is not an entitlement given the SUP requirement. Other minor changes Page 4 of 6 Other minor changes include areas where the development plan is calibrated to reflect approved site plans and site plan amendments. These include Block H, M and E. AMENDMENTS TO DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANS Concurrent with the proposed zoning and development plan amendments, staff is drafting amendments to the development and economic development agreements to Entrada that will be considered by the Town Council on August 23, 202 L These agreements will contain specific performance standards, incentives and penalties that will serve to incentivize and hold the developer accountable to construct the amenity core of improvements on Blocks B, C and K as shown on the development amendment simultaneously and in a timely fashion. The following is a generallist of items that the agreement amendments will contain: • Construction (Blocks K, C and B): timing and scheduling; materials and design; staging and performance standards including incentives and penalties. • Block K Condominiums (Assuming approval of an SUP(s)): General conditions; interior design; amenities. • Events and Open Space (Blocks K, C and B): open space amenities; events management, planning and permitting; event specifics for the Block B events area. • Retail performance standards (Blocks K, C and B): retail location, quantity and quality. It is envisioned that these terms, when coupled with the other proposed amendments and the additional conditions described below, will enable the developer to complete the amenity core in a timely manner and to high level of quality consistent with the theme of the development. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUMMARY The proposed development plan amendments are in conjunction with the zoning amendments and the future terms of the amendments to the development and economic development agreements. The Commission cannot recommend approval of the agreement amendments. However, subject to the following conditions, staff recommends that the Commission vote to approve the development plan amendments with the understanding that the Council will consider the amended agreements, zoning and development plan amendments on August 23, 2021: 1. Regarding the following buildings shown on the development plan, if no building permits are issued for all said buildings by January l, 2023, then further Town Council approval shall be required in order to receive a building permit for said buildings and to extend the expiration period beyond January l, 2023: (a) all buildings on Block C; (b) the retail and office buildings on Block B; (c) the west mixed-use building on Block K. 2. All uses shown on the development plan requiring the approval of a separate Specific Use Permit (SUP), including, but not limited to, the residential repository on Block C and the condominiums located in mixed-use areas, shall require separate Town Council consideration of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) as required by the Town zoning ordinances and Entrada zoning regulations. Approval of any SUP shall be at the sole discretion of the Town Council upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Therefore, any labeled uses requiring an SUP shall not be considered entitled uses without the separate approval of an SUP. Page 5 of 6 ALTERNATIVE P&Z ACTIONS The Planning & Zoning Commission has the following options when considering this item: • Recommend approval as submitted • Recommend approval with modifications or additional condition(s) • Recommend approval with staff recommendations • Any combination of the above • Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose • Recommend denial TOWN COUNCIL ACTION If the Planning & Zoning Commission acts and makes a recommendation for approval/denial on this agenda item, then it will be scheduled for Town Council action on August 23, 2021. ATTACHMENTS 1. Existing Approved Development Plan 2. Proposed Amended Development Plan Page 6 of 6 _ � _ � _�7�r • r C� _ • Map Color Entrada Development Plan Land Use Categories �� Single family Residential(detached) _ s � . � � � Single Family Residential(majority attached/townhome/brownstone} _• � � Residemial Condominium(Stand alone) � � y _ �_ � .�. MixedUse(Vertically Integrated Residential�ondominium with tommercial} . . . . . . . . . . � ` � _ `� _ OFfice /�/ �Q �� � • • _ . Retail(includes restaurents} J U �• � • � _ � � - � r � Hotel/Other Cammerical � �� ` A �� * Entertainment/Recreation/Events � � �� 'p ' p -Rq `� ��• _ . � 1� _ �• �a, Institutional(Church,Government, hospital) � � W'F- � �ti _� _ � � _ Utilities/public parking areas/roads I _ �F`s lq�,k ----� . ,;., `� ' r ,� Parks and Open Space(Including Public Plazas) ---� / Q % / RETAIL _• _ � � " �� � �� waterfeatures � I q _ S �..a. ,� Entrada Development Plan Pedestrian Mobility Legend . � � � K ' � - - - � _ • � Public Trails �� 4 �; i� .�.� � GQN . —• _ ST�} ]- � � � � � . Sidewalks �Q � ",��`,�`< \ �,� / .� ,.\��,- _ - PR P . �-H�}, 7 1 / / 1 ������ Public Passages(European Style-includes pedestrian only bridges} � , e 1� �� �; � �� X 1 1 � BLOCK P - _' _ � � ��. i ���� _ • S � �` 'rz,: f �� OFFICE �,.• ' _ . - Q � _ - � i o .� q _ - . x x�� � •� ���,0 � ,.�,-� ,,,��x� '`� P �� - AMPHITHEATER ° . � —� N,� ' �_:� ���-_� �� � ° BL K C �. _ - � - � -- - - - BLOCK B 1 Z o �_ _ � - „ x � �-Y: a � 1 Q _ •_ 1�; - D �_ f i 1 x ¢ n O. • . _� � 1 � _ � � '� � �� _ • i BLOCK M , � GAS PAD � .� � l � _ _ � RETAIL �--- p % 1 �— � ,_ / o � � � • 1 � ,�o 0 0 o rARRAGON---�� ART . ` � � - t � �+ ` A-� �• ` � , Q Q-- R �� 1 RESTAURANT , � �r •°oa RETAIL 1 x� � RECEPTI4N `. �� � r � ` _� ' �'� B§OCK N � � %_x��� a� ``• •� � 4 .. � _ ap#k�tt�� � � : �_� - � � � � a t ` Q ` � o � 9 � z - p CHAPEL TOWN HALL � � ��, � O g �� ` � • ` . � G :::.: P�P o � r :�� . ��i \ �� .y.�� � � \ -�� \ Q � �� � � . \ � �\\� - � MI gED BL ART � ` � � ��� � . �� � � " � � � . �\ �� �\ ` PLAZA MAYOR � � ` • \�\ \� Q' ; BLOCK K ' �',p ` � � �� `,- e �- � �� / co � ` \\ � �� � -� RrFs �` . \� �� P � . � � BLOCK H BLOCK G BLOCK F � � ` O � � \\� � �' � ��s \� �� � E� � - � . \ � — � � . ��� \ � .�� � _ . . � 1 � � �} • • . � 1� z �'� � — c� 11 � 1 � �ro pp �_z Areas I1 1I 2 POO : . - . � USE A RETAIL CORNER 1.42 1 � B GAS WELL PAD SITE 7.22 ` ` � �O� C RETAIL/STORAGE 3.11 � y ti / C RESTAURANT ROW 1.27 l C CHAPEL/RECEPTION HALL 0.87 1� 4 Z � BLOCK D D RES 0.74 �� I ' D POND 1.24 E RES 2.14 F RES 2.86 I� � ' B�ocK E AP PROVE D G RES z.z9 H RES 3.os � �1 SITE LOT/BLOCK ORDINANCE T I RES 1.02 1 BL�C J RES 1.49 RETAIL CORNER BLOCK A 8c 0 SP I ORD 771 I 2- 22-16 � (EXISTING) RES o.�z 11 1` � .. K PLAZA MAYOR 5.81 ``� � � ���`' CVS LOT 3, BLOCK N SP I ORD 762 I 12-14-15 L TOWNHALL 0.65 1` \ Q (� - M RES 1.29 ��� � _ PRIMROSE LOT 2, BLOCK M SP I ORD 763 I 12-14-15 N MUMROSE o:3$ N RETAIL 1.76 ��� �� 0 BLOCK J LOTS 11 -16, SP I ORD 783 I 4-25-16 � RETAIL ,.ob � �\ - � 7X-2OX, BLOCK J P GUN RANGE/RETAIL 2.83 P OPEN SPACE 6.61 �\�� � BLOCK I BLOCK I SP I ORD 847 I 2-26-18 R MUND o:;� \\� �\ BLOCK I Q RES 6.23 � / BLOCK E LOTS 1 R-14, SP I ORD 837 I 9-11 -17 Q POND 3.,, ��� 19X-20X, BLOCK E Q Mu ,.82 � '�w � � �� PLAZA MAYOR BLOCK K SP I ORD 854 I 5-21 -18 � �► � �� �� GAS WELL PAD SITE BLOCK B SP I ORD 778 I 3-28-16 � � �\ BLOCK LOTS UNITS \� � �\ RESTAURANT ROW LOTS 2,3, BLOCK C SP I ORD 779 I 3-28-16 BLOCK D LOTS 1 -10 10 � \� CHAPEL/ RECEPTION LOTS 3A,6, BLOCK E LOTS 1 R-17 17 , � ��,� \� HALL BLOCK C SP I ORD 853 I 4-30-18 BLOCK F LOTS 1-14 14 `- � ,� ' BLOCK C LOT 1 , BLOCK C SP I ORD 777 I 3-28-16 � g�OCK G LOTS 1_15 15 * _ �� B L O C K H L O T S 1 1 4 1 4 � - '�' � �' � *- � UNDERGROUND GUN BLOCK I LOTS 3-14 12 �, �� . .��� � �, BLOCK P SP I ORD 909 I 5-18-20 � � , RANGE/ RETAIL BLOCK J LOTS 1-16 16 � MULTIPLE LOTS, BLOCK L LOTS 1-25 47 � �� � , �' PHASE 2 gLOCKS Q,L,T DP I ORD 830 I 6-19-17 BLOCK M LOTS 1-18 18 • �' { .� � � � � APPROVED ORDINANCE TO BE REVISED � 10/08/2020 oi SITE PLAN A1.01 SCALE: 1/128"=1'-0" ��— - �' NORTH • � R I - _ � • _�]� • ` h�, • Map Color Entrada Development Plan La nd Use[ategories _r � �� Single Family Residential(semi-detached or detached} y � • Single Family Residential(majority attached/townhome/brownstone) ` ��• �� � Residential Condominium(Stand aloney � � � � __ �� �`` Mixed-Use(Vertically Integrated Residential Condominium with Commercial) � � ' Office i/ o ���. �� . � /� � �� .•` Retail(includes restaurants) 1 � O ��• � \ Hotel/Other Commerical �� Q � � =�� _ • O � Entertainment/Recreation/Events � � �� --__ A �` _�• ` • Institutional(Church,Government,hospital) � ° ` Utilities/public parking areas/roads � =x.5 ,' �` • Parks and Open Space{Inclulding Public Plazas) � � �/ 4 �� � � , R - _ . ` water features � / B � �` �i` Entrada Development Plan Pedestrian Mobility Legend � � Public Trails � � � �--� ii � GQ� �• _ STq �'r � � � � � � Sidewalks i �Q / 'r"A �,� / •%���. �4i PR�` �-��Y , ������ Public Passages{European StyIe-includes pedestrian only bridges� �� �� � X 1 1 �j � � " OCK P �� 1 • _• •- .� s �•� \ . � � f � ° %� FIC • _ � � �'i., � ,i ..• _ • �,;y -- OO i .� o O / � _x�K 4 4 ' _ �x 1� , y AMPHITHEAT o �_ ' � x � _ . G RON� ��. � BLOCK B 1� � ' � — BL CK C �. � . 1 � o � � I p r� � � 1 1% • �' �O � 1 d b � . __ • BLOCK M GAS PAD % � � �� _ • � 1 � � _ v _ � F` ° 1,� %1 � ART � / • � ' g � r �rt . TqR � � �Q 1 ""_" � kqG N + � r r� % RESTAURANT . `� , � Q- ��` 1 1 � . r .gtt� RETA 1 ,� r � RECEPTION ` BLOCK N x_x� � '` � ! `` � ! $ � _x� r �u � �_x_x/x #a���a�a� • ` • � d � Q CHAPEL TOWN HALL • ` � o v a Z ` • � � O � ` � P� \ \ • P, O Jg� / o , �` • , �� � � • � , � -�� , � � � . � � MIX � ,� ��\\ r E �, L ART . � \ \� �\� � . . `\ �\\ �\ P BLQCK KOR TEL . � \� P ' � c�'� � ` \ \ ' � ` \ \\ A �� � �� � S �o� . \\ � -� TFS � . \� BLQC LOCK G BLOCK BLOC Q` ` \\\� c� � • ` \� �� t-'° � � S ' \ � � � � � , ��� � _ \ ~ \\ \ ED S � � • \ 1 • • \\ 1 4 1 � � • \\ 1 J �� 1 1 � I �` OZ pp , 11 ` � HOUS �� �l� � �°� 1 I ` � � BLOCK D � � 1� II � ' 1 BLOCK E � BLQCK 1 11 1 11 ,` � \� �\ o��`� \ , � d \�` � �\� �\ � �� �-�\ � \� �� BL I \ �\� \ \ �� � �� � \ �� � \ �� \ .\ �\ i n nnap coior Entrada Development Plan Land Use Categories � , Single Family Residential(detached) - , �� �'n��, �� Single Family Residential(majority attached/townhome/brownstone) ' � � �/� ,�� Residential Condominium(Stand alone) � \ �0��� Mixed-Use(Vertiwlly Integrated Residential Condominium with Commercial) 3 ' '� � � oo„ � � Office � �� ��� �°�� Retail�includes Restaurants,Commercial, Repository,Office/Showroom and similar) r� �� O � �Enterta'��nment/Recreation/Events � Institutional(Church,Government,hospital) � � � � �� � � � � � ' " _/ � -`�i.� �C �. � Utilities/public parking areas/roads ' � � - �' � • �� Parks and Open Space(Including Public Plazas) --�� �e � ��� � RETA � � �\� , � water features n�� � � Entrada Development Plan Pedestrian Mobility Legend � � �' � vK �� f � 1 �, � PublicTrails ^ � �-r '- 4 i� .�. � � S r,q �'F ;i � � , � � � ' Sidewalks � :n. ' - �� � �:� �. ..i �.. ��� �.. . + �����' ��� � •� v. � ��, ; ��,. � ssages(European Style- es pede only bridges) Public Pa includ strian m� � e �' ✓ O , , �� �� � ��� � � "� ��4 FUTURE CONNECTION � �' � , {. ; - � � , � � � , � � ,� �`, �� � RESIDE L � � , � / '+y� , ,`CE `, ��RESPO51 RY i � � , � � � � HOTEL '� .�� �� � � ���� , ti � � r � i�( � ° '�� �' �� p ���� �t �� BL C � � �� , \��� � �� � �����f f(11�� gLp ����������� � � � \ � r L ' Ow �� � � �.. . - - � � � . `. _ ` `� - �h � � � � �' . � � � - � /�i , � , � A 1 �i� � • � �� �� � � � � � � ` � B C L � � • ; � � �� i���c • � , � � �� � � � � �� / � ti � � � � �� �`� O � � � ; � �� �� ��` � � _ � � - . ` ART s RETAIL � ` � .. • . � , , � � � � „ � %, � � � . � _ � r`�-� }M`� ' � F� � / e � � i � —� � � ��� � � « � � � � /� �; � �� RESTAURANT a RESTAU T � � .. .. T � � . � � / � � a '' .,, r ���\ � � � IL � � � � �e � ,,,;��� �� RECEPTION � . ' �� BLOCK N � s� �� �� R L/ EV S. ��� ��--.r, ",° . � � I/�p /� E T , � p ab` � V A � �\ NI�EN �� . � � „ �A� �V�� . � �# / '� .� ��' � � � • ' aca�capn � � � ���i -� / '=�J I___ 7 ���� � �� � �i � . �� • �- / i � � ' i �' � ��° / � -- Q � � �' � CHAPEL � � y� � � TOWN HALL �- , /� � ; �� i o o . � � � � � � ' � � � , � �� � � � � � � i . -- '� � ::::: � \ • � �" � i . � T i " � � / � -- A - � � � f� � � r�� \ �,� � , a . � � � ' � MIXED �� ' � � � � � `, \, � � ���� �� � — � � � � use � �:-._ �� �e � ae1 \ � , � � �� , �.. ���, \ � �� � � � a \ �, � � � VA ��� � �� ; � r�a�` o ' � � / � � � — _ - � � � � � � -� .. � BLO� K � \ � � � � �, �\ / ���� �, f� _ . � � ; m ° �— / i \ \ FFICE \� - - :. ��, / ,, J) � - - . . ,, � j .. �. , \� \ BLOCK H�� BLOCK G BLOCK F LOC E? � " � � � � � � � MIXED USE ,\ � ' MIXED USE �� \ � `, � _ ,���'� � � � � \ \ _ � — \� � � �,� — — � — � ��. �.� e — � \� � � , � ' � ��� _— �V ` � � � e ' i / �` � V �� � _ � _ ,- , , � � � - , \ ; \ XED US � V - � i \ - — � � , ) / � ;__ , , , , � %��� / � � . V � � � � ,, — � � — , , \V �\ �',�� _� , . . � � \� �� � �� �� � �" . / ��o � V �� pp 1-z Areas y �� � —Z . . . �� � i, � ��/'- A RETAILCORNER 1.42 , ��� "�� � - B GAS WELL PAD SITE 7.22 �I �r � � � � � � � � - C RETAIUSTORAGE 3.11 1 �i , C � RESTAURANT ROW 1.27 L C CHAPEL/RECEPTION HALL 0.87 �� r -_-- � x. : � i � �� �,� B�o�K o � o = RES = o �4 �� �� - �� D � POND __ 1.24 �� E RES 2.14 AP PROVE D � R�� �.86 � BLOCK E G RES 2.29 `` \� ' / H RES 3.09 SITE LOT/BLOCK ORDINANCE I RES ,.oz �� �\ BLOCIf / JJ J RES 1.49 \\\ �" _ RETAIL CORNER BLOCK A & 0 SP I ORD 771 I 2-22-16 KCEx�sr�N�� pLAZAMAYOR s.a; �� " � �� � L MU 3.61 � � � � ��'� L TOWNHALL 0.65 �� \� = Q � II\ � �� . � CVS LOT 3, BLOCK N SP I ORD 762 I 12-14-15 M — RES ,.�9 �V �� � /, � '1 �` PRIMROSE LOT 2, BLOCK M SP I ORD 763 I 12-14-15 N = M�MR��� 0:38 N RETAIL 1.76 � LOTS 11 —1 6, o — Rerai� ,.oe � � BLOCK J SP I ORD 783 I 4-25-16 \\ � � 7X-2OX, BLOCK J P GUNRANGE/RETAIL 2.83 \\ � P _ OPEN SPACE 6.61 ��� BLOCK I BLOCK I SP I ORD 847 I 2-26-18 P — PONo s.3o R MU 0.17 � / BLOCK I Q _ RES 6.23 � LOTS 1 R-14 _ BLOCK E ' SP I ORD 837 I 9-11 -17 � �, ; 19X-20X, BLOCK E 4 M� ,.s2 � '� PLAZA MAYOR BLOCK K SP I ORD 854 I 5-21 -18 � � � `�� � �� GAS WELL PAD SITE BLOCK B SP I ORD 778 I 3-28-16 � g�OCK LOTS UNITS \� \ �\ RESTAURANT ROW LOTS 2,3, BLOCK C SP I ORD 779 I 3-28-16 BLOCK D LOTS 1 -10 10 � \� F�c� CHAPEL/ RECEPTION LOTS 3A,6, BLOCK E LOTS 1 R-17 17 � \� "�4 HALL BLOCK C SP I ORD 853 I 4-30-18 BLOCK F LOTS 1 -14 14 � �' \ \ �.� BLOCK G LOTS 1 -15 15 �\ � � `� BLOCK C LOT 1 , BLOCK C SP I ORD 777 I 3-28-16 � BLOCK H LOTS 1 -14 14 \� � � UNDERGROUND GUN gLOCK P SP I ORD 909 I 5-18-20 BLOCK I LOTS 3-14 12 \� �� "� RANGE/ RETAIL BLOCK J LOTS 1 -16 16 \� �� \ MULTIPLE LOTS, BLOCK L LOTS 1 -25 47 \� �� � PHASE 2 gLOCKS Q,L,T DP I ORD 830 I 6-19-17 BLOCK M LOTS 1 -18 18 �� �� � APPROVED ORDINANCE TO BE REVISED �� ���� � �g�16�2�21 " oi SITE PLAN \\ � A1.01 SCALE: 1/128"=1'-0" ; �� � �� ENTRADA LAND USE �\ �� NOR7H i �� �\ i �� � i �� Planning and Zoning Commission Item #9 CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 760 APPROVING THE DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR THE PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS ��WESTLAKE ENTRADA", LOCATED NORTH OF SOLANA BLVD., EAST OF DAVIS BLVD., AND SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114. WESTLAKE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION T H E T a w N 0 F TYPE OF ACTION W E S T L A K E Regular Meeting - Action Item Monday, August 16, 2021 ToP�c: Conduct a public hearing and consider recommendation of proposed amendments to Ordinance 760 approving the design guidelines for the PD1-2 zoning district, known as "Westlake Entrada", located north of Solana Blvd., east of Davis Blvd., and south of State Highway 114. S'rAFF CoNTAC'r: Ron Ruthven, Planning and Development Director Strategic Alignment � � � � � . , . . , : ' • � � High Quality Planning, Design & Planned/Responsible Citizen, Student& Development-We are a desirable well preserve Desirability Development Stakeholder Planned, high-quality community that &Quality of Life is distinguished by exemplary design standards. � EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Staff proposes a minor amendment to the Entrada design guidelines regarding signage. The Entrada design guidelines, approved by the Town Council on December 14, 2015 by Ordinance 760,currently permit internally illuminated plastic channel letters on a case by case basis. Existing examples of this type of sign in Entrada can be found on the front fa�ades of the CVS Pharmacy and the fagade of the Sendera Title building. Staff proposes eliminating plastic internally illuminated channel letters from the design guidelines. These types of types of signs are pervasive in most suburban retail developments across the nation and are not consistent with the rustic Catalonian design theme of Entrada, particularly in multi-tenant situations where more than one business is in a single building. Page 1 of 2 The proposed change is detailed as follows (shown in mark-up format): Ordinance 760,Exhibit B—Entrada Design Guidelines,Pa�e 64,Si�nage—Materials: Letters Letters: Channel letters, pierced or laser cut metal displaying lettering, number or logos. Acceptable materials are brass, bronze, copper, or ferrous metal. � . . �,�-'�rr,��„�'��'�,������-'-'��;-�,� Acceptable metal finishes include oil rubbed, dark bronze, black . a iron or a shop applied natural patina finish. . . �-� �"�,�,�-' �,� � ���� �„ ���� ���;� Colors and design to be approved by the Town or their designee. " In situations where plastic, back-lit channel letters, or something similar, are deemed integral to the building design by the proposed developer, a waiver may be granted by the Town Council as part of the site plan approval process. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Approval ALTERNATIVE P&Z ACTIONS The Planning & Zoning Commission has the following options when considering this item: • Recommend approval as submitted • Recommend approval with modifications or additional condition(s) • Recommend approval with staff recommendations • Any combination of the above • Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose • Recommend denial TOWN COUNCIL ACTION If the Planning & Zoning Commission acts and makes a recommendation for approval/denial on this agenda item, then it will be scheduled for Town Council action on August 23, 2021. Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning Commission Item #8 AD70URNMENT