HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-08-21 P&Z Agenda Packet TOWN OF WESTLAKE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA 1500 SOLANA BLVD, BUILDING 7, SUITE 7100, COUNCIL CHAMBER WESTLAKE, TX 76262 r x E r o w N o ► WESTLAKE MARCH 8, 2021 5:00 PM VIA VIRTUAL MEETING In accordance with Order of the Office of the Governor issued March 16, 2020 and March 19, 2020, the Planning &Zoning Commission of the Town of Westlake will conduct this virtual meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March, 8 2021 by video and telephonic conference in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face-to-face meetings (also called "social distancing") to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). There will be no public access to the physical location described above. A recording of the telephonic meeting will be made and will be available to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. Instructions for public participation in the meeting by video conference and telephonic conference are as follows: Bv Video: Bv Telephone: http://bit.ly/towpz030821 Local: (346) 248-7799 Webinar ID: 849 0724 4843 Webinar ID: 849 0724 4843 Passcode: 846117 Passcode: 846117 �ision Statement An oasis of natural beauty that maintains our open spaces in balance with distinctive deve%pment, trails, and qua/ity of life amenities amidst an ever expanding urban/andscape. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Commission on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. For those joining by videoconference: Any person desiring to make a public comment using a Windows computer must first press the"Raise Hand"button on the screen. Alternatively, the AIt+Y keyboard shortcut may be used to raise or lower their hand. Any person desiring to make a public comment using a Mac computer must first press the "Raise Hand" button on the screen. Alternatively, the Option+Y keyboard shortcut may be used to raise or lower their hand. For those joining by teleconference: Any person desiring to make a public comment must first press star-nine (*9) on their telephone keypad to"Raise their hand"to speak. Persons joining the meeting by teleconference my mute and unmute their phones by pressing star- 6 (*6). Citizens will be placed in a queue based on the order the hands were raised. The presiding officer will recognize callers based on the order of the queue, where they will be asked to P&Z Agenda-03/08/21 Page 1 of 3 state their name and address. Individual citizen comments are normally limited to three (3) minutes; however, time limits can be adjusted by the presiding officer. The presiding officer may ask the citizen to hold their comment on an agenda item if the item is posted as a Public Hearing. The Commission cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Commission at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Commission will receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 3. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD 7ANUARY 11, 2021. 4. STANDING ITEM: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PER THE 7ANUARY 2021 REPORT. 5. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 703 APPROVING THE PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS ��WESTLAKE ENTRADA", LOCATED NORTH OF SOLANA BLVD., EAST OF DAVIS BLVD., AND SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114. 6. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCES 720 AND 918 APPROVING AND AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS ��WESTLAKE ENTRADA", LOCATED NORTH OF SOLANA BLVD., EAST OF DAVIS BLVD., AND SOUTH OF STATE HIGHWAY 114. 7. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 777 APPROVING A SITE PLAN FOR THE PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS "WESTLAKE ENTRADA". THE SITE IS LOCATED ON BLOCK C, WESTLAKE ENTRADA ADDITION BETWEEN ARAGON DRIVE, TERRAGONA DRIVE AND STATE HIGHWAY 114. 8. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SUP) TO ALLOW FOR A RESIDENTIAL REPOSITORY TO BE LOCATED ON AN APPROXIMATELY 0.71-ACRE PORTION OF BLOCK C, WESTLAKE ENTRADA, LOCATED BETWEEN ARAGON DRIVE AND STATE HIGHWAY 114. 9. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE 837 APPROVING A SITE PLAN FOR PD1-2 ZONING DISTRICT, KNOWN AS ��WESTLAKE ENTRADA". THE SITE IS LOCATED ON BLOCK E, WESTLAKE ENTRADA ADDITION ALONG COMILLAS DRIVE BETWEEN CORTES DRIVE AND GIRONA DRIVE. P&Z Agenda—03/08/21 Page 2 of 3 10. AD70URNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 1500 Solana Blvd., Bldg. 7, Ste. 7100, Westlake, Texas, 76262, March 5, 2021, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Todd Wood, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5711 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. P&Z Agenda—03/08/21 Page 3 of 3 Planning and Zoning Item # 2 — Citizen Comments CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Commission on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. For those joining by videoconference: Any person desiring to make a public comment using a Windows computer must first press the ��Raise Hand" button on the screen. Alternatively, the AIt+Y keyboard shortcut may be used to raise or lower their hand. Any person desiring to make a public comment using a Mac computer must first press the ��Raise Hand" button on the screen. Alternatively, the Option+Y keyboard shortcut may be used to raise or lower their hand. For those joining by teleconference: Any person desiring to make a public comment must first press star-nine (*9) on their telephone keypad to ��Raise their hand" to speak. Persons joining the meeting by teleconference my mute and unmute their phones by pressing star-6 (*6). Citizens will be placed in a queue based on the order the hands were raised. The presiding officer will recognize callers based on the order of the queue, where they will be asked to state their name and address. Individual citizen comments are normally limited to three (3) minutes; however, time limits can be adjusted by the presiding ofFicer. The presiding officer may ask the citizen to hold their comment on an agenda item if the item is posted as a Public Hearing. The Commission cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Commission at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. The Commission will receive the information, ask staff to review the matter, or an item may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. T H E T Q W H 0 F WESTLAKE MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING 7anuary 11, 2021 PRESENT: Commission Chairman Tim Brittan and Commissioners Michelle Lee, and Kim Morris. Commissioner Brad Swearingen joined the meeting at 5:04 p.m. ABSENT: Commissioners Ken Kraska, Sharon Sanden, and Diane Prager. OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Amanda DeGan, Assistant Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, Director of Planning & Development Ron Ruthven, Town Secretary Todd Wood, IT Director Jason Power, Building Official Pat Cooke, Development Coordinator Nick Ford, Town Attorneys Matthew Butler and Sarah Walsh, Robin McCaffrey with Mesa Planning, Joe Schneider with Hillwood Properties, and Ralph Bush with Bush Architects. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER Commission Chairman Brittan called the regular session to order at 5:01 p.m. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS Commission Chairman Tim Brittan asked Town Secretary Todd Wood to provide instructions to the public regarding the steps necessary to make public comments by telephone or through the videoconference. No one addressed the Commission. 3. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON OCTOBER 12, 2020. There was no discussion. P&Z Minutes 01/11/21 Page 1 of 4 Commission Chairman Brittan asked for a motion to approve Item #3. MOTION: Commissioner Morris made a motion to approve the minutes from October 12, 2020. Commissioner Lee seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. Prior to the discussion and consideration of Item #4, Commission Chairman Brittan indicated that Town Attorney Matthew Butler would like to introduce a new attorney that has joined the firm. Mr. Butler then introduced Ms. Sarah Walsh to the Commission. 4. DISCUSSION AND PRESENTATION REGARDING THE WESTLAKE ENTRADA DEVELOPMENT. Planning & Development Director Ron Ruthven stated that the representative for the Entrada Development was not on the call and recommended that Item #4 be considered after Item #6 to provide time for the representative to join the call. This recommendation was made at 5:06 p.m., and Commission Chairman Brittan accepted Mr. Ruthven's recommendation. Planning & Development Director Ron Ruthven introduced this item at 5:41 p.m. following Item #6. He noted that this was a discussion item, and asked Mr. Ralph Bush to provide additional details. Mr. Bush began by stating that the presentation was to talk about the mitigation of the COVID-19 impacts to the project, as well as the modifications that have been made in response to the demand for detached housing as opposed to attached housing. Mr. Bush stated that plans have been modified on Block '�D" and Block ��E", and several properties on Block"I" are under contract. The parking garage next to Restaurant Row is currently being finished with an exterior stone covering and will be finished soon. On Block "C", a potential ofFice component is being planned, as well as a multi-purpose storage facility. The Chapel is mostly complete, and the Reception Hall will be the next point of focus. Block"M"is currently planned for eighteen (18) attached townhomes, and Block��N" is planned for mixed-use retail with condominiums on the upper levels. Mr. Bush then provided a presentation on Block"D", which is comprised of ten (10) homes ranging from 1,800 to 2,200 square feet in size. There is a five (5) foot separation between these homes, and the desire is to maintain a streetscape that is compelling. This will require a staggered distance from the road. Block ��E" will feature homes that are approximately 3,600 square feet in size, located on the southern edge of the canal. 5. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER RECOMMENDATION REGARDING PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT NUMBER 3, PLANNING AREA 3 (PD3-3) AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT NUMBER 3, PLANNING AREA 4 (PD3-4), GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF DOVE ROAD AND SOUTH OF SH 114 BETWEEN DAVIS BLVD. AND ROANOKE ROAD. Planning & Development Director Ron Ruthven introduced this item. He stated that this was a rezoning request from Hillwood, who is the owner of the property. He explained that this request involved two (2)of the smaller planning areas located on the Circle T Ranch. P&Z Minutes 01/11/21 Page 2 of 4 This would amend the boundaries and transfer some of the entitlements from one planning area to another and rename the other planning area. Mr. Ruthven then noted that PD3-4 (located between SH 114 and Schwab Way) is where the ranch house and event center is located. Hillwood's request is to transfer 11.3 acres from PD3-3 to PD3-4. Mr. Ruthven then explained that PD3-3 is separated into two parcels; one being located to the east and one being located to the west. This transfer request would afFect the PD3-3 parcel located to the east, reducing the size to 117.6 acres, and renaming it to PD3-12a. The transference of current entitlements and boundary adjustments would also rename PD3-4 to PD3-4a. Mr. Ruthven then stated that this would not increase and entitlements between the two parcels. Mr. Ruthven confirmed that this request met all of the requirements by Town ordinances and local regulations, and staff recommended approval. He then asked Mr. Joe Schneider with Hillwood Properties to provided additional information and answer any questions. Mr. Schneider stated that this was a request to simplify the current zoning of the property for potential projects that may be brought forth in the future. This would also clean up the land boundaries based on developments that have occurred over time by designation of naming, and no additional entitlements are being requested. Mr. Schneider offered to answer any questions. Commissioner Morris asked Mr. Schneider to clarify the actual shift of square footage of entitlements between the planning districts. Mr. Schneider explained that 200,000 of the 350,000 sq. feet of hotel land use would be transferred from PD3-4 to PD3-4a, in addition to the 450,000 sq. feet of office use entitlements that are currently in place. Commission Chairman Tim Brittan opened the public hearing at 5:21 p.m. No one addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commission Chairman Tim Brittan closed the public hearing at 5:21 p.m. Commission Chairman Brittan then asked for a motion to approve Item #5. MOTION: Commissioner Lee made a motion to approve Item #5 as submitted. Commissioner Swearingen seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 6. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER A RECOMMENDATION OF A PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE 747, AMENDING THE THOROUGHFARE PLAN. Planning & Development Director Ron Ruthven introduced this item. He stated that this was a somewhat of a companion piece to the rezoning request, as it affects the same general area within the Circle T Ranch. This is a request to amend the Thoroughfare Plan that is contained in the 2015 Comprehensive Plan. The specific request is that the Pearson- 114 Connector in the staff report be eliminated from the Throughfare Plan, which is located at the intersection of Westlake Parkway and Capital Parkway southbound to Dove Road. This road has not been constructed. P&Z Minutes 01/11/21 Page 3 of 4 Mr. Ruthven stated that there were no staff issues with this being removed from the Thoroughfare Plan, provided that staff recommendations occur. If this connector is removed, the recommendation is to add a "Town Parkway" that would allow for up to six (6) lanes, in addition to an expanded right-of-way. Mr. Joe Schneider with Hillwood Properties then explained the proposed changes on the Throughfare Plan map, and how these changes would affect connectivity. Mr. Robin McCaffrey explained that these changes would enhance connectivity through a wider right- of-way, allowing additional dedicated turn lanes, additional right-of-way space, and additional landscaping. Mr. McCaffrey indicated that this would accommodate sufficient roadway improvements in the future, should this be needed. Commission Chairman Brittan opened the public hearing at 5:39 p.m. No one addressed the Commission. Commission Chairman Brittan closed the public hearing at 5:39 p.m. Commission Chairman Brittan then asked for a motion to approve Item #6, subject to the staff recommendations contained in the staff inemo. MOTION: Commissioner Brittan made a motion to approve Item #6. Commissioner Lee seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-1, with Commissioner Morris voting "nay". 7. AD]OURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commissioners, Chairman Brittan asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION: Commissioner Swearingen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Lee seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. Chairman Brittan adjourned the meeting at 6:02 p.m. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ON MARCH 8, 2021. ATTEST: Chairman, Tim Brittan Todd Wood, Town Secretary P&Z Minutes 01/11/21 Page 4 of 4 T H E T � W H 0 F 1111E TL � KE DISTINCTIIfE BY DE51GN DEVELOPMENT SNAPSHOT JANUARY 2021 1 I ' ► � ' ► ► ' 1 Our Development Activities Map format has changed! The Town now has interactive web maps that can be viewed on our website which will be regularly updated. You can visit them by clicking here. In addition, you can click on the map below. - � - . . - �I �'�. I+ �" �;:; . � Q `�� ,� � ;; �� ���,Y�.� � . ;���' `��� e � � ` ._�;�tr�' ,_ F�a z���Y= `� I41 �� � I =�I k - � �.-; - °A"��,�. , , ��;.,':<i ,..< '�.� �—�� -- ;����g�,�,�--�.� i�,, ��=h �. �_� ��*�;/:ri� sa ��,������}� '"`� � �.�-- �� �� - �J � ..;,;y �� . , �� .ry' �-+.._^�_ __ ___ a � ��� � �l '��?�, : —- �� ,� '�� � �� � — - ri.. � k � s��`� � J ��-p �,�,..� L g �� .. ��.0 � � -� '� �� - ��� '� ����� � wa �K i:o.�a�� �.E--�..,_� m o-'.�.. ,,o. E �; _ _ __ __ ,_,_ � mSchwaa':IayFh3se2 T�rra�tCcu�ry Colleee,Ciry of ForiNiorih,Teea=_Parks&'JV'Idlife,Esr',HERE,Garni�,Sa-e,., '�''j�I I 1 I ' ► ► ► ► � I Project / Number of Percent Estimated Project No. Development Lantl Use Size Development Status Lots/Units Complete Completion Name Entrada Retail Corner shell nearing completion;five 1 Retail Corner Retail/Office 5-7 tenants �50,000 sf tenant finish-out permits have been issued with 95/0 2021 two tenants officially open Aragon Parking Under construction; garage concrete complete 2 Parking Garage 1 building 447 spaces �,�,ith masonry application underway 70% 2021 Garage 3 Restaurant Restaurants 2 buildings A: 15,422 sf 15t restaurant shell complete; 2�d restaurant 70% 2021 Row B: 22,414 sf shell partially complete; no known tenants Chapel/ Chapel: 2,000 sf Chapel shell mostly complete with the reception 4 Reception Entertainment 2 buildings Hall: 7,000 sf hall currently under construction 50% 2021 Hall Entrada 5 Block J Residential 6 units 4,483 sf avg 3/6 townhomes complete 75/o N/A Townhomes Entrada 6 Block E Residential 14 units 4,948 sf avg 12/14 townhomes complete 85.71/o Complete Townhomes � Knolls at Residential 56 62.5 acres Infrastructure improvements complete with 6.25/0 2025 Solana landscaping nearly complete; 7 permits issued Charles Phase 2 under construction; building shells 8 Schwab Office 616,000 30 acres complete with interiorfinishes being installed 85/0 2021 Phase 2 9 View at Office 5,000 sf _ Small two-story office building overlooking 5/0 2021 Entrada Entrada � � � i � � i � � � � � � Subdivision Development Percent Plat Date Total Lots Vacant Lots Acres Permits Issued Finals Issuetl Name Status Complete Carlyle Court 3/7/2016 8 0 10.2 Built-out 8 8 100% Carpenter 12/9/1977 14 0 31.6 Built-out 14 14 100/o Addition Entrada 12/14/2015 322 2g2 85 g Under 30 27 8.85/o development Glenwyck 3/13/2000 84 0 104.3 Built-out 83 83 98.81/o Farms Granada 6/17/2013 84 13 84.3 Mostly built-out 71 65 80.95/0 Knolls at Solana 5/22/2020 56 49 62.5 Under � 0 6.25/o development Paigebrooke 3/8/2004 5 2 20.3 Mostly built-out 3 3 60% Quail Hollow 3/28/2016 93 73 188.3 Under 20 7 14.52/0 development � i ► : i i : ii � � � i Subdivision Development Percent Plat Date Total Lots Vacant Lots Acres Permits Issuetl Finals Issued Name Status Complete Shelby Estates 4/7/1981 6 1 65.7 Mostly built-out 5 5 83.33/o Spencer Ranch - 38 38 37.8 Concept Plan 0 0 0.00% Approved Stagecoach 8/16/1971 22 3 55.5 Mostly built-out 19 19 86.36/0 Stagecoach _ 30 6 - Mostly built-out 24 24 80% Misc. Terra Bella 11/11/2008 27 1 54.8 Mostly built-out 26 22 88.89/0 Vaquero 3/27/2000 296 21 510 Mostly built-out 275 265 91.22/0 Wyck Hill 4/3/1996 13 1 22.4 Mostly built-out 12 12 92.31/o Other/Miscellan _ 41 16 - Mostly built-out 25 24 59.76/0 eous Total 1,139 517 1,333.60 622 578 52.68/o � ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � YEAR VAQUERO GRANADA TERRA BELLA CARLYLE ENTRADA 4UAIL KNOLLS OTHER TOTAL HOLLOW 2015 15 15 4 0 0 0 0 2 36 2016 10 13 2 4 0 0 0 0 29 2017 5 16 2 1 3 0 0 1 28 2018 8 12 2 2 27 5 0 1 57 2019 6 10 1 1 0 11 0 0 29 2020 4 1 2 0 0 7 7 0 21 Total 48 67 13 8 30 23 7 4 200 Residential Permits Per Year by Subdivision � January 2015 - December 2020 ao �o � 60 �� � � 50 12 4 � 40 16 � 8 30 0 5 � 13 20 10 � 27 - 2 10 � 2 15 15 2 � Q 2 2 � ■ 1 7 4 4 3 5 2 � 0 0 0 0 0 VAQUERO GRANADA TERRA BELLA CARLYLE ENTRADA QUAIL HOLLOW KNOLLS OTHER ■2015 ■2016 2017 ■2018 ■2019 ■2020 Residential Permits Per Year � January 2015 - December 2020 60 57 50 40 36 � a� N 29 28 29 } 30 � 27 � � 21 20 16 15 15 13 12 11 10 10 10 8 7 7 6 4 4 5 3 5 � 4 � 0 0 0 0 , 2 0 0 0 0 _ 2 � ' 0 0 � 2 , 0 � � � 0 � 0 0 � 2 0 0 0 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year �VAQUERO GRANADA TERRA BELLA �CARLYLE �ENTRADA �QUAIL HOLLOW �KNOLLS �OTHER TOTAL . � ' � . . � ► � ► ' � Project Name Total Lots / Units Size Contractor Development Status Estimated Completion CVS Pharmacy 1 13,378 sf Wurzel Builders Completed February 2017 Primrose Daycare 1 12,460 sf Cooper General Completed May 2017 Contractors Entrada Sales Office 1 3,463 sf Crescent Custom Homes Completed June 2018 Entrada Retail Corner 2 Retail Office: 43,336 sf Diesel Design Build Nearing completion 2021 Entrada Starbucks 1 2,834 sf Diesel Design Build Completed 2020 3 units complete; Entrada Residential Block J 6 4,500 sf avg Calais Custom Homes 3 units to begin 2021 construction Entrada Residential Block E 14 5,000 sf avg Crescent Custom Homes 12 Units Completed 2020 Entrada Residential Block I 12 3,600 sf avg Pentavia/Atwood Completed 2020 Custom Homes Pedestrian Bridge 1 - Crescent Custom Homes Completed 2020 . � ' � . . � ► � ► ' � Project Name Total Lots / Units Size Contractor Development Status Estimated Completion Aragon Parking Garage 1 148,398 sf Diesel Design Build Under construction 2021 2 lots A: 15,422 sf Under construction; Restaurant Row 3-6 restaurants B: 22,414 sf Crescent Custom Homes Restaurant shells 2021 nearing completion Chapel: 3,207 sf Chapel shell complete; Chapel &Reception Hall 2 Reception Hall: 14,418 Crescent Custom Homes reception hall under 2021 construction Project on hold due to Entrada Plaza Mayor N/A N/A N/A potential Development N/A Plan and Site Plan revisions; The View at Entrada 1 5,725 sf N/A Building permit issued 2021 Block N Mixed Use 1 lot 8,200 sf retail Pentavia Custom Project on hold by N/A 10 condo units 1,785.1 avg sf condo Homes owner WESTLAKE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION T H E T a w N 0 F TYPE OF ACTiON W E S T L A K E Regular Meeting - Action Item Monday, March 08, 2021 ToPrC: Conduct a public hearing and consider recommendation of proposed amendments to Ordinance 703 approving the PD 1-2 zoning district, known as "Westlake Entrada", located north of Solana Blvd., east of Davis Blvd., and south of State Highway 114. STAFF Co1vTACT: Ron Ruthven, Planning and Development Director Strategic Alignment � � i i � . � . .: . ' • � � High Quality Planning, Design & Planned/Responsible Citizen, Student& Development-We are a desirable well preserve Desirability Development Stakeholder Planned,high-quality community that &Quality of Life is disringuished by exemplary design standards. � Outside the Scope of Idenrified Stratcgic Iniriativcs EXECUTIVE SUMMARY(INCLUDING APPLiCABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Centurion American is requesting amendments to the Entrada zoning regulations contained in Ordinance 703 in order to add a new, and currently unlisted, land use. Ordinance 703 contains the comprehensive Planned Development District (PD) zoning and development regulations for the Entrada development, which is wholly contained within the PD 1-2 zoning district. The proposed new use would be called a "Residential Repository", which would allow for climate controlled, indoor self-storage units that would include a mix of personalized, custom units where car, art and other collections could be stored and viewed, and would also allow for compartmentalized, pre- fabricated self-storage units similar to other typical indoor self-storage facilities. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS The following is a detailed breakdown of the proposed amendments to Ordinance 703: Page 1 of 3 Article II—Uses, Land Use Schedule—Permitted Uses, Commercial Uses Under the Commercial Uses section of Article II—Uses,given the request by Centurion American, the following use is proposed: NEW USE: "Residential Repository" [subject to the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP).] The addition of the definition of a "Residential Repository"proposed in Ordinance 703 is shown below. Article I—General Provisions, Section 3 —General Definitions Staff proposes the following definition of a"Residential Repository" as follows: "Residential Repository —A retail service establishment, operating under a single Certificate of Occupancy, providing enclosed storage units primarily to residential customers within a single, enclosed and climate controlled structure with each unit having individual access. Prohibited activities include utilization of any unit as a residence or short-term residential accommodation, manufacturing, and any other use that may pose a nuisance and/or threat to public health and safety or otherwise constitute illegal activity under local, State and Federal law. Further conditions and restrictions, including but not limited to licensing requirements, may be placed upon a Residential Repository within the ordinance that approves the Specific Use Permit. " APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL The Residential Repository use, if approved, is proposed to be included in a new building to be constructed on a portion of Block C in Entrada. If the land use amendment is approved, the Residential Repository SUP and site plan on this agenda may then be considered by the Commission and Council. SUMMARY The applicant is requesting to amend the Entrada zoning regulations contained in Ordinance 703 in order to add the use of a Residential Repository. Staff recommends that, if the request is to be approved,that the use be added subject to the approval of a Specific Use Permit,which is included on this agenda along with the site plan. ALTERNATIVE PBiZ ACTIONS The Planning & Zoning Commission has the following options when considering this item: • Recommend approval as submitted • Recommend approval with modifications or additional condition(s) • Recommend approval with staff recommendations • Any combination of the above • Table the agenda item to a specific date with clari�cation of intent and purpose • Recommend denial TOWN COUNCIL ACTION If the Planning & Zoning Commission acts and makes a recommendation for approval/denial on this agenda item, then it will be scheduled for Town Council action on March 29, 2021. Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENTS 1. Applicant Information specific to proposed Residential Repository—E�ibit"A" Page 3 of 3 - - - �+�_ - - - - _ '�' _ . - � - ti„ �� _ �� �._ �;�►p' ~ L � '�i=-� _•�' �� � �. 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'�i�� . . . �� "`i � ' . � ,'4 •' + . p;, :e _•,F�y R . � _ •.Y ti' ✓ . , / , / , , . , , • • , 100,000 +/- Mixed-Use Retail, Office/Warehouse, Storage and Restaurant Block C, Lot 1 .73 acres in Westlake Entrada Business Plan and Information Package Engineering + De�elopment + Canstruction Entrada Zoning Amendment - Exhibit "A" m�� m . . � . 1 � 1 . . � ' 1 . 1 . � ' 1 1 1 ' �� � � v� The Westlake Entrada Residential Repository is a proposed multi-story, vertically-integrated, mixed-use building • The Physical Location of the proposed Building with SH 114 visibility and a complete lack of existing, a� � located in the heart of Entrada. Hearkening back to the original zoning discussions,this facility meets the true intent of competing product within the closest trade ring chime in with the main advantage in any Real Estate �r the Village by meeting several 'Needs of the People' that are the residents of Entrada, the Town of Westlake and the Development—Location, Location and Location o�7 surrounding area. • The underlying Entrada Zoning that allows for a vertically-integrated Mixed-Use building provides a distinct �� market advantage by allowing the uses within the building structure to be tailored and fine-tuned to meet 3� The entire facility will be conditioned-space, and will not be available for condominium subdivision/purchase. It will market demands. remain under singular ownership for quality control and to insure adherence to the Entrada Design Guidelines. • The First Floor Man-Caves can be replicated on the Second floor, if the market proves to be as deep as expected for this unique and highly desirable product. The close proximity of the Man- Specifically, the first floor of the facility provides the opportunity for the Artisan workshops and showrooms that were Caves becomes a selling attribute for the Residential products in Entrada,since garage space and originally planned to be located on the Pedestrian Bridge. These spaces will have operating store fronts available that parking comes with such a premium. Target Customers are: will allow Craftsman, Photographers, Artisans and others to have high-visibility while remaining small enough to be • Residents within the trade ring that have outgrown their current garages affordable. These spaces will also be well-suited for smaller-scale office/warehouse/showrooms and high-end vehicle • Small Home Office Users(Etsy)that have outgrown their living rooms � storage/display (" aka Man Caves" ). The Owner will be providing the option for water, sanitary sewer and electrical taps for these first floor spaces to facility the individual finish out of the spaces. This space is engineered to be as • New Entrada Residents who are downsizing but still wish to retain all of the items flexible as possible while externally the building looks like it was constructed in the heart of the Village 500 years ago. that used to be stored in their attics. • Conventional Storage Users The second proposed use of the Residential Repository is to house flexible storage space for lease that will again, meet • The Fourth Floor Flex-Space with walk-out balconies creates a great opportunity for small office the Needs of the People in the Village. With 150 proposed Residential Condominiums across the canal and 120+single space with an incredible view over looking the Harbor and Plaza Mayor. With the diminishment • family residential homes with lower roof lines than typical and minimal attic space,the on-site storage facility becomes of the We-Work shared office space concept, small and affordable individual office suites will a great amenity for these Residents of Entrada. Again,this space will be 100%conditioned. continue to gain in popularity. Target Customers are: • Small Office Tenants no longer commuting to a downtown office but still looking to Close, immediate access to conditioned space will allow those downsizing to move in to the Condos to keep their other have true office space away from the home valuables and heirlooms nearby and in the community. Seasonal clothing changes, furniture pieces and other items • Wine Storage and Wine Tasting clubs to take advantage of the Patio Views that are too cherished to part with are all available on short notice. Conditioned-Space Wine Storage and other similar Conventional Storage Users uses are also being provided within the middle floors. • • The Fifth Floor Restaurant, Patio and Bar creates an additional draw to the building to help fill ► the other spaces/uses, but is also a strong,stand-alone business concept. The large,outdoor The third use of the building is a roof-top bar and tapas venue. This is being located to take advantage of the � dining area ties in with the dining trends related to COVID concerns,and the view from the Patio tremendous views afforded by the 5-story structure. The outdoor patio will overlook Restaurant Row, Chapel and � will be unparalleled in the immediate area. Reception Hall, Plaza Mayor and the Harbor with amazing views. Here the Owner is targeting a Tenant such as the � • The variety of these uses creates a tenant pool that is very diverse. This diversity, in turn,enhances the cash Barcelona Wine Bar at Knox/Henderson in Uptown. flow and market viability of the entire project. And this goes all the way back the original intent of the zoning where the vertically-integrated Mixed-Use that is available goes to help protect everyone's Overall this facility will provide around 100,000 sqft of commercial, retail and restaurant space in Entrada and will be investment in the Village. And the Owner of the Facility is planning to take advantage of this flexibility while flexible enough to meet both the current Needs, and future Needs of the Residents of Entrada and the Town of developing a quality,cornerstone building within the heart of Entrada with architecture and detailing to Westlake. It's uses fit the original intent of the zoning, and the building size and configuration help to convert a make it appear as if this building has been there for hundreds of years. topographically challenging building site into a value-add component of the Village. m� � � z�, � � � � � � � + � ❑�C '. r ��w�p.'"^i�-�l..�� �� • lt' l• � �'�•'w.���� �_ �_ �. _ � :� x�� __�L� �} i - + ' �,. -- •�1• �-- t •• ►�-� ' � a•~ �;.. � � �r' -._� =:� =i� f'�" aP�a s - - � .. .� . - �- � 3 �.. •^-". + ��--�� .']�',_, '3.r��-_n,.s'� - a�s- rr. • .�, � .-. � , .. . . � .. + ` �,m �IY� ��� ��.��,_�.,.r, � � • 7�.�� , .� +a� s .sr. q' 1 'r i �� t � � �� ����' � lfrf .y -�`- r ' u } y ��:�;:.��♦��',�, ,�'�. � �n�` ' �1:�'�y" '� . � � . _ y , r��� � � , _ . �' .��,,_.t�'� �'.S • a_ ��rer�' n� rf ��'T M � '.: •}��` �^ . a..-' � _.�". 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' ��f � � --�---�--- -----�--�1 � li ' �s� �J � _ } :,. - t•� �{' � I I I I ,:.,� �; � � _,:#�f Y� ..� i�� � ..�.� , � � � � I I I LsJ m� � � m� % � 1 . 1 � 1 . � 1 1 � . . 1 � � . 1 + � ^ �4J Business and Marketing Plan: A market study has been provided to the Town in response to the DRC Memo#1 from Nov 20, p� • f : � - �annf�ri�dd�r#ITaC'ti �r"�"'I 2020. That study clearly indicates a market need with no competing facilities in the 0-1.5 mile ring, one competitor r ;r I • • � within the 1.5 to 3.0 mile ring and six facilties within the 3 to 5 mile ring. None of these facilities offer conditioned- ����E�I T��� IYF�� . �Y�� � • ' �� space Man-Caves, Office/Showrooms or Small Office Space with Balconies. The Residential Repository Space will �'+'��� � �,�� �-, '' '� . * • - �'• � be marketed through normal techniques: Online, direct mail within trade ring, and having open houses to share the . � ��� � k � � • t;- ' ��•� =Q �' �� availability and flexibility of the first-floor units. These first floor units will also be marketed to the commercial - � F �� _ f` ----,-=�� � _ � � leasing brokerage community. The available Restaurant / Rooftop bar space will be marketed through the ' , • ' ' '��__� �- � i{�-�}� brokerage community as well. • �� _'•h,,, - 1 : ' �,�.,, ' -��+L — � �r—� _ � i_+iii_ �.r �� . Additional Business Plan Summary Points: , _ x� _ _ � '�#.�#�zr� i �+ r i f :� I•�I i::. • The Entire Building (Retail/Office/Restaurant/Repository and Man Caves" will NOT be subject to a condominium �� - � � ` i �1 • � regime. The entire building will remain under singular ownership. � � ' ��'•f- � � �. . , ��I�� :;��� , �, ��� _•� � r-�F � • • � r 4�ys, �+# � • The Owner intends to have sub-metering available for the restaurant use as the only known separate meter • • • � �:. �'�'`'� . _�M�•;�.�� � �ti= �•�� .i � � in'*�+'# p�c today. The Owner will plan to allow for the potential of sub-metering for the first floor units (Man . •� • _ � ' 1 • 4 •• � : � F ,�:a Cave/Retail/Office) and will approach the submetering requirement on a tenant-by-tenant basis, much like any • � � , i� � �#V1�� , other commercial space for rent. ' ' ' .� � ��� ��� . ���` �' .��` ' ��r � ��•-+R�w_;� . . .. •,-� � . ���` ! ��� �.�' ' �r7 uyr��rf�` 4kr . i�, 'ti f+.:�'fL - Yt'�� • • The entire building will be conditioned space. The first floor units will have the ability to place mechanical " w���'�+'•�- _ ' �..-yi'�'� _ ' •- . ...,._,_._. --� • -.._._.�. equipment on the restaurant-level mezzanine, if additional conditioning is required for their use. The first floor l.;- ---� � . f . . ,�„ ,� .. �'���, . units will have access to a plumbing leave out along the central corridor for sanitary sewer and water service, like , - � _� � . ' `_ • ''� ' • " -—�� I i� .. 5��.' , - •• - � r ' � any normal commercial space. +� , .•• „ . • � IYM �:� � ��..�� + �• #i� r.€T�.� . . , -;r , �•�t�.� , _.�. . . , � • , . • r� i =_� ' � _�. �I ` . - ' _ .:_.-�.lti.: l IJ_. I•• �.-'a-. • The First Floor Flex Space is partitioned in such a way to accommodate a much smaller footprint than is normally ' • . . . _ - � . • , ,. available in the retail/office world. These small spaces are intended to fill the gap that was created when we lost ''�"S'�` '� ' J ` �':I � • � _ . . ,���- � � ' � � • �h the Artisan Spaces that were part of the original Pedestrian Bridge Design. Think of the small fabricator who sells , �� �'' �.� ���.��r � - • � I : �` . _.���:_'.,, . � things on Etsy or E-bay. They have outgrown their home office and garage, but do not need thousands of square ;r. _r�+,:- ��y �r+���� .'���� •• _ ���� *s.,rr �-• U � � ���� , .r , � feet of space. Or an artist or photography who could have a showroom/storefront space with a street presence and � , ti,� �� • '���_ ' �'�-��_ �'r� �. . -.,�Yy - -� ��• . • �-,r.�-—��, �.�x,�, � a small back room for production. We do not have these tenants lined up today, but we believe they will be a vital � � � . � component in generating a lively streetscape along the restaurants, parking garage, chapel and reception hall. •• � ':�� � {� . � � � Again,think of the users that were initially envisioned for the Pedestrian Bridge Artisan spaces. rr. � � �`+y 4, :� �* -� � 5 • The Storage Leasing Space will be located in a First Floor Space, adjacent to the Elevator Core. There will be � � � - � � � � _, , ,- covered drop off within the first floor drive-thru access next to the elevators, so there is not an external loading #r r"� • • � �I F�� ' � ' � ' dock that would be visible from the street. The storage spaces will be leased on a monthly basis, like any other a�� •••=�r�f � . - � ��� � . ��.-__. . . _-�� _ . . storage facility. Unit size mix will follow Industry norms, but we will be finishing one floor at a time to remain : `� � a . - �J • � flexible to adapt to market conditions and other larger-format users that may come on line. ��., .. * .{�{�=`��� - #��. � - - +*��� r _�.�� �_=.�,, ti� .i . . ,- . . .. =�sLti ra _'sliis}.Qal�ai•:��::' �:.� � � � , � , . JE��"'ZY{1R ' ��... " ' ..�... ���1 � m� � � m� % � 1 1 . 1 1 � 1 '� + v� o m T .... . �.... .. ... . ao/�a VesdakeFkpasi�oq 573da�s Ved2126120 Fri516122 3 m m Architecturc�irillSaucmrol 1dOday: lsierJ2126F20 Tuc 9�120 :......................................:......................................:......................................:... ' ' .�, �r PO Sitc Plan Preparauon 1bOdoy: 1Jed 2l26120 Tuc 8�6720 - - - - - - - - - - - - n� Town 3 ubm ixal: 0 da y: Tae 9l8120 Tuc 5�724`3,d 3 RevicwlMadiFicationdic:ubmiStal 9Sdag: Wsd5191F0 Tae1f19r215 �� � PO S ix P la n Rpp oV ol 0 do y: Mon 2l22121 Mon 2122721 - - - - - - - - - - - - '-'� � SUP ApproMol Odoys Mon 2122121 Mon 2122127 T 2oningAmendment Approrol Odoy: Mlon 2l22121 141on 2122121 8 DcvclopmcntPlan Vpdatc Appraral Uday: Mon 2l22121 Mon 2122721 5 Completc Building PcrmitSet ofPlanc 20 dagc Mon Fl221F1 Fri 371 912 1 1 0 Completc Ciril Sitc Plon: 20 doy: Mon 2l22121 Fri 3719I21 10 - BuildingPcrmitSctSu6mittal Odoy: Fri3119F21 Fri371 9121 1 2 • Town Swff Rcvicw sndApproval 20 dsys Mnn 3l22721 Fri Sr1fiY21 13 Bafl4ingPcrmill:.;u�:d Oda��> Frid�lr„il FriS7162114 - - - - - - - - - - - - Construdion Schedule-11�a 275 da�s lubn�f19f21 Fri.ri�G►2215 Piv:IFovodationfSlab �ii�iay�; M1A:�o d119��1 FrI5�1121 FVr.t Flnar Can�rete 15 days M1Aor� .'•71 i 727 Fri G7b7�Y 14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Red-Iron Floor: 2-5 65 doy: Man 617121 Fri 913721 18 RoofFroming1141em6ranc 15 dsys M1an 916121 Fri 912d121 19 � Ccld Fvrmsd SSccl7 She athing 1S dag: Mvn 5l271E1 Fri f Ofl 5721 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - ctorefront haming 5 dayc Mon 10l18121 Fri f0722721 F1 Dry-in 0 do y: F�i 10722121 Fri 10I22721 22 Mo:onry Vcnccr 90 doy: Mon f 0125Yz1 Fri 2725Y2223 Mechanical 30 dag: Mon 10l2521 Fri 1Fr321 F� Ffrs Supprs::fon 4S dag: Mon 1 0l2521 Fn 1224721 F7 - - - - - - - - - - - Floor 8 Rcpo:iSory P artition ing 1 S dag: Mon 1 0l2521 Fri 11!I 2721 29 Elcrator 80 dsys Man 10l25Yz1 Fri 2r25Y2223 ► StarcfrantGlas. 5 dsys Mon 2�28122 Fri 37472224 - - - - - - - - - - - - TCO •CommcricalShcll 4dayc FriSIdIF2 Fri37472FF4,2S,26,F7,F8,29 Fir:t FloorTenantFini:h 9at: 4S dag: Mon 3171F2 Fri Sr6r2F30 . 9 C� •Fir:t Floor S F�a�c 4 da��s Fri`i 6i�s Fri 57672F 31 '�. CCi-Rcpasitory Odlays Fri51812� Fri5r6r2231 '�, • � • . WESTLAKE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION T H E T a w N 0 F TYPE OF ACTiON W E S T L A K E Regular Meeting - Action Item Monday, March 08, 2021 ToPrC: Conduct a public hearing and consider recommendation of proposed amendments to Ordinances 720 and 918 approving and amending the development plan for the PD 1-2 zoning district, known as "Westlake Entrada", located north of Solana Blvd., east of Davis Blvd., and south of State Highway 114. STaFF CoNTaCT: Ron Ruthven, Planning and Development Director Strategic Alignment � � i i � . � . . , : ' � � � High Quality Planning, Design & Planned/Responsible Citizen, Student& Development-We are a desirable well preserve Desirability Development Stakeholder Planned, high-quality community that &Quality of Life is distinguished by exemplary design standards. . , Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) The purpose of this item is to consider and discuss requested changes to the Entrada development plan given the requests on the agenda to amend the Block C and Block E approved site plans. The current development plan shows an amphitheater on Block C where a portion of the proposed Residential Repository is proposed. The amphitheater would be removed as part of this proposal and replaced with the residential repository and future retail/office development on the remainder portion. The proposed amendment also accounts for the proposed change to Block E, further detailed on this agenda. DEVELOPMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRADA The purpose of the development plan is to serve as the guiding master plan for the development while also serving as the regulatory control plan for the entire development. The Entrada zoning regulations also require the site plans to be consistent with the approved development plan. Unlike Page 1 of 4 a concept plan, the development plan is scaled, contains more detail such as exact roadway locations and lot boundaries, and serves to act as a high level site plan for the entire development. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS The following includes the detail of each proposed development plan amendment: Block C —Amphitheater Site The current approved development plan shows as follows for this area: ��. '•� � -� ��. •�sT��� �� ���� \. '� ---=,,, �.� � � AMPHIiHEAfER � < � - � / ��� - � �1r � �-� �� / __ TARRAGON A0.T `\ tm �'� �///��AV A � The proposed amendment shows as follows (further detail shown on site plan amendment): ���'\ ��• '\sr r \vwr; � -��-�- •�. � � 1,\�RESIDE 'A1� _ \\ ` `\� . \,\RESPO51 4� \ � \.\ ' ,� ` �� ock`°�` _ p - ,�- , � / / � _ -_� v / ARi / � .�,:._.,..�,_� � RfCE/ '�.. GHAPFI ��i.� � While the location of an amphitheater adjacent to SH 114 may have presented certain audio issues, removal of the amphitheater results in the loss of the development's primary event facility, with no other site identified by the applicant to replace the amphitheater. Block E—Lots 11, 12, 15, 16 17 The current approved development plan shows as follows for this area: Page 2 of 4 � Q � PL. V � /'�.'\ BLOCK F � \ `� - _ ���.>�� �Mi�o:9;�t:::�.... .._,�.,...:� �'�' ��' s� <� / 1 c s \ .5 The proposed amendment shows as follows (further detail shown on site plan amendment): 4 � ;�� �:��� ; - _ - � BLOCK F ,.;�;'1::�: � - ::::��''.;::.>'. r. - �MIX�fj�.�" � ♦ . _1�� \\ � � �� � n ti �C� The site plan for Lots 15-17 was administratively approved on February 8, 2021 allowing for three detached homes to be constructed. The site plan amendment for Lots 11 and 12 is on this agenda. Please see the agenda memo for the site plan amendment for further information regarding the proposed change. STAFF RECOMMENDATiONS AND SUMMARY The proposed development plan amendments are requested by Centurion American as part of their site plan amendment requests. The applicant proposes removing the amphitheater but with no alternative site to replace the amphitheater. If the zoning amendment request contained on this agenda is recommended for denial and/or, the Block E site plan amendment is recommended for denial, staff recommends denial of this item as well. However, specifically regarding to the Block C (Residential Repository)request, should the Page 3 of 4 Commission choose to approve the development plan amendment, staff recommends the following condition: 1. An events facility shall be located on Block B [the former gas pad site], Westlake Entrada Addition. The event participant maximum capacity of the facility shall be equal or greater than the maximum capacity of the amphitheater approved by Ordinances 776 and 777. The final design shall meet or eXceed the design standards set forth in Ordinance 777. Otherwise, final design details and facility standards shall be contained in the site plan for the facility and/or an SUP and shall also be shown on an amended development plan. ALTERNATiVE P&Z ACTiONS The Planning & Zoning Commission has the following options when considering this item: • Recommend approval as submitted • Recommend approval with modifications or additional condition(s) • Recommend approval with staff recommendations • Any combination of the above • Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose • Recommend denial TOWN COUNCIL ACTiON If the Planning & Zoning Commission acts and makes a recommendation for approval/denial on this agenda item, then it will be scheduled for Town Council action on March 29, 2021. ATTACHMENTS 1. Proposed Amended Development Plan Page 4 of 4 s WESTLAKE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION T H E T 0 W N U F TYPE OF ACTION W E S T L A K E Regular Meeting - Action Item Monday, March 08, 2021 ToP�c: Conduct a public hearing and consider recommendation of proposed amendments to Ordinance 777 approving a site plan for the PD 1-2 zoning district, known as "Westlake Entrada". The site is located on Block C, Westlake Entrada Addition between Aragon Drive, Tarragona Drive and State Highway 114. STAFF CONTACT: Ron Ruthven, Planning and Development Director Strategic Alignment � � � � � . � . .: . ' • � � High Quality Planning, Design & Planned/Responsible Citizen, Student& Development-We are a desirable well preserve Desirability Development Stakeholder planned, high-quality community that &Quality of Life is distinguished by exemplary design standards. � Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Centurion American is requesting approval of a site plan amendment to Block C. Ordinance 777 approved a site plan for Block C showing an outdoor amphitheater. Ordinance 776 approved an SUP for the amphitheater. The proposed request would remove the amphitheater and replace it with a Residential Repository building that would include specialty storage, office suites and a rooftop restaurant. ZONINC Allowed Uses Ordinance 703 defines uses that are allowed by right, as an accessory use, or those that require a Specific Use Permit. Accarding to the Entrada zoning regulations (as requested on this agenda), the proposed retail and office uses are allowed by right with the proposed residential repository requiring a SUP. Page 1 of 3 Proposed Uses The attached business plan from the applicant provides a description of the proposed uses. New and unlisted uses include a Residential Repository which will be added as a zoning amendment to Ordinance 703 but will also require a Specific Use Permit which will regulate additional details and requirements. The following is a breakdown of proposed uses by floor: lst Floor: flexible storage space including "man caves", artisan workshops and showrooms. 2"a Floor: fleXible starage space, or pre-compartmentalized storage space 3ra Floor: Pre-compartmentalized storage space 4th Floor: Flexible office space with walk-out balconies Sth Floor(roof-top): Restaurant Many of these details above will be discussed and memorialized in further detail on Residential Repository SUP request. Building Height Maximum building height is limited to 735 above Mean Sea Level (MSL) with architectural embellishments allowed to exceed this height in certain cases. The structures shown on the Site Plan are 66 feet in height or less and below 735 MSL. Parking Parking for the site is extremely limited. Aside from some parking along Aragon,parking for the site will utilize the parking garage located across Aragon. Architecture, Elevations, Design Guidelines Architecture closely mimics the unique Catalan architecture intended by the Entrada Zoning Ordinance and the Entrada Design Guidelines. The Town Architect has worked extensively with the architect to ensure compliance with architecture and create a unique site in the development. The plans have been reviewed and approved by the Town's architectural consultant. DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND PID/SAP COMPLIANCE The proposed site plan does not comply with the current Development Plan and will require a development plan amendment as included on this agenda. The proposed site plan complies with the Public Improvement District (PID) Service Assessment Plan (SAP). SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The applicant is requesting to amend Ordinance 777 by replacing the amphitheater with a five story Residential Repository and restaurant. The Residential Repository will require the approval of a separate SUP. If the zoning amendment and/or development plan requests contained on this agenda are recommended for denial, staff recommends denial of this item as well. However, should the Commission recommend approval of the item, staff recommends the following conditions to be added to the motion: Page 2 of 3 1. All Town and Entrada development regulations and agreements shall be adhered to at all times. 2. All str�uctures approved by the site plan shall be built as a single phase under a single building permit. Building permits fo�partial building and/or site constr�uction are not pe�mitted for this site. 3. The Residential Repository use shall co�nply with the provisions of the SUP and operate under a single Certificate of Occupancy. S. If no building permit is issued and/or no permitted str�uctural construction has begun on the site within two years of ordinance approval, this site plan amendment shall automatically expire. 6. Building signage shall not contain any internal illumination and shall not be visible from State Highway 114. 7. A site development agreement shall be approved prior to the issuance of the building permit. ALTERNATIVE P&Z ACTIONS The Planning & Zoning Commission has the following options when considering this item: • Recommend approval as submitted • Recommend approval with modifications or additional condition(s) • Recommend approval with staff recommendations • Any combination of the above • Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose • Recommend denial TOWN COUNCIL ACTION If the Planning & Zoning Commission acts and makes a recommendation for approval/denial on this agenda item, then it will be scheduled for Town Council action on March 29, 2021. ATTACHMENTS 1. Block C Amended Site Plan Package 2. 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FT.(0.71 ACRES) MID-POINT FIRE HOSE DROP 2 P R008 85'-0" 150'-0" P 55'-0 4" 206'-03/8" �O� � � P007 � ,`Q�� REPOSITORY �.° I I I I I � I I I �''�, DUMPSTER LOCATION o�� � � � � � � � I �-���� � _ A I I I I FIR RISER �, 128 \ — T�—� � i iuu _ i � i uu i � - SHOP 13 SHOP 14 SHOP 15 SHOP 16 SHOP 17 SHOP 18 SHOP 19 SHOP 20 SHOP 21 SHOP 22 SHOP 23 SHOP 24 SHOP 25 �i TAIR#21 �i � _ I 114 115 116 117 118 119 I 120 121 I 122 123 I 124 125 126 i I 02 T�� ii � , I � , � , I � , � , � , �--- ----, � , � , � �---- ----, I - - , iiiiuiiiii i , I I I I I � I I I � � I I I I I I I I I I I I i uiiuiiiii i / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L= LIJL LI1 LI__J O O O O / i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i r _ , � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I ✓ I I I I I I I L — J I I � I / I - DRNE I � 127 '� i � N �i N I I I I I I I I I ��, I 2 P007 � ' � - , � I � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � C I / � � � � � �� i� � � � � � � � � � � I i l o � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � I I / � �, I �, �E C�/ �L �� I I I I I I I � I � I I I �002� ,001� I I I I I I I I I I I / � � � � � � � ; � � � � � � � � � � I I � � � � � � � � � � ' ' ' -------�' ' , I ' --------,� I � o �---------, �---------, �---------J �— �---------J �---------, �---------J �---------J �---------J �- �---------- �-----------------J I I 1 I � I I � � � � � S P 1 SHOP 2 SHOP 3 SHOP 4 SHOP 5 SHOP 6 ELEV LOBBY SHOP 7 SHOP 8 SHOP 9 SHOP 10 SHOP 11 SHOP 12 RETAIL CORNER �� I P007 3 -- I � a �, , I _ 102 I 103 104 I 105 106 I 000 107 108 I 109 110 I 111 112 113 I � I � � V / I � --- �-�i%#�#1 �i �\ �� � �I �� �� ' �-� --� \ / V I � � � p iC--� V � �� � o o I I I I I ��I i�-=� � r �'�� �� I � � �---- �----� �---� � � � � - �i- , i i i i �—_—� � � � � � � E � � � I I I i I i I I I I � � � � � I I I I I I I �� `� � I I I i I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I �'� X - I I I I ' I i I I I I I I I � I I I � � i �-s, o ,-o„ ,-6, �5'-oi' i i I i i i i I I i i i i I i i i I I I I � 'o, � � / o � � \/ 1'-6" 1'-6" M 25'-0„ . ,. I 5._��. � ,� I 2��n,� I , , , G, I . „ - - 25'�8., _ G, I , ��, 25,_ � �� R I � 30'_8„ � 28'-0" �8'-0�' � 28'-0" � �8'-0�' � 22'-01/4" � �8'-0�' � �8'-0�' � 8'-0" 28'-0" 15'-6" / - 1 2 � 3 4 5 6 � 4 7 8 9 10 11 � I � � P007 �� � � I DROP-OFF AREAS, LOCATED IN FRONT ARAGON MONUMENT W FINDING 24' WIDE FIRE LANE, 100' OF GARAGE DOOR ENTRANCE, TYPICAL � OF THE FUTURE FIRE ON ARAGON. DROP-OFF AREAS NOT TO � � LANE TO ACCESS PAD IMPEDE ONTO FIRE LANE. i i i �i � APPROVED FIRE LANE NOT — �� TO EXCEED 10% GRADE GROUND LEVEL - STORAGE 2 1/16"=1'-0" REF: 1 /P007 us RESI DENTIAL REPOSITORY ARCHITECTS 02/09/2021 MID-POINT FIRE HOSE DROP 85'-0" 150'-0" 45'-0" 18'-0" 27'-0" 27'-0" � 5SPACESAT9'X18' 3SPACESAT9'X18' / � � / - — — — — r � — - I I 0 0 O° P007 I °° � :`° I I � I I I � � 1 � ,' , / � / � — - — � i / A / I I I I I I '�, DROP-OFF AREA, LOCATED IN I I I i �� � � i � - FRONT OF ENTRA CE GARAGE � - � i = DOOR. DROP-OFF REA NOT TO ', � � � � IMPEDE N FIRE L NE. - � i o , O i i M \ �� � � I � I � I I I I I I i i � I / � ," iii � I I � � �� � STAIR � � � � � �° 03 � � I � i .°,>'' � � 6 � � , o 0 0 0 — — � � — � I �� I �� I �------�-- �e I I I I I I � � � �� �,�� � / � `✓'� � / v � I I I I ` I I I I I I I 2 P007 � � � —�� C ; �� i � � � ���� i n� I I I I � � I I � ` I i �� , � � � � � i � i � I P007 3 � I II M � I _ I I I I I I I � I i i � I --- DN i � 1 I i� �� �� �� � I I I I I I I I I� 1�i / ' E i — � „ � i i , � � I � — � � � � I I I I I I I I �i � i -- --------_ � __---- ------- -- — - ---__ i � _-- --, i � 28'-0" __-- 28'-0" 28'-0" 28'-0" 22'-01/4" 28'-0" 28'-0" ����8'-0" 28'-0" 15'-6" � � �_— �� - ----- - --- �� � / 1� ��, ; 2 _------ 3- ------ -4�----- - - -5 ---6-- 4- 7 -----�8_ 9� �,, 10 11� ,' ,' --- - -� � - � Poo� ��, ���, ' ,-� �� � i �� , ------ ---- ��� � , , 24' WIDE FIRE LANE, 100' ��, ��� OF THE FUTURE FIRE �� �' LANE TO ACCESS PAD - � APPROVED FIRE LANE NOT - TO EXCEED 10% GRADE FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 02 - STORAGE 2 1/16"= 1'-0" REF: 1 /P007 us RESI DENTIAL REPOSITORY ARCHITECTS 02/09/2021 P007 I I I I I I � I I I I I � - - - - - - - - A i i i i i i i � i i i � - � , L - ' � - � i � - i � i i � i � i i i ' � i ii > � — a o o— e — �B I ��� I I I I I � I I I LEVEL 3 300 I I I I I I I I I I I 2 P007 ��. ;� \� i� � � I I I iX� iX� I � I I i � i � P007 3 I I I I I I I --- p � � I I I I - - - - - - - - E � '� i i i i i i i � i i i 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 � 7 8 9 10 11 P007 LEVEL 3 STRG 1 1/16"=1'-0" REF: 1 /P007 us RESI DENTIAL REPOSITORY ARCHITECTS 02/09/2021 P007 I I I I I � � I I I I I � - � � � � � �- � � - � - q � � � � � � � � � J � J � J � J � I I � I I I i �i � �i � � _ � _ - � � I I I I I I � I I � ' , . �� < i% �- � - �- - �- - � � I I I I I I � I I LEVEL 4 400 ��r- ��_ �r- I I I I � I I � I '�- I 2 P007 �r� '�- _J � � � i � i � � I I I �X� �X� I I I I � � � � P007 3 I _ I I I I I I� D I I I I � � � � � � � � � E � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � _� u ,� I I I I I I I I I I I _,\ 1 � 2 3 4 ) 5 6 4 7 8 9 10 11 � ; ; _ � � P007 LEVEL 4 STRG 1 1/16"=1'-0" REF: 1 /P007 us RESI DENTIAL REPOSITORY ARCHITECTS 02/09/2021 P007 I I I I � � I I I I I - - - - A i i i i i i u u � � � � - � � � COVERED PATIO I I I I I I 501 I I � i � � i i i � � � � <' - 2 � - �B I I I I I P008 I I - I I I I MECHANICAL EQUIPM�NT YARD I RESAURANT 1 BAR I I I I 2 P007 �� - 500 , , � C �� i� � i' � � I I I % � � I I I i� � i 1 P008 � � P007 3 I I I I r �, I I I I � � --- � � � � � � � ' � � � � � � � � � � � � � �i I � � � � � � � � � � � � I - I I I I I E i i i i � � i � � i � , 1 2 3 4 �� 5 6 4 7 8 9 10 11 P007 LEVEL 5 STRG 1 1/16"=1'-0" REF: 1 /P007 us RESI DENTIAL REPOSITORY ARCHITECTS 02/09/2021 2 PR008 � � � � � � � /� , , , - - - - - - _ , , , , 0 , O P007 I I I I I I � I I I � I — — — A � i i o io � __ � _-- = ---- ----, � � �i ���w�� _ � � � _ � ; , � � a I i�.� - . q„/��� � �� -- I �/ ��-l �; � --t � 4"/1'- ' � =.r..r=r..r.=rr=rrr=r=r.==rr==r==;TrrTrrr==s==;L_r..==:=rL==r==r=s===r=rr..r.:==r=rr= �a < ���� � I � I � � I I I I I I I � 0 ti � � �� 4�����_��� 4„���_��� o j o �"�., p, ��� 4 - ' I o�:0„ � � � I� : 0 0 0 o I � - - - �� � � C{� m � � � �L�___ ___- 0 2 0 B I "fi \ ' I I I 1 � I - - = I I P008 I I � � " = ,.�'` = - - P f ' 2 P007 I I I I I - -._ ` � I I I I I .�����- _ - .����._ - : �z �:_ + + i MEC ANICAL EQUIMENT Y RD. ROOF TO „ — C L E D WN AT 1 4 PER T MINIM M. J � S O O / 00 U , o i � i i i -- -- ��� . i i i i � �� _-- -- - 1 P 008 I , P007 3 I I I I I � I = t I I I I � i, _ � 'J s- 1 � _,�_� _ � i = � � --- � $ $, r _ - �� ,� --� - ___ ��� �;b' o 0 0 � � �V � � � � � 4" 1'-0" � 4"� � � � � � � ' � E 0 � � �� 0 / � / � - � �� / o = / /X� I I � I ��o��������� ����� I I I I I / / � � I / � i � �, ` I I ---- I \ \ ' _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 7 8 9 10 11 � � -----',---�- - � 'I - Poo� i i i i i � i ii i i i i � � i ROOF PLAN 1 1/16"= 1'-0" us RESI DENTIAL REPOSITORY ARCHITECTS 02/09/2021 EXIT STAIRWELL FROM 8,860 SQ.FT.STONE LEVEL 2-5 15%VOID 6%CAST STONE �DECORATIVE WROUGHT SCREENED MECHANICAL YARD � DECORATIVE WROUGHT ��=" IRON TOWER ELEMENT �,-o„ �,-o,. + % �IRON TOWER ELEMENT y -- . � —MISSION BARREL MISSION BARREL WROUGHT IRON ,� -� - :- ' MISSION BARREL -''� �-___-- .. TILE ROOF '�� � � 4�� �TILE ROOF RAILING , ` TILE ROOF ------ _ _ - ' CASTSTONE - - - - `-`'-' . , . - - . . . ...- � � ~;,~ ��~ �. ��=�::�-_'...� � WROUGHT IRON DECORATIVE _ _ -���: _ APPEARANCE I_ } �CAST STONE LIGHT FIXTURES , �� � PARAPET CAP �I�.. � � � 1 �- - --' Z-- - i�f�:-�`�. -��'� ,� � -=� _, , - - TO COMPLY WITH r' - _ � � , ' � � � , � � - i j _ DARK-SKY POLICY �� ;�� - � I � � � � _., - � , - , : _ '� � � L LEVEL 5 STRG - - �� -- � _ -�- _ , � - _ - - - - - - =-- - ;= - - - - - , - -. l � - - _ 682' - p�� r; ' , - - � ; _ - � 'f� ' t, - � �_ �� � � '� ' g � � $ 4 � �4 '' � �� �� � ;� '# � � ' � � �, ,:,� ;:, . . � ;�, , ,�� :., , 1 x �_ ,; � �;;;�� , � �� z =� �". ;°,>r ;�: ; ', T LEVEL 4 STRG �7� : -�.��i` ;�. �: ',, z! x .,` ,. . ' ' --.. ..�. .--. . . . _ __ {;-.<�a1L�- .- � ---- . .� �i 671� - Qn i���qiil�uqr: .4'�11�Yii���iii q�r ��.� �ri�,��'i� 'll' :�if����;��'�i'I•'i;iR:,rr. :'.n,i�i� '�if��'i'`Ri �tils�'•1�1'�i�'�il;liq�y+. C1�1M1�" •cl� .ti�� �!1 ,��1'�?ii.. li`��'1 ��� �,�.�:,����.,,;��� ,i�.• �i}'?�;.;�. ..I.�li.q�n i����,,.. ��Ir � X� n��' 11� ,��Cl 11�� Rc.;y1�-'�1�, �nl�,,,�,.; �p�,, ,�� . =f; �1�:�.�. �'' I� �`�1 1�� _ X�Q��' i II ��/i J �\�,Y �� :\w�'�. ��i, �\n�V' ����i -'"'3� .i'•'.0.;,. i:� \��n, I n� `�� ��r�. T �� 1 � �. �, ;:� �� �` �.:�,���, � �� � f, � � �,. - ,� ��':...��'�. �:;.� �� � �� `� �..'., �' � , � , _ �. . c �'�� �:> ; _ e:» �. � =� - \� �� LEVEL 3 STRG � � � ;:. ' �. . — — — — - — — — — — — a .''--- --- ���- ... �. �.:r�.' - - --- --- �- -�-� -- +-- --� - � — � - o �' �� -G = � _ _ �- - - -- -� �: �� _ _ �� ��' - -� i -- ��--- 660, �„ - - '�` -- �==� •� �` �:�a _ - _.a - :.� - _]1L� LlCi':;JLL = i _ �_=� -- .-• � �° ` "I� � �` �; � _- � � � = � � � `�- i' �� � , 1 `� ��� :� � , �d''"� 1;.: �°" ;� = � �� -� \ � � _ -� �� . � :�E.. , �; � � �, l� � - � � .��� �' ^�' � �� - � , ��� _-� -_�; ; I� '� , '� � - -. � --- - -_ - - _. � � � \ � _ , .� :� - � a�� , , R � ,, � f .�- � �, �- _ ,��s';;': �. _ �- , � I _I�TC � - � - - � � LEVEL 2 STRG � :;�,�`;f. �� �' ' 649' 0" .I .�:�. _;;�� ,�'�� - GROUND LEVEL � 638' - 0" � �WROUGHT IRON RAILING ROUGH STONE ARCH PER GARAGE DOOR PER WROUGHT IRON PROPOSED �ENTRADA DESIGN ENTRADA GUIDELINES APPEARANCE LIGHT SIGNAGE LOCATION GUIDELINES FIXTURES TO COMPLY FOR REPOSITORY EXTERIOR STONE FINISH WITH DARK-SKY POLICY STORAGE - NORTH 1 1/16"=1'-0" REF: 1 /A100 3.219 SQ.FT.STONE 4,880 SQ.FT.STONE 2%VOID 0 9 o V 11%CAST STONE 4%CAST STONE DECORATIVE FULL MASONRY �DECORATIVE WROUGHT IRON CHIMNEY/FIREPLACE PER WROUGHT IRON TOWER ELEMENT ENTRADA GUIDELINES TOWER ELEMENT DECORATIVE SCREENED MECHANICAL YARD MISSION BARREL MISSION BARREL MISSION BARREL WROUGHT IRON DECORATIVE CAST STONE PARAPET CAP �TILE ROOF �TILE ROOF �TILE ROOF TOWER ELEMENT �_,�._._.,,..-,.,..�_.._,.>.,..�,..........:...._,_�_�,. . _ % MISSION BARREL ��� WROUGHT IRON APPEARANCE - p .... . : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.>.,_.. ,_...�..,_.,.,.. , 1�x'` i e �''y`� TILE ROOF ��-�-�`- LIGHT FIXTURES TO COMPLY _ i 1�_ -�' WITH DARK-SKY POLICY T=` � . . �.rt -- - .... �. _. -- ' _ WROUGHT IRON � '' DECORATIVE - I �� - �_ - _ � APPEARANCE LIGHT � �' ' CAST STONE FIXTURES TO COMPLY � �r��"� - � �`'' i� �c WROUGHT IRON �� �� �_ -� WROUGHT IRON RAILING�____� � '� � ' j = � APPEARANCE LIGHT WITH DARK SKY POLICY ,'} . II T� � _ �. IF'� _ '-- -_ __ -- - - �; �T FIXTURES TO COMPLY DECORATIVE --- � � � � �= � _ � _ _ , ' _ _ _ _ = WITH DARK-SKY POLICY LEVEL 5 STRG CAST STONE � �� iI � I -� __�` LEVEL 5 STRG � � , � � ; � �� � ��- DECORATIVE F)$2 O � 682 0 � �, � o ,:�.i � , �w�f� ,. � � ��y � � � I,- -� �a � � _ ,� �,r `� ��CAST STONE --� '�s� �, ;� g I _ , 7L,' � �_ � �__ •; ; , .. _', � _ i.,_ PROPOSED SIGNAGE __:� _ � � � T.� � � _ , - -- . , . _ ' ; ' � - �-�. . • LOCATION FOR . ,�,� L' � T ' � � � � LEVEL 4 STRG � k.� _ �..� � i. Z I � � � _ _°� LEVEL 4 STRG � - -------- - _ � �'� -_=� 671' - 0�� RE�6�IT6RY - - - ,r i �—��1� � - 671' - 0�� _ _. , _ " EXIT STAIRWELL � ; �,_;., _ �-� '- ''; FROM LEVEL 2-5 � �� }'-� - i' ��- _ � ; � � , _ I �- - I�' r'<_�'� `�" ��� I[' - '-c ' LEVEL 3 STRG �''�- � � '��! LEVEL 3 STRG -- � �� � ;-� --_ � 660' - 0" - �Y'__ - - �L li - -- - --- - 660' - 0�� '� � - , , , ._ , _ , MISSION BARREL {�, _ - _ � �� j, � '� ' � ti ' ' ' _ : TILE ROOF � �'� � �, J�, � ~ '� - - ---- . �: �, I� � �� — � � �.-r. � I �i � y I �� , �t - _ _ �'� '�'�-�' �' -- ' - -' _ LEVEL 2 STRG _ _ '; �' � --- -- _ � ! - - _ � LEVEL 2 STRG I - - -=- � _ -�:' - 649' - p�� ' 649' - p�� _ 1 - - � _ �`t. � i.::. •r��. ��,. � - - i =� i . �, '� �� �1��� � � _ � � _��� .f'- - -_ -- 1 f�-�.�F.' I '� . . ,t;.:.;' i__ �.:'.; . . 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WROUGHT IRON '-° ' � _ _ CASTSTONE - � APPEARANCE 4" � __ - k� � S �' i �+. .ri� PARAPET CAP - ��= LIGHT FIXTURES �f .�:•'.�•�,.�_�— - -... � � . � �� TO COMPLY WITH �'� -� ', ,g, �b' �' �j _ � � _ __ DARK-SKY POLICY ' -_ , ,� _ p O `- _ _ � �, ,� ; � � � ___�.��_ �.� I __ i--, -- - — — - _—- — __ ` � , � - - I ; ! 3° �' . TI � ;�; LEVEL 5 STRG � � .. I . ..- ' -" __ ' _ ' � � - -. I __._. � �_ _ -___- _ . - . .� _ .. -_ � ' -__ -_� """ ' - q: . __ ._ _ _ , �_:. � �-- ; i ~`' 682' 0" 1 �.. - � - � � - � � - ,.�r � - '� - � _ '�`=' ` - �' �� � IF 1 !� '� _� _ � � ,I�,r � � � � y � l i - ' _ ; � � ��x,� �;"s� �; � ,;< < , -�r:� r�� ,�: ,;;, i t = `�t�=�r:=st=-� � Y - ��'�� :� � _, I _ I_ � 1 E 1 •:1 , < _ =;�Y==� ,.fi. ;: _ ,��_� , � ' i _ ._�,,:, LEVEL 4 STRG - r^ _ - - _ '' ��� _ �: -�{ 671' - p�� � ,, „ . �.. . -- -- -- -- - -- --------- � , , , - �� ,,,�� r „»������,�� �� i � ,� ,�,:��;���� r.... - � ,., , �.•::;,:;:•�. 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WESTLAKE � � ��INVERNE � 2595 Dallas Parkway, Suite 101 �'�` � Frisco, TX 75034 �/ Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com J KIN� TBPE Registration No. F-1046 � T� Contact: Jason Frey a 114 Tel: 972-464-4821 � ��� Copyright 2020 Q SOLqNq 0 ��r �to DOVE ROAD o �����9� OWNER: i 1'�`F ���v.�°°a a AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC N 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 S��TE y�,yY �1 VI CI N I TY M AP DALLAS, TX 75201 4 (NOT TO SCALE) CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY � \ � \\ / / \ ��� ��, � ��—'_ � /� � DEVELOPER: �/ � ��---__---�_==—c��--_ � �/ / �; �, �--_�-'---___;--_ � � � , , ---__ __ ____ � TE AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC �,�, � A ���,�•,� ��, '----==__ 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 � / � ,� ' ' �N DALLAS, TX 75201 a/ �� / ,->�' � `� P P�,� � - _ � � CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY � � , , , P <, . � , . � � 0 , ,�,� _- � � � � � m , , .- � � � , � , � , ,, , � , , _ , � � ' � cn Q o '� ' � � Q c�R \ '/ ---- --- - �`�� C � X �Nq '-"--- -�"" - ���,, ,' / � \�c� Q W / , �,�2 � H � � � �, � I = � � w � � ~ � • ° � g � ',, � Q � � � I \ � \ ST 7 � O Q � I � ` TARRAGONq \ �rF Hw Horizontal Scale: N.T.S. � � O L W U ��/ M , � � .� I — '" �,� Q Q J L1J � z /� � � � J � � Q � I 1� � C � � V z w � � i� � � Q U � � Q � N � / / �/ / \ \ ��� � � � � M LLI z � � �� V J � Y � �� 5 � ■ \ � P PGON � . ,� ��� \ Q W U � ? 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N TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING � I \1 C� � �� D � JASON A.FFREY6P.E. � II tt I � TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 88485 �, � <� o I 1I � � �� FEBRUARY 08, 2021 N I � 1 . . � � CAUTION � � � � �� � • �� Contractor to Verify exact location a� 1 � , � & I)cpth of Exist Facilities Prior to o � � � � any Construction Activities � \ o � � CAUTI�N I I c � �� � � � . CONTACT: 1-800—�DIG—TESS � �� �� ��� ��,��� %8 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION o \\ o� � � a � REVISIONS o \\ „ \\ \� REV N0. DATE DESCRIPTION i \ \\ Q � \� rn 0 N s�� � \� � I � 2�� � \ U � �� �� � � � ���o � LEGEND \ �` v� � A \ � DRAWN BY: LMM o � � � ` � \ � \ BLOCK NAME CHECKED BY: JAF w A Y� \ a� \\ o�,� o \ 3 \ \ �A \\ \� DATE: JANUARY 2021 i � � \ � �\ \\�� ° � \\ � PROJECT NUMBER: 3082-48, 3082-49 � � � \\ p � ° �\ � \� � Sh eet N o. � �0 N GRANADA \\ tt \ K E Y M A P � � \ � \\ ~ ��� � \� ° \\ ; PD SITE PLAN PACKAGE NOT �� �� z� � tt � � C2 wa TO USE FOR CONSTRUCTION . � �� �� c�� SHEET C2 �= C12 mo TROPHY CLUB o o � � J �`° o `�� Y ����� CRE����G�� �BOB JAMES ��- Medlin MEqO� �'� -\\ \\\` e�R�5�5�� CemeGt�J�y Course � a o - __ \ , � � , � ;G FA EMINOLE 9-� _ � _'--__ \���,`\ ���,,\` ,,\ \ Vj� Jx � o _ __ \ 5� TROPNY �dY,y S ci i \�' \\\�� \\\�' \� ��4 00� ��o�cNF MEADO`N mw ro*� v' n��� �P h FF RESH � � \\ �', ��', ���, �'� NE55 I � Y w z Q ,\\\ ,,\` ,,\ ,, \ � 4�� NVE a x `\ \\ `P G 1 R � � '�� \�'�� 15' SOUTHWESTERN '� �'� , � � �� i � � I a ,,, ,,, �,, � , ,J� e � BELL TELEPHONE ESMT. \��� \�� � WESTLAKE � � E' � , , , , J BG Inc a � �'��, �'��, VOL. 3146 PG. 545 ����, ����, <� � �� INVERNE � 2595 Dallas Parkwa Suite 101 � , � , � � , , , ,, �, , , C ,, ,, , , a �, 2 ��,, ��,, R.P.R.D.C.T. ���, ���, � `��` o Frisco, TX 75034 � , ,, ,, �, � ��, �� �� �� ° � � '� �' \�� � a � ��, ��, ��� ��, Te . - - Ot . . om , �,, �,, �, ��, I� 972 464 480 www bgeinc c , �, �,, ��, �, J � � �� � � �� TB Re ist a ion No F- 046 , , , ,, , 6 \\\ \\ \\ �, ° \ ���,, �'��, �'��,, \�� , ontactr Jason Frey ` ���� K�NG ,, ,, , �, C , \`, � �'� \�' PERMANENT UTILITY ESMT. \�'��, \����, 0 114 Tel: 972-464-4821 � \ � � � v! `�'��,, \�'���/OL. 13679, PG. 124 \�'�� ����, o �0 20 40 � �� ' pY 9 , � �, �, �, , � e o ri t 2 a \ ° � �\ � �,, \\ '�.P.R.T.C.T. � ,, \ � �,\ Q SOLANA a �- VOL. 428���G. 1377 � �� �� � � A �\ �J � �'���,, R.P.R�D.C.T:��,, � \',, ����,_ sca�E: �" = 20' �o��r \ I/ � , � � �'�� �'�, (V jq � '�,,\ DOVE ROAD J C�i�s�Z , _ ��, ��, �� o �9� OWNER: � , � , , � � a a i � ��,, '�, /q Q '��,\ _ ��,F � a ,/ � � �,,, �,,, ��� ��, a � �� ', � � �'��,, �'��,, V�/� T �� �' ��,, ��t��°° Q AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC ' ° � �'���, ���� D / � � 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 � , , �,, � M �', 1 � � �� � �����, \�'��, • 0� CON ACT AMICHAEL BEATY I�/> VICINITY MAP , � N � ��, ��, (NOT TO SCALE) � ` ��� ��� , a 1 � � ��,,, ���,, , � ,� �, �, a , , , , , o �, , ��,, , � � � �, �� � , - 4 ��, ��, � a � � �,, ��, � ��, ��, � \ � � ��, �, � � � ��, ��, `� \a , �3p• . . . . ��'��, \\'��, � � , R�W ,, ��� � �. � O \'���, DEVELOPER: � �� � � � a �, ��,, ` " � \ �� CURVE TABLE LINE TABLE AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC � a `, ��, �� � <j �� � , \ �'��, CURVE RADIUS DELTA ANGLE ARC LENGTH LONG CHORD LINE LENGTH BEARING 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 � °6 ° � 15' NATURAL DALLAS, TX 75201 `� ��Q a �� C1 200.00' 6'22'35" 22.26' S 74'47'43" E, 22.25' L1 18.124 S77' 59' 00.06"E CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY � , -� � � GAS EASEMENT �� \ , `� � � C2 162.50' S0°00'00" 141.81' S 83°32'40" W, 137.35' L2 834.099 S71' 36' 25.06"E ��� \ � `� C3 30.00' 91'18'12" 47.81' N 75'48'14" W, 42.91' L3 27.449 S18' 06' 41.25"W � a� � PERMANENT WATERLINE ESMT. � �� \ � � � INST. N0. D211283630 C4 92.50' 28'41'48" 46.33' N 15'48'14" W, 45.85' L4 46.940 S68' 31' 30.90"E � Q � o �� � ��� \ ��a �� � INST. N0. D211283764 C5 107.50' 20'00'00" 37.52' N 11°27'20" W, 37.33' L5 245.832 S20° 41' 24.92"E X ` � O.P.R.T.C.T. Q W � �� \ ° � L6 29.591 S58° 32' 40.00"W � \ � C6 117.50' 10°00'00" 20.51' N 26'27'20" W, 20.48' � � ` ' �� � � � L7 28.804 N1' 27' 20.00"W � �� � �� � STORAGE �- \ C7 82.50' 20'00'00" 28.80' N 21'27'20" W, 28.65' w � � � d � , ` 22,520 SF L8 71.712 N21° 27' 19.84"W �Il � `� � � �j `� C8 64.00' 66'31'40" 74.31' N 44'43'10" W, 7a.21' �.� � ? � g � � � � \ L9 8.404 N68° 32' 22.99"E � Q � � � � � � � L10 38.947 N21° 27' 20.00"W � � O � w O � , � � , o , U � � � ��� a � , a a `� � ' � L11 21.292 N31' 27' 20.00"W O � J U z � O � � � `� � `� � � � L12 17.713 N11' 27' 20.00"W � � � � Q � � \ � �g � � � , a � o z U o � � � � \ ° � � U � , a Q Q , , , � � � �a � � J � � � � � , % '�, � ° � \ a o v � J c� Y � � � 1 w c.� z � � � � i �` � � � � J � W � � � � ,, � a � � � m � C \ J � ' i /� � \ � VJ y \ o � w w � � � �` � ° 3p' R�W , - \�, / �� W � ❑VERALL LEGEND 0 � , � � � \� , � a,-- � � a , - , � (V � � \\� � ��' FH � PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT z I \ J , � N �c� \\\ / / � � � � t � ,�� a SSMH PROPOSED SANITARY � � ��\ �� � � ° � � MANHOLE � O � � � � , � � a �� ,� \ Q � PROPOSED STORM INLET �� THESE PLANS ARE ISSUED FOR Z � ��\ � \ a-p PROPOSED STREET LIGHT THE PURPOSE OF PRELIMINARY J � �� J � EXISTING TRANSFORMER REVIEW AND ARE NOT INTENDED � \ 3' LIGHTING & � p � � FOR CONSTRUCTION. `i \��� ATMOS ESMT. �� � WHEN ISSUED IN Y �\� ��\ 'J a \ LS PROPOSED LANDSCAPE FINAL FORM THEY WILL BE � �� � ' � � EXISTING STREET uGHT SEALED, SIGNED AND DATED. m � 1 � U �- \\ ° �O� o � ��\ TRI-COUNTY E MT. � _--__ � � � � � _-__ / RESPONBGE,�INC.GINEER: � EXISTING GAS METER � �� � ������ fi��� TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING � �, a ������,' � �� ���� EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE FRM F-�o46 � JASON A. FREY, P.E. � �� 1 � a-'-- ----, � �/ � � %��� EXISTING SIGN � TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 88485 t � �i a i %� \ �� ��� \ \ \ 0 FEBRUARY Q8, 2021 � i � i '� \ � k�\ a ; ; � ������, �-�,� ,��� � � � � EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT � � cAUTioN ! � � - o � �� ' ,`° '� -- � -- ������� ��'� ��U� � I I I Contractor to Verify exact location � i i � � � -��,���I�`��X �� I & Depth of Exist Facilities Prior to DRAINAGE ESMT. � i a___ _____; _ � ����j//��� ��� � � any Construction Activities �T� � i � � �� /����� � � ��� � �� � � � � �� � � � � ,� � �� '� i � ��� � � NOTES: CAUTION � � � ( ' � '� �� � 1. ALL WESTLAKE ENTRADA INFRASTRUCTURE ASSUMED AS coNTACT: �-800-�ic-TEss o � �, , � � � � i i� a � I, e,�� � ,?,� � � � �,� � I � � ` � � � ,,' `�, EXISTING FOR THIS PLAN SET 4� HouRs PRioR To coNSTRucTioN o ' I ' ,� �`� `��i I � , ,� � 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS � REVISIONS � � � 1 `a �'' � >����-�_ I _-���� �„�o ° ° a e o a . ,'� ,�� OTHERWISE NOTED M DRAINAGE ESMT. I ,'� / j� -� , � a ,-' ° � < , � ° � '°,� �� REV N0. DATE DESCRIPTION � '/--- 2 , O � �I /J /� / / o a o � a /� a a � � � � I a i / � , i � o � �� ,�� ' � °�' a ° - - � .a� ° BM1 - "❑" Cut found on top of curb at the south median nose approximately � � \ � ° a � � < 691 feet southeast of the intersection of Solana Blvd. and Davis Blvd. � �� �� / �•�' W.E. , � 3 � � �'<� Elev. 668.963' J \ a O o �, � ° � p�1 � � � �\ ,�� � � BM2 - "❑" Cut found on top of curb in the west turn lane median at the � � � � R�W � �� a �a 6' LI GH TI N G, DU CT o intersection of Davis Blvd. and Hwy 114 approximately 38 feet west of the � �� 25 a a `�\ `, < �� BANK, TRI-COUNTY, `� centerline of Davis Blvd. and 8 feet southwest of traffic siqnal pole on „ � � � �< e � � � 8c ATMOS ESMT , southwest corner of intersection. � DRAWN BY: LMM � ��� ,� �� �-� �`� �� � / � a ��� - tl ° 8� a \ Elev. 667.93' -� � � , ' ----�' a�\ „ � -- � a '�� - - - � w ��� � Q e Q � � , Q " _ __ _ - -- __ _ a a � TBM1 - "❑'� Cut in median nose located N 700 feet southeast of intersection of Davis CHECKED BY: JAF „ � � -� ��� a Blvd. and Dove Road. Elev. 668.96 ° � �� TRI-COUNTY ESMT. a ° � ,,- ' ''�,, � � � �� ` � `�'�� , TBM2 - "❑'� Cut in median nose at intersection of Davis Blvd. and Bull Way. DATE: JANUARY 2021 i � � ��,, a � � � � �� , / Q Elev. 679.58 � ��_, � ��� � � � a � �� PROJECT NUMBER: 3a82-48, 3082-49 � i J U 0 Y m Sh eet N o. � 0 � � SITE PLAN `� SURVEYOR/ENGINEER w � �' BGE, Inc. o � 2595 Dallas Parkway, Suite 101, Frisco, TX 75034 a P D S I T E P LAN PAC KAG E N OT - � Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com � C3�� � TBPE Registration No. F-1046 z° T O U S E F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N . Copyright 2020 �% �-EET c3 oF c,z m� GENERAL NOTES TOWN OF WESTLAKE GENERAL NOTES TROPHY CLUB � o � � � ���o�o ���� � 1. THESE NOTES APPLY TO ALL SHEETS IN THIS PLAN SET. 1. THE APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS, THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION" ��,���' ��- � ��'�, �BOB JAMES PUBLISHED BY N.C.T.C.O.G. AND THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE ENGINEERING STANDARDS SHALL APPLY. IN THE EVENT OF A CONFLICT, TOWN OF WESTLAKE y�� Medlin MEAO� 1'�, 5�,,� Cemetery Golf y Y � � � 2. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR, AND MUST OBTAIN PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, ALL NECESSARY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL STANDARDS SHALL GOVERN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FOLLOW ALL APPLICABLE TCEQ, A.W.W.A., AND A.S.T.M. REGULATIONS. E�� t J� Course � a o MUNICIPALITY. CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE A COPY OF THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY'S STANDARD CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ON SITE.. � SUNS�.�ppHYG� y FAl�dyqY SEMINOLE T� ? � � 2. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE SUBJECT TO INSPECTION BY THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE. THE TOWN RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR �'-P°9 �Q' ��q� �_ = o "' 3. EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE TAKEN FROM AVAILABLE RECORDS PROVIDED BY THE UTILITY OWNER AND FIELD LOCATIONS OF SURFACE REJECT MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP THAT DOES NOT CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATION OF THE TOWN. 114 �`� �o° �'oo� r FRESHMEADO`N w< Z N � APPURTENANCES. LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE GENERALLY SCHEMATIC IN NATURE AND MAY NOT ACCURATELY REFLECT THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF EACH � s�c � `�� �NyERNESS a X I w 3. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OFF-SITE SHALL BE SEEDED OR SODDED AS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS. I Q PARTICULAR UTILITY. SOME UTILITY LINES MAY NOT BE SHOWN. CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACTUAL FIELD LOCATION AND � � ���m y PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT. CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPAIRS TO EXISTING �a � J BGE Inc. FACILITIES, WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, DAMAGED BY CONTRACTOR'S ACTIVITIES. DIFFERENCES IN HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL LOCATION OF EXISTING 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ONE (1) APPROVED SET OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS ON THE JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION. � � _ � WESTLAKE � � INVERNE � 2595 Dallas Parkwa Suite 101 UTILITIES SHALL NOT BE A BASIS FOR ADDITIONAL EXPENSE. N � Y� 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE AT LEAST FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. � � Frisco, TX 75034 4. ANY CONTRACTOR / SUBCONTRACTOR PERFORMING WORK ON THIS PROJECT SHALL FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE SITE AND SHALL BE SOLELY � RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING FACILITIES RESULTING DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM HIS OPERATIONS. SAID EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS 6. ALL PAVING AND UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AND TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE SPECIFICATIONS. Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com SHALL INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO BERMS, DITCHES, FENCES, AND PLANTS. ANY REMOVAL OR DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE 7. AN ENGINEERED TRENCH SAFETY PLAN IS REQUIRED WHEN THE TRENCH DEPTH EXCEEDS 5'. J KING TBPE Registration No. F-1046 REPLACED OR REPAIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT HIS EXPENSE AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE. � T E Contact: Jason Frey 8. BASED ON OUR UNDERSTANDING AND THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE TOWN, THE WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES COMPLY WITH THE WATER o 114 Tel: 972-464-4821 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ADEQUATE SITE DRAINAGE DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE SILT FENCES (OR AND SANITARY SEWER MASTER PLANS FOR THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE. � OTHER METHODS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER AND TOWN) AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT SILT AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS FROM FLOWING ONTO ADJACENT N ���o / Copyright 2020 PROPERTIES. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL EROSION CONSERVATION, AND SILTATION ORDINANCES. WATER NOTES: Q SOLqNq CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL DEVICES UPON COMPLETION OF PERMANENT DRAINAGE FACILITIES AND THE � ESTABLISHMENT OF A STAND OF GRASS OR OTHER GROWTH TO PREVENT EROSION. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING PERMITS AND 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PURCHASE A COPIE(S) OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE ENGINEERING STANDARDS, LATEST EDITION, AND FOLLOW SAID STANDARDS g<�`��r APPROVALS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. `'� DURING CONSTRUCTION. oovE Roao c,�s� 9 OWNER: 6. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN NEAT AND ACCURATE CONSTRUCTION RECORD PLANS. A COPY OF THESE RECORD PLANS ARE 2. ALL WATER LINES, FITTINGS, AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE ENGINEERING STANDARDS, LATEST = ���`� TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. EDITION. ALL WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS TO BE FORD COMPRESSION FITTINGS. ALL BENDS TO HAVE RETAINER FITTINGS (MEGA-LUG). USE DOMESTIC w�°°a � AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE ALL NECESSARY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID CONTACT WITH OVERHEAD AND UNDERGROUND POWER LINES. THE DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS ONLY. �\� � 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND ALL FIELD CONDITIONS THAT MAY AFFECT CONSTRUCTION. 3. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL HAVE ONE (1) HYDRA-STORZ CONNECTION AND TWO (2) 2.5" HOSE NOZZLES, SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM MAIN BARREL DALLAS, TX 75201 VALVE OPENING OF 5.25", AND SHALL BE PLACED ON MAINS OF NOT LESS THAN 6" IN DIAMETER. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS ARE TO BE PAINTED PER VI CI N I TY M AP CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY 8. SHOULD DISCREPANCIES OCCUR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER TO OBTAIN THE ENGINEER'S CLARIFICATION BEFORE COMMENCING WITH ARTICLE IV, SECTION 2.H.5 OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE ENGINEERING STANDARDS AND AGREED TO BY THE TOWN. (NOT TO SCALE) THE CONSTRUCTION. 9. CONTRACTOR TO DISPOSE OF ALL EXCESS EXCAVATION MATERIALS AS DIRECTED BY THE OWNER. 4. UTILITY CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE APPROPRIATE LOCATION MARKS ON THE CURBS PER THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE ENGINEERING STANDARDS. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL AVAILABLE PRECAUTIONS TO CONTROL DUST. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTROL DUST BY SPRINKLING WATER, OR BY 5. ALL WATER MAINS SHALL BE PVC AWWA-C900, DR18, CLASS 150 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. OTHER MEANS APPROVED BY THE TOWN AND ENGINEER, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 6. TOP OF WATER MAIN SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 48" BELOW THE TOP OF CURB OR 48" BELOW FINISHED GRADE. METALLIC DETECTOR TAPE WILL BE 11. ALL EXCAVATING IS UNCLASSIFIED AND SHALL INCLUDE ALL MATERIALS ENCOUNTERED. UNUSABLE EXCAVATED MATERIAL AND ALL WASTE RESULTING USED. VALVES TO BE EXTENDED TO WITHIN 1' OF GROUND IF MORE THAN 36". DEVELOPER: FROM SITE CLEARING AND GRUBBING SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR AT HIS EXPENSE. 7. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 6' BEHIND THE BACK OF CURB (MIN). 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING FOR LINE AND GRADE CONTROL POINTS RELATED To EARTHWORK. AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAN THE WATER MAIN BY INSERTION OF "POLY PIGS" AT DESIGNATED LOCATIONS. COST FOR "POLY PIG" CLEANING WILL BE THE 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SALVAGE AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING POWER POLES, SIGNS, MANHOLES, TELEPHONE RISERS, WATER VALVES, ETC. DURING RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. DALLAS, TX 75201 ALL CONSTRUCTION PH,4SES. CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY 9. ALL DOMESTIC WATER SERVICES SHALL BE 1" CLASS 200 POLYETHYLENE. 14. BACKFILL SHALL BE FREE FLOWING, FREE OF ROCKS AND LARGE CLODS. BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED IN 6 TO 9 INCH LIFTS AT OR ABOVE OPTIMUM MOISTURE AND MECHANICALLY COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR FOR ALL UTILITIES. 10. CORPORATION STOPS SHALL BE FULL OPEN PRIOR TO BACKFILL. 15. ALL PROPOSED GRADING WHERE ANY BUILDINGS MAY POTENTIALLY BE CONSTRUCTED SHALL BE AT OR ABOVE OPTIMUM MOISTURE AND MECHANICALLY 11. CURB STOPS SHALL BE TESTED FOR FULL FLOW WHEN THE SYSTEM IS PRESSURE TESTED. � COMPACTED TO 95 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR. ALL OTHER GRADING SHALL BE AT OR ABOVE OPTIMUM MOISTURE AND MECHANICALLY COMPACTED Q Q TO 90 PERCENT STANDARD PROCTOR. CONTRACTOR WILL HAVE TO COORDINATE WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIES FOR ANY REQUIRED UTILITY 12. METER BOXES SHALL BE FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND PLACED IN PAVEMENT PER TOWN OF WESTLAKE METER BOX DETAILS FOR IN-PAVEMENT X ADJUSTMENTS AND / OR RELOCATIONS. METER BOXES. Q � 16. EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS SHOWN ON THE GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS FOR THE PROJECT SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO THE START 13. WATER MAINS TO BE LOCATED PER THE PLANS. Q OF LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES ON THE PROJECT. 14. METER BOXES SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO FINISH GRADE PRIOR TO PAVING. w � � � 17. ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PROJECT. CHANGES 15. EXTEND SAMPLING POINT 2' ABOVE EXISTING GRADE AND END WITH A 1" CURB STOP. SAMPLING POINTS WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE CONSTRUCTION Q � � � ARE TO BE APPROVED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE. INSPECTOR. � � � � O 18. IF THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN AS APPROVED CANNOT CONTROL EROSION AND OFF-SITE SEDIMENTATION FROM THE PROJECT, THE EROSION CONTROL 16. PIPE SHALL BE TESTED AT 150 PSI FOR FOUR (4) HOURS. ~ U O W � � PLAN WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE REVISED AND / OR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES WILL BE REQUIRED ON-SITE. 17. CHLORINATE WATER LINES AT 500 PPM FOR FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS. CHLORINATION IS ACCEPTABLE DURING THE PRESSURE TEST. O � J U Z 19. IF OFF-SITE BORROW OR SPOILS SITES ARE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS PROJECT, THIS INFORMATION SHALL BE DISCLOSED AND SHOWN ON THE � � Q Q EROSION CONTROL PLAN. OFFSITE BORROW AND SPOILS AREAS ARE CONSIDERED PART OF THE PROJECT SITE AND THEREFORE SHALL COMPLY WITH w � THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. THESE AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH PERMANENT GROUND COVER PRIOR TO FINAL 18. FLUSHING AND CHLORINATION SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR. z DO � APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT. 19. ALL TAPS ON EXISTING MAINS SHALL BE WET TAPS. NO SIZE-ON-SIZE TAPS ALLOWED. U Q � � O � 20. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ABIDE BY ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS GOVERNING EXCAVATION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 20. EXISTING VALVES SHALL BE OPERATED BY CITY PERSONNEL ONLY. ONCE THE NEW WATER LINE IS ACTIVATED AND PASSES BACTERIOLOGICAL TESTING, � � � � Ur W DETAILED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEMS THAT COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE LAWS GOVERNING EXCAVATION. THESE PLANS THE VALVES MAY BE OPERATED BY CITY PERSONNEL ONLY. U J Y SHALL BE SEALED BY AN ENGINEER EXPERIENCED IN THE DESIGN OF TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEMS AND LICENSED BY THE STATE OF TEXAS. SUBMIT PLAN z � TO THE OWNER PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ASPECTS OF WORK RELATED TO SANITARY SEWER NOTES: O � � W a o EXCAVATION. O m ~ � 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL PURCHASE A COPY OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE ENGINEERING STANDARDS, LATEST EDITION, AND FOLLOW SAID STANDARDS DURING � U� � � 0 21. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE OPERATION OF ALL EXISTING VALVES WITH THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY CONSTRUCTION. � w w � RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE TRENCH SAFETY DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION. Q M \� � � 22. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AND COORDINATE ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN INCLUDING THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATION OF GRATE INLETS 2• ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES, FITTINGS, AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE ENGINEERING STANDARDS, � ��J 5 � � AND ALL UTILITIES CROSSING THE STORM SEWER. LATEST EDITION. � N O 7 N 23. THE SITE UTILITY CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS AND APPURTENANCES NECESSARY FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF THE STORM SEWER. 3. ALL RESIDENTIAL CLEANOUTS WILL BE BASS & HAYS 404 CLEANOUT OR APPROVED EQUAL. � j � THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE SHALL INSPECT ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. 4. THE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LINE SHALL BE EXTENDED A MINIMUM OF 6 FEET PAST THE PROPERTY LINE. � � � 24. THE CONTRACTOR'S BID PRICE SHALL INCLUDE ALL INSPECTION FEES. AS AN ALTERNATE, THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PAY THE INSPECTION ~ � FEES DIRECTLY TO THE TOWN. CONSTRUCTION STAKING TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR, UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO BY THE OWNER. 5. SERVICE LINES SHALL BE 4" PVC AND SHALL BE PLUGGED AND PRESSURE TESTED WITH THE MAIN LINE. 0 25. THESE PLANS DO NOT EXTEND TO OR INCLUDE DESIGN OR SYSTEMS PERTAINING TO THE SAFETY OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR IS ITS 6. SERVICE LINES ARE TO BE LOCATED AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE LOT. THESE PLANS ARE ISSUED FOR Z EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, OR REPRESENTATIVES IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. THE SEAL OF HEREON DOES NOT EXTEND TO ANY SUCH SAFETY THE PURPOSE OF PRELIMINARY ° SYSTEM THAT MAY NOW OR HEREAFTER BE INCORPORATED IN THESE PLANS. 7. THE TOP OF SEWER PIPE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 48" BELOW FINISHED GRADE. REVIEW AND ARE NOT INTENDED °' FOR CONSTRUCTION. c; 8. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PULL A MANDREL THROUGH SEWER PIPE. WHEN ISSUED IN � 26. SEEDING SHALL BE BROADCAST SEEDING IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCTCOG SPECIFICATIONS ITEM 3.10 "SEEDING". FINAL FORM THEY WILL BE Y� 9. A TV INSPECTION OF THE SANITARY SEWER LINES IS REQUIRED. 0 27. FERTILIZER SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCTCOG SPECIFICATIONS ITEM 3.11 "FERTILIZER". SEALED, SIGNED AND DATED. m 10. THE SEWER PIPE WILL BE PRESSURE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TNRCC LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST (SECTION 317.2 (a)(4)(B)). REFER TO MANHOLE 0 28. WATER, SEWER, & DUCT BANK WILL HAVE DETECTOR TAPE INSTALLED BETWEEN EMBEDMENT AND NATIVE BACKFILL. DETAIL FOR ADDITIONAL TESTING REQUIREMENTS. RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: a 29. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION, SIZE, AND MATERIAL OF ALL UTILITIES AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO BEGINNING BGE, INC. = 11. ENGINEERED CASING IS REQUIRED WHEN CROSSING STREETS LARGER THAN COLLECTORS. TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING N CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT AND COORDINATE WITH ALL AFFECTED UTILITIES 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. DIG TESS FIRM F-1046 a 1-800-344-8377 12. NO SERVICES ALLOWED ON CLEANOUT STACK. JASON A. FREY, P.E. N TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 88485 °' 30. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND ADJUST EXISTING UTILITY MANHOLE LIDS, CLEANOUTS, WATER VALVES AND OTHER SURFACE APPURTENANCES AS 13. ELIMINATE DISCHARGE INTO THE EXISTING SEWER SYSTEM BY PLUGGING LINE AT CONNECTION. THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE BILLED FOR THE DISCHARGE FEBRUARY 08, 2021 � REQUIRED FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE UTILITY ADJUSTMENTS WITH OTHER DISCIPLINES AND THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY DURING CONSTRUCTION. AGENCIES AND PROVIDE FOR ALL FEES FOR PERMITS, CONNECTIONS, INSPECTIONS, ETC. THESE ADJUSTMENTS SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO � THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. 14. UTILITY CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE APPROPRIATE LOCATION MARKS ON THE CURBS PER THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE ENGINEERING STANDARDS, LATEST ! ! CAUTION i i � � EDITION. Corl�aclo� to Verify exact location �� 31. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING PROPERTY MONUMENTATION AND PRIMARY CONTROL. ANY SUCH POINTS WHICH THE CONTRACTOR & Depth of Exist Facilities Prior to s BELIEVES WILL BE DESTROYED SHALL HAVE OFFSET POINTS ESTABLISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ANY MONUMENTATION 15. PIPE MATERIAL FOR WASTE WATER LINES SHALL CONFORM TO THE NOTES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING AND TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT any Construction Activities L DESTROYED BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REESTABLISHED AT HIS EXPENSE. SPECIFICATIONS. SANITARY SEWER LINE SHALL BE SDR-35 PVC IF DEPTH OF LINE IS 10' OR LESS AND SDR-26 IF DEPTH OF LINE IS GREATER THAN N 10'. EMBED SEWER PIPE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL MUNICIPALITY DESIGN STANDARDS. CAUTION i i i 0 32. BARRICADING AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL CONFORM TO THE cONTACL �-800-D�G-TESS `� LATEST EDITION OF THE 'TEXAS MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES", PART VI IN PARTICULAR. TRAFFIC FLOW AND ACCESS SHALL BE 16. WATER AND WASTEWATER LINES SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 9'APART (CLEAR DISTANCE). WHEN SEPARATION CANNOT BE MAINTAINED, SANITARY �� HouRs PRiOR TO CONSTRUCTiON o MAINTAINED DURING ALL PHASES OF THE CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC SAFETY MEASURES FOR WORK SEWER SHALL EITHER BE ENCASED IN CONCRETE OR UPGRADED TO PRESSURE PIPE (MIN. SDR 26). o ON PROJECT. � STORM DRAIN NOTES: REVISIONS 0 33. ONSITE PLANAMETRIC AND TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING TAKEN FROM DATA PROVIDED BY G&A CONSULTANTS CONFIRMED BY BROWN AND GAY ENGINEERS IN REV N0. DATE DESCRIPTION ,% JULY 2014.. 1. ALL CULVERT HEADWALLS AND INLETS TO HAVE STONE CLADDING. � � 34. ANY DAMAGES THAT MAY OCCUR TO REAL PROPERTY OR EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE RESTORED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO AT LEAST THE SAME `� CONDITION THAT THE REAL PROPERTY OR EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS WERE IN PRIOR TO THE DAMAGES. THIS RESTORATION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE 2• NO PRECAST CURB INLETS. � OWNER'S APPROVAL; MOREOVER, THIS RESTORATION SHALL NOT BE A BASIS FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION TO THE CONTRACTOR. RESTORATION 3. ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP FOR STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE NCTCOG STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS � SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED T0, REGRASSING, REVEGETATION, REPLACING FENCES, REPLACING TREES, ETC. CONSTRUCTION, LATEST EDITION, AND THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY REQUIREMENTS. 0 i 35. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR T0: 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN DRAINAGE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. PONDING OF WATER WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. � 0 �i A. PREVENT ANY DAMAGE TO PRIVATE PROPERTY AND PROPERTY OWNER'S POLES, FENCES, SHRUBS, ETC. 5. STORM PIPE SHALL BE CLASS III REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (RCP) 18"AND ABOVE IN DIAMETER AND SDR-35 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE OR � B. PROVIDE ACCESS TO ALL DRIVES DURING CONSTRUCTION. HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) BELOW 18"IN DIAMETER. DRAWN BY: LMM � C. PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES TO REMAIN IN SERVICE. � D. NOTIFY ALL UTILITY COMPANIES AND VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. GRADING NOTES: � 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADMINISTER SPRINKLERS FOR DUST CONTROL, EARTHWORK OR BASE CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIRED OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CHECKED BY: JAF ,� 36. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN UTILITY SERVICES AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. ENGINEER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY STANDARDS. 0 j 37. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING SIDEWALKS ADJACENT TO THE PROJECT FREE OF MUD AND DEBRIS FROM THE CONSTRUCTION. 2. FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM 95 PERCENT OF MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE STANDARD PROCTOR TEST, ASTM DATE: JANUARY 2021 ° 38. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL SURPLUS MATERIAL FROM THE PROJECT AREA UNLESS INSTRUCTED DIFFERENTLY BY OWNER OR ENGINEER. THIS D 698. IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE COMPACTING OPERATION, FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE BROUGHT TO A MOISTURE CONTENT RANGING FROM +2 PERCENT � WORK SHALL BE SUBSIDIARY TO THE CONTRACT AND IS NOT A SEPARATE PAY ITEM. POINTS ABOVE OPTIMUM TO +6 PERCENTAGE POINTS ABOVE OPTIMUM +2 TO +6. PROJECT NUMBER: 3082-48, 3082-49 �° PAVING NOTES: � 39. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COORDINATION, INSPECTION, AND TESTING AS REQUIRED BY THE OWNER AND/OR THE LOCAL � MUNICIPALITY. 1. CONTRACTOR'S WORK SHALL INCLUDE PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL REQUIRED FOR NEW WALK, DRIVE, CURB, GUTTER AND OTHER PAVING Sh eet N O. o FEATURES. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COORDINATION, INSPECTION AND TESTING REQUIRED BY THE OWNER AND/OR THE LOCAL N 40. ALL WORK IN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY, PROPERTY AND EASEMENTS SHALL BE CONSIDERED PUBLIC. ALL OTHER WORK SHALL BE CONSIDERED PRIVATE. MUNICIPALITY. G E N E R A L � � � 2. PAVING SECTIONS SHALL BE SAWCUT IN 15' X 15' SQUARES. N O TE S � `� 3. PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPAIR SHALL CONFORM TO THE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE AN EFFORT TO PROJECT � CONCRETE AND/OR ASPHALT EDGES. � PD SITE PLAN PACKAGE NOT i 4. CONCRETE PAVING JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS RECOMMENDED IN THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT NOTED BELOW. � N C4 .� z � TO U S E F O R C O N ST R U CT I O N . 5. SITE PAVING AND PAVEMENT SUBGRADE SHALL BE PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT N0. MS153490R3 PREPARED BY EWI ui a AND DATED FEBRUARY, 2016 C�� SHEET C4 CF C12 m cr - - TROPHY CLUB o o � � J �`° o `�� Y ����� CRE����G�� �BOB JAMES ��- Medlin MEqO� �'� -` ��,, �',\ � � e�R��SE� CemeGt�J�y Course � a o � �-___ ���, ��� 5 TROPHY y FAlgyq SEMINOLE 9-� � v � __, _ ,\` ,, � p�0� �Q. VI((qGY Jx x p h ` '- \\`�'� �� ��4 �� vo� ��p� r FRESH MEADO`N ww z '^ � `\\\�'�, \\ \`\��� \��, \ � � __ �, � s�G `n �?� �N�,RNESS a X I W \ �\ � � � 1� �`O�� � I Q , <a i y J BGE, Inc. _ ---�--____ �'��,,, ��'��,, ���, WESTLAKE � � �INVERNE � 2595 Dallas Parkway, Suite 101 � �- ��, � �� �, \ �' O � � �'��,, ,aRacoN ����,, ���,, '' � Frisco, TX 75034 � i \'��, STA 7+15.>2, 11.83' LT��, �'�� \���, � Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com ��' � \�' �,, \�'��,, 15' SOUTHWESTERN \�� \���� J , � '��, ��� K,N� TBPE Registration No. F-1046 � �'�� �' ��' L TELEPHONE ESMT. � �, �� REMOVE 67 LF EXISTING CURB )L. 3146, PG. 545 �0�� �����,, \�����, Contact: Jason Frey �, �'��,, \����,, o io 20 4o Q 114 Te1: 972-464-4821 �, INSTALL LONGITUDINAL BUTT JOINT R.P.R.D.C.T. ���, �, o � ' � ' Copyright 2020 �� �,, ,, '��,, ���,, N g�,� \ �,,\`\ �,,`\\ ��, \\` �,, = 5 LANA � �� \ SCALE: 1" 20' Q SO \ \��� �'� �'�� �'� � �� �r \ ` , , , � �o� � �� \`\���� \ `\\\'�, \` \`��� \ \��, DOVE ROAD � o ��'�-G�Z9� OWNER: � � �, '���, ����, PERMANENT UTILITY ESMT. �'��,, ����, \ Q �,, '��VOL. 13679, PG. 124 ,,, ,, _ ��F �� \ � �� ��,, ��.P.R.T.C.T. � �,,, ���, ��°°a �' AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS LLC � VOL. 428�;�G. 1377 �`` Q ' , � ��, ,q �� � �. , a �, , � �,, 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 �, � � \ � a a d ��, R.P.R.D.C.T: ��,, � ��,, \\ DALLAS, TX 75201 , , a ��,, ��,, �I/,� y ��,, VICINITY MAP , a �� � a �����, �����, Rl,qe� � �'���, (NOT TO SCALE) CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY , a , �, �,,,, ��,,, � �� yy �,,,, d Q O � , , a a a �,, �,, �H _ , a a � a � \\'' \\` � � a �, �, � 1 1 a a � ��, , ��,,, . O �� , �,, ,, . �' 1 1 � � � `'\�' '\�' � ��, ��,, � 1 \ � '��, ��, . ', a�� �!' '��,, '��,, � ��`s'' � ��� ��� `, ' ����,, �'��,, AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC ��\ \ a a a � \�'��,,, �' ��,, 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 `, \ \ � � \�'��,, � DALLAS, TX 75201 �� � � �1 �' CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY � \ \ ��'��, � ��, � a o �, , a a ��, , - ��, , \ � � , , o Q Q � - � �� , , �\ a � X �� � \ � ARAGON � � � �� \ STA 7f85.96, 11.83' L T � PERMANENT WATERLINE ESMT. � � '� � o W �/ � �� � � ` INST. N0. D211283630 � � z ��� � � \ � INST. N0. D211283764 � � O.P.R.T.C.T. � Q � � � . � � � � Qz wU , � � U'�, � � � W � � � � � Q J Uz ' � Q ��� � � � w a � , o � , , � z o � ,� � , o � (� Q (� � � Q , , , � � � � J � � � , , � U � � , , , , , � � -� � w ' ' � pw U J zQ , � , � , � � , � � � J � O w � , � � � (� m �, � \ , — m � � o � � � � � 0 0 J w � o `, � � � PAVEMENT LEGEND � � � � (SEE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT) � � , - � o � � � � - �� � ,, N � � � ' CONCRETE PAVERS ABOVE 3/4" OF SAND � z , , o � 0 � a ��� � ,� � ,- / ° AND 5.5" 3,600 PSI CONCRETE W/ #3 � � � � ,, � / BARS ON 18 O.C.E.W. ON 6 OF � � � �\ ' LIME/CEMENT TREATED STABILIZED � �� � ' SUBGRADE. SEE ARCH. PLANS FOR 3 `� ,,- �� PAVERS TYPE AND LOCATION THESE PLANS ARE ISSUED FOR .� � THE PURPOSE OF PRELIMINARY � � REVIEW AND ARE NOT INTENDED CONCRETE BAND: 3,600 PSI CONCRETE W/ FOR CONSTRUCTION. � \, � � � °� � � � #4 BARS ON 18" O.C.E.W. ON 8" OF LIME/ WHEN ISSUED IN � 2 ,, ,... � � CEMENT TREATED STAB SUBGRADE. SEE FINAL FORM THEY WILL BE o V� \\ \ ARCH. PLANS FOR FINISH AND LOCATION. SEALED, SIGNED AND DATED. m � \ SEE CONCRETE BAND DETAIL SHEET 37 o �� ��� RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: � �� BGE, INC. " � PROPOSED SIDEWALK 4�� 3,�JOO PSI CONC. TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING in � � » FIRM F-1046 � �� � \ � PAVEMENT W/ �3 BARS � 24 O.C.E.W. JASON A. FREY P.E. � � �� \ ��� TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 88485 ° �� � _--_ � FEBRUARY a8, 2021 a B LOC K B �� ` �� � --; /\� DECORATIVE PAVERS PER LANDSCAPE � � � � � � � PLANS ! � CAUTION ! � � �� � �O ��'� � i �� � � ° � �j � / � / � � � Contractor to Verify exact location � �i � / � � / A \�- & Depth of Exist Facilities Prior to � �i � ,�---- — i �� � � / ���� �� � any Construction Activities � 0 _` � I ' � ��o��� ` -�� -�k�� NOTES: CAUTioN � � � � � � � , ,�- , � � � � , � , - ��-r 1. ALL WESTLAKE ENTRADA INFRASTRUCTURE ASSUMED AS coNTACT: �-800-�ic-TEss � i I __ � � � � � 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION � I I I EXISTING FOR THIS PLAN SET o ; I �'_ -���j���,���� � 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS � OTHERWISE NOTED � � � � � �� � ����� � REV �NO��DATE DESCRIPTION i � � � o i � ' � � ��/ / ���� � / o ; �� ' �;- � � � , , ,;'�� 20. 8' o �, � �� � I �� � � � � Qa BM1 - "❑" Cut found on top of curb at the south median nose approximately in i � � �� ��/ � i � � � 0 691 feet southeast of the intersection of Solana Blvd. and Davis Blvd. i � — � � � i / ��. � � %� � � � --�_ �� � � 1 � / a / Elev. 668.963 ° � �� "❑" Cut found on top of curb in the west turn lane median at the m � /� ----- BM2 - --------- , � -- �� � ', ° — — — �' intersection of Davis Blvd. and Hwy 114 approximately 38 feet west of the -�°� ', \ R3 , �TARRAGONA � \�� centerline of Davis Blvd. and 8 feet southwest of traffic siqnal pole on � �� � a i STA 2f 10.48, >1.83' L T � \ � � southwest corner of intersection. � �� � �� \ � Elev. 667.93' DRAWN BY: LMM $ � � _ � / w �� ��� % � ` \ TBM1 - "❑'� Cut in median nose located N 700 feet southeast of intersection of Davis CHECKED BY: JAF Y �\ \ � �� �\ — _ \ Blvd. and Dove Road. Elev. 668.96 o ` — � �� � � �� / � � \, \ ' TBM2 - "❑'� Cut in median nose at intersection of Davis Blvd. and Bull Way. DATE: JANUARY 2021 � � �� � � ` �` �� � Elev. 679.58 � ` � � � � \ � � `� �4 / -- --- � PROJECT NUMBER: 3a82-48, 3082-49 o ,; � \ REMOVE 40 LF EXISTING CURB ,,, o '�, / � ,,- INSTALL LONGITUDINAL BUTT JOINT \\�����,, m , � , Sh eet N o. / � TARRAGONA �,� i ��, � ��\ / STA >f74.73, 12.33' LT `J � \` PAVING PLAN � � . � � \ \ ���\\u. ] i 7 ! ] ] � ` � , - � i z PD SITE PLAN PACKAGE NOT Q � C5 z� TO USE FOR CONSTRUCTION . �% sHEET C5 oF c�2 m� - _ \ , I - I _ _ TROPHY CLUB � o � � � -- \ \ \ � � � ' ' � ��,o o ��,� Y � \ \ I I I I ' ��F' CRE� 0� G� c~-i BOB JAMES � � � \ \ � \ I � � I ' ��-`'� Medlin MEqO�� � �� � � � I OS2 I � � OS5 • _ Cemetery ' � \ Gol r e�R����( �,J� Course Y c 9 � i _ - ` ' S� TROPHY n���i P F�q _ \ \ I I I I I I ' 9 \ V/ ACY SEMINOLE Jx = o � U , � 1 .24 10.33 � � I � ' � 114 `��' �o° �ooti r FRESH MEADO`N ww z " � � �� � i 1 .13 3.65 s�. �,� �� �� � I I � � � Q G `n 2 �NVERNESS a x � � w �`� \ � � � I � I � � � i � � \ \ ��a��� i y I J BGE, Inc. � I I I I I I I � I I WESTLAKE � � �INVERNE � 2595 Dallas Parkway, Suite 101 `` � 1 � �� � I I I /► � I � I �'-� o I I I I � Fnsco, TX 75034 `` � I \ I � I I I I I I � I \ Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com � � � � � � � � � I � � `, \ / I I I I I I I K,N�� TBPE Registration No. F-1046 � \ � I I , I \ I I I � I I � � T E Contact: Jason Frey 1` \ \ \ I I I I I .� I I I I � 0 15 3o so 0 114 Te1: 972-464-4821 ,\ \ I I I I I � I 5 g�� Copyright 2020 \I \ I I I I I I I I ' SOLANA ,\ ` I SCALE: 1" = 30' a \ \ � I I I � \ � - � �(o��r � ,- I � ' � \\ O \ I I I \ � DOVE ROAD ��'�-s�Z , � I I I I I �� o ��,�F OWNER: � � � � � I �► _ � � � � \ � � I � � I ♦ �► � -� I I I I � G � � � � � � • I I I I I I � � _ � a � 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 , I �t� °° � AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC � � � I I * I I I , � • � _ - DALLAS TX 75201 �, � � I o � ' , - - � . VI CI N I TY M AP CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY \ � - � - / . (NOT TO SCALE) o � \ � - �I I I � � � '� p � � o , � I I i I _ � � �, � � � ♦ � I � � � � � i I I � - � �, � � I � I � _ � � � � I � � � II I � I � � _ - �� I � I I � � ■ _ � `\ I ��� � � � � I I � � I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �\`� \ \ I I I I I I I � I I / , � _ � - DEVELOPER: `` \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I \ \ 0 I I I � \ / , � i �� �=_ _ _ _ _ AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC � ` � \ �� � \ I ' � � \ / / � / � � � - _ _ 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 ` � I I I , I I I � � I � _ _ DALLAS, TX 75201 � q 1 \ \ \ I � � � � � � � - CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY �` , � � � � � � `� � � \ � J / / � � _ _ - - , �r p � � � � � \ \ � � � � � �i ��� ,, ` l � � 0.86 5.59 � � o � / � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � \ � � _ _ `,li \ , \ / :;� ' / � � - (n �► � / I � � � � � � �I- � \ \ \ o � ,;� � �� �,� / - _ _ Q Q �� � \ ,� � � ,I, � \ , � , , � , � , - � x ��\ \ � < < < I � - \ \ � \ \ \ \ I � � / i �% � � � .- - � �� � � \ � \ � - ' � \ � \ � � I r � i � � - - Q � � � \ \ � � �� � \� � � \ � \ � \ \ � � �� ii � ff � � . - - w � � �1� � � \ - � \ \ \� � � � i � \ �i� �� � � - � z � � � \ � \ \ � � � \ � � � , �� �' �i � �rr � � �,_ _ � Q � � � �� � � \ \ \ \ \ � � \ � ,�-' �i �/ � � � � i , � - � � z �, o \ \ - � � � � �, � �/ �/ � � , i � � � � v 0 w � � �, � `�- \ � \ � _ - � �// �/ / � �;-.; / � � � � � Q J w v z � , , � � � _ � , � � OS1 � � Q , � , � � , � � �► �� \ � ,,, � \ \ � � A \ � � - _ � � � �i i i �- , � W � � � � \ - _ A � //� � ��,o , � z o � \� _ _ - , �- / / / 1 .03 3.33 � . U (� � � Q ��� � � � � � � � � \ � � � � � Q � � � - - - � �� � � � �/ �/ - / � � � Q M �� � � � � � � � \ �� � � _ _ _ - _ � � // �� �� � � , - � �" ' U � � J � � � w � , � � � \ \ \ � - - v/ �r // i � �- - � � p w U ? Q � �� � \ \ � � \ - - _� � � / , / / � J � � wJ L �, � \ \ \ � - - - - � __ \ �� / , �// / / � /� / / W - O � � � U �� � \ \ \ �� � � � 1 � - - - - _ - , � � � �� � --- � o J W � � � � � ` - _ � ' / // � / � � �� / � i m N �, � - - - - - � ' � ` � � _ / � � � � _ ��� _ � � � � � -/ /- �-- � � I..L � �, � o � � � � _ - - _ \ - � � �/ r � � / � � O " � � � � � � � � N � _ 64 - � � � � r � / z � � \ i� � � \ \ 1 I '� - - - - \- -; � � � / � � � � � � � � , � � � � -� � � _ _ _ o , � � � � i � --� � , o � \ � \ \ \ \� �\ �- _ _ - �� � � �. � � -- � Q � � � \ \ \ \ _ � - - - i � � Q � � 11 \ 1 � , �-� - - �- � � � � � -- � -- � o �� � � � � � � �A � � � � � � � � � � � � / � THESE PLANS ARE ISSUED FOR � � � �� � � � �� ����� � ��� � � � - � � � � � � / /. _/ � , THE PURPOSE OF PRELIMINARY � REVIEW AND ARE NOT INTENDED � � � , I I �� �� � �� , � ��� � _� � � �� � � � � FOR CONSTRUCTION. i � III � � �� 6�� � /�%` � � � O _ � � � � � � � � � FINAL FORM� THEY WILL BE \ r � � � - , , � Y � i i /� � � � - -i / SEALED, SIGNED AND DATED. c' � �d � /���/ � �� \ \ \ _ � � � i � II � � � � ��� � ��� i�U� � � � � � _/ � � / ' NOTES: � �\ , -- �_--��� !-' � I � � �- �� � �- 1. ALL WESTLAKE ENTRADA INFRASTRUCTURE ASSUMED AS o � �� � � -%� \ �/ � 635 � � RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: � � � �„ � � � �, �- � ,����%��x% � � � ,-- � � � EXISTING FOR THIS PLAN SET B�E, iNc. =' � � A �� ����/ ����� � � � � �� � � � / �' TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING o � � �� ��� � � �� � � �� � i���T� \ � � � �� � � - � % FIRM F-1046 � � � � �� � 1� ��A / �� � - � � - -' �� „ „ JASON A. FREY, P.E. � � � �-� � � � BM1 - ❑ Cut found on top of curb at the south median nose approximately TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 88485 � � � �� � �� � � � ,>- � �� �0� / � � � i � � � j� _- � � � �- �- � '- � � � 691 feet southeast of the intersection of Solana Blvd. and Davis Blvd. FEBRUARY a8, 2021 i ��� � � � A � i / � I � � , � � � Elev. 668.963 i � /� '�-- � ��� �I' ���� � - " � � � � i � CAUTION i � o , � � ��`t � � � ��, ; - ' � , � � � � � �• � � BM2 - "❑" Cut found on top of curb in the west turn lane median at the contra�tor to ver�f eXa�t io�at�on - \ \\ \ \ - _ r .� � � i �/ � � � � � ` � � � intersection of Davis Blvd. and Hwy 114 approximately 38 feet west of the & �eptn of EX�st Fa��rt�es Pr�or to o � � � � ' � /; � j � �� � � � � � �� - � � centerline of Davis Blvd. and 8 feet southwest of traffic signal pole on any constru�t�on A�t���t�es '� � � �� � � �.28 2.46 � � � _ _ - � / � - , � � � southwest corner of intersection. o \ \ \ ' , � � � / ' �r � ' Elev. 667.93 CAUTION � � � -= CONTACT: 1-800-DIG-TESS � � \ \\ \ � - - � � � _ � - � _ � � � � � � / � � � � � � � � � � � � 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION =- • TBM1 - ❑ Cut in median nose located N 700 feet southeast of intersection of Davis Q I I \ \\ \ � \ / � /, ' / ' � � ` ` Blvd. and Dove Road. Elev. 668.96 � I � \ ' � � / /. � � � ;� _ n n REVISIONS o I I 1 1 \ \ \ I � /, O C� � _ � � ' TBM2 ❑ Cut in median nose at intersection of Davis Blvd. and Bull Way. REV N0. DATE DESCRIPTION ,% \ \ � � �� /. J ' , � - - , � Elev. 679.58 ° ' � I � � � \ � � � �� \ ✓' � � � � � � ► � _ �' � � � � ' - � � / 0.35 3.07 � � � I I � - _, ,r �♦ ♦ � ♦ Y I � � I I � � � �- �� � � m � � � I � � ♦ � � � -� - - - � � � � I � III I � � ♦ _ , � � - � � I I I � I ,� �� � � _ - - � LEGEND � � I � III � � I I ��� y� tn DRAWN BY: LMM o � � � DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY � 0 � w EXISTING CONTOUR LINE CHECKED BY: JAF i � 0 � s5o PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE DATE: JANUARY 2021 i � Table 1: Drainage Areas PROPOSED STORM SEWER � Area Area Area Coeff Time of 100 YR 100 YR PROJECT NUMBER: 3o82-48, 3082-49 o Designation (sq ft) (Acres) C Asphalt/Conc. Commercial Single Family Grass Concentration INTENSITY FLOW 0 0.95 0.70 0.65 o.3s Tc (IN/xR) (CFS) P3 �DRAINAGE AREA NUMBER Sh eet N O. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 19 � A1 37,676 o.s6 0.70 o.g6 10 9.24 5.59 3.51 32.5 �100-YR RUNOFF IN C.F.S. P R 0 P 0 S E D � OS1 44,821 1.03 0.35 1.03 10 9.24 3.33 w oSz 54,�96 �.z4 0.90 �.00 o.z4 �0 9.z4 10.33 D R A I N A G E A R E A � OS3 ls,2ss 0.35 o.9s 0.35 l0 9.24 3.0� DRAINAGE AREA IN ACRES � OS4 12,197 0.28 0.95 0.28 10 9.24 2.46 M A P a P D S I T E P LAN PAC KAG E N OT oss 49,205 1.13 0.35 �.130 �0 9.24 3.65 ♦ DRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION ; z� � � 6 TO USE FOR CONSTRUCTION . STORM DRAIN INLET �% sHEET C6 oF c�2 m� - ��,,, -�,, � TROPHY CLUB o o � � � ���� \\\\���\ ��� � \ J J N 3,O O �� Y ``--__-__ \\\\�'�� \\�'� � ���F' CRE����G�� �BOB JAMES '--,, \\ ���, `\\ '�,, \ ��-`' Medlin MEAO� �' \ \ \ e�R�5�5�� CemeteJ� Course � a o � __ ���,,` I I I�'�,,`\ ��� � 5�� TROPHYG�y P F� SEMINOLE w 9-� � � � ` �� \\`\\���� I , �'�,, O � VI qY � � TC=6`37. D��, ���,, � � � � `�'� ��,, ��,,, � � 114 ���9 Go� �oo�cr FRESH MEADOw m a Z N Q I � � �,, , \ �,, s�,G `n ``?� �N�,RNESS a X I Y � , , � � o�� � Q \ \�� ��` �� ��\ � Z � � � � � � � � \�'��,, �'��,, I 15 S U HWESTERf� �'� ,,, ����,,\ �a i y J BGE Inc. > � I — �� �� � BE L T�LE�HONE ES T. � �� WESTLAKE °a� \ '\�'�� \\''��, �� V�L. 1�{6, G. 54� �'��,,, \����,, � � NINVERNE � 2595 Dallas Parkway, Suite 101 �� \���� I ��I�, I � R�P.f�.D.�.T. �'��, \����, � � Frisco, TX 75034 <� � . �, , �, � . , � Q� � \ '���,, I I ��r�,,� ' '��,, ����,, Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com � I �� I � ���,, ��,, J K�N�� TBPE Registration No. F-1046 a\ ��,\ ������ �����,, , �, �, � �, � �� ��, \ EX 636. � \ ��,, I I I ������,, I I 'I � I `�'��,, � ���,, o ��� 114 CTel:a972 464 4821y � �\ ,, I , � , I ,, \\ �,,\\ o a � MATCH EXIST � I � � �,, � � �,, P�R�1 N NT �JTILITY E�MT. ,, �,, � �� � py g �� � � I � �,,, I �'�V L�. 1E1367 , P 124 I I I ��,, ���,,, 5 S AN N g Co ri ht 2020 � ` , TC=6.36. 25 � � ���� ,, � �.�.R�r.c.�: � � ���, ���, a °` A I I 0 10 20 40 0 \ � `� I r ��, V L� 4 8�;�G. 1377 � � �A ��,, �,, �(o��r 'O � � �' ,, I R.�.R. .C.T� ��, I I - ■ \�'�,,\ '�, DOVE ROAD C�i�,f. \ � I �� � ��, T ,, � . „ _ , � , a � I I � I �, ,, � , SCA E. 1 20 � �9 OWNER: � � � � � � 640. 0 r '�� � � � ��� � �V� � '��� _ `��F a \ X � , I I' �,, � `� � ��, a � � < � ',, ` I I I � '��_, I I ��,, � ��� I,�, y '�,,, .��°° �' AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC \ / , a°Io \ I I I I I I I I I \ '��, I I \�'�� � �'V� �� �t � 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 '', � � � �• I � 1 ����,� � ����, � T � �������,, � ', � a \ \�� \ I I I I `�' �, I \�'��, ti R• Q I,�/ VICINITY MAP DALLAS, TX 75201 � a '� \ i I I I I I I � '��,, I �'�� • �'V, ) ', � \ � I I I I �' �,,, \�'��,, / CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY I I (NOT TO SCALE) � � � I I I I � ��,, �'�, '� � � 1 \ � �� o '�, ' I I I I I � ' ��'����,, ��'�����, , , , � � � I I I � � � � ,,,, ��,, ,, a � � , � � i � � � � � � �, �� �a � � �� � � I � � � � I � I �� � , , \ \�, E 6 .00 � � : � � � '����, �����, \\ \ \ I ` I I I I I � ,, ,, DEVELOPER: ,, a '� a\ \' ,, MA EXIST � I I I I / � ��,, _ `, �� , �� � \ I I I � \ I / � '���,, 2 0 CRESC NTECOURT #180 �� a \ "� U I I I I I I I I � \�'��, DALLAS TX 75201 �\\ Q 6 Q\ � � \ I I I I I I I / - - � �,,\ � I � I I CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY �� \�a I � \��� I I I I I I `Vn � � � '�, � � � �, � � � � � � � � � / _ — , � , � � I � � � I � � / � ,, � � \ ,, � \ i � I � � I � _ - - - ` � \ aa , � �\, I I / P R N T A � E MA EN W TEF3L1plE-E-�NrT�- �� ��, � a TC=6�34. ,97 I I � I \ \ / � INST. �I-9. �112836 0— — — — — — � Q , � � J ,\ o � I �FI6�3.� I I I � � � � IRI�'f. 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U � � \ a \ \ 1 I I � _ 64 _ � � � / � � � / � / WHEN ISSUED IN Y \\��\\� �\ , 1 _ � — _ _ _ � � / � / � / / / / FINAL FORM THEY WILL BE c, \�� � � \ <\ \ I 1 ` \ -� � � SEALED, SIGNED AND DATED. o � � , ,, ,� � � � � � � _ o _ � /� � / / � .-- � � , � �- o � - — � � � � � � { \`� °\ \ \ \ � \� �\ \ \ � �_` / � _ — _ ` // �� � � ---' �____ � � � / RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: BGE, INC. � �� ��� ,'�� I � � � � � � ���� --- fi � � — � � _ � � � � i- � � � / -� � / _" TEXAS REFIRMERED046GINEERING � � '� � a'TC=6�3 ��°�'�' �� ' ` ``� � � � � � -- � � � --- � �- JASON A. FREY, P.E. � � � � � � � � � � � ��/ � -� � � '���� � � — � �� � � � � � � / TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 88485 t � i � � a--'- - ---, ��� � \ � � ��� A — � � � � � / FEBRUARY Q8, 2021 o � �i � � � � ��� � � ��/ ��� V � �� ��\ � � --� -� � � � �� �— � _� _� � � i i �� � `� / �'�� �' \ \ \ � � � � _, / / �� . ! � CAU TI ON ! � � � i � �� �� � � � ���� � � � U' � � � � � / �' / i i _ I -1�� i� � � � � Contractor to Verify exact location � � i i — =_1`�'�C '���' I I I � � �_ � � �- �� �_ �— � & Depth of Exist Facilities Prior to ,� � i � e� � i �_ � ��i//� ��x� / 63 �_ _ � � �_ � � � � any Construction Activities 1 � � �//�� _ �� � . � —_�_ --- I � � ����/��� ����� � � � � � � �� � � CA�TI�N III o � ��� � rc=���. 5 � �- , ,;��;,, � ; , , . �_- — � � � � � -- -- � \ � �•' I .� �� >/i / � / � / / CONTACT: 1-800—DIG—TESS � i \ �� � �� i � � �� �-���� � � — � � � � �`� � � � 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION O I 9� � 1 � / � a i � \ \ � � � �� � � � � �--- � �— _�— �— �� �� �� �� o � , � ,,� � �o , i � � � _ , �, � � � LEGEND o , , , � � �,�✓ a ' , :� ` � � � �� � � � a � ,' �� REVISIONS . o \ ,� - , o �o - � a � MATC;H �XIS1� ° � ° %,, � ,� / / / / FH � � � � a � � V / J o � � � � � I \ � Q REV N0. DATE DESCRIPTION � ,� \\ � , —-� � � �� �, _ � � a ° ; a , � �, , a , � � � � -�- PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT o � � , � ��� 9.0 0 ° � , , , � � � � � '� � � d��" \ � MATCI� EXIST � � °� a a — — � � a� � � � � , \ , � _ � � �, , � SSMH PROPOSED SANITARY Y � G// �',, � ° � � � TC=629. 09 i � � TC=628. �3��_ � � \ �a, ° � � MANHOLE � � � `� �� - — / , � .�' PROPOSED STORM INLET � � � \ d � TC=6�30. 2�3 / \`, r �e ' � � 4 650 EXISTING CONTOUR LINE � ( � �'� ° ° � � TC=628. 86 '� � a — — _ — _- — � � \\ I � � `� \ � �� " � �� / P � � Q j ° • a �a 8, e � � � PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE DRAWN BY: LMM o � � �� \ � �, ,� � � � / � ° a � \ C \ 1 � c� \� / � ----- a� �/ /�O � Q a — -- — — — a \ \ Y I \ �� \ — � P � ° , - ' � CHECKED BY: JAF � � I �\ ' � ° � a ° Q a _ _' ° ° NOTE: t ' % I I � `,\ � , � , '� � _ �' �,,, � / ALL WESTLAKE ENTRADA INFRASTRUCTURE ASSUMED AS DATE: JANUARY 2021 I I a � � ° � EXISTING FOR THIS PLAN SET. ` � \ o ��� / a � � / � ='� , � ° I I � �� � � � � < ALL SPOTS TOP OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PROJECT NUMBER: 3a82-48, 3082-49 . � i � � I I � � , / � , _ — _ \ ���, <� �p � � � � � � - - — � � Ja ... ' \ 1 • � - �� � � � 7 - j - — _ � ° �, TBM1 - "❑" Cut in median nose located N 700 feet southeast of intersection of Davis S h e e t N O. i � � � � � 25 - - � � , ° Blvd. and Dove Road. Elev. 668.96 � III \ �`p� � � � � � < ` � � GRADING PLAN � I i I 1 � FN / �\ \ � / � I / / � � / � \\ �\ � � ° /J �a y ,� TBM2 - "❑" Cut in median nose at intersection of Davis Blvd. and Bull Wa � � � i-�� / � / / � �T ��{,� �, � , � , \ � � Elev. 679.58 i , w � �' TBM3 - "❑" Cut in median nose at intersection of Davis Blvd. and Bear Way. ; P D S I T E P LAN PAC KAG E N OT Elen. 683.26 v� TBM4 - ❑ Cut in median nose located �600 feet east of intersection of Davis Blvd. � � Z° T O U S E F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N . and Dove Road. Elev. 648.4� c�� SHEET C7 OF C12 mo — TROPHY CLUB o o � � �\ J J i ` \\��,, `\\\\``\\��,,\ \`\\`\\\���,, ��,, I \ . ���F' � CRE���O��G���� �BOB JAMES i � '��, ''�, '�,, �'�, � ��-`' Medlin MEAO� �'� � \�'��, \�'��, 15' SOUTHWESTERN `�� � \����, � �5,�,� cemeter�y �oif ` Y J � � � ' 0�R SE� ��J Course J o \�� \�' BELL TELEPHONE ESMT. �'��, � \����,, \ s�� TRppHY yo ���,qY SEMINOLE T� j � � �j ° � `�'� ���� VOL. 3146, PG. 545 ��'�,, I ��'�,\ ��FF9 oP �oA�F FRESHMEADOw ma m � � � `� �� ���, '�, , '� �'�� �'�� R.P.R.D.C.T. '��� � ����, 114 0° �` o,y r w w z � a o \�� ``�����\\\\ `\\����\\\` \\�����\\I \��� � \ S G� 4�� �JVERNESS a X I W I, a � \\���\` \`��� \ I `�����\ \��,\ <Q S y I J d6 BGE, Inc. \` ��� \�' �'� \�� WESTLAKE r = I � � �NINVERNE � 2595 Dallas Parkway, Suite 101 \ :• � a �, �'��,,, \����,, PERMANENT UTILITY ESMT. � �'��,, \����,, � '' � Frisco, TX 75034 \ � ���(OL. 13679, PG. 124 � � � ��R..P.R.T.C.T. Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com �•� ° �� \����, VOL. 428�;�PG. 1377 � � \�'��,, �����,\ J KIN�� TBPE Registration No. F-1046 ' � � � �� � ����� �, � A ����, �����, s0�� y � � �,, R.P.R.D.C.T: �,, � , Contact: Jason Fre �, � � a �, ��,, �,I � �, _-,, Q 114 Tel: 972-464-4821 ` � ` `''� / \'��� ��� � `�'�� \��� � ' Co ri ht 2020 � �� � � pY 9 a � R � \� � � ��/ \ \��,, I \ \\'�,, �vC� \\\���,\ Q SOLANA 0L � � � o �i a '� �'�, � �'�,, �lD �� \���, 0 10 20 40 ��r �, � �����,� �����, TH ����,, �<o � � � �i / ���,,\\ \'�,,\ R� O• � �'�,,\`\ DOVE ROAD C�i'�-s�Z �� 11�• � �� � �',, �'�,, .> � SCALE: 1" = 20' o G���, OWNER: 1 = � '� , �� � ��'��, \�'��, t��°°a � AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC 1 a 1 � \� �' � ���� \\ ���\ \ �� Q � � , � � � �� , ��� , � 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 `, a : �. �� � �'��,, �'��,, DALLAS, TX 75201 ,, ,� � ,,, , , VICINITY MAP � �Q �� � -� �� �,, �,, (NOT TO SCALE) CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY `, � �', � ,� ' CON/VECT TO — — — — — — — _ � �'���� \��'��, � � ` G�,� < '�, EX 8" WATER � — — — l ���, ���, , _ — — _ ��, ��, � ° � � � � � � � �, �, ,� ��,,. a �, , — — ° —� — �'�,,, , — � � , ,, , �, o � — \ � , ���, \� \ n d� � / \ \ � \`���� � ° � � / � ��� DEVELOPER: � ° � � �� �\ \ a � a ,. X � � � � ��- �� � �� �� � � / � � � ' � AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC � -'� � \ � � � / � 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 ��� � \ � � ���� �� 0 � PER�I'A�IENT WATERLINE ESMT. � � � DALLAS, TX 75201 \ , � � � ' a `, �� INST��O. D211283630 � � ' CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY ��� ,� �\ ' �, �\ � � INST. N0� 211283764 � � \ ;r � • ' , �� O.P.R�:�.T. � / � �� � � \ � � � � � � � i i� �� . � °` � '� � � � � � \\ � J \ � \ ���� FIRE COVERAGE Q X i �� a , �� � � �, ,-' a �, � �� � RADIUS-250' � � � � � � W i �� � a �� ��� � i � Q ~ i `, ' `, � � �� �i �� � � � � �' � � � � � `� a a � , `, � � / i � r Z � � � � -� � / � � � � � \� �� �-� � � i � � � � � \ a / � � � � �, � a � � ,� o � �� � � � z w O � 0 , e , � �� � �� , � �� i �� � � � U w � � z � Q ��� � � � � e o ��/ ,� \� J � � a � ,, a � , � , , �,., � � � Q v � � � �` � � � REL OCA TE � � � � �' d` � � ' EX/ST/lVG FH �� � � J a c� \ J � �� � 3 � L / � \ � � ,, � a , � ,,�, i \ �� � U � � � �`,� \ a,-�a �, �� � PROPOSED � �i �� O W U � w � �, � ,,� RELOCA TED � � m � O (� m � ' � FH �� i � � J w , � - � � , ,, � � �� �� LEGEND 0 � � i \ � � � a O � c -1 _ � � �� � CONNECT TO o � � � � , � a � �� �� � �' EX 8�' WA TER � � FH O N � � � \ a � � � � PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT z � � a o , , � � � � ��� J � /\ SSMH PROPOSED SANITARY � N — ' �� p �O� / � MANHOLE � � � _ - - - - � \ � — — — — \`, ' a �� � \ � PROPOSED STORM INLET `` �� � ° � THESE PLANS ARE ISSUED FOR �, � � -� / FDC PROPOSED FIRE DEPARTMENT CHECK THE PURPOSE OF PRELIMINARY � � � < ��� � REVIEW AND ARE NOT INTENDED � � � � �� � �� � -___\ �� FOR CONSTRUCTION. � PROPOSED DUCT BANK PULL BOX WHEN ISSUED IN � � �� � �� � � � � � FINAL FORM THEY WILL BE � �� � � � �O� i i��� �� /���� � �� W PROPOSED WATER LINE SEALED, SIGNED AND DATED. % ��� � a�'-- ----� �i �� � �� ,,��� � ss PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER � i � , i /� \ � � A \ V � � 0 RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: � � � / 0�� � -�' ��k�� � C PROPOSED SINGLE CONDUIT DUCT BANK B�E, iNc. � i i � �� � �\ �� � �� \ \ 1 � TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING ' � �a ' T� \ �� ��-r FIRM F-1046 i i � � � i -- '�- � � � �' I I I � JASON A. FREY, P.E. � i i � � --�i��� � TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 88485 ; � � e � � �-- ������� �� x � PR M W � � °--- ----� � ���� �i� �� �� � i �� �� - ��� , � � � � i��l �� � � � i � CAUTION i � o � a . \ i / � � l � Contractor to Verify exact location m � 3 � � �' \ �i / / / � V � ���� i`. o � i �� � V / / / i � � 'i ����� ���� � � �0 / � �� � � � � � � � �,'� �`�� & Depth of Exist Facilities Prior to 4 i � ' � � � � / � \ �� � � � ��C���,� `� any Construction Activities a u�. � _ _ i Q � / � �� � _ �� / e , � � � � � 1 i�/ / �~ -� � I / a /'J ° J a � a � o a / � o �°�� /�/ NOTES: CAU I I�N I I I ° � — ' I ' � ��--- - ° ° ° ' ° ' � ��� 1. ALL WESTLAKE ENTRADA INFRASTRUCTURE ASSUMED AS coNTACT: �-800-�ic-TEss �'n � EXISTING FOR THIS PLAN SET 4� HouRs PRioR To coNSTRucTioN c.� � i � / � a Q \ \ � \ II V' da/i _ / I / ' aJ a -- - / ��, a /�/ a � � � \ � � - � ° '° � 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS a \ � � �� � ° � _� � / ` " ■ � _ � a ° OTHERWISE NOTED � � � - � � � � REVISIONS i \ \ � � �� �� COIVNECT TO / ° � a � / � \ � a J /, , �_, REV N0. DATE DESCRIPTION o � � \ `, , � � EX 8" WA TER -��� � SS r � a ' \\� � „ � � � �� a �a SS BM1 - ❑ Cut found on top of curb at the south median nose approximately �' \ �� \��� a� `� �, � / — — ' 691 feet southeast of the intersection of Solana Blvd. and Davis Blvd. ' �� EX FH � � �� a . ' c�S a , , S � Elev. 668.963' " \ � � ��� �� ,.! `� , / � � a J ° ° � 8' S � `1 a �?\ � � d � \� \ � \\ \\\� __—__ d\ /. � / � 0 d / Q � i �� \ � � �� I a — ° — i � BM2 - h ❑ Cut found on top of curb in the west turn lane median at the a _------ ---- -_-_—- a _- _ intersection of Davis Blvd. and Hwy 114 approximately 38 feet west of t e � ,` \� � ` ' ° � a � � � ° ,,--'� , . — — `�����, ° � � — _ , centerline of Davis Blvd. and 8 feet southwest of traffic siqnal pole on �; ��\ \ �� � � I , ° ,,-�'� � � � \���_, ° � � southwest corner of intersection. � ` � I -' � � ' ���,, �' � �� Elev. 667.93' � . � DRAWN BY: LMM a o ��� �\ � � � � i � ��,, Q �' w �.\ � S � �� � � � ' ' a ' TBM1 - "❑'� Cut in median nose located N 700 feet southeast of intersection of Davis CHECKED BY: JAF Y `, � �� � a � � , � � � ��;��,� � � Blvd. and Dove Road. Elev. 668.96 � `. � � �i ��I� � � � ' � �„ � \ � � , ° I ; ���� TBM2 - "❑'� Cut in median nose at intersection of Davis Blvd. and Bull Way. DATE: JANUARY 2021 o � \ �, � �%� ° J � I Elev. 679.58 � � / . � � ,� � a a I PROJECT NUMBER: 3a82-48, 3082-49 � � \ � , l � o \ / I ' cYi � � � / 1 a �� e ° Sh eet N o. o � � �� � / � < � � I � \ . �� i �. ° a ° � � � � � � z PD SITE PLAN PACKAGE NOT Q � C8 z� TO USE FOR CONSTRUCTION . c�� SHEET CH OF C12 mo — TROPHY CLUB o o � � J �`° o `�� Y ` -- \�� \�' \ F' CRE�� 0� G�� c~-iB06 JAMES -__`\\`\\\\ � ,\\\\\\`\ ,, \ � � \ ��-`'�\ Medlin MEqO�� � �'� \ � e�R�5�5�� CemeteJ� Course � a o � �'',, \���, ' , � \ 5�� TROPHY G y FAlgyq SEMINOLE 9-� � v � ��� `��� � � ��tc` �9 �P V l�q�F F Jc=.� o v�i � ` �'�,,\ ` \ �'�,, `\ \\ \���,, \\ ���,, \ \ \ � 114 � vo� ��p RESHMEADOw ww Z � � , , , s G� `n �� �NVERNESS a X I W �'�,, �'�,, �� , ���, � � � o�� \�'��, \�'��, 15' SOUTHWESTERN �'� ,, \����, \ 4�� J I a \�'��,, \�'��,, BELL TELEPHONE ESMT. ����,,, \����,, � WESTLAKE <� s y J BGE, I11C. '��, '��, VOL. 3146, PG. 545 '���, ���, � � �INVERNE � 2595 Dallas Parkway, Suite 101 � � \\ ��\\ , \` �,, N , �, \ ��, ��, R.P.R.D.C.T. � �,, ��, '' � Frisco, TX 75034 , , , , v� a � \���� \�'��, �'��, \�'��, Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com a � ��, �, ��, �� � , , , , `, �'��,, �'���,, �'��,, \����,, o �0 20 4o K�N� TBPE Registration No. F-1046 , , , , \ ��� ed �\ ��,, ��,, �,,, �,, Contact: Jason Frey � �, �, ��, �� � ��, �, ��, �, �, ����, ����, PERMANENT UTILITY ESMT. ��,,, ���,, _ 114 Te1: 972-464-4821 � SCALE: 1" - 20' � a � , �VOL. 13679, PG. 124 , , � a � N g�� Copyright 2020 \ ° \` ��� \ \��.P.R.T.C.T. � \\ \'�, '�, Q SOLANA ° �� \�'��,, VOL. 428�;�PG. 1377 � �''��, \�'�� � o��r � A `� �'�� R.P.R.D.C.T:�� � \'� \�� �< i ` ���, '��, \ � �'�,, \ ��,, DOVE ROAD C�i'�-s�Z � , (�/,q y , o �9,� OWNER: - a , ��, �_ R ��, �, � � ��� '� / ��, o ��F a �, �, q R� �� , � , � , � �� y� � �, � �— ��� \�� " O � �'� ��t��°°a Q AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC ,, �,, �h/ ,, � 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 �� ��, �, ��, '� � ' \�'� ���� • O I,�/ \�'� VICINITY MAP DALLAS, TX 75201 � � \'�� \��� ' �'V,) CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY �� �'��, �'�� (NOT TO SCALE) � �, �, � ��, '�, ln 1 , \���, \�'�, � � � , , a � �, �, � o � ��, ��, , �, �, � , ,, ,,, , �, ,, � , , � -� ���, '��, � - �, �� \a , , � : �� �� � '�� '�� DEVELOPER: , , \ � � .� , ���,,, �'��,, a � �� , ��, , a �, o � �, AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC \ /"� n � ��\ ,\ ° J�� J �,\ o , CO/VIVECT TO �����,, 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 `� a °° a �� EX 8" SSWR \ ��,, DALLAS, TX 75201 � � a a , ,,, CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY � � � � � � � \ a � � � � � � � � , � � � `� �� a� `� � PERMANENT WATERLINE ESMT. (n . , o , INST. N0. D211283630 Q X ��� ��� ��, ��\ 0 INST. N0. D211283764 `,\� � • � \ a �� O.P.R.T.C.T. � � � \ �� °° � � � � � � , \ � �� � �� � � � � � �/ � ` ° ` Z \\\ � a d \\ � � J � `v' 7 \\�� /g e a �� i O \ � i L � O , � , , — U � o — ~ W � , , , O J � , �, , , � , a , � U z ` � ° ° ` ' J � � � � Q � � -� � Q � � , � � � w � � !' ' � � pp , a � U z � - o 0 �� a � — ° Q U � � Q , � , , � , , � J a � � \ -1° i ` ' \ � � � ��, � ° a o U J zY � �� � � o w � _ � � - ' J � � W � � , , � � � „ �� � '< � -' , m (� � � m tn � L \ J , J w W o �� � � - , � o � � , � a - ,— � p � � , — �,— a � � �, / � � � � � � � �\ � 9 � Q /����y�\� .y yt (V � > I � � � �' \ �_ Z O \\ �J� 1 ��� � � N � � O \ � O � a 'J \ i o \ \a \ a O � \\\ � -03 \�„���\ �"1 d O THESE PLANS ARE ISSUED FOR � `� � ` \ THE PURPOSE OF PRELIMINARY a `� J � REVIEW AND ARE NOT INTENDED � Q � ��� FOR CONSTRUCTION. N \ a WHEN ISSUED IN " ` FINAL FORM THEY WILL BE � � \ SEALED, SIGNED AND DATED. Y \ o O �� � /J � � � �, � �o� o �� � � r � --_ � RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: d � � ��r ' / BGE, INC. =' � ■ �� � �'� i' � � ---� �� TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING o ��, a � ,'�,'�� ������ NOTE: ALL WESTLAKE ENTRADA INFRASTRUCTURE ASSUMED AS FiRM F-�o46 i �, a � �� ��' �� i � �� EXISTING FOR THIS PLAN SET �asoN a. FREY, P.E. � � � � �� TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 88485 a i -- ----, � A � ���\ \ FEBRUARY a8, 2021 � { a i %i` � / ��� \ \ \ � OO I � � �, � �, � ��o��,, ��-�� ��'��\� � � cAUTioN � � � o � ,a� � �; � � ,-'� ,�i-r ' ' —_ � � � � 1 I I TBM1 - °❑" Cut in median nose located � 700 feet southeast of intersection of Davis contra�tor to ver�fy eXa�t io�at�on � �i�NNE�iT T� � I � � -%ii/��� �' & Depth of Exist Facilities Prior to , i �-- � /I � ,� � Blvd. arld DOve ROad. Elev. 668.96 any Construction Activities � EX 8" SSWR '��- �,�,-;-'' � �`�,-������T�� ` � ; � o � e , �� � �� � � I�� l � TBM2 - °❑" Cut in median nose at intersection of Davis Blvd. and Bull Way. CAUTION � � � c� i � . �� \ �� , � / OO � � /� Elev. 679.58 CONTACT: 1-800-DIG-TESS � � � �`. � � � / / / /�`� 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION � �i °i� J �� �� � \ �� � � V / / �� �� o � ,� � �� �i �-�� � � � � � ■ �' �`, TBM3 - °0" Cut in median nose at intersection of Davis Blvd. and Bear Way. Q �� a ,� � � / � � � C .' `, Elev. 683.26 � �� � , � , , e —�, , REVISIONS o i ° ���/ / � ` — �' J a e ° a � a < �a � i� REV N0. DATE DESCRIPTION � �I _ J i� � �� �� � a ° e -� � ° o � � n n �, , . . i � ° ° ' .' ° o ' � TBM4 - ❑ Cut in median nose located N600 feet east of intersection of Davis Blvd. o '� � °a , � � I � ,, , � a ,�� , � and Dove Road. Elev. 648.47 � �, ,.� CONNECT TO � — , �° �, , � ��, � �� �• EX 8�' SSI� ■ � . , < � � � °\ J � , a Np, . � o , a a , a m , a � s � N �, ., -� -�� � � �p, S a O \ '� i �� ° /d J \ � ' ` ° �� � ` � P� LEGEND � , � , . , � ,< , a , , � � d< ��. G� � � � a , � a , g, SS` DRAWN BY: LMM a \ ° `, �� , ', ----- '�°�\ � � ° ° � " FH� PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT � � ` ♦ ' ----- � s,s CHECKED BY: JAF w � ° � a ____ - -------____ < � � � - - o ��� � � � � SS � a < � ,,-�'�� ��'��,, � � a SSMH PROPOSED SANITARY � ��\ � �'��,, � � MANHOLE DATE: JANUARY 2021 J p \\ � a ` \`\��� / � Q � �� S � '�� a C PROPOSED STORM INLET PROJECT NUMBER: 3a82-48, 3082-49 � � s ' a � '��,� FDC,u. PROPOSED FIRE DEPARTMENT CHECK Y '�, s �. ° 'a° � ° ' � Sh eet N o. o � •� / a ` , � � PROPOSED DUCT BANK PULL BOX < � \ . �, '� a �, °� 1 W PROPOSED WATER LINE S A N I TA R Y S E WE R � ss PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER P L A N � z P D S I T E P LAN PAC KAG E N OT � PROPOSED SINGLE CONDUIT DUCT BANK � PROPOSED STORM SEWER �� C9 z° TO USE FOR CONSTRUCTION . �% sHEET C9 oF c�2 m� - TROPHY CLUB o o � � �, , J ,��°o ��� Y \���,,\` ���,, - \ ����� CRE����G� c~-iB06 JAMES , \ `'\ '� \'\ \'\\ \ � ��- Medlin MEAO� �'� � e�R��SE� CemeGt�J�y Course � a o � \''�, \���, \'' � 5� TROPHY y FAlgyq SEMINOLE 9-� � v � ��� ��� �� � ��Oq �P VI�qGY �x x p h \\`\�'� '\`\���,, � _\ , ��4 �� Go� �Oo e FRESHMEADO`N ww z '^ � ___ _\\ `\ '\ \ `\\ \\\\ \` \\ \ �' s`G� `n `�� �NVERNESS a X I W , ,, , �, � � � o�� ' , �s� � � Q \�'��, \�'��, 15' SOUTHWESTERN ��� �, \����� � � � s c� INVERNE = BGE, 111C. ,, �, WESTLAKE � � 2595 Dallas Parkway, Suite 101 ����,, �'��,, BELL TELEPHONE ESMT. �'��, ����, �, � �, �'���,, ����,,, VOL. 3146, PG. 545 \�'��,, \����,\ �' � Frisco, TX 75034 � R.P.R.D.C.T. � � \�'�� `�'��, \�'�� \����� Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com , < ° � ��, \�'���, \\'���,, \�'��, \\����, J K�N� TBPE Registration No. F-1046 a ��, \�'��,, `�'��,, �����, \����� �� Contact: Jason Frey , , , \ °6 ��, \���_,, '��,,, �,, ,- _\ � 114 Tel: 972-464-4821 �� ����, \�'�, �' � , 0 10 20 40 � � n �� EX DUCT '��, '��� PERMANENT UTILITY ESMT. �'��, ���� � e�-`jO py g d Co ri ht 2020 '� \ � �� SERI//CE \'��,, �'���(OL. 13679, PG. 124 `\ \_� �� - Q SOLANA �`, CON/VECT/ON ��,, \ ��, ���, _ o " ° ��.P.R.T.C.T. � SCALE: 1' 20' �c � ° � '��,, VOL. 428�;�PG. 1377 �'��,, ���� �` �, o � � `� '��,, R.P.R.D.C.T:'��,, � ���,\`\\ DOVE ROAD o `''�-G�9� OWNER: � < � , ���, , ���, , (�/,q y ���, , _ ��F R�,�e� y a < ' � \` \\\\�� `\ \\\\�� � \\ \\\\� ��t�.a�° Q AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC �� �� �� �� , 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 � �, �� T � ' �'� \'� D / H DALLAS TX 75201 - �� ���� ����� /� VICINITY MAP ° ...- " , \`\\ \\\ � W 3 � �'��,, �'��,, . 1 (NOT TO SCALE) CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY � ' ���,, ���, / � , , ��, ��, , ��, ��, `, ,- \ �''�,, ��'��, , o � ���, ���, , ,, �, � � \ / \\\ \`\ � � \�����,, \�'���, ��\ � ,, , DEVELOPER: \ � , �.: ,, � �� AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC J a � \\ `\`\ � a \ o � � , 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 \� ` � ��'� DALLAS, TX 75201 a � O , \ ''�_ Q ,d� a �, CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY � � , \ a a � � � � � , � � � \ a � � � � � �\ � � � ��, �� \ ���� �`� 0 PERMANENT WATERLINE ESMT. Q X � e ° � ��� ���� ��, �' �� � INST. N0. D211283764 � W , � • \\ a Q � O.P.R.T.C.T. Q � J� ` \ � w � � � � a e � � r � � \\ J \ � � \ � � � J � ° � ''�� � o p � � ° � � � � � � O 7 Q �� �e � �� � W U \\ \ � \ / \ � � � W I.J_ � � � \ � � ° � � Q � � - z , �, � � � U , a � � � � � � < ° a � , � / �� � �' �� � � � z , \� � , � , U o � , � � , U � �\ \ a , � o J � Q a � � � // \� e \ / � M � / ` ' �'J � Ja i , � , U � � � �`, � ° �� a � o W (� � zQ � 1 O \� � d — � �y, � o � � C � \� d Q \ � / \ � ��/�\) O � � � ^ � �\ \ // �// N a ��, �' `�J' � � � ° -' ' '� o ❑VERALL LEGEND 0 J w � N �� �V � � � ������ � � � � � O \ ���} � / / � N �. � �� � ,-� FH O �- PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT z � � ��, 9 �� �t�� PROPOSED � � � ' �� � , � ��� CURB /IVLET SSMH PROPOSED SANITARY � � � ., � �� ��� , J � MANHOLE � � � . a o � \ ��� �° \ ° � PROPOSED STORM INLET ` � THESE PLANS ARE ISSUED FOR Q �� ,��\ � �\ e n � a—p PROPOSED STREET LIGHT THE PURPOSE OF PRELIMINARY � � � `� \ ° REVIEW AND ARE NOT INTENDED o � �\ \ p J \ EXISTING TRANSFORMER FOR CONSTRUCTION. i �� � \\ � ��� WHEN ISSUED IN \\\ a LS PROPOSED LANDSCAPE FINAL FORM THEY WILL BE c, � � - a \ SEALED, SIGNED AND DATED. % �� \\� �� o � � O EXISTING STREET LIGHT � \�� � ��� - 0 �O� __ / EXISTING GAS METER RESPONBGE,EINC.GINEER: � `� `� � ����� � � --__, �\ TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING � �� ', ' ' � � ���,� � � � �� EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE �asoN a.�FR�Y�P.E. t �i I � � ���/�� � �� � � S�B RCP EXISTING SIGN TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 88485 � � � � ----, / \ ��\ \ FEBRUARY a8, 2021 , , aJ-- , ,� , ,, FOR FUTURE � � PROPOSED � �, �i �o� �� ���� �k�� � � /NLET � EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ! !cAUTioN ! � ° R��F �RA�N �a � � ���� � �� ��-� � Contractor to Verify exact location �I � a � � �� � � �' � & Depth of Exist Facilities Prior to � � CO/V/VECT/O/V � __i i � �_;;�� , � EX DUCT any constru�t�on A�t���t�es i i � �� � X � ; �-� ° ----' ,, � ,�o�;;;;'„�`�� � , SERIi/CE , NOTEs: cAUT�oN � � � � ���� '� � a • ,�.�� � � \ � � ���I � CONNECT/ON � 1. ALL WESTLAKE ENTRADA INFRASTRUCTURE ASSUMED AS coNTACT: �-800-�ic-TEss � � ,(� . � V ��A � �, � %� 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION � � ' �� � � � � � � � '� �` 2. ALL D MENS�IONS �ARE�TO ACE OF CURB UNLESS � � � ��i °i� J �� �� � �\ �� � � V / / � i ��� � � ,. , �- ' �� ��� / � � � � , � �� ■ ,� �, OTHERWISE NOTED REVISIONS o � � �� I ' � i � ���� I ,� � - C � a , ���C�C.'� .' REV N0. DATE DESCRIPTION � �� �� � a � � � / d a � � O+ �� i�� / �� � -� � � V n /-� ° � a � a ■ � � � �d�/ i� � // �� I � ` � � � � � a � � � �� ` ° �C\ BM1 - "❑" Cut found on top of curb at the south median nose approximately o � ° , , ' I ° �' ', `/ � _ � I / � G °� a — — ° „� � < C� 691 feet southeast of the intersection of Solana Blvd. and Davis Blvd. � � � „ �� \ '�, � � - �� ' � � � \ `�° \ ° , Elev. 668.963' � - EX 18 � �� �,� � � STORM �� � � G`, � � — ■ � J BM2 - "❑" Cut found on top of curb in the west turn lane median at the o � C�NNEC��N �\ � ° � ,�\ J � ' ��� �Q SS ; , I, intersection of Davis Blvd. and Hwy 114 approximately 38 feet west of the � � centerline of Davis Blvd. and 8 feet southwest of traffic siqnal pole on � ,� -' .- `� ° 'a ;S � � �\ a , \ � . a _ _ � southwest corner of intersection. in � \ � ' \a o DRAWN BY: LMM � � \ \ a \C � G a / ` � / o ` a �a g/ SS � Elev. 667.93 � � \ � �� � \ � / � a a /J d � _ n a w � � �\ � �� ____ '„ � a < , \ TBM1 ❑ Cut in median nose located N 700 feet southeast of intersection of Davis CHECKED BY: JAF � , � � S Blvd. and Dove Road. Elev. 668.96 Y � \ \ � / d ' �— — ' � ` a O � \ � � � o � � '' `` �� d � � ; S a , '� �'�,, a " " DATE: JANUARY 2021 � EX DUCT � \ � o , ,, TBM2 - ❑ Cut in median nose at intersection of Davis Blvd. and Bull Way. o SERI//CE �, '" �'���, �' o \. : / d \\ Elev. 679.58 c� � COIVNECT/ON �� � ��, PROJECT NUMBER: 3a82-48, 3082-49 � � So , s / ,� .1 � d U (� � � 4A R� � c��� \\\\ �\ ••� o /� I � I � � �< _ � Sh eet N o. � � ' � STORM AND DUCT � � � � PLAN � � z PD SITE PLAN PACKAGE NOT a 1 � C 0 z� TO USE FOR CONSTRUCTION . �% sHEETC10 oF c�2 m� - TROPHY CLUB w r 50'Min. � o � `\ �� ,, \ � I � \'�� �,, \ � Concrete Boulder Type Rip Rap. � ���� J CRE`'��O��G�`'��� �BOB JAMES `\\ �, \` \ I I I �,,\\\ \\\` �, Grade to Prevent Runoff from ��.`' Medlin MEqO� �'� \ I I I Leaving Site � Cemetery Golf � W � � Filter Fubric e�R`�'S 5�'( �,J� Course � J o \ \\\` �'�,, \\\\�'�,,\ I \ � � I I 15 S U HWIESTER�I \,,\ \ \ ���, T e 5�� OPHYG y FAlgy SEMINOLE 9-� � 2 � ' _� TR C'��y �Q. V�(�qGY Jx x o h �'��,, �'��_, � BE L T�LE�HONE ES T. �'���, ���, � . `��' o '�oo e FRESHMEADO`N ww z � � I � ' 114 �° a �` '\� '��'� I I ' V�L. $�1�{6 G. 54� '�� �� . s�� N �?� �N�,R N E S S X I w � \\`\\\��� \\\��� ' `\` \���� \\\ D • � •D a \ \ � 40J�� J Y \� R.P:P�.D. .T. � �� � I � � �' � �° � � � � 2 \ � ��'\\ i I I I\\ I ���',` ��,\\ Existing Grade s � WESTLAKE � � �c� INVERNE BGE� �nC. Roadway '� ���� \ �����, \ `, � �� �� � \�'��, \����, PROF��E N � 2595 Dallas Parkway, Suite 101 , � �,,�` I I I I � , ' \I\ �, , �,,,\ �,, �' o Frisco, TX 75034 � ����� �'��, � � \ ��, I � , � , I � I �� ��,, \�����, Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com , �, I � '�� , I � ���,,, P�R�1 N NT kJ I iLI TY ESMT. '��,, ����,, J K,N TBPE Registration No. F-1046 J� � � � \ � � I,,, ���V I� 1 67 , P 1�� I ,, ,, c� � �, I `�' � I, I � �, Contact: Jason Frey 0 10 20 40 ° ` \ � �'�, �'�.�.R�T.C.�. �',, �,, 50' Min_ — — �� . ���� � �� CONSTRUCTION I I I � ,, I I V L 4 8���PG. 137� \ � `�'�� \����� � 1 \ r � , \ I , \\ � I � ,\\ \ ..I Q 114 Tel: 972-464-4821 � \ E N TR A N C E �, I 1 � I I � ,, I Transition to Roadway M � � � � � I �, R. R.I�.C.T�'�,,� � ',,`\ _ � N g�,�o Copyright 2020 SCALE: 1" - 20' \, � � �� I �, � �,, o ' s SOLANA i , r ��� ,, I I r ��, , i �V,� hl�/�� ��,,, �� . . � I o � � ,, � � ,,, R�� � V �',,, o ��r , � � � � ,,,, I I ,,, e�/� y ,,, N , �<o / ` \ \ 1 I � I I I I I ���,,\\ I f I�,,` \ �/�// � �� \` ,, � — � v I DOVE ROAD C�i'�-s�Z � ',, � I � ��,,,� � �,,, ' � � / � �� � � O �i�'�F OWNER: � I H � -� � i � � �\ � � � � �����', � � �� �'�', �' �� �� � Radius (5'Min.) � � . � �pd � , �/ � � � � I � ���, � ��_, �✓� � � � � � I I � � I I � ��, , ��� R�0•'" ��� � 2 0 CRESC NT COURT #180 , � i � � � � � � �,, — � , � o A �, , I I � I I � ���������,_,, �������� ,,,, viciNir�r nnaP � P L A N VI E W DALLAS, TX 75201 � � � - \ I � I I � I I I I I I� ��,, �,, (NOT TO SCALE) CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY � , \ I � I I � ����,,, ���,,, STABIL ZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE �'� � � I I I I I �_, ��, I � � � � � � � � � _ �,,,, , � � �,, � I I � �£ � I I I � � � O �a ��, , I � o � � I I I , — \ �������,, I � �� � I � - ������ ?I I °� `, � I I I I I I I � — � ��,, DEVELOPER: a a 6 a� \` O \ I I I I I � I � - A�RIA� a � �, I � I I ;�;�'� � Ric� � AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC � I � � `\,� � \ I I I I � I I I I � � � � - ��R FAB �` � 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 � °` �` I I I �- ` I I / / � _ � `I�� DALLAS, TX 75201 � I � � �� � INSTALL STORM INLET I I I ` � I I � � — _ _ _ _ �515 RT _ J' CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY �, a, � I � � P ppA a � PROTECTION I I I � \ \ � PEKMANENT WATERJ-1AlE-E�Mfi�- �0� 1 �� � , � \ � `\ I I I I � �l-0. $211283630— — — — — — AGI� �p FEE \ I N S T. � SP 6� � FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL SECURELY ` � � � I � � � I�'f. NO_92�83764 — _ i4 BE \ \ I FASTENED TO THE POSTS OR (IF USED) � � , \ I I I — — — \� �� \ � \ \ I I / �/ �6.P.R.T�:T.� � — _ THE WIRE MESH. � �� � aa `� � I I I I I I I I I � \ \ i � � , � � - � STEEL POST � Q � ° �� � / / / � i � � APPROXIMATELY 8" OF FILTER � X � ° J \ �\ � � I I I I I I I � I \ � � � � — — � \ � FABRIC MATERIAL MUST EXTEND � W `� � \ �� ,, I / I I I I I ` \ I � / / , � � \ ��vs — — INTO A TRENCH AND BE ANCHORED � `� � ° `� l I I I I I \ \ / / � � _ — — — I ��� FI�LTERDF BRCAMATERIAL MUST � �TM COMPACTED BACKFlLL MAiERIAL Q � � � a / l / I I I I I I � \ � \ \ I ' / � / / � — � ` � OQ.v� BE ATTACHED TO A 6-INCH RUNOFF w � � � � � \ I / I I I / \ / 1 � (MAX.) MESH WIRE WHICH HAS - �I"� z �` � ` � � I I � �� � � � p � �� �� -��� �� � / � — - � BEEN FASTENED TO THE POSTS. � , // � � � � ����� Z � � ��� � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � / � � � — � � APPROXIMATE 4°X4" � � � � �� ��� �; � �� � � ��� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � , � _ � .� �� � TRENCH � � 1 � W � ', / a " � V � \ \,\— \ \ \ � � � ,� �/ / �����, � � � � — — — ., 1 — � O `� � W � z ',, a � � � � � � \ \ , , A \ \ � \ \ \ � A � � / � � � �,;,�,� � � � � , — _ — � � � � Q ',, � � � ,-'° � �V� � � \ �A \ \ � V � � �/ �/ �/ �/ � � � i � . — _ � W � � '�, ° �NSTA�� STORM �N�ET � � � \ \ \ \� � � � � �� �j �/ �� � � � � � � -- — N STALLI N G A �I LTER �AB R C SI LT FEN CE v z U � � Q \ � \ \ \ � i Q . � �� PROTECTION Q � , ' \ �= \� � INSTALL SILT FENCE / � / � � — � J a M ,, \ , \ \ \ � // � � i i i U � � J � � � � `� � � \ \ \ � � � �_ // � / � / � � � � NOTE: STONE OVERFLOW STRUCTURES OR Silt Fence General Notes Erosion Control Mat Notes � ' � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ � � � � � // / � � � / OTHER OUTLET CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE 1. Steel posts which support the silt fence shall be 1. Erosion control mats shall be in compliance with O w U � z Q �� � < , � � \ \ \ / _ _ \ � � � / INSTALLED AT ALL LOW POINTS ALONG THE installed on a slight angle toward the anticipated NCTCOG Best Management Practices. Erosion w J � � � � � / � �J� � � / � FENCE AT A MINIMUM OF EVERY 300 FEET. runoff source. Post must be embedded a control mats may be used in place of, or in J � O rn m � � �� , � �� \ \ \ \ \ � _ _ � � �- � � � � / � / - minimum of one foot addition to silt fence for sheet flow filtering m � v � (n ° �� � 9'� , � � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _� � � / /r / / � � � � / 2. The toe of the silt fence shall be trenched-in applications. J w o � , ,> \ \ �-� � � � � with spade or mechanical trencher, so that the 2. Mats shall be installed and anchored securely to w � � � � \ \ \ � \ \ — — — __ __ � � / � yl � �/ � � / � e MIN, down slope face of the trench is flat and the ground in compliance with the Q M � ,-' � / ;-; � / � � � A• Slpe g� perpendicular to the line of flow. Where silt manufacturer's recommendations. � 1■■1�1 � � N �\ �/ \ \ �`� � � / r � / / � � � � MAk, fence cannot be trenched-in (e.g. pavement or 3. The width requirement of the erosion control N � a � / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - - — _ �� / � � �� / � �� � H rock surface), weight fabnc flap with rock on mats shall be comparable to the width of the � � � �� � \ � � _ _ _ � � / / � � � � /-" � � SILT FENCE uphill side to prevent flow from seeping under disturbed surface to be filtered. The minimum \\ ° � ' \ \ \ \ \ \ _� `_ �/ � / � ��� fence. width shall be 10 feet for Single Family lots and z N � \/ \ � � l -� 7 � � � H 3. The trench must be a minimum of 6 inches 20 feet for Commercial applications, unless � � N �\ , \ \ �� � � I — � — — — _� /<�" � � � � /-- "-� � deep and 6 inches wide to allow for the silt otherwise approved from the Storm Water Utility o � �\ � \ \ � I � I I — _ _ -� / / // � / / / � � fence fabric to be laid in the ground and Manager. Q � � f �- / backfilled with compacted material. 4.The width of erosion control mats can be � � � 1 \ � ` I � — a \ ' � � /� / � / � � � / i-- �-� 4. Silt fence should be securely fastened to each reduced when used in conjunction with silt fence ��� I / steel support post or to woven wire which in and block sod vegetative buffer strips. In no 3 `� � \ \ \ � � I I I I ` � _ - E - -\ � // r � /� � / � / � ' g" MIN. T�P �SjDE turn is attached to the steel fence post. There applications will erosion control mats be less THESE PLANS ARE ISSUED FOR o `� o \ a\ \ 1 � � � � e — \-� � � � �� � / / �- � � F�OW�� _ _ OF SILYE�N E helrebends3of�faboce�aetsecurely fastened than 4 feet wide. THE PURPOSE OF PRELIMINARY N � � \ \ \ 1 1 1 O �� �� � � � � 5. Accumulated silt shall be removed when it REVIEW AND ARE NOT INTENDED � `� � — � -� /� � i- � 1 1/2" FILTER STONE 4 �r �� reaches a depth 1'. The silt shall be disposed of FOR CONSTRUCTION. w � a\ \ \� � � _ -� � � � � � %-� � �j/�� \/ at an approved site and in such a manner as WHEN ISSUED IN � �\ ° \ \ \ \ � � , � — _ �/ / �� _ / / /��j�y� ' /.� 12p to not contribute to additional siltation. FINAL FORM THEY WILL BE Y � ___ � �- / � � _/ �, ��/\�/ �/ �/��; 6. Silt fence shall be removed when the site is o �1 �� \ 1 \ \ \ \ -�� _ � _ � _� � � � � � / � //�//����`�'' completely stabilized. SEALED, SIGNED AND DATED. J � I � \ i � �� � `�� � _� / � 7. Rock filter dams shall be used at concentrated � �� �� � � ���,������ ����� � � �- � � � � � � ,/ �� � / high flow discharge areas in lieu of silt fence. � � �� �_ � � �-- � RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: I I � �� � - BGE, INC. � 'i � / aJ- -----I �� � / � � � �;'�j` �f ' — � � � �- � -/ -� / � ^ S L T F E N C E S T O N E 0 V E R F L 0 W S T R U C T U R E T E X A S R E G I S T E R E D E N G I N E E R I N G i � � � a i � �� 6�� � /�� � � � � � �� � � / � � FIRM F-1046 j i � i� �� ��� � � ,���� � —� -� � � _� �� / JASON A. FREY, P.E. `� i i � ���' � �� \ \ f � —� � � � � �— ' TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 88485 � �i � �� �i � �- — ��1`����� / � I I I � � -- �_ � � � �— �� � �— �— � � FEBRUARY Q8, 2021 ��� i � 635 � % '� � ° -----�� �, ���=,=%;;�`;x,� — � _ � --� � � �- -� � -- � � � cAUTioN � � ° �i a �� � ��� � � ,��T���� � � � - � ��� � � � � -_ �- �- � // Contractor to Verify exact location �I i � � `�� �� � �/i � ��A / ��� � � — � — —' � & Depth of Exist Facilities Prior to c i I ` � � / � � �' / � i i�� � 4 �P � h�� , � � �-� � � � _ � � �� ,� �� �_ any Construction Activities � � , � � r � � / \ /� / / �_ �- � . � � �� '� �� \ ����� �� j � � � , ��� � � � — � CAUTION iii � '� ` �� /�_ � � � ,� �� " � � i � , a� / CONTACT: 1-800-DIG-TESS �_ ° � i � / �, -_ ' � ' �(1 ' � a � / ° ° e � a e �a � ��� ���� 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION a i J a i � 11 /J //� — —� / / � � a ° / �/ a � � � �� � / d,� \ � � �� j / / / I / / °� a \� � � / ANY LENGTH PLUS 12" T� SEAL ENDS REVISIONS � � ,Q � � _ / / � \ � � REV N0. DATE DESCRIPTION o� \ / � � . , � . , � . ,� � . , � . ,� � . , � . , � . , � � o � � � . ,�; . ;,� . ,�; . ;,� . ;; . ;; . ;; . o � a � — � , , � , , �. , , � , , � , , � , , � , , �. , �� \ / � , / a . � , ��, , . � , ��, , �� , � � , �� , . � \ ° / � i /�� i ��� i /�� i /� i /� i /� i ��� i I �� � \ / J �j i j// j�� j�j j�j j��j � ��/ � �j I � � / � � a . ;,� . ;; . ;; . ;; . ,�; . ;,� . ,�; . , 19• � � � , , , �, , , � , , � , , � , , � , , �, , , � , � ` < ° / ` �` ° -- ':'%.';'%:;%%.';'%;;%%;;'%:;%%:; 12N � , , , , , , , , , , , , , , � - — � , � , � , � , � , � , � , � � < a � a . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . o � \ � � , � , � , � , � , � , � , � , . , � , . , � , . , � , � , m � � a � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � o \ \/�_ � � i / / a o/J ° g� a � � � � � � �. � �. � �. � �. � �. � � � � � J / i i � i � i � i � i � i � i c � a � a i i � i � i � i � i � i � i d \�� / r � e� � o y � ` a � / / e a - -- - - -- - - - ----- - � � \` _ � ° a °a / o � a // -- ,_ ` \`\\\ i,/ ;i/, ;i,/ i i/,', i//, ;,,/, i//, , , � � � � � DRAWN BY: LMM -o � — — — — — ° � 4� 11" w �\\\ Q / , — — _ , ,;, , ,/;, , ;;i , ;;; , ;i/ , ,'; , ;;/ , 4' � . i � INSTALL STONE a� , , � , , � , , � , , � , , � , , � , , � � � Y � / � � ;�. �� � � �� , ,� � , ;�. , ; � T CHECKED BY: JAF , OVERFLOW STRUCTURE � � LEGEND � � ° • � � i � — ; ��� � ' a / � � — _ DATE: JANUARY 2021 o �,, _ � . ��� ,_ � ,_ �� , � �z� —_ _ _ — � . — - ExisTwc coNTouR �wE SIDE VIEW END VIEW ,� _ � � � ; '�/� / ���Fn` 625 — — � � NOTES: PROJECT NUMBER: 3a82-48, 3082-49 � 650 PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE 1. STRUCTURE: 1/4" GALVANIZED HOG PANEL FRAME. Y 2. FABRIC: GTF-400 9oz WOVEN MONOFILIMENT j � � � � � � SI LT FEN CE FABRIC SECURED WITH "J" CLIPS EVERY 8 INCHES. S h e e t N O. 3. GRAVEL BAGS: UV PROTECTED FILL WITH GRAVEL OR ON SITE DIRT. 0 4. GRAVEL BAG PLACEMENT: ENDS, TOP AND CENTER. N � � STORM INLET PROTECTION E R O S I O N C 0 N TR 0 L � ADVANTAGES: � A) EASE OF INSTALLATION P L A N �, STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE B) EASE OF MAINTENANCE i C) HINGED AT TOP AND BOTTOM TO FIT MOST CURBS P D S I T E P LAN PAC KAG E N OT ♦ o, CAN BE REUSED a DRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION U= Z� 11 — ° TO USE FOR CONSTRUCTION . � STORM DRAIN INLET H EAVY DU TY CU RB N LET PROTECTOR �% sHEET C11 oF c�2 m� - TROPHY CLUB o o � � J �`° o `�� Y '�,\ ���, �'�,\ ����� CRE����G�� c~—iB06 JAMES ___ ���, '�,, ���_ ��- Medlin MEqO� �'� ',, ��, �' ��, e s � a o � __ --___ \\\ \\\ \\ \ e�R�5�5�� Cem G�J�y Cour e � o Z -',, �',, ��,\ '�,, 5�� TROPHY y FAlgyq SEMINOLE 9-� � v � ,\ ,, ,, ,, p�O� �Q. VI(�q Y wx = o y � ���, �'�, > �'�, �'�, ��4 ��� �o`'� �0����FRESHMEADO`N �w z '^ � ��� ��� 15 SOUTHWESTERN � � ��� s�� N �� �N�,RNE55 X I �' w �����_ �����, BELL TELEPHONE ESMT. ����� �����, � � � ��� � Y �, �, �, , I Q �� �,, ���_, ����, VOL. 3146, PG. 545 ����,, ����_, �a s � GE, �11C. � ���� `��� R.P.R.D.C.T. �����, ���� � WESTLAKE � s � = B �,\ ,, �,, ,, � � INVERNE � 2595 Dallas Parkwa Suite 101 ,, ��,, ����,, \����,, \ ��,, -� 75 N � � �� �� �� �� o Frisco, TX 034 ��, ��, ��, ��, � � �����_ �����,, �����, �����,, Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com � ���� �'���,, �����,, �����,, �����,, � N TBPE Registration No. F-1046 � \�, \���,, \����, PERMANENT UTILITY ESMT. \����, \����, �� � . Frey KI � \ Contact� Jason \����,, \'��VOL. 13679, PG. 124 \����,, \'��,, Q 114 Tel: 972-464-4821 ` � ����,, \�'�.P.R.T.C.T. � \� ��, \����,, � , � Copyright 2020 � ��,, VOL. 428�;�G. 1377 � � , � 0 10 20 40 � 0�- '� � '` ����� R.P.R.D.C.T:��� �'��,, ���� Q so�arva � �,_ �', � �� � °� � � , ��/� � �� SCALE: 1" = 20' ���� � � � _ � ��, �, �� a / ,, ,, ��� � �,, DOVE ROAD C�i�s�9 � ��� �,� ,, , � �� �� �� � � OWNER: � T , �I� a � _, �,, �, D � o � ���� � ' ` \, ���,, ����,, l H R. ��t��° a � AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC ' � � � ��,, ��, , �. �/�/� � 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 � �� , �'��,, ���� DALLAS, TX 75201 ,, � VICINITY MAP ', , , � , � � ����,, ����,, CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY � O \ \ (NOT TO SCALE) 1 � _ � �� ��, � ��_ '�, � � \\ \\ � � � ��, ��, ` \ � � �-_, a ,\\ ,, _ �,, , � �� ��� � ���. .� �,� ,' �� � � � �, �, � ��, � ��, DEVELOPER: \ J O O \ \ / I , AMR WESTLAKE VILLAS, LLC � - �, ��,� � - � ���, ��-,, � o ' � 200 CRESCENT COURT #180 �� `�� a � � � DALLAS, TX 75201 `, A � � CONTACT : MICHAEL BEATY � , � � � ���� �, A a � � PERMANENT WATERLINE ESMT. �� `� , � INST. N0. D211283630 �� � INST. N0. D211283764 � Q `, ` � O.P.R.T.GT. , Q X ,., � �, -� , �����., � � � � � Q , � � , W , o � � � , � � (� , A � z , - , � , , � � � � � , , � Z � , � , � � p w � ` ' W � � ,, ��� � , -, , , - EXISTING STREET LIGHT `, � � ' O a J U Q � ° � � w Q � , , � Z °° � , , U o '� ��° ' Q , Q U � � � � ° � � J � M a � � � , , U J � � � � w U zQ � o � , � �� , , a J � � � ° �; - � � -� o J � � W � , � `, � � � a � � � m � m W � � , �, �� � � � , . � t- �� � � � �� � � � � ❑VERALL LEGEND 0 w � � ` a � ,\ \ � I..� a � � � � a . N � � . �� FH� PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT � N � I � � � � � �'�' �� �, � SSMH PROPOSED SANITARY � a ` 0 � MANHOLE � � � � - � � �� ,� � < � ' PROPOSED STORM INLET � E\\ �� O \ THESE PLANS ARE ISSUED FOR � a �,� �\ `, � � � a—p PROPOSED STREET LIGHT THE PURPOSE OF PRELIMINARY � ��� � �� � � � = EXISTING TRANSFORMER REVIEW AND ARE NOT INTENDED �, � FOR CONSTRUCTION. � �� �� �� o � LS PROPOSED LANDSCAPE WHEN ISSUED IN o ' � �\ � � �� --- � SEIA ED FO NED AND I DATBED. � � � - _ � EXISTING STREET LIGHT m _-- o � � �� �� '� ��'�� � �� RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: � � � �� � ��� i���� � /����� BGE, INC. EXISTING GAS METER � �� a / ��� � / � � � TEXAS REGISTERED ENGINEERING � '�� / � / ��� FIRM F-1046 � ', , a�-- -----i �� � � / �' � � JASON A. FREY, P.E. EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE � � I a i �� � � / ��� � � � � TEXAS REGISTRATION N0. 88485 a� � I � � � II i � /�O�\�� �'�� ��'� \ \ 1 FEBRUARY Q8, 2021 � �� i � � � � ,� ', 'I '°' ; __ I __ ��'����� ���� ,,����� � � EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT � � CAU TI ON ! � N I � - � � ,� , � i i I o � e � � �-- ������� V� �x� � -- �� � ���� � �// �� �� � i a___ _ __, Contractor to Verify exact location & Depth of Exist Facilities Prior to o �i � �� �� \ � �� � /��7� � � � � any Construction Activities � . � � � � � � i ° �' �` � \ i i /�� � � � i � ' �� -' � o� � � �� � �� � i i � � � � � � ��� a,'p� �,?,� � �� �O � I �� ` � � � NOTES: CAUTION � � � 1. ALL WESTLAKE ENTRADA INFRASTRUCTURE ASSUMED AS coNTACT: �-800-�ic-TEss ' � ', '' �' •' ' ,` `����� i I � �' EXISTING FOR THIS PLAN SET 4� HouRs PRioR To coNSTRucTioN � � �� � � � � ��� �. �- � -���� 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS � � �', � ,�' ,� i���___� - � OTHERWISE NOTED REVISIONS �,� EXISTING STREET UGHT �' � � i REV N0. DATE DESCRIPTION � - - - � � � , ' - � � � � BM1 - "❑" Cut found on top of curb at the south median nose approximately �' �� 691 feet southeast of the intersection of Solana Blvd. and Davis Blvd. � � ��� Elev. 668.963' � � , � ,� ��\ \ � / BM2 - "❑" Cut found on top of curb in the west turn lane median at the intersection of Davis Blvd. and Hwy 114 approximately 38 feet west of the � � �� \ � �,� �`, � � � � ` ° . et southwest of traffic q al p le on i � centerline of Dav s vd and 8 f � � � \ ° � � -- �;� �. � a a ',-' �� southwest corner of �intersection.� WN LMM si n o � _ ----� �°� " � � EI 667 93' � � '��� '- � — — � ev. . DRA BY: � � � ` V �. �� � ��� <�� � _ - --- - --- -°o ` � � � < a o . ��� ' L �., o q � a � � . — � � a -� � TBM1 - "❑'� Cut in median nose located N 700 feet southeast of intersection of Davis CHECKED BY: JAF ti � � � � � � � — , Blvd. and Dove Road. Elev. 668.96 Y \ O � � ` V '� TBM2 - "❑'� Cut in median nose at intersection of Davis Blvd. and Bull Way. DATE: ,1ANUARY 2021 ! � �� � i� � Elev. 679.58 o � c°� ��, � �_ � �_ 7 ] PROJECT NUMBER: 3a82-48, 3082-49 o � rt''' Y U ° � Sh eet N o. m U �� N EXISTING LIGHTING � , � PLAN � � z PD SITE PLAN PACKAGE NOT a 12 � C z� TO USE FOR CONSTRUCTION . �% sHEETC12 oF c�2 m� - PLANTING SCHEDlJLE � � SYMBOL � C��E C�AAAA�N NAME BOTAhlICAL NAME QTV. 512E N�TES � CL desert willow Chilops9s linearis � 3O G � � O �\ � � 24' FIRE LANE � - C5 I�alian cypress Cupressus sempervirerx 9 8-10' � P � ' `< ° � a ���� �� w� ��� � � kJP Icxebark�elm Ulmus pan+ifalia 1 6"cal. spe�irnan;ta betag€�eti by LA 4 C TREE GRATE � � % � - � TF wirxfrnill pcalrn Trachycarpus for�unei 4 min.3'c[ear trunk� 4 C TREE GRATE i'� Q' TEXAS TU FF � � ���� DW Ealue satal Dasyliron wheeleri 6 7 G � � LANDSCAPE � �� E-IP redyucca Hesperaloepor�iflara 4 3G � � — — — �� O Landsca e Architecture � - - - - — — — - - - - - - - LS trailing lantar�n Lar�tar�n s�llowiar� 1� 1 G p ,� Irrigation Design '��` MC pin}zmuhlygrass Muhlenbergiacapillaris 12 3G Project Management � � J � _ � � Horticulture Consultations RF block�eyed 5usan Rud6eckrio ful�a'Gofdst�urn 12 1 G \ � � � I � � � � � RO tre�ilirx�tosemary Roserrrarinus offKinplis 'RrostrcrEus' 12 1 G i � ' I � � � PO Box 712 �� I � �V c�arden orec�no Oregano vulyaris �0 1 G 12" OC PYOSp@Y, T@XaS 75�78 � i I I � , ' ' i o t����-�� �,���n�r���Kn����an ,3 �����- 972-347-9930 � , � � i/ I I O O 8P Bistro plar�er rustic blackz clny 14 35"x28" i� / � , I EE ENLARGEM�NT FOR DETAILS %�, O OO � � I I . VJ! VJater jug rustic 61ac}z clay ls 275Ax4zt" m �/ / / I � � //' • � � � / / 1 / � � i I I '�,��'� � 5 J P TS W SEASO AL COLOR i � I � I I I I I I � � X�fNON � I � I O �� �� � � � ° � � iN P POT GRAPHIC SCALE: i � � � � o �� � � � � — � — � � � � 0 10 20 40 � J � J� � ! � �� �� �� �� �� � I I I I (IN FEET) I I i � i � , 4/TF IN BP POT , � �" = 20'-0„ � � 2/HP IN WJ POT 5 CI W TREE GRATE � � �� � � ,,--- � � ARAGON � _____ � _ � � � a� OVERALL LAN DSCAPE P LAN - B LOCK C STO RAGE RESTAU RANT � \ SCALE: 1 " = 20'-0" � � � � � � � 0 � _- - -� � / � � � � � � ROOF TOP PLANTER GENERAL NOTES: � � � � 2 RO 1 . PLANTER AND RO�F SUPPORT TO BE � >>>���� 12 MC ,,l ✓/� � , �✓/� � � � � � �� �` � � DESIGNED BY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. � � ` ` � �--� / �� �� �� � � 2. P LANTER MUST HO LD A MI N IMUM OF 37 CY U � � U P ✓ c� � >>> �� >> ` 6 C LEA R M U LC H A R EA �� ` ^ � OF SOIL TO SUPPORT FUTURE TREE 0 Q� � , ��� �,� � / � 2 LS %�� � �� , �� ��� ���� GROWTH. m � � � , ��� �� � � 3. A MINIMUM OF 24" OF STRUCTURAL SOIL - ��� �� � ��� ���� � ��������� � 2 RF �` �` SHALL BE PLACED UNDER THE ROOT BALL OF ��`�� ��`��` � ��. ..�.� ..�.. � 8 O O V ����" ���� PROJECT: Overall Landscape � / THE TREE. �1�� ...............�...._.. ....�,... / ��'•�.� �.�' DESIGNER: bah 4. TOPSOIL & AMENDMENTS SHALL BE PLACED ����;���`..�= �� �'� DATE: 12/10/2020 THE REMAINDER OF THE DEPTH OF THE �-� � SCALE: PLANTER. REVISIONS: E N LA R G E D R O O F T O P P LA N T E R LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: BERIT HUTSON, RLA TEXAS TUFF LANDSCAPE PO BOX 71 2 SCALE: 1 /4" = 1 '-0" PROSPER, TEXAS 75078 (972) 347-9930 � info@texastufflandscape.com � � � Genera I Notes and S ecifications � ° - S-4C- �L4�-S P-R P_AA 1�2 ❑�C. 1/2DISTANCIA � E S P A C I O E N T R E P L A N T A S SPACING DEL CENTRO ._ � SEGUN PLANO - � ` " EX�A�ATE "°�E 'z` BEY°ND 1. The landscape contractor is responsible for providing all materials labor and ` ❑urER Row ❑F P�ANr MarERZA� i � - � �` � e R°°T SYSTE"' sEE PLANS FOR SPACING � O � equipment to complete all landscaping work in strict accordance with the planting plan, _ _ � � „ '.� �'' EXCAVAR72"FUERADELALINEA VERPLANOSPARAESPACIO j �d r plant list and all items described in these specifications unless otherwise noted. � ` ,. r DE LA BOLA DE RAIZ DEL ENTRE PLANTAS � U} ~� � � e /�'. ��� MATERIALAPLANTAR � ¢� z This includes but is not limited to fertilizer mulch stakes ties guy wires cables and all � � sEr roP ❑F Roor aA�� i�� ABovE ' � .�— � � � a-- MZN, 1' C�MPOST ❑R MULCH � � EQUAVicua� � �w_ � � � � � � FZN�sH �RA�E • ..;v .� � -� - z DEPTH oF M���H CN❑ WEED CL❑TH) ¢ � � g other necessary equipment to complete this work. L �- ''r� � c_i ❑.C, SPACIN c� c�¢ COLOCA LA BOLA DE RAIZ ' `:;;;�r 2"DE PAJA O PAJOTE(MULCH) 1"DE ABONO O PAJA(NO TELA W � TYP � ¢Q T E XA S T U F F 1"ARRIBADELNIVELFINAL � ��'� PARAHIERBAMALA) x � J d a 2, The landsca e contractor must su � p�� lants as s ecified in the sizes and uantities PREPARE P�ANTZN� BE� W�TH z oF A so�so a �,w p pp Y p p . q FINISH �RADE - M�xruRE ❑F ExPANDED sHA�E & c❑MP❑sr FINISHED LAWN W/ EDGING ¢ � � ��° listecl on the Ians. Z EQUIVALENTE O IGUAL p NIVEL FINAL /� /� PREPARAR CAMA PARA PLANTACION � PER DETAIL ❑R HARD � �+a DISTANCIADEL CENTRO �W �v�2 LA N D S CA P E //� //� RELLENARSEGUNESPECIFICACIONES SURFACE W/❑UT EDGING \ UH W w 12 ""\ \ �"/�"\\\�/� CESPEDTERMINADOCONBORDE J a X W J �. Substitutions to any of the work, materials, or equipment may not be made without MIN. ��^\v�� CONTAINER PLANT SEGUNDETALLESOSUPERFIGE ¢ �A N�W B & B PLANT ����V � �o permission of the Landscape Architect. F I N I S H E D G R A D E - 3" HARDW❑❑D MULCH L O N A Y B O L A D E R A I Z ` � � / �� /f P L A N T A D E L C O N T E N E D O R 1� DURA(BAN QUETA,MADERA,ETC.) p L7 NIVEL FINAL DESPUES DE s�PAJA O PAJOTE DELAPLANTA � ��, W � 4. Landscape contractor and�or irrigation contractor shall verify existing conditions �� V \v coMPAcr soi� aE�ow RooT �q�_s MIN.4' � A } } RASTRILLAR("REQUEAR') BACKFILL PER N❑TES �Y�� Y� r/^"Y���Y� ��Y tN 6° �tFrs, ustN� wArER a HAND J�, MIN. 4" TILLED DEPTH-ALL BEDS '� �.'�°�`� �::' WITH 2" ❑F A 50/50 MIXTURE Landsca e Architecture : h � RELLENARSEGUN rAMPiN�, \ �/ on site. Ally problems or discrepancies from the plans or specifications should be p R❑❑T BALL - PLANT 2" HIGHER THAN ��, ' ❑F EXPANDED SHALE & C�MP�ST INDICACIONES DEJAR6"DETIERRAPREPARADABAJOLA MINIMOREVOLVEROTRILLARTODASLAS FIRST R�W/PRIMERALINEA reported to the Landscape Architect. Contractor shall verify all underground utilities Irrigation Design FINISHED GRADE; REM❑VE BURLAP AND NOTE DIG ❑NE CONTINUOUS H�LE FOR EACH SHRUB MASSING BOLADERAIZ;COMPACTARLAUSANDO CAMASA4"DEPROFUNDIDADCONABONOO WIRE 1/3 THE DEPTH ❑F THE R❑❑T BALL EXISTING SUBGRADE TEsr EACH Ho�E FOR PERco�Ar�oN RArE BEFORE �NsrA��-�� qGUAVCOMPACTADORDEMANO ENMIENDASSEGUNESPECIFICACIONES � HARD SURFACE prior to beginning work. � � SUBSUELOEXISTENTEO BACKFi�� � P�ANT MArERiA�, NoriFr ❑wNER ❑F REsu�rs ❑R LAWN PCO�@Ct Mal�ag@I�el�t BOLA DE LA RAIZ-DEBE QUEDAR 2" BEFORE coNrtNutN� woRK. EXISTING S�IL MASALTAQUESELNIVELFINAL, NATURAL SUPERFICIEDURAOCESPED 5. Landscape contractor shall comply with all applicable federal.state.COUnty, and local 2 X DIAMETER ❑F R❑❑TBAL NOTA:HAGAUNPOZPCONTINUOPARACADAARBUSTOOPLANTA. SUELOOTIERRAEXISTENTE Horticulture Consultations REMUEVALALONA1/3 2VECESELDIAMETRODELA COMPRUEBEELRANGODETRANSMINACIONANTESDERELLENARY regulations governing landscape materials and work. BOLA DE RAIZ PLANTAR EL MATERIAL. NOTIFIQUEAL PROPEIRTARIO DE LOS T Y P I C A L G R❑U N D C❑V E R P L A N T I N G ������A����•�� � ;��������:������� RESULTADOSANTESDESEGUIRTRABAJANDO. \TRIANGULAR SPACING) � ���� ����� 6. Plant material shall conform to local nurser and industry standards. All lant material �"': ':'. . B&B ❑R C❑NTAINER TRANSPLANTED TREE/ BOLADERAIZCONARPILLERAOLONAOENSUCONTENEDOR � WIII hqV@ gOOCI Stl'UCtUY@ qIICI Shqp@ Wh211 plqnted and be free from pests opdamage. S H R U B B E D P R E P A R A T I❑N & S H R U B P L A N T I N G/ TIP/CA PLANTACEAN DE CUBIERTA DE TERRENO!� .� � . . " .. � All trees wi ll have a strong, well developed, uncut central leader. Any branches broken T R E E P L A N T I N G D E T A I L PREPARAC/ON PARA CAMA DE PLANTAS Y PLANTAC/ON i n h a n d l i n g a n d p l a n t i n g w i l l b e r e m o v e d u s i n g p r o p e r p r u n i n g t e c h n i q u e s. PO BOX 712 1 A R B O L T R A N S P L A N T A D O 2 D E A R B U S T O S O P L A N T A S s (ESPAC/AMINETO TRIANGULAR) P r o s p e r, T e x a s 7 5 0 7 8 L1,1 N❑ SCALE/NOESCALA L1,1 N❑ SCALE/SIN ESCALA L1,1 N❑ SCALE/SIN ESCALA 7. Landscape contractor will restore disturbed finish grades and turf areas to original condition. Existing vegetation adjacent to work areas shall be protected during the entire construction process. 972_347-9930 8. Landsape contractor will confirm operation and coverage of new irrigation system in all planting areas. Warranty 9. Landscape contractor assumes all liability and replacement requirements of materials that are damaged, stolen, or misplaced on the job site prior to acceptance of work. 10. All plants will be warranted for a period of one�l ) year from the date of final accepatance. Owner will be responsible for proper maintenance o plants after final acceptance: During warranty period, dead and unsightly plant material will be removed immediately. Only one replacement per plant will be done. If the time of year or weather is not conducive to .� �t planting, the plant will be replaced when conditions are suitable. Warranty excludes �� - J ��� ������ dama es caused b vandalism freeze drou ht, insect infestation, or other acts of God. �-� ��� '� `��1���� _ • Special equipment required for replacementgp lants due to access problems are not to be included k , ,��. � r ����j��1��� 1 ��t� r, r in the basic project costs. This is a negotiated item at the time of replacement only. � � ' ��� r���=' `:•-' - ��`�,�'r�_ �' ,�� ;.� � � Soil Preparation � ' �+ • `.�� � ' � � 1 1. Tree pits should be backfilled with 75% existing soil and 25% soil amendments. ��*��� � �*4;,�';.� � �'Y- 1 �� '�� '•fr r � Soil amendments will be 50% organic compost and-50% expanded shale. � �.� ` �� , } � '� ` ' �+:�r �' . ��ti!�- , •_' , � -: h � •, � ,. 1 2. All planting areas will be raked to final grade and lightly compacted by watering. . � { � � �. k _�� Lawn areas should be raked again and rolled before installing seed�sod. ' �'� � � i ����� . `• �` . `�. Y - - �� 1'���: � 1 +���� � ����'• ► �'. 43 r '• � 1 3. Landsca pe contractor shall insure that the pro per draina ge exists in all plantin g areas. . '_ -�._� . - � '; �'�` -�,� '`„ ; r ��'. � . �: .. . - •, � �. � • t ; +� � � .�� .- . Plantings - � ` � � . ��' *�'� ' �; ; �,- 14. Where possible on site, tree pits will be dug a minimum of 12" wider but no deeper than the � ' � ` : �� - - f - ��-t` � � � � �1�= ' ��. � root ball of the tree to be planted per detail. Install tree ring and mulch with 3�� of hardwood �� _ �k � i i���4 �`�� �� .`:ti bark mulch in lawn areas. Mulch will be kept 3° away from the tree trunk. �� : - � ': c . �. � �. 1�',� '�, �;j' � � .� 4 15. Loosen and fine rake areas to break up lumps and produce a smooth, even gradient - ; -, ���� L�, , i �►,�j_ �4 -ti. , free of unsightly variations, ridges, or depressions. Ponding of water in finished areas will � '� ,*`_t �• �•,' �=�u���►•, ' � .�..t�*��1 F not be permitted. Remove from site all stones, rock, and debris one (1) inch or larger. � � � . .�. .�� 4 1 , { � � , � � Final grading is subject to critical owner review only after repeated watering or rains to insure :* � �' ��+4',� ���.•`_-ti�i.��. ''`��= settlement has not adversely affected drainage patterns. � ����P-�� BIO�C-51 "••.� �, �-''t } _���,1 ,`4 �# . �� � 16. Shrub plantings will be installed as shown on the planting lan and detail. Verify planting areas RusticCylinderPlanter-Set}3 Bioka�a�]V,Iatet��g-Set11 '' . k , �+ .•.+►• • �• have been provided as indicated on the plan. Remove all sur�ace rock or debris deposited by � Rustic�facic Clay �,���g�a������ *'� ' �• '. '�,. r� ��� \ � previous work operations or excavations performed to create bed. Beds will be mulched with � ����� 1��ti1��� � 3 of decomposed granite. � 2�"x]7"1 lfr`x i 3�!7�"x��" 27.�"x44" � J ����'�����°� �a�r������ _ � ��� �;�,� � � 17. All plant material will be deep watered upon planting and soil tamped around root ball �� ���y to remove any air pockets. - - - - -- . . . ----� - - � � - - --� -- - -- � --- -- --- � -� V J ---- --------- — - --- _- -.� : • < .• .,, ,. , . _ .,_ 1 _ - -------� � -. . � : . � . .. - �: - - =. . .: �.v - awn ns a a ion - �;•� - � - � �- - - - - � _- _ -- � _ _ � �� . w s . � � - - -- —------- --- --� - - areas not s o n to ave s ru p antings wi ave tur type ermu agras so insta e - ---�- - -� -- -------- -- - --�� --- �� � - -- Soil will be tilled to 4 deep, raked level, have any rocks, sticks, or debris over 1 diameter removed, and rolled lightly. Sod will be rolled in two directions after installation and deep watered. Edging installation � NEENAH �❑UNDRY GREENWICH C❑LLECTI❑N TREE GRATE 19. Steel edging will be 1/8" x 4" steel, black in color with 12" stakes manufactured 4 CERAMIC P❑T SPECIFICATI❑NS 5 R8754 - 60" X 60" by Ryereson or approved equal. L1.1 N❑ SCALE/NO ESCALA L1,1 N❑ SCALE/SIN ESCALA " 20. All edg ing specified will be set 3�4 above finished grade as shown on plan. Turf lines against n \ edging wifl be true and even creating an even exposure of edge to the main viewing sites. W rn � � � � � Clean-up V J I rri at�on Notes and S ec�f�cat�ons 21 . Remove all debris generated by work operations from the site daily. � � g p 22. All paved areas will be cleaned daily by washing and sweeping. Remove tire markings � • Contractor shall ro�ide an irri ation lan showin locations, e ui ment, and i in with sizes and oil drips from all surfaces. P 9 P 9 q P P�P� 9 � and hydraulic calculations. The maximum flow velocity for all pipe in the system is 5 23. All planting areas will be in a raked level condition, free of debris and paved surfaces will be n \ f22�/S2COnd. in a broom clean condition ready for final acceptance by owner. O W • Com ply with all requirements of utility supplying water for backflow prevention and Maintenance �� � backsiphonage. 24. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy, neat, and orderly state following installation. Any , ^ • C011l ply Wlth all I"2qu11'21712C1tS Of th2 Stat2 Of T2XaS f01" II'I'IgatlOCl SySt2tl1S. plantings located outside of irrigated areas shall be watered regularly by hand or water truck. ( / � `.� • Verify the static pressure of the supply piping is the same as the design pressure listed on the Irrigation � drawing. 25. All planting areas shall be irrigated with an underground sprinkler system designed and installed � • Provide installation of the approved irrigation plan per the following guidelines: per srare and local codes. � � Install pipe in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. � o All 3-inch and 4-inch pipe shall be trenched into place. Circuit piping and 2-inch and � smaller pressure piping may be installed by trenching or using a vibratory plow. � o Thrust blocks and gasketed fittings are required for all piping 3 inch and larger. �� o Copper Tube: Type L water tube, annealed and drawn tempers, with plain ends. o Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Plastic Pipe will be Schedule 40 or SDR21 , Class 200. � (� o Flexible Polyethylene (PE) Pipe may only be used for pipe sizes 1 '/4" and smaller. O n l � Provide 18 inches cover over top of buried pressure piping; 12 inches cover over `V circuit piping; and 24 inches cover over slee�es. �-y-� � � Install any piping under sidewalks and paving in sleeves. I I I o Flush dirt and debris from piping before installing sprinklers and other devices. o Install other equipment per included details. o All equipment shall match existing unless otherwise approved by Owner. All wire shall be Type UF, No. 14 AWG minimum, solid copper conductor, insulated ������F�r��� o � cable. -�� � PROJECT: Detail Sheet � All wire splices shall be in water tight direct bury spice kits, located in a round 10" ���'8i�,�°� valve box. ��������� DESIGNER: bah The top six (6) inches of trench backfill shall be topsoil with all rocks, sod, and sticks �'�r�'�.-�-.�� � � ���N � removed. Dress all areas to surrounding finish grades. ��" DATE: 12/10/2020 � Remove waste material, resulting from Contractor's operations and activities, daily �2� from site. SCALE: • Protect the public, visitors, workers, adjacent properties, surFaces, and surrounding areas to � REVISIONS: preclude harm during work of this project. • Protect unfinished work when stopping for the day. �aN�scaPE aRCHiTECT: • Perform operational testing after installation is completed, backfill is in place, and sprinklers BERIT HUTSON, RLA are adjusted to final position. TExas TUFF �aN�scaPE PO BOX 71 2 PROSPER, TEXAS 75078 (972) 347-9930 � info@texastufflandscape.com Luminaire Schedule Symbol Label Qty Arrangement Manufacturer & Part Number LLF Lum. Lumens Lum. Watts Total Watts Filename � S 40 SINGLE ATL-II-BR-H3-40LED-40-DSCG 0.900 3541 40.2 1608 ATL-II-BR-H3-40LED-40-DSCG.IES � Calculation Summary Label CalcType Units PtSpcLr PtSpcTb Avg Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min Description Ground Side 1 Illuminance Fc 5 5 3.16 13.1 0.0 N.A. N.A. Readings taken at 0'-0" AFG Ground Side 2 Illuminance Fc 5 5 3.75 16.3 0.0 N.A. N.A. Readings taken at 0'-0" AFG -- � - -:: ---�_- =_-- ----- -- _ , � . . � � � � ■[� . .� ■� }e a������������1��������`��- . ���� ���� ��-- ,.: ar.rsra. rmzrr, �Ifi�7�i?'� si���?�': __ erdrars� eava,�s4,�'"�'��G�t��k`��'� ��.�z � ._... ._. 1 . - - t-�-.�. i ���_�'I� .-- ��'� i.� E•r .. . ' -^Y�I }''slr.- �`il���h�j' . - �9 . �:�,."- . . _��sii;e:.'. 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II .�'�- " 1 9SYL,a V3 � I 1 � � y eF]f.f��^'�I-'fl Y ���i 1 V � i � �� ' . 1. ��.■IRl . ������ ��l 1-.Y� ... �i � � �p� �4F�■� ......_ F'� I�� �----------- -- - ��'iil�ll� ,-� ------_ + � Scale: 1 inch= 16 Ft. North NOTES: 1) Fixture Mounting Heights (MH) are indicated next to each fixture. Project Name: Entrada Block C Project# : 2) All fixtures labeled with "_alt�� indicates an alternative fixture different from THE ENGINEER AND/OR ARCHITECT MUST DETERMINE APPLICABILITY OF THE LAYOUT what was listed in the fixture schedule received was used in this calculation Client: Bush Architects Date:11/25/2020 TO EXISTING/FUTURE FIELD CONDITIONS. THIS LIGHTING LAYOUT REPRESENTS ILLUMINATION 3) Interior reflectances 80/50/20; exterior reflectances 20% UON. Drawn By: JLednicky, LC Version: LEVELS CALCULATED FROM LABORATORY DATATAKEN UNDER CONTROLLED CONDITIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY APPROVED METHODS. ACTUAL 4) Quantity (QTY) indicated on HLPS Luminaire Schedule is for what is included in PERFORMANCE OF ANY MANUFACTURER'S LUMINAIRE MAY VARY DUE TO VARIATION IN ELECTRICAL this calculation study only- Not final counts. � VOLTAGE,TOLERANCE IN LAMPS,AND OTHER VARIABLE FIELD CONDITIONS.THESE LIGHTING 5) Contractor to verify exact fixture quantities and fixture run lengths before ordering. �� �� � �� CALCULATIONS ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR INDEPENDENT ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF LIGHTING SYSTEM SUITABILITY AND SAFETY. THE ENGINEER AND/OR ARCHITECT IS RESPONSIBLE TO REVIEW � � FOR COMPLIANCE OF ALL APPLICABLE ENERGY CODES AND LIGHTING QUALITY STANDARDS. LIGHTING AN � P�WER SOLUTIONS TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 777 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PD) SITE PLAN FOR A PORTION OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 1, PLANNING AREA 2 (PD1-2), ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE 703 FOR THE PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HWY 114, EAST OF DAVIS BOULEVARD, AND NORTH OF SOLANA BOULEVARD, COMMONLY KNOWN AS WESTLAKE ENTRADA. PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake, Texas is a general law municipality; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake finds it necessary for the public health, safety and welfare that development occur in a controlled and orderly manner; and WHEREAS, there is located within the corporate limits of the Town of Westlake an approximately 85.9-acre tract of land known as Planning Area 1-2 (PD 1-2),bounded by Solana Boulevard to the south, FM 1938 "Davis Blvd."to the west, and State Highway114 to the north, (Exhibit A), on which a mixed use development is underway; and WHEREAS, because of the size, location, and natural features of Planning Area 1-2 and the Town's need for public infrastructure, amenities, and services, the Town has a critical interest in the development of Planning Area 1-2 and is encouraging such development to the highest possible standards of quality consistent with the Town's long-term development vision; and WHEREAS, because of improvements to FM 1938 (Davis Blvd.), further urban growth throughout the region, and other changed conditions that affect the region, the Town believes there are unique and significant opportunities for new and unique mixed-use development within Planning Area 1-2 that will be consistent with the Town's long-term development vision; and WHEREAS, the Planning& Zoning Commission held a public hearing upon the application of developer Centurion American to amend the Comprehensive Plan to establish PD 1-2 and approve zoning for PD 1-2 on April 15, 2013, as well as the Town Council held a public hearing on this same application on April 22, 2013 after written notice of such hearing having been sent to owners of real property being within 200 feet of the property and notice being published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town and posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, all in accordance with law; and subsequently adopted Ordinance 703 establishing zoning regulations for PD1-2, now commonly known as Westlake Entrada; and Ordinance 777 Page 1 of 8 WHEREAS, following provision of proper legal notice, including written notice to owners within 200 feet of the subject property, published notice and posted notice in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act of public hearing, a public hearing was held on March 21, 2016, by the Planning and Zoning Commission (Commission) whereby the Commission recommended to the Town Council approval of the PD Site Plan depicted in attached Exhibit B subject to certain specific conditions; and WFIEREAS, following provision of proper legal notice, including written notice to owners within 200 feet of the subject property, published notice and posted notice in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act of public hearing, a public hearing was held on March 28, 2016,by the Town Council; and VVHEREAS, the Council believes that the interests of the Town, the present and future residents and citizens of the Town, and developers of land within the Town, are best served by adopting this Ordinance, which the Council has determined to be consistent with the 2015 Comprehensive Plan and its Land Use Map, Tharoughfare Plan, and Open Space Plan, all as amended to date; and WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and after a public hearing, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, is of the opinion that it is in the best interests of the Town and its citizens that this PD Site Plan, depicted in Exhibit B, should be approved and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1:That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas does hereby approve the PD Site Plan shown as attached Exhibit B and located in PD 1-2 which is an approximately 85-acre tract located south of Hwy 114, east of Davis Boulevard, and north of Solana Boulevard, as reflected in Exhibit A, also attached hereto. The PD Site Plan shown on attached Exhibit B is approved subject to the following conditions: a) Fulfillment of all zoning requirements for this PD1-2 district set out in Ordinance 703 in addition to the conditions accepted by the Town Council at the time of zoning approval (Apri122, 2013). b) All the Development Plan conditions far approval established in Ordinance 720 (adopted October 28,2013) apply to this PD Site Plan. c) All building elevations shown on this PD Site Plan include the requirement that structures meet all aspects of the Entrada Design Guidelines established in Ordinance 703 and Ordinance 760. Ordinance 777 Page 2 of 8 d) Town Staff will review and approve a materials sample palette that shall be presented at the time for building plans review for a building permit and said materials must comport to elevations as presented to the Staff and the Town Council. e) Landscaping and planters used around the CVS building per drawings submitted by the Developer's master architect, Merriman and Associates, shall be of substantial size, as shown on said drawings, including six (6) inch caliper Italian Cypress in the planters. fl Solid waste collection area(s) will reflect a"shepherd's hut"type architecture and will be approved by Staff at the time of building permit application. g) The following statements shall be added to the PD Site Plan to clarify the scope of Site Plan approval: 1. PD Site Plans are recommended for approval based on a determination that the plans reflect general compliance with the approved PD Concept Plan, PD Development Plan, Master Landscape Plan, Design Guidelines, and other PD ordinance regulations. The individual building elevations are approved conceptually, subject to compliance with PD Design Guidelines to be shown in detail on construction plans that are to be submitted when applying for a building permit. 2. Construction Drawings submitted along with an application for a Building Permit will be reviewed for detailed compliance with Design Guidelines and compliance with the approved PD Site Plan as well as other PD ordinance regulations, the Code of Ordinances, the UDC, and the International Code Council (ICC) construction codes. 3. The individual lots shown on this PD Site Plan are approved conceptually, and must be reflected on an approved amended Final Plat prior to the issuance of any building permits for vertical construction. h) A Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued for any building shown on this PD Site Plan prior to the availability of adequate parking(surface, structured parking, shared parking agreements, or some combination thereo fl. SECTION 3: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, that sections,paragraphs, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared legally invalid or unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such legal invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences,paragraphs or sections of this Ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Westlake without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such legally invalid or unconstitutional,phrase, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 4: That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Town Ordinances and all other provisions of other Ordinances adopted by the Town which are inconsistent with the terms or provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordinance 777 Page 3 of 8 SECTION 5: Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor offense and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each separate offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day, or part of a day, during which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 28th DAY OF MARCH 2O16. � ��j'-�'1�.���.�— ATTEST: Laura eat, Mayor � � fi� t3.",�t7'"'��,�'w���� ` *��-y^� ���/ Ke11y�Edwa� own Secretary Thomas E. Brym-c�f, Tc��n Manager � APPROV S T� RM: �.S1N�F••WFs�, .�' � •� f��� ':�v� � , "��{ , . m „ ,7°' � �. ���•� � nton L � , T n Attorney '� �`� `�..�� . T�k,Ag '. Ordinance 777 Page 4 of 8 EXHIBITS EXHISIT A Legai Description af PD l-2 District EXHIBIT B Entrada Amphitheater PD Site Plan �rdinancc 777 Pabe 5 nFti Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Le�al Description of PD1-2 District 85.9 Acres BEING a tract of land situated in the C.M. Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1510, the W. Medlin Survey, Abstract No. 1958, the William Pea Survey, Abstract No. 1246 and the Joseph Henry Survey, Abstract No. 742, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of Tract 2 as described in the Special Warranty Deed to MAGUIRE PARTNERS — SOLANA LAND, L.P. as recorded in Volume 16858, Page 176 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap at the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Westlalce/Southlake Park Addition No. 1, an addition to the Town of Westlake, Texas as recorded in Volume 388-214, Page 78 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, being on the northeasterly right-of-way line of Kirkwood Boulevard, a variable width right-of-way as dedicated by said Westlake/Southlake Park Addition No. 1 and being the beginning of a non- tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 9 degrees 13 minutes 11 seconds, a radius of 1428.00 feet and being subtended by a chord which bears North 47 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 229.54 feet; THENCE along the northeasterly right-of-way line of Kirkwood Boulevard, a variable with right-of-way, as described in Dedication Deed to the Town of Westlake as recorded under instrument No. D208427746, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas the following: Along said curve to the left an arc distance of 229.79 feet to a '/z inch rod found with Graham cap at the end of said curve; North 52 degrees 30 minutes 14 seconds west a distance of 32.60 feet to '/z inch iron rod found with Graham cup beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 18 degrees 54 minutes 48 seconds, a radius of 612.00 feet and being subtended by a chord which bears North 43 degrees 02 minutes 03 seconds West a distance of 201.11 feet; Along said curve to the right an arc distance of 202.02 feet to a '/Z inch iron rod found with Graham cap at the beginning of a compound curve to the right having a central angle of 24 degrees 06 minutes 47 seconds, a radius of 812.00 feet and being subtended by a chord which bears North 21 degrees 32 minutes 03 seconds West a distance of 339.22 feet; Along said curve to the right an arc distance of 341.73 feet to a %z inch iron rod found with Graham cap at the end of a said curve; North 09 degrees 28 minutes 39 seconds West a distance of 132.24 feet to a �/z inch iron rod found with Graham cap at the beginning of a curve to the left having a centra] angle of 45 degrees 43 minutes 19 seconds, a radius of 708.00 feet and being subtended by a chord which Ordinance 777 Page 6 of 8 bears North 32 degrees 20 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 550.1 1 feet; Along said curve to the left an arc distance of 564.98 feet t❑ a '/z inch iron rod found with Graham cap at thc cnd of said �ur�e; North 55 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of 19�.50 feet to a '/z inch iron rod fou�ld with Graham cap; Narth 0� degrees Sfi minutes 27 seconds West a distance off 21.41 feet ta a '/z inch iron rod found with Graham cap an the easterly right-of-way line of Precin�t Line Road, a �ariable width right-of-way, as described in Dedication Deed to Town of Westlake as re�arded u�lder Instrumcnt No. D20842774�, Dccd Rccords of Tarrant County, Tcxas and bcing thc bcginning of a non-tangent cur�e to the left ha�ing a centi-al angle of]6 degrees 09 minutes 21 seconds, a radius of 1,432.50 feet and being subtended by a chard which bears North 27 degrees �7 minutes 42 seconds East a distance of 4Q2.59 feet; THENCE along the easterly right-of-way line of Precinct Line Road, the following; Along said curve to the left an arc distance af 4fl3.92 feet t❑ a '/z inch iron rod found with Graham cap at thc cnd of said �ur�e; North 18 degrees 47 miriutes 24 seconds East a distance of 185.36 feet to a '/� inch iron rod found with Graham cap; Narth 17 degrees fl3 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 322.64 feet to a '/z inch iron rod found on the sautherIy right-af-way line of State Hig�way 114 (a�ariable width ROW}; THENCE along thc southcrly right-of-way linc of State Highway ] l4, thc fa]]owing; North 60 degrees flfi minutes 2fi se�onds East a distan�e of 44.54 feet to a Texas Department of Transportation brass disk in concrete found; South 71 dcgrccs fl3 minutes 32 scconds East a distance af 254.55 fcct to a pnint far carncr from which a Texas Department of Transportation brass disk in concrete found bears North 10 degrees 48 minutes 28 secands West a distance of 0.43 feet; South 77 dcgrccs 2�� minutes OG seconds East a distancc af 74b.74 fcct to a Tcxas Dcpartmcnt of Transportation brass disk in concrete found; South 71 degrees fl3 minutes 3l seconds East a distance of 1443.85 feet t❑ a Texas Department of Transpartation brass disk in concrctc found; South G2 degrees 34 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 404.34 feet to a Texas Department of Transportation brass disk in co�lcrete found at the beginning of a cur�e t❑ the right]la�ing a centra] anglc of�$ dcgrccs 19 minutcs fl9 sccands, a radius of 2,709.79 fcet and hcing suhtcndcd by a chord which bears South 58 degrees �4 minutes 45 seconds East a distance of 3�3.1 1 feet; �rdinancc 777 Pabe 7 nFti Along said cur�e to the right an arc distance of 3�3.45 feet to a Texas Department of Transportation brass disk iti cancrete faund; South S4 dcgrccs 1 S minutes ] i seconds East a distance af 399.24 fcct to a Tcxas Dcpartmcnt of Transportation brass disk in concrete found; South G4 degrees 19 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 5b.55 feet t❑ a 518 in�h iran rod found with "Huitt-Zollars" cap at thc hcginning of a non-tangcnt cur�c to the right ha�ing a ccntral angle of fl2 degrees 13 minutes S�i seconds, a radius of Z,754.79 feet and being subtended hy a cliord w�iich bears South 43 degrees 17 minutes 37 secands East a distarice of 147.32 f'eet; Along said curvc to the right n arc distancc of 107.33 fcct ta a '/z in�h rod found with "Huitt- Zol[ars" cap for the northeast�orner of Lot 1, Block 1, of the aforementioned WestlakelSout�ilake Park Addition No. 1; THENCE departi�lg the southerly right-af-way line af State Highway 114, North 9� degrees �Q minutcs �0 scconds west alang thc north ]inc of said Lat ], glock ], a distancc of 2,132.54 fcct to a 518 inch iron i-od with "Carter-Burgess" �ap faund for the northwest cornei-of said Lot 2, Slock 1, Westla�CelSauthlake Park Addition Na. 1; THENCE South 52 dcgrccs fld minutes 4fl seconds Wcst along thc narthwcstcrly linc said Lot 2, B[o�k l, a distan�e of 1000.Ofl feet to a 51� inch iron rod with "Carter& Burgess"cap found at an angle poirit in the west line of Lat 2, Bla�k 1; THENCE along the wcst line af said Lot 2, Bla�k l, South �0 dcgrees 0� minutcs 0� seconds East a distance of 168.55 feet to the PQINT QF BEGINNING and containing 85.90 acres of land, more or less. �rdinancc 777 Pabe 8 nFti � � �] 0 I � 00 a � 0 �i�`,;� _ -�, � � —1� i�����'+ ��:���� �—�' yti�. .,t�`'' � �11s1y��� ;+?'1+1%''r+';�,li�;����,iti���i �1 � � ������, U +,;� � / '�`�•�;:k. w ;;1,;,..,1 1�, ,, , -,,,,,,,. ,;;';'�„++;+,;!;+ Ilti�����, ;�;!i1�11 � - :�,�:: � , �: ���,� i, �,., �`' ��::,:�.. ��i+�+'i:i+!'++ ��� l�J��''��� "� � G�ji�Y+�+,':++ '' ll�����1:�' � �\�',;��`:';. ���� '���1 ����...... . O � � i i 1�� �:::.��. �`�I ���1 _ � J� �`������� w C� m OC ;���;�� F-w- .�.:•.��� ��1 .:�;�•� ;l�... w i� �` ,:;j•...y;9.�i �,1 = � ��''%� � 11 �1S• '' � — 1 � � ¢ Q a ¢ � � z w w Y ¢ J H Lrl W � SHEET INDEX Na. 5heet Title �' C1 C�VER SHEET ' CZ KEY MAP C3 51TE PLAN A1—A4 ARCHITECTURAL PLANS L1 LANDSCAPE PLAN 8c DETAILS M A R C H ��� C7 �4 �ENERAL NOTES �� PAV�NG PLAN � �6 PR�PQSED DRAINAGE AREA MAP U � C7 GRADING PLAN � � CS WATER, ST�3RM, DUCTBANK & SEWER PLAN � � . N - - - Cg ER�SIQN C�NTR�L PLAN N TR�PHY CLUB Q o r� � DEVEL�PER: � �°4� �.w� � 6 ���¢ _ cr�'` � �� �eae JAMES � CENTlJRION AMERICAN �5,�, Cemetery �o�� "'�Av ��,y y � � E[;'�' t J Course ¢ o � 18�fl VALLEY VI E1N LAN E, SU I TE 3�❑ � 5�7N��apHY�� -� �pr�, SE�AINOLE p�, � � � FARMERS BRANCH, TEXAS 75234 `'�'F"' `� �"��e�,��Sry ;� o � � � 114 fi G�'` �pp� MEA�fl'N m¢ � � � _ �rG rN �� ��,y1�RSS�$-' � � � � � � � �r�m� v I Q Q� � � y � � WEST�AKE — � � ,r�„�Rx� _ Q `„ o � �� ° Iv1��RELAN'� �' ' � s [li in��e�.•.n, .. .. � .�.. .-.....r.,.:! .r 'N� o _ � � 6 � ���� 114 a I I a � � DEVEL�PER; s �OLqNq �'"� � .3 0 L � The Maareland Funds �tn`'`'r v Maareland ❑eveiopment °Q'� RaA° �, ��s� � 180� VALLEY VIEW LANE, SUITE 3�� � `��� � FARMERS BRANCH, TEXAS 75234 �°°a N MERRIMAM ASSOCIATES/ARCHITECTS, INC. Brnwn 8� �ay Engineers, Inc. � TEL: 214.287.9��9 �'�t� � 300 N. FIELD STREET 2595 Dallas Pari�way, 5�ite 204 � CDNTACT: MIKE BEATY � VIClNITY MAP DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 Frisco, T}C 75034 a � TEL: 214.347.7059 [NOT TQ SCALE} T�I: 972-454-48�p � www.browngay.cam � CON TACT: JL1LI AN N A TU RN ER TBPE Registration No. F-1 a46 i .�'� r •�' `r � �..,,�r ��-+�� . }! � , ,, � Capyright 2016 � � � � �� �,• ' . �n � � � . � � � � ' { o � -: Y - � 1 c , � � � � .���-_ , . � _ � „� � THESE PLANS ARE ISSUEa FQR N � �' - .�,c � THE PURP�SE OF PRELEMINARY � 'k � ,1� �D �� - _ � � � � � � REVIEW ANQ ARE NOT INTENdEd A � • + ' x' . ,4 -_ � FOR CONSTRUCTI�N. a 'k. � �; � + WHEN 155UED IN " "�'�"'�•�'`�' ' � 1 � FINAL FDRM THEY WILL 8E o r '� �.r, SEALEd, SIGNE� AIJ❑ ❑ATEa. Y � � � zo �� T�WN OF WESTLAKE �� �� �� _ �:,,�� RESPOf�SkBLE ENGIAfEER: �� � ~ ,y ' J �1��� S� TE O 5 REG STERE��ENGINEER NG T�WN 4F VIIESTLAKE W� 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE , _ -_ _ _ . w � SU I TE 20� - � 1 �-_ - �— _ -- -- _— - ��� WILLIAMRR. JAN EY, P.E. L7� VIIESTLAK E TEXAS 7�zC 2 � ` - -- -���__--�`� y�-- - � ��- - -- � TExAS REGI5TF2ATION N0. 108563 z _ � � --_�—=_-- � _�--_- - ___ _ _ -- �� TEI_: 817-430—d941 y _ -� ����-" _ � �r _- March 9, 2o�s APR�VED - Q¢ } - _ - �, C7J _ � _ ' _ �� � _ , _ _� �ti U �� � � - - ` � �j�� DATE �� - . — �iirT� m C1 �rdinance 777 TRQPHY CLUB � q �� � I J �c�,��¢ G�,��'� � ��¢ti' I_� �h'�- � � �HDB JAAAES y�ti.� Medlin �A�qp � � � ���a, Cemetery Galf y Y � �r�F S�� �4il� Caurse � J � 5v� �OPµY y �A�f�,� SEMI�IOLE -.� � � ���F P T"P�AC� ��'c'h AIEAOQ'K ma m N c 114 G°" °�. Y W�, � �, �G v' �� �K�RN�55 a 't I W ` � � 4qr � � I Q � � s J 6rawn & Gay Engineers, In�. 1NE5TLAKE — � F ,�,��,�� � 2595 Dallas Parkway, 5uite 2Q4 �� � Frisco, T� 75034 -� D N ' TeI: 972-464-48D0 • www.hrowngay.com ; T6PE Registratian Na. F-1�4� "'"�' Cantact: Wi�l Janney �`�� j Tel: 972-464-483� g � 114 Copyright 2�15 N �L� ¢ sQLA7VA a c�r ��o ❑ovE �aAo �3�'s� � - �.� = G���` U °�a N �� �'�._ Vf �� — _ _ � ��SV`� Q 1 � - . --.. �r�rE��Y VIC�NITY MAP - . _- __ - - � �' - - _ (NQT TO SCALE} ����L���R �_ ' yy - - --- ENT RI N MERI AN I �_ ----- --- ----- C lJ Q A C � _ - -- �- , — — —— _ ~�— �-------------- ------ 18�D Valley View Lane, 5uife 3D� i � _ � --- -- ._ -� --------_:----___- -- � � , � _ __ --------------- -:�'_}---__-` - ------------ -- Farmers Branch, T}C 75234 � ❑ -�- !•�=--------- _ --_ - � _ ----- ------- -- ----- 0 — `�_ _ - --- �' ; - - - ��' � '� ; �� A�D�RR,q �r_-"-��-____�_ -:--" -�--�_____ - -------- ----- ----- Contact: Michae! geaty j i�� �� I �� - __-_- -�_--�_�___----_�------------------ --- Tel: 2�4-287-9Qa9 ., � , � A � � o� - -���;� _- � __ _ _ � e � �- _- I - - M��RELAI�a �1 � r P } � R , _ _ - - - --- _ _ sTATF . , . . . . . 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I , , '� ,j ' , � `�,. 1 � � �. I � �` REVIEW AND ARE NOT 11VTENDED , ' ;i.�.. . r� ,• j 1 � ' p� .:� F � '---- � � FOR �4NSTRLICTI�N. � ' � ' WHEN 15511�� IN , o ,.: � '� � �`' a .'v;. �.• � � _-,` �lNAL �DRM 7HEY WfL� 8E a �1 1 - ��� , . _ � 1 ' `� 1 P 'L� N '� E �' ;� � S£A�Ea, 51GNEd ANa �ATED. � �',i� 1 � 1�,, ' � -_� � __ �J . . � — — .� � - _ ¢ ,�y�: � . ,, ,t ,::; �, � I� ,.:�:;,�` �� -- - - - - � .._. - , -�.....,�;;';�:, -.,,l, -�-.:`�,a,r� 1 `� RESP�N5IBLE ENGINEER: ¢ ' •� 'j• �;�'.;'•�� •s -.� � � � �: � � BROWN AY ENGINEER IAlC. � � ��� _ . . \ .�' & G S, � �� � I '`• =-- I� �` ��1, TExAS REGISTERE❑ ENGINEERING Y , ,� ' � � `.�� --- — /,. -_ ,, ., ` 1 __ _ wt'�• ' � � ' � '•,��_ _'' ', � ;��� � ��~ ��. • � , �� \• FIRM F-1Q46 a � n ❑ -_ _ 4,� , �y,'�. WILLIAM R. JANNEY, P.E. � • . '� ; � C7 � II;� �`�•.^ _'-��,R ' ^�Foc,I �. `.... T�xAS REGIS�RATION N�. 3�8E63 o �i � ' l l � 1 � � C' :�I _ _--_ r_ o� . � � , - �,, F O � �;i I ' ' I' ��_ '�-•...�__- --� , � �` �, �`. l+AarCh 1C1, 2�18 � � � �� � ' � � � l ,�l - z �� '� i� ��� �r ----���1'�-_�_�__� `=-- - _ -�_ - . � ' -- r�n ` l 7� f� � _ _ �G�� r` � _,�� i:,�� i _ � 1 1 � l �ti � � - -__ � l��f+ � 1 Q � � �, { ''1 , . '�i J��'I '�_� I � f�`- � �(j�` ,� •'�1-' � � � , . . � �(arir�. Fti'-. . . r � � '•t '� m � I` �v-• ''y • � ' � �I � .��r �' __----- 1 - - .� � • • - .- '� ic�_ rr}Ciirt�: � . . 6 A � '�I ti`' ' f� / /I i . -- . . .. + � • . . . 4 . 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P g _ , � C3 42.D5 25.�TJ 95.25 i��3� �4� 5���W .3�.2� c�� -------- ------- ee o. z� P.R.T.C.T. �� C4 33.9G 8�.5a Z3.59 i�13' ]4' 58"W 33.72 �� DEVEL�PER �WNER S�RVEY�R�ENGINEER 51 TE PLAN � � �5 41.02 117.5� 2Q.Od N11' 27' 2�"W ��.81 �� 6rawn & Gay Engineers, Inc. �� �s zo.�t 117.50 �❑.00 �v2s• 2�' 2o"w 2�.�� �ENTURIaN AIVIERICAN IVIA�IIIRE PARTNERS - RfQUEREDPAR!{ING � � � 5�� West 7th 5t., Suite 'i$Q�, Fart WortF�, T1C T�'i Q2 B�bG Llse 5EA75 Parki n R� ui red ¢n „ 180�Val3ey Vi�w Lane, suite 3�o SQLANA LAND L.P. ` � g p �7 28.8� 82.5Q 2Q.D� iV21' 27' �U W 28.65 � Tel: 817-887-613a • www.hrawngay com c�� Framers Branch, Texas 75234 9 Viif�ge �ircie, Sui#e 5D� TBPE Registrativn N�. F-1Q4fi AMPHITHEATER Amphitheater 30fl� 100� �� C$ 74.31 64.00 66.53 N44' 43' 1 U"W 70.21 Contact: Michael Beaty R�anake, Texas 7�26� CopyrjghY zo�� Tatal Required: i�p �� o� Telsphone: �214}-287-9009 �� �nn a �s-dinan�e 777 ':� � �+. �1 �' �j.�1 , }��y � I ' • ✓"� 'ii � , ,r �,'�.���t'�,�� �7:'R � i � � . �+ _._;�;. .�f � �ti �� 'r��� '.� � :�i , � . 3 ��y � � . . . � . .. . . . � i� �.� m -c �o � �.,� �1:tf . �'r; .�. C� .�.: . + i � #.y 'yl-� +,��f�rx� �F f � Y '¢ .[ ' � . . . � � +� �-� � ' �, �.'t �Y�� rr.� �'►�`� r '� = Is;„ , f ,- ,E�:�y •�:. .?r:1 '�:� � :.�� , r. r�' +f f n _tt.;�7 � �`f �-�.-.:� �-.�,:� `.p .., ; ��� ��,. . . .... . � o � . 4 q�'�� � '��;��' y � � - �:,��`��s} � � I .!'�. � ����T��'�+1.��E��� �� '��`��`5 .�".'`.'��..�� � ' . .. ' '.V..'iy'�..5 �`f `t�'yy�+� +�Y 3`}} �I . . �. � z;�,,� _ Y y. 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NATURAL 5T01VE ARCH - H�AVY TIM$ER ANQ STO�VE i � C�LUMN �' ' i � � a , a � � i a . ; � � � � � ; ' - � � � �� �VEST ELEVATI�N SOIJTH ELEVATI�N SCALE : 118„ = 1,_Q" S�ALE : �18" � �'_0"' _ � ���4 .� . _ - .- 41. ��� � CLAY MI551DN TILE RDOF �`� �� TERRA CQTTA HEAQER CLAY MI551Q1V TILE RQOF PREFINISHED ALUM I W�dD HAND TRQWEL�Q STUCCO WIND�W HAND TRdW�LED STLJCCQ Wd�a SH[JTTER TERRA COTTA HEA�ER - PREFINISHED ALUNI I Wa�a Wf NaDW ,� ' ';��.':. ' ���.., ,k�, .��. .`'<�. .,� .� :,i=rf... HEAVYTIMBERAND STONE -ti-;x,��; ;:;. ��.`'��. �,r-,,�;�r'�`, :�y•, ���'�. �: .��, .i-k 4�`..:.� CQLUIVIN �� 'Y--�f.a�� ��.s� .x �. '.x�, .i�-;y�•y;,s�;�y�+K?f�`., ��3�f- .'��;�.?�.i. ;�,-f�-��-,;�'.�--�'7ir-�,.�j..�r a�,,���.• . PREF{NESHEQ ALIJ�VI�WflD �'� �r' s'.,� �;.-�.� �'� �, � �� �r.��.�.f;�'. . �,F 's WINfl�W ,�• �, �,��' .�.' J '.�. , '��I ��'. '��-. . .,r. L�y'yr 44:��� ,/ j��` �� "1' - � 7�.. �y ��,� 'r--;'�+�. .%..�. ��I�'�7'-��1� x-,,��.y�h��`''T'':. ..`�TJ7� �: r�::::?7":. t`".j.. . +-ti��';a..�.�,h-C-.S--,i.� . `��':-.. . :-.�::-.S=r*-'r.i�lr,'--• �,-y�-•1 z:-A'a�titi_r.-.Y.e��-+_y�T'�u�i-ti.r-<.:�<��.� '.�n:}:. :-r':�-a�r'����:-:���i�.>:�. / NAT�1�2A�STQNE ARC}i ' � i ' ' ��,��,�f 1 � � , . � � :.�� . �� �� _�� i � ' .-`� i i�� r — - -• •_ � ��.�1 i�.. � �f_:: �� rti — -- +�—. �.--:—� ` 1•'.�;. � i � M�AW�IMSER AND STdNE l +.1...�� Ir�r � i i I� + - r LJ 'LJ' ��i—:,..-,1��J, �J ��� � CD�LJMiV � � � ��. � �1 ] � � �f ��-� 0 � � L� � �l�'� ; . � i � � � A : i ` � E - - - - - _ � � � � � � , � � I� � I1 ! ' - - - ; �_�! �] � � _` - �J^� - - �� - - � � 1: 1] I ii I-� � i ❑ �l � n ❑ i . . i-, --;- i l . , .� '•� l+ -�. � �M �'� � . - �' `t • :—- '�•'' �� r`--� � � � � � � � 'r� �� , • '� _} - � ❑ � � ,. , �l �1 -' , r � ` , 2U95148 02.18.2U'!6 EAST ELEVATION NORTHEAST ELEVATI�N S�ALE : �18" � 1'-0" S�ALE : 118" � 1'-0" ENTRADA AMPHITHEATER � TI �KETIN � ELEVATI �NS ❑rdinan�e 777 �� CEh1TtJliION AME RICAN - CLAY M15SIflN TI�E ROOF CLAY MIS5IDN TILE RDOF � . � �iAiVD TRaWELE�STlJCCO --_ � =•r -- NATURAL STDNE TRIM HAND TR�WELED STIJCC� ---- '-- � /� iVATURP�ST�fVE VENEER ' .. i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �~ /: ,fy r!�}h'��ii--ir��y�i-}i�j}�!�-j�-tf�i--ii trfr;, :�jFjtt4�ti4>4=?r-�4-!4*'r?����i1�4i4�`:,,. . .. . ..;�� . . . ..�.� ... .... . . . . ... . , _ . . . , . , � � -_..__ / TE�2RA C�TTA HEA�ER � / P�2EFINISHE�ALIJM 1 WQflQ WkNDOW - - - - _ _ _ _ _ '� STdNE QUOIN _ �; NATUi�AL STDNE VENEER TERRA CdTTA HEAaER - PREFINISHEa ALIJM I W�QD WINDaW 1 � I � �IVEST ELEVATI�N EAST ELEVATI�N S�ALE : �18" - 1,_Q�� S�ALE : �18" = 1'_p'� STAGE R�OF BEYDN� NATURAL STQNE TRIM HAND TRdWfL�a STLJCCd TERRA C�TTA HEA�ER WDOD SNUTTER TERRA COTTA SILL NATURALSTQNEVENEER � NATURAL STDNE ARCH ' � � I , I � � a i � � , � , ' } a � ► a , i i � a ' � �. , a c � _ �r��f' . - . . . *�4 � . . , ._, -�- - , � ---- ,�, ,�' ,:�1�U�I -�; - -- - - - - - F ; - - - --- - � � � ---- --- - ----- --- - -- •. - - [ � '�� S�UTH ELEVATI�N SCALE : �18" _ �'-4" CLAY M15SION TI�E RflQF -� �1ANQ TR�WELEa S�lJCCO -- TERRA COTTA HEADER _ - - - - ST�NE QUOINS �` � _ _ �r. _ _ •� �^S's��,i' _ _ _ � _ _ _ _ _ _ � _ ��Y_�_ _ _ :i��_ _ _ _ ^*�' - \. W�DD 5H�1TT�R �- TEFiRA CdTTA SILL . _ � �� -- , µ�.�.-- - - _ NATURAL ST�iVE VENEER � �Y _ ;�: Y; , --��:-: . -,�,--. . -.�,,-: _,��- NATLJRAL ST�lVE ARCH - , �� I u - i�i ^^r. . ` _ i � 1 1� # i •...�... ���� -�. , � ; �`. .�► � - {.� _k�; • +, �.. ` ....� � .� ._..`,'ti � ,� l{ �� '�'�� �''� y . , �� +. + , � r� � - Y� y� ~ r�-c� �, �, r r +' i� '�� - iI -� + I i ; + �i 7 ��y 14 , - r ���� 20'15148 i 1 A j � � �� +, I �' �� 02.18.2Ui6 14 i � � � .� �: . � r� � � �. �' + i•. i7H� �1� 'fl�f r : I N�RTH ELEVATI�N SCALE : �18'" _ �'-�" ENTRADA AMPHITHEATER � STA� E ELEVATI �NS �rdinan�e 777 �� CEh1TS1lilOM1! AMERICAN CLAY MIS51dN TILE Rd�F - - CLAY MISSI�N TILE R�dF CAST ST�NE TRIM — NATURAL STdNE LINTEL � HAND TRdW�LEd STIJCCa �- PREFINISHED ALLJM I W�OD WIN[]dW / . � f— NATURAL STDNE VENEER �' NATURAL STONE ARCH � HAN�TR�WELEa STUCCD .� -' � " �f . f� NATURAL STdNE ARCH -- CA57 ST�NE TRIM �, �' , � �' NATURA�L STONE VENEER j' _ . ! � ,. � r ; . r: , . � .'� +' � I ] ,' � ' . [_ 'I � ; _ _ E ' ' - '_ _-'____ � � ` � EAST ELEVATI�N S�UTH ELEVATI�N SCALE : �18" _ �'-�" SCALE : �18" = 1�_U" ��� ; .� . _ - �- # }�''����. 7 , CLAY M15SI�N TILE R�dF NATl1RA�STO�IE VENEER - � } STDNE Q�1DIN ' '� - - ` r CLAY M15SI�N Tf LE R�dF CAST STdfVE TRf M ` �'�F`�.�� �� NATURAL ST�fVE VENEER HAN�TROWELED STUCCD NATURAL STONE LkNTEL P�2EFINISHE�ALUM 1 WO�Q WINDflW � PREFINISHEQ ALLJM I W�OD WINDOW HEAVY TIMBER AEVfl STONE C��IJMN , . � GAST ST�NE TRIM � �������� .,,1, i ;, .-�,, HANQ TROWELE�STlJCCO —� � ti � _ �. ` STONE QU�INS -` � � '` .1 — ' ' , _ _ 1 , ` - ....� _ � �y , „- ❑ . � �� �", �. `___1 _ - rr � :/r:� ,, - ,`.., n __ ��<<J �;�. , � � _ �_� , � - . _ �I I ���� y■ � L + � � � • ■' ��� •j"_ �� ..j�-- � � � � �`' � ► �,1 , . k�. � �. �� �� � ' '� � � F,, � _ � n -� � . -.�iC � � n _ , � 2U95148 02.18.2Ui6 1�1EST ELEVATI�N N�RTHEAST ELEVATI�N SCALE : �I$" _ �'-�" S�ALE : 118„ � 1'_�" ENTRADA AM PH ITH EATER � ��N �ES51 � NS ELEVAT1 �1�15 ❑rdinan�e 777 �� CEh1TtJliION AME RICAN architects G FlVERA L LA ND S�A PF N�TFS — ' — �� : � i � I � LANDSCAPE lUDTES: -� STATE 1. PR�PaSE� LANDSCAPING SHA�L 8� !�E CDf�FDRMANCE W1TH AL� L4CAL CQDES ANQ DRDlNANCES. HIGH�lVAY m e r r i m a n 2. �V�yl�5E7(fSTING ANQ Pfi�P�SED Si�E ELEMENTS F�R ��SCREPANCiES. Sl.lRUEY DATA aF E7(15TING �QNQITIONS WAS SUPPLiEa BY � _ � � 1 1� � S S � C I a t 2 S 3. L O�A T E E x I S T I N G U N D�R G R O L}N d U T I L I T I E S F O R C�N F L I G T S. E X��i C I S E C A I J T€O�E W H E N W d R K i N� I N T#i E V i C I N I T Y O F arshitecture•planning U�fQERGRDi1ND U�I�I�fES, � � I I interinrdesign 4. C�NTRACTOR SHALL PROVIdE A MINIMlJM 2°Io SLflPE AWAY FRDM A�L STRUCT�JRES, 5. I.EAVE AREAS Tti R�CEfVE ��PS�IL 3" BELQW FkNAL FINISNEQ GRARE IN PLAN7ING A�iEAS A�Vp 1" BELQW FINAL FINISHEq GRADE IN � 3UD�1. FIELfl SF. LAWN AREAS. � 6. CRO1N1� LANDSCAP� 15LAND5 T4 6" HEIGHT, TYPICAL ANa [1NIF�RM FHROLiGHOUT THE 51TE. Ex�ST�NG oaw�.�,Tvcas�saox 7. PLANTiNG BEDS AND LAWN AREAS 5�lALL B� SEPARATE� SY STEEL EDGING {L-3f. C�]T STEEL EaGING AT 45 ❑EGREE ANGLE WHERE IT GRO�N�CflVER xia.ns�.ix� INT��5ECT5 WALi{S ANa C[1RB5, _ � {TYP.y ]14.987.2136[FAXj 8, 70p DF MULCH SHAL� BE 112" MIIVIMUM BEL4W THE 7�P��WALKS AND ClJR�5. `�::.,� HA R�INESS ��1 UE: �:�'��`>:-����`:�� ��. ,���n �r,,:,, �:� N�T F�R . � , 1*"'► C�NSTR�CTi4N �: ;� ; ;., . .`� , � ; �,�;:>- ,� � � �. W�S�LAKE, TX !S IN U5�3A HAR�INE55 20i�E $A; AOF T� 15F '�::.,.�x ,.. ,��f: '� � �O�y[�,,��� 2, A�L PLA�lT MA7ERIAL SNdWN IS AT �EA57 HARpY T� USDA HARpENE55 Z��VE $ QR L�WER fSaURCE: MflNADVIA PLAN� I�A7ASASE, " < �•,�':`` 'x,�,.. � �, 4 ; ���,.� � �P���e�9 `'y� USdA PLANTS DATEBA5E1 �;�_ ;n ' ,..� :..%;y LI/y��T,O G ri � IRRlGATInN IV�TFS: �':;; � x; - ;:. , F,,�I �,`!.' �1.��l, �: �'Y :�. ,�,:< i Y��i<.. �R/� � � � � ���". ��.".,lti:•• ;:: : .._ �. � + X. k � ;.. . .. -.�.,. * � 'x . _�xi. k 1. LANDSCAPING IS TD BE IRRIGATE� IN ACCdRdANCE WITH CITY STAN�ARaS. ' °� ;�: <::.:�.::� �<'\'>4;°;< .. .:-._ � l �.-;� ,.r .,,,� •.,•y v' ?202 . 2, lRRIGATIflN SYSTEM �ESlGN ANQ INSTALLATIQN Tp BE PERF�RME� BY L�CENSED IRRIGATQf�S IN ACC4RdA1VC�WITH CITY AIVQ s ti;,� .��.; :���`..;�.�'_ ,..�`,�T 57Ai�E STANpAR�S. ,.,:,�. � ;� �. . ��;�:i:`� ;�,,.:�, � 3. IRR�GAT401V SYSTEMS ARE TO 8E FITTFD WiTH RAfN AND FREE2E GAlJGES iN ACCORaANCE Wi�'H CITY STANDARC1S. �>y'�.,; x. >:��`.��`` " . v � '�� �::,;:�;�. � 03.�.4.�p�.G 5C3LID 5aD IVQTES: �VARIESf '� Y' '� .,. `>: ,V,r... ... 1. PLANT 5�� BY HAf�D FO C�VER INaICATEb AREAS { �'�''��`�'��%�.: . . .., ,. . ...� i. y: /�...�/.:•..,:T: � C�MPLETELY. ENSURE E�GES dF 50D ARE EQu�4� ,:..' �;����ti.�,:, � � ` �� .rr 1'aUCHING. ��P C]�E55 JQI�iTS 8Y HANa WITH ,: - 7 , \;- � TaPSaI�. , : ` GRDUNaCOVER ,.,� . '. �... . '<�,,. la terr� stud�a 2. RflLL GRASS AREAS TO ACHIEVE A SMaaTH, EVEN •-Et]uA�� ,�E�l1At LAY�UT; REF. `;;;.`;',; ,: , ;�`ti>' SURFACE, FREE FRaM UNNAT�IRAL�1N�ULAT4QN5. .,� PLANT LIS� � `=�-��, �"' � �� � landscape arc�itect�re 3. WAT�R 5�a THpRDUGHLY A5 SaQ aPERATI�N �, 'S � PRpGRESSES. FQR SPACII�G ` - urba� design- planning 4. IF INSTALLATION �CCURS$ETWEEN S�PTEMBER 1 `.:: ,� � � DEC�RATIVE ?iuu sw�ss;��en��r.-5��„��ina AND 1l�+lARCH 1, QVER-5E�E3 B�RMLI�A GRA55 Sd� i •.•\;.;ti. , �= . l dallas.�exas - 75204 ?�4.74J.0333 . �:. � CONCRET� WI'�H WINIER RYEGRA55. AT A RA7E �F FOUR f41 �'+ l . �'+ �'+ � `'... • .ti.� � �, � ' www.laterrastudio.com POl1ND5 PER ONE THOUSAN�I1��4� SQUARE FEET. �j�j��ND V� Y�R SPA l��NL7 IVTS �`;}:.'`' � - 7 CUP SEM _ V� _ , '".,'. ;'.� -. � - -__ E7CISTING �;,.x- . �� - �:�' STEEL fOGING WAtI {TYP.f SWRUSS �' �S Yr'� '' � ❑ , E7(fSTING 9" CAL. T�PpRESS MULCH MlJS GRA �fl� •;� c` �1 � . CEI7AR ELM. PR�TE�F I - ti:•. _ ❑ 1N RLACf�ZYP.a , -- - - - - E?CISTING PER SPEClFlCAT10lV5; GRDUN�C�VER; , ,� � f�, �1 � �I � F��F�fi T� �?. �'� �- ❑ � E}(i571NG 6.5" CAL. TYP�AR❑ '� ' � ^ I NE PLACf�YP.RQTECT 2" MINIMUM -: �' , _ , ti_s', ,` • .. � � ❑ , i SETTLE� y� +7 ir' . � ` r_, �� s- , �' ,.� � + � -------- --- }` � £xISTING fi" CAL. _�� _ �,�,- LANC?SCAPE PLAN ; .,, --- r CE�AR ELM. PRflTECT �`1 � , , . �F • � ----`- ~_------------- s THICKIVE55 � - _'-�_i c1 •� ''+ r . � �-, � _ -�_ �;,,. • � OR PLANT LiST FaR 1 '•:\'' -- --- "� �"- - ='�' SPAClNG � ----- _ � r � � IN PLACE{TYP.1 � �. T�P�F MULCH - .. , - +.�- r��i�, - � f + -- ' , � +___ ----- __ $ r � � � � , L` ' � r,., - _ � _ - � STEEL ':, ',.:,.<;rr� � . � _'t ,r t � CE�AR ELM. PRQFECT r r � F7(15TING 8.5" CAL. 112" BE�OW 70P � , _ L•3 z _.. � � OF COI�CRETE + �_-'� J .'�,{�',��_J � '' _� -�-� �_ ���4`Y`� Et3GiNG " '`'�' ,',;�' : " � z IN PLACE fTYP.� � -�_� + U, ; � '�!� ;! .. :'. . � � WALK I C11RB � � �. _ , u ,. , ,, ..•.... t _.... r'�. AaJACENT `� � "•;i'��" '- � r� ��, -' � `{_ _. r✓ � � TURF �:�' � , ' � `• �''•' �`___"`�� `+ !�_ ' - '�I� t ''� , ' �. %`�f�y: �� Q.U� ShiU 3 '� �' � E7{ISTING 9" CAL. �. _ � � ' _ - ;i f: _ -. _ � \,.,, ---- I- i. f �� CE�AR ELM. �R�7EC�' SCARIFY • � . ^;'�"-f,, i.' I�-' ��'� �� , �i' � `+ i " -�� -r•.r ;`.�4-�:i- � �, �, ,�.-` . 3.� CAL. �" .�` � � IN PLACE rtYP. SIQES ' • , .. - . -. �.� � �-- 5 �� . �:�:� � � _,,. . � � �' ', ' - +`T 7-- ' -�= . . . i_i S�IL M17C PER �� t ;:i .� =r � i ;� � 1--- ` �.:;� . � ,.: :- . . . �-;- SPECIFICATIaNS; `� i f ' • � . . . . 1' � . . /� !� . _ `:�'., �, — '��' iv �- REMOVE 6" DEP�H - � ��.' �• .�'` - •;'`�y_ _��'-f�r�1''�_- --��` AQJACENT I--�I ' � �..—1I �;• >, �''� �'''. "�.:';; •�••' :.�i . s„� ` ; �� . . . . 1- �F E}ClSTtNG 50EL p`�;:::':; - -�'�y''-'�' -'1-' ExISTING �.. , :i�.�. � . 7R�E {TYP.1 CDNCRETE ��I _ �I � ;_, 'I 1==- ��� � � �', �` �'� �` .-�--':•:•:-:•. ��•' N �—� �— ANQ REPLACE 'P `.:' ,c-�.r� WALK I � — — — — - —I I r' '� � � • .:��.:•: ,' 1: �,—l ____+ � l � + `�_ -� � - WITH PREPARE� , n' �r t, I r ` �'�� - - - 1 NATIV� f ` I I —� _ ;� a � ` e�'�'� �,. S�IR ��-- l�l I ,�I �_'�1 �{ —1 I �—� —! I�.4 I S�IL MI}4 �D-1 D �� ,�, � �`` ,� .; . .�•.�.�r'. . — — — — — — PER SPECIFICATI�NS. '���,; 2 � � ' \` '' . _ _ ' , � E?CISTING 1 CAL. � _ _ C�aARELM. PR�TECT '•'- �}~� . I�u Pi�ACE irYP.E NATIV� RDOT6ALL, TILL TO A ❑EPTH � �' '�� ` - •.•: - -x� SaIL ��� REF�R Tq LANDSCAPE PLAN DO NOT _ ' _ _ -��`'�� :• - � 1,521 s� Q�STU�iS �F 12" TO M17{. " �MIN.' � FOR SPACING � � � `�"==�';� - ' ' I CY�k€3AC ' _ _ - `,,, :i; :t:��•:• ■ �s . ', � -- . �.�� . ��-��-.•' .,� 2 �CH1 LEN 11VGR�JUND SHRU6 PLANTt�VG DETalL NOT T�SCRLE _ J"' _- - -- ,`, _ _�'�.: _ .'���-Y /"��] �,'', 1 � �- �'�_ 2 �OLE EUR VJ �CYN �AC I 29,fi28 5F�..,:: _':i�. -- �! __ � _ -- -- ___ .�rK �/. _�:! 1• `';�` � .;:-:..=.:� , �_ �� r , R. - •::T . - E7(kSTING 9.5" CAL. t:�, �E.1 BACKFILL: U5E E}C15TING l�ATIVE S�IL �n❑ - �-'� ���"f �-� � q ' CEOAR�LM. PRQTECT :� '.;. ��=s� ��- ���'����" `- amendments} WATER THQR�UGHLY TQ �LiMINATE .t:� -��� �' � IN PLACE�TYP.� -��^�'�;��`•�, - r�`��-���:;=�s �r�- 1 �. '� O -_} �`.-�r', E7(fSTII�fG 7" CAL. ' AIFi POCKETS. ��'. _ � ?'n f r, ". " l�.]FUNGI: APPZY �IVERSE Ai�RAY MYCDRRHIZAE L' ��, - �� -� ���.`�. � . ��J :-�.�,. CEDAR E�M. PRO�ECT � -:� �y ° ?~ "_�' ` EN�a1fCTd INQC�ILANT;•• APPLICA�IflN RATE 1 � '�' "-� '� �,. •� � ��,` r �i'�:,•�:, Z !N PLACE�TYP.� -`'= - �=+-�.�q�� �T �•` PER MANUFACTLJRERS 5P£CIFlCATIp�VS. � � "- ��""�` - .,w L a - '1�. / � � � ` r::_`_i�•:? ;1�� -���� .�<< �; J�. � _:_� ,;:�' �' ,,. � � -� ; :� o �. _ $ LAN U�iT '���1 ����•1+..��'-��`4:,_,�;'' ,G�jRIVER R�CK TO MATCH ADJACENT '� '� � � � � \. , r`�:•'r�._-,_,}�..^ �� vr � - J / , �::,.,. I.i.i �;i �:_-� }I./ 5, ', '� �� ' / �, � U ;L � 47�R�S ❑FF W �4`^ .l _ _ PARKIPlG L�T MATERIA�. � .{ ;`��. 1 ' �r �•;_ - � � j� i % /�, �r ��V6� , � / �`' - I j `�r�;r'_,: i,f'f�:�VERTICAL STAKES: 2in. k�y 2in, UNTREATED #i �' '� � / �j � � \ ` ��:; � V'' ++� � r , _. LLIMBER LEPVG7W DF VERTICAL 5TA4CES T� E7tTENE3 � `'� i,l s ;' i .� , �' � � �, �� �.�.';. � � � ��J� 1 tz TfNiES tHE HEIGH7 �F Ra�7 BALL."` � �'�, / � , 1i / � .�\� , :`�`� � (C ~ �r �� TER L PP RT: in. in. NT T 1 1 L.AN M�N 96y'�1 �� i If%r" ' ��1 � � ' �� , g �,�0 � � (,I. 'l LA A SU Q � by 2 U REA ED �i � I �'� ; _ ';�. i,: ' ' ; • �' _n � � H - LIJMBER.LENGTH OF LA7E�iAL 5UF'PDR75 7� BE 1 y:� ,', � • { . f � ',.'. �C�' , i �z �IMES QIAMETER aF ROOT BALL. If i '�'i� � /" � - � , _ ��`�� Q�� ��RI � �� �� :., � W ❑ ` �^ ` �J.!�U���15FlED �R�1NAL�ASCRE EAD I 'I t >r�' ' � CONCF�E�E .::�' 1 U{�M PAR �� 3"CAL. � , ��� Y'� {2Y each F'ER VER7ICA� 57AKE, � I 3" CAL. ❑ �,.- -� LE� �RIJ 2 • r x f {$y TflTAL. i+}QTE: PRE-ORfLL HOLES i1V LATERALS & � S I - 1�''y.::'� � � • , ''�. �`�'' ` Z I�']—• �Q•, PLAN VIE�V VERTICALS. IM1JM CAP I 2B_ ��� .�---'�. 1 _ ----_--- __------ . :ti r��-'�ti: 4I gLE EUR a . �= �� .�,, �o��� ��� � �M a � � -� �= ____=-�____-_ _ �.�.��� , �, _ c� s � . ' ��� . � � � � ----- ----- - _. :�_� � a H �'' '` TREEPLANTlNG NOTFS � 4 -___ __ - �-:� � �ECOfiATIV� � ���-_.:: Y_�_- - .� �� �L�,.- -_.��--- �� ❑EC�RATIVE � �',�'�.-:•.s: --------------- ,�-. ',. � . i I$ � -- --- ��{, }�� C�NCRE7E � _ t'J,.;.`.�J � , " 1. GIRDLING RQOTS & Ra�T FLARE; TREES SHALL BE � C�NCRE�E a,:'. ' ti '`si•-" � W REJ�CTED WHEN GIRRLIlVG R��75 ARE pRESEfVT & � ` ` - � '� ,.,.:��•:� 3f�EU FRU r `•� I� c,; y - R O[]'� F L A R E 1 5 N Q T A P P A R E N T. QiJE VIR � _ � ,.-! �. ! . � ti•�,, � ' � l ti ti , ' _ � ; 6 CL1P 5�M � � Q ' 2. FUNCa1 IN�CIJLAN7: CONTRACTbR 70 USE I 3"CAL. i _❑� _❑ C ❑ -...__ _",� �y_,' . ��, ' � '� � L�LI FRU� 3 I _ _ _ -- - + � ��U' `• 6I�EiJ FRLI J MycoAp�ly EndolE�t❑ QR EQIJAL PRQ�lJCT. _- � � _� I1.$66.476.7$00� www.mycaapply,com �1, �. � (til _ � � ti4 � � 1� I'', 6 MUH CAP = � 3. INSTALL VERTfCAL STAKES FIRST; T}-IEN P�tE-dRILL & _ � �i �:� � � � lti, —-__ ___ �.—__- -_- `------------ -- _ � � , i y � -- - �m-=- �-; INS7ALL LATERAL 5LIPPOR75. l � - - -__ �,',�_.:�-' � ,� ' I i `� � - �_ T�� L//l�'!�� ------ - _- --- - ' ' z • `. 2D�MUH CAP � I— � -_ T�F -- - -- �`"J` ,;3 LEU�FRIi ' � W , , 4. WH�N C�N�ITIQNS E}ClST WHICH PREVEiV7 � '+, _�. _-_ Gj��R , -:,•l;'� ;,. � -- � 7 E?(T� I 'z TIMES �.� ' � � ' _ � �ECORA7IVE � -- _ �' '� ,�� ��:, �J TREE PLANTIIVG DETAIL LEGEND �� ����������{ie. rac'IC�,��� � r .�__� C�NCRETE " �?'� I � C�NTRACTQR SHALL 14115TALL STAICES A� DEEP AS � ���_� :r' 5 CUP SEM '. � P�SSIBLE. � 1 , O. .�:� - :;�.,'. F ;A.;�TREE: TREES SMALL CONFQRM WiTH LATEST AMERICAN � , � ___ —_-__--___ OECDRATIV� —� $ I LECI FFill ,. � a W -- STANdAR❑ FDR NURSERY 5T�C1(, www,ania.arg 5. LATERAL SLJPPpRTS SHALL 6E ❑RIENTE❑ A5 S�I�WN ��. (� ���-_::__~_ __ �~�` CaIVCRFTE _ � IN PLAN VIEW. tsfiown lef[1 � , \.�_ _�!: 'I��I, ��_ - - - ____ -____ --- _---- � �_ _ _ � �.B.1 TREE PIT: WI{}TH Td BE AT LEAST TW� (2] 71MES TFkE �--��:.•;.�•, .� ��==_ __- _- --_ ---- � - ---- � ' �-- -- 7 T � ' '' , � .-- _-_- _` ~ `_-=--- '—- - `� � piAME ER �F THE Ra�T BALL CEN ER TREE IN N�L� 8� RES� 5. QUESTIpNS Ag�iJ7 INSTALLATIpN aR �ABRICA71�N 1 1�::.�a "r _� _ - - - ��-__ - �=::-._ - W " �=•� ��--- �',, R�OT 6ALL aN UNQISTURBE❑ NATIVE SQiL. ❑F BELdW-GROL1Nd S�AKING SHALL 8E ❑iREC�E❑ '•. ','>''.� �: . _ _ �� ��- _ _ ;', � Tp LANQSG1aPE ARCHITECT. �.., "� - _� QUE VIR 6 "� —==-- : C.1 ROaT BALL: REMflVE T4P���3 B�fRLAP APVQ ANY QTFfiER FfJREIGI+i '' I =:'� := •� ` � �AqG�N ---�x����';'. _ - OBJECT; C�NTAINER GRf7Wlll STDCK TQ BE INSPECTEfJ FOR 7. ALSO REFERENCE SPECIF1CATIQiVS SECTI�N 0290D. 3"CAL. �=� . -_.._ __ CaIR�LING R��TS.`" � '- -- -- - - -- -__�_ � �� : �. . �.- ------- � _ , �. :/, ��.- — ------_____� - - --_ _ W = ;❑.i RO�T FLARE: ENSURE THAT RQaT FLARE IS ExPgSEd"`. FREE `ti, �': '- �� ___--- - - FROM Mi1LCH, ANQ AT LEAST TWO INCHES ABDVE GRAOE. � �`, �=" �' `` �-----_ � —— � `��� � 4 ~=- -__-- - � � TJ4FF PLA N TING D��A IL IVQT Tn SCALE � ` ,. -__- ___ ______ 4� �:1 `=-�� , -----__------_-= Q � �� '�.� � -=-_- -_ --- MA TE�41AL S L��END � �, � ---_- -----------------__=______ _ .. — � � `''\. � i.i , ,�� :�.e�eY+nwr�i,sic;cr,rS.ARC�IIEC`5 I'!•- ftEdIS.�JfvS LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS: LAND5��4P� PL�4111 N°Rr" �,4 ❑EC�MR05E❑ GRANITE: n� tf �_� PtANTING MEOILJM: COLDR: SUBMiT SAMPLES F�R APPR�VAL Cl �� 2� 3d 4d 5� THICKNESS: 2" IN P�TS, 4" ❑N GR�UN❑ PRDFES51�]IVAL 8E��11�� MIX 51ZE: 318 MINUS SCA�E IN FEET: 1"=2�'-�" �L�CATEa iN ENGF20lJNQ P�ANTING BE�S} SUPPUER: CUST�M ST��IE SLIPPLY PLAIIlT L1ST SUPPLIER: LiVING EARTH �E�HN�LOGY C�f�TAC�: CHA�AKiN 2�4-8G9-9fl48 C�NTRACTOR T� VERI�'Y Ai.�QllANTITIES PER PLANS C�MPANY NOTE: INSTALL FiLTER FABRfC BETWEEN DG MU�CH AND C�IVTAGT: L�RA HINCHCLIFF; �14.673.3341 S�IL M�7C�ELDW VINEYAR�, PERENNIA�S, GRd�1N�COVER, & TURF INSTALLATI�N' PER ❑ETAIL fl3 ThilS SHEE� INSTALLATI0�1� R�F. OE7AILS 05, 06, �7, & D$ TH15 CANOPY �R�ES ❑RNAMENTAL TREES SHEET COMMOhf B�TANIC C�MMON �_� PLAN7iHG MEDiiJM: QNTY. SYMBDL NAME NAME SiZE NOTES _ QNTY. SYM6�L C�MN1flN NAME SOTANfC NAME 51ZE T NOTES QNTY. SYMBDL NAM� B�TANIC NAME SIZ� N�TES PLANTER MIX 3" CAL. CflNTAINER GROWN. �' �� CUP SEM I�FALiAN CYPRESS Cupressus sempervirens 36" B�X 7 C7' -. g LAN URT �ExAS LANTANA Lantana urticoides 1 GA�. 12" THUNDEI4 TURF N�TES: $ Qu� �iR LIVE ❑A�C Qu�r�us - -. � � Y 4" CAL. HEIGH�' P�R IlVbU57RY i` � 1 �L�CATED IN ABQVE GR�L.IND PLAN7ERS: P-1, P-2, P-3y virginiana STANDAR05. MATCHII�G ' � �LE EUR M15SI�N OLIVE �leo eurapaea 'Missron' 3fi" BDx �' g� LAN M��! TRAIL.ING i.ANTA�kA Lantana mantevidensis 1 GAL. 6" SUPP�IER: LIVIN� EARTH TECHNDL�GY C�MPANY `�-"�� CDNTACT; L�RA HINCW��lFF: 214,fi73.3341 � CQNTRACTOR T4 SCARIFY, RIP, ANQ L005EIV ALL A�EAS TO BE 3 QU£ SHIJ R�Q ❑AK Quercus 3" CA�. C�NTAIiVER GRDWN. � CNI LIN QESERT WILLOW Chilapsis li�earis 3fi" 6flX 6" _'_`_'-:_ . SEE�Eo Tfl A MINIMUM OF 4" PRIOR T�THE AD�ITION OF THUNflFR QIRT � shumardii NEIGHT PER IiVDL157RY � 57 R05 ❑FF TRAILli�G R05EMARY Rnsmarinus ❑fficinalis 1 GAL. G" INSTALLATRON: PER ❑�TAILS D5, Q7, & a8 TH15 SHEET an�o rHurvoEa TU�F SEEa. STANDAAOS. MAT�FfING SHRlJ65 & �RNAMENTAL GRASS 2. ENSEJAE A�EA Ta BE SEE�E� HAVE 6EEN FIIVE GRA�ED. WEEOS, LARGE NOTE; LAN MON & R�5 dFF TRIANGULAR SgAClNG- 12" O.C. CllRT CLO�S, AN�CONSTR�}CTION QEBR15 SNALL BE REMOVE�, 'i L1LM PAR LACEBARK Ulmus 3" CAL. ��NTAINER GRQWN, � � ��' � hy� �y p C n-C �± 1 PROJEi:TNIJtABER: + �VU M�f S �FiA MUSCf-IDIN�Gf7APC �INEYARt/ J UAL. GRAPES Tfl 9E QLANTED IN RaWS PFR q�JACEhiT E]C�5TlIVG L-3 STEE�. EDG�NG: 3. INSTA�� 1" �EPTH LAVER�F TNUNQER QIRT ��aEO GRQWERS � 1�-12' HT., 5' SPAEA� QNTY. SYMBQL CQMMQN NAME BOTANIC NAME SI�E NQTE.J VINEYAR� SFACING RO�L55'APART.PLAPFF53'�_C I �p1�1A9 1-�12•288-4445) 501L AMENQMEfVTS PRiOR TO 7HUNnER 7lJRF E�M parvifalia MATCNING FIIVISHICDL�R: P�WDER C�AT B�ACK 5EEDING AT 4�.2 DZ. PER S�. F7. ,��''�, , 22 LEU FRIl C�MPAC�7�7fA5 SA�E Leu�aphyllUm frutescer+s 'Campacta' S GAL. �4" �g,828 sf CYN DAC SERMl1�A GRASS Cynadon dactylon NIA 50LiD 50D �ssu�: SlZE: 3116" THICK x 4"x 16' LENGTH 4. MUL�H NEWLY PLANTE�SEE❑ WITH UNR�TTEa, 1+VEEa FREE WHEA� ' , � � E?C15TING ���AR E�M TREES. SIZES VARY PER PLAN, y p NaTE: APPLY 1" CLEAN TDPSflIt TD BERMl�aA GRASS AREAS PRIQR TD lNSTAtLA�IdN OF 5d� MARCH 1U,2018 � 52 MUH CAP PiNK MUI�LY GRASS Muhlen6er ia ca illaris 3 GA�. 18" S7RAW AT A RATE OF 2 8ALE5 PER 1,0��SQ. FT. THRflUGH � � C�NfRACTOR �O PROTECT IN PLACE s„EET„A+�� MANIJ�'ACTURER: J❑ RLJSSELL {�URAEDGE} � � 82° BIJFfALO GHASS;8�,�hlceaacn�o•Je=_� SEE�PER tJATIVE AMERICAM SEEC]RECOlJih1EN0ATI0N5 CdNTACT: 270.825.7Qa8 8D0.$88.5$72 ESTAeLISHMENT. �.--•�' NpTE: REF. PLAfI! �QR NEW LIVE pAK AND ��I� QAK CALIP�R 5lZES 'i 2.372 sF THU TUR THUNaER TL1RF ���;.bLl1E GFAMAGRA55 c;�n=i.;�aur:r,;r, {��5.�p2 PEft�,f)Up SQ.FT.O�l �aoL65.FER ACREI INSTALLA1`IDN: PER �E�`AfLS D3 &06 THIS SHEET �• IF iNSTALLAT10N Q�CURS BETWEEN 5EPT�MBER 1 AN�MARCH }, ••�'���'�� ,��-cuk�r r�EsouiTE IH��ana 6eE;�n�eri! LANpSCAPE PLAN OVER-SEE�SERMUDA GRA55 50d WlTN W1N7�R�iYEGRA55, AT A RAfE NaT�: APPLY 1" CL�AN S�iL �THLlN�ER QIRT, 5EE �1QTE5 TH15 SHEET} TO THlJNbER TURF Al�EAS aF FOUR I4)POUIVDS PER flNE THdl15ANa iT00Q1 SQIJARE FEET, Pfi1QR TO SEEQING THLIIVQEFi TURF 5. S�EQ�D AREAS T� HAV��NE HUNQAEQ I1�D� PERCENT��VERAGE PRIOR �0 FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 7, WATER THORL}LJGF�LY THRDUGH ESTABLlSHMENT. '"EET: L la� i G�N�RAI, N�7E5 7'OW�I �F W�S�'I.AKE G�NERAI. N�7ES TR�PHY CLL1B o � � � o � 1. YHESE NOT�S APPLY TQ ALL S�EETS iN 7H15 PLAN SET. �. �H� APPLICAB�� 57AN�AR�S AN{] SP��1�ICATIa�IS, THE CURF2�N� V�R51[7N DF THE "57ANI7AR� SPECI�iCA�fiIbNS �qF2 F'UBLIC WORKS COIVSTRUC�'IC]N" 5�,¢� I__I � �+�-y����'�'��� �BOS JA�AES Pi..1SLI5HED BY N.C.�.C.�.�. Al�fa Ti-iE �'OWN �� WEST'�.A4CE £IVGiNEEfi'4f�G STAIVDAR�S SHALL APPLY. IN TiiE EVE�l�' QF A CaNF�.IC�, TflW�I �� WESTLA�CE ,�,L- �Aed�in �enp �„ � � 2. CdNTRACTOF2 i5 �2ESPONSIBL.E FDR, AIV❑ MUST OBTAIN PRI�f2 TO CONSTRLICTl�N, AL� N�CESSA�Y CONS�R[JCi���1V PERMI�'S f2�QU1�2E❑ BY THE L�CAL STAlVDAR�S SHA�L ��VERN. THE C�NTRACTaR SHA�L ��L�QW AR� A�PLiCAB�E TC�Q, A.W.W.A., ANQ A.S.T.M. REGULATI�NS. �,,,, Cemetery coif "'y � , �F�'�' t t]� Caurse Y �' � M1]NECIPALITY, C�NTRACTOR MLtST HAVE A CQPY �F TH� LDCAL MLIIVICIPAL47Y 5 5TA�4QA�D CQNSTRUCTIO�E QETAILS pN SlTE.. 0 ��E c�- F � � ,�] �❑priY y FAllr�, 5EMiN4LE -n � 2 2. A�L MATERlALS A�Id WORKMAIdSH�P SHALL B� SLJBJEC7 TO I�ESP�CTION BY �HE �OWN OF WESTL.AKE. THE TOWN RESERV�S THE ftiGf�T TO ACCEPT OR r�o� `P hu„44r �r z � � 3. E7(iS�ING LJ7ILITY LOCATI�NS SHQWN AR� TAK�f� FROM AVAl�ABLE RECORC?S C'RQVI�7ED BY TH� UTI��7Y ❑WNER ANQ FIE�D LOCATIDNS OF SUR�ACE R�JECT MA�ER�AL �R WORKNlANSHaP THAT R�ES i�0� CQ[�FflF2M T� THE STAN�ARQS AND SPECI�ICA�iQI� Q� THE TDWN. `"F � '� � ��s�,u��pw md m � APPURTENANCES. L��A�I�NS Sk�dWN ARE GENERALLY SCHEMATIC iN IVATIJR� AIVd �AY Na� ACCL�RATELY REFLE�� THE 51�� A�fQ LOGATIQN QF EACF� 114 �° � „ �� �x�Ss �� x � �' W PARTICU�AR UTI�ITY. SDME l,1TILITY LIiVES MAY NOT BE SHQWlV. C�IVTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME RES�ONSIBI�ITY ��R ACT�AL FiEL6 �OCA�IQiV ANd 3. ALL DISTUR$Ep AREAS Q�F-SI�E SHAL� BE SE��Ep QR SDDi7ED AS SFtaWN QN THE CaNSTRIJ�TI�N P�ANS. � � ��'� � PRC3�ECTI(�N �F E?CIS�I�IG FACI�IT�ES WHETHER SH�WN DR �iDT. GC3NTRACTDFi SF�fALL AL50 ASSUME RESP�NS1glL1�Y �DR R��AIRS TQ E}(�STING � ``��� � � Q Br�wn 8� Gay Engineers, �I"1C. FAC�LITIES, WHETHER SHOW�I OR N��, ❑AMA�ED BY CDNTRACTOf�'S ACTIVITI�S. D1�FER�NCES 1�V HORE�QNTAL L]� V�RTICAL LOCATIQN 0� �?CISTING 4. THE C�NTi�ACT�R SMALL HAVE ��lE (i} APPR�VEi� SET �F �QNS7REJC�I�N FLANS �N �HE Jfl8 SkTE �URING CDNSTf�UCTIQ�1. � � � = 2595 ❑allas Parkwa SLJIt� 2�� �.iTILITIES SHALL NdT 8E A 8A5lS ��R �ao���oNA� �x�En�s�. WEST�AKE � �, ,Nv�RW� � Y� 5. THE C��jRAC�'�R SHALL NO�IFY THE T�]WN flF W�STLAKE A� LEAS� F�RTY-EIGHT �48} Hfl{JR5 �'RIOft T� CaMMENC�NG �ONS�RLICTI�f�. N � � F�iSCD, TX 75❑34 4. AI�Y CONTRACT[�R � SUBCQNTRACTOft P�RF�RMING WOftK ON THIS PF�OJ�CT SHAL� FA�tILlARIZE HIMSELF WlTH THE 51TE AN� SHALL BE SflLELY � , RESPQNSIBLE F�aR A�iY QAMAGE T� �X1571NG �ACILI7IES RESt.1L71NG QIREC7LY �F� 1Na�REC7LY �"R�M HIS �PERA�IQI�S. SAIp �xISTII�G IMF'RQVEMENTS G. AL� PAVING ANp UTILITIES S�iALL BE ��NSTRUC7ED AIVp TESTEQ 11V ACC�RDANCE WlTH �HE T�WN �F w�s��A�� s��c��i�ar�aNs. Te�: 972-4�4-48�� r www.br�wng�y.cam SHALL If�CL�7flE B�IT �I�T B� LIMITE❑ T� BERMS, �ITC�i£S, FEN�ES, ANa PLAfv�S. AivY �EM�VAL �R aAMAGE TO ExISTING IM�RflV�MEN�S SHA�.L BE � TBPE Registratia�r Nv. �'-�046 REPLACED OR REPAI�Ea BY THE C�NTRACTflR AT H15 EXPENSE AND SHALL E� APPROV�D SY THE TaWiv QF WEST�AKE. 7. AN ENGiiv�ERED T�ENCH SA�ETY PLAN 15 R�QUIREd WHEN TH� �RENCFk �EPTH EX�EEDS 5'. "�"�� Gontact: Wi�l ,1a�ney 5. THE �dI�TRACTfl�; SFiA�� MAIN�AIh} ADEQUAT� 51TE �RAINAGE DURING ALL PHA5E5 �� C�NSTRUCTIflN. THE �dNTRA�TQ�2 SHALL USE SIL� F�NCES �OR 8. BASE� �N ❑tJR UN�£R5TRIV�ING AND �'FiE INFaRMA�I�N PR�VlQEa BY THE �f�WN, �"H� WAT£R AND 5AIVITARY SEWER LINES C�MPLY WiTH THE WATEF2 � � ��� ��4 � Te1: 972-4fi4-4835 �THER ME�HO�S APPf�OVED BY 7HE EIVGINEER AND TQWN} A5 REQUIREg TO �REV��I� 5lLT AiV6 CONSTRUC�1dN �EBR�S FR�M �L�WiNG ONTO ADJACENT AN� SAl�ITARY SEWER �iAS�ER PLANS FQR TH� 7�WN �� WESTLAKE. � I Copyright 2[]�5 PR��ERTIES. CONTRAC7�R SMALL C�MPLY WITH ALL APPLICA$L� �EDERAL, 57AT�, QR LQCAL E�2aSIQ�f C�NSERVA7lQI�, A�fD 51L�A�ItiN ClR�IlVANC�S. � a4';° C�NTRA�TflR SHALL REMQVE ALL TEMP�RARY ER�SI�fV C�NTROL aEVICES UPQIJ C�MPLETI��f �F P�f2MAhiEN�' �RAINAGE FACILITI�S A(V� Tf�£ yyATER iV�TES: ¢ SQtA�va ESFABUSHMEiVT �F A STAND UF GRA55 DR OTHER GRDW�H TQ PREVENT ERDSI�N. �HE CC3�VTRAC�DR IS RESPD�fS�BL� FflR DBTAIIVIiVG PERMI�S AN[3 " n�r APPF2�VA�S B�FOf2E CDNSTRUCTI�N B�GINS. �. CpfVTRACTDR S�iA�L PURCHAS� A C0�1�(S) OF THE TOWN dF WESTLAifE ENGINEERIhiG STANf]ARC75, LATEST Ef]ITIOiV, AND FDL�DW SA16 S�AN�A�26S ❑ovE �on� �t� r;�L,,� � fi. I� IS THE CQN�RA�TflR'S RESP�I�SIBILITY T� MAINTAiiV lVEAT ANi7 ACCURATE CQNSTRUC�I�N REC�Ra P�ANS. A CnPY �F THESE R�CQF2� P�ANS ARE ��JRING C�iVSTRLJCTI�N. p G�-�� TO B� SUBMITTE� TO THE ENGl�1EER �P�N CQMPLETI�N OF C�NSTRUCTia�t. 2. ALL. WATER LINES, FI�TINGS, ANa APPL�R7ElVANCES 51�ALL. BE IN ACCORDANC� W17H THE 7QWN C3� WESTLAKE ENGINEERING STANDARpS, L.A�EST �oqa � � 7. CDNTRACTQf2 SHALL liSE ALL NEC�SSARY SAFETY PR�CAUTIQNS T� AVQID CONTACT WlTFf aVEI�HEAD ANQ l.lNDERGRDLfND P�WER �INES. THE E�717k�N. ALL WATEi� SERViCE CUIVNEC�IQ�VS �� BE F�RD GE]M�RE5510N FIT71NG5. ALL BENDS TQ HAVE RETAIN�R FI�fTINGS �MEGA-LUG}. USE ��MESTl� +��t�' ¢ C�NTRA�TflR SHALL f2EVIEW AN� VERIFY ALL �IM�NSI�NS SHflWN �N THE PLANS ANd ALL FIELd CaNQITI�NS THAT MAY AF'�ECT C�NSTRLJCTION. QU�TILE IR�N FITTINGS QN�Y. `" 8. SHO�1Ld D15CREPANCI�S QCGUR, �'HE CQNT�ACTOR SHALL NOTI�Y THE E�VG4NEEf2 TO OB7AIN THE �NGIN�ER'S C�Af2�FICATi01� BE��R� COMI�ENCING Wf�H 3. ALL �IRE NY[]RANTS SHALL HAVE QNE �1} HY�F�A-S�QR� GD�INEC�ION ANQ �WO (�� �.5" Fl05� IVOZ�L�S, Si�ALL NAVE A MINIMLJM MAIN BARREL ViCINITY MAP � TH� Cah15TRIJCTI�N. VALVE DP�N�NG DF 5.25", AND SHAL.L BE PLAC�O ON MAIh1S QF NDT L�SS THAf� 5" !N �1lAMETER. ALL FIRE HY�RANTS ARE TD B� PAf�TE�l PER [NDT TO SCALE} ❑�V��(��E� ARTICLE IV, SECT�QN 2,H.5 OF THE �'OWN OF W�STLAKE �NGINEERiNG STA�V�ARDS ANfl Ac�E�Q �a �Y ��� �owN. GENTIJRI�N ANlERICAN 9. CaNTRACTQR TO DiSPQSE fl� ALL E7CCESS E7CCAVAT�DN MATEftIALS AS lJIREC�ED EY THE OWfVEft. 4, UTIL17Y �DNTRAC��R SHALL �LACE APPR�P�IA7� L�CA7IflN INARKS QN THE C�JR85 PE� THE TOWI� �]F WES7LAK� ENGINEERING S7ANaARaS. 18�D Valley View Lane, Suife 3�� 1D. �HE CONTRACTdR S�iALL TAKE A�L AVAILABL� P�ECAL371�N5 70 CONTRO� 61�5�. ��iVTRACTQR SNALL C0�lTRQ� 6LfST SY SPRIf�KLiIVG WAT�R, OR BY Farm�rs Branch, TX 75234 �THER M£ANS APPR�VEQ BY TFiE �'DWIV ANQ EN�INEER, AT ND AaflI�IaNAL ��ST Tfl TH� �WN£R. 5. A�.L WATER MA1NS SHA�L B� PVC AWWA-G9Q0, [3R18, �LASS 15� llNLESS �VDTE� �THERWiSE. Cantact: Michaef Beaty 11. ALL EJ(CAVATIiVG 15 UNC�A551FIE❑ AN❑ SFfA�I. INCLUDE ALL MATERIA�S EIVCnUNTEREa. U�tUSABL.E EXCAVA�Ea MATERIAL AN❑ AL.L WASTE �ESlJLTING s. T�� ❑F WATER MAIN SHALL BE A MINIMUM �F 48" BE�QW �HE T�P QF ClJRS �R 48" B��OW FiN15HED �E2ADE. METALL�C DETE�T�R TAP� WiLL 8E Te�; 214-2$7-9��9 FROM 51TE CLEARiNG AND GR�JBBING SHALL BE D15PflSEC} OF OFF 51TE BY THE CONTRACTdR AT HIS E?(PENSE. L.�S�D. VALVES TO B£ Ex7ENDED �� WITHI�i 1' fl� GFiOi..lND I� MDR£ THAN �8". 12. THE CaNTRA�TaR SHALL PROVaDE ALL NE��SSARY Ei�GIN££RIIVG AN� SURVEYING F"DR LINE ANa GRAQ� CflNT�2aL P�INTS RELATEQ T� EAF2THWaRK. 7. FlRE NYDRA�iTS SHALL 8E La�ATEd 5' SEHIf�D THE BACK �� CURB �MiN}. 13. THE C�N�F2ACT�R SHAL� SALVAGE AND PR��ECT ALL E7(ESTiNG P�WER P�LES, SIG�45, MANH�LES, T�LEPH�IVE F21S�R5, WA��R VALVES, ETC. DllF2tNG g. �����q�Tp� �}-IAL� CLEA�V 7HE WA�"ER MAIN BY IIVSERTIQN DF "PQLY PIGS" AT D�SIGI�ATED LDCATI�NS. CnS7 FQF� "P�LY PIG" CL�ANING WiLt BE �HE M��RELA�1 D AL� �ONSTRUC�ION PHASES. RESPON518iL1TY �F TFiE �OIVTRACT�F2. �ry�+r�rr�.n4 . �c.,��-�� �rnS � ��?n;;,,,;c •:n 14. BACiC�IL� SHALL 8E Ff2EE FL�WING, FRE� ❑F RaCKS A�fa LARGE CLQaS. BA�KFlLL SHALL HE PLACE� 1�1 fi TD 9 INCFi l�1F�'S AT 0�2 AgflVE Q�TIP�UM g. ALL D�MESTIC WAT�R SEftVIC�S SHALL B� 2" CLASS 2D� POLYE�HYLENE. MflE5TU�2E A�Vf} MECHANICA�LY CQMPA�T�� TQ 95 PER�EN� �TANaARD PRDCTQR F�R ALL UTILITtES. 15. ALL PR0�05ED GftADING WHERE A�lY E3L�ILDIfVGS MAY POTENTkAL�Y BE �Oi�STR�J�TE6 SHALL BE RT Oft ABOVE DPTIC�LJM M015�URE AND f�ECHANICALLY ��- CQRP�RATiQN STdPS S�iALL 8E �IJLL �PEN PRI�R TO BACKFIL�. CDMPACTEa �� 55 PERCEI�T STANDARD i'RQCTOR, ALL OT�i�R GF2Aa�lVG SHALL BE A� QR AB�VE DP�IMUM MO�STL.1R� ANp M�CHANICALLY C�MPACTEa � T� 94 P�RCEhlT STAIVQAR[] PRC]CTflR. C�NT�2ACTQF2 WILL NAV� Td C��RflINATE WITH THE lJ71Li7Y CC�Mf'ANIES ��R AhIY REQUiRED UTILITY 1�. CURB STOPS SHAL� B� T�STEQ FflR FULL F�QW WHEN THE SYSTEM IS PRE55EJR� -iESTEa. � � ADJIJSTMENTS ANC3 / Oft RELOCA�10�15. �2. �AETER B�7C�5 Sf�A�L B� FlJRN15HED l3Y TH� CflfVTRACTQR AND L�CATEO 6' BEHINd TH£ CIJftB. ❑ � 1Fs. EftOSION C�NTRQL Q�VI��S A5 SH�WN ON THE GRAdI�JG AND ER05l��1 ��NTROL P�ANS FOR THE Pf20JECT SHALL BE INSTALLEa PftI�R T� THE START 13. WAT�R MAIi�S TO 8E LOCA��❑ PE� THE PLA�S. W � � C7F �AiVD DISTURBiNG AC7iVITIES ON �HE PROJECT. rn 14. ME�ER B�?CES SHALL BE A�JU57Ed �D Fl�f15H GRAt�E AFTER PAVING CDNTRAC7�R COMP���ES THE BACKFILL �� CllRB. � � ? 17. ALL EROSION C�NTF20L D�VlC�S AF2E �� B� iNSTALLED IN ACC��DANCE WlTFE �H� APPR�VED PLA�ES AN6 SP�CIFICATIOIVS FOft THE PR�JECT. CHANGES � ARE �D BE APP�DVEa ����RE CaN57�2UC71�N �Y THE DESIGI� ENGkNEER AN� �ME `f�DW1V DF WES7LAKE. 15, ExTE�lQ S,qMp�ING F'�INT 2' ABOVE ExIS�ING GRAQ� AN� END WI�H A 1" CURB ST�P. SAMP�ING PCllNTS WILL 8E DE��RMINED BY THE CaNSTREJCTIQN En�s��cro�. �VERALL LEGEND � � � � Q 18. I� THE ER�5�0�1 C�NTR�� PLAN A5 APPRDVED CANIV�T C4N�ROL �R�Si�N ANq ❑FF-SlTE S��IM�NTATIQIV FR�M 7HE PRC]JECT, THE ER�S»N C�I�TR�L w [3 � W L� PLAN WILL B� RE4U�REQ �Q 8E REV45ED A�D � DR ADDfTI�NAL EROSfOfV CON�RDL p�V10ES WILL BE R�QUIRE� QN-Sl7E. 15. P1PE 5k-fALL BE TESTED AT 150 P5I �QR F'�llR {�#) HQURS. FH � � � � U Z 1 9. I� O F F-S I T E B d R R fl W �R S P fl I L S S I T E S A R� L!S£� 1 N C�N J U N C T I�N W I T H T H 1 5 P R O J F C T, T H I S I i V F�R M A T I d N S H A�L B E �I S C L�S E d A N D S H�W N O N T H E �7. CHL4RII�ATE WAT£R LI�VES AT 5d� PPM �OR FORTY-EIGHT (48} HOkJRS. CHL�RlfVATI�N 15 A�C��TABLE �URING TH� PRESSURE TEST. i P R D P�S E D f I R E H Y D R A N T � � � � Q EROSIQN C�NTRa� PLAN. [7�F5a7E B�RRQW AND SPD[1�5 AREAS ARE CaNSIDER��] F'Ai�T �� THE Pf2QJECT SI7E AND THEREFQRE SF�ALL C�MPLY WITH �FiE TOWN OF WEST�AKE �R05iON CONTR�L REQl11REM�NTS. TNESE AREAS SHALL BE STABlLiZ�Q WITH PERMANENT GRO�ND COVEft PRIOIR j� FINAL 18. FLLISHING ANa CHLQRINATION SHALL 8E CODR�INATE❑ WITH THE GDNS�RUCTiON iNS�'ECT�R. SSMH Z w � r � Ai'PR�VAL dF TNE PRQJEC7. , PRO�OSEp SANITARY ¢ _ � � � Q 1�. ALL TAPS �N E7CISTIIVG MAINS SHALL 8E WE� �APS. �V� SR2E-�hl-SIZE 7APS ALL�WED. MANHOLE � � � � � � 20. TNE CpNTRACT�R SNALL ABIDE BY A�L APPLiCABLE FEDERA�, STAT�, AN� �QCA� LAWS GOVERNING E7CCAVA71aN. THE C�Ni�F2ACTOR SNAL� PRDVID� O PR�f'�SED ST�RM INLET = � W �ETAILED PLANS AND Sf'ECIFICA�IQlVS F�� �RENCH SAFETY SYSTEMS THAT G�MPLY WIT�i APPLICABLE LAWS GOVERNING EXCAVATIqN. TNESE P�ANS �Q. E7(ISTING VALV�S SF�ALL BE (]PERA�E� 8Y CI7Y P�RSQNNEL QNLY. ONCE THE iVEW WATER LINE IS ACTIVATED AN❑ �ASSES $ACTERIa�DGICAL TESTING, � J C� Y SFiA�L BE S�ALE6 BY AIV EIVGIN�ER EXP�RIENCED IN THE ❑ESkG1V 0� �REhICH SA�ETY SYSTEMS AN❑ �IGEIVSE❑ BY TH� STATE tiF 7E7CA5. SUB�II� PLAhI TH� VALVES MAY 8E �PERAT�a BY Clfil` �'�RSqNNEL �N�Y. �-� PRQPQSED STRE�T LlGHT � � uJ � Z Q Ta THE dWNER PRfOR TO C�MMENCiIVG W�RK. THE CONTRACT�R SHALL BE Sa�ELY F2E5Pfl1�518LE FflR ALL ASPECTS �� W�RK RELATED TD ExCAVAT�ON. -- -- SANiTARY SEWER HOTES: -__ E�15TiNG T�ANSF�RMER Q � ~ � � [�] � 21. THE Cfl�E�RACTOR SNALL CflORQINAT£ flPERATEDN OF AL� E7(15TING VALVES WlTH THE TOWN flF WESTLAKE. THE CON�'RACTOR SHAL� BE SOLELY �. Cfl�TRAGTOR SHALL PURCHASE A CdPY flE THE TOW�I OF WESTLAKE EI�GINE£R]!V� STAN�ARDS, LATES�' EaITION, ANa FC]LL�W SA�� STAN�ARdS DURl�{G - E�ISTING STREET LIGHT ❑ � � W W RESPQNSIBLE �aR StTE TRENCk� SAFETY �URING ALL PHASES �� C�NSTF2i..1C�IDN. � � m CalVSrR�.iC71�N. � � � � 22. �HE C��lTRACTflR SHALL V�ftIFY AND CQQRDfAfAT� A�L �IME�VSiDNS SHC3W�1 liVCL�J�ING THE HDRlZOIVTA'� AND VERTrCAI� ��CA�I�N ❑F GRATE INLE�S EXISTiNG GA5 METER � ' AND ALL iJTlLI�IES �RC]551NG THE STaRM SEWER. 2. ALL. SANITARY SEWER I.fNES, F1��INGS, AN� AP�URTE�VANC�S SHALL B� IN ACCQRpANCE W1TH THE TQWN QF WESTLAKE EiVGINEEftiNG S�fANf3ARaS, � � a � �ATEST E�iTIC]N. a 2�. THE 517E U7ILITY C�lV7RAC7�R SHRLL PRDVIDE ALL MAT�RIALS AND APPUF2TENAIVCES NECE55ARY F�R C�MPL�`�E INSTALLATI�N �� THE S7flRM SEWER. _ EXlST�NG ELECTRIC MANH�LE Z Z "' TH� TDWN QF W�STLAKE SHA�.L I�VSPECT ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. 3. 7HE SAN17ARY SEWER SERVICE LIN� SHALL SE E7CT�ND�d A {NINIMLJM �F fi FEE7 PAST TNE PRDPERTY LINE. � � Q �; E�CISTlNG 51GN n 24. 1"HE C�N7RACT�R`5 BID PRICE SHALL INCLl��7E ALL 1�i51'ECi�i�1V FE�S. AS AN AL7ER�VA1"E, 7HE �WNE� RESERVES 7t�� RIGH7 70 PAy 7HE iNSPEC7IQN �• SERVlCE LI�fES SHALL BE 4" PVC AND 51�ALL HE F'LU�GE� AI�� PRESSUFiE TESTEa WITH TH� MA1N LiNE. � a FEES �IRE�TLY Tfl THE TflWN. G�NSTRtJCT10N STA�ING TO 8E PR�VI�Ed BY THE �OhlTRACT�R, lJNLESS DTFiE�2WISE AGREED T� 8Y THE �WNER. �, S�RVICE LINES ARE T� BE L�CATED AT TH� D�WNHILL SI�E �� TH� L�7. + EXIS�iNG FiRE HYDRRN� 0 25, THESE PLA�fS DD NC7T �XTElV❑ �� �F� 1�1CLL.1aE DESIGN OR SYSTEMS PE�2TA4NING T� TNE SAF�TY DF THE CONS�'RiJCTIQN CaNT{�ACTQR !S i�'S THESE �'LANS A�� ISSUE❑ F'OR � EMP�OY�ES, AGENTS, �a �2EPR�SEN7ATIVES iN TNE PERFORMAIVC� OF �'HE WORK. �HE SEAL OF HEREDN D�ES N�7 �7f7ENf3 TO R�IY S�CH SAF�TY �• T�� �flP �� SEWER �IPE SHALL SE A MIIVIMUM DF 48" BELOW �INISHEE] GRADE. THE PURP�S� �F PRELIMiNARY a SYST�M TFiAT MAY 1VQW �R HEREAFT�R 8E IIVCORP�RATE❑ IN TH�SE P�ANS. REVI�W ANC3 ARE NDT INT��VC]ED 7. 7HE C�1V�RACTOR k5 RE[�[JII�EC] TQ PkJLL A MANDREL 7HR�lJG�1 SEW�f� PtPE. FaR C�AfS�RUCTiC3N. �` 26. SEEf�ING SHALL BE Bf20RflCA5� SE�OING tN ACCORDANC� WITH NCTCOG SP�CIFiCAjl�NS I��M 3.�C] "SEEdifV�". WHE�I lSStJED !!V � 8. A TV INSPECT�DN Q� TFiE SANITARY SEWER LIN�S fS REf�UIREQ. Fl�IAL FaR�f THEY W4L� BE � 27. FERTILI�ER SHALL BE IN ACC�RQANCE WITH NCTCQ� SP�CI�ICATIQNS ITEM 3.11 "FERTILI�ER". g. ��i� S�W�R PIPE WILL 8E PRESSURE TESTEa iN A�G�RaANCE WITFi TNRCC LdW PRESSURE AIR TEST �SECT�QN 317.2 (a}(4}�B}}, RE�Eft T� MANHQLE SEA�E�, SfGNE� A�f❑ dATEC1. r a �� 28. WATEft, SEWER, & ❑L1CT BANK W�LL HAVE DET�CTdR TAPE IlVSTALLED B�TWEE�I EMBEDME�I�f AN6 NATiVE BACKFiLL. aETAIL �OR AI701TI(3NAL �ESTING F2EQLJIREM�NFS. i RESP�NSIBLE ENGiNEER: Q 29. TF�E �DNTRACTQR SHALL V��21FY TH£ L�CATI�N, SIZE, ANa MATERIAL QF ALL UTI�ITI£5 AFFE�TE� BY CONSTRL7C�fIQN PRIQR TD BEGINNIN� ��• ENGi�kEE�2EQ CA51NG IS REQl11f2ED WH�N C�055ENG S�REETS �ARGER THAN C��LECTORS. BR�WN & GAY ENGINEERS, INC. Ji CDNSTR�lCTION. CQNTRACT�R Sf�ALL C�NTACT ANQ Cfl�RI]iNATE WiTH ALL AFFECTED UTILITEES 48 H�URS PRIDR T� C0�45TRUCTIQN. D1G 7�SS TEXAS REGIST�FtE€7 E�VGI�fE�RENG � 1-80C}-3�k4-8377 11. N� SE{�ViCES ALL�WE❑ ��V CLEANflIJT STACK. W1�LIAM�R. ,1A�V�N�Y, P.E, � 12, ELIM�NA7E aISCHARGE I��O �HE E3(1571NG SEWER 5Y5�EM BY PL�IGGING LINE A� C�NN�CTI�N. ��1� C�NTRACTQR W1L.� BE BiLLED FOR 7HE aISCf�AF2GE �ExAS REG15�"RA71dN Nti. 108fi53 : 3p. �DN7F2ACT�R SHAL� L�CATE A�a Ai]JL.IS� EXIS�ING lJ71LlTY MAIVHDLE LIDS, GLEAN�lJTS, WA7ER VALVES ANQ Q7HER SUR�AC� APPl,1RTENAIVCES A5 pllf�ING C�3NSTRlJCT10N, March 1D, 2056 �, REQtJI{2�� F�R I�EW CflfVSTRIJCTION. C�I�TRACTOR SHALL C4�R�INATE UTILITY AQJUSTMEIVTS WITH OTHER DISCI�LtI�ES ANd THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY L AGENC�ES AND PF20VI[]E FOR A�L �EES FC]R �ERM�TS, C(7N�JECTIpiJS, ff�5P�C71QfJS, ETC. -fH�SE A[]JLJ57M�N75 S{iA�L �E CflNSipEREp iNCI�EN�AL TD �3, �TILiTY �ON�RACT�ft SHALL PLACE APPR�PRIATE LQCATI��1 MAR{{5 �N T�IE CLJRBS P�R TFiE TQWIV QF WESTLAi{� ENGINEERING STANDAR�S, LATEST �,-!.i_i il���i:I � �'HE CONSTRUC�i01V CONTRACT. E�1TI�N. r 31. THE CDNTRACTdR SHALL PR�T��T E?ClSTING PRO�ERTY Ivt�NUMENTAT�QI� ANd PRIMARY CONTR�L. ANY SLJCH POINTS WHICH THE CONTRA�T�R �r�, PIPE MAT��21AL F��2 WASTE WAT�R LI1�E5 SHALL CQNFqRiVI 7� THE lV�TES SH�WN �N Tl-!IS aRAWiNG AND TD TH� R�[�UIfiEMENTS aF THE PRflJECT `'I_'�'' " ;�}��r��,''=' ' �_ ' o BE�IEVES WI�L BE DESTR�YEp SHALL HAVE ��FSE� PD��fTS �STABLfSHE� BY THE COI�k�RAGT��2 PRI�R TO CQf�lSTRUCTI�N. AIVY M�Nl1MENTATION SPE�IFI�A�'IONS. SA{�EITARY SEWER LINE SHALL BE 5�R-35 PV� IF QEP�'Fi �� LIiVE iS 1Q' ❑�2 LESS AN❑ 5�F2-�6 1F �EPTH ❑F LINE 15 �REATER THAN ����y +`'�-�,��r��-ti�n ,��_1ivi;:. � ❑ES7RaYE❑ BY THE C��iTRACTflR SHALL SE REESTAELISH�D AT HIS E7(PE1�5E. a 1�'. EMBEb SEWE� P1PE 1N ACC�F2DANCE WITH LOCAL MUNlCI�AL�TY D�SiGN STANbAR�S. ��,LI{ff�l! ! � � ; 32. BARi�ICA�ING AN� 7RAFFI� ��NTRDL �L.IRING CdiVSTRLICT�df� SHA�L 8E THE RESP�I�SIBILl�Y QF 7�1� CdNi�RAC7DR AND SFfALL C��k��F2M 7Q 7HE .,-,,,_- ,_:.,,_..,,-�,t;,-;F�_ ;� LATEST Ed1T14�1 OF THE 'TE�AS MANUAL ❑N UNI��RM TRAFFIC C�iVT�2DL aEVIC�S", �'ART VI IN PAR�"ICEJ�AR. TRAFFIC FLQW AND ACCESS SHALL BE ��� wA�ER AND WASTEWATER LINES SHALL BE L�CA7E� A MINIMLiM OF 9'APRRT (C�EAR OISTRIVCE}. WHE�V SEPARATIaN �AiVlVn� BE MAINTAINED, SANITARY - o MAIAI�AINEl� DUl�ING A�� PI-IASES aF TH� CQ�ISYRUCTI�N. THE C�I�lTF�AC��R 15 RESP�PESkBLE FQR PROVIpIl�G TRAFFIC SAFE7Y MEASIJRES FOR W��2K SEWE1� SFiALL �1�i-3ER BE �NCASE� IN C�N�R�TE flR L.1�GRADE� 7d �RESSURE PIPE �MaN. SDR ��}, � ❑N F'RaJECT. � STORM ORRfN NOTES: R E VI Sf aP�5 a 33. flIVSITE PLAIVAME�RI� ANa T�Pfl�RAPHI� MAPPING �AKEN FRaM QATA PR�VIDEQ 8Y G&A CahlS�JL�AIVTS CDNFIRMED 8Y BRflWN ANa GAY EN�INEERS �N REV t�0. DATE oESC�iPri�r� � JIJLY 20i 4.. 1. ALL C�LVEft� H�ADWA�LS ANC1 INLETS TO HAVE STONE CLA��ING. i i 34. ANY aAMAGES 7HAT MAY OCCUR �TO i�EAL PF�OPERTY OR E7(fSTING �MPROVEMENTS SNALk� BE RESTflRE❑ BY �HE CDNTRACTOR TO AT LEAS� TFfE SAME �. ND �R�CAST CURB INLETS. r CDNQITl�N �HA7 �l�E REAL PR�PER7Y QR ExIST1��iG iMP{��VEMENTS WERE f!V PRlDR �D THE �AMA�ES. THIS ftES7QRAT4QN SHA�L BE SUB�fE�7 T� 7HE x QWNER�S APPROVA�; MOREOV�F2, �HIS RES7QRAT1pN SHALL NC3T 8E R 8A5�S �QR AQflI�I�NAL C�MPENSATlQN 74 THE CON7RACTDR. RES7pF2A710N 3. A�.L MAT�RIALS ANp W�R}CMANSHIP FQR ST�RM DRAIN CaNSTRUCTi�N SHALL CDNFDRM TD THE IVCTCQG S7ANDARiJ SP�CIF4CATIflNS FQR PUB�1C WaF2KS r SHALL lNCLIJdE, 8U� NOj 8E LIMITED TD, �.EGRASSING, REVEGETA�ION, �2EPLACIlVG FEEVCES, RER�AClNG TRE�S, ETC. COIV5�R�1�Ti�N, LATEST EDITIDN, Af�D THE LDCA� MUNICIPA�ITY REC�UIREMENTS. � i 35. I1' SHALL BE THE RESP�1V51BILITY ❑F TNE C�NTF2ACTDR T�: 4. C�NTRAC��R SHAL� MAINTAIN aRAINAGE A7 A�L 71ME5 aURING Cfl�5T�2UCTI�N. P�NDIIVG �F WATER WILL hl�� B� ALL�W��. � � � A. P�EVENT ANY �AMAGE TO PRaVA�E PhOPERTY A�Cl PRO�E��Y OWNER'S POLES, FENC�S, SHRUBS, ET�. 5. STflf2M PIP� SHALE� gE C�LA55 II! REINfOR�ED CONCRETE PIPE �RCP} 18" A�lD ABOVE IN dIAMETER AND 5�R-35 PO�.YVINYL CH€�ORIdE �PVC} PIPE OF2 � B. P�2dVI�E ACCE55 TO ALL �RlV�S �L1R1NG CONSTRl1CT10N. NIGH aEIVSI�Y PdLYET1�YLE4�E (NDPE} BEL�W 18"IN �IAMETE#�. DF2AWN BY: � C. P�2QTECT ALL UNDERGRaUN❑ UTILITIES Tfl ftEMAiN IN SERViCE. a D. N�TiFY ALL U�I�ITY COMPAN�ES ANa VEftIFY L�CA�"fON aF AL� UTILITIES PRIDR 70 START flF CONSTRiJC�IflN. GRADiNG NOTES: � 7. 1N� C�N�RACTQR SHAL� AaMIN15TER SF'RI�]€C�ERS FaR DlJST CQNTRfl�., EARTHWDF2K aR SASE C�NSTRlJCTI�N A5 R�giJtRE� flR AS QIRECTEQ 8Y �HE CHECKED BY: Y 35, CDN7RAC�OR SHALL MAIN�AIN �1TILi7Y SERVI�ES A7 ALL TIMES DLIRIN� C4N57F2UCTIQN, ENG�f�EER IN A�CflR�ANCE W1TH THE �OCAL ML1hliC�PALlTY 5TAN6ARD5. 6 � 37. THE COEVTRACTOR IS �2ESPONS�BLE FOft KEEPING 51C7EWALKS A�JACENT 70 TNE PROJ�GT FREE 4F MUD AND D�BRIS �ROM TH� CONSTRUC710N. OA�E: � 2. FILL MATERIAL SNAL� B� C�MPACTE❑ T� A MINGMUM 35 PEftC£i�T �F MA}CiMUM dRY ❑ENSI�"Y A5 Q£TERMIN�n 8Y THE STAN�A�d PR�C���2 �'EST, ASTM 0 38. THE �OhkTRACT�R SNALL REM�VE A�L SiJRP�IJS �AATERIAL FRflM THE PR�JECT AREA UiVLESS INSTRUCTE� OIFFEREhlTLY BY ❑WhlER OR EN�INE�f2. THlS � ���� �N CONJIJNCTfON WfTH TH� CQN��ACTING �PERATI�N, FILL MATEf24A� SNALL BE BROUGH7 TO A MQISTURE C4N�fE�ET RA�GING FROM +2 PERCENT 6 WORK SHALL BE StJB51[71ARY Tfl T�IE CpNTRACT AIV[3 15 N0� A S�PARA�E PAY ITEM. P�iNTS ABOVE flPTiMUM T� +5 i'Ef2C��l�AGE Pali��S ABDVE OPTIMUM +2 Ta ffi. ��2n.]ECT NUMBER: � � RAVf�G iVDTES: � 39. THE CflI�TRACTOF2 SHALL BE R£5�'ON518LE �OR ALL C�ORaINA710N, 11�5f'EC�ID�I, AP�Q TESTING AS REi�LIIREa BY Tl�E ❑WNEf2 ANd/OR TNE LOCAL U°R MUNE�IPAI�ITY. 1. C�lV�'RACT�R'S WQRK SFiALL INC�IlQE PAVEMENT R�MQVAL AN❑ DiSP�SAL REgIlIRE� FOR NEW WAL�C, DRIVE, �LJRB, GUTTER AN� �THER PAVING SI`1 ��t N �. z a FEATU��S. CDN�RACTOR SHALL B£ �2�SPONSIBLE FaR AL� COOR{]INAjION, INS�'EC71�N ANQ TES�ING R�E�k.�IR�a gY THE �WNER AIV�/Q�2 THE LQCAL �� 4f7. ALL WORK IN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY, PROPERTY AN� �ASEMENTS SE-{ALL BE CQN5ID�RE� PLlBLlC, Ai�L QTHER WORK 5FlALL 8E CONSIDERED ����A��. ��,�,�,�A�,�Y. G E N E R A L_N �TE S � � � 2. pAVING SEC71�N5 SFiALL BE SAWCUT IN 15' x 15' SQLJARES. � �`� 3. PAWEMENT REMaVAL A1�[] REPAIR SNAL� CO�EF�RM TD THE L�CAL �ll1NICIPALIi'Y R�QUl�EME�lTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAI{E AN EFF'�F2T T� PROJECT �a CaNCRE7E AI�fD�9R ASPFiALT EDG�S. a �� 4. C01VCF2ET� PAVlNG JDINTS SHALL BE CONS�RU��fED AS RECQMMENdED IN TFiE GEQTE�Hh�ICAL REP�R� N07ED BELDW. � �4 z � 5. 51TE �AVii�� AhkO PAVEMENT SUB�RAQE SHALL BE PREPARED IN ACC�RDANC� WITH Th-fE GEOTECHNICAL REP�R�" N0. �f5i 5349�R� PREPARE� BY �WI o�� ANEJ I7A�'ED SEP�EMBER, 2�15 m r� Os-dinan�e 777 � � TR�PHY Ci�tJB o n � � ------ - _ � h�¢o ��r�2- � ��¢� I CRE � �U� �90B JAMES ` �� ----- _ Medlin MEpp �s� � � ��,� Cemeter�y Galf y w 0E[z 5E�[ �4J Caurse J fl � _ __ �� �p41iY y �All�,� SEMINOLE �"`� �F C"� _� _ _ ' �'�s a� ��' Ull�q�r Jz � Q rn - .. '..:':�:;� � �� '� `�'�R�����AO� �5S m¢ p � � � �14 ��' °oti Y � � � � � _ � G iN�Rµ � _ � �`'z _ � Q - -_ _ - — �� � � z � Srown & Gay Engineers, Inc. '�'�� ,� W�S�LAKE � _ F� VNyERNE = 2595 �allas Parkway, 5uife 204 � � � ,`., 1 �, o , FrisGo, TX �5�34 - _::: � �� ,, ,, � � � `� Tel: 972-464-48Q0 s www.brawrrgay.com �� 0� 1 ,� TBPE Registratian N�. F-1446 ', ��NGI Cantact: Will Janney � a �, � � s _ i , � � � ¢ � 1�� 1�4 � Tel: 97'2-A�G4-4835 a Copyright 2015 . �` � ¢ SOLAI�q g�� 1 p �1 �'y _ � �`tlnUr I'�l � . ti � � Q�VE ROAp ['��s, � �y o �y�`' � 1 _ � � I I oo� �n { : � �1�� a . II� � `� � I ' 'ti . ,,� _ - - �t,� � , _ VICINlTY MAP � ` �ti, � 1 �� .n WO�u}E� 22 , � ', , s�8 y4y (NoT Ta SCALE} CfE`VEL�P�k �; rb , STORAGE 1, ,,''.-_.-. � ,�..ra � CENTIlRI�N AMERICAN � �'� � ;° ° ` �8D� Valley View Lane, Suite 34Q � �L, ��` `' JAN Farmers 6ranch, T}C 75�34 � 11 � .�1 � ` ' _`p. ° G a� CONCE551flN5 ��11t�C�: MIC�I�EI BE��]I r• ��� �& Tel: 214-287-9009 ` �,'�5 , ' �� u` ,� � . G58'-Q^ LIGHTS � . � � r ��� ❑ ..� p � � '� . o - - � f �— ss8�_fl... �11��J R E L AN[� + , , � =r4�nc��+nq � ��r,�{;�mCn4 • �3�.rr�rct.+�: 1 ❑� , ' � � � 1 1 � . ` • � � � ' � � Q � �[ , ' � �', � I..I.a � � W Q �— . � �= � � � �` z , � � 658'-a",� F � 1 � t _� ' +�ariz�n ❑I '�cal�: 1 " = 2C�� � � � � � ` � � � W � � Z w � � Q W � . 1 1•� ' ��' 7!�' ��' � � � � . fi5fi'-0" Q � � � Q � 1 1 W � w r � :,`' � � � � Q �,.._. � � r Q � — J � c� t fi46'-0" b53'-�" � � � � � � W �, = w � w = �--� z Q �, , ° s���n d � � ~ w � ;� 1 Q � � m �, �1.:�:�:�:•. rh `:1 643'-fl"" � r 1 ❑ V� � � t 1 � 7g 5�r� '� ❑ � � q 642"_fl"" fi4 fi49�_0'� � � � ll. � ��rr .. ,' ` 643�-�"" S& S�AT� � ����� ' � � � � " � �'• 5�qrg O � � � � � Z 3 E ';�,`. sao'-a�' 5� s�ar� Q � W � � 'j�;'., 4s � �, � � C� Q � s �r o. � � , � o° f° ~ � ''�;;, '� 299 FIXEa 5EAT5 �° ���� \ ,�,`� , � a> � � p �;�� . . 63g —� sa4'-o" '�° � �ay O THESE PLANS ARE ISSIJEQ FQR o �, • o �..'� 644'-a" bo sp��'as,��y O F2 VIEW AIV��ARE� �T�NMIENQ p � i�. I , FOR C�NSTRUCTION. � `,1''� � � WHEN 155UEQ I�! a � 1�� ' s�g�_ff� � `� FI�lAL F�F2M THEY WiLL BE w � � il I 639•_0�� � SEALED, SIGIVED AlVD DA1��. W ,{� � ' � 639'-D" S7AGE � 643�-fl.. ��Q,c' z {�i � � �� _ � I � RE5PbN51BLE ENGINEER: a hl� � �I BFt�WN & GAY �NGINEERS, IN�. a I � S39'-�" fi39'-Q" 14 M � � � 639'-0" � I II I +''� I � � �EX WILLAMSR�J ANNEY,I�E�RlNG �� � I' 'J � � � TExAS REGfS RATIflN4N0. 1�8653 = �I I I �� I � � � ,�A� '� W� r NOT1��AL� WESTLAKE EIVTRADA INFF2ASTRU�TUF2E A55LJMED AS M�rGh i0. 2�i5 N . _ � I � � GR�EN RQOH1 I � 63���� RESTROflMS ABDVE EXIS�ING FOR �HIS PLAN �E� � � � _ , ,, , a sas'-a" BELaW ��' �i 1�, 1 sa�'-a" ABOVE �� •�� r, AT 649'-a" �. ALL DIMENSl�NS ARE T� FACE OF CURB lJNLE55 -�` .�`_��-"_ � '' OTHERWiSE NOTE❑ � va+�r,� P��: �-�_'� �..i�, �aCilit��`•; � , r � � +}., r �� o ' � co�c�ss,aKs ��`�- � 6 ��-� • G.. , °t . _ �� I � 1� � ,_y� _' � STflRAGE BELOW , �n1� Lcnst.ri.i�-tF�r� R�=fs:•:•� .. a �I I � ❑ �Q_ ❑ �: � ----- ••° AT fi23'-o" ��1 -- ' �" Cut in medivn nose lacated � 70Q feet southeast of intersection af D�vis c ` i _ OFFICE ❑ 4l , �_�'°� �`- . - QFFICE �� Blvd. and dove Road. Elev. 66$.96 C.AIJ�I�°d !�� .; �i �-` . � . ° - . c � 2' ��.,,T.a�-r , cr�r. [,�,-, -r. I �, `.ti� I ` �,, szs�-a�� - - ' - - �, � � � � � , , , - - o �, � , , -0 TB�+l2 - G �ut in median nose at intersectian of [lnvis Bivd. and 8ull Way. o � � ��o��tr+G� a � �____-_--- ------- - — -- ------ --------. � _ ., �- Elev. fi79.58 e � �, , ` � �3 -°� . , R�VISIONS �� REV NQ. DATE �ESCRIPTI4N o '� ` � - • _ �- - � -- � _ - _ '� d ' T8M3 -- "❑" �ut +n me�i�n nose ❑t intersection of Davis Bivd. and Sear Nfay. - cQj ''y'�,'� 1' �.:. 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Invoice Number: 337376651 FORT WORTH,TX 76102 �g i��390-��61 Invoice Date: 4/1/2016 Federal Tax ID 26-2674582 Terms: Net due in 21 days Due Date: 4/30/2016 Bill To: PO Number: TOWN OF WESTLAKE 1301 SOLANA BLVD Order Number: 33737665 BLDG 4 STE 4202 Sales Rep: 073 WESTLAKE, TX 76262-7940 Description: TOWN OF WESTLA Publication Dates: 3/31/2016 �4/1/2016 Description " : , L�#a+iyn CoI Depth Linage MU Ra�te Amount TOWN OF WES 1 34 34 LINE $613 $417.08 Misc Fee $]0.00 Net Amount: $427.08 � ;S�FY P4�� DEBORAH JEAN BAYLOR :_��= Notary Public,State of Texos :a. PAy Commisslon Expires County of r1"arrant '%:%;,�;,`„�'�` OCtober 29, 2019 Before me,a�ota� !-his day persona!!y appearedChristy�folland,Bids�LegalCoordinator for tFie Star-r1"eCegn ��ort`Worth, in r1"arrant County,r1"e�as:and who after 6eing duly sworn, did depose and say was pu6!'uFied in tFie a6ove named paper on tFie!'uted dates: BIDS e�LEGAL,$D��Z:Star-r1"eCegram.(1 S7IBSCI�IBED s1�D,S`WO�,�rIO BE�OI�E ME, TXIS D�()'O�Aprif �� 2016 Signed � ��� , ��," \ �O?s�7Z}'P4IBLIC ''_ Thank You For Your Payment Remit To: Star-Telegram Customer ID: TOW27 P.O. BOX 901051 Customer Name: TOWN OF WESTLAKE FORT WORTH, TX 76101-2051 Invoice Number: 337376651 Invoice Amount: $427.08 PO Number: Amount Enclosed: � � WESTLAKE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION T H E T 0 W N U F TYPE OF ACTION W E S T L A K E Regular Meeting - Action Item Monday, March 08, 2021 ToP�c: Conduct a public hearing and consider recommendation of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow for a Residential Repository to be located on an approximately 0.71-acre portion of Block C, Westlake Entrada, located between Aragon Drive and State Highway 114. STAFF CONTACT: Ron Ruthven, Planning and Development Director Strategic Alignment � � � � � . � . . , : ' • � � High Quality Planning, Design & Planned/Responsible Citizen, Student& Development-We are a desirable well preserve Desirability Development Stakeholder Planned, high-quality communiry that &Quality of Life is distinguished by exemplary design standards. � Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HiSTORY) Centurion American is requesting to operate a Residential Repository on Block C in Entrada. The repository would operate on four floors of the proposed five story building as shown in the companion site plan amendment and would contain a total of 90,080 square feet. A self-storage market study commissioned by the applicant is attached along with a business plan for the proposed Residential Repository. RESiDENTIAL REPOSITORY DETAiLS The following are details specific to the proposed business: • The first two levels will include flexible space that will be accessible to automobiles. This space may by modified to meet a particular client's need; Page 1 of 3 • The second and third level will include pre-compartmentalized storage spaces that resemble more traditional indoor self-storge uses; • The fourth level will include flexible office space; • The fifth level will include a restaurant; • All spaces will be climate controlled; SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATiON The applicant is requesting to operate a Residential Repository on four of five levels on a new building to be located on Block C as detailed in the attached business plan. If the zoning amendment, development plan requests and/or site plan requests contained on this agenda are recommended for denial, staff recommends denial of this item as well. However, should the Commission recommend approval of the item, staff recommends the following conditions to be added to the motion: 1. All Town and Entrada development regulations and agreements shall be adhered to at all times, except as amended herein; 2. The Residential Repository shall comply with the approved site plan and the business plan [to be attached as ordinance exhibitsJ. 3. Not later than one year from the approval date of this ordinance, this SUP shall automatically expire if no building permit is issued per the requiNements of the ordinance approving the site plan [Ordinance XXXJ. 4. The following activities are hereby prohibited.• utilization of any unit as a residence or short-term residential accommodation, manufacturing, and any other use that may pose a nuisance and/or threat to public health and safety or othe�wise constitute illegal activity undeN local, State and Federal law. S. The residential repository shall be subject to a Town issued operating license, which shall be renewed periodically per the licensure terms as detailed in a future licensing policy. Notwithstanding other provisions, the license shall grant the town manager or designee right of access to the property and building to ensure the building and site are in compliance with the terms of this ordinance and other applicable regulations. Final licensing terms,fees and conditions shall be provided to the building owner and operator prior to the issuance of the building permit with invocation of all licensure requirements per the adopted policy beginning not later than the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy. 6. In the event that the use authorized by this SUP, or constr�uction thereof, is abandoned and/or ceases to ope�ate for a period of more than 180 contiguous days, this SUP shall automatically revoke and shall terminate. Page 2 of 3 7. Continuous and/or egregious violations of the terms of this ordinance, licensing conditions and/or other applicable Town regulations shall be grounds for revocation of this SUP with the final determination of revocation to be made by the Town Manager in writing. Appeals to administrative revocation under this section may be for-warded to the Town Council fo� final consideration not later than 60 days after the notice of administrative revocation of the SUP is sent. Failure to appeal within the prescribed timeframe will result in final revocation of the SUP. ALTERNATIVE P&Z ACTIONS The Planning & Zoning Commission has the following options when considering this item: • Recommend approval as submitted • Recommend approval with modifications or additional condition(s) • Recommend approval with staff recommendations • Any combination of the above • Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose • Recommend denial TOWN COUNCIL ACTION If the Planning & Zoning Commission acts and makes a recommendation for approval/denial on this agenda item, then it will be scheduled for Town Council action on March 29, 2021. ATTACHMENTS l. Residential Repository Business Plan 2. Self-Storage Market Study Page 3 of 3 - - - �+�_ - - - - _ '�' _ . - � - ti„ �� _ �� �._ �;�►p' ~ L � '�i=-� _•�' �� � �. 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'�i�� . . . �� "`i � ' . � ,'4 •' + . p;, :e _•,F�y R . � _ •.Y ti' ✓ . , / , / , , . , , • • , 100,000 +/- Mixed-Use Retail, Office/Warehouse, Storage and Restaurant Block C, Lot 1 .73 acres in Westlake Entrada Business Plan and Information Package Engineering • De�elopment + Construction m�� m . . � . 1 � 1 . . � ' 1 . 1 . � ' 1 1 1 ' �� ' ' o� The Westlake Entrada Residential Repository is a proposed multi-story, vertically-integrated, mixed-use building • The Physical Location of the proposed Building with SH 114 visibility and a complete lack of existing, a Z] � loca te d in t he hear t o f En tra da. Hear kening bac k to t he origina l zoning discussions,t his faci li ty mee ts t he true in ten t o f compe ting pro duc t wi t hin t he c loses t tra de ring c hime in wi t h t he main a dvan tage in any Rea l Es ta te �r the Village by meeting several 'Needs of the People' that are the residents of Entrada, the Town of Westlake and the Development—Location, Location and Location o�7 surrounding area. • The underlying Entrada Zoning that allows for a vertically-integrated Mixed-Use building provides a distinct �� market advantage by allowing the uses within the building structure to be tailored and fine-tuned to meet 3� The entire facility will be conditioned-space, and will not be available for condominium subdivision/purchase. It will market demands. remain under singular ownership for quality control and to insure adherence to the Entrada Design Guidelines. • The First Floor Man-Caves can be replicated on the Second floor, if the market proves to be as deep as expected for this unique and highly desirable product. The close proximity of the Man- Specifically, the first floor of the facility provides the opportunity for the Artisan workshops and showrooms that were Caves becomes a selling attribute for the Residential products in Entrada,since garage space and originally planned to be located on the Pedestrian Bridge. These spaces will have operating store fronts available that parking comes with such a premium. Target Customers are: will allow Craftsman, Photographers, Artisans and others to have high-visibility while remaining small enough to be • Residents within the trade ring that have outgrown their current garages affordable. These spaces will also be well-suited for smaller-scale office/warehouse/showrooms and high-end vehicle • Small Home Office Users(Etsy)that have outgrown their living rooms � storage/display (" aka Man Caves" ). The Owner will be providing the option for water, sanitary sewer and electrical taps for these first floor spaces to facility the individual finish out of the spaces. This space is engineered to be as • New Entrada Residents who are downsizing but still wish to retain all of the items flexible as possible while externally the building looks like it was constructed in the heart of the Village 500 years ago. that used to be stored in their attics. • Conventional Storage Users The second proposed use of the Residential Repository is to house flexible storage space for lease that will again, meet • The Fourth Floor Flex-Space with walk-out balconies creates a great opportunity for small office the Needs of the People in the Village. With 150 proposed Residential Condominiums across the canal and 120+single space with an incredible view over looking the Harbor and Plaza Mayor. With the diminishment • family residential homes with lower roof lines than typical and minimal attic space,the on-site storage facility becomes of the We-Work shared office space concept, small and affordable individual office suites will a great amenity for these Residents of Entrada. Again,this space will be 100%conditioned. continue to gain in popularity. Target Customers are: • Small Office Tenants no longer commuting to a downtown office but still looking to Close, immediate access to conditioned space will allow those downsizing to move in to the Condos to keep their other have true office space away from the home valuables and heirlooms nearby and in the community. Seasonal clothing changes, furniture pieces and other items • Wine Storage and Wine Tasting clubs to take advantage of the Patio Views that are too cherished to part with are all available on short notice. Conditioned-Space Wine Storage and other similar Conventional Storage Users uses are also being provided within the middle floors. • • The Fifth Floor Restaurant, Patio and Bar creates an additional draw to the building to help fill ► the other spaces/uses, but is also a strong,stand-alone business concept. The large,outdoor The third use of the building is a roof-top bar and tapas venue. This is being located to take advantage of the � dining area ties in with the dining trends related to COVID concerns,and the view from the Patio tremendous views afforded by the 5-story structure. The outdoor patio will overlook Restaurant Row, Chapel and � will be unparalleled in the immediate area. Reception Hall, Plaza Mayor and the Harbor with amazing views. Here the Owner is targeting a Tenant such as the � • The variety of these uses creates a tenant pool that is very diverse. This diversity, in turn,enhances the cash Barcelona Wine Bar at Knox/Henderson in Uptown. flow and market viability of the entire project. And this goes all the way back the original intent of the zoning where the vertically-integrated Mixed-Use that is available goes to help protect everyone's Overall this facility will provide around 100,000 sqft of commercial, retail and restaurant space in Entrada and will be investment in the Village. And the Owner of the Facility is planning to take advantage of this flexibility while flexible enough to meet both the current Needs, and future Needs of the Residents of Entrada and the Town of developing a quality,cornerstone building within the heart of Entrada with architecture and detailing to Westlake. It's uses fit the original intent of the zoning, and the building size and configuration help to convert a make it appear as if this building has been there for hundreds of years. topographically challenging building site into a value-add component of the Village. m� � 3 ^ � Y � � � � � � � 1 � ❑�S '. r ��w�p.'"^i�-�l..�� �� • lt' l• � �'�•'w.���� �_ �_ �. _ � :� x�� __�L� �} i - + ' �,. -- •�1• �-- t •• ►�-� ' � a'~ �;.. � � �r' -._� =:� =i� f'�" aP�a s - - � .. .� . - �- � 3 �.. •^-". + ��--�� .']�',_, '3.r��-_n,.s'� - a�s- rr. • .�, � .-. � , .. . . � .. + ` �m �IY� ��� ��.��,_�.,.r, � � • 7�.�� , .� +a� s .sr. q' 1 'r i �� t � � �� ����' � lfrf .y -�`- r ' u } y ��:�;:.��♦��',�, ,�'�. � �n�` ' �1:�'�y" '� . � � . _ y , r��� � � , _ . �' .��,,_.t�'� �'.S • a_ ��rer�' n� rf ��'T M � '.: •}��` �^ . a..-' � _.�". 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' � .r� ��7, �..� _ � � � '�= � � � � m� � 3 ^ � Y Z 3 • / / / , 1 / � 1 / � � / / , � / ' �� v Business and Marketing Plan: A market study has been provided to the Town in response to the DRC Memo#1 from Nov 20, o Z] f _ � - �annf�rt�ddU�!•3G'- �I"I"I 2020. That study clearly indicates a market need with no competing facilities in the 0-1.5 mile ring, one competitor ;r � ���I�'��ITI�I� f��� � � � ; �� � .� within the 1.5 to 3.0 mile ring and six facilties within the 3 to 5 mile ring. None of these facilities offer conditioned- :�-�� � �.._a o space Man-Caves, Office/Showrooms or Small Office Space with Balconies. The Residential Repository Space will �'i'�� � �� "� � - ' . �. � be marketed through normal techniques: Online, direct mail within trade ring, and having open houses to share the - �r � � � • . �� '• , =Q � � � �r . r� � � ��� �;-� . _ ._,_ ��s availability and flexibility of the first-floor units. These first floor units will also be marketed to the commercial ' � . ;I • � _�._ _ leasing brokerage community. The available Restaurant / Rooftop bar space will be marketed through the - , ,_ - ^ :�� -r � i � � i{`-�**� brokerage community as well. - ' . . ���a . . _�; . . , . _ -�' � ���."'. .-�� ti. . Additional Business Plan Summary Points: �J•�. . � ' _ t� _ k ���� � . _ '-� �� +' ��-. s � - • The Entire Building (Retail/Office/Restaurant/Repository and Man Caves" will NOT be subject to a condominium ,� '��"1" i� ' _ . ; - . r.� -'• �� . � regime. The entire building will remain under singular ownership. • i � �* � � !.;I�- � ' �F�I�e - -�4-� � � � '{ �. ,_� �...- _ ' - _ _+ 4� �+� � • The Owner intends to have sub-metering available for the restaurant use as the only known separate meter • - • • . �'r'�� � ��•;�.�� � ti� ���� , ,. - itr���# �: today. The Owner will plan to allow for the potential of sub-metering for the first floor units (Man � ' ■ _ _ $ �_ '� : • r� �' •.� Cave/Retail/Office) and will approach the submetering requirement on a tenant-by-tenant basis, much like any r ' �'�' �'� r „ ,� � �� _ i'-.� , other commercial space for rent. � ,��� f�'� �� • ���' � �+ � �` �.�r � i.��R�_� . _. .- � �,i f' ! _,�' ' • �t w. �•r�� *:, . . '��•,� �,?��__ . , . • �.. �f.�c , ! • • The entire building will be conditioned space. The first floor units will have the ability to place mechanical �', '����'r+'•'.� .' �":',••� � . I •' ' -� 1.>;•'•;' � ' equipment on the restaurant-level mezzanine, if additional conditioning is required for their use. The first floor ' r'r',�-"'''�" _ '--��-� � f . • - . . .._+_, ,= .' �,���. units will have access to a plumbing leave out along the central corridor for sanitary sewer and water service, like � - � I�I' any normal commercial space. � �� � ��y��•'�� I ; '� � - _; � �-�� . � ��� ���:i� • i � `� .�R,w �� ;f� ..�� ��f5 �� • � � � -t1 � _ _. . �. - j� _' • � ' �+ � . r. . . � � .. • • The First Floor Flex Space is partitioned in such a way to accommodate a much smaller footprint than is normally � � ��� �'ti �• ���-_ : ' '� -� _•k�'�, : � + �' i � - ,__�� � � -�` . . , . �t. available in the retail/office world. These small spaces are intended to fill the gap that was created when we lost � ��' :,• t� r,r;I � � • - � 4 ••�—� � • - � • F . � the Artisan Spaces that were part of the original Pedestrian Bridge Design. Think of the small fabricator who sells � . � ' � - _ �--� � •; .' � _�.,: � . • . - . _ • � things on Etsy or E-bay. They have outgrown their home office and garage, but do not need thousands of square �. r�+,:: _ '��� y4f��J1T : •Y •r � �y:�,� }a� - � ,� � ,S �,� ��J n y feet of space. Or an artist or photography who could have a showroom/storefront space with a street presence and a . , ,,� �,� - ..' -� _ -F��_ �'�• �-. ;,�ti�~ -'' 'i � a small back room for production. We do not have these tenants lined up today, but we believe they will be a vital ' �� ' � � � � '" ��� . . . . �. � component in generating a lively streetscape along the restaurants, parking garage, chapel and reception hall. '�'•� i �� i � - � Again,think of the users that were initially envisioned for the Pedestrian Bridge Artisan spaces. �•f� � � �'�+ ti � � ,� r�} ._.:� • The Storage Leasing Space will be located in a First Floor Space, adjacent to the Elevator Core. There will be � '- � � • ' . covered drop off within the first floor drive-thru access next to the elevators, so there is not an external loading �•r :••� • !� a�''' -• � . �•� . . i - . dock that would be visible from the street. The storage spaces will be leased on a monthly basis, like any other a� = � � r ' �t;�� ���r�;;�=-___ � storage facility. Unit size mix will follow Industry norms, but we will be finishing one floor at a time to remain T � � �� r� • �SSa�,� � ' � flexible to adapt to market conditions and other larger-format users that may come on line. �— . � -''�{'�'�•� k � *��'�� . . . ; _ _ -_ ,. . ��� r _�.�� �_���,_ s�•:r • � —. . ��s 4c n sr1�i r 1.cRl�a i�t�-;a:: �•..� � � � 4��'� •ZT-1R � � �' �'�, ' �� T�r�a� m� � 3 ^ � Y Z � 1 1 . 1 � � 1 � � v� o �� ..... �.... .. �.� o VesllakeFlepasicar� 573da�s Vrd2�2W2Q F��5�G122 3 m m AlLM1I[eL1Y1t�W1Ii:trYLlVfil 140d3w Wa�dcf^c6720 Tuc 9A�feG �................................... �.................................�,.... .. 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Moa 1 012521 Fri f 22472t 23 - - - - - - - FlvorSRapo:ic>rpFsrtiSian�nq 15day: Mon10125f21 F:i1]�1272123 Elevatar 90doy: Mon1�1P5r21 Fri?l^e52223 ► 5 toreFrort t G ia s. 5 do ys Man 2120122 F ri 37d722 2C - - - - 7CQ •Com mcri.ai 3htl! 0 da ys Fri`slb'F2 F�i 374f22 Fd;?$,¢6,2i,2&,29 E fir!FIGDIT�nantPinisti O�it: AS days �lon 377�F2 F�i Sr6;22'�9 .. - . C+3 •FirstFlcorSp:•:: 9day:: Fri5�vi22 F�i5�6l22�� '�. LO -P.cPO9RGf•J 0 daqs Pri 3�fi�22 Fr�Sr5�e2�7 '�, • � • . MARKET STUDY JANUARY 2021 ENTRADA SELF STORAGE 56 to 64 Tarragona Drive Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas PREPARED FOR Mr. Michael Beaty Mooreland Development 4516 Lovers Lane, Suite 350 Dallas, TX 75225 PREPARED BY John A. Gans, MAI Mainland Valuation Services, Inc. 2921 Moss Creek Ct. McKinney, Texas 75072 (972) 741-7264 MVS FILE NO. 21-1347 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FACTUAL DESCRIPTION Client/User 1 Nature of the Assignment 1 Intended Use and User of the Report 1 Subject Property 1 Dates of Report 1 Scope and Reporting Process 3 Competency Statement 4 COVID-19 Statement 4 AREA AND NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS Regional and Metropolitan Overview 5 Neighborhood Overview 19 PROPERTY SUMMARY Site Summary 35 Improvements Summary 36 THE SELF-STORAGE MARKET Market Statistics 37 Demand Analysis 46 Demand Conclusion 65 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS General Assumptions and Limiting Conditions 66 Extraardinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical Conditions 67 CERTIFICATION 69 ADDENDA Qualifications Subj ect Photographs Preliminary Plans Engagement Letter Market Study Page 1 MAINLAND VALUATION SERVICES, INC. DEMAND ANALYSIS REPORT Client(s): Mr. Michael Beaty Mooreland Development 4516 Lovers Lane, Suite 350 Dallas, TX 75225 User(s): The intended user is Mooreland Development. Mooreland Development may provide a copy of this report to related third party entities,prospective lenders and regulating entities on a non-reliance basis for informational purposes only. Consultant: John A. Gans, MAI Intended Use of the Report: The intended use of the report is to assist Mooreland Development in establishing the potential market demand for self-storage units on the subj ect property for internal planning purposes. Nature of the Assignment: The nature of the assignment is to estimate the current potential demand for self-storage units on the subject property. The report will include an overview of the marketplace and analyze the potential demand for self-storage units. As a mixed-use development that includes a self- storage use is being contemplated for a planned development zoning application, this analysis will not address unit mixes or specific potential land-plans for the site in relation to zoning requirements. In addition, no associated potential revenue streams or valuations will be considered herein. Subj ect Property: 2.232 acres of land platted as Block C,Lots 1 &2 at Westlake Entrada, Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas. Property Type: Proposed mixed-use development with retail, restaurant and self-storage uses. Location: 56 to 64 Tarragona Drive in Westlake,Tarrant County,Texas 76262. This is located within the southeast quadrant of State Highway 114 (SH-114) and Davis Boulevard. Date of Report: January 12, 2021 Date of Inspection(s): December 23, 2020 and January 9, 2021 Effective Date of Study: January 2021 Demand Conclusion: Positive potential market demand for self-storage units in the defined area. 2921 MOSS CREEK CT.,McKINNEY,TX 75072 972-741-7264 FAX 972-767-0201 Market Study Page 2 REPRESENTATIVE VIEW OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY . .'.. '.-R.''7' •:..'4.�. � .�- .�S � � �'�w�:�:�.���._�:yk. 'r . F ::��.3.� r. ���� xK, v�:Y^�."r 4a'—� if_ �^�;:a'�Ps'^�„�•"� . ''.�����N' � _ " ,:;"��;'=". � �� ,+�. .::�d�,,.�. � y, �x a+�T_., �s�}. }y . �Il�. ' �:A.�. ..-w.�,�,.� .,.... ..�...r�•*�- �S' .., . � -. . . . ' _ � � � •-� ��� - - ,..__, ....�,o,� :�a= -- — _ ,.����- �- •�- ' ` � �..V' �"_-I� .. Westlake Entrada Mixed-Use Site 56 to 64 Tarragona Drive Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas Market Stud,y Page 3 Scope and Reporting Process This report was prepared for Mooreland Development as part of the due diligence for a proposed project to develop raw land and construct a state-of-the-art mixed-use project that includes retail, restaurant and self-storage uses. The services requested were for a demand analysis of the self- storage use on the property located at 56 to 64 Tarragona Drive in Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas (referred to as the "subject propert�'herein). While every attempt was made to provide the highest level of accuracy and reliability, it must be recognized that the report relies heavily on written and verbal information as provided by others. In some cases these sources are competitors who may have a vested interest in skewing the data.Also, the municipalities have been contacted and interviewed,in person,by phone or online,to determine possible projects that are in plain view,submission,pending approval,or have been approved.While Covid-19 has created additional difficulties in obtaining information, municipalities are notorious for incomplete information and often they require that specific parcel numbers be provided in order to determine if zoning or planning issues are pending. Every attempt has been made to eliminate possible misrepresentations.Written datum is the property of Mainland Valuation Services,Inc.(MVS)and has been used to create the opinions and statements herein. MVS accepts no responsibility and shall not be held liable for misinformation, either intentional or accidental, and cannot be held responsible for any decisions the client or any user of this report may make based on this report. MVS used sources deemedreliable and redundant checks were employed; however, there is always some risk that data may have been missed. One should be aware of this fact in decision-making based on this report. Also,the assumptions herein are based on the use of competent professionals in the development, entitlement, design, construction, marketing, operations and management of the property. Market data and demographics were collected, and the associated calculations often utilized for estimating demand factors for a property similar to the subject property were employed. The analysis process is a systematic procedure employed to provide the answer to a specific question about the demand for the self-storage use. The following areas of information were considered in evaluating the demand: 1. Area& Local Data 3. Neighborhood Demographics 2. Site Summary 4. Self Storage Statistics It is noted that this assignment does not employ any appraisal valuation services and was not engaged to meet the Uniform Standards ofProfessional Appraisal Practice(USPAP). However,the collection and compilation of market data in relation to a potential use support following the reporting requirements of USPAP as a guideline for this report. As such,it presents only summary discussions of the data, reasoning and analyses that were used in estimating the demand for the contemplated use. This report was made in conformity with and subject to the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice of the Appraisal Institute. Market Stud,y Page 4 Competency John A. Gans, MAI has appraised and provided consulting services for numerous self-storage and commercial properties over the past 25+ years. In addition, Mr Gans has provided perpetual due diligence to Cornerstone Development Corporation far the development of over three million square feet of self-starage and storage condominiums the past 25+ years. Mr. Gans has earned the MAI designation from the Appraisal Institute and is also a Texas State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser. Accordingly, the appraiser has the professional and educational experience to meet the competency requirements to complete this assignment. The reader is referred to the qualifications included in the addenda. Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19 Financial and real estate markets are in a state of uncertainty because of the Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. The outbreak of COVID-19 has been a rapidly evolving situation and the effects on the real estate market are currently unclear. As such,it is impossible to predict the effects on a near-term and/or long-term basis. The opinions and conclusions in this report are based on our interpretation of market conditions as well as their effect on the subject property at the time of this report. However,the impact of rapidly changing market conditions cannot be fully quantified at this time. Therefore,the conclusions within this report are based on the most current information available to the consultant as of the date of report and is subject to change as the situation continues to evolve. The intended users of this report should be aware of the uncertainty regarding market conditions and its potential impact on the subject's market as of the date of the report. The conclusions are based on the eXtraordinary assumption that market conditions will normalize for this property type to pre-COVID-19 outbreak levels within the time frame necessary to plan, permit and construct a commercial facility within this marketplace. Assuming no new significant events, the recovery from COVID-19 in the subject's submarket is anticipated to be positive and out-pace the national recovery. Market Stud,y Page 5 ' � •• �eLortne StreetAtlas USA02011 . �. �------------------------------- �� ---------- GreanwooU�-� ' S,;da„ REGIONAL MAP ; � Weston Anna , . Celina • � ' - - � Au6rey . � � � - f?��:r:; � . . ' .Mel's Nrum _ Br�Fr ��I - . 75- ..�380-== '___"_._ ' �288 / L:��fef_l�n ' .P105pBf . - - - . ._ _-3B0 � � CYvrk � .:- I ��-_= _ - ,i 380 . - --__.. - --_ � �Ponder �lrSi�7�� � �McHinney Ir� i - - .''1 �'., LltilB Elm �380 • - �=�, • FHsco . :izi - j �A�PY�a Ifi�Aon� � Lake Dallas � -' f-r,�,k s � - � �� -Allen - . � r.�xE- - � ��--— ��sc'��- r ,�.� � a�lE ` - 1.L_. � Lewisville . '� � . ... � � . � , . � Hebron Sh�e tari �- 3�� sue.iecr_ ���FlawerMound � . P � Plano Murphy-�Wylfe� � Newark 4� - Roanok�� � �.: � � � ° � + o 8riar . ' � _-.yyest �� � '-- -'----� -` • ! 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Rawlett �� Watauga Colleyville �Minters Chapel � � � � � , Saginaw � - � � . � I��..� . . �� y' � � � Bedford � oauas�ove Frem Univers�ry Park }� � .�6� Norlh Richland-Hills Hurst �Euless �_ �Highland Park/ Tl � Melodv Hi91s• � ° �, � ' Sansom Park Village , � � e Irving , �'���_��r �F . - �Richland Hills � �'�� Suanyvale RiverOaks � . �FDYt WOYth � �a��aS , �, ' Wes[warth � �� � � . � , � � ', aMesquite : � � Grand Pralrie � � � WestoverHilEs - �`_�. ..aArlington'� « � Cockrell Hill {�� � � � �� •LakeEand Hei�hts� �-� ±f�"„ - ! - �- - 'Pantego : - ;- . - . � . - Lawson :� � - �- � �DalwohRington Gardens Lakeview'.� . _ • ' �•Benhraok � �•Forest Hill - �� � •Florence Hill � � - - � ' �Edgecliff Vi!lage•� - � � � ��Kennedale- � _ � -""-9�uncan�ille--- •. -s yuichins � . ; '� � e � �,.�I, �Seagoville . ;_ ; 'Everman - . , �� - 13E-��7�-ru,x �� Bisbee �� !nc _ � � ; 1..vAc Y, Pao! .-� � � ! L<rku Cedar Hill �a Sato .Lancaster-Wilmer� -�Comhine Crowley Oak Grove ' � � • � • � � - �� \ .. . . .. . .' ` ' Mansheld'�. za�� � � . - �� � Rendon . . , ----`------'-----� � �� � ' - , -'---�-�.�8urlason-------------':.".� . -`::,._ 360___`_"_-_'__'________ _ . '__'___Tuan:l-;.. , _____ _____________'"_ ___' ,,, - �,i Ovilla RetlOak � ladia Lillian . `�.. � _ � . . -\, .67 , . . Trumhuil loshua ��_:�f� - _ �� - �s GodleY . ' I� � '-II � \ ,� _ _ .Venus'. `�� ;:I� ��� • I� __�_��� - _ -__ �,s,� � � . za�Ra f _ _ __ `��I�. I I-.j 67- �` �k�1�. ' . +1 ���� Garreti � . Cleburne �}pj ; � II ��- � � 4-� 41lP I !I Ci�. Bono '��, s�e ', . 1 �' • . .. Maypaarl '�'-� -�— -=.28��_ _ - � -� . ��� � �� Alma � �� Grandview� � - Bartlwell �- ° .-ti � ,Forres[on '' � � -- � � . . .Rice RioVlsta � -- - � Data use su6jectto license. *} Scale 1�.550,000 OODeLorrne_DeLormeStreetAtlasUSA02�11_ ��MN���E� � � ��m � w�nay.delorme.com 1"=B.fiBmio DataZoomB-5a Market Stud,y Page 6 Regional and Metropolitan Area Data The subjectpropertyis locatedwithin the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The MSA consists of the fourteen counties of Dallas, Tarrant, Collin, Denton, Rockwall, Ellis,Kaufman,Johnson,Parker,Wise,Hood,Hunt,Henderson,and Delta. This area is commonly referred to as the "Metroplex." Dallas, Tarrant,Collin, Denton and Rockwall are typically referred to as the five core counties of the metropolitan area. The Metroplex lies approximately 300 miles northwest of the Gulf of Mexico, 240 miles northwest of Houston, 230 miles south of Oklahoma City and 200 miles north of Austin,the State Capital. The Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex is located in the Central Time Zone. Population The two largest cities in the DFW metropolitan area are obviously Dallas and Fort Worth. The populations for the ten largest cities are summarized below. City 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Dallas 844,401 904,078 1,006,877 1,188,580 1,197,816 Fort Worth 393,455 385,164 447,619 534,694 741,206 Arlington 90,229 160,113 261,717 332,969 365,438 Plano 17,872 72,331 128,713 222,030 259,841 Garland 81,437 138,857 180,650 215,768 226,876 Irving 97,260 109,943 155,037 191,615 216,290 Grand Prairie 50,904 71,462 99,616 127,427 175,396 Mesquite 55,131 67,053 101,484 124,523 139,824 McKinney 15,193 16,256 21,283 54,369 131,117 Carrollton 13,855 40,595 82,169 109,576 119,097 Climate An important attribute to the economic growth of the Metroplex is its relatively mild climate. Although temperatures frequently exceed 100°F in the summer months and drop below freezing in the winter months, the average daily mean temperature in the area is approximately 66°F. The Metroplex receives precipitation of approximately 32 inches annually, of which less than three inches comprise snow and ice accumulation. The mean relative humidity in the area is approximately 50%. Market Stud,y Page 7 Topography and Soils The general topography of the Metroplex is level in the northern sector to gently rolling in the southern and western sectors. Area elevations range from 300 to 1,300 feet above mean sea level. The Trinity River and its tributaries facilitate drainage throughout the Metroplex. Crosstimber Prairie and Blackland Prairie are the principle soil formations of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Both are considered stable bases for construction purposes. The Barnett Shale is a large natural gas reserve encompassing more than 5,000 square miles and including portions of at least 18 counties in North Texas. Many eXperts believe the Barnett Shale may be the largest onshore natural gas field in the United States, estimated to contain more than 26 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In recent years, advances in drilling technology have made it possible for energy companies to extract large amounts of natural gas from the Barnett Shale. To date,most of the Barnett Shale activity has centered in Tarrant,Wise and Denton counties,in an area about 40 miles northwest of Fort Worth, Texas, where the gas-bearing formation ranges in depth from 7,000 to 8,000 feet and averages about 550 feet of"pay zone,"that is, the layers from which the gas is actually produced. Transportation Facilities Dallas/Fort Worth is an established major transportation center for the United States and the world. The Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport(D/FW Airport) is located directly between the Cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, and is located within a four-hour flight time of 98% of the U.S. population. In 2019, D/FW Airport earned the prestigious Airport of the Year award from Air Transport World. The D/FW Airport is the world's fourth-busiest airport in terms of operations and 15t"in terms of global passengers. The airport, completed in 1974, covers 26.9 square miles and is the second-largest in the U.S. in terms of land area. The airport generates more than $37 billion in economic output and supports over 300,000 jobs annually for the region's economy. Additionally, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is the world headquarters for American Airlines. A $2.7 billion renovation of Terminals A,B,C and E commenced in February 2011 and with the eXception of Terminal C, were completed in 2018. In May, 2019, D/FW Airport and American Airlines announced plans for D/FW Airport to invest up to $3.0 to $3.5 billion in terminal improvements, including the construction of Terminal F and enhancements to Terminal C. The identified site south of Terminal D provides significant flexibility for phasing in the number of gates for Terminal F,with a long-term projection of up to 24 gates, as demand for additional facilities is warranted. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, on August 17, 2020, D/FW Airport suspended the project until there is more certainty in the marketplace. Air transportation is also provided by three Dallas County airports and three Tarrant County airports. The Dallas County airports are:Dallas Love Field near downtown Dallas;Dallas Executive Airport in southwestern Dallas County;and Addison Airport in northern Dallas County. Addison Municipal Airport and Dallas Executive Airport provide service to private and corporate aircraft. Dallas Love Field, three miles northwest of downtown Dallas, is a central hub for regional business and commuter travel. Dallas Love Field is headquarters far Southwest Airlines. In 2010, Love Field began a$519 million modernization program to include a new centralized concourse with 20 gates, Market Stud,y Page 8 a remodeled lobby, expanded baggage claim area, and a new ticketing wing. The completion occurred in late 2014, or essentially near the time when the Wright Amendment was fully repealed. The federal law prevented planes with more than 56 seats from flying nonstop beyond the states bordering Texas. Once it was repealed, Southwest Airlines launched a schedule of nonstop flights from coast to coast. The major Tarrant County airports are Fort Worth Alliance, Meacham International Airport, and Arlington Municipal Airport. Meacham Field, located north of the Fort Worth Central Business District, and Arlington Municipal Airport, in southeastern Tarrant County,provide service to most private and corporate aircraft in Tarrant County. Fort Worth Alliance Airport, located 10 miles north of the Fort Worth Central Business District, officially opened in December 1989. The airport has become the focal point of a burgeoning 7,500- acre industrial and mixed-use master-planned development known as "Alliance Gateway." Rail service in the Metroplex is provided by six major railways and fourteen off-line carriers. Regulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission, �175 common carrier trucking lines offer freight service to the area. Several bus lines provide regional and national bus service for the area. Two Metroplex-area transportation authorities provide local public transportation. Dallas Area Rapid Transit(DART) provides a network of nearly 1,000 vehicles covering 700 square miles in Dallas and 12 surrounding municipalities. As of 2020, DART serves Dallas and 12 surrounding cities with approximately 130 bus routes and over 90 miles of light rail transit(DART Rail). DART andthe Fort Worth Transportation Autharity(the T)jointly operate 34 miles of commuterrail transit (the Trinity Railway Express or TRE), linking downtown Dallas and Fort Worth with stops in the mid-cities and DFW International Airport. The Fort Worth Transportation Authority (The T) provides local bus service to residents of the City of Fort Worth. The Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex features eXcellent access to the matrix of federal and state highway systems serving the central and southwestern United States. The area is served by six interstate highways. Interstate Highways 20 and 30 provide east/west access and Interstate Highways 35 and 45 provide north/south access. Two major loops, Interstate Highway 635 in Dallas County and Interstate Highway 820 in Tarrant County, connect with major highways and thoroughfares throughout their respective regions. Other important controlled-access highways in the Dallas/Fort Worth area include in part: U.S. Highways 67, 75, 80, 175, 287, 377 and 380; State Highways 114, 121, 161, 183 and 360; the Dallas North Tollway; the President George Bush Turnpike; the Sam Rayburn Tollway; and the Chisholm Trail Parkway toll road. Government Controls Governmental controls influencing property conditions include zoning ordinances,building codes and police and fire protection. The State of Texas has no personal or corporate income tax;nor does it have a state property or unitary tax. In Texas,property taxes are assessed locally. Cities, school districts and counties each tax real property and business personal property. In Texas, property is assessed at 100% of fair market value. Depreciation and homestead exemptions are allowed and reduce taxable value. Market Stud,y Page 9 Each city within the Metroplex has its own zoning ordinances and building codes. The remaining unincorporated areas are regulated by their respective counties. Police and fire protection is available to all areas of the Metroplex and is paid by the respective city and county revenues. Employment and Demographics Employment and demographic summary reports for the MSA and community are included on the following pages. Area Data Conclusion In summary, the interaction of the environmental, governmental, social and economic forces has contributed to the diversified economic base of the Metroplex. Quality of life should continue to remain good due to the abundance of cultural and recreational facilities. Dallas/Fort Worth and the region have excellent accessibility to North America's major markets. While there has been an impact by COVID-19,the overall real estate market throughout the Metroplex has been positive and continued growth of the local real estate markets is anticipated. It has a strong and diverse employment base that enables it to weather economic cycles. Employment and population growth is projected to spur further growth in the real estate market over the next five to ten years. The Metroplex is in an excellent position for future growth and is anticipated to demonstrate positive trends for the foreseeable future, but the amount of the positive trend will be influenced by the amount of change as the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve. � TEXAS "tzS�nRkF� � 3� r � Lahor Market " ` � " ��'c�; Page 10 Information `'",`,ti;� Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington MSA November 2020 MSA Labor Force Statistics Nov-20 OcR20 Nov-19 Yearly Change p Civilian Labor Force 4,058,826 4,023,581 4,035,848 22,978 ,n W�`'e Denton Collin a t� Employed 3,769,�44 3,782,101 3,911,264 142,120 �d� Han° Unemployed 289,682 241,480 124,584 165,098 Unemployment Rate 7.1% 6.0% 3.1% 4.0% w Rockwall Texas Labor Force Statistics Nov-20 Oct-20 Nov-19 Yearly Change Parker Tarrant Dallas Civilian Labor Force 14,204,927 14,082,369 14,209,425 -4,498 Employed 13,W5,334 13,143,824 13,729,113 -653,779 Kaufman Unemployed 1,129,593 93$545 480,312 649,281 Unemployment Rate 8.0% 67% 3.4% 4.6% Hood Johnson US Labor Force Statistics Ellis some.�en Nov-20 Oct-20 Nov-19 Yearly Change Civilian LaborForce 160,468,000 161,053,000 164,386,000 -3,918,000 Employed 150,203,000 15q433,000 158,945,000 -$742,000 Unemployed 1Q264,000 10,620,000 5,441,000 4,823,000 Unemployment Rate 6.4% 6.6% 3.3% 3.1% Historical Unemployment Rates 16% 14% 12% 10% a°io , p 6°/ �� 4% -- -����- 2% 0% O � � N N N N N N M (") M M M M V V V V V V � ln 47 ln L() ln (O CD CO CO CO (O I� I� I� I� I� f� a0 CO CO W O� 00 � � O) � O) O) O O O O O O � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � N N N N N N > C @ >.� d > C � >.� d > C � T� O_ > C � T� fl. > C � j.� Q > C � T j O_ > C � T� Q > C � T� Q > C � T� O_ > C >.� Q > o m m � a� o m � co � a� o m � m � a� o m `m m � a� o m `m � � � o m `m m � m o m `m m ' � o m � m � a� o m � m ' a� o �a `m m � a� o z � � g cnZ � � g � z � g � v� z � � g � z � gg � Z � g � � z � � g � Z � � � �nz � g � u� z � � � � Z r Texas US Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington Employment by Size Class(2nd Quarter 2020) Wages by Industry(in millions)(2nd Quarter 2020) 0:0.2% Natural Resources 1-4 :4.0% Unclassified$28.62 and Mining$532.89 5-9 :42% Government$6,473.40 Construction$3,27820 10-19 :5.8% Other Manufacturing$5,191.76 1000 and over :36.1% , Services$890.10 � 20-49 :9.3% Leisure and I/ Hospitality$1,674.52 � � Education and Trade,Transportation 50-99 :8.6% Health Services$5,81622 �, and Utilities$10,292.96 Professional and Information$1,913.93 100-249 :12.6% Business Services$11,001.50 Financial 500-999 :9.7% 250-499 :9.5% Activities$6,720.62 Annual Growth Rate Total Non-agricultural employment 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% -4% I -6% I ; -8% �J -10% O � � N N N N N N M M M M M M V V V 7 7 V � � � ln ln � CO CO C9 c0 c0 GO f� 1� f� f� f� I� c0 00 N W CO CO 6) O) O) 6) � 6) O O O O O O � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � .-- � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � r � � � � � � � � � � � � � � N N N N N N 'o � `m m� � o � `m @' � 'o m m @� � 'o � m �� � o @ m �� � o � `m �� � o � `m �� � o � c`a �' � 'o � `m �� � 'o � `m @� � o Z � � g cn z � � g � Z � g � � Z � � g � z � � g � Z � g � � z � � g N z � � g � Z � g � � Z � � g � z Rate Employment by Industry(November 2020) Employment by Industry(November 2020) Current Month %Monthly %Yearly Industry Employment Change Change Government11.9% Mining,Logging Other and Construction 62% Total Nonfarm 3,765,200 0.9% -2.5% Services 3.3% Manufacturing 7.4% Mining,Logging and Construction 233,800 0.2% 0.0% Leisure and Manufacturing 28Q200 0.1°/ -3.50� Hospitality8.9% Trade,Transportation,and Utilities 823,800 2.3% -0.3% � Trade,Transportation, Information 80,500 0.4% -3.1% Education and and Utilities 21.9% Financial Activities 336,200 0.4% 4.6% Health Services 11.6% `, Professional and Business 663,800 1.2% 2.0% Information 2.1% Services Professional and Financial EduCation and Health ServiCes 438,100 -0.3% _�p/ Business Services 17.6% Activities 8.9% Leisure and Hospitality 335,400 1.0% -16.0% Other Services 125,600 3.0°/ -3.0% Government 447,800 -0.2% -1.6% Page 1 of 1 1/2/2021 2:31:34 PM Pa e 11 J � � - . . � MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area Site Details Map Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area (19100) Geography: CBSA `s2'. �� 75 r2g7 69 �38 �Denton McKinney 0 Greenville 6 \ Lewisville o Plano 0 69' 199 �287t Weatherford Dallas p°�WO�h Arlington � p ao` 281 � L v 1 ,. Waxahachie Cleburne ° 0 tephenville Corsicana 0 0 9 18 ,� m i �' This site is located in: City: --- County: Collin County State: Texas ZIP Code: 75001 Census Tract: 48085030100 Census Block Group: 480850301001 CBSA: Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area January 04, 2021 Pa e 12 J � • • • MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area Prepared by MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area (19100) Geography: CBSA Dallas-Fort W... Population Summary 2000 Total Population 5,156,310 2010 Total Population 6,366,542 2020 Total Population 7,779,502 2020 Group Quarters 83,323 2025 Total Population 8,518,266 2020-2025 Annual Rate 1.83% 2020 Total Daytime Population 7,779,727 Workers 3,715,100 Residents 4,064,627 Household Summary 2000 Households 1,879,000 2000 Average Household Size 2.70 2010 Households 2,296,410 2010 Average Household Size 2.74 2020 Households 2,775,282 2020 Average Household Size 2.77 2025 Households 3,029,062 2025 Average Household Size 2.78 2020-2025 Annual Rate 1.77% 2010 Families 1,588,668 2010 Average Family Size 3.31 2020 Families 1,909,886 2020 Average Family Size 3.36 2025 Families 2,081,705 2025 Average Family Size 3.38 2020-2025 Annual Rate 1.74% Housing Unit Summary 2000 Housing Units 1,995,593 Owner Occupied Housing Units 56.6% Renter Occupied Housing Units 37.5% Vacant Housing Units 5.8% 2010 Housing Units 2,499,617 Owner Occupied Housing Units 56.5% Renter Occupied Housing Units 35.3% Vacant Housing Units 8.1% 2020 Housing Units 2,971,380 Owner Occupied Housing Units 55.2% Renter Occupied Housing Units 38.2% Vacant Housing Units 6.6% 2025 Housing Units 3,229,699 Owner Occupied Housing Units 55.4% Renter Occupied Housing Units 38.3% Vacant Housing Units 6.2% Median Household Income 2020 $70,779 2025 $76,119 Median Home Value 2020 $235,567 2025 $266,332 Per Capita Income 2020 $35,439 2025 $38,622 Median Age 2010 33.5 2020 35.0 2025 35.3 Data Note: Household population includes persons not residing in group quarters. Average Household Size is the household population divided by total households. Persons in families include the householder and persons related to the householder by birth, marriage,or adoption. Per Capita Income represents the income received by all persons aged 15 years and over divided by the total population. Source: U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 13 J � • • • MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area Prepared by MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area (19100) Geography: CBSA Dallas-Fort W... 2020 Households by Income Household Income Base 2,775,268 <$15,000 7.5% $15,000 - $24,999 6.9% $25,000 - $34,999 8.0% $35,000 - $49,999 11.9% $50,000 - $74,999 17.9% $75,000 - $99,999 12.8% $100,000 - $149,999 17.2% $150,000 - $199,999 8.3% $200,000+ 9.5% Average Household Income $99,235 2025 Households by Income Household Income Base 3,029,048 <$15,000 6.9% $15,000 - $24,999 6.2% $25,000 - $34,999 7.4% $35,000 - $49,999 11.2% $50,000 - $74,999 17.6% $75,000 - $99,999 13.0% $100,000 - $149,999 18.1% $150,000 - $199,999 9.1% $200,000+ 10.6% Average Household Income $108,515 2020 Owner Occupied Housing Units by Value Total 1,640,785 <$50,000 4.2% $50,000 - $99,999 10.0% $100,000 - $149,999 12.5% $150,000 - $199,999 14.4°/a $200,000 - $249,999 12.6% $250,000 - $299,999 11.5% $300,000 - $399,999 15.3% $400,000 - $499,999 8.5% $500,000 - $749,999 7.0% $750,000 - $999,999 2.0% $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 1.1% $1,500,000 - $1,999,999 0.4°/a $2,000,000 + 0.6% Average Home Value $296,761 2025 Owner Occupied Housing Units by Value Total 1,790,199 <$50,000 3.3% $50,000 - $99,999 7.8% $100,000 - $149,999 10.0% $150,000 - $199,999 12.2% $200,000 - $249,999 12.6% $250,000 - $299,999 12.7% $300,000 - $399,999 17.8% $400,000 - $499,999 10.2% $500,000 - $749,999 8.7% $750,000 - $999,999 2.4% $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 1.3% $1,500,000 - $1,999,999 0.5% $2,000,000 + 0.6% Average Home Value $325,544 Data Note:Income represents the preceding year,expressed in current dollars. Household income includes wage and salary earnings, interest dividends,net rents, pensions,SSI and welfare payments,child support,and alimony. Source:U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 14 J � • • • MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area Prepared by MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area (19100) Geography: CBSA Dallas-Fort W... 2010 Population by Age Total 6,366,542 0 -4 7.8% 5 - 9 7.9% 10 - 14 7.6% 15 - 24 13.9% 25 - 34 14.9% 35 -44 15.0% 45 - 54 14.2% 55 - 64 9.8% 65 - 74 5.1% 75 - 84 2.7% 85 + 1.0% 18 + 72.2% 2020 Population by Age Total 7,779,502 0 -4 7.0% 5 - 9 7.2% 10 - 14 7.2% 15 - 24 13.4% 25 - 34 15.2% 35 -44 13.8% 45 - 54 12.7% 55 - 64 11.5% 65 - 74 7.5% 75 - 84 3.2% 85 + 1.2% 18 + 74.6% 2025 Population by Age Tota I 8,518,266 0 -4 7.1% 5 - 9 7.1% 10 - 14 7.0% 15 - 24 13.0% 25 - 34 15.5% 35 -44 14.2% 45 - 54 11.9% 55 - 64 10.8% 65 - 74 8.2% 75 - 84 4.1% 85 + 1.2% 18 + 74.9% 2010 Population by Sex Males 3,139,071 Females 3,227,471 2020 Population by Sex Males 3,835,484 Females 3,944,018 2025 Population by Sex Males 4,196,817 Females 4,321,449 Source:U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 15 J � • • • MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area Prepared by MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area (19100) Geography: CBSA Dallas-Fort W... 2010 Population by Race/Ethnicity Total 6,366,542 White Alone 65.3% Black Alone 15.1% American Indian Alone 0.7% Asian Alone 5.4% Pacific Islander Alone 0.1% Some Other Race Alone 10.6% Two or More Races 2.8% Hispanic Origin 27.5% Diversity Index 72.8 2020 Population by Race/Ethnicity Total 7,779,502 White Alone 60.3% Black Alone 16.4% American Indian Alone 0.6% Asian Alone 7.7% Pacific Islander Alone 0.1% Some Other Race Alone 11.4% Two or More Races 3.4% Hispanic Origin 29.6% Diversity Index 76.9 2025 Population by Race/Ethnicity Total 8,518,266 White Alone 58.1% Black Alone 17.1% American Indian Alone 0.6% Asian Alone 8.6% Pacific Islander Alone 0.1% Some Other Race Alone 11.8% Two or More Races 3.6% Hispanic Origin 30.9% Diversity Index 78.6 2010 Population by Relationship and Household Type Total 6,366,542 In Households 98.8% In Family Households 84.9% Householder 25.0% Spouse 18.3% Child 34.3% Other relative 5.1% Nonrelative 2.2% In Nonfamily Households 13.9% In Group Quarters 1.2% Institutionalized Population 0.8% Noninstitutionalized Population 0.5% Data Note: Persons of Hispanic Origin may be of any race. The Diversity Index measures the probability that two people from the same area will be from different race/ ethnic groups. Source:U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 16 J � • • • MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area Prepared by MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area (19100) Geography: CBSA Dallas-Fort W... 2020 Population 25+ by Educational Attainment Total 5,069,888 Less than 9th Grade 6.8% 9th - 12th Grade, No Diploma 7.0% High School Graduate 18.6% GED/Alternative Credential 3.6% Some College, No Degree 20.6% Associate Degree 7.1% Bachelor's Degree 23.4% Graduate/Professional Degree 12.9% 2020 Population 15+ by Marital Status Total 6,114,330 Never Married 34.0% Married 51.3% Widowed 4.4% Divorced 10.3% 2020 Civilian Population 16+ in Labor Force Civilian Population 16+ 4,092,659 Population 16+ Employed 91.1% Population 16+ Unemployment rate 8.9% Population 16-24 Employed 12.1% Population 16-24 Unemployment rate 15.6% Population 25-54 Employed 67.0% Population 25-54 Unemployment rate 8.0% Population 55-64 Employed 15.4% Population 55-64 Unemployment rate 7.9% Population 65+ Employed 5.4% Population 65+ Unemployment rate 7.4% 2020 Employed Population 16+ by Industry Tota I 3,727,644 Agriculture/Mining 1.0% Construction 8.8% Manufacturing 9.2% Wholesale Trade 2.9% Retail Trade 10.3% Transportation/Utilities 6.9% Information 2.1% Finance/Insurance/Real Estate 9.1% Services 46.8% Public Administration 2.9% 2020 Employed Population 16+ by Occupation Total 3,727,644 White Collar 63.7% Management/Business/Financial 17.0°/o Professional 22.0% Sales 10.7% Administrative Support 14.0% Services 15.2% Blue Collar 21.1% Farming/Forestry/Fishing 0.2% Construction/Extraction 6.2% Installation/Maintenance/Repair 3.2% Production 4.9% Transportation/Material Moving 6.6% Source: U.S. Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 17 J � • • • MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area Prepared by MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area (19100) Geography: CBSA Dallas-Fort W... 2010 Households by Type Tota I 2,296,410 Households with 1 Person 24.8% Households with 2+ People 75.2% Family Households 69.2% Husband-wife Families 50.6% With Related Children 26.9% Other Family (No Spouse Present) 18.5% Other Family with Male Householder 5.1% With Related Children 3.0% Other Family with Female Householder 13.4% With Related Children 9.3% Nonfamily Households 6.0% All Households with Children 39.6% Multigenerational Households 5.3% Unmarried Partner Households 6.0% Male-female 5.1% Same-sex 0.8% 2010 Households by Size Total 2,296,410 1 Person Household 24.8% 2 Person Household 29.6% 3 Person Household 16.7% 4 Person Household 15.2% 5 Person Household 7.9% 6 Person Household 3.3% 7 + Person Household 2.5% 2010 Households by Tenure and Mortgage Status Tota I 2,296,410 Owner Occupied 61.5% Owned with a Mortgage/Loan 46.5% Owned Free and Clear 15.0% Renter Occupied 38.5% 2020 Affordability, Mortgage and Wealth Housing Affordability Index 141 Percent of Income for Mortgage 13.9% Wealth Index 108 2010 Housing Units By Urban/ Rural Status Total Housing Units 2,499,617 Housing Units Inside Urbanized Area 89.0% Housing Units Inside Urbanized Cluster 3.9% Rural Housing Units 7.1% 2010 Population By Urban/ Rural Status Total Population 6,366,542 Population Inside Urbanized Area 88.9% Population Inside Urbanized Cluster 4.0% Rural Population 7.1% Data Note: Households with children include any households with people under age 18, related or not. Multigenerational households are families with 3 or more parent- child relationships. Unmarried partner households are usually classified as nonfamily households unless there is another member of the household related to the householder. Multigenerational and unmarried partner households are reported only to the tract level. Esri estimated block group data,which is used to estimate polygons or non-standard geography. Source: U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 18 J � • • • MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area Prepared by MVS Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area (19100) Geography: CBSA Dallas-Fort W... Top 3 Tapestry Segments 1. Up and Coming Families (7A) 2. Boomburbs(1C) 3. Barrios Urbanos(7D) 2020 Consumer Spending Apparel &Services: Total $ $6,797,088,200 Average Spent $2,449.15 Spending Potential Index 114 Education: Total $ $5,356,523,028 Average Spent $1,930.08 Spending Potential Index 108 Entertainment/Recreation: Total $ $9,776,221,830 Average Spent $3,522.60 Spending Potential Index 108 Food at Home: Total $ $16,364,638,299 Average Spent $5,896.57 Spending Potential Index 110 Food Away from Home: Total $ $11,877,654,647 Average Spent $4,279.80 Spending Potential Index 114 Health Care: Total $ $17,227,284,425 Average Spent $6,207.40 Spending Potential Index 108 HH Furnishings&Equipment: Total $ $6,817,529,158 Average Spent $2,456.52 Spending Potential Index 112 Personal Care Products&Services: Total $ $2,894,079,184 Average Spent $1,042.81 Spending Potential Index 113 Shelter: Total $ $59,590,925,945 Average Spent $21,472.03 Spending Potential Index 111 Support Payments/Cash Contributions/Gifts in Kind: Total $ $7,141,735,022 Average Spent $2,573.34 Spending Potential Index 110 Travel: Total $ $7,226,664,217 Average Spent $2,603.94 Spending Potential Index 108 Vehicle Maintenance&Repairs: Total $ $3,552,434,008 Average Spent $1,280.03 Spending Potential Index 110 Data Note:Consumer spending shows the amount spent on a variety of goods and services by households that reside in the area. Expenditures are shown by broad budget categories that are not mutually exclusive. Consumer spending does not equal business revenue.Total and Average Amount Spent Per Household represent annual figures.The Spending Potential Index represents the amount spent in the area relative to a national average of 100. Source:Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2017 and 2018 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Esri. Source: U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Market Stud,y Page 19 TOWN OF WESTLAKE DEMOGRAPHICS AND NEIGHBORHOOD OVERVIEW Pa e 20 J � � - . . � MVS Westlake Town,TX Site Details Map Westlake Town,TX (4877620) Geography: Place �� „ _ w y w O/ l � � � L y ` �O �.j � " Trophy Club � Country Club �ndian Cree Roanoke yk,y � � �4 =_ ��o `\ Trophy Club � Turner �\ Lake � — �/� - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - � - - � — — � ,- � '` a/% �� � CaPital Pkwy �j 170 � �� �� / � Westlake � Ilol � � � r � QJ N Q � � U C: � W V quero Club m � c ���� Fawkes Ln � �.3 �.6 1938 mi This site is located in: City: --- County: Denton County State: Texas ZIP Code: 76262 Census Tract: 48121020306 Census Block Group: 481210203061 CBSA: Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area January 04, 2021 Pa e 21 J � • • • MVS Westlake Town, TX Prepared by MVS Westlake Town, TX (4877620) Geography: Place Westlake town... Population Summary 2000 Total Population 574 2010 Total Population 992 2020 Total Population 1,758 2020 Group Quarters 0 2025 Total Population 1,954 2020-2025 Annual Rate 2.14% 2020 Total Daytime Population 2,565 Workers 1,578 Residents 987 Household Summary 2000 Households 177 2000 Average Household Size 3.24 2010 Households 302 2010 Average Household Size 3.28 2020 Households 530 2020 Average Household Size 3.32 2025 Households 588 2025 Average Household Size 3.32 2020-2025 Annual Rate 2.10% 2010 Families 270 2010 Average Family Size 3.51 2020 Families 452 2020 Average Family Size 3.63 2025 Families 500 2025 Average Family Size 3.64 2020-2025 Annual Rate 2.04% Housing Unit Summary 2000 Housing Units 189 Owner Occupied Housing Units 87.3% Renter Occupied Housing Units 6.3% Vacant Housing Units 6.3% 2010 Housing Units 321 Owner Occupied Housing Units 88.8% Renter Occupied Housing Units 5.3% Vacant Housing Units 5.9% 2020 Housing Units 535 Owner Occupied Housing Units 91.6% Renter Occupied Housing Units 7.3% Vacant Housing Units 0.9% 2025 Housing Units 592 Owner Occupied Housing Units 91.9% Renter Occupied Housing Units 7.3% Vacant Housing Units 0.7% Median Household Income 2020 $200,001 2025 $200,001 Median Home Value 2020 $839,286 2025 $861,570 Per Capita Income 2020 $83,368 2025 $88,695 Median Age 2010 40.6 2020 44.9 2025 45.8 Data Note: Household population includes persons not residing in group quarters. Average Household Size is the household population divided by total households. Persons in families include the householder and persons related to the householder by birth, marriage,or adoption. Per Capita Income represents the income received by all persons aged 15 years and over divided by the total population. Source: U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 22 J � • • • MVS Westlake Town, TX Prepared by MVS Westlake Town, TX (4877620) Geography: Place Westlake town... 2020 Households by Income Household Income Base 530 <$15,000 4.0% $15,000 - $24,999 2.3% $25,000 - $34,999 1.7% $35,000 - $49,999 1.5% $50,000 - $74,999 4.5% $75,000 - $99,999 5.8% $100,000 - $149,999 13.6% $150,000 - $199,999 12.8% $200,000+ 53.8% Average Household Income $258,547 2025 Households by Income Household Income Base 587 <$15,000 4.3% $15,000 - $24,999 2.0% $25,000 - $34,999 1.7% $35,000 - $49,999 1.4% $50,000 - $74,999 4.3% $75,000 - $99,999 5.6% $100,000 - $149,999 11.9% $150,000 - $199,999 11.9% $200,000+ 56.9% Average Household Income $276,060 2020 Owner Occupied Housing Units by Value Total 492 <$50,000 0.4% $50,000 - $99,999 0.0% $100,000 - $149,999 0.2% $150,000 - $199,999 0.6°/a $200,000 - $249,999 3.5% $250,000 - $299,999 4.1% $300,000 - $399,999 9.1% $400,000 - $499,999 11.4% $500,000 - $749,999 12.6% $750,000 - $999,999 22.8% $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 13.0% $1,500,000 - $1,999,999 10.4% $2,000,000 + 12.0% Average Home Value $995,376 2025 Owner Occupied Housing Units by Value Total 544 <$50,000 0.2% $50,000 - $99,999 0.0% $100,000 - $149,999 0.0% $150,000 - $199,999 0.4% $200,000 - $249,999 2.4% $250,000 - $299,999 3.3% $300,000 - $399,999 9.0% $400,000 - $499,999 12.7% $500,000 - $749,999 12.1% $750,000 - $999,999 22.2% $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 15.1% $1,500,000 - $1,999,999 10.5% $2,000,000 + 12.1% Average Home Value $1,018,980 Data Note:Income represents the preceding year,expressed in current dollars. Household income includes wage and salary earnings, interest dividends,net rents, pensions,SSI and welfare payments,child support,and alimony. Source:U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 23 J � • • • MVS Westlake Town, TX Prepared by MVS Westlake Town, TX (4877620) Geography: Place Westlake town... 2010 Population by Age Total 992 0 -4 5.1% 5 - 9 11.2% 10 - 14 13.7% 15 - 24 10.0% 25 - 34 3.1% 35 -44 14.6% 45 - 54 21.1% 55 - 64 12.4% 65 - 74 6.6% 75 - 84 1.7% 85 + 0.5% 18 + 64.0% 2020 Population by Age Total 1,761 0 -4 4.4% 5 - 9 5.4% 10 - 14 8.1% 15 - 24 13.5% 25 - 34 9.5% 35 -44 9.3% 45 - 54 15.8% 55 - 64 19.0% 65 - 74 11.0% 75 - 84 3.1% 85 + 1.0% 18 + 76.9% 2025 Population by Age Total 1,954 0 -4 4.5% 5 - 9 5.6% 10 - 14 6.3% 15 - 24 11.1% 25 - 34 10.0% 35 -44 11.6% 45 - 54 13.0% 55 - 64 17.8% 65 - 74 13.6% 75 - 84 5.3% 85 + 1.2% 18 + 79.3% 2010 Population by Sex Males 496 Females 496 2020 Population by Sex Males 878 Females 883 2025 Population by Sex Males 973 Females 981 Source: U.S. Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 24 J � • • • MVS Westlake Town, TX Prepared by MVS Westlake Town, TX (4877620) Geography: Place Westlake town... 2010 Population by Race/Ethnicity Total 992 White Alone 85.6% Black Alone 2.5% American Indian Alone 0.5% Asian Alone 9.4% Pacific Islander Alone 0.0% Some Other Race Alone 0.6% Two or More Races 1.4% Hispanic Origin 4.8% Diversity Index 32.6 2020 Population by Race/Ethnicity Total 1,757 White Alone 85.2% Black Alone 3.1% American Indian Alone 0.5% Asian Alone 8.0% Pacific Islander Alone 0.0% Some Other Race Alone 1.4% Two or More Races 1.8% Hispanic Origin 6.1% Diversity Index 35.2 2025 Population by Race/Ethnicity Total 1,953 White Alone 82.5% Black Alone 3.7% American Indian Alone 0.5% Asian Alone 9.6% Pacific Islander Alone 0.0% Some Other Race Alone 1.6% Two or More Races 2.1% Hispanic Origin 7.2% Diversity Index 40.1 2010 Population by Relationship and Household Type Total 992 In Households 100.0% In Family Households 96.1% Householder 27.2% Spouse 26.2% Child 39.5% Other relative 2.7% Nonrelative 0.4% In Nonfamily Households 3.9% In Group Quarters 0.0% Institutionalized Population 0.0% Noninstitutionalized Population 0.0% Data Note: Persons of Hispanic Origin may be of any race. The Diversity Index measures the probability that two people from the same area will be from different race/ ethnic groups. Source:U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 25 J � • • • MVS Westlake Town, TX Prepared by MVS Westlake Town, TX (4877620) Geography: Place Westlake town... 2020 Population 25+ by Educational Attainment Total 1,203 Less than 9th Grade 0.4% 9th - 12th Grade, No Diploma 1.1% High School Graduate 5.2% GED/Alternative Credential 0.5% Some College, No Degree 14.2% Associate Degree 5.9% Bachelor's Degree 44.1% Graduate/Professional Degree 28.6% 2020 Population 15+ by Marital Status Total 1,442 Never Married 21.7% Married 68.6% Widowed 2.4% Divorced 7.4% 2020 Civilian Population 16+ in Labor Force Civilian Population 16+ 813 Population 16+ Employed 95.0% Population 16+ Unemployment rate 5.0% Population 16-24 Employed 10.0% Population 16-24 Unemployment rate 8.3% Population 25-54 Employed 57.1% Population 25-54 Unemployment rate 5.0% Population 55-64 Employed 26.7% Population 55-64 Unemployment rate 4.6% Population 65+ Employed 6.2% Population 65+ Unemployment rate 4.0% 2020 Employed Population 16+ by Industry Total 772 Agriculture/Mining 0.9% Construction 5.8% Manufacturing 10.2% Wholesale Trade 1.3% Retail Trade 8.3% Transportation/Utilities 3.4% Information 1.3% Finance/Insurance/Real Estate 17.1% Services 48.9% Public Administration 2.8% 2020 Employed Population 16+ by Occupation Total 773 White Collar 87.6% Management/Business/Financial 33.5% Professional 28.7% Sales 14.2% Administrative Support 11.1% Services 6.7% Blue Collar 5.7% Farming/Forestry/Fishing 0.0°/o Construction/Extraction 0.9% Installation/Maintenance/Repair 1.0% Production 0.3% Transportation/Material Moving 3.5% Source: U.S. Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 26 J � • • • MVS Westlake Town, TX Prepared by MVS Westlake Town, TX (4877620) Geography: Place Westlake town... 2010 Households by Type Total 302 Households with 1 Person 8.3% Households with 2+ People 91.7% Family Households 89.4% Husband-wife Families 86.1% With Related Children 48.3% Other Family (No Spouse Present) 3.3% Other Family with Male Householder 1.3% With Related Children 1.0% Other Family with Female Householder 2.0% With Related Children 1.3% Nonfamily Households 2.3% All Households with Children 50.7% Multigenerational Households 2.6% Unmarried Partner Households 2.3% Male-female 1.7% Same-sex 0.7% 2010 Households by Size Total 302 1 Person Household 8.3% 2 Person Household 36.8% 3 Person Household 10.3% 4 Person Household 19.2% 5 Person Household 17.2% 6 Person Household 6.3% 7 + Person Household 2.0% 2010 Households by Tenure and Mortgage Status Total 302 Owner Occupied 94.4% Owned with a Mortgage/Loan 63.2% Owned Free and Clear 31.1% Renter Occupied 5.6% 2020 Affordability, Mortgage and Wealth Housing Affordability Index 155 Percent of Income for Mortgage 17.5% Wealth Index 400 2010 Housing Units By Urban/ Rural Status Total Housing Units 321 Housing Units Inside Urbanized Area 52.3% Housing Units Inside Urbanized Cluster 0.0% Rural Housing Units 47.7% 2010 Population By Urban/ Rural Status Total Population 992 Population Inside Urbanized Area 57.2% Population Inside Urbanized Cluster 0.0% Rural Population 42.8% Data Note: Households with children include any households with people under age 18, related or not. Multigenerational households are families with 3 or more parent- child relationships. Unmarried partner households are usually classified as nonfamily households unless there is another member of the household related to the householder. Multigenerational and unmarried partner households are reported only to the tract level. Esri estimated block group data,which is used to estimate polygons or non-standard geography. Source: U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 27 J � • • • MVS Westlake Town, TX Prepared by MVS Westlake Town, TX (4877620) Geography: Place Westlake town... Top 3 Tapestry Segments 1. Top Tier(lA) 2. Professional Pride(1B) 3. Boomburbs(1C) 2020 Consumer Spending Apparel &Services: Total $ $3,068,326 Average Spent $5,789.29 Spending Potential Index 270 Education: Total $ $3,265,187 Average Spent $6,160.73 Spending Potential Index 344 Entertainment/Recreation: Total $ $4,783,143 Average Spent $9,024.80 Spending Potential Index 278 Food at Home: Total $ $7,225,253 Average Spent $13,632.55 Spending Potential Index 255 Food Away from Home: Total $ $5,275,181 Average Spent $9,953.17 Spending Potential Index 264 Health Care: Total $ $8,049,259 Average Spent $15,187.28 Spending Potential Index 264 HH Furnishings&Equipment: Total $ $3,251,274 Average Spent $6,134.48 Spending Potential Index 281 Personal Care Products&Services: Total $ $1,339,401 Average Spent $2,527.17 Spending Potential Index 275 Shelter: Total $ $28,362,791 Average Spent $53,514.70 Spending Potential Index 276 Support Payments/Cash Contributions/Gifts in Kind: Total $ $3,515,213 Average Spent $6,632.48 Spending Potential Index 283 Travel: Total $ $3,940,082 Average Spent $7,434.12 Spending Potential Index 308 Vehicle Maintenance&Repairs: Total $ $1,594,615 Average Spent $3,008.71 Spending Potential Index 260 Data Note:Consumer spending shows the amount spent on a variety of goods and services by households that reside in the area. Expenditures are shown by broad budget categories that are not mutually exclusive. Consumer spending does not equal business revenue.Total and Average Amount Spent Per Household represent annual figures.The Spending Potential Index represents the amount spent in the area relative to a national average of 100. Source:Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2017 and 2018 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Esri. Source: U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Market Stud,y Page 28 AERIAL VIEW (2019 - most recent available) r . ,�� ��►-�-. - .,, , �.:.. � �.•• - �• :;. r • ���q��.��w. 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I� . � .�; ��Mr �A^':'�, '�>�� . e"•-�� •�� �� .. ��1� � � � �;.� x � �. � . �",�. -+�y }, � � . • �� �� � q� 1i. � _ '"l � o-�' � _ ��-. ,. � � � ,h';� , � .�• �' - N � � � . , � ►�c . �� . � ���� i � - y� �� �. r� � '• �'r �! t``�� '�' ��t� ,�•�� ' x � �' y��'';► 1 ."�'�Jr !�' ; ��• "w _V � , . .. Y• • --�•_�'�Y'�'��;�- �'� i� -+�, - �� .;a;�ti+ �#. .t '�'� � ral.T R �r� .�; . ��i �,. .� ���� y' � i �* . - .j K y� '� `. � . Market Stud,y Page 29 The subject neighborhood is generally considered to be the Town of Westlake, Texas, which encompasses approximately 7 square miles of land. As indicated on the following map, the Town of Westwood is influenced by the surrounding cities of Keller, Roanoke, Southlake and Trophy Club. eartonr+ue L�wisvrllr q nauMr �oke O�k O Lewisrillc Flowar ❑ Mound 5 C1t1es and sowns iPFsoesy ., Re• K� �6 O pPlwo ' .ici r , `�C:oppnll � - Svvth ka �raparino K f��� � � �. " - ' � Colfoyv�lr� nhr W1Sa�ga � x.�porr Hi� 1/.vfn � The subject site is within the partially developed Westlake Entrada master-planned community. Entrada is a mixed-use development where the architecture will emulate the Catalonia region of northeastern Spain. The development will feature a lake,canals,and other water features throughout the 85 acres. It is located within the southeast quadrant of corner State Highway 114 and Davis Boulevard. Entrada is a master-planned community that will feature offices, retail, hotels, entertainment, over 300 residential units (single-family villas, townhomes, and condominiums). Accessibility/Transportation Access to the neighborhood area is provided by a number of major arterials and minor city streets that intersect. Access Type Access Route(s) Primary Highways State Highway 114, State Highway 170 and US Highway 377 Primary Thoroughfares Davis Boulevard Other Numerous interior streets These highways and thoroughfares provide direct access to several major transportation routes for the metropolitan area. The 24-hour traffic count on SH-114 near the subj ect property is reported at 101,230 vehicles per day(Source: City of Westlake Traffic Map, July 8, 2019). Davis Boulevard to the south of SH-114 is reported at 13,787 VPD. Overall, access is considered good. Market Stud,y Page 30 Airports in close proximity and assessable by the highway system include DFW International Airport, Fort Worth Alliance Airport, Fort Worth Meacham International Airport and Love Field. Demographics The subject property is located in Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas. The area has a diversified demographic group and has benefitted from continuous growth the past several years. This neighborhood is one of the faster growing areas in the metropolitan area. The community profile was presented on the previous pages. Over 50 Employers call Westlake their home and have a daytime population of mare than 13,500. The following map summarizes the daytime population as of July 2019. � i i i � � ---- ' � ,' , ` "r,r� City of �}���'����'^�,� �� , Tawn oi Roonake a,�3 � - p . Traphy Uu6 " � . — /'�o—.� �r.¢ ���� }r } '-��{°� 0 � y� :��- o / � - - -- - � - y- - -...---- --._._ . . ��` �� _ '� �� � �d p o e�--�,o -_ q ��� �^;' o � , ��� �} � � 0� 00 1 ,�,� ��[ ij / e ''� c.-;r � ��_ � !'�� ioo L�f �� � n � � � 6 }�� � � °^ �� ���5�.�+�k u ciy9t �a�, � _ � l�.-, - -T d �� �`- Fort Worth �` 1 ., �\ r� �. -.'-- � .� \_ �� -,.��-2: - '<', J �uni[s.� �lp� _ ."o,. ,,$ 1I �..S_.... } � _— — _` _ ' _� _ r q ` Wy,-n�nx ! I � '' — �_�. � City of � � City af . � Southloke � �� � �: Kaller �� ���� � '� , ��.�, ,��-04,���es NORTH 0 D,275 0.55 11 Mles I 1 I I � ' I 1 ' I 'I• I 1 I+ 1 ' The community's top employers are Fidelity Investments,Charles Schwab,Sabre/Travelocity,Wells Fargo, Deloitte University and Goosehead Insurance. Developments Charles Schwab Westlake Campus - Phase I is located at 3001 Schwab Way in the Turner Lake neighborhood of Westlake, Texas. The Class A office facility was completed in 2020 and features two office buildings and one amenities building totaling 555,000 square feet and a parking garage Market Stud,y Page 31 with 2,600 parking spaces. The second phase of the office campus will consist of two office buildings for a total of 620,000 square feet of office space and one parking garage consisting of 4,000 parking spaces. The Charles Schwab project will hold approximately 7,000 employees upon completion. In Turner Lake, there are five Class A office buildings. In 2020, the same year Charles Schwab Westlake Campus - Phase I was completed, two more commercial properties (office, industrial, retail) encompassing over 50,000 square feet were built in Westlake, which features 3,561,582 square feet of commercial space. At a zip code level, there are 64 commercial properties, of which 19 are office buildings over 50,000 square feet. Deloitte University Campus - A 750,000 square foot, 800 guest room facility, used for training Fortune 100/500 companies, employs 500 on-site workers and brings in 45,000 guests annually. Fidelity Investments Campus - The Fidelity campus employs over 5,000 workers on a forested 300-acre campus. Solana Business Park-An architecturally enhanced,mixed-use campus of office buildings and retail businesses. The business park holds approximately 44 businesses with about 3,600 employees. Within the development, the premium Marriott DFW Westlake contains a 294-room hotel with approximately 15,000 SF of conference space. Terraces at Solana - Terraces at Solana consists of eight Class A office buildings that provide over 1.1 million cumulative square feet. Convenient parking from the four large freestanding parking garages provides tenants a short walk to the office and a parking ratio of 5:1,000 (expandable to 7:1,000). This hub of businesses will be outfitted with a full-service amenity area that will include cafeteria for on-site dining,state-of-the-art fitness center, tenant lounges, in addition to the other dining options found throughout the nearby Westlake and Southlake neighborhoods. Plaza at Solana-315,000 square feet of Class A office,45,000 square feet of retail/office and 38,000 square foot fitness center. Circle T Ranch - A 2,500-acre mixed-use, master planned community by Hillwood Development. Entrada - A mixed-use development where the architecture will emulate the Catalonia region of northeastern Spain throughout 85 acres.The master-planned community will feature over 1,000,000 square feet of office,retail,hotel, entertainment, and over 300 residential units with a mix of villas, town homes and condominiums. Front 44-A 44-acre mixed-use development at the intersection of SH-ll 4 and SH-170 by Hillwood Development directly north of the new Charles Schwab Campus. Knolls at Solana - A 64-acre residential development with 54 lots surrounded by an approximate 20-acre forested Conservation Area. Market Stud,y Page 32 Quail Hollow - A 96 estate residential development on 188 acres. Spencer Ranch - A 38 lot residential development on 40 acres of hilly land with several water features throughout. Westlake Corners - A small commercial development located at the intersections of US 377 and SH 170. Land Use Trends The following page includes the Town of Westlake Land Use Map. Market Stud,y Page 33 THE LAN❑ USE PLAN �M-,�r.�s���d��������.,���:y:�,m sn�«���F �..�GY-R Oacr�valfnmmiini�yl�cw��vndnr?r.nr. �CCl-A:CamnunrtyCcmmeroal 11Virw SIicJ dvnc � �� `f� �'Y=�'�,�{ -••r� " �j�-J � C[Ii�C�mmun+TyCunmeRiallllAew[orreler;cne - �N� � ■CC2 n:CamnunRyCcmmcrca121Y w Shcd 2.m.� 4 � _• �CC2-3:CcmmuntyCvmmcrc�al3�NewCarridcrlanc 4 _ �T��.�j�� �cz�eamm��i�Ye�mme«��i z,+newr�m.i��i r��,• — _ � � [[za:[o�,.,,��ar[om�.�,�ei����.,,s�de��- �• ))) ■CC 3•A:Carrmunky C�mmerual3.�Vrcw Shed 2wie Y - - _ _ � � _ �`�r � ■iG&T n C�iellfi.v.Cu�iiJ�r'���s �j'.�.�:... r-- � . --'___,I'L.' '' n��r , ■i�.[T i�wn�r.riU.w SYai..7r.nn ' �� -- '='}�- T EC-A:fownCo�elVct�'S�x1lni�r a --;�-. ' �-' � '� � . '=� ■RC�Aeyaru C�iiirrri�inNS'ie.rSlieJe2�n o- ' ... ' �{ F��� . � 'RCii Ra7innalC��n'm=rrial.'Vie'��iniiwlni7nne -- _ _ �'�{,y �_-- f'�� rm:'ro,�„[om�n�� ', \ =`<— :,�,� f%• - =��. :,�.�,�� � - o- _I � J I f!/ � y '"-� `:r-� ' �"� � y � .,i 1'-J�i F�. - ;�5----�� �„�;,___._� �--�--_ ,. r L � �,, ---= , � '�., �,� _ � , • _ • ,W., _ I�� ���-��:�_ __—I �..l�F.. .,L� -__— � I "� � S jI - II f r-�—�� � II I'' I �� ;,, � +� � � � � ` � - — I� ,, J � - _�_, � __ -�~ �i L � J� � - -- - � � � � � � � + --:1 f r �I � � � ..� � � � �k I11S[IAIMf N: 1hE•la�xl uu•diM1l�ilsrhn•.u-n��n lhn�ry>>iixnu�n•.ry�ni�dify Ihr�u•rrnillcd u}rsrnd�����nndi[inin>>Fuyr�FAH,k3�iilrling hrigf�l,E•1c.f}pn iEiE•d inaiymningnr PlannrEl l]rvrinp�m�nl Chdirwn�ra��prnvcd lry Ifn•IEer.•n i�f uk•titlala•. Ihru•land��.�•�i�.r�ei,.,E�•�„i��,���d<<�guidr II.•[nunoil in Ilrir rvrlun7inn E�f•.er plrr3sti«hrniurd Fnr Ihcir appiuv..land/nr prnpcdy<<+sr.•�rE•qurs7tiln I�eudn oxmnm��rul u�w�c fnnlrg•f���m nnr lan�l�nr ditilei I lo anollier�vhen ll�e lega!n�erliauisiufw suih lydnsfei has Leeuadvpted Iry lhe Town of Wesilakx.See Aolicy SecliunA in il�e inipkn�enLdion Ooiu�rrutivi i.Aes of lianefei,lii�er puinls,and olhei iiri�ilenienlativa language. Market Stud,y Page 34 Neighborhood Summary The neighborhood is a mixed-use area that is influenced by its good location, a good transportation system and various other influences which tend to affect the potential of an area. The commercial and retail uses are oriented along the primary thoroughfares. The subj ect neighborhood, combined with the surrounding area,provides a balanced land use pattern. The terrain of this area permits most types of development. The neighborhood is anticipated to demonstrate positive trends for the foreseeable future,but the amount of the positive trend will be influenced by the amount of change as the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve. The neighborhood is in the growth stage of its neighborhood life cycle. Market Stud,y Page 35 PROPERTY SUMMARY Site Summary Location 56 to 64 Tarragona Drive Southeast quadrant of State Highway ll 4(SH-114)and Davis Boulevard Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas 76262 Site Area 2.232 Acres or 97,226 SF (Calculated) Shape Irregular Frontage Along SH-114, Tarragona Drive and Aragon Drive Topography Generally rolling to sloping Drainage Adequate Flood Zone Zone X (flood insurance not typically required) Flood Map Panel No. 48439C0085K (September 25, 2009) Access and Visibility Good visibility from SH-114, but no direct access. Access and visibility is from Aragon Drive and Tarragona Drive. Tarragona Drive terminates near the eastern corner of the subj ect site. Street Improvements As it fronts the subjectproperty, SH-114 is a six-lane divided freeway with concrete paving and a grass median. Aragon Drive and Tarragona Drive are both two-way streets with concrete paving and curbs. It is noted that Aragon Drive, Tarragona Drive and all of the interior streets use in part concrete and pavers to create a quasi cobblestone finish. Utilities Complete public utilities,including water and sanitary sewer, are reportedly available to the subject property. Soil Assumed adequate, but not considered for the demand analysis. Hazardous Waste Assumed adequate, but not considered for the demand analysis. Endangered Species Assumed adequate, but not considered for the demand analysis. Market Stud,y Page 36 Easements/Encroachments Assumed adequate, but not considered for the demand analysis. Covenants and Restrictions Assumed adequate, but not considered for the demand analysis. Zoning Assumed adequate, but not considered for the demand analysis. Site Conclusion The tract is irregular in shape and has good access, frontage and visibility. While within a unique master-planned community, the surrounding uses are typical of the area and represent a mixture of uses. The site has complete public utilities available and is not located within a designated 100- year flood plain. Improvement Summary A state-of-the-art miXed-use project that includes retail, restaurant and self-storage uses is being contemplated far the site. The 5-story storage/restaurant building will occupy the northeastern corner of Aragon Drive and Tarragona Drive and sit on 30,944 square feet of the parent tract. The preliminary plans identify 90,080 gross square feet for the storage units on floors one to four,but with no specific tenant mix at this time. Assuming a common rentable ratio of 74%, this equates to approximately 66,660 rentable square feet of storage area. 100% of the units will be climate controlled units. The proposed storage/restaurant building is summarized below. Preliminary plans and renderings have been included in the addenda for the reader's review. Storage/Restaurant Building L4WER LEVEL: 22,520 SQ.�T. SECOND FLO�R: 22 520 SQ. FT. THIRQ FL��R: 22,520 5Q.FT. FOURTH FLODR: 22.520 SQ. FT. FIFTH FLOQR: 3,940 SQ. FT.RESTAURANT TOTAL GR05S AREA: 94,�20 5Q.FT. CQVERE6 PATIQ: FIFTH FLQ4R: 1,765 SQ. FT. MECHANICAL YAR�, FIFTH FLQOR: 1,820 5Q.FT. PATIO AREA FIFTH FLDOR: 5.165 5Q. FT. SkTE AREA FOR STORAGEiRESTAURANT: 34,944 5Q.FT. {D.71 ACRES) 52 PARKING SPOTS F�R ENTIRE BLOCK C Market Stud,y Page 37 THE SELF-STORAGE MARKET Many Texans like to boast that the self-storage industry had its beginnings in Texas in 1954 and since the early 1970's the concept of storage as a true business began to emerge. Simply stated,the concept of self-storage provides an attractive solution to the growing need for temporary additional space for the residential market and for both small and large businesses. The demand for self-storage space continues to grow as the population increases and the level of new home construction increases. Current construction standards in Texas typically do not include basements and have limited attic space,which does not adequately address the consumer's need for storage space and results in the demand far self-storage facilities. As with most commercial real estate, selecting the right location for a self- storage facility is very important. Choosing a self-storage site on a major arterial is beneficial to both residents and businesses in the immediate neighborhood. High visibility to drive-by traffic also contributes significantlyto the success of a self-storage facilitywith drive-by still being the top individual reason people state as how they found a facility,but the combined internet categories surpass it. As we can see in the following table, the number of households renting self-storage units is at an all time high,with a market penetration of 10.6%,which is up from 9.4%in 2017. This equates to approximately 1.7 million mare households than in 2017. In other words, today mare than 10%of the U.S. population rents self-storage. Market Penetration (2005 -2019) 2�D5 20Q7 2Q13 2U11 2419 Tatal 1J.5.Nouseholds it2,116,531 113,277,87D 321,165:766 126.Ofi7,5fi0 121,679,D93 5e1f-5larageRen�erHnuseholds 10,032,746 10,765,470 10,855,03i 11,806,38i t3,a95,67i Markel PenetraUon 8,95°k 9.5Q°.6 8.98°k 9 40% 10.6a9S 5vwce.S5A 20�9 Se+!-S�arags D�mand 5[utly Self-Starage Facility Classification When looking at self-storage facilities,the quality,location,and age are significant factors far most of the major operators, especially the REITs and the institutional investors. In terms of quality, self-storage facilities fall into one of three classes: • Class A • Class B • Class C For the most part, major operatars and investars set their focus on Class A facilities because of the operational value that comes from being in a prime location with good drive-by traffic and great visibility. In addition,these properties boast outstanding management professionals who may or may not live on site,but are expected to have excellent management and organizational skills including sales, customer service and marketing. More often than not, these are newer facilities built with state-of-the-art construction materials and high-tech security systems,access controls,and,in some cases, climate-control features. Market Stud,y Page 38 Class B facilities,while not as desirable as Class A facilities, are in good to average locations,often with modest visibility. Although they may be in good condition,they may not be as new or have the excellent curb appeal that a Class A site typically has and they usually lack the"bells and whistles" seen at newer facilities. Even with adequate security and management in place, these facilities do not command the high rents garnered at Class A sites. Least attractive to most investors are the Class C facilities,many of which are first-generation sites in need of rehab. Built in single-story rows,they evoke the stereotypical image of self-storage.With less desirable locations and low visibility,they typically command lower rents. While not targeted by major operatars or institutional investors, Class C facilities can be good investments far smaller entrepreneurs, especially given that they often have lower operational costs. Moreover, these facilities do serve as a viable option for those who prefer a less expensive means of storing goods. 2021 Industry Profile The following table represents the industry profile based on four years of Self-Starage Almanac reporting. There are approximately 49,233 self-storage facilities in the United States,representing an industry total rentable square footage of 1,956,388,517. This number does not include those operations where the primary business is something other than self-storage. The average facility size based on current data is approximately 39,737 net square feet. This represents a slight decrease over 2017,most likely due to smaller facilities being brought on line over the last year. It is important to note that the 52,352 facility net square footage charted for 2017 is inconsistent with the numbers for 2018, 2019, and 2020 due to the fact that the former method of calculating size was based on using an industry average rather than the actual square footage now available. Once again in 2020, the state with the most facilities is Texas with 5,234 facilities. This is an increase of 108 facilities over the last 12 months. Conversely, Rhode Island and Hawaii have 90 facilities each, the fewest facilities per state in the United States. The national rentable square footage per person stands at 5.9, slightly higher than last year. This is no surprise given the new facilities that have come on line in the past year. Over the last year, the industry saw 1,098 new facility openings, 619 of which (55 percent) were located in the top 50 metropolitan markets. Industry Profile National➢ata 2D20 2D19 2018 2017 iotal Number of Fac�liiies 49,233 47,863 45.547 44,149 Average Facilily Net 5quare Foatage 39.737 39.869 37.523 52,352 �fotal Rentable Sguare Footage 1,956,388,517 1,698,604.872 1.769,p95.816 1,672,505,fi21 Average Renlable Squara Foolage per P�r�on 5�9 5.7 5 4 7_Q6 51ate Infarmation Stale wilh Most Facflities 7exas-5,23� Texas-5,126 Texas-4,904 Tezas��t.13fi Stale w�lh fewesl Faciliiles Rhode Island-90 Nawal�•90 Rhode isiand-Bfi Rhode Island�84 Rhade Island-78 5tale unih MQst Rentable 54uare Foofage per Persan fdaho-1116 Idaho•10.67 Idaho-1D.76 Wyoming-1456 Sta1e w�lh Least Rentable Square Fooiage per Person New York-2.SS New York-2 75 New York-2 52 Hawaii-3 i4 Sourca�MinrCo Pubhshinq Market Stud,y Page 39 Facility Data by State FacHity 5quare SFper 5tale CaunY Faotage Papulatian Capita Alabarna 1,132 5.Qfl2,99� 35.25�.I32 7.U5 Alaska t18 755,517 3,9U3,425 5.t7 Arizona 989 7,234,773 48,598,5Bd 6 72 Arkansas 74fi 3fl86,8aZ 23,866,881 771 Galifarnia 3,728 39,$13.541 229,825,090 5 77 Golorado 975 5?93,77p 42,087,pA0 7_26 Connecticut 349 �,63�,883 13,565,fi49 373 (lelaware 119 999.9A1 4.859,T29 4.8fi ❑istric�o�Gaiumbia 23 7D2,321 1 544,97d 2�0 Florida 2,8d0 21,239,528 145,830,102 fi 87 Georgia 1,67D 1�,655,025 fi$,789,fi37 8 46 Hawai� 90 1,449,419 4,357,832 3 01 Idaha 474 1,80fi�80 26,165,254 1i.16 INinvis i,fi8fi 12,915,181 62d16,1i5 d,83 Indiana 1,25U fi,78813d 4p,578,419 5 BB lowa 59t 3,236,212 i5.498,726 d.79 1(ansas 602 2.9S6.5U1 16.984,258 5 T3 Kenluaky 718 d.582.010 22.72fi,751 �.56 Louisiana 992 4,812,773 34,717,418 7.21 Maine 2A1 1,381,674 5,102.563 3 B9 Maryland 538 B,S2�,fi5i 2T,133,902 d 43 Massachusetls 579 6,95B,493 2d,139,408 3 47 Mi�higan 1483 10,097,891 48,81fi.427 4,83 Minnesata 810 5,1i5,341 26,9T3,640 A.72 Mississippi 6i0 3,D53165 i8,168.598 5.95 Missouri 1.246 6,255,541 35,939,329 5.75 Montana 39i 1,083 7�9 11,245.787 16.37 Nebraska 3T7 1,91�,921 12,4$�,453 6 32 Nevada 480 3,Q88,88$ 27,fi22,715 8 94 IJew Hampshire 299 1,38fi,718 9,468,2a5 8 93 �IewJersey 634 9,127,159 37,56i,�7fi 4.12 New hlexico 49l 2,159,832 15,821,020 7.33 New York 1,541 i9,9T3.5S1 57.184_�08 2.8� Nar1h Carolina 1.907 10,6D9,155 67.669,1t3 5,38 Nor1h flakota 979 788,958 S,OE�,523 6 42 �hio i,$79 tt,805,a53 fiQ676,744 5.14 Oklahqma i 603 4,U31.s01 34,73�,650 8 61 �regon 851 4,Z4fi.351 32.557.7A7 7.67 Pennsylvania 1.89B i3.Q12,A3B 49.722,6i5 3.82 Rhodelsiand 90 i,071,101 3.804,975 3.55 South Carn�ina 987 5,195,563 34.54E.525 6,fi5 South Dakvta 231 899,158 6,254,879 5,85 Tennesse� 1,381 6.885 931 44.638.137 6.48 Texas 5,�34 29,443,4i1 236,2fi2.175 8,U9 U[ah 628 3 25T.899 29.712,5Q1 9.32 Vermont 154 847,575 2.827,01p 4,37 Virginia ],014 8.632,203 49.39U.841 5.72 Washington 1,333 7.8�8,571 53,532,OG3 7.a4 West Virginia 3fi0 1.895,632 �,523,2$D 3.d4 Wiseonsin 1,31q 5,881,d44 38,498.776 6,49 Wyoming iB8 601.166 5,id0,tA9 8.55 TOTAL d9,233 332,38D,891 1,955,388,517 5.89 'Based ua 24�Q20 Rep�rtMq Source_Rad�us+and fJKF Market Stud,y Page 40 In terms of ownership, the self-storage industry is still very fragmented. The 2021 Self-Storage Almanac defines three basic categories: 1. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) 2. Top 100 operators as reported by Mini-Storage Messenger(minus the REITs) 3. Owners of the remaining facilities As seen in following table,the public companies hold 31.2% of the industry ownership by rentable square footage. This is an increase of 3.6% over the 27.6% reported in the 2019 Self-Storage Almanac. The remaining 94 companies in the 2020 Mini-Storage Messenger Top Operators list hold a 16.5 percent market share,a decrease of 2.9%from 19.4 percent in 2019. The rest of the industry holds 52.3% of the facilities in the United States by rentable square footage. This represents a decrease from the approximately 53% reported in 2019. Industry Owners by Square Footage Z02D �D19 Public Campanies 31.2°� 27.fi96 �iher Tap�perakors[rninus�EITsJ 16.5°Io 19.4°l0 Rest 4f Ihe Indusfry 52.3�a 53.095 Saurce.MrniCo publrshing The Public Companies As seen below,there are six public companies in the self-storage industry; five REITs and Phoenix, Arizona based U-Haul International,which is not a REIT,but is publicly traded under the name of its parent company, AMERCO. Companies in this table are ranked according to rentable square footage (2020 Mini-Storage Messenger Top Operators List). Self-Storage Public Companies (REITs and U-Haul*) Company Name Numher of Facilities Net Rentable Square Footag� Number oF Units Pubi�c Slorage 2.844 184.000.000 1,865.00� Fxtra 5pace 5korage 1.878 145.386.852 1,349,956 CubeSmari 1.2fit 85,931.599 839.9&2 U•Haul Internat�onal' 1,718 69,098,346 797,238 tife 5lorage 965 fi5,818.753 6D3,237 3Jational 5torage Alfiliates Trust 948 6D,BOD.000 486,760 TOTAL 9,614 fi11,643,542 5,9d2,094 'll-Haui rs 8 pu61iC97fylreded eornpanyDvf�S not e RE17 Source:MirfiCo Puhlishrrig The six public companies own a total of 9,614 facilities in the self-storage industry,which is up from 8,999 facilities reported last year. In addition to rentable square footage,the above table also depicts the number of facilities owned by each company as well as the total number of units. As we can see in this table, U-Haul would be ranked third by number of facilities, bumping Extra Space down to third place. In addition, when calculated by number of facilities, National Storage Trust is ranked fifth, with Life Starage ranking sixth. The following charts depict this ownership by percentage. Market Stud,y Page 41 Public Company Market Share Public Company Market Share �By Number o1 Facilities') {By Renta6le 5quare Footage'� 1.9°� 3.1% � 1.Bh5 5,9°10 3A°k 4.49b .546 � � .��. � 3.84� a.ass 7.a�s 2.89b - �!. ■PuWic Siarage" CubeSmart o G!e Srorage" •Pulriic Slptage" �CubeSmart a L'rfe Storage" ■�zfra 5pace 5lorage ■U•Haul Inlemationaf inc."' �Natianal Stcxage ANiliafes •E��a Spacc Slorage ■U-Hau1 Intemalbnal Inc."' ■Hatipnal Storage Ai�tlia�es Saur�.,��1,1�^•Co P��a�sh�nJ ..Ino�es�^�arri;bnal(����s Saurce�hf�niCo P�,�Uti�hr.� '9rxl,des mfemal��a1 facid7es '&ased o���rc�af iv�mner ar i�u.�ry(af�i�[ws "'U-Hau�,s a p�bucly Uaden=o+rifar�y Lur�s��t a P.E��? ����f�`��num6er of�rid�sfry f��d�es "'O�Ha�I�s a piCtirTj ha�ed cnr�Fa�^y put rs rro!a REI,- Historical Quarterly Occupancy- Public Companies 2Q18 3Q18 4418 1Q19 2419 3Rti9 4q19 1R20 2420 3q20 Puhlic 5��rage 93.8°Io 94.0°l0 92.fi°o 92.1�c 94.0`'0 94.2°e'o 93.1°!0 93.1% 94.2°Io 95.5°h CuheSmarl 94.4°l0 92.7°Io 91.2°Is 92.iqa 93.7°I� 93.1°Ja 94.2°le 91.8°Io 94.d°lo 94.3°Io Extra 5p3ce 5torage 94.2°k 93.9°l0 9S.$°k 9i.fi°lo 93.6°ro 93.$% 92.A°k 93.3°k 94.5°lo g5.�?°la Life Stflrage fne 91.9°l0 91.3� 90.4°k 9U.1°lo 91.5°l0 90.3°la 9�.1°l0 89.5°� 91.9°I 93.0°I Nationel 5taage Affiliates 89.896 90.3°� 88.4°k 87.796 69.fi4� 90.2°�0 88 2°I� 81.2°�0 &8�°I 41.1°le �$o�rca PSR,GS!Cude.EXR 6 N3A Invuslvr Relalrans Nole:FSA,LSl.Cuoa R NSA a�e bascW on per�ov averape occupsncy,wfu+e EXR�s vasea��n Ge�rtc z:�d n,:cuyar+,:v Nofe:K�sroirrai accupancy+s aus�d wr orqina+occupa�rcy reported escn qua�le� Operating metrics have improved far this sector, with occupancy levels at all-time highs, move-in levels increasing,and move-out activity remaining at below historicallevels through the third quarter 2020. Non-weighted average same store occupancy reached 94% at third quarter-end 2020 for the five storage REITs (over 200 bps higher year-over-year with minimal inflation due to delayed auctions). Street rates are likewise starting to show an increase, and the high occupancies are benefitting operators as new tenant rental rates are surpassing vacating tenant rates,reducing the rent roll down levels experienced in prior quarters. The 2020 Top Operators The Mini-Storage Messenger's 2020 Top Operators;compiled solely from information submitted in the annual Top Operatars Survey,is based on total net rentable square feet. As previously discussed, the public companies hold the top six positions on the list. By rentable square footage, all six companies hold the same position on the list as in 2019. As seen in the following charts,the public companies hold 19.5%of the industry's market share by number of facilities and 31.2%by rentable square footage. This is up from 17.5% and 27.6%, respectively. The remaining top 94 self-storage companies own a 9.6%market share by number of facilities and 16.5% share by rentable square footage. This is an increase over the 10.9% reported in 2019. In addition,the rest of the industry holds 70.9%of the market share by number of facilities and 52.3% of the market share by rentable square footage. This represents an increase of 0.72% over the past year by number of facilities or an increase of 0.68% when calculated by rentable square feet. Market Stud,y Page 42 Industry Market Share Industry Market Share RBy Number oF�atilities� (�y Rentabte Square Foatage� 1�,5°r� 31.��1, 9.G°� � , 52.396 �U.99� i�.,r3dl� N Publi�Companies a pthei Tvp O�eratnrs -Rest a[Ihe Industry ■Pubfie Compani�s a 4ther 1'op Qper�lors _Rest pf the IndusV�r Sa�.E d1���Cn�,Diit�;g SCtrrc°M'srvG Pd.�.:5�ir�g Development Pipeline COVID-19 did to self-storage development in 2020 what market conditions failed to do in the previous six years, slow the construction of new facilities. The pandemic halted most construction activity far a quarter of the year, and this stoppage delayed the openings of planned facilities and, perhaps mare significantly, led some developers to rethink future plans. New Self-Storage Delivered Nationally(2017 -2019) Humber of Year Tvtal NR5F Built NRSF Grawth Facilites Delivered 2416 31,4Q9.579 2 4Q°� 5T9 24i7 54,289,43d 3.4Q°� 985 2418 61.495,410 3.70°/0 1,055 24i9 F4,123,d80 3.T0°!a 1,498 Source:Rad�us+ In 2019, self-storage delivered 1,098 new facilities, slightly outpacing 2018's 1,055 openings. The new facility deliveries continued at a blistering pace of development that saw the opening of more than 3,100 stares between 2017 and 2019. The construction slowdown and the effects of the pandemic were expected to contribute to a significant decline in self-storage openings in 2020. Data from Radius+ shows only 446 stores opened by Fall 2020. In 2019, 619 of the 1,098 openings (55%) were located in the top 50 metropolitan markets, which was virtually the same percentage as 2018. This reflects the industry's push to locate in densely populated urban areas that have attracted new residents to job opportunities and into renewal neighborhoods. An additional 167 facilities were opened in the top 50 to 100 core based statistical area(CBSA) territories, and 312 stores (28.5%) were opened in secondary and tertiary markets. Market Stud,y Page 43 Self-Storage Development Pipeline Nationally �urrent Qeveloprnent Pipefine Projects Impfied NRSF Planning 5tage 1,323 4.�0°lu Perrnitted Stage fi40 2.3fl°k Under Canstruc�ion �'3� 3,1D°� Snurce:Radios� All told, there were approximately 1,900 facilities planned and permitted in the U.S. heading into 2021,with 1,076 of those representing top 50 markets. That is a considerable amount of new storage space,especially in large metro markets that will need to be filled in the coming year. Construction value put in place for 2019 was over $4.83 billion, down 7% year-over-year. Looking forward. Radius+ expects construction spending to continue to slow down after peaking in 2018 at$5. 254 billion in value. Many projects that were expected to be completed at the end of the year were pushed into 2021. Contributing to sluggish construction activity in many communities, COVID-19 also shut down building permits,because municipalities closed for business for extended periods. Top Growth Areas In the annual U-Haul migration trends survey,which is based on one-way U-Haul truck customers, Florida took over the top position in the company's ranking of top growth states for 2019,unseating Texas,which was No. 1 f rom 2016 to 2018. Texas was ranked No. 2, followed by North Carolina, South Carolina, and Washington. Alabama was the biggest year-over-year climber in the rankings, surging 36 spots to No. 6. Growth states are calculated by the net gain of one-way trucks entering a state versus those leaving that state during a calendar year. California ranked 49th and Illinois was SOth for the fourth time in five years,pacing the out-migration states with the largest net losses of U-Haul trucks crossing their borders. Customer Base Customers typically fall into one of four categories: • Residential • Business • Military • Student According to the 2021 Self-Storage Almanac, on average, residential customers make up approximately 79%of a facility's unit mix. Conversely,business customers comprise about 14%of the mix. However, this can vary dramatically depending on the physicallocation of the business. Some facilities can have a business segment as high as 40% to 50%. Business customers are an extremely attractive customer pool for self-starage because of their stability,timely rental payments and tendency to rent their units longer than other customer segments. Market Stud,y Page 44 Average Tenant Mix Nationally (2020) Q�i°o� T4.� �, . �s.o� ■Residen�aE ■Busmess h4il�tary ■5tudent 5txuce �i.rrGo Pc��fi;hr� Where storage unit renters live is an important demographic for self-storage owners. A market with a higher density of apartments and/or condominiums may attract more renters due to the fact that most apartments/condominiums have no or very little storage space. Likewise,in a market area with mare single-family homes that are governed by HOAs, self-storage can be attractive if residents cannot park their vehicles on the street, thereby eliminating the garage as a spot for storage. ApproXimately 72.1% of renters live in a single-family dwelling accarding to the SSA Demand Study. Those who live in apartments or condominiums represent 25.7% of the mix, while 2.2% reside in "other" types of dwellings. Approximately 55% of the renters surveyed for the 2019 Demand Study reported that they owned their home. Around 42.3%reported that they are renters. Nearly 3%reported that they neither own nor rent their home. This may very well represent renters, such as millennials, living with their parents or seniors who are living with their children or other relatives. Type of Dwelling Owners vs. Renters 2.�% 2.g°�o � '15.7°l0 42.3°�0 5d.9°Po 72.99'0 � ■5ir�g le Famity iia�se �Apar[me�t or Condominium � 01her +Own ■Rent Neither S�wlce.S5A 2019 SeIF a'"�aage Demarni S�udy Sce.rce S5J,Zd'9 Seif S[�rage C]e,�riarzd S1�y Approximately 12.8% of the renters surveyed for the Self Storage Demand Study tend to rent their units for less than three months. These tenants are typically storing their goods while moving or remodeling and only need short-term storage. Market Stud,y Page 45 The largest segment of tenants (26.5%)rent their units for one to two years. There are 23.6%who rent far longer than two years and 19.9%renting far seven to 12 months. As mentioned previously, business renters tend to stay longer than residential, military or student renters. Most business renters tend to stay either less than one year(37.3%)or more than two years (37.1%). Approximately 25.6% stay between one and two years. When the percentage of renters who stay for mare than two years is combined with those who rent for one to two years,we can see that 62.7% of all business renters stay for at least one year and possibly longer than two years. Length of Rental Business Renter Length of Stay �2 a�� �3 6`<, t�2�6 371� 37.3°k � � � 2b,534 19,9°k 25.6°k ■Less Than 3 MaMhS ■31v 6 tuion11�5 7 ro 12 Montns ■1 ro 2 Years �-Lorrger�han 2 years ■Less Than 1 Y�r ■6etween 1 and 2 Years 5cE:rcc 5SA 2t779 5�tr S,araye U.�rria�d 5!uvy Lflnger than 2 years Scuice SSA 2079 5��f Sfarage Gerrand Snn7y The Self-Starage Association Demand Study reported 75.5% of the tenants rented one unit and 24.5%rented two or more units. Occupancy by Region While national rates give a broad overview of self-storage occupancy,regional rates focus on more specific geographic areas of the United States. TeXas is located within the South (West South Central)region. 2019 -2020 Occupancy by Region* Reg�on 2�19 accupancy 2020 4c�upancy Midwesi�Esst N�rth Centr�l� 9�.4°In 9D.�°Ia Midwest�West NQrth Genfral) 89.6°fo 91.1°l0 Norkheast f�+liddle Atlar�tic) 90,9°la 94,8% f�ortheas! (�lew England} 89.3°fa 89.9°Ia Saulh AtEant�c 9D.7°fa 90.6°fa South�fast Sa�th Centraly 9Q.4°� 9d.d°la S�uth�West Soulh GentraR� 89.$°fa 90.2°la West{Mfluntain} 91.4°� 92.3°la West SPacifiic} g2.1°l0 92.3°fc lVatRonal 91.V�Iq 92,2°fo '6ased o�2nd Ouarter Numhers 5o�r�e:Radrus+ Market Stud,y Page 46 DEMAND ANALYSIS To evaluate the customer base and to determine available demand for square footage, we focused on the surrounding radiuses of the subj ect area to analyze the market data. Higher density areas with over 100,000 people and 50/50 ratio of owner vs. renter housing in a 3-mile radius are generally categorized as primary markets, and a 1-, 2- and 3-mile radius report is adequate. The secondary markets are generally suburban markets surrounding the primary markets. People here usually own their homes, have families and are often willing to travel 30+minutes to and from work. Some break this area down to a 1-, 3- and 5-mile radius analysis, but according to the 2021 Self- Storage Almanac, on average,most facilities draw at least 75%of their customers from within a 3- mile radius, and in higher density areas, a high percentage often come from the 1.5-mile radius. In addition to customers tending to rent from the nearest facility, customers from higher income areas often consider proximity, convenience, security and curb appeal an even higher priority. Accordingly, a 1.5-, 3- and 5-mile radius analysis has been included on the following pages. The following summarizes the primary factors: Radius 1.5 Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 2020 Population 8,313 34,090 92,114 2025 Population 9,720 38,875 102,248 2020 Households 2,940 11,402 31,311 2025 Households 3,424 12,968 34,718 2020 Avg HH Size 2.83 2.99 2.93 2025 Avg HH Size 2.84 3.00 2.94 2020 Avg HH Income $186,219 $203,190 $187,573 2025 Avg HH Income $199,077 $220,070 $203,297 It is noted that the subject property does not have direct access,but is visible from SH-114, and the nearby traffic count on SH-114 in 2019 was 98,012 vehicles per day. Pa e 47 J � - � - . . � MVS 56 Tarragona, Roanoke, Texas, 76262 Site Details Map Rings: 1.5, 3, 5 mile radii Latitude: 32.98711 Longitude: -97.17650 ���� Double Oak Cross ' bers Rd 1171 F ��a �_, MarsY;all Creek � Trophy Club Park , i T phy Club Twin Cove � '" Park Roan e Trophy Club nn��rroii � - - - - - - - - = - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - v- - -_ > - a '%=- ���,,. � � = Lakeview Park 3�+ m � y r A ` 0 0 � C p 114 J C O N � 1935 N C .� � Southlake Z `tihlake Blv-d- _ Grapevin eller P�e Old on ay �" """"' ��� Nlusta�/��--7X-114 E a,� " �`%' 0 0.8 1.6 �>�� mi This site is located in: City: Westlake County: Tarrant County State: Texas ZIP Code: 76262 Census Tract: 48439113906 Census Block Group: 484391139061 CBSA: Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area January 04, 2021 Pa e 48 J � • • • MVS 56 Tarragona, Roanoke, Texas, 76262 Prepared by MVS Rings: 1.5, 3, 5 mile radii 1.5 miles 3 miles 5 miles Population Summary 2000 Total Population 4,987 18,249 51,378 2010 Total Population 6,212 24,161 69,218 2020 Total Population 8,313 34,090 92,114 2020 Group Quarters 0 0 247 2025 Total Population 9,720 38,875 102,248 2020-2025 Annual Rate 3.18% 2.66% 2.11% 2020 Total Daytime Population 10,631 34,019 98,854 Workers 6,291 16,112 51,338 Residents 4,340 17,907 47,516 Household Summary 2000 Households 1,768 6,095 16,956 2000 Average Household Size 2.82 2.99 3.02 2010 Households 2,224 8,118 23,597 2010 Average Household Size 2.79 2.98 2.92 2020 Households 2,940 11,402 31,311 2020 Average Household Size 2.83 2.99 2.93 2025 Households 3,424 12,968 34,718 2025 Average Household Size 2.84 3.00 2.94 2020-2025 Annual Rate 3.09% 2.61% 2.09% 2010 Families 1,882 6,915 19,597 2010 Average Family Size 3.06 3.24 3.25 2020 Families 2,450 9,545 25,432 2020 Average Family Size 3.12 3.29 3.30 2025 Families 2,846 10,806 28,032 2025 Average Family Size 3.14 3.31 3.31 2020-2025 Annual Rate 3.04% 2.51% 1.97% Housing Unit Summary 2000 Housing Units 1,880 6,463 17,848 Owner Occupied Housing Units 85.3% 85.7% 85.7% Renter Occupied Housing Units 8.8% 8.6% 9.3% Vacant Housing Units 6.0% 5.7% 5.0% 2010 Housing Units 2,315 8,521 24,694 Owner Occupied Housing Units 86.8% 85.5% 81.7% Renter Occupied Housing Units 9.3% 9.8% 13.8% Vacant Housing Units 3.9% 4.7% 4.4% 2020 Housing Units 2,953 11,503 31,724 Owner Occupied Housing Units 90.9% 91.0% 85.1% Renter Occupied Housing Units 8.7% 8.1% 13.6% Vacant Housing Units 0.4% 0.9% 1.3% 2025 Housing Units 3,435 13,052 35,123 Owner Occupied Housing Units 85.9% 89.9% 84.3% Renter Occupied Housing Units 13.7% 9.5% 14.5% Vacant Housing Units 0.3% 0.6% 1.2% Median Household Income 2020 $151,614 $166,123 $152,062 2025 $156,294 $177,004 $160,228 Median Home Value 2020 $404,881 $475,466 $453,880 2025 $425,147 $494,985 $472,121 Per Capita Income 2020 $65,358 $68,193 $63,647 2025 $69,596 $73,682 $68,886 Median Age 2010 43.4 41.1 40.3 2020 45.2 42.6 41.5 2025 45.1 43.0 41.9 Data Note: Household population includes persons not residing in group quarters. Average Household Size is the household population divided by total households. Persons in families include the householder and persons related to the householder by birth, marriage,or adoption. Per Capita Income represents the income received by all persons aged 15 years and over divided by the total population. Source: U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 49 J � • • • MVS 56 Tarragona, Roanoke, Texas, 76262 Prepared by MVS Rings: 1.5, 3, 5 mile radii 1.5 miles 3 miles 5 miles 2020 Households by Income Household Income Base 2,940 11,402 31,311 <$15,000 4.3% 2.7% 3.1% $15,000 - $24,999 2.3% 1.9% 2.6% $25,000 - $34,999 2.2% 2.5% 3.2% $35,000 - $49,999 1.9% 3.5% 5.1% $50,000 - $74,999 7.1% 7.6% 8.7% $75,000 - $99,999 7.0% 7.4% 8.9% $100,000 - $149,999 24.4% 17.9% 17.5% $150,000 - $199,999 18.5% 16.4% 15.3% $200,000+ 32.3% 40.1% 35.6% Average Household Income $186,219 $203,190 $187,573 2025 Households by Income Household Income Base 3,424 12,968 34,718 <$15,000 4.5% 2.9% 3.2% $15,000 - $24,999 2.2% 1.7% 2.3% $25,000 - $34,999 2.0% 2.2% 2.9% $35,000 - $49,999 1.8% 3.2% 4.6% $50,000 - $74,999 6.8% 6.9% 8.0% $75,000 - $99,999 6.5% 6.8% 8.5% $100,000 - $149,999 23.1% 16.4% 16.5% $150,000 - $199,999 18.4% 16.2% 15.2% $200,000+ 34.8% 43.7% 38.7% Average Household Income $199,077 $220,070 $203,297 2020 Owner Occupied Housing Units by Value Total 2,683 10,473 27,004 <$50,000 0.1% 0.8% 1.0% $50,000 - $99,999 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% $100,000 - $149,999 0.2% 0.5% 1.0% $150,000 - $199,999 1.0% 1.2% 2.2°/a $200,000 - $249,999 6.2% 4.2% 5.3% $250,000 - $299,999 9.6% 7.7% 8.7% $300,000 - $399,999 31.9% 22.6% 22.1% $400,000 - $499,999 15.7% 16.9% 17.3% $500,000 - $749,999 14.2% 21.3% 24.1% $750,000 - $999,999 10.8% 12.6% 10.2% $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 5.9% 6.1% 4.8% $1,500,000 - $1,999,999 1.9% 2.5% 1.4% $2,000,000 + 2.3% 3.3% 1.6% Average Home Value $567,881 $627,007 $556,184 2025 Owner Occupied Housing Units by Value Total 2,952 11,728 29,615 <$50,000 0.0% 0.4% 0.6% $50,000 - $99,999 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% $100,000 - $149,999 0.1% 0.3% 0.5% $150,000 - $199,999 0.5% 0.7% 1.3% $200,000 - $249,999 4.6% 3.2% 4.1% $250,000 - $299,999 8.3% 6.4% 7.7% $300,000 - $399,999 32.0% 22.2% 22.1% $400,000 - $499,999 17.2% 17.5% 18.6% $500,000 - $749,999 14.4% 21.9% 25.8% $750,000 - $999,999 11.5% 15.4% 11.1% $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 6.6% 6.2% 5.0% $1,500,000 - $1,999,999 2.1% 2.5% 1.4% $2,000,000 + 2.4% 3.1% 1.5% Average Home Value $588,982 $645,664 $574,808 Data Note:Income represents the preceding year,expressed in current dollars. Household income includes wage and salary earnings, interest dividends,net rents, pensions,SSI and welfare payments,child support,and alimony. Source:U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 50 J � • • • MVS 56 Tarragona, Roanoke, Texas, 76262 Prepared by MVS Rings: 1.5, 3, 5 mile radii 1.5 miles 3 miles 5 miles 2010 Population by Age Tota I 6,211 24,164 69,216 0 -4 5.7% 5.7% 5.6% 5 - 9 7.2% 8.4% 8.6% 10 - 14 9.0% 10.0% 10.4% 15 - 24 9.8% 11.0% 11.7% 25 - 34 6.4% 6.4% 6.6% 35 -44 14.3% 15.4% 15.7% 45 - 54 19.8% 20.9% 21.2% 55 - 64 16.0% 13.5% 12.3% 65 - 74 7.4% 5.7% 5.0% 75 - 84 3.4% 2.3% 2.1% 85 + 0.8% 0.6% 0.8% 18 + 72.8% 70.0% 69.1% 2020 Population by Age Total 8,315 34,090 92,114 0 -4 5.0% 5.2% 5.2% 5 - 9 6.3% 6.6% 6.4% 10 - 14 7.6% 8.3% 8.0% 15 - 24 10.6% 12.6% 13.4% 25 - 34 8.6% 8.9% 10.2% 35 -44 11.6% 11.3% 10.8% 45 - 54 16.0% 16.7% 16.6% 55 - 64 17.5% 16.9% 16.9% 65 - 74 11.0% 9.2% 8.7% 75 - 84 4.4% 3.3% 2.9% 85 + 1.3% 0.9% 0.9% 18 + 76.7% 74.9% 75.3% 2025 Population by Age Total 9,721 38,876 102,249 0 -4 5.2% 5.3% 5.3% 5 - 9 6.1% 6.4% 6.3% 10 - 14 7.1% 7.6% 7.3% 15 - 24 9.5% 11.4% 11.5% 25 - 34 8.9% 9.4% 11.3% 35 -44 13.1% 12.5% 12.1% 45 - 54 14.7% 14.9% 13.8% 55 - 64 16.3% 16.0% 16.3% 65 - 74 11.7% 10.7% 10.8% 75 - 84 5.8% 4.6% 4.3% 85 + 1.6% 1.1% 1.0% 18 + 77.4% 76.0% 76.6% 2010 Population by Sex Males 3,118 12,108 34,421 Females 3,094 12,053 34,797 2020 Population by Sex Males 4,156 16,940 45,501 Females 4,157 17,150 46,613 2025 Population by Sex Males 4,859 19,294 50,412 Females 4,862 19,581 51,835 Source:U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 51 J � • • • MVS 56 Tarragona, Roanoke, Texas, 76262 Prepared by MVS Rings: 1.5, 3, 5 mile radii 1.5 miles 3 miles 5 miles 2010 Population by Race/Ethnicity Tota I 6,212 24,161 69,218 White Alone 91.2% 89.7% 88.9% Black Alone 2.0% 2.1% 2.2% American Indian Alone 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% Asian Alone 3.8% 4.3% 4.7% Pacific Islander Alone 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% Some Other Race Alone 1.1% 1.5% 1.6% Two or More Races 1.4% 1.8% 2.1% Hispanic Origin 4.9% 6.8% 7.5% Diversity Index 24.3 29.4 31.7 2020 Population by Race/Ethnicity Total 8,313 34,091 92,114 White Alone 86.8% 85.0% 83.6% Black Alone 2.9% 3.2% 3.5% American Indian Alone 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% Asian Alone 6.2% 6.7% 7.1% Pacific Islander Alone 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% Some Other Race Alone 1.5% 2.1% 2.3% Two or More Races 2.0% 2.5% 2.9% Hispanic Origin 6.3% 9.0% 10.4% Diversity Index 33.1 39.2 42.7 2025 Population by Race/Ethnicity Total 9,721 38,876 102,247 White Alone 84.5% 82.4% 80.8% Black Alone 3.7% 3.9% 4.3% American Indian Alone 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% Asian Alone 7.3% 7.9% 8.3% Pacific Islander Alone 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% Some Other Race Alone 1.7% 2.4% 2.6% Two or More Races 2.2% 2.8% 3.3% Hispanic Origin 7.2% 10.3% 12.0% Diversity Index 37.4 44.0 47.7 2010 Population by Relationship and Household Type Tota I 6,212 24,161 69,218 In Households 100.0% 100.0% 99.7% In Family Households 93.3% 93.8% 92.8% Householder 30.0% 28.7% 28.2% Spouse 27.4% 26.0% 25.1% Child 33.2% 35.9% 36.6% Other relative 2.0% 2.2% 2.1% Nonrelative 0.7% 0.9% 0.9% In Nonfamily Households 6.7% 6.2% 6.9% In Group Quarters 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% Institutionalized Population 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% Noninstitutionalized Population 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Data Note: Persons of Hispanic Origin may be of any race. The Diversity Index measures the probability that two people from the same area will be from different race/ ethnic groups. Source:U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 52 J � • • • MVS 56 Tarragona, Roanoke, Texas, 76262 Prepared by MVS Rings: 1.5, 3, 5 mile radii 1.5 miles 3 miles 5 miles 2020 Population 25+ by Educational Attainment Total 5,860 22,938 61,676 Less than 9th Grade 0.2% 0.6% 1.0% 9th - 12th Grade, No Diploma 1.3% 1.5% 1.7% High School Graduate 9.0% 10.1% 10.6% GED/Alternative Credential 1.1% 1.5% 1.7% Some College, No Degree 18.0% 16.7% 17.1% Associate Degree 5.9% 5.6% 6.3% Bachelor's Degree 43.5% 38.8% 38.4% Graduate/Professional Degree 21.0% 25.2% 23.2% 2020 Population 15+ by Marital Status Total 6,737 27,225 74,022 Never Married 20.4% 22.1% 23.4% Married 67.1% 67.8% 66.0% Widowed 3.6% 2.8% 3.3% Divorced 8.8% 7.4% 7.3% 2020 Civilian Population 16+ in Labor Force Civilian Population 16+ 4,250 17,329 48,127 Population 16+ Employed 93.8% 93.8% 93.1% Population 16+ Unemployment rate 6.2% 6.2% 6.9% Population 16-24 Employed 8.8% 9.1% 10.3% Population 16-24 Unemployment rate 9.0% 10.9% 12.0% Population 25-54 Employed 61.5% 61.0% 60.6% Population 25-54 Unemployment rate 5.6% 5.8% 6.3% Population 55-64 Employed 22.0% 23.3% 23.5% Population 55-64 Unemployment rate 7.2% 5.6% 6.2% Population 65+ Employed 7.7% 6.5% 5.6% Population 65+ Unemployment rate 5.0% 5.0% 6.0% 2020 Employed Population 16+ by Industry Total 3,986 16,260 44,813 Agriculture/Mining 1.6% 0.9% 0.9% Construction 6.3% 5.3% 5.0% Manufacturing 8.6% 8.2% 9.8% Wholesale Trade 4.0% 3.0% 3.1% Retail Trade 7.2% 8.6% 9.6% Transportation/Utilities 8.4% 8.4% 7.8% Information 1.1% 2.1% 2.7% Finance/Insurance/Real Estate 14.2% 16.2% 14.7% Services 47.8% 45.1% 44.0% Public Administration 0.9% 2.2% 2.4% 2020 Employed Population 16+ by Occupation Total 3,987 16,260 44,811 White Collar 84.1% 84.9% 83.5% Management/Business/Financial 28.9% 31.5% 28.9% Professional 26.4% 25.7% 26.2% Sales 14.2% 14.0% 14.6% Administrative Support 14.8% 13.6% 13.7% Services 7.3% 6.5% 7.8% Blue Collar 8.6% 8.6% 8.7% Farming/Forestry/Fishing 0.9% 0.3% 0.1°/o Construction/Extraction 1.9% 1.6% 1.6% Installation/Maintenance/Repair 1.1% 1.6% 1.7% Production 0.9% 0.9% 1.3% Transportation/Material Moving 3.8% 4.2% 4.0% Source: U.S. Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 53 J � • • • MVS 56 Tarragona, Roanoke, Texas, 76262 Prepared by MVS Rings: 1.5, 3, 5 mile radii 1.5 miles 3 miles 5 miles 2010 Households by Type Total 2,225 8,118 23,597 Households with 1 Person 12.3% 12.1% 14.0% Households with 2+ People 87.7% 87.9% 86.0% Family Households 84.6% 85.2% 83.0% Husband-wife Families 77.4% 77.0% 74.0% With Related Children 35.4% 39.8% 40.9% Other Family (No Spouse Present) 7.1% 8.2% 9.0% Other Family with Male Householder 2.5% 2.6% 2.8% With Related Children 1.6% 1.7% 1.7% Other Family with Female Householder 4.7% 5.6% 6.3% With Related Children 2.8% 3.8% 4.3% Nonfamily Households 3.1% 2.7% 2.9% All Households with Children 40.1% 45.6% 47.3% Multigenerational Households 2.4% 3.1% 2.8% Unmarried Partner Households 2.7% 2.8% 2.9% Male-female 2.0% 2.2% 2.3% Same-sex 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 2010 Households by Size Total 2,227 8,119 23,597 1 Person Household 12.3% 12.1% 14.0% 2 Person Household 39.3% 34.4% 31.8% 3 Person Household 18.2% 18.7% 19.1% 4 Person Household 18.0% 20.9% 21.7% 5 Person Household 8.8% 9.9% 9.7% 6 Person Household 2.6% 2.9% 2.7% 7 + Person Household 0.9% 1.1% 1.0% 2010 Households by Tenure and Mortgage Status Total 2,224 8,118 23,597 Owner Occupied 90.3% 89.8% 85.5% Owned with a Mortgage/Loan 72.2% 72.1% 69.9% Owned Free and Clear 18.2% 17.6% 15.6% Renter Occupied 9.7% 10.2% 14.5% 2020 Affordability, Mortgage and Wealth Housing Affordability Index 174 164 157 Percent of Income for Mortgage 11.2% 12.0% 12.5% Wealth Index 292 303 277 2010 Housing Units By Urban/ Rural Status Total Housing Units 2,315 8,521 24,694 Housing Units Inside Urbanized Area 94.1% 92.9% 95.8% Housing Units Inside Urbanized Cluster 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Rural Housing Units 5.9% 7.1% 4.2% 2010 Population By Urban/ Rural Status Total Population 6,212 24,161 69,218 Population Inside Urbanized Area 94.0% 94.0% 96.3% Population Inside Urbanized Cluster 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Rural Population 6.0% 6.0% 3.7% Data Note: Households with children include any households with people under age 18, related or not. Multigenerational households are families with 3 or more parent- child relationships. Unmarried partner households are usually classified as nonfamily households unless there is another member of the household related to the householder. Multigenerational and unmarried partner households are reported only to the tract level. Esri estimated block group data,which is used to estimate polygons or non-standard geography. Source: U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 54 J � • • • MVS 56 Tarragona, Roanoke, Texas, 76262 Prepared by MVS Rings: 1.5, 3, 5 mile radii 1.5 miles 3 miles 5 miles Top 3 Tapestry Segments 1. Savvy Suburbanites(1D) Professional Pride (1B) Professional Pride (1B) 2, Professional Pride(16) Boomburbs(1C) Savvy Suburbanites(1D) 3. Top Tier(lA) Savvy Suburbanites(1D) Middleburg (4C) 2020 Consumer Spending Apparel &Services: Total $ $12,377,219 $53,630,922 $136,738,554 Average Spent $4,209.94 $4,703.64 $4,367.11 Spending Potential Index 196 219 204 Education: Total $ $12,613,145 $50,825,174 $126,333,554 Average Spent $4,290.19 $4,457.57 $4,034.80 Spending Potential Index Z40 249 226 Entertainment/Recreation: Total $ $19,259,813 $81,469,074 $207,396,403 Average Spent $6,550.96 $7,145.16 $6,623.76 Spending Potential Index 202 220 204 Food at Home: Total $ $29,451,843 $126,113,512 $323,461,493 Average Spent $10,017.63 $11,060.65 $10,330.60 Spending Potential Index 188 207 193 Food Away from Home: Total $ $21,279,986 $92,608,872 $236,381,532 Average Spent $7,238.09 $8,122.16 $7,549.47 Spending Potential Index 192 215 200 Health Care: Total $ $33,155,357 $139,648,501 $358,628,589 Average Spent $11,277.33 $12,247.72 $11,453.76 Spending Potential Index 196 213 199 HH Furnishings&Equipment: Total $ $13,234,815 $56,408,227 $143,906,333 Average Spent $4,501.64 $4,947.22 $4,596.03 Spending Potential Index Z06 226 210 Personal Care Products&Services: Total $ $5,406,167 $23,408,155 $59,658,306 Average Spent $1,838.83 $2,052.99 $1,905.35 Spending Potential Index 200 223 207 Shelter: Total $ $112,936,546 $478,232,030 $1,211,888,545 Average Spent $38,413.79 $41,942.82 $38,704.88 Spending Potential Index 198 217 200 Support Payments/Cash Contributions/Gifts in Kind: Total $ $14,149,652 $60,980,062 $155,798,796 Average Spent $4,812.81 $5,348.19 $4,975.85 Spending Potential Index 206 228 212 Travel: Total $ $15,616,586 $65,055,685 $163,852,107 Average Spent $5,311.76 $5,705.64 $5,233.05 Spending Potential Index 220 237 217 Vehicle Maintenance&Repairs: Total $ $6,483,085 $27,639,310 $71,062,786 Average Spent $2,205.13 $2,424.08 $2,269.58 Spending Potential Index 190 209 196 Data Note:Consumer spending shows the amount spent on a variety of goods and services by households that reside in the area. Expenditures are shown by broad budget categories that are not mutually exclusive. Consumer spending does not equal business revenue.Total and Average Amount Spent Per Household represent annual figures.The Spending Potential Index represents the amount spent in the area relative to a national average of 100. Source:Consumer Spending data are derived from the 2017 and 2018 Consumer Expenditure Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Esri. Source: U.S.Census Bureau,Census 2010 Summary File 1. Esri forecasts for 2020 and 2025 Esri converted Census 2000 data into 2010 geography. January 04, 2021 Pa e 55 J � . • . � MVS 56 Tarragona, Roanoke, Texas, 76262 Prepared by MVS Rings: 1.5, 3, 5 mile radii ii�� Double Oak � �' I f �i�i�f.� ■ � . i � � - � � ber� _. 117� �` e I• � � ■ lll I. ■ � . . 114 �■ Marsh,all Creek � Trophy Club Park �� ■ \ \ � Twin Cove +' ' '� Ro Park � Trophy Club � i I � Murrell F — — — — — — — — — — — -- Q . t F.N`1 _ : � � � + Lakeview Park c Z ` � o A o � d � � �114 � ii�iii/ J C � O N v 1938 :! a .. .. ... c I _ . 1 : � ��hlake�r, . 7A9 ' ■ � Il + � � � 1 � � ��� � • + � ■ + � : rrr a � � C`Id , or a ,,, ■ i ,lub + �o° -114 E � 0 0.8 ' � � � a.� e CTII � �� � �\ Average flarly TraKic Yolame Le � Up tv fi,00U►•ehicles per day �FlowerC✓lo \ s�DD'�' '�Jrf��O 1 4� v e�5,OD�1- 30,QD0 �3d,009- 5�,ODd \� ■5�,d09- �1��,0�� �.�, 114 ■Nlare than 7DO,OUO per day Source: �02020 Kalibrate Technologies(Q4 2020). January 04, 2021 Market Stud,y Page 56 Competition Survey As can be gleaned from the following competition data,there are no competing facilities within the 0-to 1.5-mile ring,one competitor in the 1.5-to 3-mile ring, and six competing facilities within the 3-to 5-mile ring. While not within the defined area,it is noted that there are numerous facilities just outside the 5-mile radius. Other than what is contemplated for the subj ect property,the Towns/Cities of Westlake, Southlake, Trophy Club and Keller all reported that there are currently no new or expanding self-storage facilities planned or permitted for these communities. � �eLorme Street A[las LISA'�:2011 r ' CaMPETITI�N MAP �Nonetawe � `�j� y�� 7��l ae.�c r� i =J � ... a _ � .QouhleUak 14 . `.*Mile I�S�-7 � f"�r�r` f�-- _ . �ai R �"�"•�• tiyv.�nw a� . �- f�A�lf]1 � L-Nf1]3 �� k/ �;; F'k IIIl !� �0 �Si��u:i,rl ••Ns.�lf �'-f - .yl� F"I!:'. . ::r i � ' {i ��a � �- ?� ;/ �Mile ;���'-i ���n �?r� ..�.... .. . . . n � :�CL J M10a .. . " �JW�IUGr . ..�y-'�' G�Ru � yo z�r M8�9h0�1 CeECN " L���� � . ' n ' .�. ... . .. Q. ... - ' --' ' . . .... ' 1.5�u1ile � �o w w:���o c���vyn .. . , o�ou��. TrophyClutr ' �' •,��y� . .�. . �*°l _ „a.� i'.' : . wesrake��� '---..-.-`�'..} �!�. ��r -- -- �'. � �;;;__:.. ..I�-� -- �.,-,.n...�....... �� '- i —1' . .. -"��. -j.','� J . •_ I ,� E�OY��PA N��uq: .- 9� �-wa.' .1 ��� I ^fi �. ,. ... . . �� � ..�u;;�._ �['_. � . � . ..i .�r� '�`- i . . . �,., ., I i-. ���.' . . . ' . I �.S�•. I �,:� ..•. . ' _��{. ._ ._. - • _"� L . .�_i1:1 h.Nf] �?, .l I(xc . �I��. . -.'���,�ff:�Ji�-�'_I_ . . ¢ - .. ]Ci�_ DHRU CR�09i, ui9u91+: ' -.'.'� !„-M]lpg 'F�M'il�A `��hlak �'"'� _ ' .�� F H[lu9 Knllnr . '"T_�H 7 � � �f�' f ' � mfHnp C:ac VY ,e _. _.�r" '�" _ . , �' SW k1V[K�L��1�' � „ �.... � �`�- ; �y � Gyo ���' — � �-' _• [:k'1[]Il: =p'�•���•��I � I" B�ancfnrn �]`�- , . � il... .} �:•'.fi 4y'^. ^`BllHtiEY RO_. ._ �.. ' ' `NALt IOHNSON PD I � i ��Wam�� - _ _ .-- '-- � � srnareFs ao � ��---.._� �� ���- - �p w cuo�ku L�:'.i r,x wh�r�10.;ou•��v: ���... 1��.JJ� .�_l�.:riiii•��:Luir�i•.`�li�•�•1,41:�� IS.v�:_pii �y' �.ne� �` " I �� I .i ...:.ne��,�:P:c�,. i =i•;s•,� e��.,.:»�»i-p � � � � � � � � c � COMPETITION SURVEY SUMMARY Survey Date:12/23/2020 Comp No.1 Comp No.2 Comp No.3 Comp No.4 Comp No.5 Comp No.6 Comp No.7 Name Public Storage CubeSmart U-Haul All Storage CubeSmart McPherson Storage Stor Self Storage Address 855 Louis Street 1201 N Hwy 377 1600 Mesa Butte Ct 4874 Keller Haslet 8800 Davis Blvd 1604 N Kimball Ave 750 Davis Blvd City,State Roanoke,TX Roanoke,TX Roanoke,TX Keller,TX Keller,TX Southlake,TX Southlake,TX Gross Building Area(GSF) 103,264 67,212 63,140 355,150 95,000 24,570 90,275 Rentable Building Area(RSF) 80,797 66,912 50,100 302,990 82,500 24,470 66,980 Total Units 683 453 424 1,318 750 154 572 Non-climate Units 478 233 389 766 640 154 0 Climate Units 205 220 35 552 110 0 572 Occupancy 95% 94% 85% 90% 94% 99% 11% Occupied RSF(Calculated) 76,538 62,776 42,774 272,691 77,220 24,311 7,636 YearBuilt 2014 1998 1987 2003 2000 1995 Sep-2020 Land Area(Acres) 4.6792 3371 15.9342 36.148 5.1141 2.9986 2.0929 Distance from Subject(Miles) 2.8 3.2 4.2 4.8 4.6 3.9 4.0 Total 5-Mile Radius Comp Nos.1-7 Comp Nos.1-6* Excludes Nos.3&7** 0 to 1.5-Mile Radius 1.5 to 3-Mile Rin� 3 to 5-Mile Rin� Total Rentable Building Area 674,749 607,769 557,669 0 80,797 593,952 Total Occupied RSF 563,946 556,310 513,536 0 76,538 487,408 TotalAverage Occupancy 83.6% 91.5% 92.1% 0.0% 94.7% 82.1% <=(IncludesLease-up) By Facility Average Occupancy 81.2% 92.8% 94.3% 0.0% 94.7% 78.9% <=(Includes Lease-up) *Excludes the new facility in lease-up(No.7) **Excludes the new facility in lease-up(No.7)and the older Class C facilities in fair condition(No.3) b � � � � Market Study Page 58 Competition No. 1 Name Public Storage Address 855 Louis Street City,State Roanoke,TX Gross Building Area(SF) 103,264 � Rentable Building Area(SF) 80,797 78.2% ;,� � g� Total Units 683 ,'�-7 � Non-climate Units 478 70.0% •+::;=- � - Climate Units 205 30.0% I I� � � ;.'• `� �� Occupancy 95% _ : ;-- _ Year Built 2014 Land Area(Acres) 4.6792 Distance from Subject(Miles) 2.8 Competition No. 2 Name CubeSmart � '- Address 1201 N Hwy 377 {. �''� City,State Roanoke,TX — - � Gross Building Area(SF) 67,212 Rentable Building Area(SF) 66,912 99.6% Total Units 453 � � Non-climate Units 233 51.4% • � � ;. � Climate Units 220 48.6% � Occupancy 94% ' Year Built 1998 _ _ � Land Area(Acres) 3.371 __ • _ .:��i,�� Distance from Subject(Miles) 3.2 � '� e• Competition No. 3 Name U-Haul Address 1600 Mesa Butte Ct - City,State Roanoke,TX Gross Building Area(SF) 63,140 � Rentable Building Area(SF) 50,100 79.3% ••-� �� Total Units 424 ..�; �;�� ':. - - �. .— - -- ��a.. - - Non-climateUnits 389 91.7% , �_� '�_ '� Climate Units 35 8.3% f Occupancy 85% � Year Built 1987 Land Area(Acres) 15.9342 Distance from Subject(Miles) 4.2 Market Study Page 59 Competition No.4 Name All Storage � ;,�;_ Address 4874 Keller Haslet City,State Keller,TX • �,, Gross Building Area(SF) 355,150 ����• Rentable Building Area(SF) 302,990 85.3% Total Units 1,318 �_3':-±f. Non-climate Units 766 58.1% i� Climate Units 552 41.9% Occupancy 90% Year Built 2003 Land Area(Acres) 36.148 Distance from Subject(Miles) 4.8 Competition No. 5 Name CubeSmart Address 8800 Davis Blvd City,State Keller,TX Gross Building Area(SF) 95,000 �k�:[1- Rentable Building Area(SF) 82,500 86.8% ��� , <••, Total Units 750 �� � •,• � � ; Non-climate Units 640 85.3% • �- �'` Climate Units 110 14.7% ���� ; I��� � '� Occupancy 94% � - __ Year Built 2000 �--� �� Land Area(Acres) 5.1141 � _ ~ Distance from Subject(Miles) 4.6 Competition No. 6 Name McPherson Storage Address 1604 N Kimball Ave City,State Southlake,TX Gross BuildingArea(SF) 24,570 __ r, - _ Rentable Building Area(SF) 24,470 99.6% , +: � _ Total Units 154 � ���" Non-climate Units 154 100.0% Climate Units 0 0.0% Occupancy 99% - - , Year Built 1995 '�;;r_ -'.��'��`;V;•�`�z, � .,j�. s.��;'_:.ti-•_b. �:'�^�.:^`.,:-'`:, Land Area(Acres) 2.9986 ;.�;�:;�:. '�.,�-�:u� . • `�i.'::� �: � .m-;:z' y ".�_,� � x.- ,. r '��;: :_� t;.w •:... `f'..�,. .. _ � �:�:� �r:'� ' Distance from Sub�ect Miles 3.9 �`� ''"�' `��'N9'-�� 1 � ) �;1.'• ;a.:-�.- �.v�i =.:�;•.,..a�::�:t.. .+��?.e.�z�. Market Study Page 60 Competition No. 7 Name Stor Self Storage � �� Address 750 Davis Blvd � � City,State Southlake,TX �,,�ti: ' �� Gross Building Area(SF) 90,275 � k .'�� � ..'� Rentable Building Area(SF) 66,980 74.2% - ;�� � {�4,. 1 i + '��� y Total Units 572 � �� �i ••?'-���+ Non-climate Units 0 0.0% �___ _ Climate Units 572 100.0% � � F Occupancy 11% • _ _ .L .y - Year Built Sep-2020 New Land Area(Acres) 2.0929 Distance from Subject(Miles) 4.0 Market Stud,y Page 61 Demand can be delineated by per capita, per household, the ratio of businesses to residential. single-family residential to high-density residential, and so on. Regardless of the demand sub-category, the supply of self-starage square footage is critical to identifying the equilibrium. These measurements along with the occupancy levels of a given market allow us to calculate future demand in an area and determine market equilibrium. When the average occupancy is lower than 80% in the market and continuing to drop, the area is considered saturated. When the average occupancy is in the range of 85% and above, and relatively stable, the market is at or near equilibrium. When the average occupancy is high and steadily increasing,the market is considered a demand driven market. According to the 2021 Self-Storage Almanac,the current U.S. supply of self-starage space is 5.99 square feet per person. The Almanac reports that 8.09 square feet per person exists in Texas, and the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) area has a supply equal to 10.55 square feet per person. This would suggest that the DFW area may be over supplied,but self-storage is a highly localized industry, and the conditions in the immediate market area of a site have the most impact. The U.S. had an average occupancy rate of 92.2% as of the second quarter 2020. The subject's region(South-West South Central)reported an average of 90.2%. EXcluding the occupancy for the recently completed Comp No.7 that is in lease-up,the reported occupancies range from 85%to 99% and average 91.5%by market occupied space calculations(92.8%by 6-building average). It is noted that Comp No. 3 (U-Haul) represents a Class C, medal building project that is older and in fair condition with partial gravel drives and indirect access. The remaining five facilities range from 90%to 99%and average 92.1%by total occupied square feet(94.3%by 5-building average);thus, it is reasonable to assume 90% occupancy for the market equilibrium calculations. According to the 2021 Self-Storage Almanac, on average, residential customers make up approximately 79%of a facility's unit mix. Conversely,business customers comprise about 14%of the mix. However, this can vary dramatically depending on the physical location of the facility. Some facilities can have a business segment as high as 40% to 50%. Business customers are an extremely attractive customer pool far self-starage because of their stability,they pay their rents on time and tend to rent their units longer than other customer segments. The student and military categories makeup the balance nationally, but do not apply to this submarket. Accordingly, the residential and business categories are the focus of this trade area. As the Town of Westlake and the immediate surrounding area represents over 3 million square feet of commercial space with a high daytime population and number of businesses, it is reasonable to assume a facility on the subject property will include a higher percentage of business customers than the 14% national average. The Self-Storage Association Demand Study reported 75.5% of the tenants rented one unit and 24.5% rented two or more units. Accordingly, the household demand analysis by number of units will utilize a multiplier of 1.25. As previously noted,demand can be delineated by per capita,per household,the ratio of businesses to residential. single-family residential to high-density residential, and so on. The following calculations consider multiple methodologies to estimate the demand. Market Stud,y Page 62 The first analysis is intended to be a benchmark using typical industry assumptions of approximately 8.0 square feet of storage space per person and 18.0 square feet per household. Since at least 75% of the self-starage customers come from within a 3-mile radius, this will be used as the target area for the benchmark analysis. A third analysis uses the 6.01 square feet per person estimated demand for the Dallas/Fort Worth market from the 2021 Self-Storage Almanac. A fourth benchmark analysis uses the 10.6% residential renter penetration reported in the 2021 Self-Storage Almanac for households on a per unit basis. Following those analyses are 1.5-mile, 3-mile and 5-mile calculations that are focused on the square feet per capita in correlation to the eXisting market supply and occupancy. (RSF = Rentable Square Feet) Table 1 3-Mile Radius Benchmark Analysis - Population PSF Year 2020 2025 Population 34,090 38,875 Estimated Residential Demand Per RSF 8.0 8.0 Total Residential Demand in Market(RSF) 272,720 311,000 Commercial Demand Multiplier 1.20 1.20 Total Demand in Market (RSF) 327,264 373,200 Less Total Supply in Market (RSF) (80,797) (80,797) Positive/(Negative) Demand in Market (RSF) 246,467 292,403 Equilibrium/Vacancy Factar 90% 90% Adjusted Demand in Market (RSF) 221,820 263,163 Table 2 3-Mile Radius Benchmark Analysis - Households PSF Year 2020 2025 Households 11,402 12,968 Estimated Residential Demand Per RSF 18.0 18.0 Total Residential Demand in Market(RSF) 205,236 233,424 Commercial Demand Multiplier 1.20 1.20 Total Demand in Market (RSF) 246,283 280,109 Less Total Supply in Market (RSF) (80,797) (80,797) Positive/(Negative) Demand in Market (RSF) 165,486 199,312 Equilibrium/Vacancy Factar 90% 90% Adjusted Demand in Market (RSF) 148,938 179,381 Market Stud,y Page 63 Table 3 3-Mile Radius Benchmark Analysis - Population PSF (D/FW) Year 2020 2025 Population 34,090 38,875 Estimated Residential Demand Per SF for D/FW* 6.01 6.01 Total Residential Demand in Market(RSF) 204,881 233,639 Commercial Demand Multiplier 1.20 1.20 Total Demand in Market (RSF) 245,857 280,367 Less Total Supply in Market (RSF) (80,797) (80,797) Positive/(Negative) Demand in Market (RSF) 165,060 199,570 Equilibrium/Vacancy Factar 90% 90% Adjusted Demand in Market (RSF) 148,554 179,613 *2021 Self-Storage Almanac Table 4 3-Mile Radius Benchmark Analysis - Households Units Year 2020 2025 Households 11,402 12,968 Residential Renters Market Penetration* 10.6% 10.6% Number of Residential Renters at Penetration 1,209 1,375 Units Rented Per Household Factar* 1.245 1.245 Total Residential Unit Demand in Market (Units) 1,505 1,711 Commercial Demand Multiplier 1.20 1.20 Total Demand in Market (Units) 1,806 2,054 Less Total Supply in Market (Units) (683) (683) Positive/(Negative) Demand in Market (Units) 1,123 1,371 Equilibrium/Vacancy Factar 90% 90% Adjusted Demand in Market (Units) 1,010 1,234 Typical Average Market Unit Size (RSF) 125 125 Adjusted Demand in Market (RSF) 126,300 154,200 *2021 Self-Storage Almanac � � � � � � � � c � Table 5 Table 6 1.5-, 3- and 5-Mile Self Storage Demand Analysis 1.5-, 3- and 5-Mile Self Storage Demand Analysis (All 5-Mile Competition Included) (Excludes Comp No. 7 In Lease Up) Existing Inventory(RSF) 674,749 Existing Inventory(RSF) 607,769 New Inventory(RSF) - Excluding Subject Property New Inventory(RSF) - Excluding Subject Property Total 2021 Inventory(RSF) 674,749 Total 2021 Inventory(RSF) 607,769 Existing Inventory(RSF) 674,749 Existing Inventory(RSF) 607,769 Approx.Average Occupancy 83.6% On Existing Inventory Approx.Average Occupancy 91.5% Excluding New Lease Up Facility Occupied SF 563,946 Occupied SF 556,310 1.5-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 1.5-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 2020 Population 8,313 34,090 92,114 2020 Population 8,313 34,090 92,114 Occupancy Residential Multiplier 67.84 16.54 6.12 Occupancy Residential Multiplier 66.92 16.32 6.04 2025 Population 9,720 38,875 102,248 2025 Population 9,720 38,875 102,248 X Residential Multiplier 67.84 16.54 6.12 X Residential Multiplier 66.92 16.32 6.04 Total Residential Demand(RSF) 659,396 643,104 625,989 Total Residential Demand(RSF) 650,467 634,396 617,513 X Commercial Demand Multiplier 1.20 1.20 1.20 X Commercial Demand Multiplier 1.20 1.20 1.20 Total Demand(RSF) 791,275 771,724 751,187 Total Demand(RSF) 780,561 761,275 741,016 Less Total Inventory (674,749) (674,749) (674,749) Less Total Inventory (607,769) (607,769) (607,769) New Demand(RSF) 116,526 96,975 76,438 Adjusted Demand(RSF) 172,792 153,506 133,247 Less Comp 7 Lease Up SF to 90°/o (52,646) (52,646) (52,646) New Demand(RSF) 120,146 100,860 80,601 Comp No. 7 has 66,980 RSF and has 7,636 occupied SF (11%). 90% occupancy Columns may not total due to rounding. equates to 60,820 RSF,so 52,646 RSF remains for lease up. b � � � � Market Stud,y Page 65 The benchmark analyses in Tables 1 to 4 indicate a demand far the 3-mile target area from approximately 125,000 SF to 263,000 SF,but Tables 2 to 4 narrow this range from approximately 125,000 SF to 180,000 SF. Tables 5 and 6 use market extracted rates, supply and occupancy, and suggest the following ranges for the potential market demand for each target market radius: Tables 5 & 6 1.5-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile SF Demanded 116,526 to 120,146 96,975 to 100,860 76,438 to 80,601 Demand Conclusion The preliminary plans indicate the storage area of the subject's Storage/Restaurant building will comprise 90,080 gross square feet,but no current unit mix is available. As the competitive property survey supports and discussions with a local developer confirmed,a rentable area ratio equal to 74% is reasonable far this analysis. This equates to an estimated rentable area as follows: Subject Pro�erty- Estimated Rentable Square Feet 90,080 GSF X 74% = 66,659 RSF, rounded to 66,660 RSF While all of the analyses up to 3 miles support the demand for the proposed facility,the above 5-mile analysis and the additional competition just beyond the 5-mile radius suggest the lower end of the benchmark analyses shouldbe given the most consideration. As such,this potential demand analysis suggests that there is adequate demand for additional self-storage units,but probably only one or two facilities. Accordingly, these projections and the subject's good visibility from SH-114 with high traffic counts in an expanding submarket for both residential and commercial with a very high average household income support that there is currently adequate potential market demand for the planned storage facility on the subject property. Market Stud,y Page 66 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS: L The information furnished by others is believed to be reliable. However, no warranty is given for its accuracy. 2. It is assumed that the self-starage use would be an allowed use on the subj ect property and no special licenses or permits would impact the demand for the use. 3. Any sketch in this report may show approximate dimensions and is not included to assist the reader in visualizing the property. Maps and exhibits found in this report are provided for reader reference purposes only. No guarantee as to accuracy is expressed or implied unless otherwise stated in this report. 4. It is assumed that the utilization of the land and improvements is within the boundaries or property lines of the property described and that there is no encroachment or trespass unless otherwise stated in this report. 5. It is assumed that the subject property is free from any hazardous waste and/ar toxic materials and there are no negative influences impacting the site. 6. It is assumed any proposed project will be constructed to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act and the design will not negatively impact demand or absorption. 7. Any proposed improvements, repairs or modifications are assumed to be completed in a good workmanlike manner. 8. Possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication. It may not be used for any purpose by any person other than the party to whom it is addressed without the written consent of the consultant, and in any event, only with proper written qualification and only in its entirety. 9. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report(especially any conclusions,the identity of the consultant, or the firm with which the consultant is connected) shall be disseminated to the public through advertising,public relations, news sales or other media without priar written consent and approval of the consultant. 10. The consultant herein by reason of this report is not required to give further consultation, testimony or be in attendance in court with reference to the property in question unless arrangements have been previously made, including just compensation. 1 L The liability of Mainland Valuation Services,Inc.and its employees or contractors is limited to the fee collected for preparation of the report. There is no accountability or liability to any third party. 12. Any reference within the report to I,we, consultant or consultants is to be the one and same as the signing individual ar individuals of this report. Market Stud,y Page 67 Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical Conditions: Extraordinary assumptions presume uncertain information to be factual. If found to be false these assumptions could alter the consultant's opinions or conclusions. Hypothetical conditions are contrary to what exists,but the conditions are asserted by the consultant for the purposes of analysis. No hypothetical conditions were utilized. The use of any hypothetical condition or extraordinary assumption may impact the conclusions derived within the report. Should the actual facts of an assumption be materially different from the estimates herein, the consultant reserves the right to modify this report (upon just compensation). 13. The demand conclusion assumes stable market conditions. The forecasts, projections, or operating estimates contained herein are based on current market conditions, anticipated short-term supply and demand factars, and a stable economy unless otherwise noted in the report. These forecasts are therefore subject to changes with future conditions. 14. Financial and real estate markets are in a state of uncertainty because of the Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. The outbreak of COVID-19 has been a rapidly evolving situation and the effects on the real estate market are currently unclear. As such, it is impossible to predict the effects on a near-term and/or long-term basis. The opinions and conclusions in this report are based on our interpretation of market conditions as well as their effect on the subject's demand as of the date of report. However, the impact on demand within rapidly changing market conditions cannot be fully quantified at this time. Therefore, the conclusions within this report are based on the most current information available to the consultant as of the date of report and is subject to change as the situation continues to evolve. 15. The intended users of this report should be aware of the uncertainty regarding market conditions and its potential impact on the subject's demand as of the effective date of the report. 16. 90,080 gross square feet was identified on the preliminary plans for the subject's self- storage. A rentable area ratio of approximately 74%, or 66,660 rentable square feet, was assumed herein. Should the actual building areas be materially different from the estimates herein, the consultant reserves the right to modify this report (upon just compensation). 17. It is assumed that the contemplated uses, density and design of the project are or will be allowed and consistent with the zoning and permitting requirements. Should the actual requirements be materially different from the assumption herein,the consultant reserves the right to modify this report (upon just compensation). 18. No unit mix for the proposed self-storage has been made available,and it is beyond the scope of this report to analyze the potential unit mix. It is assumed the unit mix will be consistent with market demand and optimize the building efficiency and absorption. Should the actual unit mix be materially different from the assumption herein,the consultant reserves the right to modify this report (upon just compensation). Market Stud,y Page 68 19. While every attempt was made to provide the highest level of accuracy and reliability, it must be recognized that the report relies heavily on written and verbal information as provided by others. In some cases these sources are competitors who may have a vested interest in skewing the data. Also,the municipalities have been contacted and interviewed, in person, by phone or online, to determine possible projects that are in plain view, submission,pending approval,or have been approved. The consultant also physically drove the area and reviewed online maps and reports to identify the competition within the defined radius. It is assumed the provided information within the report is reliable and there is no additional competition within the defined radius rings. Should any added or updated information be materially different from the assumption herein,the consultant reserves the right to modify this report (upon just compensation). Market Stud,y Page 69 CERTIFICATION It is hereby stated that, to the best of my knowledge and belie£ The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are my personal, impartial, and unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. I have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. I have not providetl any real property services for this properry within the past three years. My engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. My compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined demand or direction in demand that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the demand conclusion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this report. My analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics and the Standards of Professional Practice of the Appraisal Institute. My analyses, opinions, and conclusions were not developed, and this report was not prepared, in conformity with the requirements of the Uniform Standards ofProfessional Appraisal Practice, but LISPAP was used as a guideline. I have made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report. The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representatives. As of the date of this report, John A. Gans, MAI has completed the continuing education program for Designated Members of the Appraisal Institute. ���� John A. Gans, MAI Market Stud,y ADDENDA QUALIFICATIONS JOHN A.GANS,MAI 1. STATE CERTIFICATION: State of Texas Certified General Real Estate Appraiser(TX-1323087-G) 2. EDUCATION: Master in Business Administration,University of Kansas,1982 Bachelor of Science in Journalism,University of Kansas,1980 Real Estate Courses: CCIM 101:Fundamentals of Real Estate Investments and Taxation. Condemnation Process&Appraising and Mock Trial-Appraisal Institute Fundamentals of Separating Real Property,Personal Property,and Intangible Business Assets-Appraisal Institute(SBA Going Concern Registry) State of Texas: Course 303:Principles and Introduction to Real Estate,Commercial College Real Estate Institute,Dallas,Texas Course 1030:Real Estate Finance,Commercial College Real Estate Institute,Dallas,Texas Course 1230:Commercial and Income Property Brokerage,Commercial College Real Estate Institute,Dallas,Texas Fair Housing Law,Commercial College Real Estate Institute,Dallas,Texas Real Estate Law,Baylor University,Waco,Texas Real Property Management,Baylor University,Waco,Texas Numerous on-going continuing education courses and seminars Appraisal Institute(American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers): Course lA-1:Real Estate Appraisal Principals Course lA-2:Basic Valuation Procedures Course 1B-A:Capitalization Theory and Techniques,Part A Course 1B-B�Capitalization Theory and Techniques,Part B Course SPP: Standards of Professional Practice Course 2-1: Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation Course 2-2: Report Writing and Valuation Analysis Numerous on-going continuing education courses and seminars 3. PROFESSIONAL LICENSES: Real Estate Broker License,State of Texas Securities Licenses: Series 22,NASD Direct Participation Programs(Inactive) Series 63,Uniform Securities Agent(National Uniform Blue Sky)(Inactive) 4. EXPERIENCE: 5/O1 to Present Independent Commercial Real Estate Appraiser,Mainland Valuation Services,Dallas,Texas 10/95 to Present Real Estate Brokerage&Consulting,MVS Real Property Services,Dallas,Texas 10/95 to 5/O1 V.P.of Finance/Marketing/Real Estate.,AMS,Pilot Point,Texas 12/92 to 10/95 Commercial Real Estate Appraiser,Mainland Valuation Services,Lawrence,Kansas 7/87 to 12/92 Commercial Real Estate Appraiser,Kevin K.Nunnink&Associates,Westwood,Kansas 3/86 to 7/87 Served as Treasurer of G.B.Investments,Inc.,organized partnerships to develop income properties. 7/84 to 3/86 Assistant to Vice President and Real Estate Sales Assoc.for Grunnah/Swanson Real Property Co.,Dallas,TX. 1/82 to 7/84 Marketing Representative for IBM,Kansas City,Missouri. 5. ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS: Member,Appraisal Institute(MAI)No.9043 National Association of Realtors Texas Association of Realtors North Texas Commercial Association of Realtors Phi Delta Theta Fraternity-Kansas Alpha APPRAISAL ASSIGNMENTS(Representative Sample): Multiple Target Stores-Various Cities,USA Multiple Net Lease and GSA Properties-Various Cities,USA Presidential Towers,Chicago,IL Miramar Metroplex Mixed Use Development,San Diego,California 42 Circle K Convenience Stores,Various Cities,USA 32 Wal-Mart Stores,Various Cities,USA River Market Redevelopment,Kansas City,Missouri Shoprite Shopping Centers,Various Cities in Upstate New York Proposed 500 Coventry Office Building,Crystal Lake,Illinois Frisco Boat&RV Storage,Frisco,Texas Tower Self Storage,Fate,Texas AA Assured Self Storage,Wylie,Texas Royal Self Storage,Prosper,Texas CityPark at Golden Triangle Apartments,Fort Worth,Texas Three Lakes Apartments,Overland Park,Kansas Rosehill Pointe Apartments,Lenexa,Kansas Austin Marriott Hotel,Austin,Texas Continental Manufacturing Building Hazelwood,Missouri 500 acre Shawnee Mission Park Expansion,Johnson County,Kansas Proposed Heritage Oaks Nursing Home,Lake Jackson,Texas Numerous Existing Nursing Homes in the State of Texas Three Kansas City Star&Times Industrial Buildings,Kansas City,Missouri Multiple El Fenix Restaurants-DF/W Metropolitan Area QuickNClean Car Wash-Carrollton,TX SUBJECT PHOTOGRAPHS ,�� � � �'�r�� , ,� _ ,.. �;;:�..� ._-- � .•. , AYi• _�.::tlF' , �y, � '. .�: _ _ _ '� ,_ ��'I?^� _ , .. w�'�.'i+.��T•� �T' 3 '_'� �.�'...-��:�.?'...:_;�.'-_ .�,_:,�".ytiV.�-¢'J:..:; Y� � .....�,a- . 75 i:{�Hi'.,�^.l�.ti,H�„ry,_'...,... ��' ;'w i " �^,' - .,_�� _ �:. �� ;, - .�,:.- r,.J'-1 iv.:'. Looking north from the intersection of Looking southeast from near the northwest Aragon Drive and Tarragona Drive at the corner of the site eastern/self-storage portion of the site Aragon Drive on the right R`^� �"' . _- - _�-i.� �`=�' .-F. :-.�4.��'°'i+'�'�;f:r F�. __''�_,.,� ��._ f�. .c. '�-�'+efG+r--�.. � p � - --1. G _ . - '� � � .. . . ._ �� , r��Y��:�s�, � - F� - r=`;�- . + Looking castcrly along SH-114 Looking wcstcrly along SH-114 Subject is on the right Subject is on the left us ARCH ITECTS 4700 WESTGROVE DRIVE, STE 200 ADDISON,TX 75001 PHONE 469-857-3151 0 BUSH ARCHITECTS, LLC-2019 � i � i � i � i � i � � � � i � � � ,_, � � i � � � � ' � i � i � � i � i j �� � i � ��� � i �� �x � � i � u �� � i ;' ' � � x��� � i � \ / / \� �// �� ���� \\\ , V , ___ , � , �, , , � , �' � � � �' � �` � � � , � , V "' , � - V � , � ,� �� � ,� � � � � ,� � , � z , - � � 0 � ,,� , �;�� � ��, J c� � , , ,;�:� o � , , , � M J z � � � � Y.� � � ' � \ Q � �� ' � w � 0 RETAIL AREA C , � / , � Q � „ ;, i � ` � Q J '� � �� � � �" �. � C� �� � ,, , , ,, ; � �� � W � RETAIL AREA B , � ��'� ��� - -� � � 'i i m �� ���� ��! _ �'�, � � Z � �- � � ,� ; �;� � W o , , z � iij/�� ��� > � � RETAIL AREA A `� � � �, � � ��%� ;: ; � � � , , Z STORAGE / RESTAURANT, ' ���� -, �-� � � ; �!�� �'�' % , �j ��- �..� /�' ��/ / / / /,. � , � / � � � , � i i � � / , � i � � � �� � � � �� � � � i� ' � � � � , � �, � � � ;� , � % � / �� _� /// � / / � ; � �� , � � , , ,' � � � � � � � i� , , � � � � y � Q- � �� �� ��� �� �, ___, � ����� � c�°� � i'� ' � � ��� �� ;� NOT FOR i' � � � ���� ' �' ; ; , , ,� ���; /� , �� � �% ����, � ��.�-� �� CONSTRUCTION ; -v , � , , � i� l� 24' FIRE LANE � � �� � i � /' �/;� � �: � � ?`� - � %, , x � , po _ �j a � , i %� i; � i ' � a a a a o 0 0 0 ; � i , _:_—L— i i � � � � �� 0� - � � �I � � _ � - � � � � , � i � - � � � �� � _ � . ������� � i � � a � � � � � ' � t - �,� � � �. � � � , �� ' � �� � / � - / ' � � ARAGON � � , � �rf. � � � � �� � ---__ � ISSUE LOG -- - ------- _ ; ; � � �,,�� ,, - � ' N0. DESCRIPTION DATE �` __- � � � - � � �� � � � � i � � \ � A- — ' \ � �_- o � � : -- � � � � -- `� -_==-- � ` ===__- � ---- � - � -�:� � �� - � � - - ` � � , ;�� � ��, i ��� � � i - � PROJECT N0: 20-085 �� i � �-� � � � i� ISSUED FOR: Review � i ' � ' i DRAWN BY: Checker � � i � � DATE: 09/21/2020 i i i i � SITE PLAN SITE PLAN 1 1"=60'-0" REF: 1 /P006 LOWER LEVEL: 22,520 SQ. FT. SECOND FLOOR: 22,520 SQ. FT. � S THIRD FLOOR: 22,520 SQ. FT. FOURTH FLOOR: 22,520 SQ. FT. FIFTH FLOOR: 3,940 SQ. FT.RESTAURANT TOTAL GROSS AREA: 94,02o SQ. FT. A R C H I T E CTS COVERED PATIO, FIFTH FLOOR: 1,765 SQ. FT. MECHANICAL YARD, FIFTH FLOOR: 7,820 SQ. FT. 4700 WESTGROVE DRIVE, STE 200 PATIO AREA FIFTH FLOOR: 5,165 SQ. FT. ADDISON,TX 75001 PHONE 469-857-3151 SITE AREA FOR STORAGE/RESTAURANT: 30,944 SQ. FT. (0.71 ACRES) 0 BUSH ARCHITECTS, LLC-2019 52 PARKING SPOTS FOR ENTIRE BLOCK C V �P � � 55'-0114" 206'-0318" � �O � �-�-P V V � P006 ,`Q� � I I I I I � I I I ��'�, � � � � � � � � � � -���� � V J o 0 — — — — — A M J z I I I I I FIR RISER � 1�1�1 � 28 � r- ITr�-� Q - I �II I � � � _ I II I w � SHOP 13 SHOP 14 SHOP 15 � SHOP 16 SHOP 17 SHOP 18 SHOP 19 SHOP 20 SHOP 21 SHOP 22 SHOP 23 SHOP 24 SHOP 25 � TAIR#2� i � � � I 114 115 116 I 117 118 119 I 120 121 I 122 123 124 125 126 � I 02 T r� i Q Q � , I � , �---------, � , � , � , � , � , ---------, � , � , � , � � iiiiiiiii i � �/ � I I I I I I � � ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ', ii iiiiiiiiii i 1..�� (n i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i = LI1 LI1 LI__ � i i I i I I i i I i I I i I i i I I i I i i I I i I I � � � - ✓ � � i i i i i i i i ; � � W o � , - z � - DRIVE � 0 � 127 � ~ ti N � N I I I I I I I I � I 2 P006 � � � - - � - , � - , - - - I � - , � - , I � - , - - - I � - , � - , I --- �� C a i i i i � � i � i� i i ��, ��, ��, i i i i � � i i i i i � � �002� ,001� I I I I I I � � � I � a � � i � � � � P006 3 � SHOP 1 SHOP 2 SHOP 3 SHOP 4 SHOP 5 SHOP 6 ELEV LOBBY SHOP 7 SHOP 8 SHOP 9 SHOP 10 SHOP 11 SHOP 12 RETAIL CORNER � 101 102 103 104 i 105 106 � 000 107 108 � 109 110 111 112 I 113 � �-T�,T��-, NOT FOR � s�rai�#� , � � � � ' " " ' � � � CONSTRUCTION �� �� �� �� � r-� -� '� �� �� �, �, �, �, � �� ,�_-� �, �, �, �r--, 0 0 ' ' '� i '� i � R ��__- '� '� i '� I i I � �� �r - - �— - E � , , � � �L i L— � � � � , -6' 18'-0" -6' 1'- " 10'-0" -0' 10'-0" 1'- ' � ' I � � I � I 1'-6" 1'-6" 25'-O., � , 25'-0„ . „ �_ ., � , � ., � . ,- - - - . , , 25'-0�, , �, 28'-0" 28'-0" 28'-0" 28'-0" 22'-0114" 28'-0" 28'-0" 8'-0" 28'-0" 15'-6" - — � 1 2 \ 3 4 5 6 4 7 8 9 10 11 � � P006 ARAGON — GROUND LEVEL - STORAGE ISSUE LOG 2 1/16��_ ��-o�� REF: 1 /P006 N0. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT N0: 20-085 ISSUED FOR: Review DRAWN BY: Checker DATE: 09/21/2020 PRESENTATION PLAN - LEVEL 01 - STORAGE us ARCH ITECTS 4700 WESTGROVE DRIVE, STE 200 ADDISON,TX 75001 PHONE 469-857-3151 0 BUSH ARCHITECTS, LLC-2019 18'-0" 27'-0" 27'-0" � � _� � Cn � 0 V w P006 °r � � I I I I I I � I I I I O � � J � � - - - - A M � z � � � � , � � ; � � � � V■■� � i i i i i i � i i i i m � � r � � _ L � \ ~ � _ - I � � � I � /� I I I I I � I I � Q ¢ � v�j � STAIR � � � � �e��� 03 � � ,v >, � � � . ,� �� �. , . ., o 0 0 0 I I �� ��'� I i I I I I I I I W O ��� �o� °�Ji � � �y� O � � o `, ,� � N I I � + � I I I I I I 2 P006 � � \ ,; \ ,;. C � � � ,X� ,X� � � � � � � � i � � P006 3 � � I I I I I ' I DN � NOT FOR �' CONSTRUCTION I i � I I � I eee - - - - - - - - - -- ' - - - - - - - - - E I � '� - � � _ - � � i � - - � � i � i I 28'-0" 28'-0" 28'-0" 28'-0" 22'-0114" 28'-0" 28'-0" 28'-0" 28'-0" 15'-6" i � � i —� � 1 i 2 �) 3 4 5 6 4 7 8 9 10 11 � �� - P006 - FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 02 - STORAGE issuE �oc 2 1/16��_��-o�� REF: 1 /P006 N0. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT N0: 20-085 ISSUED FOR: Review DRAWN BY: Checker DATE: 09/21/2020 PRESENTATION PLAN - LEVEL 02 - STORAGE us ARCH ITECTS 4700 WESTGROVE DRIVE, STE 200 ADDISON,TX 75001 PHONE 469-857-3151 0 BUSH ARCHITECTS, LLC-2019 V � � � V w P006 � � � I I I I I I � I I I I I � � J � o - - - - - A M � z W � i i i i i i i i i i i m � � Q � � Q w L - 0 � Q � � � � � � � � � � , i Q � , �C w ,- � � Q ° ° ° ° 6 Z o i i i i i i i i i i � W LEVEL 3 z 300 � 0 � 0 Z ~ I I I I I I I I I I I 2 P006 � o C I ` i � i i �. i � i I I � iX� iX� � � I � � � P006 3 I I I I I I I NOT FOR � �i CONSTRUCTION � � � � i � i - - - - - - - - E � i - i i i i i i i i i i � i 1 i2 ) 3 4 5 6 � 4 7 8 9 10 11 � - - - � � P006 LEVEL 3 STRG ISSUE LOG 1 1/16��_��-o�� REF: 1 /P006 N0. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT N0: 20-085 ISSUED FOR: Review DRAWN BY: Checker DATE: 09/21/2020 PRESENTATION PLAN - LEVEL 03 - STORAGE us ARCH ITECTS 4700 WESTGROVE DRIVE, STE 200 ADDISON,TX 75001 PHONE 469-857-3151 0 BUSH ARCHITECTS, LLC-2019 V � � � V � � P006 � I I I I � I I I I O � � J � o - � - - - - � - � � - � � - � � - � - - q � z I I �IJ LIJ �IJ LIJ LIJ �IJ LIJ LIJ I � M � W � — — � Q � - - — � w 0 � I I I I I � � I � Q Q Q � (j � � W Q � � ' o 0 0 o B � � i i i i i i i = i � W o � � z i LEVEL 4 � 400 �r= � I I I I I I � � '�= I 2 P006 � ir � � 1 0 � � _J � �\ , �\ , � � I i I �X� �X� I I I I � � � � P006 3 I I I I I I I � p NOT FOR _ ; CONSTRUCTION � i i i � � i � � � � � � � � - � � � � E � J � J L J L J � _ L J � J L J U �i � I I � I I � I � � I � � 1 2 3 i 4 5 6 4 i 7 8 9 10 �\11 �_; , , P006 ;� LEVEL 4 STRG ISSUE LOG � 1 N0. DESCRIPTION DATE � / 1/16"=1'-0" REF: 1 /P006 PROJECT N0: 20-085 ISSUED FOR: Review DRAWN BY: Checker DATE: 09/21/2020 PRESENTATION PLAN - LEVEL 04 - STORAGE us ARCH ITECTS 4700 WESTGROVE DRIVE, STE 200 ADDISON,TX 75001 PHONE 469-857-3151 0 BUSH ARCHITECTS, LLC-2019 V � � � V w P006 � � I I I I I I � I I I I I O � � J � o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A M � z W � i i i i i i i i i i m � � � � � � � � � _ Q � � � � � � w � - 0 � I COVER�ED PATIO � � Q I I , I I I I I� � I I � � � � � � w � � � � � � � � � � ; �� � � 6 � � i i i i i i i - i � W o P007 z � � 0 - � � I MECHANICAL EQUIPM�NT YARD I RESAURANT 1 BAR I I I I 2 P006 � � � 50o W ' c i � �� �� �� � � � � I I I �X� �X� ' I I I � � i � � P007 � P006 3 I I I I � I I � � I NOT FOR � � � � � � � � � � �' � � � � � � � � � � � � CONSTRUCTION � ! i � � ! � � I � J � � � J � J I I I I I E � � i � � i � � i � i 1 2 \) 3 4 5 6 4 7 8 9 10 11 � �/ - P006 - LEVEL 5 STRG ISSUE LOG 1 1/16��_��-o�� REF: 1 /P006 N0. DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT N0: 20-085 ISSUED FOR: Review DRAWN BY: Checker DATE: 09/21/2020 PRESENTATION PLAN - LEVEL 05 - RESTAURANT us EXIT STAIRWELL FROM A R C H I T E CTS LEVEL 2-5 4700 WESTGROVE DRIVE, STE 200 ADDISON,TX 75001 DECORATIVE WROUGHT SCREENED MECHANICAL YARD DECORATIVE WROUGHT PHONE 469-857-3151 � IRON TOWER ELEMENT � � IRON TOWER ELEMENT 0 BUSH ARCHITECTS, LLC-2019 MISSION BARREL ___,���- -. MISSION BARREL WROUGHT IRON � MISSION BARREL ._��t=�-'-` � TILE ROOF _..- `- ' -- . �TILE ROOF RAILING _.,�_._-� __ ;= TILE ROOF ' =y � • � � � - CAST STONE WROUGHT IRON ' - ' '� . .- - ' DECORATIVE ,=' APPEARANCE , �CAST STONE f�. >E r�� E � ;� � � � � � � ; - - - - - � LIGHT FIXTURES � PARAPET CAP � ,_.. , . � -i .i - i i- , ,_ � �.�T�_--- _ — _.�� � ; - - - - TO COMPLY WITH - ' � _�. � ' _ DARK-SKY POLICY � — — -- - -- . - — :- � � -- -1 -- 1 - - =' — - -- � / � �� _- -- - — -� — — — ; '� LEVEL 5 STRG �� � -- � , ' - �- �' j ---� _- -- 682' - p„ r . • _ � _ � _ � 4 ' - ' � � I � �_ � � �: '� ' '�' r '� ! � �� �� � � � , � - � �� ; �.���a _ i_- "�. _ _ _ _ _ ��.i�_ _ - o.i - - - - " - . . , i I�:' S i i`at� � � . . .t� i'i :I �� �� `� i ��� - -�'� I�':��'�•:�' .�; �° <. ; , � LEVEL 4 STRG , . , _ . . . • _ . . . � , �,.� • :�" i.. ... '� _� . ,�'�... : . .�" �.' i .. �. ....� i .i "��' N�i +�k . .�. w. a'._w ir�;'. ' €�i' . - ''i' i�i� � -- --- - �r.<��:��.��'' _, - ; - -� - - 671' - p„ ,� ,,; ,,. �i i,; ,� i F �::. ,. I`�':;';:::,.,.:. ��. ���:. .. �� :�:;..... ,, . ;, _ .;. ,.;<;;,,�:, �!''�, ��rty" �y--, ci:��-' % t�!':� i �;, ;i `�� . L•cyr �d. '�:.:�y \l`,.,;Y:. ,u�� �\�:.' M1�y �%!/%1 �\��'" �.�/ \\,:: v, i,'I f, 1���, f�j �i��,. � •l/i � `��' �'� �� ``� �� F��fi� ti\- ��. �� ``� _�� .� , �'} } , `\ ..�� /' �. �. /r . . �e � ��� ; ��.. �� �. -- �. �.�` � �' : - LEVEL 3 STRG - - � - - ,. - - -- �-Y��: - - � -- -- --_;�, _ - - - _ ,,, � - �- - - � - - - � - - - - - - - 660' - 0" � � -- -- '`� =-�__��,__--� - '-1 - � � - ���-� - - - - -- -- ''��� _ � . ___ `�' ==E:: t: -__ _ _ �_ � _ �'� _ � � �: � ��n � � ; 1.� '�; � F � � �l � �;_ .� � , � t�Y � � •��.� +� j� --- - - __-�- �.- .-=- �..� _ _ - -� � ��' --- I-�'' 4 f_,; � - �' 3 1� _1' ' � � - r � � � — . -� - � � � - � - - ��.",�` �,` t-:�",_`;�:;,,�� , - _ _ ;� ' -r` ;' = r LEVEL 2 STRG � � ��;' \ 649' 0" � � :: ;:,` � � ;���; � . w�� - GROUND LEVEL � � � � � 638' - 0" � V WROUGHT IRON RAILING ROUGH STONE ARCH PER OVERHEAD COILING DOOR �` —WROUGHT IRON � ENTRADA DESIGN TO MATCH COLOR PER APPEARANCE LIGHT O � � GUIDELINES ENTRADA GUIDELINES FIXTURES TO COMPLY EXTERIOR STONE FINISH WITH DARK-SKY POLICY � � 0 O � � J z m � STORAGE - NORTH Q � 1 1/16"=1'-0" REF: 1 /A100 Q w 0 � Q Q Q � ~ Q � � � Z ,� DECORATIVE FULL MASONRY DECORATIVE � � O WROUGHT IRON CHIMNEY/FIREPLACE PER WROUGHT IRON z TOWER ELEMENT ENTRADA GUIDELINES TOWER ELEMENT DECORATIVE SCREENED MECHANICAL YARD � O MISSION BARREL MISSION BARREL MISSION BARREL WROUGHT IRON DECORATIVE CAST STONE PARAPET CAP � Y TILE ROOF �TILE ROOF TILE ROOF TOWER ELEMENT � � WROUGHT IRON APPEARANCE - ' - - - ��.� MISSION BARREL LIGHT FIXTURES TO COMPLY `,r�rT�-r --- _ - -_',T ' _ -- I � '���� TILE ROOF WITH DARK-SKY POLICY W --,..� -- - --- 1=• ��--��" •�,. _, _ _ - x WROUGHT IRON ,'� DECORATIVE �! - �-. � -.. -i'�^ - - - -� _ i� APPEARANCE LIGHT j; CAST STONE � ..,.. : �: .t , ,. ,,.. .,�, _ :� } _ . _ , � ' ,. _ -: FIXTURES TO COMPLY , . WROUGHTIRON - WROUGHT IRON RAILING�___� �_ � j � � APPEARANCE LIGHT WITH DARK-SKY POLICY _ _ _ , � � -- '- __. ,:;. .� - FIXTURES TO COMPLY DECORATIVE � - -- ' _ -- - --- - - � �-- �� � . �� WITH DARK-SKY POLICY LEVEL 5 STRG cAST sTONE _ = LEVEL 5 STRG � � � � . � � - .���` ��EcoRaTivE 682' - 0" �� � �: � _� � 682' - 0„ I _ . �. � ; � � : _ � �'��i: ' - �:� ��l CAST STONE � '=.� , -j _ _ _ _ _- � - � L `;� - , �- ' - _: -- -�: :f - '- - - _ -- -a f' � f � � , � , � �� -- �., I= �r, ��:: ;;' LEVEL 4 STR� ,p��- _� �.� _ _ _ -- -- ; LEVEL 4 STR� NOT FOR -- -- -- ---� -�- - --= - - - ; ._ - - -� - � �=� 671' 0" ' r' W: _ •_�� � ���- 671� 0�� _ , �Y',• . .. i r �' EXIT STAIRWELL � � ' ` __ ' .-. - __� .' ' CO ON .- ,. . , � � � ' FROM LEVEL 2 5 ' � � � � � . _ .�, \ , - _ --... - - - � . ' r � � , NSTRUCTI d. �i ` � .r. i . � '_ �-+ i �L+ " � . � . � . --• � � ' ` " � . •�I - + � � �'' LEVEL 3 STRG I ��- �' -• - -- - - - LEVEL 3 STRG - - M1: -- � - ! - _ __�.: -,�`� � - - 7 � --; _ --- - —660' - 0" - - - — - —� � - - - 660' - 0�� �� '; , , � J _...�� 1 — L. ;. . �� _'o - - MISSION BARREL _ i � - - � � �, ' i '�, "�� ; _ __ TILE ROOF � ,� �_J �� -, - �. -.. � :---- '� �� _��,' r '' _ . � � � �. _ _ __ _� � , � � , : _ . _ , - _ � ��� ��- �� � , LEVEL 2 STRG t + - - - - `i - -- - - _LEVEL 2 STR� - - - - - - - - - —- _ - -� =-- --�;:� �. � - - 649' - 0" �� - 649' - p„ �---- � .: '� ��, -,- -- - � � _ . , �. � `� '� -- -= � �_ �,�J, -�l�:� _ _;� � --�- � .; i � _ _ �_ - ��---�.� ;:: ', ; � ` ` s � - �-p � �- - ' ,�-�� �'��— � � GROUND LEVEL GROUND LEVEL 638' - 0" - - - - - - - - - 638' - p" WROUGHT IRON APPEARANCE OVERHEAD COILING DOOR LIGHT FIXTURES TO COMPLY PER ENTRADA GUIDELINES WITH DARK-SKY POLICY STO RAG E - EAST STO RAG E - WEST 2 1/16"=1'-0" REF: 1 /A100 � 1/16"=1'-0" REF: 1 /A100 ISSUE LOG N0. DESCRIPTION DATE DECORATIVE DECORATIVE �FULL MASONRY DECORATIVE WROUGHT IRON � WROUGHT IRON � CHIMNEY/FIREPLACE WROUGHT IRON � TOWER ELEMENT TOWER ELEMENT PER ENTRADA TOWER ELEMENT \ GUIDELINES MISSION BARREL � WROUGHT IRON MISSION BARREL � �� �- WROUGHT IRON � MISSION BARREL TILE ROOF --' '' - RAILING TILE ROOF '" _ __- _ _ - ���.�-�s - �, RAILING TILE ROOF Y„���3��=' DECORATIVE � -.. _ .. ..._ _.. : ._.., WROUGHT IRON • -- _ - - - - - - - - - �_- -_ I ' '= APPEARANCE -� � - - CAST STONE i �, - � - - - - Y � PARAPET CAP ir' LIGHT FIXTURES � - � - i I r . � I � - • r - �{ � .�1�:' •_ �r.y1 k�: !-� i:• _ �' y TO COMPLY WITH � ';� - � _ `� DARK-SKY POLICY � , � - � � I �°'. _�. �'... �.. _ . � . � . � -� - - - � -=� _�.- �-� - - - -� �= - -_-�` -�- - � � � , - - -- - - -- - LEVEL 5 STRG ��_ ."- b' - �x� -.�-•��� .. - - � 'j -- - ;' - -� �-*---� - � ' � - �= - =-._�--- _�f�� ` -- �` ��=� - --- - - -- - _ ___ -t- - - - _; �- -- -- - - � I ---- . -- -------- . � - - 682' - p„ _ _ T �;_ �- __ �_ - _ �-- _ - '���. - ..�' - � �� - .$ - w '�'�� � ..� �� r� 1� _. � - ``_ - - � _ , - - ;� - - �� � ' :� - ' !�. - �:.�� ��_ .; ��C �; ,�'I ��-.��1�9' � � --� �-- — -, _�.�� -- � � � �� - _ �,� � , } _ � {' �'�� , , ;:- � � - - - t Y �= ' 1 � - - � _ �- �- � � , - �! :- �- i r- � �- LEVEL 4 STRG - + - - �� = - � - - -- _ _ �� - _ - - _ � - - y- � -- � --_ � � - - 671' - 0" '� ',� I' ,ir����i,rr.,m;rr«�. �.ri�:,::;;�::,.... r ;i �,�,..:�,:,�. PROJECT N0: 20 085 -- , I�' ti. r, � �_ � .. ,:,:; ., ,......... ........ r,:::».. _ � ,.�,�.. .�.. . .s, ,.J��, �7 _�L':;.;.�.:•::::... �.;����:�... . 'd. i�:��� � - - .. .. .. .. ...:� ..r��.:::.': :�.. ..- . ....... . ..:. �....,:... ..��:�;?��'��' . - - - - _ 1.. �q� �L� ;s::;..:;• a � � — :" 1.�.'�." .�..�./■ �-- I ,:.� � � —_:�ris::;.;. — — ��' _u . �. �" -- —- -- — - "� — .,� _ n :':� � �•:.;.. f -�:�� ;>:� s:f. � '�[,�i�f i �;i� . �' t'•�` ; :.;,_ �, .?i :� - ... _ ti;� . .,l - "�<�;. ,.%. C .� \ :�r' �r' �i �i. .�v _ ��'"� .,� ISSUED FOR: Review � :.�' �� 0' �. �i,_ ,a ,.:; , �a� l- a .� -i, . %l � .r.. �. . . ':i � � � c,` ^:�' �v.. �<y' r� �F.<„ ti::��r' ���� ��ti% �:;� `���-. :� ��::; ���f i _ _ F, e. :' LEVEL 3 STRG .c y t`, �``y' i - - � �:� _ � �'� DRAWN BY: Checker , ` '�j= r.-- '�'�� "i� '` � n `� ��;`= -;�. E= , - i-- .; -- �_ � 660 - 0 -_ - - �=_:_ � _ �=� }� - - - -- r'�' - - - - - i - - - - _ - - - - �:-_ - - _ - - �ti_�..;- - - _ - - t":::T _ _ . : :. . .; , __� ���:� - � - , . :. � - _ . . .. ., _, . �_-:i :. r.-_:-:;-i' �':.,�_.�. , �- - --_ �-? _---:; i r::.�=:� , , �= •, �. a . �� ;" + _ DATE: 09/21/2020 ; �� _ _ _ �� � .. _ �` : ��� _ _ �` �� - _ �� , �p;�' � �;' �: - : � �� _ �, r o �� _ � � - , �.�;�- ,:� :� � . � . _ � , -- . i . . TRG � • - � -- a� _ -- - . - _ � � � LEVEL 6 9� - o�� PRESENTATION t � - I _ - - - - LY 4 i _ _ -- _ - - - ' i -� l � 3 j` � � � x - -- � � � � � - y � ��-- � +� � �' = = J- - -� - ELEVATIONS - � - - - i i � GROUND LEVEL , _ � �� 638' - 0" � � � � STORAGEIRESTAURANT WROUGHT IRON OVERHEAD COILING DOOR ` EXTERIOR STONE FINISH / APPEARANCE LIGHT PER ENTRADA GUIDELINES ' ROUGH STONE ARCH PER � STO RAG E SO U TH FIXTURES TO COMPLY MISSION BARREL TILE ROOF� ENTRADA DESIGN � . WITH DARK-SKY POLICY GUIDELINES �� 1/16"=1'-0" REF: 1 /A100 -�� us _-��}--�=�� ARCH ITECTS :� ��FULL MASONRY CHIMNEY/FIREPLACE -r l �'" - � - � ��� .. _. �� . 4700 WESTGROVE DRIVE, STE 200 �-� PER ENTRADA GUIDELINES r'�:� � :�J � ADDISON,TX 75001 � .=' �• !;: PHONE 469-857-3151 / MISSION BARRELTILE :�� .��� — ROOF •' ���"� � ^ -�"� 0 BUSH ARCHITECTS, LLC-2019 __ - ��, ;, �.�� -. . .. �.: � - �WROUGHT IRON APPEARANCE "r � � � y �. ``"�`l-�'-��``' T�- � ����� LIGHT FIXTURES TO COMPLY WITH �l �� ��y �; � _ . ' � DARK-SKY POLICY v • ' • - :.:�■c+ �? rs- , � _ _ �. �. = - _ - - �- �.js ..� �: � ^ � � ��` '�: . . : I�� . .. TM�. � . . . . � ��� � . . . . � _ _ �• �, �'� . . r �� tY .y� ''� r .�� �� �� ! � � � I � � .. _. I . i � __ _ . _ '�.. �•�' ,�- _ � . = , � LEVEL 5 STRG , ;� � ' i �: -- - , _ „ .. �:i.�" . :" "�.; . � � '�, 6s2 0 - - � - �, � .___ : � -- �- - ��`��' . �::�' � . ' ' '�`. ------- '� � . _ - ' h J�� ���� � � r .. - _ .I •i_." I � � . l� I � — - — — — — � LEVEL 4 STRG � -- � � ...i �.� ,� r .'�•... 671' 0" � � - � � r` � , -- _ `� - ; � - ! �, - �. , ;� � I� .. ; :- . ;�� �:. � , ,:y Y i ; i � � __ _ _ - � �i . �,�. �:: - �'�. �� ;` : f — - _ - - ,�. { j � ''' � •,`� r � � � . -- __...�LL, . � __� � , ; ; �� '�` -- ~ _�-' ! �" � r� r'� i �'. ^ I � �,� - � LEVEL 5 - RESTAURANT �� . : _ � __ _ , � , 1 . ; , r„ �, � ��: �, � s,:- � 4��I" i J k:� � ��� �� � � � �" i. '�';� I, :.� ;. ,;�_'� �J 1/16"=1'-0" REF: 1 /A111 � � " �� � ' _ � �rs�• rr^,. � � I��/,! _ _ ... �� . ��;.« .._ �� }� -- .. . . . .. .. .. .. . ... C:. 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Real Estate Appraisers& Consultants December 17,2020 Mr. Michael Beaty Mooreland Development 4516 Lovers Lane 350 Dallas, TX 75225 Reference: Self Storage Market Study Assignment 2.232 Acres of Land 56 to 64 Tarragona Drive Block C,Lots 1 &2 at Westlake Entrada Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas Dear Mr. Beaty: Thank you, on behalf of Mainland Valuation Services, Inc., for the opportunity to fulfill your analysis needs. Pursuant to our discussions, this letter will serve as our proposal and, upon your acceptance, our letter of engagement to conduct a review of the marketplace to determine the demand for a self storage facility on the above-referenced property. It is our understanding that the above listed entity is the client of this assignment. We have been advised that the purpose of the assignment is to provide a basis for internal planning. Based-on this understanding, our firm will provide an overview of the marketplace, subject submarket and analyze the potential demand for additional self storage units. As a self storage use is being contemplated for a planned development zoning application,this analysis will not address unit mixes or specific potential land-plans for the site in relation to zoning requirements and will focus on the overall demand for the use. Accordingly,no associated potential revenue streams or valuations will be analyzed. We intend to complete the consulting assignment within three to four weeks from commencement of the engagement;however,the client recognizes the potential delays that may occur because of the holidays and COVID-19. We will provide a PDF copy of the report. Hard copies of the report are available at$25.00 per copy. The fee for this assignment is$5,500.00 and is due upon delivery of the report. In addition to said professional fee for this assignment,you agree to compensate our firm at a rate of$250 per hour for any time expended by us should we be required(by subpoena or otherwise)or requested by you or your representative to become involved in any litigation or legal proceeding in any way involving this engagement, the appraisal work produced, or the property which is the subject of this assignment. You also agree to pay on demand all expenses in connection with any related litigation of legal proceedings to which we are not a pariy. 2921 MO55 CREEK CT McKINNEY,TX 75072 972-741-7264 FAX 972-767-0201 Mr. Beaty Page 2 Commencement of the engagement shall occur upon delivery of your written authorization. Additionally, should you agree to terminate the assignment at any point during the analysis, Mainland Valuation Services,Inc. shall be entitled to compensation based upon a pro-rata share of time and expenses incurred. If the terms of this contract are acceptable,please sign and return one executed copy of this agreement as soon as possible. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. We look forward to working with you. Respectfully submitted, MAINLAND VALUATION SERVICES,INC. �-�'l�,.,'` � John A. Gans, MAI Agreed and epte : By: Printed: �`'u G�'�� �'�?`� Date: �i12� • L2 • C � � For: /�► k•�L 61-Mf� j f D�--�`'• ���n,sL/i►N� /�y c.�,�,.�/�_ WESTLAKE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION T H E T a w N 0 F TYPE OF ACTiON W E S T L A K E Regular Meeting - Action Item Monday, March 08, 2021 ToPrC: Conduct a public hearing and consider recommendation of proposed amendments to Ordinance 837 approving a site plan for PD1-2 zoning district, known as "Westlake Entrada". The site is located on Block E, Westlake Entrada Addition along Comillas Drive between Cortes Drive and Girona Drive. STaFF CoNTaCT: Ron Ruthven, Planning and Development Director Strategic Alignment � � i i � . � . . , : ' � � � High Quality Planning, Design & Planned/Responsible Citizen, Student& Development-We are a desirable well preserve Desirability Development Stakeholder planned, high-quality community that &Quality of Life is distinguished by exemplary design standards. . , Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Centurion American is requesting to amend the Block E Site Plan, approved by Ordinance 837 (attached), in order to convert two residential lots into a guest parking area and open space that would serve the immediate area. CURRENT CONDITIONS The subject lots are currently developed as a temporary parking area which includes 12 parking spaces. The remaining 12 (of 14 approved) homes in the portion of Block E approved by Ordinance 837 are complete. Page 1 of 3 ORDINANCE g37—BLOCK E SITE PLAN Ordinance 837 approved 14 single family homes. 12 of the 14 homes are generally attached and are complete. The remaining two lots are located on an island separated by Comillas Drive on one side and a slip street on the other. The homes shown on these lots (lots 11 and 12) on the site plan were never constructed. Rather a temporary parking lot composed of pavers was built instead. The conditions in Ordinance 837 included a requirement that four parallel guest parking spaces be included with lots 11 and 12. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS According to the attached narrative from the applicant, the purpose of this request is to provide additional guest parking for the homes in Block E. The attached site plan amendment shows the 12 parking spaces along with proposed landscaping to be included on the remainder portions of the lots. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION The applicant proposes to convert two residential lots into 12 guest parking spaces and landscaped open space to serve the residents immediately adjacent to the lots. Should this item be approved, staff recommends the following conditions: • Not later than six months from the approval date of this ordinance, the following items must be completed: 1. All landscaping and improvements, as shown on the approved site plan and landscape plan, shall be installed and completed. An additional six month extension may be granted by the Town Manager upon the written request of the property owner(s); 2. An amended plat shall be submitted, approved and recorded converting Lots 10 and 11, BlockE(as depicted on the recorded plat), into a single open space lot and owned by a property owners association; • All trees planted per the landscape plan shall be a minimum of five inches in caliper width, as measured 4.S feet above the ground, at the time of planting. This shall not include ornamental trees; • All improvements and landscaping shown on the parking and landscape plan shall meet all Town of Westlake and Entrada requirements except where amended herein; • Maintenance of all improvements and landscaping, including mitigation of trash, waste and animal feces, shall be the responsibility of the property owner; • Enforcement of any restrictions on parking and access to open space shall be the sole responsibility of the property owner; Page 2 of 3 • If the terms of this ordinance are not met within one year from the approval date of the ordinance, this ordinance shall automatically terminate and revoke and the previously approved conditions of Ordinance 837 shall control. ALTERNATIVE PBiZ ACTIONS The Planning & Zoning Commission has the following options when considering this item: • Recommend approval as submitted • Recommend approval with modifications or additional condition(s) • Recommend approval with staff recommendations • Any combination of the above • Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose • Recommend denial TOWN COUNCiL ACTiON If the Planning & Zoning Commission acts and makes a recommendation for approval/denial on this agenda item, then it will be scheduled for Town Council action on March 29, 2021. ATTACHMENTS 1. Staff EXhibits—EXhibit "A" 2. Ordinance 837 - Block E Site Plan—Exhibit`B" 3. Applicant's Description of Proposed Amendments—Exhibit "C" 4. Proposed Block E Site Plan Amendment—Exhibit"D" Page 3 of 3 Location Map -�� - - T � �J- � _ � ���. 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'���� '�,��� .S R'��� ,� t� � • p����•� ` ,� '�'rl-*',} ' r•�t� r,��}c+'�. •'ti��y �,+' � �'}���`*�ly���'��fff ��ti'�4 r •"- F�y��,i ,�C�. �[ • ,����"F,���r��;F} � - - - �� i� r . � ���; ..��_ .. -- -�t Uyi ��!� �.�� +# ��.��:.i+.'Jf� �`''r.�•�'�+�F�'�-�Y.�f.�i*��.�}_�.���� _. • J Ff��.7'F���� .�i[�_ �_��.�i i� 4�t �� . .'���P.+� Exhibit "B" TOW1V �F WESTLAKE ORDIN.ANCE NO. 837 AN�RDENAII�CE pF THE TUWN CQLINCIL aF THE TDWI�dF WESTLAKE,TEXAS, APPRaV'[NG A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT {PD} SITE PLAN F(3R A PaRTIQiV OF PLAi'VNED DEVEL(3PMElVT DISTRICT i, PLANNING AREA � (PI?1-2}, ESTABLISHED BY ORI]INAN�� 7�3 �'4R THE PR�PERTY GENERALLY LO�CATED 4N THE S�UTH SIDE OF HWY 11�#, EAST �F DAVIS BDULEVARD, AND NURTH Dr S�LANA S�ULCVARD, C�MMQNLY KNDWN AS WESTLAKE �NTRADA. P1��VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PRDVI�XI�G A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PRQV�DING FQR A SAVINGS CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake, Texas is a general law municipality; and WHEREAS, the Tov�n� Council of the Tawza of Westlake �nds it necessary far tlle pul�lic health, safety and welfare tha�d��elap�nent accur in a cantrolled a�d arderly manzzer; and WHEREAS, there is lvcated within the cvrparate limits tif th� Town af Westlake ar� appraximateiy 85.9-acre tract af land kr►owrk as Flanning Az-ea 1-2 �PD 1-�}, bounded by Solana Boulevard to the south, FM �938 "Da�is Bl�d." to the west, and State Highway 1 l4 t� the narth, (Exhihit A}, an which a mixed use develnpme�it is underv��ay; arid WHEREAS, because af the si�e, Io�atian, and r�atural features of Planning Area 1-� and the Tawn's need for public i��frastructure, amenities, and services, the Towrt has a criti�al interest in the de�elopment of Planning Area �-� and is encau�•aging such de�elapxnent to the highest possible standards af quality consistent with the Tawn's lang-t�rm de�elopment�ision; and WHER�AS, hecause af impravements to FM 1938 (Da�is Bl�vd.J, further urban grtiwth thraughaut the region,and ather changed conditior�s that affeeE the regian,the Tawn believes tl�ere are unique and significant oppQ�rtunities for n�w and ur�ique mixed-use development within Plaru7ing Area 1-� ti�at will be cansi�tent with the Town's l�ng-term develapment �isian; and WHEREAS, the Planning & �aning Commissian held a �ubli� hearing upon the application �f devela}�er Cez7kurion American to amend the Comprehensi�e Pian to esta}alis� PD 1-� and appra�e zoning for FD ]-? an April 15, ?013, as welT as the Tawn Council held a pu�lic hearing on this same applicalian on 11.p�'il?�,'�013 after w�ritten notice of su�h heariiig having heen sent ta�wners af real pr�rperty being within �q� feei of the prope3�ty and notice bein�published in a newspaper of general circu]atian in the Tawn and posted in accardance witi� the Texas �pen Meetings Act, all in accardance with Iaw; and subsequently adopted Ordinance 743 estabIishing zoning regutations f�r PD1=?, naw cornmanly known as Westlake Entrada; and flrdinan�e 837 Page 1 nf 8 WI-I�REAS, the Pianning and Zoning Cammissian (Cammissia3�) recommended to tlie Town Council appravaI of the PD Site Plan depi�tec� i� attached Exhibrt B on August 2$, ?Q 17, subject ta �ertain spe�if c conditivns; and WHEREAS,following pr�visian Qf pz-aper legal noti�e, incl�ding written natic�ta vwners within 2�[} feet af th� subject prap�rty, puhlishe� natice and posted n�ti�e in acctirdance with the Texas Qpen Meetir�gs Act of public hearing, a pt�blic hearing was held orz September l 1, 2�17, '�y the Tawn Cauncil; and WHEREAS, the Council believes that the ar�teresis a�'the Town, the present and future residents and citiaens of tl�e T�wn, and developers vf tand within the Town, are best served by adapting this Qrdinance, whicY� the C�uncil has deteimined to be �ansistent with the 2�1 S Comprehensi�e Plan and its Larid {7se Map, Tho�oughfare Plan, and �pen Space Plan, aII as amended to date; and WHEREAS, upon the recaminendatian of the Planning and Zoning Commissian, the Taw�rF Council af the Tawn af Westla�:e, Texas, is of the apinian thaE it is in the best interests af the T�wn and its citizens that this l'D Site Plan, depicted in Eahibit B, shotild be appraved and adapted. N�W,THERCFORE, BE IT aRDAINED iSY THE TQWI1i CDUNCIL�F T�IC T�WN�F WESTLA�,TE�►:AS: SECT�(]N 1:That all matter� stated in the preami�le are founa to he tr�e and carrect and are iiicorparated herein as i�copied in their entirety. SECTI�N 2; That the Town Caun�il of the Tawn of Westtake, Texas daes her�by appr-o�e the PD Site Pian show�� as atta�hed Exhibit g and lvcated in PD 1-2 whach is an appraxirnately SS-acre tract �ocated sa�th ❑f Hwy 114, �a�t af Da�is Bou�e�ard, and north ❑f Sa[ana Saule�ard, as reflected in �xhibit A, a�so attached hereto. The PD Site Plan shown an attached Exhibit B is appro�ed su6�ect ta the Follnwix�g canditiQns: a} Fu�fillment Qf att zaning requirements as set aut in flrdinanGe 7�3 in additian to the �onditions accepted by the Town Coun�il at the ti�ne af zflning ap�ro�al (April 2�, ?013}. �}} All Qe�eIopment P]ari cunditions tor appro�a! �5#�j]I15I1�� in Oi'C13t7aT1G� 72d �adapted �cta�er �8. ?a13} apply ta this PD Site Plan. c) All �uilding ele�ations �hown ❑n this PD Site P�an include the requirement that str��tures meet all aspects of the Enirada Design Guidelines established by Qrdinance 743 and �rdinance 750. d} TQwn Staff will review and approve an exteriar stane wall ma�kup and exterior wal] stuccfl mackup to ensure compliance with ti�e appro�ed PD Dasign Guidelines p�•iflr to the issuance of building permits. Plans for building �onstructian shall include said mo�t�up photas as referenced details. Ordinance R37 Pagc 2 of$ e} If, at any time, Chere is a conflic� between the appra�ed Design Guide�ia�es, PD 5ite Plan, an� �er�ical canstructian drawings, ehe Design Guidelines shali be controlling. �} Where buiidi��g walls �'ace the street, particularry at intersections, the Tawr� may require wall mountec�, ce�-amic tile stz-eet name sigr�s as shown in the appro�ed Design Guidelir�es in the interest af space andlar aesthetics. g} A minimum af Four {4} guest parking spaces shall be l�cated alazig, and paralte� to, �omillas. At tl�e time of re-�lat�in�, said spaces shaIl he �acated whQlly within a pu�liG parkirsg �asement an Lats 11 and 12 as shown ar� Exhibit B. Said spaGes sha31 be lo�ated adjacer�t tv the stF-eet and shall be ca�istructed by ti�e homebuilder at the ti:ne of new�ome canstructiar�on fhe�raperty. The rnaantenar�ce af said spaces shall be the respansibility af the EnErada pr�perty awner's associati�n. h} Tr�e �ollowizi� s#atements shall be added to the PD Site P�an t� clarify the scppe of Site Plati appro�al: l] PD Site Plans a�-e re�Qmmer�ded for apprQval based on a determinatian that ti�e pian� reflect general campliance with the appro�ed PD Concept Plan, PD D��elopment Plan, Master Landscape Plan, Desi�n Guidelines, and ather PD ardinance regulatians. The individual huilding ele�atians are appra�ec3 can�eptuaily, subject to cflmpliance with PQ Design Guidelines ta be shawn in detai! on constructi�n plans that are tv be submitted when applying for a buildin� permit. ?} Construc#ian drawings s►ubmitted alang with aii appiiGatian far a building permit will be re�iewed far detailed compliance with Desig� Guidelinas and cvmpliance with the appro�ed PD Site Plan as wel!as other PD ardinance regulations,the Code af Qrdinar�ces, the UDC, and the International Cade Cauncil {1CC) GQns#ructign c�des. 3} The indi�vidt3al lats shown on this PI3 Site Plan are appro�e�canceptually,and must he reflected on an approved replat priar ta the issuance of ar�y building permits f�r vertical consiructian. SECTIDN 3: It i5 hereby declared to lae the intentia� af the Tawn Co�ncil of the Tnwn of West�ake,Texas,that sections;paragraphs, clauses and plu•ases�f this�rdinance are severab�e, a�zd if a�iy phrase, clause, se�tznce,paragraph or section ❑f this�rdinance shail be declared legally in�alid ar uncanstitutiona� by the�alid judgnnent or d�cree of ar�y court of competent jurisdiction, suc�� legal invalidity or unconstitutionality sl�al� not �fte�t atiy af the remaining phras�s, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or s��tions of this �rdir�an�e since the same wauld have bee� enacted by the Towr� Ca�nci� of the Town of Westla�Ce withaut the ir�coiporatian in this Ordinan�e of any se�ch legally in�alid Qr�iiconstitutional, phrase, senten�e, paragraph or section. QrdindnCe 837 Pa�e 3 of 8 SECTIQN �t: That t�is ardinance shall �e cumulati�e of all ❑ther Tnwn �rdinances and all other pravisions of other�rdinances adopted by the Towr:whi�h are inconsistent with the terms vr pra�isians af this �rdinance are �ere.�y repealed. SECTIQN 5: �1ny person �iatating any �f' the pro�isinns of this orainance shall be c�eemed gui�ty vf a misdemean�r�F€ense and upan conviction thereof shali be fined in a suzn not to exceed Two Thousar�d Dollars (�?,O��.t}�} fQr each sepa�rate affense. A separate offense sha�l be deemed cammitted upan each day,ar part afa day.during whiclz a violatiQn�ccur$or cont�nues. SECTIQN G: Ti�is ardi3ian�e shal� take effec.t irnmediately frvm an� after its }�assage as the law in such case pra�ides. PASSED AN1] APPR�VED DN THIS �lth DAY QF SEPTEMBER 2U17. ,- : � ,i���,_f. _, , f�r�. .F:�-= ��-)f• _ _ '_' ATTEST: Laura V�heat, Mayor � �7 � � j `=� �i. _t_�. L:��..�-� C+�; - -- �L�7 _ ' Kel�ly Ed���r�s, Tawn Secret�ry �o� WE Thomas E, Br e , Ta�n Manager o�� �r�y' APPRQVE� AS T� F�RM: �� .--�-� ���' � ' s�```���'`�` � � �� .. �r�� . ��� ��-�=;�'�T��"� ._.. �r'L. St�.nton Lowr��Tcawn Attvrney rE:C A5 v Qrdinancc 837 Page d of S E�H�BITS EXHTBIT A Legal Descriptioiz of PD�-2 District EXHISIT B Entrada BZ4c�E PD Site Ptan QrsJinancc 837 i'agc 5 af 8 E�[�i�it A LEGAL DESCRIPTI�N Le a� Descri tion of PDI-? District $S.�Acres BEIN�'i a tract af land situated izi the C.M. Thro�p Sur�ey; Al�stract No. 1 S 1�, th� W, Medlin SurWey, Abstract No, 1958, the Williarn Pea Survey, Abstract Na. ���f� and the�oseph Henry Surr�ey, Absta-act NQ. 742, Tarrant�ount_y, Texas and beir�g a pnrtian of Tract�as described in the Special Warranty Deed to MAGUIRE PARTNERS —S�LANA LAND, L.P. as rec�rded in Volume I G8S$, Page 176 of the De�d �ect�rds ❑f Tarrant Caunty, Texas and being mare particularly descxihed as fallows: BEGINNING at a 5I8 inch iron rod found with"Huatt-Zallars"�ap al the sauthwest carner of L�t �. I31ock 1; WestlakelSout}zlake Park Addition No. 1, an additio�i to the Towr3 ❑f West�ake, TeYas as re�orded �n Valume 388-�14, Page 78 of tlie PIat Rec�rds of Tarraint County, Texas, being ❑n the nor#heaste�-ly rig�t-of-way line ofKirkwoad BouIevard, a varia6ie width right-of-way as dedicated hy said �1VestlakelSauthlake Park Addition No. 1 and beis�g the heginning�f a nvn- tar��ent cur�e t� the Ie�t ha�ing a�entral angle af g degrees 13 rni�utes 11 sec�nds,a radius af 14?8.[3� Feet and beirig subtended by a chard which �ears Nai�th 47 degrees 49 minutes 5� sec�nc�s West a distance af�?9.54 feet; THENCE alan�the nortiteast�rly right-af-way iine of Kirkwaad Boule�ard, a varia�le with ri�ht�of-way, as d�scribed in Dedication Deed to the Tawn af Westlake as recQrcled ur�der instrurnent Na. D?�84?77�6, Deed Recards af Tarrant Coun#y, Texas the follnwi�g: Alang said cur�e ta the left an arc distan�e af�29.79 #'eet to a 'I2 inch rod fo�nd with Graham cap at the er�d ❑f said cur�e; Narth 52 degrees 3d�nin�ites l4 s�conds west a distance of�?.6� feet to '/� inch iran rQd found with Graha�n cup beginning�f a curve to the right havin�a central ang�e aT I$ degrees 54 minutes 48 seca�ds, a radius af 51�.a0 fe�t and}�eing subtended by a ch�rd which�eaz�s North 43 degrees Q� minutes a3 secands West a discau�ce of 201.�1 feet; Along said cur�e ta the rig�ii an arc dis�ance �f 2�?,�? Feet tv a '/� inch iron rod found with Graham cap a�the �eginning�f a compound cur�e ta the right ha�ing a centrai angle af 24 degrees 46 minutes�7 se�flnds, a radius of 812.�0 feet axid being si�btendzd by a �hord which bears Not�tt�?I degrees 32 minutes fl3 secands West a disEance Qf 339.22 �'eet; Atang said c►..u-�e tQ the ri�ht an arc distan�e of 3�1.73 feet ta a '/� inc� ircm rod faund with Gra}iam cap at the end of a said cur�e; Nart1-s Dg�egrees ?8 minutes 39 s�conds West a distance of�32,2� feet ta a 1/� inch ir�n rod faund with �',raham cap at the begir�n2ng of a c�rve ta the feft havir�g a�entral an��e of�5 degrees 43 minutes 19 secands, a radius ❑f 7�8.d� feet and being sui�tended hy a chard which �rdiz�3nce 837 Page 6 nt'S bears North 3L degrees 20 minutes 19 se�ands West a distance of55�,11 �eet; Along said cur�e to tk�e left an arc distance Qf 56�.98 feet to a '/� inch iro�i rod faund with Graham �ap at the end of said curve; North 5S degrees 11 �ninutes 5$ seconc�s West a distance of 19fl.5(� feet to a '/� in�h iron rad found with Graham cap; Narth D8 degrees 55 minutes 27 se�onds West a distance off?I.41 feet t4 a %z inch iron rad faun� with Graham cap an tt�e easterly r�ght-of-way line of Precinct Lir�e Road, a�ariable width right-�f-way, as desc�•ibed in Dedication Deed to Town af Westlake as recarded under Instrument No. D2�84277�6, Deed Recards nf Tarrant Caunty, Texas and hei�g t�e be�inning af a non-ta��g�nt curve to the left 3�a�ing a central an�;le of l G degrees Q9 nninutes 21 secozids, a radius of 1,43?.SO feet and 6eing subtended by a chard which bears North ?7 degrees �7 minutes 42 seca�ds East a distan�e of��2.59 feet; THENCE alvr�g the easterty right-af-way line of Precinc! Line Road, t}�e follawing; Along said �urve to ti�e le�an arc distance of��3,92 feet ta a %z inch iran rad fvund wath Graham cap at the end of said cur�e; North 18 degrees 47 zninutes Z4 seconds East a distance of 185.36 feet to a '/z inctt iron rod faund with Graham cap; North 17 degrees 43 minutes 03 secor►ds East a distan�e af 322.fi4 feet ta a '/ in�� irQn rod found on the southerly i-ighE-of-way Iirte af 5tate Hig�way 114{a vaz-iable width RaW); THENCE along the sautl�er�y i�ight-af-way line af 5tate Highway 114, the fallawing; No�t�C G� degrees 0� minutes 25 sec�nds East a distance of 44.54 feet to a Texas aepartment of Transpoz-tation brass disk iss Goncrete faund; Sauth 7l degrees Q3 minutes 32 sec�nds East a distance af�54.55 feet to a point for camer Fram which a Texas De�a�trnent af Transportation brass disk in concrete found t�ears North 1� degrees �8 minute� 2$ seconds West a distance of 0.�3 feet; South 77 degrees �b mir�utes af secvnds East a distance af 745.74 feet ta a Texas Depart�nent ❑f Transpartation brass disk in concrete found; SQuth 7] degrees d3 minutes 31 secoi�ds East a distanGe af f 443.85 feet ta a Texas De�artment of Transpoi�tation i�rass dislc in cancrete found; Sou�h 6? degrees 3�1 mii�utes 19 secands East a distance of 404.34 feet ta a Texas Department af Transportatian brass disk in concrete found at the veginnin� of a curve ta the right lia�ing a central angie of 4$ degrees I9 minutes Q9 seGonds, a radius �f?,7(�9.79 feet and �e�ng sifbtended by a chard which bears Svuth 5$ degrees 24 minutes 4S seconds East a distance af 393.11 feet; Urdinanre R37 Pa�e 7 nf R Along �aid cur�e to tl�e right a2i arc distance of393.�5 feet tv a Texas Departlnent ot' Tra32spartation brass disk in cor�crete found; 5outh 5� degrees 1 S minutes I 1 seconds East a distance af 399.��1 feet ta a Texas Department g#� Transportatian �arass disk in �oncrete found; South 64 degrees l9 rninutes 50 secorids East a distance of 55,55 feet tQ a 518 in�l� iran rQd faund with"Huitt-Z�llars"cap at the heginziing af a non-tangent curve to the right ha�ving a central arag�e of Q2 degrees 13 minutes 56 se�o�ds, a radius af 2,754.79 feet and being subiended by a chord which bears Sauth 43 �egrees 17 mi�iu#es 37 seconds East a distance af 1�7.32 feet; Along said curve to #he right n arc distance of 1�7.33 fee�ta a '/� in�h rod found with "Huitt- Zaliars"cap for tl�e i�oi�theast carner�f Lot I, Blo�i: i, af the aforemez�tioned Westlakel5auth�ake Park Additinn Na. 1; THENCE departing t�e sa�therly right-af-way line of State Highway l 14, North g0 degrees 0�1 minutes �� seconds west alan�t�ie north fine Qf said L�t 1, Bl�cl� 1, a distance of2,132.54 feet to a 518 inch iran rad w'rth "Carter-Burgess" cap foun� ftir the no��thwest�orner of said Lot 2, Blocl: I, WestlakelSouthlake Park Additi�n No. 1; THENCE South �� degrees 0� rr�inutes 4Q seco�ds West aZong the northwesterly iine said Lot 2, Blo�k 1, a distance �f�Q�D.db feet to a 518 inch iron rod with ``�arter & Surgess" cap fuund at az� angle paint in the west line of I.o�?, Black 1; THENCE al�ng the west line af said Lat 2, Slack 1, S�uth �� degrees Uq minutes 04 sec�nds East a dis�ance of 168,55 feet to the P�INT �F BEGINNING and containing $5.9a acres of land, more c�r Iess. Qr�3inanCe 837 Page 8�F 8 T�I�IN �F 1NESTLAI�E, TAF�RANT ��UNT�', TEXAS =:� V11E � TLAi� E y� EI�ITRA DA = PD SITE PLAN PACKAGE F�R - L�TS 5-7, 8X, 9-19, ��X�-�2X - BL��K E - RESIDENT�AL _ i�•' � ' . _— _ -Mci 9ii Pian �.{'+l�RAL n7*ES � cRNli�R�1I1 . � PR�Pffz'�WAi1�AGE PREA HAP ���' /n"' ^ JP.AG�I���}! . � � .���� � �-7's��w�� i� r.8 E�ST�N nn'—Ci�Ev�E �_.u.i.-i.aN H�TCxhcu]571a V � ' f� y'�� � �y _ — _u�k[- - . . '��� .r��� _ i q � L ��� �. ��1 � �.r� 4.wr,'-=� _ � _:i� - . . �':�::7 • �sTi:~ � �:1 '" .. - M7�,LP�ND �� �� Lt $�TE -• �'i � -� ::[d[_�;-=[F �� . . -,. - � � � -- �. 9 ex.o��e�...�cc��.m ..... eco �E�.w[w�n•�c g�iin mi� S �� ' �..FiaEf�_9Fr.:i.:a i_ "" • "'�'�3-� ' I'I - - "- " - ' 9GE.Inc. � ,, .... viaN�rr� �,._.. ,. -I . • r � [ F } } � �t� r�r �. � .rc�� � --- � ---�— ..ff,. „Mr.M1.V��� row�CF wFsitaxE NY=1LAi:E��E�h=i6:n_ m•�. r� .-�� - � ? EV�-�JO-09A1 n y,r r.' ry�� u �.L £� RRiE � E prdinance 837 - : � �.;�_ . � ��'��''. _� __ 6GE,In�. µ[sil M:E �''�". ti�. . . ..... .. � � '! �71 1 C' ,. • .. � � � •-�.er I . �'�'r�+Yr� VICINITY MRP_�_._._ .. � � �-� • •• nrvri-:arr. ''��'' C E N 1�RIO�Y AMtu I:.'.A'1 � ���`�� — � ,.... . ,..,,. ' � '� , \l / �i` j , � P �. _ �,, � M�DRELAN� �� ; - �,� m �-,fl � , -�� �' � �° c � _ � .`� ,� 8 } -- - --.�� � � , �/� . �.- r=ro� �` �•,� ,. �" _ iY M � '� - C' � �� p � �a _� -.X.' �' +{' N 4: 'i ,r' � -,-:� ,�'�,l _ � � � � { J rr �,:, �,� '� .— �� �� � •�� - - � �.�:''` � �' , � � ` � - •�+a'•y �a.\l H. i I� �''� • � L � Q � ` � ❑ ��•� % r�r ��\ �1 � '� I�� � �. } - � • � � , ,� �,,� `��� � � �G � .,=�-- , _— � ;I ;fA';'� r�.'�.� � - F � 'K '�4;�' _ ,' , ` .;;n�;�, �: , :1 .� ��. � �.. _- � .....�7'�n^:,,°..., ; `� .� �- - - 3 �'+.� � ' � ,��: y/ --- - - - -- �'- -- - ,. '- ;` I � ��I I`I !� ;SITE o .� l ,.. ... ' l, �ti' �� - � � .�' - � I - ...,..�. .... y � � � � � � _ _ -- - -y ' II�`lti� � r� ' � � -�"'+1}r _ t���4' '�-_ -i - ` •. . . . _ � . 1 � y �'� '-r l` , . r� + J � _- � �x+ . , .. '.i� `'� � ' �'' .���- -"�, .. � � ,�, , � ,.; ' r �� �_� � � - ' � 1�I ,� �x � '� � ;;,.' '�l, �� � � � �, � � , ` � s + � �� �:�i .'.. �� � � � $�� c c.� '� � _ _+ Jl�� ����� �r , �� ; • ��'`�,v.� ��� -- �� �-J1 �. - j � .�•��•� � + � -� I r� - --n��, A .. .. . � i ` �: I fT=-'C=— _ _:+ _ �� � h++� �� �I - �II� '� ,I'� f �� �1 �',' � ` , �" � � , a,�;,, r � ` • f� ,�, �:' r\ .;� . �rdinance 837 Ly�� . •'_.Y �c ..; �,y I�����.'si.,' -- ` P��[� , - _ �N.�. � ;�� -�, �.� �� �k', . 7 � y G �or zzx � r € � �.� - BLOCK E .. �'i`] �� -��r; � oGe Inc. i0i 1 ... . ' . .- . �. � -A � " .... - .....-:� .. -_� .... � .-_" . .... yEx'�• Ff � = -. : BLOCN 6 �_ + r ... �„ _ . � . - ,.�- �� ■ .- .. �. '�. _ � .. . � �}�- � �•.,_: I 51TE .� � � /'.� _ � J �' �or s. ` - ..__,_' , .. .. .._.. �w 9LDCK E � ' . i ..�'� _ - 1� .�.._.n -- —an . . ..�:'rt . , t 6J . .'".. �' _ •'�r -' d '� � LO7 8, VICINITY A1AP� A ��'� T� BLOCR E �A� . LOi 11, ..�a_ - LOL 7, ��� -"'° . �lvL��PCF �Qe''. eiotK e � • eEoc�c e ..., ..�' �.. - — ' � � • . g CEHiuR�DN AMER4:AH LOT 21% n � �........ ' � �Z� -r. ��.I.i'. ... � r�.'•ua.. 9�OCK f � .• �. . ,i0P BR .�� �••, . �..__ F� � � I� ..� BLQCR E I.•-' y' __ �f� . r' :"f��� ��..,Y ] .�. "-:. �- i�"�� �� LOT 9. \' , .._ ' _ -..... ,I�..�.! � ,�`BLOCK E �,, r:v ..� �` M���Ef_fLYLI r .0y c•.. + .,_' :. ,r�+'. �V,.,- . . .�..� ....- "_'$.-���i�� �[ �.� �. . . ' � � LOT 12, .�,-.` \::Y. /��[[ ��:...._,. J,�,.. .:.� � - _�w� 6LOCK E _ ��.1�J / � .," .i.�. , _ � �'e . //��`''' J��. .�. eMEt 'Fn, F _--_..;Y '�' -.. .� . C.I �( (�' aa�i?�.� .iF ...�t.in..i.[... � � �� '":'Y� I L�.10. % �yt'" ' �mw. .� �' ' . N . -- . BL9CK E ' �� '�^•� �•'� , ���'.�1[� � �.. .��. '+ .!' �. ,����C n � ++:.lL crdlu ii.i. ,J�/ �,m-' . ''.1 � 'b�' �LOT 53. • J.:;�+;.::'�'.. o—o .i��c raEEr ii. .' " . BLOCN E �. •../ : _ � - .. .uuG ra�nJo�u'. � �s L6i 20% �" c ��� __ I f ' ... �� " � ...�:i.[o ur.osi.�. ❑ 0lOCK E ,;'� �� � �� �� � � �`�0J _ _. _ r.isnrvrs=_tasr i�... ¢ .. ft::h-. .' .� .��-�- 4 i:��'• ' • `�� !l� - EYS�cN`-�'r_F _ � 4L .:r;� � .�Y�r ::!�y t. •-. `.' .� . �I� ��� �- EUSTIIc FiE[:Ax un�� . � �� ' !OT 15. �� �' E�SSMG 4pf � '' ::.Y..'�:� � LOI]i. ��; _ .�'_ _ '� 9LOCN.E : '., HLOCK E . � � � EYSny�n�{• f�\ RS . ` ..rv.�.. . i......... �' . � . ...... � �m '���� LDT 16�` � �` •'. ��.' rro+CS' K ❑ Y" /,� Rz _^ J t ny�Mi�ur�F�im�ua+NRAS�JeTWE�' � ` ypt 17. �HLOCN E ',� ''/' i'� `��rqryV�n.E�m In[E J LufN u ' 'R $ w� • 6LaCK E �.: ...ea � n�... �. +` ��iJ ` �..�.-... �'�ii�` ` N'� -- ��[iw.�.,. ' BLDCN,& . ri ' °'ie.w��.m���n.e�.. � � - � � '^ S ` 1. � y�, -s�� . ' ''�, �_ e�eee.re�wvrw.�w.wr.r... � . . � � -���:._ j ,, `�,,,�',�` : �'- ,�n �'�:�er���'�'°�yv .. �� ,. . ? ' ''i \. ,EOT 18. 1 �ry ' -- G�' . .. .. :�:[•�. !�:� �I.ir�•= ��i ' 9LOCR E y F� LANL uSC:Ii�S�OeNil4l . } �. -. .. . .. { �.��',.:.. ... \` ' .:•,i. .r . � . M w�[m.am ow ra�e w'wirn.i. . - LOT 19. y. �� '�L os erei . . wi- i..r.rm��r is�w r... ... .�. ��. BLOCN E w�'�. � .]. ��� . f►.nY _' � . E.�ai .... .., '�, /� ,� . _ ' . . . �� � -�r"' �1 �+1 � wl rF wl wl � �++! � J�'ti.� �`� — ' � �t ,y� ' � . .... i....� . � �o ,�`'� f - — ���;:a„�-".- — �.. � ��, F; ,:f' _ :�t - --- �' — -- ; fi`�, r'�E�.� - "`— - -- — �,�....� ::� �4, - } �.� � �:. _ -.. _ � :a, e��., : �' .� , o......,� — - — .... � ,..,,�a..;S::�N�e�.�.� �d.,b���� , r �,m i� : ' ' iHST N0.0_DyC89990 ��p�� 'n • x x.a�� . • vpi�i - • _ an .Yxe�i� • i �` ���.. ' , �`c,. r�. - - I� +at met M+vnnil.. \ . ' �cY'E. .00i�o_P =_ _ . 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Star-T�le�r�m P�EASE�ETACH At�Ip RE�13RN LOWER PORTION WI7H YOUR REMfTfANCE 1 84LIKGPE�Id6 ] A9VERASEPhL1EHYH�ME MEDlA osr,s�zo,7 TpW7V OF WESTLAI(E Star-Te]Pgram-Advertising U TpTALAbA011NT6ltE � 1FAM�OFPAYASEHi F'�BOX 51847 Livonia.M!aSi 57 �4��.4¢ �Jpon Receipt 1e�k* �EIYI❑ ��V�I�E **h Pneer 5 91LLiH6QAtE 7 a9115124i7 1i NFW�PlIPEP REFEREkCE 0003279304 5tar-�elegram g wueopccour+rx�nepsq 51ar-7elegram-Advertising snssas ����� ��SY� ] Aa'1£PSiSEFifCClEf�iNIlMBEV} L+vania, M148�51 603548 tawru aF wEsria�c� AN QRD N NCE dF 1'1E TOWN I r�11NCIL Of TH� TOWry p� STATE QF TE�AS w�snax�, r�xAs, a���y. COLFNTY 4F TARR�NT +'+��E�ur�or�srRi�r°��oj��$°� PLANNED dEVEkOPM�NT PI8� CP.❑II 2?Z�65FA9LI5HEfl 8Y OR i L]INAN�� 703 FaR THE PRQP• , ERTY GENERA�LY IdCAT�O ON ERST OF70AV�5 80ULEVARQ' lEVARDRCDMMONLY xNOWN AS WL�5TLA1(E ENTRApA. �A�E!AIRaVIDANG A�PF�ALTY � Hefo e,a No#ary Puhiia i�snd far said Co�ty a[nd State,this day SLSAy�IVG5�LAUSE+RSECTlpH � `,� n eny of the pr0y151ons�of tf Ist+or9 'I �ersanaily appeared rV� Advertisin diRance s�,al� ti���mgd�U��ty i for the Star-Te�egrarn,puhIished 6y the Stsr-Talegra Fnc.at Fort Wvrth in Tarrar�!Cauz ot a rrtisdarng8na� o�gnse apd , � upon[onW�tion thereof sha11 he � flned dn a sum not to extead disiri6uted in other svrrnunding Cvunties;and who,after being duly sworq did dispose an xgwo rhouser,d hv!lars fo3lowing c�ipping vfan ad�er�sement was pu6tished in the abo�e named gaper on the fvf vtsenae.a�}Af separate Sa�ensc shall he I deemed �ommltted � upon each daY,vr part of a deY� ' I� ��� � or e�ont�nuesh AASSEa ANp APS PROVE�QN THlS Ylth UAY�F � —1 � SEPTEM9ER 2ff17, St�I1P.d Subscribed and swom to be�ore me,this the C��'�day af 20 Notary P�6ii� , � ��4 'L_'�, Tarrant Coun#y,'Texas �••''ara''f� LEStIE BLICKLEY �qP GB�'L �z°'� =i+�IVotary Pu�lic,State ot Faxas -A'�'4� Comm, Expires�9-24-2d27 �V�.... +ti �''�F°Fi;w' Notary E❑ 128ff58284 Exhibit "C" C EfVTIJ '2I O N .4 �1 ERICAfV Proposed Amendments to Block E Site Plan, Westlake Entrada The planning for the Block E Townhomes called for two homes (that were to be attached) to be constructed on a small traffic island created by adding a small cut-off loop to the originally platted road. These two homes were removed from the water (no canal view or access) and fully surrounded by streets with either a future retaining wall to the south west or additional garage(s) from the future homes to be constructed on Castellon. After completing the 12 Units that back to the canal, it was determined that the proXimity of these units and lack of driveways had created a parking conundrum that had not been previously considered. The intention behind converting the two vacant home sites in to additional parking and a small park area/green space for the townhomes is to solve the parking struggle and also foregoes the construction of two homes that would not have been very desirable when compared to the other homes already available in Entrada. The green space and parking area would be the responsibility of the Townhomes Owners Association that is separate from the Entrada POA. The park and parking spaces will be private to the residents of the Townhomes only, and not a general obligation to the overall POA. Sincerely, Michael Beaty Mooreland Development Company, on behalf of Centurion American \ TROPHY CLUB o o � � / J �O O v� J � ��� CRE�'� 0� G�'� � �BOB JAMES ��`'� Medlin MEqO�� � �� � / / � / S�� Cemetery Golf 2 Y � � �EEL`� 5�'( ��,JO Course � � o � � / O� � SJ� ,�RpPHY y FAlgyq SEMINOLE 9-� � v n,P ay `P �l(�qG1' Jx x o v, I I I I / t�`� �p T,Qp F FRESH MEADO`N ma m N Q � 114 G� �'Y r S aW x I � W ■ ■ � � �'�G �' �u� �NVERNES X I I � \ � � �=m J I Q < z J BGE, Inc. / „ WESTLAKE � � c� INVERNE � 2595 Dallas Parkway, Suite 204 P A R K I N G A N D A C C E S S o � � � � — �� o Frisco, TX 75034 Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com E S M T / � � � / TBPE Registration No. F-1046 � � � � "'"� Contact: Jason Frey S H E P H E R D W A L L P E R � � - - - - � Tel: 972-464-4821 / o � ��� 114 Copyright 2017 ARCH DETAILS � N e��° � I Q SOLqNq � � �� PAMUE - - - - � � �t°°`r DOVE ROAD n�s,� � � 9 � _ ���F � / � ooa � \ '' I — �\<µ� Q \� / / / - � � � � � e N - f • — � VICINITY MAP / / / � � � � � � � (NOT To sca�E> DEVELOPER DECOMPOSED GRAN TE � �� Cj CENTURION AMERICAN � / � �� G� � � 1800 Valley View Lane, Suite 300 i � � P R 5 I Farmers Branch, TX 75234 �� i ' � �Q 4 ' � / / �P � _ _ _ _ J Contact: Michael Beaty P A R K I N G A N D A C C E S S / � �° ��� R 3� ' Tel: 214-287-9009 0 5 10 20 ESMT � ' � QP � � SCALE: 1�� — ,o� MOORELAND / � / En�inecr�ny • �evt�opm�nt � ��u�;truchcn \ / // / � � -- L GH TI N G � �cj OVERALL LEGEND � Q — U N Y, , A TM 0 S, D B, 8c WA TE R / / / ��� �� S S M H FH-�- PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT J � w � E S M T � � P�,� SSMH — � � / G� • PROPOSED SANITARY J � � � / � \ MANHOLE � � � � � Q�� ACCESS 8c �� � Q z 7 � � � , / • � 0 PROPOSED STORM INLET � Q L 7 � O , , / �\� C M A N T. E S M T \ � �p PROPOSED STREET LIGHT z � W L w U — / C)�O\vG�J �� ' � � � � � I T F R W ' Q W � z � � � � � � � � / �� � P �� \ EX S ING TRANS 0 MER Q z Q Q — / � � Q G � BEN CH 6 H T WALL � � � � � � � LS PROPOSED LANDSCAPE (n � v, w N � � � � � � � � \ � � �\� � \ � EXISTING STREET LIGHT Q w ~ � � M Q � � QP� � � � � � � � e ROSEMARY BUSHES AND . �' � � U � � � � � � � � EXISTING GAS METER � W � � w � � � � �� LANTANA BUNDLES (TYP) w � � w J z Q � / � � OO � � � -O , � EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE � � w J o / � � � � \ � EXISTING SIGN / � � � � Q U � � � m (n °N � G , , � � � U w w � � � — � � � � � • � EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT ? m U O > � o >N O N / � /� � � � � o � � � �0 � � � w oo I— � �, � Q o � � � � t, o ��\ � THESE PLANS ARE ISSUED FOR a R E D 0 A K (TYP) \ THE PURPOSE OF PRELIMINARY �, � REVIEW AND ARE NOT INTENDED ` � 2 0" H T WA�� A C C E S S 8c FOR CONSTRUCTION. a � ^ WHEN ISSUED IN � FINAL FORM THEY WILL BE �' \� M A N T. E S M T SEALED, SIGNED AND DATED. �, , � �" � ` — � o , � , , � a P A M U E / \ RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: Y �J \ � � � �� TEXAS REGIST RED ENGINEERING � � � � FIRM F-1046 0 N �\ / � � � \ , � � � � � � TEXASJ RE�S RATION NO E 88485 � � /� � \ �� \�i DECEMBER 14, 2020 � v � \ i � • � \� i> � � CAUTION i i o � � �i �I � � � c� Depth of Exist Facilities Prior to � � � � _ � ontractor to Veri y exact location � �� any Construction Activities � � PAMUE � o � � � � � � �\ � �� CAUTION � � � � ' CONTACT: 1-800—DIG—TESS 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION � � � � � _ 0 o � � REVISIONS o � � � � � II� REV N0. DATE DESCRIPTION i I� a � � � � � w � U O m / N � NOTES: �� � 1. ALL WESTLAKE ENTRADA INFRASTRUCTURE ASSUMED AS � � EXISTING FOR THIS PLAN SET DRAWN BY: � 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB UNLESS ° OTHERWISE NOTED „ CHECKED BY: � o BM1 — "❑" Cut found on top of curb at the south median nose approximately � 691 feet southeast of the intersection of Solana Blvd. and Davis Blvd. DATE: i Elev. 668.963' a � � „ „ PROJECT NUMBER: � BM2 — ❑ Cut found on top of curb in the west turn lane median at the Y intersection of Davis Blvd. and Hwy 114 approximately 38 feet west of the o centerline of Davis Blvd. and 8 feet southwest of traffic signal pole on S h e e t N O. i southwest corner of intersection. N Elev. 66�.93� S I T E P L A N � DEVELOPER OWNER SURVEYOR/ENGINEER � TBM1 — "❑" Cut in median nose located N 700 feet southeast of intersection of Davis � Blvd. and Dove Road. Elev. 668.96 N CENTURION AMERICAN MRW INVESTORS LLC BGE, Inc. o ' � 2592 Dallas Parkway, Suite 101, Frisco, TX 75034 TBM2 — "❑" Cut in median nose at intersection of Davis Blvd. and Bull Wa a 1800 Valley View Lane, Suite 300 1800 Valley View Lane, Suite 300 � � Tel: 972-464-4800 • www.bgeinc.com Elev. 679.58 y �U Framers Branch, Texas 75234 Framers Branch, Texas 75234 � TBPE Registration No. F-1046 � z" C o n t a c t: M i c h a e l B e a t y C o n t a c t: M i c h a e l B e a t y C o p yr i g h t 2 0 2 0 0 �i Telephone: (214)-287-9009 Telephone: (214)-287-9009 mo � . - --=-- - TROPH� c�ue � �, � � p � = � � ��- 7 �,tf�' i _I CRE.`'� ����� �608 JA�[ES " � ,�ti.�' MedEEn ��Rp ��^ � � � � � Cematary Galf y � - _ — ��R'�`�S �,�5 � Course � J � , - — �L/ �—`+ `� �tOPM'� �yd �IRy�r SEhIkNO�.E � � x ��4 �F C,❑ r'���`E Ff7Fs}�MEALId'� m¢ m v' � � a x � - �'_ � �G Y`� w�' tiN'�RNti55 � y Ei1 �� _ � � +,'� � '' i Q r .r' J BGE� �1�C. - „ � W�STLAKE � � � ,�,���s� � �595 Dallas Pa�kway, 5uite 2�4 �„ Frisco, TX 75034 PARKIN � ANa ACCESS � — � 1 `'�� -- -- `� � ;: � �" � _? � � �f Tel: 972-4fi4-48fla : www.bgeir�c.cam E5M T � � � � .� - �+ � T6PE Registratian Na. F-1 D46 � _ �� a '"�� Contact: Jasvr� Frey S H E P H E R D 1�A L� P E R �'� � � - - ~ - � Tel: 972-464-4�21 ti° � a � ��� 114 i Copyright 2t317 AR�H DETAI �S , -� � .- � � ��� . , . f � � 5 S��RhA � . .�- PAMUE � a �r a // f�� � . . - -- --- --- -_. p� � .t " • _ �t OOV� RflAO 4�s I .' - __' _' � �, : I �- , = G,y,�� �� • . �a U �r l , - - �,`�� N ` - " . ' . � r � �� �'� � � � � ,� ViCINITY MAP - . - � , , ' / , ,� — (�laT Ta SCALE} DEVELQPER '. � �C. � � �_�° � I�.� CENTURIQN AlVIERlCAN D E��M P�5 E a �R A N � TE . .��� �,� � 18D� Valiey View Lar�e, su�t� 3�0 ' �.� P�' ,�54' ' � ' Farmers Brar�ch, TX 75�34 I..� , i � c�� ; -:, , � �;��. _ Contact: Mic�ael Beaty . . �P C� ���� �Y�, - - -- -- --� �-�'r� �p ,� �4 �_ ; : � Te1: 214-�87-9�Og PAR�CING AND A�CESS . . - � `� ��. .. , . ��� � � ,a 2a � p,� �:��::�� k y� ESMT � ' � � �� Iv���RELAND - � �� sca�E� 1' = i�' � �' � . �nrji:.r.r�. �f . ,�r�rrl�-.��•r-�. • • ��' .. .,:. :r-. - . ,�y�� . �-. � �. � - �7. S ��k• TR I — ��U N TY, �I�H T1 N �, ._ -"� . �, ������- , �VERALL LEGEND �, ' . P� � � � A TM 0 S, D B, 8c U�A TE R . � �� � S S M H � �"-� PROPDS�D �IR� HY�RANT � ❑ W ESMT _ � �,a Q Q � -- �'" � � F•, C�P �I ' SSMH PRaP05�D SANfTARY � � ='" _. � J _ -" � � � �� - S MANHOLE � � Z .__:_ - .� . Q� A��ESS �C �, Q � � _ � - nI T i = � PRDP�SED STDRM lNLET � � 7 � a _ =:-' - �� M A I I V I . 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