HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 21-27 Schwab Way Hillwood StreetscapeTOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO.21-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CIRCLE T RANCH PHASE III ASSOCIATION TO PROVIDE 5-YEAR STREETSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR SCHWAB WAY PHASE I AND H. WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to provide residents and commuters safe and aesthetically pleasing streets and infrastructure; and, WHEREAS, the Circle T Ranch Phase III Association will provide 5-year streetscape maintenance services for Schwab Way from State Highway 114 to Ottinger Road and, WHEREAS, the streetscape maintenance services for Schwab Way includes maintaining of wayf nding signs, irrigation systems, mowing, trees and plant maintenance and, WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the 5-year streetscape maintenance agreement and improvements of Schwab Way is a benefit to the public; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Town Council of the Town of Westlake hereby approves the Town Manager to execute an agreement with Circle T Ranch Phase III Association to provide 5- year streetscape maintenance agreement for Schwab Way Phase I and lI attached as Exhibit "A". SECTION 3: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution 21-27 Page I oft SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 23RD DAY OF AUGUST 2021. ATTEST: Todd'Wood, Town Secretary �✓✓�.�.y �it/iie.r,�i Laur Wheat, Mayor L411,9y7T-ownAttomey Resolution 21-27 Page 2 of 2 STREETSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT This STREETSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") , effective as of August 23, 2021 (the "Effective Date"), is made by and between the TOWN OF WESTLAKE, a home -rule municipal corporation of the State of Texas ("Town"), acting by and through its duly authorized representative, and CIRCLE T RANCH PHASE III ASSOCIATION, ("Association"), acting by and through its duly authorized representative. SECTION 1 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY 1.01 The Town hereby engages the Association, and the Association hereby agrees to provide, furnish and perform the Services, as hereinafter defined and set forth in Section 2 of this Agreement, on the Town -owned right-of-way located on Schwab Way as further identified in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes (the "Area"). SECTION 2 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2.01 Association shall, at its sole cost and expense, provide the Services (as hereinafter defined) in accordance with this Agreement and all applicable laws. In providing the Services, Association shall take such steps as are appropriate to ensure that the Services are properly coordinated with any related work performed or to be performed by the Town. 2.02 Plans for all Services and planting materials shall be submitted to the Town not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the anticipated implementation or start date of any such plans. To the extent that the Association desires to revise any such plans or provide additional plans, then the Association must do so not less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the anticipated implementation or start date related to any such plans. No Services shall commence until written approval of the plans has been granted by the Town, such approval to be granted or denied within fifteen (15) days of initial request by Association. 2.03 Association represents that it has or will secure, at its own expense, all materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, personnel, insurance (if required), and other accessories and services necessary to provide the Services in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement and the Town. The following items shall constitute the services to be provided by the Association and shall be referred to as the "Services": A. Maintain all non-standard wayfinding signs located within the Median Area, as identified herein on Exhibit "C". B. Install streetlights and dimmer system in accordance with the lighting plan approved by the Town on August 31, 2021, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit `B" (Lighting Plan). Streetscape Maintenance Agreement 1 of 12 C. Provide to the Town streetlights for use in maintenance and repair of streetlights. Following installation, Town will be responsible for maintenance and replacement of such streetlights. D. Maintain and operate underground irrigation systems within Median Area and any associated additions in accordance with the following guidelines: i. Irrigation systems shall not run during wet and rainy weather nor shall they be in operation during freezing temperatures. ii. All irrigation systems, including any system additions, shall be installed and maintained by a licensed irrigator. iii. Maintenance of irrigation systems shall include, without limitation, any and all necessary and ordinary upkeep and repairs to ensure that the entire irrigation system is functioning properly. E. Pay for all electrical hookups, electricity, water impact, water tap and meter fees, and water usage. F. Mow on at least a 14 day cycle from March through November of each year. G. Maintain all plantings and planting material in the Median Area, including, but not limited to, all shrubs and grasses. H. Maintain all trees in the Median Area by providing a minimum amount of water to maintain a consistently moist, but not wet root zone (a soil moisture content between the wilting point and field capacity), typically 7-10 gallons per week for each tree. The watering is to continue for a minimum of two years or until such time as the trees become established. 2.04 The Town will perform the following items: A. Make inspections to determine compliance with this Agreement. In the event the Town observes non-compliance, Association will be notified and shall be given a period, not to exceed 30 days from the date of notification by the Town, of time to correct the problem. B. Maintain and replace streetlights as needed in accordance with the Lighting Plan. 2.05 In the event that any Town -owned property, including, but not limited to, utilities, park improvements, equipment, turf, and the like are damaged or destroyed by the Association during the performance of the Services, Association shall be solely responsible for all repairs or replacements and any costs related thereto. Any damage by Association shall be repaired or replaced by Association to the reasonable satisfaction of the Town within thirty (30) calendar days after the Town sends written notice of such damage or within such time as agreed to otherwise by Streetscape Maintenance Agreement Page 2 of 12 the parties in writing. If the Association fails to remedy the damages in the time set forth above, then the Association agrees to reimburse the Town for any costs incurred by the Town in repairing or replacing such damage, with any such amount to be due and payable to the Town within thirty (30) calendar days after the Town sends a written invoice to the Association detailing such costs. SECTION 3 TERM OF AGREEMENT 3.01 This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement, expire on October 31, 2026 ("Primary Term"). The Primary Term may be renewed by mutual agreement of the parties for successive five (5) year periods under the same conditions and terms of this Agreement ("Renewal Term"). Association must advise the Town in writing of its intent to renew this Agreement at least thirty (30) calendar days, but no earlier than one -hundred twenty (120) calendar days, prior to the termination date of the Primary Term or each Renewal Term, as applicable. SECTION 4 ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS 4.01 Association shall not make or cause to be made any alterations, additions, or improvements to Town property, other than the Services, without the prior written consent of the Town. Association shall present to the Town any plans and specifications for such alterations, additions, and improvements at the time such approval is sought. Any alterations, additions, or improvements shall be consistent with the Services to be provided in this Agreement. SECTION 5 RIGHT OF ACCESS 5.01 The Town does not relinquish the right to control the management of the Area, or the right to enforce all necessary and proper rules for the management and operation of the same. The Town through its Town Manager, Police and Fire personnel, and other designated representatives, has the right at any time to enter any portion of the Area (without causing or constituting a termination of the use or an interference of the use of the Area by Association) for the purpose of inspecting and maintaining the same and doing any and all activities necessary for the proper conduct and operation of public property; provided, this shall not authorize or empower Town to direct the activities of Association or assume liability for Association's activities. SECTION 6 INDEMNIFICATION 6.01 ASSOCIATION COVENANTS AND AGREES TO, AND DOES HEREBY, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND THE TOWN, ITS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL SUITS OR CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES OR INJURIES, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS OR PROPERTY, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY GROSSLY NEGLIGENT ACT OR GROSSLY NEGLIGENT OMISSION ON Streetscape Maintenance Agreement Page 3 of 12 THE PART OF THE ASSOCIATON, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES OR SUBCONTRACTORS, AND THE ASSOCIATION DOES HEREBY ASSUME ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR INJURIES, CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR THE DAMAGES TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY, OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, OCCURRING DURING OR ARISING OUT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT AS A RESULT OFANY GROSSLY NEGLIGENT ACT OR GROSSLY NEGLIGENT OMISSION ON THE PART OF THE ASSOCIATION, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES OR SUBCONTRACTORS. SUCH INDEMNIFICATION SHALL INCLUDE WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIMS OF OR BY ANYONE WHATSOEVER IN ANY WAY RESULTING FROM OR ARISING OUT OF ASSOCIATION'S WORK, SERVICES AND OPERATIONS IN CONNECTION HEREWITH, INCLUDING OPERATIONS OF SUBCONTRACTORS. 6.02 ASSOCIATION SHALL LIKEWISE INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE TOWN FOR ANYAND ALL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO TOWNPROPERTYARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY AND ALL GROSSLY NEGLIGENT ACTS OR GROSSLY NEGLIGENT OMISSIONS OF ASSOCIATION, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES OR INVITEES. SECTION 7 INSURANCE 7.01 Association shall not commence work under this Agreement until it has obtained and received approval from the Town of all insurance coverage required hereunder. Association shall be responsible for delivering to Town a certificate or certificates of insurance demonstrating that Association has obtained the coverage required under this Agreement. The minimum insurance required of Association is as follows: COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: Association shall maintain throughout the Term of this Agreement a commercial general liability insurance policy in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 covering each occurrence with an aggregate limit of not less than $2,000,000. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE: Association shall maintain throughout the Term of this Agreement comprehensive automobile liability coverage in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for each accident. This policy shall cover any automobile used in the provision of Improvements and Services under this Agreement. 7.02 The insurance company with whom Association's insurance is written shall be represented by an agent or agents having an office located within the Dallas -Fort Worth metropolitan area. Each such agent shall be duly qualified, upon whom service or process may be had, and must have authority and power to act on behalf of the insurance company to negotiate and settle with the Town, or any other claimant, any claims that the Town or any other claimant, or any property Streetscape Maintenance Agreement Page 4 of 12 owner who has been damaged may have against the Association or insurance company. The name of the agent or agents shall be set forth on all certificates of insurance. The Town shall be named as additional insured on all insurance policies obtained by Association pursuant to this Agreement and Association shall provide the Town with certificates of insurance thereof. All policies must provide that they will endeavor to provide at least five (5) days' notice of any change in or cancellation of the policy by the insurer. Such insurance amounts may be revised upward at the Town's request, and Association shall revise such amounts within thirty (30) days after receipt of such request. SECTION 8 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 8.01 It is expressly understood and agreed that Association shall perform all work and services described herein as an independent contractor and not as an officer, agent, servant or employee of the Town; that Association shall have exclusive control of the details of the services and work performed hereunder, and all persons performing the same; and shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors; that the doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between the Town and Association, its officers, agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors; and that nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between the Town and Contractor. No person performing any of the work and services described hereunder shall be considered an officer, agent, servant or employee of the Town. SECTION 9 LICENSES AND PERMITS 9.01 Association shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, as well as with all regulations, restrictions, and requirements of the Police, Fire, and Code Compliance Departments now or hereafter in effect which are applicable to its Services. Association shall obtain and keep in effect at its own cost and expense all licenses and permits, and pay all taxes incurred or required in connection with this Agreement and its Services hereunder. SECTION 10 LIENS 10.01 Association agrees not to take any action that would result in the creation of any lien on Town property. In the event that a lien is filed, as a result of any action of Association, Association will take all necessary steps to bond around or remove the lien within ten (10) days of its filing. SECTION 11 TERMINATION AND DEFAULT 11.01 Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause by the giving of 30 (thirty) days' notice in writing to the other party. Streetscape Maintenance Agreement Page 5 of 12 11.02 Association shall be in default under this Agreement if Association breaches any term or condition of this Agreement and such breach remain uncured after thirty (30) calendar days following receipt of written notice from the Town referencing this Agreement or within a time period otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing. After notice and opportunity to cure as provided in this Agreement, the Town shall have the right, and without further notice, to declare this Agreement immediately terminated and to enter into and take full possession of the Area save and except such personal property and equipment as may be owned by Association. In the event of such termination of this Agreement by the Town, all rights and privileges of Association hereunder shall cease and terminate and Association shall immediately vacate the Area and remove any and all personal property belonging to the Association. SECTION 12 NOTICES 12.01 Any notice required shall be sufficient if deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed to the other party as follows: TOWN: ASSOCIATION: Town of Westlake Circle T Ranch Phase III Association 1500 Solana Blvd. Attn: L. Russell Laughlin Bldg. 7, Suite 7200 9800 Hillwood Parkway, Suite 300 Westlake, Texas 76262 Fort Worth, Texas 76177 12.02 Mailing of all notices pursuant to this Section shall be deemed sufficient if mailed postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed as specified above, unless either party has been notified in writing of any changes to such address(es) or addressee(s). All time periods related to any notice requirements specified in this Agreement shall commence on the date notice is mailed, unless otherwise set forth in this Agreement. SECTION 13 VENUE AND JURISDICTION 13.01 If any action, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, arises on the basis of any provision of this Agreement, venue for such action shall lie in state courts located in Tarrant County, Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas — Fort Worth Division. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. SECTION 14 ASSIGNMENT 14.01 Association shall have the right to subcontract for the provision of any Services authorized hereunder. The existence of a subcontract shall not relieve Association of any responsibility or liability to the Town under this Agreement. Otherwise, Association may not assign, transfer or convey any of its duties and responsibilities under this Agreement to another party without the advance written approval of the Town and execution by such party of a written agreement with the Streetscape Maintenance Agreement Page 6 of 12 Town under which such party agrees to be bound by the duties and obligations of Association under this Agreement. SECTION 15 FORCE MAJEURE 15.01 If either Party is unable, either in whole or part, to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement due to acts of God; strikes, lockouts, or other industrial disturbances; acts of public enemies; wars; blockades; insurrections; riots; epidemics; public health crises; earthquakes; fires; floods; restraints or prohibitions by any court, board, department, commission, or agency of the United States or of any state; declaration of a state of disaster or of emergency by the federal, state, county, or Town government in accordance with applicable law; issuance of an Imminent Threat Alert or Elevated Threat Alert by the United States Department of Homeland Security or any equivalent alert system that may be instituted by any agency of the United States; any arrests and restraints; civil disturbances; or explosions; or some other reason beyond the Party's reasonable control (collectively, "Force Majeure Event"), the obligations so affected by such Force Majeure Event will be suspended only during the continuance of such event. If a Force Majeure Event occurs, the Town may, in its sole discretion, close or postpone the opening of its community centers, parks, or other Town -owned and operated properties and facilities in the interest of public safety and operate them as the Town sees fit. Association hereby waives any and all claims it may have against the Town for damages resulting from any such Force Majeure Event. SECTION 16 NO WAIVER 16.01 The failure of either parry to insist upon the performance of any term or provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right granted hereunder shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to insist upon appropriate performance or to assert any such right on any future occasion. SECTION 17 INTERPRETATION 17.01 In the event of any dispute over the meaning or application of any provision of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be interpreted fairly and reasonably, and neither more strongly for or against any party, regardless of the actual drafter of this Agreement. SECTION 18 CAPTIONS 18.01 Captions and headings used in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not be deemed a part of this Agreement. SECTION 19 ENTIRETY OF AGREEMENT 19.01 This Agreement, including any exhibits attached hereto and any documents incorporated herein by reference, contains the entire understanding and agreement between the Town and Association as to the matters contained herein. Any prior or contemporaneous oral or written Streetscape Maintenance Agreement Page 7 of 12 agreement is hereby declared null and void to the extent it is in conflict with any provision of this Agreement. SECTION 20 ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES AND COUNTERPARTS 20.01 This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original, but all of which shall constitute one instrument. 20.02 This Agreement may be executed by electronic signature, which will be considered as an original signature for all purposes and have the same force and effect as an original signature. For these purposes, "electronic signature" means electronically scanned and transmitted versions (e.g. via pdf file or facsimile transmission) of an original signature, or signatures electronically inserted via software such as Adobe Sign. SECTION 21 ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING 21.01 This Agreement, including all exhibits attached hereto, constitutes the final, entire, and complete agreement between Association and the Town and supersedes any prior and contemporaneous negotiations, understandings, representations, and agreements between the parties. Any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreement that purports to vary from the terms hereof shall be void. This Agreement cannot be modified or amended without the written consent of all the parties hereto and attached and made a part of this Agreement. 21.02 Neither this Agreement nor any provision hereof may be modified except by an instrument in writing, signed by the parties. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. Streetscape Maintenance Agreement Page 8 of 12 EXECUTED to be effective on the Effective Date set forth above. TOWN OF WESTLAKE CIRCLE T RANCH PHASE HI ASSOCIATION a Texas non-profit corporation L. I a � ' Press en StreaseW Maintenance Agreement Page 9 of 12 EXHIBIT "A" RIGHT-OF-WAY AREA Streetscape Maintenance Agreement Page 10 of 12 EXHIBIT "B" LIGHTING PLAN Streetscape Maintenance Agreement Page 11 of 12 EXHIBIT "C" MEDIAN AREA Streetscape Maintenance Agreement Page 12 of 12 EXHIBIT "A " BASIS OF BEARING IS THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202,NAD83 IRS -IRON ROD SET IRF -IRON ROD FOUND (7\'� 0 200 400 \� GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET \ "INTEGRALPARTS OFTHISDOCUMENT'' I Point of Beginning 1DESCRIPTION ' 2, EXHIBIT I Page \I � S?So / IRS,3 .54' RS I f 5/8,IRF — — CS Kinross Lake -fS 75'S0'49 E ? Parkway LLC Y IRS IRF 4OJ7� ; (tract 21 S17010'09"W Inst. 2016-64I07 R.P.R.D.C. T. 51.58' N I Westlake Retail I 0.964 5����y ( Associates, LTD. Acres 27" 34'41"W Inst." 98-RO118649 =u 160.61' K� G�p a R.P.R.D.C.T. I IRS / z J�55E C ON 0? IRF TBPLS N170 25'21"E 8.75' CS Kinross Lake l Parkway LLC i (tract 1) Inst." 2016-64107 j R. P.R.D. C. T. 1 �oF ��Z.t' I i No. 10177700 a - 29' 11'26" HW 2421 Land L.P. R - 517.88' (Parcel1) LC- S42°8 0'23"W Inst.tt 2009-55583 261.00' R.P.R.D.C.T. NUM��, \15h AST Exhibit "A" Right -of -Way Dedication SCHWAB WAY SITUATED IN THE JESSE SUTTON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1154, TOWN OF WESTLAKE, DENTON COUNTY,TEXAS. c I EXHIBIT "A" BASIS OF BEARING IS THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD83, NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202. CURVE TABLE NO. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH BEARING DISTANCE C1 010 24'13" 1315.00' 32.21' N 89° 17'43" E 32.21' C2 28° 28' 29" 400.97' 199.27' N 290 10' 36" E 197.23' State�lg` � f _`. I CS Kinross Lake Parkway, LLC (tract 2) inst." 2016-64107 0 300 600 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET "INTEGRAL PARTS OF THIS DOCUMENT" ,.DESCRIPTION - 2 pages 2. EXHIBIT - I page Point of L 3 Beginning IJRF) R.P.R.D.C.T, 1 LRF sq`� WESTLAKE RETAIL ASSOCIATES, LTD. �I 42° 37'54" I F1 3 _ INST.• 98 RO118649 t' � R L - 412.38' 306.83' 1 rn c` R_P.R.D.C.T, O' LC- N580 40'52"E IRF V gI 299.80' ya ,0 co C1 N890 59'49"E 1513.64' IRS IRS IRS_ ���� N00° 58'15"W 100.00, ITT F S8.9° 59'49"W A - 010 26'22" R - 1215.00' L e 30,52' LC- S89 16'38"W 30.52' ` I/ J- r./ 10177 1513.64' CS Kinross Loke Parkway, LLC (troc t 1) lns t.. 2016 -6410.7 R. P. R. D. C. T. Exhibit "A" Right -of -Way Dedication A a 33° 59'06" R 512.38' L - 303.92' LC= S730 00'16"W 2.99.48' 1 Coo, 1 � LINE TABLE HW 2421 Land L-P (Parcel 1) Inst.o 2009-55583 R. P. R. D. C. T. �co� P NO. BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 13°26'29"E 91.19' L2 N 17010'09"E 32.91' L3 S 75023'35"E 9.46' SCHWAB WAY SITUATED IN THE JESSE SUTTON SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 1154 AND THE RICHARD EADS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 393,TOWN OF WESTLAKE, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. Copyright© 2019 Peloton Land Solutions. Inc a N q co m m cam 0 3 CO 0 EXHIBIT "A" O VXT ' 0 200 400 , 0•a/' GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET "INTEGRAL PARTS OF THIS DOCUMENT" / 1. DESCRIPTION 2. EXHIBIT / J V) �a / a a �! > In a l i In I 3 I ( I z + - I I I V F a, I < IRS � t• I I I .l. •O I rO' qJ �O 3II1 I IRF / I 115' Water Line Easement ;4i Inst.- 2018-5917 p �� R.P.R.D.C.T. Dryer. > \N78" 10'34"E \\26.87' tia Utility Easement Ins L�. D218014506 C.R. T. T. I Margaret B. Lee Ins t. 4 D20830806 7 C.R. T.C. T. T8PLS Firm Reg No. 10177700 BASIS OF BEARING IS THE TEXAS COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD83, NORTH CENTRAL ZONE 4202. WESTLAKE RETAIL ASSOCIATES, LTD. INST.• 98-0118649 R.P.R.D.C.T. A - 55° 25'03" R - 1315.00' L - 1271.89' LC- N60° 53'05"E 1222.89' 20' Easement Reservation 11 �pct / Inst.- 2016-64107 R.P.R.D.C.T. 55° 22'54" / R - 1215.00' / L 1174.41' / LC- S60° 52'01"W / 1129.22' / / / / CS Kinross Loke Parkway, LLC !tract 0 Inst." 2016-64107 R.P.R.D.C. T. _ LINE TABLE L1 N56°49'26"W 119,00' \. \IR \ RS Point of Beginning PK rial� : • IRS \N33lt734 E W/ SHINER ` <' . �L 2929' \� \\ Utility Easement Point Of\\ Vol. 4247, Pg.2908 Commencing ° , \\\ C,R.T.C.T. Margaret B. Lee h.; �p '�•\\\\\ Inst.11 D208308067 C.R. T.C. T. S00" 58'15"E 100.00, Exhibit "A" Right -of -Way Dedication Schwab Way SITUATED IN THE RICHARD EADS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 393,TOWN OF WESTLAKE, DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS. 976 0E — 3052' 1@ 2019 Peloton Land Solutions, Inc N 6 N it W a a s 0 0 K1 CONDUIT FOR FUTURE USE R-65 R-54 (EMPTY) " % STA 21+72, 46 RT s STA 22+55, 46 RT s y s n EX. 2" EMPTY CONDUIT ---------------- DO '£z 00 ZZ s •s n :a n :a n 3 EX. GROUND BOX SA R-53 STA 21+9, 46 RT ., . ., STA 22+15, 46 LT STA 21+ 36, 46 LT Y V. " cA TURE USE SA EXHIBIT "B" EX. 2" EMPTY CONDUIT ----— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 7 ----- ------- ----- ------------------------ LIJ LIJ A LIJ L1J - -52 R-51 1 1 R-50 I I STA 20+29, 46 RT I I I I I r� I l � )0 6Z J I I 1 I STA 20+ 63, 46 LT -62 I A L J STA 19+ 73, 46 LT R-61--i STA 19+51, 46 RT STA 18+71, 46 RT i STA 18+ 91, 47 LT R-60 —1 I I .A R-38 STA 18+71, 46 RT I It- STA I I 11 1 I I I 18+ 11, 56 LT I I I I I I — I I I I 11— R-59- R-37 VLIVLI\f1L IVV I LJ . R-30 STA 16+78, 46 RT STA 16+18, 46 RT ----------------- — R-47 EX. 2" EMPTY CONDUI R-48 I I I 3" EMPTY CONDUI i l ------------ 11 I R-56 T STA 16+ 37, 56 LT I I NEW 240/480V PAD -MOUNTED SINGLE PHASE TnnInrnnnern 1. PROVIDE LIGHTING CIRCUITS THROUGH PHOTOCELL/TIME CLOCK CONTROLS ON PROPOSED PANEL P3. 2. ALL CONDUITS SHALL AVOID TREE WELLS AND DAMAGE TO EXISTING TREES. 3. INSTALL ALL CONDUIT LOCATED UNDER PAVING PRIOR TO PAVING. INSTALL UNDER SIDEWALK WHERE INDICATED AND ROUTE AS SHOWN. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHTS, PEDESTALS, CONDUIT, CONDUCTOR, GROUND BOXES, AND OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICES AS INDICATED IN THE DRAWING. 5. POLE FOUNDATIONS SHALL MAINTAIN MINIMUM CLEARANCE FROM WATER LINES AND FIRE HYDRANTS. 6. ALL CONDUITS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVC AND SHALL BE BURIED AT 301, DEPTH ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. INSTALL PER DETAIL 2 ON SHEET SL-5. 7. ALL J-BOXES SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF. 8. COORDINATE AND INSTALL ALL NECESSARY DEVICES AS DIRECTED BY TRICOUNTY FOR SERVICE TO NEW PEDESTALS. 9. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDUIT INDICATED. 10. STREET LIGHTS TO BE MAINTAINED BY PRIVATE OWNER ASSOCIATION. NEW 120/240V PAD -MOUNTED SINGLE PHASE STA 15+44, 46 RT --------L-------------r---- STA 14+ 85, 46 LT R-55 --\ 3 I. W Z_ J U Q -------------- C� G CALL BEFORE YOU DIG NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE FOLLOWING AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING IN THIS AREA: TEXAS 811 1-800-344-8377 TOWN OF WESTLAKE 817-430-0941 ATMOS GAS 888-286-6700 TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY 1-800-316-2135 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 1-800-344-8377 TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC 1-800-431-1541 FOR OTHER FACILITIES 1-800-344-8377 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL LEGEND 20' POLE, FULL CUTOFF POST -TOP LED FIXTURE - SEE NOTE 1. P3 PAD -MOUNTED STREET LIGHT PEDESTAL - SEE NOTE 2. 0 GROUND BOX - SEE NOTE 3. ❑T 120/240V OR 240/480V UTILITY TRANSFORMER UTILITY HAND HOLE BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS, SIZES AS INDICATED OEXTERIOR RATED WEATHERPROOF JUNCTION BOX GFCI RECEPTACLE WITH WEATHERPROOF IN -USE COVER, WHERE NOTED (REFERENCE ONLY) LEGEND NOTES: 1. DECORATIVE STREET LIGHT LUMINAIRE: (1) LED, POST -TOP MOUNT, TYPES'SA'. REFER TO FIXTURE SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. VOLTAGE: PROVIDE AUTO -SENSING 120V-277V DRIVER. FIXTURES WIRED AT 240V. 2. CONCRETE PAD -MOUNT PEDESTAL PEDESTAL: (1) 100A, 240/480V SINGLE PHASE PAD -MOUNTED PEDESTAL WITH APPROVED TRI-COUNTY TRANSOCKET INTEGRAL METER, INTEGRAL PHOTOCELL, CONTACTOR FOR LIGHTING LOADS, 6 - 20A/1P AVAILABLE CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR LIGHTING CIRCUITS. 3. GROUND BOX DIMENSIONS: REFERENCE DETAIL SHEET SL5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THOMAS E. WILSON, P.E., 127691 ON 3/6/2019 IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, OR PERMIT PURPOSES. Baird, Hampton Brown, 13�nc. Engineering 8c Surveying 6300 Ridglea Place, Suite 700 Fort Worth, TX 76116 Tel (817)338-1277 Fax (817)338-9245 E—Mail: mail®bhbinc.com BHB PROJECT # 2017.007.004 TEXAS REGISTRATION # F-44 TBPLS FIRM # 1001130 O 0 40 80 SCALE: 1" = 40' SUMMARY OF CONDUIT AND CABLES RUN NO. CONDUIT x a 2 ax I— 3 X LU o a r-I O x* v v=i 0 Z]_ o 0 'q � *t C7 z_ 1- lD J x* Q z_ _ I- 00 J *t Q J a J G D LU Y CS SIZE (IN) LENGTH (FEET) OVERHEAD (OH) BORE (B) PROP. EXIST. TRENCH (T) 1 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A 3 1 80 T 2 1 A 4 1 80 T 2 1 A 5 1 145 T 2 1 A 6 1 65 T 2 1 A 7 1 80 T 2 1 A 8 1 85 T 2 1 A 9 1 140 T 2 1 A 10 1 155 T 2 1 A 11 1 125 T 2 1 A 12 N/A N/A 13 N/A N/A 14 N/A N/A 15 N/A N/A 16 1 85 T 2 1 B 17 1 80 T 2 1 B 18 1 130 T 2 1 B 19 N/A N/A 20 1 125 T 2 1 B 21 1 45 T 45 B(FUTURE) 22 1 115 T 2 1 B 23 N/A N/A 24 1 75 T 2 1 B 25 1 65 T 2 1 B 26 1 70 T 2 1 B 27 1 90 T 2 1 B 28 1 65 T 2 1 A 29 N/A N/A 30 2 110 T 2 1 D 31 1 80 T 2 1 A 32 1 85 T 2 1 A 33 1 105 T 2 1 A 34 1 80 T 2 1 A 35 1 80 T 2 1 A 36 1 80 T 2 1 A 37 1 5 T 2 1 C 38 1 65 T 2 1 D 39 1 75 T 2 1 B 40 1 85 T 2 1 B 41 1 90 T 2 1 B 42 1 85 T 2 1 B 43 N/A N/A 44 1 125 T 2 1 B 45 1 100 T 2 1 B 46 1 1 80 1 T 2 1 B 47 1 65 T 2 1 B 48 2 60 4 2 B, D 49 1 20 T 2 1 B 50 1 85 T 2 1 D 51 1 85 T 2 1 D 52 1 85 T 2 1 D 53 1 65 T 2 1 D 54 1 90 T 2 1 D 55 1 155 T 2 1 A 56 2 40 4 2 B, D 57 2 115 2 1 C 58 2 20 T 8 4 A,B,C,D 59 1 85 T 2 1 C 60 1 90 T 2 1 C 61 1 90 T 2 1 C 62 1 80 T 2 1 C 63 1 85 T 2 1 C 64 1 75 T 75 C(FUTURE) 65 1 85 T 85 D(FUTURE) CABLE TOTALS (LF) 1 9320 4660 205 CONDUIT QUANTITIES (LF) 1" TRENCH = 4360 2" TRENCH = 20 1" BORE = NA 2" BORE = NA � 0"Ar mE I I owl I S noli OIIVVLC rnMOF TRANSFORMER CALL BEFORE YOU DIG GENERAL NOTES: 1. PROVIDE LIGHTING CIRCUITS THROUGH PHOTOCELUTIME CLOCK CONTROLS ON PROPOSED PANEL P3. 2. ALL CONDUITS SHALL AVOID TREE WELLS AND DAMAGE TO EXISTING TREES. 3. INSTALL ALL CONDUIT LOCATED UNDER PAVING PRIOR TO PAVING. INSTALL UNDER SIDEWALK WHERE INDICATED AND ROUTE AS SHOWN. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHTS, PEDESTALS, CONDUIT, CONDUCTOR, GROUND BOXES, AND OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICES AS INDICATED IN THE DRAWING. 5. POLE FOUNDATIONS SHALL MAINTAIN MINIMUM CLEARANCE FROM WATER LINES AND FIRE HYDRANTS. 6. ALL CONDUITS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVC AND SHALL BE BURIED AT 301, DEPTH ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. INSTALL PER DETAIL 2 ON SHEET SL-5. 7. ALL J-BOXES SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF. 8. COORDINATE AND INSTALL ALL NECESSARY DEVICES AS DIRECTED BY TRICOUNTY FOR SERVICE TO NEW PEDESTALS. 9. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDUIT INDICATED. 10. STREET LIGHTS TO BE MAINTAINED BY PRIVATE OWNER ASSOCIATION. 11. REFER TO POWER PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE FOLLOWING AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING IN THIS AREA: TEXAS 811 1-800-344-8377 TOWN OF WESTLAKE ATMOS GAS TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC FOR OTHER FACILITIES ELECTRICAL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 817-430-0941 888-286-6700 1-800-316-2135 1-800-344-8377 1-800-431-1541 1-800-344-8377 20' POLE, FULL CUTOFF POST -TOP LED FIXTURE - SEE NOTE 1. P3 PAD -MOUNTED STREET LIGHT PEDESTAL - SEE NOTE 2. GROUND BOX - SEE NOTE 3. ❑T 120/240V OR 240/480V UTILITY TRANSFORMER UTILITY HAND HOLE BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS, SIZES AS INDICATED OEXTERIOR RATED WEATHERPROOF JUNCTION BOX 6 GFCI RECEPTACLE WITH WEATHERPROOF IN -USE COVER, WHERE NOTED (REFERENCE ONLY) LEGEND NOTES: 1. DECORATIVE STREET LIGHT LUMINAIRE: (1) LED, POST -TOP MOUNT, TYPES'SA'. REFER TO FIXTURE SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. VOLTAGE: PROVIDE AUTO -SENSING 120V-277V DRIVER. FIXTURES WIRED AT 240V. 2. CONCRETE PAD -MOUNT PEDESTAL PEDESTAL: (1) 100A, 240/480V SINGLE PHASE PAD -MOUNTED PEDESTAL WITH APPROVED TRI-COUNTY TRANSOCKET INTEGRAL METER, INTEGRAL PHOTOCELL, CONTACTOR FOR LIGHTING LOADS, 6 - 20A/1 P AVAILABLE CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR LIGHTING CIRCUITS. 3. GROUND BOX DIMENSIONS: REFERENCE DETAIL SHEET SL5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THOMAS E. WILSON, P.E., 127691 ON 3/6/2019 IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, OR PERMIT PURPOSES. Baird, Hampton Brown, nc, 49 mm Engineering 8c Surveying 6300 Ridglea Place, Suite 700 Fort Worth, TX 76116 Tel (817)338-1277 Fax (817)338-9245 E—Mail: mail®bhbinc.com BHB PROJECT # 2017.007.004 TEXAS REGISTRATION # F-44 TBPLS FIRM # 1001130 O 0 40 80 SCALE: 1" = 40' EXHIBIT "B" CALL BEFORE YOU DIG NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE FOLLOWING AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING IN THIS AREA: TEXAS 811 1-800-344-8377 TOWN OF WESTLAKE 817-430-0941 ATMOS GAS 888-286-6700 TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY 1-800-316-2135 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 1-800-344-8377 TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC 1-800-431-1541 FOR OTHER FACILITIES 1-800-344-8377 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL LEGEND 20' POLE, FULL CUTOFF POST -TOP LED FIXTURE - SEE NOTE 1. P3 PAD -MOUNTED STREET LIGHT PEDESTAL - SEE NOTE 2. 0 GROUND BOX - SEE NOTE 3. FTI 120/240V OR 240/480V UTILITY TRANSFORMER UTILITY HAND HOLE BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS, SIZES AS INDICATED OEXTERIOR RATED WEATHERPROOF JUNCTION BOX GFCI RECEPTACLE WITH WEATHERPROOF IN -USE COVER, WHERE NOTED (REFERENCE ONLY) LEGEND NOTES: 1. DECORATIVE STREET LIGHT LUMINAIRE: (1) LED, POST -TOP MOUNT, TYPES'SA'. REFER TO FIXTURE SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. VOLTAGE: PROVIDE AUTO -SENSING 120V-277V DRIVER. FIXTURES WIRED AT 240V. 2. EXISTING PAD -MOUNT PEDESTAL'PT LOCATED AT STATION, 16+90, 57 LT. PEDESTAL: (1) 100A, 240/480V SINGLE PHASE PAD -MOUNTED PEDESTAL WITH APPROVED TRI-COUNTY TRANSOCKET INTEGRAL METER, INTEGRAL PHOTOCELL, CONTACTOR FOR LIGHTING LOADS, 6 - 20A/1 P AVAILABLE CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR LIGHTING CIRCUITS. 3. GROUND BOX DIMENSIONS: REFERENCE DETAIL SHEET SL5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. NOTE BY SYMBOLS: 1. EXTEND AND CONNECT NEW CONDUCTORS IN EXISTING CONDUIT TO NEW LIGHTING CIRCUIT. GENERAL NOTES: 1. PROVIDE LIGHTING CIRCUITS THROUGH PHOTOCELUTIME CLOCK CONTROLS ON EXISTING PANEL P3. 2. ALL CONDUITS SHALL AVOID TREE WELLS AND DAMAGE TO EXISTING TREES. 3. INSTALL ALL CONDUIT LOCATED UNDER PAVING PRIOR TO PAVING. INSTALL UNDER SIDEWALK WHERE INDICATED AND ROUTE AS SHOWN. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHTS, PEDESTALS, CONDUIT, CONDUCTOR, GROUND BOXES, AND OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICES AS INDICATED IN THE DRAWING. 5. POLE FOUNDATIONS SHALL MAINTAIN MINIMUM CLEARANCE FROM WATER LINES AND FIRE HYDRANTS. 6. ALL CONDUITS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVC AND SHALL BE BURIED AT 30" DEPTH ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. INSTALL PER DETAIL 2 ON SHEET SL-5. 7. ALL J-BOXES SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF. 8. COORDINATE AND INSTALL ALL NECESSARY DEVICES AS DIRECTED BY TRICOUNTY FOR SERVICE TO NEW PEDESTALS. 9. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDUIT INDICATED. 10. STREET LIGHTS TO BE MAINTAINED BY PRIVATE OWNER ASSOCIATION. O THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THOMAS E. WILSON, P.E., 127691 ON 7/17/2019 IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, OR PERMIT PURPOSES. Baird, Hampton & Brown nc, f3mmBEngineering & Surveying 6300 Ridglea Place, Suite 700 Fort Worth, TX 76116 Tel (817)338-1277 Fax (817)338-9245 E—Mail: mailObhbinc.com BHB PROJECT # 2017.007.004 TEXAS REGISTRATION # F-44 TBPLS FIRM # 1001130 0 40 80 SCALE: 1" = 40' SUMMARY OF CONDUIT AND CABLES RUN NO. 'R' CONDUIT ,�; a u H Z 3 oc c a rl O u Ulu ? p Z ? c O 'q c7 2 > Z_ W _j xt a 2 5' Z 00 _j u a 12 oZ—c J p W a p v Y 00 v d SIZE (IN) LENGTH (FEET) OVERHEAD (OH) BORE(B) PROP. EXIST. TRENCH (T) 1 1" 105 T 2 1 2 1" 85 T 2 1 3 1" 85 T 2 1 4 1" 85 T 2 1 5 1" 130 T 2 1 6 1" 85 T 2 1 7 1" 85 T 2 1 8 1" 305 T 2 1 9 1" 85 T 2 1 10 1" 130 T 2 1 11 1" 85 T 2 1 12 1" 80 T 2 1 13 1" 90 T 2 1 14 1" 85 T 2 1 15 1" 120 T 2 1 16 1" 85 T 2 1 17 1" 85 T 2 1 18 1" 85 T 2 1 19 1" 85 T 2 1 20 1" 85 T 2 1 21 1" 105 T 2 1 22 1" 85 T 2 1 23 1" 85 T 2 1 24 1" 85 T 2 1 25 1" 85 T 2 1 26 1" 85 T 2 1 27 1" 85 T 2 1 28 1" 310 T 2 1 29 1" 85 T 2 1 30 1" 85 T 2 1 31 1" 110 T 2 1 32 1" 85 T 2 1 33 1" 85 T 2 1 34 1" 170 T 2 1 CABLE TOTALS (LF) 7220 3610 0 CON DU ITQUANTITIES (LF) V TRENCH = 3610 2" TRENCH = NA 1" BORE = NA 2" BORE = NA STA 39+44, 44 RT �4 STA 38+62, 45 RT STA 36+66, 45 RT R-1 STA 37+82, 45 RT 7R-1 / �4 / 00 A STA 38+25, 47 LT R-17 . /STA /39+3, 47 LT R-18 STA 39+85, 47 LT R-19 EXHIBIT "B" STA 35+89, 46 RT R-1 STA 37+45, 46 LT R-1 STA 35+5, 46 RT STA 36+42, 47 LT R-20 R-21 STA 33+56, 46 RT R-1 STA 34+33, 46 RT R-12 STA 33+98, 46 LT STA 34+78, 46 LT 1 STA 35+61, 46 LT I -.&A R-1 R-24 NEW 120/240V PAD -MOUNTED SINGLE PHASE R-23 TRANSFORMER W STA 31+55, 46 RT STA AG DT STA 32+30, 48 LT V\ R-26 STA 33+12, 46 LT 004im GENERAL NOTES: CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1. PROVIDE LIGHTING CIRCUITS THROUGH PHOTOCELUTIME CLOCK CONTROLS ON EXISTING PANEL P3. 2. ALL CONDUITS SHALL AVOID TREE WELLS AND DAMAGE TO EXISTING TREES. 3. INSTALL ALL CONDUIT LOCATED UNDER PAVING PRIOR TO PAVING. INSTALL UNDER SIDEWALK WHERE INDICATED AND ROUTE AS SHOWN. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STREET LIGHTS, PEDESTALS, CONDUIT, CONDUCTOR, GROUND BOXES, AND OTHER ELECTRICAL DEVICES AS INDICATED IN THE DRAWING. 5. POLE FOUNDATIONS SHALL MAINTAIN MINIMUM CLEARANCE FROM WATER LINES AND FIRE HYDRANTS. 6. ALL CONDUITS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVC AND SHALL BE BURIED AT 301, DEPTH ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. INSTALL PER DETAIL 2 ON SHEET SL-5. 7. ALL J-BOXES SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF. 8. COORDINATE AND INSTALL ALL NECESSARY DEVICES AS DIRECTED BY TRICOUNTY FOR SERVICE TO NEW PEDESTALS. 9. FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDUIT INDICATED. 10. STREET LIGHTS TO BE MAINTAINED BY PRIVATE OWNER ASSOCIATION. 11. REFER TO POWER PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE FOLLOWING AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATING IN THIS AREA: TEXAS 811 1-800-344-8377 TOWN OF WESTLAKE 817-430-0941 ATMOS GAS 888-286-6700 TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY 1-800-316-2135 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 1-800-344-8377 TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC 1-800-431-1541 FOR OTHER FACILITIES 1-800-344-8377 ELECTRICAL LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 20' POLE, FULL CUTOFF POST -TOP LED FIXTURE - SEE NOTE 1. P3 PAD -MOUNTED STREET LIGHT PEDESTAL - SEE NOTE 2. 0 GROUND BOX - SEE NOTE 3. 120/240V OR 240/480V UTILITY TRANSFORMER UTILITY HAND HOLE BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUIT AND CONDUCTORS, SIZES AS INDICATED OEXTERIOR RATED WEATHERPROOF JUNCTION BOX GFCI RECEPTACLE WITH WEATHERPROOF IN -USE COVER, WHERE NOTED (REFERENCE ONLY) LEGEND NOTES: 1. DECORATIVE STREET LIGHT LUMINAIRE: (1) LED, POST -TOP MOUNT, TYPES'SA'. REFER TO FIXTURE SCHEDULE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. VOLTAGE: PROVIDE AUTO -SENSING 120V-277V DRIVER. FIXTURES WIRED AT 240V. 2. EXISTING PAD -MOUNT PEDESTAL PEDESTAL: (1) 100A, 240/480V SINGLE PHASE PAD -MOUNTED PEDESTAL WITH APPROVED TRI-COUNTY TRANSOCKET INTEGRAL METER, INTEGRAL PHOTOCELL, CONTACTOR FOR LIGHTING LOADS, 6 - 20A/1P AVAILABLE CIRCUIT BREAKERS FOR LIGHTING CIRCUITS. 3. GROUND BOX DIMENSIONS: REFERENCE DETAIL SHEET SL5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERIM REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THOMAS E. WILSON, P.E., 127691 ON 7/17/2019 IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, OR PERMIT PURPOSES. Baird, Hampton & Brown nc, f3mmBEngineering & Surveying 6300 Ridglea Place, Suite 700 Fort Worth, TX 76116 Tel (817)338-1277 Fax (817)338-9245 E—Mail: mailObhbinc.com BHB PROJECT # 2017.007.004 TEXAS REGISTRATION # F-44 TBPLS FIRM # 1001130 O 0 40 80 SCALE: 1" = 40' E L�7 C 5 studio mOutside 3 2 (CONCEPT RENDERING) TEAM CLIENT H I LLWOOD 9800 HILLWOOD PKWY. #300, FORT WORTH, TX 76177 214.303.5535 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT STUDIO OUTSIDE SALVADOR I M PASTATO 824 EXPOSITION AVE., STE. 5 DALLAS, TX 75226 214.954.7160 CIVIL ENGINEER PELOTON LAND SOLUTIONS JONATHAN RAGSDALE 9800 H I LLWOOD PKWY. #250, FORT WORTH, TX 76177 817.562.3350 EXHIBIT C IRRIGATION HINES INC. EDWARD WRANOSKY 323 WEST DRAKE ROAD, SUITE 204 FORT COLLINS, CO 80526 970.282.1800 SCHWAB WAY STR TSCAPE DESIGN CIVIL SHEET INDEX L0.00 - SHEET INDEX C001 - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES C101 -SIDEWALK DIMENSIONAL CONTROL PLAN C102 - PAVING SECTIONS C103 - SIDEWALK AND RAMP DETAILS (PHASE 01) WESTLAKE, TEXAS Drawings Issued *k CN *k :t- M — E N E � C a C > � U o � m -0 m co -0 m N N N N N N CD C:) N ao N N co N C) O Q Q O z LL m • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • C201 - SIGNAGE PLAN • • • • • • C202 - SIGNAGE DETAILS • • • • • • 1 C301 - PEDESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT KEY MAP • • • SU - STREET LIGHT PLAN SL2 - STREET LIGHT PLAN SL3 - STREET LIGHT DETAILS SL4 - POWER PLAN SL5 - STREET LIGHT DETAILS LANDSCAPE SHEET INDEX L0.00 -SHEET INDEX L0.01 -GENERAL NOTES &MATERIALS LEGEND L0.02 -OVERALL SITE PLAN L5.00 - PLANTING LEGEND & DETAILS L5.01 - LANDSCAPE PLAN L5.02 - LANDSCAPE PLAN L5.03 - LANDSCAPE PLAN L5.04 - LANDSCAPE PLAN L5.05 - LANDSCAPE PLAN ❑00000❑ 00000011 0000001C EMM00011 ���000❑ 3 L6.00 - IRRIGATION LEGEND & NOTES • • • • • • • L6.01 - IRRIGATION PLAN • • • • • • • L6.02 - IRRIGATION PLAN • • • • • • • L6.03 - IRRIGATION PLAN • • • • • • • L6.04 - IRRIGATION PLAN • • • • • • • L6.05 - IRRIGATION PLAN • • • • • • • L6.06 - IRRIGATION DETAILS • • • • • • • L6.07 - IRRIGATION DETAILS • • • • • • • L7.01 -PHOTOMETRIC PLAN • • • • • • L7.02 -PHOTOMETRIC PLAN • • • • • • L7.03 -PHOTOMETRIC PLAN • • • • • • L7.04 -PHOTOMETRIC PLAN • • • • • • L7.05 -PHOTOMETRIC PLAN • • • • • • 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWOOD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 01) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMITTAL) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 08.21.2018 DESIGN REVIEW 08.28.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET 10.26.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 11.30.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 01.28.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 02.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 01) 02.19.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 03.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 02) Seal Q�)VWDSC4,t Qpp. - 1 M,o9 y� oC���Dni 4) UO3.04.2019 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title SHEET INDEX Issue Date: 03.04.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. LOOOO 1 E D C 41 0 1 E D C B A 5 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 01) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMITTAL) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 08.21.2018 DESIGN REVIEW 08.28.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET 10.26.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 11.30.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 01.28.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 02.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 01) 02.19.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 03.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 02) Seal Q:,�\INIOSCgpF9 P O �N>►_ 1) UO3.04.2019 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title LANDSCAPE PLAN Issue Date: 03.04.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L5mOl E D C B A E FBI C 5 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY ° STREETSCAPE 3 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 01) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMITTAL) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 08.21.2018 DESIGN REVIEW 08.28.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET 10.26.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 11.30.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 01.28.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 02.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 01) 02.19.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 03.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 02) Seal Q:,�\INIOSCgpF9 P O �Nj•_ 1) UO3.04.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside IM Drawing Title LANDSCAPE PLAN Issue Date: 03.04.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L5002 E D C B E FBI C 5 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY ° STREETSCAPE 3 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 01) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMITTAL) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 08.21.2018 DESIGN REVIEW 08.28.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET 10.26.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 11.30.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 01.28.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 02.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 01) 02.19.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 03.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 02) Seal Q:,�\INIOSCgpF9 P O �Nj•_ 1) UO3.04.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside IM Drawing Title LANDSCAPE PLAN Issue Date: 03.04.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L5mO5 E D C B E FBI C 5 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY ° STREETSCAPE 3 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 01) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMITTAL) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 08.21.2018 DESIGN REVIEW 08.28.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET 10.26.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 11.30.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 01.28.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 02.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 01) 02.19.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 03.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 02) Seal Q:,�\INIOSCgpF9 P O �Nj•_ 1) UO3.04.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside IM Drawing Title LANDSCAPE PLAN Issue Date: 03.04.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L5004 E D C B E FBI C 5 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY ° STREETSCAPE 3 INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 01) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMITTAL) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 08.21.2018 DESIGN REVIEW 08.28.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET 10.26.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 11.30.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 01.28.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 02.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 01) 02.19.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 0 03.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 02) Seal Q:,�\INIOSCgpF9 P O �Nj•_ 1) UO3.04.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside IM Drawing Title LANDSCAPE PLAN Issue Date: 03.04.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L5.05 E D C B E 54 NTH pW Y C L_ _J O F FRONT44 FUTURE 4 — KEY MAP 3 2 1 J 0 � SCHWAB WAY---7 D a CHARLES SCHWAB FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FUTURE IMPROVEMENT NOTE ANY FUTURE IMPROVEMENT SHOWN ON PLANS IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND WILL REQUIRE SEPARATE APPROVAL. NORTH n u POC C 1 SIZE: 1-INCH MIN. PRESSURE REQ'D: 80 PSI FLOW: 25 GPM , M O 10 0 o Q OCONTROLLER C 4 • 120 VAC POWER REQUIRED • INSTALL IN STAINLESS STEEL PEDESTAL v V co 10 C3 22.2 1" TURF 1/„ M J B13 33.0 1/2" TURF B12 / 17.7 � C2 23.8 TURF 1„ A31 / TURF 14.8 / TURF A30 k cy � 211 4.00 K c F y 46 K .07 NF 46 K K C1 ' 11.0 1 " • 11 6 I TREE 3 K ' 4 ' B I 2" A29 5.90 B 10 1, /ill\ 0 INLINE B , C5 -, C4 A9S1 � Bn in QM1T of o RK N 0 Irrigation Plan Scale: 1" = 20'-0" FLI 0 2 I& NORTH 1 A 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWOOD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLET (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 01) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMITTAL) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 08.21.2018 DESIGN REVIEW 08.28.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET 10.26.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 11.30.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) 01.28.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 03) 02.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 01) 02.19.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 04) 03.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 02) Seal " j ��. 16872 �`''•..� •..D .''� t RR�.P 03.04.2019 This drawing and the design shown is the property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing without the written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title IRRIGATION PLAN Issue Date: 03.04.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: ECW Drawn By: SCH Sheet No. L6001 1 E f7 C C E 5 M 3 L 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 ]I' I H I LLWOOD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 01) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMITTAL) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 08.21.2018 DESIGN REVIEW 08.28.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET 10.26.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 11.30.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) 01.28.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 03) 02.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 01) 02.19.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 04) 03.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 02) Seal OF 16872�� tRR��' 03.04.2019 This drawing and the design shown is the property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing without the written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title IRRIGATION PLAN Issue Date: 03.04.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: ECW Drawn By: SCH Sheet No. L6002 E D C B A C C A E 5 M 3 L 1 E rd 3 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWOOD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 01) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMITTAL) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 08.21.2018 DESIGN REVIEW 08.28.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET 10.26.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 11.30.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) 01.28.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 03) 02.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 01) 02.19.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 04) 03.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 02) Seal OF 16872�� tRR��' 03.04.2019 2 This drawing and the design shown is the property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing without the written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title M IRRIGATION PLAN Issue Date: 03.04.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: ECW Drawn By: SCH Sheet No. L6003 D C B E D C B A R M 3 L 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWOOD A PEROT COMPANY° 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 01) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMITTAL) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 08.21.2018 DESIGN REVIEW 08.28.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET 10.26.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 11.30.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) 01.28.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 03) 02.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 01) 02.19.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 04) 03.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 02) Seal OF 16872�� tRR��' 03.04.2019 This drawing and the design shown is the property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing without the written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title IRRIGATION PLAN Issue Date: 03.04.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: ECW Drawn By: SCH Sheet No. L6004 C C E 5 M 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 ]I' I H I LLWOOD A PEROT COMPANY° 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 01) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMITTAL) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 08.21.2018 DESIGN REVIEW 08.28.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET 10.26.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 11.30.2018 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) 01.28.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 03) 02.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 01) 02.19.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 04) 03.04.2019 BID PACKAGE (ADDENDUM 02) Seal OF 16872�� tRR��' 03.04.2019 This drawing and the design shown is the property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing without the written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title IRRIGATION PLAN Issue Date: 03.04.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: ECW Drawn By: SCH Sheet No. L6005 E D C B A C Gl 5 studio mOutside 3 2 (CONCEPT RENDERIN TEAM CLIENT H I LLWOOD 9800 H I LLWOOD PKWY. #300, FORT WORTH, TX 76177 214.303.5535 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT STUDIO OUTSIDE SALVADOR I M PASTATO 824 EXPOSITION AVE., STE. 5 DALLAS, TX 75226 214.954.7160 CIVIL ENGINEER PELOTON LAND SOLUTIONS JONATHAN RAGSDALE 9800 H I LLWOOD PKWY. #250, FORT WORTH, TX 76177 817.562.3350 IRRIGATION HINES INC. EDWARD WRANOSKY 323 WEST DRAKE ROAD, SUITE 204 FORT COLLINS, CO 80526 970.282.1800 SCHWAB WAY STR TSCAPE DESIGN (PHASE 02) WESTLAKE, TEXAS Drawings Issued O N O U wUJ 0 ry w U) w U) w W w w w w w w ry Z Z O 0 O N 0 O CD N co N O CIVIL SHTIN a>> a i J 1-0.00 - SHEET INDEX • • • SL1 - STREET LIGHT PLAN • 0 • SL2 - STREET LIGHT PLAN • • SL3 - STREET LIGHT DETAILS • 0 • SL4 - POWER PLAN • 0 • SL5 - STREET LIGHT DETAILS • 0 • LANDSCAP"ucc:cc:T INDEX L0.00 -SHEET INDEX • 14D • L0.01 -GENERAL NOTES &MATERIALS LEGEND L0.02 -OVERALL SITE PLAN L5.00A -PLANTING LEGEND &DETAILS L5.006 -STREET LIGHT CROSS SECTION L5.01 -LANDSCAPE PLAN • • • • • • 0 O 0 • • • • • L5.02 -LANDSCAPE PLAN • O • L5.03 -LANDSCAPE PLAN • 0 • L5.04 -LANDSCAPE PLAN • A • L6.08 -IRRIGATION LEGEND &NOTES 00 • L6.09 -IRRIGATION PLAN • 0 • L6.10 -IRRIGATION PLAN 0 0 0 L6.11 -IRRIGATION PLAN • O • L6.12 -IRRIGATION PLAN 0 0 0 L6.13 -IRRIGATION DETAILS • O • L6.14 -IRRIGATION DETAILS • 0 • L7.01 -PHOTOMETRIC PLAN • O • L7.02 -PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 0 0 0 L7.03 -PHOTOMETRIC PLAN • O • L7.04 -PHOTOMETRIC PLAN • 0 • 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 HILLWOOD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMIT 02) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 3 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 07.15.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) Seal -�,ODSCgpF9 19813 CO Q' 9 - 07.15.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing with he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title SHEET INDEX Issue Date: Project No: Reviewed By Drawn By: Sheet No. 07.15.2019 18064 EC AC LOOOO 1 E X C U 1 C 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY ° STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMIT 02) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 3 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 07.15.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) Seal \,02CAI N -�`O U07.15.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside IM Drawing Title LANDSCAPE PLAN Issue Date: 07.15.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L5mOl E D C B C B A 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMIT 07 Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 07.15.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) Seal \,02CAI N -�`O U07.15.2019 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title LANDSCAPE PLAN Issue Date: 07.15.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L5002 E D C B A C 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY ° STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMIT 02) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 3 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 07.15.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) Seal \,02CAI N -�`O U07.15.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside IM Drawing Title LANDSCAPE PLAN Issue Date: 07.15.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L5mO5 E D C B C 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY ° STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMIT 02) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 3 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 07.15.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) Seal \,02CAI N -�`O U07.15.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside IM Drawing Title LANDSCAPE PLAN Issue Date: 07.15.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L5004 E D C B C 13 3 L KEY MAP 2 FRONT 44 FUTURE DEVELOPMENT - - — — — �'♦ L6.0 PHASE 01 SW ,y L 0 NORTH ►.nVA nom— 1Y4" /,rn ,'�•� , • 29.9 r®Tu 1y2" E34A33 10.E 1yz' .. ill 1 im 2 � FiJ7 1„ I�UJ 11.0 Tree �MM����--�— 1y4" ��r�rrrrr�r�r�r - — — — — — — — — — — - r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r PROop WORD -PHASE r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r M A40 _ r r r r r r r r r r / A41 ��� solo Tug r r r rrrrrrrr r r r r r r r r r r r 8.00 ��� rrrrrrr Tree ♦ r r r r r r r to Pm Be SIZE: E ISTING 3—INCH MAINLINE MIN. PRESSURE REQ'D: 80 PSI FLOW: 88 GPM POC A SIZE: EXISTING 3—INCH MAINLINE MIN. PRESSURE REQ'D: 80 PSI FLOW: 88 GPM a a N LIMIT OF WORK - PHASE 2 — — fi5 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 ]'I I H I LLWOOD A PEROT COMPANY' 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) ,we-= Hines Inc SITE WATER ENGINEERING SERVICES 323 W. DRAKE RD, SUITE 204 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80526 Telephone: 970.282.1800 Web: www.hinesinc.com Issue Title DESIGN REVIEW Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 3 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) Seal �y� 16872 O� RFD IRR�GP 06.05.2019 This drawing and the design shown is the property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing without the written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title IRRIGATION PLAN Issue Date: 06.05.2019 r Project No: 18064 ® Reviewed By: EW Drawn By: BI Sheet No. � I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 L6mO9 0 10 20 40 1—� E E C Irrigation Plan „ _ Scale: 1 - 20 -0n NORTH 1 A C B A 3 L 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWOOD A PEROT COMPANY' 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) ,we-= Hines Inc SITE WATER ENGINEERING SERVICES 323 W. DRAKE RD, SUITE 204 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80526 Telephone: 970.282.1800 Web: www.hinesinc.com Issue Title DESIGN REVIEW Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) Seal 16872 O� QED IRR�d( 06.05.2019 This drawing and the design shown is the property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing without the written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title IRRIGATION PLAN Issue Date: 06.05.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EW Drawn By: BI Sheet No. L6m10 E D C B A C B A 3 L 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWOOD A PEROT COMPANY' 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) ,we-= Hines Inc SITE WATER ENGINEERING SERVICES 323 W. DRAKE RD, SUITE 204 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80526 Telephone: 970.282.1800 Web: www.hinesinc.com Issue Title DESIGN REVIEW Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) Seal 16872 O� QED IRR�d( 06.05.2019 This drawing and the design shown is the property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing without the written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title IRRIGATION PLAN Issue Date: 06.05.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EW Drawn By: BI Sheet No. L6ml 1 E D C B A C B A 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWOOD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) ,w&* Hines Inc SITE WATER ENGINEERING SERVICES 323 W. DRAKE RD, SUITE 204 FORT COLLINS, COLORADO 80526 Telephone: 970.282.1800 Web: www.hinesinc.com Issue Title DESIGN REVIEW Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) Seal 16872 O� QED IRR�d( 06.05.2019 This drawing and the design shown is the property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing without the written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside Drawing Title IRRIGATION PLAN Issue Date: 06.05.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EW Drawn By: BI Sheet No. L6m12 E D C B A X 3 2 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY ° STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMIT 02) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 3 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 07.15.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) Seal rlik DSCgpF9'�����N U07.15.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside 17 Drawing Title PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Issue Date: 07.15.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L7001 D C B 5 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY ° STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMIT 02) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 3 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 07.15.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) Seal rlik DSCgpF9'�����N U07.15.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside IM Drawing Title PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Issue Date: 07.15.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L7002 E D C B X 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY ° STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMIT 02) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 3 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 07.15.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) Seal rlik DSCgpF9'�����N U07.15.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside IM Drawing Title PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Issue Date: 07.15.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L7.05 E D C B C 3 2 1 studio0utside 824 Exposition Avenue, Ste. 5 Dallas, Texas 75226 o214.954.7160 f214.954.7162 H I LLWO OD A PEROT COMPANY" 9800 Hillwood Parkway #300 Phone: 214.303.5535 Fort Worth, TX 76177 United States CIRCLE T (MIXED USE) SCHWAB WAY ° STREETSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 02) Issue Title TOWN REVIEW (RESUBMIT 02) Issue / Addenda / Revisions Date Description 3 04.23.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET 06.05.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 01) 07.15.2019 TOWN REVIEW SET (RESUBMIT 02) Seal rlik DSCgpF9'�����N U07.15.2019 2 This drawing and the design show is t property of studio0utside. The reproduction, copying, or use of this drawing witho he written consent of studio0utside is prohibited and any infringement will be subject to legal action. © Copyright 2019 studio0utside IM Drawing Title PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Issue Date: 07.15.2019 Project No: 18064 Reviewed By: EC Drawn By: AC Sheet No. L7004 E D C B Form TGC 2270 VERIFICATION REQUIRED BY TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE CHAPTER 2270 Contract identifier: Department: By signing below, Company herby verifies the following: 1. Company does not boycott Israel; and 2. Company will ngLU-QycoKl�rael during the term of the contract. SIGNED BY: Print Name of Person: M11 n , Przs16en+ Signing, Title, and , Company C'%e- NSSotcaAk ID Date signed: 711 a STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF Tar QA -4 BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared L. P_Lt .)efl .^k!611(Name), on behalf of CledeTNaAe III NSWC• (Company) who being duly sworn, stated under oath that he/she has read the foregoing verification required by Texas Government Code Section 2270.002 and said statements contained therein are true and correct.. SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED TO before me, this i day of , 20 NOTAY OF PUBLIC, FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS My Commission Expires: LORI BOWLING niNotary Public, State of Texas r 1 [X ST,% Q ,'fi�e Comm. Expires 10-17-2023 F �„�.j`"���Notary ID 124717681 Government Code § 2270.002. Provision Required in Contract Effective: September 1, 2017 A governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. The following definitions apply: (1) "Boycott Israel" means refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli -controlled territory, but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes. (2) "Company" means a for -profit sole proprietorship, organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority -owned subsidiary, parent company, or affiliate of those entities or business associations that exists to make a profit. (3) "Governmental entity" means a state agency or political subdivision of this state. State law requires verification from a Company for contracts involving goods or services (regardless of the amount) before the City can enter into the contract. CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 Complete Nos. 1 - 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. Hillwood Properties Fort Worth, TX United States Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract being filed. Town of Westlake 1of1 OFFICE USE ONLY CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 2021-791936 Date Filed: 08/18/2021 Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. 2021-04 Schwab Way Streetscape Maintenance Agreement 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary G� C SoC�Gt`�i0M\ Of G rt- 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. X 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is L and my date of birth is 7 tJ O My address is ZI I % 1401 � 0 Ali _, _ E t , \A) o r+E —s 10 1,-TG rm (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in ?_ __1_'_ _ i_ ;:=1:' _ _ County, State of Te icas on the Lday of 20 ( . (mon (year) 1J not authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.1 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos. 1 - 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 2021-791936 Hillwood Properties Fort Worth, TX United States Date Filed: 08/18/2021 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. Town of Westlake Date Acknowledged: 08/18/2021 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. 2021-04 Schwab Way Streetscape Maintenance Agreement 4 Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) Nature of interest (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ X 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth is My address is (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of on the day of , 20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.191b5cdc