HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 495 Amending Chapter 90 Altering Prima Facie Speed Limit on State Highway 114TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 495 AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 545.356 OF THE TEXAS TRANSPORTATION CODE UPON STATE HIGHWAY 114 OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT ALLOWED BY LAW FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, Texas Transportation Code Section 545.356 provides that when the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen determines from the results of an engineering and traffic investigation that a prima facie speed limit is unreasonable or unsafe under the conditions found to exist on a part of a street or highway within the Town of Westlake, taking into consideration the width and condition of the pavement and other circumstances on such portion of said street of highway, as well as the usual traffic thereon or other circumstances, the Board of Aldermen may determine and declare a reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit thereat or thereon said street or highway by the passage of an ordinance, which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected along that part of the street or highway; WHEREAS, Pursuant to Texas Transportation Code Section 545.356, a traffic and engineering investigation has been submitted to the Board of Alderman showing that the existing prima facie speed limits on parts of Highway 114 within the Town of Westlake is unreasonable or unsafe under the conditions found to exist on that highway and that the speed limits indicated in said investigation are the reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit thereat, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: All matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: Upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation heretofore made as authorized by provisions of Section 545.356 of the Texas Transportation Code, the following prima facie speed limits hereafter indicated for vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe; and such speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed indicated for vehicles traveling upon the named streets and highways, or parts thereof, described as follows: That from and after the date of the passage of this speed zone ordinance, no motor vehicle shall be operated along and upon the frontage road lanes of State Highway No. 114 within the corporate limits of the Town of Westlake in excess of the speeds now set forth in the following limits: 55 miles per hour, beginning at Mile Point 12.104, continuing in a westernly direction for a distance of 0.317 miles to Mile Point 11.787 SECTION 3: Notwithstanding any provision of this Ordinance, the speed limits established by Town of Westlake Code of Ordinances Chapter 90 (Traffic and Vehicles), Division 3 (Speed) shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: The Town Manager, or his designee, upon approval by the Board of Aldermen, is hereby authorized to have the proper traffic signs erected, constructed, and placed at such points along said highway giving reasonable notice of the new limit. SECTION 5: PENALTY CLAUSE: Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed the maximum amount allowed by law. SECTION 6: CUMULATIVE CLAUSE: This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the Town of Westlake, Texas, except where provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of another ordinance, in which event the conflicting provisions of the other ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 7: SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town of Westlake Board of Aldermen that the phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid Judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance, since they would have been enacted by the Board of Aldermen without the incorporation in this ordinance of the unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 8: SAVINGS CLAUSE: All rights and remedies of the Town of Westlake are expressly saved as to any and all violations of the provisions of the Code of Ordinances, Town of Westlake, Texas, as amended, or any other ordinances affecting such code which have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and, as to such accrued violations and all pending litigation, both civil and criminal, whether pending in court or not, under such ordinances, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 13th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2006. ATTEST: can Dwinnel.l, Town Secretary APPROVED -AS TO LEGAL FORM: L. 'Sfantorl/Lq*p�, To*n Attorney f �- A-4410�" - Scott Bradley', Mayor Trent O. Petty, To ager TEXAS TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTE ORDER Transportation Code 545.352 camblishz6 prima fhoie masoneble slid pendent speed iimitz for various categories of pubGG rads, stmetc and highways, Transpot#s6= Codcw SW.359 mm"an the Tvxaa Tranapottstion C=misaion (cUrnrnlssicrO to oKor "Se prima facie Urn its on any part of the stens highway systm as dctrrtrtincd from the r0909 of on ons[Mring sues traffite Jnv0AiPt;vn Qondu0ted according tp tht procedures adapted b;v the commission, Transportation Code 545.353 empowers of Tmnspurtation (departmanQ has canduinad cite vrmribed erginesring and trmffic inaestiptiom to dmrmine reasonable and safe prima facie miKimum speed limits for those sagm nho of the state highway eYatomi shown in 1E3xtlib3u A imd B. i;.►C?;bl; A lilts c, nAructioii s} d ways in defect v hian ilgn' am disp,6yq-d wlthin 44rtii'toctis:n ,pt7J44ttt. Tits cartap[tiea►i attdlar taataace 9eC9C}3 ssaiC4t she, 11 cattcef th0 provigiart o this minlsto ordtsr' applying to acid project and any remaining sperA auto signs 4AR be romci-Ve J. Exhibit id lists speed zor+es for sections of highwaya Wt om engirtecring and tmff'sc lnveatlgaticana justify the need m alter the spoods. It hila 413o bean d7termined that speed lurcits vn various segments of the stato highway s5red.m, provioukily cstablishod by itis wmwAsion by minute order said luteal in Exhibit C. sre nil i nt;—. nocessmry or have bts.n :thcaradrAW by 4i?leY which havA the oulhority tea set spend li>~its tr these whorm of highwa)s, IT IS °THERUi'DTB ORD%R :3 by lbs caminiisim dial the rt awnabte and care 136=5 far-io maximum d I[mits dturm5nad irk Kcordan4e with the departrnert!'a "Procedures forEaUWisitiAg Soeed %once" and shown on the attached rxhibits A and B Ara declared its ubnllatnd in t$rwe exhibits. 'iiia euccutivc direetor is 4;mctod to lmpiamtnt this order for oontroi and "forument purposes by the vo6on of appropriate sign. 6hOWICS she prima facie tmax[Musn ap"d iirn;". IT IS FUKI'}{tA ORDERJED that a provision of Aty prior order by the corminissiorl which is in coriMcat with a provialon of this order is superseded to the extant of Ant conflict, and that the portion of the minute ar4eTCsiabtislting the speed nano shown on the attached BAA C is esasefed. Subrnttred and rovicwcd pyo 1]ir ctar,Trs, cQ,perat on i iiecantmended" 110334 NOV 1705 Number Pa3sed f' r ME F- Y u F; Y REGULAR SPED ZONES IJ CD County highway Limits Length Speed u m (CM Control Section mp4wikpaint (milcal (Mites Per Hour) Ln Bryan DLgt&t Madisw FA4300 MP QUm MQ 1.9+01 IM 60 '- 5744LO W L4 D2 4 E1 W Uslks Afstrlc# w IF- C40n SH 16(3 UP Q519 MP 2 021 IW — — - NO �xf SH 114 1D tAP 11 W W 14D12 2152 65 W �] 353.2 ckwAm SH 114 WS MPU-104 NSP 141032 1_qO$ } spa o M[s OTm S034 1118 330 w 4 w tu3C10 35 {bttw C� mawo urc1c} 173.2 ZCMD) D a Pag6 3 of 6 17-ivov-05 EKNOR B z z � 0Q m � A m W CD W 11/22/2005 14:45 VAGUS County Dlstrict VARIOU 6173994343 TXD❑T NTCA❑ TYXA-S TRANWORTAMOK COMMIMO /a1)%4(,JAl1F 35 z -so MI n7M ORDER Page 1 of 1 Transportation Code, 5545.352 establishes prima facie reasonable and prudent speed limits for various categories of public roads, strew and Lighways. Transportation Code, 5545.333 empowers the Texas Transportation Commission (commission) to alter those prima facie limits on any part cf the state highway system as detormined from the results of an engineering and traffic investigation conducted accordingta the procedures adopted by the commission, The Texas Department of Transportation (department) has conducted the prescribed engineering and traffic investigations to determine reasonable and safe prima facie maximum speed limits for those segments of the state highway syst m shown in Exhibits A and B. Exhibit A lista corislructian speed zones in effect when signs are displayed within construction projects. 'lite completion an&or aceep=ee of each project shall cancel the provision of this minute order applying to said project and any remaining construction speed none signs shall be removed. Exhibit B lists speed zonos far sections of highways where engineering and traffic invead atiow justify the need to al's the speeds, It has also been determined that speed limits on various segments of the state highway system, previously established by the commission by minute order and listed in .Exhibit C, aro no longer nemwry or have been incorporated by cities which have tttie authority to set spood limits on these sections of highways: IT IS THEREFOR ORDERED by the commission that the reasonable and safe prima facie maximum speed limits determined in accordance with the department°s "Procedurea far Establishing Speed Zones" and shown on the attached Exhibits A and B are declared as tabulated in hoose exhibits. Tice executive director is direated to implement this order for control and enforcement purposes by tate erection of appropriate signs Showing the prima facie maximum spoed limits. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a provision of any prior order by the commission which is in conflict with a provision of this ardor is superseded to the extent of thffi conflict, and that the portions of minute orders establishing the speed zone shown on the attached Exhibit C is canceled. Submitted and raviomd by: Director, TYaffw Ops n . Recommended by: Executive Director ! 109750 JUL 2904 ha ut. Date Nmrber Pasoed ULAR SPEED ZONES County Highway (City) Contrvi Section 1.700 60 lli[lfll.7 DJotid Dei+tan SH114 WB ) W34 Fort Worth D[Idd TwTam SH 114 (1MaalWA) 3533 Houston District N N Lim, bt Lengib Speed CD mr-milepoiat (Miles) (Mmes Per Ln IIoar) BEGIN EN p A Ul MP 9.5n h9P 14.012 M386 0 m v CJ LD A A 41 MP 1.000 MP 1.wa 0.82$ 65 BMW* SH 35 MP 56.008 MP 56.790 1.700 60 (Cal! Ocam un6v) 17563 Karrfs US 69 14fP 0.333 MP 1.942 1 107 60 x �'x�T+ �? 27-i3 O � z Hark US so NIP *.166 MP 5.8716 4.649 60 D (Houatoe) 177-11 p 1Vlonipnr r FM 2CA0 W 27.04.5 MP 27.1113 CAM 3+5 (Sdwol 1912-1 Zane) Page 2 of 4 29 -Jul -04 ExHmrr 8 D G� m m U1 C53 m A v r D G) M Q Qn CD On ti SP D S r � C.uaty Highway U;nio Length Speed (C}h') Ml" -Mile olat P (ntitca) (Miles l'er Hour) � •" BEGIN END Y Ul 6ranmant Dt�riet `-+ Lb-ty FFA 1449 MP 11.048 NO, 11-319 0.271 35 (School ., ou 782-7 Zrne) w A Childress ,U%rfict W A �ia0lf8 2B7 SB FAP 0 000 MY 0.446 0.446 55 + w n 42-9 It. W Hau us 287 N® kip 0.191 MP G.446 0,265 60 "w 42-4 Heti US 287 Mr 0.446 MP am 0.218 50 w � 429 Ha11 US 2B7 M8 0.665 Mr 0.689 QA34 45 x 42-9 ti 0 Dallas D&Nid D Den" SH 114 EB MP 13.420 MP 14.012 0.592 p5 0 (Westlake) 353.2 Page t of4 29-]u1-04 6XHIBITB A v r D G) M Q Qn CD On ISH 119 ML 6 En - WESTLAKE.dgn 10/31/20105 9:03:31 AM MAP 2 OF 2 OPEN OPEN cv OPEN - 1.900 0.028 MAINLANES 65 MPH MAINLANES 65 MPH 65 MPH SH 114 WB FR j L O SH 314 WB FR r SH 114 WB ML 2 a SH 114 WB ML rl'} 13.000 ___—_— 13-500 - _ _ _ ___ 4_ _—_ —_ _—_—_—_ __—_ ___`_—_—___ '^ r n _ _„1.5001 _._ _—___—_—, 14.000 l r -------- SH YlA E6 ML- of vri It - 5H t44 E6 ML SH 114 EB FR 65 7 u i z _ -I 65 SH 119 EB PA w 4 o MP 1.820 MAINLANES 65 MPH MAINLANES 65 MPH - 55 MPH - - 2.152 D. aze RDW 400' - 26' ROADBED-FLEX&ASL ROW 100' - 26' ROADBED-FLEXBASE - 24-73' CONCRETE SURFACE OPEN OPEN SPEED ZONE CONT. 353 SECT. 02 CONT. 353 SECT. 03 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT 01 PUBLISHER of the Alliance Regional Newspapers +OSou-thlake, Texas, a n4wspaper of general circulation -which has been published in Tarrant County regularly and continuously for a period of one year prior the -first dav 6ijbicati ce, ilemnli swear that the notice hereto c - i noti kTQWzj= Town of Westlake M 1z "I RM M TIM = ,eeneral Manager ,SU B5 RIBED AND SWORN TO before me on the day of torij which is ss rnyah * and officiseal. V TARA HUTCHINS NOT PUBLIC, STATE OF TEXAS My COMMMSION EXPIRES A A P I RIL 6j 2009 zi whyMy Commission Expires: t I ULAN AND S THE rMUILI I I UTH OF ­­ -1 WE SFAKE h o u s e h 0 1 0 ---­­­- 0660 VVTTWV TOWN'S 1%, 01315MANCE goo ds,toys, crafts, walker, wheelchair, PAINTERS - EX- Medi , cal Sales' ASTERN NO, 495 much more PER. Call 817-560- Must have 4 1IT,, AND 'ART TION 545.356 OF 1332 or 817-825- years sales ej 76017 OF Y MEDLIN AN ORDINANCE 5302Vicksburg toys, 5386 Hence, in health care A-832. OF THE TOWN OF cIths, turn medical Indust Skilled & semi 108) WESTLAKE, TEX- AS, ALTERNING Fri -Sat 8:30-12:30 skilled construction help needed for with experleni calling on doctoi ;SION OF THE 76018 - 2315 Wil- E OF THE PRIMA FACIE -rk-Q.f 7-12 2—nm = R kitchen d� An-AnV 3LIC HEARINGSPEED ROPHY CLUB LIMITS VEHICLES "" ' 1 2 house moving remodeler. Contact —9. Fax 17-379-6331, "LANNING & FOR UNDER THE PRO- sale. chip 817-875-5962 -- Utility Locator. Kell 76107 - 3712 El Drivers ZONING VISIONS OF SEC- area. Company v ,OMMISSION TION 545.356 OF Campo: Furniture, hicle, paid vac, TION OF THIS DUBLIC HEAR- THE TEXAS linens, antiques, misc. Class A CdI Drivers tions. Must be of age wi, WILL BE HELD TRANSPORTA- TiON CODE UPON Needed. Local and ReF, Runs 1 yr Ex er years clean driving recor 76116 - 4932 Ce- THE PLANNING ZONING COM- STATE HIGHWAY dar Hill Rd: Sat P 17)633-8713 non-smoker. Con ;SION OF THE 114 OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN Only 8-4 3 Family - peti.tiye wage, Training providet DFW'to W. Coast. NN OF TROPHY J13 IN THE THE CORPORATE BIG Moving Sale Refers, no Pro- duce, home week- Electrical expel 4RDROOM OF LIMITS OF THE Tnmirq OF EST- Antq dining table h -1, 1 I/m A. PR furn ly, benefits. No E. ence a plus. 81, 472-7716 Leav MUNICIPAL LAKE, ASSET OUT desk washer dryer DTY DISTRICT IN THIS ORDI- designer clothes, LDING, 100 NANCE; PROVID- dishes -more iviul,jlClrMLLJr'11Vr­ AT 7:00 PM, ING A SEVER - ABILITY CLAUSE; WEDNESDAY, AND PROVIDING MARCH 22, 2006, FOR A PENALTY TO CONSIDER A OF A FINE NOT TO REQUEST FOR EXCEED THE ZONE CHANGE M A X I M U M FROM R-12 SIN- AMOUNT AL- GLE FAMILY RES- LOWED BY LAW IDENTIAL TO CR - FOR THE VIOLA - COMMERCIAL TION OF THIS RECREATION FOR ORDINANCE. AN APPROXIMATE CLAUSE; PROVID- 1.767 ACRE TRACT ING A SAVINGS OF LAND LOCAT- TOWN OF ED GENERALLY , WESTLAKE NORTH OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE. MUNICPAL UTILI- ORDINANCE TY DISTRICT NO. 496 WASTEWATER TOWN OF TREATMENT AN ORDINANCE PLANT FACILITY OF THE TOWN OF AND SOUTH OF WESTLAKE, TEX- THE TOWN'S AS AMENDING NORTHEASTERN THE WESTLAKE SURVEY A"832. bdULEVAAb TO (ZCA-06-bog) — SOLANA BOULE- NOTICE TO VARD WITHIN THE VENDORS CORPORATE LIM- INVITATION TO ITS OF THE TOWN BID OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS; PROVID- The Northwest In- ING A C�UMULA- dependent School TIVE CLAUSE; District will receive PROVIDING A Sealed Requests for SEVERABILITY Proposals (RFP) in CLAUSE; PROVID- the Purchasing De- ING A SAVINGS partment, by mailing CLAUSE; AND ES - to PO Box 77070, TABLISHING AN Fort Worth, Texas, EFFECTIVE DATE. 76177-0070 or, de- livering to 2001 texan Drive, Justin, TOWN OF Texas 76247 for: WESTLAKE Library Books RFP #0607-02-005 ORDINANCE April 7, 2006 @ NO. 497 2:00 P.M. AN ORDINANCE open the RFP of proposers at No west ISD Admi tration Center, 2 Texan Drive, Ju,, TX 76247, at s cl'led time pe S date- ecificati r p I fid and proposal may p be obtai f P jorn the urcha., VVtb I LANC, I CA - AS, AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEX- AS, ACTING FOR AND ON BEHALF OFTHE TOWN, TO ENTER INTO ALL NECESSARY AGREEMENTS WITH THE EMac - 76118 - 9062 `iushing River: AultiFam Sale Mar ?-4, Beaut. 6pc wall snit, On bdrm set. & )then great finds. 76148 - 6909 Lyn- Jale Dr: Friday 8am- ? Multi Family Sale 76180 - 8500 Her- Nood Rd #12M: Sat., Nld, furn, ladies Ithr ,Iths, 76248 - 766 West- ern Tri: Sat Only 8a-'? MOVING SALE � �_, FORD CERTIFIED SERVICE TECH $26.50 LAB. RT. Karl Klement Ford is seeking Ford certified techs. Paid hoidays, paid vacation, health benefits plus uniforms and off every Satur- day. Must be certified. Call Mickey Davis, 940-627-1101, Hwy. 2.8.7, Decatur. CLOSE TO HOME should not require benefits. Start $8.50-$10 Fax resume to 817-379-1004 �Ic *1 1 *i ectronics experience helpful, will train, medical field. Call Rhyne @ 817-439-0733 Sell your car fast 817-390-7444 Sell your car fast 817-390-7444 Coast. (817) 459 8006 Truck driver needed. Class A -CDL. Clean MVR, pass DOT Physical & Drug Test. Fax resume to 1-817-636-2593 or call 817-638-9053. rFi...ri.1 I IOUVI r-WR7 Mid -Cities Area 30 year old family owned service company has opening for experi- enced full charge i5 8633 ext. ZUb message. Medical/Deas! -01 usm -a PRKPICERry Exp Medical .S,s tents with computer experience a must, Full -Time. Call, 817-431-0606 Fax: 817-379-0155 ahixon0kalialmd.corr Web Id #ST26678501 Dental Hygienis For office in rnedica dist. (817)332-9392 Food Service ­.. "I . . . . . . . . . . MEDICAL ivate Golf Club in ASST / LVN `,estla.ke looking for RN with CDE lult-Ullit'" uNpul I- enced wait staff. Professionalism, excellent customer service skills and weekends a must. Please -contact I David or Cheryl at Sell the shirt off your back! 817-390-7444 817-390-7444 Sell Your Merchandise ,817-390-7444 Sell your car fast 817-390-7444 Sellour car fast 817-390-7444 Entry & senior level positions for Grapevine practice. Energetic, hard working team players with clinical experience. 'eady2hire@aol om fax 817-251_8A4 call 817-793-3422 I—= f f i .2 =11 i[Vz#MA IF Sell your car fast 817-390-7444 Sell your car fast 817-390-7444