HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-05-20 BOT MinMINUTES OF THEWESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING October 5, 2020 In accordance with Order of the Office of the Governor issued March 16, 2020 and March 19, 2020, the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy conducted a virtual meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 5, 2020 by video and telephonic conference in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face-to-face meetings (also called "social distancing") to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). There was no public access to the physical location described above. A recording of the telephonic meeting was made and is available to the public. PRESENT: President Laura Wheat and Trustees: Carol Langdon, Greg Goble, Alesa Belvedere, Rick Rennhack, and Rajiv Trivedi. ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent Amanda DeGan, Deputy Town Manager Noah Simon, Assistant Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, School Attorney Janet Bubert, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Town Secretary Todd Wood, Director of Information Technology Jason Power, Director of Finance Debbie Piper, Director of Facilities & Public Works Troy Meyer, Director of Administrative Services Ginger Awtry, PYP Principal Rod Harding, Assistant PYP Principal Beckie Paquin, MYP Principal Kaylene Rudd, DP Principal/DP Coordinator Dr. James Owen, College Counselor Carl Tippen, Special Education Coordinator Mrs. Shannon Ward, Communications Manager John Sasser, Business Manager Marlene Rutledge, Budget & Financial Analyst Kelsey Wong, and Registrar Kimberly Gardner. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the Regular Session to order at 5:04 p.m. 2. CITIZEN COMMENTS BOT Minutes — 10/05/20 Page 1 of 10 President Wheat provided a brief summary of instructions to the public for citizen comments. Dr. Anna White addressed the Board and began by asking if there would be any Board discussion during the citizen comments portion. President Wheat replied that she assumed that there would be some discussion, provided that the item was listed on the agenda, noting that an agenda item regarding the Back -to -School Plan which included information regarding on -campus and virtual instruction. Dr. White then asked if she would wait until that report to speak, as she felt that most citizen comments would pertain to this item. President Wheat replied that she would be happy to come back to her for comments at that time, and that this agenda item may be brought forward to an earlier time in the meeting to allow for citizen comments. President Wheat then asked if the agenda item regarding the Special Education Policy be considered at the end of the meeting. There were no objections from the Board of Trustees. 3. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: Communications Manager Jon Sasser provided an update on this item. Census Numbers: Westlake's participation rate for the 2010 census was 74.8%, and the participation rate for the 2020 census was 74.4%. While this was slightly less than the 2010 census, the participation number was below 70% several weeks ago, and the additional participation that has occurred in this short period of time is encouraging. Scenic City Certification: The Town Westlake recently received the Scenic City platinum - level certification. This award is based on several categories, including public roadways, public standards of the community, parks, and trails. The Town received a near -perfect score in every category. Last year, only 17 (seventeen) municipalities received this level of certification. Fall Cleanup: This event is scheduled for October 24th and will allow Westlake residents to bring various types bulk waste and other items for disposal. This will take place at the former fire station, located on 2900 Dove Road from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., and identification will be required. Upcoming meetings: Upcoming public meetings will be posted as virtual only through the end of the year. Updates will follow regarding meetings in 2021. The next Town Council meeting is scheduled for October 26, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. via telephonic and video conference. Virtual Coffee and Conversation with the Mayor: This event is tentatively scheduled for the following week and would be held via Facebook Live and/or Zoom video conference. 4. REPORTS: Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as presented, and there will no presentations associated with the report items. There will be BOT Minutes — 10/05/20 Page 2 of 10 no separate discussion unless a Trustee requests that report be removed and considered separately. a. TEA Required Asynchronous Plan Report. Superintendent Amanda DeGan presented this item. She stated that the Academy has submitted this report in a timely fashion using a TEA -approved template, and reports would be returned for corrections, if necessary. She noted that the report was very comprehensive, and thanked Dr. Bryson and her team for their diligent efforts with the completion of this report. 5. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION 20-13, APPROVING UPDATES TO THE SPECIAL EDUCATION POLICY. President Wheat requested that this item be discussed following Item #6 on the agenda. There were no objections from the Board. Superintendent DeGan presented this item, noting that this document is required to be updated every two (2) years, and this update did not contain anything that was out of the norm from previous updates. Special Education Coordinator Mrs. Shannon Ward informed the Board that she has reviewed the documents provided from the Texas Charter School Association (TCSA) and there were no significant changes. She stated that all of the language in the document is consistent with any required updates. MOTION: Trustee Goble made a motion to approve Resolution 20-13. Trustee Rennhack seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. 6. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE BACK -TO -SCHOOL PLAN FOR THE 2020-2021 ACADEMIC YEAR, INCLUDING UPDATES REGARDING VIRTUAL AND ON -CAMPUS STUDENT INSTRUCTION. President Wheat requested that this item be discussed following Item #4 on the agenda. There were no objections from the Board. Superintendent Amanda DeGan presented this item. She stated that she had a brief PowerPoint to present to the Board. She began by noting that Westlake Academy began with a four (4) week delay at the beginning of the school year to re -open the campus at the discretion of the Superintendent. During this time, staff has modified various areas on the campus to ensure the safety of staff and students. Additionally, procedures have been developed or modified for sporting events, drop-off and pickup of students, providing lunch services, controlling traffic flow, and implementing PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) protocols on campus. These processes will be continually reviewed. Ms. DeGan then noted that in order to help mitigate the spread of the virus, the Back-to- BOT Minutes — 10/05/20 Page 3 of 10 School Plan was developed with the goal of creating a safe campus for staff and students. This plan utilizes a "layered" approach to protocols, and also implemented a remote learning option for all grades, as well as a "hybrid" option for Grades 9-12. She then stated that this pandemic is unlike any other time in recent history, and schools are at the forefront of public health. At this time there are no confirmed cases at Westlake Academy; however, this should not give anyone a false sense of security. Ms. DeGan then asked the Section Principals to provide an update regarding their experiences on campus. MYP Principal Kaylene Rudd addressed the Board. She stated that some of the processes that have been a point of focus were morning drop-off, afternoon pickup, and this is going well based on parental feedback. Students have taken these protocols very seriously. Lunchtimes have been expanded to four (4) sections to ensure the timeliness of lunch delivery, and it has been working well. The use of technology has provided teachers and students with an equitable learning environment, and teachers have been able to successfully engage with their classes while ensuring proper interaction between students and peers. She noted that students have struggled somewhat with desk shields, as this has required them to make adjustments to the classroom learning experience. DR Principal Dr. James Owen then addressed the Board. He began by stating that he has made many observations and received significant feedback regarding positive aspects and areas of opportunity to improve the on -campus learning experience. Regarding the positive aspects, he stated that DP teachers have worked incredibly hard with students utilizing both the remote learning option and the hybrid learning option. He noted that he has observed a great deal of engagement between students and teachers this year. He explained that assessment tools were being utilized to assist DP students, noting that current data shows that remote students and on -campus students are performing well with assessments. Dr. Owen then stated that there have been some technological challenges, notably with internet bandwidth. He closed by stating that he was very proud of the students and staff during this time. PYP Principal Rod Harding then addressed the Board. He began by stating that the protocols that are in place are very important, and without these protocols, learning would not be possible. He noted that desk shields could be improved, and staff is currently improving the drop-off and pickup processes. He stated that water fountains have been shut off and have been replaced by water bottle re -filling stations. Recess periods are continually supervised for the safety of students and staff. He noted that he has been very impressed with resilience of teachers and the use of classrooms to maximize learning. Collaboration has been emphasized to support "voice, choice, and ownership" in the classroom. He said that one challenge is maintaining the integrity of written curriculum, as the learning environment has changed. The school schedule has been a challenge for some students, as approximately 60 (sixty) additional PYP students have migrated to the in -person instructional option. He then noted that another challenge was to properly have student group meetings in the afternoons to support their educational progress. President Wheat thanked the Section Principals for the incredible job that they were doing. Superintendent DeGan then provided the Board with COVID-19 statistics statewide, as well as statistics for Keller ISD, Carroll ISD, and Northwest ISD separated by students and staff. BOT Minutes — 10/05/20 Page 4 of 10 Mrs. DeGan then shared some feedback that she has received from parents. President Wheat then opened the meeting for Citizen Comments. Dr. Anna White addressed the Board and asked if she could share her screen for a presentation to the Board. President Wheat agreed. Dr. White began by thanking the Board for hearing her comments. The presentation was called "Return for High School Student...Howand Why' Dr. White's presentation began with those schools who have been able to re -open successfully, as this has been successful in other countries and several Independent School Districts in the State of Texas. She stated that high school students were at a very low risk for infection, and the emotional and psychological development at this stage was paramount and is a key component for mental health in this age group. She then showed the suicide statistics reported by Cook Children's hospital, which were double from the previous year. She then stated that she is a strong proponent of wearing masks; yet questions whether social distancing should be 2 (two) feet or six (6) feet, as the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has no referenced sources within their guidelines showing six (6) feet as a standard. The CDC only references six (6) feet to maximize safety and the reduction of transmission. Other groups (World health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics) use the standard of three (3) feet. She noted that data from other countries support the conclusion that three (3) feet of social distancing results in no increase in community spread rates. She stated that our students are our priority, and this should remain front and center. She then said that she viewed Westlake Academy's small size as an advantage, and that individuals need to determine their own risk tolerance regarding COVID-19, accepting the outcome of their choices. Finally, she stated that there should be acceptance for those who have differing risk tolerances regarding this pandemic, as this goes both ways. President Wheat thanked Dr. White for her comments. Mr. Wayne Stoltenberg addressed the Board and expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the Board and staff members, noting that there is no guidebook or roadmap for this pandemic. He began by stating that while his position primarily focused on Grades 9-12, he took to heart some of the comments from Mr. Harding. He noted that students wanted to be in front of their teachers, and there is no difference between PYP and DP students. He questioned the effectiveness of the hybrid learning option, noting that it would be difficult to provide an effective in -person educational program when mixed with the hybrid option. He stated that he didn't think the objective should be to prevent infections among 100% of the non -vulnerable population, as this standard would do more harm than good. He then stated that if his child were infected, he would not hold the Board or any staff member responsible, as he chooses to accept responsibility for any choice he makes by not opting for one of the off -campus educational options. Mr. Harding responded that he wanted to reiterate his position that he feels that the measures being observed at Westlake Academy are working, and he is not advocating for 100% in -person learning until the community spread has lowered and it is proven safe that all students may return to campus. He then stated that at this point, Westlake Academy has been successful in our efforts, and these efforts should continue. BOT Minutes — 10/05/20 Page 5 of 10 Mr. Steven Bernard then addressed the Board. He expressed support for the points made by Dr. White and Mr. Stoltenberg. He stated that while he felt it was great thing to protect students while at school, we cannot regulate family life. He noted that the effectiveness of paper or cloth masks is approximately 15-30 minutes. He then stated that one of his children was informed by a Principal that their face covering was not acceptable, and TEA has given schools the authority to enforce this standard. Mr. Bernard then stated that he has reviewed the TEA guideline document dated September 24, 2020 and this document had not changed as of today. Therefore, he is concerned that the information that is being passed down from administration to students is not accurate. Mr. Bernard then asked how many students did not return for the 2020-2021 school year, as he had noticed that the lottery was larger than in previous years. President Wheat thanked Mr. Bernard for his comments. School Attorney Janet Bubert commented that while the TEA document provided recommendations for face coverings, there is presumably a level of discretion as to what could be required by schools at the local level. She noted that the Governor's Office, TEA, and the Attorney General's Office has encouraged local agencies to determine these standards based on their individual local circumstances and adopt standards that make sense to address those circumstances, which may include discretionary criteria. Mrs. Jeanette Connelly then addressed the Board. She began by saying that she appreciated Dr. White's presentation, and felt it was important to balance the physical and mental health of our students. She then explained that her child chose the hybrid option, and they were initially excited about this choice. Shortly after beginning this program, the child experienced instances where the teacher had their back to students attending the class remotely. Additionally, breaks required her child to obtain a pass to leave the classroom, and her child was concerned that a lecture might be missed. As a teacher, Mrs. Connelly expressed appreciation for the hard work of the staff; however, she felt that the picture that is being painted is not accurate. President Wheat thanked Mrs. Connelly for her comments. Mr. Chris Connelly then addressed the Board. He said that he felt that Westlake Academy's approach to the pandemic was extreme. He felt that students should be able to eat outside and utilize the facilities around campus more freely, especially since they were congregating after school or during sporting events. He felt that the approach that is taken should be more lenient, especially since the curve has flattened. President Wheat thanked Mr. Connelly for his comments. Mr. Brad Swearingen then addressed the Board. He began by stating that he felt everyone was working in extreme measures and applauded the staff for their efforts. He then asked Superintendent DeGan on the frequency that communication is delivered to Westlake Academy, and whether that information is filtered upward to the Board of Trustees. Mrs. DeGan replied that if it is an operational matter, it is communicated to the school. If it is a governance or policy issue, this information is shared to the Board at public meetings or provided on an as -need basis between meetings due to the pandemic and the Board's connections with the community. Mr. Swearingen stated that he felt that a lot of the information given by staff was a "lot of fluff", and contrary to information he has received from students and teachers. He also felt that communication was lacking with the Board, and this should be more frequent to provide guidance in order to follow the right path. He BOT Minutes — 10/05/20 Page 6 of 10 felt that Westlake Academy could lead the way in overcoming the pandemic with less restrictions. Mr. Swearingen then provided his opinion that a face covering is a face covering; if you must sneeze, simply walk away. He then stated that during flu season, this would also result in a positive COVID test, and CDC numbers cannot be relied upon since they have changed their own numbers so many times. He then said that if the school were to continue with current facemask standards, then these masks should be changed frequently. He then expressed that the hybrid learning option is a disaster. He then asked what plans would be in place for flu season. Mrs. DeGan explained that the protocols that are in place are based on TEA guidelines and provide procedures that would be followed when a case arose that displayed symptoms of either illness. These procedures were also based on the input of multiple local physicians, and can be modified moving forward, if necessary. Mr. Swearingen stated that kids come first, and he was disappointed in the position of some teachers regarding their position to return to the campus, as this is what they signed up for as educators, much like first responders. President Wheat said she appreciated his thoughts on this matter. She also stated that she wanted to address the contrast between first responders and teachers, noting that she was reminded that during school safety preparations, a question of armed teachers on campus was presented. The response from the Keller Police Chief was, "No. We are trained to run into a building, and you are not. " In this context, she conveyed that this was part of the holistic approach that has been taken, as everyone on campus is of great value. Mr. Swearingen stated that he wanted safety for all as well; yet was disappointed in hearing that some teachers wanted to leave at the beginning of the year. He wanted the mentality to change to "we're all in this together", rather than implementing procedures that focused on the safety of the staff. President Wheat thanked Mr. Swearingen for his comments. Mrs. LeAnne Peters then addressed the Board. She indicated support for Dr. White's presentation and noted that her child had a very good experience at Westlake Academy last year. She stated that she felt that so much emphasis was being placed on the safety aspect of the pandemic at the expense of the educational component. She noted that she wanted everyone to be safe, but there needed to be a balance. Her child recently said, "I've learned more in the last two days in person than in the last month. " Her child also stated that the in -person instruction was focused more to the camera (for remote learners) than those in the class. She expressed concerns regarding socialization at school, and that children need to have fun in order to make the most of their learning experience. President Wheat thanked Mrs. Peters for her comments. Mrs. Laura Luckett then addressed the Board. She stated that she has not heard of any plans for senior activities or events so far. The call then experienced a great degree of interference and was indecipherable. President Wheat then moved to the next caller, with wishes that Ms. Luckett could rejoin the meeting after obtaining a reliable connection. Mrs. Sonya Austin then addressed the Board. She thanked the Board for opening this for public comment and agreed with the comments from other parents. She began by stating that her child began the year with the hybrid learning option and has now chosen the remote learning option. Her other child has chosen the on -campus learning option rather than the remote option, as this experience has been much more effective in terms of learning. President Wheat thanked Mrs. Austin for her comments. BOT Minutes — 10/05/20 Page 7 of 10 President Wheat then thanked all callers for their input at the meeting and expressed appreciation for their time. Trustee Belvedere shared some thoughts with the Board, stating that she has spent time every day over the last several weeks thinking about this issue. She noted that she had heard from approximately 20 to 30 parents since the beginning of August. Based on the feedback she has received; teachers seem to be overwhelmed with the combination of remote learning and in -person learning. This is something that students that have picked up on. Trustee Belvedere then stated that there is an overwhelming desire for students to return to school and resume normal lives again. In one conversation with a student, the student told her, 7m really glad to be back, but I feel sorry for my teacher. " She then stated the need for balance in the school's approach without focusing on one aspect while losing sight of the big picture. She then noted that she was hesitant to take recommendations (from TEA or other sources) and turn them into requirements. Finally, Trustee Belvedere inquired if other avenues could be explored using feedback from parents who have not provided it. While she did not know if an anonymous parent survey would be the correct way to collect this feedback, it may address any hesitancy from parents to provide it. President Wheat thanked Trustee Belvedere for her comments and input. Superintendent Amanda DeGan stated she had one final slide to present to the Board, which could be discussed. This included options and final staff recommendations, including data that would continue to be monitored from other schools in the area. The slide included the following information: • Monitor data as it relates to the region and campuses • Continue to monitor processes for on -campus and remote learning • Review testing protocols and options • Survey parents of G12 students • Formulate G12 option to return to campus on October 261h o Given data remains the same and protocols are followed o This will need to be monitored up to the time of return to campus • Continue to allow flexibility to opt for remote learning Superintendent DeGan stated that there were clearly processes that could be improved as staff works over the next few weeks to see what this would look like. One point that was emphasized was the difference between ISDs and Westlake Academy's K-12 campus, which does not allow for the depth of specialized teaching resources should a staff member become ill. She then provided information on each point and how this would be addressed by staff moving forward. This information would be brought to the Board once it has updated and she welcomed Board feedback based on parental comments or other information that has been received. Trustee Trivedi stated that valuable conversations have taken place so far. When looking at the broad spectrum, he agreed that children possess the resilience that provides them with the lowest probability to contract COVID-19. He felt that the guidance that has been issued regarding the wearing of facemasks is also valid. With only 40% of students fully returning to in -person instruction, he agreed that a parent survey needed to be conducted. BOT Minutes — 10/05/20 Page 8 of 10 He stated that the Academy needs to look at other single -campus schools (including private schools) who have successfully opened and the processes these schools have used. He then noted that in -person learning was more successful for the growth of students, and it is important to understand the reason some students have returned to campus and others have not. He emphasized the importance of listening to parental feedback before developing new recommendations. Trustee Belvedere stated that she agreed, and she is concerned if there is hesitancy for parents to provide feedback, noting that many problems may be avoided if everyone feels that they are heard. Additionally, she asked if the numbers representing remote learners, in -person learners, and hybrid learners could be illustrated in an easily understandable format in the future. Superintendent DeGan replied that this has been prepared and will be provided at the next Board meeting, as it was not on this evening's agenda. Trustee Rennhack stated that it would be good to know how many remote -only students were participating in sports programs. This may provide an indicator of how many were comfortable in this setting; yet felt that there was no additional value to attending classes in -person. He then stated that he would like to tour the campus to see what the learning environment looks like, as this would help him to fully understand the topics that have been discussed. Mrs. DeGan stated that she would be happy to schedule on -campus tours for anyone on the Board who were interested. The survey would take approximately 1-2 weeks to prepare and would have a quick turnaround. The results of the survey would be brought back to Board for review and direction. She then asked for direction as to whether the Board wanted to bring 12th grade students back on October 26th. The Board stated that it would be advantageous to conduct the survey first before making this decision. 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. 8. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION Prepare and conduct a Parent Survey. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board of Trustees, President Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Trivedi seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5-0. President Wheat adjourned the meeting at 8:37 p.m. BOT Minutes — 10/05/20 Page 9 of 10 ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON JANUARY 4, 2021. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President Todd Wood, Town Secretary BOT Minutes — 10/05/20 Page 10 of 10