HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 03-22-21 MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting March 22, 2021 Board Members in Attendance: Ahu Sieg, Christine Ross, Debbie Kraska, Sean Shope, Meghan Dorr, Mike Colby, Wendy Greenwood, Lindsay McGrath, and Laura Luckett Others in Attendance: Todd Wood, Jason Power, Ginger Awtry, Marlene Rutledge, Mechelle Bryson, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:34AM. Meeting took place via remote call due to pandemic and requirement for social distancing. II. Motion to approve minutes of February 8, 2021 meeting by S. Shope, second by A. Sieg. Motion carried. III. Financial Report ● S. Shope presented financial report as of February 28, 2021. Notable activity over the last month included COVID Response Team Appreciation grant expenses of $5,000 and significant Market Value adjustment increase of $46,000.89 last month. ● Current assets of the Foundation total $2.857M. ● Reviewed Activities for last month, including YTD Actuals of $905,582 raised thus far for Blacksmith Annual Fund, which compares to last year at this time total of $946,186. ● Motion to approve financials by M. Colby, second by M. Dorr. Motion carried. ● M. Dorr reported on recent Investment Committee meeting. Committee met with RBC to review investment progress, which has realized significant market value increases, and has been otherwise unremarkable over the last couple of quarters. IV. Marketing Committee ● W. Greenwood reviewed recent Marketing activities. Main areas of focus of the Committee have included final push of Blacksmith Annual Fund, Gallery Night promotion and social media highlights of sponsors and donors, Donor recognition and gratitude, Baja distribution of stipends with accompanying marketing material and Staff “pre-Spring Break” gift card distribution. ● W. Greenwood showed samples of designs and posts of content and materials from most recent communication efforts. ● Committee is currently working on several photo/copy requests for the 2020-21 yearbook, including WAF Board photo, BAF donor list and collage of WAF activity-to-date. V. Development ● Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Sieg reported that BAF is currently at $1.001M pledged, 70% parent participation and 55% new family participation. o Targeted non-donor emails have been sent. There are still 154 families needed to attain 100% participation. ● Gallery Night o L. Luckett reported that sponsorship totals are at $94k. o Fun entertainment has been secured, and event will take place at new Vaquero venue. o M. Bryson reported that decision on Fund an Item will be made and reported to Foundation within the next 24 hours. ● Westlake Baja o S. Myers reported status of amounts raised this year for each initiative: ~ Teacher of the Year = $17,200 ~ Gift Cards = $33,040 ~ Stipends = $13,270 o Final gift cards for 2020-21 were delivered the week before Spring Break. o Coach and Club Advisor stipends were included in March 5, 2021 paychecks. o Teacher of the Year presentation and resulting expenditures will occur in May. VI. Grants Committee ● M. Bryson reported that some grants are on hold due to the lack of programming necessitated by COVID restrictions. ● Styluses for G3 students, purchased through previous grant, have been purchased and are being used in class projects. VII. President’s Report ● C. Ross reported that she and S. Myers attended a WA affiliate organization meeting. There will be a WAF Board planning retreat this summer; date to be determined. ● Requested that Gallery Night be promoted in the Westlake Wire email. G. Awtry confirmed that Jon Sasser is the contact for that. VIII. Executive Director’s Report ● S. Myers reported that she was the guest speaker at the WAHOC meeting on March 2nd. Other Business  G. Awtry informed that there will be a new parent welcome event in the fall with invitation to the Foundation.  S. Myers reported that the WAHOC is also planning a new parent event this Spring. S. Shope moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by M. Colby. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:20AM. Next Meeting: Monday, April 19, 2021 at 8:30 AM via remote call