HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 02-08-21 MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting February 8, 2021 Board Members in Attendance: Sean Shope, Ahu Sieg, Laura Luckett, Meghan Dorr, Wendy Greenwood, Christine Ross, Debbie Kraska, Lindsay McGrath and Rob Anderson Others in Attendance: Todd Wood, Jason Power, Ginger Awtry, Marlene Rutledge, Amanda DeGan, Mechelle Bryson, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:36AM. Meeting took place via remote call due to pandemic and requirement for social distancing. II. Motion to approve minutes of January 11, 2020 meeting by S. Shope, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. III. Financial Report ● S. Shope presented financial report as of January 31, 2021. Notable activity over the last month included Administrative expense of $8,100.00 for FY20 Audit Services. ● Current assets of the Foundation total $2.812m ● Reviewed Activities for last month, including YTD Actuals of $893,589 received for Blacksmith Annual Fund, which compares to last year at this time total of $936,097. ● Grant transfers for FY20-21 presented in separate, and more detailed document, displaying expenses against each individual grant and grant fund balances. ● Motion to approve financials by A. Sieg, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. ● Motion to transfer $612.00 to BAF account to cover quarterly North Texas Giving Day recurring gift fees by L. Luckett, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried. ● S. Shope requested meeting with Investment Committee to discuss recent market fluctuations. IV. Marketing Committee ● W. Greenwood reviewed recent Marketing activities, including the start of Gallery Night promotion. Showed “save the date” video, which will be in next Communique. ● Teacher gift cards with designed thank you card will be distributed prior to Spring Break. ● Graphic with small “gift boxes” to be created for BAF marketing. ● Sponsor and supporter, Roxann Taylor, will promote Gallery Night in her ad space in Simply Westlake and Society Life magazines. V. Development ● Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Sieg reported that BAF is currently at $993k pledged and 69% parent participation and 57% new families. o J. Kelly reviewed BAF grade statistics. o A. Sieg and S. Myers will send targeted email to non-donors who typically donate. L. Luckett volunteered to draft. o Reviewed purpose of Blacksmith Annual Fund and strategies to meet this year’s goal. ● Westlake Baja o S. Myers reviewed with Board the Memorandum, “Baja Initiative #3 - increased stipends for coaches and club advisors” document, which displays employee positions and amounts for this year’s increases. o Board discussed options for increase this year to still allow enough to remain in account to seed next year’s distribution as well. o Motion to set the minimum supplement to 25% of the stipend amount by L. Luckett, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried. ● Gallery Night o L. Luckett reported that volunteer committee meeting was held with many responses and new volunteers in attendance. o Event will be COVID-responsible with multiple precautions planned. o Requested Board members to consider sponsoring or donating. VI. Grants Committee ● A. DeGan presented Grant application for Appreciation Project for COVID Response and Shared Services Teams in the amount of $5,000. Monthly gifts will be purchased for team members February through June of this year. ● Motion to fund grant up to $5,000 by R. Anderson, second by A. Sieg. Motion carried and grant approved. ● M. Bryson provided report on progress of WAF grants, and praised the recently installed water bottle-filling stations on campus, that had been funded by WAF grant. ● She stated that feedback from teachers regarding WAF-funded technology updates has been positive as well. VII. President’s Report ● C. Ross complimented Board for assisting with events and efforts and encouraged all to donate to and sponsor Gallery Night. VIII. Executive Director’s Report ● S. Myers gave thanks to all for volunteering time and energy for the benefit of the Academy. Other Business None D. Kraska moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:58AM. Next Meeting: Monday, March 22, 2021 at 8:30 AM, via remote call