HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAF 01-11-21 MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting January 11, 2021 Board Members in Attendance: Christine Ross, Debbie Kraska, Rob Anderson, Sean Shope, Ahu Sieg, Laura Luckett and Meghan Dorr. Others in Attendance: Todd Wood, Marlene Rutledge, Noah Simon, Ginger Awtry, Jason Power, Kelsey Wong, Mechelle Bryson, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:30AM. Meeting took place via remote call due to pandemic and requirement for social distancing. II. Motion to approve minutes of December 14, 2020 meeting by D. Kraska, second by R. Anderson. Motion carried. III. Financial Report ● S. Shope presented financial report as of December 31, 2020. Notable activity over the past month included income received from last year’s Gallery Night and teacher grant expenses. ● Current assets of the Foundation total $2.842m ● S. Myers clarified for Board that any funds collected after the close of the fiscal year are deposited into the Foundation’s Administrative Account. ● Reviewed Statement of Activities and compared amounts raised for last year and current Westlake Baja. ● Inquiry into “External Grants” section of Financial Analysis report. M. Rutledge explained that External Grants are funds donated through the Foundation, are restricted for a specific use, and, when not spent in a fiscal year, are rolled over to the next year, but within the same account. These items display as a deficit on the WAF Financial Analysis of Current Month Activity. ● C. Ross suggested changing the term, “grants” to lessen confusion with Grants awarded from the Foundation’s grants to the Academy. ● Tabled Financial Report approvals, pending terminology change decision. IV. Marketing Committee ● S. Myers reported that Grant promotion poster for staff lounges to be shared with Board when complete. ● Baja fundraising is ending, and Gallery Night promotions will begin in the coming weeks. V. Development ● Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Sieg reported that BAF is currently at $993k pledged with 69% overall parent participation and 57% new family participation. o S. Myers will share grade level donor amounts and comparisons with Board. o S. Myers and C. Ross to hold remote meeting with newly admitted families to inform them of the Foundation’s events and campaigns, answer questions and connect. ● Westlake Baja o S. Myers provided updates on Legacy Teacher Fund initiative fundraising thus far, and revealed that with the matching gift commitment, fundraising has exceeded goals. o Last year’s Coach and Club Advisor Stipends exceeded the budgeted goal amount, so there is less carry forward available this fiscal year. o Discussed importance of establishing a standard percent increase that would be sustainable over time. o Motion to set 25% minimum standard will be postponed until Board receives confirmation regarding the projected total amount required. o Teacher of the Year awards and determination to “gross up” checks to cover federal payroll taxes was discussed. Amounts were grossed up last year by 22%. o With Teacher of the Year awards not being made until May, discussion regarding whether or not to continue this policy was tabled for future meeting. o S. Myers reported that funds are still available in Initiative #5 “Pursue Professional Passions.” M. Bryson will promote the availability of these funds to the faculty. ● Gallery Night o L. Luckett reported that event theme will be “Rhinestones at the Ranch House” and take place on April 10th at Vaquero. o DJ and auctioneer services have been confirmed. o There will be six (6) PYP classroom art pieces this year, one per K-5 grade. All items will be online for bidding. o M. Bryson and Amanda DeGan will determine and report on the Academy’s request for this year’s Fund an Item. VI. Grants Committee ● M. Bryson provided report on status of WAF grants. ● Technology apps are reported by teaching and counseling staff as being used successfully. ● Second language program is being successfully utilized by both Spanish and French teachers in their classes. ● Writing Lab is being accessed primarily by seniors and mostly for assistance with college application essays. VII. President’s Report ● C. Ross wished a happy new year to the Board and expressed gratitude for all efforts by Board members to make events and campaigns successful. VIII. Executive Director’s Report ● S. Myers stated that G. Awtry will be new Foundation check signer as D. Piper is retiring. ● Class of 2021 has requested information about yard signs like those created and delivered by the Foundation for the class of 2020. Requested funding for this year and including as annual budget item moving forward. Board agreed to fund the project at approximately $700 total. ● With President’s Day on Feb. 12, Board polled re. holding next meeting on Feb. 8 or moving to Feb. 22. Meeting will be Feb. 8. ● Wished directors a happy 2021. Other Business None S. Shope moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:06AM. Next Meeting: Monday, February 8, 2021 at 8:30 AM, via remote call