HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-14-20 BOT MinMINUTES OF THEWESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING September 14, 2020 In accordance with Order of the Office of the Governor issued March 16, 2020 and March 19, 2020, the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy conducted a virtual meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 14, 2020 by video and telephonic conference in order to advance the public health goal of limiting face-to-face meetings (also called "social distancing") to slow the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). There was no public access to the physical location described above. A recording of the telephonic meeting was made and is available to the public. PRESENT: President Laura Wheat and Trustees: Carol Langdon, Greg Goble, Alesa Belvedere, and Rajiv Trivedi. ABSENT: Rick Rennhack. OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent Amanda DeGan, Deputy Town Manager Noah Simon, Assistant Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, School Attorney Janet Bubert, Town Attorney Stan Lowry, Executive Director Dr. Mechelle Bryson, College Counselor Carl Tippen, MYP Counselor Sara DeRaud, Secondary Counselor Lisa Phillips, PYP Counselor Lakshmi Morgan, Town Secretary Todd Wood, Director of Information Technology Jason Power, Director of Finance Debbie Piper, Director of Facilities & Public Works Troy Meyer, Director of Administrative Services Ginger Awtry, PYP Principal Rod Harding, Assistant PYP Principal Beckie Paquin, PYP Coordinator Alison Schneider, MYP Coordinator Terri Watson, DP Principal/Coordinator Dr. James Owen, Communications Manager John Sasser, Business Manager Marlene Rutledge, Budget & Financial Analyst Kelsey Wong, and Registrar Kimberly Gardner. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the Regular Session to order at 5:00 p.m. BOT Minutes — 9/14/20 Page 1 of 6 2. CITIZEN COMMENTS President Wheat provided a brief summary of instructions to the public for citizen comments. No one addressed the Board of Trustees. 3. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: Communications Manager Jon Sasser provided an update on this item. Reopening of Westlake Town Hall and Municipal Court: The Westlake Town Hall and Municipal Court was successfully re -opened on September 1, 2020. Masks will be required for those entering these facilities, and social distancing is being observed in accordance with CDC and state guidelines. North Texas Giving Day: This event is scheduled for September 17th. Mr. Sasser noted that there were many great charities that everyone would have the opportunity to support, especially the Westlake Academy Foundation Blacksmith program. Upcoming meetings: The next Planning and Zoning meeting is scheduled for September 21, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. via telephonic and video conference. The next Town Council meeting is scheduled for September 28, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. via telephonic and video conference. Coffee and Conversation with the Mayor: This event is tentatively scheduled for October 5, 2020. Westlake Classic Car Show: This event was originally scheduled for October 17, 2020 and has been cancelled due to public health concerns regarding COVID-19. 4. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on June 22, 2020. b. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on July 21, 2020. MOTION: Trustee Langdon made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Trivedi seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. President Wheat then stated that Item #7 on the agenda would be moved to follow Item #4 on the agenda, allowing for citizen comments earlier in the meeting. BOT Minutes — 9/14/20 Page 2 of 6 S. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: a. Presentation and discussion regarding Counseling Services. Executive Director Dr. Mechelle Bryson introduced this item, stating that the counselors have done an amazing job this year, going above and beyond. She then asked Mr. Carl Tippen to present to the Board of Trustees. Mr. Tippen began with the primary goals of the counseling program: • Acedemic Support; • Social and Emotional Wellness; • Developmental Responsiveness; and • College and Career Readiness. Mr. Tippen then noted that the counseling program was a "one -stop shop" with the support services that are provided, which includes academic support, engagement and interaction with peer groups, coping with emotional trauma, and preparation for college or other career choices. Ms. Sara DeRaud provided and overview of the Character Strong Program, which was funded by a generous donation from the Westlake Academy Foundation. Ms. Lakshmi Morgan and Ms. Lisa Phillips then provided an overview of the social and emotional learning initiatives of the counseling program, including the policies and procedures that are being used. It was noted that all Westlake Academy Counselors are certified trainers in QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer) for suicide prevention efforts. Mr. Tippen then elaborated on the college readiness activities that meet all state requirements and explained how these activities correlate into college matriculation and retention rates. b. Presentation and discussion regarding IB site visit. DP Principal/DP Coordinator Dr. James Owen, MYP Coordinator Terri Watson, and PYP Coordinator presented this item. Dr. Owen began by explaining that the evaluation is the primary means of ensuring that schools are meeting the IB standards and practices, and this process can also serve as a catalyst for school improvement. Schools complete a self -study process assessing their implementation of IB standards and gathering evidence to support their assessment. The IB then evaluates this evidence and provides feedback schools. The IB site visit was positive, and the Coordinators will update the Action Plan based on the IB Report and new 2020 IB standards and practices. The next self -evaluation process will be conducted in 2024, and the next IB site visit will occur in spring 2025. c. Presentation and discussion of revised PYP Report Cards. Executive Director Dr. Mechelle Bryson introduced this item, and PYP Principal Rod Harding made a presentation to the Board. He explained the timeline released from the IB, which began in October 2018 with the release of PYP enhancements and BOT Minutes — 9/14/20 Page 3 of 6 ending in September 2020 by connecting to stakeholders. He then explained that the primary purposes of assessment and grade reporting were the measurement of learning and the reporting of learning. PYP Coordinator Alison Schneider then explained that this new process is designed to be objective with state standards, provide more specificity regarding student performance, and ensure that classroom experiences are aligned to meet state standards and provide teachers with greater insight on student performance. 6. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 20-12, AMENDING THE PRIMARY (K-GS) ASSESSMENT AND GRADE REPORTING POLICY (BOARD POLICY NO. 6.09). Following the presentation of Item 5c, President Wheat asked the Board for a motion to approve Item #6. MOTION: Trustee Langdon made a motion to approve Resolution 20-12. Trustee Goble seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 7. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE BACK -TO -SCHOOL PLAN FOR THE 2020-2021 ACADEMIC YEAR. President Wheat moved Item #7 to follow Item #4, which allowed citizen comments to be presented earlier in the meeting. She stated that school administrators would discuss the Back -to -School Plan first, and the meeting would be opened for comments following this presentation. Superintendent Amanda DeGan presented this item. She noted that the previous four (4) weeks has utilized the remote learning option at Westlake Academy, which has allowed time for additional preparation for the realities that are being faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic and developing protocols that would be used by staff and students. During this time, procedures have been developed or modified for sporting events, drop-off and pickup of students, providing lunch services, and use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Plans have been reviewed to ensure the continuity of education for teachers while maximizing safety and effectiveness. The synchronous and asynchronous educational plans have also been reviewed, and feedback has been mostly positive. Ms. DeGan explained that prevention and mitigation of spreading the virus has been a top initiative. This includes self -screening by staff and students, individuals with confirmed cases not being allowed on campus, expanded use of PPE, lunch being served in classrooms for the first four (4) weeks, utilizing enhanced cleaning protocols, and providing protocol training for students that has been approved by TEA (Texas Education Agency). She then explained the requirements that would be followed in response to any confirmed case that may be identified on campus. Mrs. DeGan then explained the options that are available to the Board moving forward. This included extending off -campus learning for an additional four (4) weeks or utilizing a phased -in approach to on -campus learning. It was recommended by staff that students BOT Minutes — 9/14/20 Page 4 of 6 return to campus on September 215t. This approach would involve remote learning, in - person learning, and a hybrid option for students in grades 9-12 for the first nine (9) weeks. The hybrid option would be reviewed prior to the beginning of the second nine -week period. President Wheat then opened the meeting for public comments. Mr. Wayne Stoltenberg addressed the Board and expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the Board and staff members. He began by stating that Westlake Academy should return to in -person learning five days per week as soon as possible and hoped that the Board would consider this option. President Wheat thanked Mr. Stoltenberg for his comments. Dr. Anna White then addressed the Board and thanked everyone for their hard work. She asked if the approximate percentage of high school students who have chosen the fully remote option was known. Executive Director Dr. Mechelle Bryson replied that 82 students have chosen the fully remote option, and 237 students have chosen the hybrid option. Dr. White then stated that she supported Mr. Stoltenberg's comments and mentioned that international studies have statistically shown that students returning to school campuses have not increased the risk to teachers wearing masks. Dr. White underscored that Westlake Academy should be fully re -opened as soon as possible. She then provided information that many tests may results in false positive or false negative results, and much of the information found in medical literature regarding COVID-19 differs. 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. 9. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION Provide follow-up to the Board on QPR training for next year. 10. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board of Trustees, President Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Trustee Trivedi made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. President Wheat adjourned the meeting at 7:26 p.m. ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. BOT Minutes — 9/14/20 Page 5 of 6 APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON DECEMBER 7, 2020. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President Toad Wood, Town —Secretary BOT Minutes — 9/14/20 Page 6of6