HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution Academy Phase ITOW}[ OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 14-08 A RESOLUTION OF'THE TOWI\ COUNCIL OF THE TOW}[ OT'WESTL TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH ALPHA FITNESS SOLU:TIONS TO PROVIDE A INSTALL ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT FOR THE WESTLAKE ACAI) PHASE I EXPANSION PROJECT, AND AUTHORIZE TOWN MANAGER MAKE FUNDING CHANGES NOT TO EXCEED $25,OOO.OO ON T PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake is working; to become a leader in educational facilities and programs; and, WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake owns and operates the Westlake and provides facilities for Town and Academy use; and, WHEREAS, the option to select one contractor based on the total aggregate or awarding items or sections separately to one or more contractors based on unit prici and. WHEREAS, the Town Council approves an expenditure for the budgeted of $60,000.00 from municipal funds towards the total purchase of athletic equipment the Field House in the amount of $118,780.96, with the additional funding of $58,780 provided by WA affiliates and or interested parties to cover this cost increase; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the contract from Alpha Fi Solutions to provide and install the athletic equipme:nt for the Field House for Westlake Academy Phase I Expansion benefits the public and is in the best interest of public, citizens of Westlake, Westlake Academy students and their parents; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in best interests of the citizens of Westlake. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOW}{ COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF' WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the Town of Westlake Town Council does hereby the agreement with Alpha Fitness Solutions and authorizes Town staff to athletic equipment, as it relates to the Westlake Academy Phase I Expansion construct project at the Westlake Academy Campus, attached as Exhibit 'A". IIII SECTION 3: That the Town of Westlake Town Council hereby uutho.ires dt" Town Manager to approve change orders to this agteement up to $25,000.00 in {re aggregate, on behalf of the Town of Westlake I SECTION 4: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declled invalid by *y *.nt of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect {he remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby detemrines that it would h{ve adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. I SECTION 5: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its dfte ofpassage. II PASSED AND APPROVED ON THrS 3'd DAy OF MARCHaLI4. I III ATTEST: I L"*" L Wh*t, M"y* |III K.rr@ r lII APPROVED AS TO FORM: IIII Lstan@ |IIIII III IIII IIII."*'i*:it-i;"l I FUNDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT This project consists of the construction of three buildings: '1) Multi-purpose * ***.= portable stage, storage and catering kitchen for dining and general f-T..d=r at approx. 8,600 sf. 2) Three story Secondary School at appx. 1 9,400 sf. Includes 12 classrooms, flex and office space. Designed to allow future addition if needed. 3) Fieldhouse at approx. 8,600 sf. which will locker rooms to be used for both athletics and PE, storage for offices, classrooms and space to be used for the PE program Totals Thru FY 11t12 FF&E 47415 37ti.141 Totals Thru FY 11112 Totals Thru FY 11t12 Budget Summary Dttllilt;,Tffi{$lii6 ( r#}S,$ii. ryH,gj MasterPlan Blds-July Engineered Prciect perBB&P 2013 Budget Actuals Variance s 8,s00,000 s 8.500,000 s 8,500,000 s 8,501,035 s 1.035 - 225,000 225,000 225,000 - 366;174 366,774 366,774 - 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 - 10,000 10,000 - 500,000 s 8J00,0(x, I 10,091,774 s 10,601,774 $ 10,639,207 s 1,035 S 1,441,881 S 2,2ss,2so 5 2,060,767 S s02,167 I (1,s58,600) 1,224,583 2,375,020 1,811,539 383,554 1L,427,98/.1 Revenues 1 Bond Proceeds 2 BB&P MasterPlan Correction 3 BB&PNotePayable 4 Donations 5 Interest Earned 6 TEnsf€r ln 7 Total R€venues 8 Expenditures 9 Hard C6t MultiPurpose -9,535 (includ€s 10 Gen. condltions & Contingency) Field House €,675 (includes Gen 11 Conditions & Contingencyl Secondary -19,452 (includes Gen 12 Conditions & Contlngency) 13 Additional Requirements 14 GeneFl Requirements 15 GeneEl Conditions 16 CM Fee 17 Miscellaneout 18 19 20 Labor Burden 21 Insuranc6-Bondlng 22 Contintency 23 Town - Site work/civil 24 Utilities 25 Fence Relocatlon 26 Dirtwork 27 lrrigation/Power 2a Contlngency 29 SF-Sitework/civil 3,25t,279 3,506,644 ,rr,rro : 813,690 3,013,44:, 953,974 (2,059,467) 374,49'J L39,424 (235,069) 319,190 101,383 l277,a07l 513,4511 374,7A9 (199,265) 95 358,981 (91,019) 53,497 (46,s03) 70,000 70,000 49,344 (20,656) 15,000 15,000 2,200 (12,800) 2O,0O0 20,O0O (2O 0O0) 40,000 40,000 28,000 (12,000) 40,000 40,000 (40,000) - 484,051 4SO,O4'| 330,120 {179,9211 30 Value Engineering Savings 31 Creditsavingi-Foodservice,Controls,Piers (111,49:ll 111,491 32 Hardcostsutstotal 5 7,327,mI S 8t06,96s S 8,616/439 S 2,804,354 S (5,812,085) 34 Soft C6t 35 DeslSn/€nglneerlng Fee 35 Architect 37 En8ineering 38 6eo testing 39 HVACController 19 Deslgn/EnglneerlnsSub-total 42 lTlsecurlty 43 DoorHardware 44 Convergent Tech 45 AVI 46 Synetra 47 BettermentTEnsfer lT/Security Sub-total 50 FF&E 51 Kitchen 52 Move in cost 53 furniture{classrcom/office) 54 Audiovideo 55 Athletic Equip 2, FF&Esubtotal 58 Eond tees 60 Total Soft-Cost 51 Total Constructlon 63 Portable Buildlngs 64 Purchase Current 65 New Portables 66 set up & deliver 67 deck& Emps 58 cover 69 Tempcontrols 70 Fire Alarm system 7,000 7,@0 I 6s0,952 S S - 450,000 450,000 - 100,000 100,000 325,476 300,476 - 25,000 115,23|t 115,238 100,001) ,rr,rro ,,r$ 144,150 2A,972 188,300 88,300 48 S r,627,380 I r,726,G8s S r,86,176 S 1,29s,862 I (1403141 s 8,950,s87 s r0,s33,6s0 s 10,0s2,61.t s 4,1d1,216 s (s,952,3991 71 Power 72 lTlData 73 Fence 74 Utilities 75 FF&E 50,ooo flg,496 22,236 (s) 24,692 2,692 12,500 2,500 4,s95 (2,405) 7,469 (s31) 22,OE9 99 14584 5,584 957 (43) - (5,000) ]2331 6.278 Portables Sub-total S S S 60,000 S 60,000 $ - 179,895 179,896 - 22,245 22,24' - 26,000 26,000 - 10 000 10,000 8,000 8,000 22,000 22,000 8,000 8,ooo 1,000 1,000 6,000 5,000 25-000 5-053 3 375,141 S 356,194 5 365,359 I $ 8,950,587 I 10,908,791 I 10,408,809 $ 4,46s,57s I (5,943,2341 s (450,s87) s (817,017) s 192,965 s 6,713,632 s 5,944,269 78 Totalco3t Excess of Revenues wer (under) 80 Experdltures