HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-03-14 BOT Agenda PacketThe Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees will begin immediately following the conclusion of the Board of Trustees Workshop but not prior to the posted start time. Mission Statement Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality so they are well-balanced and respectful life-long learners. Page 1 of 3 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Vision Statement Westlake Academy inspires students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile. Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced and Reflective BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING AGENDA March 3, 2014 WESTLAKE TOWN HALL 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE – 2ND FLOOR WESTLAKE, TX 76262 COUNCIL CHAMBERS/MUNICIPAL COURT ROOM Workshop Session 5:00 p.m. Regular Session 6:00 p.m. Page 2 of 3 Work Session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE MARCH 3 , 2014, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. 4. REPORTS Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as presented. (there will no presentations associated with the report items) There will be no separate discussion unless a Board Member requests that report be removed and considered separately. a. Update on the progress of Spanish alignment at Westlake Academy. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Introduce Mechelle Bryson, Ed.D. as the Academy's Executive Principal/Director of Education. (5 min) b. Presentation and Discussion (annually) of the planned activities of the House of Commons . (10 min) c. Discussion of the expansion enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year and current student census. (20 min) d. Update and discussion regarding Westlake Academy Phase I expansion project and enrollment projections. Standing Item (15 min) 6. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION 7. ADJOURNMENT Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. Page 3 of 3 3. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the February 10, 2014, meeting. b. Consider approval of Resolution 14-02, Missed Instructional Day Waiver. c. Consider approval of Resolution 14-03, Amending the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual adding a Compensated Holidays policy. 4. BOARD CALENDAR 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under “Future Agenda Item Requests”, an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Superintendent with the requested item and the Superintendent will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item’s relationship to the Board’s strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Superintendent will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. 6. ADJOURNMENT ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 3 Village Circle, on February 26, 2014, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. _____________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Westlake Academy Item # 2 – Pledge of Allegiance Texas Pledge: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible." REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS a. Consider approval of the minutes from the January 13, 2014, meeting. b. Consider approval of Resolution 14-02, Bad Weather Wavier. c. Consider approval of Resolution 14-03, Amending the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual adding a Compensated Holidays policy. Westlake Academy Item # 3 – Review of Consent Agenda Items REPORTS Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as presented. (there will no presentations associated with the report items) There will be no separate discussion unless a Board Member requests that report be removed and considered separately. a. Update on the progress of Spanish alignment at Westlake Academy. Westlake Academy Item # 4– Reports Page 1 of 1 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: PYP / MYP / DP Meeting Date: 03.03.14 Staff Contact: Dr. Andra Barton Report Director of Curriculum and Instruction Subject: Update on the progress of Language B alignment at Westlake Academy. PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK This report relates directly to Westlake Academy’s Vision of inspiring “students to achieve their highest individual potential…” and the Mission of “an internationally minded education in the highest quality…” FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded X N/A RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS No action is required at this time. ATTACHMENTS 1. Language B update on progress at Westlake Academy. 1 Westlake Academy Language B Update 2013-14 At the September 9, 2013 Board of Trustees meeting, staff presented a report on the Language B services for Westlake Academy. Staff updated the board on progress of those efforts at the December meeting. The purpose of this report is to provide an update of progress made within the Language B area for the past two months. Overview * A Language B committee is coordinated at the campus level by Dr. Andra Barton. This committee is comprised of all Language B teachers, the PYP, MYP & DP Coordinator along with campus administration. The intention of this committee is to examine areas of improvement within the current Language B department. Three areas were identified as needing support: * Curriculum development and management * Schedule options, which maximize student engagement * External student assessment, which supports the need for on going data collection by the organization Update and Progress: Curriculum Development & Management * The International Baccalaureate Organization has further defined the strands needed for attaining an additional language. Those include: listening, reading, grammar/mechanics, vocabulary/spelling and oral communication. The prior strands identified and reported during the December meeting were changed to this updated model. This was done to ensure going forward Westlake Academy curriculum work would be aligned with the International Baccalaureate Organization and their newest recommendations. * Vertical alignment of the “skills” needed for each level is being defined and written with student expectations. The State of Texas does not have “TEKS” in Spanish and French strands similar to other subjects, therefore we are creating a roadmap of skills needed for attainment that align with successful completion of the diploma years programme. This alignment , while on going in nature, will be in final draft form by March. 2 * The coordinators will deliver an increased focus on unit planners in March – May that is aligned with the vertical articulation of skills being taught. * All documents will be maintained on the web-based system, IB Learns. Our PYP and MYP coordinator visited their home offices in Buffalo New York (Feb 19th-21st) to ensure services were aligned with Westlake Academy. Specifically, IB Learns is finalizing the MYP unit planner module based on the “New Chapter” being released by the IBO. The skills identified for attainment at each level will then be listed as a drop down box to ensure continued alignment is being developed within the curriculum model. * The committee work has built foundational efforts on relationship building among the K-12 Language B teachers. The teachers beginning to communicate and plan when seeing each other at the campus level now evidence these efforts. Scheduling Options * The Language B team is recommending different scheduling options for students. If there is a budgetary impact then it will be presented during that phase of planning for the upcoming school year. Assessment Options * A sub-committee is looking at different qualitative assessment instruments for implementation during the 2014-15 school year. The committee recognizes the belief that solid data collection is needed to ensure the curriculum is aligned, teacher effectiveness and ultimately student engagement is maximized. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Introduce Mechelle Bryson, Ed.D. as the Academy's Executive Principal/Director of Education. (5 min) b. Presentation and Discussion (annually) of the planned activities of the House of Commons. (10 min) c. Discussion of the expansion enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year and current student census. (20 min) d. Update and discussion regarding Westlake Academy Phase I expansion project and enrollment projections. Standing Item (15 min) Westlake Academy Item # 5– Discussion Items Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: PYP / MYP / DP Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 Staff Contact: Tom Brymer Discussion Superintendent Subject: Introduction of Mechelle Bryson, Ed.D. as the Executive Principal/Director of Education for Westlake Academy. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Westlake Academy has just concluded an international search to fill the position of Executive Director/Director of Education at Westlake Academy. This agenda item is intended to allow Dr. Mechelle Bryson, our new Executive Principal/Director of Education, to be formally introduced to the Board of Trustees and visit with the Board at her first Board of Trustees’ meeting since assuming her new position with WA on March 1, 2014. PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded N/A at this time. Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS None at this time. ATTACHMENTS • Feb. 15, 2014 WA Communique Announcing Dr. Bryson’s Appointment 1 WA Parents’ Communiqué! From Superintendent Tom Brymer February 15, 2014 New Executive Principal/Director of Education to Join the WA Team I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mechelle Bryson, Ed.D. as the Academy’s Executive Principal/Director of Education. In this role Dr. Bryson will be serving as the senior on-campus educational leader at Westlake Academy. Dr. Bryson’s direct reports will include PYP Principal Rod Harding, MYP Principal Dr. Andra Barton, and Administrative Coordinator Ben Nibarger. In her role as Executive Principal, Dr. Bryson will also have direct over sight of the G11-12 Diploma Programme. Dr. Mechelle Bryson is an experienced, professional educator with a core belief that “all children can learn.” Dr. Bryson brings almost 30 years of education and instructional leadership experience to Westlake Academy. Throughout her education career, Dr. Bryson’s roles and responsibilities have increased in a steady progression from the classroom to that of an education executive leader. Included in her professional experience has been the design, implementation, and successful transition of IB programmes into a public school setting. Dr. Bryson describes herself as an “achiever and an activator,” and sees herself first as a teacher, but most importantly, as an instructional leader. Known for being able to inspire teachers and cultivate a student centric culture, Dr. Bryson’s range of experience includes years as a debate teacher, principal and assistant principal, as well as leadership roles in a high performing school district. A strong believer in on-campus collaboration and utilizing guiding coalitions as a key to inspiring teachers, she believes the development of individuals and teams is critical for the ultimate success of any school. Additionally, Dr. Bryson’s peers and previous administrators alike consistently describe her as an educational leader that always puts students first in her decision making. She has a “passion for kids” regardless of their learning abilities or level, and considers herself humbled by the opportunity to serve in a profession that thrives on lifelong learning. Coming to Westlake Academy from her most recent position as Director of School Improvement with the fast growing Coppell Independent School District, Dr. Bryson has experience with a number of educational initiatives that have had direct impact on improving student learning, including the International Baccalaureate Curriculum. Dr. Bryson is an impassioned believer in the merits of IB and advocates that there are three important strategies to consider in ensuring continued success and maintenance of all three IB programmes; vertical articulation of the IB learners’ profile, the instructional design of constructing and deconstructing knowledge, and meaningful international-mindedness integration. 2 In addition to her extensive education experience, Dr. Bryson holds Bachelor of Science in Education and Master of Educational Administration degrees from the University of North Texas. She is also a graduate of Baylor University’s education doctoral program with a Doctor of Education degree. Dr. Bryson has earned a Texas Superintendent Certification and is a member of the Association for Supervision Curriculum & Development, the Texas Association of School Administrators, and Pi Lambda Theta. Additionally, she has co-authored and published two pieces of education work in 2010 with another submitted in 2013 for publication. Dr. Bryson is married and she and her husband Tom have one child. Dr. Bryson’s first day with Westlake Academy will be March 1, 2014. Dr. Bryson has been through an extensive international search and interview process and has “risen to the top” amongst a field of very well qualified candidates. I know that you will all join me in welcoming Dr. Mechelle Bryson to the Westlake Academy family with open arms and excitement as we continue this journey together to provide our students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality, inspiring them to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment. Tom Brymer Town Manager/Superintendent Westlake Academy Page 1 of 1 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: PYP / MYP / DP Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 Staff Contact: Amanda DeGan Discussion Assistant Town Manager Subject: Presentation and Discussion (annually) of the planned activities of the House of Commons. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Per the Council/BOT Advisory Board/Affiliates policy, at least annually all Town advisory boards and Westlake Academy affiliate groups will meet with the Council and/or Board of Trustees to discuss their past year’s activities and those planned for the next twelve months. The purpose of this workshop presentation is to engender coordinated planning and collaboration between the Board and the Westlake Academy Foundation in the pursuit of the Board’s strategic objectives for the Academy. PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Why do we need governance guidance? Which policy governs this? What addit ional direction is necessary? FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded N/A RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS Receive the HOC’s report, ask questions, and engage in collaborative dialogue and feedback to and with current President about the future plans of the affiliate group. ATTACHMENTS Advisory Board and Affiliate Communications Policy           2008 Town of Westlake /  Westlake Academy  Town Council / Board of Trustees   CITIZEN ADVISORY  BOARD/COMMITTEE/AFFILIATE RELATIONS  AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY      1  (adopted December 8, 2008)  CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD/COMMITTEE/AFFILIATE  RELATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY    Contents    I.   POLICY PURPOSE. ................................................................................................................................... 2  II.   POLICY GOALS. ........................................................................................................................................ 2  III.   POLICY PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................................. 2  A. Annual Meeting with Board. ............................................................................................................ 2  B.   IRS Tax‐Exempt Status Requests. ..................................................................................................... 3  C.   Use of Town and Academy Name, Resources, and Logos. .............................................................. 3  D.   Fiduciary/Stewardship Responsibilities and Requirements. ........................................................... 3    2  (adopted December 8, 2008)  I.   POLICY PURPOSE. To establish a clear framework and process for enhanced collaborative interaction, communication, and mutual understanding of roles and responsibilities between the Town Council (TC) and the Board of Trustees (BOT) and their various citizen advisory boards, commissions, committees, and organizations affiliated with the Town of Westlake and/or Westlake Academy. II.   POLICY GOALS. The goals of this policy are: A. Enhanced two-way communication between the TC/BOT and its various advisory boards, commissions, committees and affiliate organizations (and vice versa). B. Reaching mutual agreement regarding annual programs of work for these various citizen advisory boards, commissions, committees, and affiliate organizations to enhance and assist in the pursuit of the TC’s/BOT’s strategic priorities. C. Achieving a common paradigm that all advisory boards, commissions, committees, and affiliates of the Town of Westlake and Westlake Academy exist to further the TC/BOT strategic agenda and are under the direct control of BOT/TC or, if they are a Westlake Academy affiliate, are under the day-to-day direction of the Head of School. D. Creating a clear understanding, coordination, and agreement by the TC/BOT and its citizen advisory boards, commissions, committees, and affiliate organizations as to each group’s role, function, and scope of responsibility in terms of their relationship to the Town of Westlake and/or Westlake Academy. E. Establishing a direct link between Westlake Academy, its Head of School, and the Academy’s Senior Management Team as being the first point of contact for coordinating the activities of Westlake Academy affiliates. III.   POLICY PARAMETERS. To achieve this policy’s purpose and goals, the following parameters are put in place: A. Annual Meeting with Board. All TC/BOT advisory boards, committees, commissions, and affiliate organizations shall meet at least annually with the TC/BOT to: 1.) Report on progress to date in implementing that group’s program of work for the current fiscal year 2.) Review a proposed program of work for the coming fiscal year as well as submit any budget requests and requested staff resources for this proposed program of work. Said program of work will be discussed within the context of the organization’s program of work carrying out the TC’s/BOA’s strategic plan for both the Town and Westlake Academy. All funding requests should be submitted not later than the July 1st prior to the upcoming fiscal year. Requests received after that time will not be considered until the following fiscal year. 3.) Review fund raising activities underway or planned to support the current or proposed plan of work. 3  (adopted December 8, 2008)  4.) The chair of each advisory board, committee, and/or affiliate organization shall schedule this annual meeting (or more frequent if needed) through the Town Secretary’s office. The TC/BOT may choose to hold these meetings one or two times per year. 5.) All affiliates of Westlake Academy, prior to meeting with the TC/BOT, will meet with the Head of School to make sure they their proposed efforts are coordinated through the Head of School and his/her designates. B.   IRS Tax­Exempt Status Requests.  All advisory committees, commissions, boards, and affiliates seeking tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service 501(c)3 must receive prior approval from the TC/BOT. When submitting a request to the TC/BOT to apply for this IRS 501(c)3 status, the organization wishing to apply must be able to demonstrate and illustrate to the TC/BOT the benefits of this status for achieving TC/BOT strategic priorities as well as the advantages of this designation not currently afforded by the Town’s existing tax- exempt status. Further, the organization requesting to apply for this 501(c)3 status must be able to demonstrate to the TC/BOT their organizational capacity to administer and comply with all IRS regulations related to this status on an on-going basis. C.   Use of Town and Academy Name, Resources, and Logos.  Any advisory board, commission, or committee, as well as affiliate organizations of the Town or Westlake Academy, that wish to begin using the Town or Academy’s name or logo in their operational efforts must receive prior approval from the TC/BOT. Said approval can be withdrawn at any time by the TC/BOT. Additionally, any on-going use of Town facilities, resources, and staff by an advisory committee, commission, board, or affiliate must be requested through the Town Manager’s office and is subject to his/her approval prior to on-going utilization of those resources. Requests to add organizations covered by this policy to the Town’s insurance policy shall be submitted to the Town Manager for his prior approval before any insurance coverage is extended. If approved, the annual cost of this insurance shall be borne by the requesting organization. Requests to add staff to support any advisory board, commission, committee, or affiliate shall be made through the Town Manger’s office as a part of the annual budget preparation process and must be approved in advance by the TC/BOT. This request will include the identification of funding resources to pay for this position, the operational reporting arrangement for this position, and which payroll/insurance program this position will fall under. D.   Fiduciary/Stewardship Responsibilities and Requirements. All advisory boards, commissions, committees, and affiliates that expend funds through their own bank accounts must first have TC/BOA approval to have separate bank accounts. All such groups will also submit their financial control procedures to the Town Manager or his/her designate for review and approval as to providing acceptable internal control on collection and expenditure of funds from these bank accounts. 4  (adopted December 8, 2008)  Additionally, if this approval for separate bank accounts is authorized by the TC/BOT, a timely annual audit of this account(s) shall be submitted to the Town Manager or his/her designate for presentation to the TC/BOT. Said audit may be conducted by an external CPA auditing firm or may be conducted by the Town’s Director of Finance with that decision being made by the Town Manager depending on staff workload requirements at the time. Since the Westlake Academy Foundation has IRS 501(c)3 status at the time of the adoption of this policy, that organization shall, at its cost, utilize the same external auditor concurrently used to audit Westlake Academy finances. This Westlake Academy Foundation audit shall be prepared on a timely basis for presentation to the TC/BOT at the same time that the Academy’s audit is presented. For those advisory boards, commissions, and committees funded by the TC/BOT through the Town or Academy approved budget, use of approved budgetary allocations shall be made on transaction by transaction basis. That is, the chair or president of that organization will identify the vendor they wish to utilize, contact the Town’s Director of Finance, and submit necessary invoices so that the vendor can be paid by the Town for goods/services rendered to that advisory committee, commission, or board from their TC/BOT approved budget. Use of approved Town budgeted funds by these organizations shall be in accordance with State purchasing statutes and Town purchasing policies. All by-laws for proposed for citizen advisory boards, commissions, committees, and organizations affiliated with the Town of Westlake and/or Westlake Academy shall first be reviewed and approved by the TC/BOT. Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: PYP / MYP / DP Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 Staff Contact: Amanda DeGan Discussion Assistant Town Manager Subject: Discussion of the expansion enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year and current student census EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In November, we presented to the Board an outline of the proposed expansion framework for SY 14/15. The framework/action plan delineates a series of internal steps staff is pursuing during the current school year to help support the new students, staff and facilities. These steps include: • Student Enrollment / Lottery – Chair: Ben Nibarger • Induction Processes – Chair: Lynne Hale / Vicki Nees • Teacher / Support Staff Recruitment – Chair: Dr. Andra Barton • Transition of G6 to MYP – Chair: Dr. Andra Barton / Rod Harding • Impact of Increased Enrollment – Chair: Principals • Facility / Physical Location of Rooms, etc. – Chair: Troy Meyer • Contingency Planning – Chair: Troy Meyer The sub-committee chairs are listed above and they are working in tandem with the larger Steering Committee to implement the processes necessary to on-board students and help ensure a smooth expansion. Staff will provide an update of the proposed plans for Council review. PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Why do we need governance guidance? Which policy governs this? What addit ional direction is necessary? FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded N/A RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS Discussion and feedback regarding the expansion framework. ATTACHMENTS Working Copy – Expansion Planning Framework Page 2 of 2 Student Induction – Potential Action Plans 2014 – 2015 Expansion Planning Committee Working Copy 1 EXPANSION PLANNING FRAMEWORK Steering Committee – Amanda DeGan Tom Brymer, Dr. Bryson, Rod Harding, Dr. Barton, Ben Nibarger, Dr. Myers To Do: 1. Follow-up on letters to parents – re: graduation status? 2. Employee reviews? a. Determine list of those positions we need to hire for? 3. Communicate LEAD strategy for remainder of year to team. 4. Secondary Grading Policy – check with Ben on status for BOT agenda 5. Trips Policy – continue to work through steps – consult Dr. Bryson (if time allows) a. Set focus groups Student Enrollment – Ben Nibarger Patty Frey, Jill Howard, Alan Burt, Vicki Nees, Lynne Hale, Kirsty Wilkinson, Christian McCartney Timeline (overall this is a 12-16 week process per Ben) • Pre-enrollment (Began in November/December for siblings – February for lottery) o Large Group Meeting (Three Groups: G6, G7-10, G11) (Need date: 2/25, ¾, and 3/6) (Principals)  Email invitations – DONE (Patty & Ben)  Student led tour (Emily Paulson) – Student Presentation (Principal & Counselors) o Packet – talking points for large group discussions (Course sequence, syllabi, sample course work, student stories, student expectations, parent expectations, transition dip, etc.) (Coordinators & Principals)  Prepare packets for distribution (Administrative Assistants) o Individual Student Meetings (Principals, Patty, Vicki, Lynne, Kirsty, Christian)  Develop online data collection tool (Ben & Maru) o Student Discipline Affidavit (Janet Bubert) o Student transcripts o Three questions for student & parents o Define common time each week for meetings (Begin in November/December) o Develop video of student(s) in each grade level to show during meeting o Talk frankly about the rigor, expectations, struggles, benefits, etc. (Ben & Maru)  Action plan for students that are going to need to catch up (Principal, HODs) • School Schedule (Completed by February) (Principal, et al) o Schedule completed in scheduling application (Completed by January) 2014 – 2015 Expansion Planning Committee Working Copy 2 o Student schedules assigned (Completed by February) • Student Registration (Begin in April) (Vicki, Lynne & Jill) o TxMyZone Goes Live (Secondary) (Jill, Lynne & Christian) • Lottery (Patty & Ben) o Application (Dec – Jan) – DONE (Patty, Maru & Ben) o Lottery Drawing (February) – DONE (Administrative Assistants & Ben) = Development of evaluatory materials? Helps parents decide if WA is the ‘right fit’ for their family/student. o Push-piece (online survey/brochure?) o You will know WA is a good fit if… type questions. New Student Induction: Lynne Hale / Vicki Nees Lynne Hale, Heather McCown, Kirsty Wilkinson, Christian McCarthy • New Student Orientation o Fish – camp? o Shadowing for a day or few days? o Could we ‘shadow with siblings this fall? o Day-in-the-life of a WA student o Social mixer? o 10 biggest surprises for new WA students – written by new students o Peek inside the classroom for parents? - 1/21/14 – First meeting held in January. Lynne Hale to run with this subcommittee for the remainder of the SY. - 2/4/14 – Met and followed up on items brainstormed in January. - 2/18/14 – Affiliate group involvement well underway; Still checking with outside providers for on-boarding assistance; teaching days to be scheduled and divided amongst sections; DP & Admin. has FAQ we can utilize; Section on web page specific to expansions discussed. Teacher / Staff Recruitment – Andra Barton Kirsty Wilkinson, Alan Burt, Christian McCarthy, Rod Harding, Alison Schneider, Ben Nibarger, Todd Wood • Hiring of teaching staff and support staff o How many to be hired for this year as new/incoming staff? o How many due to attrition? o Staff evaluations due by 12/7/13 – any employee improvement plans?; send all reviews to Dr. Barton by 12/15/13 o Observations in classroom o Determine potential vacancies for following SY o Final determinations by 02/28/14 • Hiring avenues - Local job fa irs 2014 – 2015 Expansion Planning Committee Working Copy 3 - Word-of-mouth - Advertisements (local/websites, etc.) - What is the status of the final list of open positions due to expansion? - List of potential teacher positions to fill for next year? - Secondary reviews are almost complete – Dr. Barton is meeting with each teacher after in-classroom observations. Has reviewed all personnel files provided by Dr. Calzini. - Rod to provide support where necessary to Dr. Barton 6th Grade to MYP Transition – Andra Barton/Rod Harding Deborah Peebles, Kirsty Wilkinson, Alan Burt, Andra Barton, Craig Talley • Determine 6th Grade instructional model • Determine HR needs for Grade 6 • Classroom teachers • Arts / PE • French / Spanish • SPED / 504 • Determine timetable and schedule for instructional model • Eight subject areas • Curriculum Alignment • Fifth Grade to Sixth Grade • Fourth Grade to Fifth Grade Increased Number of Students – Principals Alan Burt, Craig Talley • Lunch Schedule • Student Schedule Facilities / Physical Locations – Troy Meyer Rod Harding, Alan Burt, Kirsty Wilkinson, Christian McCarthy • Review of grand plan for classroom allocation • Timeline of re-location • MYP to new facility • PYP to MYP • Additional resources needed: • Desks • Chairs • Instructional materials 2014 – 2015 Expansion Planning Committee Working Copy 4 - Meeting scheduled for first week of March – Dr. Bryson, Dr. Barton, Rod Harding, Troy Meyer, Ben Nibarger, Kirsty Wilkinson, Christian McCarthy, Alan Burt, Dr. Myers Contingency Plans – Troy Meyer Ginger Awtry, Debbie Piper • Determine school opening scenarios and responses • Security updates due to new buildings / work with police staff Other Considerations • New office space: Troy Meyer • Director of Education / Executive Principal • Curriculum Coordinator • Impact on 5th Grade – Allison Schneider • Exhibition • Foundation Opportunities • Communication and Public Relations: Needs and Opportunities 1 Potential Action Steps to Help w/Transition of New Incoming Students Teachers Group Kids Cohort Parent Body 1/21/14 - Grade appropriate study halls built into the schedule (e.g. 11th/12th together and 9th/10th together) 2/4/14 – Heather will continue to work with the MYP/DP Coordinators to finalize the concepts associated with the study hall restructure proposal. She will also speak with Ben about potential budget impacts and work with Craig/Clint, etc. to help with scheduling concerns. Would like to resurrect the Blacksmith concepts and expand to study skills/organizational skills/school culture/focused homework assistance, etc. 1/21/14 - Fish Camp – possibly hosted by outside group who specializes in this type of process 2/4/14 – Vickie has contacted two different groups ‘Kick-off’ and ‘Boomerang’ explore the use of their services to help with programs available on campus. We should have the proposals for both groups in by mid- February; we will discuss the details at the next meeting. Initial costs are thought to be between $2,500 - $6,000. 1/21/14 - HOC/WAF/WAAC – assist in welcoming parents into the WA culture 2/4/14 – Vickie has spoken with the affiliates and they are very interested in hosting a gathering for the new families to form relationships and welcome the new parents. We will discuss possibilities further at next meeting. 1/18/14 – Vickie has asked Jill Howard to help with this task; we believe they have discussed the use of ‘coffee breaks’ to mix/mingle with new families – some sort of themed concept to discuss athletics, house assignments, uniforms, etc. 1/21/14 - Increased communication with parents – between teachers/parents in one-on-one setting, via electronic means, or phone; explain to teachers what are the expectations and methods to communicate effectively 1/21/14 - Peer Mentors – Buddy System 2/4/14 – tabled this concept until we finalize the two proposals mentioned above. 1/21/14 - Open House – teaching day; parents can proceed through stations by groups to experience a typical lesson at WA. Record classrooms for inquiry based learning examples – use the video to increase access/communication with parents; put on the website 2/4/14 – teaching day (to convey the IB teaching methodology) still a possibility; Kirsty is in favor of a day and evening option to allow for greatest attendance. Will also need to check with Ben to see if we can video a typical classroom lecture and post on the website as an informational 2 piece for new and potential families. Possibly group these sessions by section or groups of sections to help give accurate portrayal of the lessons. 1/21/14 – Check with Ben for lottery numbers. 1/21/14 - Use of online planners/teacher websites to convey the upcoming assignments and foster support at home with parental follow-up 1/21/14 - Blacksmith Class – was removed per teacher request; could be used to help re-enforce study habits, organizational skills, culture questions from students, IB Learner profile traits 2/4/14 – See above 1/21/14 - FAQ publication for new parents 2/4/14 - FAQ – can be gathered from documents and other forms Patty may have already have compiled. 02/18/14 – DP also has an FAQ that can be used for the publications. Christian can send it out to the group. 1/21/14 - New student handout – where items are located on campus or pair them up with another student to help with explanations; might consider both as some students won’t adequately convey the information 2/4/14 – Suggested that we have the new student’s schedules ready before the first day of school – and during ‘teaching sessions’ show them where their classrooms and lockers will be. 1/21/14 - Communication processes explained to incoming parents – how best to get information about curriculum/classroom issues. 2/4/14 – Discussed the need for a comprehensive staff/faculty publication – with a short ‘blurb’ about what each person teaches and possible photos of the staff. Would also like to see this linked to the website. 02/18/14 – Discussed the possibility of creating a web page that can be dedicated to incoming students/families 1/21/14 – Involved the Student Council and possible house orientations. 2/4/14 – Vickie will follow-up with the groups and work to develop a plan to include StuCo. Standing agenda item during the construction project g. Update and discussion regarding Westlake Academy Phase I expansion project and enrollment projections. Westlake Academy Item # 5d – No Supporting documentation BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION Westlake Academy Item #6 Board Recap / Staff Direction Westlake Academy Item # 7 – Workshop Adjournment Back up material has not been provided for this item. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. Westlake Academy Item # 2 – Citizens’ Presentations and recognitions CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the January 13, 2014, meeting. b. Consider approval of Resolution 14-02, Bad Weather Wavier. c. Consider approval of Resolution 14-03, Amending the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual adding a Compensated Holidays policy. Westlake Academy Item # 3 - Consent Agenda BOT Minutes 02/10 /14 Page 1 of 3 WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING February 10, 2014 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat, Trustees: Carol Langdon, Rick Rennhack and Wayne Stoltenberg. ABSENT: Michael Barrett and Clif Cox. OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent Tom Brymer, Assistant to the Superintendent Amanda DeGan, Board Secretary Kelly Edwards, Primary Principal Rod Harding, Assistant Secondary Principal Alan Burt, Administrative Coordinator Ben Nibarger and Director of Curriculum & Instruction Andra Barton, Finance Director Debbie Piper and Communications Specialist Susan McFarland. Work Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the work session to order at 5:12 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Wheat led the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FOR THE FEBRUARY 10, 2014, TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. No additional discussion. BOT Minutes 02/10 /14 Page 2 of 3 4. REPORTS a. Update on the progress of Math alignment at Westlake Academy. Discussion ensued regarding the hiring of an additional of a teacher and teaching assistant, Math tutoring, and the Texas Regional Collaborative Grant. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Discussion of the proposed amendments to the Secondary Grading Policy. Athletic Director Burt provided a presentation and overview of the proposed policy amendments. Discussion ensued regarding the representation of the Texas grade percentages and IB grades on report cards and purchasing software that would provide both the IB and Texas grades. b. Discussion regarding the athletic facility and development of the whole child at Westlake Academy. Assistant Principal Burt provided an overview of the item, provided the number of students participating in sports and the various options that will be available for students. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of partnering with other private and public facilities for the use of additional students sports and the use of the facilities by the Primary Years Program for practical learning opportunities. c. Update and discussion regarding Westlake Academy Phase I expansion project and enrollment projections. Standing Item No additional information. 6. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION 7. ADJOURNMENT President Wheat adjourned the work session at 6:02 p.m. BOT Minutes 02/10 /14 Page 3 of 3 Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the regular session to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. CITIZENS' PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS No one addressed the Council. 3. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider approval of the minutes from the January 13, 2014, meeting. MOTION: Trustee Stoltenberg made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Rennhack seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. 4. BOARD CALENDAR 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. 6. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the regular session. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. President Wheat adjourned the regular session at 6:05 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON MARCH 3, 2014. ATTEST: ____________________________ Laura Wheat, President _____________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Page 1 of 1 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: PYP/MYP/DP Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 Staff Contact: Tom Brymer , Superintendent Consent Subject: Missed Instructional Day Waiver EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Due to extreme winter weather conditions this school year, the Academy has missed five instructional days. Two bad weather make-up days were built into the calendar and have been designated as instructional days (April 4th, and June 6th). The TEA has requested that all districts complete an electronic waiver application for missed instructional days in March 2014. At this time, the TEA has not published any direction on whether or not local education agencies will be required to make-up additional missed day’s in-lieu of waivers. The TEA has announced that they will provide a determination on the waiver application in a timely manner. APPLICABLE STRATEGIC PLAN DESIRED OUTCOME High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability Student Engagement – Extracurricular activities Effective Educators & Staff WESTLAKE ACADEMY VALUES Academic Achievement PYP, MYP, DP (IB Continuum) Caring Environment Fiscal Stewardship Communication/Transparency Engaged Stakeholders Maximizing Each Child’s Potential FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded N/A RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the expedited State waiver. ATTACHMENTS 1. Resolution Resolution WA 14-02 Page 1 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION NO. 14-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING THE WAIVER APPLICATION FOR MISSED INSTRUCTIONAL DAYS IN THE 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR. WHEREAS, the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees has considered the proposed electronic application for missed instructional days waiver; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interests of the Academy and the public; WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That the Board of Trustees of Westlake Academy hereby approves the proposed electronic application for missed instructional day’s waiver. SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage, but contingent upon approval by the TEA. SECTION 3: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution WA 14-02 Page 2 of 2 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY, A CHARTER SCHOOL OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, ON THE 3rd DAY OF MARCH, 2014. _____________________________ ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President _____________________________ ______________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ Janet S. Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Page 1 of 1 WESTLAKE ACADEMY AGENDA ITEM Curriculum: All Staff Members Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 Staff Contact: Todd Wood Consent Dir. of HR & Administrative Services Subject: Consider a resolution to approve a personnel policy for compensated holidays, and its inclusion in the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this proposed amendment to the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual is to formalize a policy for compensated holidays that is reflective of historical practices. PLAN DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability ACADEMY VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Effective Educators & Staff GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Why do we need governance guidance? School policy is a responsibility of the Board of Trustees. Which policy governs this? The authority of the Board of Trustees. What addit ional direction is necessary? Input and questions from the Board of Trustees. FISCAL IMPACT Funded Not Funded N/A RECOMMENDATION / ACTION REQUESTED/ OPTIONS Staff recommends approval of the proposed personnel policy (contained in exhibit “A”), and its inclusion in the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual. ATTACHMENTS • Resolution • Exhibit “A” with proposed Compensated Holidays Policy Resolution WA 14-03 Page 1 of 3 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 14-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVING AND ADOPTING A COMPENSATED HOLIDAY POLICY, AND ITS INCLUSION IN THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY PERSONNEL MANUAL. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy recognizes that ongoing updates to the Academy’s Personnel Manual are necessary to ensure best practices; and, WHEREAS, the leaders of Westlake Academy desire to promote professionalism, clarity, and consistency with its personnel practices; and, WHEREAS, Westlake Academy desires to provide employees with a personnel manual that reflects the goals and vision of the Academy’s leaders; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest o f Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That , all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That , the Westlake Academy Board of Trustees, hereby approves the Compensated Holiday Policy for Westlake Academy attached to this resolution as Exhibit “A,” and amends the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual with the aforementioned additions. SECTION 3: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Board hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution WA 14-03 Page 2 of 3 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 3rd DAY OF MARCH, 2014. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: ________________________________ ___________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, Superintendent APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ Janet S. Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney Resolution WA 14-03 Page 3 of 3 “Exhibit A” Compensated Holidays All non-exempt (hourly) employees who are regularly scheduled to work 260 days (12 months) will receive nine (9) paid holidays throughout the school year. Employees shall be compensated at their regular hourly rate and for the regularly scheduled number of hours. Observed holidays for non-exempt (hourly) 260-day employees include the following: Thanksgiving Day in November Friday after Thanksgiving in November Christmas Eve, December 24th Christmas Day, December 25th New Year’s Day, January 1st Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in January Memorial Day in May Independence Day, July 4th Labor Day, 1st Monday of September Holidays t hat fall on Saturday shall normally be observed on the preceding Friday and holidays that fall on Sunday shall normally be observed on the following Monday. Employees working less than 260 days (12 months) per year are not eligible to receive paid holidays. BOARD CALENDAR  WA National Honor Society/Jr. Honor Society Induction Thursday, February 27, 2014 Performance Hall  Last Day to File for a Place on the Ballot, Westlake General Election Friday, February 28, 2014  WA Foundation’s 11th Annual Gallery Night Saturday, March 1, 2014; 6:00 – 11:30 PM Texas Motor Speedway  Comp Plan Public Input Workshop #2 Wednesday, March 5, 2014; 6:00 PM Westlake Academy – Performance Hall  WA Spring Break - March 10 – 14, 2014  Town Council Workshop & Meeting Monday, March 24, 2014  Simply Westlake Resident Event/Restaurant Review Tuesday, March 25, 2014; 6:30 – 8:30 PM Compliments of Jack & Grill, Roanoke  Alliance Development Forum Luncheon (3rd annual – Joint Regional Eco Devo promotion) Friday, March 28, 2014; 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Marriott at Champions Circle (across from TMS)  Board of Trustee Workshop & Meeting Monday, April 14, 2014  Town Offices Closed Friday, April 18, 2014 Westlake Academy Item #4 Board Calendar FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under “Future Agenda Item Requests”, an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Superintendent with the requested item and the Superintendent will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item’s relationship to the Board’s strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Superintendent will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. Westlake Academy Item # 5 – Future Agenda Items Westlake Academy Item # 6 – Adjournment Back up material has not been provided for this item.