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Res 06-40 Granting Exceptions to Chapter 70 of the Code of Ordinances
TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 06-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMAN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, GRANTING EXCEPTIONS TO CHAPTER 70 OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES SIGN STANDARDS, AS REQUESTED BY MAGUIRE PARTNERS ON BEHALF OF FIRST AMERICAN CORPORATION. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake supports economic development consistent with high development standards demonstrated by Maguire Partners in the Solana Office Park; and WHEREAS, First American Corporation has chosen Solana and Westlake as home for its new regional corporate headquarters; and WHEREAS, Maguire Partners has requested additional ground signs, detailed on the attached Exhibit "A", for First American that contain design elements which require the granting of special exceptions by the Board of Aldermen in order to be approved; and WHEREAS, these exceptions involve lettering height, overall sign area and sign illumination which is inconsistent with the Town of Westlake, Sign Ordinance; and WHEREAS, Section 70-12 (c) (5) of Town of Westlake, Code of Ordinances gives the Board the authority to make special exceptions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The above findings are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein in its entirety. SECTION 2: The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, grant special exceptions to Maguire Partners for signage consistent with design and detail depicted on the attached Exhibit "A". PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 26'DAY OF JUNE, 2006. ATTEST: Scott Brad , Mayor ly JeanDwinjnell, Town Secretary Trent O. Petty, To ager APPROVE S T RM; Stanton Uwdy, o Attorney i 6-21-2006 11 :55AM FROM P- 1 i Debra Nichols Design i TRANSMITTAL DATE: 06 VIA:Fax 817.430,9750 F17.430-1812. TO: tCt'1c:ri.Layton i COMPANY: Ma;xuire PartacT.s FROM: 'Mike Healey I PROJECT: First American PROJ ECT'A: 2��05.13 RE; DFSCR I PTION-. �r=5ti, Floc arc the drawings with new lighting notes you requested this AM- Lot me know if you recd anything else. Thanks, Mike cc: 2045.13 T'rezit Petty 468.Inckson Sircet Sura Francisco, CA 94117 415 788 0766 Teh, hune Ors 788 67617 Telefax a California Corporation I i Wall Construction Notes: 1. Remove existing concrete masonrywall and replace with new units. m Finishwith exterior grade stucco system,trowel finish to match buildings. N E 2. Paint as required for a durable,long-lasting installation. Stucco-faced sign pylon.Paint Senjamir.Moore'Navajo White'. Finish to match building exterior. 1 Install precast concrete cap with sa ndblast texture finish,to match color Precast concrete cap mounted on top of wall,color to matchspecRlied.Grout joints. v Benjamin IUtotlre'Yosemite Sand'AC-4. 4. Reuse existing footing-Install new reinforcing and dowels as required. H 4 9'47" 4" 5. Sign to be lit in a manner similarto the o match existing sign type B. 2" existing 2" I � C,3 . _ _ _ —i-- —-- -- - — � r i ,96� ' i _ Tenant logo and lettering per FAM spec. OJ E Mountto wall,no exposed fasteners. t '+F r I v � DND FIRST AMERICAN AT SOLANA - SIGN B (DOUBLE SIDED) Debra Nichols Deeign � n 468)acksca Street SCALE: 112 =V -(l Sm Francisco,CA 91111 06.21.66 Wall Constfuction Notes: 1. Reinforced concrete masonry wall.Finish with exterior grade 4. Install cast-in-place concrete footing with reinforcing as required. ° stucco system,trowel finish to match buildings. 5. Sign to be lit in a manner similar to the existing sign type B. 2 Paint as required for a durable,long-lasting installat)n 1 Install precast concrete cap with sandblast texture finish,to match color specified.Grout joints. Panels are 114'metal sheet painted Precast concrete cap mounted on top of wall, Benjamin Moore`Navajo White'. colorto match Benjamin Moore'Yosomite Sand' Mount to wall,no exposed fasteners. AC-4. T_ Tenant logos TBD. 1011 4 1 B.-8" 4"� SOITROL Levi Strafes & Co. (FUTURE SIGN) 0 0 a. �n Sign to be fit in a manner simile rto the Tenant copy vette exceed Stucco-faced sign wall.Paint existing sign type B. 1'-6"cap height- to match existing buildings Finish to match building exterior, Debra Mirkols Desigi LO FIRST AMERICAN AT SOLANA - SIGN A (DOUBLE SIDED) S: Franci.e",CA 942 11 SCALE: 112"=1'-D" 06.21-0 Wall Construction Notes: 3, Install precast concrete cap with sandblast texture finish,to match color specified.Grout joints. 1 Reinforced concrete masonrywall.Finish with oxterior grade a stucco system,trevvel finish to match buildings. 4. Instail cast-+n-place concrete footing with reinforcing as required, 2, Paint as required for a durable,lung-lasting installation. 5. Sign to be lit in a manner simitarto the existing sign type B. - Tenant copy not to exceed 1'41 cap height. Precast concrete cap mounted on top of wail, color to match Benjamin Meore'Yese6te Sand' Panels are 1f4"meta!sheet painted white_ AC-4, Mount to wall,no exposed fasteners. 10" Tenant logos TBD. 23'_0" 4„ '��1�1T�DC Levi. �tra�ss c� Co. (l=tlTul3E Sl�Gld] rFUTt�A� siGrJ� Q Cautpus. Circle. `L a �n u� 7"x 1J2"fabricated metal lettering,weld and grind Stucco-faced sign wall.Paint to match smooth all sears priorto painting.Paint Benjamin existing buildings.Finish to match building exterior. Macre'Navajo White'.Mount to wall,no visible 3 fasteners.Typeface:Bodoni Bold ltalic DND `° FIRST AMERICAN AT SOLANA- SIGNS C (DOUBLE SIDED) 4"J..kDellya...SiolsDerigi 468 7"�f��a S1e - San Franrizen,6:191111 SCALE: 1/2"=V C' 06.21.06 Ln s�• P � I 'Sq :R� :_ 1 g mounted flood lights to p le pro�i a fighting for sigh. . S � o I d 2_p- � S EflIfAL SPACES 25'-4" R.O.LL fenant logo and lettering — -- I per FAM-.Mountto.wall, � 2 EQUAL SPACES F 17`-1" � 2 EQUAL SPACES 95'-9" 2 EQUAL S ACES no exposed fasteners. ur1 ELEVATION tv ALAN NORTH Wall Construction Notes 1 Remove existing concrete masonrywall and replace with now units, Finish with exterior grade stucco system,trouvelfnishto match buildings. 2 Paint as required for a durable,long-lasting installation. Stucco-facadsigr pylon.Paint Benjamin Moors'Navajo White'. Finish to match building exterior. 3. Install precast concrete cap with sandblast texture finish,to match colnr o " Precast concrete cap mounted-on top of wall,coior to match specified Groutjoints. — — Benjamin Moore'Yosemite Sand'AC-4. 4. Reuse existing footing.Install new reinforcing and dowels as required. -41 - 4" 5. Sign to be lit in s manner similarto the existing sign type B. match 2" axis!rng 2' Tenant foga and lettering per FARO spec, i 1 C, 4cuntto wall,no exposed f s toners I I e I I DD FIRST AMERICAN AT SOLANA - SIGN O WOUBLE SIDED) Debra Nichols Design r 463.tackxnn Swcc SCALE: 1/2° Sm.F--ism,CA 94111 ot;.ar.n6 Wall Construction Notes: I- Reinforced concrete masonry wall.Finish with extwr of grade 4. Install cast-ir-place concrete footing with reinforcing as required. - siucco system,trowel finish to match buildings. 5. Sign to be lit it a manner simiiar to the existing sign type i3. - 2. Paint as required for a durable,long-lasting installation. 3. install prece sl concrete cap wilh sandblast texture finish,to match color specified.Grout joints. Panels are Ifo-metal shoot painted Precast concrete cap mounted on tap of wail, '- " Benjamin Moere'Navajo White`. color to match Benjamin Mocre`Yosemite Sand' Mount to wall,no exposed fasteners. AC-4- Tenant logos TED. 1 Q" 4" 4" r SONITROL Levi Strauss & Co. (FUTURE SIGN) 0 LO M Sign to he lit ir,a manner similar to The Tenant copy not to exceed Stucco-faced sign wall Paint existing sign type B. I% cap"height• to match existing buildings, Finish to match building exterior, FIRS?AMERICAN AT SOLANA - SIGN A (DOUBLE SIDEU) Delos-Nichols Drsigr 'M Js-k-on stre.M SCALE:112"=l'-0" sa:,F�'Mcei 02 ca 94111 06.21.06 Wall Construction Notes: 3. Inst all precast concrete cap with sandblast texturo finish,to match color specified.Grant joints, 1, Reinforced concrete masonry wall_finish with exterior grade stucco system,trowel finish to rr atch hukings, 4. Install cast-in-place concrete fooling with reinforcing as required. 2. Paint as required for a durable,long-lasting installation. 5. Sign to be-lit in a manner similar to the existing sign type B. Tenant copq not to exceed l'-tl"cap height. Precast concrete cap mounted on top of wall, calor to match Senjamia Mocre'yose6ta Sand' Panels are lf4'metal sheet paint®d white. color -0 Mount to wall,€*exposod fasteners. Tenant logos TBD, 231_01 q" �N�TIf�DL Levi Strauss &CQ. {Furul��sl�ly� {l=uT�uR�slsrv� campirs Circle O tsY I T'x 1/T fabricated-metal lettering,weld and grind 5tinco-faced sign wall.Paint to match i smooth ail seams prior to painfing.faint Benjamin existing buildings.Finish to match l►uilding axterior, x I Moore'Navajo White'.Mount towall,no visible fasteners.Typeface:Bodoni Bald Italic FIRST HVR!CAN AT OiJi - SI GNS C (DOUBLE SIDED) Detra Nirlwls Desii 4663.A-%SI—t SCALE:1/2"— 1'4 San Frannaeu,c,94111 - 016.21.06 - rn Li h] LI `F" i �-- -. �;-' , - •:- 'Geil gmauntedfloodiigfltsto -`,. : , _ -Rr-ot�i ®lighting for-Sign:-- 0 ALI,*WITH.j9 1UT s 5 EQUAL SPAGE�5 26'-9' A.O. Tenant logo and lettering ' per FAM .Mounttvwail, 2 EOU.AL SPACES = 17'-1' 2 EauAL SPACES t5'-9" 2 EQUAL SPACE _ na exposed fasteners_ F- U b � }ti� 0 ELEVATION w U 114" 1-W PLAN, NORTH toll t ti � } �t2 1 n .��r I r 14. [r 4 -r ,It �'. .'n •" MAGUIRE PARTNERS Mr i; Li t f i 1 -' !!! y) i ' ILf.I S APPRESS yp111 7y,. I�, �ry _ ^ e...^.� q� (� 9OLfAGE CIRCLE �1 SVESFKF JOO v�snA�•rx 762V y r r 7*•'�r j w- :�, i 1 �� r e..m_ l� 'T1",J�,r¢ -, f t a "' / \�' � �� � t� J{,♦� ,#j a[}r + 1—y 1 ��n iJ� � ` � �/ .. Q FIHST AMERICAN AT SOLANA `x -I f _ y i �. i • WESTLAKEf SGGTHLAKE [iw aF SITE �~ •• +� c si .. !. 4 l -. f ...� •4 �nY.ds Ott ". Ta R ➢r —v--� a o c ae l• • . ° o a•a e�evwv rmwn„bznN o a . • _ . SIGHT TRIANGLE SIGN A 1SIGHT TRIANGLE SIGN A o ; i 1 a@f 1 r 1 _ MAGUIRE PARTNERS 1! II r ,cr'�-.. A�ARESa ! !".,-I f- 1 I ki;` i 9WFE5e76 l f i d'1 Ir '� }! f .,p { 1- WESRANE 17( 3, 11 - 1 rF262 ter; k • F I m fi lel J 1rr ` s ElRsr aAERlcaw `r•�� i ,..,_, ! �" ..y„<F'Yb If .. �, •.` SOLANA ESTLAKE a �-__ rW.a j � �• SOXTHLAKE � � 1 • ��� s`w�a.. ��If �° �''�$,�„� -r• ._;te per' ^s,m ,� w :/� �� slq� }.s IL. ..�� %. -�- --------- -----------1 ' ""1 CftR1C0.l LINE•E54TE _ CflITIC0.l UN E - P � 0 / Ns5 •ar • � SImXT (` © TRIANGLE .....SIGN B 1 SIGHTTRIANGLE SIGN 8 uwe,w .�a.�vu,...,.,. ••ate. /� a •.� 1 ,_` 1 �,�_ MAGUIRF. PARTNERS A09RFSs' OUAGEORCLE SUITE 50o 16M FNISAMERICAN AT SOLANA STLAK !,y YYESTLAKE/ SOUTHLAKE • r ° x _ 1E u.p \ _ LRRICAL LINE OF SRE - BL4q SISHT TRIANGLE O SIGN C SIGHT TRIANGLE SIGN C