HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-17-20 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting August 17, 2020 Board Members in Attendance: Laura Luckett, Christine Ross, Zan Jones, Meghan Dorr, Sean Shope, Ahu Sieg, Wendy Greenwood, Leah Rennhack and Debbie Kraska Others in Attendance: Noah Simon, Shelly Myers, Mechelle Bryson, Jason Power, Debbie Piper, Marlene Rutledge, Todd Wood, Amanda DeGan, Ginger Awtry and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:32AM. Meeting took place via remote call due to requirement for social distancing. II. Motion to approve minutes of May 18, 2020 meeting by A. Sieg, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. III. Financial Report ● S. Shope presented Financial Analysis as of July 31, 2020, with focus on funds deposited and funds transferred to the Academy from the Foundation during the month. ● Financial Position indicated that current amount in Foundation assets, including Endowments, is over $2.8 million.  Regarding Statement of Activities, there are no large expenses expected before fiscal year- end. ● S. Myers discussed possibility of Blacksmith Annual Fund shortfall. Possible option to cover difference could come from unspent Grant dollars as many grant-funded activities were canceled due to pandemic-related school closure. ● D. Kraska moved to approve Financials and transfer of excess grant funds to cover BAF shortfall if necessary, second by A. Sieg. Motion carried. IV. Marketing Committee ● S. Myers reported that gift cards were distributed to teachers for back-to-school with postcard attached. ● Blacksmith Annual Fund donor gift this year will be a WA garden flag, which is currently being designed. ● W. Greenwood discussed BAF campaign theme for this year to be “Why Westlake,” which will begin with social media posts and Constant Contact emails. ● S. Myers stressed importance of creatively promoting North Texas Giving Day this year, as it will take place prior to students returning to campus. V. Development ● Overall Funding Discussion o Discussed “leadership roundtable” o S. Myers and C. Ross plan to meet in smaller groups, promote special donation and naming opportunities, reaching out to new families. o Total enrollment is projected to be 885. o C. Ross provided Baja event status – as social gathering rules in October are unknown currently, possible option is to hold an online event with a Spring concert or maybe a virtual concert in November. VI. Grant Requests ● No requests, but S. Myers provided updated Grant Application Form for review. Board accepted the updated form. VII. President’s Report ● C. Ross requested that Board feel free to share creative ideas for fundraising initiatives this year, including emailing her with reasons for “choosing WA” that could be included in marketing. VIII. Executive Director’s Report ● S. Myers asked that any ideas that require funding be sent to her for budget planning. ● Gallery Night will be budgeted and planned, but Board should start considering alternatives if not able to hold event. ● Will revisit budget in September for approval. Other Business Facebook Live will be taking place in a few weeks. L. Luckett requested that S. Myers be able to participate in order to discuss BAF and Giving Day. M. Dorr moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:44AM. Next Meeting: Monday, September 21, 2020 at 8:30 AM, via remote call