HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-03-20 BOT MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING February 3, 2020 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat and Trustees: Carol Langdon, Greg Goble, and Alesa Belvedere. ABSENT: Michael Barrett and Rick Rennhack. OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent Amanda DeGan, Deputy Town Manager Noah Simon, Assistant Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, Board Secretary Todd Wood, Assistant to the Town secretary Tanya Morris, Communications Director Ginger Awtry, Communications Manager Jon Sasser, Director of Information Technology Jason Power, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Director of Planning & Development Ron Ruthven, Fire Chief Richard Whitten, Accounting Technician Marlene Rutledge, Westlake Academy Executive Director Dr. Mechelle Bryson, PYP Principal Rod Harding, Assistant Secondary Principal Jennifer Furnish, Westlake Academy Executive Director Shelly Myers, College Counselor Carl Tippen, Athletic Director Alan Burt, Special Education Coordinator Shannon Ward, Alumni & Communications Specialist Martha McKinney, Dyslexia Specialist Amy Henderson, DP Coordinator Dr. James Owen, and SPED Aide Meg Falcon. 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Wheat led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS BOT Minutes 02/03/20 Page 1 of 6 Westlake Academy Foundation President Christine Ross provided an update to the Board. Ms. Ross expressed enthusiasm of the new sponsors that had recently been confirmed for Gallery Night, both for the live and silent auctions. Ms. Ross also informed the Board that several new volunteers would be assisting in the event, mostly from PYP families. The theme for the event would be from the 80's, which was particularly supported by the parents of younger children at the Academy. Table sponsors and beverage sponsors are still needed for the event. Ms. Ross also indicated an opportunity to sponsor faculty members and their spouses to attend the event, which would be included in the bidding process. The Gallery night event will feature a new bidding platform designed to work on smartphones. For those who are unable to attend the event, bids may be submitted by smartphone or by computer. A two (2) week window would be provided for items to be previewed, and bidding would begin one (1) week prior to the event. Ms. Ross expressed hopefulness that this would attract bidders who would not be able to attend the event in person. 4. RECOGNITION OF SPORTS TEAMS. Athletic Director Alan Burt began with an overview of the activities of the Cheer Dance Team, coached by Maria Busico-Flight, Rhoda Hahn, and Sarah Firsching. This team has had a tremendous impact; adding a significant amount of energy and a new dynamic to our sporting events. Ms. Firsching expressed thanks to the Cheer Dance Team for their hard work in setting a great tone for our competitive events. She expressed thanks to the community, students and faculty for their support of the team. Mr. Burt provided an overview of the Drumline Team, coached by Creighton Hulse, who was unable to attend the meeting due to a professional development conference. Mr. Burt expressed the positivity of Westlake Academy's Drumline team working together with the drumline teams of other schools during recent games. He stated that the efforts of this team for our athletic programs was outstanding, and they were a part of the recent championship win of Westlake Academy's football team. Mr. Burt then introduced the Westlake Academy football team, coached by Ray Cheatham, who was attend the meeting due to other obligations. The football team recently won the state championship for the first time. The football team consisted of 33 players, and Mr. Burt praised the leadership of the senior class, noting that they lost the finals in the previous year. After last year's game, the junior class said that they would bring the first championship ring to Westlake Academy the following year, and their leadership and determination prevailed in this effort. The Board expressed appreciation and congratulations to all teams. S. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS LISTED ON THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. No additional discussion. BOT Minutes 02/03/20 Page 2 of 6 6. REPORTS a. Quarterly Financial "Dashboard" report for the quarter ending November 30, 2019. No additional discussion. 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation and discussion of Westlake Academy's College Matriculation Data. Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Carl Tippen, and Martha McKinney provided a presentation on this item. Dr. Bryson began with Westlake Academy's philosophy that all students should be ready for college or other secondary educational program following graduation. Ms. McKinney noted that college readiness embodied the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that every student should have upon graduation. Mr. Tippen and Ms. McKinney provided a comparison of data college graduation rates and indicated that IB students were more likely to a 4-year college or attend a school with higher selection criteria. The data showed that Westlake Academy graduates are completing a four-year (4) college program within four to six (4-6) years at a much higher percentage than the national average. Dr. Bryson provided Westlake Academy's four-year (4) college graduation data; • 2012 WA Graduates: 82.2% completed, 10.7% in progress, and 7.1% are no longer enrolled. 32% have completed or are completing a graduate degree. • 2013 WA Graduates: 75% completed, 12.5% in progress, and 12.5% are no longer enrolled. 2.5% have completed or are completing a graduate degree. • 2014 WA Graduates: 65% completed, 22% in progress, 9.3% are no longer enrolled, and 3.7% are unaccounted for. 13% have completed or are completing a graduate degree. • 2015 WA Graduates: 58% completed, 32% in progress, 10% are no longer enrolled, and 3.7% are unaccounted for. 10% are completing a graduate degree. • 2016 WA Graduates: 5% completed, 84% in progress, 11% are no longer enrolled, and 1.6% have completed or are completing a graduate degree. • 2017 WA Graduates: 1.6% completed, 89% in progress, and 9.4% are no longer enrolled. • 2018 WA Graduates: 94% are completing their undergraduate degree, 1.5% are not enrolled, and 4.5% are involved in religious missions. • 2019 WA Graduates: 98% are completing their undergraduate degree, and 2% are involved in religious missions. BOT Minutes 02/03/20 Page 3 of 6 Mayor Wheat inquired about the definition of"IB for all" and if that specifically indicated the need to obtain an IB Diploma. Dr. Bryson and Superintendent Degan shared that this term more closely described the IB educational experience and the tools that it provides students to achieve success, and not graduating specifically with an IB Diploma. b. Presentation and discussion regarding 504, Special Education data and Shared Service Agreements. Dr. Mechelle Bryson and Shannon Ward provided a presentation on this item at the Board's request. Dr. Bryson began by providing 504 program data for the current and previous school year. In 2019-2020 school year, 111 students (12.38%) were receiving these services. In 2018-2019 school year, 117 students (13.22%) received these services. Dr. Bryson then presented data from the Special Education Department for K-12 students. In 2017-2018 school year, 26 students (3.5%) received these services. In 2018-2019 school year, 34 students (2.5%) received these services. In 2019-2020 school year, 44 students (4.3%) were receiving these services. By contrast, the state statistic of students receiving Special Education is currently 9.5%. Mayor Wheat asked staff to refresh the Board's understanding of everyone in attendance of the differences between Special Education and 504 programs. Dr. Bryson and Ms. Ward explained that the 504 program is an "umbrella" that encompasses students with general variations in how they learn (i.e., dyslexia, medical condition, or other reasons), whereas Special Education falls under a different law that warrants an individual education plan. Dr. Bryson explained that 504 programs do no modify what is learned; it is an approach to provide equal access to the curriculum. With Special Education, modifications to the curriculum are be made to provide equal access in addition to customizing other aspects based on the individual learning needs of each student. Dr. Bryson explained a potential shared services agreement for services and emphasized the complexity of this matter. It was then explained that Birdville ISD has certain day programs where Westlake Academy could join as a potential partner to serve students with certain needs. It was explained that it when there is a common need, there can be a mutual benefit with interlocal co-operation. At this time, transportation and other items have presented some challenges. Staff will continue to research the possibility of interlocal partnerships, along with other potential entities, including the Region 11 Service Center. Presentation and discussion of French International Trip - Dr. James Owen, Teri Watson, Ingrid Thebault and Christine King Dr. Bryson and Mr. Alan Burt provided an update on this topic, which pertains to the trip for next year. Mr. Burt indicated that several meetings have been held with the French teaching staff within the past week. Staff is ensuring that the vendors, methods of travel, and number of participating students would be the correct course of action. BOT Minutes 02/03/20 Page 4 of 6 After several discussions, staff felt that it was best to hold off on any decisions regarding this trip until additional information could be obtained. Staff has requested that this item be tabled until the March Board of Trustees meeting, which would allow additional time to obtain answers to pending questions that would not be able to be answered at this meeting. The Board tabled this item with no action and asked that it be included on the Board of Trustees meeting agenda for March 2, 2020. 8. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION None 9. ADJOURNMENT President Wheat adjourned the work session at 5:59 p.m. Regular Session will begin immediately following the work session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the regular meeting session to order at 5:59 p.m. 2. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST Communications Director Ginger Awtry provided an overview of upcoming events. 3. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on December 2, 2019. b. Consider approval of minutes from the meeting on December 16, 2019. c. Consider approval of Resolution 20-01, Approving the trip to Canada regarding French language immersion experience in Montreal. MOTION: President Wheat removed Item "3c" from the consent agenda for consideration at the March 2020 meeting. The motion to approve the consent agenda consisted of items 3a and 3b. Trustee Langdon made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Belvedere seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. 4. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND DISCUSSION OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY'S ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT 2019. Executive Director Dr. Mechelle Bryson provided a presentation of Westlake Academy's Accountability Report. This is done on an annual basis within 60 days of receiving the Annual School Report Card from the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The state accountability ratings are based on the overall performance of the school in the three (3) categories: Student achievement, student progress, and closing the gap. BOT Minutes 02/03/20 Page 5 of 6 Westlake Academy scored an "A" on the accountability report, with a score of 98 for the 2018-2019 school year. Dr. Bryson also confirmed that Westlake Academy received distinctions from all categories available from TEA. The passing scores by grade level were as follows: Grade 3: 100% (Reading) 100% (Math) Grade 4: 93% (Reading) 84% (Math) 89% (Writing) Grade 5: 100% (Reading) 100% (Math) 97% (Science) Grade 6: 97% (Reading) 99% (Math) Grade 7: 99% (Reading) 97% (Math) 96% (Writing) Grade 8: 100% (Reading) 95% (Science) 83% (Social Studies) End of Course English 1: 99% End of Course English 2: 97% End of Course Algebra 1: 98% End of Course Biology: 99% Dr. Bryson also noted that the PSAT and SAT scores for Westlake Academy were higher than the state average. President Wheat opened the public hearing. No one addressed the Board. President Wheat closed the public hearing. S. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No future agenda items. 6. ADJOURNMENT President Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the Board of Trustees meeting. Trustee Langdon made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Belvedere seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. President Wheat adjourned the meeting at 6:14 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON MARCH 2, 2020. ATTEST: Todd ood, Board Secretary LaA Wheat, President BOT Minutes 02/03/20 Page 6 of 6