HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-13-20 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting January 13,2020 Board Members in Attendance: Debbie Kraska, Christine Ross,Ahu Sieg, Zan Jones, Sean Shope,Laura Luckett,Karen Stoltenberg,Leah Rennhack and Leigh Sansone Others in Attendance: Noah Simon,Debbie Piper,Mechelle Bryson,Amanda DeGan, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:34AM. 11. Motion to approve minutes of December 16,2019 meeting by L. Luckett, second by A. Sieg. Motion carried. 111. Financial Report • S. Shope presented Financial Position as of December 31,2019,highlighting total net assets of$2,698,515. • Remaining Grant Balance for SY19-20 stands at$59,896.24. The$2,606.84 grant for MYP/DP Microscopes was not needed and will be added back to the grant balance. • L. Sansone moved to approve Financials, second by A. Sieg. Motion carried, and Financials approved. • Discussed possibility of investing Legacy Teacher Funds to increase value. Investment Committee will research. • Financials will display tracking of revenue and liabilities for the different Legacy Teacher Fund categories going forward. IV. Grants Committee • M. Bryson reported that payment of the Legacy Teacher Fund(LTF)initiative"Increased Coach and Club Advisor stipends"will be in the second paycheck in January. She will communicate with staff this week to encourage applications for funds for LTF initiatives 4 and 5 (i.e.,international IB training&travel;pursuit of professional passions). • Funded Grants Updates: o Drumlin grant—new drums and equipment is still being purchased using grant dollars. o Performing Arts grant—a system to enhance lights and sound is being researched to be purchased soon. o PYP Science Lab—staff is purchasing consumables. o PYP Literacy—staff is examining various programs to determine best options. V. Marketing Committee • S. Myers reported that notecards reflecting success of Legacy Teacher Fund are being produced to increase communication with donors and better communicate how funds are being spent. • A new WAF volunteer is being utilized to assist with marketing and social media. • For Gallery Night marketing, a student is currently working on creation of a"Wear This,Not This"YouTube video. The GN and Marketing committees, along with artist, Trish Biddle, are currently working on creating Gallery Night invitation and marketing materials. • C. Ross shared that a year-long Marketing Task calendar is currently in process to document and plan monthly activities. VI. Development Reports • Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Sieg reported BAF total raised is more than$1,014,000 with 75%of all families participating and 59%of new families. o Discussed strategies to increase participation among non-donor families, including a phonathon. • Gallery Night o L. Luckett reported that the event title is"Nothin' But a Good Time!" o Sponsor levels have been adjusted to reflect reduced seating at higher sponsor levels. o All bidding will take place online this year through new auction vendor. o Academy administration is working on determining Fund an Item for this year's event. • Westlake Baja o L. Sansone reported that the Baja committee is working on creating a musical experience again for next year's event given the great success of this year's program. o Baja will take place in October 2020, and goal is to have the major event details set by end of school year. • VIP Party o S. Myers introduced topic of continuing the VIP party(in its current format)or if it should be discontinued. o Board discussed options to celebrate donors and sponsors, such as a party every 3 years, an experience instead of party,and increased written and verbal communication expressing gratitude and promoting gifts in action. o Board agreed to discontinue VIP party in favor of these other options. VII. President's Report • C. Ross informed Board that Gallery Night planning meetings are taking place every Wednesday, 8:15am, at the Town of Westlake Firehouse. All are invited to contribute their time and assistance. VIII. Executive Director's Report • S. Myers thanked Board Directors for writing thank you notes to BAF donors over Winter Break to be included in letters being mailed this month. Other Business None D. Kraska moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:37AM. Next Meeting: Monday,February 10,2020 at 8:30 AM,Town Hall of the Town of Westlake