HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18-19 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting November 18,2019 Board Members in Attendance: Christine Ross,Ahu Sieg,Wendy Greenwood,Karen Stoltenberg, Sean Shope,Laura Luckett,Meghan Dorr, Leah Rennhack and Debbie Kraska Others in Attendance: Mechelle Bryson,Amanda DeGan,Debbie Piper,Noah Simon, Ginger Awtry, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:30AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of October 21,2019 meeting by A. Sieg, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried. III. Financial Report • S. Shope presented FY2020 Budget draft and reviewed with Board. • Gallery Night and Baja revenue projections are based on historical data. Future Baja event expenses may change depending on our remaining credit at Vaquero Club. • New budget items include an estimated$10,000 for Marketing services and$10,800 for financial software to keep WAF and Town finances separate and to assist with Audit compliance. The software cost will decrease to approx. $2,800 moving forward. • WAF staff salaries have been removed from the Foundation budget and are now shared between the Town and Academy budgets. • L. Luckett moved to approve Financials, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried, and Financials approved. IV. Grants Committee • M. Bryson presented Grant Application for Kinder Aide Support. Grant will support two aides for the remainder of this school year and will be incorporated into Academy annual budget moving forward. L. Rennhack moved to fund up to requested amount of$33,750.00, second by W. Greenwood. Grant approved. • M. Bryson presented Grant Application for Extended Day Program Bridge Grant. Grant will fund pilot of after-school homework program for remainder of this year,beginning in the Spring semester for G5—G12 students. A. Sieg moved to fund up to requested amount of $9,820.00, second by W. Greenwood. Grant approved. • S. Myers advised that$27,100 remains available to fund grants for 2019-20. • M. Bryson provided grant updates: o PYP Science(two grants)—Principal R. Harding is asking K-G5 teachers to submit additional requests for equipment and consumables to support their units of inquiry. o Fine Arts package: new lighting and microphones were purchased for total of$8,000. V. Marketing Committee • W. Greenwood provided updates; Baja promotions and collateral has been main focus • A. Sieg reported that social media efforts have been successful. Over 1,200 views were received on one post,which was also shared by multiple users. • There have been 22,000 impressions and 702 users on Facebook,203 on Twitter and 260+on Instagram. • Blacksmith Annual Fund marketing push will include campus signage and continued distribution of gift bags. Committee will be transitioning to Gallery Night marketing. VI. Development Initiatives • Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Sieg reported BAF total raised/pledged is over$1,009,000 with 74%families participating. o Grade captains are currently sending individualized emails to non-donors. o Discussed plans to contact and thank new families and possibly a phone-a-thon by the Board of Trustees. o Discussed creating a second"Giving Day"just for WA and would include a challenge matching grant to increase participation. o Also discussed need to encourage year-end giving for federal tax deduction benefit. • Westlake Baja o C. Ross and S. Myers reported many positive responses to this year's new format. The concert was very well received. o Helicopter ball drop will take place on campus in December on a date when weather is more conducive.Marketing will focus on sale of more helicopter drop balls. o Legacy Teacher Fund was very successful with each initiative surpassing goals. Teacher gift cards will be handed out before Thanksgiving break and again before Winter Break. • Gallery Night o Event will take place on February 29,2020 at Texas Motor Speedway. • Ticket price will increase to$150, and teachers and their spouses will be invited as guests of the Foundation. VII. President's Report • none VIII. Executive Director's Report • S. Myers reported that an All Director's Reunion cocktail party will take place at the Marriott Solana living room on December 6th, 5:30 to 7:30pm. Other Business A. DeGan updated board on status of campus expansion, of which the proposed package is currently being examined,with RFPs to be released soon. She will have more updates at the next Board meeting. L. Luckett moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by D. Kraska.Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:21AM. Next Meeting: Monday,December 16,2019 at 8:30 AM,Town Hall of the Town of Westlake