HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 08-38 Approving a Preliminary Plan for Westlake Corners South TOW1V OF `WE�TLAI�E RESOLUTIOI'�i OS-38 APPR4VING A PRELIMINARY PLAT DESCRII3ED AS BEING 10.2 AC1�ES OF LAI�D IN THE WILLIAM HUFF SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1`�UIVIBER G48, TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TARI�tAAl�TT COUNTY, TEXAS, GENERALLY LiDCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST C()RNER 4F US HIGHWAY 377 AND STATE HIGHWAY 170 AND DESCRIBED AS PLANNED D�EVELOPMENT 3-10, LOTS 1 THROUGH 6; MORE ca�r,�a�rL� ��rowlv AS WESTLAKE CORN�RS SOUTH. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE B4ARD OF ALD�I�MEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS; SECTION 1: That the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake, Texas, does hereby approve the preliminary �alat of Lats 1 through 6 far PD 3-10 as attached, filed by AIL Investments, L.P. and approved by the Plannin� and Zoning Comnnission on 1VIay 22, 2008, for a 10.2 acre tract{s} of land described above and according to the attached Exhibit"A"—Preliminary Plat and Exhibit"B"— Staff Report. PASS�D� AND APPROVED ON THIS 9i" DAY OF JLTNE, 200$. �`' .,� �'�,�,.r�, ���" � �'�:�� Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: / �- ,�,.-�;;�, -�/r���'-�-:� � Ki � Sutter, TRMC, Town Secretary Thomas E. r , wn Manager aP�Rov� �s T�- �[: �` ;-' . anton � o r , To Attorney _ �.. _ � �- � . �� r�f ��� � � �� -- ����'� __ r �� I _ _ __� - . � -- T� i � � - - ��z` 1 1 .�_ �� -�.��af' - .i � � - —� - . � i .. 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Wf llmFf OY ff MfA i91GIdE 1�lONpF4 M110 _ 3! � . 1 Ltl0 ebtm.i ].Ooo Lf3 e6 S�YIOW w �:�a . ••�Q� � � tl1l�` � ����! � _. _ i 414 18..Iml �U� II.R LI EeD"1�W Br I/OT�T _ ,I f• -Fi .� s � '�� � � .a�4 �.m.s e.eo�t fa�a- �e �sm��W v U ln i li��� -� � -..r� ..m o.o.. a � nn s�.�ee.a �.wa iasx u w..�onmoa v 1A15 1-6 � � � ' o :f ' f AUTO lARqNG DEfA1L a we ara. �,eoo a.ex a �,ea�uoo sr FQR REVIEW: PURPO5�.5 C1NI.Y 00 '� ! /_� � � ue ndgb i.ow asx u 7.00vom er y�n�..� ��..�.ws wxa��, .� . 1 ,9�'�J�(F �� i �``-�'t�/. f �ii.�'ma ai�nwv. n,�°x�'n;.ou, . �Eif�� �r�e.�i.un v��........�� ran ' �. ' r� � � . .�{ y�', R+�V�fse��ifx�oewunl��l�1l.xW.M�rw��.�w� TQW�I OF WEST�LAKE. TX 5TA�FF REPOFtT T4 P�ANNING & ZQN�NG COMMISSlQNlB(}ARD OF ALDERMEN I. CASE INF4RMATIQN Case No(s): SP-48-0'f, PP-08-01 Lots 1-6, and FP-08-O�i, Lots 1-2 Onlv Date: 5-22-08 Request: Appiica�t is requestirrg appro�al of the fo9lowin�: Site Plan X (#or Westlake C�rners South, �ats 1-B) Preliminary X {for V1lestlake Carners South, Lats 1-fi} Fina! Pfat X (far Westlake Corners So+�th, Lots 1-2) De�elQpm�nt Narrte: Westlake Car�ers South, Lois 1-6 Location: Subject praperty is lacated at the southwes# corner of SH 9 7Q and SH 377. The site is 10,2 acres �nd is bounded on the east by SH 377, on the north by SH 170, on the west by Unian Pacific RR right-of-�way. The site has a triangular configuratian. Owner: Hiliwoad Developer. Hilfwood Zoning: PD- 3-�0 Propos�d Use(s): The a�plica�t intends ta dev�lop #he site with neighbarhood camrnercial/retail/service uses. Phasing: The �pplicant i� submitting a site plar� and pre{iminary p�at for Lots 1-6 of the s�bject prvperty, and is s�bmitting a #inal plat for Lvts 1 a�d 2 with the intentior� nf developing th�se 2 IQts initially and de��laping the remainde� in subsequent phases. EI. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS 1. Gener�l: This is a request for approval of a sit� plar� arad preliminary plat for Lots 1-8 af West�ake Carners 5outh, as well as a r�quest for appro�al of a fnaf plat for Lots 1 and 2, Westtak� Corners Sduth. 1 � This project represents the first starrd afone retail development activity in Westlake. As suc�, it with be setting th� aesthetic, design, traffic, and quality standards far such develapment in this area be�ause there are additional sites a�ailabfe in this generaE area fior further retaik developm��t by this owner in the future. �'ar tl-Eat reason, in the stafF comments befaw, a heavy emphasEs is pfaced on architecturaf design, traffic aecess management, and creating a "sense af pface"for this neighbarhoad commerciallretail development. This de�elopmenk sets t�e tane far th� cornmunii.jr appearance we wish to establish for this wes#ern/southwestern retail gateway into Westlake. Tne a�plicant repr�se�ts that all conditions of zon@ng for PD 3-1 d that affect the site plan and platting for fhis �roperty have been met. 2. Ut�litf�s l���:1`�a��!�c� on� ans! o�f-sEt� ���ns6s�ns anc� eas�rr���# d�����#i�n�): Water and sewer utilities for th@s site are provided by t�e Town af Westlake. A�I staff comments related to watar and sewer lines have been addressed by the a�plican� including line sizing, as well as spacing of manholes, fre hydrar�ts, and �aiv��. A second water line crossing has bee� added to provide adeq�ate service redundancy (i.e.- looping) and the Town's requFrernent that nfl "cl�ad end lin�" may exceed more than 600' in [ength has bee� met. On-site access easements have been provided for a!I public impravements and off-sit� easerr��nts necessary far wat�r andfor sewer utilities to senre #he site rrrill be dedicated by t�e appiicant by se�arate instrument. A note must be placed ar� the utility constructian plans showing t�e approv�d hydrant type, instaliation crass sectiQR, etc. All on-site electric utiPi4y lines, new or exist9ng, should be placed undergroun�f. 3. Storm wat�� includin an and off-site faciiities and easement detl�catior�s : The ap�licant's engineer has verified that the drainags structures under SH 377 have capacity to receive run-off fram this site. Further, the applicant's engineer has confirmed that the site can be praperiy drair��d witho�t an on-site storm drain s}�stem �i,e.- detentivn or retentianj, The time ot cc>ncentration has been changed t4 a 10 mir�ute time of conce�tratio� per aur requirement for a retai! si#e. I�c� aff-site drai�nage easements are necessary.to serue this site. There is no mapped �EMA i p0-year floodplain on the s�bj�ct property. 2 4. Setbacksl6uildinq, Lines: Tl�a buiPding line f€�r Building 1 vn Lot 1 alang SH 17C} is requested at 35' given its functi�n as a side setback, as opposed #o the required 54' front-setbacEc. Staf� is in support of this req�est. 5. ParkinqlFir� Lanes: Praposed on-site vehicular parking meeting the Town's sfandards is being provided. D�te to challenges af t�re site's configuration, the standard 50 foot fire lane insid� radius is being requested to allaw for the indus#ry accepted 25 foat minimum (per the I�t�mat9onal Fire Code, S�c. 503.3.4). This request is supported by staff. Certain parallel parking at fhe rear of E3uifding '{ t�� Lot 2 has 4�en mod�fed t4 !�e dpsi�natp� as enly f�r unl�adir�g!lQad�ng ��a�e�#�r t��s building. 6. Soltd Waste Collection Facilities; Shared �um�ster loca#ions are shown o�n the s�te plan. These focations s#�aPl be screened with materials tf�at must match builciing architectt�re and building ma#eria�s. 7. Str�etlHi hwa Ri ht-of-Wa Dedicat�on Re uirern�nts: No ad�itianal right-of-way dedi�ation on SH 377 is required to be dedicated far thi5 proj�ct given ti�e applicant's r�prese�n#ation that: a.) TxDOT wiiC al�ow th�ir exis#ing lane ca�acity ta be striped for usa as an accelerationJdeceleration lan�s for all site ingresslegress points on SH 377 and, b.} should XxDOT require i�se af this lane on 5H 377 in the future for through- traffic, th�re fs adeq�ate ri�ht-4f-way remaining ara-site to b�i1d replacement acc�leratianfdecelera�i�n lanes ta senre t#�e de�elapment's points of ingresslegress. The app{icant has sfated that th�ere 'rs 25' ta 30' of right-of- way from back of curb to the property line that is sufficient for future replacement acc�leratiaNdeceleration lanes, if needed. Alo additional right-of-way dedication is required on SH 170 to s�rve#t�is site. 3 8. Traffrc Access Mana�emenfillnternal Site CircUlation and Connectivity to Adiacent Prop�rty Trac#s (both awner's and non-Dwner's tracts)� Roadway access for#he subject site is provided en#irely by Tx��T controll�d roadways (SH 170 and SH 377). As such, minimum access reaUirem�nts are set by TxDOT. Hawe�er, with TxQOT concurrerrce, the Town can set acc�ss req�rirernents over and abo�e TxDQT minimum standards. Access manag�ment sfandards are s�f by the Town to provide adequate site access to the property owner, while provicling for praper through-t�affic movemerit balar�c�d wifh safe turr�ing mouements. Turn mavements �ntr� t�e site that are from main iar�es or that conflict with too many other turning movements at one point af ingresslegress should nat be allowed. The applicant has requested 1 point af ingress/egress on �o tt�eir site off vf SH 9 7� and 3 pair�ts of ingress/egress off af SH 377. These points o�ingresslegress shauld be subject to these candi#ians: a. The SH 17Q ingressfegress paint is acceptable if it uses a split-throat right- inlright-out only c�esign as sf�own on the app�icant's site plan. b. the 3 access points on SH 377, with #t�e spacing shown on the applicant's sfte p1an, are aceeptable (assurning TxDOT concurrence), if: 1. All 3 of the SH 377 access point� shawn on the appiicant's site plan are to be served by a deceleratianlacceleration Eane that is cUrrantly excess Txd�T lane capacity {now used as shoufder)and m�st be striped per Town requirements t9 pro+�ide for this deceferatior�l�ccei�ra#�an lane function. 2. The �arthern SH 377 ingres�legress pair�t (closes# #o the SH 377 a�d �70 intersection} should be designated as right-in/right-a�t or�ly ff TxDOT and the Town concur thaf there are too many left tuming rraovements to make full ingressf�gress mvvements safely at this Eocatifln. 3. The remainEng 2 ingres�legr�ss points �n SH 377 be permitted to serrre as full in��'ess/�gress �oints provfded adequat� deceleratianfacceler�tian lane capacity is provided per 8-b-1 above. If this is not provitled, the soi�thern-most ingresslegress point shauld be restricted in ta right-inlright-out turning moveme�ts anly, a 9. Site Desiqn While the applicant plans to phase his devefapment by developing Lots 1 and 2 first, the s�te plan submitted covers Lots 1-6, Thus, the cornments belaw alsa apply to Lots 3-fi as we11. A. MateriaEs, Buitding Des�gn, Architecture, and Hard Screening Materials. Tne attached exterior elevations show the building materials fo be used wili be: • simulated stone • cor�crete with textured painting and cast rerreals • wood kicKers a standi�g sear� m�tai rQofs • concrete column • galvanized steel awnings at eertain points on each building • a �ontrasting awnir�g material at ather poinfs on the building � texturized paint • metallwood kieker These materials are acceptable and shau�d be used ir� all the buiidings an ti�e site without significant devaation, unless a formal site plan am�ndment is apprQved. Roof lines. The roof line ar�d tower e[eiment in Buikding 1 on Lot � are acc�ptable. The roof tine on Building 1 on Lot 2 must be revised to show furth�r r�rafi ii�e articulation at the north and south end� of the b�ildir�g ta avaid a monolithic rectangular building appearance facing SH 377. Architecture. All buildi�ngs are required to haue 4-sided, 360 degr�e archifecture. The Town's development standards require all sides of these buildings t� be articulated. Building '! on Lot 1 must be ar�icukated on all 4 sides d+�� ta its full street view. The dri�e-in access far t�is building m��t be placed on th� ��uth side af the building o�ly. AI� r�maining buildings o� La#s 2-6 must be articu�ated on all sides except for th� side facing the l9nion Pacific RR fight-of-way (i.e.- articulatian on 3 sidesa, if it has no street view ant� is being used only for service access as well as loading/unloading. Since four-sided architec�ur� is required and the si�fe of this building facing the railroad wou�d nat be articulated, this buildir�g side must have adequate treatments to break-�p r�onoiitfi�ic appearances including banding and variation of building materials in attractive patterns. 5 Hard Screeninq, A!I gas meters, electric met�r boxes, breaker�oxes, and conduit, etc lacated at a �uilding's service entrances sho�ald be screened with materials that match the building's architect�re and materials, an�lnr placed inside the buifding, a�d/or be painted t� match the building. All heatinglair condi�ioning equipment, placed an the ground near the builtfing or or� the roaf, must be fuily screened #rom view. B. Landscapir�g and Landscape Scre��ing � A tree survey and lan�scape plan F�as been s�bmitted that reflects one af the conditions of the zonir�g granted far this site involving a reductio� in trees required. There is o�e existing protec��d tree on-site that will be mitigated per t'�e Tow�'s ordinances. Language needs to be add�d to the iandseape p�an that all plantings in public right-vf-way are the applicant's main#enance fesponsibility and adequate clearance far service vehicles must be observec�. All electric transformers, irrigation equipment, gas meters, �tc lacated away from the bui�dings, or focated at�he sides of buildings, should be totally screened with landscaping. C. Signage Numbers and sizes of monument signs for this site were se# as a condition of zor�ing. Monument sign locatians are shown on th� site plan. All af these signs w�ll requir� a detailed review per the Town's sign permit ardinance. However, the mane�rnent signage for this si#e plar� approval prac�ss should comply with the cfe#aiis subrni#ted with this sit� plan as minimum stand�rds regarding sign size, illumina#ian, and materials. All sign material� must harmoni�e with site's a�chitectural theme an� materials. Sign faces must ha�ve intemal �Ilumination or'fixtures that�ire�t �II light downward toward the si�r� face or a combination ther�of. Q. Lighfing The a�,��icant t�a� subr�itted a photometric surv�y stating tf�at it meets the Town's standar��. A note shou�d be plaeed on the photometric plan and the site plan stating t�at the site plan complies with the Town's lightir�g standards, Prior to constructian, the applicant needs to suf�mft the type af parking I�t IigF�t fi�ure proposed fs�r staff review and approvaf far the entire site as well as any on-�uilding light�xtures (sconces) for B�itdings � and 2, i#any are propo�ed. A!f fi�c#ures m�ast rr�eet Town 6 standards to direcf all on-site light downward on the a�pfcant's site only and rninimize ambient light migration off-site. E. Water �'eafureslPublic Art No water#eatures (i.e.- storm water retention) is required far this site. Locations fo� public ark may be availab�e, are encouraged, but nat required. The app�icar�t has indicated a willingness to work with the Public Arts Cammiftee regarding placern�nt of public art on this gateway locatian. F. Pedestrian Circulation {within the sifie) Pedestriar� traffic sho�fd be pro�ided by a delineatad means of safe foot #r?�.�e� or� sit�. Ways to acc�mplish thi� include star�p�d c�ocTiz��f car�cfete crass waiks. G. TrailslQpen Space No frail lacations are required since the site is not loeat�d in #he 104- year fload plain per the Town's trail plan. 10. O#her: A. This prnperty is in MUD 1 and w9ll reqUire de-anr�exation from the MUD 1 baundaries. The applicant h�s propased that this �e completed priar to issuance of the cer�ificate raf occupancy of the building� on Lc�# 1 an�d 2 as oppased to making i�a condition of fling the final pfa�for Lats 1 and 2. Staff concurs with tk�is request. B. ACI �icin�ty r�aps on all docurn�nts s��uld be changed to read "JT Otti�g�r Rc�ad" as apposed to "Ottinger Road" and a!I buildings Qr� all Ic+ts on ail docurnerrts shoult! be num�ered sequentially to be the sam� as the lot r�umher ora which the b��lding is Iacatecl. C. No accessory buildings should be ailawed on t�is site. �!!. STAFF RECf}!�l�4AEl�D�4TION5 StafF recommends approval of fhe site plan and preliminary plat for WestlaKe Corners South, Lots 1-G a�d the �nal plat far Westlake Corn�� 5outh, Lots 1-2 s�bject to following s#ipulations. i_ lltilities� approvak with alE staff changes as s�bmitted by the applicant as describecf in abo�e Sec#ion 11-2 of this, including a note heing placed on the 7 u#ility constructiar� plar�s showing �p�rou�d hydrant type, ins#alkation cross section, ete. All on-site electric lines, new or existin�, shall be �nderground. 2. Starm water: approvad with a�! staff changes as s�bmitted by the applicant as described in Section II-3 of this report 3. SetE�aekslBuildir�a Lines: approval with the requested 35' building line for Building '1 on Lot 1 a�ong SH 17� as requesteci. 4. Park�nqlFire Lar�es: approval witt� tFre 25' inside radius fire lane width and with ce�tain paraliel parking at the rear of Buiiding 1 on Lot 2 being designated for loading/unloading anCy with the site p�an change to reflect thase items. 5. Sa�lid V1laste Col�e�c#ian Faciiities; appro�al with the dumpster locatians as designated on the site plan a�d afl d�mpsters screened with solid screening using materials that rr�us# match t�uilding architecture �nd building materials. G. �treetlHi hwa Ri h#-of-Wa Dedication Re uirements: apprt�val with na additional right-of-way dedicatian required subj�ct ta the following conditians: a.) TxDOT wi1! allow their existi�g Iane capaci#y to be strip�ed for use as ar� acceleratior�ld�celeration lanes for all site ingresslegress pvints on SH 377 and, b.} should Tx�3OT �equire use of thss lane ort SH 377 in th�fut�re#or through- traffic, ther� is adequate rEght-�f-�v�y remain��rg fln-sit�to build replacemer�t acceleratron/dece�eration lanes af serve the development's points of ingresslegress. The a�plicant has statec! tf�a#there is 25' #0 30' of right-of- way firom back of curp to t�e property iine tha# is sufficient for future replace�er�t aceelerationldeceleration lanes, if r�eeded. c.) No additiona� ri�ht-df-way dedication is required on SH 170 to serve this site. 7. T�affic Access Mana ernentlinternal Site Circufation and Connectivi ta Ad'acent Pro e Tracfis both owner's and non-owner's tracts : approva1 af 1 �oi�t af ingressl�gress on ta their site off of SH 174 ar�d 3 paints 4f ingresslegress off of SH 377 subject TxDOT approvaf and to these cvnditir�ns: 8 a.) the SH 17� Engress/egress point is acceptable if it uses a split-throat right-in/right-out only design as shawn or� the applicant's site plan. �.) the 3 access points on SH 377, with the spacing sf�own on the app�icant's site p]an, are acceptable, it all � of the SH 377 access points shawn on tt�e applicant's si#e plan are to be served by a dec�leratioNacceleration lane�hat is currently excess TxD4T lane capacity (now used as sf�oulder) ar�d must be stri�ed per Town req�irements ta provide for#his decelerat�onlacceleratian lane function. c.) The r�orthern SH 377 ingresslegress point{closest to the SH 377 and 170 intersection) shou�d be d�signate� as right-inlrigh#-out only if TxDOT and the Tawn concur that ther� are tao many left turning movements to make f�il �ngresslegress mowements saf�fy �t ff�is focation. d.) The remaining 2 ingress/earass poir�ts an SH 377 be perm�tt�d t�a seeve as full ingresslegress poir�ts provided adeq�ate deceleratian/accel�ration lar�e ca�ackty is provided per 7-b above. If this is �at pror�iaed, the sauthern-mast ingresslegress p4int shouid b� restricted in ta right-inlright-aut turning mc��eme�ts onfy. 8. Si#e Desiqn: appro�aE subje�t ta: staff's review and a�pro�al af the final exterior elevations for alf buildfng on Lots 1-6, that the final exteriar elevatians comport to�he applic�nt's attac�ed preliminary exterior elevation d�awing, as weR as the following requirements far l.ots '�-6: p. Materials, '�uifding Design, Architecture, and Hard Screening 1. �ateriats. Appraved building materials for this project shafl consist af t�� f�1lc�wi�g minimums describe� in Section 1i-9-A abo��;. These materials will b� used in afl tt�� buildings on #he site without significant deviation, unl�s� a farmal site plan amendme�t is approved. 2. Roof I�nes. The roof line and tower element in Building 1 on Lot 1 are acceptable as s�bmitted. The roof line fln Building 1 on �ot 2 shall be reuised and subject to fna! ap�raval by staff to sY�ow furtf�er roo# line �rticulation at il�e no�#h and sou#h ends of this building to avo�d a monalithic rectangular��rifding appearance facing SH 377. 3, Architecture. All buildings are required ta have �our-sided, 360 degr�e architecture, The Town's developmer�t standards require all sic�es of these buifdi�gs to be articulated. Builc�ing 1 on Lot 1 m�s# be arEiculated nn all 4 sides du�ta its full street view. The driwe-in access for this t�uilding must be placed on the south side of#he �uilding only. 9 A11 remairaing bui�dings on Lot� �-6 must be articuiated on all sides except for the side facing the Uninn Paeific RR rig�t-of-way (i.e.- articulateci vn 3 sides}, if it has no s#reet�iew and is being used only far senrice access as weli as loadinglunloading. Since faur�sided arc�itecture is required, and the walls of buildings facing the railroad will not be ar#iculated, this wall must have adequate treatments tv br�ak-up manolithic appearances. These can include banding, inlays, coining, and rrariatian of building ma#erials in attracti�e patterr�s as ap�roved by staff. All these items must be reflected or� final ele�ations ar�d apprpved by staff prior to building permit issuanc�. 4. Hard Screeninp. All gas meters, electric m�ter boxes, l�reak�r box�s, and cQnduit located at service entrances of buildings shau�d be scree�ed witM materials that ma#ch the buiEdin�'s architscture and materiafs or be placed ir�side the building. A!I heatir�glair cond�tioning equipment, wh�ther placed on the ground, near the building, or on the roof, must be fulEy scr�ened from r�iew. B. �andscaping and Lar�dsca�e Screening: approval subject to; 1. addin� language to tF�e lancfscape plan that all plantings �n public right- of-way ar� the app�icanYs maintenance responsi�ility and adequafe cle�ranc� for service vehicles must be obse�ved, and 2. All electric transformers, ir�igation equipmer�t, gas meters, etc located away#rom the buildings, or atlnear the side �f buildings, shal� be totalfy screened with landscaping. C. �ignage: a�proval subject to the manument sign requirements set by zoning and the loca�ia�s shown on the site plan. Further, a11 of th�se signs will require detail�d review per the Town`s sign ordinanee process. Additior�aliy, #he monUment signage for this site p�an apprava9 process shaN comply wit� the detaiis submitted w�th this si#e plan as minimum standards regarding sign size, illumination, and materials. Ali skgn materials shal� harmo�ize with site's a�chitecturaE theme and materia�s. Sign faces must h�ve interna� ill�mination or fixtures that direc� all light downward toward th� sign or a combination thereaf. D. Lighting: a,pproval subject to a +note being placed on t�e photometric plan and #h� sEte plan stating that the site plan camplies with the Town's Eighting standards_ Prier to construction, the applicant shall su�mi##he type of parking lot light frxture prapvsed for staff revpew and appro�al for the entire site as well as any an-bu��ding light fixtures {scances} fo� Builc�ings 1 ar,d 2, if �o any are p�oposed, A!I fi�ctures shaul� fit with the site's architecture and design � as wefl as m�as# meet Town standards to direct alf on-site ligh# dawnward an �he applican#'s site only and minirniz� ambi�nt light migration off-site. �C. Vll�ter FeatureslPublic Art: recommertd a�►proval noting that no water features (i.e. - storm water retention) are required for#his site. Locafions for public art may be available, are strongly encouraged, but are not required. The ap�licant has indicated a willingness #a work with the Public Arts Cornmittee regarding placement of pubGc art an this gatevway focation. D. Trailsl4pen Space: not applicable as there are r�o trail Ic�cations requirecf since the site is not l�ca#ed in the 100-year flood �lain and there is no open sp�ce dedication required for this site per the Town's trail plan.. 9. Other: recamm�nd appraWa� with th�se adclitianal stipvlations: ,A. The applicant shall, prior to issuance af tf�e certifca#e of accupancy for tt�e buildings an Lot 1 and 2, have Lots 7-8 de-annexed fram the MUD 1 bo�ndary. B. Ail vicini�y maps on a!I documents shall b�: c�rar�g�ed to read "JT Ottinger Road" as oppc�sed to "Qttinger Road" an� afl buildings on al1 lots an al! doc�ments shall b+� numbere� in the same sequence as the lot num�er on whicY� the b�iEding is located. C. �!o ��c�ssary �uildir�gs sha(I t�e permitted on t�e si#e, �� � �_.� �9.t� l/-%f///��I/ / �-_ � ��/ / - �-�-'----�-�'-�-_'� '_ . . .. t E ..� ��/�i �%i i��� �/,� ____ - ___ �- � - _ ��. �� ' T � . � � / = i _ - ._ _ , . .- :. ` ��.n.xrV - I � _ _ . . . .;f «_`��-��= d--�+� � \ . . - � �_ � � -_ �� -� . t � ��� -_ _ - d i -_`'.-�--__ . . -:_ �-� -_ _ ___l ��� � . �-�_ �--�'m ��"��_ � -�� ' . . �--� � -_ �- - _ _ _ ' :: �- �-- --�=_- . _--� _ � -� � • . _ -- _ � � - _ � �_ .. 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APPROVED BY�THE PIANNING M!D ZONING COMMISION OF WESTIANE,TE%PS . � � � ./ / �� / APPROX ATE LIM 15--- 5 �6 � � . . �,20. � � � -�i � � OF 10 VR HEAD AiER �� % . � � . . . . .. - �SCALE:Y'�_�100'.. .. � - . . . ELE ION FOA� -7'%4'MB ° _ i � . . � . on . . . � � 6 ��/��� / i / � .(�-� �. / � .CURVE�A7A . � . . . nnesr: �.. � z \ I ` �/ // �� /��7 25T72g,• . . Nt 9-!°ELTN16 RADIUS iRNGENT .�ENGTH . . � . � � ) �/4�j���� �. / � .� �, . NOTES: . � .. cna�ao� r��s�,<mn ; j � � 49.00' S5.86' 83.3i' . . � � ��� E. � � i j L-(57.12 � 2 91°29'19� 25.oo' 28.5a' 42.54' � : .L 300 VR.FLOODPLNIN DOES NOT ENCROACH THE.SITE. .. . � . oa � '/ �/ �'�e�o�es�sr•� 1 � 3 90�oo-oi as.00• a9.00- �s.9�- A PREI,IMINARY PLAT o: � yyy ��' / �3T09.1Y � / � � � 2.VARIANCE REpUESTED TO REDUCE BIIIL�ING SEf BFCK ALONG� � � � J � / �4 0'F69'56 26.00' 25.00' � 39.2T' �' '! � ��� ��/T=T8.58' �f / � � � � SH�170 FROM.50'TO 35': � . . . � � . . Fi'�R . . � 1 / L=15T.14' . 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