HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-19 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting October 21,2019 Board Members in Attendance: Zan Jones,Meghan Dorr,Michael Colby,Leigh Sansone, Karen Stoltenberg, Christine Ross,Ahu Sieg,Debbie Kraska and Sean Shope Others in Attendance: Mechelle Bryson,Debbie Piper, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. C. Ross called the meeting to order at 8:30AM. 11. Motion to approve minutes of October 21, 2019 meeting by L. Sansone, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried. 111. Financial Report • S. Shope presented financial statements as of September 30, 2019 and reminded that Gallery Night receipts are moved to the Admin. account at the start of each year to fund the functions of the Foundation office. • He stated that the transfer of Foundation Endowment funds to RBC from Morgan Stanley is nearly complete. • S. Myers reported that an external grant supporting the Library was received from the Wheelwright Foundation. • WAF annual budget will be presented at next Board meeting. • M. Colby moved to approve Financials, second by D.Kraska. Motion carried, and Financials approved. IV. Grants Committee • S. Myers and M. Bryson presented Grant Application for Authentic Language Videos. Program will be piloted, and if successful,will be absorbed within the Academy budget going forward.K. Stoltenberg moved to fund up to requested amount of$3,026.00, second by Z. Jones. Grant approved. V. Marketing Committee • Blacksmith Annual Fund o S. Myers reported that social media for BAF and Westlake Baja event are currently active with strategic messaging. o Discussed marketing ideas to push achieving BAF $1.03M goal by 10/31. • Westlake Baja o Invitations have been distributed and concert flyer will follow. o All funds will be applied to Legacy Teacher Fund initiatives. o M. Bryson discussed Texas House Bill 3,which established the"Teacher Incentive Allotment,"a state-funded merit pay-type program. Details will be still forthcoming from the state,but could possibly enhance the Legacy Teacher Fund. VI. Development Initiatives • Blacksmith Annual Fund o A. Sieg reported BAF total raised is $961,757 with 72%families participating. o Discussed inviting new families to Baja and/or holding raffle drawings for Baja tickets. • Westlake Baja o Special musical guests have been secured for Concert. o Discussed importance of fully funding Legacy Teacher Fund. VII. President's Report • none VIII. Executive Director's Report • S. Myers presented idea of possibly using a percentage of Endowment earnings to support annual WA operations,if needed headcount dollars are lower than expected in a given year. Board discussion followed. • An anonymous $1 million donation has been received for a future Capital Campaign. The gift has a matching gift requirement. • We are planning a holiday get-together on December 5,2019 for all WAF Board Directors past and present. Other Business None K. Stoltenberg moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by D. Kraska. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:50AM. Next Meeting: Monday,November 18,2019 at 8:30 AM, Town Hall of the Town of Westlake