HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-19 BOT Agenda Packet Amended WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEE MEETING AGENDA 1500 SOLANA BLVD, BUILDING 7, SUITE 7100, COUNCIL CHAMBER ? WESTLAKE, TX 76262 •� NOVEMBER 4, 2019 5:00 PM MEETING Vision Statement Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile:Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open Minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced and Reflective Work Session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. Any person desiring to make a public comment must first be recognized by the presiding officer and sign in at the podium with their name and address. Individual citizen comments are normally limited to three (3) minutes; however, time limits can be adjusted by the presiding officer. The presiding officer may ask the citizen to hold their comment on an agenda item if the item is posted as a Public Hearing. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 4. RECOGNITION OF SPORTS TEAMS. S. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS LISTED ON THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. 6. REPORTS Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as presented. (there will no presentations associated with the report items) There will be no separate discussion unless a Trustee requests that report be removed and considered separately. a. Report Regarding International Staff at Westlake Academy. b. Report Regarding Giving Day and the Blacksmith Campaign. Page 1 of 3 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation and discussion regarding an amendment to the Graduation Policy. b. Presentation and discussion regarding Special Education Services. 8. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION Regular Session will begin immediately following the work session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: President and Trustee Reports on Items of Community Interest pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0415 the Board of Trustees may report on the following items: (1) expression of thanks, congratulations or condolences; (2) information about holiday schedules; (3) recognition of individuals; (4) reminders about upcoming Board of Trustee events; (5) information about community events; and (6) announcements involving imminent threat to public health and safety. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on October 7, 2019. b. Consider approval of Resolution 19-18, Approving amendments to the Graduation policy. 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under"Future Agenda Item Requests", an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Superintendent with the requested item and the Superintendent will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item's relationship to the Board's strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Superintendent will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. Page 2of3 S. ADJOURNMENT ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 1500 Solana Blvd., Building 7, Suite 7100, Westlake, TX 76262, on November 1, 2019, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Tanya Morris, Assistant to the Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs or translation services, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Page 3 of 3 } WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEE MEETING AGENDA { { 1500 SOLANA BLVD, BUILDING 7, SUITE 7100, COUNCIL CHAMBER WESTLAKE, TX 76262 NOVEMBER 4, 2019 5:00 PM MEETING Vision Statement Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile:Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced and Reflective AMENDED AGENDA This item was added to the work session agenda. S. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board will conduct a closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code, annotated, Chapter 551, Subchapter D for the following: a. Section 551.071 and 551.0821 - Consultation with School Attorney on the Operations of the special education program when the consultation may contain personally identifiable student information. ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 1500 Solana Blvd., Building 7, Suite 7100, Westlake, TX 76262, on November 1, 2019, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. Tanya Morris, Assistant to the Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs or translation services, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. Page 1 of 1 Board of Trustees Item # 2 — Pledge of Allegiance Texas Pledge: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to the, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. " Board of Trustees Item # 3 — Citizen Comments CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. Any person desiring to make a public comment must first be recognized by the presiding officer, and sign in at the podium with their name and address. Individual citizen comments are normally limited to three (3) minutes; however, time limits can be adjusted by the presiding officer. The presiding officer may ask the citizen to hold their comment on an agenda item if the item is posted as a Public Hearing. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. Board of Trustees Item # 4 — No Supporting Documentation 4. RECOGNIZING THE SPORTS TEAMS. Board of Trustees Item # 5 — Review of Consent Agenda Items REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS a. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on October 7, 2019. b. Consider approval of Resolution 19-18, Approving amendments to the Graduation policy. Board of Trustees Item # 6 — Reports REPORTS Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as presented. (there will be no presentations associated with the report items) There will be no separate discussion unless a Council Member requests that report be removed and considered separately. a. Report Regarding International Staff at Westlake Academy. b. Report Regarding Giving Day and the Blacksmith Campaign. estlake Academy Board of Trustees }} TYPE OF ACTION Workshop -Report Westlake Board Meeting Monday, November 04, 2019 Topic: Report Regarding International Staff at Westlake Academy STAFF CONTACT: Jennifer Furnish, Secondary Assistant Principal Strategic Alignment Vision,Value,Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Ob'ective Respect for Self and Academic Attract,Recruit& Others Operations PYP/MYP/DP Retain the Highest Quality Workforce Time Line- Start Date:November 4, 2019 Completion Date:November 4,2019 Funding Amount: NA Status: N/A Source-N/A Contract: No Forms: N/A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY(INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Westlake Academy is committed to the IB Mission of creating a more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. One aspect of creating intercultural understanding is learning from individuals who come from cultures different than our own. Westlake Academy has the privilege of employing a number of international staff who enrich our learning environment and contribute to our unique sense of place. RECOMMENDATION Staff Recommends review of the document. ATTACHMENTS Report: International Staff at Westlake Academy Page 1 of 1 } MEMORANDUM Date: October 29, 2019 TO: Superintendent Amanda DeGan, Honorable President Laura Wheat and Board of Trustees Members FROM: Jennifer Furnish, Assistant Principal SUBJECT: Teacher Report As an IB world school, Westlake Academy welcomes and celebrates diversity in its many forms. One of the attributes that contributes to Westlake's unique sense of place is the number of staff members born outside the United States and the number of staff members who have taught internationally. Approximately 20% of our staff was either born outside the United States or has experience teaching and living outside the US for an extended period of time (beyond just a semester abroad during college). We also have a significant number of staff members who are the first generation in their family to be born in the US. The cultural experiences shared with students through classroom activities enrich student learning while developing a sense of international mindedness. The presence of international staff allows students to experience ideas and traditions from around the world without having to leave campus. Our international staff share their culture in a variety of ways. I spoke with several staff members in order to understand how their cultural roots are expressed in the classroom. One of our staff members shares her culture through the celebration of traditional festivals, stories, language, and person photos. She allows student to celebrate the Feast of St. Lucia. Students dress in traditional attire consisting of a white gown and red sash and walk the campus delivering treats. This teacher shares her native language on a regular basis by mixing in phrases during daily lessons. She also has students read stories and fables associated with her culture. Another of our staff members from India shares stories from his childhood with students. In fact, his stories are so popular, they are used as a reward for exceptional class behavior and performance. Students are eager to hear about his home in India, his dog, the education system, and how daily life differs from the US. His stories are so beloved, students have shared them with me! Another staff member shares experiences from her childhood to help her students internalize the differences between countries and cultures. She tells students how lunch in France lasts much longer than here in the US. She discusses the importance of food and meals and how this plays an integral part of French society. She brings traditional food and takes them to a French restaurant every year. In regard to accents, a staff member shared the importance of having students hear individuals speak with a variety of accents. She feels strongly that students need to have 1 an"ear"that is able to comprehend people from a wide array of backgrounds. She pointed out that conversing with an individual who has an accent requires intense focus on the conversation... students are forced to pay greater attention and she views this as a benefit to her teaching! Students are always "tuned-in." When speaking with students about the presence of international teachers, they expressed how much they appreciate and enjoy this aspect of our campus. One senior expressed how the international teachers are her"favorite"because they bring so much to the classroom beyond content knowledge. In general, these international teachers are viewed as "fun," "passionate," "worldly," and "the best." As we continue to look for ways to expand international opportunities for our students, it is important to remember to look inward. We have a wealth of knowledge on this campus and students stated they would like more opportunities to learn from our international staff and converse with them in casual settings (as opposed to the classroom). There is considerable interest in learning everything about European soccer, cricket, and long lunch periods. 2 estlake Academy Board of Trustees }} TYPE OF ACTION Workshop -Report Westlake Board Meeting Monday, November 04, 2019 Topic: Discuss outcome of the Westlake Academy Foundation's participation in the 2019 North Texas Giving Day fundraising event and the current status of the 2019-20 Blacksmith Annual Fund. STAFF CONTACT: Dr. Shelly Myers, Executive Director, Westlake Academy Foundation Strategic Alignment Vision, Value,Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Obiective Academic Excellence Fiscal Stewardship PYP/MYP/DP Increase Financial Capacity&Reserves Time Line- Start Date: September 1,2019 Completion Date: August 31,2020 Funding Amount: N/A Status:N/A Source-N/A Contract: No Forms: N/A ExECUTIVE SUMMARY(INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Per the BOT Affiliates policy, at least once a year all Westlake Academy affiliate groups will meet with the Board of Trustees to discuss their activities and initiatives. This workshop presentation will update the Board on current status of the Blacksmith Annual Fund fundraising initiative, which included participation in the North Texas Giving Day event held September 19, 2019. This informative report will provide current campaign status, so that the Board and school leadership can plan accordingly. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends review of the year-to-date report (information current as of October 25, 2019). Page ] of 2 ATTACHMENTS WAF—Blacksmith Campaign Report(11.04.19) Page 2 of 2 Westlake Academy Foundation 2019-20 BLACKSMITH ANNUAL FUND & BLACKSMITH GIVING DAY BOT Report—November 4, 2019 RESULTS OF 2019 BLACKSMITH GIVING DAY BLACKSMITH • North Texas Giving Day rebranded as "Blacksmith Giving Day"to help parents see connection of Giving Day to Blacksmith Annual Fund (BAF) . IVING , • Promotion/awareness via Back to School flyers, carline postcards, banners and signage, and 2-week social media campaign (including Supt. DeGan video!) prior to Giving Day on Sept. 19 DA4Y • Promoted "off line gifts" (cash, checks, stock, credit cards processed at t WAF),which don't earn Bonus monies but also don't generate 4.99%fees! • K-12 Grade Captains served as "Giving Day Ambassadors" and emailed 9 9•19 info/links/encouragement to their class parents prior to event • • "100 Gifts for$10,000" Challenge at early evening lull sparked great surge, W E S T L A K E A putting WAF atop the "Donations Leaderboard" of nearly 3,000 DFW non- profits and set one-day BAF records for funds raised and number of gifts. • Raised $853,705 from 452 gifts ($1,889 gift average). In 2018, we raised $805,678 from 422 gifts ($1,909 gift average). STATS & STATUS OF BLACKSMITH FUND(cis of 1ol25119) • Campaign currently at$972,742 (94%of$1.03M goal) s� including 52 corporate gifts totaling$84,617 • $1,454 average per-student gift for 667 students whose ,y parents have donatedko&I • $1,076 average per-student gift for all 901 WA students e, • 72% OVERALL parent participation (394 of 545 families) 0 86%Westlake families (119 of 139) WcsFlc! 0 68% Extended Boundary families (276 of 407) • 53% NEW parent participation (41 of 78 new families) 0 82%Westlake families (18 of 22) 0 41% Extended Boundary families(23 of 56) • $3,731 average gift total from WL families u . • $1,584 average gift total from EB families - • $2,009 average per-student gift from WL families A • $978 average per student gift from EB families CURRENT BLACKSMITH CAMPAIGN EFFORTS INCLUDE: Follow us on • Weekly Communique+WAF eBlasts with donor recognition list 0 a West[akeAcademyFoundation �., ICI • Carline signs and banners listing donor families by grade 0 aroundadonWA • Ongoing social media posts to update, educate and motivate! 1-5)west}akeacademAwndation • Targeted emails from Grade Captains to non-donor families Campaign updates! "� • Tailored emails to new families on purpose of BAF, why support Donor shout-outs! is important,various ways to give, etc. Gifts-in-Action photos! fir . In November, Phonathon to solicit non-donors;Thank-a-thon to Our Blacksmiths appreciate donors THANK YOU! Exploring"challenge/match" opportunities as incentive to give • Alumni campaign for"Tribute Gifts" to honor/thank favorite teachers. Can donate and share remarks via dedicated Alumni link on eCart. Remarks will be compiled for each teacher. Board of Trustees Item # 7 — Discussion Items DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation and discussion regarding an amendment to the Graduation Policy. b. Presentation and discussion regarding Special Education Services. estlake Academy Board of Trustees }} TYPE OF ACTION Workshop -Discussion Item Westlake Board Meeting Monday, November 04, 2019 Topic: Presentation and discussion Regarding an Amendment to the Graduation Policy STAFF CONTACT: Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director of Westlake Academy Strategic Alignment Vision,Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Ob'ective Mission:Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an Increase the Future internationally minded Academic MYP/DP Readiness of All education of the highest Operations Students quality,so they are well- balanced life-long learners. Time Line- Start Date:November 4,2019 Completion Date:N/A Funding Amount: N/A Status:N/A Source-N/A Contract: No Forms: N/A ExECUTIVE SUMMARY(INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Streamlining board policies and evaluating the effectiveness of board policies is a continuous improvement process that must be initiated in order to maintain the efficient operation of the Academy. The proposed changes to the Graduation Policy are designed to create greater clarity for transfer students, to designate high school academic credits for select MYP courses, and to meet new legislative requirements. In doing so, the footnote section of the policy was eliminated and a section for transfer students was inserted. In addition, the number of credits that students could earn prior to grade 9 was expanded. Page 1 of 2 RECOMMENDATION Seeking feedback on the proposed changes to the Graduation Policy. ATTACHMENTS None Page 2 of 2 estlake Academy Board of Trustees }} TYPE OF ACTION Workshop -Discussion Item Westlake Board Meeting Monday, November 04, 2019 Topic: Presentation and Discussion Regarding Special Education Services STAFF CONTACT: Janet Bubert, Academy Attorney Strategic Alignment Vision,Value,Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Ob'ective Mission:Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an Increase the Future internationally minded Academic PYP/MYP/DP Readiness of All education of the highest Operations Students quality,so they are well- balanced life-long learners. Time Line- Start Date:November 4,2019 Completion Date:N/A Funding Amount: N/A Status:N/A Source-N/A Contract: No Forms: N/A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY(INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) The purpose of the presentation and discussion regarding special education services is to provide an overview of the special education laws applicable to public schools. The presentation and discussion will include the regulations and procedures a charter school must follow for identifying eligible students, completing evaluations, developing an appropriate education program, and implementing services to ensure eligible students make sufficient progress based on their individual circumstances. The overarching purpose of the presentation and discussion regarding special education services is to create a deeper understanding of the Academy's role in meeting the diverse needs of students. Page 1 of 2 RECOMMENDATION Seeking greater understanding and support ATTACHMENTS None Page 2 of 2 Board of Trustees Item #8 — Board Recap / Staff Direction BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: President and Board of Trustee Reports on Items of Community Interest pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0415 the Board of Trustees may report on the following items: (1) expression of Trustees thanks, congratulations or condolences; (2) information about holiday schedules; (3) recognition of individuals; (4) reminders about upcoming Board of Trustee events; (5) information about community events; and (6) announcements involving imminent threat to public health Item # 2 — Items of and safety. Community Interest ✓ Coffee&Conversation with the Mayor/WA Board President Monday, November 4, 2019; 8:00-9:30 am NEW LOCATION: Westlake Fire-EMS Station No. 1, 2000 Dove Road (NW corner of Dove&Davis Blvd.) -All are welcome&encouraged to join Mayor Laura Wheat at our new Westlake Fire-EMS Station No, i for our second Coffee&Conversation at this location. We are so grateful to the Marriott for providing complimentary coffee &tea at all previous Coffees over the years but we just couldn't resist moving these Mondays with the Mayor to showcase our beautiful station for residents, WA parents, and our business partners! ✓ Board of Trustees Work Session/Meeting Monday, November 4, 2019* Westlake Town Hall, Solana Terrace-Bldg.7, Suite 7100 -Council Chambers ✓ Simply Westlake hosts Cooking Demonstration for Westlake Residents 11:30 am- 1:00 pm; Expressions Home Gallery, 325 Commerce St., Suite 100, Southlake -RSVPs are requested by Nov. 1. Questions?Contact Connie Vernon Chase. ✓ Westlake Academy Parent Forum Series on Vaping (Open to any Westlake resident parent/grandparent) Wednesday, November 6, 2019; 6:00-7:30 pm WA Campus-Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) -Join us for a presentation on Vaping/E-Cigarette Prevention given by the Recovery Resource Council. This forum, designed for parents, will include a presentation on the dangers of vaping nicotine& THC. The presenter will provide insight into the newest trends and resources to arm parents with the knowledge to protect their students and begin healthy informed discussions at home. Questions?Contact Secondary Counselor Lisa Phil/ios ✓ Westlake Honors our Veterans with a Westlake Academy Veteran's Day Program (Open to all veterans) Monday, November 11, 2019 • Primary Grade Program: 8:15-9:00 am in the Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) • Secondary Grades Program: 2:15-3:00 pm in the Gym -Al/veterans are welcome&encouraged to attend as we join our students with a brief program in honor of YOU; We have special music and speakers-all to show you our appreciation for your service;Secondary Grades'Program will include a check presentation from our Town's Decoration Day Poppy Sales to Roanoke VFW) ✓ Planning &Zoning Work Session/Meeting Monday, November 11, 2019* Westlake Town Hall, Solana Terrace-Bldg.7, Suite 7100 -Council Chambers ✓ Westlake Baia; Hosted by the Westlake Academy Foundation Monday, November 11, 2019; 6:00- 11:00 pm The Vaquero Club, 2300 Vaquero Club Drive; Tickets are required -Join us for the II th Annual Westlake Baja at Vaquero benefiting the students and teachers of Westlake Academy. The evening's festivities will include Mission Impossible"type golf challenges and Trackman long drive contest, helicopter ball drop, cocktails and gourmet dinner, and intimate live entertainment from four of country mus/c's top Grammy winning songwriters! Westlake Baja sponsors enjoy the full Vaquero experience...and then some!Exclusive VIP Party and all the evening Baja fun, as well as an exceptional round of golf,played at your convenience. For tickets,sponsorships&all the details, visit WestlakeAcademyFounoat/on.orgZbaL ✓ Westlake Academy Open Tour for Primary Grades K-5 Thursday, November 14, 2019; 3:45—4:45 pm WA Main Entrance/Office— PYP Commons Area All tours will begin in the Main Primary Years Building Commons Area at 4:00 p.m. Please arrive no ear/ier than 3:45 p.m. to allow for school dismissal to be completed. Pre-registration/s not necessary. Children are always welcome to attend yet must be supervised by parents while touring the campus Thank you! ✓ Free Movie Screening hosted by Westlake Academy HOC,WA Foundation &the Town of Westlake for Screenagers: The Next Chapter(Any Westlake Resident Parent, Grandparent, or Student in grades 6 or above are welcome to attend but please RSVP at link below) Thursday, November 14, 2019; 6:00—8:00 pm; Harkins Movie Theatre in Southlake Town Square -Tickets are free but reservations are required as seating is limited,and a snack-pack voucher will also be provided!This docuf/lm/s produced and created by Dr. Delaney Ruston in her continued research on raising youth a stress-filled digital age and draws links of screen usage and mental health concerns. Dr. Ruston sets out to uncover how we understand these challenges in our current screen-filled society.And how we as parents and schools empower teens with skills to overcome mental health challenges and build emotional agility, communication savvy, and stress resilience. Questions?Contact Secondary Counselor L/sa Phillips ✓ Westlake Academy Fall Musical Production:Annie(Two performances) Saturday evening, November 16, 2019; 7—9:30 pm AND Sunday afternoon, November 17, 2019; 2-3:30 pm WA Campus-Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH); Visit West/akeAcademy.org for more deta//s or ema//Mr. Phil Mueller Tickets can be purchased/n the school office for$10 per person. ✓ Town Council Work Session/Meeting Monday, November 18, 2019* Westlake Town Hall, Solana Terrace-Bldg.7, Suite 7100 -Council Chambers ✓ Westlake Academy CLOSED for Thanksgiving Break Monday, November 25—Friday, November 29, 2019 ✓ Westlake Municipal Offices CLOSED for the Thanksgiving Holidays Thursday, November 28—Friday, November 29, 2019 -Trash&Recycling collections will be delayed one day this holiday week to Saturday,Nov.30. No collections will take place on the normal Friday service day this week. *For meetinagendas and details on WA calendar events or Municipal calendar events,please visit the Westlake Academy website or the Town of Westlake website for further assistance. Board of Trustees Item # 3 — Consent Agenda CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on October 7, 2019. b. Consider approval of Resolution 19-18, Approving amendments to the Graduation policy. WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING October 7, 2019 PRESENT: Trustees: Alesa Belvedere, Carol Langdon, and Rick Rennhack. ABSENT: President Laura Wheat, Michael Barrett, and Greg Goble. OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent Amanda DeGan, Board Secretary Kelly Edwards, Dr. Mechelle Bryson, PYP Principal Rod Harding, PYP Assistant Principal Beckie Paquin, Secondary Principal Stacy Stoyanoff, College Counselor Carl Tippen, Deputy Town Manager Noah Simon, Assistant Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, Registrar Kim Gardner, Director of Communications Ginger Awtry, Communication Manager Jon Sasser, Director of Information Technology Jason Power, Director of Facilities & Public Works Troy Meyer, and WA Foundation Executive Director Dr. Shelly Myers. Work Session 1. CALL TO ORDER Trustee Langdon called the work session to order at 5:41 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Trustee Langdon led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS No one addressed the Board. BOT Minutes 10/07/19 Page 1 of 3 4. RECOGNITION OF THE MERIT SCHOLARS. The Board recognized the following scholars: National Hispanic Recognition - Kevin Hoffman and Kristina Hoffman National Merit Commended Scholars - Preston Landry Griffin, Liana Hampton, Kevin Hoffman, Grace Parkey, Nishta Patel, Axel Ramone, and Kaito Robson. S. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS LISTED ON THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. No additional discussion. 6. REPORTS a. PYP Strings report —A Two Year Perspective. 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation and discussion regarding the Leavers data. Dr. Bryson and Mrs. Gardner provided a presentation and overview of the data. Discussion ensued regarding number of students that have left and reasons why, staff reaching out to parents to determine the reason for leaving, student gains, and that most reasons are a personal choice to leave the academy. b. Presentation and discussion regarding college readiness data over the last five years. This report will include discussion concerning PSAT, SAT, and ACT trends at Westlake Academy and its impact on student college and future readiness. Mr. Tippen, Mr. Stoyanoff, and Dr. Bryson provided a presentation and overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding the recent scandals and affects for students applying to college, colleges revaluating admittances processes, and admittance requirements for athletes. 8. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION No additional direction. BOT Minutes 10/07/19 Page 2 of 3 Regular Session will begin immediately following the work session 1. CALL TO ORDER Trustee Langdon called the regular session to order at 6:15 p.m. 2. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST Ms. Awtry provided an overview of the upcoming events. 3. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on September 9, 2019. b. Consider approval of Resolution 19-16, Approving a Distribution of Non-School Literature Policy. c. Consider approval of Resolution 19-17, Approving a Student Communications and Publications policy. MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Belvedere seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No future agenda items. S. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, Trustee Langdon asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Trustee Rennhack made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Belvedere seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. Trustee Langdon adjourned the regular session at 6:18 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON NOVEMBER 4, 2019. ATTEST: Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Carol Langdon, Trustee BOT Minutes 10/07/19 Page 3 of 3 estlake Academy Board of Trustees }} TYPE OF ACTION Regular Meeting - Consent Westlake Board Meeting Monday, November 04, 2019 Topic: Consider approval of a Resolution approving amendments to the Graduation policy. STAFF CONTACT: Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director of Westlake Academy Strategic Alignment Vision,Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Ob'ective Mission:Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an Increase the Future internationally minded Academic MYP/DP Readiness of All education of the highest Operations Students quality,so they are well- balanced life-long learners. Time Line- Start Date:November 4,2019 Completion Date:N/A Funding Amount: N/A Status:N/A Source-N/A Contract: No Forms: N/A ExECUTIVE SUMMARY(INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Streamlining board policies and evaluating the effectiveness of board policies is a continuous improvement process that must be initiated in order to maintain the efficient operation of the Academy. The proposed changes to the Graduation Policy are designed to create greater clarity for transfer students, to designate high school academic credits for select MYP courses, and to meet new legislative requirements. In doing so, the footnote section of the policy was eliminated and a section for transfer students was inserted. In addition, the number of credits that students could earn prior to grade 9 was expanded. Page 1 of 2 RECOMMENDATION Approval of the resolution and approval of the policy ATTACHMENTS Resolution and policy Page 2 of 2 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 19-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONSIDERING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE GRADUATION POLICY 6.04. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy ensures compliance with all State legislative mandates on graduation; and WHEREAS,Westlake Academy ensures an International Baccalaureate World Education for all students; and WHEREAS,Westlake Academy works to update all policies in a timely manner to reflect legislative changes and ensures these policies are easily accessible to stakeholders; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason,be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. WA Resolution 19-18 Page 1 of 6 SECTION 3: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2019. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, President Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary Janet S. Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney WA Resolution 19-18 Page 2 of 6 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 6.04: Date Board Adopted: May 12, 2014 Date Board Amended: May 6, 2019 Effective Date: November 4, 2019 Policy Category: Student Achievement Policy Name: Graduation Policy Policy Goal: Establishing graduation requirements, defining commencement participation requirements, and determining Valedictorian, Salutatorian and Honor Graduate criteria. Policy Description: Graduation Requirements - As reflective of Westlake Academy's rigorous and enriching International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum and a desire to foster college readiness, students who graduate from Westlake Academy will complete a program of study that includes high academic standards and additional credit hours making them eligible for the Distinguished Level of Achievement recognition. Students must complete all graduation requirements identified in this policy to receive a Westlake Academy diploma. Those requirements are as follows: • Earn the necessary credits as required for the Foundation High School Program with at least the Multidisciplinary Studies endorsement as outlined by the Texas State Board of Education; • Complete the requirements to earn the Distinguished Level of Achievement; • Achieve satisfactory performance on required state end of course assessments; and • Complete all requirements to sit for and receive an IB Diploma. The academic credit requirements for a Westlake Academy diploma are identified in the chart below: WA Resolution 19-18 Page 3 of 6 Graduation Policy Credits GROUP Foundation Plan Westlake Academy with Distinguished Level of Achievement 1 Language and 1.0 English 1 1.0 English 1 4.0 Literature 1.0 English 2 1.0 English 2 1.0 English 3 2.0 IB English Literature 1.0 English 4 2 Language Acquisition 2.0 Language B 3.0 Language B 5.0 2.0 IB Language B 3 Individuals and 1.0 World Geography or 1.0 World Geography or 5.0 Societies World History World History 1.0 US History 1.0 Humanities 0.5 Economics 1.0 US History 0.5 Government 0.5 Economics 0.5 Government 1.0 IB Individuals and Societies 4 Sciences 1.0 Biology 1.0 Biology 4.0 2.0 Lab Science 1.0 Lab Science 2.0 IB Science 5 Mathematics 1.0 Algebra 1 1.0 Algebra 1 5.0 1.0 Geometry 1.0 Geometry 1.0 Math 1.0 Algebra 2 2.0 IB Mathematics 6 Arts/ Electives 1.0 Fine Art 1.0 Fine Art 2.0 5.0 Electives 1.0 IB TOK PE Physical Education 1.0 PE 1.0 PE 1.0 IB Core Personal Project 0.0 IB Extended Essay IB CAS Total 22.0 26.0 Pre-High School credits can be earned in Language B, Mathematics, and Fine Art in Grade 7 and/or Grade 8. Students may be awarded up to 3.0 credits on their high school transcript. Transfer Student Guidelines and Exemptions - Transfer students must complete WA graduation requirements and achieve a minimum of 26.0 credit hours with the applicable exemptions in the areas listed below: • For transfer students lacking Language Acquisition credits within WA's course offerings, a student who enrolls in Grade 9 will have a minimum requirement of 4.0 credits in the same language through the WA course offerings; a student who enrolls in Grade 10 will have a minimum requirement of 3.0 credits in the same language through the WA course offerings; and a student who enrolls in Grade 11 will have a minimum requirement of 2.0 credits in the same language through the WA course offerings. WA Resolution 19-18 Page 4 of 6 • Personal Project is a requirement for any student entering Westlake Academy before or during the first semester of Grade 10. Students who enter in G11 are exempt from the Personal Project. Additional Endorsements —Westlake Academy students who complete the Westlake Academy graduation requirements can also select and earn other endorsements as defined in the Texas Education Code. Eligibility to Participate in Commencement Ceremony—Westlake Academy seniors who have satisfied all Westlake Academy requirements for graduation are eligible to participate in the graduation ceremonies; however, disciplinary infractions may jeopardize a student's opportunity to participate in the commencement ceremony consistent with the student code of conduct and as determined by the Executive Director. For students who have not successfully completed all coursework, an exception may be made in the event that a senior lacks one (1) credit towards the graduation requirements. The student must have a plan approved by the Executive Director to complete the credit prior to the beginning of the next school year. No other exceptions to participation in the graduation ceremony will be granted except as required by law. Academic Recognition - Westlake Academy will encourage and recognize academic achievement through the establishment of a class Valedictorian, Salutatorian and Honor Graduates. These recognitions are determined based on a student's Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) as recorded at the end of the third reporting period of a student's senior year. Valedictorian and Salutatorian — The graduating senior with the highest CGPA will be recognized as Valedictorian, and the graduating senior with the second highest CGPA will be recognized as Salutatorian. In the event of a tie for Valedictorian, the students will share the honor and no Salutatorian will be designated. Additionally, Valedictorian and Salutatorian eligibility requires attendance at Westlake Academy for at least the six consecutive semesters immediately preceding graduation. Further, the Superintendent or his/her designee may deem a student ineligible for these recognitions if the student is in violation of Westlake Academy's student code of conduct, other school requirements, Town code, or State codes. Honor Graduates - A graduating senior whose weighted CGPA is 90% or above will be determined to be an Honor Graduate and will be duly recognized at commencement. The Executive Director and his/her designee are granted the authority to include students whose CGPA is 90% or above at the end of the final semester. WA Resolution 19-18 Page 5 of 6 Rank in Class - Rank in class is determined by CGPA and will be used for the purposes of: • Identifying students eligible to obtain automatic admission to Texas public universities based upon a university's uniform admission policy and in accordance with the Texas Education Code. This information will be reported directly to institutions by Westlake Academy staff. • Determining Valedictorian and Salutatorian. Outside of the above circumstances, Westlake Academy is a non-ranking high school. Operational guidelines consistent with this policy will be detailed and published in the Parent/Student Handbook. In the event a student does not complete all Westlake Academy graduation requirements by the end of the student's twelfth (12t") grade year due to unexpected circumstances, the student may seek Board approval for and the Board may approve an alternate graduation plan consistent with the State's foundation high school program requirements, if it is determined to be in the best interest of the student. Students Receiving Special Education Services —Westlake Academy will comply with federal and state laws and regulations applicable to graduation requirements for eligible students under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. To the extent required by law, Westlake Academy will provide a summary of performance for graduating students receiving special education services. This summary will consider, as appropriate, the views of the parent and student and written recommendations from adult service agencies on how to assist the student in meeting postsecondary goals as well as any required evaluation information. The Academy shall issue a certificate of attendance to a student who receives special education services and who has completed four years of high school but has not completed the student's individualized education program (IEP). A student eligible to receive a certificate of attendance shall be allowed to participate in a commencement ceremony with students receiving high school diplomas. A student may participate in only one commencement ceremony under this provision. Dates Amended: 10/05/15 11/02/15 WA Resolution 19-18 Page 6 of 6 Board of Trustees Item # 4 — Future Agenda Items FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under "Future Agenda Item Requests", an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Superintendent with the requested item and the Superintendent will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item's relationship to the Board's strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Superintendent will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. - NONE Board of Trustees Item # 5 — Adjournment Regular Session