HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 19-36 Approving an Agreement for a Wayfinding Sign Program TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 19-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH PARKHILL, SMITH & COOPER, INC. DBA SCHRICKEL, ROLLINS/ PSC TO PROVIDE CONSULTATION DESIGN SERVICES TO DEVELOP A WAYFINDING SIGN PROGRAM FOR THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE AND AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the Westlake Town Council (Council) has identified citizen engagement, communication, and planning as a strategic priority; and, WHEREAS, the Westlake Town Council desires to utilize a professional architectural services company to develop a "Wayfinding" Sign Program for the Town of Westlake that showcases its major venues, directs visitors through major corridors that lead to the Town's attractions and destinations, and is presented in a way that is attractive and expressive of the Town's character, scenic beauty and expanding urban landscape; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined that such planning efforts will provide valuable information to enhance the Council's and Staff s decision making on behalf of the Town of Westlake, as it relates to a Wayfinding program and financial planning for the Town of Westlake and has identified Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc. dba Schrickel, Rollins/ PSC as an architectural services firm to provide the Council with a Wayfinding Master Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council has budgeted funding in the amount of$85,000 in the Approved FY 19-20 Municipal Budget for this project. And further, that Staff is recommending utilizing funds contained in the Capital Improvement budget to fund this program with Parkhill, Smith& Cooper, Inc. dba Schrickel, Rollins/PSC; and, WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the stakeholders and citizens of Westlake. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: The Town Council of the Town of Westlake hereby approves the contract Parkhill, Smith & Cooper, Inc. dba Schrickel, Rollins/ PSC to provide consultation design services to develop a "Wayfinding" Sign Program, attached as Exhibit "A"' and further authorizes the Town Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the Town of Westlake, Texas. Additionally, passage of this resolution authorizes the Town Manager/Superintendent to approve change orders making funding changes not to exceed $25,000 under this Agreement. Resolution 19-36 Page 1 of 1 SECTION 3: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 281h DAY OF OCTOBER 2019. ltx�y � Laura Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: OF WEST Kell Edw , Town Secretary lc J APPROVED AS TO FORM: ?'S X PAS Z-2-A Stan Lowry, Town Attorney Resolution 19-36 Page 2 of 1 1SCHRICKEL ?55 r�l 01 R�,. ROLLINS "IN 5k1W� vrlinylrm. I�xc�; i1�011 PARKHILLSMITH&COOPER EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY CONSULTANT Town of Westlake Westlake Wayfinding Signage Planning and Design September 09, 2019 PURPOSE To provide design services to develop a "Wayfinding" Sign Program for the Town of Westlake that showcases its major venues, directs visitors through major corridors that lead to the Town's attractions and destinations, and is presented in a way that is attractive and expressive of the Town's eclectic character, scenic beauty and expanding urban landscape. PROJECT GOALS A. Development of a Master Plan Document to provide City staff a guideline and template for wayfinding implementation. B. Create a clear, recognizable wayfinding system that is easily adaptable for future development. C. Create a signage system that blends into Westlake's distinct identity. D. Material selections inherent to the natural environment should be considered. E. Define trail access with clear identification of entry points. F. Identify and direct to parking for trails. G. Incorporate universally recognized symbols or icons to capture a variety of audiences. H. Increase awareness of the trails with both visitors and residents alike and educate users on etiquette and best practices. I. Encourage users to stay and explore longer by cross promoting the trail system. J. Connect visitors to destinations (for both trail and street users). K. Foster a safe environment by developing clear, concise trail markers that provide critical information, such as orientation and position with mileage markers. L. Create a Regulatory Sign Standard for use throughout town that complements the unique identity of Westlake. PROGRAM ELEMENTS A. The Design Team will prepare design documents for the following wayfinding and place-making elements: 1. Vehicular directional sign 2. Trail Head sign 3. Pedestrian directional sign 4. Pedestrian map—digital artwork for pedestrian maps that will be scaled appropriately to enhance walkability within the project area. 5. Trail rules and etiquette sign 6. Mile marker sign with orientation locator for emergencies 7. Interpretive sign XAPENDING PROJECT NUMBER\01_SRA\Westlake\Westlake-Wayfinding Signage Planning and Design.docm Abilene Albuquerque Amarillo Arlington Austin El Paso Frisco Las Cruces Lubbock Midland tearn-psc.com Res 19-36 Town of Westlake Page 2 08/16/2019 8. Wayfinding elements location (typical plan) 9. Regulatory Traffic Signs B. Trails Wayfinding Sign Standards Manual—The Design Team will document the selected sign types in the Sign Standards Manual. The manual will include each sign type, dimensions, materials, colors and graphics and prototypical locations on each trail.An Opinion of Probable Construction Cost will be provided for each wayfinding element. SCOPE OF WORK Working in close coordination with the Town of Westlake, SRAIPSC will provide the following services: Phase I. Planning and Research A. Review site plan and related materials. B. Research and review applicable sign regulations and any existing signage program or criteria. C. Meet with client to discuss project overview, determine program parameters and design approach, identify project signage needs, and establish strategy necessary for effective consensus building. D. Develop a comprehensive list of all attractions and destinations within the Town, and establish hierarchies, taking into account the input from staff. E. Research theming appropriate to the character of the project, (including imagery, colors, typography, etc.). Schedule: (Approx. 3 weeks) Phase II. Master Plan Document A. Provide conceptual plan identifying proposed sign types, sizes and locations. B. Create two (2) to three (3) conceptual design options reflecting recommended treatments for the program elements. Concepts will be typical only, for purposes of establishing a comprehensive program of design solutions appropriate to the project. Solutions to include indications for sizes, materials, colors, lighting and sign locations. C. Client Meetings to present concept options to client for review and comment. Presentations to include photo-simulations to aid in visualizations, mockups to verify approximate colors, readability, proportion and scale in the environment. (2 Meetings - schedule TBD) D. Adjustments to concept designs per client and stakeholder comments. E. Two (2)Town Council meeting and two (2) Staff Workshops to present concept design options for review and comment. (Public Outreach efforts may be utilized through on-line survey techniques.) F. One (1) meeting with specific Stakeholders/Corporate Partners designated by the Town. G. Develop final Master Plan per comments. H. Prepare preliminary cost estimates for signage elements. I. Submit the Master Plan Document and preliminary budgetary estimates to client for review and approval. Schedule: (Approx. 16 weeks) Res 19-36 Town of Westlake Page 3 08/16/2019 Phase III. Production Documents and Criteria (Design Intent) A. Based on approved concept design of the program elements, prepare Design Intent drawings (11" x 17") and construction specifications sufficient for competitive bidding and fabrication by qualified sign fabricator. The drawings for the Design Intent should indicate the following: • Schematic Sign Location Plan • Message schedule • Control dimensions • Call-outs for materials, finishes, typestyles, and lighting effects • Color specifications • Elevations, side and top views where appropriate (Design Intent Documents —The Design Intent Documents build on the Signage Standards Masterplan, prepared in this project, and include all the information suitable for pricing by signage fabricators who are qualified to prepare fabrication/construction documents, under contract to the Town, including all structural engineering design calculations, and to fabricate and install signs reflected in the design documents. The Design Intent Production Documents do not include specific locations, copy layouts, camera-ready artwork/patterns, sections, construction details or engineering calculations, which are to be provided by sign fabricator or others as part of the shop drawing submittal.) B. Site review to verify conditions. C. Prepare updated budgetary estimates for Program Elements. D. Submit Design Intent Drawings, Construction Specifications, and budgetary estimates to Town for review and comment. E. One (1) meeting with Town Council for review of Design Intent Documents. F. One(1) meeting with specific Stakeholders/Corporate Partners designated by the Town for review of Design Intent Documents. G. Adjustments to Design Intent Drawings and Construction Specifications per client comments (estimated two rounds of adjustments maximum). Schedule: (Approx. 12 weeks) Phase IV. Construction Administration A. Assist Town staff during the bidding phase of the project by responding to questions, or providing clarification, regarding the sign specifications. B. Review, adjust, and approve submittals from sign contractor(assume two (2) reviews of each): • shop drawings —structural shop drawings shall be sealed by a structural engineer licensed in the State of Texas. Res 19-36 Town of Westlake Page 4 08/16/2019 • patterns and photo ready art review • materials and color samples review C. Perform final inspection, create punch list of required corrections and verify compliance with same (estimated two site visits). D. Coordination and communications with contractors and/or client as identified above. Schedule: Per Town's bidding and construction schedule. NOTE: Up to (3) meetings and (2) site visit are included in the fee estimate. Additional meetings, site visits and/or services will be at the client's request and will be billed on a time and materials basis as an Additional Service to the fee estimate for Basic Services. Schedule: (Approx. 24 weeks) ADDITIONAL SERVICES At the client's request, the following services will be provided in addition to the scope outlined above. Services will be provided on a time and materials basis, plus expenses and may include: • Construction Documents for each individual sign and sign location (including the following)- • Survey o Existing Conditions and Removal o Site Layout o Planting Layout and Details (if needed) o Irrigation Layout and Details (if needed) o Structural Details (if needed) o Electrical Layout and Details (if needed) • Interpretative Sign Graphics and Content o Camera ready artwork o Original photography and or illustration • Geotechnical Report • design a new logo/identity and camera-ready art • additional concept designs for logo • specifications for use of logo in signage and print applications • color separations, negatives • additional concept designs for listed sign types or for additional sign types • additional rounds of adjustments to design concepts • site visits and/or meetings in addition to those specifically noted in the scope of work • color renderings/comps other than those specifically noted • prototypes/scaled models of signage • additional rounds of budgetary cost estimates for sign fabrication • Structural Engineering • Electrical Engineering Res 19-36 Town of Westlake Page 5 08/16/2019 1. COMPENSATION For the Basic Services outlined above, the Town agrees to pay Consultant for fees and expenses shown below. The fee is broken down as follows: A. Basic Professional Services— 1. Phase I — Planning and Research $ 3,850 2. Phase 11 — Master Plan Document $ 37,000 3. Phase III- Production Documents $ 21,000 4. Phase IV- Construction Administration 6,600 5. Total Basic Professional Services $ 68,450 B. Reimbursable Expenses—These expenses can include the following, if approved in advance by the Town: 1. Identifiable communication expense, such as express charges and postage directly related to the project and courier services. 2. Identifiable reproduction costs applicable to the work, such as blueprinting, plotting, photocopying, printing, and binding, etc. 3. Estimated Reimbursable Expenses: a. Booklet (Approx. 15 preliminary—30 final) $ 2,000 b. Production Drawings (Approx. 15 prel. —30 final) 2,500 Reimbursable Expenses — $ 4,500 C. Grand Total Services and Expenses $ 72,950 2. ADDITIONAL SERVICES COMPENSATION Additional services expressly authorized pursuant to the Contract will be compensated based upon the attached rate schedule. The Consultant is to be reimbursed for all direct non-labor and other subcontract expenses at Consultant's invoice cost times a multiplier of 110%. Additional services shall not be performed without first obtaining approval from the Town. Increases to the scope beyond those defined in this fee proposal will increase the service fee accordingly. 3. HOURLY SERVICES: For services compensated as personnel time plus expenses, CONSULTANT shall submit statements reflecting requested compensation for that portion of the Services completed per the attached hourly rate schedule. Along with each separate request for payment of these services, CONSULTANT shall submit to the CLIENT documentation substantiating the actual costs for which CONSULTANT has requested compensation, including but not limited to the following: A. The name of each individual performing services, individual's billing category, and the number of hours associated with each individual's performance of services for the period of time identified with any billing invoice. B. A copy of any invoices paid directly by the CONSULTANT for any outside services or products which relate to the Project, and which are requested by CONSULTANT to be reimbursed by CLIENT. Subcontract expenses shall be paid at direct cost plus a five (5%) percent service charge. Res 19-36 TOWN OF WESTLAKE C`,CMSCHK ROLLRIC EL Wayfinding Signage Planning&Design a INIkWM PARKH I LLSMFTH&COO P E R September 9,2019 2019 2020 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TASKS 1 PLANNING&RESEARCH -Develop Sign Families •Develp Sign Themes 2 MASTER PLAN DOCUMENT -Sign Concepts -Stakeholder Meetings 3 PRODUCTION DOCUMENTS&CRITERIA(Design Intent) -Contract with Sign Company -Produce drawings that can be bid by sign companies 4 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION •Review Shop Drawings for: -Sign Construction -Color/Materials •Punch List of Constructed Signs Page 1 Res 19-36 Town of Westlake Page 6 08/16/2019 4. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES: All direct non -labor expenses, including mileage, travel and lodging, but excluding subcontract expenses shall be paid at invoice or internal office cost plus a ten (10%) percent service charge. SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT: The CLIENT and its representatives will render services inclusive of the following: Provide available criteria and full information as to the CLIENT's requirements for the Project, Assist the CONSULTANT by placing at his disposal all available written data pertinent to the Project, 1. Examine documents submitted by the CONSULTANT and render a decision pertaining thereto promptly, to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of the CONSULTANT's services, 2. Furnish information required as expeditiously as possible for the orderly progress of the work, 3. The CLIENT shall appoint, in writing, a representative that the CONSULTANT shall be entitled to rely upon regarding decisions made by the CLIENT. All subsequent communication to the CLIENT shall be deemed made when conveyed in writing to the representative, 4. The services, information, and reports required, inclusive, shall be furnished at the CLIENT's expense, and the CLIENT will apprise the CONSULTANT of any known inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the information provided CONSULTANT. Please execute and return a signed copy for our files. Approved by CLIENT: Accepted by CONSULTANT. TOWN OF WESTLAKE PARKHILL, SMITH & COOPER, Inc. n dba By: % By: Title Title Date: Dat, rMaFP-11 TOWN OF WESTLAKE ONPARWROLLNS EL Wayfinding Signage Planning & Design �,�KL ITH&COOPER September 9, 2019 2019 2020 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TASKS 1 PLANNING & RESEARCH *Develop Sign Families •Develp Sign Themes 2 MASTER PLAN DOCUMENT *Sign Concepts *Stakeholder Meetings 3 PRODUCTION DOCUMENTS& CRITERIA (Design Intent) *Contract with Sign Company *Produce drawings that can be bid by sign companiesZ 21 4 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION *Review Shop Drawings for: *Sign Construction •Color/Materials *Punch List of Constructed Signs Page 1 Res 19-36 L N S SCHRICKEL 255 N.Center St.Suite 200 ON RJI�R O L 11111IM"M „-_ Arlington,Texas 76011 PARKHILLSMITH&COOPER 817.649.3216 Hourly Rate Schedule January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 Client:Town of Westlake Project:Town of Westlake-Wayfinding Signage Agreement Date: Location: HOURLY HOURLY HOURLY CLASSIFICATION RATE CLASSIFICATION RATE CLASSIFICATION RATE SUPPORT STAFF 1 $60.00 PROFESSIONAL LEVEL II PROFESSIONAL LEVEL V Engineering Student Mechanical&Electrical $133.00 Mechanical&Electrical $229.00 Design Student Civil&Structural $132.00 Civil&Structural $224.00 Landscape Architect Student Architect $127.00 Architect $209.00 Interior Design Student Architect Intern Senior Architect Landscape&Interior $118.00 Landscape&Interior $172.00 Design Intern Landscape Project Manager SUPPORTSTAFF II $103.00 Architect Intern Senior Landscape Architect Engineering Technician Technologist Senior Interior Designer Engineering Student Resident Project Representative Resident Project Representative Design Technician Clerical Supervisor CADD Survey Technician PROFESSIONAL LEVEL VI Administrative Assistant PROFESSIONAL LEVEL III Mechanical&Electrical $259.00 Project Assistant Mechanical&Electrical $158.00 Civil&Structural $248.00 Word Processor Civil&Structural $155.00 Architect $235.00 File Specialist Architect $145.00 Landscape&Interior $208.00 Architect Intern Studio Leader Landscape&Interior $130.00 Senior Project Manager SUPPORTSTAFF III $113.00 Interior Design Intern Senior Practice Leader Engineering Technician Landscape Architect Intern Surveyor Design Technician Technologist Resident Project Representative CADD Resident Project Representative Administrative Assistant Project Assistant PROFESSIONAL LEVEL VII PROFESSIONAL LEVEL IV Mechanical&Electrical $278.00 PROFESSIONAL LEVEL I Mechanical&Electrical $187.00 Civil&Structural $271.00 Mechanical&Electrical $117.00 Civil&Structural $184.00 Architect $260.00 Civil&Structural $117.00 Architect $171.00 Landscape&Interior $233.00 Architect $117.00 Professional Architect Operations Director Architect Intern Project Architect Sector Director Landscape&Interior $112.00 Landscape&Interior $142.00 Interior Design Intern Professional Landscape Architect Landscape Architect Intern Professional Interior Designer Planner Project Landscape Architect Survey Technician Project Interior Designer Technologist Technologist Resident Project Representative Resident Project Representative Expenses:Reimbursement for expenses as listed,but not limited to,incurred in connection with services,will be at cost plus 15 percent for items such as: 1. Maps,photographs,postage,phone,reproductions,printing,equipment rental,and special supplies related to the services. 2. Consultants,soils engineers,surveyors,contractors,and other outside services. 3. Rented vehicles,local public transportation and taxis,road toll fees,travel,and subsistence. 4. Special orjob-specific fees,insurance,permits,and licenses applicable to work services. 5. Mileage at IRS-approved rate. Rate for professional staff for legal proceedings or as expert witnesses will be a rate one-and-a-half times these Hourly Rates.Excise and gross receipt taxes,if any, will be added as an expense. Foregoing Schedule of Charges is incorporated into the Agreement for Services provided,effective January 1,2019 through December 31,2019. After December 31,2019,invoices will reflect the Schedule of Charges currently in effect. Res 19-36 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos. 1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2019-552238 Town of Westlake-Wayfinding Sign Program Westlake, TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 10/16/2019 being filed. Town of Westlake Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 2019-08 Development of a Master Plan Document to provide Town Staff a guideline and template for wayfinding implementation. Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary Rapier, Joseph Lubbock, TX United States X Moss, Mike Lubbock, TX United States X Hamilton,John Lubbock, TX United States X Edwards,Jay Midland,TX United States X Hart, Daniel Austin,TX United States X Rangel, Ruppert Abilene,TX United States X Edwards, Zane Lubbock, TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is Mike Moss and my date of birth is My address is 4222 85th St. Lubbock Tx 79423 U.S. (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in Lubbock County, State of TX on the 16thday of October,20 19 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.3a6aaf7d CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos. 1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING 1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number: of business. 2019-552238 Town of Westlake-Wayfinding Sign Program Westlake, TX United States Date Filed: 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 10/16/2019 being filed. Town of Westlake Date Acknowledged: 10/17/2019 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract. 2019-08 Development of a Master Plan Document to provide Town Staff a guideline and template for wayfinding implementation. Nature of interest 4 Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary Rapier, Joseph Lubbock, TX United States X Moss, Mike Lubbock, TX United States X Hamilton,John Lubbock, TX United States X Edwards,Jay Midland,TX United States X Hart, Daniel Austin,TX United States X Rangel, Ruppert Abilene,TX United States X Edwards, Zane Lubbock, TX United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 UNSWORN DECLARATION My name is and my date of birth is My address is (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of on the day of ,20 (month) (year) Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity (Declarant) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.1.3a6aaf7d Form TCG 2270 VERIFICATION REQUIRED BY TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE CHAPTER 2270 Contract identifier : Department : By signing below , Company herby verifies the following : 1 . Company does not boycott Israel ; nd 2 . Company )Z;A oyco rael ring th term of the contract . SIGNED BY: Print Name of Person : / 01 A Signing , Title , and o / Q yhin /�/ row CompanyPAS F K OE Date signed : !/���p ►� /�i �� STATE OF TEXAS' � COUNTY OF G� I�E' 1 - I § B FORE the undersigned Notary Public on this day personally appeared Yi l?rUL( (Name) ,Irk behalf ofhJ � ✓IS (Ee'fripany) who being duly sworn , stated under oath that he/she has read the foregoing verification require by Texas Government Code Section 2270 . 002 and said statements contained therein are true and correct. . , }�q SWO e , s �IJday of �ct�� , 20 . �PFY PGe ° ' �=• Notary Public , State of Texas too *am**to � Comm . Expires 01 -21 -2021 ���� Notary ID 2443564 TARY OF PUBLIC , R THE STATE OF TEXAS My Commission Expires : J , 31too. L:9-06L Government Code § 2270 . 002 . Provision Required in Contract Effective : September 1 , 2017 A governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: ( 1 ) does not boycott Israel ; and (2 ) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. The following definitions apply : ( 1 ) " Boycott Israel' means refusing to deal with , terminating business activities with , or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize , inflict economic harm on , or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel , or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli -controlled territory , but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes . (2 ) " Company" means a for- profit sole proprietorship , organization , association , corporation , partnership , joint venture , limited partnership , limited liability partnership , or limited liability company , including a wholly owned subsidiary , majority- owned subsidiary , parent company , or affiliate of those entities or business associations that exists to make a profit. ( 3 ) " Governmental entity" means a state agency or political subdivision of this state . State law requires verification from a Company for contracts involving goods or services ( regardless of the amount) before the City can enter into the contract.