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Res 09-16 Approving the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ending September 30, 2008
TOWN OF WESTLAKE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT PRESENTED BY PATTILLO, BROWN & HILL, L.L.P., CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,2008. WHEREAS, Section 103.001 of the Local Government Code requires that a municipality shall have its records and accounts audited annually and shall have an annual financial statement prepared based on the audit. and WHEREAS, Section, 103.002 of the Local Government Code requires that municipality shall employ at its own expense a certified public accountant who is licensed i this state or a public accountant who holds a permit to practice fron, the Texas State Board Public Accountancy to conduct the audit and to prepare the annual financial statements. and I WHEREAS, the firm of Pattillo, Brown & Hill. L.L.P., Certified Public Accountants, Nvas selected and approved by the Board of Aldermen on July 12, 2006 for a five vear engagement to include the performance of the Town of Westlake, s financial audit for the 'Year t- ended September 30, 2008. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE: SECTION 1: That the Town Council does hereby accept the fiscal year 2007/2008 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report from Pattillo, Bro`wri & Hill, L.L.P., Certified Public Accountants. SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its passage. III I 1111111�1111q�ii 1111111111��11 llii� LVIRIM P, )Jee4, -:. ,:e n Sutter, TRI\4C, Town Secretary APPROVED_ S TO F L. tanton Loti wn A mev Laura Wheat, Mayor Thomas E. m 10a Town of Westfake Comprehensive AnnuaC FinanciaC Report For the Fiscal fear EndedSeptember 30, 2008 Prepared by Finance Department Town of Westla%e, Te,-�as TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 34, 2008 Page Number INTRODUCTORY SECTION Letter of Transmittal ..... ............................ , ... ,.................................. i vi Certificate of Achievement........................................................................... vii Organizational Chart........................................................................... viii Principal Town Officials....................................................... .. .......... ix FINANCIAL. SECTION Independent Auditor's. Report..............................,...................................................... 1 — Management's Discussion and Analysis....................................................... 3-10 Basic Financial Statements Government -wide Financial Statements Statement of Net Assets.................................................................................. l l Statement of Activities.............................................................................. . 12-13 Fund Financial Statements Balance Sheet — Governmental Funds..........................._........._...................... 14-15 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances — Governmental Funds.........,.. .......................................... 16-18 Reconciliation of the Statement of revenues., Expenditures_ and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities. ........................ I ..... . .......... 19 Statement of Net Assets — Proprietary Funds... ........ ...................................... 20 Statement of revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Net Assets — Proprietary Funds..,..., ................................................. 21 (continued) TONVN OF WE TLAKE, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 Page Number FINANCIAL SECTION (Continued) Fund Financial Statements (Continued) Statement of Gash Flows - Proprietary Funds.............................................................. 17 Discretely Presented Component Units Financial Statements: Discretei_v Presented Component Units - Combining Statement of Net Assets.......................................................... 23-24 Discretely Presented Component Units - Combining Statement of Activities .................................... . ....................... 25-26 Notes to Financial Stateirients............................................................ ............... 27-61 Required Supplementary Information Schedule of Revenues. Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual - GeneralFund ........................................................ . .............................. 62 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual - Visitors Association Fund... ...................................................................... 63 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual - WestlakeAcademy.................................................................................. 64 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance- Budget and Actual - GrantFund ................................... ................ 65 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual - Property Tax Reduction Fund ..................... . ............, ..................._ 66 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual - FM1938 Fund ................... ......................,................................. 67 (continued) TOWN SOF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30.2008 Page Number FINANCIAL SECTION (Continued) Required Supplementary Information (Continued) Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes its Fund Balance – Budget and Actual – Lone Star Public: Facility Corporation ......... ................................. (IS Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fuad Balance – Budget and. Actual – 4B Economic Development Corporation ...................................... 69 Notes to Required Supplementary Information .......................................... 70 Individual Fund Schedule: Schedule of Revenues. Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance – Budget and Actual – Debt Seng ice Fund. ...............................................,.......... 71 STATISTICAL SECTION (Unaudited) Netassets by Component ..............................—.............................. 72 Changes in Net Assets ..... ........ I ........ ...,.............................................. 73-74 Fund Balances – Governmental Funds ..................................................... 75 Changes in. Fund Balance – GovernInental Funds ......................................... 76-77 Taxable Sales by Industry Type............................................................. 78 Ratios of General Bonded Debt Outstanding ............................................... 79 Ratios of Outstanding Debt by Type ............................ ........................... 80 Demographic and Economic Statistics........................................................ 81 Principal,Employers........................................_................................... 82 (continued) TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 3U. 2008 Page Number STATISTICAL SECTION (unaudited) (Continued) Full-time Equivalent Town Government Employees by Function/Program................................................ ......... .................... S3 Operating Indicators by Function/Program................................................ . .. 84 Capital Asset Statistics by Function/Program ................ ....... .... - ....... ............ 95 CIJ3MP'LI. NCE SECTION Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements performed in Accordance With Government 4tiditing Standards............................................................................. 86-87 INTRODUCTORY SECTION Town of Westlake February 28, 2009 Honorable Mayor, Board of Alderlren and the Citizens ofthe Town of Westlake, The Town of Westlake (the "Town") Fiscal and Budgetary Policies requires that the Town's Finance Department prepare a complete set of financial statements presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by a firm of licensed certified public accountants. Accordingly. the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Town of Westlake. Texas for the fiscal year ended September 30. 2008, is hereby, issued. This report consists of management's representations concerning the finances of the Town. Consequently. management assumes full responsibility for the completeness and reliability of all the information presented in this report. To provide a reasonable basis for making representations, the Town established a comprehensive internal control framework that is designed both to protect the Town's assets from lass. theft. or misuse and to compile sufficient reliable information for the preparation of the Town's financial statements in conformity wwith GAAP. Because the cost of internal Qontrols should not outweigh their benefits, the Town's comprehensive framework of internai controis has been designed to provide reasonable, rather than absolute. assurance that the financial statements will be free from material misstatements. As management. we assert that. to the best of our knowledge and belief, this financial report is complete and reliable in all material respects. The Town's financial statements have been audited by Pattillo, Brown and Hill LLP. Independent Certified Public Accountants. The goal of the independent audit was to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements of the Towyn for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2008. are free of material misstatements. The independent audit involved examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial staternents: assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management: and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. The independent auditor concluded. based upon the audit, that there was a reasonable basis for rendering an unqualified opinion that the Town's financial statements for the fiscal year ended September 30, 21008. are fairly presented in conformity with GAAP. The independent auditors' report is presenter) as the first component of the financial section of this report. GAAP requires that management provide a narrative introduction. overview. and analysis to accompany the basic financial statements in the form of a Management's DiSCUSSiori and Analysis (MD&A). This letter of transmittal is designed to complement the 1v1D&A and should be read in conjunction with it. The Town's MDMA can be found immediately following the report of the independent auditor. Pillage Circle #202 t Westlake, Teras 76262 kletro: 917-430-0941 *Fm: 817-4_,Q- I8 t? • k"vw.rvestlake-tx.orf Profile of the Town minutes trom downtown tort wonn. i eras ann ut w International Airport_. the Town of Westlake is home to Town of several upscale residential communities and Fortune 500 Westlake �r companies, all of which share a unique character and charm, along with a commitment to excellence. The Town is located in northeast Tarrant County and may be conveniently accessed by several major thoroughfares, ,,,.,,,,I, � including SH 114 and US 377. The Town occupies approximately 7 square miles and serves a population of about 703 with the average appraised home value at $ 1.2 million. The Town, incorporated in 1956. is considered a Type A general -layer municipality and has the power by state statute to emend its corporate town limits by annexation_ which is clone periodically when deemed appropriate by the Board of Aldermen. The Town operates under the Council (Board) -Manager farm of government. The Board is comprised of a mayor and five (5) board members and is responsible for. arnong ether things, passing ordinances. adopting the budget, appointing committees, and hiring the Torun Manager. The Town Manager is responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances of the Beard, for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Town and appointing and supervising heads of various departments. The Mayor and Town Board of Aldermen members serve two (2) year terms. All elected officiais are elected at -large. The financial reporting entity (the government) includes all funds or the primary government (i,c. the Town of Westlake). as well as all of its component units. Component units arc legally separate entities for which the primary government is financially accountable. The following entities are considered blended component units:. Lone Star Public Facilities Corporation is a Texas nonprofit corporation that acts on behalf of the Town to further the public purposes under the Public Facilities Corporation Act. as it's duly constituted authority and instrumentality. The beard of directors. appointed by the Town's governing beady, is comprised of seven members, of whom five must be members of the Town's governing body. 4B Economic Development Corporation is a Texas nonprofit industrial corporation under the Development Corporation Act of 1970 formed to promote economic development wilhln the Town and the State of Texas in order to eliminate unemployment and underemployment. and to promote and encourage employment and the public welfare of.. for, and on behalf of the Town by developing. implementing, financing. and providing one or more projects defined and permitted under Section 4B of the Act. The board of directors is composed of seven persons appointed by the members of the Town's ;caverning board. lour of the members of the board of directors are members of the Town's governing board. Westlake Academy (Academy) is ail open -enrollment charter school, as provided by Subchapter D. Chapter 12. of the Texas Education Code. The Town of Westlake ("Charter Holder") applied for and became the first municipality in Texas to ever receive this special charter designation. The Board consists of six (6) trustees and is appointed by the Town's governing body. Currently. all members of the beard of trustees are members of the Town*-;; governing body_ The Academy's year-end is August 31. Discretely presented component units are legally separate eatitics and not part of the primary government operations. These component units are as follows: Texas Student Housing Authority - Ballpark Austin Project. Texas Student Housing Corporation -The Ridge at North Texas Project. Texas Student Housing Corporation -Tire Ridge at 'San Marcos. Texas Student Housing Authority -Town Lake Austin Project. Texas Student Housing Authority -College Station Project, and Texas Strident Housing Authority. Services Provided The Trovan provides to its citizens those services that have proven to be necessary and meaningful and which the Town can provide at the least costs. Major services provided under the general-oVerttment and enterprise functions are: Fire and emergency medical services, water and sewer utility services, pari~ and recreational facilities_ street improvements, education and administrative services. Economic Conditions and Outlook The information prescnted in the financial statements is perhaps best understood when it is considered from the broader of'the specific environment within which the'fawn operates. Local Econonty Westlake continues to be a leading community in the metroplex for new business locations and residential attractions. Highlights for fiscal year 2007-2008 are as fellows: Deloitte Announcement — formal designation of Westlake as the site for this learning and leadership center has been made by the company. Zoning, economic development agreeittents, concept plans. and an ofd site deveiopment agreement have been approved to move this estimated $3001 million project forward to begin construction during the fiscal year -1009, Terra Bella — Development of this 54.7 acre high-end single family subdivision began during this fiscal year. It features 28 lots along with 22.6 acres of open space containing approximately one mile of public trails that will connect to public trails in the ad_'gacent Crlenwyck Farris neighborhood. Detail Development (Westlake Corners) — Westlake's first stand-alone retail development was platted and a site plan approved. Fidelity investments — Phase ll construction began during fiscal year 2007 and a fiscal year 2009 completion date is planned. This includes a new building addition of approximately 600,000 sq. ft. and an additional 2.500 employees to the Westlake iovation. Residential Building Activity Level — 3 new single -fancily building permits bave been issued thus far this fiscal year with an average permitted value of $ry.,' 10-905 (not including lot value). Saies tax collections increased by 1.2.5% for Fiscal year 2008. Approximately 24% of the total revenues received were due to collections based on an economic development agreement, therefore, actual sales tax collections decreased by approximately 1%. The large increase in taxes for fiscal year 2005-2006 was due to an anomaly of approximately $913 thousand. 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2.500,000 2.000,000 1.500,000 1.000.000 500,000 Local Sales and Use Tax FY 2008 FY 2007 FY 2C0r; FY 2005 FY 2004 FY 2003 Financial Information Accounting System and Budgetary Control The Town's accounting records for general governmental operations are maintained on a modified accrual basis, with the revenues being recorded when available and measurable and expenditures being recorded when the services or goods are received and the liabilities incurred, Accounting records for the Town's utilities are maintained can the accrual basis. In developing and maintaining the Town's accounting system, consideration is given to the adequacy of the internal control structure. Intemal accounting controls are desiti-i-icd to provide reasonable. but not abscllute, assurance regarding: ( I ) the safeguarding of' assets against lass from unauthorized use or disposition: and (2) the reliability of financial records for preparing financial statements and maintaining accountability int' assets. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (I) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the evaluation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management.. All internal control evaluations occur within the above frarrnewvork. We believe that the Town's internal controls adequately safeguard assets and provide reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions. The annual budget serves as the foundation of the Town's financial planning and control. The Board of Aldermen is required to hold public hearings -on the proposed bud get and to adopt a final budget no later than September 30, the close of the Town of Westlake's fiscal year. The Town Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts within the operating categories {salaries, supplies, etc.). Modifications to reserve categories and interdepartmental budget totals will be made only by Board consent with formal briefing and Board action. Budgetary control has been established at the departmental level, financial reports are produced showing budget and actual expenditures by line item. and are distributed monthly to the departmental directors and to Lathers upon request. Individual line items are reviewed and analyzed for budgetary compliance. Personnel expenditures are monitored and controlled at a position [eve] and capital expenditures are monitored and controlled item by itern,. revenue budgets are reviewed monthly. iv Budget -to -actual comparisons are provided in this report for each individual governmental fund for which an appropriated annual budget has been adopted. Long Range Planning Users of this document, as well as others interested in the programs and services offered by the Town of Westlake. are encouraged to read the Town's f=iscal Year 2008-2009 Budget. The documn nt details the Town's long -tern goals and financial policies. and describes program accomplishments and initiatives. The Town's ability to respond to ongoing economic challenges will require careful long-range planning. The Town has responded by fiscal conservatism and implementing operating budget efficiencies that have resulted in its maintaining healthy fund balances in its General Fund, 'Visitors Association Fund anal Utility fund. - Cash Management The Town utilizes its investment policy and its bank depository contract in the management of all cash. Under the bank depository contract, the Town operating accounts earns I.OU% less than the bank's daily fed funds rate. During the fiscal year ended September 30. 2008, the average rate on the operating account balances was 1.72 percent. The Town's remaining cash is invested in a government investment pool as allowed by State of Texas Statutes and by the Town's investment policy. The average rate received on the funds invested in the government investment pool was 3.23 percent. The average balance of the Town's investment portfolio for fiscal year 2008 was approximately $6.1 million. The overall portfolio provider) $188.459 in investment income. The Town requires that all deposits be collateralized with securities being held in safekeeping by either an approved, independent third party financial institution or the Town's designawd depository. Collateral is monitored monthly to ensure that the market value of the pledged securities equals or exceeds the related deposit or investment balance. Investments are always executed delivery -versus -payment method. That is. funds are not wired or paid until verification .has been made that the correct security has been received. 'S.ecurities are held on behalf` of the Town by the Town's agent. All collateral shall be subject to verification and audit by the Finance Director and the Town's independent auditors. Risk Management The Town of Westlake is a member of the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk fool (TML - IRP). an inter -local agency offering workers' compensation, liability, and property protection to Texas political subdivisions. TML. -IIT provides Texas governmental entities with cost-effective and stable option for risk financing and loss prevention services. Risk Management is a joint effort involving the-l"twifs Elected Officials. Town Departments. and TML - IRP. Policies and procedures are implemented on an operational level to minimize risk exposure. These policies and procedures provide emphasis on safety and training. financial transparency and oversight, and compliance with all applicable laws. TML. -IRP also conducts loss -prevention analysis of the Town's policies, procedures and covered properties, and provides recommendations where appropriate to reduce potential risk. The Town's TML -IRP policy includes General Liability insurance coverage with an annual aggregate limit of $2 million. This policy also includes Law Enforcement and Errors & Omissions Liability, each V with an annual aggregate limit of $6 million. In addition. the policy includes coverage for worker's compensation, commercial crime, auto liability, and Town property unrelated to Westlake .Academy. TML -IRP does not provide risk pool coverage for school districts. charter schools, or other public education institutions. Since Westlake Academy's inception in 2003), insurance policies obtained from the private market have provided coverage for risk and exposures related to Westlake Academy. These policies provide coverage for Property, General Liability, Errors & Omissions Liability, worker's compensation, commercial crime. and student accidents. Other Information Certificate of Achievement The Government Finance (}Ricers .Association of the United States of America and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Town of Westlake for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended September 30. 2007. This was the first year the Town has received this prestigious award. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement. a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe that our current comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) continues to meet the Certificate of Achievement Program's requirements and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another certificate. In addition. the government also received their first GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its annual budget document for the fiscal year beginning October 1. 2007. In order to qualify for the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. the Town's budget document had to be judged proficient as a policy document. a financial plan. an operations guide, and a communications device. Acknowledgements The preparation of this report could riot be accomplished without the efficient and dedicated services of the entire staff' of the Finance Department. Appreciation is expressed to Town employees throughout the organization. especially those employees who were instrumental in the successful completion of this report. The staff would also like to thank the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for their conservative leadership and their support in planning, and conducting the financial operations of the Town in a responsible and progressive manner. Respectfully Submitted, Tom Bryrmer Town Manager vi J_e� r � E Debbie Piper, CPA Finance Director Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Deporting Presented to 'Fawn of Westlake Texas For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended September 34, 2107 A Certificate o[Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Govertunent Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to goveraiiwat units and public employee retire rwrit systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the lughest standards in gnvemrncnt accounting and fmanc.ial reporting. t IL4 E Ori r mr President Executive Director VIl Texas Student Housiri,�T Executive Manager Finance Manager Town of Westlake Organizational Chart Citizens of Westlake 11 Mayor and Aldermen 0 Town Town Town Attorney Manager Secretary Head of School Administrative Coordinator ----------I [jibrarian I E.T. Staff Registrar lieseptianis# planning and loment Office Assistants Deve.,sp::,�,w:,�,a�,. ----------- ---------'' �- -Dinin-Hail- - L '---------- ' Facilities and Nurse Maintenance Head of Primary kPYP Coordinators k- - - - - - - - - - k PYP Teachers k 1 PYP Counselors , r PYP Spedal Ed. '----- --- - -' Head of Secondary +_ _ _MYP/DP - F ' Coardinator MYP/DP _ Teachers ; - - MYP/DP = - Coumvlors sperial Ed. w Viii Assistant to the 1 cern Manager Administrative j Services/HR Parks and Recreation Public �.� ', Fire Works Utility and Building Tech Municipal Court Town Marshal Deputy Clerks Chief Fire and EMS Staff Finance Department Finance Assistant Records & Revenue Clerk ELECTED OFFICIALS Laura Wheat Tire Brittan Alderman ran Carol Langdon Atderwoman Magor Don Redding Mayor Pro -Tern Larry Corson Alderman Rebecca Rollins Aiderwoman APPOINTED OFFICIALS Tom Brymer Town Manager Stan Lowry Town Attorney Debbie Piper, CPA Finance Director Ginger Awtry Assistant to the Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood Public Works Superintendent Troy Meyer Facilities Director ParkslRecreation ,Director ax Kim Sutter, TRMC Town Secretary Todd Wood, SPHR, IFMA -CP Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services Amanda DeGan Municipal Court Administrator Don Wilson .Director of Public Safety Eddie Edwards Director of Piannin4 and Development FINANCIAL SECTION 1VQ91 FATTILLO, BROWN & HILL,L._L.P. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS l 6USINFSS C©N5ULTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen Town of Westlake. Texas We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, each major fund, an([ the aggregate discretely presenter] component units of the Tcm a of Westlake, Texas (the "Town"), as of and for the year elided September 30, 7008, which collucm elv comprise the Town's basic financial statements as listed in time table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Town's management. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements 'based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis. evidence supporting the arnounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our auditprovidesa reasonable basis for our opinions. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, tiie respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, each major (land, and the aggregate discretely presented component units of the Town of Westlake! Texas, as of September 30, 2008, and the respective changes in financial position and cash flows, where applicable, for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards., we have issued a report dated February 28, 2009, on our consideration of the Town's internal control over financial reporting and our tests of compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, grants and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit. I 115 SOU FH (CHURCH STREET 1 H1135B0Rp, TX 766315 ■ (254)582-2583 ■ FAX: (254} 582-5731 ■ w%v%,pbhcpa.com AFFnAATE OFFICES: BROWNSVIL.LE, TX (956) 544-7778 4 'i t MFLE, Tx (254) 741-3460 WACO, TX (254) 7724901 ■ ALBUQUERQUE- NM (505) 266-5904 The Management's Discussion and budgetary comparison information on pages 3 through 10 and page 62 through 70 are not a required part of the basic financial statements but are supplementary i DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS The Town of Westlake is pleased to present this overview and analysis of the financial activities of the Town for the Fiscal year ended September 30, 2008. We encourage readers to consider the infomtation presented here in conjunction with additional information that we have furnished in our letter of transmittal, which cern be found in the introductory section of this report. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The ?assets of the Town exceeded its liabilities at the close of the most recent fiscal year by $21.88=1,552. (Net assets). ■ As oftho close of the current fiscal year, the Town of Westlake's governmental funds reported combined ending fiend balances of $9,234.304. an increase of $3,607,428 in comparison with the Prior year. ■ At the end of the current fiscal year, Rind balance for the general Fund was $2.,806,738, a decrease ofS289,561 in comparison with the ,prior year. Of this total fund balance, $2,503,099 is unresen+ed_ This represents 58% of total general fund expenditures and is equivalent to 213 operating days. OVERVIEW OF THE FINANCUL STATEMENTS This discussion and analysis are intended to serve as an introduction to the Town's basic financial statements. The Town's basic financial statements comprise three components: 1 ) government -wide financial statements, 2) fund financial statements, and 3) notes to the financial statements. This report also contains supplementary inforrmation in addition to the basic financial statements themselves. Government -wide financial statements The statements are designed to provide readers with a broad overview of the Town's finances, in a manner similar to a private -sector business, The government -wide financial statements are prepared utilizing the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. The statenient of net assets presents information on all of the Town's assets and liabilities with the difference between the two reported as net assets. Over time, increases or decreases in the Town's net assets serve as a useful indicator of whether the financial position of the Town is improving or deteriorating. The statertient of activities presents information showing how the ovenunent's net assets changed during the most recent fiscal year_ All of the revenues and expenses are reported as soon as the underlying event giving rise to the change occurs, regardless of the tinting of related cash flows. Thus revenues and expenses are reported in this statement for some items that will only result in cash flows in future fiscal periods. 3 Both of the government -wide financial statements distinguish functions of the Town. that are principally supported by sales taxes and intergovernmental revenues (governmental activities) from ocher functions that arc intended to recover all or a significant portion of their casts through user fees and charges (business-tvpe activities), The governmental activities of the Town include general government, public safety. culture and recreation, economic development, public works, visitor services and education. The business -type activities of the Town include water and sewer, The govenvnneint-wide financial statements include not only the Town (known as the prirrrar-y gDvernment), but also discretely presented component units including all of the Texas Student Housing entities, financial information for these component ainits is reported separately from the financial information presented for the primary govenunent itself. See pages 23-26 of the —Financial Section" for detail on these entities. lin addition, the Town has the following blended component units: Lone Star Public Facility Corporation. 4B Economic Development Corporation.. and Westlake Academy. alt open enrollment charter school owned and operated by the Town of Westlake. :Fund Financial Statements A _Hind is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control over resources that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The Town, like other state and local govenunents, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance -related legal requirements. Below are the three types of funds. The Town had only "Governmental funds and Propriety funds" for the year ended September 30, 2008. Governmental fire:ds - Governmental fiends are used to account for essentially the same functions reported as government activities in the government -wide financial statements. However, unlike the government -vide financial statements, govenunental fund financial statements focus on near -terns inflows and ouy7ovts of spendable resources, as Well as on balances of spendable resow-ces available at the end of the fiscal year. Such information may be useful in evaluating a government's near-term financial requirements. Because the focus of governmental funds is narrower than that of the govemmernt-wide financial statements, it is useful to compare the information presented for goverpunentaFl farm's with similar information presented for gover•rrmMlal activities in the government -wide financiai statements. By doting so, the reader may better understand the long-term impact of the government's near-term financing decisions. Both the governmental fund balance sheet and the governmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances provide a reconciliation to facilitate this comparison between governmental fiends and govei-rrrrtc ntal activities_ The Town maintains ten individual governmental funds. Information is presented separately in the governmental fond balance sheet and in the goverrimental fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances for the General, Visitors Association, Westlake Academy, Debt Service, Capital Projects, Grant, FM 1938, Property Tax Reduction, Lone Star Public Facility Corporation, and Westlake 413 Economic Development Corporation funds, all of which are presented as major funds. The Town adopts an annual appropriated budget for all funds, except the Capital Projects fund which is a project -length based budget. A budgetary comparison statement has been provided for all appropriate funds to demonstrate compliance with this budget. 4 The basic governmental fund financial statements can be found on pages 14-19 of this report. Proprietary funds - There are two types of proprietary fonds, Enterprise Funds and Internal Sen ice Funds. The Town maintains one type of proprietary fund — an enterprise fund. Enterprise funds are used to report the same functions presented as business -type activities in the government -wide financial statements. The Town uses enterprise funds to account for its water and sewer activities and its ceinetery activities. All activities associated with providing; such services are accounted for in this fund, including administration, operation, maintenance. debt service, capital improvements, billing and collection. Tlie Town's intent is that costs of providing the services to the general public on a continuing basis is financed through user charges in a manner similar to a private enterprise. The Town has no Internal Sen�ice Funds (fund to report activities that provide supplies and services for the Town's Cather programs and activities, i.e. self insurance and fleet management.) The basic proprieiary fond financial statements can be found on pages 20 - 22 on this report. Fiduciary jim& - Fiduciary funds are used to account for resources held for the benefit of parties outside the government. Fiduciary funds are not reflected in the government -wide financial statements because the resources of those funds are not available to support the Town -s own programs. The accounting used for .fiduciary funds is similar to the accounting used for proprietary funds. Tile Town of Westlake does not currently have any fiduciary funds. Notes to the financial statements. The nates provide additional inforniation that is essential to a full understanding of the data provided in the government -wide and fund financial statements. The notes to the financial statements can be found on pages 27 - 61 of this report. Other information. In addition to the basic financial statements and accompanying notes, this report also presents schedules that further support the information in the financial statements. The schedules are presented immediately following the nates to the financial statements and can be found on pages 62 - 71, GOVERNMENT -WIDE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS As noted earlier, net assets may serve over time as a useful indicator of the goverrunent's financial position. In the case of the Town, assets exceeded liabilities by $21,883,552 at the close of the most recent fiscal year. Tile largest portion of the: Town's net assets, $11,920,177 (55%), reflects its investment in capital assets (e.g. land, buildings, equipment, improvements, construction in progress, and infrastructure), less any debt used to acquire capital assets still outstanding,. The Town uses these capital assets to provide services to citizens, consequently, these assets are not available for future spending. Although the Town's investment in its capital assets is reported net of related debt, it should be noted that the resources needed to repay this debt must be provided from other sources since the capital assets themselves cannot be used to liquidate these liabilities. R Condensed Statement of Net Assets Current and other assets Capital assets Total Asset,, Long-term liabilities Offie r liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restri et ed Unre,zcrit ted 1ot.11 N'0,i %kms Goverumental Activities Business Activities Totals 2048 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 $ 10,728,385 1 6.509,131 S 1.394,559 $ 1,267,534 It 12,123.444 S 7,776,665 27,646,486 77,937,083 13,489,597 13,920,106 41,136.03 -53.259.527- 41,857,199 38.375,371 34,446,214 14,884,156 15,187,(AD 49,633,854 20,233.906 18.234,541 5,698,939 5.763,022 2i932,945 23,997,863 1,987,208 1,539,416 3,455,922 3.335,054 5+ 443.1311 4,474,4711 22,221.114 19, 774,257 9,154,861 9.098,076 31,375.975 28,872,333 4,193,601 9,646,644 7,72{x,576 8,097,807 t 1.920,177 17,744.451 5,1764,834 1848,572 - - 5,064,834 1.848,572 6,845,822 3, 176,741 1_1,997,2Zil.l (2,008,243)_ 4,848,541 1,16A,408 r 16,154,257 3 14,1471,957 S 5729_' 6.099,564 S 2 I.S93 552 Srl:l,�[�1,521 An additional portion of the Town's net assets, $5.064.834 (23%,). represents resources that are subject to external restrictions on how they may be used. The: remaining balance of unrestricted net assets, $4,898,541 (22%). ivay be used to meet the goveniment s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. Governmental activities: Governmental activities increased the Town's net assets by $1.083,333. Net assets invested in capital assets, net of related debt decreased by $5,453,0143 primarily due to the $2.5 million bond issue and contributions and transfers for the construction of the Arts & Sciences Center, but the restricted assets increased by $.3,216,262 due mostly to the funds held for the project to be completed in August, 2009. Total revenues for governmental activities increased when compared to the prior year by $1,777,960, General revenue had an 'increase of $1,819,247 while program. revenues had a decrease of $41,287. These increases (decreases) were primarily due to the following factors: General revenues - Sales tax increased by $1,392,819 mainly due to an economic development agreement as well as the proper classification of the 4B Economic Development Fuzed as a blended component unit; Franchise taus had ars increase of $88,796; Unrestricted grants related to the Academy increased approximately $241,174 due to the addition of students; Interest income decreased by $73,163; and Miscellaneous increased $98,319. Program revenues - Charges for services decreased -by $80,607 and Operating Grants and Contributions increased by $39,320. Total expenses for governmental activities increased by .$1,951,139 or approximately 24%. $558,32.3 (26%) of this increase is in Public Warks which was mostly -due to fl-te engineering expenses related to FM 1938; $632,522 (32%) increase in Education due to more state funding based on the additional studentsattending the Academy when one additional grade was added; and $352,698 (IS%) Economic Development increase based on a contractual obligation reimbursement.. Business -type activides: Business -type activities decreased the Town's net assets by $360,269. Several things attributed to this decrease; additional accounts related to water/sewer as well as additional water/sewer revenue due to a dryer summer during the current fiscal year as well as a capital re contribution of $169,034 related to the cemetery increased revenue. However increased water/sewer expenses and transfers out Dept a decrease in net assets although smaller than in 2007. The following table provides a summary of the Town's operations for fiscal year ended September 30, 2008, with comparative totals for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2007, Change in Net Assets Revenues Program revenues: Charges for services C3perating grants and contributions Capital grunts and contributions Governmental Activities 2408 2007 Business Activities Totals 2008 2407 2408 2007 $ 1.581.684 5 1,6612291 S '?,03'9,406 $ 1,657,IN6 '1; 3,Qi ,0911 $ 3,31'9,4`7 119b,373 1,? 7,113 - 1,296,378 1,257,U58 1691134 16)'9,034 General revenues: Taxes Sales taxes 3,590,575 ?,117.7561 - - 3,590,575 ,,197,756, y Hotel Occupancy taxes 527,662 4.58.471 - 527,6162 45€+,471 Mixed 1ieverage taxes 16,177 14,066 161.177 14,066 Franchise taxes 649,108 3t4U,312 - - 649.108 564,312 Unrestricted grants 2,500,817 2,259,643 - - 2.540,817 2,259,643 Interest on investments 183,459 261,622 32.103 46.158 224,562 307,780 M1sceftleous 5641973 4616.654 44,071 36,436 6U9,044 503,590 Total revc1lues 10,6715,833 9,137,873 2,284,6314 1.740,284 13<204,447 10,878,153 Expenses: General government 2,031,464 1,941,289 - - 2,031,4601 1,941,289 Public safery 1,795,782 1,738,0110 - - 1.793,782 1.738,484 Culture and recreation 129,641 86,564 - - 129,641 861,560 Economic development 473,451 120,753 - - 473,451 129,753 Public works 1,013,804 455,481 - - 1.6113,804 455,431 Visitor sen ices 312,777 217,992 - - 312,777 2.17,992 Education 3,305,720 2,672,698 - 3,305,220 2,672,698 Interest on Icing -tin debt 991,184 869,327 591,184 869.377 Water and sewer - - 2,410.765 2-106.618 2,42 #,064 2,206,618 Cemeten, - - 13.299 13.299 - Total expenses 14,453,319 8,102,180 2;424,4164 2,206,61E 12.477,383 10,348,798 Excess (deficiency) before transfers 962,514 1,035,693 ( 439,450) C 4616.33111 723,064 569,355 Transfers 224,819 33,976 22{1,819) 33.9761) - - Change in net assets 1,083,333 1,069,669 ( 360.2.491 (500,314) 7237064 569.355 Prior renod adjustment 398,967 - - - 398,967 - Net assets, beg, of year _14 671,957 13,602,288 6,089,5645 5� 89.876 20,761,521 20,192,166 Net assets, end of year 16,154,257 $ 14,671,957 $ .5,729,295 S 61,0$9,564 5 21,883,552 $ 24,761.521 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE TOWN'S FUNDS Goi)ernnaenial _funds- The focus of the Town's governmental funds is to provide infonrtation on near- term inflows, outflows. and balances of spendable resources. Such information is easeful in assessing the Town's financing requirements. In particular, unresen ed fetid balance may serve as a useful measure of a town's net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. 7 At the end of the current fiscal year, the Town's governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $9,234,304 an increase of $3,607,428, in comparison with the prior year. See below for the major reasons for this increase: General Fund - Fund balance: decreased by $289,561. Transfers to other operating funds totaled $364,991. See page 56 of'the "prates to [lie Financial Statements" for detailed infonnation. Visitors Association Fund - The net increase in fund balance of $268,134 was due to budgeted excess revenues over expenditures which included an Merease in the Town's hotel occupancy tax of $69,160. Capital Projects Fund - The net increase in fund balance is $3.131.095, The major portion of the increase is due to the construction of die Arts & Sciences Center (Center). The Town received proceeds from bonds in the amount of S-2.5 million for tate Center as well as contributions and transfers from other funds in the amount nf$1.4 trillion. The Center's construction began in FY 2008 with total expenses of 5483 thousand and the proiect will be completed by (lie end of FY 2009, Property Tax Reduction Fund - Fund balance increased by $351.191. This favid represents 1/7, cent in sales tax revenues and is used to supplement dela payments_ 413 Economic Development Corporation Funs! :and Lone: Star Public Facility Corporation fund are component units that were blended with the Governmental Funds of the Town for the FY 2609. Previously, these funds were presented discretely and a prior period adjustment of $398,967 has leen made. See pages 27 and 28 of the "prates to the Financial Statements" to see the criteria for including organizations as component units within the Town's reporting entity. Pr-aprWa)-vJ4nds. The Town's proprietary fund statements protide the same type of information found in the government -wide financial statements but in more detail. General Fund Budgetary Highlights The General Fund budget was amended in total to decrease the net change in fund balance from $678,086 to ($296,277). ThiMtliree percent (33'°-a) of this decrease is attributed to a $322,540 reduction in estimated tax revenues, $213,497 (? 1 N'O reduction in building pen -nits and fees, $54,911 (6%) reduction in fines and penalties, and $128.750 (13%) reduction in contributions from Gathers, The majority of these reductions were a direct reflectioti of the economy. Long -Term Debt Administration At the end of the current fiscal year, the Town had total long-term debt outstanding of $26,542.199. Of this amount, $21,225,000 represents bonded indebtedness. $224,265 economic development reimbursements, $15,264 represents capital leases, and $5,763,022 business -type debt. The Town's total debt increased by $2,068,439 during the fiscal year 2007-2008. This increase is primarily attributed to the $2.5 bond issue net of scheduled annual principal payments of the existing debt. The Town was recently upgraded from "A" to "AA-" by :Standard & Poor's_ Additional information on the Town's tang -terry, debt can be found in Note Ill on pages 45-48. FISCAL YEAR 2008 EVENTS a Deloitte An.nounceinent - formal designation of Westlake as the site for this learning and leadership center has been made h\. the company, Zoning, economic development agreements, concept plans, and all off-site development agreement also have been recently approved to move this estimated 5300 million project forward to construction some time in 2009. a Fidelity Regional Headquarters Phase 11 - currently under construction and scheduled to be completed in the third quarter of calendar year 2009; this expansion will double Fidelity's current 600,000 sq. R, carnpus 0 Retail Development (Westlake Comers) - Westlake's first stand-alone retail development began at the intersection of SH 170 and LIS 377 with zoning and site planning. Construction is planned to begin later this year. 6 Development of Terra Bella - tWs 54.7 acre high-end single fan -lily subdivision will open for building permit issuance soon. It features 28 lots along with 22.6 acres of open space containing approximately one mile of public traits that will connect to public trails in the adjacent Glenwyck Famis neighborhood. 0 Westlake Academy Arts & Sciences Center - General obligation bonds totalling $2,5 million were issued by the Town in April of this year to fund a portion of the cost of this estimated approximate S5.2 million Phase I addition to the Academy physical plant. This addition will add much needed expanded science laboratory/class room space for Academy students. ECONOMIC FACTORS AND NEXT N'EAR'S BUDGETS The Town continues its conservative budget approach in fiscal year 2008-2009. Due to the continued uncertainty of commercial development in Westlake, there will be a continued emphasis of maintaining basic service levels without implementing a property tax. This philosophy has enabled Westlake staff to prioritize short and mid-term goals according to available resources, The general fund revenue budget has increased from the final 2008 audited revenues by approximately $390 thousand. The larger items contributing to this increase include: an additional S 180 thousand related to gas well site and drilling pert -nits: $266 thousand attributed to the additional building permits and inspection plan reviews associatod with the Deloitte project; increase of $42 thousand f0T development fees; and a reduction in estimated sales tax revenues of approximately $131 thousand, 9 Governmeatal Actlyffies Business Acti%itles Total 2008 2007 2008 2007 2D08 2007 General obligation bonds S 9,850,000 S 7,365,000 S - - S 9,850,0M, 7,365,O1121 Certificates of obligation 11,375,000 [1,755,000 - - 11,375,000 11m755,000 Contractual obligations 224,265 245,885 3.763,022 5.822,299 5,987,287 6,068,184 Capital leases 15,264 23,000 - - 15,264 23,000 Deferred amounts _(685.352)_ 29,688) - - (6$5,352) (729,688) Total long-term debt S 20,779,177 _ S _ 18,66�9.197 S 5,763,022 S 5,922,299 S 26,542,199 S -24,481,496 FISCAL YEAR 2008 EVENTS a Deloitte An.nounceinent - formal designation of Westlake as the site for this learning and leadership center has been made h\. the company, Zoning, economic development agreements, concept plans, and all off-site development agreement also have been recently approved to move this estimated 5300 million project forward to construction some time in 2009. a Fidelity Regional Headquarters Phase 11 - currently under construction and scheduled to be completed in the third quarter of calendar year 2009; this expansion will double Fidelity's current 600,000 sq. R, carnpus 0 Retail Development (Westlake Comers) - Westlake's first stand-alone retail development began at the intersection of SH 170 and LIS 377 with zoning and site planning. Construction is planned to begin later this year. 6 Development of Terra Bella - tWs 54.7 acre high-end single fan -lily subdivision will open for building permit issuance soon. It features 28 lots along with 22.6 acres of open space containing approximately one mile of public traits that will connect to public trails in the adjacent Glenwyck Famis neighborhood. 0 Westlake Academy Arts & Sciences Center - General obligation bonds totalling $2,5 million were issued by the Town in April of this year to fund a portion of the cost of this estimated approximate S5.2 million Phase I addition to the Academy physical plant. This addition will add much needed expanded science laboratory/class room space for Academy students. ECONOMIC FACTORS AND NEXT N'EAR'S BUDGETS The Town continues its conservative budget approach in fiscal year 2008-2009. Due to the continued uncertainty of commercial development in Westlake, there will be a continued emphasis of maintaining basic service levels without implementing a property tax. This philosophy has enabled Westlake staff to prioritize short and mid-term goals according to available resources, The general fund revenue budget has increased from the final 2008 audited revenues by approximately $390 thousand. The larger items contributing to this increase include: an additional S 180 thousand related to gas well site and drilling pert -nits: $266 thousand attributed to the additional building permits and inspection plan reviews associatod with the Deloitte project; increase of $42 thousand f0T development fees; and a reduction in estimated sales tax revenues of approximately $131 thousand, 9 • Amounts available for appropriation in the general fund budget are $4.8 million, an increase of approximately $500 thousand from the fiscal year audited expenditures of $4.3 million. Payroll and related expenditures make upapproximately '$200 thousand of the increase. A large portion of this increase (28%) is related to having a town manager for the entire fiscal year. The Town had an interim town manager for a portion of fiscal year 2007-2008. Also, $87 thousand has been placed in a contingency payroll fund for additional staff. Revenue will be evaluated at mid- year to determine if additional staff will be hired. The Town plans to obtain a residential survey and start preparations for an updated master -plan during fiscal year 2008-2009 and budgeted $50 thousand For these projects. With the Deloitte project beginning, we have anticipated an additional $33 thousand in contracted services to help with the plan reviews as well as an additional 865 thousand for huilding inspections. The Town does not have a Police Department and contracts with Keller Police Department annually for this service. The contract increased $3t1 thousand for fiscal Year 2008-2009, The Visitors Association Fund revenues for fiscal year 2008-2009 are ;anticipated to be $529 thousand, a reduction of $55 thousand primarily Clue to a decrease in hotel occupancy tax. Amounts available for appropriations are $474 thousand, an increase of $160 thousand. This increase is attributed to contracted services for marketing, and additional expenditures related to Marriott marketing and transportation. Transfers out have increased by $636 thousand. The Board approved it portion of the debt service payment for the Westlake Academy facilities to be transferred out of this Fund. The Utility Fund revenues for fiscal year 2008-2009 are projected to be $2.3 million, an increase of approximately $160 thousand. This increase anticipated additional water accounts as well as a rate increase. Expenses for the new budget are estimated at $2 million, an increase of approximately $400 thousand. This increase is made of the following: capital improvements of $05 thousand, payroll and related expenses total $40 thousand (allocation of town manager entire year as well as annual salary increases and related benefits), $117 thousand and $47 thousand for water purchases and peal~: payment, backup generator $40 thousand, and additional $20 thousand for additional SCADA and water meter. If these estimates are realized, the Town's operating fund's budgetary fund balances should increase (decrease) as follows: General Fund $50,305 Visitors Association Rind 6585,527) Utility Fund $174,480 CONTACTING THE T08VN'S F][f'rtANCE DEPARTMENT This financial report is designed to provide our citizens, customers, and investors and creditors with a general overview of the Town's finances and to den onstrate the Town'saccountability for the money it receives. If you have questions about this report or need additional financial information, contact Debbie Tiger, Town sof Westlake Finance Director, at 817-490-5712. 1tt BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS ASSETS Casfi and cash equivalents Act:attttts receivables (net of allowance) Internal balances InvC11tories Othcr astiets Re-stricled cash and cash equivalents Deferred charges Capital assets: Land Buildings and improvements Wastewater treatment riglits Machinery and equipment Construction in progress Less_ accurnulawd depreciation Total capital assets Total assets LIABILITIES Accounts payable Customer deposits payable Unearned revenue Accrued interest payable Noncurrent liabilities: Due within one near Due in more than, one year Total liabilities NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets, net of related debt R.esuPcled for: Debt service Tourism Future projects Court security and technology Unrestricted Total. net assets SEPTEMMER 30, 2008 Primary Government Discretely Governmental Business -type Presented Activities Activities Total Component Unics S 8,547,031 $ 1,079,732 S 9,626,763 $ 6,708.394 1,4567,039 693,291 1,849,330 427,273 593,678 ( 593,679) - - - 99,371 99,371 - 45.774 9.243 35,017 92,437 - 1067.600 1067,600 6,409,886 386363 - 386,363 5,117.351 9,386,531 - 9,386,531 13,622.,885 21.032,225 12.853,855 33,886, 80 114,609,998 - 635,199 635,199 - 2,005,738 3.367.943 5,373,681 5,878,062 513,845 39,130 652,975 - ( 5,391,853) ( 3,406,530) ( 9,798,383) ( 29,466.457) 27� _ 13,489,597 41,136,093 104,644,488 38,375,371 14,884,156 53,259,527 123,889,819 1,039,914 233,652 1,273,566 4,565,876 - 114,300 114,300 - - 464,245 464,245 4,468.900 442,023 2,579,643 2„981,666 12.741,471 545,271 64,082 609,353 82,368,563 20,233,906 3,698,939 _ 25,932,845 57,574,104 _22,221,114 9,154,861 31,375,975 161,718,914 4,193,601 7,725,576 I1,920,177 33,538,179) 1,025,853) 1,451,[54 - 1.451.154 3,459,226 - 3,459,226 - 154,454 - 154,454 - 6,895,822 ( 1,497.281) 4,898,541 2,965,063 $1Ct�25'7 S 5,729,295 S 21,883,552 37,829,095) The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 1I TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 General revenues: Sales taxes Hotel occupancy taxes Mixed beverage taxes Franchise taxes Unrestricted grants Interest income Miscellaneous Transfers Total general revenues and transfers Change in net assets Net assets, beginning Prior period adjustment Net assets, ending The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 12 Program Revenues Operating Capital Charges for Grants and Grants and FuncqonslPrograms. Expenses _ sen!lces Contributiou Contributions Pri=ry government: Governmental activities: General government $ 2,01,460 $ 522,215 S 73,300 S Public safety 1,795,792 113,755 7,474 - Culture and recreation 129,641 - - Economic Development 473.451 - - Public works 1.013,804 902,875 987,548 Visitor Services 312.777 - - Education 3,305,220 42,839 228-06 Interest on long-term debt 991,184 - 'row governmenta] activities 10,053,319 1,581,684 1,296,378 Business -type activities: Water utilities 2,410,765 2,037,306 - - Cemetery 13,299 2,100 169,034 Total business. -type activities 2,424,064 2,039,406 - 169,034 Total primary govenunent $ 12,477t383 3,621,090 1,296,378 $ 169.034 Component units: Business -type activities $ 26,771,520 S 19,601,052 $ - $ - Total component units $ 26.771,520 $ 19,601,052 $. S General revenues: Sales taxes Hotel occupancy taxes Mixed beverage taxes Franchise taxes Unrestricted grants Interest income Miscellaneous Transfers Total general revenues and transfers Change in net assets Net assets, beginning Prior period adjustment Net assets, ending The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 12 Net (Expen„se) Revenue and Chanp,es in Net Assets Pnmary Government Discretely Goveitntit nta1 Business -type Presented Activilte:S Activities Total Component Units S( 1,435,945) S - $( 1,435,945) $ - [ 1.674,553) - ( 1,674,553) { 129.641) - { 129,641) - ( 473,451) - { 473.451) - 976,619 - 876,619 - i 312.777) 2,500,817 317,777) - d 3,034,325) - 4 3.031.325) - (.- 991,184) a 991,184) _ ## 7`175x257) 44,071 f 7,175,257) 33,308 220,819 - ( 373,459) ( 373,459) - 8.258,590 157.835 157,835 - - ( 215,624] L_215,624 ) - 7,175,257 { 215,624 (— 7,390,881] - $L_ 7,170,468) S( 7,170,461) 3.590,575 - 3,590,575 52.7.662 - 527,662 - 16,177 - 16,I77 _ 649,108 - 649,108 - 2,500,817 - 2,500,817 - 188,459 32,103 2207,562 414,056 564,973 44,071 604,041 33,308 220,819 ( 220,819) - - 8.258,590 d 144,645) $,113,945 447,364 1,083,333 ( 360,269) 723,064 I; 6,723,104) 14,671,957 6,089,564 20,761,521 ( 30,707,€}24) -- 398,967 - X967 ( 398,967 16,154,257 5 5,729,195 S 21,883,552 ${ 17,829,095) 13 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS SEPTEI1IBER30.2008 Capital assets used in governmental activities are not fumcial resources and, therefore, are -not reported in the funds. Long -terns liabilities are not due and payable in the current period and therefore w not reported in the funds Certain other long-term assets are not available to pay current period expenditures and therefore are not reported in the funds Net assets of governmental activities The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. J4 Debt Visitors Westlake Service General Association Academy Fund ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents S 2,822,703 S L346-122 S 660.214 S Receivables Accounts receivable 552.738 85.019 78,470 Due from other fitrids 185,678 24222 - Other assets 4.288 - 41,48{7 TOTAL ASSETS S 3,565,407 S 1.455,363 786,170 LMBILITIES AND FUND BALANCE, Liabilities: Accounts payable 734,447 4,209 151.716 Due to other funds 24,222 - - Total liabilities 758,669 4,209 151,716 Fund Equity. Fund balance Reserved to promote tourism - 1,451,154 Reserved for future projects 149,185 - Reserved for court security and technology 154,454 - Unreserved and undesignated 2,503,099 - 634.454 Total fund equity 2,90�1738 1,451,154 634,454 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FLrND EQUITY S 350,407 S 1.455,363 S 786,170 Capital assets used in governmental activities are not fumcial resources and, therefore, are -not reported in the funds. Long -terns liabilities are not due and payable in the current period and therefore w not reported in the funds Certain other long-term assets are not available to pay current period expenditures and therefore are not reported in the funds Net assets of governmental activities The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. J4 Property Lane Star 413 Economic Total Capital Grant FM 1938 Tai Reduction Public Facility Development Governmental Project— Fund Fund Fund Corporation Carporation Funds S 3,195,1331 $ - S 1.82,791 319.911 $ 13.454 5 - $ 8.547.031 - - - 185.754 - 1135,754 1,087.735 201,085 - - - - 327.1139 738-024 - - - - - 45.774 $ 3.396,916 S - S 182,791 $ 505,665 $ 13,459 512,743 5 10,418.564 43,321 106,221 - - 1,039,914 120,124 - - - - - 144,346 163,445 - 106,221 - - - S 1,184,260 1,451.154 3,233,471 - 76,570 - - - 3,459,226 - - - - 154,4.54 - - 505,665 13,459 512.,793 4. 169,470 3,233,471 - 76,571 505,665 13,459 512.793 9.234.304 3.396,916 S $ 182.7191 $ 505,665 S 13,459 S 512.793 27,646,486 1 20,794,837] 68,304 b 16.134.257 15 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES ISN FUND BALANCES COVERNti IENTAL FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTENIBER 30, 2008 EXPENDITURES. Current General government 1.516.346 - - Visitors Westlake Culture and recreation General Association Academy REVENUES: 495,071 - - Visitor sm'iccs - 312,777 - Taxes - - 3.305,220 Capital outlay - - Sales 5 - - Mixed beverage 16.177 - - Hotel occupancy - 527,662 - Franchise 649,108 - - State program revenues - - 2.673,680 Federal program revenues 12.540 - 55.193 Interest income 81934 36,686 22,335 Building permits and fees 1.108.083 - - Fines and penalties 554,376 Contributions - - - Miscellaneous, 40.929 20,157 496,72€5 Total revenues 4,310,334 584,50 3.247,93 } EXPENDITURES. Current General government 1.516.346 - - Public safety 1.716.369 - - Culture and recreation 129.641 - - Public works 415,805 - - Economic Development 495,071 - - Visitor sm'iccs - 312,777 - Education - - 3.305,220 Capital outlay - - Debt service Principal retirement Interest and other fiscal charges - - - Bond issuance caste - - - Total expenditures 4,273.232 312.777 3,305,220 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITIIRES 37,102 271,728 (57,286] OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers in 38.328 Proceeds from bond issuance - - - Transfers out (364,991] (3,594] Total other financing sources (uses) (326,663) (3,594) - NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES (289,561) 268,134 (57,286) FUND BALANCES, BEGINNING 3,096.299 1,183,020 +691,740 FUND BALANCES, ENDING S2,806,738 S 1,451,154 S 614,454 The accompanying hates are an integral part of these financial statements. 16 DOt - 14,94$ Property Lone Star smice Capital Gant FM I938 Tax Reduction Public Facility Fund Projects Fund rund Fund Corporation S - 5 - 5 - s - 8 897,644 s - - - 7,474 - - - - 43,472 - - 1,158 429 - 860,760 - 11+7.548 - - _ 903,232 7,474 187,548 898 g02 429 - - 14,94$ - - - - 67,995 - 361904 - - - 463,919 395,000 _ 923,944 - - 33,000 _ _ 1,318,944 564,913 14,948 362.804 - - (1,318,944) 339,319 (7,474) (175,256 858.802 429 1,318,944 543,642 7,474 251,826 - - - 2,500,000 - - - - -(251,826} - - (547,611) - 1,318.944 2,791,776 7,474 251,826 (547,611) - 3,131,095 - 76,570 351,1.91 429 102,376 - - 154,474 13,030 $ - S 3,233,471 - 76,570 $ 505,665 13,459 17 TOIArN OF 'L ESTLAKE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES ANIS CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS (continuedy FOR THE NTAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 311, 2008 REVEN IJM Taxes Sales Mixed beverage Hotel occupancy Franchise State °progaw revenues Federal program revenues Interest incl me Building pertuits and Fees Fines and penalties Contributions Miscellaneous Total revenues EXPENDITURES, Current General government Public safety Culture and recreatiun Public works Econarnic Development Visitor services Education Capital outlay Debt service Principal retirement Interest and ether fiscal charees Bond issuance casts ~ Total expenditures EXCESS (DEF1CIENCV) OF REVENUES OVER (ENDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers in Proceeds from bond issuance Transfers out Total other financing sources (uses) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCES FUND BALANCES, SEGLNNING FUND BALANCES, ENDING The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 1� 4B Economic Total Develcpment Governmental _Colporat.ion Funds 5 897.044 S 3,590,575 - 16.177 527,662 649.108 - 2,673,6801 75,207 545 188,459 - 1,108,083 554,376 1,048,308 - 607,812 898,189 11,039,447 - 1,516,346 - 1,731,317 - 129,641 - 846,604 - 495,071 - 312.777 - 3,305,220 '163,918 - 395,000 923,944 33,000 10,152,838 898,189 886,609 - 2,160,174 - 2,500,000 (771,333) ( 3,939,355} 'iii 71,E 2,720,819 126,8561 3,607,428 385,937 5,626,876 1 312.793 5 9,234,304 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS RECONCILIATION OF ME STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS TO THE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of activities are different because: Net change in fund balance - total governmental funds S 3,607,428 Govenunental funds report capital outlays as expeiWitures. However, in the statement of activities. the cost chf those assets is allocated over their eslimated useful lives and reported us depreciation expense. This is the amount by which depreciation exmeds capital outlays in the current Period. 290,597) 'flie issualict: (of long-term debt (e.g., bonds, leases) provided cuirent financial resources to govern metal fund,,. while repayment of the principal of long-term debt consumes the current financial resources of governmental funds. Neither transaction, however, has any effect on net assets, Also, governmental Rinds report the erect of issumice costs, premiums, discounts, and similar items when debt is first issued, whereas these amounts are deferred and amortized in the statement Df activities. This amount is the net effect of these differences in the treatment of long-term debt and related items. 2,042,644) Some expenses reported in the statement of activities do not require the use of current financial resources and, therefore, are not reported as expenditures in gove=iental funds. 190,954 Change in net assets ot'governmental activities 1,083,333 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 19 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS PROPRIETARY FUNDS SEPTEXIBER. 30, 20D8 Business-hme Activities -Enterprise Funds Noncurrent assets LFtility Cemetery. Capital aSSets: Fund Fund Total ASSETS 12,853,855 - 12,853,855 Current assets: 635,199 - 635,199 Cash and cash equivalents 5 1,017,591 62.141 S 1.079,732 Accounts recj:ivahle 693,291 - 693,291 Other assets 9;243 - 9,243 Land held for sale of cemetery lovq - 99,371 99,371 Restricted cash and investments 106,600 - 106,600 Total current assets 1,826.725 161,512 1,988.237 Noncurrent assets Capital aSSets: Buildings and improvements 12,853,855 - 12,853,855 Wastewater tseannent rights 635,199 - 635,199 iwiachinery and equipment 3,367,943 - 3,367,943 Costruction in progress 39,130 - 39,134 Less: accumulated depreciation (3.406,530 (3,406.530) Total capital assets 13,489,597 - 13,489,597 Total noncurrent assets 13,489.597 - 13,489,597 Total assets 15,316,322 161,512 15,477,834 LIABILI'T'IES Current liablittcs. Accounts payable 233,569 83 233,652 Customer deposits payable 114,340 - l 14,300 Accrued interest payable 2,579,643 - 2.571,643 Due to other f ind.4 593,678 - 593,678 Unearned revenue 464,24.5 - 464,245 Contractual obligation; 64,082 - 6082 Total current liabilities 4,049.517 83 4,049,640 Long-term liabilities: Contractual obligations 5,698,939 - 5,698.939 TOW long -terra liabilities 5.698,939 - 5,698,939 Total liabilities 9,748,456 83 9,748,539 NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets, net of related debt 7,726,576 - 7,726,576 Unrestricted (2,158,710) 161,129 (1,997,281) Total net assets $ 5,567,866 161.429 5,729,295 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Financial statements. 20 TOWN OF WESTLA KE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF REVENLFES, EXPENSES AND CHANCES EN Fl AIND NET ASSETS PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30.2008 Business-(vpe.,kctiN,ities-Enterprise Funds Utility Cemetery Fund Fund Total OPERATPG REVENUES: Charges for services Miscellaneous revenue Total operating revenue OPERATING EXPENSES: Payroll. casts Professional and contract iervices Depreciation Amortization of wastewater treatment rights Water purchases Other operating costs Tool operating expenses OPERATING INCOME NON-OPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Interest income Interest expense Total noun -operating revenues (expenses) INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE TRANSFERS AND CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS Transfer in Transfer out Capital contributions Total transtitrs, and capital contributions CHANGE IN NET ASSETS TOTAL NET ASSETS. BEG -INNING TOTAL NET ASSETS. ENDING $ 2,037,306 S 44,071 -2,081,377 150,438 101.577 417.030 31,760 746,437 507.473 1.954.713 126,662 32,103 456,050) 423,947 297,285) 15,000 (239.413) 224.413) 1100 $ 2'.039A06 13.299 3.594 169-034 172.629 521,698) 161,429 6.089,564- 57567.866 va 161,429 'n3c acconipan.Ong notes arean integral part of these financial statements, 21 150.438 114.876 417.030 31.760 746,437 507,473 1,968,014 115.463 32.103 456.05W 423.947) 308.484) 18.594 (7-39.413) 169.034 51. 95 j 360.269) 6.089,564 5.729.295 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS PROPRIETARY FUNDS FOR, THE YEAR ENDED SEPTENIBER 30, 2008 Business-qpe Activities -Enterprise Funds Utility Cemetery Total Fund Fund Current Year CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from customers Cash payments to empluy+ces. retirees Cash payments for goads and sen -ices Net cash provided by operating activities CASH FLOWS FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net fiiwfund borrowings CASH FLOWS FROM CAPITAL .'LND RELATED FINANCING ACTIVITIES Capital contributions Principal paid on debt Interest paid on debt Purchase of property and equipment Net cash used by capital and related financing activities CASE FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Investment earnings NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING $ 1,881,179 $ 2,100 t 150,438) - { 1.233,109) ( 13,2.16) 497,632 1 11.116) i 79.472) 3.594 - 69,663 i 59,278) - [ 60,790) ( 18,2810 - 138,349 69,663 32.103 - 311,414 62,141 812,777 - CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, ENDING $ 1,124,191 $ 62..141 RECONCILIATION OF TOTAL. CASE AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and cash equivalents S 1,017,591 $ 62,141 Restricted cash and cash equivalents 106,600 - Total cash and cash equivalents $ 1,124,191 S 52,141 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES operatirig income $ Adjustrueuts to reconcile operating lass to net cash provided by operating activities; Depreciation and amortization Changes in operating asets and liabilities: S 1.9,93,279 1 150,43$1 1 1.246.325} 486.516 76,370 69,663 ( .59,278) ( 64,790;1 [ 68,68 32,103 373,555 912,777 S 1,186,332 S 1.479,732 106,600 $ 1,186,332 126,662 $( 11,199) S 115,463 448,790 - 448,790 Receivables (195,625) Other assets 585 - Accounts payable 121,793 83 Customer deposits payable 11,624 - Deferred revenue (-- _26,193) - Nei cash provided by operating activities S 447,632 $( 11,116 The accompanying nates are an integral part of these financial statements. 22 (185,625) 585 121,876 11,620 26,193) S 486,516 TOWN OF WESTLAKE. TEXAS DISCRETELY PRESENTED COMPONENT UNITS CONLBMING STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS SEPTEKBER 30, 2008 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 23 Texas Student Texas Student Texas Student Texas Student Housing Housing Housing Housing Authority - Corporation - Corporation - Authority - Haltpark Austin The Ridge at The Ridge Town Lake Project North Texas at San Marcos Austin Project ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents S 700-5199 b 723.,592 $ 311.274 $ 587,382 Accounts receivables (net of allowance) 15.390 39.771 26,161 21.869 Other assets 8,225 19.315 17.434 15,000 Restricted assets: Cash and caA CqUivalents 1.888.562 —1,413.934 139.098 1,041,774 Deferred charges 2,746.781 775,067 759,426 836,077 Capital assets: Land 4.788.265 2,200,000 1,552,207 2,182.816 Buildings and improvement 28.,338,368 25.705,000 15,875.143 16,963,841 Machinery and equipment 1,253,841 918,332 1,211,085 Less: accumulated depreciation 8.177,601) 7,-463,583) 4,841,486) 3,609,071) TaW assets 30306,589 25.665,939 14,657.589 19,250,773 LIABUATIES AND NET ASSETS LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued expneses 961,423 1,781w157 897,131 251,364 Unearned revenue 544,131 579,983 217,594 471,199 Accrued interest payable 3.764,522 2,114,822 3,577,542 293,821 Noncurrent liabilities- Due within One YCIF 595,000 29.917,736 19.580.869 204,958 Due M' rn ore than one year 36,173.009 - 21,401,095 Total liabilities 42,038,085 34,393,698 24,273,136 22.612,437 NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets, net of related debt 1 10,358,9771 ( $,222,476) 6,176.673) 057,382) Restricted t 1,877,960) 299,112 552,995 Unrestricted 505..441 904,395) f 3,438,874) 942,723 Total net assets R 11,731,496) V 8,727,759) $t. 9,615,547) 3.361,661) The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 23 Texas Student Housing Aufficniry - Texas Student College Station lousing -- Project Auflioritv -rcitai S 3,992.273 393,26-4 S 6,708-384 791,135 32,947 92 +,37; 14,227 5,236 82,437 928,518 - 6.409,986 2,899.597 13-6-72,885 27.727,646 114,609,998 2,594.804 5,87802 1,374,718) - { 29,466,457) 33,577,482 431,447 123,889,819 674.801 - 4,565,876 2,562,422 93,571 41468,900 3,000,764 - 12.741,471 32.070.000 82,368.563 - - 57,574.104 38.307.997 93,571 161,718,914 4,222,671) 33,838,179) - 1,025,853) 507,834) 337,876 2.965,063) 4,730,505) $ 337,876 S( 24 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS DISCRETELY PRESENTED COMPONENT UNITS CONIBLNLNG STATEMENT OF ACMIT'IES FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 Texas Stutiviii Housing Corporation: The Ridge at North Texas 4,753,240 4,073,240 Program Revenues 4,023,946 2,125,456 -total business -type activities Operating Capital 19,601,052 Total primary government Charges for Grants and Grants and Functions/ProgranLq Expenses Services Conur bufions Contributions Business -type activities: Sales Tax Texas Student Housing Authority $ 1.292. 170 $ 1-029,550 $ Texas Student Housing Authority,. Total general revenues olid nnsfcTs College Station Project 7.440.234 6,000,599 Ballpark Austin Project 5.446,659 3,540,628 Town lake ALVtin Project 3,815,271 2.831.579 Texas Stutiviii Housing Corporation: The Ridge at North Texas 4,753,240 4,073,240 `t -he Ridge at San Marcos 4,023,946 2,125,456 -total business -type activities 26.771,520 19,601,052 Total primary government 267771.520 19.601 .0521 -S General revenues: Sales Tax Interest income Miscellaneous Total general revenues olid nnsfcTs Change in net assets Net assets, beginning Prior Period Adjustment Net assets, ending The accompanying notes are an integral part of these rmancial statements. 25 Net ( Expense) Revenue and C"hans!es in Net Assets Primary Government ( 680,000) Govemmental Busines,-type ( 1,898.490} Activities Activities Total - S( 262,620) S( 262,620) - f 1.4A635} i 1.439,635} - ( 1,90U31) ( 1.906,0311 - f 983,692) ( 983,692) - ( 680,000) ( 680,000) ( 1,898,490 ( 1,898.490} - ( 7,170,468) ( 7,174,468} - I 7.[70,46K) ( 7,170.468) r 414,056 414,056 - 33,308 33,308 - -4 7,364 447,364 - ( 6,723.104) ( 6.7-23,104) 393.967 ( 31,105.991) ( 30.7G7,024) ( 398-967) - ( 398.98+7) - f 37,8219,[195) ( 37.829,095) 26 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 I. SU14BI ARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Town of Westlake_ Texas (the "Tmt m") was incorporated under the provisions of the laws of tate State of Texas on December 26, 1956. The Town operates under a Board - Manager Rirm of government and provides the following services as autho ized by the laws of the State of Texas: public safety; cultural and recreation; and econornic development. A. Reporting Entity The accompanying financial statements comply with the provisions of tile. GASB Statements No,14 and 39. "The Financial Deporting Entity," in that the Town's basic financial statement_; include the accounts of the Town's financial ruporting entity, including the primary goven=ent, organizations for which the Town is financially accouritable and tither organizations for which the nature and significance of their relationship with the Tov6m are such that inclusion would cause the Town's financial statement to be mislcadhig or incomplete. The criteria for including organizations as component units within the Town's reporting entity, includes whether: ■ The organization is legally separate (can sue and be sued in their own name): ■ The Town holds the corporate powers of the organization-, • The Town appoints a voting majority of the organization's beard; ■ The Town is able to impose its will on the organization; • The organization has the potential to impose a financial betiefit/burden on the Towns; and ■ There is fiscal dependency by the organization on the Town. Component units are blended with the balances and transactions of the Town if one of Clic: following criterion are met: ■ The component unit is substantially the same governing body as the Town; or * The component unit provides services entirely (or almost entirely) to the Town or benefits the Town exclusively (or almost exclusively) ; or ■ The Town is able to impose its will on the component unit. (continued) .27 I. SiTi1?1MARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) A. Financial Reportinp, Entity (Continued) Based on the aforementioned en-teria, the Town his the following component units: Lune Star Public Facilities Corporation, 413 Economic Development Corporation. Westlake Academy, Texas Student Housing Authority, Texas .Student ]-sousing Authority Ballpark Austin Project. Texas Student Housing Authority Town Lake Austin project. Texas Student Housing Autliority College Station Project, Texas Student Housing Corporation - The Ridge at North Texas and Texas Student Housing Corporation - The Ridge at Sara Marcos Project. B. Component Units Discretely Presented The Tewas Student Housing Anthorh)% Ttwas Student Housing ,Ballpark Austin Project. Texas Student Housing Town Lake Austin Project, Texas Student Housing College Station Project, Turas Student Housing C'or pori non — I'lie Ridge fit North Texas Project and Texas Student Housing Corporation — San 41arco4 Prgiect (cotlectX1ely, "Texas ,Studenr Housing") are Texas nonprofit organizations as a duly constituted authority of the Town pursuant to Section 53.35(b) of the Texas Education Code, as armmded (Act). Texas Student Housing's primary purpose is to construct, own, and operate student housing facilities Oil college campuses in Texas. The board consists of seven directors which are appointed by the Town's governing body, thus the governing body can impose its ww ill on the organizations. Housing entities are reported as Enterprise Funds. The Town is not responsible for the long- term debt of the Texas Student Housing entities. All Texas Student Housing entities have separately issued financial statements. These statements can be obtained by contacting the Texas Student Housing Authority, 3 }tillage Circle, Suite 207, 'Westlake, Texas 76262_ The financial statements are formatted to allow the riser to clearly distinguish between tate primary goveninxent and the discretely presented component units. Blended Lorre Star Public Facilities Corporation is a Texas nonprofit corporation that acts on behalf sof the Town to further the public purposes under the Public Facilities Corporation Act, as it's duly constituted authority and instrumentality. The board of directors, appointed by the Town's governing body, is comprised of seven members, of whom five must be members of the Town's governing body. 4B Eeonorttic Development Corporation is a Texas nonprofit industrial corporation under the Development Corporation Act of 1979 farmed to promote economic development within the Town and the State of Texas in order to eliminate unemployment and underemployment, and to promote and encourage employment and the public welfare of for, and on behalf of the Towyn by developing, implementing, financing, and providing one or more projects defined and pernsitted under Section 413 sof the Act. The board of directors is composed of seven persons appointed by the members of the Town's governing board. Four of the members of the board of directors are members of the Town's goveniing board. (continued) 28 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) B. Component Units (Continucd) Blended (Continued) Westlake Academy, ("Acudenty.") is an open -enrollment charter school, as provided by Subchapter D, Chapter 12, of the Texas Education Code. The Town of Westlake ("Chatter Holder") applied for and became the, first municipality in Texas to ever receive this special charter designation. The board consists of six trustees and is appointed by the Town's governing body. Currently. all the members of the board of trustees are members of the Town's governing body. The Academy's year-end is August ;1. C. Govern men t- %v ide and Fund Financial Statements The government -wide financial statements (i,e.. the Statement of Net Assets iutd the Statement of Activities) report infonnation on all of the non -fiduciary aell vities of the Town. Governmental activities. which ncirmalh, are supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues, are reported separately tiorn business -t3 -pe activities, which rely- to a significant extent on fees and charges for support. Likewise, the primary government is reported separately from certain legally separate component units for which the primary government is financially accountable. The statement of activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function or segi-nent is offset by program revenues. Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a specific function or segment. Program revenues Includes 1) charges to customers Or applicants who purchase, use, or directly benefit ftorn goods, services, or privileges provided by a given function or segment and 2) grants and contributions that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. Taxes and other items not properly included among program revenues are reported instead as general revenues. Separate financial statements are provided for governmental funds and proprietary funds. Major individual goverm-nental funds wid major individual Enterprise Funds are reported as separate columns in the fund financial statements, D. Measurement Focus, Basis of Accountiny-, and Financial Statement Presentation The government -wide financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurementfiocus and the accrual basis of accounting, as are the proprietary fund financial statements. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when a liability is inctirred, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Grants and similar items are recognized as revenue as soon as all eligibility requirements imposed by the provider have been met. (Continued) 29 I. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) D. Measurement Foeus, Basis of Accounting. and Financial Statement Presentation (Continued) Governmental fund Financial statements are reported using the cu",ent flnancial resources measurement acus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized as soon as they are both measurable and available. Revenues are considered to be available when they are collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay liabilities of the current period. For this purpose, the Town considers revenues to be available if they are collected within 60 days of the end of the current fiscal period. Expenditures generally are recorded when a liability is incurred, as under accrual accounting. However, debt service expenditures, as well as expenditures related to compensated absences and claims and judgments, are recorded only when payment is due. Sales taxes, franchise taxes, licenses. and interest associated with the current fiscal period are all considered to be susceptible to accrual and so have been recognized as revenues of the current fiscal period. All other revenue items are considered to be ineasurable and available only when cash is received by the Town. The Town uses funds to report on its financial ;position and the results of its operations. Fund accounting is designed to demonstrate legal compliance and to aid financial management by segregating transactions related to certain goveniment functions or activities. A fund is a separate accounting entity with a self -balancing set of accounts. Governmental Funds are those through which most goverrunental functions of the Town are financed. The acquisition, use, and balances of the Town's expendable financial resources and the related liabilities (except these accounted for in the proprietary fund type) are accounted for through governmental funds. The measurement focus is upon determination of changes in financial position. rather than upon income determina€ion. The Town reports the following major g€iv errunental funds General Fuad -- to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. The Genet -al Fund balance is available for any purpose_ provided it is expended or transferred in accordance with the legally adopted budget of the Town. Special Revenue Funds - to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments. expendable trusts. or rna or capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Visitors Association Fund - to account for municipal hotel occupancy taxes collected and expenditures to promote tourism and the convention and hotel industry. Grant Fund - to account for activity relating to various Grant Programs. PraperN Ta -v Reduction Frond - to account for activity relating to the Property Tax Reduction Fund. (continued) 30 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) D. Measurenient Focus, Basis of Accounting and Financial Statement Presentation (Continued) Westlake Academy Fun - to account for all financial resources of the Academy. Lone Star_, Public_ Facilities Corporation - to account for activity relating 1,I hc Lone Star Public Facilities Corporation. 4B EeDrromie Development Corporation - to account for activity relating, to 4B Economic Development Corporation. Debt .'Service Fired - to account for resources accumulated and payments made lur principal and interest on hang -term general obligation debt of governmental trands int Debt Service Fund. Capital Prolec•ts Fund -to account for proceeds froth long-term financing and revenue and expenditures related to authorized construction and other capital asset acquisitions, Proprietary Funds distinguish operating, revenues and expense:; from nonoperating items. Operating revenues and expenses generally result from providing services and producing and delivering goods in connection with a proprietary f nd's principal ongoing operations. The principal operating revenues of the Town's Enterprise Fund are charges to customers for sales and services. operating expenses for the Enterprise Fund include the cost of sales and services, administrative expenses, and depreciation on capital assets. All revenue and expenses not meeting this definition are reported as nenoperating revenue and expenses. The Town reports the following major proprietary Meted: Utility Fund - to account for revenues and expenses related to provriding water and se`ver services to the general public on a continuing basis. Enterprise Fund equity is segregated into contributed capital and retained earnings. Cemetery Fund - to account for the operations of the Town's cemetery. Private -sector standards of accounting and financial reporting issued prior to December 1, 1989. generally are followed in both goverriment-wide and proprietary fund financial statements to the extent that those standards do not conflict with or contradict guidance of the Governmental ,accounting Standards Board. Governments also have the option of following subsequent private -sector guidance for their business -type activities and Enterprise Funds, subject to this same limitation. The Town has elected not to follow subsequent -private-sector guidance. As a general rule, the effect of interfund activity has been eliminated from the government - wide financial statements. Exceptions to this general rule are charges between the Town's water and wastewater function and various other functions of the government. Elimination of these charges would distort the direct costs and program revenue reported for the various functions concerned. (continued) 31 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (,Continued) D. Measurement Focus. Basis oi' Accounting , and Financial Statement Presentation (Continued) Arrmounts reported as program revenues include: 1) charges to customer or applicants for goods, services, or privileges provided, 2) operating grants and contributions, and 3) capital grants and contributions, including special assessments. internally dedicated resources are reported as general revenues rather that as program revenue. Likewise. general revenue includes all taxes. F. Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets or Enuity Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and in,,estments of all funds, including restricted cash. are available upon demand and are considered to be "cash equivalents,__ For purposes sof the statement of cash tlo%vs, the Town considers highly! -liquid investments (including restricted assets) tivith an original maturity of three months or less when purchased to he cash equivalents. State statues authorize the Town to invest in (l ) obligations of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities; (2) direct obligations of the State of Texas or its agencies; (3) other obligations, the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed or insured by the State of Texas or the United States; (4) obligations of states, agencies, counties, cities. and other political subdivisions of any state having been rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating fine and having received a rating of not less than "A" or its equivalent; (5) certificates of deposit by state or national banks domiciled in this state that are (a) guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit 7nsuraace Corporation, or its successor; or, (b) secured by obligations that are described by (1) — (4); or (G) fully collateralized direct repurchase agreements having a defined termination date, secured by obligations described by (1) ,pledged with third -party selected or approved by the Town, and placed through a primary ,government securities dealer. All investments are recorded at fair value based on quoted market prices. Fair value is the amount at which a financial instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction behyeen willing parties. Interfund Receivables and Payables During, the course of operations, numerous transactions occur between individual funds for goads provided or services rendered. These receivables and payables are classified as "due from other funds" or "clue to other funds" on the balance sheet. Any residual balances outstanding between the governmental activities and business -type activities are reported in the government -wide financial statements as "internal balances." (continued) 32 I. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIE'S (Continued) E. Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets or Equity (Continued) Restricted Assets Certain band proceeds as well as certain resources set aside for their repayment, are classified as restricted assets on the balance sheet because their use is limited by applicable bond co-venants. Inventories Inventories, which are expended as they are consumed. are stated at the lower of cost or market on a first -in. first -out basis. Fund Changes and Transactions Between Funds Legally authorized transfers are treated as operating transfers and are included in the results of operations of bout governmental and proprietan, funds. The Town allocates an indirect cost percentage of the salaries, wages and related casts of personnel who perforin administrative services as well as ether indirect costs necessary for the operation of various funds. Expenses ,are budgeted and paid from the appropriate fund. Capital Assets All fixed assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cast if actual historical cost is not available. Donated assets are valved at their fair market value oil the date donated. Assets capitalized have an original cost of 55,000 or more and over three years of life. The cost of nominal maintenance and repairs that do not add value to the asset or materially extend assets' lives are not capitalized_ Depreciation has been calculated on each class of depreciable property using the straight -lute inethod. Estimated useful lives are as follows: Assets y ears Water and sneer system Buildings Machinery and equipment lmproveinents Information systems and software (continued) 33 10-50 20-50 4.10 5-310 3 I. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) C. Assets. Liabilades, and Net Assets or Equi h (Continued) Compensated Absences The Town's policy allows employees to earn 5 days of vacation and 5 days of sick: leave after six months of service and 10 days of vacation and 10 days of sick Ieave upon completion of a year of service. After completion of 5 years of service, 15 days of vacation and 15 days of sick: leave per year are earned. After completion of 10 years of service, 20 days of vacation and 1-0 days of sick leave ;per year are earned. No accumulated, unused sick time or vacation is payable upon termination or retirement. Long -terra Obligations In t}te goveniment-wide financial statements and ,proprietary fund 1y1)es in the fund financial statements, Long-term debt and other long-term obligations are reported as liabilities in the applicable gove.m ental activities, business -type activities, or proprietary fund type statement of net assets, Band premiums and discounts, as well as issuance costs, are deferred and amortized over the life of the bonds using the straight-line method, which approximate -s the eiTective interest method. Bonds payable are reported net of the applicable bond premium or discount. bond issuance costs are reported as deferred charges and amortized over the term of the related debt. In the .Fund financial statements, governmental fund types recognize bond premiums and discounts, as well as issuance costs during the current period. The face amount of the debt issued is reported as ether financing sources. Premiums received on debt issuances are reported as other financing sources while discounts are reported as other financing uses. Issuance costs, even if withl-►eld front the actual proceeds, are reported as expenditures. Reserv=ed And Designated Fund Equity= Reserved fund balances are not appropriable for expenditure or are legally segregated for a specific future use. Designated fund balances are established to indicate tentative plans for financial resources utilization in a future period. Net Assets Net assets represent the difference between assets and liabilities. Net assets invested ui capital assets, net of related debt consists of capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation, reduced by the outstanding balances of any borrowing used for the acquisition, construction or improvement of those assets, adding back unspent proceeds. Net assets are reported as restricted when there are limitations imposed on there use either through enabling legislations adopted by the Town or through external restrictions imposed by creditors, grantors or laws or regulations of other governtnetnts. (continued) 34 1<. it. SUNIM ARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Continued) E. Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets or Equio (Continued) Estimates The preparation of financial statements, in conformity with generally accepted accounting, principles, requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent liabilities at the elate of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual amounts could differ from those estimates. RECONCILIATION OF GOVERNMENT -WIDE AND FL ND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Explanation of Certain Differences Betsveen the Governmental Fund Balance Sheet ondl the Government -vide Statement of net ,assets The governmental fund bakince sheet includes a reconciliation between / uld balance - twal gover•nrr ental,fiinds and net asseis — gaver-ninuwal activities as reported in the government -wide statement of net assets.. One element of that reconciliation explains, "Long. -terra liabilities are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported in the tunds." The details of this $20,794,837 difference are as follows: Certificates of obligation bonds S 21,449.265 Deferred charges for issuance costs (ta be amortized over life of debt) Capitalized lease obligations 15,264 ?accrued interest payable 402,023 Net adjustment to reducefund balance - !enol governniental funds to arrive at iter ussets - gover4nmentul ejelivitier (continued) 35 S 20,794,837 [I. RECONCILIAT'ION OF GOVERNMENT -WIDE AND FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Extalanation of Certain Differences Between fire Governmental Fund Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances and the Government -wide Statement of Activities The governmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances includes a reconciliation between net changes in ./iind balances — total gavernmental fitund and changes in net assets of governmenral activities as reported in the government -wide statement of activities. One element of that reconciliation explains, "Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures, However.. in the ,statement of activities, the cost of those assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives and reported as depreciation expense." The details of this $290,597 difference are as follows: Capital outlay {includes $I 1,105 not classified as capital expenditures on the fund statements) Depreciation expense Net adjustment to decrease Piet changes in ,fund balances - total goverrtrnental_funds to arrive at clurnges in net assets ofgovernmental activities 475,023 (765,620) (290,597) Another element of that reconciliation states, "The issuance of long-term debt (e.g., bonds, leases) provides current financial resources to governmental funds, while the repayment of the principal of long -tenet debt consumes the current financial resources of governmental funds. Neither transaction, however, has any effect on net assets. Also, governmental funds report the effect of issuance costs, premiums, and similar items when debt is first issued, whereas these amounts are deferred and amortized in the statement of activities, Details of this $2,042.6 difference are as follows: Principal repayments: General obligation debt Capital lease Deferred rebates Debt issuance: General fiabligation debt .Deferred expenses Net adjustment to increase net ciarrnt;es in fund balances - total governmental finds to arrive at charges inner assets oj'governrrtental activities (continued) 36 S 395,000 7,736 21,620 (2,500,000) 33,008 L(?:042.644) H. RECONCILIATION OF GOVERMIENT-WIDE AND FUND FINANCIAL STATEN -TENTS (Continued) Explanation of Certain Differences Bet -ween the Governmental Fund Statement of Revenue, Expenditures tttul Chany-es in Fund Balances and tate Government -wide Statement of Activities Another element of that reconciliation states, "Some expenses reported in the statement of activities do not require the use of current financial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds." The details of this $190,554 difference are as follows: Municipal court fines S 12.3,614 Accrued interest 7,509 Amortization of deterred charge on refundni lg 44.336 Ainoriizatian of issuance casts 15,395 Net ndjustmew to decrease tier C'hwj ro,1 be Itrrrri balancav - totit/ gtivt'rnnren ral.Nurds ter arrive;rt changes in nee eIS.SOS Uj 1�101vlwnlelrrt.i gh-11111w,N S 190,854 III. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS Deposits and Investments Legal provisions generally permit the Town to invest in certificates of deposit, repurchase agreements, public funds investment pools, direct obligations of the United States of America or its subdivisions and state and local government securities. The Town did not engage in repurchase or reverse repurchase agreement transactions during the current year. During kite year ended September 30, 2008, (lie Town had investments with Texpool. TexPool, a public funds investment pool created by the Treasurer of the State of Texas acting by and through the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company, which is empowered to invest funds and acts as custodian of investments purchased with local investment funds. These investments are not required to be categorized because the investor is not issued securities, but rather it owns an undivided beneficial interest in the assets of the respective funds. The fair value of the position in TexPool is the same as the value of the pool shares. On September 1, 1959, local government investment pools became authorized investments for the majority of public entities in Texas. The Interlocal Cooperation Act was amended by the 71' Texas Legislature to facilitate the creatann of local government investment pools in Texas. This act permits the creation of investment pools to which a majority of political subdivisions (Tonal governments) may delegate, by contract, the authority to make investments purchased with local investment funds and to hold legal title as custodian of the investments. TexPool was organized to conform with the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, and the Public Funds Investment Act, Chapter 2255 of the Texas Government Code. (continued) 37 ISI. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Deposits and Investments (Continued) The Public Funds Investment Act (Government Code Chapter 2256) contains specific provisions in the arm of investment practices, management reports and establistunent of appropriate policies. Among odyer things, it requires the Town to adopt, implement, and publicize its investment policy. That policy must address (lie following areas: (I) safety of principal and liquidity, (2) portfolio diverstftcatiun, (3) allowable investments, (4) acceptable risk levels, (5) expected rates of return, (6) maximum allowable stated maturity of portfolio investments, (7) maximum average dollar — weighted maturity allowed based on the stated matoity date ft�r the portfolio, (8) investment staff quality and capabilities, and (9) bid so icitation preferences for certificates of deposit. Statutes and the Town's investment policy authorized the Town to invest in the following investments as summarized in the table below - At September 30, 2008, the Town's investments included investment pools in the name of the Town or its agent in the Town's name, The Town's investments were as follows: Can-ying Pi -unary g*oveninient Amount Investinents: TexPool 9 9,483,107 Cash 250,256 Total cash and investments 9.733,363 Minimum Maximum Maximum Authorized MaX1111uny Percentage Investment Investment -1 ,2e Mat"n—W of Portfolio in One Issuer Obligations sof, or guaranteed by N1A N/A Cioyermnental entities 2 years None None Certificates of deposit 1 year None N one Mutual funds ? years 80% None Investment pools - None None At September 30, 2008, the Town's investments included investment pools in the name of the Town or its agent in the Town's name, The Town's investments were as follows: Can-ying Pi -unary g*oveninient Amount Investinents: TexPool 9 9,483,107 Cash 250,256 Total cash and investments 9.733,363 S 9.733,363 Reconciliation of total cash and investments at September 30, 2008, are as follows: Gash and cash equivalents Restricted cash and investments Tectal cash and investments (continued) 38 D 9,626,763, _L00,600 S 9, 133,363 Minimum Rating Fair Legal as of Value Rating Year-end 3 9,493,107 N/A AAA -in 250,256 N1A N/A S 9.733,363 Reconciliation of total cash and investments at September 30, 2008, are as follows: Gash and cash equivalents Restricted cash and investments Tectal cash and investments (continued) 38 D 9,626,763, _L00,600 S 9, 133,363 III, DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Deposits and Investments (Continued) Tile Town's entire cash deposits in the bank of $468323 on September 30, 2008, were covered by federal depository insurance or by collateral, Compozaent units Carrying Amount Fair Value Investments: Cash and cash equivalents 6,708,384 S 6,708,384 Tonal $ 6,708.384 S 6,708,384 Weighted Average Maturity (Lays) N/A Interew Rate Risk. This is the risk that changes in market interest rates will adversely affect the fair .eleac of an investment. Generally. the longer the maturity of an investment the greater the sensiti% itN of its fair V.11 -Lie to changes in market interest rates. One of the ways that the Town manages its exposure to interest rate risk is by investing in investment pools which purchase a combination of shorter term investir3wnts with an average maturity of less than 29 days thus reducing the interest rate risk. The Town monitors the interest rate risk inherent in its portfolio by measuring the weighted average~ maturity of its portfolio. The Town has no specific limitations respect to this metric.. Credit Disk. This is the risk that an issuer of an investment will not fulfill its obligation to the holder of the investment. This is measured by the assignment of a rating by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization. Presented above is the minimum rating required by (where applicable) the Public Funds Investment Act, the Town's investment policy, or debt agreements. and the actual rating as of year-end for each investment type. (continued) 39 III. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Capital Assets Capital asset activity for the year ended September 30, 2008, was as follows: Primary Government Governmental activities: Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land Construction in progress Total assets not being depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated: Capital improvements Buildings Machinery and equipment Information systems and software Total capital assets being depreciated Less accumulated depreciation: Capital improvements Buildings Machinery and equipment Information systems and software Total accumulated depreciation Total capital assets being depreciated, net Governmental activities capital assets, net Business -type activities: Capital assets, not being depreciated: Construction in progress Total assets not being depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated: Capital improvements Wastewater treatment rights Machinery and equipment Total capital assets being depreciated Less accumulated depreciation: Capital improvements Wastewater treatment rights Machinery and equipment Total accumulated depreciation Total capital assets being depreciated, net Business -type activities capital assets, net Beginning Decreases/ Ending Balance Increases Adjustment Balance $ 9,386,531 $ - $ - $ 9,386,531 149,927 463,918 - 613,845 9,536,458 463,918 - 10,000,376 4,287,188 - - 4,287,188 16,745,037 - - 16,745,037 1,955,244 11,105 13,041 1,953,308 52,430 - - 52,430 23,039,899 11,105 13,041 23,037,963 2,116,647 200,745 - 2,317,392 1,587,295 335,984 - 1,923,279 917,855 211,414 13,041 1,116,228 17,477 17,477 - 34,954 4,639,274 765,620 13,041 5,391,853 18,400,625 ( 754,515) - 17,646,110 $ 27,937,083 $( 290,597) $ - $ 27,646,486 $ 20,849 $ 18,281 $ - $ 39,130 20,849 18,281 - 39,130 12,853,855 - - 12,853,855 635,199 - - 635,199 3,367,943 - - 3,367,943 16,856,997 - - 16,856,997 1,936,384 301,179 - 2,237,563 227,613 31,760 - 259,373 793,743 115,851 - 909,594 2,957,740 448,790 - 3,406,530 13,899,257 $ 13,920,106 (continued) 40 ( 448,790) - 13,450,467 $( 430,509) $ - $ 13,489,597 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Capital Assets (Continued) Depreciation was charged to departments of the primary government as follows: Governmental activities: General government $ 515,114 Public safety 72,201 Public works 178,305 Total depreciation experise - govenunental activities $ 765,620 A summary of discretely presented component units- capital assets at September 3 K 200& follows: Texas Student Housing Authority - Ballpark Austin Project Beginning Fnding Balance Additions Deletions Balance Capital assets, not being depreciated - Land Total capital assets., naL being depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated; Building Furniture and fixtures Total capital assets, being depreciated Less accumulated depreciation for: Building f,'urniture and fixtures Total accumulated depreciation Total capital assets, being depreciated, net Capital assets, net 4,788,265 $ S 4,788,263 4,788,265 4,788,265 21,345305 21,345,305 6,993,063 6,993,063 28338,368 28.338,368 4,031,890 711,511 4,743,401 3.176,918 257,282 3.434,200 7,208,808 968,793 8,177,601 21,129,560 968,793) 20.160,767 25,917,825 $( 968,793) $ 24,949,032 (continued) 41 III. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Capital Assets (Continued) Texas Student Housing Corporation - The Ridge at North Texas Beginning Ending Balance Additions Deletions Balance Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land $ 2,200,000 $ - $ - $ 2,200,000 Total capital assets, not being depreciated 2,200,000 - - 2,200,000 Capital assets, being depreciated: Building 25,705,000 - - 25,705,000 Furniture and fixtures 1,253,841 - - 1,253,841 Total capital assets, being depreciated 26,958,841 - - 26,958,841 Less accumulated depreciation for: Building 5,498,014 856,833 - 6,354,847 Furniture and fixtures 961,113 147,621 - 1,108,734 Total accumulated depreciation 6,459,127 1,004,454 - 7,463,581 Total capital assets, being depreciated, net 20,499,714 ( 1,004,454) - 19,495,260 Capital assets, net $ 22,699,714 $( 1,004,454) $ - $ 21,695,260 Texas Student Housing Authority - The Ridge at San Marcos Beginning Ending Balance Additions Deletions Balance Capital assets, not being depreciated Land $ 1,552,207 $ - $ - $ 1,552,207 Total capital assets, not being depreciated 1,552,207 - - 1,552,207 Capital assets, being depreciated: Building 15,875,143 - - 15,875,143 Furniture, fixtures and equipment 818,332 - - 818,332 Total capital assets, being depreciated 16,693,475 - - 16,693,475 Less accumulated depreciation 4,269,606 571,880 - 4,841,486 Total capital assets, being depreciated, net Capital assets, net 12,423,869 (571,880) - 11,851,989 $ 13,976,076 $ (571,880) $ - $ 13,404,196 (continued) 42 III. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Capital ,assets (Continued) Texas Student Housing Authority - Town Lake Austin Project Beeiiim'ng Ending Balance Additions Retirements Balance Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land Total capital assets, not being depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated: Building and improvements Capitalized purchase costs Land improvements Unit appliances Fumiture and fixtures Total capital assets, being depreciated Less accumulated depreciation for: Building and improvements Capitalized purchase costs ,Land improvements Unit appliances Furniture and fixtures 'Fatal accumulated depreciation Total capital assets, being depreciated, net Capital assets, net 5 2,182,516 $ - S - $ 218'',816 2.396,181 2,182,816 - ' 2,182.816 - 116,764 13,270.150 - - 13,27(),l 50 887.095 - - SS7,095 2,806,596 - ' 2,806,596 295,134 - - 295,134 91.5,'951 - - 915,951 18,174,926 - - 18,174,926 1..768,268 627,913 ' 2.396,181 118,280 28,484 - 116,764 374,212 - - 374,212 168,648 - - 168,648 523,266 - - 523,266 2.952,674 656,397 - 3,609,071 15,222,252 { 656,397) - 13,565355 S 17,405,068 $( 656,397) S - $ 16,748,671 (continued) 43 TTI. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Capital Assets (Continued) Texas Student Housing Authority - College Station Project Beginning Ending Balance 4ddiliotis retirements Balance Capital assets. not being depreciated. Land Total capital assets, not being depreciated Capital assets. being depreciated Building Ful-Tutore and fixtures Total capital assets, being depreciated Less accumulated depreciation for: Building Furniture and fixtures Total accumulated depreciation Total capital assets. being depreciated, net Capital assets, net Restricted Net Assets Proprietao, Fund 2,899,597 $ - 2,849.597 2,899,x97 - - 2,899-597 27.727,646 - - 27,727,6 46 ?.594,SO4 - - 2,594.804 30.3?'.450 - - 30,322,450 2,738,798 871,729 - 3,610,527 1,179,299 484.892 - 1,764,191 4,018,097 1,356,621 - 5,374,718 26,304,353 (1,356,621) - 24,9 47.732 $ 29,203,950 S( 1,3 S - 5 ? 7.847,329 Within the proprietary Rinds, $106,600 of the fund represents customer deposits received for water and sewer usage that are refundable upon tenn.ination of service.. Discretely Presented Component Units Within the discretely presented component units, $6,409,886 in cash and cash equivalents represents hands held for debt service. Interlocal Agreement with Trophy ClubfiVestlake Department of Public Safety On April 24, 2000, the Town approved an interlocal agreement with the Trophy Club/Westlake Department of` Public Safety ("DPS"), which called for the Town of Westlake to participate in the financing of an emergency vehicle for the LAPS. The Town recorded a nate receivable of $125,000 based on the terms of the interlocal agreement. (continued) 44 III. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Interlocal Agreement with Trophy Club/Westlake De artrt ent of Public Safe", (Continued) The Agreement called for eight principal and interest payments to the Town, witli interest calculated at a stated rate of 6.750,,e. Effective June 1, 2002, the Trophy Club/Westlake Department of Public Safety' was officially dissolved, The Town of Trophy Club continued to repay the remaining debt according to the terms of the note. The nate matured during the current fiscal year and was paid in hail. Capital Leases The Town critered into a ]ease agreement as lessee tior financing, tile -acquisition of a vehicle for the warrant division of the municipal court, The lease agreement dualities as a capital lease for accounting purposes and.. therefor. has been recorded at the present value of their future minimum lease paNmients as of the itweption date. Governmental Activities Asset. Nlacliinery and equipment S 23,000 Less: Accumulated depreciation 9,200) Total 5 13.800 The future minfinum lease obligations and the net present value of these milairnum lease payments as of September 30, 2009, were as follows: Year Ending Sqpt. 30 2009 2010 Total mininiurn lease payments Less. amount representing interest Present value of minirnum lease payments Goveminental Ae vitles S #,331 8,331 16,6612 (1,381 S 1:5,264 (continued) 45 111. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) General Lang -term Debt Long-term liability activity for the year ended September 30. 2088, was as follows: Beginning Ending Due Within Balance Additions Reductions Balance One Year Combination tax and limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2002 5.630,000 $ 235.000 $ 5.395.000 250,000 Combination tax and limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2003 6,125-000 145,000 5,980.000 150,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2007 7.36-5,000 15.000 7-350.000 20,000 Less deferred amounts, On refunding 1 729,699) - 44,336 685.352) - General Obligation Bonds, Series 2008 - 21,500,000 - 2,500,000 95,000 Fidelity Tax Reimbursement 245.985 - 21,620 224.265 22,863 $— 18,636,197 S 2.50U00 S 372,284 20,763.913 537,863 Debt service requirements of certificates of oblwation and general obligations to be retired from govenunental funds are as follows: Year Ending Total September 30. Principal Interest Requirements 2009 515,000 S 985,457 1,500,457 2010 525.000 973,250 1,498.250 2011 555.000 946,778 1.501,778 2012 580,000 918,450 1,498,450 2013 610,000 888,528 1.498.528 10 14-10 19 4 3,540.000 3,958,496 7,498,496 2019-2023 4,480,000 3,021,052 7,501,052 2024-2028 5,685,000 17810,817 7,495,817 2029-2033 4,735,000 337.260 5,272,260 Total 21,2211;,000 14,040,088 S 35,265,988 On August 1.0, 1998, the Town entered into an economic development agreement with Fidelity Texas Limited Partnership ("Fidelity") which provided that Fidelity will receive a rebate of one percent of local sales taxes collected by the Town and paid by Fidelity. The agreement provided that the rebate will be paid to Fidelity within 30 days of each calendar quarter from the sales taxes received by the Town. On November 13, 2000, the agreement was amended to allow for a payment schedule of 15 annual equal installments for sales tax rebate due and payable to Fidelity. The amount due will not bear interest, 'Flic loan is discounted to pre -sent value and arnortized over the life of the loan using the effective interest method. (continued) 46 111. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) General Long-term Dela (Continued) Debt service requirements for deferred rebates to be retired from governmental funds are as follows: Year Ending Total September 30, Principal Interest Requirements '1009 S 72.863 $ 12395 S 35,758 2010 24,178 11.581 35.759 2011 25,568 10,190 35,758 2012 27,039 8,720 35,758 2U 13 28,593 7,165 35,758 2014-101 G 96,025 11,249 107,274 Total 224,265 S 6148110 286,065 The Certificates of Obligation. Series 2002 and 2003 require the Town to provide certain updated financial information and operating data to certain information vendors annually, as pernutted by SEC Rule 15c2-12 (the "Mule"). The issuer will provide the updated information to each nationally recognized municipal securities information repository (-NRMSIR") and to any state information depository ("SID") that is designated by the State of Texans and approved by the staff ofthe United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). During the fiscal year, the Torn issued. General Obligation bonds of $2.5 million. These bonds are being used for the construction of an .Arts & Sciences Center, Proprietan, Long-term Debt Elevated Water Storage Facility On October 9, 2000. the Town approved aa -i interlocal agreement with the City of Keller, which provided for the joint construction, operation, maintenance and use of an elevated water storage facility and appurtenances. The Town recorded a contractual obligation of 51,466,000 based on the terms of the interlocal agreement, which requires 20 annual principal and interest payments to the City of Keller. with payments due each September 30 at interest rates ranging from 5.0% to 5.651,11�. (continued) 47 III. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Proprietat-Y Long-term Debt (Continued) Dove Road Nater Lire and West Purnp Station In April 2000, the Town approved an agreement with the Hillwood Development Corporation ("Hillwood"). In the agre+etnent, Hillwood agreed to bear all initial oasts for the design, engineering and constructions of the Dove Road Water Lille and the West Pump Station that will service the residents of the. Town. The Town agreed to reimburse Millwood for tli►;cost of the project upon completion and the Town's acceptance of the project, which occurred in June 2001, solely from a $.25 charge per 1,000 gallons of usage. The Town further agreed to deposit deka service revenue of $.25 per 1,000 gallons of usage collected from Town residents to fund its repayment to Hillwood. Debt service revenue will be allocated between Hillwood service area and Town sen ice area by 52"/,3 and 48°,o, respectively and deposited into two separate debt sen+ice funds that vvilI result in debt service revenue to pay the; .respective share of the constnlction cost. The Tarn recorded a limited pledge contractual obligation of $4,679,944 for the project oast based upon the terms of the agreement, which requires 239 monthly principal and interest payments to Hillwood. at an interest rate of 6.7511i'o. if the Town collects insufficient funds to pay current interest on the debt, the interest payment may be deferred. No portion of debt payments will be applied to the principal component, wntil all current and deferred interest is fully paid. Proprietary long-tenn debt as of September 30,200S, is as follows: Outstanding Outstanding Current Description 09130107 Issued Retired 9/30/08 Portion Contractual obligations: Elevated Avater storage $ 1,142,355 $ Litrtited pledge contractual obligation: Dove Road Water Lime and West PUMP Station 4,679,944 - S 59,277 $ 1.083,078 $ 54,082 4,679,944 5,822,299 $ - S 59,277 S 5,763,022 $ 64,082 The schedule of future payments by the Town under these agreements is as follows Year Ending Septernber 30, Total Princi2al interest Requirements 2009 S 64,0825 562,21x' 5 62fi,334 2010 67,298 593,671 660,969 2011 72,100 627,836 699,935 2012 75,304 664,380 739,684 2013 80,107 703,450 783,557 2014-2018 485,455 4,203,275 4,688,730 2019-2023 238,732 2,811,624 3,050,356 2024 4,679,944 - 4.679,944 Total $ 5,763,022 $ 10,166.488 $-1 i.929. 5 10 (continued) 48 DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Discretely Presented Long-term Debt Texas Student Housing Authority- College Station Project The Project's installment note payable is summarized as follows Interest Lender'SecuritX/Due date Date Balance Cambridge Student Housing Financing Company, L.P ; substantially all assets and assignment of rents. due November l . 2039 8,00+% 32.O70.{1{10 fllc Project's installment note is payable monthly with principal and interest payments of '31.515 until November 1, 2039. The following is a summary of long-term debt transactions of the Project for the year ended August 1. 2008: Beguminn- Balance Increases Amounts Ending Due Within Decreases Balance One Year S 32,345,O00 S - $ 275,040 $J2,070_000 S 32,470,000 The Project's original developer refinanced the installment note through a secondary offering with Cambridge Student Housing Financing Company,. L.P. The debt certificates were scald to private investors in the fallowing classes, Class (Series) Offering. Total 4 $ 17,500,000 B 4,900,000 C 4,824,400 D 5,380,000 Total S 32,600,004 Each class has certain rights and pr vileges, as contained in the private placement memorandum. As a part of the offering, the project entered into a trust agreement with J. P. Morgan Trust Company, N.A. (the "Trustee") for the purpose of determining that each class is paid in accordance with the private placement memorandum. At August 31, 2008, the Project was not in compliance with the fixed charge coverage ratio, which constitutes a default of the lending agreement. Upon default, the lender may accelerate the maturity of the unpaid portion of the principal payable under the installment sale agreement. However, the Authority doses not anticipate this event will occur, since foreclosure by private interests would result in the lass of tax-exempt status for the Project. (continued) 49 Tait DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Discretely Presented Long -terns Debt (Continued) Texas Student Housing Authority - Town Lake Austin Project The bonds are payable solely from the revenues generated by the Project and are secured by the revenues pledgees and assigned under the terms of the trust indenture. Interest rates for the bonds range from 7.76% to 8.69".,6 at present and principal and interest payments are made monthly. The future debt sen1c:e requirements of the bonds are as follows: Year Ending Amounts august 31, Beginning Interest Due Within 2009 Balance increases Decreases Ending Balance One Year Revenue Bonds: 240,795 1,650,842 1,891,637 2002 A-1 Bonds S 16,739,577 $ - S 2272,765 S 16,516,812 $ 222,872 2002 A-2 Bonds 5.089,241 - - .5.089,241 - Total $ 21,828.818 $ - $ 222,765 S 21,606,053 $ 222.872 The bonds are payable solely from the revenues generated by the Project and are secured by the revenues pledgees and assigned under the terms of the trust indenture. Interest rates for the bonds range from 7.76% to 8.69".,6 at present and principal and interest payments are made monthly. The future debt sen1c:e requirements of the bonds are as follows: Year Ending august 31, Principal Interest Total 2009 S 222,872 S 1,668,765 1,991,637 2010 240,795 1,650,842 1,891,637 21011 260,159 1,631,479 1,891,637 2012 281,080 1..610,557 1,891,637 2013 363,683 1,587,954 1,891,637 2014-2018 1,926,465 7,531,720 9,458,185 2019-2023 2..,836.079 6,622,106 9.458,185 2024-2028 4,175,185 5,283,000 9458,185 2029-2033 11,359,735 3,312.414 14,672,149 Totals S 21,606,053 $ 300898,836 $ 52,504,889 Texas Student Housing Authority - The Ridge at San Marcos Amounts Beginning Increas�eO Ending Due Within Balance Adjustments Decreases Balance One Year Revenue Bands: 2000 Bonds S 19,509,40-1 x 71,467 S - 5 19,580,569 $ 19,580,869 The bonds are payable solely from the revenues generated by the Project and are secured by the revenues pledged and assigned under the terms of the trust indenture. The annual interest rate is 8.2% and interest is due on the first of each month. In the case of default under the terms of the indenture, the interest rate increases by 2%. During 2005, the Project defaulted on the bonds and the interest rate increased to 10.2% - (continued) 50 IH. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Discretely Presented Long term Debt (Continued) Texas Student Housing Authority - The Ridge at San Marcos (Continued) During 2005, the Project ceased making the required principal and interest payments required by the loan and financing agreement. This constitutes an event of the default under provisions of tie - indenture and permits the trustee at the direction of the servicing, agent to declare the principal and all interest then due to be immediately due and payable. As a result, the outstanding principal at August 31. 2008. has been shown as a current liability in the accompanying fulancial statements. fn addition, the Project was not in compliance with certain debt covenants as of August 31, 2008. Year Ending August 31, Principai 2009 19,580,869 interest f'otal 3,577,542 $ 23,158,411 Texas Student Housing Authority,- - Ballpark Austin Project The long-term debt activity of the Ballpark Austin Project is as follows: Amaunt,s Beginning Ending Due Within Balance Increases Decreases Balance One Year Revenue Bonds: 2001A Bonds $ 317905,000 - $ 560,000 $ 31,345,000 $ 585,000 2001B Bonds 2,330,000 35.000 - $ 2,365,000 105,000 2001C Bonds 3,000,000 - $ 3,000,000 - Less discounts 1,462,076) -[_�0,085) [.401,991) Total 35.772.924 S 35,000 499.915 $ 35.308,009 $ b90.000 (continued) 51 III. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Discretely Presented Lon;[ -term Debt (Continued) Texas Student Housing Authority - Ballpark Austin Project (Continued) The bands are payable solely from the revenues generated by the Project and secured by the revenues pledged and assigned under the terms of the trust indenture, Interest rates on the bands ranee from 4.00% to 11.010% and are payable semi-annually. The debt service requirements of the bonds are as follows: Year Ending August 31. 2009 2010 2011 2012. 2013 2014-2018 2019-2023 2024-2028 2029-2033 Totals Principal 090,000 650,000 680,41{1[1 715,000 755,000 4,440,000 5,785.000 7,575,000 15,420,000 $ 361,710,000 Governmental Acti%,ities Interest b _1340,339 2.31 1,351 2.280.294 2,247,194 2.208,144 10,375,044 9,021,281 7.236.000 4,865,075 $ 42,854.730 Total $ 3.0 30,3311 2.96 1 .359 7,9011,294 2,962.194 2,963.144 14,815,0.4 14,806,281 14,811,000 20,285.0175 $ 79.594,730 At August 31, 2008, the project had not rnade interest payments on the Subordinate 20011 C Band Series since July 2003, and the Subordi late 20010 Bond is in default. In addition, the. Project's fixed charges coverage ratio was not in compliance with the covenants of the indenture. These events do not constitute an event of default that accelerates the bands. As a result_ the maturities are presented under the original repayment terms. Texas Student Housing Corporation - The Ridge at North Texas The long -terra debt activity of the Ridge at North Texas is as follows: Revenue Bonds: 2001A Bonds 2001B Bonds Less discounts Beginning Balance 5 28,0105,000 $ 3,240,000 ( 859,749} Ending Increases Decreases Balance $ 510,000 37,485 Amounts Due Within One Year 27,495,000 $ 27,495,000 3.2401,000 3,240,000 822,.264} - Total $ 30.3135,"'51 $ - $ 472,515 $ 29,912,736 $ 30,735,000 (continued) 52 III. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Discretely Presented Long-term Debt (Continued) Texas Student Housing Corporation - The Ridge at North Tears (Continued) The debt originally was to be amortized through 2031 with varying monthly principal payment amounts ranging from $2,618,093 to $3,465.280 for interest and principal. The annual requirements to amortize all debts outstanding as of August 31, 2008, are as follows and have not been adjusted for the default of the bonds. Under the original terms of the Indenture, a total of $540,000 in principal and $2,079,992 in interest is due M fiscal 2009. The total interest to be paid will depend on the ultimate maturities of the bunds. Year Ending August 31, Principal Interest Total 2009 $ 30.735,4 0() $ 34,_137,678 $ 64.972,678 The Town of Westlake does not have any liability for the payment of debt of the discretely presented component units as the bonds are non-recourse to both the Town and Texas Student Housing Authority. Deferred Revenue Deferred revenue in the proprietary fund of $464,245 relates to the collection cif the entire amount due on six Ductbank leases as follows. One 20 -year lease with AT&T local network sen ices and five 20. 25 and 30 -year leases with Verizon Southwest for use of the Town's Ductbank. Commitments and Contig uencles Lease Obligations The Town has Coosa-nitnients relative tci municipal services, and contractual relationships concerning certain utilities and public safety resources, which are normal in its ongoing: activity. Noncancellable obligations consist of agreements for services at September 30. 2008.. Minima n lease payments and contractual obligations under these noncancellable leases and agreements as of September 30, 20018, are as follows: Year Ending September 30, Amount 2009 2.21.999 2010 221,999 2011 140,635 Total $ 594,633 Rental expenditures in 2008 were S221,568. (continued) 53 M. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Commitments and Contingencies, (Continued) Interlocal Agreement with the City of Southlake h) August 1995, the Town entered into xi agreement with the City of Southlak-e to allow the Town to utilize capacity in a sewer line and to set forth their respective rights and obligations with respect to the sewer line owned by the City of Southlake. The Town is obligated to share in the cost of construction, operation and maintenance of the water sewer line- The sewer line was constructed in 2000. Additionally. the Town must pay the City of Southlake all transportation, treatment olid related costs allocable to the metered flow of sewage fi-om the Town into the sewer line. Federal and State Progrant ReN enues The Town received financial assistance from various federal and state goveninienial agencies in the form of grants. The disbursement of funds received under these programs generally requires compliance with terms and conditions specified in the grant agreements and are subject to audit by the grantor agencies. Any unallowed disbursement resulting from such audits becomes a liability of the Town. In the opinion of the Town Management, no material refunds will be required as a result of unallowed disbursements (if any by the grantor agencies. Sources of federal and state program revenues for the year ended September 30, 2008, were as follows: (continued) 54 Grant Westlake Source Fund Academy Total Federal program revenues: Department of Homeland Security $ 12.540 $ - $ 12,540 U. S. Department of Education - Passed through State Department of Education - 55,193 55,193 Total federal program revenues: $ 12,540 $ 55.193 S 67,733 State program revenues., State Department of Education $ 2.671,680 $2,673,680 (continued) 54 Ell. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Interfund Balances and Transactions Interfund receivables and payables at Septernber 30- 2008, were as follows: General fund: Visitors Association fund Utility fund Capital projects fund VisitoTs Asscwiation fuii& General fund Capital projects ffin& General fund Lltil4y fund 4B Economic Developmetit tbnd- Utility fund Enterprise fund: General fund 4B Economic Development fund Capital projects fund (continued) 55 DLIC frOM Other Funds 65,554 120.124 24,2122 201,085 327,039 738,024 Due to Other Funds $ 24,222 120,124 65.,554 327,039 201,085 S 738.024 III. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Contitlued) Itnterfund Balances and Transactions (Continued) Interfund transfers between the primary government's funds consisted of- Transfers fTransfers To Funds Primaq, Government Genera] tuun& General PCM fund Utility hand Capital projects tend Gnirit Hind Dehl S+'n WC fund. 4B I -r onornic Development Corporation fund Propen Tax Reduction fund VlSltUrs Association fund: Cenieter v fund Chant fund; General fund Propeny Tax Reduction hand: Debt service rand 4B Ecornonic Development Corporation rand.: Debt servicc fund FM 1'935 rand Capital projects field Capital Projects rand: General fund Utility fund FM 1938 fund Cernetery fund: Visitors association fund Ufillty fund: General %find Utility PCM fund Capital projects fund Totals 15,000 � 342,517 7.474 3,594 547,611 771,333 251,826 23,328 15,000 Transfers From Funds 15,000 23,328 771.333 547,611 7,474 251,$26 342.517 201.085 3.594 15, 00 S 2,178,768 S 2.178,768 Inter -fund transfers are reported in the governmental activities and proprietary fund financial statements. In the government -wide statements, utter -fund transfers are eliminated within the govemmentai activities column and business -type c;olunut, as appropriate. (continued) 56 M. DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS (Continued) Interfund Balances and Transactions (Continued) Transfers are used to (1) move revenues collected in the special revenue funds to finance various programs in accordance with budgetary authorizations, (2) move receipts restricted for debt service from the funds collecting the receipts to the debt service fund as debt service payments become due, (3) reimburse one fund for services provided to another fund and (4) pay f0T property purchased in advance of bond issuance. Receivables Water Purchase and Wastewater Treatment Contracts The Town has a contract with the City of Fort Worth, Texas, to purchase water. Under the contract, the Town may obtain from the City of Fort Worth. a supply of potable water at a reasonable rate based on water usage. The rate charges are subject to minimum annual contract payments. Water expense for the year ended September 30, 2008 was $746,437. IV. OTHER INFORMATION Retirement Plan Plan Description The Town provides pension benefits for all of its fulltime employees through a nontraditional, joint contributory, hybrid defined contribution plan in the statewide Texas Municipal Retirement System ("TMRS"), one of 827 administered by TMRS, an agent multiple -employer public employee retirement system. All assumptions for the December 31, 2007, valuations are contained in the 2007 TNMS Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, a copy of which may be obtained by writing to P. 0. Box 149153, Austin, Texas 78714-9153. (continued) 57 Govummental Funds Enteipruse Fund Propefty Tax 413 Economic Visitors Westlakc Reductic)n Development Ufflih- cierwi-al Association Academy Fund Coqjoratioll Fond Told Receivables: Sales tau S 371,509 185,754 S 185,754 S 743,1116 Other taxes - 85.019 Franchise fees I t) 1.49S 161,498 Accounts - 693,291 693,291 outer 19,73.2 - 78,470 - - 99,202 Gross receivables 552,738 95,019 79.470 195,754 185,754 693,291 1,78 1 ,026 Less: Allowance for uncallectibles - - - - - - - Net total rmeivabies $ 552,738 $ 85,019 S 78,470 S 185,754 $ 1$5,75# $ 093,2191 $ 1.781,026 Water Purchase and Wastewater Treatment Contracts The Town has a contract with the City of Fort Worth, Texas, to purchase water. Under the contract, the Town may obtain from the City of Fort Worth. a supply of potable water at a reasonable rate based on water usage. The rate charges are subject to minimum annual contract payments. Water expense for the year ended September 30, 2008 was $746,437. IV. OTHER INFORMATION Retirement Plan Plan Description The Town provides pension benefits for all of its fulltime employees through a nontraditional, joint contributory, hybrid defined contribution plan in the statewide Texas Municipal Retirement System ("TMRS"), one of 827 administered by TMRS, an agent multiple -employer public employee retirement system. All assumptions for the December 31, 2007, valuations are contained in the 2007 TNMS Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, a copy of which may be obtained by writing to P. 0. Box 149153, Austin, Texas 78714-9153. (continued) 57 IAV. OTHER [NFOR IATION (Continued) Retirement Plan (Continued) ,Platt Description (Continued) Benefits depend upon the sum of the employee's contributions to the plan, with interest. and the Town -financed monetary credits, with interest. At the date the plan began, the Town granted monetary credits for service rendered before the plan began of a theoretical amount equal to two times what would have been contributed by the employee, with interest, prior to establishment of the plan. Monetary credits for service since the plan began are a percent (100%) of the employee's accumulated contributions. In addition, the Town can grant, as often as annually. another type of monetary credit referred to as updated service credit which is a theoretical amount which, when added to the employee's accumulated contributions and the monetary credits for service since the plan began, would be the total monetary credits and employee contributions accumulated with interest if the current employee contribution rate and Town matching percent had always been in existence and if the employee's salary had always been the average of his/her salary in the last three years that are one year before the effective date. At retirement, the benefit is calculated as if the sum of the ehnployee`s accumulated cxmiributions with interest and the employer -financed monetary credits with interest were used to purchase an annWty. Members can retire at ages 60 and above with 5 or more years of service or with 20 years of service regardless of age. A inehnber is vested after 5 years. The plan provisions are adopted by the governing body of the Town, within the options available in the state statutes governing TMRS and within the actuarial constraints also in the statutes. Contributions The contribution rate for the employees is 7%. and the Towns matching; ratio is currently 2 to 1, both as adopted by the governing body of the Town. Under the state law governing TMRS, the actuary annually determines the Town contribution rate. This rate consists of the normal east contribution rate and f he prior service contribution rate, Moth of which are calculated to be a level percent of payroll from year to year. The normal cost contribution rate finances the currently accruing monetary credits due to the Town matching percent, which are the obligation of the Towyn as of an employee's retirement date, not at the time the employee's contributions are made. The normal cost contribution rate is the actuarially determined percent of pavTal] necessary to satisfy the obligation of the Town to each employee at the time his/her retirement becomes effective. The prior service contribution rate amortizes the unfunded (overfunded l actuarial liability (asset) over the remainder of the plan's 25 -year amortization period.. The init credit actuarial east method is used for determining the Towns contribution rate. Both the employees and the Town snake contributions monthly. Since the Town needs to know its contribution rate in advance for budgetary purposes, there is a one-year delay: between the actuarial valuation that is the basis for the rate and the calendar year when the rate gees into effect. (i.e December 31, 2007, valuation is effective for rates beginning January 2009). (continued) 58 IV. OTHER WFORNIATION (Continued) Retirement Plan (Continued) Contributions (Continued) Schedule of Actuarial Liabilities and Funding Progress Actual Valuation Date Actuarial value of assets Actuarial accrued liability Percent funded Unfunded (overfunded) actuarial accrued liability 11_I.4AL I Ammual covered payroll UAAL as a percentage of covercd payroll Net pension obligation (NPO at the beginning of ,period Annual required contribution (ARC) Contributions made NPO at the end of the period Actuarial Cost Method Amortization Metltod Remaining Amortization Period Asset Valuation Method hivestment Rate of Return Projected Salary Increases Includes Inflation at Cost -of -living. .Adjustments Payroll Growth Assumption Withdrawal Rates for Male/Female 12/31105 12/31 106 12/31107 597,993 S 773,412 792,77-5 635,973 821,401 1.059,135 94,0''o 941% 74.9% ,7,980 47.989 2W360 1,243,374 1.300,610 1.257,(53 3.7%, 21.2°"' 98.399 98,1130 108.827 98.388 99.030 1ox'S27) Actuarial Assumptions Projected Unit Credit - Level Percent of Payroll - 25 Years - Closed Period Amortized Cost (to accurately refect the requirements of GASB Statement No. 2-5. paragraphs 36e and 138) 7.0% Varies by age and service 0% Mid-Low/Mid-Low At its December 8, 20017 meeting, ilio TMRS Beard of Trustees adapted actuarial assumptions to be used in the actuarial valuation for the year ended December 31, 2017. A summary of actuarial assumptions and definitions can be found in the December 31. 2007 TMRS Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). (continued) 59 Iii'. OTHER ]INFORMATION (Continued) Retirement Pian (Continued) Contributions (Continued) Since its inception, TMRS has used the Unit Credit actuarial funding method, This method accounts for liability accrued as of the valuation date. but does not project the potential future liability of provisions adopted by a city. Two-thirds of the cities participating; in TNIRS have adopted the Updated Service Credit and .A muity increases provisions on an annually repeating basis. For the December 31, 2007 valuation, the TMRS Board determined that the Projected Unit Credit (PLIC) funding method should be used. which facilitates advance funding for future updated service credits and aimu ty incrt.ries that ars- adopted on an annually repeating basis. In addition, the Board also adopted a chang+: in the amortization period from a 75 -year "open" to a 25 -year "closed" period. TNIRS Board of Trustee rules provide that, whenever a change in actuarial assumptions or methods results in a contribution rate increase in an aniourit greater than 0.5%, the amortization period will be increased to its years, unless a city requests that the period remain at 25 years. For c=ities with repeating features, these changes would likely result initially in higher required contributions and love ,er funded ratios, hoiN,ever, the funded ratio should show steady improvement over time. To assist in this transition to higher rates, the Board also approved an eight-year phase-in period, which will allow cities the opportunity to increase their contributions gradually (approx. 12.5% each year) to their full rate (or their required contribution rate). If the changes in actuarial funding method and assumptions had not been adopted for the 007 valuation, the City -s unfunded actuarial accrued liability would have been $110,547 and the funded ratio would have been 87.8%. In addition, TMRS is currently working, cin its legislative package for 2009. There is a possibility that fine investment rate of return (IRR) assumption of 7% would need to be lowered if desired legislation for the 2009 session is unsuccessful. Maintaining a 7% IRR. assumption is contingent in part on the continued diversification of the TMRS portfolio, from an almost exclusive bond portfolio to a portfolio that includes equities as ivetl. If state legislation needed to facilitate the continued diversification is not enacted, TMRS may have to revisit the continued diversification of the portfolio and consider reducing the assumed IRR. A reduction in the IRR would result in increased actuarial accrued liabilities, thus causing further increases in City contribution rates, following the Deoemb+er.3I, 20109 actuarial valuation. Risk Management The Town is exposed to various risks of lass related to torts, theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; injuries to employees, and natural disasters. The Town's general liability, workers' compensation liability, law enforcement liability, errors and omissions Liability, and automobile liability coverage is insured by the Texas Municipal League, a public entity risk pool. The Town's only responsibility to the Texas Municipal League is to pay premiums for insurance and related deductible amounts of these policies. Other risk of lass is covered by commercial insurance. Settlements of claims have not exceeded coverage in the past three years, (continued) 60 147, OTHER 1NFORNIATION (Continued) Contingent LiabWties Various claiim and lawsuits are pending against the Town. In the opinion of Town management, after consultation with legal counsel, the potential less on all claims and lawsuits will not matenilly effect the Town's financial position. Prior Period Adlustnient A prior period adjustment in the amount of S3'98,967 was made on the government -wide financial statements in order to properly present previously discretely presentcd component units as blended component touts in the current fiscal gear. Subsequent Event Ou Novenlber 14, 2008, the Midge at Sart Marcos rens given a deed -in -lieu by the bondholder, Muni viae, and assets and liabilities pertaining to the facility are no longer under the control of Texas Student Housing Authority. 61 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS GENERAL FIND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDTFURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR T14E YEAR ENDED SEPTTt1TRER 30, 2008 REVENUES Taxes Sales Mixed beverages Finachise Federal program revenncs Interest incoine Building permits anis fess Fines and penalties Contributions from o0iers 011ier rniseellaneous income Total revenues EXPENDITURES Current General government and Administration Public safety Cultural and recreational Public works Economic developlmnt Total expenditures EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXP NDITUPLES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfem in Transfers out Total pother financing sources (uses) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING General Fund Varinnce Budgeted Amounts Favorable Qn.ainal Aniended A�Ausl {Unfavorable) b 2.uoo.11tn1 $ 1,477.460 lJ45,257 S 117,827 14.943 13.300 15.177 2,877 535.77 4�1{M.t�1S (749.1014 38,293 10011 5,8(15 12,5401 6,675 165.E 11 82,81 1 53,834 1,023 1-472,74(, 1'isq.2149 1,108,083 1 151.166) 665.683 610,777 554,376 l 56.396) 128,750 _ _ - 19,783 86.523 911.929 4.406 5,00.5,944 4,346,795 4,310.334 { 36,4611 1.444,544 1,554,112.2 1,516,3461 38,4761 1.784,114 1,756,729 1,716,369 40,3610 131,023 134.333 129,641 4,642 647,463 479,054 41,805 63,249 368,259 469,117 495,071 ( 26,454) 4.335,408 4,393,055 4,273,232 119,823 670.586 1 4b,260l 37.102 $3.362 219.750 40,0011 38,328 I 1,672) I 212250) (_ 290,{717) t 354,Wl) 74,9741 7,500 f. 25f1,017} { 326,6613) 1 76,646} 678,04i V 296,277) 1 289,561) 6,716 3.496,799 3,096,299 3,096,294 - FUND BALANCE, ENDING S 3,774,385 S 2,800.022 S 2,806,738 5 6.716 62 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, 'TEXAS VISITORS r�sSOCIATIti N FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL. FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 REVENUES Faxes Hotel occupancy Interest income Odwr miscOlaneous income Total revenues EXPENDITURES Visitors Services Total expenditures EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER (GENDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FI:NANCifti`G SOURCES (USES) Tr=sfers out Total other financing sources (uses) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, ENDING Budgeted Amounts Original ..mended S 450,000 49.000 13,001,? 511.000 254.043 254,043 S 430,000 15,000 22 525 321,368 321.368 Actual 527,662 36,686 20,157 584,505 31.7..777 312,777 Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) 97.662 1,686 ( ?,368) 96,9'80 8,,591 8,591 .256,957 166,357 271,728 105,571 - { 40,000 3, 94) 36,406 - ( 40,000] ( 3,594) 36,406 256.957 126,157 265.134 141,977 1.183.020 1,183;020 1,183,020 - 1.439.977 1.309.177 S 1,451.154 141,977 63 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS WESTLAKE ACADEMY SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FUR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31.2008 REVENUES Skate Prograw revenues Federal program rerenies interest income Qher misvellanec,+us stteome T<atal revenucs EXPENDITURES Education Total eKpendiruret NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE. FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, ENDING 64 Variance Budgeted Arnouttts Favorable Original Amended Actual (Unfavorable) $ 2.375,628 2,724.570 2,673,680 V 50,890) 28,288 54,061 55,193 1,132 15,000 20.000 22.335 2,335 579,498 519.652 496,726 l 22,926) 2-9197,414 3,318,283 3,247.934 70,349) 3,317,529 3.451,786 3,3175,220 146,566 3.317,529 3,451,786 3,3475,220 146,566 ( 320.115) { 133,543) 57,286) 76,217 0191.740 691,740 691,744 - :$ 371.625 $ 558,237 S 634,454 $ 76;217 64 TOWN OF WES'TLAItE, TEXAS (GRANT I+ UND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 REVENUES Federal program revenues Total revenues E,l`PENDITURES_ Public safety Total expenditures EXCESS fDEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers in Total other financing sources (uses) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, ENDING Budgeted Amounts Original Amended S 7,500 S 7,500 IS 7,500 7,500 65 15,0011 15,000 l 5,004 15,000 Variance Favorable Actual (Unfavorable) 7.474 $I 26) 7 A74 I. 26 ) t4.948 52 14,948 -- 7.500) 7.501) ( 7.500) { 7,474) 26. 7,500 7.540 7,474 ( 26) 7,50 7,500 7,474 ( 26) - - - TONN N OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTENMER 30, 2008 REVENUES Tares Sales Interest inscune Total revenue% EXPENDITURES C'eneral' government Total expenditures EXCESS (DEI~ICIEIVCI) OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers out Total other financing sources (uses) NET CHANGE IN )FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, ENDING Variance Budgeted Amounts Favorable Original Amended .Actual Wnfavurahle)- 1,000,000 $ 838,730 $ 897,64-4 S 58,914 30,000 3,000 1.158 1 1.8421 1.030,000 841.734 899,802 57.+37' 1,030.000 841.730 898.802 ( 286,583) [ 418,140 ( 547,611 ) [ 286,583) { 415,140} 547,611) 743,417 423.590 351.191 [54,474 154, 474 154,474 S 697.891 $ 57&061 $ 505.665 66 57.079 1. 129,}71) ( 1-29.471) ( 72.399) 5r7 2.399�1 TOWN OF WESTLAKE,'rEXAS FAI 1938 FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENILVES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE ITAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 67 Vanance Budgeted Amounts R Favorable Uri final Amended :Awlual (Unfavorable) REVENUES Contributions 237.645 S 187,548 1-0131 revenues -137.645 187,548 50.097 EXPENDITURES Public Works -137.fi45 362,SO4 t 1'5.1591 Total expenditures a 237,645 362,804 1-15. 1 5Q) EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES - 175.256) 175-256) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers in 251,826 .151,8-16 Total other financing sources (uses) 251,826 251.826 NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 76,570 76 570 FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING - FUND B.-kLANCE, ENDING 76,570 76,570 67 TO'vNN OF WESTI.A E, TEXAS LONE STAR PUBLIC FACILITY CORPORATION SCHEDULE OF [REVENUES, EXPENDITURES ANIS CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEI'+iBER 30.2008 RE17ENU ES Interest income Total revenues EXPENDITURES General goverimient Total expenditures NET CHANGE IN FUND BAL.•OCE FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING FUND BALANCE, ENDING Badveied Amounts Original Amended 5 S 4?5 13,030 $ 13,030 68 425 13.030 13.455 Variance Favorable ltiBaal ('Unfi cvable) 429 4 429 4 13,034 13,459 $ 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS 4B ECONOMIC DEN--ELOPMENT CORPORATION SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTENEBER 30.2008 REVENUES Taxes Sales Inierest income Total revenues EXPENDITUPLES General govermncni Total expenditures EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Transfers out Total other financling sources (uses) NET CHANGE IN FUND RALANCE FUND BALANCE, BEGINNING FUND BALANCE. ENDING 69 Variancc Bad�eted Amounts Favorable Drivinal Anie%ded Actual fl.1114aavoinblel S I MOMO S 838,730 S 897.644 S 58.914 - 545 545 - 1,000,000 839.275 999.189 58.914 839.275 58,914 1,000,000 898.189 130,29,731 l 898,174) 771,333 126,841 I;029.731) 898,174) 77 L333) 126,841 29,731) 58,899) 126,856 185,755 385,937 385.937 385.937 - $ 356.206 S 327,038 3 512,793 S 185.755 69 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS NOTES TO REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFOPMATION SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 (Unaudited) BUDGETARY INFORMATION - The Town follows these procedures annually in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the budgetary comparison schedules: 1. The Town Manager submits to the Board of Aldermen a proposed budget for the fiscal year commencing the following October L The budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them, Prior LO October 1, the budget is legally adopted through passage of an ordinance. This budget is reported as the Original Budget in the budgetary comparison schedules. 3. During the fiscal year, changes to the adopted budget may be authorized, as follows: a) Items requiring Board of Alderman action - appropriation of hind balance reserves; transfers of appropriations beiween funds; transfers between departments within funds. new inter -fund loans or advances, and creation of new capital projects or Increases to existing capital projects. b) ]tents delegated to the Town Manager - transfers within departments 4. Annual budgets are legally adopted and amended as required for the general, special revenue and debt ser%,ice fund -s. Project length budgets are adopted for the capital project: funds. All budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepting accounting principles. Budget,, are adopted for the proprietary funds annually only as a management too[. There are no legally mandated budgetary constraints for the proprietary funds. 5. Budget amounts are reflected after all authorized ainendments and revisions. This budget is reported as the Final Budget in the budgetary comparison schedules. 6. The appropriated budget is prepared by fund, function and department. The Town's management may make transfer% of appropriations within a departi-nent- Transfers nf appropriations bets uen departments require the approval of the Board of Aldennen. The legal level of budgetary control is the department level. The Board of Aldermen made several supplementary budget appropriations during the year. 7. Eocumbrances represent commitment~ related to unperformed contracts for goods o i -services. Encumbrance accounting under which purchase orders, contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of resources are recoded to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriation, iw utilized in the governmental funds- Encumbrances lapse at year-end and do not constitute expenditures or liabilities because the commitments must be reappropriated and honored dUrin- the subsequent year. C 8- Expenditures, exceeded appropriations in the FM 1938 Fund for the year. The deficit was covered by operating transfers in from other funds, 70 INDIVIDUAL FUND SCHEDULE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS BEET SERVICE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDI'T13RE SAND CH.4dNGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30. 2008 REVENUES Contributions Total revenues EXPENDITURES Debt service Principal, retirement Interest and other fiscal charges Total expendimms, EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EX-PENDi-TURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) Trans vers in Total other ftnanctng siources ( uses) NET CHANGE IN FITNID BALANCE FUND BALANCE. BEGINNING FUND BA -LANCE, ENDING 71 Variance Final Budgeted Favorable .Aam-sunts Actual (Unfavorable) 395,000 395M0 - 421,314 921944 2,630) 1.316,314 1.318,944 # 2.630 1.316.314) 1318,944) 2,630) 1.316.314 1,318.944, 2.630 1,316,314 1,318.944 2.630 $ $ STATISTICAL SECTION STATISTICAL SECTION (Unaudited) This part of the Town of Westlake, Texas" comprehensive annual financial report presents detailed infarniation as a context for understanding what the information in the financial statements, nate disclosures and required supplementary information says about the Town's overall financial health. Contents Page Financial Trends These sc°hechdes contain wend arrfarwation to help the remter unficr-stand how Me Town's fir:aaircial per /orm ance ramal well-being have changeal arw°a'r° 61110_ 72-77 Revenue Capacity The.sc :schcandes corsair igloiwiation to help the r-eader assess they Towns mint focal i-avenuc? strrtree's, rllthoogh scalds taxes art, the Trm r;% rnrar.sl signi ceaut local revenuer source. mlawinaalion about pp-rrrcipal revenue pq.ver;s is ccarrfialential uncler Texas .statutes, came}; therefore, not disclosed. Trend information ahout .scales tees revenue is provialeal in Zuble 5. 78 Debt Capacity These schedules preserrl irrrormation tar help the reader assess the q#6rd abilm! rrf the Towns cm -rent levels cif outsteanding debt and fire Town's 's alWitw° to is.siie taaltlrtia nen tiebt in the fixture. 79-80 I7rntographic and Economic Information These .schecholes qf,,(r clearro,vr°caphic and eet_,rromic inflicealors to heljl the reader understand the e rrw it rrrrrric rrt within which the ; ,owi+ S /r`riah(J(d aactivide_r' lecke place, 81 —92 Operating Inlbnnatiun These schedides c-urrtain service and intrarstrucrrar°e data to hell) fire rc•aader rrrrcle i -stand hfm, the b!frwmarlion hf the T'owil 's ./iminc iul reperr't relates to tlrn Nee-Vic'caV the Town provides wid the activities it pc°o jo' rrrrs. 83 -85 Sottrees: Unless otherwise noted. the informatiun in these schedules is derived from annual financial reports for the relevant year. Governruvnial activities: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted Unrestricted Total governmental activities net assets Business -type activities: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Unrestricted Total business -type activities net amets Primary government: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted Unrestricted Total primary government net aSScl.% Table I TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS NET ASSETS BY COMPONENT LAST FIVE FISCAL YEARS Havis ofAccesaith7g - tasaudited) Fiscal )'oar 2004 ')005 2006 2007 2008 $ 9,084,603 7.475.910 $ 9.171.657 1#.646.644 $ 4,193,601 124,185 - 1,406.756 1,719,771 5,064,834 1,246,351 1,557,394 3. P2 3,8 75 3,305.542 6,895,822 $ 10,455.139 S 9.533,304 $ 13.602.288 5 14.671.957 $ 16,154,257 $ 9,118,139 $ 8,450.781 $ 8,436,729 $ 4,097,407 $ 7,726,576 L _ Itk2,4�51) 1.621,273) 1,846,85 1 1009.243) 1.997,2811 S 6,655.688 $ 6,829 508 S 6,589,878 6,089,564 $ 5.729,295 $ 17,202,742 $ 16,426,691 $ 17,009.396 17,744,451 $ 11,920,177 124J85 - 1.406,756 1,719.771 5,064,834 216,100 63,879} 1.177,024 1.297,299 4,998,541 17,110,827 $ 16.362,812 S 20.192j 66 S 20,761,521 $ 21,983,552 Note: Tlie Town began to report accrual information when it implemented GASB Statement 34 in Fiscal vear 2004 Source: Annual financial reports. 72 EXPENSES Governmental activides: General goveniment Public Safety Cultural and Recreational Economic Development Public Works Visitor services Education Interest on long-term debt Total governmental activities expenses Business -type activities, Table 2 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS 1.039.214 $ 742.176 9i 785.7 7 1 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS 45,213 136,870 165,255 L. ST MIE FISCAL YEARS 7111655 699.753 625,340 (Accrual basis of accounting- Unaudited) 39,430 95,357 85,925 Fi.%cal Year 1,646,438 3.686,964 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1,862,963 $ 2,162,365 $ 1,811,291 % 1,941,289 $ 2,031,460 1,604,171 1.592,962 1,705,528 1.738.090 1,795,782 94,557 96,617 91,444 86 560 129,641 53,006 349,208 35,759 120.753 473.451 533.290 342,500 613,956 455.481 1,013,804 172,542 449.604 393.115 217,992 312.777 1,655,212 2.166,256 2.249,998 2.672,698 3,305,220 1,012,982 1,0Z?,j04 1.02J,779 - 869,327 991.,184 6,979,623 8,186,616 7.922.860 9,102.180 14,053,319 Water and Sewer 1,702,081 1,888,064 2-137,831 2-I11CI-618 2,410,765 Cemetery 13.299 Total business -type activities expenses 1,702,091 1,899,064 -1.137.831 2.206.6 18 2.424,064 Total primary goverrunent program expenses S 8,680,704 $ 10,074,690 o'(1why i $ - 10,309 799 S - 12,477,383 PROGRAM REVENUES Governmental activities: Fees, fines, and charges for services: General Govemment Public Safety Public Works Education Operating grants and contributions Capital grants and contributions, Total govertunental activities prograrn rCVen1LC5 Business -type activities: ClLuges for services; Water and Sewer Cemetery Operating grants and contributiom Capital grants and contributions Total business -type activities progr= revenues Total primary government program revenues $ 713,000 $ 1.039.214 $ 742.176 9i 785.7 7 1 20,752 45,213 136,870 165,255 784,546 7111655 699.753 625,340 38,947 39,430 95,357 85,925 1,605,091 1,646,438 3.686,964 1,257.058 263,941 141,139 1.455,626 - 3,426,277 3,623,089 6,819,746 2,919,349 1.200,660 1.721,659 1.842.138 1,657,186 370,551 19.653 1,200,660 2,093.210 1,861,891 1.657,186 4,626,937 5,716,299 S. 8,68 1.037 $ 4,576,535 73 S 522,215 113,755 902.875 42,839 1,296,378 2,87K062 2,037,306 2,100 169,034 2,208,440 S 5,086,502 (Continued) NET (EXPENSE) REVENUES Governmental activities Business -type activities Total primary government net expense GENERAL REVENUES AND OTHER CHANGES IN NET ASSETS Governmental activities, Taxes: Sales Hotel Occupancy Mixed Beverage Franchise Unrestricted grants and contributions Investment earnings Miscellaneous Transfers Total governmental activities Business -type activities: Investment earnings Miscellaneous Transfers Total business -type activities Total primary government CHANGE IN NET ASSETS TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS CHANGES IN NET ASSETS LAST FIVE FISCAL YEARS (Accrual basis of acrounting - Unaudited) Fiscal Year 2004 2005 2006 2001 3,552,346) SC 4,56 1.103,1 141 S( 5,182.831) 501,421) 205,146. 275.9401 1, 549,432) 4.053,767) 4,358,381) 1,379.041 t 5,7312t93) S68,046 440.849 10,511 -137,222 937,187 33,180 134,717 2,761.712 3,245 3.245 I I A A O£7 994,606 381.221 13,846 352,115 1,722.198 41,802 64,047 71.857 3,641,692 2.416 69,441) 3,572.251 1.81 1),7176 415.544 13.674 457,004 1,522,200 98.924 448,827 4-5.319 5,112.098 25,604 56,025 45,31911 36,310 4Z 1.112 Af)Q Governmental activities 790,634) 921,835) 4,008,994 Business -type activities 498,176) 135,705 239,630) Total primary government 1.289,810) 786,139 3.769.354 Now The Town began to report accrual information when it implemented GASB Statement 34 in fiscal Year 2004 Source; Annual financial reports. 2,197,756 458,471 14,066 560,312 2,259,643 261,622 466,654 33,976 6,1 2,500 46,158 36,936 33,976) 49,118 0,301,619 1,069,669 500.314) 569,355 2008 V 7,175.257) 215,624) 7,390.981) S 3,590,575 527,662 16.177 649,108 2,500,817 188,459 564,973 220,919 8,258,590 32,103 44,071 2LOI8 1-9) 144,645) 8, 413,945 1,083.333 360,269) 723,064 Fable 2 74 (Concluded) General Fund Reserved Unreserved Total. general fiord All tither governmental flands Reserved Special revenue Funds Capital projects Funds Unreserved, reported in. Special revenue funds TABLE 3 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS LAST NE14E FISCAL YEARS (Aludilied Accrual Braes of Accounfing - unaudited) 1~ixcai Year _ TOO 2001 2002 2UO3 2{l{14 ?i1{l5 X006 2007 2008 $ - $ - $ - $ 329,608 ! 131.657 $ 434,375 563376 $ 303,539 1.907.021 2,006.1,348 1.700,4125 1.609,248 670,465 805.769 2,850.789 2,533,123 2,503,099 846,214 1,666,371 1,907.021 $ 2,006,349 $ 1.700,025 $ 1.608,248 S 1,000.073 fi 937,426 -, 3.295.164 $ 3,096,299 $ 2,806,718 S 4,843,690 $ 6,002,623 S 5,287,758 $ 539,019 S 818,525 779,244 S 869,694 $ 1,183,020 S 1,527,724 - - 11,071.320 2,749,574 213.297 - 102.687 1012,375 3,233,471 - - - - 12.,391 181,960 427,720 846,214 1,666,371 Total all other governmental funds $ 4,943,690 $ 6,002,623 $ 16,359,078 $ 3,287.598 $ 1,0414,213 S 961.204 1,100,101 $ 2,131,610 $ 61,427,566 Note: Economic Development Funds were classified as special revenue Funds through 1JY 2002 and considered discretely presented component units through FS' 2007. Upon Further consideration, the 4B &-on mic Development Corporation and Lone Star Public F'aca ty Corporation funds are now classified as blended component units. Source- Annual financial reporm - no audits were available prior to fiscal year 2000. 75 TWO 4 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS CHANGES IN FUNK BALANCES, COVERNMENTAI. FUND LAST NINE FISCAL PEARS (f8ludificd Accrual Basis of Accountiag- unaudilyd) EXIIENDITURES General government 1.834,741 857.217 1.592,597 1,097369 1,725,2111 1 isc4i1 ti ear 2,542.2.95 1,385,442 1,516,346 Public safety - 409.512 20:7007 2001 2002 "_0]03 2004 2005 2006 20077 20018 REVENUES 14.043 9.0991 06.617 41,444 86,560 129,641 Economic development - 4061,0777 1,093,673 Takes 1 3,086.618 S 2,07063,738 $ 1,863,255 1,874,312 5 1.656,628 S 1.741.788 S 2.696.928 S 3,230.6155 9 4-783,522 Licenses, Fees and permits 477,849 700.3,13 253,9197 5W 154 80?,0607 7.40,027 718,01.6 91070,121 1,108,083 Fines and penalties 7,867 - 401,753 548,373 0680,7274 1,007, 142 751,036 651,079301 554.376 State program revenues 226,9192 312,777 Education - 53,30(7 995.784 1.5917,362 1.9725.04.3 ',387.733 2,673,6807 Federal prigram revenues 3.305.224 Debt service 31 1298 462.315 285-3292 73,662 49,200 75,2017 Investment earnings 3421,321 343,107 351,243 151,591) 33,180 41.786 P8-824 261,622 188,459 Contributions - 78.012 836,533 986,534 1,296,611 X.:'7.2264 4,%1 4,085 1,079,768 1,0148.308 Other revenues 101-1180 1,475 233.675+ 16,0349 18E4.221 1292690 547-184 552,574 6117,812 Twill revenues 4,024,031 3,708,633 3.103,947 3.463,138 6,1411.593 7,0347,451 X 1,8516,778 9,1 12,718 11,039.447 EXIIENDITURES General government 1.834,741 857.217 1.592,597 1,097369 1,725,2111 2243.162 2,542.2.95 1,385,442 1,516,346 Public safety - 409.512 1,007,589 1,282.1 12 1,547,857 1,534.115 1,627,641 1.665.879 133 1,317 Cultural and recreal ionai - 5,967 10,472 14.043 9.0991 06.617 41,444 86,560 129,641 Economic development - 4061,0777 1,093,673 36,832 53,UU6 35,758 35.754 141,1W 495,071 Public wDrks - - - 66,979 125,499 112,764 431,716 276.789 846,604 Protective inspection - - - 187,922 80,9535 - - Visiturservices - - - 131391- 172.547- 448,601 393,115 226,9192 312,777 Education - - - 156,870 1,368,113 1,1177.398 2.249-998 2,672,698 3.305.224 Debt service ?rineipal - - - 1.475.4070 - - 350,0055 470,000 3995,0005 Interest - 78.012 836,533 986,534 1,028,104 1.028,634 1.2+40.950 923.944 Bond issuance cost 33.0001 Capital outlay - 174:959 1.3414,137 K0916,553 2,917,185 263.0381 371.860 836,787 463.9718 Total expenditures 1.934,741 2,1018,732 i.1-16,480 19.393,987 8,1995,981 7,6001,203 91,125.462 9.0103,344 107,152,838 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITtIRF.S S 2,189.294 $ 1,5961,2101 S( 2.422 633j S(15,930,849) S( 2,884.3855) $1, 0529,7521 S 2.681316 a 104,.174 5 886,609 76 (f.'rrir1hmed) fable 4 TOWN OF W'ESTLAKE, TEXAS CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES, GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS LAST NINE FISCAL YEARS (Mtadilied Accrual Basis of Accounting - unaudited) Fiscal Year 2000 20M 2002 200.3 2004 2005 2006 2007 7008 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES): Proceeds froin sale of land - - - $ - $ - $ 412.239 $ Bund proceeds - - 1-1,400.000 6,351 .Ci 13 - - - 2500,000 Refunding bonds Issued 14(55.000 - Payments IQ hand escrow agent 1 7.t}ii3.7C1G} _ Cost to issue debt 451.613) - - Proceeds from capital lease 23.000 _ Transfer in Crum component unit - - - 1.155.912 - - _ - _ Transfers in 83.366 - 588,552 7,000 - 17` .0;0 704,577 1.212,558 2. 160,174 rranwfers out ( 757,476) - 1 588.352) f "25.00o) - 1 1190-153) ( 659,258) 1 1.178,582) I 1.939.355) Total other financing sources f uses? (_ 674,110) - 12.400,000 7.055,912 - 484.496 43.319 433,270 2,720,819 Prior period adjustmertl 32,929 60.000 _ Correction of an error 027,235) NET CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE$ 1-515,194 $ Li99,901 $ 10.450,132 $( 8.874937x $( 2.85t,56t11 $( 1.15,06) $ 1,786,635 $ 542,644 fi 3,007.428 DEBT SERVICE AS A PERCENTAGE OF OF NONCAPITAL EXPENDITURES _ % 2.1% 77.49°0 19.4% 16.1% 18,7 ,6 2&5% 15-8% Note, Economic Development Funds were classified as special revenue funds through FY 2002 and considered discreluK, presented component units through F)' 2007. Upon rurther consideration. the 4B Economic Developtnem Corporation and Lane Star Public Facility Corporation funds are now classified as blended component units. Source: Annual Financial Reports. No audits x�ere avLilable prior to fiscal year 2000. 77 (C'uncludvd) NAIC'S 11 1 23 31-33 42 44-45 48-49 51 52 53 54 56 61 62 -71 72 81 92 Note Table a T[ NVN OF WESTLA E, TEXAS TAXABLE SALES BY INDUSTRY TYPE LAST THREE FISCAL ATARS (GThaudited) Town direct sales tart rate $ 3.623.538 $ 2,992,308 $ 2.719.431 2,00% 2.Uo"o 1000/1, Information tett sale tax by NAICS was not available prior to 2006 Comparison will be made to tltt prior year until ten-year prior comparison can be made. Due to confidentiality (sues, the names of the ten largest revenue payers are not available. The categones presented are intended to provide alternative information regarding the sources of the Town's sales tax revenue. Source: Texas State Comptroller reports. 78 Fiscal )'ear lndu try_TNpe 2006 2007 000 Agriculture. Forestry. Fishing and Hunting 31 S 67 54 Mintng 2.321 - I _t;o 12 Utilities 463.222 212.336 JY4 1,i9 Construction €11,542 200.791 635134 Manufacturing 1,12 ,329 360,0I0 186.12X Wholesale Trade 248.702 284.082 178,001 Retail 41!8.,356 '_53.2()3 493.309 Transportation and Warehousing 63 491 - Information 538,210 223.67' 24(%591 Financial and Insurance 10.I62 343.446 12[}.187 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 178,047 204.398 102 513 Professional, Scientific. and Technical Services 111,746 452,018 IM288 Admin and Support and Waste Manl?einent & Remediation Senrice.s 245,552 45,809 105,811 Education Sen?ices 895 317 S5 Health Care and Social Assistance 10 - 109 Arts, Entertainment and Recreation 49,474 224,101 177,446 :Accommodation and Pooh Services 34,021 57,084 65,779 Other Services (except Public Administration) 130,.476 130,392 32,621 Public administration 170 - - Town direct sales tart rate $ 3.623.538 $ 2,992,308 $ 2.719.431 2,00% 2.Uo"o 1000/1, Information tett sale tax by NAICS was not available prior to 2006 Comparison will be made to tltt prior year until ten-year prior comparison can be made. Due to confidentiality (sues, the names of the ten largest revenue payers are not available. The categones presented are intended to provide alternative information regarding the sources of the Town's sales tax revenue. Source: Texas State Comptroller reports. 78 Fiscal Year 200,12 2 11}3 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Note: Table 6 TONN-'N OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS RATIOS OF GENERAL BONDED DEBT OUTSTANDING LAST SEVEN FISCAL YEARS (Llnaudired) Percentage General Bonded Debt Outstanding C;encral C'erlificaTes ofActual Obilgation of Taxable Per Bonds Obligation Total Sales Capita S 12,400,000 12.400,000 21 (100/6 42.9()7 15.810.000 18,81Q.00o 15.77oll-I 62.079 18.8 1 O.U(11) 18.8 10.000 -113 57.348 18,810'(00 18's 10,(mo 1,8.911•,, 52.986 18,460,000 18.460,000 10 191%j 26M7 7,365,000 117755,000 19,120,000 13.0511 27.[98 9,950,000 11,375,000 21,225,000 11.82% 27,038 Details regarding the Town's outstanding debt can be found in die notes to the financial statements There was no debt issued until fiscal year 2002, See Table 8 for population data. 79 Table 7 '1ONN'-N OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS IUMOS OF OUTSTANDfNG DEBT BYTYPE LAST NME FISCt%.L YEARS (Unaudised) 80 Business -Type Governmental Activities Activilies General Certificates Total Percentage Fiscal Obligation of Capital offier Othet Primqn, orPersonal Per Year Bonds Obliewicrn Leases Obligations Cibi igations Govermnent Income Capita 2000 S - 4'671)_044 'S 4jj7Ij,Q44 54% S 22.608 2001 - 6.14 5.q44 6,145,944 24,102 2002 12.400.000 373.230 0.1 13,904 18.887.134 140 65,353 2003 287.417 6,100.577 25,197.994 180% 83,162 2004 18,810,000 303,943 6,027,387 25.141,330 161 76,650 2005 18,810,000 285,662 5.980,921 25,076,583 144% 70,638 2006 18,460,000 - 266,329 5,878,381 24,604.710 70% 35,250 2007 7,365,000 11,755,000 23,000 245,895 5.822,299 25,211.184 69% 35,862 2008 9,850,000 11375,000 15,264 240.927 5,763,022 27,244,2 13 65% 34,706 Note: Details regarding the To%Vs outstanding debt can be found in the noteN to the rmajicial statements. No debt was issued until fiscal year 2000 See Table 9 for personal income and population data. 80 Table 8 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS DEMOGRAPHIC AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS LAST FIGHT FISCAL YEARS (Unaudited) Sources;: Population for 2000 is ftem the 2000 census. The Fovm took over the utitility biding in 2004 and estimated the population by using number of residential water accounts and assuming a 2.5 average household size, Fiscal Years 2001 through 2003 are estimated. Tarrant County Unerripk-�yrrient Rate information taken from Texas Workforce Commission Note- Due to the size of the I o,.Nn, per capita personal income was not available except tor information taken from the 2000 census. Estimates have been made based on a 3% annual increase in cost of living, 81 Per Capita Tarrant Counry Calendar Estimated Personal Personal Unemployment Year Population Income hicorne Rate 2000 207 5 9,743,059 42,237 3-69-a 2 0 () 1 255 11,093,548 43.504 4,5% 2002 289 12,949,868 44.809 6 1% 2003 301 13,984,514 46.154 6.3% 2004 328 15.592.502 47-518 5.61,`o 200-5 155 17,392,311 48t964 5.10 ,10 2006 698 35.202.364 50.433 4.7% 2007 703 36.518,166 51.946 4.2% 2008 785 42,001.086 53,505 4A% Sources;: Population for 2000 is ftem the 2000 census. The Fovm took over the utitility biding in 2004 and estimated the population by using number of residential water accounts and assuming a 2.5 average household size, Fiscal Years 2001 through 2003 are estimated. Tarrant County Unerripk-�yrrient Rate information taken from Texas Workforce Commission Note- Due to the size of the I o,.Nn, per capita personal income was not available except tor information taken from the 2000 census. Estimates have been made based on a 3% annual increase in cost of living, 81 Table 9 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PRINCTAL EMPLOYERS MRRENT FISCAL YEAR (Unaudited) 2008 Percentage of Estimated Total Town Emplo2-er Employees Employment Fidelity hivestmenis '41,691 31;,2M First American Real Estate Solution,, 1.800 25,56% Wells Fargo 400 5,68% Chrvsler Financial 1,000 14 20% McKesson Corporation 215 3.0550' sonitrol 156 2-22% NIM-riott Solana Hotel 150 2.13% Walco International 145 2.06% Vaquero Club 132 1,97% Levi Strauss 92 1.31% Town of Westlaker'Wesfiake Academy 77 1.09% Pfizer, Inc. 50 0.71% Total 6,908_ 98% Note: Information tin the Principal Employers from 1999 is not available. Information will be accumulated over the next ten years until a ten-year prior comparison can be made. Source: Maguire Pariner's tenant records and contact with employers of the Town. 82 Table 10 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS FULL-TVAE EQUIVALENT CITY GOVERNNI.ENT EMPLOYEES BY FUNCTIONIPROGRAM LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Uplandtfed) FunctiopljaT 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 1005 200 2007 2008 General government Tawe manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant to town manager 1.00 1,00 1.0Q 100 ;_00 1.00 1.00 1.00 administrative 0.50 1-50 1.50 0.50 o -x,11 050 Building official - - - - - i.00 1.00 1 A0 1-00 1,00 Town secretary 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Facilities/Grounds maintenance 0.50 0 50 0.50 0.50 0.75 Municipal 2,00 100 150 3.75 175 4,00 4.00 Finance - - - 1.00 100 100 3.00 3.00 3-00 3.00 Payroll/Human Resources - - - - - - 1.00 Public safety (EMS) 1.00 10.00 10,00 10.00 11,00 11.00 1 Culture and recreation 0,50 0.50 0.50 0.50 (05 Public works ]A0 Loo 1,00 1.00 1.541 Marketing and public affairs 1,00 1.00 1,00 - - ]Education - - - 18.00 28110 33-00 36.00 39.00 Total 0.50 1.50 3.50 8.50 19.50 42,00 -, �2-15 - ------ 58.2 5 �L'- ---- 60.00 65.00 Source: Prior Town budgets and Academy personnel records Note. A Full time municipal employee is scheduled to work 2,080 hour-; per year (including vacation and sick leave). Fulhime equivalent employment is calculated by dividing total labor hours by 2,080. A full time education employee is scheduled to work 1,172. hours per year. 83 Tattle I I TOWN OF WESTLA►jCE, TEXAS OPERATING INDICATORS BY FUNCTION/PROGRAM LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (Urrnttdirted) FutwfiorVPrcngram 1949 2000 001 2002 2111113 2111711 2005 2006 2007 2009 general LZOWrnmeW Buildfng punuils issued NJA N)A 57 11) 115 I fix 219 192 l io 92 Building laemiil values N)A NSA S 9.684,00 S 12,1415.41211 $ 23,620.817 is 46,69&4135 S 56J 15,093 4_.')1{}_780 n 46.923.814 Y. 180.707.1-+e) Police (Contract with Keller PD Motor vehicle siopw 1,968 3.968 3,908 3.968 9.993 9.237 '). �;f, 8.992 10,1115 1{.1.357 Traffic accident investigation! 8fi 86 86 96 91 180 163 1W 225 208 Part I crime=s lc, 16 16 16 -10 19 2f, 30 25 26 DWI arrests 55 is 55 55 117 70 96 56 53 45 NmEMS Fire runs N/A N/A N/A NIA 108 78 1.18 13b 153 169 Ampukince runs N?,% N/A N/A WA 150 115 135 207 251 159 Inspections N/A N/A NIA N/A A11A NA 89 161 96 132 Public Warks - General Street resurfacing (q. footage 0 1l 0 a 1.61 1.31E - 1.35 1.M - Potholcs repaired 1) 0 0 11 0 40 40 20 (} 20 Public: Works - t1lihiv Number of w alcr consumers 0 WA 67 102 130 177 271 338 38t, I 1+1 Water ritain breaks 0 N/A NA NIA NIA 1 3 3 2 1. ,Avg daily consumption INIG (water f1 11.054 0.269 41AW 0.382 11501 0,81? 1.011 [1.724) 0.949 Peak: daily consumption MG 4N"tcr 11 NJA 2.203 1.824 1.244 ) •123 2,198 2.677 I.`?Iii 3.060 System c=apacity - MG (water 0 11.685 0.685 0,685 4.685 1 695 1,685 1.685 1.685 I.6R5 Water purcha e d (in gallons x 000) 11 14,554 93,279 147.423 138,298 193 ifi 299,124 376,26.1 266.158 364,764 ;Water sold (in gallons x 1{00) 0 N11A N/A 154.702 127.998 1 231},(07 338.085 246.281) 3411.743 Wastewater Ntllnber of new sewer comcelion^ 11 NIA 40 75 WS 13`1 179 21 1 235 2111 Avg daily swage 1re:aLmeril WA 11.11302 0,0490 0,0610 o., glI t) ri 07111 0.0950 0.12711 0 1320 0,13717 (thousands of gallons) Source, Various City departmenl� Notes, 1v11.A represents inrorrnation tlirat fs imavailabh First year for the waterim!el cr -;i tiwm %% as fiscal yczr 2001 84 Table 12 TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS CAPITAL ASSET STATISTIC'S BY FUNCTI.C]N/PRO€;RAM L AST TEN FISCAL YEARS ("U ianeftlecd) Function/Program 1909 2000 2001 2002 2003 20041 2005 2006 2007 2008 Fire Stations 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Public Warks - Utility Pump station 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lilt station 2 7 2 2 2 2 2 Telecotnntunications Duct Bank (LF) 0 21,573 24,117; 3€.,741; 39,303 38,303 38,303 43,70:3 Telecommunications Uucl Bank Manholes i1 0 t1 53 58 91 95 95 95 104 Water Water mains (LF) 0 13.1100 24,000 34,000 48,000 52_111111 57,5{10 58.300 39,200 64,600 Fire hydrants 0 5 10 24 55 76 45 1 1 r1 119 130 Stara e txpacity hd€3 �� 11.685 0.685 0.1185 IK695 L685 1.685 I .[i8 1 1.685 1.685 Wastewater - 5aAlary sewers. (LF 1 11 1,500 8,700 15,300 18,100 20,0011 15,[11!1! 35.000 35.0011 33,300 ManJtoles 10 20 50 11 i 160 2011 2511 250 X67 Public Works - Utility Streets (miles) 111 i(l 111.511 111,54) 1[1.131.1 10,'8[1 11.1,811 10 80 111.1111 I l}.111) to, 80 Highways (miles! 0 3.1 11 0 t1 0 0 0 11 11 Streetlights 0 0 0 1) 11 0 11 0 D li Traffic signals (school zonc flashers) 0 t1 11 11 -2 ? 2 =# Parks and recreation Acreage I j , I i , I + � 1 �,; 13,5 13.; I +-s 18 i 18:5 2i'o Playgrounds i1 11 Ih _ 2 2 2 Softball/soccer field a 11 0 I I 1 1 1 1 Football field t1 0 11 1} 11 11 11 Il e1 1 Source. Various Town depannients Nott: No capital asset indicators ars: available for the general governwent COMPLIANCE SECTION W�0511 FAT`I"ILLC), BROWN & HILL,I..L_P. CFKTIFIE6 PUBLIC ACIEDUNTANTS IN BUSINESS CONSULTANTS REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT A LTDITING STANDARDS Board of Aldermen Town of Westlake, Texas 3 Village Circle, Suite 202 Westlake, Texas 76262 Members of the Board: We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type aetiNities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Westlake, Texas, (tile "Town") as of and for the year ended September 30, 2008, which collectively comprise the Town's basic financial statements and have issued our report thereon elated February 28, 2009. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards ,generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applieable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing ,Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, Internal Control Over Financial Roartin� In planning and perfo ming our audit- we considered the Town's internal control over financial reporting as a basis for desi&n-dng our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing, our opinions on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Town's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the efifectiveness of the Town's internal control over financial reporting. A control deficiency exists when the design or operation of acontrol dues not allow management or employees. in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect misstatements on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a control deficiency, or combination of control deficiencies, that adversely affects the Town"s ability to initiate, authorize, record, process, or report financial data reliably in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles such that there is more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement of the Town's financial statements that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected by the Town's internal control. A material weakness is a significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the financial statements will not be prevented or detected by the Town's internal control. 86 115 SOUI-11 CHURCH STREET ■ HIL.LSBORO, TX 711645 ! (254)582-2583 ■ FAX: (254) 582-5731 ■ www.pbhcpa.com AFFILIATE OFFICES: BRCaw4NSVILLETX M6) 544-7778 ■ TEMPI-E,`CX (254)791-346(1 WACO. TX (254) 772-4941 0 ALBUQUERQUE NM (505) 266.5904 Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the preceding paragraph and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that might be significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that we consider to be material weaknesses, as defined above. Compliance and Other'Matters As past of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Town -s financial statements are free of material misstatement, we perfori ied tests of its compliance iN ith certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the detenmination of liriaucial statement amounts. Howcvcr_ providing an opititon on compliance with these provisions was riot an objective of our audit, and accordingly. we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or ether natters that are required to be reported under Govennnent Atiditing Standard's. This report is intended solely for the inforination and use of manageivient. the Board of Aldermen. and federal and state awarding agencies and pass-through entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Pte, &rv,, 4 �P, ;.�. V. February 28, 2009 Md