HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 10-45 Authorizing a Contract with MCImetro Access Transmission Services to Lease Ductbank TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 10-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE TOWN COUNIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC., TO LEASE TOWN OWNED TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONDUIT (DUCTBANK) TO BE USED FOR THE DEPLOYMENT AND SERVICE OF FIBER OPTIC TELECOMMUNICATION AND VIDEO SERVICES TO DELOITTE UNIVERSITY. WHEREAS, MChnetro Access Transmission Services LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Verizon Business, desires to lease additionally telecommunications conduit from the Town of Westlake to serve Deloitte University; and WHEREAS, The parent company, Verizon, already has leased telecommunications conduit from. the Town of Westlake for deployment of Verizon network services and facilities throughout the Town's DuctBank system; and WHEREAS,the Town Council find that the leasing of telecommunication ductbank conduit provides sound infrastructure planning consistent with goals and objectives within the adopted strategic plan; and WHEREAS, the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to negotiate the terms of the lease and execute a contract on behalf of the Town of Westlake; and WHEREAS,the Town Council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the public. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the Recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety SECTION 2: That, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, hereby approves the Town Manager to negotiate the terms of the lease agreement and execute said agreement on behalf of the Town of Westlake, Texas with MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC,. SECTION 3: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution 10-45 Page 1 of 2 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 13TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2010. q�NOF ATTEST: >! Azo Laura L° Wheat, Mayor Kell Edw s, Town Secretary Thomas E. rymer own Ma ager APPROVED AS TO FO t n on ow , T wn, orney Resolution 10-45 Page 2 of 2 CONDUIT LEASE Between TOWN OF WESTLAKE And MCImetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1: BASIC PROVISIONS ........................................................................... 3 ARTICLE 2: ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS............................................................. 5 ARTICLE 3: TERM AND COMMENCEMENT........................................................ 5 ARTICLE 4: BASE RENT, RENEWAL AND RATE ADJUSTMENT .................... 5 ARTICLE 5: USE AND COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS............................................ 6 ARTICLE 6: INSURANCE, SUBROGATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS, ANDIDEMNIFICATION...........................................................................................6 ARTICLE 7: CASUALTY DAMAGE....................................................................... 8 ARTICLE 8: MULTI-DUCT AND CONDUIT........................................................ 10 ARTICLE 9: ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING............................................... 10 ARTICLE 10: LANDLORD'S REMEDIES ............................................................ 11 ARTICLE 11: TENANT'S REMEDIES ................................................................... 12 ARTICLE 12: CONFIDENTIALITY AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION..... 12 ARTICLE 13: REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.................................. 14 ARTICLE 14: VENUE AND GOVERNING LAW.................................................. 14 ARTICLE 15: FORCE MAJEURE............................................................................ 14 ARTICLE 16: ENTIRE AGREEMENT.................................................................... 15 ATTACHMENT A- MASTER RATE SCHEDULE................................................ 17 ATTACHEMENT B -DUCTBANK ACCESS PROCEDURES .........................I... 18 ATTACHMENT C - DUCTBANK ROUTING DRAWINGS AND DETAILS .... 21 Page 2 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE THIS CONDUIT LEASE ("Lease") is made and entered into as of the j 9"'h day Of P2 U- JA , 2011, by and between the Town of Westlake, Texas (Landlord") and MCImetro Xecess Transmission Services LLC ("MCImetro") ARTICLE 1: BASIC PROVISIONS This Article contains the basic lease provisions between Landlord and Tenant. A. Route: The route of the Conduit (as defined in Article 2) that is the subject of this Lease is as indicated on Attachment `C' B. Commencement of Lease. The Commencement Date for the Lease shall be at the time of Lease signing: C. Initial Term and The lease term ("Term") is for a period of five (5) years commencing on the Commencement Date; Tenant shall have the option to renew this Lease for three (3) consecutive five (5) year periods (each, a"Renewal Term") D. Rented Length: 14,047 linear feet E. Size and Quantity: 1-1.25" innerduct located within the Conduit F. Rent: One time payment of $2.44 per linear foot or $34,274.68 for the initial Term. An additional rent payment of $34,274.68 will be made prior to each Renewal Term G. Permitted Use: Facilities (as defined in Article 2) may be placed in the Conduit by Tenant for the provisioning of communications and telecommunications services, including voice, data, video and internet services. Page 3 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE H. Landlord: Town of Westlake, Texas I. Landlord's Notice Address: Town Manager 3 Village Circle Suite 202, Solana Westlake, TX 76262 With copies to: Town Attorney Town of Westlake Boyle & Lowry, L.L.P. 4201 Wingren, Suite 108 Irving, TX 75062 J. Tenant: MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC K. Tenant's Notice Address: Manager, Right of Way and Municipal Affairs MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC 2400 North Glenville Drive Richardson, Texas 75082 With copies to: Legal Department,Network Facilities MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC 2400 North Glenville Drive Richardson, Texas 75082 L. Attachments: This Lease includes and incorporates by this reference: Attachment A: Master Rate Schedule Attachment B: Ductbank Access Procedures Attachment C: Ductbank Routing Drawings and Details M. Tenant Construction: If Tenant finds sections of the route that do not contain existing innerduct, Tenant will place one (1) 1.25" innerduct in the existing 4" Conduit. Tenant will occupy one (1) 1.25" inner-duct. N. Non-exclusion: This is a non-exclusive lease in that Landlord may lease other ducts within the Ductbank to other tenants and tenants may lease ducts from other Page 4 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE parties within the jurisdiction of the Town of Westlake as permitted by other leases. Leases entered into with other tenants may not interfere in any manner with Tenant's rights under this Lease and its ability to provide service to its customers including increasing operational burdens or costs. Leases between Landlord and its other tenants must be competitively neutral and non-discriminatory when compared to this Lease; provided, however, the lease rates may vary from lease to lease based on different duct configurations. ARTICLE 2: ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS A. Conduit: The term "Conduit" refers to a four inch (4") or two inch (2") pipe located within the Ductbank. The Conduits leased under and pursuant to this Lease are identified on the drawings in Attachment"C"and are referred to herein as the "Conduit." B. Cell: The term "cell" refers to a multi-duct inner-liner within a Conduit. The cells leased under and pursuant to this Lease are as indicated on the drawings in Attachment"C" and are referred to herein as the "Cells." C. Ductbank: A bank or collection of several Landlord-owned Conduits routed from manhole to manhole or pull box. D. Facilities: The term "Facilities" refers to cables, wires and other appurtenances as determined by Tenant which Tenant shall place in the Conduit rented hereunder to provide communications and telecommunications services. ARTICLE 3: TERM AND COMMENCEMENT A. Term: Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord the Conduit or Cells identified in Article 1, and described in Attachment "C" for the Term, subject to the other provisions of this Lease. The Term shall commence on the Commencement Date and end at 11:59 PM on the Expiration Date set forth in Article 1, unless sooner terminated as provided in this Lease. This Lease may be renewed as provided for in Article 4.B. ARTICLE 4: BASE RENT,RENEWAL AND RATE ADJUSTMENT A. Base Rent: Tenant shall pay Landlord (i) the Base Rent set forth in Article 1 in advance on or before the Commencement Date and yearly on the anniversary date, or (ii) the one time lump sum base rent set forth in Article 1(F) in advance on or before the Commencement Date of the Term and the Commencement Date of each exercised Renewal Term. Page 5 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE B. Renewal: Unless Tenant is in default under the terms of this Lease, Tenant shall have the option to extend the Term for three (3) consecutive renewal periods of five (5) years each (each, a "Renewal Term"). Tenant shall exercise each option by sending written notice to Landlord no later than ninety (90) calendar days prior to the expiration of the Term or then applicable Renewal Term, as the case may be. All terms and conditions of this Lease shall be applicable during any Renewal Term(s). ARTICLE 5: USE AND COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS A. Use of Conduit: Tenant shall use the Conduit only for the permitted use identified in Articles 1 and 2, and no other purpose whatsoever, subject to the other provisions of this Article and this Lease. Tenant may petition Landlord to use the Conduit for other purposes, and if technologically feasible, approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or denied by Landlord. B. Maintenance of Ductbank: Landlord shall at its sole cost maintain the physical structure of the Ductbank, including manholes, and shall provide a clean and safe working environment within the Ductbank, including the removal of water, mud, animals, insects and other foreign matter, when manholes need to be accessed. C. Protection of Tenant Facilities within Ductbank: Landlord shall use best efforts to assure that Tenant's Conduit and Facilities within the Ductbank are protected from damage by other tenants and to allow efficient access by Tenant to its Facilities. D. Compliance with Laws: The parties shall comply with all laws of the State of Texas and the United States. Nothing in the Lease shall have the effect of eliminating or altering the parties' requirements to comply with all of the ordinances of the Town of Westlake, Chapter 283 of the Texas Local Government Code or Chapter 253 of the Federal Telecommunications Act. In the event this Lease, or any of its provisions or the operations contemplated hereunder, are found to be inconsistent with or contrary to any laws (now existing or hereinafter enacted), the law will be deemed to control and, if commercially practicable, this Lease will be regarded as modified accordingly and will continue in full force and effect as so modified. If such modified Lease is not commercially practicable, in the opinion of either party, then the parties agree to meet promptly and discuss any necessary amendments or modifications to this Lease. If the parties are unable to agree on necessary amendments or modifications in order to comply with any laws, then this Lease may be terminated immediately by either party. ARTICLE 6: INSURANCE, SUBROGATION,WAIVER OF CLAIMS, AND IDEMNIFICATION A. Required Insurance: Each party shall maintain during the Term, and any renewals or extensions thereof. Commercial general liability insurance,with limits of not less than $1,000,000 for personal injury, bodily injury or death, and property damage or Page 6 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE destruction (including loss of use thereof), combined single limit for one occurrence, and $2,000,000 in the aggregate per policy year, with endorsements: (a) for contractual liability hereunder, and (b) including the other Parry as additional insured. Landlord's property damage insurance shall cover the Duetbank and appurtenances to the extent provided or paid for by Landlord, and shall be in the amount of full replacement cost. B. Certificates and Other Matters: Each Parry shall provide the other with certificates evidencing the coverage required hereunder prior to the Commencement Date, or Tenant's entry to the Duetbank, whichever first occurs. Such certificates shall state that such insurance coverage may not be reduced, canceled or allowed to expire without written notice to the other Party. Landlord and Tenant shall provide renewal certificates to the other prior to expiration of such policies. Except as provided to the contrary herein, any insurance carried by Landlord or Tenant shall be for the sole benefit of the party carrying such insurance. All insurance required hereunder shall be provided by responsible insurers licensed in the State of Texas and shall have a general policy holder's rating of at least A- (A minus) and a financial rating of at least [VII] in the then current edition of Best's Insurance Reports. Each Party disclaims any representation as to whether the foregoing coverage will be adequate to protect Tenant. C. Self Insurance: The parties acknowledge that Tenant may satisfy all requirements of this Article 6 by maintaining and providing written evidence to Landlord of a program of self insurance as permitted by the laws of the State of Texas. D. General Indemnity Provisions: Tenant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Landlord and all of its officials, officers, agents, consultants, employees and invitees in their public capacities, from any and all liability, claims, suits, demands or causes of action, including all expenses of litigation and/or settlement which may arise by injury to property or person caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Tenant, its officers, agents, consultants, employees or invitees (collectively, the "Tenant Parties"), arising out of or in connection with the this Lease. Tenant will at its own cost and expenses defend and protect Landlord and all of its officials, officers, agents, consultants, employees and invitees in both their public and private capacities (collectively, the "Town Parties"), from any and all such claims and demands. Also, Tenant agrees to and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town Parties, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, causes of action, suit and liability of any kind, including all reasonable expenses of litigation, court costs and attorneys' fees for injury to or death of any person or for any damage to any property arising out of or in connection with the error, omission, intentional or negligent acts of Tenant Parties under this Lease or any and all activity or use pursuant to this Lease. The foregoing shall not be applicable to that which is attributable to the negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord, its employees or contractors, or the Town Parties. Nothing contained in this Lease shall waive Landlord's defenses or immunities under Section 101.001 et seq. of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code or other applicable statutory or common law. Each party shall promptly notify the other party of any alleged claims and will fully cooperate in the defense of any such claim. Page 7 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE E. Landlord's Liability to Tenant: Landlord's liability to Tenant, if any, for damages alleged pursuant to the obligations,terms, and conditions of this Lease, shall not exceed the insurance amounts set forth in Article 6, Section A, hereto. Nothing contained in this Lease shall waive Landlord's defenses or immunities under Section 101.001 et seq. of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code or other applicable statutory or common law. F. Tenant's Liability to Landlord: Tenant's liability to Landlord, if any, for damages alleged pursuant to the obligations,terms, and conditions of this Lease, shall not exceed the insurance amounts set forth in Article 6, Section A, hereto. Nothing contained in this Lease shall waive Tenant's defenses or immunities under the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code or other applicable statutory or common law. ARTICLE 7: CASUALTY DAMAGE A. Restoration: (1) The parties shall promptly notify each other of any damage to the Ductbank by fire, trenching equipment, or other casualty. If the Ductbank or any of its appurtenances are damaged by fire or other casualty, Landlord shall use available insurance proceeds to restore the same. Landlord will, in a reasonable amount of time, make every reasonable attempt to restore the Ductbank to substantially the same condition as prior to the casualty. (2) In case of damage to the Ductbank, Landlord will make every reasonable attempt to promptly restore the Ductbank. Where Tenant, or any of its agents, employees, or contractors, were the sole cause of the damage, Tenant shall pay 100% of the reasonable, actual and direct cost of restoration including but not limited to straight time labor, overtime labor, materials, material expediting fees, and supervision. If Landlord does not initiate repairs within one (1) hour and complete such repairs in a timely manner, Tenant may begin such repairs itself and Landlord agrees to reimburse Tenant the reasonable cost of all such repairs. (3) When damage to the Ductbank by casualty has occurred, and when notice and coordination are practicable, the parties shall coordinate repair and other work operations in emergency situations involving service disruptions. Disputes will be immediately resolved at the site by the affected parties present in accordance with the following principles: a. Emergency service restoration work requirements shall take precedence over other work operations. Page 8 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/10011 CONDUIT LEASE b. Except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties, restoration of lines necessary to alleviate life-threatening situations shall be given the highest priority. Secondary priority shall be give to restoring lines for emergency service providers (e.g., 911, fire, police, and national security and hospital lines). Third priority shall be given to restoring lit fibers of the local service providers, on a rotating basis. The parties shall exercise good faith in assigning priorities, shall base their decisions on the best information then available to them at the site in question, and may, by mutual agreement at the site, take other factors into consideration in assigning priorities and sequencing service restoration activities. c. Landlord shall determine the order of precedence of work operations only if the affected parties present are unable to reach prompt agreement; provided, however, that these decisions shall be made by Landlord on a nondiscriminatory basis in accordance with the principles set forth in this section. B. Termination of Lease by Landlord: Notwithstanding the foregoing to the contrary, in lieu of performing the restoration work, Landlord may in the event of a total casualty, elect to terminate this Lease by notifying Tenant in writing of such termination within thirty (30) days after the date of damage (such termination notice to include a termination date providing not less than thirty (30) days' notice to Tenant). Landlord shall provide a reasonably comparable location within the public right-of-way to relocate those portions of Tenant's Facilities that are not accessible or useable by termination. Such reasonable location will not include a ductbank, conduit or cells, but, only a physical location in the public right-of-way. In such case, Tenant shall be entitled to a refund of the prorated portion of any pre-paid rent. C Termination of Lease by Tenant: Notwithstanding Paragraph B above, Tenant may terminate this Lease if Tenant is unable to use all or a substantial portion of the leased Ductbank as a result of fire or other casualty not caused by Tenant or its employees or agents, and (i) such work is estimated to take more than fifteen (15) days, or (ii) Landlord fails to substantially complete restoration work within thirty (30) days from the date the casualty occurred. In order to exercise any of the foregoing termination rights, Tenant must send Landlord at least fifteen (15) days' advance notice specifying the basis for termination, and such notice must be given no later than thirty (30) days fallowing the occurrence of the condition serving as the basis for the termination right invoked by Tenant. Upon receipt of a termination notice from Tenant, Landlord shall provide Tenant with a reasonably comparable location within the public right-of-way for Tenant to relocate its Facilities. Such termination rights shall not be available to Tenant if. (a) Landlord substantially completes its repairs to the Ductbank within Landlord's thirty (30) day period to substantially complete restoration to the damaged portion of the Ductbank, or (b) Landlord permanently provides Tenant with reasonably comparable alternate ducts within the Ductbank route or an alternate route reasonably acceptable to Tenant. Landlord shall reimburse Tenant the greater of the cost to relocate any Facilities Page 9 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE or a prorated portion of the lease payment made in advance. D. Permits: Landlord shall expedite approval of any required permits due to termination of this Lease by either party provided that Tenant complies with all applicable local, state and federal requirements. ARTICLE 8: MULTI-DUCT AND CONDUIT Tenant shall conduct a physical inspection of the Conduit prior to accepting the Conduit and installing its Facilities. Tenant may install Cells, at its discretion, at no cost to Landlord, subject to submittal of Tenant's plans and specifications for written approval by Landlord. ARTICLE 9: ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING A. Transfers: Tenant shall have the right to assign this Lease, provided Tenant notifies Landlord, to (i) an entity which controls, is controlled by or is under common control with Tenant, or(ii)to any entity which succeeds to substantially all of its assets or equity of Tenant, and the assignee executes an agreement assuming this Lease. In addition, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Tenant shall have the right to allow third parties the right to transmit signals and/or data over or otherwise use Tenant's Facilities. B. With respect to all other transfers or assignments of this Lease, Tenant shall not, without the prior written consent of Landlord, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or denied by Landlord, assign, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate, encumber, or permit any lien to attach to, or otherwise transfer, this Lease or any interest hereunder. C. Tenant shall notify Landlord of any such transfer or assignment in writing, which notice shall include: (a) the effective date of the transfer or assignment, (b) the portion of the Conduit to which the Lease transfer or assignment applies, (c) the name, address, and background information concerning the proposed Transferee, (d) an assignment and assumption agreement signed by the Transferee, whereby the Transferee assumes all obligations, terms, and conditions of this Lease relating to the assigned Conduit, and (e) the nature of Transferee's business and proposed use of the Conduit, if different from Tenant's. Any transfer made without complying with this Article 9(C) shall, at Landlord's option, be null, void, and of no effect, or shall constitute a default under this Lease. D. There shall be no additional compensation demanded or authorized by Landlord for any transfer or assignment of this Lease from either Tenant or the Transferee that is not specifically addressed in this Lease. Page 10 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE ARTICLE 10: DEFAULT AND REMEDIES A. Default: Either party shall be in default hereunder in the event such party has not begun and pursued with reasonable diligence the cure of the breach of this Lease within thirty(30) days of the receipt of written notice from the other party of the breach. B. Remedies: (1) Upon the occurrence of any uncured material event or events of default, whether enumerated in this paragraph or not, the non-defaulting party shall have the option to pursue any one or more of the following: (a) terminate this Lease (Tenant's right of use, entry and possession may be terminated only by detainer suit, summary proceedings or other lawful means), (b) perform whatever obligations the other party is obligated to perform under the terms of this Lease, and to the defaulting party shall reimburse the other party for any reasonable expenses incurred in performing the defaulting party's obligations, (c) recover any unpaid rent or on a pro-rata basis any pre-paid rent, as the case may be, as of the date this Lease is terminated, (d) recover any unpaid rent which thereafter accrues during the Term from the date use is terminated through the time of judgment (or which may have accrued from the time of any earlier judgment obtained by Landlord), less any consideration received from replacement tenants, and (e) recover any other reasonable amounts necessary to compensate the non-defaulting party for all damages proximately caused by the defaulting party's failure to perform its obligations under this Lease, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs. (2) In the event of a termination of this Lease pursuant to this Article 10, Tenant agrees to remove its Facilities within ninety (90) days of termination, or as soon as reasonably practical, if demanded by Landlord. Should Tenant fail to remove the Facilities, Landlord may, at Tenant's expense, remove Tenant's Facilities from the Duetbank. (3) NOTWITHSTANDING ANY PROVISION CONTAINED IN THIS LEASE TO THE CONTRARY, NEITHER PARTY SMALL BE LIABLE TO OTHER FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS AND LOST REVENUES. Page 11 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/1$12011 CONDUIT LEASE ARTICLE 11: ADDITIONAL TENANT REMEDIES A. Default: Landlord shall be in default hereunder in the event Landlord has not begun and pursued with reasonable diligence the cure of any failure of Landlord to meet its obligations hereunder within thirty (30) days of the receipt by Landlord of written notice from Tenant of the alleged failure to perform. B Remedies: Upon the occurrence of any event or events of default by Landlord, whether enumerated in this paragraph or not, Tenant shall have the option to pursue any one or more of the following: (i) termination of this Lease; and (ii) exercising all other remedies available to Tenant at law or in equity, including without limitation, injunctive relief of all varieties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if(a) Landlord's default hereunder creates an emergency or creates conditions which if uncured will impair or impede Tenant's ability to provide telecommunications or communications services, and (b) Landlord has not commenced or does not diligently proceed to cure such default, then Tenant may, after two (2) business days' written notice to Landlord, take whatever actions are necessary to commence curing the default(s), and Landlord agrees to reimburse Tenant for any reasonable expenses incurred in effecting compliance with Landlord's obligations, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs. ARTICLE 12: CONFIDENTIALITY AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION A. In connection with this Lease, either party may furnish to the other certain information that is marked or otherwise specifically identified as proprietary or confidential ("Confidential Information"). This Confidential Information may include, among other things, private easements, licenses, utility agreement Leases, permits, other right-of-way granting documents, specifications, designs, plans, drawings, data, prototypes, and other technical and/or business information. For purposes of this Section, the party that discloses Confidential Information is referred to as the "Disclosing Party" and the party that receives Confidential Information is referred to as the "Receiving Parry". If the Receiving Parry is Landlord, Landlord shall fully comply with the Texas Open Records Act in protecting the release of confidential or proprietary information, and will promptly notify the Disclosing Party of such request for disclosure. B. When Confidential Information is furnished in tangible form, the Disclosing Party shall mark it as proprietary or confidential. When Confidential Information is provided orally,the Disclosing Party shall, at the time of disclosure or promptly thereafter, identify the Confidential Information as being proprietary or confidential. C. With respect to Confidential Information disclosed under this Lease, the Receiving Party and its employees shall: (1) To the extent allowed by law, hold the Confidential Information in confidence using procedures no less stringent than those used with respect to its own proprietary, confidential and private information of a similar Page 12 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE nature, subject to the terms of this Lease. For the purpose of this Article 12, Landlord shall comply with any ruling made by the Texas Attorney General pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act. Landlord shall not be required to take any action beyond this section to keep information confidential; (2) restrict disclosure of the Confidential Information solely to those of its employees or representatives who have a need to know in connection with the performance of this Lease, and not disclose the Confidential Information to any other person or entity except as required by law; (3) advise those employees or representatives of their obligations with respect to the Confidential Information; (4) use the Confidential Information only in connection with the performance of this Lease, except as the Disclosing Party may otherwise agree in writing except as allowed by law; (5) promptly notify the Disclosing Party of any request for the Confidential Information D. Upon written request of the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall return all Confidential Information received in tangible form, except that each party's legal counsel may retain one copy in its files solely to provide a record of such Confidential Information for archival purposes. If the Receiving Parry loses or makes an unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information, it shall notify the Disclosing Party and use reasonable efforts to retrieve the Confidential Information. E. The Receiving Party shall have no obligation to preserve the proprietary nature of Confidential Information which: (1) was previously known to the Receiving Party free of any obligation to keep it confidential; or (2) is or becomes publicly available by means other than unauthorized disclosure; or (3) is developed by or on behalf of the Receiving Party independently of any Confidential Information fiu-nished under this Lease; or (4) is received from a third party whose disclosure does not violate any confidentiality obligation. F. Unless required by law, neither party shall disclose the other parry's customer Confidential Information to any third party (even if under contract to that party) or to any personnel of the party responsible for publicity or for end user sales or marketing. G. If the Receiving Party is required to disclose the Disclosing Party's Confidential Page 13 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE Information by an order or lawful process of a court or governmental body, the Receiving Party shall promptly notify the Disclosing Party, and shall cooperate with the Disclosing Party in seeking reasonable protective arrangements before the Confidential Information is produced. ARTICLE 13: REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES A. Each party represents and warrants that: (i) it has full right and authority to enter into, execute, deliver, and perform its obligations under this Lease; and (ii) its execution of and performance under this Lease shall not violate any applicable existing regulations, rules, statues or court orders of any local, state or federal governmental agency, court or body. B. Landlord further represents and warrants that: (i) it has all rights and authorizations necessary to construct the Duetbank and to lease Conduit to Tenant; (ii) that it has obtained any and all real property rights necessary to install the Ductbank and to enter upon the property on which the Duetbank is located, and to permit Tenant to enter. Landlord shall use best efforts to maintain such rights throughout the Term, and any renewals or extensions thereof. If Landlord fails to obtain and/or cause to remain effective throughout the Term, and any renewals or extensions thereof, all required real property rights necessary for Tenant's use of the Ductbank, Tenant may terminate this Lease, without further obligation, by giving Landlord thirty (30) days' written notice. In the event of such termination, Landlord shall provide a reasonably comparable location within the public right-of-way to relocate those portions of Tenant's Facilities that are not accessible or useable as a result of such a termination. Such reasonable location may not include a ductbank, conduit or cells, but, only a physical location in the public right-of- way. In such case, Tenant shall be entitled to a refund of the prorated portion of the lease payment made in advance. ARTICLE 14: VENUE AND GOVERNING LAW This Lease shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, without giving effect to its principles of conflicts of laws, and any applicable Federal law. This Lease will be enforceable in Tarrant County, Texas; if legal action is necessary to enforce this Lease, venue will lie in Tarrant County, Texas, with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, or with any regulatory body of competent jurisdiction; e.g., the Public Utility Commission of Texas,the Federal Communications Commission. ARTICLE 15: FORCE MAJEURE Neither Landlord or Tenant, as the case may be, shall be liable or responsible for any damages or delays in performance due to strikes, riots, acts of God, any act of terror or civil disturbance, shortages of labor or materials, war, or any other cause whatsoever beyond the control of Landlord or Tenant, as the case may be. Page 14 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/1$/2011 CONDUIT LEASE ARTICLE 16: ENTIRE LEASE This Lease, together with the Attachments and other documents listed in Article 1 (WHICH ARE HEREBY COLLECTIVELY INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF AS THOUGH FULLY SET FORTH), contains all the terms and provisions between Landlord and Tenant relating to the matters set forth herein and no prior or contemporaneous agreement or understanding, whether written or oral, pertaining to the same shall be of any force or effect. TENANT HAS RELIED ON TENANT'S INSPECTIONS AND DUE DILIGENCE IN ENTERING THIS LEASE, AND NOT ON ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING THE CONDITION OR SUITABILITY OF THE DUCTBANK FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER MATTER NOT EXPRESSLY CONTAINED HERE. This Lease, including the Exhibits referred to above, may not be modified, except in writing signed by both parties. Without limitation as to the generality of the foregoing, Tenant hereby acknowledges and agrees that Landlord's leasing agents and field personnel are only authorized to show the Ductbank and potential routes and negotiate terms and conditions for leases subject to Landlord's final approval, and are not authorized to make any Leases, representations, understandings or obligations binding upon Landlord respecting the condition of the Ductbank, suitability of the same for Tenant's business, or any other matter, and no such Leases, representations, understanding or obligations not expressly contained herein or in such contemporaneous Lease shall be of any force or effect. Page 15 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Lease as of the date first set forth above. LANDLORD: TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS By: , Z�—� Thomas E. Brymer, T wn Manager TENANT: MCImetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC By: Name: C'a, +- Title: an � CERTIFICATE as of the aforesaid Tenant, hereby certify that the individual(s) executing the foregoing Lease on behalf of Tenant was/were duly authorized to act in his/their capacities as set forth above, and his/their actions(s) are the action of Tenant. (Corporate Seal) Page 16 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC ASSISTANT SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE I, Russell G. Wood, Jr., a duly elected and qualified Assistant Secretary of MClmetro Access Transmission Services LLC, a Delaware company (the "Company"), do hereby certify that: 1. Carl D. Hirschenhofer, Manager, Right of Way and Municipal Affairs, is authorized, pursuant to a Schedule of Authorizations adopted by the Board of Directors, to make, enter into, sign and deliver a contract with the Town of Westlake, Texas, for conduit occupancy. 2. The foregoing Schedule of Authorizations have not been revoked, annulled, or amended in any manner whatsoever and remain in full force and effect as of the date hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the Company this day of January, 2011. [SEAL] Russell G. Wood, Jr Assistant Secretary DM-NY#63246 v1 CONDUIT LEASE ATTACHMENT A MASTER RATE SCHEDULE Page 17 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 ATTACHMENT "A" Town of Westlake Duct Bank Master Rate Schedule Table 1 Lease Terms Duct Bank Facilities at Precinct Line Road, Kirkwood Blvd, Sam School Road (Phase I - 2000) & Vaquero - Phase 1 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years 20 Years 25 Years Size Annual Lump Sum Annual Lump Sum Annual Lump Sum Annual Lump Sum Annual Lump Sum (in) ($ILF) ($/LF) ($/LF) ($/LF) ($ILF) ($/LF) ($/LF) ($ILF) ($/LF) ($/LF) 314 $ 0.418 $ 1.808 $ 0.402 $ 3.101 $____ 0.386 $ 4.008 $ 0.371 $ 4.627..$ 0.357 $ 5.031 ------------ -------- .-ff6 -------------- -------------- -------- ---------------•-------------- ------- ------ -_-_------ --- -------9.343 --_1 112 $ ----- .$____ 3.358_ $ 0.746 $ 5--.7--5-8--,-$- 0.717 _$ 7.442_ $ 0.689 $ 8.592 $ 0.663 $ 9.343 2 $ 0.882 $ 3.818 $ 0.848 $ 6.547 $ 0.815 $ 8.462 $ 0.784 $ 9.769 $ 0.754 $ 10.623 ------ ----- -- ----------- -------------- -------------- --------------- -------------- ---------------•-------------- ------ -- --------------- --------- ---- 4 $ 1---- $ 7.645 $ 1.698 $ 13.111 $ 1.633 $ 16.946 $ 1.570 $ 19.5641 $ 1.509 $ 21.275 C:1Users\JGreenwood\Documents\Pubiic WorksOuct Bank\Lease Terms Rev 11-3-05.xlsx Page 1 CONDUIT LEASE ATTACHMENT B Operations approves of these procedures DUCTBANK ACCESS PROCEDURES Town of Westlake Procedure No.: 5.3 Page: NOC Procedures DRAFT Prepared by: Date: Procedure: Approved: DUCTBANK ACCESS Revision Date: Revision: 3.1.1 SCOPE This procedure defines the means and methods of access to Landlord's Ductbank- 3.1. 2 uctbank.3.1. 2 RESPONSIBLITIES Landlord or its designee is responsible for establishing, approving, and managing an organization to operate an access request system and provide escort services during Tenant access to the Ductbank. 3.1.3 PROCEDURE GENERAL All access to the Ductbank must be granted through the means of an Access Request. Upon granting of access to a point in the Ductbank, an authorized representative of Landlord must observe Tenant access at all times. In an emergency situation Tenant, after attempting to notify Landlord or its designee, is permitted to access the Ductbank in order to begin emergency repairs without an Access Request. Landlord or its designee will provide access within one (1) hour of notification by Tenant of the emergency condition. AUTHORIZED ACCESS LIST Landlord or its designee is responsible for maintaining an Authorized Access List for Tenants and Tenant's subcontractors including emergency contact phone numbers, pager numbers, etc. Tenant is responsible for providing up to date information, revisions, and corrections to Landlord or its designee. Page 18 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE 3.13.2. ACCESS REQUEST Except in an emergency situation, an access request form must be filled out and submitted to Landlord or its designee prior to accessing the Ductbank. The access request form shall include the following: 1.Name and Company of requestor. 2.Name of Company representing if requestor is a subcontractor. 3. Authorizing contact for Tenant. 4. Date and time of request. S. Date and Time access is needed. 6. Reason for access. 7. Traffic control plan where access points are in or near roadways. 8. Where there is Restricted Entry, a safety and emergency plan shall be included. See Exhibit 3.1.3.-1 -Access Request Form In an emergency situation only, Tenant shall call the Town of Westlake at This number may be changed as appropriate by written notice to Tenant. Town of Westlake Procedure No.: 5.3 Page: NOC Procedures DRAFT Prepared by: Date: Procedure: Approved: DUCTBANK ACCESS Revision Date: Revision: APPROVAL Once an access request is received by Landlord or its designee, Landlord or its designee shall verify the validity of the access request. This shall only include verifying the requestor against the Authorized Access List. If the requester is on the authorized list, the requestor shall be granted access. If the requestor is not on the authorized Access List, Landlord or its designee shall contact Tenant's representative for written authorization prior to granting access. In the event of an emergency, if notice by Tenant is practical under the circumstances, Landlord or its designee may grant access to non-authorized personnel upon verbal authorization of Tenant's emergency contact. Landlord or its designee shall provide access within two (2)hours during normal business hours (Sam — S pm Monday-Friday, excluding published Landlord holidays) and within one (1) hour during emergency restoration requirements. Page 19 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 CONDUIT LEASE 3.1. 3.4 ESCORT Tenant's representative performing work shall be escorted at all times by an authorized representative of Landlord. Landlord's representative shall be responsible for witnessing that the persons requiring access work on only the proper media at the access point. The Escort may not in any way inhibit Tenant's employee(s) or contractor(s) from performing work. RESTRICTED ENTRY In accordance with State and Federal Occupational and Safety Laws, access to manholes within the Ductbank is considered Restricted Entry. As such, Tenant's representatives shall follow all State and Federal requirements for Restricted Entry. The granting of access by Landlord also grants restricted access. However, Landlord does not assume responsibility or liability for Tenant's representatives' health and welfare. Job safety is the responsibility of Tenant's representative's health and welfare. Job safety is the responsibility of Tenant's representative. Landlord shall be responsible for maintaining the Ductbank in a safe condition as well as providing a clean and safe work area within the Ductbank. Landlord personnel are authorized to enter manholes. Landlord personnel will monitor work in manholes from the surface. Landlord personnel are prohibited from performing any maintenance, repair, or other activity to, or affecting, Tenant's Facilities within the Ductbank. WORK ON CABLES Landlord's representative shall log all personnel involved, start time, end time and any other information that may be deemed necessary. 3.1.4 EXHIBITS 3.1.2.-1 Access Request Form(to follow) 3.1.3.-2 Ductbank Access Observation Form (to follow) Page 20 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 EXHIBIT 3.1-3--1 ACCESS REQUEST FORM Town of Westlake NOC Procedures Procedure No.5.3 Procedure: Duct Bank Access Submittal Date/Time Requested Date/Time of Access Todays Date: Date: Current Time: AM 1 PM Time: AM/PM Location of Access MH No. Description of Location: Reason for Access Request: Traffic Control Plan Attached? Yes 1 No Safety/Emergency Plan Attached? Yes I No Approved By: Requested By: Town of Westlake Name Name Company Name Title Tenant Contact Information: Address: Phone: - Office - Fax Town of Westlake- Staff Comments Revision(10114103) J:kWestlakelDuctbanklACCESS REQUEST FORM.As EXHIBIT 3.1.3-2 DUCT BANK ACCESS OBSERVATION FORM Town of Westlake NOC Procedures Duct Bank Access Observation Form Time of Access Location of Access Date: MH No. Time: AM/PM Description of Location: Reason for Access: Name of Observer: Access By: Name Name Company Name Company Name Observer Contact Information: Address: Phone: - Office - Fax Summary of Observations Revision(10114103) J:1Westlake\Ductbank\OBSERVATION FORM.As CONDUIT LEASE ATTACHMENT C DUCTBANK ROUTING DRAWINGS AND DEETAILS Page 21 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential 1/18/2011 ATTACHMENT "C" DUCTBANK ROUTING DRAWINGS AND DETAILS MCImetro ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC OUTSIDE PLANT CONSTRUCTION FIBER OPTIC CABLE ROUTE PROJ ECT # : 058484 D E LOITTE UNIVERSITY SINGLE LATERAL 2501 WESTLAKE PKWY. WESTLAKE, TX 76262 SITE CODE: FOAPTX JANUARY 11, 2011 CONSTRUCTION 05848401001AL BEL. DWG NURTM L❑CATI❑N MAP 2501 WESTLAKE PKWY. "lizomusiness WESTLAKE, TX 76262 PRIIJECT- CM484 TARRANT COUNTY esus MBAZ HW 9EMAX,nc 76262 cLmiF[CATMN NO. flIJANTETY .................... ............................ 8 CAMPUS CIRCLE ......... 2501 WESTLAKE PKWY. .. ; WESTLAKE, TX 76262 75063 't ■ ■ _ YO C7 1•�qY Y���NR�o---_�'�' ` �..�1ky-~-��....--'~ I E w Z i ■ �� !a �� LLJ 4000 4080 ff a r— y L- DATES 016XT/11 rG ENGINEERS Gy,T/EG 3 DRAWN BY, GXT REVISIONS PROJECT L❑CATI❑N;7 Copyright p and P 1988-2009 Microsoft Corporation andlor its suppliers.All ri Ms reserved. SCALE H©RIZONTAI-+ N/A VERTICAL, N/A MP Tn MP SHEET 02 OF 49 FILEGM404MOOaAr-GEL BE CONTACT SHEET 1✓� vs�lZQ►lbuslness PROJECT. 059184 2s31�TsnelE M(ur. YESIWE,T%76262 VERIZ❑N BUSINESS RAILR❑ADS CITY GOVERNMENT CLARIFICATIDN NO ouANnrY TOWN Or WESTLAKE OUTSIDE PLANT ENGINEERING: llIRECTUR OF PUBLIC WORKS JARBB GREENWOOD PH,917-490-5717 3 VILLAGE CIRCLE,SUITE 202 MANAGER. LARRY SAU14DERS (972]729-5908 WESTLAKE,TX 76262 PROJECT MP34 AGER. ,.EFF 7:XHLER 0,2)725-64n4 PROJECT COOROINATDR. ERIK DAKLR (903)357-3202 OUTSIDE PLANT C❑NSTRUCTI❑N: MANAGER, LARRY SAUNDERS (972)729-5909 CLIENT COUNTY G❑VERNM NT PROJECT MANAGER. JEFF'BUEELER (972)729--64U4 PROJECT CUORDINATOR. ERIK BAKER (903)357-3882 I1ElA1ttE UNIVERSITY CARY MOON P1A 469-358-6313 TURNER CONSTRUCTION TOM KEMP€N P14 214-723-8403 2501 WESTLAKE PKWY. CELL.214-938-9353 WESTLAKE.T%76262 RIGHT-OF-WAY: Ld AGENT- PON WHEELER (972)729-7030 J H 0 Ld W CJ STATE GOVERNMENT M = W CONTRACTS. 0W z COORDINATOR. L Z .U-. 3N MANAGER. v❑ s £y F CL UW Q E -I Z EL ce ❑ R I w LLI w PROGRAM MANAGER. F- fA-.E, LTGHTVAVE ENGINEER, MARCUS ARRIJO (2147 969-4484 (4 W !9 CIVIL ENGINEER- FEDERAL J TERMINAL CONST.REPS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT L) C3 SPLICING MANAGER. Q ~ TSU MANAGER- UTILITIES DATE, 01/11/31 ENGINEER. GXTfEG MCI UTILITY LOCATE 1(803)624-9675 DRAVN BY, GXT ONE CALL SYSTEM(UTILITY LOCATES) 1(800)245-4545 REVISIENS ENGINEERING CONTRACT❑IR PATE JIMIAL. NAME OF FIRM, GXT,LTD 1130 T.ARAPAHO RD.,SUITE 210 RICHARDSON,TX 75381 PRESIDENT. )UCHELLE LENKER (469)385-5163 OTHER PROJECT MANAGER, EDDIE GRIFFIN (972)467-1095 MAGUIRE PARTNERS(8 CAMPUS CIRCLE) INTEGRATED C[DOCNICATIONS SOLATIONS CONSTRUCTION C❑NTRACT❑R ROBERT TALAVERA PH,972-3451328 onmvs NAME OF FIR14 �'s�ia.* PROJECT COORDINATOR. PROJECT SUPERIKTENDENT. SCALE HORIZONTAL, N/A VERTICAL. N/A MP TO MP SHEET 03 OF 4$ FILE»594MBIOMAC.BET..BW TABLE OF CONTENTS �-or�lanbwinm PRDJEM 058484 25D]YE&UE PM. yENLML TM 7626e E-11IEATI1111 1111 ULIA]']TITY 1. COVER SHEET 2. LOCATION MAP 3. CONTACT SHEET 4. TABLE OF CONTENTS 5. GENERAL NOTESICLARIFICATION NOTES 6. FOCUS PROGRAM 7. SYMBOLS KEY 8. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS W W � 9. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (CONT,) . oo Z. 10. CABLE GROUNDING INSTALLATION DETAILS `Z £° 11. TUBULAR MARKER DETAILS zo 12. CLARIFICATION SUMMARY SHEET Z °' 13.--13C. FIBER ROUTE SCHEMATIC W 14.-14C. INDEX SHEET DATE, 01/11/11 15.-48. OUTSIDE PLANT — AERIAL & UNDERGROUND (PLAN & PROFILE) ENGINEER, G%T/EG DRAWN BY, OXT 49.-49A. INSIDE PLANT REVISTQNS ]ATE n k r CALE AL. N/A ALi N/A TO NP SHEET 04 17F 49 FILEG848401004AG EEI..VA GENERAL NOTES / CLARIFICATION NOTES verr�lrlbu�siness BUILDING N❑TESE GENERAL N❑TESN CLARIFICATION NOTES, PRDJECT- 058484 BUAM LDING NE:OELOHIE UNIVERSITY L VERIZON BUSINESS COMPRISES THE FOLLOWING OPERATING ENTITIES^ BUILDING ADDRESS: 25DI WESTLAKE PKWY. -MCI COMMUMMATIDNS SERVICES INC. 2501 W3TIAn PKIR' WESTAKEE TX 76252 _MCI METRO ACCESS TRANSNTSSMN SERVICES LLC. 1.STATION -MCI METRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES 2.LOCATION 10 TRYING 7% BUILDING LOCATION: OF VIRGINIA,INC, 3.CLARIFICATION NO.,MINIMUM COVER -MCI METRO ACCESS TRANSMISSHIN SERVICES 4.QLWB .11 OF MWOHDLE,572E OF MANHOLE, LLARIFICATIIIN N0. QUANTITY OF MASSACHUSETTS,INC. GiMENSWN GF'WALT,LINEAR FODTAd;EJ90UARE TERMINAL ROOM LOCATION: TELCO ROOM 10092 -METRIIPOLITIAN FIBER SYSTEMS OF NEW YORK,INC. FOOTAGE,SIR CE PULLfSPUCE BOX. 2.ALL WORK TO BE DONE WITH EXTREME CAITTON AROUND FIBER OPTIC GABLE 7 Zr 5.DRAWING tro.MBI TYPIC"L DISTAL DWG,NO, BUILDING MANA6E4ENT: CARP MOON (469)359-4373 CWMNO TRAFFIC, 9GNDIPNR COST AND PENALTIES TO THE 8.PLANT ACCOUNTING CODE _ CONTRACTOR WILL RESULT FROM SERVICE INTERRUPTION DUE 7.SPECIFIED OCINDUR HMIDHOLE N0.,MANHOLE NO., TO CONTRACTOR'S NEGLIGENCE SPECIFIED PURPOSE AND MATERIA.,BRIDGE NO, AND RR STATION,MATERW.POLE NO- 3.ALL WORK TD BE PERFORMED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL° Y,VEERIES OR ` IREMENTS ps,'OR TiHEENY �`n"G CLARIFICATI©N NOTES, NUKES- RJCHT-GF-WAY-GRANTOR. 4.LOCATIONS OF SOME OF THE PHYSICAL FEATURES WERE OBTAJNED 110 JACK h DRY BORE CONGUR(S). FROM DATED NALIROAD VALUATION MAPS OR OTHER DRAWINGS. 210 PLACE SPECIFIED SIZE/TYPE/NUMBER OF CONDUIT& AND MAY NOT BE AS SHOWN OR DEFECTED ON THESE DRAWINGS. 212 DRECELY BURG HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PRE(HDP!). BUILDING RISER NOTES, S.UNDERGROUND UTILITIES HAVE BEEN PLOTTED FROM AVAILBLE 213 ROCK ADDER. RECURIS AND FIELD OBSERVATIONS,BUT ARE NOT NECESSARY 214 SLURRY CONDUI I AD06R. EXACT.THEN UTHJIY LOCATIONS WILL BE VER ED AT LEAST 215 EXPOSE CONDNIT(B). 100 FEET IN ADVANCE OF TRENCHING DR PLOWING,SO THAT CHAMrE5 276 EXPOSE CONWR(S)AND T7Lie ME I. BUILDING RISERS ARE ONLY CONSTRUCTED IN CABLE PLACEMENT CAN BE MADE IN EVENT OF CONFLICTS. 277 EXPOSE COJDUR{S)AND SI�SIIIUIE. TG EQUIPMENT LDCARGNS UNLESS DIHERWISE 218 EXPOSE AND REE CONDIT S). SPECIFIED. B.AIL KNOWN BURIED OBSTRUCTIONS ARE SHOWN ON THE 210 EXPOSE AND REMOVE COMMIT (ASANDONEP). 2. EACH RISER PULL BOX N BE PILOID ATA cDNSTRUCnON DRAWINGS.ANY AND ALL OTHERS ENCWN[ERREB ARE 220 CONCRETE ENCA'�E/C71P. WIN R PULL and FLOOR TO A MAXIMUM ALSO THE RESPONSIISLIIY OF THE CONTRACTOR 10 LOCATE.PROTECT. 22t REMOVE CONCRETE ENCASEMENT. U W OF Mu RT 5th ERYrLD3 AND REPAIR,IF DAMAGED, 232 REMOVE CONCRETE CAP. 7.ANY AMO ALL IMPROVEMENTS,SUCH AS.ASPHALT OR CONCRETE 240 REMPLAHPINOHOLE A H p r� 3. GEORGE INGRAM SNUG PLUG'.PART NUMBER PAVEMENT.CURBS,GUTTERS,WALKS,DRAINAGE DHCHES. 244 THIONE EXISTING HANDtOLE. N F, w n 0685-10 OR EQUIVALENT,WILL BE USED TO 24.5 RELOCATE WBNDHOLE, sEd SUPPORT AND RETAIN INNERnUCTS AT PULL SHALL B ERES BRED S,TREES.GRASS BETTER ETC_IF RALGaG®, SHALL BE RFBfORED TO ORgNAI OR BEFIER COENORIOH. 246 REPLACEES SPLICE IE HANDFIOLE W BOXES. 247 EXCAVATE SPLICE PTT. > � J 4. ON NEIN CABLE INSTALLATIONS ALL B.EQUIPMENT TYPES SPECIFIED HF7REN(ie:'BACKHOE, 250 MACE MAMMOSE F- R) BUILDING FIBER OPTED CABLE TALL BE SWAMP PLCO',ETCJ ARE SUCGESRWS ONLY AND ARE NOT 2STING MANHOLE. w (A< �RELOCA7EREMM EpCASf MANHOLE. N Z U BUII.ECTRI F NSTPJAITGN WILL COMPLY INTENDED AS AI UNREMINCS.CONTRACTOR WELL RE NOTIFIED AS TO EXCEPTIONS. 256 REPLACE/SU9STRNE PRECAST MANHOLE. L Z Ip W WTIFR THE LATEST EDITION OF THE NATIONAL 'T 280 CONSTRUCT WALL, P0 U r SATEELECTRICCOBE AND DES A NATKNN+LL. C❑NSTRUCTI❑N N❑TEST 270 REMOVE ALIO RESTORE ASPHALT. d""' I- STM1TE AND LOCAL CODES AS APF'IICABLE - 2HO REMOVE AND RESTORE CONCRETE M VJ Z CL 5. ALL CABLE SUCK IS TO BE PLACED IN THE I.ALL CONDUIT WILL BE 4 ID SCHEOUAF 40(fn.PVC OR BSP/GSP/EMF), 261 1113A :AND RESTORE SIDEWALK. L)�+ Q CN MANHOLE �- OUTSIDE OF BUILDNG UNLESS MANUFACTURED SPLIT PVC OR SPLIT BSP/GSP,UNLESS 2152 REMOVE AND RESTORE CURBING. �y J MANHOLE IS JOINT USE OR BELL MANHOLE. SPECEFED OTHERWISE. 310 ATTACH CONDUIT(5)TO WALL OR STRUCILIHE. d y CABLE SLACK WOULD THEN BE PLACED IN A 315 DETACH CONDW FROM WALL OH STRUCTURE ¢ LOCKING 3�x3Cz12'CABLE STORAGE Boz LLJ a.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR LCCAIING 320 CORE BORE Be W In LOCATED NEAR CONDUIT WfA NCE A ATL UTILLTI 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSHNUCRON �p F- q MINIMUM OF 2D METERS CF SLACK CARIE ACTIVITY, CAL TEXkS ME-CALL 0 1-800-245-4-� 330 ATTACH PU LCE BOX N WALL OR STRUCPJRE. LL ' N REQUIRED FOR EACH BUILDING. 410 PULL CABLE 411 PULL THROUGH twcT(NNERouCT), y H.W 6. ON WIN 9NSEALLATIONS WHERE DIELECTRIC S.ALL UNDERGROUND OBSTRUCTIONS,WHEN LOCATED,WILL REWIRE 412 PLACE SLACK LOOP. W 7D J CABLE IS KNSTAJL D,GROUNDING SHALL THE PLACEMENT OF A BURIED CABLE:MARKER AND THE 415 TENONS CABLE FROM CONDUIT. U W H TAKE PLACE IMUED%kMY VPON BUILDING PLACEmLEw OF 4 MANUFACTURED SPLIT 42D REPOSITION ACTIVE CABLE SLACK ¢ F- EMERY. WHERE SHIELIY7r 1 CABLE E6575. PVC.ELSE//OSP OVER OR UNDER EACH 0351RUMM 610 DIRECT RUR"CAR (S). GRGUNDIW IS TO BE PROVIDER AT THE UNLESS SPECtrTED OTHERWISE 515 EXPOSE DIRECT BURIED CABLE. DATE. 01/11/11 ATS EQUIPMENT ROOM. 518EXPOSE DIRECT BURIED CAELE AND RELOCATE, ENGINEER: GXT/EG 4,SHORING MAY'm REWIRED AND SHALL 517 REMOVE ANO DISPOSE OF CABLE 7. REFER TO MCI'INSTALLATION STANDARDS COMPLY TO 04A STANDARDS. 526 PLACE AERIAL CABLES) DRAWN BY- GXT FACILINEY(MGT 040 150 2002-1).MCI 525 RELOCATE AERIAL CABLE 'OUrsDE PINT ENGINEERING HANDBOOK! 5.ALL 6lIPom CCFIOIM/CANDLE WILL BE TRACED ar 3G'AMIMIA 526 BOAS AERW.CABLE. REVISIONS (MCT 040 090 3602).AND MCI'OUTSIDE CDVER PER. 527 RELASH AERIAL CABLE OATS IIFI.rRTPTTEIN 2GITA PLANT C[IBS61UCf10N INNB6OOI!(MCT 82B REMOVE AEIUA.CABLE G40 090 3800)FOR AL CONSTRUCTION 6.MECHANICAL PROTECNDN SMALL BE REQUIRED ANYTIME A W 530 PLACE POLE/PUSH BRACE OPEPADONS UALESS OTHERWISE NOTED. MINIMUM COVER 18 UNOETAKABE SUBJECT TO THE 535REMOVE POLE/PUSH BRACE. CITY OF DAL AS APPROVAL. GNOJET CONDUIT. no BEDMENT PLDW, 8. X-RAY ALL CORE BORES BEFORE BOPoNG. 7.ALL 90 DEGREE B1DN45 IN CONDUIT SSB BIkECn M BORE. CONSTRICTION WILL BE A MINIMUM 38.D' 710 PLACE BURIED CABLE MARNERS AND WANING SIGN. RAINS UNLESS SPLT.IFlEO OTHERWISE. 711 PLACE I WTOR/PROGTEUDON AT EXISTING HAJOHOLE5/MANHES OL . ALL SPLIT CONDUIT BE"AND SO1JO 712 REMOVE BURIED CABLE MARKER POST/TIMIDWAE PVC SERBS SHALL REWIRE CONCRETE 714 REMOVE CONCRETE BURIED CABLE MAKER POST. ENCASEMENT. UnNLSS SPED OWERWTSF. cis Ae rr c mr�a rmo®> S.NETWORK SERVICES OPERATIONS PERS°NNEL TO BE • �. CONTACTED BY THE CONTRILIGR 5 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO wremur moo;�mmm�¢ CONSMITTION.CONTACT JOE THOMPSON 0214-869--4258. S.ALL ETATTCHING IS BASED ON AS-BLILT INFORMATION. SCALE THEREFORE ONE VARIANCE SHOULD BE ANTgPATEO. ADANST AS NEEDED. HORIZONTAL, N/A VERTICALI N/A MP TO MP - SHEET N5 [IF 49 FILEDBe4B4BlBo5AC.B3.. FOCUS PR❑GRAMver inb nim PROJECT- 058484 2sm sEsn tar lxsr. YEVLWE Tr 76862 CLARNWATIaN NCI. atIANTCTY MCI. MCI Outside Plant FOCUS I'lber Optic Cable Uncovering System MCI. I) The title of this program,F.O.C.U.S mr acronym far Faber O tic Cable Unc ' S em was selected to remind everyone involved with waiting near MCI's active fiber optic systems to focus on protecting MCI Outside Plant Construction General Requirements the facilities. If,during the course of the project,YOU notice any activity which may jeopardize theMCl OSP facilities,it is your duly to stop the arork and re-FOCUS. • All Federal,State and local safety regulations frust be,followed without 2) FOCUS rules mast be followed an all MCI projects involving wank on Or near MCI OSP facilities. exception. Safety is MCI's raunbrx ane priority;everyone most refiain from unsafe and improper practices. - 3) Review of FOCUS is mandatory at every Prc-bid,Pre-construction,site meeting and daily tallgale • Personal protective equipment appropriate for the specific work site meeting. FOCUS discussion most include sue-specific history,unique problems,facility ceat5gmaticas shall be used at all times. At a minimum,hard hat,safety shoes/steel that may be encountered,and part arras."Those who do not learn from history era doamedto repeat it". Do not let this happento yo toed boots and florescent orange or green work vest are required upon entering any MCI work site. U-1 4) Any work near a requiring houlLing ofMC1 Outside Plent facilities can only be perfarmed Wuhan MCI E3 Z) employee orronttxtrepreserdative present-THIS MEANS OUT OF HTS OR HER VEHICLE AND M DIRECTLY MONITORING THE WORK. The representative most lave a pmperly operating cable • Use of intoxicants,drugs,inhalants or any other substances that may H g locator cbec7:ed fbf Recurary every day prior to commencement of work(wrrpnison of line and depth impair alertness arc strictly prohibited. > of w readings to ad-nal line and depth ofthe cable). PA w In q ON ZU 5) Locate and Pothole Regndreaems. 13 tj • Contractors are NOT allowed to cut any cable. Cables scheduled for YQ � • Prior to my excavation,the MCI employee or contract representstive must verify the initial localeand only le, F- , made completed by MCI Operations. Do not trust locate crania completed by others! The MCl reln.04a1 will 15e. cut by MCI operations personnel, y after ti CL or contract representative must locate the cable nutting line by making at least one pass in each Verification that all tra#lic has been off-loaded. direction.Locate results mms€thenbe comparedveithprevious marles and the asimutg. Z CL W • If the proposed work iwcives digging or excavating niihm 3feer of the cable,the cable route will be14 or marked continually with orange paint and supplemented by marker flaps placed every 10 It. The • Extreme caution must be used at all times when working on or near 2 m excavation corUsacror must pothole(all potholer most be completed by band digging or vacuum aetiVC Cables, An MCI employee or contract representative must C6 0 LJ excavation)a minimum of every 15 R,then expose the entire length of the cable by]entad digging or approve and be present prior to and during all cable handling activities. V o Fest vacuum excavation - e if the proposed work involves digging a excavating irirhin S feet(but not closer rh¢m 3 feel)of the a � cable,the cableroute will bemarked conimedlyidtherangepahaand supplemented bymarkerflaga • Tools and equipment specifically designed for the job at hand arc DATES Ovltill placed every 10 ft.The excavation contractor rust pothole the cable a miahnum of every 15 ft. required. USE THE PROPER TOOL FOR THE JOB. ENGINEERS GXT/EG • If lire proposed work involves digging oo excavating wahin 15 feel(but not closer thmr 5 feeO of the DRAWN BYn GXT cable,the cable route will be marked continually with orange pain and supplemented by marker flags REVISIONS placed every 10 f.The excavation contractor must pothole the cable a minimum ofevery 30 fL • Conduit Work involving active cables requires specialized tools mm utsaWnvt ltwwff • The cable will also be potholed sa my change in the running line of mare tlan t 8.in any direction, anytime the accusucy ofthe.electrontracked electronic locate is questioned,or the naming line does-sol match specifically designed to access ducts with active cables. the as-butyls. Protecting MCI facilities is EXTREMELY important; however, ) ExposirngRegaire'menta' SAFETY regarding yourself and others is the most important part of • No mechanical excavation willdn 3 It.of OSP Aacuides win be allowedunlass the facilities have first any project. been properly located Pnftled,poeilively itlenlified.continuously exposed by hand digging or vacuum excavation,andthe facilities are clearly visible. - n- • in addition,mechanical excavation within throe feel of OSP facilities requ rw onsite prior approval v°"F-j ` ` from MCI's employee or cortrad represnutalive. SCALE 7) please refer to the latest edition oftha MCI OSP Handbook fern additional detaail&Know it and follow it. HORIZONTALS WA VERT€CALF WA MP TO MP Release 1.0 Release to SHEET o5 OF 49 FILEssa4 MIDOw-WFA - EXISTING PROPOSED KEY V PRADUShM EXISTING PROPOSED v. vas x nail to cans yi ✓~+� ura BURIED CABLE STEEL MARKER AND SIGN-CA) n PRO.IEC7+ p5B494 ALUMINUM'Hue'-STYLE MARKER-(BS FLAT MARKER- JIVII 2KI WIC Fw. CC) AERIAL CABLE A A TUBULAR MARKER-(D) (A) (05 (C) (D) (E) (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) KSRAKF,TM 76262 TUBULAR MARKER,&ISULATOR PROTECTOR-(E) SUBMARINE CABLE SUBM�-- SUBM 2 2l 2L CLARIFICATIONNO. ..TITY FOGVIRE CABLE FOGW--- —FOGW MILE POST MARKER NOTE+ DIRECT BURIED HDPE H }{ DASHED-NUT FOUND IN FIELD `a P3,F. PVC OR SPLIT PVC CONDUIT PERMIT TRACKING LOOM IDENTIFLER 167 187 - BSP/GSP OR SPLIT BSP/GSP CUNDUIT STEEL CASING ROCK PROBE CDEPTH AS INDICATED) de" 4B" 4 UTILITY COVER DEPTH REMOVE AND RESTDRE ASPHALT OR CONCRETE (WIDTH AS INDUCATED) HANDHOLE,MANHOLE OR PULLBOX ❑ ❑ CORE BORE C—————— PALE Q • ANCHOR ONLY Q JACK AND BURS -j U Guy UNLY (4 U DIRECTIONAL BDRE W U A OVERHEAD GUY(ARROW IN k[RECTION OF PLr_L) OHG .92'IDM OHG 92'IDM FUTURE CASE n f= C> RFPFIVE CABLE —.R- -- ANCHOR AND GOY �� +i ti Z U a O SIDEWALK ANCHOR AND GUY a. N'0 TO BE REMOVED OR ABANDDNED H H EN F (SHOWN FOR HOPE) In Z Cl- FOREIGN FOREIGN ANCHOR AND GUY �Q �Q (j.+ Q fl AERIAL UTllITY(ELECTRIC) —E— E- -- PUSH BRACE(EXISTING POLEI 30'-5-64PB 30°-5-04PB ¢f0.LLJ - UNDERGROUND UTILITY(TELEPHONE) - C' Ix W ACCOUNT CARE CHANGE(BURIED 70 AERIAL A— . A— F (4 MAIN TRACKS --�{ i'"-" y F- W gg U ED J 5i O HON➢AND GROUND AUXILLARY TRACKS — —� � �' B&G B&G 4 ~ ,j FEEL �"�� narF+ 01111Ilt CENTERLINE -C✓L -`-" -C/L -- CULVERT(STIR AS INDICATED) �� 2�� ENGINEEPo IXT/EG RTGHI-DF-WAY -R/W -R/W DRAWN BY+ GXT JIII{f REVISIONJaMIAL S EDGE OF PAVEMENT EDP BRIDGE DATE ESCEOP pRBRD71 SIDEWALK S/W S/W PITCH LINE D/L D/L WATER METER WATER VALVE TAX DISTRICT CITY,FRANKLIN COUNTY OR STATE BOUNDARY LINE GAS VALVE F❑J Fly PROPERTY LINE --- FIRE HYDRANT - Wui,A'� . SCALE FENCE LINE F/L-TF/LF/L-O F/L-O-FAF/L-O- RAILROAD SIGNAL CONROL HO% �{� HOTTAL.- N/A VERICALGUARDRAIL N/A MP T© MP TDP of SLOPE CAUTION NOTE rt^�$4' >r ���a SHEET 07 OF 49 TOE OF SLOPE FILE05040401007AC,BEL IM CONSTRUCTION DETAILS PROJECTt 058W TYPICAL DETAIL A TYPICAL DETAIL B TYPICAL DETAIL C MalWS1m Pny. DIRECTIONAL BORE CROSS SECTION TRENCH & PLACE CONDUIT CROSS SECTION OF PROPOSED HDPE VEETLNIE,TX 76262 FOR CONDUIT CLARIFICATION Na QUANTITY EXISTING GRADE I EXISTING CRANE I-2375?HOPE pPTIC CB FIBER OPTIC CABLE 12'MI I BELOW FINISHED GRA➢E BURIED CABLE MARKER TAPE 42'BIN, COMPACT BACKFILLS IN COVER 6'LAYERS WITH ROCK FREE MATERIAL 46'MIN. COVER 1-2.375'HAPS E/W FIBER OPTIC CABLE 1-2.375'HDPE Q�E/W FIBER OPTIC CABLE J E J H� W [- TYPICAL DETAIL D TYPICAL DETAIL E > LJ� PLACE SPLIT PVC BRANCH WYE PULL INNERDUCT THRU EXIST. COTIDUITy z a E/W H-STRIP °z y PLAN VIEW PROPOSED 1.25' Eo I- F INNERDOCT VI Z C- EXISTING INOTS. -------24' - ¢ ED LI' w LJ PROPOSE➢FIBER yi{ EXISTING FIBER OPTIC CABLE �- q OPTIC CABLE TO BE le' REMOVED IN PHASE 11 PROPOSED FIBER N F_LA OPTIC CABLE W =_ 1.) o l- U a PROPOSED SPARE ICING INCE TB BE -PROPOSED FIBER DATE- 01/11/11 SPLICED TO REMAINING ITICIACT OPTIC CABLE ONCE EXISTING FIBER OPTIC CABLE ENGINEERi G%T/EG IS REMOVED IN PHASE 11 . PROPOSER INDT, DRAWN BY, GXT ISOMETRIC VIEW TD BE SPLICED REVISIONS TO SPARE INDT. ]WTE E€SCRPT11Fi OI 250 H-STIRP 35' 33" ,�.wv•s mie�:a�c�res .4."�n xwerc rc�a NOTE, H-STRB' CONTRACTOR TO PLACE CAP ON OPEN WYE ONCE EXISTING FIBER OPTIC GABLE HAS BEEN REMOVED SCALE HORIZONTAL, K/A VERTICALS K/A MP_TO MP SHEET OB OF 49 FILEW9444ulOOBAE,BEL. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (CONT.) zipmwwnm TYPICAL DETAIL A TYPICAL DETAIL B TYPICAL DETAIL C PROJECT- 058494 rRJA PKYY, TYPICAL SINGLE DOOR SUSPENDED LMT CLOSE COUPLED EMT 2501 VEVMnAKF,TX 76M PULLBUX CONCRETE DECK OR WALL CONCRETE DECK OR WALL CLARIFICATION NEI. gUANTITY s'N ...... 1 4:t—5 Y 3/4A x NCID STANDARD 3/4 EXPANSION GALVANIZED NIZED HAN43M SHIELD BOLT BOLT<LENGTH AS REDW 9.LOCKVANHER ANY WINDER OF 3/4 EXPANSION INNERDUCTS AND/OR '0 HDPE'S AS SFECIFIFM FIBER OPTIC CABLE STANDARD PIPE CLAMWIPWCENIBUIT/SIZED ANY...OF PER DRAVIKS u Ld INNER13LV-TS MaiOR HOPE'S AS SPECIFIED -j r.3 ,,—PIIIER OPTIC PULL BOX TYPE V — 0 CABLE H <> La DISTRIBUTION 12- 12' 8' > of-j P:t AISTRIBUTIM 24' P4- 12' CoNnUIT/SimOf n 0 < 47 11 oZ u CABLE STORAGE 31� PER DRAWING w STANDARD PIPE HANGER LZ C3 Z OL X Z as de TYPICAL DETAIL D w (4 (4 cd KINDORF SUSPENDED EMT L)w =1 -i 0 CONCRETE DECK OR WALL DATE, 01/11/11 ENGINEER- GXT&G DRAWN BY, GXT REVISIONS BATE I 1lE wrm juaTm 1-4' EMT RBER OP71C CABLE SCALE ANY NUMBER OF HDRIZIINTALI N/A INNER'UCIS AND/OR HDPE's As SPECIFIED VERTICALtN/A MPTOMP SHEET og OF L FILE055848M010OW-X3L- CABLE GROUNDING INSTALLATION DETAILS ve (FOR CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION) PROJECT, 0584" mmm HD Y. DETAIL "A" DETAIL "B" DETAIL "B-1" YEC%AKE TS 76MI PLAN VIEW INSTALLATION DETAIL C-LOK GROUND ROD CLARIFICATION NO. QUANTITY INSTALLATION, METHOD HCI MARKER TUDDLAR MARKER 4 0 VARIES SPLICE 1.WITH GROUND 2,INSERT WEDGE 3.PUSH WEDGE 4.COMPLETE 5. ENSURE SECURING HANDHGLE WIRE IN SMALL CCMPONENT COMPONENT C0144MTIGN LOCK I5 VISIBLE W GROOVE,HOOK BETWEEN RDD BETWEEN RCD USING PLIERS. 'INSPECTION WINDOW'. r...._ .— 'C'COMPONENT AND WIRE, MU WIRASSDMBLY. I E TO 6'-1.75' AROUND RAA DETAIL "B-2" DETAIL "B-3" W C-LEK CONNECTOR TEMPORARY GROUNDING a C3 C3 (INCLUDING SPUR CABLE) FINISHED GRAHE G' BLACK WIRE FROM SURGE ,U„ j LJ 1 6 ARRESTER ATTACHE➢ YELLOW WIRE FROM > CZ-J TO RPS OF CABLE SURGE AERES70 K H-W GREEN WBiE ATTACHED TO RPS W (n Q A711 SURGERRESTER OF CABLE CN ZIZI (..) a (�WIRD BLUE WO2E FROM SURGE LZ .U-, ARRESTER AT7ACHEB +'C7 SOUTHUWEST TG RPS OF GABLE M OL FIRER CABLE UM Z,© P ! HDPE DUCT g J SPLICE HANDHOLE FOR S O-� COVER NOT SHOWN FIBER OPTIC 4'-8, HARNESS ¢� W w FGR CLARITY CABLE V STATNLLS ~ A STEEL HOSE _ CLAMPS 0 I— W GROUN➢ FIBER OPTIC = U 0 H RDD CABLE SEE DETAIL'B-I'THIS NORTH/EAST U SEESPUR FIBER -3 WIRES 0 SOLID COLO HET FOR INSTALLATION' CABLE FIBER CABLE ¢ F- FIHER CABLE CODED - BATE, 01/11/1.7 ENGINEER, LXT/EG CONDUIT DRAWN BYE GXT REVISIONS RATE DESGRIPRPi nu NGTES, TEMPORARY GROUNDING 1.USP CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL THE FULLGWING HCI FURNISHE➢MATERIALS, BEFORE SPLICING \ w 6'TUBULAR HARKER WITH HARDWARE(1) SEE DETAIL'B-3'BELOW \` HDPE DUCT •SPLICE HANDHOLE R9 FOR HARNESS •GROUND ROn AND FIGURE 8 CONNECTOR ensIFIr IHER CABLE 'PULL WBiE HARNESS FROM HANDHOLE TC MARKER i 9°"""` 2.THE CONTRACTOR WILL FURNISH AND INSTALL THE HDPE,LENGTH AS REOUIRED PER THE M' CONBUIT DRAWINGS SUPPLIED. ���w 3.ALL MCI AND COMTRACTOR FURNISHED HATEktALS SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TD PLACEMENT OF THE FIBER OPTIC LADLE,AT WHICH TIME THE TEMPORARY GR011N0 CONNECTION WILL HE SCALE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL'A'. 4.AFTER CONNECTION OF THE TEMPORARY GROUND,THE CONTRACTUR SHALL SEAL THE EMU S HORIZONTAL, N/A OF THE FIBER OPTIC CABLE III PREVENT THE ENTRY OF MOISTURE 5.AFTER INSTALLATION OF THE FIBER OPTIC CABLE AND WIRING HARNESS BY THE CONTRACTOR, VERTICAL, K/A THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SEAL ALL DUCT LINE OPENINGS WITH NCI APPROVED MATERIAL TO PREVENT THE ENTRY ff MOISTURE. NP—10 MP 6.MARKER AND HAN➢HOLE SHOULD BE PLACED IN LINE WITH THE NORTHERN CORNER CF THE SPLICE HANDMLE FOR NORTH SOUTH ROUTES,THE EASTERN CORNER OF SHEET lU OF 49 THE SPLICE HANDHULE FOR FAST/WEST ROUTES, F[LEC53+e40707D,A[:BEL OKI TUBULAR MARKER DETAILS fR DETAIL 'A' DETAIL 'B' DETAIL 'C' PROJECT 058484 INSTALLATION VIEW FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW 2501 YESAAIB P"m' VEVLM&)R 76262 CLARIFICATION NO QUANTITY —3.75'O.D. J5' O.D.- MO ��. —�I MARKER II6 (ORANGE) II I I II a II H STEEL POST 3NSIIIE I 3 I II E R " II. MATRIAL—TKCKNaS.125' e z MAT RIALS.125' TUBULAR MARKER I = I II x E I a o qq I Li I r IIP d a II V T II ® E II Sam-c�"f1D I Kae N t] I • i U II I II > w J pq EXISTING I e' II JI I cd z GRADE I Ej LZ oN SLEEVE(WHITE) ENA-1 A-1 THICKNESS MATCER ALS.125' IVMATERIAL.125• Iw LJHOLE I-51'DIA. (BOTH SIDE)BOLT HOLE5EE SECTION A-1(AATH SITE) 6' &DETAIL A' W J6'STEEL POST i SEE SECTION A-1 THIS SHEET nRIVEN 4-0 &TH[ASLTASHEIL ET'D' ¢ E- IN70 GROUND i O.D ..�-3.75'O.D. DATES 01/11/11 ' 3.75 ENGINEER- GKT/LG BRAWN BY, Gx7 REVISIONS mm pEscAnmax ) SECTION A--1 DETAIL 'D' TUBULAR MARKER 1.5' BOLT Boom M.�.,s TUBULAR HARKER na�� xos wnmxv. �� e'STEEL 975'-1 N �� SCALE POST I THREAns HORIZONTAL,RIZONTAL+ N/A —L VERTICAD N!A fs'nOL7 MP TO MP SEE DETAEL'D' SHEET 11 OF 49 FILE05849wlauAt BEL.ViG CLARIFICATION SUMMARY SHEET 1� PROJECT SPECIFIC veriZonss 5a484 PROJECT, 058184 2901 OESRAFE PEW. YEM KE,IX 7002 CLARIFICATION NEL QUANTITY PROJECT CLARIFICATION SUMMARY CLARIFICATION CLARIFICATION DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT NUMBER NUMBER AND ALPHA 810 PLACE 4'EMT EN 3-125'INDT, 38 FT. 310A PLACE 2'EMT 126 FT. L) W -i F 330 ATTACH PULL MIX TO CEILING OR STRUCTURE I EA. J C3 0 3306 ATTACH PULL 80X TO CEILING OR S•TRUCTIRE 1 EA. U W =J 410 PULL 1-40 FTBER OPTIC CABLE THRU EXIST.CON➢UIT 17,016 FT < O N Z{.1 C3 411 PULL 3-1.25'INDT.THRU EXIST.4-ENT 80 FT Y U--e g t4 C 4llA PULL 1-1.25'INNERDUCT 16,124 FT Q Z O X0 Z °0^ 630 ➢IRECTIONAL 3DRE 1-2.375'HRPE 11l F7 a W F F1 W q� 720 PLACE 3URIED CABLE MARKERS 2 EA 3 N to _ U � J o a � DATE, av11/LI ENGINEER, GXT/EG DRAWN 13Y, GXT REVISIONS ➢ATE DESpYIPTINI ➢VR NEW USP CONDUIT 48F 111 FEET EXIST.GJST.CONDUIT deF 17'316 FEET NEw ISP CONDUIT 48F 158 FEET CABLE SLACK PLACED 48F 1,750 FEET IBM �iwse� � �M rarmrc��,uc ccs aw.*m':r�a.cc �wn�ive'ma�"sP1 SCALE HORTzoNTAL- wA VERTICALS N/A MP_To MP SHEET ]2 OF 49 FILF0504840101M BEL.Bwa 2501 WESTLAKE PKWY. WESTLAKE, TX 76262 ygrj��Afw9iness TARRANT COUNTY PROJECT, OW404 FIBER ROUTE SCHEMATIC 2581 1ESILA%E R[Jf. 1LsU1XG Tx 76262 NOTE: CLMIFILA7TTBT N4 WAMIY7Y TOTAL FIBER OPTIC CABLE=19,635 FT. —A—A— AERIAL FIBER OFI710 CARLE --A-----A--- F70SIING AERIAL FIBER OPTIC CABLE •-------• EXISTING MCI CONDUIT -- EXISDNG Cu5TOMER CONDUIT PROPOSED MCI CCNDUIT AND S CAMPUS CIRCLE FIBER OPTIC CABLE ® EXISTING PULLBOX 7 CAMPUS CIRCLE 0 PROPOSED MCi Puumx 0 PROPOSED MCI HIT 0 EXISTING HH PROPOSED MCI MH J LLJ F- IED EXISTING MCI MH Q ki �� 3 15B FT. SPLICE POINT .V. L, O EXISTING MH p pq Ll OW,MAGUIRE PLACE 100'SIACK�COIL Tr ® EXIST.HH Co LJ LZ 81 FT. 0 RESER POLE �❑ ,U+ I-- o POLE 'c 'L —IRE MH • PROP. POLE Eo -j w p(] SLACK LOOP Z EL L! mcm.1-IlAOUME LH lw 1 F R gg LJ 175 FT. 171 FT. U [3 H TS Q H 11 FT. 1� DATF, 01/11/11 4+r ENGINEER, GXT/EG IT E= LIA(MIRE Irl DRAWN BY, GXT PLACE 101Y SIAOK COL REVISIONS JEq.4L WE.SR/BCE MX EXIST- MACRE E TATE necca>PIIvI 1i1IFIA .RC2, FbsT.wdlYiE Tri EXff.MAGUIRE MH GD PLACE 10('SLACK OOL ��� IMESjI,A�IIT --024 �E 1T14 SLACK C� m",WESTLAKE IEl \ EXIST.KESILMff MR MEN KIRKypp� $� SCALE HORIZONTAL, N/A T 663 F� VERTICAL, N/A 67ST NFSRMKE MH NP TO MP SHEET 13 9.F 49 FILEG6 HMl0l=EEL.BK- r`Cr� 2501 WESTLAKE PKWY. �� WESTLAKE, TX 76262 —A—A— AERIAL FIBER OPTIC CABLE TARRANT COUNTY ---A-----A_w EXIB�AERIAL FlBER UP11C _01 011bwihm FIBER ROUTE SCHEMATIC _ . _ EXISTING CUSTOOMER CONDUIT PROJECT- O59484 PROPOSED MCI CONOHIT AND M YESNJR PKV. FIBER OPTIC CABLE vBm TM 76M 4 BLVD- T"' ��� 63 FT. KIRKMUO hd`� � m EXISTING PIkL19OX CLARiFICATIDN NO. kUANTTIY PROPOSED MCI PULLBOX pr: �x � Q PROPOSED MCI HH W 0 F]GSNNG HH m 1p(C§y/y[y(M( `y Q \ E3 PROPOSED MCI MH 0M.4ESILAKE MH EXISTING MCI MH SPLICE POINT rx4 Q EXISPNG MH AM.WESTLAKE MH PLACE 1OW SLACK Cm Crl WST.}tli �t \ 0 RISER POLE C] EXIST.WESTLAKE MH \\ Lu o POLE • FROP.POLE 00 SLACK LOOP U W J E]E3 U Z)W Ld 1ygC�p !] ` 014 Z ¢ to Z OM.YIFC'fl llT UHO Y LZ7 EX T.WESTLAKE YH Z W ` N 4 Ld U C7«~r 1 H E10ST.WESTLAKE III � DATES 03/IL/L! ENGINEERS G)LIXT DRAWAS BYE GXT REVISIONS DATE DATE xmRIPDON Imm EMT.WESTLAKE MH PLACE 10V SLACK COO. EXIST.WESTLAKE 101 ` _ EXIST.WESTLAKE YHto �fli m Lu z _j SCALE uJ Yx H[IRIZC]NTAL, NIA ul VERTICAL- N/A N MP TO MP_ SHEET 13A OF 49 FILE05B4010118AAC.EEL. -lot 6 2501 WESTLAKE PKWY. r� WESTLAKE, TX 76262 —A—A— AER4k FIBER Calc CABLE TARRANT COUNTY --A----A-- EXISTING AEFtAL FIRER OPTIC 1/�1'�ZZAlibtisflieSS .---mss--• EXISTING NO CONDUIT PRLJECT- 058484 FIBER ROUTE SCHEMATIC — . — EXISMtG CUSTOMER CONOUN PROPOSED MCI CONDUIT AND Z501 LESTLw mw' FIRER OPTIC CABLE VLgDAT Tx 76262 ✓� IXISRKG PULLSOX CLARIFICAMN PHI, QUANTITY EXIST.WESTLAKE MH PLACE IW SUCK COILU M PROPOSED MCI POLLBOX — 147 FT. J W (,3 PROPOSED MCI HH y S ® EXISTING HH 4(%W 13 PROPOSED MCT MH `!- ® EXISTING MCI MH ® SPUCE POINT EXIST.WESTLAKE L•! I Q EXISTING MH EXIST.HH w 0 RISER POLE 0 POLE dl ir Q • PROP.POLE J 00 SLACK LOOP cI L.1 K C~A J Z H a q� o=o I.-QI -yam` �tifi. N u W Q -} '7 4 w N df�� *fit• oN zo U iZ LJ U H TE)W.WESTLAKE YN EXIST.WESTLAKE LIN £Ng PLACE 100'SLACK CUA. E p IL Z a W TDQSf.WESTLAKE NII t 0� qLd � ` Ld a E]QST.WESTLAKE YH L3 J / L o F DATES 01/11/11 ddl, ENGINEERS G%T/EG DRAWN BYE G%T `f7WESTLAKE F(AAQ REVISIONS F]O,ST.W STLAKE YN y� � ➢ATE ➢ESQemrlu+ ran -1", 100'SLACK COIL Q~ EXq'f.xEsiL►10E UH y by III FT. EXLST.WESTLAKE Mi [EXIST. AOE100 WESTLAKE MH 9PL S y� r EMT.WESTLAKE MH 4t ' c+~' E .WESTLAKE MH �C'Py ��' vvw mrma�'w nw.navmE` SCALE 478 FT. HORIZQNTALi N/A EXIST.WESTLAKE 4N VLRTICAL1 N/A O MP_TCS MP SHEET 13B OF 44 FILE0384MIlMM EEi.. I I Al- 2501 WESTLAKE PKWY. WESTLAKEP TX 76262 —A—A— AL7RIAL FBER DPnC CABLE yepjZQ slness TARRANT COUNTY --A----A-- EXISNG AERVL FIBER OPTIC __ �� PROJECT- 050484 FIBER ROUTE SCHEMATIC --------- omSSTIrNG CUSTOMER CONBurr 2901 YF;SBAIE HLW. PROPOSED MCI CONDUIT AND FIBER OPTIC CABLE YUZLWk TX 7626E MATCH LINE G ..aRlETcanDN ND. cuANnTY m Ewsllwc PULLBOX p Q PROPOSED MCI PULL13OX 0 PROPOSED MG HH WESTLAKE L TXE PKWY.6E3 PROPOSED MCT MH ® L'ASRNO MM MH E SPLICE POINT O EXISONG MH E705f WESTLAKE MH E)IIST.CUSTOMER MH PLACE 1 �COSL ® EXIST.HH 768 FF OF ISP R RISER POLE LWE IW SLACK COIL EXIST.CUSTOMER MW T51 FT, FOR TERMKILI ON o POLE I • PROP.POLE p(T SLAO<LOOP U LJ J "= 3 1t 0 1� W V n o � .U. a PLACE 10707 5UC1(COIL 'ir-• �+d 7 a �J E)39r.WESTLAKE MH- I 3O0 FT: Q O0 Z U I LZ ED L) MN z a �5 a LI EMT.WESTLAKE MH-��� f N J(Y pL1K:E 100'SLACK W Z W H FT. ne LU J Nw 01 L OVE I#b. w F-W gg EXLSL WESTLAKE 11E1 U L7 H ffi U ¢ F MATCH LINE G DATE, 01/11/11 ENGINEER, GXT/LG DRAWN HY, GXT REVIsinNs ]NTE IEsb211'T@N ETOBT.WESTLAKE MH �r EXIST.WESTLAKE MH LDOST.WESTLAKE MH DW..WESTLAKE MH EXIST.WESTLAKE MH U.w f PLFCE 707 91GK COIL - Jrr r �re S —✓s>'F! 40�FT....«�1 e�w FT'_ 6"1°.x.-,.. .� �'�� �u1 "��"ff'�"�.,ma a � SCALE w y NORIZf]NTALi N/A U) VERTICAL, N/A W NP TQ MP_ C' SHEET 13C OF a9 FILET w4maustIt LEL.VA i —A—A— AERX F19M OPTIC CABLE 2501 WESTLAKE PKWY. --A----A-- EXXIISMNG AERIAL F115ER OPTIC WESTLAKEF TX 76262 Y®" rj �l�uSi!)gss ....... EXISRNG MCI CONDLIG TARRANT COUNTY PROJEC7, 1158484 EXI571NG CUSTOMER CONDUIT PROPOSM MOI CONOUR AND INDEX SHEET 2901 WsTlJEPW FIBER OPRC CABLE WST-AE,Tx 76252 ® EXISTING PULLBOx CLARIFICATIDN ND. GUANTITY Q PROPOSED Mfx PULl90X [] PROPOSED MCI HH ® IXISTING HH ® PROPOSED M01 MH ® EXISRNO MCI MH SPLICE POINT O EXISRNG MH ® EAST.HH 8 CAMPUS CIRC H RISEN POLE 'rS POLE CAMPUS CIRCLE • PROP.POLE 00 SLACK LOOP 0 W H Be J H[ o w U r �J j w � C6Q aw C6 v L7 U C-) N� H %E OIL Z C— W lL N N - L) j U o H DATE- 01111/li ENGINEER° GXT/EG DRAWN DY1 GXT 22 REVISIONS m1E IIESCR�TTITITII nan z� W w 1`a / 20 19NMI / fx KIRIC 91 SCALE +` HRRIZONTAL, N/A VERTICAL, N/A HP TD MP SHEET l4 LIE 49 FILE��1014AG.88. 2501 WESTLAKE PKWY. WESTLAKE, TX 76262 —A—A— AERIAL ODER oPnc PE s� Y --A--A—A-- p(ISIING AERIAL FlBER OPTIC TARRANT COUNTY CABLE -• EXISTING MCI CONDUIT PROJECT, 858484 23 FIBER ROUTE SCHEMATIC .W _ LXISTING CUSTOMER CONDUH PROPOSED MGI CONDUIT AND 2MI 4ES1IAKE FW' 24 FIBER OPnC CABLE NEU Ate,Ix 76am 0 K RKwool) B"El- $'T^ G ® Exlsnac PILLBOX CLARIFICATION Na auAHnrr PROPOSED MCI PULLBOX 0 DPROPOSED H MCI H ® ExasnNiSNNG HH co 13 PROPOSED MCI MH Q ® EXISTING MGI MH w ` SPLICE POINT y N Q EXISTING MH {1 y Y � EXIST.HH 4R{SER POLE ~ t3 O POLE • PROP.POLE - ` DO SLACK LOOP A ©_ l µ W pq O0 z Ll iz 0 \ E t £N c�9 ZW q L) o J— DATE, 131/11/11 ENGINEER, GXT/EG DRAWN BY, GXT REVISIDNS DATE IEFFWPflPaI JWTVL r % * — SCALE FnRIZEINTAL, N/A N TICAL, N/A 3L TO MP SHEET 14A OF 49 FILE070484C114MiG BEL.DW 2501 WESTLAKE PKWY, 1� —A—A— AFRW.TER OPnc WESTLAKE, TX 76262 TARRANT COUNTY -A----A - CMLE AERIAL FIBERR oPOF nc 1/�/�j� flSjRBS .�------. EXISTING MCR CONDUR PREIJLCT� 458484 FIBER ROUTE SCHEMATIC EXISTING CUSTOMER CONDUrr PROPOSED MCI CONDUIT AND 25W VCrU XE err' FIBER OPTIC CABLE YFSTLAKE,TX 7652 In EXISTING PULTAOX CLARDFICATPIN NIL QUANTITY U d D�'- PROPOSED MCI PULLBOX W Q PROPOSED MCI HH SY0 EX nNG HH 4, 13 PRDPOSEO MCI MH W EXISTING MCI MH i SPLICE POINT N 0 EX]SSRNG MH -- C•1 0 E]fIST.HN 6 RISER POLO= 6 POLE O 0 • PROP.POLE .j Cb SLACK LOOP a LJ -i J F- qT� y X Ll 21 1_ ON Z L) 0' © r.3 H F-- M uw ¢EL o m Z a- w w F- W W Z)J U E3 F- I ¢ h DATEi 01/11/11 ENGINEER, GXT/EG DRAWN BY, GXT s l / REVISIONS -10. / erre vcsaareruM aOrr 14 39 ` .teas�xn A R� SCALE ire 0 MORI2DNTALI N/A VERTICAL, N/A F4 MP TO MP SHEET 14B OF 49 FILEuMB4NIN 14RV.WDw - MATCH LINE F 1 � D m I s r_ o I a m c� 45 46 MATCH LINE F I f � I 7I caN m mm PEARS 3 7J 3>T 0 M --q m m Cil r —Q mol m N � I ��' oxo 47 y V)AMX� N� � ID KR n N C m Plx V N IOD N-< I � r 1 • o m a0ElEO � i I , a i 1 n o3 om 9 R o s Q ; x cs c ni �Q $ = n n 9 sa'Q s o � � O Illnnn S�$ Lll4$E o 1413 aIL rn m C A 1 a s a v ri m ■ Y 71 13 �� Mz m n r. m A n , , MCImetro � hl a s H K ^ ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC I n s r m .11111 �_ o o OUTSIDE PLANT CONSTRUCTION c c a �6 ^`TITLE, FIBER OPTIC CABLE ROUTE W 2'JOL"Un.WE PKYY., YESTiRKE, TX 7262 6 �� a 5kNC1E LATERALi { R WESTLAKE, TXNQRTH P.T.F. TARRANT COUNTY 25 1/8l��Abtlsfnew STA 0+00 FRN.JECT; 05s484 1 410 2501 1ESILM?AWAY 461' VESTLNS,TI 54262 B-C SC LLARIFILAYIUN NO OUANTITx PULL 4@ FIBER OPTIC CABLE 410 461' TWE%IST.CONDUIT INCL.100'SLACK COIL - SEE SHT. 49 FOR INSIDE PLANT FIBER ROUTE CONTINUATION 7 CAMPUS CIRCLE U W J O :3 tD 8 U m > W cz 10 ti Z Cal y -o D s W E C4 z OL u z o � a 8 CAMPUS CIRCLE EIUST.HAOIIIRE N a d w CONOUIT U A I+~ 6 o " o t- g CO DATE,E 51 ENGINEERERS:G%7/EG LLIt— DRAWN BY,G%T !1I � REVISIONS to DATE DESCRIPTION wrnAL W W to El PARKING LOT g SCALE w N � � a HORTZONTAO t'=ao• tl1 VERTICAL, V=40' MP—TO HP •NQTE•.•. ....NOS.... CAUTION flll UTILITY\R.0.V.REPREOENIED DN AL UTILITIES MU4'6 BE YEAIFIEO BT POUIOLUiO CONTROCTOR TD�e i SHEET LS OF 49 PLANS ARE BASB ON flFJ70� A SB'IVO[IML11 DIAmnm'COBE BORE'VIZI.EE NAGE VERT"ALL EKIMN UTILITIES CALL REFIRE YOU BIG INFORMATION. NOT BAOEB ON ��71E IEIfATi11N0 60t1 VUJ. � YAiClI1M ELOCA5IATION 0lLYI PITitlT TO COTBiTRICTI911 i-600-245-45-05 J=1L EL5948401015AC.BEL DV BOMMM SURVEY k FIELD!». BE 4B HOURS NUTICE REQUI#ZEO WESTLAKE, TX N RTH L TARRANT COUNTY � 9fZQ2nWslnws PRNJECT, 658484 .-1 OD 2501 WITLOKE PAMAY VURAI.TI 76W LLARTTLATI]N Na. QUANTITY a 410 820' r 4A r w n STA 3+61 A = U ` �LPULLC FABLE(; IIUCT INCL 100'SI.ACK CULL a r I- � �� w 1,1 w Nrl-d LJ ¢ CA � N �wUO E Q " l]y Q E] .. ff W w x �.�. W ►r Ld h 0. W s Ld r Ial EXIST.IHWIE II � 0o CRJDIIIT � �� DATES O1/ll/1L ENGINEER.GXT/EG DRAWN DY1 G%T m � REVISIONS nnrE ccscniPnou io¢rwL M. �s g m SCALE a HORIZONTAL, 1'=40' VERTIEAL� 1•=40' MP TO MP �"" ....IIB1E•••• CIUTIOH I I I I UTLLITY k�B.8.11.AEFFEse m ON ALL URLITIES ILfBT BE VEBIEim BY PQTHOLM QOHIMC m TO LOCATE 4 nt'AUE 940)ON BBCOTNS R 1B"INOIINM BIMLIER'COBE BOBS'V1LL BE HAOE VEBIFY ALL EIIISTIID UTILITIES CALL HEEORE YOU DIG SHEET f6 Of 49 V*13 IATIQL VOT BAB£B BH IIEii TFE BBIATNIIA BOIL VILL BE BF MM BY VACLM EMAVATIBH OFLYI PBlpl TB COIL51Ti11CTIBN 1 RS WI ICER 5 .81AlYEY A�� 48 HOURS N6TICE REfl4llREB FILEU934B4a1ai6AC.nEL nY WESTLAKE, TA (�/N➢��yR(T\HJR P.T.F. P.T.F. TARF{ANT COUNTY ® 2B 'VB��Olfbusiness PRDJECT- 058486 STA 11+63 STA 8+00 STA O+CO W11 - 94BSCI YESRAIT PARKYA7 41p41A4l9^ ILSRAIS�fX T6262B� CLARIFIEATIUN No- 4UANTITY 5E PULL AB FIDE.Il TTI.CABLE PULL I-t2S, 4Ip 712' i-2.375'HBPE THRU EMIST.Ill. iNNERDIJCT 41IA 3l9' INCL.100'SLACK CGBL 690 11I' EDLNTIpI Tia 2 _ 12.74 BX _ 0.118 All BWIST.TBW OF VES LAKE ~Rily� COnIT Hr Q- -- KIRKWOOD BLVD. U- u W C3C BTR 12•74•0+M EXIST.WESTLAKE MM•T-324-- } KCOIL W U r > > W 1br12 W 0 4 U to Z U -�- ° ❑ M ¢ Iz � I g +'❑ � � a �CDIGOITTDW OF WESTLAKE CS u H y y1� ~ Z CL W ti � LJ Pli 1 LLI F �l _1 LJ U E3 DATEi 01/11/11 ENGTNEER1 GXT/EG DRAWN DY:UXT REVISIONS kAra � c � D4TE LESCRIPTIRN IMTF sra 31.69 EXIST.�NRABfA]gI1R.EAIy311+1 DCR.•8088 COIL d ETA 10+81 1 EXIST.WWIWIIRE rmr a xa n� Oto COUWBT � In.mo g_C ynn..�oum� PULL 48 FIBER WnC CABLE SEE PROFILE SCALE THRU EXIST.CUM DUCT SHEET 017A HCJRJZUNT.L0 1-40' WCL 100'SLACK DML VERTiLAL: 1'=40' ••NOTE•"• SEE SHEET 16 TO MATCH SURVEY STA. 10-81 ,,,, ,,,, (:M3TION nII MP—To MP— UTILITY k R.D.Y.REPRES6RFD ON - ALL UTILITIES MMBT IE VERIFIED SY POTHOLIND C0IBORCTOR TO LOCATE i SHEET 17 Jr 49 PLAN$aRE BASED URI RECURS A IS'NAWIMM DIAMETER'CORE BORE'BILL BE NBSE VERIFY ALL EWISTINi UTILITIES CALL HEEII2E YOU➢IG .AITION. NOT BASED ON TIED TIE REHAININD SOIL PILL BE MOVED BY VADIRM EWCAYATION ON.YI PRIOR TO COIgW=IBN I-SOU-245-4545 FILEC5848401a11-.. - BOUNDARY SURVEY i FIELD EXPOSURES. 48 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED WESTLAKE, TX PT•F• TARRANT COUNTY �0 1ZQ116usirress PROFILE CROSSING KIRKWOOD BLVD. PROJECT, 058484 LOOKING EASTaGIYERILMEFMWAI SEAL Er Yr;n,I7q„TK 76M2 HCR. S• 4G' LLARIFFCATSDN ND QUANTITY 7 ts$ a EXIST.GRACE _ I IKVO1:!l I YI IRKGOEIG-GLY _— YESTMUNO EASTBOIMO III "l W I- K> W PSI 1 1 I I 0 Z 1..1 a 0 U F r,wE ¢ OLC J Z 0- -- MR. [all,I OF WP11 BE Fi M FIBER OPTICAIR ` IAML w n J a r BATE:OI/Ia/I1 ENGINEER.GRT/EG BRAWN BY:GRT I REVISIONS _ nnxl �scA�Pnm+ rwrt.N. SCALE HORIZONTAL. 1=401 VERTICAL, I'-40' HP TO MP • •••• m .... CMIfEGI7 1111 —" UTILITY k R.0.W.NOTEREPRE9EN ON ALL MLITIES NIST BEIN7E YEBIFIEB.••• BY PUTINLING CCNFWL.MGB TO LOCATE G SHEET LTA OF 49 FLAW ME BASED ON CORPS A IB'KAXINM DIAMETER'CG IE BORE'WILL BE MADE VERIFY ALL EISISTIMG UTILITIES CALL HFFDRE YOU DIG I*U MATIGN. NOT BASED ON 1-800-245-4545 BGAEART 81MYSY i FIELD EIEO6TPiE5. 7WN TIE REMAINING SOIL WILL BE REMUM BY YAM M EMWATION MLYI PRIOR TO COIEiRI1CfICN 48 HOURS NMICE REQUIRED FILEG3G4G4GI17AA.C.SEL.➢ WESTLAKE, TXLnRrN P.T.F. TARRANT COUNTY 34 �l��0116t1s1ness STA 3+19 PROJECT- 058484 2 411q STA 3+19 286' 2501 YESII.A%L PAR1.'TAY I 9-E Wsru a,1X 76262 410 4C E86' PULL L-1�2S' R — — -�q/ry� CLARIFICdTION NO QUANTITY 8-C INNERINCT � — —.per, ki0 5L3' 5C .� 411A 519' PULL 48 F1BER OPTIC CABLE 1 Y THRU Ex[5T.CONDUIT �IIJY 5 0O KIRKWOOD BLVD. 3 LpBpIMLLY4 nlA � I m cn � H 4 J M = EXIST.TOIMI BP MESTEOME Ld UOc t1L J = J KIRKWa ,5 vD. Muy Z o C3L) -R/.-F - U N r m f ofz Ld -i �F{ 151 STA 6+05 STA 6,05 u 117 r 8 4 ¢ F 410 41kA DATE:01>11ftl 227' E27' 8-C 8_E ENGINEER,GXT/Ec ~ 5C 4C DRAWN RY:GXT PULL 48 FIRER OPTIC CGADLE PULL 1-1.25' REVISIONS JJJ THRU ExIST.CONDUIT INNERDUCT D.'IC ES IPTPRR JUIMAI m�4 y�W R W s .'M'Mw`�nrtlw raw. SCALE H3RIZDNTAL; 1'=40' VERTICAL, 1'=44' •1p7E•••• .. lYAIT18N I I I I MP�T[7 MP UTILITY 11 zo M. LIQ 011 ��NOTE•••• _ PIN1`a A VON tt�8 ALL UT ILIT1EB FIlbT 6E VERIFIED BY POTIIlLII� (FF AL EX TO LOCATE i CALL BEFORE YOU DEG SHEET 18 EF 49 EIFWNATIRI. NOT PASED ON A is,MAXIM M OIAIETER•OWE DOW MILL BE WIDE VERIFY All IXESTINB IITILITIEB i-800-245-4545 BQupApy f71R1'EY g]a0 EXPOSURES]F-ME IE3MIININD SOIL MILL BE FSO M BY VW"EXCAVATION ON.YI PRIOR 70 CONSLRUCYtgi 40 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FILE95R4MIDIBAC.BEI,W WESTLAKE, TXPNB4TH TARRANT COUNTY 5 v9��011business PRO.JECT� 058404 25a1 WESTIUVE PAMMYRT IF_MAT,TM 762.62 CLARIF]CAFIDN ND- QUANTITY `tea 4i]A 535' fCIRKW.wD BLVCI. _ >y m 6 h Y Ip N EXIST.TOM OF WESR.R6E j J Z N (k1lEBEIT •v -I p p - m U U U CD1 Of �j KIRK WOOD BLVD, Ex r < W EASPHALTa QIA Z 0.] m Lz Q N Til _ N E N F" Rte. P LD a ° w W F- u J D H- STA 12.58 STP 8+32 STA 8+38 STA 12+58 I 2 3 - 4 E�—tel DATE:e1n1/il 4m4216A 1019 10 E ENGINEER,GXT/FG 426' B--E DRAVN BY.GXT B-C a-E 8-C SC 4C 50 4C REVIS]ONS PULL 4B F13ER OPTIC CABLE PULL I-1.25' PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL i-1.25' DATE XSVOPTIM 111RTUL THRU i XIS1.CONDUIT 1NNERDUCT THRO DOST.CEND111T INNFRDNCT �_� .c circrsc aemu�.nrsaauv.�. SCALE HURIZONTAL� 1'40' VERTICAL) 1=40' MP TO MP .MITE•••• - ....NIiTE.... CARTON 1111 UTILITY i R.O.W.REPRESENTED ON AL UTILITIES!KIST BE NES'l TFL @Y PO11111LINO UONTFWi6i TO LOCATE N SHEET 79 OF 44 �' ME BASED RELY A F8•MMINUM OIAI=•CORE:Omr WILL BE"WE VERIFY ALL E1fI67INO UTILITIES CALL BEFORE YOU DIG IlFOIUflTI IrTT B� f-8004OUCE 545 FILECS843401019AC.BEL.BV BRROARI'5T.RVEY!FIEI.O EXPOBIFES. F.TlE RF]gWEID BOEI.WILL Fk'TIOYEO BY YACIMII EXCAVATION RiYI 19t[OR.TO fAl16TRUCTION 48 H"S NOTICE REPUBA=D WESTLAKEP TxNORTH 0 TARRANT COUNTY 5 � Ilel'��llklslness PROJECT: 056484 2501 VESILM PARKWAY 4ESR.AW,T%76252 CLARIFICATIU-N NO. QUANTITY 410 525' 411A 525' m YG•04 r N 1CI�(KwaA TB04D s� >- w lL Ld !il OC n > �� EXITIT.TON!OF YEBTLAM N u W O: �� CONDUIT to y LLd m 6 cz+ i U) L z E3 u 1 - f waao sLVQ' £o z iL o y(IRIC iNn a u.-• ¢ fz a n y 0 �L a W Luf C4 x J O h WR/W _ �p/yy.� _ — --RIW Q F- cf) 4 DATE:0IM/11 �E F ENGINEER GXTOEG E E � DRAWN By,GXl REVISIONS ➢RTE GESCRIPTI[W IrvITiW.. STA 13+67 STA 13x67 STA 18+46 STA 16+46 R Mr A 410 411A 4461A479' B7E e-EB-C 4CSCqC PNLL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-1.25' PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-L2s m THRU CXIST.CONDUIT INNERDUCT THRU EXIST,CONDUCT INNETtDl1CT �r ME SCALE HORIZONTAL, V-40' VERTICALS 1=49' MP TO NP .Asa.. CAUTION Itl! UTILITY&'R.M. SERM ON �••NOTE`•`• FLA NB A �� 6 ALL NITILITIE6 MIST 6E VENIFIED BY POTHOLING COI MIM TO LOCATE M CALL BEFORE YOU DIG SHEET 20 QF 49 IlFOVNTIOL NOT BMEI7 NM A I8'IIAXIIAM OI IUM°COIF BOA:'WILL BE WIDE VERIFY AM EXISTING UTTLITSEB 1-800-245-4595 BOLYpART SUA.NEY f FIELD EIOUBIE✓ES. TIL'N 11E RF]NININD 801E WILL BE ropYEH BY VACUUM EXCAVATION OILYI PRIOR 10 CONI§TRIICTTOI 48 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FILZM948401B20AC.BEL B WESTLAKE, TXP NERTN 7ARf2ANT COUNTY 5 O PROJECT, U5e4e4 2583 VE MW 2AIUAY yE$71N%E,TX 76262 20 GO CLARIFICATION N0. QUANTITY 4FV 449' 4IFA 449' KIRKWOOD BLVD. fASPRRI_TI CA o EXIST.Tal1i OF WESTLAKE �- °•, U - - C@WIT L1 w co J0 F o KIRKWDOODD(ASFWLT�BLVD. l — r 4� U � w � > of -j cv 11 �q 0 z tQ1 W VV Y� U I ISI JL 'r ii I- ~ E [ L1�w-I Q TJ E 0 J E IY1111 E I L9 a CL W W M J STp 19492 STA]8492 � T� N 1 2 Q h 4l0 411A 449' 449' DATE,Al/LI/]I e-C a-E ENGINEER,GXT/EG 5C 4C DRAWN 13Y,5XT PULL 4B FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-625' - THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNERDUCT REVISIONS MnTE DESCRIPTION 1N141R a,�i�IFINp M r�iwe,r-�IIPa�_V1 vA�Mi �11A'!N[ a�vwi1M�t SCALE HORIZONTAL, 1-40' VERTICAL: Mp TO MP HM••.. CAUTION II11 -— Ilfll.liT AR.R.Y.REPRESFJ7IEL RN N.I.NTILITIE$MUST RR VEAIFLED BY POINOI.BW UGNTRACm TO LOGTE i SHEET 21 OF 49 R' 9ASRJt S A IS'W3XINUN OIAIETM°CORE ROBE'WILL RR NAOE VM"ALL EXISTINR IRIlITIES CALL BEFORE 454 PIG IIFORlNT1Q1. NOT RABETI dl TIEN THE dIdW:WN6 SOIL WILL BE RFI6YEY1 BY YAgLM BItl3YATION RNLri PRIM TO CONSIRIICTI011 ]-0on-245-4545 FTi.Efl5B484D3621pG AEI-DV B011R%V SUNT k FIELD R 48 HOURS NOTICE R€OUIREO WESTLAKE, TX5 E � TARRANT COUNTY V+9r�y�Abyslness PRMJECTi N58484 2505 VESTLAL PAMAY MPAER TX 75262 CLARIFICATTAN NO QUANTITY 410 357' 411A 357 ♦T tl' � d N 25'� Nra1 ¢ W b- `� KIRKWOOD BLVD. -f � tasPlNALn r � � u1 13 M T iI N J a � � U `/L P In W " �r r �'d C4 U 1 J L)r LZ n ' EXCHIMirTOBR OF 1PSILME x c� !-- ~ S 0- da w KIRKWDOD BLVD• F .WA. 1n fAWAALTI u oFi I� DATE,0I/11/11 ENGINEER.GXT/EG DRAWN EV,GXT STA 23+41 STA 23+41 I STA 24+78 STA 24+78 2 1 2 3 REVISIONS Old 4IIA 410 41LA GATE DMRIPTIN INITIA t37' 13T 220' 220' R-C 8_F R-C 3-E 5C 4C 5C 4C PLLL 48 FIBER LWTIC CABLE PULL i-1.25' ~ PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC GABLE PULL I-L@5' THRU EXIST,CONBUIT INNERBUCT '1'• THRU EXIST CGNBUIT INNERDUCT MEsralcr�m>s w.. u�afic�'iiai��'rvwmairn� SCALE A HORIZONTAL, 1'=40" a �a VERTICAL. t'=40' MP TO MP lGTE ...s iGTE•••• OIIUfIW I11! BIILITY k R.B.M.FIE'MM ON ALL UTH IM Kw BE VERIFIED BY PBIHBLINB CIYiRMCR1R TO LOCATE k SHEET 22 OF 49 �' A�BA6ED AIB'IGXIIIIIN Ell •OOIE BlfiE•PILL BE ME VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES GALL BEFORE YOU MG 11FOR1NTIW. 1GT 8A6FD ON 1-800-245-4545 BOI*-W lB OM. k FBA E16'041fES. 7401 YI[MMMIM$OR-WILL BE lEIGVED BY VAM M MUVATIM QLY! PRIOR TB CON STIMIOR 48 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRES FILEASB484B1OR2AC.BEL,n4 WESTLAKE, TXP i]k7H � TARRANT COUNTY 5 �lonwsinn m PROJECT, 058404 m EMI VEMLAKI PAMAY YMLAIL,T%76262 -^�I CLARIFICATICN NO. LUANTITY STA 30+I5N STA 30+355 qlD 551' STA X30+35N 4 STA 30+355 T.NEU.CT' 411A 451' 410 63A 410 q 63' O-E 51 �4F B-C 4C O-C PULL 1-1.25' SL QPULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CAHLE INNERDUCT PULL 48 F[HER OPTIC CABLE - 01 THRU E%IST.CCN➢C[T THRO EXIST.CIINMUIT y EXIST.VM OF VESUARE m COMIT .` 9 J a 0 LJ �¢ K 31+•aS ' a C3 IRKW T38�vD LuEkt j— y =) la,l x N am Z L z y 13 LO.1 W U0 Z Ori h E y J fK Z d N ~ fry KIF?KWSQQpLTIBLVD. w yw ZD w , S u J ¢ r W N3 DATER DI/11/11 STA 26+9B STA 26+98 ENGINEER,GXT/EG 1 M4. 4I0 DRAWN EY,G1(T 43T I REVISIONS 8-C 5L MATE MESCRYMN 1n1TInL P PUL1 48 ETHER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-1.25' m THRU EXIST,CCNDUIT INNERDUCT .`� INCL.1010'SLALK CULL '$l � vlxw'�iicm� Eli SCALE a HORIZONTAL- 1'=40' VERTICAL- I'=40' MP T12 MP NXIIE ....IIp7E.... CAU1'ICN II It '�'— UTwTY��R.01. IIFED ON pLL UTILITIES PINT BE YERIFIEO BY POTHOLING f�lf"cm TO LOCATE! SHEET 23 OF 49 ROHR &4TEB 11"�S A IB'WKIMM OTANE:7ER'CORE BORE'BILL BE R41E YHIIFT AL.L EXISTING UTILITIES CALL BEFORE YOU DIG IIF6WAT101. NGT am ON 1-UDD-245-4545 BOIOOWIY Y f�E,D I pOg10iP3. TFEII 7HE REMININD BOIL YILL BE RBIOYEO BY YALVIRI E�AYOTION OILYI PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 48 HOURS NOTICE RECUIREO FIL ECE84B10f 023AC.BEL.04 WESTL.AKE, TXNDRTH PQ SEE SHEET 23 TO MATCH SURVEY STA. 39+86 TARRANT COUNTY 5 � 1�@1'j�llbusi PROJECTS US8484 PSDI WES1i N PAFXWAV Oy O �I }} VESTLAW,TX 76M m 2C r SII l STA 38+86 SSA 34+86 STA 3+fi2 STA 1162 cLARIFI410TICia rva� UU6161TY 1 2 O b ` qI6 411A 416 H4N 411A 5l5' O 088e{ 8-C SC 4C SC Ry ty l PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PI1LL 1-1.25' PULL 46 FIDER OPTIC CABLE PIAL 1-L25' Y } THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNERDUCT THRU EXIST.CONDUIT 1NNERDUCT INCL,IDO'SLAtK COIL Rte. _ _ RA _ W W T W W W W W W R - w cq ___ _—_____T ___ ____— - 1 Q } (11 V - EXIST.TOWN OF WESTLAKE >- Li Z r COWBUIT > J D l occW a I) La :r > ce E E E E E Zl..i' 1..1 E W w W w w OP Li 33°14 NK ~ Eh Z ~ wa 11-m OR PRECINCT LINE RD. N ff a E3 } /A9PIW sr r z CL W 1 l w a � w x 1+- w w w O.W — — — — ---- — — -- W v r 41 r DATE,6v11111 s s s s s m s s s g s CNGINEERg GTR/EG DRAWN EY,GXT REVISIONS mTE I NSCRIPTIDN INITIFL n m rJ SCALE HORIZONTAL- 1'=46' VERTICAL, V•46' •MOTE•••• - ....NOTE•••• CAIRION ILII HP TO MP UTILITY R.0.M.p ITFID ON ALL UTILITIES NUST DE VERIFIED BY POIIOLIM CONIFACTOR TO LOCATE E SHEET 24 OF 49 PLANS ATF BfSm ON REIX1pO6 A ID'WXINUM DINETEi"COIF BOLE'PILL NE PYTOE VERIFY ALL EXTERNO UTILITIES CALL BEFORE YOU ATG lIFO1DIATIBN, NOT DTBFfI ON 7lNA TfE ���NILL BE R7FVm III VAG1M ENIAVATIDN OILYI PRIOR TO 69116TIW1CTIOR reed-245-4545 BOUNIIRT SURVEY&FIELD WOBUIIES. 48 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FILEO�4B4D1D24AC.BEL luc WESTLAKE, TX (Hm�a'1H V PQ \J 7ARRANT COUNTY 5 1/��� irless PRCIJECT, 958484 PSOI YESIIfi%E PAPNYAY YESRAU: T%x624.2 CLARIFICATIMM NO GLANTITY 410 579' 411A 579' R/A _ � w R/w w w w w w w w w c ° a c 0 Y M N Y 111 m v uj J l7 7 Lu4n ry C3 E Ul E E w rx J UE c �w.,����w P W (4¢ w w r o o z L) 1 wS U U� �o � �J I- r U Q 0 a PRECINCT LINE RD. way N IAPWY_31 ¢ IL Id94 m Ld W 6'68 w Lr_ Tca„ 1w UI !!1 w w w w w w w _ _ w f N h N W d W � . §� �. __.— -- - — — — ___. — — � wPIV RM DATE,01/11/11 ENGINEERS G%T/£G DRAWN BY,EXT REVISIDNS E%ISfTWA Or♦ DATE DLSCR1PTIM INITIAL OINMiT r m *STA3+29 STA 3+29 4TASTA 5+03 2 ;.1. 4 4I1A 4LIA 274' 245'8-E 8-E 4C 4I yE PULL 46 FIBERrTIC CABLE PULL 1-1.25' PGLL 48 FIBER-TIC CABLE PULL ITLIMr' THRU EXIST.CpNpu1T THNERBUCT THRU E%IST,CON@lIi TNNERBl1CT vie�alr a��w.m.ee�a g SCALE HURIZDNTALL 1'=40' —VERTICAL: 1'=49' 1110.ITY k R.O.W.BPEPA 1(Im IN "" "" CWTION I I I I MP TO MP BASm PFI'ATm3 ALL BTILI.77fS NIRA fN:YEAIT7®BY POIHOLINO COMTRACIOR TO LOCATE k SHEET 25 EF 49 71FSHIATION. NOT BA9FB M AIS'NA%IMM BIAI£M•CIN0.BOIL`WILL BE IIABE YEHIFY ALL EICISTINO IITILI7TTS CALL BEFORE YOU PIG BOINOAITI 6LRYEY k PIT011[O . TIE77 T�pBLAINi1NT SOIL WILL BE FADOM BY VACINM EMV1 ATI0H ONLYI PRIOR TO MOIRIIOTION 1-B°D-245-1545 FILEflBR484o1025AC.BEL 0v 48 HMMS NOTICE REOIIIREB WESTLAKE, TX NDRTH P� TARRANT COUNTY 5 Y- 171Z41)busfrtess PROJECTS g58404 2501 WHAM PAWAY IESDAYE,TX 76262 CLARIFICATHIN NU. DUAN71TY 410 513' 411A 513' W � . lA R!N W G y r w w��w "/W OD ��w��'w �f ��---w w w s � y. a N 03 x � J >- Ld c d W f� W J I.- c r (4 LT 7 E.T £ E [�EE�w�w LN1.1 U Q' e 7 Lel !- e € € wry r > of ww 00 z F LZ C3 07 Z O Nw � ma ~ S PRECINCT LINE RO' �W�` W uv z © r� IASIMW-TI 7Z E -1 gw W w r a W y Z W 1� Rl'I d rn 10•W ��w f� � �� n, H 4- Wt�,___w - - , .._ �— r s�5 UD Fes- 7,k N� m g,� Q r DATE1 01/11/11 ENGINEER,GXT/EG DRAWN DY.GXY MST.7M OF VBMAE REVISIONS 1T DAT€ DEStlFFPTIE7N INIFI IY m STA 8r46 STA BNB STA ur70 STA]I47o 2 g 4 I 410 41 W 410 411A 322' 3Z2' 191' 8_C B-E 0-C 2'C4L 5C4C m�exwr ow.+�s xo 'u"ims PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-125' PULL 48 EIDER UPTIC CABLE PULL 1�Ie5' THRU E%IST.CONDUIT IN14EROUCT �jR THRU EXIST,CONDUIT DNIERBUCT � SCALE HOR120N7ALr 1=40' VERTICALi 11=40' MP TO MP UTILITI i R.OY.ERFP[ EIITFA ON :••,BE Y •••• CAUTION l I11 PLANE AHE t1ASE11 ON R>�6 All HAXI"Efi m 9E ME BOR BY I0111at w COIIALL EHI TO L01UTI k CALL HEEORE YOU PFG SHEET 26 OF 49 INFORMATION. N0I DASM ON R 10'M$DE OIILL BE EW DOLE'WILL OE NAVA VEl]!PY ALL 0000RST1 MILITIES 1-890-245-4545 BOUNDARY OURWY i FIELD E7PflSURES. 71EN THE kE11RIN[NO SOD.WILL HE R7011®BY MM IOOCAYATION ON.YI PRIOR 10 C0119TRIICTION 4R NOURS F®TICE REQUIRED FILEg5040w1D2cae,BEL.➢4. WESTLAKE, TXNGRTH PO TARRANT COUNTY 5 Ile� Sf7�Bss PROJECT, 058484 2501 kESTLw PARMY kESTAKE,T%76262 CLARIFICATION ND. OUANTITY 410 534' 411A 534' W Lf) 0 0 !T C O 6 ______ __—__—___� __.��_______._._.._�___—__� w co 3 W -J Z E3 W F K E - 74+1 V6 =E E f E E E E F E E— > R' J F U w y 6 6 00 Z 0 i� PRECINCT LINE RD. OD cu 't a I.- (ASPHALT) N y GL W a W Was W Ri W 15 HH Ld LL ~ A W n N W�_~�.�-- �. W W— �. W W �R W W W La U 7 J w W U fl H UATE1 01/11/11 5 RAF. _ _ R/I! _ — sem` s ENGINEER-GMT/EG n s s s s s s s s s DRAWN EY,G%T MOT.TOM OF VESUAKE I n REVISIONS COMMIT All HATE HESCRfPT10H DIITIA 4 ISTA +61 STA 13f61 STA 16+903410205'SLr�uo.i�wmW 4C PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PIAL I-1.25• wp PULL 48 FIBER UPTIC CABLE PULL 1-1.25' Rim„� ��� THRU E%IST.CONDUIT INMERDl1CT LSGI THRO EXIST.COMMIS INNLRDUCT m�>�s�f°� SCALE HORIZONTAL, V-D' VERTICAL, 1`=40' MP TO MP Nd7E•••• ....1p"IE.... fAYFIQI illl IFTIILITY L R.O.Y.REPRE9ERIE6 ON ply 11T1L1TIE8 N14T YERIFILD BY POIHARl6 CONifMOTOIt TO LOGTE i CALL BEFORE YOU LIG SHEET 21 OF 49 PLAt13 ARE BASPfl RN IEI:�a p 18°IRO(IMlN BIARfTER°OGRE BENE'WILL RE IYIOE kPAIFY 116E LT(ISTINO HTILITIF3 IIEdRNTIRL !Rn BABFA ON I-Boo-24545-05 paw .... A map FTHMTHE R]MIIRNO ROIL YAM RE RB KWM BY YAGIIR(E%CAYATION ONLY1 PRIOR TO C016TRIFCTION 48 HOIRIS NOTICE REROIREDIFIL E05H48401027AC BEL Bk WESTLAKE, TX /ORTH P� TRRRRNT COUNTY 5 1/e1'IZOl�busfness PRCJECTi 058484 2501 YESTLl PARWAY YEsllx1[€,TX 76262 CLARIFILATIDN ND. QUANTITY 410 549' 411A 540' IP P pp w w w w w w w w w w w w c c D a D c a ---- -------------- H W } W LLI x01) C3 J 2T y U 1 t, w U -- Q .V.. =) tJ H < E E E E E [ E E E E E E f Q Q ^w w w w w w w——w w w w w H pZ Z U O• +L'E3 U N N N 50 ~ U ¢ 13 LLI PRECINCT LTINE RD. _ f2 a w x N < L11 Pµ4YJ m L11 r IZ Ld 20.80 IIILd �+ >. On w w w w w w---- w w w w w w to w j J g — � ..�.._ — — _-_._ --" — _..— — -- — -� — — u p N Sf a r DATE=O1/11/11 ENGINEER GXT/EG DRAWN BY,GXT EWTBT+SOYA OF YESTLIM'E REVISIONS CONDUIT nEstalPl:av INil iTiat s 4STA STA 18+954STA 411A 258p 1;`E 4C c 4G +s Awa xuw+ jinn PULL 48 F1HER UPHC CABLE PULL 1-L23' �Q PULL 48FIFER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-1.25' INHERDUCT T 7HRU EXIST.CONDUIT 4T�j NR.U.IST.CONDUIT INDUCT �o .�:�rc idenmi 8 SCALE N HURI Z[]NTAU 1'=40 ` VERTICAL: 1'=40' .HOTE.•.. ....NOTE.... CAUTION 1111 MP TO MP IITILI7Y i R.0.W. ON ALL UTILITIES MUST BE VERIFIED 6I P87fU06IN0 CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE t SHEET 28 [IF 49 PLANS ME OAS P t8'NRKIMM OINEIBI'CpE IIRR'WILL OE t1AOE vERiFT ALL EXISTING UTILITIES CALL DEERE YOU DIG IWMMTION. MIT ON9m ON s-800-245-45n5 OOUaw sRMEY i FIELD EITORO... F.—REMININD BOIL WILL OF gd1011Fa by YAMM m1YNATION ONLYI PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 413 HUURs NGTICE KCLUIRED 1 FILL WS484nf-,aAc DEL.81. WESTLAKE, TX1oRTH p TARRANT COUNTY yerl��nrs►nes� PRO.JEC.T! 058484 2501 L'U41WIE PAMAY WESTLAKE T%WW CLARIFICA7IE14 NE. OLANTITr 4l0 46S' 4L1A 465' KIV W W W w w W W W - - w W W ILI 4 9 6 0 c M --__---_ ____--_--r--.------__-._--_---W----_—_--__-__..__-- N 7 Q` N N U Ed th U) J H 7 N O LI W W LI GC - } LH =1 W 9 re J N P E [-.. E E E E E E [ pq {D - W VI Q �i x ao 0M 0 IYS3^$ C.1 w m 'w W W W W W Ww w W LZ L) rVr EN ~ mss fte f a ^ ~ PRECINCT LINE RQ. ~ z a w ED IASPIWLTI L9 N M A mw W 25.00 Ld I" vii F _J w w w LLI w m J Si N — — — — — — — — — — — —" — — — — — � L) C7 H 73 c Lu a F- N N BATD OVIin1 R/W{ - - W/w ENGINFER:GXT/EG DRAWN BYE GXT E7QBT.TUNN IF mTLm REVISIONS OMMIT DATE LESLRfPTT� IN[IiAL m 4 r 4TA STA 24+35 i, 4ST STA 26+IA 2 411A 179'B{4C L 41 , mom a� PULL- 40 1'1DLR GPY1C CABLE PULL 1-].25' PULL.18 FIBER EPTIE E.pELe PULL 1-1.25' vxw.l.w""�`a"� THRJ EXIST.CEMUIT INNERDUCT ra THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNERDUCT ��N''': °�+ GG1I w+nu°K.aaum SCALE HORIZONTAL: 1'=49' a VERTICAL+ 1'®49' NIiTE• _ ....NpTg.... CAUTION I I I I MP TO FLP UTILITY i�R.0.9.FO M ,ALL LITILITIEB MAST!E YSUF1Ed BY PDIHOLINO CONIIIRCTIM 70 LOCA7£Ar PLANS ME�ON R 8 AIB'"WHIM BIA EIM'COBE DOW VUL Be NAGE VERIFY ALL EIII8M WILITIE6 CALL BEFDRE 454U IMG SHEET 29 OF 49 INFOPoLCTIDN. NOT BAS ON I-Ba6-245-4555 BOUNLY' gNYEY k FIELD E7 6. 7iEN THE RBWIININS SOIL YBL BE RF]IOVEB BY VANI M MOVATIOM ON.YI PRIOR 70 00l67MICTIOII 48 HOURS NOTICE REOUIREII FILEC5940401029AC.EEL DY WESTLAKE. TX NORTH TARRANT COUNTY Dvell,Zll�usiesss PROJLCT' 858484 Eml ws"KE PARKWAY yEylI1.w,TY 76242 LLARIFICATION NO. CUANTITY STA P9+P0 STA 24+20 410 365' flO2 411A 265' 4110. 124'B-E 4C PULL 40FIBER OPTIC CABLE MAL THRU EXIST.CONIUIT INNERBUCT !I r� ruw — — rr w. w N --------------- ---- ----------- —� v W N J/J SIM BK W � im h 3 JJ cI v x E 6 JJ j�1 F- a ~ E c Ll (10 z Q h o w w— �.E�,E= p� L) V 1. // w 4,© V fu41r PRECINCT LTINE RD. WJJJ z a W 3B•BB W JFl g -----w 0 O HTS IIATF-01/11/51 ENGINEER:GXTIEG s s s 0 s I DRAWN BY.GXT cw I ------ DATC BESCR1RilAR ]RITIA EXIST.TOWN OF WESTLAKE ^ J !! I� I # ! STA 30144 STA 30+44 uj pq 11 � 410 4110. d 7 ' B-C O-E m+a�u iur r oww+es wwm ry En 5C 4C iei•w tis vwiw' PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-125' °.vr THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNERDUCT ' 71' MCL.100'SLACK COIL SCALE 07' I HORI20NTAL- 1 '=40' VERTICALS 1•=40' SEE SHEET 31 TO MATCH SURVEY STA. 1.38 ••••NOTE•••• CWTIIIN MP TO MP •.NOTE•••• URLITY L R.O.Y.REP�TiTm ON ALL UTILITIES IUST BE UMUFIID 8Y POMM01 RATS ARE BTBEL ON TEONmS CONIRRCTOR TO u'm L CALL BEFORE YOU D1G SHEET 30 DF 49 A IS'II MHUH OIAETER`LORI BORE'WILL BE NTOE lw-WMTTOIL NBT BTYM ON 11ERFfY ALL EII6'TIIY3 IRILLTifS 1_000-245-4545 7F@I THE f1Fl1AINTlq 800.YILl.BE PEl1011ID BY YAOLLM EX011YATION diYl BOUBLORY SLRWEY L FTI10 EITONIIES. PRIOR TO CONSif MICA FILE05B4B401030AC BEL OV 411 HOURS NOTICE t B11IRED WESTLAKE, TX P.TF. MRTH TARRANT COUNTY PRI]JLCT, 058484 ME VE$¶7!i PMM Y VESN.AKE,I%ME CLARIFICATIDN NG.DUANTITY r4110,410 IRS' 428' �I - - R/w 11 Brw !I ---�r-------------------------- - - - B/w — — _--------- _ In -- - ww w w... lr _ - arm u W w -j 0 a im Ld Y' V W o N Z C3 I LZ G f � � � .I..❑ w H Y' o pOV ��. O u V q fl - (ASPHALT) d K Z O 5. W pq W r Fl W Ld `r W L) o r�J N EXIST.TOM OF MEMAYE y Q DMMIT HATE.01/11/13 1u111 ENGINEER,G%T/EG DRAWN BY;GXT REVISIONS oCSCRIPTI�M INITIAL VSTA STA 1430 STA 2+34 STA 2,34 11A 410411A332' 332'8 E D—CB—EPULL 4@ FIBER3PTIL CABLE PULL,1—L25' PULL 48 FIDER DPTfL CABLE P UL L 4l--1.25' THRU EXIST.CUNIJ INNERDUCT THRU E%IST.CONDUIT INNERDUCT SCALE HORIZONTAL. 1•=40' VERTICAL. 1'=40' 110.E ..,.NOfE.... CYAIFI0N 1111 MP TO MP UTILITY R.O.M.REPIIESENIIcn ONETHENTMMMMINNU ALL UTILITIES RUST BE YEAIFIEO BY POTHOLIRO CIAIIRWM TO LOCATE k PINUS yE Sam of RFJ:Dlm6 CALL BEFORE 4YOU54 DIG SHEET 31 OF 49 INpGOINTIM. NOT BASED ONA IB' 0 SDI BII L7BE•O Bd1E'AD BE MAGE VEAIFY ALL EXI8TIN6 UTlLIT1ES WIBdY(Y SURYET i FIFi.O E70'L61HE6.. U SOIL YILL BE RfIYIT®BY YACUUN EXCAYATIW ONLY. PAIOR TIT C01167OUCTIM 1-@00-245-4595 FILES 4@4010@1qC.8EL.DWE 4B HOURS NOTICE REGMJDZED WESTLAKE I TXPNORTH � TARRANT COUNTY PRU,XET: 058484 5.`a• Yj•�6 2561 KUM PAR.KVAY SoRvo VE"-WF,CA 76292 SµE�S 31 Tfl MSCµ y CLARIFICATION No. DUANTITY SSE 410 694' a7 y STA 6+90=0+90 STA G49C=0+D6 411A S94' a M..Ell'�UrT 416247' __- _-g } V5LPULL 4B FIBER OPTIL LAHLE THRU EXIST.CONDUIT w i INCL.100'SLACK COIL V STA 5+66 5to 410 SSI . `��.� G LLARDI ----- ----- -------- tASPHALTI � 0sc s 4x 5C PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE —_——--— THRU EXIST.CONDUIT 11 L_____ ___________ _________________________ w W Or J I-- r- \\ Z STA 5r66 _ I \ �• n^ M W 2 11 B• IXPBT.TOWN OF YEBM%E w L1 K emit � w W � F- pq 4C 11 yI -------------- to 0(4 Z V PULL I-I.Py i W 6 z C3 Ro INNERDUCT 11 My STA 1+A7 STA ir47 LLQ VC3 w ' 1� `y al0 431A £vii Z CL , 11 I 323' 323' Ug J d 0. i q 6AIIATION 11 �} SG 4L a Lil 6"91 l�L 11 I PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-L25' 0! Wpq 13-08A!1 11 I THRU EXIST.CONDUCT INNERDUCT - I. g W j J bi 8 11 to t3 F- 11 `` a I- 11 DATE:WWII 1, y ENGINEER-GXT/EE 1 ,1 DRAWN BY:GXF s6g111 I �C _ REViS]fJMS 8 q amrE aescRlarlu+ amn ME m 11 � AGI m `1 m rVERTICAL, CALE AL, 1-40' NOTE• ....NOIE.,.. CCM TIIII TO MP IIPLANS ON+AESEHIEO ON ALL UTILITIES MUST BE VEBIFFED BY PO711lL[NB CDMIfY10TRi TD LOCATE! SHEET 32 [IF 49 11 PLAtG A BASFD R A 16•MA1tlNN RPAI; 'GOOF BOBS'YPLL[E I!]OE VERIFY ALL EIIPSf]IIB UTILITIES CALL BEFORE YOU DIG INFORMATION. RA BASED ON 1-803-245-4545 BOUICARY SI�YYEY k F1E1R E]E09fWE8. F.TIE REMAINING BOIL WILL BE RPJIOVFD IIY MGM MWATION ONLYI PRIOR TO SOIISTRIICTIOII 48 HOURS NOTICE REBUIRED FILE85B4840f032AC,RFi DV WESTLAKE, TXPLl NORRTH� TARRANT COUNTY 5 #fZqMU6jnM U6p PROJECT, 056484 MI MTLAK:PARMAY YES1LAlF.TX 76x4 STA 4+70 STA 5+64=8+90 STA 2+94 1 3. 5 CLARIFICATION N8. OUPNTITY 410 418 1 4l0 52T 94' 294' 139' 411A 527' B-G 8,C a-C SC SC SC PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 46 F--OPTIC CADLE PULL 48 FIBER GPTIC CABLE THRU EXIST.CUNDUII THRU EXIST.CUNDUIT THRU EXIST.MMDUIT STA 4+70 STA 5+64=0+00 N STA 2+94 � 43fA 411A � 411A \ 94' 294' e-E 8_E g{ 8-E 4C 4C 4G PULL l k25' PULL 1-L25' PULL 1-125' .f111 min INlERBUCT IraaLRnucr uu�RBucr 11` ::0! • BK AN J Iw- -a o w F- M s v � w g 00 z 4E Ll L)N N H 4 L01�11IC9ES L, to Z ji , f _ '•7 CEaffr.UMI TOW OF YES1l.MUMV.. T Lj U) W L3 -- -- ------------------- __---- -----------} r �Ln \` — u E3 a H 77 LS DATE.01/11/11 N ~ ENGINEER,SXT/EG DRAWN BY,GXT - REVISIONS µ•��— j f� — g' � � W APTE SCRIPT]N 1NI11AL RE 2 r !i! w fk w i �ffi oG 1 Til 1 ti SCALE j Jj I i HORIZONTAL. 1'=40' II [ I I I r VERTICALS 1'-40' 'NOTE•••' .s NOTE,.,. Lri1TION I l IR MP TO MP UTILITY k R.O.Y.ROTESEtR®ON ALL WILITIES TEST BE VERIPRM BY POTH LMO LDNIRACTOR TB LOCATE k PLANS IM BASED ON�9 CALL BEFORE YOU BIG SHEET 33 OF 49 SNr'ORMTIM NOT BASED ON A is•IIAIITNIN OIAlEi9T CON BOAE'PILL BE NATE VERIFY ALL Ei[IBTINO UTILITIES I-Boo-2a5-x545 BMMDARY B69M k FIELD F.EmAmNo WB.YILL BB(OWED BY VACUR EXCAVATION ON_YT PRIOR TO OOIHIRMON 48 HOURS NOTICE RLSLnRLD F I LE CM40401033AG.BEL HH WESTLAKE, TXPNORTH � TARRANT COUNTY 5 � IIBJfZq JIM PROJECT, 058484 2`.Al KSNAKE PAMAY YESRAIO:.,TX 7262 I CLARIFICAIION NO�.0UANMY /�II 410 602' I � avA saz• EdMTIINI B•38 BK // �y �� B•p AH / J `• 'l •�EXIST. C _TSTA 0PLAM 1Sr SLACK CO IL END./BB.PULL 1HRU f 1\• �1 Z H 0 w I a. In Ld C4 rn LZ to Z 93 EXIST.IM BF WESTLAIE P(j� �� a� fN -1 ac W - -- --- _ U C3 1- - W !vim u P ~ ; _ DAM 01/11/11 4' (-j ENGINEER:GXT/EG -d_ <ti DRAWN BY,GXT REVISIDNS WM N �'�^ BATE DESCRIPTION NITIR W w w T Tf) W Lid iA STA 4+33 STp 8+38=0+0® SFA 4+33 3 STA 8+36=0+00 4 MC 3410 2498-E 0-C e_F "'�''m•® Iron 4C 4C 'ffis rce� PULL 48 FIBER ITPTIC LADLE PML 1 Lea' PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-1.25' SCALE x. TNRU EXIST.CONDUIT tNI+ERdUCF THRU EXIST,CONDUIT INNERdUCT INCL l00'SLACK COI- HUR120NTALi 1'=40' VERTICAL: 1=40' • •••• ,•NmE•.•• CIWFTBN I I II MP_TO MP UrILM i e.o.r.BflPRE9E111m IN au.UTILITIES x11S'r BE Y9tIF]Ed BY FBTNDLINB CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE PLAlG ARE"MOT REOOIIdS CALL BEFORE YOU DIG SHEET 34 OF 49 L418 ARE" NBT B M 811 AIB'NRXINIO RIAlETER'CRIB BORE'RILL BE HAM VERIFY ALL EN1911 d UTILITIES 1-800-245-4545 SOMOAN SUIIYEY!FI—OBbfi1XES. ITHEN TIE WHAI ING SOU-Bill er YlC1TN EXCAVATION ONLY I PRIM TO 00118TBI1CTIUN 49 NOIAIS NCTICE REGUDREB FILE31584B40I034AC.BEI.MX WESTLAKE, TXNORTN 5 TARRANT COUNTY 1I�ri74jjjbW lnM PROJECT, 056464 t! 2501 MEMAT PARKWAY 19 VF39.AKE,TA 762&2 76362 Q CLARIFICATION NB. 2UANTITY 410 519' 411A i ExlsT.TM OF NPST14 m -� Lnluwlr i i a �- } r � lw r / cef m POST OAK PLACE LU Iii � b 0o Z a r ,EFS N w ----w w I Y' t (h .___- r I .E.to Z d - 1- ------- ----------- of � ----------_----- 0 W J w z a w y Ld 't H Ali � IL 1 STA 1+57 I STA 2196 STA 2+96 1 t W J 1 3 4 }1 L) ir-1 410 STA 1+57 3B➢' 360' t 139' i 4 ~ 9-c a 6_� $-E RATE:WWII 5C 411A sc 4C ENGINEER-GIET/EG PULL 49 FIBER OPTIC CABLE 139' PULL 46 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PILL 1-125• THRU EXIST, CONDUIT e-CE T41RU ExIST.CBNBUIT IMNERBUCT PRAWN BY:GxT REVISIIDNS PULL Y-I25' Dw1ERBUCT WEPEscRiPTiON INITIAL WNrPkT.nFi Em+vwu Wi��c�Rk.¢OC'ImKac�� no�ortmu¢r6�R111W f£Ro�i� SCALE HORIZONTAL 1'=40' VERTICAL; 1=40' •NOTE•••• ....lgTE-••• CAUTipi I I I I MP TO MP 0 — UTIL1IT N R.O.Y.REPRFSFI6IEB ON py UTILITIES MUST BE VERIFIED BY PIQR�.IIq CONIINCIOR TO LOCATE N Pl.Al16 NEB ON M. MIN QIAlE'fEt'CORE BORE'WILL BE lFAOE 4EAIFY ALL EXIETINO IITILITIE'6 epLL BEFORE YOU 0[G SLIEET 35 DF A4 INFOIWNTIOI. NOT BA6FL 1-800-245-4545 BOEfpry:y SIHWET k FIF111 [Zm�IM SOIL WILL BE REFI MU BY WaM DEAYATION QMLYF PRIOfl T9 GOkTT6UCTION 4B HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED EILE95B411401035AC.BEL BV WESTLAKE, TXNo2rN P� TARRANT COUNTY PROJECTS 058484 E9Ol WMAKE PMAY YEMIAKE,TX 702 �W MCLARIFICATION N➢ QUANTITY ___ _- 410 629' 411A 529' 5 _--_' ---5-------------- _ C] hQ GJ ol EXIST.TOWN OF WESTLAKE fu COIIDUIT J M 1 C3 iJ fY f+ y w U ti° 7 f :1 J � ' I pq L) K3F5 L' 'v M4+ —' 0� J c STA 0•07 EXIST.YEFILAKE 111 Z W q PLACE]GSI' SLACK COIL Z5� Q. _ FJn./BEB.PIIJ.lifill 0 a- � LL gg 7-77=0+0STA 4+00 u ED F iy STA 7+77=0+07 9 STA 4+90 6 410 431A 4U1 411A ➢ATE,01/11/11 /,6 7 493' e9 39' e E ENGINEER,GXT/EG 8� 4g B-C 4C DRAWN BY,GXT 6.10 AH 51: PULL 1--125' i+LY L.1-1.25' REVISIONS PULL 48 FIRER IH'TIC CABLE INNERDUCT PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE iNNEHDUCT THRU EXIST.C0NOUIT THRU EXIST.CONDUIT WTE cR�PTIn� 1N[nat INDL 100'SLACK COIL 41A.-7.STA d+7d 1410Iw B-C®-C WIN i � SC PULL 1-L25' Jninevi mm. PULL 40 FIBER OPTIC CABLE INN£RnUCY - THRU EXIST,CONDUIT SCALE HORIZONTAL' VERTICAL, 1'=40' UTILITY&WOY�B HffiL OH ""IIRfE••'• CAIM 7 1I I I NP_i0 NP PIJ* AAE BASm ALL UTILITIES MST WE TEBIFlp1 BY POTHOLING O:V ALL EX TO LOCAiE A CALL➢EFURE YEN1 DIG SHEET 36 OF 49 HFWNTIQI. IFYI BA9FL➢NF.-. A Is,IW➢IINGN OIMETER`COBE BORE'WILL BE IMDE Y91DFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BOIIOgRY SUBYFY i FIILO E>O f1RE6• REIIAIHINO SOIL WILL IE BOOM BY YACUUM EMWATION OILYI PAIOR TO CONSOWICTIRi I-80p-245-4545 FTLEO5B4B4O1O3dAG.e0.,➢K 48 HOURS NOTICE REOUIREB WESTLAKE, TXP.T.F. NDRTH /1 yV� TARRANT COUNTY L(t y® f 0111X&rn c� PROJECTi 059484 d 25115 YES71AA PND:YAY d YESTLNff.TX 76262 -- LLARIFICRTSON N A NTITY _N—mow w W�N_ 416 42A' 411A 429' CASPHALTI C) _ -----` MAST.TM OF VE37LAKE try} OMIT STA 4+35 STA 4+35 s \\�, ` \1` h� -1 H 410 411A o \\� \♦ �' 34P' 342' / \ 'L�• W 8-C B{ /M \\ C3 LI 7 LI 5C 4coff. > W PULL 48 T7DFR UPM CABLE PULL 1-1.25' W THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNERDLIC7 / Vl Z L) �I L Z U L) 1 Z E3 DR E I.1 STA 7+77 fv / \ R' M w 3 M U C3 Al PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-125• d F�-- THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNERDUCT DATES 01/11/11 - ENGINEER:GXT/EG ^� DRAWN V,GXT Q, REVISIONS DOTE DESCRD'TI©N WITIA ` vxmr b IM'Y.E.O.wuc RaYm H ¢W i�..v�ii.rm[crY Y IYd �a m�vM ..ma Ae®� SCALE HORIZONTALS 1•=40' VERTICAL: 1•=49' •NDTE•••• ....ROTE•••• CAUTION I I I I MP TO MP UTILITY!R.O.Y. BEB OR ALL WRILITIES RUST BE 41£NIPI®BY PEMMINB CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE k SHEET 37 OF 49 A�H� Rl�S AIS'MA7[IIC1N BIAIE'fFli'COBE SOpE•PILI.BE MADE VERIFY ALL DIIBflllO Uf[LITISS CALL BEFORE YOU 1STG IIFOMAT1pN. N6T BASED pI 1-000-245-4545 IEOIEtliWY SIRIYEY!FI819 ORPOBIMRS. E-Im RENAMING SOIL WILL BE REMOVED IR YACM MWATION OILYI PRIOR TO CORMOUCTION 48 HOURS N©TTCE REQUIRED FILF95048401037AC.BCL.DY WESTLAKE, TX NGRrP PQ TARRANT COUNTY 5 vennusrr� PROJECT: 058484 2501 YESILAIT PAMY YL&RAW,T%76M CLARIFLEATIUN NO QUANTITY 410 516' __-.-_.__'._______ 1 .ti 411A Sl6' kJW ¢e �'4f KIS IT;R IDYI. `tip. �s ----------- OD ExIST.TM OF WESTLAIE ho a Cnou1T Ld 13 N . � J O n _ �! Vl W `---- ��� ��� U j W n Oc w Z Q 4 L) ,� -Po V .V. M g w44 Z p - g - M 2 W w� Elf W LL LJ m Yto V GIF ffi F LU W DATES 01/11/11 N ENGINEERS G%T fG STA 8+55 4STA STAB+80 STA}1+80 DRAWN BY,G1 4 REVISIONS 410 410411325, 191, 191, DAT£ ➢ CRIKIMI 1NI8-c a-c 8-E scPULL 46 FIBER OPTIC CABLE p11LL1 1.25• PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC; CABLE FULF.4l--1.25' THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNERBUCT THRU EMIST.CONDIIIT INNERBUCT SCALE NCRIZGNTAL, 1'=40' VERTICAL: 1'-,W MP TC MP NPTE•`•` .a NPO:•••• C/IIlTIW lIII �� UTILITY k R.O.Y.10TESEMM SN =.:a-IND UTILITIES NW4T BE MERIfi�BY PPIN0.1N8 C[MIMCTUi TO LOCATE k SHEET 38 ❑F 49 PlNiS BP5EU QI b INIMPIAIEiER`CME BODE'WILL OE NATE VERIFY ALL EXISTINS UTILITIES CALL BFETT2C Y5 4 BPG1NFRkWlT1g1. N84.Sm O!! I-8Gfl-245-4545LU EIRP SPU-WILL BE BOOM BY VACAI EV61W11TION ONLY] PIIIQt 70 Llk18'iRICTi[W 46 HOURS NOFICE REOUIREP FLLE05B484C}039Ac.BEL. WESTLAKE. TXPNORTH � TARRANT COUNTY 5 ve�entiusfr PROJECT, 058484 STA 13+71 STA 13+71 STA L+55 STA 1-,55 STA 3+13 STA 3+13 STA 3+77=Dr00 STA 3477=0+OU 2501 4ESRAKE PARKMY 2 3 4 5 6 411A LX 762E24104118 410 iv,A411A 41028T 22T 158' 64' 60 DU8C B-E a-CR-E B-C B-E a-C 8-E 410 715' 5C iC SC 4C 5C �- 1 4CSCPLILL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-L25' PULL AB FIBER OPTIC GABLE PULL 1-125' PULL 48 FIBEROPPULL 1-L251 PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL25'THRU EXIST.CONDUIT IHNERDUCTTHRU EXIST.CONDUIT IAwERIJUCT 1HRU EXIST.CINNERBUCT THRU EXIST.CONDUIT 1NNERBUC7 INCL FDP SLACK COIL _ - d H co w ,_ ---- - m lb o r— -` Is.{ c/L iq ca w ETIIST.TM OF VESILAIEE � J I— CONDUIT Z) Ed m Ed m La DO O F wul EDIIAnaI w w a 15••19 BK 9� N E3 w 1 B•BB TW W •0 4+o r (4 z a EOIWTIDi -----` �'V 8•BFi BK ff _j q B•RB All a D- W / R1 U Vl \ 4• _ Ed H- R DATE,8V17/11 FNGiNEER�GXT/EG W DRAWN By,OUT REVISIONS ` onlc vcscrsiPT rwna s 7 J 1 � � .t wy fc mMm� acuu�tmd SCALF HORIZONTAL P=40' VERTICAL- 11-40' NDTE••.. ....NM.... r"ION 1I I I MP�TO NP IITII.ITY R.Ly.R 71ED ON ALL UTILITIES MIST BE VERIFIED BY PBTOXINB CONTBRCTBR TO LDTIITE iSHEET 39 OF 49 PLANS AE BASED ON R IB'Nal"DIAIEIED•ODE BOFV WILL BE KOBE VERIFY ALL IDISMO UTIMMS CALL BEFORE YOU BIG —..._ IIFDWIATION. NOT SAM ED 1-800-245-9545 BIN.IIDRRY SURM k FIELD E1POSUIFiVENN THE REMAINING REMAINING BOIL WELL BE fF]IDYED BY VACUUM E79:A1fATION OFR.YI PRIM TO CBTATHEILTIOII 48 HOURS NOTTGE REQUIRED F1LFa5848401039AC.BEL.7195 WESTLAKE, TXNORTH 57 TARRANT COUNTY Y9�Zp1lbusfneo PREJECT, 058484 ZM1 WESTLAI'E PNMY YESTLIJL T%76262 CLARIFICATIAN NO QUANTITY 416 532' 411A 532' ti M u w w A/w T J = ASV W 1- u V 5 Liw L41 wLa h RI La 0 DOVE RD. 7 °N z U iZ 1 (ASPklN.T7 5.� q U H S $ to H OL _ z� ,dfO g L) z a ix 6 F- lil f' I- Ca � y W �+ t` w W n w M w w ve yy w ~_ w 7 J 8 0 o a f- 0) 4 I j DATE-01/11/11 r EXIST.�OF MMLAKE N ENGINEER,GXT/EG ➢RAVN BY:GXT W REVISIONS ss (n Dq IE YESGRIPTION. INITIPI Z� STA 1+1i SFA 1+L1 4STA STA 3+63 41 411A410 2ge252' ,gypp ®-Ee-C 4C 5CPULL t-L25' PULL 1-1.25 PULL 461 FIBER CFTTC CABLE PULL 48 FI3ER OPTIC CARLE INNEROUCT ME ` cr m.xu THRU EXIST.CONBUTT INNERBUCT THRU EXIST.COkBUIT Mihln�iw SCALE HERTZENTAL- 1'=40' VERTICAL 1-0' LO'ILITY N�R.0.Y.Rt 1TFA 8N ""I✓mE... CRUTIUN 1111 MP TO MP PLANS ARE QA9E0 ON t ALL UTILITIES MOST�MTMIFIFO BY P88HRINO CONISACTOR TO LIMM k CALL BEFORE YOU OIG SHEET 40 CF 49 1NFOQIMTIW. NOT MIN AIS'MI"QIANI=-CM QORE'PILL BE IMOE VERIFY N1 EIfISTIXO WILL 1-U17a-245-4545 SOIPAYtt 5l.8VLY!FIEF EI�OCAlRE4. .TIS IEJYIINIMe SOIL PILL BE RF]IDVEO BY VfQUM F%CAYATIQI[IILYI PRIfq TO CONBiRICTIOM 48 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRE, FJLFQ504G4U1U40AC,BEL.DV WESTLAKE P TX I�RTN TARRANT COUNTY 5Ll YB177OAbt�ln�s PROJECT+ 05134B4 2511 Y MANE Ph6MIAY WEKIIAff TI 76262 CLARIFICATION NO 9UANTITY 411 540' 41IA 540' J Z L.- T Q WIY_ U n u cn K Ham- M } o1A Z U a DOVE RD. A x ill -po U N 1 y I'9PNILTI 19.09 W Efyil Z d r }}} J D I- = Q 0. W f e^ _ Rpq p L1 M a $� eT' w w w w L w w w ' L) J 71 n � - w w w w 0 a [- IrjJ — — Rey LATE':01/11/11 _ - C ENGINEER,EXT/E6 U) I OW I TINT ff COW IT H DRAWN BY.GXT IIW bi REVISIDNS y Ld T GAI[ I, WIPTIMN 1-11 y W W STA G+43 IT116+4. STA 9N2 STA 9+12 y] 3 W4, 411 4l/ -269' 271'a-I: H-C5C IY 5C PULL 49 F1 BER OPTDC CABLE PILL 1-1,25' p PULL 49 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-1.25' Rim°° R1°°1°�°"'�" THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNERMICT THRII EXIST.CONDUIT INNERDUCT .�.-r�p1,B0""'� Sf ��u� .1n nmuc N c SCALE HDRIZONTAL: 1'=41' VERTICAL, 1=41' •NOTE•••• ...NOTE...• CAIIlIpI I I I I MP TO MP UTILITY I R,TAY.f1EP11ES071FL ON ALL UTILITIES MST BE VERIFIED BY POIW9l.IND CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE i SHEET 41 DF 49 FL'S ARE BASE4 qI g GALL BFFRRE YOU DIG ION. NOF BARED di A ITN MAXIMM BlA1E7ER'C9RE f1IME Y1:L1.BE l4hOE VERIFY ALL f9CISTIN6 UTILITIE6 5-816-245-4545 B81ElYWlf 811i49Y E FIELD f]01081AYF8. TISK 1IE REININIIS ROIL WILL BE HEMNED III VACIAM EIlCA1/ATIOM ORMI mm TB CONSTRIIC— 48 HOURS NMICE REQUIRED FTLEasB4949194tnc.Hfl.. WESTLAKE E TXP (\ �yTM\J} � T/ TARRANT COUNTY 5 11��,wn PROJECTS—058484--- 2501 WESTLK PARMY IISTIA'S,TI 76M CLARIFILATION NU QUANTITY 410 642' 411A 542' Z J Z� O g v W Jl N E3 WLd F ,a n d m U GO, r' > Fw pJq N Z L) E £ ¢ �o N ' DOVE Rei. N z ° r iABM14LT1 ry Y W 18.88 ? (� N E E - ly La z 5j U ~ U OSIS Q ❑ F- fc F a F PATE,OV11111 O w w w w w w w w w w w w ~ ENGINEERI GxT✓EG - - ufw - - rsmco - - PRAWN BY,GkT M r REVISIONS � EKIST.TOW OF rOcn°� c I I w---------- ppT£ n£scalaneN iufnn CONDUIT ._ ___m_IL-_______E . 2 N Ld !Il Ise Ld STA 11+83 M.TA �— STA l5+61 ff[/13 410 410 378' 264'B-C B-C 5C SC PULL 4B FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-1.25• PULL 40 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-1,2s' THRU EXIST.CFRVIIUIT [NIVERCUCT THRU E7QST.CONIAIET INNERBUCT m - SCALE INCL.100'SLACK COIL HORIZ6NTAL. t'=4o• VERTICAL= 1'=40' MP Tff MP N07E•••• ..a NOTE•••• CAUTION IIII UTILITY i�R,O.Y.BRED W ALL UTILITIES Ii1BT RE VERIFIED BY POTHOLE L-L- dtIRACIOR TO LOCATE k SHEET 42 OF 49 �' N��� RECiIM1V A 9B•WO[INIiI DIAMETER•CARE 808E'TILL!!E MADE ElI ILITTF'.6CALL BF'-2'5 ...CIGIIFBIiMTION. NOT BA9ET!ON -BOB-245-4545iOlIM1Yf gpyEY y�p,p iI�BSV1'EB TUBI lIE RFII4LUR0 SOIL MILL BE R:MED BY VACUUM BxTlAVATMN OILY] flto TAIBTPo1CFIN 48 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FILEO584B4C1o42AC.BCL Bu WESTLAKE. TXNORTH P,T.F. TARRANT COUNTY fl b- ne PROJECTi 059484 2m)VESIM PAMAY IEMLARE,TX 76262 CLARIFICATIUN NO RGANTIfY 410 541' 411A 54V TV EO v W i DOVE RD. co J 0 } fASPIWIL77 20,00 n }Ld F- a�n[ T ILIT T T�1 T T v T 8T xj J F U1 DoO N Z L3 , L) 1-3 L) Q G G G G G E.. DI w Em z CL 5 W o w w w w w w w w w w 0f <E .� A O J a I-- R/W _ W R/w ~ Q W d' R/VIr d' f .WQ-. � q E E14 _ ----------------------- E E e E W V1 E- W .+ E E E E E H 47 N u [] .�-. £KIST.TM IF VMTLAKE ¢ � W IT W LU DATE,01/11/11 EM N ENGINEER GMT/EG DRAWN 9Y,GXT REVISIDNS I El VDE=MPTl- IE AL 4TA STA 17+23 4TI, STA 19+692411p 237• 94'8_E qq. 4C PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL41--125' ZSO PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-L25' na, THRU EXIST.CONIIUTT INNERDUCT THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNEROUCT � uua M nw�r 'c"xm a�mcnoi tta��.a � SCALE HORIZUNTAL� 1'49' VERTICAL: 1'=49' MP TO MP • "" ••••NOTE•••• CAUTION II II ""�---- UfiL[TY a R.O.W.R 6E0 ON ALL UTILITIES NISI BE YERIFIM BY POTHOLING CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE E TELT 43 OF 49 PLM ARE OASED 09 A A IB'N AXIMM 01"M'CONE KW WILL BE NAGE VERIFY ALL EXIBTINO UTILTTIET: CALL BEFORE mu mG INFORMATION.SURVEY IGT BASED ON .TELL THE TEMADU M SOIL WILL BE RIPMED BY VACUM EKCM'ATION ONLY! PRIOR TO 001TBttARCT1011 1-890-245-4545 BEW IN OR�MVEY A FIF1.B 48 HOURS NOTICE REOUIREII FILEL5174940043AC.BEL.0V WESTLAKE, TX �P.T NQRTH - TARRANT COUNTY kr-llro LW PRPJEC7, 058494 2581 WSHAXI PIMAY ESILAM�TL 76262 CL4RIF1CA7IQN NO QUANTITY 410 428' 441A 423' ID N n N m (0 L) W N -I lulN DOVE RD. - IASPFIN.TY 25.88 ! > �° J (n T T T T T T T-� O_' N Z f=!1 L n C3 w � S E O CL W W Yl W W W W x. W O 05 E a H ryW WW .� _ r F- r H I1! � vI r IJ ., E E [ € F E € E E W U C3 1-f _ U3 13 -----"___.--------------- _..,--- -OIIIT-__----__'----------------`-----_""----_-_----__-_------__-- Y� RATE G4 --- .aa... U3 r uj IA EKMF TOWN OF WESWIM ENGINEER GXT/EG LV DRAWN BY,GXT l - REVISIONS MTE mscRIMM, INITIn USTA22f6+ STA P2+64 STA 23+3s STA 25+3534 411A 4104llpMR, 152'a-E9-C 4 4C SC 4C PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-125'. PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PILL THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNEROUCT THRU EXIST.CONDUIT IMIERDUCT uxr DO— SCALE m`mncr .rm �— SCALE a � HORIZONTAL: 1'=40' VLRTILAL, 1'=40' MP TO MP N6IEy'PF ....ROS.... UYIfION III I UTILITY i R.B.Y.IiFPRE3Erii®GIN pl UTILITIES FARE(£YEIlIF7®BY PQTHOLINO CONIRACw m LOCATE k SHLET 44 OF 49 PUYB ARE WIM ON�S AIB'NMIIYAM BIAIETER"CORE ROBE•WILL BE ME Y91IFY NL EBISTIWO UfILIT1ES CALL BEFORE Y9U OIG I1FQAgTION. NOT BASRA kY 11@I TFE RkT1AINIYR BOIL WILL BE PPlIBA'EO BY YACUUX FJIONYATIgI OIN.YI PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION I-000-2A9-A945 BGINMRY SAM 6 FIELD E F00JIMES. 48 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FTLECU848401044AC.RFL.BY WESTLAKE, TXNORTH P,T.F. TARRANT COUNTY i0 PRDJECTr' 0584e4 2507 VESTLAE PAN"y IFSTUKF,IX 76262 CLARIFICATION NO WMTITY 420 697' 411A 597' O` n + EawnIY6 c� z9•is BK B.Be AN � r N Ir 311%29.86 EXIST.WM AZ MS ______________ HAM Illi'SWy(COIL _____ — — N J Z QO./BEO.PILL Tllill 22' _____-______ -- - ` --`--- w r �T`--i -- '-- t ------- W r z -------------- ¢ > cQ w cl) Q PN C3 I ~ L� U .VCD .. +❑ AA EXIST.TOWN OF WESTLAKE 21 21 .E.Vt Z OL w COIWITUg� 4T 2 z a- W I a W 1 A W f] w mJ & STA 26+e7cc © F- 411A W 111111 ? UATEi 01/12/11 2I0' ®„E 0- i ENGINEER-GXT/EG 4C I DRAWN 6Yi GMT PULL i-L25' I REVISIONS INNERIdJCT t It ppTL vcsckiPTlINd INITipt 1 STA 26+87 I STA�29+05�+Op STR 29+O5�S+p8 i I 3 4 -0L0 I 420 411A M, W j 479' 379' 8-C f 0-C 8-E 5C SC 4C PULL 40 FIFER OPTIC C48LE j PULL 49 FIBER➢PTIG CABLE PULL 1-125' THRU EXIST.CONDUIT I THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNERDUCTtiduiic I INCL 700'SLACK COIL w.iacr mi�v6� 2n' c , t SCALE -20' B e w i HORIZONTAL. i'=40' VERTICAL! L'=40' ••NOIE+•• SEE SHEET 44 TO MATCH SURVEY STA. 26.87 MP TO MP 0 11TLLITY S.O.Y.SEPFES�Nm ON „NOTE dM T 1111 PLANS BPSF.O IiE00R�" ALL UTIMm D YOBT BE CORE S BY WILL CTS TD A N CALL BCFORE YOU DCG SHEET 45 OF 49 INFEiMT1O1. NOT BA&EO pl A!B•WU[Ipl1 DIAYEIFA'GOOF BOIE'YILL BE II[AE VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES 1-800-245-4545 S01001VtY SURVEY i FIELD EXPOSURES. THEN THE RETMINI O SOIL PILL BE MOM BY VACUIM E102AYATTON OILYI PRION TO C9NEIRDCT101I 48 HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED FIL£058484D1045AC.BEL.DWE WESTLAKE, TXNDRTH P,aF. TARRANT COUNTY1f��� PREJECT, 099484 2501 VEMW PAMAY YESTLAW-TI 7626E CLARIFICATTON NU. DUANTITY 410 54l' STA 3+79 STA 2+79 4IfA S4i' 143fA 410531. 131' R-C 8-F 5C PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CA— PULL 1-1.25• THRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNEROUCT R` M U) N ? Q' w Q C/1 u LJ I11 J Z rQ 0Im 5.� R__`- n ________ -_ ------ ----U wF- F ------ ------ 0m Z ----- -------- 0 1 w __.____-_ ___-._ L2 N Q ________________________._ r-� z 0. g Ld $ EXIST. TOWN IF WE63LAE __- __'-__-7._ O � E3 Z: r z 0. w w .ww w Ld r w E4 IOi1 u M M IIIIII a DATE,0V11/11 ENGINLER:GXT/Fa STA 5+10 STA 5+10 DRAWN BY,GXT a 4 REVISIDNS 454 411A gyp. 410' 410' nnre Icsclslo N wn,nx MILS 9 C $-E SC 4C m PILL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-125• p THRU EXIST,CONDUIT INNERDUCT a aim m.xvuc�.+ dm M�r�mx �.nn,i m.�xo�m rt�ercc smr�m�nw r SCALE HORIZONTAL, 1-4d VERTICAL 1-4V •••• - ....NOM.... CAUTION 1111 MP_TO MP UfIkRY t N.D.N.R!>Pi1F�][If7b ON AL7-UTILRIES MIST BE VERIFIED 6Y P6TIIOLIHO COi1Sw M 1G LOCA7E V SHEET 46 ❑F 49 RANG ANE 9AM 9N RECOX79 A OI'MIXIMM DIAMETER'COW OW VILL SE NAOE 4EAIFY ALL EXIS1Ifl0 IRILITIE9 CALL BEFORE YIIU➢IG e..� IIFIXIJKTION. MIT DAM 8N 1-640-245-4595 gIIIN M SMEY i—0 EXP�9. F.ilE[E7WINIMI SOR YILL BE fF5104E0 BY VIRSIN F1m0.VA7[8X M.YI Fflidl 711 CONS7MICTIDN 4N HOURS NOTICE REQUIRED EILE05848401O16AC.BEL.UVJ WESTLAKE, TX P nF P.T.F. NDRTH TARRANT COUNTY V6Hllbusiness j X51 �1 PROJECTi 059404 1 I � 111 1 2501 HOOD PADDY !!! 1TSTURE,7%7G262 CLARIFICATION NU. QUANTITY I !{II I t 419 679' I f }I 417p 974' I I 1 I I j 11 l I I rl I I r I r 1 1 I I l { I I I I I I I STA 9+29 STA 9+20 STA 10+03 I I II 1 2 3 STA 10+03 STA 13+40=0+00 STA 13+49-1+00 I I I 410 411A 410 4 5 6 I I 83' 83' 337' 411A 410 4"A I r Ir B^C B-E B-C 337' 259' 159' 1 SC 4C 5C B-E 9.t B-E j II * Pcli ULL 4B FIBER€]DTIC CABLE PULL 11.25' PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE kC SL 4C I f 1 TFRU EXIST.CONDUIT INNERDUCT THRU E#ST.CONDUIT PULL T-125' PULL 49 FIBER LTPTIC CABLE PULL L-1.25' I I 1 I INNERDUCT PULL EXIST.CUS70MER TUE INNERIDUCT I e ' INCL.100'SLACK CDD_ L) LLJ 1 I 1 r J H fA I t ! J 0 >- h D LL W cc I I j EOWTION j + W 7 13.48 BK u) j w I I 1 � � NO -- I , I 8'8B AR r ------------16. .o If 1 � oy U L Z [7 y I cj P 1 ______-______J_ _J__________- I 1 _ ❑ M e I a --ww ------ � 0- Z C2 a z—-------------------------------- -T--- ------- 7- -i----- -- -- a w ¢ I � � H EX AI[TT81M OF YESDdKE f !r R li p Ws 1 .+r 14 S W R s i IXIBT.W610EE1 ff '4 D Ld ComLI H W DATE01/01>1111L j ENGINEER.GXTIEG [r1 1 I f DRAWN BY:GXT I 1 i 1 r1 REVISIONS II 1111 j WE 9ESCRIPTJW 10IT1Al I Ell o I I r r I f�- I I 1 T 1 1 MOM 4NlI1M,� SCALE CALL ROME YOU DIG , 1-800-245-4545 I HORIZONTAL, t'=40' 48 H3LRS NOTICE REQUIRED 1 r 1 VERTICAL: 1-40' uTILm i�n.o nEriE Itim ONNOTE•"' 1iLTE0N 11 L SEE SHEET 48 TO MATCH SURVEY STA. 1-59 MP TO RP R.Wl6 8lS ALL UTILITIE`&RIGi BE 9EAIFIBD BY PDT110LIIq C0IIIBACIOR 1B LBLATE i .SHEET 47 OF 49 IIFBPo/OTEIN. IIOT O M8E0&1 418'RRIIIMIN 8IA1ETM'WE BELE•PILL BE RAPE Vl3RIFY'ALL IXtSIINO UFlLITIES 831DB19RY f11R9EY!FIELD Ems- ilEll T�1EM111116 SOIL 11,111,MOM BY 1114"EXIAYATION 91LY1 FILEM249401047AC.BEL DY WESTLAKE. TX PNORTH SEE SHEET 47 TO MATCH SURVEY STA. 1.59 TARRANT COUNTY s sinass i f r I ! I PRDJFCT: 058484 I i a V ! O � 1 i ! rr 2501 VF.SI1✓X£PAROYAY MI-lb-9 STA 1+54 SESTM,TX ME 1 STA 2+26=0+00 15 CLARIFICAIJUN NEI QUANTITYt j 41]A I g - r AI 141' ..I I 1 1 4l0 410 614' ii8-EI i4' i j @O C 4UA514' 4C PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-125' i f I SC TMRU EXIST,CUSTOMER I INNERDUCT I I / PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE I r r THRU EXIST.CUSTOMER CONDUIT INCL.100'SLACK CN[L I t -_____ l I ______________ T STA 2+26=0+00 i I _ _ 411A I f 152' W— -._K, W , G-E l _,._____ __E_ �_-_ PULL 1-1.25' _ E E � B•TNERDUCT V W 4 -T EXIST.W8181ER #i O[ n o Z U 1 8 aT ON STA 3+➢0�+� STA 3+GD=0r00 g -b U r S em 4 # Eo H 0-20 AN 410 411A EDIIATION L1.5+ a CO s 226' 226' 2•ffi Blf xC4 _j 5C 4C ¢ Wy PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE PULL 1-125' F W I I+ THRU EXIST,MSTOMER CONDUIT 1MNERBUCT `� ~ R W , r3 Eli (A F- W W D -i W o u tl H 3 & DATE,al/21111 ENGINEER-GXTIEG DRAWN BY,OXT REVTSIUNS BATE B CRIPTIW tH T 2581 WESTLAKE PKWY - \ WESTLAKE. TX 76262 1 STA. 1.52 FACE IF BUILDING ETD PULL THRU auan. "7ene"•� 'rc�r"= SCALL SEE SHT. 49A HORIZONTAL, 1'=40' FOR INSIDE PLANT VERTICAL. r-w' '"" ••ROTE•••• oATrtlm 11II FIBER ROUTE MP TO MP uFLAW !R.O.M.REFREBEBIm o6 ALL UTILITIES MUST RE YERIFIEO BY PBTHOLM COMIEMCTOR TO LOCATE i CONTINUATION SHEET 48 OF 4e 11AMB NT BRED NOT ' A!8'MAXIMM OIAIETMI'CORE BORIS•WILL IIS WAX AIERIFY ALL EXI�TIND UTILITIES CALL BEFORE 454 USG I� TIS. TIOT 8RSE0 7kE71 71E REMOU10 SOIL WILL BE RSIMM BY YACUM(;XEMTIOM OHLYI RNIOR TO OOISTRIICTION 1-800-245-4595 FILE�4sNOlD4RAC HEI.UY 80U 0M BIIRYEY k FIELD E1�06tfE6. 48 HOURS NOTICE RE9UTkED WESTLAKE. TX P.T.F. TARRANT COUNTY 30 yeN 1 PROJECTS 058484 SSR B+ffi BOSE OF BUILDING TO I IRE PROPERTIES awl VaTum PMOAY MANUMS 16TLtKF,1X 76262 - CLARIFICATION NM Gl1ARTITY STA 0+30 STA 0+20 - 319 38' r—..,------ ------�...,--...� 311A 121' Stn 410 SEE SHT. 15 I DETAIL 'A' I 330 1 ea Saa' FOR OUTSIDE PLANT I LOWINB SOUTH aaop t 4c sc FIBER ROUTE Ms 419 2e➢' PLACE 4'ENT E/••• PULL 45 FIBER OPTIC CABLE [E{ CONTINUATION I I 0.11 BO' 3-125'INDT. THRU EXIST.CUSTOMER DUCT I INCL.59'SLACK COIL PMP.4'PBfT —PROP. iM 4'EMT PI 3- r 1 3-1.25' IIlIT. BTA 0•36 BEG.PULL il1tB I I � BSN THIS STA°+3B PEW.9r_ 11 I I BE RENNED, J LJ Z LJ eo I o 0 - EXIST.41 EMI I W ~ Ix LI PULL 3-125'INDT, I I PALL [1 m W is THRu EXIST.4'ENT I K h Iz1 Ld y = L) IL---------------------J Yo f 0 z o STA 1+18 I U5 Q 4 m J F 330 ¢ (L W 4'X24'Xt2 a W 9-A r A Li 4C ATTACH WLL BOX I _ g TD CCILING iSBT LIR U0 STRUCTURE C] w I W ,-""IPFIDIP c Y9MEH7 STA 2+17 DATES 01/11/11 TFR�Miv W AT 6 ENGINEER.GXT/EG STA 2-111PAW.24'1tM•1I12' COIL 59'SLACK339A DRAWN BY-GXT PULL COME OR YN.1. 6'%6'%1B' RFVISIDNS F,10 PLUL LL T1rN TELCO VZB MTE l smlpnw Imm. ATTACH PULL BOX STA 1+10 ROOM �J ROOM© ORIII CEILING STRUCTURE 5 3LOA STA 2+17 9-B PROP.2'EMT TO PbL1..011 7 BTA 1.31 P.I. EILIST.2-2•EMT BTA 2+38 E]IT 4c STA 1.98 P.1. - 3f9A PLACE 2'EMT 21' oerN �. q_B � a�cw�s - 4C .wu ua.�s,uc rne_ STA 1.72 P.1. PLACE 2'ENT SCA ® STA 2.29 P.I. sm 2•n PROP.B•xe•%ia• SCALE ALINE Pl1-L,5tpt HDRIZONTAL� 1'=20' VERTICAL: 1'=89' MP TO MP_ SHEET 49 OF 49 F ILEa584MIfH9AC8EL➢4 WESTLAKE. Tx P.T.F. NORTH TARRANT COUNTY pV� 1i@1fDA611sfnBss PROJECT 058484 MI VEMACE PRS:YAY LUILAM TX 762e a CLARTFICATION NO QUANTITY 410 153' d d u W E3 M w Of w cs Of O(4 z iZ E3 C,L) E y F a aN ¢ � � J to z a La afm P7 STA 0433 Fi �- + I ((4 F- lo la.M .gga i58' [w3 p H 6i Nr a F PULL 48 FIBER OPTIC CABLE DATE,WWII THRU EXIST.CIfSTMER COMI117 TELCO ENGINEER-OxT/EG INCL iso•SLACK COIL ROOM •0092 DRAWN BY:MT REVISIONS �scpienow Mwn 0 STA 1.68 PLACE 150'SLACK COIL STA 1.52 FACE OF BUILDIRM3 / i HAM DB DUBIDE WALL / EKEST.CUSTOMER COMMIT ! / SCALE SEE SHT. 48 / HI7RIZ©NYRE: i'=20' FOR OUTSIDE PLANT // VERTICAL I-Pa' FIBER ROUTE MP TO MP CONTINUATION SHEET 49A ❑F 49 ETLE973434°t49RAu,BELBY