HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-10-19 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting June 10,2019 Board Members in Attendance: Sean Shope,Michael Colby,Ahu Sieg,Deanna Titzler,Debbie Kraska, Christine Ross,Karen Stoltenberg and Leah Rennhack Others in Attendance: Mechelle Bryson,Debbie Piper,Amanda DeGan, Ginger Awtry,Noah Simon, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly L D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 8:35AM. 11. Motion to approve minutes of April 15,2019 meeting by D. Titzler, second by C. Ross. Motion carried. III. Financial Report • S. Shope presented financial statements as of May 31,2019 and provided overview of Current Month activities. • Notable on Statement of Activities was that BAF eclipsed the $1 M goal. • S. Shope also highlighted successes of all Foundation events for the year. • S. Myers requested approval of transfer of BAF credit card fees from Giving Day donations in total of$11,226. A. Sieg moved to approve transfer, second by M. Colby. Motion carried. • M. Colby moved to approve Financials, second by L.Rennhack. Motion carried,and Financials approved. IV. Nominating Committee • C. Ross presented application of Meghan Dorr for service as WAF Director. • Motion to approve application by C. Ross, second by A. Sieg. Motion carried and M. Dorr will be a new WAF Director. • A. DeGan welcomed M. Dorr to attend the upcoming Town Council meeting to meet the council members. V. Grants Committee • L. Rennhack presented grant request for Lucy Calkins Institute training for one PYP teacher to attend. Motion to approve fully funding request up to $2,500.00 by M. Colby, second by W. Greenwood. Motion carried. • L. Rennhack presented grant request for Lucy Calkins Trainer training for the entire PYP faculty. Motion to approve fully funding request up to$5,500.00 by W. Greenwood, second by C. Ross. Motion carried. VI. Marketing Committee • W. Greenwood shared latest postcard,which thanked donors for funding the new Bus as well as highlighted Gallery Night results,grants awarded and the latest BAF numbers. • W. Greenwood requested ideas for fresh BAF marketing approach. A meeting invitation will follow. • D. Titzler shared Year in Review history and process. She will ask Kelly Workman about her availability to design this year's piece. If not,we'll ask her to provide design file for new graphic designer. VII. President's Report • D. Kraska will be stepping down as President following the June 10,2019 meeting. • C. Ross has agreed to serve as new President with W. Greenwood agreeing to serve in Secretary position. VIII. Executive Director's Report • No report. Other Business • A. DeGan presented overview of FY20 Budget process. • Headcount from State projected at$8,399 for 906 students at school start. • $120K will move into fund balance. • Facility master plan work with Stantec is still ongoing; no decisions made as of yet. • BAF request has increased to$1,030,000, given higher enrollment projections for 2019-20. • S. Myers will request current list of known new students (i.e., siblings). • A. DeGan provided development and projections info to assist WAF Directors in their ambassador role with the community. • Noah Simon introduced as new Deputy Town Manager. C. Ross moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by D. Titzler.Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:47AM. Next Meeting: Monday,August 26,2019 at 8:30 AM, Town Hall of the Town of Westlake