HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-09-19 BOT Agenda packetThe Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees will begin immediately following the conclusion of the Board of Trustees Workshop Mission Statement Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality so they are well-balanced and respectful life-long learners. Page 1 of 3 WESTLAKE ACADEMY Vision Statement Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced and Reflective BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING AGENDA September 9, 2019 1500 Solana Boulevard Building 7, Suite 7100 1st FLOOR, COUNCIL CHAMBER WESTLAKE, TX 76262 Meeting 5:15 p.m. Page 2 of 3 Work Session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. Any person desiring to make a public comment must first be recognized by the presiding officer, and sign in at the podium with their name and address. Individual citizen comments are normally limited to three (3) minutes; however, time limits can be adjusted by the presiding officer. The presiding officer may ask the citizen to hold their comment on an agenda item if the item is posted as a Public Hearing. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. 3. RECOGNITION THE AP (ADVANCE PLACEMENT) SCHOLARS. 4. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS LISTED ON THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. 5. REPORTS Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as presented. (there will no presentations associated with the report items) There will be no separate discussion unless a Trustee requests that report be removed and considered separately. a. Back to School report. b. International Mindedness report. 6. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation and discussion regarding the International Student Leadership Symposium (ISLS) 2019. b. Presentation and discussion regarding of 2019-2020 School Census Data. c. Presentation and discussion regarding the Mission, Vision, and Values. 7. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION Regular Session will begin immediately following the work session 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: President and Trustee Reports on Items of Community Interest pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0415 the Board of Trustees may report on the following items: (1) expression of thanks, congratulations or condolences; (2) information about holiday schedules; (3) recognition of individuals; (4) Page 3 of 3 reminders about upcoming Board of Trustee events; (5) information about community events; and (6) announcements involving imminent threat to public health and safety. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on August 5 2019. b. Consider approval of Resolution 19-15, Amending he Student Athletic/Extra- Curricular Program Eligibility policy. 4. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under “Future Agenda Item Requests”, an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Superintendent with the requested item and the Superintendent will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item’s relationship to the Board’s strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Superintendent will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. 5. ADJOURNMENT ANY ITEM ON THIS POSTED AGENDA COULD BE DISCUSSED IN EXECUTIVE SESSION AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN ONE OF THE PERMITTED CATEGORIES UNDER SECTIONS 551.071 THROUGH 551.076 AND SECTION 551.087 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted at the Town Hall of the Town of Westlake, 1500 Solana Blvd., Building 7, Suite 7100, Westlake, TX 76262, on September 4, 2019, by 5:00 p.m. under the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. _____________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Town Secretary If you plan to attend this public meeting and have a disability that requires special needs or translation services, please advise the Town Secretary 48 hours in advance at 817-490-5710 and reasonable accommodations will be made to assist you. CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board on any matter whether or not it is posted on the agenda. Any person desiring to make a public comment must first be recognized by the presiding officer, and sign in at the podium with their name and address. Individual citizen comments are normally limited to three (3) minutes; however, time limits can be adjusted by the presiding officer. The presiding officer may ask the citizen to hold their comment on an agenda item if the item is posted as a Public Hearing. The Board cannot by law take action nor have any discussion or deliberations on any presentation made to the Board at this time concerning an item not listed on the agenda. Any item presented may be noticed on a future agenda for deliberation or action. Board of Trustees Item # 2 – Citizen Comments 4. RECOGNITION THE AP (ADVANCE PLACEMENT) SCHOLARS. Board of Trustees Item # 3 – No Supporting Documentation REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS a. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on August 5 2019. b. Consider approval of Resolution 19-15, Amending he Student Athletic/Extra-Curricular Program Eligibility policy. Board of Trustees Item # 4 – Review of Consent Agenda Items REPORTS Reports are prepared for informational purposes and will be accepted as presented. (there will no presentations associated with the report items) There will be no separate discussion unless a Trustee requests that report be removed and considered separately. a. Back to School report. b. International Mindedness report. Board of Trustees Item #5 – Reports estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Workshop - Report Westlake Board Meeting Monday, September 09, 2019 TOPIC: Report on Back to School STAFF CONTACT: Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director of Westlake Academy Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Academic Excellence Academic Operations PYP / MYP / DP Optimize Student Potential Strategic Initiative Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives Time Line - Start Date: August 1, 2019 Completion Date: August 21, 2019 Funding Amount: N/A Status - N/A Source - N/A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Over the last 30 years, much research has been conducted regarding the impact that a positive school culture has on student achievement. The overwhelming conclusion of these studies is that there is a significant correlation between a school’s culture and student achievement. In addition, student affect, the attitudes, interests, and values that students exhibit and acquire in school, also impacts academic success. Recent studies have concluded that there is a significant correlation between student affect and academic achievement. With this in mind, Westlake Academy re-evaluated its back to school approach. As a result, a new practice was utilized to kick-off the new school year designed to provide students with the structure needed to begin a successful new school year. This report evaluates the effectiveness of our new approach. RECOMMENDATION Seeking continued support of Back to School initiatives at Westlake Academy. ATTACHMENTS Report on Back-to-school events. 1 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 9, 2019 TO: Honorable President and Board of Trustees Members THROUGH: Ms. Amanda DeGan, Town Manager/WA Superintendent FROM: Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director SUBJECT: Back to School Report Over the last 30 years, much research has been conducted regarding the impact that a positive school culture has on student achievement. The overwhelming conclusion of these studies is that there is a significant correlation between a school’s culture and student achievement. In addition, student affect, the attitudes, interests, and values that students exhibit and acquire in school, also impacts academic success. Recent studies have concluded that there is a significant correlation between student affect and academic achievement. With this in mind, Westlake Academy re-evaluated its back-to-school soft-start approach. As a result, the Academy began the school year with a more traditional approach to back-to-school. The first day began with students attending class and teachers setting clear expectations for success. In primary, students practiced classroom routines while secondary students jumped into course syllabi and began exploring content. Throughout the continuum, teachers began diagnosing student skills and adjusting lessons to meet the unique needs of their students while building relationships. The Academy discovered the following celebrations: • Students transitioned back to school with greater ease; • Fewer students were in violation of the dress code; • Students corrected dress code violations in a quicker time frame; • Students affect was more positive; and • Students were more welcoming to one another. In addition to rethinking the first day of school, the Academy also redesigned Back to School Night. The parent meeting portion of Back to School Night was eliminated and replaced with a Back to School Night Fair. Booths were set up in the gym and parents were able to purchase back to school items, join affiliates and gain information from school officials while students were given an opportunity to pick up their course schedules or homerooms assignments. In the performance hall, 2 new parents were met and given information about the Academy in small groups. This allowed new parents to ask questions and to become more informed. Back to School Night and the first day of school were greatly supported by the fact that most students had completed their enrollment and registration paperwork prior to Back to School Night. Those students who had not completed their paperwork were required to do so before getting their course schedule or homeroom assignment. In the end, the start of school was greatly enhanced by frontloading the admissions process. Although a more traditional approach to the first day of school was taken, the Academy found ways to embrace students and welcome them to back to school. Mr. Harding welcomed students back to school with a bedtime story the night before school started. To watch these bedtime stories, go to https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fW6gPNoI6RN-N_uYAJC802oGiYziD9fu/view. At the same time, the campus had many welcoming elements from signs welcoming students to school to teachers greeting students at the school house doors. The start of the 2019-2020 school year was a great success. estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Workshop - Report Westlake Board Meeting Monday, September 09, 2019 TOPIC: Report on International Mindedness STAFF CONTACT: Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director of Westlake Academy Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Mission: Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality, so they are well- balanced life-long learners. Citizen, Student & Stakeholder PYP / MYP / DP Strengthen IB Philosophy & Implementation Strategic Initiative Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives Time Line - Start Date: June 6, 2019 Completion Date: June 8, 2019 Funding Amount: $7,500 Status - Funded Source - Contributions/Grants EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) One of the cornerstones of the IB mission is international mindedness. As an IB World School, our goal is to create opportunities that expand our students’ frame of mind that transcends international borders. In addition, global collaboration is a critical component in preparing our students to successfully compete in a global 21st century marketplace. Westlake Academy hosted its fifth annual International Mindedness Educator Symposium June 6 - 8, 2019. We had 36 participants from Vancouver, Canada; La Paz, Costa Rica; Santiago Chile; Monterrey, Mexico; Queretaro, Mexico; Austin, Texas; and Westlake, Texas. Overall, the symposium was a great success connecting educators from the Americas. The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of our International Mindedness efforts at Westlake Academy. RECOMMENDATION Seeking continued support of International Mindedness initiatives at Westlake Academy. ATTACHMENTS Memorandum on IMES event. 1 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 9, 2019 TO: Honorable President and Board of Trustees Members THROUGH: Ms. Amanda DeGan, Town Manager/WA Superintendent FROM: Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director SUBJECT: International Mindedness Educator Symposium, IMES2019 One of the cornerstones of the International Baccalaureate (IB) mission is international mindedness. The IB has defined three dimensions that work in harmony to create a climate that fosters International Mindedness: • Intercultural understanding; • Global engagement; and • Multilingualism. These dimensions of International Mindedness are enhanced by the realization of the IB Learner Profile which is the backbone of the IB continuum. As such, an internationally minded learner is an open- minded thinker who is knowledgeable of the world and able to effectively communicate the human condition in a reflective, caring, and principled manner. Internationally minded learners are risk-takers in their disciplined inquiries of their world, yet are able to balance the complexities of their lives. As an IB World School, our goal is to create opportunities that expand our students’ frame of mind by extending learning beyond the classroom walls. Providing opportunities for our students to globally engage with their counterparts in other schools from around the world creates authentic learning experiences while preparing our students to successfully compete in a global 21st century marketplace. Westlake Academy hosted its fifth annual International Mindedness Educator Symposium June 6 - 8, 2019. We had 36 participants from Vancouver, Canada; La Paz, Costa Rica; Santiago Chile; Monterrey, Mexico; Queretaro, Mexico; Austin, Texas; and Westlake, Texas. Overall, the symposium was a great success connecting educators from the Americas. The following global collaboration project were created: • Grade 5 will be connecting and collaborating with the JFK American School in Queretaro, Mexico throughout the school year. • Grade 1 will be connecting and collaborating with the Santiago College School in Chile. First grade students from WA and Santiago College will create a self-portrait. Next, students will share their self-portraits with one another and offer feedback to help make improvements to their portrait. 2 • Grade 1 will also be connecting and collaborating with the IAB school in Monterrey, Mexico. • MYP French and Spanish students will be connecting and collaborating with St. John’s school in Vancouver, Canada and the Santiago College School in Chile. • Grade 4 and 5 Spanish classes will be connecting and collaborating with the JFK American School in Queretaro, Mexico. • DP French students will be connecting and collaborating with St. John’s school in Vancouver, Canada. In addition, our students will continue to connect and collaborate with other students from the Children’s World Academy in Canada and Northlands school in Argentina. These are partnerships that were created from previous symposia and with schools unable to attend the 2019 symposium. The symposium is but one of the Academy’s international mindedness efforts. Our students have opportunities to participate in the following: • International Student Leadership Symposium; • Student Shoulder to Shoulder International Service Travel; • Student Exchange Programs with Argentina and Costa Rica; • Teacher Exchange Programs with Argentina; and • Sister Cities Youth Ambassador Trips. Overall, our students will practice communication, listening, and interpersonal skills while utilizing an array of 21st century tools to connect in their native language as well as their current targeted second language. Through these experiences, our students will expand their cultural understanding and their world perspectives. Westlake Academy’s belief that students must engage in ongoing collaborative global projects with other students in IB schools across the globe is permeating and actualizing international mindedness not only from projects generated at the annual symposium but from the commitment to promoting global citizenship. estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION _ Regular Meeting - Discussion Westlake Board Meeting Monday, September 9, 2019 TOPIC: Presentation and Discussion of the International Student Leadership Symposium (ISLS) 2019 STAFF CONTACT: Alan Burt, Athletic Director Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Mission: Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality, so they are well- balanced life-long learners. Citizen, Student & Stakeholder MYP / DP Strengthen IB Philosophy & Implementation Strategic Initiative Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives Time Line - Start Date: September 9, 2019 Completion Date: September 9, 2019 Funding Amount: NA Status - Source - NA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) One of the cornerstones of the IB mission is international mindedness. As an IB World School, our goal is to create opportunities that expand our students’ frame of mind that transcends international borders. In addition, global collaboration is a critical component in preparing our students to successfully compete in a global 21st century marketplace. During the past seven years Westlake Academy Grade 10 students have participated in the International Student Leadership Symposium (ISLS). We are exceedingly proud of the outcome as each year the Board of Trustees have heard from students who have previously participated in the ISLS. The ISLS is made up of students from 6 different countries. The list of schools that make up the ISLS are: Westlake Academy, Westlake, TX Mercersburg Academy, Mercersburg, PA Nanjing Foreign Language School, Nanjing, China American British Academy, Muscat, Oman Gaus Gymnasium, Worms, Germany Uplands College, White River, South Africa International School of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium For the 2019 ISLS, Westlake Academy traveled to Uplands College in White River, South Africa. Dates for the symposium were March 19 – 26, 2019. Our students spent time in Leadership training and worked closely on the social concern of Saving the Rhino. Our students engaged in conversation, group collaboration, field trips, and work for Westlake Academy upon their return. The students will share the outcomes and what the 2019-2020 school year holds for them. RECOMMENDATION Review and discussion of the trip information. ATTACHMENTS None Page 1 of 2 estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Workshop - Discussion Item Westlake Board Meeting Monday, September 09, 2019 TOPIC: Presentation and Discussion of 2019-2020 School Census Data STAFF CONTACT: Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Vision: Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nuturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile. Fiscal Stewardship PYP / MYP / DP Improve Financial Stewardship Strategic Initiative Time Line - Start Date: August 19, 2019 Completion Date: September 9, 2019 Funding Amount: $0 Status - N/A Source - N/A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) In general, charter schools are required to develop and implement admissions and enrollment policies and practices that are consistent with Federal and State laws and that are designed to carry out the charter school’s mission, vision and values. It is vitally important that charter schools enact these policies and practices with fidelity. As such, Westlake Academy monitors the execution of their admissions and enrollment policies and practices to ensure that implementation is consistent with the Academy’s charter. The purpose of the presentation and discussion on the 2019-2020 school census is to give an account of the Academy’s enrollment data. Enrollment will be reviewed through grade level Page 2 of 2 growth, Westlake Resident retention and growth, new teacher impact on enrollment, and secondary boundary enrollment trends. Overall, the data will demonstrate that the Academy’s admissions and enrollment policies and practices are one of many variables aligned to its mission, vision and values. RECOMMENDATION Seeking continued support of enrollment policies, procedures and practices at Westlake Academy. ATTACHMENTS None estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Workshop - Discussion Item Westlake Board Meeting Monday, September 09, 2019 TOPIC: Presentation and discussion of the Vision Statement for Westlake Academy. STAFF CONTACT: Amanda DeGan, Town Manager / Superintendent Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director of Westlake Academy Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Vision: Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nuturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile. Citizen, Student & Stakeholder PYP / MYP / DP Increase the Future Readiness of All Students Strategic Initiative Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives Time Line - Start Date: September 9, 2019 Completion Date: N/A Funding Amount: $0 Status - N/A Source - N/A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) As part of our recent governance retreat with the Board of Trustees and our staff teams, we reviewed the existing Vision statement for the Academy. Proposed changes were discussed and the Board directed staff to place this item on a workshop agenda for further collaboration. The existing Vision statement is as follows: Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile. ~Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, and Reflective~ The Mission statement is: Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality, so they are well- balanced and respectful life-long learners. And, our value statements are: Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding The changes discussed for the Vision statement are shown below: Westlake Academy develops future ready students and inspires all students or college bound students them to achieve the highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the through the IB Learner Profile. RECOMMENDATION Review and discussion of the Vision wording. ATTACHMENTS None Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB Learner Profile. ~Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open -minded, Caring, Risk -takers, Balanced, and Reflective~ Vision Statement January 27,2014 Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality, so they are well -balanced and respectful life -long learners. Mission Statement January 27,2014 Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding Values Statements January 27,2014 BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION Board of Trustees Item #7 – Board Recap / Staff Direction ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST: President and Trustee Reports on Items of Community Interest pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0415 the Board of Trustees may report on the following items: (1) expression of thanks, congratulations or condolences; (2) information about holiday schedules; (3) recognition of individuals; (4) reminders about upcoming Board of Trustee events; (5) information about community events; and (6) announcements involving imminent threat to public health and safety. Westlake Academy Danish & Dialogue with school leaders Thursday, September 5, 2019; 8:00 am – 9:00 am WA Campus – Sam & Margaret Lee Fieldhouse Classroom -Open to all Westlake & WA parents/grandparents: current and for those considering or wanting to learn more about our community’s charter school. This month’s topic: Review of outstanding WA IB, AP, & STAAR results & celebration of our students & value of the IB education. For more information, email Mrs. Jennifer Furnish. WA House of Commons (HOC) hosts New Family Coffee Friday, September 6, 2019; 8:00 – 10:00 am WA Dining Hall (lower level, below Gym) -Annual coffee to new family welcome coffee hosted by our school’s Parent-Teacher Organization, the HOC. Come learn more about our HOC and meet/mingle with other new parents on this morning. Need more info? Email the HOC Speaker (President Jenna Probst). Coffee & Conversation with the Mayor/Board President Monday, September 9, 2019; 8:00 – 9:30 am (Moved to 2nd Monday due to Labor Day holiday) Marriott Solana Hotel – Great Room -Thank you to the Marriott for providing complimentary coffee & tea each month for many years! ***Please note: starting next month in October, we will move the location for the Mondays with the Mayor coffees to o ur new Fire-EMS Station No. 1, located on the NE corner of Dove Rd and Davis Blvd. WA Students’ (G9-12 only) College Fair Monday, September 9, 2019; 1:00 – 3:00 pm in the WA Gym -Westlake Academy's annual college fair will be held in the Gym this year as more than 70 college & university reps will be in attendance. Parents of students are welcome to attend but only for those in grades 9 -12. Questions? Contact Mr. Carl Tippen. Board of Trustees Work Session/Meeting Monday, September 9, 2019* Westlake Town Hall, Solana Terrace-Bldg.7, Suite 7100 - Council Chambers Town Council Meeting (2nd Public Hearing for Tax Rate) Wednesday, September 9, 2019* Westlake Town Hall, Solana Terrace-Bldg.7, Suite 7100 - Council Chambers WA Secondary Grades Curriculum Night for Parents & Students •Grades 6-8 meet Wednesday, September 11, 2019; 6:00 – 7:00 pm in the Gym •Grades 9-12 meet Thursday, September 12, 2019; 6:00 – 7:00 pm in the Gym -Meeting held each year for parents (and students) to attend and learn about WA’s IB curriculum, grading, metrics, etc. Very informative meeting and parents are strongly encouraged to attend. Questions? Contact Mrs. Furnish. Public Art Competition Advisory Committee Meeting Monday, September 16, 2019; 11:00 am* Westlake Town Hall, Solana Terrace-Bldg.7, Suite 7100 - Council Chambers Planning & Zoning Work Session/Meeting Monday, September 16, 2019* Westlake Town Hall, Solana Terrace-Bldg.7, Suite 7100 - Council Chambers Board of Trustees Item # 2 – Items of Community Interest  North Texas Giving Day Thursday, September 19, 2019 -Communities Foundation of Texas’ North Texas Giving Day is an 18-hour online giving event designed to empower every person to give back to their community by supporting local nonprofits and causes they care about in one easy-to-use platform; Consider a gift on this day to the Westlake Academy Foundation or one of many other local nonprofits with ties to our community!  Westlake Academy Open Tour for Primary Grades K-5 Thursday, September 19, 2019; 3:45 – 4:45 pm WA Main Entrance/Office – PYP Commons Area -All tours will begin in the Main Primary Years Building Commons Area at 4:00 p.m. Please arrive no earlier than 3:45 p.m. to allow for school dismissal to be completed. Pre-registration is not necessary. Children are always welcome to attend yet must be supervised by parents while touring the campus. Thank you!  Town Council Meeting/Public Hearing (Adoption of New Fiscal Year Budget) Wednesday, September 23, 2019* Westlake Town Hall, Solana Terrace-Bldg.7, Suite 7100 - Council Chambers  WA House of Commons hosts 3rd Annual WA Mother/Son Event Friday, September 27, 2019; 6:00 – 8:00 pm in WA MPH (check-in at 5:45 pm) -Annual event is for both PYP & Secondary mothers & sons; Tickets & shirts available for early bird pricing on-line through 9/25 and the ticket price includes: Nerf Wars, Dodgeball, Pizza, Drink, Dessert. Questions? Contact HOC Speaker.  Town Council Work Session/Meeting Monday, September 30, 2019* Westlake Town Hall, Solana Terrace-Bldg.7, Suite 7100 - Council Chambers *For meeting agendas and details on WA calendar events or Municipal calendar events, please visit the Westlake Academy website or the Town of Westlake website for further assistance. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered routine by the Board of Trustees and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. a. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on August 5 2019. b. Consider approval of Resolution 19-15, Amending he Student Athletic/Extra- Curricular Program Eligibility policy. Board of Trustees Item # 3 – Consent Agenda BOT Minutes 08/05/19 Page 1 of 5 WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING August 5, 2019 PRESENT: President Laura Wheat, Trustees: Alesa Belvedere, Greg Goble, and Carol Langdon. ABSENT: Michael Barrett and Rick Rennhack OTHERS PRESENT: Superintendent Amanda DeGan, Board Secretary Kelly Edwards, Dr. Mechelle Bryson, PYP Principal Rod Harding, PYP Assistant Principal Beckie Paquin, Secondary Principal Stacy Stoyanoff, Secondary Assistant Principal Jennifer Furnish, Deputy Town Manager Noah Simon, Assistant Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, Finance Director Debbie Piper, Accounting Clerk Marlene Rutledge, Director of Communications Ginger Awtry, Communications Manager Jon Sasser, Director of Information Technology Jason Power, Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services Todd Wood, Director of Facilities & Public Works Troy Meyer, Court Administrator Jeanie Roumell, Fire Chief Richard Whitten, and WA Foundation Executive Director Dr. Shelly Myers. Work Session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the work session to order at 5:08 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Wheat led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas flags. BOT Minutes 08/05/19 Page 2 of 5 3. REVIEW OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS LISTED ON THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. No additional discussion. 4. REPORTS a. Report regarding the 2019-2020 School Year Theme. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation and discussion regarding the Parent Survey results for the 2018-2019 school year. Superintendent DeGan introduced Ryan Murry, Assistant Director ETC Institute, and provided an overview of the survey. Discussion ensued regarding trends, the downward trends, MYP Faculty and Staff, a supplement survey to ask additional questions, timing of the survey, review of the open-ended comments, and staff review of cross tab information regarding DYP families. b. Presentation and discussion regarding student performance on the STARR and EOC results. Dr. Bryson, Mrs. Furnish, and Ms. Paquin provided a presentation and overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding sharing the data with teachers, longitudinal data for Grades 3-5, not teaching to the test in Writing, and Grade 8 US History results and the staffing change. c. Presentation and discussion regarding the 2019 Westlake Academy (WA) student performance on International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP) assessments. Dr. Bryson, Mr. Stoyanoff, and Dr. Owen provided a presentation and overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding the results, access to sample past papers to improve faculty teaching and assist students, Group 4 Science results, students awareness of the strategy testing for SL and HL classes, the extended essay, Mr. Stoyanoff and Dr. Bryson teaching one TOK class this fall. BOT Minutes 08/05/19 Page 3 of 5 d. Presentation and discussion regarding Faculty Turnover, student/teacher ratios for the 2018-2019 school year, including comparisons with surrounding districts and IB charter schools for the 2018-2019 school year. Mr. Wood provided a presentation and overview of the item. Discussion ensued regarding annual comparisons to the surrounding ISDs and Charter Schools offering all of the programmes, the hiring process, and using the Teacher Profile. 6. BOARD RECAP / STAFF DIRECTION - Review surrounding ISDs Accountability Reports, sharing results with the Board. - Adding the International School to the faculty turnover report. Mayor Wheat recessed the meeting at 6:56 p.m. Regular Session will begin immediately following the work session 1. CALL TO ORDER President Wheat called the regular session to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST Mr. Sasser provided an overview of the past events and the number of attendees. 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS No one addressed the Board. 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on June 3, 2019. b. Consider approval of the minutes from the meeting on June 17, 2019. c. Consider approval of Resolution 19-10, Authorizing the Superintendent to Execute a Contract with the Education Service Center Region 11 for various Business and Student Support Services for the operation of Westlake Academy. d. Consider approval of Resolution 19-11, Amending and Adopting the Westlake Academy Personnel Manual for the 2019-2020 school year. e. Consider approval of Resolution 19-12, Awarding the bid for property/casualty insurance products and services to Box Insurance Agency for FY 2019-2020, and further authorize the Superintendent or designee to execute this agreement. BOT Minutes 08/05/19 Page 4 of 5 f. Consider approval of Resolution 19-13, Updating the Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of Trustees and the Westlake Academy Foundation. Superintendent DeGan provided an overview of item f of the consent agenda MOTION: Trustee Goble made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. 5. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 19- 14, APPROVING THE AMENDED YEAR-END BUDGET FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2019 AND ADOPTING THE PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 2020. Superintendent DeGan, Director Piper, and Dr. Bryson provided a presentation and overview of the proposed budget. Discussion ensued regarding House Bill 3 and funding, writing letters to our Representatives outlining the effects of House Bill 3, student enrollment by boundaries, and the number of enrollments with building permits and leases. President Wheat opened the public hearing. No one addressed the Board. President Wheat closed the public hearing. MOTION: Trustee Belvedere made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. 6. FUTURE AGENDA ITEM No future agenda items. BOT Minutes 08/05/19 Page 5 of 5 7. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Board, President Wheat asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. MOTION: Trustee Goble made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Langdon seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 3-0. President Wheat adjourned the regular session at 7:30 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON SEPTEMBER 9, 2019. ATTEST: ____________________________ Laura Wheat, President _____________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary estlake Academy Board of Trustees TYPE OF ACTION Workshop - Discussion Item Westlake Board Meeting Monday, September 09, 2019 TOPIC: Consideration of a Resolution Amending Student Athletic/Extra-Curricular Program Eligibility Policy. STAFF CONTACT: Dr. Mechelle Bryson, Executive Director of Westlake Academy Strategic Alignment Vision, Value, Mission Perspective Curriculum Outcome Objective Mission: Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality, so they are well- balanced life-long learners. Academic Operations PYP / MYP / DP Improve the Efficiences of Operational Systems Strategic Initiative Outside the Scope of Identified Strategic Initiatives Time Line - Start Date: September 9, 2019 Completion Date: N/A Funding Amount: $0 Status - N/A Source - N/A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (INCLUDING APPLICABLE ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY) Westlake Academy is committed to providing all students with an opportunity to participate in athletic/extra-curricular programs. The Academy believes that there is a correlation between student participation in extra-curricular activities and academic achievement. According to current research, there are numerous studies that prove a positive association beyond academics with student participation in extra-curricular activities. • academic achievement (Chan, 2016), • stronger sense of school identification and belonging (Ivaniushina, & Aleksandrov, 2015), • healthier socialization among peers (Gibbs, Erickson, Dufur, & Miles, 2015), and • growth and leadership opportunities (Cotter, Pretz, & Kaufman, 2016). As a result, the Academy strives to provide an array of opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular activities. Through the Academy’s association with the Texas Christian Athletic Fellowship (TCAF) League, our students are provided opportunities to compete in sports and other extra-curricular events. Westlake Academy participants and coaches/sponsors must comply with TCAF policies and procedures in order to be eligible for participation. In previous years, the Academy has allowed home school students according to TCAF rules to participate in athletic events. Due to changes in TCAF regulations and due to the growth of Westlake, the Academy will no longer allow home school students to participate. The Student Athletic/Extra-Curricular Program Eligibility Policy is designed to provide guidance. RECOMMENDATION Westlake Academy staff recommends approval of updated policy. ATTACHMENTS Resolution WA Resolution 19-15 Page 1 of 3 WESTLAKE ACADEMY RESOLUTION 19-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMENDING THE STUDENT ATHLETIC/EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY BOARD POLICY. WHEREAS, Westlake Academy acknowledges that the establishment of uniform guidelines for determining student eligibility for participation in athletic/extra-curricular programs is important to the Academy’s success; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees adopted the policy on December 7, 2009, and amended the policy again on August 13, 2012; and WHEREAS, Westlake Academy also acknowledges that the Academy participates in the Texas Christian Athletic Fellowship League for competitive sports and other extra-curricular events; and WHEREAS, Westlake Academy also acknowledges that the Academy participants and coaches/sponsors must comply with the Texas Christian Athletic Fellowship League’s policies and procedures; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best interest of the citizens of Westlake as well as the students, their parents, and faculty of Westlake Academy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WESTLAKE ACADEMY: SECTION 1: That, all matters stated in the recitals hereinabove are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: If any portion of this resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. WA Resolution 19-15 Page 2 of 3 SECTION 3: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 9th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2019. ___________________________________ Laura Wheat, President ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ Kelly Edwards, Board Secretary ________________________________ Janet S. Bubert or L. Stanton Lowry, School Attorney WA Resolution 19-15 Page 3 of 3 TOWN OF WESTLAKE WESTLAKE ACADEMY BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICY Policy No. 6.07: Date Board Adopted: December 7, 2009 Date Board Amended: September 9, 2019 Effective Date: August 13, 2013 Policy Name: Student Athletic/Extra-Curricular Program Eligibility Policy Category: Student Achievement Policy Goal: To establish uniform guidelines for determining student participation in Westlake Academy’s athletic/extra-Curricular programs. Policy Description: Westlake Academy offers the rigorous International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) course work as the standard curriculum for students in grades K-12 and values the traits found in the IB Learner profile. In particular, the traits of being Principled and Balanced will be emphasized in our sports and extra-curricular programs. The Academy will offer the students the opportunity to participate in these types of activities in an environment that fosters fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities and also promotes a greater understanding of the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance. Currently, Westlake Academy participates in the Texas Christian Athletic Fellowship (TCAF) League for competitive sports and other extra-curricular events. Westlake Academy participants and coaches/sponsors must comply with TCAF policies and procedures in order to remain eligible. Staff is directed to periodically review TCAF’s requirements as it pertains to eligibility and update the Parent/Student Handbook in order to inform students of the necessary requirements to participate each year. Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, home-school student participation will not be allowed for Westlake Academy teams. To the extent allowed by TCAF and to the extent roster space is available, Westlake Academy will allow an exemption for student athletes who participated on a varsity Westlake Academy team during the 2018-2019 school year and remained in good standing during the 2018-2019 school year. Dates Amended: 11/01/2010 08/13/2012 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Any Board member may request at a workshop and / or Board meeting, under “Future Agenda Item Requests”, an agenda item for a future Board meeting. The Board member making the request will contact the Superintendent with the requested item and the Superintendent will list it on the agenda. At the meeting, the requesting Board member will explain the item, the need for Board discussion of the item, the item’s relationship to the Board’s strategic priorities, and the amount of estimated staff time necessary to prepare for Board discussion. If the requesting Board member receives a second, the Superintendent will place the item on the Board agenda calendar allowing for adequate time for staff preparation on the agenda item. - NONE Board of Trustees Item # 4 – Future Agenda Items Board of Trustees Item # 5 – Adjournment Regular Session DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Presentation and discussion regarding the International Student Leadership Symposium (ISLS) 2019. b. Presentation and discussion regarding of 2019-2020 School Census Data. c. Presentation and discussion regarding the Mission, Vision, and Values. Board of Trustees Item # 6 – Discussion Items