HomeMy WebLinkAboutParents Survey Presentation 08-05-19 PRESENTED BY ETC INSTITUTE ,�'""����`� � � � - - � � � � . � � '`� � . •',� ����� et o 0 0 Survey Descriptions � 5 pages in length � Survey took approximately 10-15 minutes to complete Sample Size � 263 parents completed the survey Method of Administration � By mail with follow-up by phone and email Margin of Error � +/-4.32% at the 95% level of confidence ���. I r� �h i�h �r���� �� ��u ��rr�r�tl� h��� �h i I� r� r� �nr�ll�� �� Vl���tl�ls� ����� r��� ��p�rcen#ag��f �aren#� �multi�le re�panse all���red� �in��rgart�n � 0°�� � , ; � st grad� 6°�a � � � � � � � � ; ; �nd grade ; 1 �°la ; � � � � � � J�� ����� �4f0 ; / / � � � � ���I ����� �°�o ; ; • • • - • - • • - • • • ' ; • . .• • . • - ���I ���C�� � � °�4 ; , , ���I ����� '� '� °�o ; ; ���I ���C��? � �°�a ; ; ���I ����� '��°�o ; ; �t�l ����� � �°�o ; ; � ���1 ����� � �°�o ; , � �t�l �����? 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' • • ' • � . • - - - Most Important% Most Important Satisfaction % Satisfaction Rank Importance- I-S Rating Rank Category of Service Rank Satisfaction Rating Academic progress of your child 44% 1 79% 7 0.0931 1 MYP faculty& staff 24% 4 65% 28 0.0852 2 Social & emotional progress of your child 32% 2 77% 11 0.0738 3 MYP Curriculum 25% 3 72% 15 0.0699 4 College preparation process 13% 9 65% 25 0.0441 5 DP faculty& staff 14% 7 74% 13 0.0351 6 MYP Math Program 11% 10 69% 19 0.0349 7 DP Curriculum 14% 8 77% 10 0.0307 8 PYP Curriculum 17% 6 84% 3 0.0275 9 PYP faculty& staff 23% 5 89% 1 0.0267 10 Quality of communication from WA 8% 12 67% 22 0.0262 11 Extracurricular sports programs 6°/a 14 62% 31 0.0229 12 Communication regarding issues/problems related to 6% 15 64% 30 0.0207 13 your chi Id Other extracurricular programs 4°/a 17 55% 35 0.0194 14 Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of 10% 11 84% 2 0.0152 15 education provided by Westlake Academy The Secondary Counseling Department 3% 18 60% 32 0.0137 16 PYP Math Program 7°/a 13 81% 5 0.0135 17 Language B Program (foreign language program) 5% 16 73% 14 0.0125 18 Secondary Gradebook on ManageBac 3% 19 57% 34 0.0115 19 ��� . f�l��� 1�� 1 ��� ������ �f `�� � r ��il�'� E� ����i �n �t 1�1����1 �1�� ����� r�� k�� �ercen#a�� �f p�rer-rts �uh� r�#ed #he i#em as a 1 #� � �n a �-pain# scale_ �vher� a rating �f 1 meantmost impork�nt and � ratin� of � mearYt least imporkar7t [�ualit� of instructioi7 7��6 �f?�'L6 �=�Q �ollege �re�aratioi7 ���'6 32°�� 13°r� 6�'6 IB curriculum 37�6 33�6 �1��6 9°� �lass size ����6 ����� 16�r� ��6 International focus �� �5�6 3�°r� �6�6 Ranking 6��6 18�r� �8�6 �8�6 Re�utatioi7 ��6 16� �1�r� ���6 Pu�lic charter school �� 8� ��°�6 ���'6 U¢f4 LU¢!4 �U�f4 UU¢14 UU¢!4 �UU¢�4 of��Jlost Im�ortant� 1-� 03� 0�-6 0�-8 �Least Im�ortant� 5�����: ���' �r�s��f��� �'��� - Z��s����i����rr�� B��x� �,�'��sfees ��r��f S���t'1 • . • • ' . ' • • • . . • ' • ' • . • . ' . ' � . • ' WHAT DI D WE LEARN ? If ��� r � r� �� � ���i�fi�� �it� ��� r���ifi ��ti� n� � r�� ��r�ri��� �r��i��� �� VII���I �I�� ����� r��� � �����,t��� �� �����,t� ���,� �,�� � ��,��� ��t�, � ����,�,��-,� �����������,� util i�es special educa#i�n services a# 1�fes#lake A�cadem�r ; �0� � ��°�6 ; , , � , , �0� � ��°� , �0� 5 ��°� ; , , , , , , , �0� 3 ��°� ; ; , , , , , , , ; , �0� � ��°r� ; , , , � , , , �0� 0 �1 °� ; , , , � , , , �00� ��°�6 ; ; 1J414 G4J¢l4 �lJ¢JO �lJ¢lU �LJ¢10 � 4JLJ¢JO 5����e: ���'��as����� ���� - �i'�s f���l���rrr�� B��r��,�'�r�s f��s ��x��� �'�r��e�� . . • . • • • . ' • • � � . • • . • � . • . • ' ' . ' • � 1 � . H �� �� ���r�i�� P�r�r��� ��� I� �� if 1�1�� ��r� r��� �� II �h� r�� ��� � r� �� r���� f� r �r���� �-� k�� �erc errta g e a�f pa ren#s N�t �# �II supp�r#i�� �°Io �f�r�r supp�rtiv� ��°�o N�# supp�r#i�� �. �°Io � N�utr�l �I �°�o �upp�r#i�� 1 �°�o S��r��: ���' I�st����� �'��� - �T'�s�����l���r�t����� �,�'���s���s ����� S��we�� ' . i • • 1 • . - • - - - - • • ' • • • ' • . ' • • • . • ' • i � 1 � . H �� �� ���r�i�� P�r�r��� ��� I� �� if 1�1�� �� r� r��� �� II �h� r�� ��� � r� �� r���� f� r �r���� �- 1 � k�� �erc en#a g e �f pa ren#s �1�r�r supp�rti�� ��°�a N�t �# �II supp�rki�� �°�o � N�t supp�rti�� � �°lo N�u#r�l �I �°�o �upp�r#i�� ��°�o S��r��� ���' I�sf����� �'��� - �T'�s�����l���������x� a,�'���s��es ��x�r�� 5���.ae�� � • • • • . - • - - - - • • ' • • • ' • . ' • • • . • ' • i ummar The percentage of parents who think their child is progressing at or above expectations is at al�time high (85% in 2019 vs 79% in 2016) Westlake Academy continues to be an important reason that people move to Westlake Overall Satisfaction Continues to Increase: � Short-Term: 22 of the 34 (65%) areas assessed saw an increase in satisfaction, 14 of those were significant � Long-Term: 23 of the 27 (85%) areas assessed saw an increase in satisfaction, 14 of those were significant Only Three Areas Have Experienced Long-Term Decreases since 2010: � MaintenanceoftheAcademy � MYP Faculty and Staff � DP Faculty and Staff Top 3 priorities for parents: � Academic progress of their child � MYP faculty and staff � Social and emotional progress of their child • • THANKYOU