HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 11-33 Authorizing an Amendment to the Agreement with Shrickel, Rollins, and Associates TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO. 11.33 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO AMEND THE AGREEMENT WITH SHRICKEL, ROLLINS, AND ASSOCIATES FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES RELATED TO ENHANCEMENTS TO FM 1938. WHEREAS, Westlake desires to provide a desirable road enhancement project; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Shrickel, Rollins, and Associates proposal benefits the public and is in the best interest of the public; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that wayfmding and landscape enhancements benefits commuters and citizens and is in the best interest of residential and corporate citizens; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that funding for the planning, construction design, bidding assistance, and construction administration is necessary for the enhancement of the FM 1938 corridor; and WHEREAS, the cost for the planning, construction design, bidding assistance, and construction administration of the FM 1938 corridor streetscape/wayfinding enhancements are allocated in the existing FM 1938 capital project budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. All matters stated in the Recitals above are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2. The Town Council of the Town of Westlake hereby approves the amendment to the 2008 agreement (Exhibit "A" Res 08-46) with Shrickel, Rollins, and Associate totaling ($328,500) for landscape architectural services related to enhancements to FM 1938 project, attached as Exhibit "B", and further authorizes the Town Manager to execute the amendment on behalf of the Town of Westlake, Texas. SECTION 3: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the invalid provision. Resolution 11-33 Page 1 of 2 SECTION 4: That this resolution shall become effective from and after its date of passage. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 14"' DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2011. 14 OP At M Lau a Wheat, Mayor ATTEST: TkA . t , Kelly" dwar , Town Secretary Thomas E. Brymer, To n Aanager APPROVED A TO F L. ton La ry, n rney Resolution 11-33 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF WESTLAKE RESOLUTION NO.08 46 AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH SCHRICKEL, ROLLINS, AND ASSOCIATES, FOR CONSULTATION AND SCHEMATIC DESIGN OF STREETSCAPEIWAYFINDING AMENITIES ON THE FM 1938 PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Town of Westlake is working in partnership with the Cities of Southlake and Keller for the construction of FM 1938; and WHEREAS, Westlake desires to provide a desirable road enhancement project, and WHEREAS, the Board of Alderman finds that the Schrickel, Rollins, and Associates proposal benefits the public and is in the best interest of the public; and WHEREAS, the Board of Alderman finds that wayfinding benefits commuters and is in the best interest of residential and corporate citizens; and WHEREAS, the Board of Alderman finds that funding for the Schematic Design is necessary for the enhancement of the FM 1938 corridor; and WHEREAS, the cost for the design services of the FM 1938 corridor streetscapelwayfinding enhancements will be allocated from the existing FM 1938 capital project budget. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE,TEXAS: SECTION 1. All matters stated in the Recitals above are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2. The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Westlake hereby approves the contract with Schrickel. Rollins, and Associate for the schematic design of streetscape wayfindine enhancements to the FM 1938 corridor, and further authorizes the Town Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the Town of Westlake, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 14"'DAY OF JULY 2008. ATTEST. Laura Wheat, Mayor f Kira Sutter,fJR T MC, in Secretary Thomas E. BrYiner, "1' vn MallaVer �-- APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' Le e- 1= L. Panton trdvey(jQydfi Attorney THF STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT SERVICES CONTRACT FJM. 1938 - Streetscape Town of Westlake THIS CONTRACT, by and between the TOWN OF WESTLAKE, i municipal corporation located in Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter called "Town", and Schrickel, Rollins and Associates, Inc., a corporation authorized to do business in the -State of Texas, hereinafter called "Consultant", evidences the following: WHEREAS, Town desires the professional planning, landscape architecture, and engineering wrvices Of COMiltant for preparation of contract documents, plans sand specifications for FAA, 1938 - Streetscape in the Town of Westlake and County of'Tarrant, Texas hereinafter called "Project"; and WHEREAS, Consultant represents that it is qDMifiPd and capable of performing the professional services proposed herein for these projects and is willing to enter into this Contract with TOWN to perform said services; NOW,THEREFORE, the parties in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein agreed as follows: 1 EMPLOYMENT OF THE CONSULTANT CONSULTANT agrees to perform professional services in connection with these projects as set forth in the attached Exhibits A through B of this Contract, and TOWN agrees to ply, and CONSULTANT agrees to accept fees as set forth as (Lill and final compensation for all sem"ices provided tinder this Contract. 2, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION This Contract shill be administered on behalt of the TOWN by the Towvn Manager or his designated repiesenLativus thereinafter called "AdminisLrAor"), anl on behalf of the CONSULTANT by its duly atithorized officials. 3. CONSULTANT'S SERVICES The CONSULTANT agrees to render professional services for the following phases of work. 3.01 Scope of Project Services Exhibit A - Prepare the contract documents, plans and specifications for StreeLscape Development on FJ\4. 1938. 3.02 Additional Professional Services a. Additional services by the CONSULTANT shall be provided if authorized by the TOWN, b. Making revisions in plans, drawings, or other docurnenu, when such revisions are inconsistent with approvals or instructions preViOLISly given, shall be Additional Services. 4, COMPENSATION PAYMENT FOR SERVICES CONSULTANT shall SLII)MiL periodic statements for Services incurred. TOWN shall make payment, within 30 days of the statement date in the amount shown by the CONSULTANT's monthiv statements and other documentation submitted and no interest shill ever be clue on I late payments. 4.01 Compensation for Professional Services will be as identified on the attached Exhibits A through B, 4.02 Compensation for Additional Professional Services that may be itithorized shall be based on the hourly rate method of charges using the rates shown on the Hourly Rate Schedule (Exhibit"B°), 4.03 Compensation for Reimbursable Expenses printing and copies means the actUal expenses incurred by CONSULTANT or CONSULTANT's independent professiona3 associate-.;or sub-consultants directly in connection with the projects. 2 5. QVVNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS 5.01 All information and other data given to, prepared, or assembled by CONSULTANT for the services provided in Exhibit A shall remain the sole property of the CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT may make copies of any and all documents and items for TOWN'S files. A set of reproducible documents ,,hall be filed with the TOWN prior to final pivnient. CONSULTANT shall have no liability for chanses made to or use of the drawings and Other documenu 1)), anyone subsequent to the completion of the Project. 6. SERVIC IFS BY TOWN TOWN willprovide the following information andior services. 6.01 Property I)Miridaries, maps and deeds, 7. 1 FRIONATION OF CONTRACT TOWN may indefinitely Suspend further work hereunder or terminate this Contract or any phase of this Contract upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the CONSULTANT with the understanding that immediately upon the receipt of such notice all work and labor being performed under this Contract shall cease immediately. Before the end of the thirty 430.1 day, period, CONSULTANT shall invoice the TOWN for all work accomplished prior to the receipt Of Such notice. No amount shall be due for lost or anticipated profits. All plans, field surveys, and other data related to the Project shall becorne property of TOWN Upoll termination of the Contract and shall be promptly delivered to TOWN in a reasonably organized form without restriction on future use except as stated in Article S. Should TOWN Subsequently contract with a new consultant for continuation of services On the Project, CONSULTANT shall coop rate in providing information. 8. RE5PONSIBILITY FOR CLAIMS AND LIABILITIES Approval by TOWN shall not constitute nor be deemed a release of the responsibility and liability of the CONSULTANT, its employees, associates, agents, and consultants for the accuracy and competency of their plans or other work; not- shall approval be deemed to be 1311 assumption of such responsibility by TOWN for any defect in the planning or other Work prepared by the CONSULTANT, its emplovees, subcontractor, agents and cot-rsliltimLs, 3 9. AMENDMENTS This Contract way be amended Or supplemented only by written instrument and only as approved by the Town Administrator, except for termination under Section 7, Termination of Contract, 10. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, CHARTERS, ANO C)RDINANCF5, FTC— TheCONSULTANT, his consultants, agents and employees, and subcontractors -;hall comply with applicable Federal and State Liws, the Charter and Ordinances of the TOWN, and with applicable rules and regulations promulgated by local, state, and national 1-30ill-CIS, I)Lfre,)LIS, and agencies existing and published before date of this agreement that are known by the. CONSULTANT or that are known by the TOWN which shall make copies, available to the CONSULTANT. 11. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No officer or employee shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in any contract with the TOWN or be financially interested, directly, in the sale to the TOWN of any land, materials, supplies, or services, except on behalf of the TOWN as an officer or employee. Any violation of this section shall constitute malfeasance in office, and any officer or employee guilty thereof shall thereby forfeit his office or position with the TOWN, Any violation of this section with knowledge, expressed or implied, of the person or corporation contracting with the TOWN shall render the Contract involved voidable by the TOWN Administrator or the TOWN Council. 12. CONTRACT PERSONAL This Contract is for personal and professional services, and thr CONSULTANT shill not assign this Contract, in whole or in part, without the prior written c(-.)1lse.nt-of the TOWN. 13. NOTICES All notices, communications, and rebores required or permitted under this Contract shall be personally delivered or mailed to the respective. parties by depositing the same in the united States Mail it the address shown belOW unless and until either party is othvrwj�(�. notified in writing by the other party at (lie following addresses. Mailed notices shall be deumed communicated after five days. 162r 4 tf intended for TOWN, to: If intended for CONSULTANT, to: Town Administrator or his designee. Victor W, Baxter, Vice President Contact Person Contract Person and Title Town of Westlake Schrickpl, Rollins and Associates lry. Town Firm Name 3 Village Circle, Suite 202 1161 Corporate.Drive 1V051, Suite 200 Address Address 1,Veqla-e TX 76262 Arlington, Texas 76006 City, State, Zip Code City, State, Zip Code �/1490�-5720 (817) 649-32-16 Telephone No. Telephone No, 14, INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR In performing services Linder this Contract'. CONSULTANT is performing services of the type performed prior to this contract, and CONSULTANT by the execution of this contract does not change the independent status of the CONSULTANT. No term, or provision hereof, or act of CONSULTANT in the performance of this Contract shall be construed as making CONSULTANT the agent,servant, or employee of Westlake. 15. VENUE The obligations of the parties to this Contract are performable in Tarrant County, Texas; and if legal action is necessary to enforce it, exc[LiSj%le venue shall lie in Tarrant COUnty, Texas. 16. APPLICABLE LAWS This Contract is made subject to the provisions of the WpstLike Town Ordinances, Standards, Westlake Specifications for materials ind construction, as amended, and State and Federal I.avvs. GOVERNING LAWS This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordince with the laws incl decisions of the State of Texas. 1& LEGAL CONS1 RLJC'T ION In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Contract shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, '50ch invalidity, illegality, car Unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions thereof; and this Contract shall be considered as if such invalid, illegal or Unenforceable provision had never been contained in this Contract. 19. PUB(iSHED MATERIAL CONSULTANT agrees that the TOWN shall revimv and approve any written inaterial about TOWN projects andioractivities. 20. CAPTIONS The captions to the VariOLIS clauses of this Contract are for informational purposes only and shall not alter any substance of the terms and conditions of this Contract. 21, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Contract shall be binding Upon end insure to the benefit of the parties hereto ind their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and, except as otherwise provided in this Contract, their assigns. 22. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Contract and Exhibits A through B embodies the complete agreement of the parties hereto, superseding A oral or written previous incl contemporary agreements between the parties and relating to nisitters in this Contract, and except as othorwise provided herein, zi cannot be modified WiLhOUt written agreement of the parties to be attached to and mode, 'i part of this Contract. 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Marti 5 hereby have executed this agreement in duplicate originals on this date,the IS day of SCHRLCKEL, ROLLINS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. TOWN OF WESTLAKE AUTHORIZATION Signature Signature Victor W. Baxter, Vice President havms—Z: 5 L7L'� Name and Title. 1161 Corporate Drive West, Suite 200 3 Village Circle, Suite 202 Arlington, Texas 76006 k,,Vestlake, Texas 76262 7 NPCS F."M LIMAR Attachment A Scope of Services Westlake- F.M. 1938 Streetscape Improvements July 30, 2008 1. Scope of Project The project consists of the master planning and design of improvements to the corridor within the right of way and TOWN-owned property in on area along F.M, 1938 from the southern (own limit to State Highway 114, approximately 2.12 miles. Primary design elements are sidewalks, medians, ramps, crosswalks, landscaj�m plantings,, irrigation systems, benches,signage and other site amenities. 2. Purpose of the Project The primary purpose of the project is to reinforce th(:r-M. 1938 area as a major corridor by developing a heavily landscaped"pedestrian friendly"area that Will IV all MCd of activity and development. The project will creaw"i stron-0 visual identity.The project must comply with the requirements set forth by the Tnwn of wc�sxlako, and the Texas Department of Transportation. 3. Topographic Survey/Base Sheet Preparation Topographic and existing utility information for the area within the fighr of way will be provided by others by separate contract.Schrickel,Rollins and Associates,Inc,(SRA),will coordinate with the surveyor to communicak- scope and requirements. 4. Review Existing Plans Collect and review all existing plans and studies relevant to the project area to define preliminary issues,to identify conflicting findings,and to identify supplemental data requirements.This effort Will include a review of the existing corridor plan and related ordinances to ensure their compatibility with the Town'6 goal of a vibrant, walkable corridor. 5. Data Gathering/Field Observation The Landscape Architect will perform a detailed site inventory and photo dw.umentaiion of existing,conditions, including existing infrastructure,existing development adjacent to the site,traffic patterns,land use issues,major design elements,district image and sense of arrival. 6. Geotechnical Investigation Atfour toLive locutions selected by the Landscape Architect,and approved by the TOWN,soil investigations and report Will Ix, conducted by an independent Geotechnical Engineer selected by the Landscape Architect. Gr-otechnicai investigations shall be paid for fay the TOWN separate from this Agreement. 7. Program Definition The Landscape Architect will meet and coordinate with the TOWN's reptesentative and Gathers as necessary to clearly define the program including: Westlake-F-M. 1938 Sreetscape Improvements 1624i Scope of Services Page 1 WA NOW N 0,0 L Ii' • Exact facility requirements • Maintenance considerations • Access considerations • Security considerations • Design approaches • Utilities availability 8. Analysis In light of findings established in Tasks 5 and 6,the Landscape Architect rchitect will prepare a framework analysis that documents the corridor's most significant o'-pportunfties and constraints and key urban design issues related to future improvements.The analysis,Al take the form of an overall illustrative diagram(0 the corridor,as well as typical cross sections.The findings will be reviewed with the client and rerinernents made as necessary. 9. Meetings A. The Landscape Architect will prepare for and attend up to three(3)meetings with the property owners, TOWN staff,TxDOT,and general public for the purpose of reporting on progress incl gathering input, S. In addition to the above,the Landscape Architect will ittend (otir(4) meetings,vvith staff, including kick-off meeting. C. The Landscape Architect will present the Schematic Design to the Town Board of Alderman Council in a workshop meeting. D. Additional meetings may be scheduled with additional compensation by the TOWN to the Landscape Architect, as mutually agreed to in writing in advance of any such meeting(s). E. The TOWN will be responsible for arrangements for ail meetings, if needed. 10. Schematic Design The Landscape Architect will provide landscape/site development plans of F.M. 1938,with emphasis on the utilitarian needs of pedestrians and visual enhancement of the corridor by developing pedestrian pirkways and landscaped medians.The Landscape Architect will develop an overalf theme for the corridor that is unique m Westlake but complimentary to improvements planned by the City of Southlake along F.M.1938,The corridor theme shall be coordinated with existing Town Standardsand streetscapes.The plan shall identify the corridor s prominence in the Town s overall streetscape development plans and suggest whether other street developments should follow a similar theme. Corridor improvement;will include(but are not fimitcd to)the following as far as the budget allows.: • Pedestrian trail/sidewalks • Pedestrian crosswalks • Pedestrian friendly access to major facilities • Corridor gateway features • Street furniture and gazebos • Pedestrian lighting for sidewalks and trails and pedestrian scalemreet lighting with emphasis placed on achieving,as much as practical,standards espoused by the IES subject to TxD0T approval(if necessary) • Public art and/or water feature locations integrated into the plan for the corridor • Street trees Westlake-F.M. 1938-Rreetscape Improvements 1624� Scope of Services Page 2 ON F01" PME &WAR • Median planting treatments • Emphasis given to major intersection treatments • Irrigation recommendations • Special paving • Signage • Barriers ■ Addition of site furnishings including benches,and waste receptacles at selected areas ■ Accessible curb ramps where necessary a,all intersections • Possible utility adjustments 7-asks The Landscape Architect will prepare the Schematic Design for the entire ltngth of the project. The Landscape Architect will hold monthly meeting-,; with the TOWN'!, represenwlive and other designated representatives throughout the Schematic Design development.to communicate progress and discuss pertinent issues. The Schematic Design will bt revised at the direction of the TOWN's representative. A tough opinion of probable cost will be prepared at the completion of the Schematic Design, The Schernatic Design will consist of an overall plan view,sketches,sections and Vigriettesto illustrate the overall design concept, and text explaining the process, program and the conclusions of the effnrt. An Opinion of Probable Cost will be included along with prioritized recommendations for development and phasing. The Landscape Architect will prepare three (3) options and suggestions of practical ways to phase these improvements try fit€heTown s Financial resources including plat)and opinion of probable construction cost showing progressive levels of development to accommodate the TOWN ,, budget constraints. The Landscape Architect will identify, within fifteen (1"a) days, hardscape improvement. standards (intersection paving improvements, retaining walls, etc.)that should be shown on the plans prepared by Graham Associates, Inc., to be submitted to and bid by TxDOT. The Schematic Design will he a camera-ready graphic and usable by the design professional selected by the Town for the construction phase of the project, 11. Construction Documents Based on the approved Schematic Design and any further adjustments in the scope and quality ct€'the project or in the construction budget al.1111067ed by the TOWN, construction documents consisting of drawings and specification,; will set forth in detail the requirement, for the construction of the project. The Landscape Architect will advise the TOWN's representative Of any adjustments to previous opinions of construction cost indicated by changes in requirements or general market conditions. The Landscape Architect wi I I submit dOCUrrientsand opinions of construction cost to the TOWN*s representative at intervals of 50%and 10017,,of completion for review. The TOWN's,reprvsenlatiw will respond with written comments advising any changes to be made. Specifications will be written to reference TxDOT standard specifications. The Landsca'p e Architect will prepare a list of construction bid items sand compute estimated quantities. The opinion of probable cost of construction wilt be computed based on current unit prices ind estimated(JUIntitiCS, Westlake—P.M. 1938 Streetscape Irriprovegnents 162,,i Scope of Services Page C L12`01PICK WPM LTVAM The Landscape Architectwi I I provide general notes,specifications and special provisions,which are applicable to the project. 12. Bidding The Landscape Architect will provide/perform the following Bidding Services, A. The Landscape Architect will attend the prebid conference. B. Assist TOWN staff in preparing the advertisement for bids. C. Answer questions From Bidders and prepare addenda as necessary. D. Assist TOWN as required in opening bids, E. Provide bid tabulations. F. Evaluate the lowest bidder. Bid evaluation will include the contmclor's: 1. Past work history; 2. Financial resources;and I Physical resources to produce the project. G. A summary of the bid analysis will be provided to TOWN For use in selection and awird of the construction contract. 13. Construction Administration The Landscape Architect will provide/perform the following Construction Administration services.Said services to be provided after execution of a contract [:wtween TOWN and the Contractor selected by TOWN.The Landscape Architect will provide information relating to review of submittals,shop drawings, and requests for information. A- Landscape Architect will provide/perform the following Construction Administration services. 1, A total of eight(8)meeting-4ite visits with owner/contractor including: a. Preconstruction Conference. b. Field observation/construction progress shall be provided for the purpose of ascertaining for the TOWN that the work is in substantial or general conformance with the contract documents and design intent; i. Should nonconforming or defective work be observed,the Landscape Architect will endeavor to immediately inform the TOWN"s representative that conforming or remedial action is required. ii. A schedule of key construction observation visits will be developed for approval and reference by TOWN. iii. Conduct coordination meetings with contractors, inspection personnel, and TOWN representative to discus,, �,,Tategy, Problem arels-, progress, and ally required coordination.Prepaiv=r tiklj I III 1fry(If these fneeLi ng$Jnd diStril)UIC them to both TOWN and the contractor, C. Placernent and layout of facilites; d. HVILl obse,rvat i nnelconsLruc Lion progress, Mandatory"critical"observations:and f. Coordination meetings. Westlake-F.M. 1938 Streetscape improvements 1624i Scope of Services Page 4 ONKYMWIN UNW-1 2. Review shop drawings and other submittal infomiadon for the purpose of ascertaining conformance with the design intent and construction documents. 3. Provide written responses to requests for information or clarification. 4. Prepare and process change orders, if required. 5. Review the monthly pay requests by the Contractor. 6. Assist TOWN in conducting the 5ubst;infial completion and final completion observations. 7. When complete, recommend final acceptance of work. B. Landscape Architect's Status During Construction. Landscape Architect will not be responsible for Contractor's means,methods,techniques,sequences,procedures or schedules Of WnStFUC6011 Or the safety precautions And oropram5 incident hereto. Landscape Architect will not be responsible for Contractor-c failure to perform or furnish the work in accordance with the construction documents. Landscape Architect will not he responsible for any delays in the execution of the work caused by the Contractor. 14. Optional Additional Services The Landscape Architect will provide services not identified in this: SCOI)e Of Services upon receipt of authorization from the TOWN's iepresentaLive. Additional SeMces will be provided on an hourly rate basis with a mutually agreed"riot to exceed"total. Such Additional Services may include the following or niherservices! Design A. Design of facilities beyond the original scope acid/or budget identified in the description Or B. Topographic Surveying. C. Establishment of the boundary lines. D. Design of Signalizadon Systems andlor traffic studies. E- Representation in arbitration,mediation, litigation,depositions or similar legal processes. F. Hydrology and hydraulics studies. G. Environmental assessment 0(enVifOnMent0l impact study, H. Location of underground utilities. 1. 3-D animations and formal renderings. CDastrurtion A. Preparation of Change Orders as required which expand the original Scope of Services. B. Site observation visits. 15. Deliverables A. Schernatic Design 1. The contents of the Schematic Design will Senerally be as follows: a. Introduction. Purpose,plan highlights,pCials and objectives. b. Project Description. c. Design Concepts. d. Project Site. A plan view designating the project limits. e. Master Plan,An illustrative master plan of tht,project site, Westlake—F.M. 1938 Streetscape Improvements 1624i Scope of Services Page 5 NrIIK MMIN Lt f. Planting Design.An overall plan showing general planting concepts. g. Sketches.Concept sketches of significant locations in the project area. h. Design Vocabulary.Sketches and descriptions of the typical I-)uill elemQnts of the plan broken down into defined parts;benches,planters, signage,etc_ i. Costs.An Opinion of Probable Cost to maximize the'impact of available funds. B. Construction Documents 1. Based upon the approved Scheinalic Design, adjustments in the scope or quality of the project, and the project design budget authorized by the Owner, Construction Documents deliverables Shall include,but not necessarily be limited to the following documents: a. Plan sheets illustrating plans,elevations,sections and dr-Lails of constructi V41 KK 'N"" M KIX Attachment B Scope of Services Westlake-F.M. 1438 Streetscape Improvements July 30, 2008 A. Basic Professional Planning and Design Services Schematic Design(IUMP Suni) S28'sot1 Fees for Professional Services including Construction Documents, Bidding,and Construction Administration shall be determined at the conclusion of the Schematic Design phase and will be based on the ;cq)v,md budget that is determined by the Town or"Westlake. The Professional Services Contract will then be amended to include said fees. B. belated Services Geotechnical Investigations by others Topographic j Tree Survey provided by the Owner Plan reviews(TDLR) reirnbursable 3D Animation l Renderings To Be Determined Westlake-F.M. 1938 Streetscape Improvements Scrape of Service; Page 1 ON PC& MMIN 103M SCHEDULE OF CHARGES-2009 BILLABLE SALARY RATE&EXPENSE CHARGES RANGE Of BILLABLE SALARY RATE CLASSIFICATION: Low HIGH PRINCIPAL $140 S1`3:i ASSOCIATE 85 15 5) SEmoiR ENciN�u-P, 135 16.5 Er'ui"EvR III 100 130 ENGNEE9 It '5 100 ENCINEER-N-NWNINC iF.IT) 65 85 SENIOR I.A,4Ds(.'APE ARCHITECT 110 18 LAND.SCAPI ARD RM7 111 80 11 LANDSCAPE AR(HtTECT It 63 (M LANDSCAF't ARCH1TEC1uRk(1-41 ERN r1{) 7.5 SFNR)k PLANNER 95 1.30 PLANER 63 r I-) ARC WTECT 130 ARcwTrc-7ok-kL I.NTFRN iFI 7-, DEMCNER i0 "JI) SUR4'E OR;RPLS1 1 sft S'JRVEY COORDINATOR 70 1 W: SURVB-TECHNICI,NN 60 1(A) ENCvNEERiNG TECHNICIAN 60 941 PPkN-,Nc TECHN!CIAN - 50 3 PRODUCT]ON COORDINATOR 70 105 CAD OprizA7coR/DPNf TER 111 60 901 CAD OPERATog/DtzAfTuz II 50 N? CAD OPER-kTOR/1)PAFTER 1 45 160 SENOR 5f(-RFT.ARV5PFCIFi(-.ATir)t,,S COORDINATOR 4; 80 SECROARY,'*WORD PRX:E-SSOR -15 65 CLERK 30 45) The ranges and iridividual salaries areadjusted annually, OTHER SERVICES: SURM'FJEM PARTY 5123 5150 PRINTING&PLOTTING SERVICES: In-house printing and plotting setvices will be civri; ged at the market r,ilf v for;omrnvr(,ial printing plus 10%.In-house Capability inclullun,color piots and a variety of media,including bond,vellurn and molar, ln-how.,(,%(n,)x wpi"provided<lt$0.07 per single side copy or$0.14 per double side copy. OTHER DIRECT EXPENSES- Other direct expenses are reimbursed at acwni cost times a nikiltiplier of 1.10. [hey induclu initsido printing and rqvrociudiuns expense,COMMUnication expense,travel,transportation and uhkislonco awq from ArlifIgton MI(I AMV1i!1(VI1M1V0L1S 0XI)NIS05 directly related to the�vork,inClUding costs of laboratory an,ilyNk, tcs15,and a1hLr eNork required to be done by independent persons other than staff members. Westlake—r.m. 1938 Streetscape Improvements 1624i Scope of Services Page 2 ON F4K WV,,EL1WM Attachment B,Amendment No. One Scope of Services Westlake-F.M. 1938 Streetscape Improvements November 1,2011 A. Basic Professional Planning and Design Services Construction Documents, Bidding, and Construction Administration for: If provided in separate packages: Phase 2 -Median Plantings(Green Ribbon Program-TxDOT funded) $63,500 Phase 2 Subtotal $63,500 Phase 3 -Gateway Monuments, Trail, and Plantings(East&West of FM 1938) $165,000 Phase 4-Trail Enhancements(Trail head and Shelters) $69,500 Phase 3 and 4 Subtotal (separate contracts) $234,500 If Phases 3 &4 are combined into a single construction package $220,000 B. Related Services Geotechnical Investigations Phase 2 -monument locations $4,500 Phase 4-Trail head and shelters $4,500 Topographic/Tree Survey Phase 2-monument area only $1,500 Phase 3&4 $18,000 Phase 4-Trailhead area only $2,000 Plan reviews(TDLR) Reimbursable 3D Animation/Renderings Additional Services SRA /0Westlakeif1 ` Print C Print Thomas E . Brym r Date Datet - i -1 Westlake- F.M. 1938 Streetscape Improvements 1624i Scope of Services Page 1 WA I NAVJ �'.MKWAM SCHEDULE OF CHARGES-2011 BILLABLE SALARY RATE&EXPENSE CHARGES RANGE OF BILLABLE SALARY RATE CLASSIFICATION: LOW HIGH PRINCIPAL $140 $185 ASSOCIATE 85 155 SENIOR ENGINEER 135 165 ENGINEER III 100 130 ENGINEER II 75 100 ENGINEER-IN-TRAINING(EIT) 65 85 SENIOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 110 185 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 111 80 115 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 11 65 90 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL INTERN 50 75 SENIOR PLANNER 95 130 PLANNER 65 95 ARCHITECT 80 130 ARCHITECTURAL INTERN 50 75 DESIGNER 50 90 SURVEYOR(RPLS) 90 130 SURVEY COORDINATOR 70 105 SURVEY TECHNICIAN 60 100 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN 60 90 PLANNING TECHNICIAN 50 75 PRODUCTION COORDINATOR 70 105 CAC)OPERATOR/DRAFTER Ilf 60 90 CAD OPERATOR/DRAFTER II 50 70 CAD OPERATOR/DRAFTER 1 45 60 SENIOR SECRETARY/SPECIFICATIONS COORDINATOR 45 80 SECRETARY/WORD PROCESSOR 35 65 CLERK 30 45 The ranges and individual salaries are adjusted annually. OTHER SERVICES: SURVEY FIELD PARTY $125 $150 PRINTING&PLOTTING SERVICES: In-house printing and plotting services will be charged at the market rate for commercial printing plus 10%. In-house capability includes color plots and a variety of media, including bond,vellum and mylar.In-house Xerox copies provided at$0.07 per single side copy or$0.14 per double side copy. OTHER DIRECT EXPENSES: Other direct expenses are reimbursed at actual cost times a multiplier of 1.10. They include outside printing and reproductions expense,communication expense,travel,transportation and subsistence away from Arlington and other miscellaneous expenses directly related to the work, including costs of laboratory analysis,tests,and other work required to be done by independent persons other than staff members. Westlake—F.M. 1938 Streetscape Improvements 16241 Scope of Services Page 2