HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-13-19 PZ Min T H E T 0 W N 0 f WESTLAKE MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE, TEXAS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING May 13, 2019 PRESENT: Commissioners Michelle Lee, Liz Garvin, Kim Morris, and Sharon Sanden ABSENT: Tim Brittan and Ken Kraska — OTHERS PRESENT: Town Manager Amanda DeGan, Assistant Town Manager Jarrod Greenwood, Deputy Town Manager Noah Simon, Town Attorney Matthew Butler, Director of Planning Ron Ruthven, Administrative Assistant to the Town Secretary Tanya Morris, Deputy Fire Chief John Ard, Development Coordinator Nick Ford, Communications Manager]on Sasser, and Building Official Pat Cooke. Work Session 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Lee called the work session to order at 5:02 p.m. 2. DISCUSSION REGARDING ITEMS LISTED ON THE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA. Commissioner Lee moved to Workshop Item 3 Director Ruthven stated that staff recommends tabling/continuing Items 4, 5, and 6 and provided an overview of those items. Discussion ensued regarding requirement of site plans, requirements of single-family homes, new requirements for renovations and remodels, design guidelines for current P&Z Minutes 05/13/19 Page 1 of 9 developments in correlation to new building quality manual guidelines, design review process and timeline, positive feedback on the update from several architects, and final building quality checklist for commission to view. Robin McCaffrey, Mesa Planning, clarified construction requirements and the lack of conflict with design guidelines currently in place, consequences of not implementing new guidelines, and additional documents required by architects. Summary: Item 4— Adopt revised Building Quality Manual document, Item 5 —Taking existing policy and expanding it from residential to all development, and Item 6 — New Chapter in Code of Ordinance to enforce Building Quality Manual. Commission requests a redline draft to compare old building quality manual with new proposed manual. In addition, commission would like a comparison of other local requirements compared to new proposed requirements. Commissioner Lee moved to Workshop Item 4 3. STANDING ITEM: PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS PER APRIL 2019 REPORT. Director Ruthven provided a presentation over the following items: Schwab: Phase I progression and Certificate of Occupancy expected by Oct 2019, connection of Highway 114 to Schwab Way, and Phase II progression. Mixed-use Front 44: In preliminary discussions, location Schwab campus, connection of Schwab Way and Trophy Lake Drive, planned as a mixed-use development but no concept plan, entitlements, planning for single family units but nothing formal, residential entitlements in relation to density, and future concept plan, site plans, etc. will determine what the development will look like. Entrada: Framing of the tower, weekly staff meetings to ensure progress and quality of project, prospective tenants for retail corner, three restaurants scheduled for restaurant building A in restaurant row, restaurant row schedule depends on building of parking garage around gas pad site, restaurants slated to go into Entrada, wedding chapel and reception hall construction has begun, Plaza Mayor in building permit review stage, process of abandonment of the gas well pad site, stone is being applied to the town homes, homes along the canal are almost complete, final inspections for residences, certificate of occupancy not required for residence, and Town staff's efforts to encourage the developer to move things along at a quicker pace. Quail Hollow: Staff has issued twelve (12) permits. The Knolls: Sewer and water utilities on schedule, builders lined up, and final architectural guidelines will go to Council for approval. Spec's: Addition to Spec's building is almost complete. P&Z Minutes 05/13/19 Page 2 of 9 — The Plaza: Parking expansion was approved by Council however, a building permit has not yet been issued, and awareness of how construction could affect the Tree Lighting. Commissioner Lee moved to Workshop Item 3 4. AD3OURNMENT Commissioner Lee adjourned the work session at 5:56 p.m. Regular Session 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Lee called the regular session to order at 6:03 p.m. 2. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON MARCH 11, 2019. MOTION: Commissioner Sanden made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 3. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES FROM THE MEETING HELD ON APRIL 22, 2019. MOTION: Commissioner Garvin made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 4. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION CONCERNING REPEALING THE WESTLAKE BUILDING QUALITY MANUAL ADOPTED BY TOWN COUNCIL RESOLUTION 18-08 AND REPLACING IT WITH A REVISED BUILDING QUALITY MANUAL. Commissioner Lee moved to Item 7 Director Ruthven provided an overview of Items 4, 5, and 6. Robin McCaffrey, Mesa Planning, provided a presentation regarding Items 4, 5, and 6. P&Z Minutes 05/13/19 Page 3 of 9 Discussion ensued regarding qualified architects to carry out guidelines, entitlements -- keeping to quality standards, continuity, design standard qualities — staff to provide an example of proposed Building Quality Manual guideline. MOTION: Commissioner Garvin made a motion to table the item until a future date. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 5. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER A RECOMMENDATION REGARDING AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 62, PLANNING, ARTICLE III, SEC. 62-58 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION, TOWN OF WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY PROVIDING FOR EXPANSION OF ZONING APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS THAT REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INCLUDING THE BUILDING QUALITY MANUAL. MOTION: Commissioner Morris made a motion to table the item until a future date. Commissioner Sanden seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 6. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER A RECOMMENDATION REGARDING CREATION OF A NEW CHAPTER, CHAPTER 100, TOWN BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS, TOWN OF WESTLAKE CODE OF ORDINANCES, PROVIDING FOR TOWNWIDE BUILDING DESIGN AND RELATED CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. MOTION: Commissioner Sanden made a motion to table the item until a future date. Commissioner Garvin seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. 7. CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER A RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGARDING A ZONING CHANGE REQUEST FROM R-5 COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 7 (PD7) FOR AN APPROXIMATELY 37.8-ACRE PORTION OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF PEARSON LANE AND SOUTH OF ASPEN LANE, TO INCLUDE PRIMARILY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USES, INCLUDING A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A CONCEPT PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AND A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR PRIVATE STREETS. Director Ruthven provided a presentation and overview of the item. Paul Pastore, Waterside Properties, Clay Nelson, C.A. Nelson Architect Group, and Rich DeOtte, DeOtte Inc., provided a presentation and overview of the item. P&Z Minutes 05/13/19 Page 4 of 9 Discussion ensued regarding single source delivery concept, control of construction -- management, single family home lot size and home size, starting price range for homes, site setbacks, types of homes proposed for each area of the development, heights of homes, length of building compared to length of lot, original proposed amenities verses proposed, entrance to development, amenities listed on rendering, dedicated park space and lack of sidewalks and trails, fence lines along Oakmont and Vaquero, changes in amenities and the effect on price point, HOA fees and service packages, depth of lakes, aerate the lakes, changes to existing water on property, fencing on property, adjusting lot lines, access to Vaquero, ability to purchase multiple lots, and restrictions to size of home built. Commissioner Lee opened the public hearing. David Elmer, 2017 Banner Drive, Keller, spoke in favor of the item. Joe Schneider, Hillwood Properties, 9800 Hillwood Parkway, Fort Worth, spoke in favor of the item. Marcus Novacheck, spoke in opposition to the item. Commissioner Lee closed the public hearing. Paul Pastore, Waterside Properties, spoke in regards to opposition items brought up. Director Ruthven and Robin McCaffrey, Mesa Planning, spoke in regards to pros of cluster development. Discussion also ensued regarding the Vaquero property line, number of stories and maximum height of golf course villas, no possibility of a future variance to add additional homes to the same lot, and ordinance will ensure a maximum of 38 lots. MOTION: Commissioner Garvin made a motion to approve a Zoning Change Request from R-5 Country Residential To Planned Development District Number 7 (PD7) for an Approximately 37.8-Acre Portion of Land Generally Located East of Pearson Lane and South of Aspen Lane, to Include Primarily Single Family Residential Uses, Including a Request for Approval of a Concept Plan and Development Plan, and a Specific Use Permit for Private Streets with staff recommendations of: The developer and homebuilder of this project shall be controlled by the same entity, as noted in the required development agreement; Homeowner's Association —The development shall be governed by a Homeowner's Association (HOA) that will be responsible for common area maintenance, guard house and amenity center maintenance, private street maintenance, front yard maintenance and enforcing the HOA Design Guidelines for the community. The Home Owners Association shall appoint an Architectural Review Committee that must have at least one (1) Texas Licensed Architect with P&Z Minutes 05/13/19 Page 5 of 9 experience in applying Design Guidelines and advising an Architectural Review Committee on matters of design; Exterior walls shall meet the requirements of the Town's Building Quality Manual as adopted by Resolution 18-02; All homes constructed in this development shall be generally consistent with the elevation samples provided by the applicant such that the primary articulation elements and general layout of the home on the lot are generally consistent with the elevations. Provided all other requirements are met, significant deviations from these elevations may be approved provided that both the HOA and the Town Manager or designee are in agreement; All plans submitted for permit within Spencer Ranch shall be prepared by a Texas Licensed Architect and contain sufficient details required to explain the full exterior construction to a competent contractor; Landscaping: Not later than 90 days after the approval of the preliminary site evaluation, the developer shall submit a master landscape plan for the development prepared by a State of Texas registered landscape architect. Said plan shall be reviewed for final approval by the Town Manager or designee. The plan may be forwarded to the Town Council for final approval at the discretion of the Town Manager. The final approved master landscape plan shall be included with the development agreement. At a minimum the plan shall include the following: (1) — The Plan shall substantially comply with the Concept/Development Plan (2) The landscape plan shall reflect developer's efforts to comply with the"landscape Integrity"objectives of the Town's Comprehensive Plan and employ predominantly those plant materials (within the planting areas that define the cluster zones and lake edges) that are consistent with restoration of the natural mosaic. (3) Specifics on execution of the landscaping goals provided by the applicant including details of planting locations and types, quantities and schedule,(4) A detailed tree survey as required by the Code of Ordinances; (5) Any replanting requirements as part of required tree mitigation; (6) Specific planting and maintenance responsibilities of the developer versus the homebuilder and the homeowner's association; (7) Details for guest parking in the development where applicable; Tree Preservation –All protected trees shall require mitigation upon damage or removal as required by the Code of Ordinances. Mitigation may be provided through tree plantings as shown on the landscape plan during development and/or home building phases. Where possible, old growth trees and tree clusters should be preserved as identified in the master landscape plan; Open Space: A minimum of 19.1 acres (50.5%) of the development shall be reserved as open space. All open space, including public and private, shall be substantially consistent with concept/development plan and shall preserve the existing Stock- pond Rural Landscape. Open space shall be distributed as P&Z Minutes 05/13/19 Page 6 of 9 follows: (a) Private Open Space: 11.5 acres minimum (b) Public Open Space (Parkland): 3.0 acres minimum; Private open space amenities shall, at a minimum, include the following: (1) Gate house —The gatehouse shall be constructed and completed by the developer not later than final acceptance of public improvements and prior to the release of residential building permits. The gatehouse design shall be generally consistent with the design exhibits provided by the developer for the homes in the development, Parkland Dedication — Parkland dedication as proposed by the developer is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: (1) Parkland dedication shall be consistent with the exhibits provided. (2)The gatehouse, including the property upon which the gatehouse is located, shall be owned and maintained by the HOA. (3) Maintenance responsibilities for the parkland shall be the responsibility of the developer/HOA. (4) Details of amenities, and final locations of parking and trails shall be approved as part of development agreement between the applicant/developer and the Town; Water Features—Water features are a key component of the development, making this a "Water Themed"development as called for in the Town's Comprehensive Plan. Water features shall be constructed by the developer as part of the required public improvements. Said features shall be located and designed as shown on concept/development plan and shall be maintained by the homeowner's association; An internal trail/sidewalk system shall be constructed and shall connect to the public trail system at access-controlled locations. The final location and details of the internal trail system shall be included with the required landscape plan. The public trail shall comply with all Town requirements and shall be generally located as shown in concept/development plan and shall be constructed by the developer as part of the required public improvements. Trail amenities shall at a minimum include the amenities proposed by the developer; The perimeter of the development facing Pearson and Aspen Lane shall contain decorative iron fencing located in a manner substantially consistent with the Concept Development Plan and which preserves the sense of`open ground plane"as described in the Town's Comprehensive Plan by the use of decorative iron fencing with masonry columns. Masonry wall sections, excluding brick, shall be permitted as depicted in wall exhibits for the purpose of providing aesthetic accents, privacy, and/or shield undesirable vehicle light transmission as determined in the master landscape plan; Individual property fences shall be minimalized in order to preserve the open ground plane and permitted for privacy needs, screening, and/or dog runs in ways that are consistent with HOA guidelines which must prevent isolation of the "lot"from the general ground plane; Wood fencing is prohibited; Streets —An SUP is hereby granted for all community streets within PD7, which P&Z Minutes 05/13/19 Page 7 of 9 shall be private and constructed to Town standards. Streets shall include enhanced finishes and shall generally match the streetscapes shown in the attached Exhibit. Street lighting shall be located at all corners and intersections. Lights shall be low pedestal type fixtures that comply with Town standards and Comprehensive Plan recommendations as well as follow the Town's low intensity lighting standards; Access —Street access to the development from Pearson Lane shall require written final approval from the City of Keller. A street light shall be installed by the developer at the intersection of Aspen Lane and Pearson Lane; Prior to the final acceptance of public improvements, the developer shall install intersection illumination improvements to the intersection of Aspen Lane and Pearson Lane such that the nighttime visibility of the intersection is improved. Said illumination improvements shall be detailed as part of the development agreement and shall require the final approval of the Town Manager or designee; Public Utilities —Water and sewer service shall be provided by the Town of Westlake to this development. The developer shall, at their cost, construct all necessary water and sewer system improvements per Town standards and shall secure any necessary easements; Duct Bank- A Duct Bank system shall be installed by the Developer throughout the subdivision as required by Town ordinances. The Duct Bank shall be located within a utility easement, the final details of which shall be determined by the Town Manager or designee. The homebuilder shall tie into the Duct Bank prior to the Final Inspection for the home; Storm water— Storm water facilities shall be installed by the developer and employ facilities that are recommended by the comprehensive plan. Final location and design of said facilities shall require the final approval of the Town Manager or designee; Lot Grading —Grading and disturbance of land by the developer shall be restricted to areas necessary to construct streets, public infrastructure, development amenities, and approved water features. The pre-grading of individual residential lots by the developer for the purpose of creating a residential pad is hereby prohibited; As part of the development agreement, the developer agrees to submit a public art plan that shall be approved by the Town Manager or designee and generally conforms to the public art provisions contained in the development description as proposed by the developer. A Town of Westlake entry marker or monument shall may be included in this plan; and an updated height diagram. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. Commissioner Lee moved to Item 4 P&Z Minutes 05/13/19 Page 8of9 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commissioners, Commissioner Lee asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION: Commissioner Sanden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Morris seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-0. Commissioner Lee adjourned the meeting at 8:17 p.m. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ON JUNE 10, 2019. ATTEST: Commissioner, Michelle Lee T orris, Assistant to th6 Town Secretary P&Z Minutes 05/13/19 Page 9 of 9