HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-11-19 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting February 11,2019 Board Members in Attendance: Debbie Kraska,Ahu Sieg,Laura Luckett, Christine Ross, Sean Shope, Michael Colby,Karen Stoltenberg and Leigh Sansone Others in Attendance: Debbie Piper,Amanda DeGan, Ginger Awtry, Mechelle Bryson, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 8:37AM. 11. Motion to approve minutes of January 14,2019 meeting by K. Stoltenberg, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried. 111. Financial Report • S. Shope reviewed Financial Analysis with emphasis on tracking expenses such as Grants to the Academy and large revenues such as the Market Value Adjustment of the Endowment Fund of over$90k. • Total assets of Foundation as of January 31,2019 were$2,239,517. • Notable from the Statement of Activities is that some BAF income booked to 2016-17 fiscal year may be monies received for 2017-18. D. Piper to verify. • In the Grant Summary section,the Lucy Calkins grant for$2,325 was cancelled;the monies will return to this year's available grant funds. The Arts Package grantees asked to reallocate funds from a funded item to purchase a more needed unfunded item;Board approved the reallocation. • K. Stoltenberg moved to approve Financials, second by L. Luckett. Motion carried and Financials approved. IV. Marketing Committee • A. Sieg reported that Marketing Committee has been working on postcards for Gallery Night Save-the-Date,new Instagram account set-up with postings and Facebook campaign. Facebook campaign alone has garnered 12,817 impressions since Gallery Night posts were started, and a Facebook"Event"was created to increase attention to Gallery Night as well. Posts have been primarily to thank sponsors and donors and to display items that will be available in the Live and Silent Auctions. • The Gallery Night RSVP will only be online this year,and interested parties are directed to purchase tickets and sponsorships through the WAF e-cart. • Posters have been created and displayed across campus to draw attention to the teacher experiences within the Silent auction. • S. Myers asked Board,on behalf of W. Greenwood, if there is a desire to designate Sponsors at the event via a wearable pin or something similar. Discussed other ways to recognize sponsors at the event, such as assigning Board members to thank sponsors during the dinner, have the registration volunteers thank them at check-in,having Board members as a "Welcome"committee as guests arrive. • G. Awtry stated that town will provide list of new Westlake residents. V. Grants Review • M. Bryson presented grant request for Columbia Scholastic Press Association Convention attendance for one teacher. Motion to approve fully funding request up to$964.00 by M. Colby, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried. VI. Development Committee • Gallery Night,March 2' o D. Kraska reviewed potential Live Auction items. o M. Bryson reported that requested Fund-an-Item will be a second bus for the Academy at a cost, including parking lot slab, of$125,000. o L. Luckett reported that WAAC will donate to the Fund-an-Item; amount of donation is forthcoming. o S. Myers stated that WAHOC will donate as well, and stressed importance of promoting pre-funding of the item prior to the event. o M. Colby stated he will match any pre-event donations to encourage those not able to attend Gallery Night but wanting to donate. Discussed possibility of having the bus at the valet station at start of event, decorating windows of the bus, discussing the cost of renting and chartering buses that will be eliminated with this new purchase, safety of having our own drivers,etc., and sending this information through emails from the grade captains. Alan Burt can send targeted email to athlete families. o Motion to approve second bus as the Gallery Night Fund-an-Item by M. Colby, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried. o G. Awtry offered to send targeted email to new Westlake families. VII. President's Report • D. Kraska expressed gratitude for support of the Board and the Town during the planning of Gallery Night and throughout the year. VIII. Executive Director's Report • S. Myers thanked those willing to be the"Welcome"committee and asked that Board arrive at Texas Motor Speedway at 5:30pm to assist. Other Business None L. Sansone moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by C. Ross. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:09AM. Next Meeting: Monday,March 18,2019 at 8:30 AM,Town Hall of the Town of Westlake