HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 882 Approving a Zoning Change from R-5 to Planned Development PD-7 Spencer Ranch TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO. 882 AN ORDINANCE ZONING AN APPROXIMATELY 37.798 ACRE TRACT OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ASPEN LANE AND PEARSON ROAD, FURTHER DESCRIBED AND DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, FROM THE R5 "COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL" ZONING DISTRICT TO PD7 "PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN"; AUTHORIZING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; APPROVING A CONCEPT/DEVELOPMENT PLAN; APPROVING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SUP) FOR PRIVATE STREETS; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 102 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake establishes zoning districts, permissible uses, development standards, and other zoning related regulations; and WHEREAS, Section 62-31 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake adopts a Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Westlake; and WHEREAS, Section 102-33(3) of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake states that the purpose of a Planned Development District is to: Provide for a superior design of lots or buildings; Provide for increased recreation and/or open space opportunities for public use; Provide rural amenities or features that would be of special benefit to the property users or community; Protect or preserve natural amenities and environmental assets such as trees, creeks, ponds, floodplains, slopes or hills and viewscapes; Protect or preserve existing historical buildings, structures, features or places; and provide an appropriate balance between the intensity of development and the ability to provide adequate supporting public facilities and services; and WHEREAS, on April 29, 2019, the Town of Westlake received a Zoning Change Request from the Waterside Land Company, LLC on behalf of the property owner for the property depicted and described in Exhibit "A" requesting that the Town zone said property to PD7 "Planned Development District Number Seven" in accordance with Chapter 102 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake, Texas; and WHEREAS, because of the size, location, and natural features of the property the Town has a critical interest in the development of said property and is encouraging such development to the highest possible standards of quality consistent with the Town's long-term development vision; and WHEREAS, the property owner (or representative) appeared before the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council and affirmed that the property owner is seeking this zoning request; and Ordinance 882 Page 1 of 12 WHEREAS, all legal requirements of state statutes and Town ordinances of the Town of Westlake, as well as all legal requirements and legal notices and prerequisites having been complied with, including but not limited to chapter 551 of the Government Code and Chapter 211 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, on May 13, 2019, the request was heard by the Westlake Planning and Zoning Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval with conditions of said request; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, at a public hearing called at a regular session of the Town Council did consider the following factors in making a determination as to whether the requested change should be granted or denied: congestion in the streets, including safety of the motoring public and the pedestrians using the facilities in the area; to secure safety from fire, panic or other dangers; the promotion of health and the general welfare, to provide for adequate light and air, to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of the population, facilitating the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewers, schools,parks, and other public requirements; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has determined that said Zoning Change Request is consistent with the development goals, standards, and desired uses described in the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, is of the opinion that it is in the best interests of the Town and its citizens that this Ordinance should be approved and adopted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE TEXAS: SECTION 1: That all matters stated in the preamble are found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein as if copied in their entirety. SECTION 2: That the property shown on attached Exhibit "A" is hereby rezoned from the R5, "Country Residential" zoning district to PD7, Planned Development District Number Seven", including the approval of a concept/development plan and a Specific Use Permit(SUP) for private streets, subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit "B". SECTION 3: This Zoning District shall be subject to all regulations contained in the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Westlake, Texas, except where amended herein. SECTION 4: The Town Secretary shall amend, or cause to have amended, the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Westlake to reflect the zoning of the property described and depicted on attached Exhibit "A". SECTION 5: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town Council of the Town of Westlake, Texas, that sections, paragraphs, clauses and phrases of this Ordinance are Ordinance 882 Page 2 of 12 severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Ordinance shall be declared legally invalid or unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such legal invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this Ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Westlake without the incorporation in this Ordinance of any such legally invalid or unconstitutional, phrase, sentence, paragraph or section. SECTION 6: That this Ordinance shall be cumulative of all other Town Ordinances and all other provisions of other Ordinances adopted by the Town which are inconsistent with the terms or provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 7: That this Ordinance only affects the Property located within the boundaries of PD 7 and does not change or affect any other property, including but not limited to the property adjacent to PD 7. SECTION 8: Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor offense and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each separate offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day, or part of a day, during which a violation occurs or continues. SECTION 9: This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law in such case provides. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS 20th DAY OF MAY 2019. ATTEST: Laura Wheat, Mayor 1 , S , FWES7- = Kell Edw ds, Town Secreta . p • 1/ -k APPROV S T O TEXP' L. ton Lo Attorney Ordinance 882 Page 3 of 12 EXHIBIT A Description and Depiction of Subject Property Property Depiction . Pm • 1 A., ._•km..iiit. . _— %.. S % It -- 1:1_. r_. Si... : . .•*0 - i mic. ' # :" Town of West! - ekspen Lane �_ !I 4i4 •. . -• rr r + ill. ' . ' I" ' .. .. .... ,... .„ . , ,• - 4„. A .. . I ..._ is. .. . deb Subject r ' Property . �} , . ,- - ))11'„ k. ' ji , .,,,,t, err f Ii ' 1 - I * If 4 - • A , -imp • MMM'Ple i . -.' Af 41 . • 1....• City. of Keller - ' ' _ c - Ordinance 882 Page 4 of 12 EXHIBIT A continued Description and Depiction of Subject Property Property Description ALL that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the JOSIAH WALKER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 1604 and the G. B. HENDRICKS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 680, Tarrant County, Texas as described in Deed to J. Timothy Brittan and Kristin Brittan as recorded in Instrument No. 0206068103 of the Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, FISHER ADDITION, an Addition to the Town of Westlake, Tarrant County, Texas as recorded in Instrument No. D214043902 of the Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch steel rod found for the northwest corner of said Brittan tract, being in the apparent southerly right-of-way line of Aspen Lane, also being in the apparent easterly right-of-way line of Pearson Lane; THENCE North 89 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds East with said southerly right-of-way line, 764.91 feet to a 1/2 inch steel rod found for the most northerly northeast corner of said Brittan tract, also being the northwest corner of said Lot 1; THENCE North 89 degrees 27 minutes 38 seconds East continuing with said southerly right-of-way line and the northerly boundary line of said Lot 1, 299.29 feet to a 1/2 inch capped steel rod stamped "PRISM SURVEYS"set; THENCE South 00 degrees 42 minutes 13 seconds East departing said right-of-way line, 441.21 feet to a 1/2 inch capped steel rod stamped "PRISM SURVEYS" set in the southerly boundary line of said Lot 1; THENCE North 89 degrees 26 minutes 44 seconds East with the southerly boundary line of said Lot 1, 494.41 feet to a 1/2 inch capped steel rod stamped "ENCOMPASS" found for the most easterly northeast corner of said Brittan tract; THENCE South 00 degrees 09 minutes 05 seconds East with the easterly boundary line of said Brittan tract, 751.97 feet to a 1/2 inch capped steel rod stamped "PRISM SURVEYS" found for the southeast corner thereof; THENCE South 88 degrees 56 minutes 54 seconds West with the southerly boundary line of said Brittan tract, 1553.43 feet to a 1/2 inch steel rod found for the southwest corner thereof, also being in the said apparent easterly right-of-way line of Pearson Lane; THENCE North 00 degrees 06 minutes 02 seconds West with said easterly right-of-way line, 766.38 feet to a 1/2 inch capped steel rod stamped "MOAK SURV INC" found; THENCE North 01 degrees 29 minutes 15 seconds West continuing with said right-of-way line, 440.48 feet to the place of beginning and containing 37.798 acres of land, more or less. Ordinance 882 Page 5 of 12 EXHIBIT B Planned Development District Number 7 (PD7) Development Standards Section 1 —General A. The purpose of PD7 is for a detached single-family residential development of not more than 38 residential lots with a gross maximum density of 1.0 dwelling unit per acre. B. The development authorized by this ordinance shall be consistent with all provisions and graphics contained the Concept/Development Plan, attached as Exhibit B-1, including the clustering of residential lots as shown in said graphics. However, where a conflict exists between the provisions of Exhibit B and Exhibit B-1, the provisions of Exhibit B shall prevail. C. Platting 1. The developer shall submit, and receive approval for, a preliminary site evaluation prior to any land disturbance activities; 2. Prior to the final acceptance of public improvements, approval of private streets and release of residential building permits, the developer shall submit, and receive approval for, a final plat, which shall be platted as a single phase. 3. The final plat noted above shall be recorded with the County Clerk prior to the release of any residential building permits. 4. Prior to the approval of the preliminary site evaluation, the developer shall submit a development agreement for final approval by the Town Council per the requirements of the Code of Ordinances. 5. For the purpose of executing the design goals of this ordinance and all exhibits attached herein, amended plats may be submitted as part of a building permit application in order to perform minor adjustments to lot boundaries as needed. The final recording of said amended plat may be deferred to the completion of construction provided the plat is recorded before the completion of the final inspection. D. Permitted Uses —The following are permitted principal and accessory uses: 1. Single Family Detached Homes 2. Open Space 3. Private Streets 4. Public and Private Parks 5. Drainage facilities (including retention and detention ponds) 6. Guard house 7. HOA operated amenities in compliance with all Town ordinances 8. Accessory Uses (as authorized in the Town's zoning regulations) Ordinance 882 Page 6 of 12 E. Homeowner's Association — The development shall be governed by a Homeowner's Association (HOA) that will be responsible for common area maintenance, guard house and community center maintenance, private street maintenance, front yard maintenance and enforcing the HOA Design Guidelines for the community. The Home Owners Association shall appoint an Architectural Review Committee that must have at least one (1) Texas Licensed Architect with experience in applying Design Guidelines and advising an Architectural Review Committee on matters of design. F. Any change, reassignment, and/or transfer of ownership from the developer that is the signatory party in the development agreement noted above to a different entity shall require the approval of the Town Council through an amendment to the development agreement, through a separate resolution, or as an amendment to this ordinance. G. The developer and homebuilder(s) of all units constructed in the development shall operate as a single entity, with final compliance with the terms and conditions of such commitment laid out in the Town approved Development Agreement or unless otherwise requested by the developer and approved by the Town Manager or designee for special conditions. I. All plans submitted for permit within this development shall be prepared by a Texas Licensed Architect and contain sufficient details required to explain the full exterior construction to a competent contractor. Section 2—Residential Design Standards A. Lot and Housing Specifics: The following are the design criteria for each housing type as described in Exhibit B-1: 1. All single-family homes (except the Golf Villas bordering Vaquero Golf Course) a. Housing Type: Single Family Detached; b. Minimum Lot Size: 1,000 square feet; c. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line: 70 feet; which may be reduced in order to accommodate required lot clustering; d. Front Setback: 10 feet; or 5 feet where courtyards/motor courts are provided; e. Side Setbacks: 0 feet; the principal structure may be located on the property line; the total length of the building to be located on the property line shall not exceed 20% of the average lot depth; f. Rear Setback: 40 feet, or 0 feet abutting water features and/or open space; g. Minimum Unit Size: 3,000 square feet; h. Maximum Height: 35 feet from finished floor to the mid-point of the span of the highest roof pitch. 2. Golf Course Villas Ordinance 882 Page 7 of 12 a. Housing Type: Single Family Detached; b. Minimum Lot Size: 1,000 square feet; c. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line: 70 feet; d. Front Setback: 10 feet; or 5 feet for side facing garages, courtyards and accessory structures not utilized for storage; e. Side Setbacks: 0 feet; the principal structure may be located on the property line; the total length of the building to be located on the property line shall not exceed 20% of the average lot depth; f Rear Setback: 40 feet; g. Minimum Unit Size: 3,000 square feet h. Maximum Height: 48 feet from the finished floor to the highest roof ridge. B. Special Setback Provisions: 1. Lots adjacent to Aspen Lane shall have a 40-foot minimum setback from Aspen Lane. 3. All homes shall be setback a minimum of 120 feet from Pearson Lane 4. All homes shall be setback a minimum of 40 feet from the southern boundary line of the development. C. Garages: All homes shall have a minimum of four parking spaces for off-street automobile parking in any configuration but must have a minimum of two enclosed parking spaces and two additional off-street parking spaces. Garage doors shall be made of sectional wood or be wood clad. Garage doors shall be recessed a minimum of (8) eight inches (nominal) from the plane of the adjacent wall. Front facing garage doors are allowed if located further back on the lot than the side-facing garage portion and are in a motor court setting. D. Roofs: Permitted roof materials include: 1. High quality clay or concrete tile (with a thickness similar to clay). (Acceptable styles and colors to be detailed in the Spencer Ranch Design Guidelines document) 2. Metal: Traditional standing seam with standing folded and soldered seams. Allowed for porches and architectural features only. (Acceptable styles and colors to be detailed in the Spencer Ranch Design Guidelines document) 3. Flat or low-pitched roofing that is 2:12 pitch or less may be of any code approved material. E. Exterior Walls: Exterior walls shall meet the requirements of the Town's Building Quality Manual as adopted by Resolution 18-02. F. Design Guidelines: Prior to the approval of the preliminary site evaluation, the developer shall submit final design guidelines for approval by the Town Council Ordinance 882 Page 8 of 12 that shall be recorded with the private deed covenants, conditions and restrictions. Said guidelines shall incorporate the recommendations contained in the Westlake Building Quality Manual referenced above. With the exception of any guideline provision addressing a particular architectural style, said design guidelines shall be enforced by Town staff in reviewing building permit applications for compliance with the provisions above. Guideline provisions to be enforced by staff include, but may not be limited to, general building articulation, massing, fenestration, roof slope, construction details and building materials. G. Elevation Samples: All homes and buildings constructed in this development shall be generally consistent with the elevation samples provided in Exhibit B-1 such that the primary articulation elements and general layout of the home on the lot are generally consistent with the elevations. Provided all other provisions of this section are met, significant deviations from these elevations may be approved provided that both the homeowner's association and the Town Manager or designee are in agreement. Section 3 —Landscaping, Open Space, Water Features, Tree Preservation and Parkland Dedication A. Landscaping: Not later than 90 days after the approval of the preliminary site evaluation, the developer shall submit a master landscape plan for the development prepared by a State of Texas registered landscape architect. Said plan shall be reviewed for final approval by the Town Manager or their designee. The plan may be forwarded to the Town Council for final approval at the discretion of the Town Manager. The final approved master landscape plan shall be included with the development agreement. At a minimum the plan shall include the following: 1. The Plan shall substantially comply with the Concept/Development Plan (Exhibit B-1) 2. The landscape plan shall reflect developer's efforts to comply with the "landscape Integrity" objectives of the Town's Comprehensive Plan and employ predominantly those plant materials (within the planting areas that define the cluster zones and lake edges) that are consistent with restoration of the natural mosaic. 3. Specifics on execution of the landscaping goals stated in Exhibit B-3 including details of planting locations and types, quantities and schedule; 4. A detailed tree survey as required by the Code of Ordinances; 5. Any replanting requirements as part of required tree mitigation; 6. Specific planting and maintenance responsibilities of the developer versus the homebuilder and the homeowner's association; 7. Details for guest parking in the development where applicable; 8. Locations and specifications for the internal trail system B. Tree Preservation — All protected trees shall require mitigation upon damage or removal as required by the Code of Ordinances. Mitigation may be provided Ordinance 882 Page 9 of 12 through tree plantings as shown on the landscape plan during development and/or home building phases. Where possible, old growth trees and tree clusters should be preserved as identified in the master landscape plan. C. Open Space 1. A minimum of 19.1 acres (50.5%) of the development shall be reserved as open space. All open space, including public and private, shall be substantially consistent with Exhibit B-1 and shall be distributed as follows: a. Private Open Space: 11.5 acres minimum b. Public Open Space (parkland): 3.0 acres minimum c. Water Areas: 4.6 acres 2. Private open space amenities shall, at a minimum, include the following: a. Gate house—The gatehouse shall be constructed and completed by the developer. The gatehouse design shall be consistent with the design shown in Exhibit B-1. The gate house shall be constructed not later than the final acceptance of public improvements for the development. However, the gate house may be constructed and occupied prior to the final acceptance of public improvements as further detailed in the required development agreement. D. Parkland Dedication—Parkland dedication as proposed by the developer in Exhibit B-1 is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Parkland dedication shall be consistent with Exhibit B-1. 2. Maintenance responsibilities for the parkland shall be the responsibility of the developer/HOA. 3. Details of amenities, and final locations of parking and trails shall be consistent with Exhibit B-1 and shall require final approval as part of the development agreement between the applicant/developer and the Town. 4. The gatehouse, including the property upon which the gatehouse is located, shall be owned and maintained by the HOA. E. Water Features —Water features are a key component of the development, making this a "Water Themed" development as called for in the Town's Comprehensive Plan. Water features shall be constructed by the developer as part of the required public improvements. Said features shall be located and designed as shown and described on Exhibit B-1 and shall be maintained by the homeowners association. Section 4 —Fencing A. The perimeter of the development, not including the publicly owned areas, along Aspen Lane, Pearson Lane and the southern boundary of the development shall Ordinance 882 Page 10 of 12 contain decorative iron fencing located in a manner substantially consistent with the Concept/Development Plan (Exhibit B-1) and which preserves the sense of "open ground plane" as described in the Town's Comprehensive Plan by the use of decorative iron fencing with masonry columns. Brick is not a permitted material. Masonry wall sections shall be permitted as depicted in Exhibit B-1 for the purpose of providing aesthetic accents, privacy, and/or shield undesirable vehicle light transmission as determined in the master landscape plan. C. Individual property fences shall be minimalized in order to preserve the open ground plane and permitted for privacy needs, screening, and/or dog runs in ways that are consistent with HOA guidelines which must prevent isolation of the "lot" from the general ground plane. Individual lot fencing materials shall be established in the required architectural design guidelines. Section 5 —Streets, sidewalks/trails, parking and access A. Streets —A Specific Use Permit (SUP) is hereby granted for all community streets within PD7, which shall be private and constructed to Town standards. Street lighting shall be located at all corners and intersections. Lights shall be low pedestal type fixtures that comply with Town standards and Comprehensive Plan recommendations as well as follow the Town's low intensity lighting standards. B. Trails —An internal trail/sidewalk system shall be constructed and shall connect to the public trail system at access-controlled locations. The final location and details of the internal trail system shall be included with the required landscape plan. The public trail shall comply with all Town requirements and shall be generally located as shown in concept/development plan and shall be constructed by the developer as part of the required public improvements. Trail amenities shall at a minimum include the amenities proposed by the developer. C. Parking —Adequate guest parking, trailhead and park parking, and parking for the proposed private amenities shall be shown on the master landscape plan with maintenance responsibilities borne by the homeowner's association as described in the required development agreement. E. Access —Street access to the development from Pearson Lane shall require written final approval from the City of Keller. F. Cluster mailboxes —Prior to installation, the final design, location and size of any cluster mailboxes as required by the United States Postal Service shall be submitted to the Town Manager or designee for review. Upon review, the Town Manager or designee may approve or deny said design, location and size. If denied, the developer may appeal the decision of the Town Manager or designee to the Town Council provided the written appeal is received not later than 30 days from the formal notice of denial. Ordinance 882 Page 11 of 12 G. Prior to the final acceptance of public improvements, the developer shall install intersection illumination improvements to the intersection of Aspen Lane and Pearson Lane such that the nighttime visibility of the intersection is improved. Said illumination improvements shall be detailed as part of the development agreement and shall require the final approval of the town manager or designee. Section 6 —Utilities, Drainage and Grading A. Public Utilities — Water and sewer service shall be provided by the Town of Westlake to this development. The developer shall, at their cost, construct all necessary water and sewer system improvements per Town standards and shall secure any necessary easements. B. Duct Bank - A Duct Bank system shall be installed by the Developer throughout the subdivision as required by Town ordinances. The Duct Bank shall be located within a utility easement,the final details of which shall be determined by the Town Manager or designee. The home builder shall tie into the Duct Bank prior to the Final Inspection for the home. C. Stormwater—Stormwater facilities shall be installed by the developer and employ facilities that are recommended by the comprehensive plan. Final location and design of said facilities shall require the final approval of the Town Manager or designee. D. Lot Grading—Grading and disturbance of land by the developer shall be restricted to areas necessary to construct streets, public infrastructure, development amenities, and approved water features. The pre-grading of individual residential lots by the developer for the purpose of creating a residential pad is hereby prohibited. Section 7 —Public Art and Town Entry Marker/Monument A. As part of the development agreement noted above, the developer agrees to submit a public art plan shall be approved by the Town Manager or designee and that generally conforms to the public art provisions contained in Exhibit B-3 as proposed by the developer. A Town of Westlake entry marker or monument shall be included in this plan. SUMMARY OF EXHIBITS: Exhibit B-1 —Concept/Development Plan Ordinance 882 Page 12 of 12 Copyright © 2019 By Waterside Land Co, LLC SR SPENCER RANCH PROPOSED CONCEPT/DEVELOPMENT PLAN TOWN OF WESTLAKE MAY 2019 This document is intended to be a summary of the key development terms and principles proposed for the new PD of the Spencer Ranch development, an approximately 38-acre parcel of land located at the southeast corner of North Pearson Lane and Aspen Lane in Westlake Texas. The property extends eastward to the Vaquero golf course property and southward to the border of the City of Keller. Further, this document details how a single source deliver system will manage both the developing and the homebuilding entities ensuring exceptional and consistent quality from inception to completion. This allows a single entity to remain focused on complying with the various visions, aspects and intentions of the Westlake Comprehensive Plan. Ordinance 882 Page 2 of 32 SPENCER RANCH GENERAL INFORMATION UNIQUE DELIVERY SYSTEM A Single Company Manages both the Developing and the Home Building: Waterside Properties, LLC is a 30+ year Homebuilding company and will oversee all home construction in Spencer Ranch. The Waterside Family of Companies was founded March 19, 1984 in the State of Texas. The Company has been building homes for over 30 years. The development company was founded in 2017 to establish unique, high-value communities with a commitment to environmental ethics and social design that ultimately improve the inhabitants’ well-being. The Waterside Family of Companies has common ownership in the State of Texas. Waterside Land Co, LLC (www.watersidecompanies.com) Waterside Land Co, LLC is a boutique development arm of the Waterside family of companies and will oversee the land development of Spencer Ranch. Waterside Properties, LLC (www.watersidecompanies.com) Waterside has created a “UNIQUE DELIVERY SYSTEM” SINGLE SOURCE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: In order for Westlake to sustain resistance to assimilation by the encroaching fabric of surrounding communities, Westlake must develop a place for a project delivery system that is not the same as those surrounding communities. At present, the dominant delivery system is land development driven, wherein there is a Land Developer who sells buildable lots to a Home Builder who then brings in their own design services and their own resident client. As a result, there is a ”sameness” to the products created which are often hard to distinguish from the surrounding submarkets. Westlake needs a Single Source Project Implementation System (Company) that controls both the Lot Developer and the Home Building entities who will not only oversee developing the land…but…also, oversee the building of the houses on that land and thereby be in a position to create a truly unusual, lifestyle product that has exceptional and consistent quality. With “skin in the game” from the outset, there is an unusual motivation to maintain quality design and construction as the ultimate return for the community. The builder’s vision is the same as the developer’s vision and the ability to bring land development and home construction together in a distinguished way is more possible. Therefore, Waterside assures the Town that a single company “Waterside Properties, LLC.” is fully committed to directly oversee both aspects of this project (both land development company and the home building company) with the terms and conditions of that commitment, addressing unforeseen events, to be worked out in a development agreement with the Town. Ordinance 882 Page 3 of 32 UNIQUE COMMUNITY Waterside’s creation of Spencer Ranch is an extraordinarily unique high-quality community committed to the various visions, aspects and intentions of the Westlake Comprehensive Plan as outlined below. Spencer Ranch Community: Our goal is to bring a sense of place to new communities through a well thought-out “reverse design process,” using the natural fabric of the land and incorporating a wellness component that encourages best in class use of space. Hearkening back to centuries-old traditions of living on the land, we carefully study the terrain and craft landscape-appropriate homes that speak to the surrounding property. We follow a nonconformist method of designing and virtually building homes on the land before plotting streets, or placing the elements – lakes, creeks and pastoral swaths – ahead of development. This mindful approach interweaves the home design with the fabric of the land, blending indoors with outdoors for a more organic approach. The result is beautifully harmonious and healthy places in which to live and raise families. “Spencer Ranch as seen from Pearson Ln” Ordinance 882 Page 4 of 32 With over 30 years’ experience in fine homebuilding, we know how to see it before we see it and how to design and build quality. “We are creating a unique and healthy style of living in Spencer Ranch, with a level of quality amenities that is really unmatched anywhere and, that contains housing that, we feel, can be sustained for a hundred years,” says founder Paul Pastore. Waterside offers full Lock-N-Leave™ services through their sister company Waterside Home Maintenance Concierge (HMC), with on-site security and a maintenance team. The residence of Spencer Ranch will enjoy a well-conceived, rich in quality neighborhood that allows for a high-quality secure maintenance free living environment. “Spencer Ranch 38 Homesite Concept/Development Plan” Ordinance 882 Page 5 of 32 The property will be secured with various types of fencing along the perimeter and a secured gated entry and exit. This highly amenitized, healthy lifestyle community contains “multiple clusters” of housing, built around a central body of water. The community’s delivery of diversity of housing establishes a 3,000-square foot minimum home size, all with common core attributes of timeless architectural design coupled with high-quality, low-maintenance and energy-efficient homes that are finished out with best-in-class luxury-level interiors. The community is designed to encourage inhabitant interaction, promoting pedestrian mobility by bringing the homes and courtyards closer to the roadways, and by providing an internal aerobic trail and several large lakes that connect the open spaces and a tree preserve area. Spencer Ranch Summary May 2019 • Approximately 38 acres • 38 Clustered Homesites • Water Themed Community • Single Source Delivery System • 100% Compliance with Westlake Comp Plan • All Single Family Detached High Quality Homes • Approximately 50% Open Space • Approximately 3.0 Acres Dedicated to Permanent View Shed Corridor along Pearson Ln • 3 Lakes • Low Maintenance-Lock-N-Leave Community • High Security Gated Community Ordinance 882 Page 6 of 32 WESTLAKE COMP PLAN COMPLIANCE Waterside’s creation of Spencer Ranch is an extraordinarily unique high-quality community committed to the various visions, aspects and intentions of the Westlake Comprehensive Plan as outlined below. COMP PLAN Page 71 Waterside has created a development that will “LIMIT GRADING” “GRADING LIMITATIONS: Spencer Ranch is located in the “Midlands” Ecological Region of Westlake (Pg. 71 of the Comprehensive Plan). The Comp Plan requires measures be taken by any developer to limit impacts on the ground plane which promote erosion. This includes limitations on grading. Therefore, Waterside is committed to limitations on grading by allowing only that grading as is necessary to construct streets, infrastructure, development amenities, and individual home clusters. Waterside will prohibit the creation of lot pads and the use of side lot line retaining walls to create lot pads. Waterside will respect some exceptions where patios, drives, and pools are built that can be viewed as extensions of the home.” COMP PLAN Page 74 Waterside has created a development that will “RESTORE THE NATURAL MOSAIC” “RESTORATION OF THE NATURAL MOSAIC: Page 74 of the Comp Plan calls for “contextualization”. The Comp Plan states: “Contextualization, which grows from a commitment to landscape integrity is what helps to preserve the property values sustained in Westlake. It is therefore important that the plan creates mechanisms to continue the commitment to landscape integrity, not only to preserve the pastoral landscape of the Town, but to also preserve property values. In this sense, landscape integrity needs to guide the development-related considerations of the Comprehensive Plan.” Landscape Integrity is defined, in the same section, as “development that has been contextualized to fit within the natural landscape…” Therefore, Waterside will use the landscape opportunities presented by open space, defining clusters, to restore the natural mosaic in such a way that the Comp Plan’s call for “contextualization” is achieved. Therefore, Waterside will use the landscape opportunities presented by open space, defining development clusters, to restore the natural mosaic in such a way that the Comp Plan’s call for “contextualization” is achieved. This will require a considerable commitment to landscape materials and native species employed in a manner consistent with the Concept/Development Plan.” Ordinance 882 Page 7 of 32 COMP PLAN Page 83-88 Waterside has created a development that is a “WATER THEMED COMMUNITY” “WATER THEMED DEVELOPMENT: Page 83-88 of the Comprehensive Plan places the development tract in a steeper topographic setting (not the steepest) and recommends that this location is appropriate for “water related” development. Page 88 of the Comprehensive states that “additional measures other than density may be suitable for preservation of the hillside and viewshed”. Those other measures include limitations on grading (described above) and “water related” development that includes multiple water amenities. Therefore, Waterside is presenting a development design that employs water as a major component of the project…such water will be used to mitigate erosion and stabilize the grade condition. COMP PLAN Page 159 Waterside has created a “CLUSTERED” development “CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT: The Land Use Plan section of the Comp Plan (page 159) states that “smaller lots could be compatible with this character [district] if such lots are CLUSTERED AND SURROUNDED WITH OPEN SPACE…”. Waterside is presenting a “cluster development”, Concept/Development Plan in which the “clusters” are surrounded with open space. To accomplish this in a manner consistent with the other requirements of the Comp Plan, Waterside will use the water theme element as an aspect of the open space defining the required development clusters as illustrated on the Concept/Development Plan.” …However, smaller lot sizes could be compatible with this character in such lots as clustered and surrounded with open space so that the gross density remains one dwelling unit per acre. The sense of open land is more essential than lot size. The Pastoral Community is predominantly residential with some institutional uses and office campus uses where the FAR is 1:1 or less. Informal lot landscaping replaces rigid street landscaping, giving more visual presence to the natural ground plane than the roadway. Preservation of current home values is key to future residential development. Ordinance 882 Page 8 of 32 Waterside has created a development that contains an “EQUIVALENT LOT DENSITY” in conformance with the Westlake Comprehensive Plan. “DENSITY: Page 159 of the Comprehensive Plan states, "smaller lots could be compatible with this character district if such lots are clustered and surrounded with open space so that the gross density remains one dwelling unit per acre". The text immediately following that statement further states, "the sense of open land is more important than lot size". The second statement offers a qualifier to the application of the first statement, suggesting that density equivalent to 1 unit per gross acre is desirable...if...the sense of open land is enhanced. To accomplish this, Waterside has limited the plate square footage of development to a total square footage that does not exceed the "gross" plate square footage of development at 1 unit per acre. We call this an "Equivalent Density" which is expressed in a more open landscape, a landscape where open space dominates and the expression of lot lines in the form of property line fences is discouraged. This fulfills the vision of the Comprehensive Plan. The unifying matrix of open land that defines the cluster development of Waterside prevents confusion with densities more typical of other Character Districts. Therefore, Waterside commits to a density that is equivalent to the developed density of 1 unit per acre and a total number of lots not exceeding 1.0 lot(s) per acre; which Waterside views as necessary to achieve ALL other visions of the Comp Plan, as they are applicable to this site and specified in this application for Spencer Ranch.” Waterside has created a development that respects “OPEN LAND & UNINTERRUPTED GROUND PLANE” “OPEN LAND, UNINTERRUPTED GROUND PLANE, AND ELIMINATION OF OPAQUE FENCING (EXCEPT FOR SPECIFIC FUNCTIONAL PURPOSES): Page 159 of the Comp Plan states that “the sense of open land is more essential than lot size”. Also, it is an intent of the Pastoral Character District that “homes are sited in ways responsive to features of the lot, instead of the street.” Page 159 also states, “the overall character is one of a dominant landscape and houses arrayed within it”. Adding to this emphasis on land, page 202 of the Comp Plan states that “articulation of neighborhood edges can subdivide the ground plane with opaque walls and other hard division, which begin to suburbanize the rural landscape”. Later, on that same page it states, “open spaces are meant to be remnants of the historic rural landscape and serve as seams that bind the commercial and residential uses together…therefore, porous edges are more preferred than barrier edges”. It is clear that the Comp Plan seeks to preserve the sense of uninterrupted ground plane in the Pastoral Character District. Consequently, Waterside will provide means of defining edges (development and property fencing) that preserves the uninterrupted ground plane (as much as possible) in a way that remembers the historic rural fabric. Neighborhood definition will be transparent, not a solid barrier. Property fencing will be limited, with certain concessions to privacy needs, screening, and dog runs accommodated in ways that do not result in isolating the entire lot from the general ground plane as shown on the Concept/Development Plan.” Ordinance 882 Page 9 of 32 COMP PLAN Page 166 “CONCLUSION” This land use plan seeks to further the goals and aspirations for the citizens of Westlake as presented in the public planning workshops. Therefore, this land use plan builds upon the recognition that market conditions in 2014 are significantly different than market conditions in 1992 and that such change of condition will likely motivate owners of undeveloped property to seek augmentation of their current zoning ordinance. Therefore, this land use plan is meant to be a guide in discussions when considering such requests by seeking to identify pathways to a positive response that does not further burden the Town with additional traffic and/or facilities demand. COMP PLAN Page 193 Waterside has created a development that respects “PUBLIC OPEN SPACE & RURAL LANDSCAPE PRESERVATION” “PUBLIC OPEN SPACE/ RURAL LANDSCAPE PRESERVATION: Page 193 of the Comp Plan describes Rural Ranch Landscape (a type of Open Space recommended for the Pastoral Character Zone) as places “where residential development may move to preserve some aspect of the rural heritage”. In the Urban Design Structure portion of the Comp Plan states that “open space edges are meant to be remnants of the historic rural landscape…” Clearly, the Comp Plan is seeking to find opportunities for preservation of the rural heritage of Westlake in the creation of open space. Spencer Ranch contains a water feature that remains from earlier days (likely a ranch stock pond). Therefore, Waterside will take measures to include portions of this water body in a usable open space that can fulfill the Comp Plan call for rural landscape preservation.” COMP PLAN Page 267-279 “DIVERSIFICATION OF HOUSING” The Housing Plan component of the Comp Plan stresses the need for “life style” offerings to accompany housing options for other high-end markets. These projects, which diversify the housing offerings more typical of Westlake are needed to attract younger buyers, meet future housing needs of an aging population, and mitigate value encroachment. 1) Preservation of values 2) Diversify the higher-income market to attract young buyer 3) Meet the future housing needs of an aging population 4) Mitigate value encroachment Ordinance 882 Page 10 of 32 LANDSCAPING Spencer Ranch will approach the total landscaping effort as one cohesive and comprehensive unit for the entire tract of land. The landscaping design will incorporate the vision of the entire tract using all aspects of the terrain, thus creating the “natural mosaic” the town prefers. Although installed in individual increments as each home is completed, the Spencer Ranch vision is to create an overlay of a full and comprehensive landscape plan that embodies the entire parcel of land and raises the standards in Westlake and is not prejudice to any one dwelling. Landscaping will encompass many aspects for the development, conceptually and physically and will be implemented in phases; a. Park Land Dedication area-outside of the community fencing b. Development infrastructure/streets; c. Individual houses The master landscape plan will include the following elements: • The establishment of a “old Growth” tree preserve at the Fisher property boundary. Establishing open space and meadows using various types, sizes and species of trees and plant material. • Weaving natural features such as bald cypress trees in and around the water system providing a more natural bank and greater complexity at the edge definitions. • A genuine effort will be made to save and protect old-growth trees. • Care will be given to how the landscaping and streets interact giving careful attention to the development of “social space” as it relates to this aspect. • Tree Mitigation: Trees located in roadways, lakes and utility main locations as shown on the preliminary plat and civil construction plans are hereby exempt from the mitigation requirements of the Code of Ordinances. Landscape architect: TBD Ordinance 882 Page 11 of 32 UNIQUE AMENITIES Spencer Ranch Community Amenities: Spencer Ranch is located in a very unique setting, experiencing incredible sunsets, golf course view, lake side settings, serene high-quality lifestyle. Spencer Ranch has rolling topography, 38 High Quality homesites grouped in clusters surrounded by an abundance of open space and limited fencing. Spencer Ranch will have a well-positioned high quality “statement” gate house that does not yield to neighboring communities. “The Gate House at Spencer Ranch” The gate house/sales center will be constructed on the property in the general location as shown on the Concept/Development Plan, the building (above) will have the similar architecture as the homes in Spencer Ranch. Since the gate house/sales center is the key feature to the early progress of the development and it has direct access to utilities and Pearson Ln, the developer is requesting to be allowed to submit building plans and start construction of the gate house/sales center structure within 30 days of Town approval of the concept development plan and following the normal building permit application process. Ordinance 882 Page 12 of 32 Spencer Ranch has a single entity controlling the development and home building including complete landscaping and professional construction management before during and after completion of the entire project. Project Amenities: ✓ Unique geographic location on the “edge” of the Town in a submarket ✓ Unique setting with rolling topography ✓ Dramatic western sunset views “Actual Western View from Spencer Ranch” ✓ Great golf course views ✓ Multiple water features with direct lake views ✓ Open Space approximately 50% of the development ✓ One single Westlake neighbor ✓ Privacy from commercial developments and highways ✓ Boat dock/fishing pier/pump house on the main lake ✓ Unique Landscape delivery  high quality purpose driven landscaping plan as viewed from a total neighborhood vision Ordinance 882 Page 13 of 32 ✓ Pastoral street scape with parkway drives ✓ High quality concrete streets and curb system ✓ Enhanced street paving that is consistent with ALL home driveways ✓ Well positioned, High Quality “this is Westlake” statement gate house ✓ Well positioned, High Quality “this is Westlake” statement entry fountain and gates ✓ High quality fencing ✓ Limited internal lot fencing ✓ Limited lot grading-preserving the natural ground plain ✓ Houses built in clusters (11 or less) surrounded by open space ✓ Permanent Parkland view corridor at Pearson Ln (120’ setback) ✓ Town trail system at Pearson Ln ✓ Off street parking at each home ✓ No overnight street parking ✓ Public parking for trail head and historical marker ✓ Westlake monument signage at the southwest entry to Town ✓ Permanent tree preserve for old growth trees protecting our only Westlake neighbor and preserving old growth trees ✓ High Quality architectural designs by licensed architect ✓ High Quality home construction ✓ Single source entity controlling both the developer & home builder ✓ Single source sub-contractor base! ✓ Professional site management plan to be  Implemented during the land development and through completion of construction that clearly shows how Westlake operates differently! ✓ Debris control plan & management ✓ Material storage control plan & management ✓ Sanitary station (port-o-let) control plan & management ✓ Construction staging and parking plan & management ✓ On site access control for all construction traffic ✓ On site professional project managers ✓ On site home maintenance concierge ✓ On site lock-n-leave ✓ On site “State of the art” security ✓ Drone landing pad ✓ On site package delivery management ✓ Designated Public Art location ✓ Preservation of the Buck E King historical marker Ordinance 882 Page 14 of 32 Community Fencing: Spencer Ranch will have a completely secure perimeter with contiguous fencing of various approved types: Perimeter fencing for the development shall be the following: • Spencer Ranch property with the immediate border of Pearson Ln & Aspen Ln (west & north) shall have decorative iron fencing (similar to the diagram below) that generally parallels Public streets as illustrated on the Concept/Development Plan. Decorative iron fencing with masonry columns and masonry wall sections strategically placed as determined appropriate to provide aesthetic accents, privacy, and/or shield undesirable vehicle light transmission as determined by the Developer’s Landscape Architect. “Fence Concepts and the entry Fountain at Spencer Ranch” Ordinance 882 Page 15 of 32 In addition to the above fence types, the following fence types are allowed at Spencer Ranch:  Existing fencing from neighboring properties  Iron fencing similar to existing fencing  Masonry fencing with finished consistent with the homes in the development Fences on individual lot property lines are generally discouraged, however they may be approved by the ARB in addition to the following: a. Dog runs b. Swimming pool safety c. Privacy for internal courtyards d. Screening from neighbors Gate Materials:  Wood with frame members measuring a minimum of 1.5 inches thick and infill planks measuring a minimum of 1.5 inches thick. • Iron gates with the frame measuring a minimum of 1.5 inches square with pickets of at least ¾ in. square with welded connections. Such fences may be made of solid stock or thick wall tubular steel (sufficient thickness to not burn through when welded but no thinner than 3/32 inch) with any finials or other decorative detailing being made of solid stock and welded to the fence construction. Ordinance 882 Page 16 of 32 SPENCER RANCH LAND USE PARKS AND OPEN SPACE Open space: The Westlake Comprehensive Plan and future land use plan do not show any open-space requirements for the subject property. However, per the proposed Concept/Development Plan, Waterside is providing approximately 50% Open Space and dedicating the entire Pearson frontage (approx. 4.5 acres) for a permanent view corridor to the Town of Westlake (the numbers below are estimates only):  19.1 acres of total open space is being provided  11.5 acres of Private Open Space  3.0 acres of Public Open Space  4.6 acres of lakes  This dedication includes a privately maintained and publicly owned/accessible linear park along Pearson Lane, and a tree preserve area near the neighboring property on Aspen Lane.  This dedication also requires any houses that side to Pearson Ln be no closer than 120 feet from Pearson Ln. Parkland dedication: Parkland dedication is required based on 1-acre of parkland for every 30 residences for a total of 2.26 acres. The Concept/Development Plan shows approximately 4.5 acres to be dedicated with the platting of this property. The parkland will be privately maintained by the HOA but will be publicly accessible. Special Areas: Located at the Entrance to Spencer Ranch: Spencer Ranch will have a public parking lot for visitors wishing to visit the Town of Westlake Buck King historical site. Spencer Ranch will also have a Town Trail head tie in and build a walking tail at the Pearson Ln frontage of the Spencer Ranch limits. Ordinance 882 Page 17 of 32 Community Trails: Spencer Ranch will contain an internal trail system and connect with the public system at access-controlled locations. The trail system and the aerobic programs are being studied now by Waterside and will be submitted with the landscape plan. Public Art: Waterside has a strong desire to support the arts in Westlake and will commit the following to a Public Art Competition: a. A competition site of a size to be determined, to place the art at Spencer Ranch in the Public Open Space b. A donation by Waterside of an amount to be determined will be outlined in the Economic Development Agreement. Ordinance 882 Page 18 of 32 STREETS, PARKING, SIDEWALKS AND TRAILS Streets: All community streets will be privately owned and maintained. They will be constructed with mountable rolling curbs with enhanced finish locations as shown on the Concept / Development plan. Homes in Spencer Ranch will use the same material for all driveways as the street enhancement materials. Streetlights: Streetlights will be located at corners and intersections. Light fixtures will be low- pedestal-type fixtures that comply with Town ordinances and dark-sky design guidelines. Ordinance 882 Page 19 of 32 Sidewalks: There are no typical concrete sidewalks in the development, walking trails (natural material) will be located throughout the development and will be indicated by the Landscape Architect on the landscaping plans to be submitted to the Town. Trail systems: An internal trail system and or streets will facilitate pedestrian mobility within the community. The public trail system will be extended from Aspen Lane south to the Town border on the Spencer Ranch property and be built to be consistent in size and materials with the Town’s trail from Aspen to Dove Rd. Water: Town of Westlake water system will connect to the development at two separate locations to create a looped-system. Sewer: The project engineer has met with town staff and performed the necessary calculations to determine that the public water and sewer systems can accommodate the additional loads anticipated to be generated by the proposed development and there are multiple access points available for connection to the public systems. Storm-water: Combination of natural grassed swales, detention ponds, and reflecting pools, connecting to the existing public street storm-water system. Duct bank: As required by Town ordinances, the developer will install a duct bank system throughout the subdivision. Each home will be connected to the duct bank system prior to the Certificate of Occupancy approval. Ordinance 882 Page 20 of 32 LOT SPECIFICATIONS Density & Lot Size: Spencer Ranch will be a unique community of high-quality housing on smaller maintenance free lots: • 38 uniquely clustered home sites The Developer/Builder are requesting the flexibility to adjust lot lines as home building permits are submitted allowing homes to be custom tailored to each site. Housing type, size, number of floors and the homeowner’s desire for larger or smaller footprints will impact lot size and configuration, and ultimately the total number of lots to be built upon. Minimum Lot Widths at Building Line: All Home sites 70 feet HOME / LOT SPECIFICATIONS Spencer Ranch may contain both one and two-story homes Spencer Ranch contain ALL single family detached housing Home Pricing: The diversity of housing orchestrated in “Cluster Zones” are projected to have an initial sales price starting at $1,895,000.00 The preeminent mission of the Westlake Comprehensive Plan is the preservation of values in Westlake. Being located in the Midlands Pastoral region of Westlake and in a submarket that sits on the edge of the Westlake Town limits, Spencer Ranch creates a high value and distinct entry point and a clear separation from surrounding markets. Spencer Ranch fills a void in the Westlake housing market with its high value product mix and will establish a barrier to prevent value degradation moving into Westlake from lower price point markets. NEW HOME DEMAND SUMMARY: Starting on Page 271 of the Comprehensive Plan through Page 275 clearly details the objectives for developers and builders to follow to satisfy the future needs in Westlake. Ordinance 882 Page 21 of 32 “Spencer Ranch Estate housing averaging 5,000 square feet” “Spencer Ranch Villa Housing averaging 4,000 square feet” Ordinance 882 Page 22 of 32 Housing Type: Spencer Ranch will have multiple housing offerings that can ranges in size as follows: • South Side Villas o from 3,500 sqft • Parkway Estates o from 4,000 sqft • Golf Course Villas o from 5,000 sqft • Ridge View Estates o from 5,000 • Meadows Villas o From 4,500 sqft The following is a guideline for the proposed housing types in the development. Given the desire for lot size flexibility to accommodate buyers desires we have listed the specific information below regarding lot and housing types, final details are yet to be determined. 1. All single-family homes (except the Golf Villas below) a. Housing Type: Single Family Detached b. Minimum Lot Size: 1,000 square feet c. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line: 70 feet d. Front Setback: 10 feet; or 5 feet (2) where courtyards/motor courts are provided e. Side Setbacks: 0 feet f. Rear Setback: 40 feet, or 0 feet abutting water features and/or open space. g. Minimum Unit Size: 3,000 square feet h. Maximum Height: 35 feet from finished floor to the mid-point of the span of the highest roof pitch. Ordinance 882 Page 23 of 32 2. Golf Course Villas Housing Type: Single Family Detached a. Minimum Lot Size: 1,000 square feet b. Minimum Lot Width at Building Line: 70 feet c. Front Setback: 10 feet; or 5 feet (2) for side facing garages, courtyards and accessory structures not utilized for storage. d. Side Setbacks: 0 feet e. Rear Setback: 40 feet f. Minimum Unit Size: 3,000 square feet g. Maximum Height: Per diagram below: “Spencer Ranch Golf Villa Housing averaging 5,000 square feet” (viewed from the Vaquero Golf Course) Waterside and Vaquero Club are working together on common border landscaping. Ordinance 882 Page 24 of 32 Building Setbacks (in feet): Front Rear (1) Sides (1) All single-family 10 (2) 25 (3) (4) 0 (1) When backing or siding to Aspen Lane, there shall be a 40-foot minimum setback. (2) Garages, Casitas or bathrooms, stairs or elevators -not contiguous to the main living footage, courtyards, and accessory structures may encroach up to 5 feet into the required front yard setback. (3) When abutting an open space or water feature, no setback is required. (4) When backing to Vaquero Golf Course setback should follow the diagram below including a maximum total building height: “Golf Villa Height Diagram” Ordinance 882 Page 25 of 32 Spencer Ranch Development Setbacks (in feet from property line): Setbacks are applicable to the main structure of any home built in Spencer Ranch: Pearson Ln (west) 120 feet Aspen Ln (north) 40 feet Vaquero (east) 40 feet South (south) 40 feet Ordinance 882 Page 26 of 32 Housing: Minimum Size: The minimum size of a residence shall be 3,000 square feet. Massing: Massing will vary by housing type. Great attention will be given to achieving horizontal and vertical articulation within individual structures and/or within groups of structures, so as to avoid the uniform massing and alignment found in typical suburban subdivisions. Building Height: Because of the potential for lower-pitched roofs with the chosen architectural style, smaller footprints of clustered homes, and respecting the natural terrain in the development with terrain absorption within the foundations of each house, we are requesting a maximum building height be measured from the top of the foundation for all building sites and as indicated for each home type in the development as outlined in this document. This allows the architectural aspect to create a rolling fabric of houses not restricted to the typical cookie-cutter guidelines. Garages/Parking: All homes shall have a minimum of FOUR spaces for off street auto parking in any configuration but must have a minimum of TWO enclosed parking spaces and TWO additional off-street parking spaces. Garage doors shall be made of sectional wood or be wood clad. Garage doors shall be recessed a minimum of (8) eight inches (nominal) from the plane of the adjacent wall. Front facing garage doors are allowed if located further back on the lot than the side-facing garage portion and are in a motor court setting. Roofs: Roofing materials facing the weather shall be of high and enduring quality. Permitted roof materials include: a. High quality clay or concrete tile (with a thickness similar to clay). (Acceptable styles and colors to be detailed in the Spencer Ranch Design Guidelines document) b. Metal: Traditional standing seam with standing folded and soldered seams. Allowed for porches and architectural features only. (Acceptable styles and colors to be detailed in the Spencer Ranch Design Guidelines document) c. Flat or low-pitched roofing that is 2:12 pitch or less may be of any code approved material. Ordinance 882 Page 27 of 32 Windows: Orientation of all windows at Spencer Ranch will follow the Town’s Building Quality Manual section; Standard 3.10: Openings. Spencer Ranch will allow the following windows and doors providing they are of high quality and comply with the Spencer Ranch Building Guidelines: a. High quality wood windows and doors with metal clad exteriors and minimum glazing with Cardinal 366 insulated glass or equal. b. High quality iron windows and doors and minimum glazing with Cardinal 366 insulated glass or equal. Exterior walls: Exterior walls shall be 80 percent masonry as required for all Residential Districts by the Code of Ordinances. Exterior walls shall have horizontal and vertical articulation or architectural delineation on all elevations. Exterior lighting: All exterior lighting shall be subdued, indirect and comply with town ordinances, as well as follow “dark-sky” design guidelines. Ordinance 882 Page 28 of 32 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION INTENT The intent of Waterside’s submittal, to create a community of clustered high- quality homes on smaller low-maintenance lots, to provide the “diversity of housing types” that the Comprehensive Plan states is needed within the Town of Westlake. This new proposed PD District will contain development standards that are intended to guide design and construction of the high-quality homes within the new PD District to be equal to or exceed the current level of quality of construction and finish-out as that found in the best of the larger estate homes that currently exist in the Town of Westlake. This new PD contains language that references: • An Architectural Review Board (ARB) • Spencer Ranch Building Guidelines • Town of Westlake Building Quality Manual It is the intent of this new PD to use these documents, as approved by the Town. The ARB shall assure compliance with all architectural standards and may not change the documents so as to cause a change in permittable architectural style without the Town Managers prior approval. The ARB shall approve all plan submittals prior to them being submitted to the Town for permitting. The Town still has authority to enforce Town of Westlake ordinances and the Building Quality Manual. Waterside has created a development that incorporates the Town’s “BUILDING QUALITY MANUAL” “INCORPORATION OF THE TOWN’S BUILDING QUALITY MANUAL: The Town has, in no uncertain terms, made a statement as to its expectations for the future quality of its built fabric in the recently adopted Building Quality Manual. Therefore, Waterside will adopt Westlake’s Building Quality manual as part of the Spencer Ranch Design Guidelines.” Ordinance 882 Page 29 of 32 COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION & DESIGN CONTROL Homeowners Association: The community will be governed by a to-be-established Homeowners Association (HOA) that will be responsible for the common area maintenance, private street maintenance, and enforcing the design guidelines for the community. Design Guidelines: A detailed design guideline document is being prepared specifically for Spencer Ranch. The Spencer Ranch design guideline document will clearly detail design and building guidelines specific to Spencer Ranch and will also -incorporate the Town of Westlake’s Building Quality Manual into its architectural standards. Design enforcement will be performed by the ARB which will include a licensed Architect as a required member. The Town will assure compliance with the all Town Ordinances. Architectural Design: At Spencer Ranch, The Developer/Builder will employ 360-degree architecture when designing each residential product within the development. The open/urban beauty of the development drives this design and building practice. In this practice, full consideration is given to every building elevation and every roof plane of each structure during the design process. The intent is to ensure delivery of aesthetically pleasing architectural features as viewed from all parts of the development, and not create a distinct and determinable hierarchy between major and minor elevations. Waterside will reduce the visual impact of all exterior mechanical elements. Spencer Ranch requires all building plans submitted be done by a Licensed Architect. Architectural Review: An Architectural Review Board (ARB) will be established through the HOA/declarant that has approval authority over the house quality of design and construction of all homes and additions. The ARB will be charged to ensure that the Building Guidelines of Spencer Ranch and the included Westlake Building Quality Manual provisions, are strictly followed. The Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions will establish the required makeup of the ARB which will include a licensed Architect as a required member. Ordinance 882 Page 30 of 32 Waterside has created a development that requires “LICENSED ARCHITECTS” “LICENSED ARCHITECT PROVISION OF PLANS THAT INCLUDE EXTERIOR DETAILS NECESSARY TO EXPLAIN ALL FEATURES OF CONSTRUCTION TO THE BUILDING TRADES: Much of the home designs built in Westlake, Southlake, Trophy Club, and Keller are done by “Building Designers” instead of a Licensed Architect. The plan sets produced by this means of production are very basic, leaving much of what is finally seen from the street, in the hands of a tradesman who may, or may not, have sufficient background to execute an outcome consistent with the design intent or the particular style represented by the “designer’s” drawings. Continued over time, this will ultimately weaken the distinctiveness of Westlake. Therefore, Waterside commits to have all building plans prepared by a Licensed Architect and that plan sets prepared by this architect will contain sufficient details to fully explain the exterior construction to a competent contractor/tradesperson.” Waterside has contracted with C.A. Nelson Architecture Group to serve as the sole licensed architect for the entire project. Clay Nelson (Principal) will also serve on the ARB. Ordinance 882 Page 31 of 32 LIFESTYLE COMMUNITY WITH MAINTENANCE FREE LIVING Waterside Home Maintenance Concierge provides a “World Class” level of service to its clients that is not offered in the marketplace. We strive to exceed all expectations of a Concierge Maintenance service by preprogramming maintenance and anticipating our client’s needs. Waterside’s Home Maintenance Concierge Service will provide its full complement of services to the Spencer Ranch community and manage all aspects for the community services with it’s on site personnel. The service creates “One Point of Contact” for our clients and provides them with a trusted advisor so they can live a maintenance free lifestyle! Waterside also offers our exclusive Lock – N – Leave service creating worry free travel! The service platform that Waterside HMC offers to its clients include some of the following: • Fully managed property maintenance services • Lock-N-Leave service year round • Quarterly 110point maintenance checks • Monthly 20point maintenance checks • 24/7 Emergency Service Response • Single point of contact • Preventative maintenance service and checks on all equipment • Complete supervision of any additional work completed at the house • Additional Boutique services available (window cleaning, power washing, etc...) • Vetted Preferred Contractor used for any and all work • Quality craftsmanship and industry knowledge Ordinance 882 Page 32 of 32 CONSTRUCTION SITE MANAGEMENT Debris: All construction debris from all construction sites within the development will be contained in a central location. The location will be enclosed with temporary wood fencing, or chain-link fencing with screening material attached, as to not be directly visible from any street. Contractors will be required to contain debris daily and/or transport to the containment site. Soil: All construction spoils or natural soil moved from all construction sites within the development will be stored in a designated location(s) that will be enclosed by proper silt fencing and/or other erosion control measures as needed. Documentation: All town and construction documentation, including but not limited to building permits, inspection reports, geotechnical studies and building plans, will be located on-site in the construction offices of the developer/builder with full access granted to town building officials. Sanitary Stations: Multiple sanitary stations (port-o-let) will be located within the community in close proximity to all construction sites. The stations will be screened from the street frontage, either behind a 6-foot-high screening fence or with temporary mock-ups built from materials similar to the materials used in the construction of the homes. The mock-ups will contain three walls and a roof section hiding the stations from the street view. Sanitary stations will be cleaned on a regular schedule. Material Storage: Material storage will be located within a designated area(s) that will be screened with fencing TBD. Construction Parking: Contractors will be allowed to park only in designated parking areas and on a single side of the roadway near the construction site, but not adjacent to any occupied dwellings. Contractors will be required to park in designated parking areas only for weekend work after residents occupy the development. end Ordinance 882 Star-Telegram MEDIA Arlington Citizen-Journal I The Keller Citizen I La Estrella Mansfield News-Mirror I Star-Telegram Northeast I Weatherford Star-Telegram star-telegram.com 1808 Throckmorton St.I Ft Worth,Tx.76102-6315 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Account# Ad Number Identification PO Amount Cols Depth 603646 0004227491 TOWN OF WESTLAKE ORDINANCE NO.882 A) ORDINANCE NO.882 $536.16 1 43.00 Li Attention: Kelly Edwards. TRMC, MMC THE STATE OF TEXAS TOWN OF WESTLAKE County of Tarrant 1500 SOLANA BLVD 7TH FLR BULD 7200 ROANOKE, TX 76262 Before me. a Notary Public in and for said County and State,this day personally appeared VICTORIA TOWN OF WESTLAKE TOWN OF WESTLAKE RODELA, Bid and Legal Coordinator ORDINANCE NO.882 ORDINANCE NO.882 AN ORDINANCE ZONING AN AP- AN ORDINANCE ZONING AN AP- for the Star-Telegram,published by PROXIMATELY 37.798 ACRE PROXIMATELY 37.798 ACRE TRACT OF LAND GENERALLY TRACT OF LAND GENERALLY the Star-Telegram, Inc. at Fort Worth, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST TarrantCounty, Texas; and who, CORNER OF ASPEN LANE AND CORNER OF ASPEN LANE AND PEARSON ROAD,FURTHER DE- PEARSON ROAD,FURTHER DE- after beingdulysworn, did depose AND DEPICTED IN EX- SCRIBED AND DEPICTED IN EX- HIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, HIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, and say that the attached clipping of FROM THE R5"COUNTRY RESI- FROM THE R5"COUNTRY RESI- DENTIAL" ZONING DISTRICT DENTIAL" ZONING DISTRICT an advertisement was published in TO PD7 "PLANNED DEVELOP- TO PD7 "PLANNED DEVELOP- MENT DISTRICT NUMBER MENT DISTRICT NUMBER the above named paper on the listed SEVEN"; AUTHORIZING RESI- SEVEN"; AUTHORIZING RESI- DENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; AP- DENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; AP- PROVING A CONCEPT/ DEVEL- OPMENT PLAN; APPROVING A OPMENT PLAN; APPROVING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SUP) SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SUP) FOR PRIVATE STREETS; PRO- FOR PRIVATE STREETS; PRO- OF THEING OFFICIALFFR THE ZONINGNGMAP;ENT VIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT THE MAP; 2 PROVIDING FOR A OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; Insertion(s) SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PRO- PROVIDING FOR A VIDING FOR A SAVINGS SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PRO- CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A VIDING FOR A SAVINGS Published On: PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PRO- CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR A May22,2019,May23,2019 VIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE PENALTY CLAUSE; AND PRO- DATE. SECTION 8: Any person VIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE violating any of the provisions DATE. SECTION 8: Any person of this ordinance shall be violating any of the provisions deemed guilty of a misdemeanor of this ordinance shall be offense and upon conviction deemed guilty of a misdemeanor thereof shall be fined in a sum offense and upon conviction not to exceed Two Thousand thereof shall be fined in a sum Dollars($2,000.00)for each sep- not to exceed Two Thousand arate offense. A separate of- Dollars($2,000.00)for each sep- fense shall be deemed commit- arate offense. A separate of- ted upon each day,or part of a fense shall be deemed commit- day,during which a violation oc- ted upon each day, or part of a curs or continues. PASSED day,during which a violation oc DAY APPROVED ON THIS 20th curs or continues. PASSED DAY OF MAY 2019. AND APPROVED ON THIS 20th DAY OF MAY 2019. 4,77,L4 Ul `� Principal Clerk) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, THIS 23rd day of May in the year of 2019 • ,�':!�-'••: ' - s-<,xr,rr•, n otary Public- ^: !AAI''"3E71r'lilll ,;%OF�Frp i l i.,.OF«.�, 1 rn IBJI5,62 /Q E"r,rt:;,,;ruu,y 25,2023 ' u,ew`o�.�oas,�r. Extra charge for lost or duplicate affidavits. Legal document please do not destroy!