HomeMy WebLinkAboutComprehensive Plan User Guide presentation 04-22-19A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE Using Westlake’s Comp Plan in the Manner of Daniel Burnham: Daniel Burnham quotes: "Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably will themselves not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die." A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE INNOVATIVE ACTIONS are required because of the conflicts between the: •Vision authorized by entitlement •Vision voiced by citizenry 25 million sf. State Highway 114 A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE ANY DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL IS CALLED UPON TO FULFILL MULTIPLE OUTCOMES DETERMINED INPORTANT BY THE CITIZENS OF WESTLAKE A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE ZONED CREATIVE BUILTBUILT CREATIVE SOLUTIONS are ZONED required because Westlake is: •100%zoned •40%built A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE Development 100%Built40%Built A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE Conflict between vision /current conditions -Statements of Vision and Prescription -Proactively integrate with implementation A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE THEREFORE, THE COMP PLAN IS VISIONARY: •Stands in the future and looks back on the present (the Assessments) •Identifies opportunities and assets (Citizen Goals and Objectives Envisions change in an unbuilt landscape (the Plan Elements) A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE •EXAMPLE: The Land Use Character Zones Plan formed by views and vistas A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE APPLICATION: •USE THE LAND USE PLAN AS AN EXPLANATION OF CONTEXTUAL OUTCOMES SOUGHT. •CONTEXT IS DEFINED BY A FABRIC OF COINCIDING CONDITIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS. •THE LAND USE PLAN IS A GUIDE IN THE REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS WHEN THE PROPERTY IS PROPOSED FOR ZONING (THE KNOLLS OF SOLANA). A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE THE COMP PLAN IS PRESCRIPTIVE: •Seeks outcomes that offer the most important benefits for Westlake depending on location (replaces traditional Land Use with Land Use Character…a quality of the collective context) •Identifies ultimate systems and overarching continuity (identifies collective outcomes) Anticipates Outcomes that respect granted development rights while furthering the intent of the Citizens. A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE •EXAMPLE: The Transfer of Development Intensity and Housing Plan A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE APPLICATION: •USE THE CITIZEN IDENTIFIED OBJECTIVES AND RECOMMENDED FEATURES OF THE COMP PLAN TO DEFINE OUTCOME REQUIREMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS. •USE THE THEMATIC CONCERNS OF THE COMP PLAN (E.G. VALUE PRESERVATION) AS “MUST ACHIEVE”OUTCOMES •THE EMPHASIS IS ON ACHIEVEMENT, NOT PROHIBITION A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE THE COMP PLAN IS PROACTIVE : •Defines performance criteria for ultimate development (challenges development to be more than a project) •Provides a coherent framework for deliberation of issues (identifies multiple benefits that can be prioritized by Council Action) Pushes development form and design to address Town -ness and Town benefits A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE EXAMPLE:Density Opens door to consider other forms of residential development The term “gross” attached to density opens door to consider better design that is creatively related to the density experienced in the development reference Sets value preservation as a prime outcome Opens door to non-residential use so long as the ground plane is open (.1 to 1 FAR) Value Preservation may need to drive application of density A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE EXAMPLE:Density In Westlake, DENSITY is portrayed in multiple ways: •Plate = % of total land area •F.A.R. •Lots/ac. •Units/ac. •Total # of lots/units Unclear as to what the total density isAt a 1 story height .4:1 FAR can result in unacceptable density ALL THESE DENSITY EXPRESSIONS EXIST IN WESTLAKE SIMULTANEOUSLY AND HAVE DIFFERENT MEANINGS A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE EXAMPLE:Density By contrast, the Comp Plan only has 2 ways of expressing density: •F.A.R. for Commercial •Gross density for Residential •Density is not referenced •Community Commercial 3 •Community Commercial 2 •Community Commercial 1 •Town Core •Town Common •Regional Commercial •Pastoral Does not speak in specific terms but references as general targets because of the complicated PD’s and zoning categories. Defines Gross density or lower/ higher FAR than currently in PD. The terminology here cannot contradict existing zoning A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE EXAMPLE:Density Key Point #1: The Comp Plan sets general and aggregate references to density so that the Council can, through their power of site plan approval, TDI, Zoning, and other means determine how best to use that general and aggregate reference relative to any individual property and accomplish the Citizen objectives. This is consistent with VISIONARY/PRESCRIPTIVE/ PROACTIVE A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE EXAMPLE:Density There are 2 ways to interpret density consistent with the Comp Plan language “GROSS DENSITY REMAINS I DWELLING UNIT PER ACRE” that supports the Visionary/ Prescriptive/ Proactive posture of Comp Plan and 1 way that denies Council the ability to accomplish this. •Prescriptive Method #1:Equivalent SF. being the same as would be built on 1 acre lots. •Prescriptive Method #2:Equivalent ratio of lots to %open space •Proscriptive Method #3:A limit on total lot count that cannot exceed the total number of acres expressed as lots A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE EXAMPLE:Density •Prescriptive Method #1: Equivalent SF. being the same as would be built on 1 acre lots. 7 on 24 = build out of 1 ac lot 7 on 24 = equivalent as a cluster A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE EXAMPLE:Density •Prescriptive Method #2: Equivalent ratio of lots to % open space 1.26 lots for each 1%Open Space (not counting roads) At 50% Open Space, the lots become smaller to fit on remaining land…the objective is more open space 1 2 Smaller lots required A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE EXAMPLE:Density •Proscriptive Method #3:A limit on total lot count that cannot exceed the total number of acres expressed as lots A binary standard, no room for negotiating the design A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE APPLICATION: •USE THE THEMATIC CONCERNS AND FLEXIBILITIES OF THE COMP PLAN AS A CALL FOR CREATIVE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE VISION •THE EMPHASIS IS ON VISION, NOT ON PREVENTION (WITHIN BOUNDARIES DEFINED BY THE PLAN ITSELF) A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE The Prime Importance of Vision in Critical Areas A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE The Importance of Value Preservation, a Central Mission WESTLAKE NEEDS VALUE RELATIONSHIPS TO ADJACENT SUB- MARKETS THAT LOOK LIKE THIS NATURAL VALUE RELATIONSHIPS TO AD JACENT SUB-MARKETS TEND TO LOOK LIKE THIS A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE Sending and Receiving Areas were derived to provide a regulatory framework for TDI, and encourage redistribution of existing entitlement to allow market responsiveness without increasing traffic by additional zoning…hold the line at 350,000 cars = 75% of entitlement. •Visually concealed •Greater road capacity •Greater Infrastructure •Greater value proximity A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE Sending and Receiving Areas were derived to provide a regulatory framework for TDI, not for determination of appropriate land use. IT IS A MEASURE OF TOLERANCE FOR TRANSFER OF DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE If sending and receiving designation becomes a limitation to zoning then it can also be a justification for zoning, thereby, the incentive to transfer instead of zone is defeated and ultimate traffic is increased NOTE :Some commercial areas are also sending areas =sending is not tied to land use A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN USER GUIDE QUESTIONS?