HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-12-18 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting November 12, 2018 Board Members in Attendance: Debbie Kraska, Ahu Sieg, Wendy Greenwood, Karen Stoltenberg, Laura Luckett, Michael Colby, Christine Ross, Deanna Titzler and Leigh Sansone Others in Attendance: Mechelle Bryson, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 8:37AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of October 15, 2018 meeting by A. Sieg, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  Tabled for future meeting IV. Marketing Committee  W. Greenwood passed the Year in Review brochure that was completed by D. Titzler. S. Myers shared compliment from former Academy parent and newspaper columnist, Dave Lieber, regarding the design and content of the Year in Review brochure.  W. Greenwood reported that “goodie bags” of Blacksmith Annual Fund gifts were handed out in PYP and MYP pick-up carlines to families who have donated thus far.  Social media campaign has been successful in reaching followers per Facebook analytics. Sixty of the posts this month were related to Baja and the Legacy Teacher Fund. Future posts will focus on the success of the Baja event and BAF status updates.  S. Myers reported that Legacy Teacher Fund donation match will be in effect until 5pm this evening. M. Colby offered to make an additional match for pre-event donations made today through 5pm.  D. Kraska suggested an e-Blast to confirm that Baja event is taking place this evening despite cold and rainy weather conditions. V. Grants Review  None VI. Development Committee  Westlake Baja o Regarding the Legacy Teacher Fund/Fund an Item, S. Myers reported that there will be federal income tax implications for Teacher gifts, so discussed Board’s possible interest in covering as much as possible. Board recommendation is to examine covering overage of tax withholding requirement in future years. o Any donations raised above the amount requested by the school will be held in a Legacy Teacher Fund restricted account for use in future years. o Paper checks or notices of auto-deposit will be presented to faculty at Staff Meeting on Wednesday, November 14th. WAF Board encouraged to attend. o D. Titzler made a motion to designate Baja live auction, individually-purchased tickets and helicopter ball drop proceeds to the Legacy Teacher Fund, second by M. Colby. Motion carried. o S. Myers reported that currently Baja has raised $97,500 in sponsorships. VII. President’s Report  None VIII. Executive Director’s Report  None Other Business M. Bryson discussed that process is occurring to examine the next phase of construction for expanding the school. C. Ross moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:34 AM. Next Meeting: Monday, December 17, 2018 at 8:30 AM, Lee Fieldhouse, WA