HomeMy WebLinkAboutStantec Presentation Facility Planning 01-07-19Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process Courtesy of Washington Post Courtesy of Fort Worth Magazine Courtesy of Fort Worth Magazine Westlake Academy IB Charter School Board Meeting | January 7, 2019 Westlake Academy IB Charter School Master planning Schedule Update Dec 20 to Jan 7 Christmas Break January 7 Board of Trustees: Vision, Mission, and Values. Identify Guiding Principles. January 21-22 1st Day: Planning Committee: Understand Westlake Academy through your eyes. Vetting facility assessment, establish additional Guiding Principles around Instruction. 2nd Day: Listening sessions with Planning Committee Contributors, Department Heads, and Staff. End of Jan Revised facility assessment and follow up with Planning Committee, Contributors, Department Heads, and Staff. February 4 Board of Trustees: Summary of planning committee meeting & staff recommendations. Board finalizes Guiding Principles. End of Feb Community Meeting: Present Guiding Principles to community for feedback and input. March 5 Board of Trustees: Board adopts final Guiding Principles. March 6 Concept Phase: This phase begins once final Guiding Principles are adopted. Stantec develops recommendations and meets a few times w/ Leadership Committee for feedback. Planning Committee and additional groups are brought in as necessary. April Recommendations Presented to Leadership Group, to Board of Trustees, to stakeholders and the community. May Evaluation Phase Board of Trustees MtgB Other Meetings Winter Break L Leadership Committee Mtg P Planning Committee Mtg C Community Meetings 3020101 25515 NOV PHASE 1 –Framework 2820101 25515 FEB 3120101 25515 MAR PHASE 3 –Concept 3020101 25515 APR PHASE 3 -Concept 3120101 25515 JAN PHASE 2 –Discovery 3120101 25515 DEC PHASE 2 –Discovery PHASE 2 –Discovery L B P L P B P P LP B PHASE 2 –Discovery B B PHASE 2 –Discovery C 3020101 25515 MAY PHASE 4 -Evaluation B LP •Clarify expectations •Establish parameters •Identify players •Define process •Establish timelines •Identify cost targets •Define vision for Master Plan •Engage stakeholders •Create facility program •Establish priorities •Evaluate site options •Identify cost implications •Define project guidelines •Finalize deliverable Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process Define Vision •We will analyze the Mission, Vision and Value Statements and use these as the starting point to develop Guiding Principles. To develop the guiding principles we will also: •Analyze the guiding principles from the 2012 Masterplan •And give an update on its implementation and what has changed. •Define vision for Master Plan •Engage stakeholders Guiding Principles •A goal/parameter that sets the framework/boundaries for the facility planning process of Westlake Academy. Strategic Outcomes •Strategic objectives are written statements that describe an intended outcome of a Guiding Principle. They should be measurable. Implementation Strategies •Implementation strategies sets a process to put the strategic outcomes into action Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process Guiding Principles noun [C ]UK /ˌɡaɪ.dɪŋ ˈprɪn.sə.pəl/US /ˌɡaɪ.dɪŋ ˈprɪn.sə.pəl/ A goal/parameter that sets the framework/boundaries for the facility planning process of Westlake Academy. •Academic principles •Create a campus that provides students with a nurturing environment that fosters critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, communication, and cultural agility. •The educational environments encourage group learning and team building. •College readiness: Westlake Academy creates college-ready students prepared to successfully compete in a global marketplace. Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process •Student Capacity Principles •Westlake Academy is envisioned as a single K-12 campus to encourage collaboration and mentoring. “One School together” •The site of the current campus can sustainably support the growth of a student population of up to 1,600 students. Any growth beyond this point would require substantial demolition of existing building and replacement with denser buildings. Alternatively, it would require purchasing adjacent land. Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process •Student Capacity Principles Capacity at 900 Students: •The campus would require little additional instructional space (between 5-12 additional classrooms & 3-5 labs). •No additional dining space would be required •Athletic spaces could remain the same, although the ratio of participation would decrease slightly. •Additional Parking would be recommended but not required. •By the year 2027 Westlake residents would enroll 721 students. In this scenario, there would still be 179 Secondary boundary students. A ratio of about 1:4. •At maximum build-out in 2040, Westlake Academy would turn away 700 students from the primary boundary. No secondary boundary students would attend. Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process •Student Capacity Principles Capacity at 1,300 Students: •The campus would require additional instructional space (between 17-22 additional classrooms 8-12 labs). •Additional dining space would be recommended but not required. If no additional dining space is provided, more lunch periods would be required. There are currently 3 lunch periods in 5 session (two periods have two simultaneous sessions, each in a different dining room). This would need to increase to 4 lunch periods with 8 sessions. •A new gym would be required to accommodate 4 lunch sessions taking place in the multi-purpose space. Alternatively, if a new dining space is provided, a new gym is not required. •Additional Parking would be required. •By the year 2027 Westlake residents would enroll 721 students. In this scenario, there would still be 579 Secondary boundary students. A ratio of about 1:1 ¼ •At maximum build-out in 2040, Westlake Academy would turn away 300 students from the primary boundary. No secondary boundary students would attend. Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process •Student Capacity Principles Capacity at 1,600 Students: •The campus would require additional instructional space (between 30-35 additional classrooms 12-18 labs). •A new kitchen and dining facility would be required. This facility would be between 10,000 to 15,000 square feet. The multipurpose space would be repurposed into a fine arts area to accommodate student growth. •Two or three new gyms would be required. Each 6,500 square feet. •Substantial additional parking would be required. Some existing green areas would have to be converted to parking, or a parking structure could be considered. •By the year 2027 Westlake residents would enroll 721 students. In this scenario, there would still be 879 Secondary boundary students. A ratio of about 1 ¼ :1. •In the year 2040 there would be approximately 1,600 students from the town of Westlake. No secondary boundary students would attend. Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process •Student Capacity Principles Capacity at 3,200 Students: •A new campus would be required. An additional 40 acres of land would be needed for the secondary campus. •In a high growth scenario, demographic data projects that the Town of Westlake will reach maximum build-out in the year 2040. At that time, there would be approximately 1,600 potential students from the town of Westlake. This scenario would still accommodate 1,600 additional students from the secondary boundary. Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process •Student Capacity Principles •In 2012, operational funding equilibrium would be reached at 1,300 students. State funding has changed. The Staff Leadership Team is investigating the current equilibrium point. •Westlake Academy will maintain a low teacher/student ratio. •Kindergarten classes have an average of 18 students. •Grades 1-5 have an average of 20 students. •Grades 6-12 have an average 25 students. Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process •Athletics & Extracurricular Activities •Athletic facilities remain the current size. As student population grows, the ratio of student participation decreases. •Any substantial growth in the athletic programs would require additional land. To match current national standards, an additional 12.5 acres would be required. Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process •Leadership Principles •The campus facility master plan will be prepared and updated within the context of the whole as it relates to the financial capacity of the Town. •Leadership-centric, not leader-centric. The plan has a lifespan outside of leadership incumbency. •Curriculum and educational program decisions will be made within the context of the facility master plan, and if they do not correlate, the master plan will be addressed first. •The master plan shall agree with the Town’s demographic forecast and Comprehensive Plan. If it varies, we understand and agree on the reason why it varies from those documents and its deviations are described within the plan. Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process •Greenspace Principles •Westlake Academy has a unique campus that blends with the natural surroundings and utilizes an architectural vernacular consistent with the local environment. •The natural environment is an important part of the educational experience. The surrounding trees and green areas play a key role in instruction and are part of the identity of Westlake Academy. •Community Principles •Westlake Academy is a strong community. The campus is inviting and welcoming to the community while balancing student safety and security. Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process Westlake Academy IB Charter School | Master Planning Process Courtesy of Washington Post Courtesy of Fort Worth Magazine Courtesy of Fort Worth Magazine Questions? Thank you!