HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-18 WPACAC Min MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF WESTLAKE,TEXAS PUBLIC ART COMPETITION ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 17, 2018 PRESENT: Russell Tether(Chairperson), Rebecca Lawton, Chris Worley, Robin McCaffrey; Conferenced in via Phone:Judy Deaton (Dallas,Texas), Katie Blair(Austin, TX.), Sue Canterbury(1717 N. Harwood Street, Dallas, TX 75201) ABSENT: Barry Whistler, Paloma Anoveros OTHERS PRESENT:Tom Brymer,Town Manager,Janet Needham McCaffrey SUMMARY OF MEETING MINUTES: Approval of Minutes: Minutes from the August 20 meeting were presented for approval. Sue Canterbury made a motion to approve, Robin McCaffrey seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. Chris Worley: (who chaired last month's meeting) Summarized the previous meeting for the Committee. The Committee then read over a revised edition of the Public Art RFQ(revised as per comments from the August 20 meeting). Sue Canterbury had additional comments, corrections, etc.This initiated a general discussion of the document with various members of the Committee contributing comments for a final document. Russell Tether: Reminded the Committee that the final amount of money in "Tier 3" should be$850,000 instead of$750,000 as shown in the earlier document. He further stated that the Committee is giving this document a final run through so it can be sent to the Town Council for their additional input. Tom Brymer:Asked the Committee what response/action Committee hoped to have from the Town Council. Robin McCaffrey: Interjected that the goal should be to transfer the RFQ from the Committee (a recommending body) to the Town Council. Rebecca Lawton: "Are we asking for input from the Town Council?" Tom Brymer: "I think the Town Council will be very interested in how funds will be raised for the artwork." Robin McCaffrey: "I recommend that we go to the September 24, 2018 Workshop of the Town Council and bring them up to date on the Public Art Competition. I further recommend that we take it to the following Town Council meeting, October 29, 2018 for the Town Council to formally act on release of the RFQ." 1 Tom Brymer: Stated that it would be good to "workshop" the RFQ with the Council (September 24, 2018). "1 will get the discussion of the RFQ added to the September 24, 2018 Town Council Workshop agenda." Russell Tether: Led a discussion of the current RFQ Draft to see if any additions or changes are required. The entire Committee participated in this discussion.The following are general types of revisions/ additions made: 1. Capitalizations 2. Spelling corrections 3. Clarification of the use of the term "Committee" 4. Correction of terms such as"Bio-Swale"from bioswale 5. Additions to the required submittals(such as"Curriculum Vitae") 6. Clarification of contract inclusions (such as "Payment Schedule") Following the discussion,the Committee generally agreed (without making a motion)that Robin McCaffrey and Russell Tether would make the changes specified in this meeting of the WPACAC and sent to Tom Brymer for inclusion in the Council Packet for discussion at the Council Workshop on September 24, 2018. It was further decided (again by general consensus, not a motion)that revision to the text for the Public Art Competition Web page would be discussed at the next meeting of the WPACACA. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Russell Tether. Chris Worley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC ART COMPETITION ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON OCTOBER 15, 2018. �4/0 ATTEST: Russell Tether, Chairman lanet McCaffrey, Secretary I 2