HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-18 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting August 20, 2018 Board Members in Attendance: Wendy Greenwood, Sean Shope, Michael Colby, Debbie Kraska, Zan Jones, Leigh Sansone, Christine Ross, Kevin Hansen and Karen Stoltenberg Others in Attendance: Mechelle Bryson, Kyle Clift, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 8:36AM with a welcome back to the new school year. II. Motion to approve minutes of May 21, 2018 meeting by Z. Jones, second by K. Stoltenberg. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  Kyle Clift, from Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, presented the annual Account Review for the Foundation’s portfolio. o Market has been strong, and portfolio is currently at $1.780M. o Discussed potentially moving investments to options that are more socially aligned with the educational values.  S. Shope reported that there is no financial report for this period.  Blacksmith Annual Fund received $1.018m for the 2017-18 school year, with approximately $22k outstanding with the fiscal year ending August 31, 2018.  S. Myers and S. Shope to meet to discuss Foundation office budget for the coming year. Board discussed increasing grant budget to cover a teacher bonus based on longevity of employment.  Discussed the possibility of adding new event sponsorships at higher level and using the overage to fund the increased grant budget. IV. Marketing Committee  Z. Jones reported that Year in Review is nearing completion and readying for print.  Marketing of Giving Day is underway. Discussed including an infographic of the funding breakdown for the school. The current cost of education per student at Westlake Academy is over $13k, and enrollment is around 860 students.  W. Greenwood circulated summer marketing piece that was mailed in August. Thanked A. Sieg for volunteering to maintain the Foundation website.  S. Myers discussed filming videos of students thanking BAF donors and parents, and plan to have Big Heads posters in the carline to catch drivers’ attention for the promotion of BAF and Giving Day. V. Grants Review  S. Myers presented grant request to provide $100 Amazon gift cards to 70 classroom teachers to purchase classroom supplies prior to fiscal year start on Sept 1. WAHOC previously committed $1,750 to fund $25/teacher, so WAF would fund the remaining $75/teacher. Motion to approve fully funding request up to $5,250.00 by K. Stoltenberg, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried.  S. Myers presented grant request for Back to School picnic. Motion to approve fully funding request up to $7,500.00 by L. Sansone, second by C. Ross. Motion carried. VI. Development Committee  Blacksmith Annual Fund o Goal requested by the Academy is $1M for the 2018-19 school year. o Year to Date donation from the 2017-18 school year currently at $1.018M. o S. Myers is working to secure volunteer grade captains for the BAF campaign. o Discussed hosting a “watch party” to motivate gifts and pledges on Giving Day.  Baja event will take place on October 1, 2018. o Added $25K sponsorship level, tentatively entitled “Platinum level.” M. Colby and L. Sansone have each committed to sponsoring an event at that level. VII. President’s Report  D. Kraska expressed gratitude to the Marketing Committee and S. Myers for all of their work over the summer.  Asked that all Board members make effort to attend as many Foundation events as able. VIII. Executive Director’s Report  S. Myers reported that a symbolic check of $1,676,525.00 was presented to the school at Back to School nights.  WA parent Joe Mohan has again donated American Airline first class tickets, and will likely be auctioned at Baja event. Other Business  M. Colby offered to move meetings to Goosehead Insurance board room in Westlake as needed. Parking on campus has become difficult due to increased number of student drivers.  M. Bryson reported that TEA has released their accountability ratings, and that Westlake Academy received a score of 98, the highest score of any school or district in the state. K. Hansen moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by Z. Jones. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM. Next Meeting: Monday, September 17, 2018 at 8:30 AM, Lee Fieldhouse, WA