HomeMy WebLinkAboutMunicipal Budget Presentation 09-24-18An increase of $0.01985 The FY2018-19 Proposed rate is Current Tax Rate is $0.13615 $0.15600 09/24/2018 Town of Westlake Proposed Budget Presentation 2 Proposed FY18/19 Budget $40.4M Revenues and Other Sources $38.5M Expenditures and Other Uses $1.8M Net Change to Fund Balance $22.4 Ending Fund Balance (All Funds) Based on Current Conditions with .15600 Property Tax Rate Revenues $650K Sales Tax $368K Property Tax $2.2M Permits $(507K) Contributions $5.9M Other Sources $361K Academy Expenses $287K Payroll $845K Debt $(2.5M) Capital $246K Academy 09/24/2018 Town of Westlake Proposed Budget Presentation 3 FY 17/18 Estimated FY 18/19 Proposed Total Change Property Tax 37k 125K 162K Charge for Services 699k 699K 1.398M Permits Fees Other 9.5k 9.5K 19K Investment Earnings 24K 24K 48K Misc Income 40K 3K 43K Transfers In (299K)(225K)(524K) Total Revenues 511K 636K 1.148 Rent & Utilities 208K (3K)205K Repair & Maint.4K 205K 209K Services 1.164M 1.171M 2.335M Supplies (14K)(10K)(24K) Travel & Training (6K)(6.0K)(12K) Capital Outlay (5K)(1.)(6K) M&R Funds (98K)60K (38K) Transfers Out (299K)(225K)(524K) Total Expenditures 957K 1.190M 2.148M NET CHANGE $ (446K)$ (553K)$ (1.000M) 09/24/2018 Town of Westlake Proposed Budget Presentation 4 FY 2017-18 Estimated Change = Net decrease to fund balance of $$446K •Revenues and other sources increased $511K o Charges for Services increased $699K; this is due to Utility Fund over-performing for FY17/8; water revenue increased $571K and sewer revenue increased $128K. o Transfers In decreased $299K; the Capital Projects Fund 410 transfers in from the General Fund were decreased $337K; General M&R Fund 600 transfers in from General Fund increased $37K. •Expenditures and other uses increased $957K o Service expenditures increased $1.164M; the largest part of this is due to an increase in the costs for Southlake Wastewater Treatment in the Utility Fund. o Transfers Out decreased $299K; General Fund transfers out to Capital Projects Fund 410 were decreased $337K; General Fund transfers out to General M&R Fund 600 increased $37K. FY 2018-19 Proposed Change = Net decrease to fund balance of $553K •Revenues and other sources increased $636K; o Charges for Services increased $699K; water revenue increased $571K and sewer revenue increased $128K. Since these revenues in FY17/18 were over performing the adjusted numbers were carried forward into the FY18/19 budget. o Transfers In decreased $225K; the Capital Projects Fund 410 transfers in from the General Fund were decreased $229K; General Fund 100 transfers in from the Utility Fund were increased $4.5K •Expenditures and other uses increased $1.190M o Service expenditures increased $1.171M; the largest part of this is due to an increase in the costs for Southlake Wastewater Treatment in the Utility Fund. Since this service expenditure in FY17/18 had to be increased the adjusted numbers was carried forward into the FY18/19 budget. o Transfers Out decreased $225K; General Fund transfers out to the Capital Projects Fund 410 were decreased $229K; Utility Fund transfers out to the General Fund were increased $4.5K Total change to Fund Balance = Net Decrease of $1M 09/24/2018 Town of Westlake Proposed Budget Presentation 8 Totals thru FY 16/17 FY 17/18 Estimated FY 18/19 Proposed FY 19/20 Projected Grand Total 405 Fire Station Complex $ 2.737M $ 7.339M $ 2.399M $ -$ 12,476M 412 Academy Expansion (Master Plan Update)--85K -85K CP20 FM1938 Town Improvements 3.035M 50K 220K -3.305M CP34 Roanoke Rd Reconstruction & Drainage South 2.9K --480K 483K CP40 Sam School Rd Reconstruction & Drainage --281K -281K CP68 FM 1938 & Dove Road Traffic Signal 304K 160K --464K CP70 FM 1938 and Solana Traffic Signalization 294K 10K --304K CP75 Flashing Crosswalk –Dove@Pearson/Ottinger --80K -80K CP78 Solana Pavement Repairs --90K -90K CP79 Wyck Hill Pavement Resurface --54K -54K CP80 FM1938 Pavement Repairs --80K -80K CP71 WA Outdoor Learning Space 129K 175K -123K 428K CP77 WA Pond Repairs --82K -82K CP42 Trail Connection at Hwy 114 & Solana Blvd --30K -30K CP67 Wayfinding Signage --229K -229K CP76 Cemetary Improvements -100K 50K -150K CP52 Trail -Academy to Cemetery ---300K 300K CP58 Ottinger Road Recon/Drainage ---983K 983K CP53 Trail -Dove/Pearson/Aspen --290k -290k CP60 Pearson Lane Recon/Drainage --404k -404k CP81 Firber Connectivity Project --300k -300k TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL PROJECTS $ 6.504M $ 7.834M $ 4.676M $ 1.888M $ 20.904m Q UESTIONS