HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-21-18 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting May 21, 2018 Board Members in Attendance: Debbie Kraska, Ahu Sieg, Michael Colby, Zan Jones, Deanna Titzler, Leigh Sansone, Leah Rennhack and Karen Stoltenberg Others in Attendance: Mechelle Bryson, Tom Brymer, Jeff Myers, Alan Burt, Shelly Myers, Julie Kelly, and students, Anna Cowan, Brooke Jones and Landry Griffin I. D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 9:00AM. Introductions were made as well as welcome of new board member, Michael Colby. II. Motion to approve minutes of April 16, 2018 meeting by D. Titzler, second by L. Sansone. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  S. Myers reviewed revenues and expenses for month ending April 30, 2018, with emphasis on current cash in hand of more than $509K.  Current financial position was discussed noting total net assets and liabilities of $2.44M.  Motion to approve Financials by L. Sansone, second by K Stoltenberg. Motion carried. IV. Marketing Committee  Z. Jones and D. Titzler reported on current and upcoming Marketing activities: ribbon cutting for new Math and Science Plaza scheduled for May 22; work on 2017-18 Year in Review publication, and focus on recent awards earned by WA student newspaper, The Black Cow. The Black Cow received a WAF grant to support its relaunch earlier this school year. V. Grants Review  J. Myers, G7 Math teacher, presented key takeaways from his recent attendance at the annual National Council of Mathematics Teachers conference in Washington, D.C. Highlights included Depth of Knowledge, Bootstrap coding and mathematics, and Robotics. The professional development training was also attended by Misty Argo, G6 Math teacher.  A. Burt introduced Anna Cowan, Brooke Jones and Landry Griffin, three of the six G10 students selected to participate in this year’s International Student Leadership Symposium hosted by Westlake Academy. The students shared their favorite parts of the Symposium and expressed gratitude to the Foundation for providing funding.  L. Rennhack presented grant request for Jeff Anderson Professional Learning Day. Motion to approve fully finding request up to $7,500.00 by K. Stoltenberg, second by L. Sansone and M. Colby. Motion carried.  L. Rennhack presented grant request to send two teachers to the Lucy Calkins Reading and Writing Summer Institute. Motion to approve fully funding request up to $5,000.00 by L. Sansone, second by M. Colby. Motion carried. VI. Development Committee  Report – VIP Party o K. Stoltenberg reported that party was very well received by guests. Recommended examining invitation list to include cumulative donation amounts versus only the higher level BAF donors and event sponsors.  Update – Blacksmith Annual Fund o J. Kelly presented projected BAF donations by FYE. o K. Stoltenberg to make calls to non-donors.  Discussion – Event sponsor levels and benefits o S. Myers presented current event sponsorship levels and possible need to adjust both levels and benefits of each in the coming year. o L. Sansone recommended that top level should be raised. M. Colby suggested a top tier “platinum” sponsorship level of $25K. o M. Colby to work on obtaining round with golf professionals as an additional Baja sponsorship benefit. VII. President’s Report  No report VIII. Executive Director’s Report  Math and Science Plaza Ribbon Cutting scheduled for May 22 at 8:30am. Other Business  None Z. Jones moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by L. Rennhack. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:04 AM. Next Meeting: Monday, June 14, 2018 at 8:30 AM, Lee Fieldhouse, WA, if needed.