HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-16-18 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting April 16, 2018 Board Members in Attendance: Debbie Kraska, Ahu Sieg, Sean Shope, Deanna Titzler, Christine Ross, Wendy Greenwood, Adam Smith and Kevin Hansen Others in Attendance: Mechelle Bryson, Tom Brymer, Shelly Myers and Julie Kelly I. D. Kraska called the meeting to order at 8:37AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of March 19, 2018 meeting with typo correction by K. Hansen, second by A. Smith. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  S. Shope reviewed financial analysis for month ending March 31, 2018.  Current financial position was illustrated with total net assets and liabilities of $2.43M, which includes $105K paid out in grants to date.  Motion to approve Financials with correction to the Grant Summary page by K. Hansen, second by D. Titzler. Motion carried. IV. Marketing Committee  W. Greenwood reported that the next postcard will highlight Foundation Grants in Action and a summary of Gallery Night successes.  The committee is also working on Grant posters to display at the upcoming VIP party.  Ideas for any Foundation website updates were solicited. C. Ross suggested promoting the $10K challenge grant for 100% parent participation in the Blacksmith Annual Fund on the home page. V. Grants Review  S. Myers presented grant request for SumBlox, a set of wooden numerals to serve as a manipulative for hands-on math instruction. Motion to approve fully funding up to $3,600.00 by A. Smith, second by C. Ross. Motion carried.  S. Myers presented grant request for Strapless Heart Rate Monitor System for use in PE and Health classes. Motion to approve fully funding up to $4,570.20 by W. Greenwood, second by D. Titzler. Motion carried.  S. Myers presented grant request for two teachers to attend professional development at the National Council of Mathematics Teachers Conference in Washington DC. Motion to approve fully funding up to $3,725.20 plus the additional expense of $600.00 for two substitute teachers ($4,325.20 total) by K. Hansen, second by A. Smith. Motion carried. VI. Development Committee  Update - Blacksmith Annual Fund Report o S. Myers reported that current BAF tracking shows over $1.072M in gifts and pledges with 78% parent participation. o Staff will supply BAF chairs with updated non-donor lists for each grade. o Plan is for non-donors to receive emails that are individualized and highlight the $10K challenge in effort to increase participation. o Challenge grant will also be advertised in next postcard and on large outdoor sign. Carline BAF class participation banners will also be reinstalled.  Update – VIP party on April 26, 2018 o S. Myers noted that entertainment will include cigar-roller, “vogue” sketch artist, photographer, and Zuriel Bertch, electric violinist. o Party will take place at the Bowden Center in Keller.  Faculty Longevity Bonus discussion o T. Brymer advised Board of the sources for public charter school funding and Texas public school funding in general. o Reviewed potential longevity award options for one-time pre-determined periods, i.e., 3yrs, 5yrs, 10yrs, etc. o Discussion will continue at next Board meeting.  Handout for May – Event sponsor levels and benefits o S. Myers requested that Board members examine Baja and Gallery Night sponsorship levels and benefits to discuss at next Board meeting. The levels have not been adjusted in several years and merits reviewing. o Plan is to work on soliciting sponsors over the summer for next year’s events. VII. President’s Report  No report VIII. Executive Director’s Report  Math and Science Plaza update o T. Brymer reported that the additional architectural fees resulting from redesign of project will be covered by the Town under Capital Improvement Fund.  Donor Recognition proposal o Board reviewed the architect’s proposal and fees to produce Donor Recognition pieces for the Math/Science Plaza. S. Myers suggested working directly with a local donor recognition company that specializes in this type of project. The Board opted to work with the local company and declined the architect’s proposal. A. Sieg moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by D. Titzler. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 AM. Next Meeting: Monday, May 21, 2018 at 8:30 AM, Lee Fieldhouse, WA